Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Sunday, September 9

It's Another Day for Progress....or Overconfidence

Dick woke up and is outside smoking.

7:15AM BBT
Dick still in the backyard smoking, spitting and drinking his juice.

7:35AM BBT
Dick now puttering around the kitchen.

7:45AM BBT
Dick has made some type of omelet with avocado, sour cream and cheese.

8:15AM BBT
Dick did some dishes, went to restroom, washed hands and heads to the backyard. Just chillin on the couch.

8:25AM BBT
Dick talking to himself - The Double D Alliance

8:30AM BBT
Still talking to himself on the couch - mumbling about dates for the next HOH. Says 'Endurance goes all night. If it's endurance there's no way they can have you do that the next day'

Loud horn blares in the distance...Dick - WTF was that?!

8:35AM BBT
Dick says 'No sneaking thru MFer. No nothing. NOTHING.' Lights a cig and is cracking his knuckles.

Dick still talking to himself: 'Gigglefest is over. WTF was that? What's wrong with these people in here. I swear to God, effing 5 year olds'

8:40AM BBT
ED: 'Mmmmm...I'll bet she's sleeping really hard and really good. And I'm really glad'
Dick up and over by HT and turns it on. Says 'Give it a little bit'
Burps loudly, grabs a glass and cleans it with the hose. Says 'Effin ants'

8:43AM BBT
Dick back inside, goes to bedroom, takes off robe and is back in bed.
F1: ED in bed
F2 Jam in bed
F3: reverse view of Jam in bed
F4: Dani in bed

Dick still trying to sleep after being in bed 15 min or so. Pulls up his knees and is 'loosening' his shoulder.

9:20AM BBT
ED continues to 'work' that right shoulder thru range of motion, then stretches his arms overhead, clasps them behind his head, yawns, rolls onto his back and stares at the ceiling.

9:40AM BBT
Dick finally gives up on going back to sleep and gets up and puts on the headphones.

10:10AM BBT
Zach is awake and is in HoH bathroom changing.
ED continues his 'one man band' jam session.

10:15AM BBT
Zach grabs a shirt. his mic, some dirty dishes and heads downstairs. Puts dishes in sink and goes to SR for batteries.

ED finishes his jam session and puts on his robe and faces away from cams to change. Takes off robe and is checking himself out in mirror.

Zach back to HoH room.

Dick says "Somebody get the phone' then heads out of his bedroom and says 'That was fuuun', burps and goes to restroom.

10:20AM BBT
Dick heads out to the backyard couches to smoke and talk to himself. What a way to start the day. Spanish omelet, can't sleep, Motley Crue...rooockkks

10:30AM BBT
Dick ponders the ant situation...there's no dirt or grass around for them to live in and get into the house.

10:40AM BBT
Zach comes outside, sits down and starts eating. Asks ED how the jacuzzi is. ED says it's alright, then talks about being sore from his rock-and-roll workout. Tells Zach he was up at 6, made an omelet, laid down for an hour, listened to music for about an hour. ED saying something about the house stinking. Zach says he didn't know Motley Crue sings 'Girls, Girls, Girls'. ED says it is one of their biggest songs.

10:45AM BBT
Z notices they repaired the giraffe, ED says the antelope too. Z asks ED if the next 3 challenges are endurance, then something else, then questions. ED says yes.
ED: 'The losers of the first part compete in the second one, and the winners of the first two compete in the questions'.
Zach:'It's been a lot of fun'
ED: 'Yep, I'm looking forward to it so is Danielle'
Zach:' I look back at it and if Eric wouldn't have been such a dick Daniele would be gone'.
ED talks about all the various shoulda-coulda- woulda scenarios (Tense voice)
Zach says he is grateful and this is exciting, that the 3 have to play 3 more things.

10:50AM BBT
Z: 'Look at it this way tho, at least you can fix the window in your Corvette'.
ED says he could fix the window with his stipend money. Asks Z if he put soap in with the towels because they reek.
Z wondering what it costs to re-sod a giraffe, that it costs them 200 bucks to do it.
Dick heads back to his bedroom muttering Eff you Zach over and over.

1:10PM BBT
Dani and Jameka are up.
Jameka in WC washing face and Dani in SR.
Dick and Zach are asleep.

1:20PM BBT
Dani goes outside Jameka is cleaning the bathroom

1:30PM BBT
Zach is up and goes outside to say good morning to Daniele.

1:45PM BBT
Zach and Jameka are talking in the bathroom about how far they made it...he tells Jam she made it as far as Will did last year. Jam says she regrets not winning any HOHs.

