Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Tuesday, August 14

Zach: Good Day for Fishing....

All sleeping

8:20AM BBT
All still sleeping, Jess sleeping with the HOH light on.

9:50AM BBT
Dick up, in the backyard, smoking. He's showered and spit and smoked and spit...

10:40AM BBT
and spitting, dont forget.. smoking, coughing and spitting.. Dick saying someone (she) is out of their G-d damn mind....he's quiet again, just cracking knuckles. Now asks how all these people that never watch the show know so much about it, how is that possible.

All other feeds on greenlight beds, with some movement and rolling over, nothing major.

Wake up call, and we get FOTH

11:25AM BBT
Jen, Zach and Dick in the kitchen. Dick applauding the music set thismorning.. he really enjoyed it, telling Jen and Zack how he likes Eminem....some rap....Coolio.. Jen is becoming an Eminem fan...she's like the last 2 songs of his they have played.

11:30AM BBT
Jen getting dressed, organizing shoes under bed. Zack & Dick in kitchen still talking about the wake-up songs.

Dick asks Zach what his plans for today are....Zach says it's a good day for fishing.

Jen on floor in bedroom putting on socks, Zach putting on socks in dining room.
Zach doing impressions - Dick, you can't throw the keys under the wall.
Dick -yeah, I felt like that Jane (ed. Jane's Addiction) song was for me...."Been caught stealing" Zach starts singing...
Dick - are you singing or in pain?
Zach - that was a great song..
Dick- they were all great songs...they were actually songs with solos in them
Zach - I'm sure Pour Some Sugar on Me is a great stipper song, not that I've been in strip bar.
Dick - they did in the day...

Zach in bathroom - my nose is still doing it.....
Jen - what's it?....
Zach - this is gonna be gross...(((starts tweezing his nosehairs)))

11:40AM BBT
Zach and Dick in BY....
Zach - if you guys are listening, you know your gonna use that session..Eric please talk to us about your strategy of seducing the men...Well actually....

11:45AM BBT
Zach - I mean it was 2 weeks ago they were like Zach, Jessica clean your house...she didnt get up at all
Dick -she doesnt do anything
Zach -she does dishes when she feels like it
Dick -no she doesnt she does her own dishes
Zach -its funny 'cause it has a chance of backfiring and causing problems in that group and they wouldn't think that
Dick - For Jess to think that Dustin was in an alliance with me and Dani is enough mistrust inside of that alliance
Zach -I dont think she thought that
Dick -ya think she feeding me a line of s***?
Zach tells Dick how Dustin got scared after offering himself as a pawn and changed his mind, said it sounds like a Carol to him and FOTH

Zach - I know that Dustin doesnt trust me for s***...all I'm saying is Dustin presented himself as an opportunity and then denied it and said no I don't want it to happen ...I pushed Jess in the direction of him going up because if he volunteered...
Dick - I'd love to see it backfire
Zach - so would I

Jen is out of the gym and taking her vitamins. Goes back into gym.

Zach - I just keep thinking HoH.........HoH....
Dick- how locked in are ya on your promise to Jess?
Zach - for me it doesn't matter...the only way it matters if I break it is... it is... if there's something I need to gain that's greater than that...
Dick - another person on your side?
Dick- Dustin's gonna help you out...
Zach -I thought she'd be a real good in... ***garbled mess***

Zach - we can probably keep Jen in the loop at the most 2 weeks
Zach - one thing I've caught her in a lie in..shes seen a lot of the show
Dick - and Dustin too...
Zach - She has 2 friends from Allstars
Dick - she goes to Boogie's bar...
Zach - no more than that ...she knows Lonnie and so do I.... Boogie a co-owner... the higher percent guy is Lonnie. I met him once..she speaks like she knows him well, went to the Bahamas with him and met Boogie on a couple occasions. its more than a just a hi/bye thing...maybe she has some insight ...she plays dumb like she doesn't know what's going on and the game is ever changing but...FOTH

Zach -who knows Jen is still an alien to me
Dick - shes an alien to everyone

12:10PM BBT
Eric STREAKS through the backyard!!!!
Dustin...you could see that thing running from the back...
Jen - that'll be funnier it'll have a blur..
Dick - funny ***** this has been an interesting morning... 6 good songs, Eric streaking
Jen - like I was saying... in the shower it was just straight wasn't like doing anything
Dustin - yeah this time it was bouncing between the legs and it was like..Sigh.
Dick - If Zach and Eric had a duel it would be a sword vs a needle

Jam telling Jess Eric streaked... Jess in disbelief that he did it without them Jam - he's a little rat... Jess- he's dead meat ...I'm gonna ignore him all day (joking)

Jen in BY talking to Eric- Saying it's Hair Day! Jen, Jess, & Eric are getting their hair done today!

