Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Saturday, September 8

It's all strategy.

6:40AM BBT

Dick is up. Dry cough... into privy, out, washed hands...headed to kitchen... found him standing on the counter, spraying around the upper cabinets.

7:15AM BBT
Dick to the Feed Watchers: Better tune in to the Internet today...it's gonna be a good one. This is the day I'm gonna call Zach out for being a racist son of a b... that he is with direct quotes from Zach. He's laughing, saying come on, don't want to ruin it or what, you guys are no fun, thought you liked me... but don't worry, the cameras will be on me later.

7:35AM BBT
Dick has finished painting his plate (POV Comp later maybe? The girls did some last night)

8:10AM BBT
Jameka up and heading to the bathroom. Dick asks if he woke her.

8:35AM BBT
Jameka now tweezing her eyebrows

9:30AM BBT
Jameka has been to the restroom twice...seems she may have bowel problems between last night and this morning. After leaving the restroom, she spends a few minutes studying the Memory Wall and stretching.

9:40AM BBT

9:50AM BBT
Feeds back
Dani in the shower
Jameka pouring OJ and eating

Zach is shaving and throwing his dirty laundry in a pile on the floor
Dani is doing her makeup
Jameka is reading her Bible

10:10AM BBT
Zach grabs some pills and heads out of SR.
Z: 'Morning- you ready for today"
Jam:' mmmhmmm'
Z: 'I would like to pray today"
J: 'I will be up in a few minutes'
Z: 'No rush'
Zach back to HoH making bed.
Jam back to reading her Bible
Zach to himself: "It's not about friends, it's about odds. Tough shi* Donatos, tough shi*."
ED up and around. Brushing teeth and asks Dani where the panty muching pervert is. She says upstairs. ED says DR told him not to use the N word
Feeds back and we see Zach checking out his HOH Basket.

11:30AM BBT
Dick and Dani off to bed.
Jam and Zach up in HOH going over numbers = the day in the house and what happened. They prayed earlier; Held hands, bowed heads, Zach first, Jameka second.
Then BB announced 90 minutes.

2:35PM BBT
Poor final four! Edgy, bored, impatient, scared, reviewing.... until Trivia is finally on the feeds. POV competition has started.

4:15PM BBT
Dani won the Veto!
Dick and Dani are celebrating
Jameka is apologizing to her relatives

4:20PM BBT
FOTH then feeds back and shows Dick walking from round room biting his nails... then TRIVIA...then...shows Dick in kitchen... pacing.. Dani getting milk out of fridge, Jameka sitting at counter & Zach at kitchen table eating.
Dick "in the end.
Zach " hopefully with that money..." (mouth full & Dick cuts him off)
Dick " your not gonna win one motherf'er! its gonna be me and Daniele in the questions in the end & your gonna be sitting there crying because your f'ing going home with ***** except for the stipend.
Dick walking back towards round room - looks at Zach at kitchen table and gives him finger as he says..." F*** you! F*** you! you f'ing panty munching perv."
Zach "hopefully you'll use that money to go to an english class and learn proper grammer"
Zach still at table & Dick is walking down hall towards round room
Dick "hopefully you'll go to your Dad for the dentistry"
Dick goes in round room - takes drink of water - lets out big sigh... paces then yell "OWWWWWWWW........YES!!!!!!" .... leaves - comes back - cracks knuckles... and walks back toward kitchen...
Dick: and Jameka if you doubt me for one second with what he said to Eric and to me "thats very white of you" then when you go to the jury house you are more than welcome to ask Eric and Jessica because they were both there to hear him - lying motherf'er.
Jam: ohhhh uhhummmmmmmm
Dick: racist piece of *****. Its alright now everybody in America knows your a racist piece of ***** too. (walks to round room)
Zach: at least everybody in America knows your still a piece of *****
Dick' (mocking voice) yeahhhh thats right... i'm sure they're cheering for me - sure they're cheering for you in your f'ing bunny suit
Dick says Zach won't have Dustin's, Jen's, Amber's, Jess's, eric's or anyones votes. We have won the money.
Zach and Jameka are in the kitchen. Jam at counter talking about how some people said they wouldn't vote to spite, if D&D won.
Jameka and Zach go up to the HOH room. Jameka is ready to go now, instead of sitting through the bordom of this week. Zach talking about Dick and Dani. Jameka says they won't speak to her, she's just invisible, and Zach should enjoy his HOH while he has it.
Daniele says today's too much. Dick says he can't believe he missed it by one but it doesn't matter. Daniele says not to take her glory. Dick is laughing insanely.
Zach tells Jameka that his "racist" comment was just a blurb and he didn't mean it....she just rolls her eyes.

