Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Wednesday, September 5

I am my own favorite houseguest

4:10 a.m. BBT
Eric and Jess canoodling, whispering, giggling and talking about when he moves to Kansas. Eric is talking about Jess winning HOH for the third time.

Dick is on cam 3. He's a belly sleeping, pillow hugger

Zach is on cam 4. He is cocooned in his blankets. He now has a pillow over his head. Now he's out from under the pillow.

6:31 a.m. BBT
Eric went to his own bed..rapped on the wall between the bedrooms. Jess wrapped back and they're both asleep.

Dick is outside, has been for awhile, sitting, lounging, cuppa joe and cigarettes, constant motion of one foot or the other and no oratory this morning!

8:18 a.m. BBT
Everyone sleeping. Dick was swatting at something in his sleep

First wake up song

11:20PM BBT
Feeds back.
Dani and Dick on BY couch, Zach swimming, lights still out in Jess and Eric's rooms.
Dick asking for one more song.
Dick telling Zack he should streak in front of Nick's picture (for HOH pics)
Dick telling Dani he didn't sleep because he was so tired. Says he has to take a nap and Zack should wake him when he gets the camera.
Dani goes in for bathing suit.
Jam, Jess and Eric still in bed with lights out. Now BB gets on to them.

11:30AM BBT
Zach and Dick in storage room....The halibut is still frozen like a rock. Dick says to leave the fish out so it defrosts.

Dani is changed into swim suit and grabs a towel and her sunglasses. Heads out to tan.

Zach looking for some food, settles on egg whites.

Dick heads to bed, Zach in kitchen seperating yolks from the whites. Dani tells Zach in BY that she hates the one song they played this morning - they played "Friends in Low Places" by Garth Brooks according to Zach. Zach eating egg whites he cooked. Both are laying out. Zach asks "Do you think they'll do a double eviction on Thursday?" Dani: "Noooo Zach. It's too late for that. We already discussed this."

Jameka and Eric are still in bed. Jess got up and changed her batteries and went back to bed.

11:45AM BBT
Dani joins Zach in BY. Says she has to run/walk at least 6 miles today.

Jess moving under the covers but determined to stay in bed. Whoever that is in the small bedroom with the covers over their head hasn't moved once.

Dani and Zach - Zach asks if you were a super hero what power would you want. She doesn't know would have to think about it. Zach would want to fly.

Dani and Zach talk about how boring the house is and how everybody sleeps. Zach is excited about taking pictures and writing his blog today. Dani tells him he will have an hour to write his blog and a half hour to take pictures. Zach is disappointed in the 30 minutes he will have the camera. Sounds like he has some intricate setups planned. Now he is wondering out loud if he can take the camera underwater.

Jessica is awake.

Zach tells Dani that Dick asked him to include a note to Janelle in his blog that he will talk with her at the wrap party. Zach and Dani share a laugh at Dick's expense. Zach then goes over what Dani has asked him to include in his blog - Nick, Dani says she can't wait to go on her trip to the Sarengeti with you. Zach trying to find out what the message really means. Dani giving up no info.

12:05PM BBT
Dani tells Zack that she does not want HOH and if it comes down to her and Dick she will throw it. Says she's never thrown one. Zach accuses her of throwing the one to Jen where she went on slop for 30 days. She says that would have been stupid and she wasn't going to give up 6 HOHs to win and that *HE* wouldn't let her change her number anyway. (she put 4 and Jen put 5 missed HOHs)

Jess up and piddling around kitchen.
Dick, Eric and Jam still in bed.

12:20PM BBT
Jess is ironing
Dani and Zach are still tanning, then Zach announces he's done and goes to take a shower.

12:35PM BBT
F1: Jessica is walking on the treadmill F2:
Eric is sleeping
F3/F4: Daniele in the kitchen preparing some food

12:50PM BBT
Danielle is doing her hair
Jess is blow drying her hair
Jameka is up and in bathroom
Zach is up in HOH room
Jess tells Jameka she doesn't want to take a nap today so she can try to fall asleep tonight.