12:30PM BBT
Jameka, Dustin & Jess in HoH talking about Eric's boy parts. Jameka has Dustin showing how big it was, comparing it to her curling iron. Dustin quotes Amber - saying that was beautiful!

Jen - another day of tanning...Dani, Jess, Dustin and Jen all laying out. Dick- for as much as you ******* lay out, you should have some dark a**** around here.

Dick tells story about having a staph infection in his elbows when he was 17.

Jess and Amber gossiping about how they (& Jam) are pissed at Eric b/c he didn't include them this morning- (with the Streaking)- and decide to ignore him all day.

1:15PM BBT
Jameka and Eric are in their bedroom now, unpacking their stuff from staying in HoH with Jess. Jameka tells Eric "Welcome Home Eric" Then Jameka goes up to HOH to read her Bible.

Dustin is told to put on his microphone. Only Dani and Jess are laying out. Dustin is up in HOH with Amber and Jameka talking about how tan he is.

Jameka and Dustin talking about today being August 14th. Jameka says she should mark it in her calendar inside her bible.

1:45PM BBT
Dustin and Jameka talking trash about Dick - death threats, taking Dustin's stuff, his behavior in the house.

Zach and Jess talking in the backyard about Dustin - Zach tells her to "be careful" of Dustin that he's "so effin shady"
Jess to Zach: "do you think he (Dustin) is bringing Amber down with him?"
Zach tells her that he thinks that Dustin influences Amber's decisions and that Dustin is the "thinker" of the two.
Zach: "Dustin is a huge pain in the a**"
Jess: "Yeah. I think everybody has his number.... I think"
Zach - he's turning into the new Joe... be on every side, in with as many as possible I just dont like it....
Jess - if he is choosing to act like that he's just burying himself
Zach - I think he's already buried himself ..too deep to get out of...unless you guys believe his BS... he's a loose cannon.

Zach: "he's just so boastful about being up there (on the block)"
Jess: "yeah."
Zach: "just like Kail"
Jess: "...and look what happened to her"
Zach: just by all means be careful...just because of that move he did for you this week, it doesn't redeem him to me
Jess: me either
Zach: no way in hell
Jess: anyone I woulda put on the block woulda stayed this week, dontcha think?
Zach: Maybe? the current situation ...they both suck so it sucks either way....
Jess: Thanks for looking out for me. I appreciate it.
Jess starts singing I Wear My Sunglasses At Night after Dick remembers they played it too this morning.
Zach talking to Dick in BY saying that he might just say what the **** and vote to keep Dick. He's just worried that Jess will hate/not trust him if he votes to keep Dick.

2:30PM BBT
Jess and Eric finally talking in downstairs bathroom area--- Jess tells Eric that Zach told her the votes are going to be 3-3 on Thurs and wondering if Dick told Zach that. Eric tells Jess that ED admitted, in their talk yesterday, that many of the things they said about Eric last week were not true. Jess said: "Why don't you ask him to tell everyone that? What good does it do if he only tells you?" Eric states that he doesn't really care. He is not a fickle person like that.

Jess getting ready to dye her hair.
Eric and Dick still playing Water/Beer Pong....Eric says BB told him to wait to cut his hair. Eric lost 3 games to Dick. Taking a break...Up next, Zach and Dick.

3:30PM BBT
Jess: we have a lot to discuss
Eric: what do i get out of it?
Jess: what
Eric: this marriage.
Jess; i have a lot to stay
Eric: maybe we need to go see the BB physicatrist
Jess: are we having trouble already
Jess: what did Zach say this AM when you streaked?
Eric: he said i was a man of my word...blah blah blah
Zach comes out of DR
Eric says Dick beat him 3-1 to Zach
Zach says he will be my partner tonight
Eric: hey Danielle, Zach is trading you in...he didn't know you were in the shower
Zach; no, i wouldn't trade her away

ED beats Zach at beer/water pong. They are doing a little trash talking and are having a good time. They are now playing another round. Zach says it's double or nothing. Eric has cooked pizza. He's sitting in the kitchen floor eatin it while watching beer pong. Jam is eating at the bar. Jess gets pizza and thanks Eric. Dustin is also in the kitchen area making slop watching the game. ED and Zach are doing a lot of commentary as they play and are having a good time.

