Dani and Jameka are still in the little bedroom talking about various HGs, Eric, and things that have gone on, being on slop, the 14 person awkward dinners, Nick, Eric's lack of clothes, Dustin, Amber, and last night's POV Rubber Ball Comp.
6:40AM BBT
Night Night.....The Final Four are sleeping.
9:45AM BBT
Dick wakes up, goes to restroom, washes hands and looks in mirror. Says "I'm tired. GD". Goes outside for a smoke. We were given a closeup of Nominations Today sign.
10:20AM BBT
Dick telling Zack, Please don't put me up against Daniele. Zach says it doesn't matter. Dick says it does, because of who wins POV. Zach says Yeah.
10:45AM BBT
Current feeds show Dani tanning, Zach in pool, Jam on the hammock, and ED just pacing around.
11:05AM BBT
Dick keeps saying out loud to no one in particular "I'm still here MFers."
11:43 a.m. BBT
Final Four were on outside lockdown. Dick speculated it was ato change the table and chairs.
Finally let in the house. Table is much smaller, four chairs. Daniele complaining that she doesn't like it and that they'll be rubbing knees again.
Zach went back to HOH.
Jameka had to pooh... Dick asks to use privy first. Finally emerges and Jam zips into privy with 'I was dying out there!'
Dick making omelets. Dani wants broccoli and cheese. Dick handn't heard of broccoli in an omelet and asked Dani how he should cook the broccoli. She gave him the usual attitude.
12:pm BBT
Daniele climbing up Zach's butt in the HOH. Telling him he has no chance against Jameka... or anyone for that matter. She's saying she doesn't think anyone would win against her dad either.
Zach said he doesn't care if he get's second. He's thrilled to be final two LOL
Talking about Dick's tactics. Zach said what Dick did was way over the line and he struck fear in everyone.
Gist... Dani's pulling for Z to take her to final two, throwing her dad to the wayside. Zach saying he doesn't like the way Dick played. He's telling Dani he doesn't play the same way as her. He played alone until recently. Dani arguing that they had his back from week two. Zach finding it hard to believe. He was always scared chitless in the game because he didn't have anybody. He just wants to think about what/who will put him in a good spot at the end.
OMG She said it sucks cause they've had his back since week two.... (yeah... and Eric and Jess' lol)
He's arguing back
She's disagreeing... fighting for her life. Zach remains unmoved. He just told Dani that if he puts Jameka in the mix, there is a chance he'll get second at least.
Dani arguing that if Zach does that, he's not allowing himself to win.
Zach saying again, he uses statistics. Of the three of them, he'll have the best chance against Jameka.
Daniele is trying to convince him and choosing not to accept his logic. (Her way or no way LOL)
He's not folding. He's telling her plainly that he knows that she or her father will not take him to final two. With Jameka, she will take him.
He said he has a possibilty with Jameka. With D&D.... no possibility
12:06 p.m. BBT
In the kitchen, Dick told Jameka to enjoy this time. Not to sweat it.
Upstairs, after Daniele left, Zach muttered 'her father is an idiot' or something similar.
Zach is now re-reading his letter from home and has the spy tv on the kitchen.
Daniele just told her dad a few choice words about Zach finishing with "...and I'm not kidding!"
Dick into storage room...asking to be let the eff in.
Dani eating the omelet prepared by E.D.
Dani telling Dick that Zach said he was thinking of taking Jam with him to the final two to get the $50,000.
Dick said 'What?' and then said he was going to talk to him (I bet he'll go 'Evel' on Zach LOL)
Dick preparing more eggs. Lots of ground pepper.
12:10 p.m.
During all this Jameka is digging through her luggage.
Dick complained that there wasn't any hot water yet. Yelled at BB and told Jam (guess she wants to shower.)
Dick is getting into the 'groove' .... getting angrier with each of Dani's words. He's taking his anger out on the ants right now LOL
Dani just asked Jam if she was going to take a cold shower... not wait. Jam said yeah... she can't wait any longer.
Dani is going to wait.
Dick thinks if there isn't hot weather by now, there won't be.