1:05PM BBT
Dani & Zach kitchen. Dani is cooking. Zach goes to BR and tells Jess and Jameka that if they want him to write something to somebody in his blog to let him know.

Dani has taken her food to the table to eat. Zach comes over and sits down to eat too. (She must have fixed for both of them) Not a lot of talking going on with them.
Zach-I hope I'm not a target.
Zach-I could lose like another 3 or 4 more. That would be sweet.
Zach-That picture does not look like your dad.
Zach goes up to HOH room

1:20PM BBT
Zach and Dani are talking in the kitchen. Dani mentions that if she wins HOH, she wants a tutu. This would make her happy. Conversation turns to Halloween costumes. Dani only wears cute Halloween costumes, not slutty ones. Zach wants a costume this year with mechanical appendages.

1:30PM BBT
Dani goes to the round room with Dick. They discuss different things that BB says and wonder if any other them will be questions, since BB keeps repeating them. Things such as how many batteries will be used the whole summber, how many days in the house, how many laps in the pool equal a mile, how many minutes in the house. Dani thinks that a lot of them brush off what BB says, but goes over the answers with Dick in case they're important.

Dani talking about Eric and Jessica being loud last night and woke her up.
Dani: "Eric has to go next week. I'd much rather compete against Zach & Jameka"
Dick asks if Zach has done his blog yet.
She says she's over that and the camera. Dani says they have enough pictures with the people they like and she doesn't want to take pictures with people she doesn't like.

Dani tells Dick that Jess was in the gym today and thinks it's because they discussed who's gained the most weight. Jess said she didn't want to be that girl. Dani says she wants to go back to bed, and Dick jokingly thanks her for waking him up. Dani says Zach is following her around everywhere and Eric's still sleeping. She says Jameka's walking around with an ugly hat that looks like Jen's hat. Dick says he's happy Jen is gone and how she would always look at herself in the mirror. A lot of yawning from both.

1:45PM BBT
Indoor Lockdown!

1:50PM BBT
Jameka is working out
Jess is taking a shower
Eric is up and going to the bathroom

Dani tells Dick Eric talked to her about how whatever happens happens and how he's here for the money. Dani calls him a liar. She says Eric told her that he doesn't matter if you're a multi-millionaire, if you have the best gameplay, he'll vote for you. BB asks Jameka to put on her microphone and Dick and Dani joke that she should voluntarily exit. Dani says it's going to be a long day. Dani starts imitating someone with her body, telling Dick to guess who she is. He says he knows, and also says, 'Remember, some people are leaders, some people are followers.'

Dani says she's nervous about the HOH competition tomorrow. She says they have a 75% chance of winning tomorrow, and Dick corrects her that they have a 66% chance. Dani says, yeah, okay, lets give ourselves some more.
FOTH for a minute or two.
In the round room, Dick says he hates Jameka, and can't wait to have that talk with her. Dani says she's worried, and thinks Jameka will say no. Dick is discussing what they'll say to Jameka when they present her with their deal.

2:05PM BBT
Eric knocks on the round room door and Dick tells him to come in. Eric comes in and closes the door. He tells Dick and Dani what everyone is doing. Zach is in the HOH room blogging. They're discussing how many more days they're going to have cold water. Also how wacky their sleeping habits are.

Begin to bash Jameka ... Talking about her slamming the doors and throwing stuff around the bedroom while they are trying to sleep. Eric telling them Jam hates all of them.

2:10PM BBT
Dick: Whats wrong with Jessica's bed? She's not in it. Something is not right with the world.
Dick says he'll do that to her (Jameka throwing stuff around) tonight when she's sleeping, and Dani says no, because she's in there. They say they should do that to her when she's napping. Dick asks why they don't confront her about this, and discusses what he would say if Jameka was doing it to him. Eric says he was sleeping, and there was a lack of consideration.

Dick tells Eric how Zach was complaining that he's no one's maid and he washed one dish this morning. Dick and Eric both say how many dishes they have done.

Dick says there was a cat song this morning, techno, and The Ramones. Dick leaves to go outside to smoke and finds out that the door has been closed, and they're on an indoor LOCK DOWN.