Zach says "God he's such a F'n *insert boy body part*, I want that A****** gone" ((Refering to Dustin))--Dick makes comment about throwing Dustin's clothes on roof. Amber walks into the backyard - Zach says did you just get up - he says its like 4.
Zach - if ED goes home Dustin can't win HOH.
Zach and Dick discussing past season's HOH comps and what they think this week will be. Pretty sure it won't be question and answer. Think it might be dexterity or agility.

4:15PM BBT
At the kitchen sink, Amber tells Dustin that getting Dustin out isn't really a bad idea strategically "for them, you know?" Dustin seems a little pissed and asks why. Amber says, "Well, you know, I wouldn't be able to compete you know, because I would be a mess...and...." trails off. Dustin goes outside and asks Eric if Dick is campaigning. Eric says Dick is campaigning, but that Dustin shouldn't worry or even try to get votes. Eric says it's needless for Dustin to campaign, obviously Dick can't get 4 votes. He's not even sure that Dick could create a tie. Dustin doesn't look convinced.

Eric says "Thing is, I'm not going to make any of the same mistakes they're making and going after people too early."
Jess says "Yea, I'm going to listen to them but I'm not going to do anything against the group."

4:40PM BBT
Eric tells Jameka and Amber he wishes he could just tell Dick he doesn't want to waste an hour of his life talking to him about "game" because it is a forgone conclusion that Dick is leaving.

Eric telling Jess in the HOH that the vote will some how end up being 4-2 with someone casting that "mystery vote" yet again. Tells her he made sure to ask Jen who she was voting for, since she hates Dustin and she confirmed that she would vote Dick out.Ssays that he may vote to evict Dustin if he is 100% sure the rest will vote to evict Dick.

5:15PM BBT
Amber, Jameka and Dustin still cleaning the kitchen (trying to get rid of the ants) - Eric and Jess in the HOH bathroom. Eric still plucking his eyebrows. Jess fixing her hair (she dyed it earlier) and chatting about nothing. Jameka saying she's going to use her birth control tape to get rid of the ants...

5:30PM BBT
Dust, Jess, Eric in the HOH bathroom: Dustin telling E and J that if ED asks to talk game with them to tell him 'No'. Why even give him the chance to think he may stay this week? Jess says, why not let him think it. Dust says ED will drop names and use people stories against them. Eric says ED must be out of his mind to think, umm, i'm the last person that would even go for that.

Jess still getting ready for her date with Zach. Dustin asks again if ED asks to speak to them. Eric said yes, he asked to talk about game. Jess told Dust, ED said the vote will be 3-3. Dust said how does ED think that Jen will vote for ED when he tormented her for 4 weeks. Eric telling Dust he's staying no matter if there's a tie because of Jess. Dust asks Eric if Eric guarantees his vote - Eric says yes, there's no question. Eric says 100%, guarantee, we'll be singing as I evict ED. Eric saying this nomination is different because it is a different senerio. You guys were considering evicting me, we aren't considering evicting you. It's not the same thing. It's not the same way you went up (voluntarily) nobody has tried to drag your name through the mud, make up lies FOTH

5:55PM BBT
Dust, Eric and Jess in HOH room talking about who to put up next week. Jess says Jen and Daniele should definitely go up. Eric thinks they should convince Jen to throw HOH. Dust says she's looking into it because she said she doesn't know who to put up. Jess thinks she threw it this week. Eric says Zach is a nightmare. He's been getting worse and worse in every competition. It gives you (Dustin) me and Amber to compete against Daniele.

6:10PM BBT
Eric and Dustin talking about who is liked and not liked.

6:40PM BBT
Zach, Eric & Jess in the HOH yapping (bashing Jen et al)

6:50PM BBT
Jameka (to Amber) about Zach saying: "Peanut Gallery. He's like 'Nobody was talking to you peanut gallery'" (to Dustin). Jameka: "he's getting a little more bold, a little more out there with it"
Amber: "What is Peanut Gallery?"
Jameka: "I don't know if he's sayin' the fact that he eats peanuts... Dustin... or I-I don't know but it's not something Dustin enjoys being called. You can ask him about that. But Zach is kinda... he's kinda... doin' a little bit much."