On the other feeds...Dani is tanning in the BY with a towel over her face on F1.
ED is sleeping in F2.

1:50PM BBT
Zand Jam talk about wanting to see tapes of the shows. Jam says Eric will have some. She says she's still gonna get her copy...after she cusses him (Eric) out. Z says Eric played his role and it just didn't work out. Z leaves and says he'll join Jam in the WR in a little bit.

Jam puts on her shoes and heads to the kitchen. She's getting something to drink.

The other feeds are still on Dani tanning and ED sleeping.

Zach is running on the treadmill...Jameka on the elliptical.

2:25PM BBT
Dani has ended her tanning session. She heads inside. She's checking her tanning progress in the bathroom mirror.

Z & J are still working out.

Dani now in the big bedroom and is getting clothes out of the dresser...goes into the small bedroom and put on clothes over her bikini. She goes to the SR, then heads to the kitchen...she's getting some cereal.

2:30PM BBT
Jameka broke the elliptical by pushing it too hard.
Feeds back with Zach telling Dani that Jameka broke the elliptical. Dani says nothing.

2:40PM BBT
Zach and Jameka are going over POV questions from the most recent comp.

Zach tells Jameka that he's going to take a shower and looks forward to seeing her art project. He adds that he always said if he couldn't find any other job, he'd work with kids teaching them arts and crafts. Jam says that's a very rewarding job.

Zach is now in the HOH bathroom getting ready for his shower.

In the BY, Dan is putting her shorts and top back on and heading inside. Jam is working on her plate at the bar. Dani and Jam chat...Dani eating cookies. Jam jokes that she's still waiting on "that twist" Dani says that would be cool...to get Zach out of there.

Jam now telling Dani about breaking the elliptical.
They joke .....
Dani: "are you that mad about leaving that you're gonna break everything?"
Jam: "Yes!"
Dani: "The truth comes out!"
Now they're talking about past comps. Jam asking her about the things she and Zach were unsure about earlier.

3:05PM BBT
Dani tells Jameka that she'd love to teach 2nd grade. Said she loves kids and wants to do something meaningful with her life. Said second graders would be such fun to teach.

3:25PM BBT
Dani is running on the treadmill
Zach and Jameka are chatting in the kitchen
Dick is still sleeping

3:35PM BBT
Dick is up and heading for the bathroom

3:45PM BBT
Dick & Dani are Zach bashing again. They can't stand being around him anymore. They agree that Zach will be living/eating alone once Jam leaves the house. They won't give him the time of day. He told her that he was talking to him earlier about how he (Zach) had wished he had kept Amber etc. ED saying he can't stand him. Dani agrees saying "He like wants to be my friend now that I won the veto. I am sick of him." ED agrees and leaves the work out room.

Dani on the treadmill
Jameka painting her plate
Dick and Zach are no where to be seen

4:05PM BBT
Dani is outside now. Dick tells her that he's so ready to give Zach his speech...."Panty muncher. All I keep thinking is I only have one more to go. One more to go." More Zach bashing follows.

4:15PM BBT
Dick talking about how horrible he (Zach) is with the questions, doesn't get anything right. Dani says "I am so tired of him telling us that he got on the show 5 days before and all of them had to work for it. I am just sick of him." Dick reminds her how awesome she was in POV last night and they only have one more comp to go to beat Zach.

4:20PM BBT
Zach is outside lifting weights...yells to Dick and Dani "It's a great day outside today." They both look over at him and give him a dirty look. Dani says Ugh under her breath and ED says "I'm over him." Zach heard nothing. They are talking quietly.

4:25PM BBT
Dani saying she is ready to get the show started. ED says "Yeah. Look at him. He has man boobs"

4:30PM BBT
Jameka still in the kitchen working on painting her plate.
Zack still lifting weights outside.
Dani and ED out on the sofa. ED and Dani talking about what they will say to Julie. They are talking about the next comp and some ideas that Zach had for the next comp - One was being buried alive. The other was seeing how long they could all hold their breath. They are laughing at his "stupid" ideas. ED saying he hopes they bury Zach alive. Dani laughs.

4:35PM BBT
Zach asks Dick and Dani if today is September 11th
Dick says he doesn't know
Zach heads back inside saying he's evil

4:37PM BBT
ED thinks its Funny that Zach still thinks that Jameka could win. "What an Idiot. Do you think he is telling Jameka that?" Dani says, "No Jameka would say something like "Just in case you win....." She then says I'm hungry what's for dinner?

