Jess trying to sleep. Eric lifts his head and kisses her and lays back down. Jess rolls toward Eric. Now Jess lifts her head. Lots of movement under the covers and everyone seems to be settling in.
6:05AM BBT
More kissing. Erics arm around her shoulders. Jess adjusts to her back. Getting a bigger cover.
6:10AM BBT
Things getting steamy. Eric kissing her neck. Some whispering I couldn't hear. More intense petting. Jess seems to be into it.
6:20AM BBT
Eric says he's going to blow his nose, compose himself, and then get back to bed... Jess says "gotcha"... Now Eric is in bathroom...And the cameras are showing the Occupied sign.
After Eric exits bathroom, he goes into LBR, gets out a pair of boxer shorts and something that looks like a towel, takes off his other shorts (exposing buttocks to camera), then wipes himself in front after his "bathroom session", then puts boxer shorts on, goes back into Jessica's room.
6:25AM BBT
Eric: 'I'm really falling for you'
Jess: 'I'm really falling for YOU'
Eric: Do you just repeat whatever I say?
Eric: Am I a good kisser?
Jess: Yes, you're a good kisser.
Eric: You're repeating yourself. I had to go splash water on my face in the bathroom to compose myself.
6:30AM BBT
F1 and F2: Eric and Jess seem to be settling in for some sleep finally
F3: Dick sleeping
F4: Zach sleeping
6:35AM BBT
Dick awake...yawns and stretches. Dick is out of bed, puts robe on, grabs his mic, quietly opens the door, and heads to kitchen. Gets a drink of apple juice, yawns, kicks the refrigerator door closed, heads to restoom and sits on couch and yawns.
6:50AM BBT
Several minutes of Dick reclining on couch in restroom staring into space is broken by him cracking his knuckles.
After another several minutes of laying on the couch starting into space, Dick gets up and goes to the bathroom. HUGE burp followed by a smaller burp. Out and washes hands, scratches his behind, then heads back to bedroom. Quietly slides the door closed, takes off mic and robe, then gets back into bed and starts coughing.
All cameras on Eric and Jess sleeping. Lots of banging in the background.
8:10AM BBT
Dick returns to bed after being awake for over 30 minutes with no feeds on his activities.
8:30AM BBT
Zach up and in the storage room.
Dick is up again.
8:35AM BBT
Dick back to bed, mumbles something about sleeping another hour.
Zach in HoH bathroom...looks like he's moving his toiletries back down to the bathroom.
8:40AM BBT
Camera focuses on Zach's feet as he sock on, one sock off.
8:45AM BBT
Zach crawls back into the HOH bed and stretches and groans.
9:52AM BBT
There appears to be a lockdown in HOH. Sleeping bodies, pillows and puffs scattered about.
Lights are out in HOH. Only noises lately have been snoring, farting, and teeth-grinding. Someone seems to be moving around and restless, but can't tell who. All are sleeping.
11:50AM BBT
12:45PM BBT
Zach has his head stuck in the fridge....FOTH
Back from FOTH and Cams 1 & 3 are showing the DR Hallway.
12:50PM BBT
1:10PM BBT
Feeds are back, houseguests are cleaning, ED mopping kitchen.
All cams switch to Jameka, who is cleaning the bathroom.
1:15PM BBT
Jessica is cleaning the toilet, Eric is cleaning the bathroom sinks. ED comes into bathroom.
ED: Sorry if the retard remarks were a little harsh.
Eric: That's OK, we were planning on pitching in.
1:20PM BBT
ED and Eric discussed wake-up songs: "Me, Myself, & I", "We Are the Champions"
1:25PM BBT
Dick has mopped himself into a corner in the bathroom.
1:40PM BBT
All feeds on Eric laying in bed. Zach is moving back downstairs getting situated.
1:45PM BBT
Zach now comes into the small bedbedroom, and he begins to put his clothing away. He chit chats generally with Eric, and then Dick peeks in the door, and asks if anyone is ironing today. Eric says he will be later. Dick burps. As he leaves, we hear him saying, "What? Is the camera guy bored today"? (cam must be following him, but we don't see him on the feeds).
All 4 feeds are on Zach unpacking/moving.
There is no sound or movement from Daniele.
Dick reenters the room and whispers to Daniele, "Do you want some french toast, pancakes?"