All feeds are on Daniele and Dick. Daniele is not feeling well. Dick is trying to talk to her about DisneyLand, even mentions going after the show and taking Nick. Dani says I never told you I would go! Dick says aw come on. What ride would you want to go on first? They begin to talk about all the different rides. Dick asks if Dani is depressed, she says she doesn't feel good. Dick says she feels clammy. She says she's gonna stay in bed rest of day.

7:35PM BBT
All feeds now on Dustin cutting Eric's hair.

Eric told Jess he was a little concerned about her going out to dinner with the enemy (Zach). He said it jokingly. Eric said he doesn't mind if she goes out with him as long as she comes home to him.

Dani and Dick go in SR and throw something away secretly. A can of olives....turns out it was an empty can. They can eat olives while on slop.

All feeds on Dani and Dick in BY eating and talking...about how Dustin gave out Joe's email last night. Also discussing Amber's date with Mike. How Amber said he was shaking because he liked her & her green eyes so much.

8:30PM BBT
Dick to Dani: Zach is an idiot. He might F up your game.
Dani: Why do you say that?
Dick: The plan next week. (pause) He's also an idiot because he's not really going to help out with the HoH really either.
Dan: I KNOW! Or even a Pov or anything! Even Jen has said, which who knows how much you can believe what comes out of that mouth...but she was like, say if me and Zach were up on the block, she's like, um, "I'd have to win it so I could take YOU off the block so they can't put me (Jen) up."

BB: Eric, please go to the Diary Room.

Dani: What?
Dick: She would.
Dan: She might.
dick: They're bringing Eric in the diary room because of his hair.
dani: Because what? (Planes going by overhead)
Dick: That's not necessarily how she'd use it.
BB: Thank you. (to Eric)

Dani: Well, one person hosts, and one person doesn't play next week. (Pov)

Dick eating olive slop.
Feed switches to HoH bathroom.

Dustin trimmed his arm pit hair
Amber: Did you do that for me?
Dustin: No, I do it at home to.
Amber: Liar.
Dustin: I only lied to one person in this house and that is DICK DOOOONNNNAAATTOOOO!

Jess to Dus in HoH: (re: Zach) ... all I know is that he said he was voting Dick out. Big mistake if you are lying to me buddy.
Dustin: Yah. F'er
Jess: F*****! *giggles*
Dustin has clippers going so it is hard to hear. Jess is primping for her 'date' with Zach.
Dustin goes into shower.
Feeds change to kitchen.
Zach: there will be no sexual activity tonight. I have on my chastity belt.
Jen: Wouldn't it be funny if they had beer and champagne glasses?
Z: That's a great idea! Great idea!
Zach is getting picnic dishes ready for the date.
Z: two knives, two forks, two glasses....


Jes: We just have to accept them into our group (Zach, Dani), fakely, so they don't...
Amb: We're running out of options...
Eric: Exactly. We don't want to strike against us. But if we have the power there is nothing to say on the matter! We have to put someone up (the other side).
Amb: I hate to make him (Zach) feel like that! You know what I mean? I mean...
Eric: he's working out with you, he's playing chess with me, he's going to dinner with her (Jess), I mean it's more than it was a week ago...
Amb: Yah.... Yah.
Eric: ...that's for sure.
Amb: That's true. Jen? I dunno, I can't with her.
Eric: Has he (Zach) brought up Jameka?
Jess: I don't know...
Eric: I mean, he's like ...threatened by her.
Amb: WHY?
Eric:...but I think that's ridiculous. Because she doesn't like him.
Amb: OOOOH! I see.
Jess: she can't do anything to him. She can't win Hoh for 5 weeks.
Amb: I know, yah. He's taking that into consideration, I bet.
Eric: He claims that how he made his whole decision last week.
Amb: Oh! That's riiiight. He'll put me and Dustin up or you and Dustin (Eric).
Jess: But he likes you. (Note: Amber is very paranoid in this conversation)
You guys work out and stuff and it's not like FAKE nice.
Amb: Yah, yah.
Jes: It's not!
Amb: Yah...(thinking) that's true.