2:20PM BBT
Jameka asks Eric and Dick if there are any messages they want to pass along to the people in sequester... Dick says to tell Jen to seek professional help. That's all he has to say.

2:30PM BBT
Eric, Dick and Jameka in kitchen. Jameka with head in her hands staring forward. Eric and Dick talking about the songs that have been played. Now talking about Spiderman.

After showering and shaving, Jess has spent last 20 minutes in workout room applying lotion and checking out different views of herself in her bikini. Seems to be mostly concentrating on her hips and rear with the lotion (bronzer???).

2:35PM BBT
Eric says he will probably be out first in next HOH or come in last. He jokes about falling down and insulting guest hosts.
Dick: wasn't that the ultimate foot in mouth?
Eric: Next week if they show pictures of Kaysar, he'll say "Oh I love Kaysar!

2:45PM BBT
Jess is finally done applying lotion or bronzer and leaves the workout room. Asks Jameka if she is done packing yet. Jam replies she only has a few things left. Jameka mentions that there are only two more days of cold showers left.

2:50PM BBT
Dick, Zach and Eric are in the kitchen. Eric biting nails and tossing them in DR; Eric talked about walking around backyard and being told there was snot and spit everywhere and Dick replied that it's like 9000 degrees out there and it dries up in two seconds and turns to dust, give me a break. Eric said not to mention there were 14 people using one bathroom and using same dishes, so germs are not an issue.

Eric taking digital picture of Zach's back - looks like it is time for HOH photos.

Dick and Zach wake Dani up to take pictures. Dani got mad.
ED: I knew you would get mad.
Dani: then why do it?
They have another pointless argument which involves Dani saying shut up a lot.

Lockdown is over. Dick heads out for a smoke.
Jameka took a picture of Dick, Eric and Zach. The last guys in the house. Dick comments that the humidity is finally gone.

3:30PM BBT
Dick wrote I love Janelle on the table in mustard. Zach took a picture of Dick and the table.

3:40PM BBT
Jess and Eric are at the kitchen counter eating when Jess asks "So, if Jameka leaves this week who is going to clean the bathroom?" Eric says, "Only three more weeks."

Dani comes into the kitchen and complains to Jess and Eric about Dick in to her room and stood on her toy chest... he's annoying.

Jess and Eric are eating hot dogs and chips and talking about cleaning. Jess wishes all they had to do was vacuum. Then says that the bedroom floors get really dirty, she thinks its because there is so much traffic through that area.

3:45PM BBT
Zach and Dick are in the backyard discussing the architecture of the BBHouse. Dick says they have a people that just build sets and stuff like this. They have engineers and everything, like the one that set up the spinning chair.

Dick lights up a smoke. Zack talking about Jam's face when Eric fell into her. Zach mentions that it feels good to say whatever you want in the HOH Blog. Says he said Vincent, Dick misses you and he thinks you have to be totally estatic in the crochet match for the veto. Zack says that it was awesome. Dani thought that Dick was gonna choke. Dick says that all of America collectively said "WTF"...Still talking about the Veto.

Zach now talking about movies that he wants to rent or buy when he gets out. Dick says he is dying to see the Simpsons Movie. Zach and Dick both want to see Ratatouille.

3:55PM BBT
Zach telling Dick in BY about when he had the camera and went up to Jessica when she was putting on her make up and asked if he could take a picture of her. Jess told him that she didn't want him to take pictures of her alone.

Jess and Eric are in the big bedroom. Jess asking what Dick said about Jam. Eric said she was pulling Zach in the BR being loud and banging things around. Says they are pissed that she (Jam) thinks that she is gonna win because she needs it more. Eric asks Jess why she (Jam) needs to know what he talks to Dick and Dani about. Eirc says its hard when you know what's going on and someone else doesn't and asks you a question about it and you have to play it off.

Eric says that everyone in sequester thinks it's his fault they were evicted. Jess chimes in "it is" Eric says he is gonna play it off like it is all his idea. Jess says yeah and then Eric thinks it would be funny if in the end it was Jess and Eric and they vote for Jess because Eric sent all of them home. Then says that BB should go to a clip of Jess shaking hands with Dick and Dani and really being in on the alliance.