4:25PM BBT
Zach saying how he's going up against major odds. Jameka says its not impossible. Zach asks her who she would take to final two if in his spot. Jameka says Dani. They talk about Dick and how everyone hates him. But Jameka sees it both ways, she would take Dani cause she doesn't want ED to get 2nd. But Zach wonders if people will think it's a good move. And how ED did the dirty work, and Dani didnt really control the game, Dick was the brains of the two. And Dani is just a good competitior. Dick did the dirty work and took the falls for everything. More discussion.
Dick loudly celebrating, telling Dani - "We have won the money! Do you realize, one of us has already won the money!!!" Dani "OMG Thats insane - it's not even real right now! Imagine Vincent's reaction right now - imagine your MOM!" Dick laughing.
ED says Zach is totally clueless and he is kissing Jameka's behind for her jury vote and it won't f-ing matter cause he won't be there.
Jameka telling Zach the jury won't believe his speech. Zach keeps saying "I hate that man down there (Dick) so much!" He also says he hopes Dick wins the money, then kills himself.
Daniele says every time they have come through when the pressure was on. She says she might have a good chance of winning over her dad, America's Jerk. ED says they are the most awesome team to play this game even more than Will and Boogie because Will and Boogie never got to the Final 2 together.

4:30PM BBT
Dick and Dani are talking about the next HOH. ED says it's always a key in the final competition. He is going over past comps. He tells Dani to dress warm and it's going to be wet. He says he should have brought something waterproof. Dani says she'll get hypothermia before she lets go. ED begins clapping saying this is for you Daniele.

4:45PM BBT
Dick & Dani in the kitchen talking about Zach saying he was the mastermind in the game. Dick says "Was your mother smoking during pregnancy while shooting acid and snorting cocaine"

Dani "I found after Dustin left I played better. The 1st few weeks dealing with you... then the Nick thing... then Eric - then Jen putting us up .. oh you don't even know... its been such an emotional roller-coaster! WOW!"
Dick whispers to Dani - The DR was rooting for us to win. And amazingly enough, we work really really well together.
Dani - The cameras hate me now
Dick - Yeah right, you're America's Sweetheart
Dani & Dick laughing about Nick...
Dick: Effin Nick - he's still messing me up - I got his question wrong"
Dani laughs "He's still in an alliance against you"
Dick and Dani laugh again.

5:05PM BBT
Dick "Poor Jameka is like I just wanna go home now"
Dani "I know. I don't blame her - especially after we evicted all her friends"

5:06PM BBT
Dani - Did you hear me? When I hit it and got it right, I started screaming and ran across the yard right to you!
Dick - Looks like the bad people are going to win the game. Don't trust the Donatos!
Dick - I better get on the treadmill...it will help me hold the key.
Dani - It will.
Ed keeps saying that one of them is going to win this game. Dani says not to think that far ahead. She wants to make sure they are the Final 2...that's all she's worried about right now. She still thinks Zach would choose ED over her if he wins the final HOH. Talk about what Julie is saying about them...naybe calling them the "Dynamic Duo"

5:10PM BBT
Dick left the kitchen
Dani is sitting alone

5:20PM BBT
ED to Zach: "Sorry I was such a dick. I was angry that we had a deal and you broke it."
Zach says he didn't have a shot anyway...he had to go for it. Zach is trying to explain why he nom'd who he did...ED isn't buying it...calling Zach's speech retarded. Dani says she's not mad. ED keeps on about Zach breaking the deal. Zach says that if he'd had his dad in here he would have kicked a$$. Dani tells him to shut up. ED keeps saying that Zach is an idiot...that was stupid to say...Dani says stupidest comment of the summer.
ED tells Zach to go read Jam's bible....that even Jam knows it's fake. Zach says Jam helped him reaffirm his faith.
ED making fun of Zach's game of kissing butt. ED saying Zach went on a ego trip with his HOH...called him Dustin the second.
Zach goes back up to HOH...saying that Dani is going to win if they both go to F2...says ED won't go to F2 if he wins the last HOH. Then tells ED that Dani carried him through the game.
ED and Dani mis-heard that and thought Zach said he carried ED. They go off about it for a few minutes.
Zach called to the DR.
Jam comes and sits down in the kitchen. D&D recount how Z told them that Zach threw all the comps. Jam just sits there eating. ED talks about a racist comment that Zach made to Eric "Thanks. That's very white of you."