Oops.... Dick walked away from the frying pan... it overheated. He washed it out very quickly with cold water... lots of dm it's.
Dani now telling Dick that she did not leave the HOH in good terms. She feels that D&D are going up on the block.
Dick saying they'll get POV tomorrow. Dani saying then it would be two against two tomorrow... they would be on their own.
She just thanked her dad for the eggs and said they were good
12:42 p.m.
Daniele and Dick in backyard, sitting on couches. Dick smoking, Daniele saying this is the most stressful thing she's ever done in her life... except for her Grandpa and what happened (?)
Dick said death and divorce were the most stressful things. This is a tough game...it's a game.
Dani mentions Zach turning on them.
Dick, (props here!) said, they turned on Eric and Jess and now it's their turn.
Dani doesn't think it's fair... completely overlooking what Dick said (turnaround is fair play)
Dani informed Dick that whoever wins POV can only use it on themself but Zach can change his nominations if he wants.
Dani also told Dick that the third person out (from the finals) DOES go to the sequester house. Dick finds that odd... but you can go to New York and back in a day.
Dick keeps bolstering Dani...telling her how good she is in comps. She counters with she freezes. Dick said 'he comes through' when it's tough. They balance each other.
Dick is 'dialed and annoyed'.
Dani wants to go to bed. Tells Dick that if he wants to smack pots and pans in Zach's face that's fine. Go ahead.
Dick saying whatever it is... the noms don't matter as much as who wins the POV.... that's the end of story. It's all about winning.
Dani "I know."
Dick saying they have more than a 50-50 chance because of all the competitions they've won between them... 'she' (jam) hasn't won a thing.
Dani worried cause Jam almost won yesterday. Dick said you never know.
Dani So much stress....ugh. She's gonna need a week on session with the psych after this.
Dick jus t said "The two of us."
Dani looked at his back and said 'ugh'
12:51 p.m.
Dick saying he's an idiot if he thinks he's going to win over Jameka. Dani said Z doesn't care. Dick doesn't believe it.
Dick said there's no effing way Z will win against Dick or Jameka. Dani just told Dick that it doesn't matter who he sits next to in final two. She feels that he will win. He's surprised she feels that way.
Dani saying she doesn't think people will care how Dick played the game, just that he played. Zach feels he played better. Dani making fun of Zach's "This is all about statistics... numbers."... "Arrrgggggh"
They're talking in circles. Dick isn't allowed to talk about anything without Dani saying "I KNOW." followed by a sigh or ugh.
Dick heads inside for something to drink. Offers to get Dani something. No thanks. She follows after him and goes into bedroom asking Jam if she's okay. She's ready to dump anything.
She's now telling Jameka that Zach said he was the best player in the game. Dani's going to take a nap. Jam reminds her that they're going to be called. Dani doesn't expect it until about 5.
1:41 p.m. BBT
Dick and Zach went outside. Dick says basically we had a deal to go to the final three.
Zach says 'yup'
E.D. says ... We held up our deal but you are gonna do what u want. There's been a lot of s*t since the beginning of this game
Zach says.. At this point in F4 you have to do what want for yourself.
Dick responds ... I dont' even want to have this conversation with you... we agreed to bring you to F3. Dani had your back since Nick left and you know it.
As Dick walks away he says ...You better hope you win POV
Zach says... It doesn't matter at this point... if you end up surviving you're in final three anyway
Zach back in HOH room
Zach goes in and up to HOH and as he opened the door, Dick yelled something up to him. Zach said 'yup' and went inside.
Once inside he started talking to himself ... Fear isn't gonna work buddy... you're playing for a half-million dollars, you're actually gonna give a chit about me? Tough chit.
Goes downstairs, makes a sandwich and outside. Sits for a bit. Eventually goes inside and sits on the nominiation couch. Gets up and goes to storage room. Took two pills and went back up to HOH. He's laying in bed now... eyes fix on a photo of he and his brothers when they were little and he smiles. Now listening to tunes and playing with a necklace.