Eric says he thinks HOH is down to Jess and Dani to win but he really thinks that Jess can beat Dani.

4:15PM BBT
Dick and Zach are still in the backyard. Zach talking about food and he wishes that they would get some food tonight. Dick says he wouldn't mind having the ribs again. Zach says he would even settle with food from Costco. Dick making a funny gesture with his hand and him and Zach kinda giggle.

Eric and Jess chit chatting while she packs...she used Sun In on her hair today. Dick peeks around the corner of the doorway and scares Jess. He asks Jess and Eric to wake him up around 5:30-5:45.

4:25PM BBT
Jess whispers idiot when Dick and Zach leave the room. Eric laying on Jess's bed next to the rat Jess painted. Jess going through her drawers packing stuff up. Amber's old bed is completely covered with clothes. Jess is having a hard time packing. Says her mother always packs for her. Eric offered to help, but Jess declined.

4:30PM BBT
Dani is running on the treadmill. Zach comes in and sits down. Asks if she is running a marathon. Dani says she thinks she is getting sick and she needs to take some Airborne. She only has one left and she will need to ask in the DR to get more. She says they gave her some in the hotel because she got sick from the A/C and she had to have the doctor come in.

Dani tells Zach that she misses music. He agrees. Dani says she can't wait to go home, whichever home that may be, and make a mix CD of all the songs that have been stuck in her head all summer. "her summer mix CD"

4:40PM BBT
Jess is still having problems packing. Eric is laughing at her. Jess realizes she has entirely too much stuff.

4:50PM BBT
Dick goes outside and says they have 5 minutes until a 5 hour Indoor Lockdown.

Eric and Jameka are helping Jess roll her clothes to try to fit them all in the bag.
Dick is back inside and going to sleep.
Indoor Lockdown!!!

5:15PM BBT
Packing continues. Eric and Jameka are now the only 2 packing. Jess is just sitting there doing nothing.
Dani and Zach in are in the kitchen talking about running.

5:20PM BBT
Dani called to DR.
Jameka said she is gonna shower 'I don't wanna look like a bum my last 2 days'.
Packing seems to be over.

5:25PM BBT
Eric picking up in small bedroom. Jess is laying in her bed. Jess wondering where they keep their luggage while they are in the house. Eric doesn't know.

5:30PM BBT
Eric and Jess are talking about who they think their HOH letters will be from and what will be in them.
Eric to Jess: 'Out of all the BB seasons you are my second favorite houseguest'.
Jess: 'Who is first'?
Eric: 'Me'

Eric:'If we continue to be lovers, using your term, you will have to learn to rely on me'
Jess: 'I already told you you were the love of my life'

Eric: 'If you went home this week my last 3 weeks would be miserable here'.
Jess:'You would still have Jameka'.
Eric: 'It still wouldn't be fun'.

5:40PM BBT
Eric kissed Jess on the lips, got nothing in return. Started kissing her cheeks, she covered up , said 'I hate you sometimes' while laughing. Eric says 'When?' Jess: 'When you are rude'. Eric tells Jess she is not direct when he asks questions, and he wants to know whether it it because he is just supposed to read her mind and know the answer or whether she just doesn't want to tell him. She says because she doesn't want to tell him. He asks why and gets no response. Jess invites Eric to take a nap with her. He heads off to brush his teeth.

5:50PM BBT
Janie and some guy were just on one of the feeds sitting in chairs and waving. No sound though.

Eric and Jess talking about potential HoH competitions and what Eric would do well at. Talking about how many questions it would take to win. Eric says 8 out of 10. Jess says they usually only ask like 5. Eric says he will start getting all worked up about it tomorrow. He asks if he can visit Jess if she wins HoH, and he will bring a present. She says what? He mentions some sort of dress.

Jameka primping in the mirror. Jam says 'Uhoh, time for some extra close talking' because Eric is using mouthwash. Eric says 'No, just napping'. He uses restroom, washes hands, and heads to get some water. Sees Dani and comments she was in there a long time. Dani says it was an interesting one.