5:35PM BBT
ED: Zach's speech is ridiculous, ED pissed over "muscle" comment he made in his speech.
ED: "After we carried him. We should've voted him out when Amber was here. But we made a deal for the final 3, but he reneged on the deal... It was his whole big mouth." ED tells Jam that Zach was talking crap about her last week. Jam wants to see the tapes. ED hates how everyone is phony. Jen with her bible. No integrity in game.

5:40PM BBT
ED apologizes to Jam about their joy coming at her expense; Dani cries about cookies
Dani - There's only two packs of cookies!
Dick - That's a travesty
Dick goes out to the backyard and Dani follows complaing about Jameka said she (Dani) has been flying under the radar. Doesn't understand how winning 5 POVs and 2 HOHs is flying under the radar.

5:50PM BBT
Dick alone in the backyard - Vincent, if you're watching this, we have won this game, it's over! Either me or your sister have won this game! It's over!
Dani and Jameka come outside...discuss with Dick how Amber was sent home. Dick goes inside and the girls are quiet...he comes back out and talk turns to Jess and Eric's surprise evictions. Talk then moves to various evicted houseguests and the strategies used to get them voted out....Dustin, Eric.

6:20PM BBT
Zach comes out to the backyard to do laundry. Dick and Dani are called to the DR together.
Jameka offers to be a sounding board for Zach. He tells her that the Mrs. Robinson alliance fell apart when they disagreed about evicting ED or Joe. Nick and Zach wanted to keep ED. Kail and Mike wanted to keep Joe. With that, Mike was still afloat with ED with a last minute vote to keep him. They're not sure how Kail voted. After that, Zach made a commitment to Nick and Mike. However, Zach says that there was no firm handshake. Nick started to get mushy with Dani. Jen and Kail were getting closer. Kail spilled the beans to Jen. Zach had a loyalty to Jen to not put her up if he won HOH. Jess made a commitment to Zach if she won in her first HOH. Zach said he wouldn't put Jess up either. Zach didn't know what Nick was doing, but he had a blind commitment to Nick and Mike. They both were sent home. Dani didn't have anybody. Dani clung, found comfort, were buddies, used each other with Zach. Zach spent an entire month alone, said he came up with a new strategy. ED blew up at Zach. Zach makes a deal with Eric not to put him up if he didn't put him up. More talk about fight with ED. He thought he was going home when he was up with Amber. Zach says he was forced to put up Jam or Jess.

6:40PM BBT
Zach thought the best move to put up Jam and Jess anyway. That was his word to Dick & Dani anyway. Zach says that he kept his word to Mike, Nick, and if he didn't this time, it would've been out of character and go against his established cred.
Zach talks about how he didn't put up Eric & Jess against each other.
Jam: The thing I don't like about Eric, is that every week that he'd be the one that's going. But even when Eric knew he wasn't going up... Zach interrupts...
Zach: This is how the game I've seen from my perspective.
Jameka asks if Zach knew Dick and Dani had an alliance with Eric and Jess. Zach: ED once said that it was the five of them in the F5. Zach didn't trust them though, especially Eric. If Zach would've felt better about Eric, he would've used the POV to keep Eric and send Dani home. Zach says that F4 was changed to Dick & Dani/Zach & Jam. The odds of muscling Jam would have been easy. Zach said that if this happened, he was hoping that he would team up with Jam to muscle out Dick & Dani.

7:10PM BBT
Zach tells Jameka that he plays professional competitive chess online. He thinks that that's what got him on the show.
Jam: "That's not shocking"
Zach: ED beat me once. Kail beat me once. But I had to help them.
She'll find out what he does for a living at the finale. "It's pretty close to a graphic designer, but it's a little more."

7:10PM BBT
Zach and Jameka talk about Nick and Dani...Jam: Nick has not left this house. Zach thinks that Dani's bf is a fake. He doesn't understand. It doesn't make any sense. He thinks Dani's pictures were put up there as a fake. Tells Jam not to say anything.

7:15PM BBT
Talk turns to HOH comps between Zach and Jameka. Jam tells Zach to prepare himself for the HOH comp. Jam is angry that she did not put the time in. Jam defends her strategy of flying under the radar to Dani's competitiveness to Zach's adaptation... "It's all strategy"

7:20PM BBT
Jam says she will not give ED her vote (No way) or Dani (she gets ED to do her dirty work)

7:30PM BBT
Talk between Jameka and Zach turns to former houseguests, the POV Comp, and other misc BB stuff. Zach starts talking about how it's better to repent and forgive than be proud and how grateful he is to have met Jameka.