Zach says Daniele cries to daddy, daddy tries to protect her. Too bad. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to play a game. Now Will and Boogie, if you want to hang out.....
Zach saying random words 'honorably' 'for her survival'
Dick was in bed but now outside smoking again. No words.
Dick just said "We can do this! We did it before when we had to."
1:49 p.m.
Dick just sat up and said "What?"... came into the house and into the DR.
Jameka walks out as Dick waits to enter. Asked if she was called in. No, she needed some immodium.
Dick said something and Jam said 'they did?' then runs into the privy.
1:53 p.m.
Dick out of DR now. Outside, stretching as he approaches the couches. Lights a cigarette, reclines with ashtray on cushion. Doesn't look happy or angry.
Suddenly says, run the numbers... three and three (?) then something about competitions.
1:57 p.m.
Dick keeps repeating "We can do this Daniele! We can do this!"
(Daniele is asleep in bed.. is he trying to convince himself?)
Zach up and into HOH privy.
2:10 p.m.
Zach out of bathroom, placed black hat on, earphones over hat and is now listening to tunes.
Dick is stretched out on couch. Nothing
4 p.m. BBT
Zach was watching spycam and saw Jameka downstairs and asked her to come up. (Dick and Dani were out back)
Zach told Jameka about Dick saying that Zach had better take them to final three or else (he did?) ... Jameka asked ' or what?'
They continued to discuss recent events. Zach saying he's going to put D&D on the block. Then asks what would happen if he put Jameka up. Jameka said she wouldn't get a vote. Zach asks if he can use the POV on her if necessary and she says no, I don't think so. She said he should ask BB. Zach said the only thing they told him was 'You should have watched the show to know what happens.' (If that's true, it pisses me off because Dani went to the DR and got the information about the veto, etc.)
Meanwhile downstairs, Dick tells Dani he got the basket and they went in together so he could show her everything. Shared the letter. Daniele was called to the DR but she said wait a minute, I'm stealing a cookie. She eventually goes and Dick goes upstairs with the letter and rings the bell.
Zach tells Dick to come in and Dick comments about that being a sight he never thought he'd see (Z&J). Dick tells them he received his basket and a letter from Vincent and then he reads it to them. He prefaces it by saying he thinks it was written awhile ago. It ends with "Tell Jessica I said 'Hi!'"They're truly happy for him. He also received a shirt he thinks was from his mother (awwww) it has tree branches on it. Got some gray and colored wife-beaters, two pints of ice cream, mocha something... It's a large basket with lots... although the wrong brand of beer.
Dick said he got secret code in his letter from Vincent telling him not to trust certain people. Dick thinks it means don't trust Eric and Jen or Eric and Jessica. They came up with the plan before Dick entered the house.
The first and last letter of the last paragraph. The last sentence was 'Good luck and don't give up hope'
They're still debating about the J in code. Dani saying it depends on when the letter was written. Thinking it was Jen and Eric because Dick said he could trust Eric and Jessica.
Dick starting about winning the POV again. Daniele asking him not to start because she's really really upset and nervous about it... he doesn't know.
One of the sentences says 'Almost everyone around here misses you.' Dick said 'what's with that?' and laughs.
Vincent said to tell his sister he loves her very much. Daniele and Dick laughing and saying that must be in code too.
Ah.... it's the first and last letter of the final paragraph.
Dani teasing that that's all they came up with. Saying at least the end of each sentence or something.
Dick's spirits have risen 1000 percent since receiving the basket and letter. He's actually happy.
Oh.... and he also got black nail polish LOL
Daniele teased him that that was all he and Vincent could come up with for secret code... why not the end of every sentence LOL
Jameka in kitchen, opens mircrowave and says 'Oh my.' Guess it's ants again.
Zach was just called to the DR. Dick thinks nominations now.
4:11 PM BBT
4:25 BBT
5:58 p.m. BBT
Dick and Daniele are on the block.
Bashing ensues...making fun of some of the lines that have been been used this season... lines as reasons for being nominated.
6:45 p.m.
Jameka curled in bed, sleeping.
Dick just asked Daniele if she thought she could beat Jameka in the final two. Daniele isn't sure but she's sure Dick could.
