Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Tuesday, September 4

No rest for the weary

All are sleeping, except Dick who has woken up and is in the backyard smoking. He goes to the bathroom and brushes his teeth and crawls back into bed.

6:45AM BBT
Dick is back up saying he can't sleep. Goes back to the backyard. All others are still sleeping.

Dick is on his second bowl of cereal.

7:10AM BBT
Dick cleans up the kitchen, takes the trash to the storage room, and goes back out to smoke. He comes in, uses the restroom and makes his bed.

7:20AM BBT
Dick climbs into his freshly made bed.

7:30AM BBT
Dani gets up and uses the bathroom, washes her hands and brushes her teeth. Then wanders into the kitchen. Heads back to the small room and puts on her jacket and goes back to the kitchen.

7:45AM BBT
Dick is up and asks Dani what she's doing up. She says she couldn't sleep either.

Dani is cooking egg and cheese burritos for her and Dick's breakfast. Dick is out back smoking - again.

8:05AM BBT
Dani telling Dick about hearing Jessica and Eric in the hot tub a few days ago when "Jess was all drunk and Eric was practically on top of her and she started talking about her Julie question. That she told her she was a conservative girl - then she realized that she's been running around practically nekkid and sleeping in a bed with a boy she barely knows" Dani then said "That was one of those 'Could ya' not!' moments"

8:10AM BBT
Dani tells Dick that she had a dream that Allison the Exec Producer came into the house and wasn't mad. We get FOTH...and back. Dick and Dani are eating their breakfast burritos.

8:15AM BBT
Dick: "How come you never say goodnight?"
Dani: "I don't know. I don't say it to anybody"

8:20AM BBT
Dani telling Dick to talk to Jameka. Tell her there's a possibilty that we might keep her. She also says "She might not go for it. Some of these people are weirdos." Tell Jameka that the only way we will keep her is no side deals with Eric and that Jameka can only have deals with Dick and Dani. Also Jameka has to vote the way Dick and Dani want her to and when it gets to F4, if she gets HOH she can't put both of them up.

9:10AM BBT
Dani & ED in BY talking about the twist in the game and how bad they are, laughing at how bad they are. Also during this conversation Dani was saying how she wished things would speed up, that she's tired of all the sitting around. Dick said the time is good to figure things out. Dani said double eviction would have happened last week if it was going to happen.

9:15AM BBT
D&D talking about Amber ... really bashing her. ED can't believe someone married her. He asked what did she do cry until he married her? Continue with the bashing of Jen, Dustin, etc. They think the food comps are done. They really hope they are, anyway...

9:20AM BBT
ED talking about how Jam said that in the last HOH she would have done really good with it. ED says how in Zach's HOH blog that he is going to say hi to Vincent and Janie for him.

9:25AM BBT
ED thinks that a lot of people cheering them on (D&D).
Dani says "OK Eric."

9:35AM BBT
Dani is off to work out.
Dick heads off to bed.

Cam 1 & 2: Dani excersising
Cam 3: On houseguests sleeping in the room with the small beds
Cam 4: On Zach sleeping in the HOH room

10:15AM BBT
Work out is over...Dani cools down, goes to the bathroom and then to the kitchen. She then goes to the bedroom, changes to her bathing suit and gets in the shower (shaving?).

9:10 p.m. BBT
BB supplied alcohol tonight.

Summing up today... Jess asked Dani what she thought the HOH competition would be like. Dani told her not too much since there would only be three players (big oops on her part. If Jess was still there on thursday it would have been 4 players!) Jess did a double take and Dani explained her way out of it somehow but Jessica knew better. She told Eric and eventually, without Jess' knowledge, spoke with Dani. Dani, retelling the conversation with Jess and later Eric, to her dad, said Eric was shaking when he asked if Jess was going home on Thursday or not. Dani looked him right in the eye and said, Chill. She's not going home. Take it easy. Eric said if Jess was going home, he'd like to know, so he and Jess, can spend the next two days together. Dani reassured him again that Jess was safe. She told her Dad about this and her slip up. She said she felt bad but all she had to do was think of Nick and she didn't care. Jessica has packed up most of her belongings. Jameka has packed a lot too. Jess painted a pink thong bikini on her rat. Eric did the second coat of paint while Jess was napping. Jessica doesn't trust D&D and fully expects to go home Thursday, despite Eric's reassurances. To be honest, from Eric's body language, I think he suspects something is amiss too.