BBT 9:13
Zach says that this is a game and is based on perception and on a lot of crap. I can see how Dustin is very similar to Joe now. I can understand why they dated. Dustin was subtle about it but now he is falling into the same pattern. It's scary.
Zach: So my vote still stands. If that's what you still want me to do.
Jess: Yes it's going to fall that way so you should still vote that way.
Zach: so this is the thing I wanted to talk to you about. I give you my word I will vote him out. But what if it is 3 to 3 and someone on your side is rogue and votes to make me look like I didn't vote like I said.
Jess: Dustin asked what if it were 3 to 3 or 4 to 2? Everyone has said that Dick will go.
Jess: What about Jen?
Zach: She was iffy with Dustin and has taken a lot of heat from Dick. I am worried about it if it is 3 to 3, then you won't trust me that I didn't make that vote. Plus there is someone in your group that isn't voting right and you have a huge problem.
Zach/Jess (talking together, agreeing):
Amber will vote Dick out.
Jameka will vote Dick out.
Eric will vote Dick out.
Zach: I just keep thinking there is no guarantee that will happen. Those 3 votes. If it is 3/3 you have a huge problem as far as trust.
Jess: I guess if it is a 3/3 vote I always assumed that I would vote out Dick, but that might not be the best decision.
Zach: if you have the 3/3 vote, then you will be in an interesting position. And that's why you and me are a good thing.
Zach: I think Dustin and Eric will have major problems soon.
Jess: So why not leave him?
Zach: You need to figure out how you will gain the most (Dustin or Dick)
I'm not proposing that you get rid of Dustin. I have been waiting for Dick to leave for a long time. My vote has already been determined but I worry that it will be 3:3 and then you will be in a really really bad position. Because any of the people that voted to keep him in will come for you. And you become a target this week.
Jess: Don't you think that if there was a vote from my side, and I still vote to evict him, then they will push it off on you.
Zach keeps saying it will put her in a very hard place to be.
Jess: To be honest, no one talked game to me this week. Ok, just Eric and Jameka. I seriously thought about not putting up Dick and Danielle.
Jessica talks about how people didn't come to her for her vote throughout the season so far. She says she doesn't doubt that someone might pull the rogue vote this week.
Zach just keeps saying the same thing: if there's a 3/3, she'd become a target. That she'd have big trust issues. And that there's an immediate HoH.
He tries to find out who she would have put up instead of Dick/Danielle. She's not budging. He says that blows his mind.

Dick wants to do a DR session with Dani. Zach & Jess are getting ready to start their date in the BY. Zach serves Jess dinner (I think he made BBQ salmon, she requested)

Jessica and Zach continue to talk game.
Zach says Danielle is just hanging around. Isolating herself.
Zach says Dustin can't be trusted and Jessica agrees.
He says that Zach could go if he goes up next week.
Zach says Dustin's a "fairly bright" guy.
Zach says Dustin's aligned with Amber
Jessica "and whoever helps him that week."
Zach says that Eric doesn't trust Dustin and Jess agrees.
Zach considers Dustin as the "rogue vote."
Zach says he doesn't know how to trust someone who's playing every side of the game.
Jessica says that Zach always talks about him and Jameka having a problem. He tells a story where Jameka was offended because he made a face when he touched her leg, she had just put some lotion on for the live show, and it was greasy..... is seems like she has held a grudge against him ever since then...he said he apologized if he offended her.. but it seemed to be something that he didn't take notice of ... just her.
Zach says that Jameka is set in her ways that were "passed down." He says Jam causes problems with people and it might hurt her in the end.
Jess says Jam is good to talk to, like before the veto ceremony.
Jess says that this week is pretty easy (as far as the vote).
Zach says that the whole Dick/Danielle scenario sucks because if one makes the F2, then there's an automatic vote (not for you).
Zach and Jess make shout outs for their parents.
(They continue to drink beer in wine glasses.)
Jess invites Zach into the HoH any time. Zach thanks her but says he likes his own space. She welcomes him and he says "I know."
Zach says he can relate to Dick on several topics. Dick promotes nightlife and Zach says he promoted Hollywood.
Jess says that working out is the only way she can be alone and think.
Zach says what sucks is that you are never alone; everyone is always in everyone else's face.
Zach is surprised that Dustin isn't asking him what is going on (whether there are secret alliances, etc.). Zach says he used to think Dustin was alright. He said he would be willing to talk to him if they had a mutual goal to get someone out.
Jess says she tries to trust Jen but it's hard.