Dick starts to talk to the camera to leave a message for Vincent - "Hey Vincent, At the final show I want you to get a video camera and then...." FOTH

And back to Dani and Dick talking about how they don't know if anyone has been taping the show for them.

Zach inside telling Jameka how mean ED has been and he feels bad about so many good people have left here that should have gotten the money.

Dani is outside talking about the new car she is going to buy.

4:45PM BBT
Dick talking about one part of the final HOH how if Zach lets go of his key first, they should let go at the same time and make them watch the slow-mo.

Dick farts and Dani says he's so gross. He said, "What, I fart. So what?" She says you don't have to lift your leg like a dog and make a face. Dani tells him he's never going to get a date when he gets out of here.

Dani and ED talking about all the features they want on their new cars.

4:50PM BBT
Zach asking if today is Sept 11.
Jameka: "Today is DEFINITELY the eleventh."

Dick and Dani talking about watching the show when they're out. Dani says she doesn't want to watch it with Dick because he talks too much. They can't wait to see everyone's DR sessions.

Dick says he wants to go on the message boards. Dani says there will be a lot to do. She wants to go on all the hate sites for Dick, and says there will be a lot. She says on MySpace there will be all these sites for "I hate Dick."

Dani goes inside.
Zach asks her how far she went today.
She says two miles...for now.
He says, "For now."
As Dani goes back outside, she says, "As a courtesy Zach, would you please not talk to me anymore? It's really bugging me."

5:05PM BBT
Danielle practices her speech: You know what isn't fair? That we dragged you this far in the game, we should have kept Amber.
Dick: you wont say that.
Dan: no.
Dick saying things like panty munching, that's very white of you.

Jam and Zach are in the kitchen. Jam is explaining the movie The Notebook to Zach, at length. Zach asking questions about it. Jam: he is crying, the nurses, orderlies are running in, they have to stab him in the knee. Long story short, they marry.

Dani says, "Three days of nothingness and then we're ready to go."

Jam and Zach discuss movies. Jam loves the movie Brown Sugar with Taye Diggs. Zach likes Taye Diggs but hasn't seen that movie.

5:10PM BBT
Dani talking about a food she wants to eat when she leaves that contains sausage. Oh my god it is so good.

Jam starting to explain Titanic to Zach.

5:35PM BBT
ED and Dani Making fun of past BB players. ED danced around a bit pretending to be Cowboy. He says to Dani, "Oh my God, did you see him. He was as dumb as a shoebox."


Feeds back up.
Zach and Dani outside.
Jameka and Zach still talking in the kitchen.
ED says there is going to be a lock down. He wants to know if it will be inside or outside.

5:40PM BBT
ED says 11 down 1 to go.
ED says I think I've been divorced for seven years now. Dani is quiet.
ED to Dani - Did you have any idea how much you would kill this game? Dani saying I didn't know I would do this good. Dani says. "we will see, it all comes down to the next three Yep Yep Yep."

5:45PM BBT
Dani says "The good people" ED says "Yah right." People like that get that information from themselves.

BBVoice - Houseguests this is a lockdown.

Dani and ED still talking about how the good people were not good.

Zach now telling ED that he is a "master chess player on-line." Dick asks why Zach never told him. He figured he was good because he knew who Boris was.

5:50PM BBT
Dani and ED saying that Jameka was taking too much time in the bathroom doing her hair. She always takes too much time. Dani says nothing is ever easy with Jameka. She is always late.

5:55PM BBT
FOTH off and on

ED shouting "Football sunday." He said he is trying to get BB to tell him what the scores were.

Zach is saying he is missing phone calls and how hard it is to be in the house, and that he appreciates the things he does have after being in "this house."

6:05PM BBT
Dani back on the treadmil again.

Zach sharing that he lives only 5 miles away and is talking about a "Really Good Italian Resturant" across the street. He is sharing with Jameka he wants to write a book about his wisdom, but he'd have to hire someone to type it.

6:15PM BBT
Feeds 1 & 2 - Dani on treadmill.
Feeds 3 & 4 - Zach laying in bed listening to music.
No conversation at all.

6:20PM BBT
ED pounding chicken and yelling Raiders Suck and he hopes they lose today. "Someone please fly me a banner to tell me who won. Just a little one." He is fixing dinner.

6:25PM BBT
Zach is in HOH listening to music
Dani is on the treadmill
ED talking to himself about how long to set the microwave. ED walks to tell Dani that dinner would be in a half an hour.