7:35PM BBT
ED walks out and Zach apologizes to him.
ED: Oh well, we both went off. We kept you off the block, we helped you out. I don't think you understand that.
Z: You guys were people who I could trust, but I couldn't trust that. Sorry.
ED: You told us that you did. It would've been fine with me if it was just strategy, but the speech made me mad. Strategy I would have understand. Strategy is what happened to E&J.
ED to Z: The only people that didn't want you out, at one point, was me and Jess. Jess knew you wouldn't vote her out. ED didn't have problems with Z. The plan was to get rid of Z in Wk4. The only reason that Nick left was because of the thing with Dani. Nick would have never put up ED or vote for ED, Dani would have killed him.

7:40PM BBT
ED: It's weird to be able to talk about this strategy because at this point it doesn't matter
Z: Eric was shady.
ED: There was still something going on with Eric and Jen.
Jam: Comparing Eric to Joe.
ED: There was a deal between Eric and Jen. I can't stand that crazy BEEP. She should've gone the first week. Kail made a deal with Jen. I couldn't believe that crazy BEEP lasted as long as she did.

7:48PM BBT
Dick reveals that from Hour One, he and Dani had an alliance.

Dani is in the kitchen preparing food
Zach says Jen was like a stray dog, didn't have anywhere to go

8:10PM BBT
Further backyard convos between Jameka, Zach and Evil Dick....
There seems to be a thought process that Eric and Jen were some huge, hardcore alliance till she left.
Arguing if Eric & Jess left together or knew both were leaving and arrived at the Sequester house together.
Zach : Maybe they are making out
ED: He got a big kiss
Jameka: No tongue though, just a quick smooch.
ED: And thats probably all he will get