Daniele comparing Dick's behavior to the 'hated behavior' of Boogie last year and he still won. (She's not remembering that Will was in sequester with the jury to do the 'Philadelphia Lawyer' thing LOL)
Daniele now saying that something isn't fair.... (must be that Steffi's internet keeps crapping out on her haha)
Dick into bathroom to privy.
Daniele into kitchen.
Zach sitting alone at the table eating "kix" Offered some to Daniele... she said 'No thank you' and whisked past him... back again to the cabinet for a glass and the fridge for a drink.
Dick just walked through the kitchen on his way outside and said to Zach that it was a good strategy move, it was all the b.s. he laced it with... there are no hard feelings... really and continued outside.
Daniele is at the sink, filling ice cube trays.
All four cams on the eating Zach.
Dick back in asking what Dani wants for dinner.
Dani says there isn't that many options for four people.
Dick said there's chicken, fish, steak, burgers, tacos...heading to storage room with Daniele to see what's available.
Daniele just told Dick to hide Zach's water. He said he would throw the frisbee over the fence.
Daniele suggests baked ziti for dinner. Dick doesn't know how to make it asks Dani if she does. yeah... sort of... He said okay you can make it. She say's "Now?" Dick tells her it's 7:30 and he's hungry. Dani said she needs something to cook it in.
Dick is in the kitchen cutting something into pieces and placing it in zip bags. Daniele tells him to throw the rest away, it looks gross. He said it's been sitting in the fridge for two days.
Zach offers Dick a bowl of his cereal. Dick says no thanks I have two boxes of my own LOL
Daniele putting pot of water on to boil for the pasta.
Quad is on the two of them in kitchen.
Daniele said her cookies give her heartburn or something. Dick tells her to stop eating them. She says she can't let him eat them all and get fat LOL
Washing the pan the food was in.
Daniele looking outside and says that it looks like Zach is going to be playing chess with himself again.
Dick said he better play good tomorrow.
Dani said it'll be easy for Zach since he threw everything else.
Daniele says if Zach and Jameka make it to the final two, everyone's going to be saying 'What?'... it would be like Season 6. Dick said he couldn't remember Season 6. Daniele tells him the final two were from the Nerd Herd. Dick doesn't remember them. Daniele said...exactly LOL Dick asks if they called themselves that. Daniele has a good laugh about that!
6:55 p.m. BBT
Daniele just asked Dick what the one TV show is that he can't wait to see. Dick responds "Southpark" Daniele was surprised and said 'Really?' Dick said it always makes him laugh.
Dick making fun of the Sticks and stones... 'names' will never hurt me.
Daniele corrects him and say's it's 'words' will never hurt me. Maybe it's changed over the years since he was a kid LOL
Daniele spicing up something on the stove.
Dick into storage for more paper towels.
I can hear Dick asking Jameka if she was okay. She said she's fine. He said she seemed kind of upset (she's sleeping... or was lol) He said if she wants to talk. She mumbles...okay and goes back to sleep.
Zach is in HOH watching spycam.
Dick came back with an armload of paper towels and said something about Jameka. Daniele said he was mean, that it may have been something she ate. (she's had the runs all day)
Dick emptying trash.
Daniele saying she had a weird dream about Eric, medication and ice cubes trays around Eric's bed and little beds everywhere. What does that mean? Dick say's she's skating on thin ice. She should be glad she didn't have a dream about Amber's 'vision's LOL
7 p.m.
Ah... Daniele was cooking ground meat. She's halving pita bread, then separating each side into two and placing it on a foil lined pan. (garlic bread?)
Dick just walked through saying 'maybe I'll take you'... and laughs mockingly... he's outside now. Dani nibbling on little pieces of pita, glancing at the stove every so often.
Two cams on Daniele in kitchen. Two on Zach in HOH.
No conversations. Zach's eyes closing. Daniele draining ground meat in the colander. BAck over to stir the pasta. Washing the frying pan now... non-stick but it seems to need a lot of scrubbing. Washing her glass now.