There is no indication if Dani answers, but as Dick leaves, Eric says, "I'd take both but it wasn't offered to me". (lightheartedly).
Zach now lays back on his bed to take a break.
Zach: What time is it? Like 2:30?"
Eric: Not close
Zach: 6 of us clean the house in 2 hours, that's awesome.
Zach: My lower back is killing me...
Eric: So, how did your week in charge go?
Zach: I don't know, fairly lax, not a lot of choices to choose from. I thought its now coming down to slim pickings. I enjoyed the freedom of being alone.
Eric: Absolutely.
Zach: I don't know it was nice to have the confinement in the confinement so to speak.
Eric: Yeah, you definitely made the most of it in tunes, to chill out and listen to them.
Zach: Yeah I enjoyed that. I think the big advantage was just being able to turn the lights on or off when I wanted and to just crash. Didn't get to enjoy the hot shower thing. But it was fun. I liked getting the note cards.
Eric: yeah thats cool, I like the way they all personalized it. That was fun.
2:12 p.m. BBT
3:19PM BBT
TRIVIA remains
Jess was evicted by a vote of 2-1
Immediate HOH Comp between Dick, Eric and Zach - the Before and After Stairstep game. 1st round was a tie...Dani pulled ahead by 1, Dick and Eric caught up, Dani lost a couple, and Wham! Dick won HOH.
Dani was the America's Choice for nomination...which we all know Dick would NOT do. Jameka and Eric were nom'd.
POV Comp - 5000+ rubber balls were shot out over the back yard. The HGs had to pick up 8 green rubber balls to fill their Plexiglas tube and hit the button first to win POV. Zach and Jameka were the immediate leaders .... Dani and Dick did horribly. Jameka was DQ'd due to a blue ball being in her tube, but it didn't matter...Zach was ahead and won POV.
Zach chose not to use the POV.
Both Dani and Zach voted to evict Eric, who was NOT a happy words before walking out the front door included no sour grapes and good luck to everyone.
From Julie...Sunday's show will be HOH and Nominations, Tuesday will be another live eviction and Thursday will be the Final 2.
6:30PM BBT
Still TRIVIA...
8 p.m.BBT
Still trivia.
9:11 BBT
Feeds are back.. no info as yet..
Jam in LR crying...
Dick & Dani in one of the BR's.. where the Happy Birthday sign is hung..
Dick is telling Dani not to be down on herself.. "it could not have been any closer"!!
(Don't know what the problem is!!) Dick is whispering now & I can't understand him!!!
Dani says she needed time to think for a minute..
(Appears that Zach must have won HOH ... )
Dani says that if one of them goes home it will be her!!
(She's speculating that will happen if Jameka gets the POV)
(So, I'm guessing that she & Jam are nominated!!! )
Dani asks if that is Eric's clothes..??? they decide it is!!
Dani asks if Zach is in DR?? ED says "they called him".. Dani says "I didn't hear them call him"!!
ED goes to kitchen... Jam says "What a week for him"...(I assume Zach)
ED stoked that the pantry is fully stocked!!
ED says "this was a horrible day and a good day" (lol)
Jam says she's going to bed.
10:20 BBT
Dick & Dani in BY.. rehashing the comp. and previous comps...
(Dani is whining!!) She evidently lost the HOH comp by one number!!
She has to carry on about it for awhile!! Says she can't figure out why Jameka was crying!! (neither can I!!)
They go into the BR and start packing Eric's things... Jam doesn't want everyone there.. but they persist!!!
They talk about the number of pills Eric has.... (bet he needs those!!)
10:35 BBT
Zach is moving his clothes back upstairs.. piling them on the floor... preparing to move back in!!
Dick is whispering to him the the Key is in the POV!!! that one of them has to win it!!!!!
They continue to chit-chat and pack Eric's stuff.
(Don't think anything is going to happen... just general stuff .. going over the contests... Dick smoking... Dani pouting & eating!!
10:50PM BBT
Zach says to Jameka, "I have so much to tell you."
Jameka, "You have no idea."
Zach says he fees like a 6-yr-old at Christmas, he wants the bicycle.
He repeats that he has so much to tell Jameka.
Jameka said she's so ready for the BS to be out.
Zach says to Jameka, "One thing I learned from you, faith. I've got my faith back."