Jam called to DR. Eric gets in bed with Jess.

5:55PM BBT
Janey is drawing "6pm PST [heart] Janie" on poster board. Also, music playing.

Eric asks Jess if where she sees there relationship going, if she ever thinks about it. She says she has a couple of times. Eric trying to get her to talk about it. E says is that because you don't have high hopes? She says not at all. They are both dodging the subject. Eric says to take location out of the picture. If that wasn't an issue would you see a potential for something. She says 'Of course, wouldn't you?' He says absolutely.

6:20PM BBT
Eric & Jess talking about how they will get together after they leave the house. He has airlines miles to go visit her.

6:30PM BBT
Jameka out of DR.
Zach called into DR now.
All feeds are on Jess and Eric.

7:05PM BBT
All feeds on Jameka eating alone in the kitchen

7:07PM BBT
Eric has joined Jameka...no talking, just eating.

7:10PM BBT
Dick and Dani in the bathroom. They were whispering about something they have known for a long time. Dick is painting nails... Goes through house with a red wig on!! Takes it off..goes back to kitchen where Eric, Dani and Jameka are.
Eric and ED talking about who has done the most dishes. Talking about Amber and Kail's argument about who's done housework. Amber said she didn't do the bathroom. The only time she did was when she was in HOH...she cleaned the bathroom then.

7:20PM BBT
Talk about Jen again. What she did and didn't do. ED said she needs to die. And she never needs to have children.
Eric is still doing dishes. Dani gives him more to do.
ED: I think there are some more dishes on the bedstand of Jessica's..let me get those!!
ED: Jessica is all packed now..the room is all straight now.
Dani: That will change in about 24 hours.
ED: was I the oldest
ED: George was the oldest to get the farthest because he was pulled along.
BB: Eric to DR
ED looking at himself in reflection making faces!
Zach comes in and sits down between them
Zach: What's up home slices
ED: Not a g** D*** thing
ED: Eric is taking a glass of water to DR with him.
Zach: Geez
Dani: Eric has a lot to talk about in DR

7:30PM BBT
Dick goes to the bathroom and fixes his hair...dances thru the house looking in mirrors. Dani comments that Dick loves more camera time.
Dani playing with hair in kitchen...Zach gives Dani her Midol out of storage room.

7:50 pm
Kitchen talk
Dani: So, who has gained the most weight in the house
ED: Jen
Dani: Current hg's
ED: certainly not you
ED fixes coffee with chocolate ice cream
Ed: I'm going to get all jacked up b4 I go to DR
Dani: So what were you doing in the hammock....Just thinking about things I've said and things other people say...Who am I Zach.
Zack: Who
Dani: Laughs....you Zach.
Zach: Not me
Dani: Yes word for freaking word.
Dani: Jessica came in and said where's the trash bags..like yesterday
ED: Like Jen asked about the soap
Zach: How do you get away with being a woman and not take a shower for a week...
Dani: I don't know, she's gross. I've never met women that don't do that. The first time she took showers there was hair all over the wall
ED and Dani laugh at Zach again

8 pm
Zach says women should shower everyday, you just don't need to wash your hair daily. They continue to talk about Jen hatred for bathing/showering.
ED gets water to pour down Zach's butt crack if he shows it again
ED: I got up to almost 200 lbs. once when i quit smoking
Zach: You hold your own. You held your own in the last hoh comp.
Dani: the only person who has ever called me fat in my life is vincent.
Zach: What? you are so skinny

8:30 pm
Dani says someone (didn't hear who) called her skeletor, and she hates it.
ED, Dani, and Zach still in kitchen talking
No sign of Eric, Jess, Jameka

9 pm
Zach and Dani talking about HOH
Zach: If you win HOH tomorrow...who will your letter be from.
Dani: I don't want to win. But, probably my grandma
Zach: Will you get a hoodie from the GAP again.
Dani: No, I don't.