Currently, Jess and Eric are in the hot tub.
Dick was in earlier but changed and is in the house now... kitchen, to be exact.
Zach is there too.
Jameka is sitting on an outside couch.
Dani just changed clothes again and is now in the kitchen.
Jameka just entered the kitchen. Nothing being said.

9:15 pm
Zach sitting in Kitchen drinking beer alone.
Dani changing her clothes.
Dick smoking
Jess and Eric in hottub,,
Jam sitting on couch visiting with J & E. Jameka is going to open the wine. Looks like they got 8 beers and 1 bottle of wine.
Jameka asks Eric "What would you do with the $50,000 if you won it?' Eric says pay off credit card bills, pay rent for a couple of months, do one big thing like go on vacation with family or whoever.
Dani & Zach in the kitchen,
Dick was doing sittups
Dani mocking Kail
Dick is mocking Carol... Dani keeps telling Zach shut up b/c she's going to be on her period...

9:45 pm
House divided again tonight. Dick, Dani, & Zach(only one drinking) sitting at bar chit chatting about movie Rocket Man. Funny movie.

Eric, Jess, & Jam in BY Jam, Jess drinking wine, Eric discussing how the HOH, POV, and Final 4 will be and the different ways it could be

10 pm
Dani, Dick and Eric discussing how much weight Jen gained while in the house.
Dani says, "Eric how much weight did Jen gain while she was here."
Dick interrupts and says she gained 12 pounds in sequester.
Eric predicts 22 total.
Eric says she was in the 140's when she left.
Dani says then what was she when she came in?
Eric says the 120's I guess.
Dani says no way she was in the 120's when she came in.

All 6 HGs sitting outside; pretty quiet right now. Dick brings up the mustard incident. Dani says she thinks it was Nick. She said he denied it so much, but she really thinks it was him.

10:10 pm
Dani is saying that Jameka hates her, what did she do to her. She's asking Dick if he sees what she's saying. She keeps saying, "What did I do?" Dick says nothing.

Zach comes in and Dani says, "They hate us, don't they?" Zach and Dani are talking about Jen again. Dick says, "Can we stop talking about her? She's gone."

Dani said she really feels uncomfortable when she's in the same room with Jameka. Dick says he just doesn't like her. Dani says that Jameka asked Jessica if she thought Eric was going to vote to keep her. Dick says, "Get out! She's an idiot."

10:30 pm
Eric, Jess and Jameka out back by themselves
Eric says he'd rather be in a house alone than with the people in sequester.

Dani said, "Do you think they will have Amber back for Allstars? She does."
Dick said if they need a cryer.
Dani says, "They love me!" (Imitating Amber)
Dick asks, "Do you think the most hated HG has come from this season or a prior season?"
Zach says, "You."
Dick asks who do they think the most hated HG has been.
Dani says to go ask Eric, he would know.
Dick goes outside and asks Eric who he thinks is the most hated HG in BB history (by America). Eric is thinking.
Eric would say either the collective entity of the Nerd Herd, any one in particular would suffice, Cappy, April and Maggie were equal in embarrasing themselves. Then comes the entire cast of the X Factor, Jun, Allison...(didn't catch the rest).
Dick says do you think anyone this season is more hated than those.
Eric says Jen.
Dick says he agrees, that Jen might be the most hated HG in the history of the show.
Eric says maybe if some others had stayed longer they might have had a shot.
Eric says he doesn't think one person's feelings should represent America.
Eric would say maybe Jen, otherwise no.
Jessica says she doesn't think Jen was hated.
Dick asks if she's drunk.
Eric says he thinks Amber will not be well received by the fans because she'll be shown crying all the time and spending time with Dustin all the time.
Dick says Amber thinks she'll be back for Allstars because everyone likes her.
Eric says, "Well, maybe."
Jameka thinks Jen might have lost some fan base because of the rules thing but she doesn't think she's as hated by America as she is by people in here.
Eric says he doesn't think Dick will be hated at all.
Dick says just like real life there will be a lot of people who like hom and a lot who hate him.
Dick thinks Eric will be hated.
Eric doesn't think so. Eric says if he is hated, he really doesn't f'g care. It will change his life a grand total of zero.
Dick said he asked Jen and Kail what they think the perception of them is by the viewers and both of their answers were so hysterical, so ridiculous. He said Kail said, "A good mom, a really good person trying to do the right thing, blah blah blah." Dick leaves.