Zach, "Just so you know, I know. When you were up the first time, I knew all week you were staying. It sucks I couldn't say anything. I knew."
Jameka, "mmmmhmmm."
Zach, "He pulled you over there didn't he, gave you an ultimatum?"
Jameka says, "mmmhmmm, but you probably got the same thing."
Zach telling Jameka she better play her as* off in the POV.
Dick says he is proud to say he's the oldest person to make it this far in the game.
11:20PM BBT
Zach, Dick, Jameka talking about the ball POV comp, diving and pushing and grabbing for balls.
11:45PM BBT
Zach gets his 2nd HOH room. All four going up and are commenting on the hair in the pics. 10yr HS reunion pic. Dick to Zach - are you wearing a chain? Pic of Z,dad, and brothers. Z got a blanket from grandma. There's a pic of Zach w/skinny legs. Zach got dishes, Kix, Twizlers, Chex, Starbucks and carrot juice, no beer. He will read his letter later.
HG's got wine and beer, Jam very happy with the white wine and says she might just go in the hot tub tonight.
11:50PM BBT
Dick is mad that he didn't get any HOH perks for his couple hour-long HOH.
After Dani & Jameka are explaining how the next PoV comp works to Zach, Dani starts whining about comp being too fast for her.
12:20PM BBT
Zach has been in HOH reading his letter, drinking a beer and burping....Zach's reading his letter, says "finish with honor ... You're right Dad, that's the plan, I'm going to finish honorably...I won't EFF this up..." Zach is obviously choked up, keeps clearing his throat then reads: Good fortune.....Good Job, Mom....there's no such thing as luck.
12:30AM BBT
Now all cams on Zach and Dani at dining table, Zach talking about people from all over the US getting in touch with his parents, he is surprised that all these people are rooting for him, and mentions added pressure. Dani says, "I told you" and then "I'm bored!".
Now Zach joins Jam in the back yard and is talking about the people getting in touch with his parents. Zach would like 2 sentences from "someone he hasn't heard from in 70 days" (ex GF?). Zach talking to Jam about hearing she doesn't like him, but he's not sure what he has ever done to her. Jam mentions that Eric said that Zach hated her. Zach does not want both Dick and Dani at the end. He will put both up. He wants Jam to play hard for the veto and put Dani out.
12:40AM BBT
Zach tells Jameka that he'd love to take her to the end.
Dani now out in BY, says she can't go to bed because there will be DR sessions. Zach says he feels like they are in "The Truman Show". He talks again about his dad's patients watching him on BB.
12:45AM BBT
Zach, Jam, & Dani talking about memorabilia they have collected from the show. Jam always forgets to take stuff from the comps. Complaining about having to stay up for DR. Talking about how boring it will be, Dani complaining.
12:50AM BBT
Zach goes inside to bathroom, Dani tells Jam that Zach is driving her crazy. Dani complains that this week has been so tough for her. Jam tells her that at least she hasn't been on the block. Dani still complaining, she can't believe that she lost the HOH comp. Dani hopes that Will is there for the veto comp. Jam wouldn't mind if Marcellas is there. Discussing where Marcellas lives now. Talking about Eric's family: Jam says they must be dying, Dani says they must hate them.
Zach called to DR. As soon as Zach leaves, Dani makes fun of him.
Dick comes out to BY, says he will have to go back to DR, they were at the end of the tape and just wanted to call Zach in for 1 question. Dick says he doesn't get any letters for HOH. No bedrooms will be closed. Zach returns to BY.
Chit chat about various bedrooms from BB seasons, someone had a concrete slab for a bed.
Talk turns to Eric and Jess, the Double Eviction and they toast being the Final Four. Then they begin discussing the jury and how the votes will be affected by final speeches.
1:10AM BBT
Jameka asks who they think ran Jess' HOHs...Jess or Eric? Jam says Jess told her she wished she had done things differently during her last HOH, but that she took full responsibility for whatever happened.
1:15AM BBT
Zach asked about a round of Jam and Dani are sitting at the table with Zach.
Dick is in DR.
1:50AM BBT
Quarters seems to be over...the game was a bunch of quiz questions about various HG fun facts. Zach has several beers and Jameka several glasses of wine, but they just seem tired and really relaxed. Dani says she wishes she could go to bed (BB told her not to go to bed in her last DR....Possibly calling her back in) Dani goes to brush her teeth...while Zach and Jam sit at the table small talking.