BBT 9:37pm
Zach: I don't know what he can provide to you (Dick I think) but Jameka hurt herself in this game. The whole Kail and Eric situation; Kail was screwed. Eric is definitely the better competitor between the two.
Zach: I just think about things. Even though Dick is an asshoooo to many people in this house, it keeps you off the radar. Plus it keeps Dick and Danielle as a duo that can always be put up.
Zach states he not promoting/defending Dick (HAHAHA). There are always people who are going to have drama with him (Amber, Jameka). But I've caught him in lies with me and it's a golden opportunity to get rid of him. I don't like the D/D combo. It scares the sheeet out of me. They both won HoH and Dick won a PoV. I've won nothing.
Jess: When you need it, it happens.
Zach repeats himself about his conversations with Jameka (again). See above. He then talks about what she can get from Dick and go from there.
Zach: I don't like his tactics. He causes a lot of problems in the house. He takes issues way too far. But it keeps us off the radar.
He encourages Jess to talk to Dick and then come back to him with the information.
But then he runs numbers/votes and consequences and says that it is more reasons for Dick to go. And then he goes back to saying that Jess could diversify and then pull Zach into it and "now we have another track, and now we are here. We have to figure out where the dead weight is in this game and put you in a better spot. I hated Danielle in this game and they picked on me. Now they are fairly decent to me. Maybe they are using me."
Again, he encourages Jess to consider what Dick has to offer. And is trying to convince her that Jameka has nothing to offer her. "We all know that Dustin will take of himself. Eric will take care of you until he goes."

9:40 pm BBT
Zach: I don't know what he can provide to you (Dick I think) but Jameka hurt herself in this game. The whole Kail and Eric situation; Kail was screwed. Eric is definitely the better competitor between the two.
Zach: I just think about things. Even though Dick is an assh*** to many people in this house, but, it keeps you off the radar. Plus it keeps Dick and Danielle as a duo that can always be put up.
Zach states he not promoting/defending Dick. There are always people who are going to have drama with him. But I've caught him in lies with me and it's a golden opportunity to get rid of him. I don't like the D/D combo. It scares the sh** out of me. They have both won HoH and Dick & Dani have won a POV. I've won nothing.
Jess: When you need it, it happens.
Zach repeats himself about his conversations with Jameka (again). See above. He then talks about what she can get from Dick and go from there.
Zach: I don't like his tactics. He causes a lot of problems in the house. He takes issues way too far. But it keeps us off the radar.
He encourages Jess to talk to Dick and then come back to him with the information.
But then he runs numbers/votes and consequences and says that it is more reasons for Dick to go. And then he goes back to saying that Jess could diversify and then pull Zach into it and "now we have another track, and now we are here. We have to figure out where the dead weight is in this game and put you in a better spot. I hated Danielle in this game and they picked on me. Now they are fairly decent to me. Maybe they are using me."
Again, he encourages Jess to consider what Dick has to offer. He tells her that Jameka has nothing to offer her. "We all know that Dustin will take of himself. Eric will take care of you until he goes."

10:45 BBT
Zach - so ..I dunno .. it's almost like .. I mean I keep thinking about it even now and it's scary to think that you could be in a better position - if you actually kept Dick in....
Jess- I know it is
Zach- and I.... hate that - * he laughs *
Jess- I know I do too
Zach - and I know that he would probably keep me safe for a little while but that duo is scary
Jess- yeah
Zach- 2 votes voting the same way - 100% you go on the block and those 2 people chose your fate and you will go home.... but then again ... if you are good with them....you won't have to worry .... it's terrifying
Jess- well we probably ought to let him smoke-
(Dick has been inside, he stuck his head out once & Zach asked him for 5 more minutes )
They hop up - she tells him thanks for the talk and he says anytime - she thanks him for dinner -says it was good and that she'll take him up on the offer to talk again some time -
Dick - I didn't mean to break up your party
Jess- no it's fine
Dustin-did you guys enjoy yourself
Jess- yes we did
(Jen has been in HOH talking to "The Others")

10:45PM BBT
Amber asks Jen if she's keeping Dustin. Jen says she is. Jen starts to ask "do you think..." and says she'll get in trouble and stops Jen goes onto say she sometimes feels like she is being persuaded to vote a certain way by people other than the houseguests. Amber says she gets the same thing. (The DR is pushing for Dick to stay, apparently.) Jen says it's annoying because her plans are the opposite of what the DR is pushing for. Amber wonders why they are doing that. Jen says they said, "In the end, who could you beat Dick or Dustin?" She laughs as BB calls out "Houseguests, you are not allowed to discuss your diary room sessions with other houseguests." Amber yells "OK!" BB says "thank you."