9:10 pm
dani and ED talking about HOH comp
ED: here comes the spy
Dani: the spy?
ED: the spy with the loud pants...(talking about Jameka)
ED came out of the bathroom and said 'It looked very much like a POV'
Dani:I don't know what you are talking about
Dick:I'm just saying it looked like a POV with the letters
Dani:You never know
Jam to Eric: "I would want Jess to stay just so she can compete and get them the hell out"

9:15 pm
Zach and Dick talking about the show MythBusters zach claims to have worked with the hosts
Eric to Jameka: "I WILL be voting for Jessica to stay"
She understands, but he says that he does love her
Dick flicking off camera saying "Raiders Suck!"... Danile tells him that it's Sho-Time ED says -- no wonder they're looking around for something going on

9:30 pm
Eric tells Jameka
E: like I said to Jess, I'mokay with whatever happens at this point
Jessica told him: I'm not. I'm going to be pissed unless I win!

9:45 pm
Dani and Jess sitting at kitchen table chit chatting and every once in a while Dani
whispers game across the table. Jess having a hard time hearing her Zach asks "Jess if she is up for quarters later" and she says "yea maybe but I kinda want to spend time with Jameka because one of us is going home tomorrow."

10 pm
Dani in BY doing laundry F4 we see a corner of a black plastic tarp on the ground
covering something about 3 foot to the right of the teacup, stretching over to maybe 6 foot from the hottub. Either the HOH comp or the POV comp as Dick has suggested. FOTH
Dani back at table doing her nails methodically, Jess after a few minutes of silence got up and left. This when Dani went in BY. Jess now in LBR with Jameka and Eric. They get a slap on the hand from BB for talking about DR sessions.
E/J/J talking about cold showers. Jam says "It wasn't so bad" and Jess said "Don't speak those words, It was HORRIBLE!" Jam says "That Jess also washed her hair and that it made her even colder." Jess "Yea..."

10:20PM BBT
Eric tells Jess that he talked to Dani. That they were talking about how weird it is to see Jess' bed area empty after she packed. He told her that "Dani said 'yeah but in 24 hours it'll look like a tornado hit it after she dumps it all out again.' so that was good"

10:40PM BBT
Eric and Jess talking about their wedding. Jess has decided her brother Dean will be her Maid of Honor. Jess also said she does not want a poofy dress and says she does not want strippers for her bachlorette party, but Eric doesn't believe her. Jess: "I have to get married in a church because it has to be honored by church. Unless it's preapproved and it won't be. We are getting married in a Catholic Church." The wedding is scheduled for November and Jameka agrees to get them a Margarita blender for their wedding present.

10:55PM BBT
Dick out of DR
Jess called to DR

11:05AM BBT
Jess and Jameka are screaming in the little bedroom.

11:10PM BBT
Eric leaves Jess and Jam, goes to Kitchen and whispers insults about Jam to Dick. Dick says he's had it with the entitlement thing. Eric laughs.

12:10AM BBT
Jameka says she is not confident with Eric left in the house because he sucks at comps. Jess says she will be pissed if she leaves and finds out Eric has been lying to her. Jameka mentions how quiet Dani has been lately. They decide Dani gets quiet when she's uncomfortable.

12:30AM BBT
Dani talks to Dick about Jess & Jameka. Talking about it was so annoying when Jess and Jameka were screaming. She doesn't understand why they do it.

1:40AM BBT
Most of the last hour has just been general chit chat between the various houseguests...Dani making grilled cheese for her and Dick. Jess & Eric in bed together talking about general stuff.

Jess wondering what she should say in her speech tomorrow and if she should start laughing. Says she will say "I'm not ready to end my journey yet in this house. I've grown so close to all of you...except Zach". Then jokes about saying "F***er if I stay, your ass is grass next week!"

Dick & Dani at kitchen counter whispering strategy about possible HOH comp. Dani saying they need to make sure they are next to eachother. Dick says "it's not like they can stop a live show. I mean Jen & Kail talked to eachother (during comp) and they didn't get DQ'd". Both talking about how nervous they are about the comp. Dick now going out to smoke.