Jameka says Dick is hated by her family, that's for sure.
Eric is explaining from a viewer's standpoint, that they don't have to live with him. He thinks the viewers probably think it's funny when he bangs pots and pans over Dustin's head.

10:40 pm
Eric says Jen was a lot like Janelle, but that Janelle was a b***h and nasty to people who she wasn't friends with. He says yes, Janelle was popular but she was also a b**** at times. Eric says someone has to be popular, so you have to eliminate other viable options. Jameka says she can see where the nasty stuff might be entertaining. Eric says at least he's doing something. (talking about ED) From a TV standpoint it's different than living there and having to put up with someone. Eric says they must be doing a slam dunk of an editing job for people to like Zach because he hasn't done a funny thing since he's been there, people are probably laughing at him not with him.

Jameka ask how much weight do you think ED has gained? Eric says maybe 10 pounds. It's not like he was a fitness model when he came in here. Eric can't wait to see what Jameka and Jess's DR sessions will be like. Eric thinks his will be along the lines of jaw droppers.

10:45PM BBT
Eric: (asks Dick) Do you think I could murder one of my fellow HGs without getting caught on camera?
Dick: No, but I think there would be an autopsy done....(Dick then wanders off somewhere out of cam range.....)

Eric: In the greater scheme of the game, if Nick had stayed, we all would have been worse off, cause they would have been tight.
Jameka: He did everything but propose to her before he left.
Eric: Did you read his letter? She has it laid out on the dresser near her bed.
Jameka: I think the guys I've dated wouldn't put up with all that BS from Daniele. Oh well I guess if you "love someone" (sarcastically). I am really bitter at the fact that Zach is pulling at thinking Nick liked him. The guy was here only 3 weeks.
Eric: Yeah, I really wanted Nick out of here, I didn't dispute it. (In a nutshell: They talked for a period of time about Nick and how Daniele is over the top on thinking there's something great that will happen with them, they think its stupid how she pines for him).

Jameka to Jessica: Dick comes over to me and said maybe I shouldn't have told you Jam that you're going, and he tries to say "you have 2 choices, enjoy this last week or something". (Jameka dislikes him for the comments). Its one of those things we will not know till its down to the wire, and I have no problem going home over you. I just don't put any money into what he says.
Jessica: I don't like how he's "I'm the one who decided this".....
Jameka: yeah like he told how he wasn't gonna vote for Zach, but he just "happened" to say that when .....whatever.....if I stay its good, if I go its good, I will at least pull for you guys. But I will be soooooooo p*ssed if Dani/Dick get F2.
Discussion continues about how Jess and Eric think they will be on the block next week, being on the block is hard, and Dick bashing.

11:20PM BBT
Dani and Eric talking in the kitchen about how Eric is playing for 2nd and former HGs.

11:40PM BBT
Eric to Daniele: Did you know if I win the $500,000 I'm investing it in Dolphin Crash?
Daniele: laughs and tells him to "shut up".