Having "voyeured" through a couple hours of date night for Zach with Jess, to now see Dick outside having a cigarette, is liken to the same feeling almost as "thank god I'm home in familiar territory".
In spotting Dick, he appears to have convinced Dani to come out with him too, Why? We aren't sure, because its immediately evident Danielle's attitude or demeanor has not changed. She sits silently.
Dick asks Zach who is seated on the couch too, if he had a nice date. Zach responds, "It was soothing", to which Dick is somewhat surprised and says, "Soothing??"
Feeds freeze for a moment, and returning, I see Dick has left, but even though we are at the outside patio, Dick is loudly heard burping and peeing, inside.
BB asks Danielle to change her mic, because it doesn't appear to be working. So Zach is left for now to sit by himself on the outside couches.
Without notice the cam switches to HOH room, where Jen, Amber and Dustin are. They are talking about nothing important.
A group is gathered downstairs, preparing to play Beer Pong.
In anticipation of a break, and that nothing critical will be discussed by HGs, I am taking a break from the little hamsters.

Jen, Amber & Dustin hanging out in the HOH. Amber & Dustin bicker for no reason. Jen says she is going to have ice cream but only if Dick will let her use his chocolate sauce. Dustin says: OK, we'll watch your interaction. We'll grade you on effort, poise, style, and grace. Jen stops and says she's thinking about her effort. Dustin asks how she's going to approach him. Jen acts, "Hey Dick..." and draws a blank. She then says, "You know how I am." Jen leaves.

Dustin says to Amber, "You're struggling with her tonight, huh?" Amber says "no, you." Dustin asks why. Amber says she doesn't know. Dustin says he doesn't want to play the "I have hurt feelings" game and have to pry it out of her. Dustin is watching the screen and abruptly laughs, "Jen got it!" Amber goes down to the kitchen. Jen is down there making ice cream. Daniele is sitting at the table being an ice princess. Eric and Jessica are discussing how BB says their names.

11:30PM BBT
Jameka in the backyard hammock, crying, praying, singing Jesus Loves Me...asking for strength, angels to be sent on her behalf, not to unleash God's wrath on Dick, love for Daniele her grandmother and Vincent, asking for Eric to become a follower of Christ. ***This went on for roughly an hour***

Eric and Jess vs Dani and Zach in Beer Pong now.

Eric was just called to the DR... I am guessing he is now going to get his Americas Choice results.

All 4 feeds on Amber talking to Jam about competitions. Jam feels like she isn't helping the team. Amber says, look at me and Eric. Jam sad she can't compete in HOH comps. Jam is baffled about how Dick and Dustin could complete all 10 POV drinks. Says Jess said she could have done better if it was her butt on the line. Amber trying to make her feel better. "You did better than Zach did!" Jam said Danielle was crying after she putted in POV comp. Amber: "It takes alot for Danielle to cry" Again more talking about how neither has done anything for the "team"

1:30AM BBT
Zach wants ERIC and DUSTIN to make out for 1 minute if Jessica and Eric lose to Zach and Daniele in beer pong. They are waiting for Eric to come out of the Diary Room to see if he will do it. Dustin, Daniele, Zach, and Jessica all think it sounds like a good idea.

Eric returns from the DR. Amber relays a conversation they had where Amber accused Jen of having a crush on him and Jen said it wasn't true.
Eric: What should I do about this?
Jessica: Make out with her (LOL)
Eric asks where this is coming from and if something happened while he was in the DR. Amber just wants to tell him. Eric says when he came out of the DR, Jen said "Here he comes, Mr. America" and seems a little worried. He said he asked Jen what that meant and she didn't respond. Amber says Jen has a crush on him.

Eric is out of DR, he's talking with JEssica right now, and its not overly audible to me, but it appears America has chosen Dustin to be evicted.
Eric out of DR but Amber going through long story about Jen being jealous of Jessica and interested in Eric.
Somehow Eric and Jessica get out of HOH without Jen, Jameka, Amber and Dustin following and talk at top of stairs.
Hard to hear all but the gist is that Dustin wants to explore what Dick has to say.. something is up with Dustin, etc.
So it seems pretty clear that the AP vote went for booting Dustin.
He also said people shouldn't think he is the one "voting sketchily".
Jess asks if they are trying to make Jess align with Jen. She doesn't want to.
Eric, mentioned Jameka (not sure if it was her voting for Dustin to leave)
He's trashing Amber for talking about Jen having a crush on Eric (ed. probably to close for him because of the alliance he and Jen have shown on the feeds)
Eric says we could line up as if we were going to play with Dick and Daniele.. then they'd be going after Amber and ?
Talking about the only times you can do the "little flips"
Says Amber probably wouldn't win HOH and Jameka can't play..
He talks about threatening Daniele and Zack to go up next week..
Want them to promise to protect us (Eric/Jess) for a certain amount of time.
Says there is a chance Zach, Jen, Daniele would be voted out anyway.
Jess says mm hmm
Can hear the creaky HOH room door which probably means someone is coming out, since they are at the top of the stairs.. can hear Jen's voice. Eric says watch out, she's going to throw you down the stairs.
Eric says Amber is getting to be super paranoid and crazy.
(door to hoh open so we hear, annoyingly, Jen's voice and others.. Eric and Jess are whispering.)