2:35AM BBT
Eric is trying to kiss Jessica. She tells him that he's "obstructing" (mic) so he rolls off. He asks her what's on her mind, and she says that she might be going to the jury house with 3 people that she put there. He asks her "and that you're leaving the love of your life" and she says it's crossed her mind once or twice. He says playfully "you liar" and that it should have. She says in a sarcastic baby voice "it does! every day! all day!". He says she is making a "mockery of our love". She says "excuse me? I am not". He tries to kiss her and says "this is sad...there's no return kisses, they're pathetic". She tells him he's pathetic.

3:15AM BBT
Feeds 1 & 2 Eric & Jess making out
Feeds 3 & 4 Dick sleeping in bed

4:15AM BBT
Eric tells Jess that she's mean when she's stressed out...she agrees and says she thought about apologizing.

Eric says he's good to Jess most of the time...she agrees.

Eric thinks they should promise each other that when they get out of there, they should just leave the game behind. He doesn't want to get upset with her for saying something on the show like she likes Dustin more than him. Or she sees him having a convo with Dani. He doesn't want to fight about the game. Now they are bashing Zach.

4:30AM BBT
Eric asks Jess what she's thinking about. She says she kinda likes him. Now he's questioning her about the "kinda" part and she says, Well, obviously I do like you. I told you I have a crush on you. He says, what else are you thinking? Jess: That's it! Eric: Liar! He's still trying to get her to talk more, one paragraph and she says, I like you! Now she is saying they began with a strategic relationship and (struggling to find more words) she says, it is going to be different when they get out of there, but she does want to try to make it work. But, now she spends time with him everyday and she should be focusing on the game more. But, she does like her relationship with him, but they came here for the game. She'd like to make it work out of the house, but doesn't even know how to go about making that happen when they get out.

Jess: 'It's going to be different out of here. I wonder HOW to go about this outside of the house, how it could really happen. We came here for a game and when it's gametime it's gametime. I would think if the relationship was gonna get in the way it would have by now'.

Eric talking about the different evictions and their responsibility in them.

Eric trying to take the petting up a notch. He gets a 'peck' from Jess in return. Still trying, she turns her head away.

4:40AM BBT
Eric: 'For me, it takes a long time, and I have developed really, really strong feelings for you.'
Jess: 'I can tell.'
Eric trying to get her to commit to her true feelings.
Jess says actions speak louder than words.
Eric: 'We have more of a words than actions kind.'

4:45AM BBT
Eric:'If it keeps going like it is and our feelings stay like this and keep growing I am not too worried about it. I know the way I am and just because we leave here, think oh well, it won't happen'.
Jess: 'It better not'.
Eric:'When I think about me and you, I don't really worry. There really are a lot of possibilities and a lot of potential and I feel really great about it.'
Jess: 'Me too.'

Jess says that if she has to go to sequester, she will be drunk until the wrap party.

5:05AM BBT
Discussion turns to TV Shows and movies...they like many of the same ones. Jess says I knew we were meant to be together.

5:15AM BBT
Eric: 'So what happened to Jess and Eric after the show? We're in Kansas (said with a country accent).' Jess giggles and asks Eric if he thinks he will develop an accent.

5:20AM BBT
Eric talking about having to go into work after the show and rectify leaving without giving notice. Talk continues about his work...Eric is name dropping actors and actresses that they rep.

5:25AM BBT
ED is up and Eric asks if they disrupted his sleep. ED says he just woke up. Eric gonna go to the bathroom. Dick beat Eric to the bathroom, so Eric is waiting on the couch.

5:30AM BBT
Eric is finished in the bathroom, grabs a drink and heads back to bed. Dick goes out back to smoke.

5:35AM BBT
Eric says there are a ton of ants all over the sink dishes but he didn't want to deal with it. Jess says she NEVER wants to know about that stuff.

5:40AM BBT
Dick tells Eric and Jess good night and heads back to bed.
Zach wakes up, checks the spy screen and rolls back over to go to sleep.

5:50AM BBT
Jess trying to sleep, Eric still climbing on her and talking. Jess: 'Are you sure you can sleep on that side, cause if not I can'. Eric gets the hint and rolls over.

5:55AM BBT
Eric lasted all of 60 seconds rolled away from Jess. Rolls towards her and asks if she is tired. She says"I'm tired". Eric still talking. Now quiet.

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