6:30PM BBT
Dick is now out in the backyard yelling to himself (and whoever will listen) about the Final 3. Then sends a message to Vincent.."What's going on? Tell me the Jets score. I got your letter but I couldn't say hi to Jess cuz we got rid of her. SO sorry. Tell Grandma I got the shirts and somebody better be recording everything. Are you having fun on myspace? If you want to get ahold of me.." He rattles off his Myspace addy and then we get FOTH.

6:35PM BBT
Feeds back and Dick is talking about evicted HGs again and how Jameka is out of the game. Saying over and over...three more comps, three more comps. That's IT. He laughs.. WOW this is like three people gone in three days. They wanted it speeded up. I did it Bam Bam Bam. Too bad Jameka is still here. I want to see BB bury Zach alive and lock it up and give me the key. Rambles on again about Final Two, Zach has no friends, blah blah blah.

6:40PM BBT
Jameka is still in the bathroom doing her hair

Dani joins Dick in the backyard "Hi I was just talking to the camera. I was giving out Vincent's e-mail and then I got in trouble. What are you doing?" She talks about Zach telling her that he is her motivation to run. Yeah right! He is a mental case. ED agrees. Dani says, he is really out there.

6:45PM BBT
ED saying "Zach has inspired all the people who wear bunny suits." Dani says, "I bet everyone in his home town is wearing bunny suits." They both laugh.

Jameka comes outside to ask Dani if her hair is straight, and Dick laughs at her hair saying "What the hell is that?" (joking around)

6:50PM BBT
Dani asked her Dad if she saw Jameka's painted plate and he said "no why? She said Oh my God and then the feeds shut down for a moment.

ED and Dani talking, ED says that he thinks that he heard a marching band somewhere close by. He said he thinks it is a bunch of Christian bands outside for Jameka.

Dick and Dani head in to finish dinner

ED says he thinks Joe is going to come and give him a kiss at the wrap party. Dani wants dinner. ED says his theme song while coming in the house is Welcome to the Jungle.

6:55PM BBT
FOTH for a minute. When feeds come back, Dick and Dani are talking about wake up songs. Dick is still requesting that BB play "Crazy BEEP" by Buckcherry so he can dedicate it to Jen.

7:05PM BBT
Dick making dinner and asks Dani how long she can hold her breath under water. Dani says hopefully longer than Zach. They both laugh.

7:10PM BBT
Jameka is braiding her hair
Dani is looking at the Memory Wall saying what a group of people.
ED nearly burned himself. He is making a mess. Dani says "Oh my God it's on fire." ED "No its not!"

7:30PM BBT
Dick and Dani are still working on dinner. Talk about evicted HGs. They think Jen was most hated ever and how she thinks she made history.

Zach in HOH listening to music.

Dani asking her Dad if there were more arts and crafts yet. ED says no that will be for Showtime tonight.

Dani said Eric got bent out of shape about everything. ED says he was so lucky. Dani says no he is crazy!

ED dancing around playing the air guitar. Dani says when we get out of here it will be Halloween. I have to get a costume.

Zach comes out of HOH and says he heard Michael Vick had dogs buried in his backyard. ED says he wants to find out in the news what happened with Michael Vick and what he did to his dogs.

7:35PM BBT
Zach singing "California" the theme song from The OC and we get brief FOTH

Zach asks if there is anything he can do to help with dinner. Dick says no and then calls Jameka to the table.

7:45PM BBT
Brief FOTH and back to everyone sitting down to dinner. General chit chat about work. Dani arrives early every day. Jameka is late 3 out of 5 days.

Talk turns to what kind of breakfast meats they all like. FOTH And back to Jameka saying dinner is good. Then FOTH again.

7:50PM BBT
HGs are talking about having kids and whether they want boys or girls. Dani wants one of each.

Constant FOTH break ins

Talk turns to Tuesday's show. Jameka thinks it will be a recap show of everything that's happened this season.

7:55PM BBT
Zach is doing dishes
Dick and Dani are cleaning up the kitchen
Jameka is still eating
Dick goes out to smoke and Dani joins him. They talk about how good dinner was.

Dani is talking about her mic, and how she keeps getting yelled at when she's running on the treadmill and she does not wear it. She continues to tell ED that she yells back saying "She's running" and not talking.

Dani just called to DR, and she wants them to call someone else.
Dick alone in the backyard rockin' out to the music in his head.

8:15PM BBT
Dick and Dani outside chatting. Both seem to be in a good mood.

Inside, Jam and Zach are finishing cleaning up after dinner and talking about the upcoming comps...what they might be.

Zach heads up to HOH and as he enters the room says "Ah, Home Sweet Home!"