Jen comes out and gets REALLY loud laughing and asks how long they have been there.. they say they just heard her coming out.
Jess and Eric plan to say the other players disappeared and thus forfeited the game.
Jen says well they probably went to bed.
Eric trying to spin it that they went down to look for Zach and Dani.
She asks what they were doing and they ignore her.
They all sound nervous.
Jen telling where people are..
People want food.
Jen sounding sorta overly enthusiastic, jumpy.
She leaves and Jess and Eric giggle
Eric says not that we can pat ourselves on the back but we are in a position to choose.
Jess says okay, got it..
Jen is loudly rattleing in kitchen.. BANGING stuff around and talking loudly too and talking up to Eric and Jess, who pretty much ignore her and keep talking..
Saying it might be worth the risk.
He says and yet I haven't spent even one night in HOH.
Jess.. I know.
Can hear Dustin talking now.

Now just joking with people downstairs..
Eric looking for a place up on the galcony with no cam.
Eric seems to be trashing Amber again..

In HOH, Eric tells Jess & Jen that he doesn't think that Dustin's popularity is very high. Eric says Dustin isn't particularly smart or funny and wears a king's robe. Jen agrees he probably doesn't have the most fans. Jess says who knows. Eric says he doesn't think he has many. Jen says she thinks the most popular HGs are Jen, Jessica and Eric. They all laugh. Eric says that's quite a coincidence. Jen says she thinks it's true though. Jess agrees.

Eric thinks Jameka is a straight shooter and she could be very popular. Jess says up until she flipped out this week. Jen doesn't think Daniele is popular because she cheated on her boyfriend. Eric says Janelle was popular though and she was bratty too, but Eric says Janelle was funny and Daniele isn't at all. Jen says she could see little boys liking Daniele... little boys who like to be cheated on.

4:15AM BBT
Jen: I was going to come into the house and pretend I was the mole.
Eric: Maybe you are.
Jen: But I didn't know what it would mean.

Jess tells Eric that Zach thinks she is closest to Jam in the house. She finds it weird. Eric doesn't. Jess tells eric that she hasn't been spending much time with Jameka at all. Eric said it doesn't matter. He says there are a lot more things that we need to worry about. He says it looks like jen thinks we are in an 3 person alliance with her, so let her keep thinking that. Jess says yeah ok. He says that Dick will try to sway her but he won't suceed. He says they need to think about how they move forward with Jameka. He loves her but realistically they can't go against her in a final vote. Jess says she would vote for him against Jam. He says she is a threat to win. She's far more liked than Eric.

They discuss final votes. Who would vote for who. Lots of names back and forth. Jess says she's hot. eric isn't but says she has a lot of clothes on. She says she doesn't have very many clothes on but he does. (she kicks the covers off and is wearing a tanktop and shorts)Jess is glad she can talk to eric this week cuz last week was crazy. She doesn't want to talk about it. She asks if Dick took himself off and Dustin went up against Dani what would have been his reaction. He says he had no idea who was going up cuz he didnt' talk to her. She remembers and says yeah you didn't know cuz i didn't tell you.

Eric tells Jess if Dustin goes, she might have to be the one to start to send out the execution orders. Jess says she would tell Eric Dani and Zach and she could break the tie. Eric suggests telling Jen to vote also and it be 4-2. Eric says we could still go after Dani next week. We don't have to make a deal with her.

5:45AM BBT
Eric thinks Amber is the most disliked person in the house. Jess asks, "over dustin?" Eric thinks that most people would rather hang out outside of the house with Dustin. But game wise he wants Amber here cuz she is useless and can't win anything. Dustin can and has won stuff. He says Dustin is personable, liar, smart and competitive. Eric says Dustin was in his top 3 to get out when he first came into the game. He jokes, "Then again he is planning on wearing my shirt on Thurs" He tells Jess he doesn't want to pull a D&D too early though...

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