8:28PM BBT
TRIVIA and back
8:45PM BBT
Earlier Dick mentioned going to the DR and telling them his shoulder is still bothering him and certain types of comps would not be fair to him. Now, Dick comes out of the DR and says to Dani "They heard me" she laughs and says "Maybe I should tell them my legs hurt and can we have a laying down competition" Dick says, "Oh ok I would be fine with that" both laughing.
Zach and Jameka are in the kitchen talking. He says he is a 30 year old man who has a tattoo and his parents didn't like it. They also were not happy when he talked about moving in with his girlfriend.
ED is outside with Zach and Jameka.. Jam says she doesn't think she will be in Mexico on Saturday after doing the housecall stuff. ED says she will go there sooner.
Dani joins them outside. Jameka says she hopes she can head for Mexico on Friday night. Dani says that the house calls are early and she will leave right after that. They are talking about if it is a live show or not.
9:10PM BBT
Dick says she almost lost the deal because she was in the shower too long before the vote. He is now talking about Eric being a lawyer and how he called it from the beginning. Jameka says that when she sees Eric she's going to lay his butt out!!
9:15PM BBT
Dani talking about how excited she is to see all the shows in the end. ED talking about the ball game and how he wished he could have put different colored balls in other peoples tubes.
9:25PM BBT
Everyone wondering where Zack is and ED is upset that he can't take his music down to his room. He doesn't want to listen to it in the HOH room with Zach.
Now just Dani and Jam on BY couches, ED went inside to ask BB for some things they need.
9:40PM BBT
Jameka....Daniele do you think they will just ask you....Daniele just cast your vote now. Daniele says no phantom vote note now. Jameka, Dani, Dick trying to figure out the phantom votes. Dick thinks it was Eric. Jam thinks two different people.
9:45PM BBT
Talk turns to various evictions. Jam - So Eric would always sell Jess out and Jess would never sell out Eric. Dani & Dick say no to that. Jam tells Dick and Dani that Eric said that he wasn't going to be played by a 21 year old from Kansas. Dani thought it was about her, not Jess. Begin to trash Eric.
9:55PM BBT
Zach is alone in HOH reading his letter. He puts it aside and says "I have big shoes to fill. I have to listen to some tunes then sleep."
Inside Lockdown!!!
Zach listening to his music Dick, Dani and Jam in the kitchen rehashing various HGs and what they said or did to evict them. Dick doesn't remember hearing Lockdown! on the feeds...remembers going to fish.
Now talking about whether Jam would have used POV on Amber. Jam says she would absolutely have used. ED called to Diary Room. Jameka saying Amber was the only person she felt she could trust. Dick says that was why we had to break the two of you up.
10:20PM BBT
Jam just had an epiphany. She said.. Oh that means Kail was lying. Dani OMG....she lied all the time. Jam keeps saying she's going to lay Eric out & Dani says he'll still deny, deny, deny.
10:30PM BBT
Dick, Dani and Jameka talk about POV comps and numbers
10:40PM BBT
Jam talking about thursday's show (they don't know a live eviction is Tuesday) and shes going to tell Julie if she can just leave to talk with her now since obviously Dani is going to evict her and its a waste of time. Talk turns back to numbers and colors...things to memorize.
10:45PM BBT
Jameka screams bloody murder 2 times and Dick asks her TO PLEASE NOT DO THAT....It was all in fun....Dick talks about throwing things over the wall.
10:50PM BBT
Zach comes out of HOH and onto the balcony. Immediately goes back in, brushes his teeth, turns off lights and crawls back in bed.
Jameka thanks Dick for a stress free morning.
Dani and Dick go into the Round BR. Dick wants her to throw a comp in the 3 part HOH. She says "no... I don't want to throw a competition...I haven't yet"
11:05PM BBT
Dani gets something from the fridge then goes to the memory wall and stares at it. She goes back to the fridge and Jam asks "have you seen the Butterfly Effect" Dani: "yeah" Jam: "that's how I feel about this game"... Dani talking about how she just saw it again before she went into the BB house.
Dani can't wait to get out of the house and go to the movies, go bowling like a normal person. Jam joking around... "if you keep the nominations the same I'll grant you that wish"
11:10PM BBT
Dani going over the rules about BB not providing them episodes but rules say that relatives should tape the shows but that they weren't allowed to tell them that they were going to be on the show. Jam saying that she lost it when she found out when she was going to be on BB saying she ran on the street and could have been hit by a car. Dani said when she saw her key she said "oh" and thought it was for the Top 20 (finalists) and asked the producers if they could tape it again.
11:20PM BBT
Dani asks if Jam is from a small town. She says no. Dani wondering if she is from a suburb. Dani says Janelle commented that Dani was from LA but she is from Huntington Beach which is Orange County. Dick thinks they put Hollywood but he is from Long Beach. They are talking about other HG from the previous season and how they were from Irvine. Kaysar is one of them. Dick wonders how everyone knows Kaysar cause he went out so early.
11:30PM BBT
Zach came out of HOH to give Dick the CD player. Dick goes to the round room and is really rocking to Motley Crue - dancing, shaking, playing air guitar.
11:40PM BBT
Jameka is painting. Dani saying that Amber had three different personalities. 1st Amber, Amber with Dustin and then Angry Amber. Jam asks which one she liked best. Dani liked Amber before she had the incident with Eric. She liked the first Amber. Jam is trying to recall these situations that Dani is describing.
Jam said maybe she will sleep in the big BR tonight... Dani said her headache is killing her... goes to storage to get more Advil.
12:05AM BBT
Dick done listening to music and changes clothes; puts on a black wife beater and says his earings are ringing goes to KT and says sorry asks if Dani went to bed; saying he didn't know she was in bed.
12:30AM BBT
Jameka is perfecting her BB8 plate
Dick outside spitting, smoking and talking to himself about the game and how he and Dani have it locked.
12:50AM BBT
Dick is hunting around the house for towels to do laundry.
Jam: "what a summer"
Dani: "i miss the touch of a man"
Jam: "oh dear"
1:45AM BBT
Dani thinks on Wednesday as their final meal they should have Tacos. Jameka said she wasn't into it until Nick would eat tacos all the time. Dani says he was nasty about it. Dick finishes washing dishes and goes to the BY for a smoke.
Jam still wondering why she's still up. Dani says she's exhausted and can't sleep. Jameka is working on her plate again and they begin discussing evicted HGs. Again. Trivia for a min then Dani goes to the BR and when she comes out she goes to the BY to talk to Dick ... Trivia again randomly
1:55AM BBT
Dick: We have already won and now we are working on getting 50 grand and a car.
Daniele just laughs.
Dick says Zach has no chance in third part of HOH with questions.
Dani tells Dick he shouldn't be overconfident. There's still more to do.
Jameka shows the camera her plate and says summer, Big Brother 8 w/ the house logo on it, completed all the HGs names around it.
Jam in BR brushing her teeth
Dani says if they (her and Dick) make it to the final two hopefully they wont have to spend much time in the house. Dani says maybe they will have an America's Choice. Dick asks if they had one last year. Dani says she remembers the wake up calls and Janelle Jury prize of $10,000 (it was $25,000). Dani hopes they catch the dirty looks she gave towards Zach when he was giving directions towards PoV. Dani mocks Zach saying "I get to host the competition, cool" Dick asks her if they think they will do one with Will (they don't know that was the final PoV comp). on and off trivia again More Dick and Dani discussion about HOH Comp...endurance, etc.
2:35AM BBT
Feeds back and Dick in BR brushing teeth then goes in the round room, Dani getting in bed (looks like everyone is going to sleep).
3:30AM BBT
All sleeping

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