Dick: my sis and I have the same mom.
Jameka: So your birth dad and mom never married?
Dick: no
Jameka: Thats like I want to know all the family secrets in mine, like my mom and dad tell me about some members of the family.. Jess laughs.
Dick: You wait Jess, there are crazies in your family.
Dick: I found out stuff that my grandmas house was broken into and she was raped.
Jameka: my grandma is one of 2 or 3, the little sister died in a fire, and I never knew she had a sister.
Dick: My mom never talked bout my grandfather, he died 2 months before I was born. I was talking to my aunt and would ask about him and she tells me this story, he was walking home from work, there was a house on fire, and he ran in and saved two kids. I'm like to my mom, "how did you not tell me this story"...He had alot of interests that I never knew about. He had all these 40s and 50s cartoons like Woody Woodpecker. He took movies of the Macies parade when Shirley Temple was little.
Jessica: my grt grandma and grandpa .......they got through the depression...(cudn't catch what else she said).
Jameka: I'm so happy I'm here in the time period it is. (life now as compared to Depression times).

Jameka disappears in the house for a minute and Dick tells Jess that he can't believe Jam asked Jess about which way Eric's vote is going. Jam comes back outside. Jess goes in.

Eric contemplates whether to fold his laundry on the patio. He begins to do so.
Dick: Did Daniele go to bed?
Eric: Nah we were making fun of our fallen houseguests.
Jess gets back up and goes get something to eat, cause Jameka is eating cookies.
Dick: How can your clothes be so wrinkled when you just take them out.
Eric: They are still moist.
Dick: I keep forgetting to ask for one of those f*cken candles out here to keep the bugs away.
Dick: I don't understand the point of folding underwear and socks. (as Eric is doing).
Dick continues to make comments on how Eric is folding his laundry.
Eric admits he's a terrible folder.
Dick: Those shirts are supposed to be hung! I couldn't believe there aren't any closets in here.
Jameka jumps in and helps Eric fold his clothes. Jessica now returns with some food. Dick now banters at JEssica bout eating, and he could have offered her some steak earlier.

12:35AM BBT
Eric is called to DR

12:57AM BBT
Eric is out of DR right now, and its not clear yet, who he has been told to evict. He's in a cheery mood, but talking with Jess and Jam both.

1:15AM BBT
Eric and Jess discuss Jameka - votes, goodbye messages, etc.

1:25AM BBT
All feeds on Jameka looking pretty sad on the couches. Eric comes back outside bringing chips and cookies. Eric admits to being a snacker. Jameka says "the biggest issue she is having is that if Zach stretches his hand out." Eric says its really in their hands. (The Donatos). Eric talks about how things could have worked out and that Zach would have been the one going home this week. Jameka doesn't think so. Eric says "they (Dick and Dani) are so far up his (Zach) a** right now". Jessica back out of DR.

2:30AM BBT
Mostly Eric and Jam rehashing the weeks in the house....and the highlights they remember. Jam misses storytime. Eric says he had to listen to Joe's story...or he'd be black-listed. Eric didn't like playing the game against Joe. Thought it was wild Joe could get 10 people to sit nightly for a story. Jess and Jameka are looking forward to seeing him again at the wrap party.

2:45AM BBT
Discussion moves to Jen bashing between Eric, Jameka and Jessica. Then the topic changes to Zach.

3:30AM BBT
Dani, Jess and Jameka say they're not posing for pictures with Zach tomorrow. Girls torture Eric....pulling/tuggin' at him...laughing...poking, tickling, hissing. Jess said she'd pick on Zach if Eric wasn't around. Jess and Jam says Eric has way too many "fears" ...poor nancy boy. Talking to him as a baby. Jess says "ya.lil.baybee!"

3:45AM BBT
Everyone has gone inside except Jess and Eric, who are snuggled up on the couch. Jess says he's got to win HoH this week or they'll go after her...low whispering from Eric...so close to Jess' ear, we can't hear. Something about Eric losing strategic comps and it put them in power. Talking about the F4...says Jess is more excited about the money than Eric is. Jess says she's here to win!

Jess wonders if Eric is mad that Zach won HoH before he did. Eric reminds her Will won Season 2 without an HoH....says he sees himself winning an HoH.

4:15AM BBT
Talking strategy on playing the HoH/PoV comps. Jess thinks comp will be a True/False comp. Eric says he knows the order things happened. Jess says he'd better win that competition then.

4:30AM BBT
Dick is outside doing laundry.

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