Jam whispers to Zach that she doesn't want Dick to win the game, because she doesn't respect how either of them played it. Dick is out of DR and Jameka is called in.
Dick and Zach go out for Dick to smoke. Dick says he really wanted his letter from Janelle (His imaginary Letter) Dick is now telling Zach that they need to get Jameka out cause she has too many jury votes. He says he'd rather go up against Zach or Dani, cause he would hate if she won the game having done nothing in it.
Dick repeats to Zach that we have to get that BEEP (Jameka)out of here, she's only here because we dragged her along. He also says that it would have sucked if he and Dani went out like Eric and Jess...Zach says that would have sucked.
2:30AM BBT
Zach in HT in a new swimsuit, Dick, Dani and Jameka are on couches, all quiet for a bit.
2:45AM BBT
Zach and Jameka are talking...Zach tells Jameka that he really needs the money, if she's going to do what she says he'll bring her to F3. He has faith and God's blessings for being in the game and making it this far. Zach says to Jameka that he can't let those two (Dick and Dani) deceive anyone...It's a game that wasn't meant to be won by a bloodline. I know you thought you were going to go home today. Zach says all I'm asking for you is I'd love for you to fight, I'm going to fight, and if not, you're going home. He's telling her Daniele is a bigger threat and hopes he votes her out. Talks about how he's God's instrument to play, not to make friends.
Zach has just guaranteed Jameka that her key will be in the box at noms tomorrow!!!! She has given him her word that she will do what he asks.
3:45AM BBT
ED & D wondering if Z passed out, D said I hope so, Zach just got up for a minute, then back listening to music.
3:50AM BBT
Talk turns to Jess and Eric and wondering if they will make it in real life as a couple. Dani says that Eric said he wouldn't move to Kansas and Dick said Jessica would be a celebrity and have all these hot guys after her. Then Dani is talking about how Eric got on her about Kris and the Nick situation.
4:30AM BBT
Dick, Jameka and Dani talk about the Power of Ten show again. Dani saying she didn't even have a chance, it was embarrassing. Also, saying they think if either Dani or Amber had won a large amount of money, they don't think BB would have let the other houseguests know because they would have voted out that person.
Dick is talking about how you never know what to expect. He was gone that week and of all people he had to go to the one person that they had turned on the week before (Eric) and in turn Eric would have to vote out the one person who saved him last week. Dani saying Eric knew Dustin would turn on him anyway.
4:40AM BBT
Jameka says she is so ready to see the video tapes of the show. She has been pretty surprised at everything that has been going on that she didn't know about. She can't believe how much Dick & Dani know that she doesn't know. She was really surprised earlier when Dani told her Jess asked if she still needed to pack this week.
4:50AM BBT
Jam is talking about Jen coming in the room after ED poured the tea on her...Jam saying she just couldn't believe ED did that!! Jam saying she was watching the HOH TV upstairs and didn't see it all happen.
ED saying he is going to bed, he's tired. Jam saying "I just wanted to say again, thank you guys, thank you so much!" Dani: "Don't thank us, thank Eric and Jess for leaving" Now they are debating if Jess knows Eric has been evicted.
Dani telling Jam that she felt a little bad about what they did to Jess, but then she remembered some of the stuff Eric did and didn't really feel bad any more. Then when he walked out 20 min after her, she felt fine because at least they were together.
Dick getting into bed.
Dani talks about her MySpace page and how she set it to private before she left so everyone on there is an actual friend. She can't wait to read all the comments. Jam & Dani talking about how each houseguests will be hated and loved. They are excited about getting out and reading what people think about them.
Dani and Jam looking at all the pics on the memory wall. They are talking about if the pics represent how the person really looks.
5:08AM BBT
All feeds are on BR's with lights out, but Jam and Dani are still talking.
5:30AM BBT
Dani and Jam are talking about how they think there was more to the whole Jess and Carol twist. They are trying to figure out what it could be. Wonder if Kail had a tummy tuck. Talking about if Kail bring her hubby to the wrap party or if Amber brings her bf...that'll be interesting. They are talking about Jess and Eric kissing on live feeds. Debating if Jess had real feelings for him.
5:45AM BBT
F1 & 2 on Dani and Jam talking
F3 on ED sleeping
F4 on Zack in HOH sleeping
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