(Can't stand the excitement!)
Zach in HOH bathroom, looking at his face. He's being called to the DR.
Daniele tearing fresh basil and placing on pita.
Zach down the stairs and into the DR.
back... dani puts bag liner in trashcan again, stirs pasta, lines baking pan with foil ... (You know... baked ziti LOL)
Dick comes in, goes to bedroom, comes back and said 'your grandmother sends me wifebeaters. Daniele laughs and says you wear white ones. Gram sent colored ones... wants to add color to her son's wardrobe.
Dick asks if she needs help. No. Dani says the pan was too big. He says you could form the foil and use half the pan. Too late now.
They're talking about cameras. Dick said she never has them on her. It sucks to be hated.
Dick quiet. LOL
Making fun of Zach finding God in his shoe. Making fun of athiest Jen walking around with the bible. Dick opening bag of cheese for Dani... using his teeth.
Dick saying in real life, when they're not getting along, they can call BB and ask them to put them on the block together. Daniele suggests calling Jen and have her pour iced tea over Dick's head
7:22 p.m. BBT
Oh.. .Daniele is setting the table for the four of them That makes me happy !!
7:30 p.m. BBT
Daniele just went into the bedroom to tell Jameka that dinner would be ready in a few minutes. Jameka thanked her and asked what. Dani said baked ziti although it almost was tacos.
Dick back saying to Dani that they have to get the evictions in order.
They're going over trivia. Daniele telling Dick to remember little things like that... guess she gave him some 'study' hints LOL
Dick outside. Cams blinking in and out.... now all in.
Dani asking jam if she saw their sad little table. jam through to bathroom.
I think Zach is still in the DR.
Dani just said she bets that Vincent wishes he was in the house with Dick.
Jam is going to use the eliptical. Zach thinks they're junk.
Dani finishes and leaves kitchen. Jam thanks her again. Dani acknowledges and heads to bedroom dresser (large beds) and is getting something out of a drawer.
She's changing her top in the small bedroom and I hear Dick asking on the feeds....'are you in here?'
Dani didn't answer so I'm not sure who or where LOL
Ah... Dani asked BB to wait until after she ate to call her to the DR. She's changing her top and removes band holding pony tail. She leaves to go to the bathroom to fix her hair and makeup... Dick is in his room now... he was sitting on the other big bed (didn't see him come in LOL) Dick follows Dani to bathroom and waits while she fixes her hair and makeup.
Dick and Dani left to go to kitchen, but Dani ran back to the privy alone to pee. Dickk made his way back into the bathroom, twisted at the waist and coughed, left, came out to the camera and said "Vincent, I can't say hello to Jessica because she's gone."
Jam saying Vincent wouldn't be home on a friday night LOL Dick and Dani said yes he will. He and his girlfriend. He found her on MySpace.
Dick rining DR doorbell... D&D want to do a joint DR session. BB not opening door so D&D head out back.
Dick wants a Coup d'etat tomorrow so they can throw Zach on the block. Dick said he's just going to ignore him. (generalized Zach bashing now)
Zach told Jam that they have warm water now.
Jam asking about drinking water bottles. More in storage room.
Zach and Jam clearing table. Zach looking for foil to wrap up leftovers. Couldn't fid any and went to SR to get another roll.
Dani tells Dick to get a good nights sleep.... needs to be prepared for tomorrow's competition. Dick just raised his voice and told BB that 'they want to do a DR session now.... stop screwing around'
TRIVIA on the feeds
8:48 PM BBT
Jameka and Zach in workout room; Daniele and Dick in DR.
Jameka and Dani are doing crafts at the table. Apparently, Dani hurt her wrist during the POV Rubber Ball contest. Dick has been hanging out in the backyard and DR.
12:45AM BBT
Dick, Dani and Jameka discuss the POV Comp, Janelle, etc.
1:40AM BBT
More discussion of Dick's letter from Vincent. Dick and Dani plan ways to rattle Zach...calling him a panty munching perv, etc.
Dick and Dani go to bed....Dick gets up a few times and finally up for good around 6:50AM BBT
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