8:20PM BBT
Dick and Dani are talking about a show on Game Show Network. Its about scandals in games and sports. They talking about one about Bobby Fisher (the show is Anything to Win). They agree they both like courtTV.

Now ED is talking about a show he watched about people who knew how to count cards.

Jam is on the other feed...back in the bathroom...looks like she getting ready to work on her hair some more.

Dani tells Dick that she saw a dead body on COPS and they didn't blur the face. Then she says she loves the shows Forensic Files and Shark with James Woods.

8:30PM BBT
Now Dani is talking about dragonflies and how she saw two of them outside mating and she was scared they were going to touch her, and she's afraid they will sting her. Dick tells her that dragonflies don't sting. Dani says she does not care, she doesn't want them touching her!

8:35PM BBT
Dick tells Dani they've been a hell of a team! Dani wonders if people will treat them differently after the show and they are the winners of BB8.

9:15PM BBT
Dani is on the treadmill Jameka is reading her Bible, then goes to sleep
Zach is sleeping
Dick is in the hot tub smoking

Dani has showered and shaved
Dick still in the hot tub

10:15PM BBT
Dani has trimmed her hair and is playing with it
Dick is taking a shower

10:30PM BBT
Dani has decided that even the walls are yawning because it's so boring

Jameka joins Dick and Dani outside
Dani says I just told America to get a life and cancel your feeds.
ED says I told them to get some porn.
Dani says HI Vincent!

Talk turns to Eric. They think he will be the meanest in the jury house. Also that he's playing Jess. Jameka says that Eric took credit for taking her out of her shell. Jameka tells them that Amber always thought Jess didn't like her. She said that Amber said she never talked to her. ED says Jess never talked game, and Jameka says oh yes she did.

11:15PM BBT
All talking at once about the banner. Dani said when she saw it, she gave him the worst dirty look I could have given him. I knew it was him, I gave him the look like you are the scum of the earth.

11:30PM BBT
Discussing who put mustard on Jen's pillow. They decide it was Eric or Nick. They think Eric might have done it so people wouldn't think that he and Jen were in an alliance. They think Nick might have done it because he was called into diary room right after it happened. They don't see how it could happen and nobody saw it with so many people in the house.

11:40PM BBT
Dick says that BB told him the date was the 9th. He says that was the date of one of his marraiges and one of his divorces. Dani says Oh Great.

12:10AM BBT
All talking about the wrap party. Said there are over 200 BB people working behind the scenes and they want to finally meet the ones that they talk to all the time. Dick tells them about the huge party Disney had for all the crew after Pirates of the Caribbean was finished and what a great time they all had.

12:30AM BBT
They have all moved inside to the kitchen area. Dick is laying on his back on the floor and Dani and Jameka are sitting and looking at the picture wall. They are all talking about how HGs look in their pictures. They think that Kail and Joe look a lot alike. They mention that Jen had taken the picture of her and her mother off the wall in HOH room and wonder if that was shown on the show.

12:45AM BBT
Dick goes out to smoke
Dani and Jameka are talking about things they have enjoyed in the house. Lots of laughter. Jameka is asking Dani what it was like to get out of the house for the trip to New York.

1:50AM BBT
All HGs in bed

3:40AM BBT
Dani is up and in the kitchen making cookies.

4:35AM BBT
Dick got up, put on his robe, went to the kitchen to check out the cookies and then to the little bedroom to talk to Dani.

4:55AM BBT
Dick and Dani joke about Zach's ex-girlfriend seeing the show and realizing how lame Zach really is. Dick says "As she files another restraining order" and we get FOTH

5:15AM BBT
Dani: 'This sucks, there is nothing to do. I am going to take a nap tomorrow'. They are talking about a sleep strategy so they are able to sleep enough for the HoH competition. They want to stay up all night Tuesday so they can sleep hard on Wednesday. ED talks about things to do during competition, putting excedrin in clothes & having something to throw at Zach. The excedrin is good because they have lots of caffeine in them. Hoping the comp will let them be able to access them. They bash Zach for about 15 minutes

5:30AM BBT
ED talking to his friend Julian, tells his friend to shut down the porn and make sure to listen to ED's speech

5:35AM BBT
ED: "Let's pay attention to how warm or cold it is between 5:30 and sunset the next 3 days...about an hour and a half' Talking about bags to keep them warm.
Dani says "Don't tell me how to wear them...I need to be comfortable, I will figure it out'.
ED: 'They will keep you warm during the competition. Haven't you ever worn a poncho?'

5:40AM BBT
Dani goes to the restroom, puts on her sweater and climbs in bed
Dick is outside smoking, spitting, and mumbling to himself.

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