Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Monday, August 13

Jen: Today will be FUN!!!!!

6:25AM BBT
Everyone sleeping... Except Jess.

Extra energy after her 14 hour sleep yesterday, I suppose. Last night had her taking a bubble bath, shaving her legs, etc. She was planning on dying her hair (roots) Tuesday?... she's still up, she may or may not have dyed her hair already or her hair was that dirty (huge spot in the back left) .... she's using a curling iron that's over an inch on sections of her hair, rolling, spraying and putting in very loose curls... almost just adding body. Now she's using a flat iron. She doesn't talk to herself.

6:52AM BBT
Jess moved from bathroom to bed... tweezing and trimming her brows... listening to tunes... picking at her chin... She has a makeup kit with a mirror.

Jess has eaten cereal in HOH, listened to music, re-read her letter from home and dug thru bathroom drawers.

8:15AM BBT
Dustin up, digging thru dresser drawers, puts on a shirt and crawls back in bed with Amber. Jessica looks to be asleep.

9:45AM BBT
BBVoice - Good Morning Houseguests! It's time to get up for the day. Veto Ceremony begins in 45 minutes. Then FOTH (Wakeup music)

Dick, Zach and Dani in bathroom. Dustin in kitchen making slop.
Feed 2 - kitchen with Amber up walking around
Feed 3 - Zach shaving, Dick brushing teeth, Daniele plucking eyebrows...Amber walks thru and Daniele says good morning and she says it back

10:15AM BBT
Jess in the bathroom. Amber is trying to get in. Jess finally lets her in. Amber telling Jess...Dick came in the room where she and Dustin were, didn't know what he was doing. Amber...I hate him. She leaves HOH...but asks if she can come back. Jess looks really tired.

Dustin comes up to HOH. Jess - What? Dustin says Dick is making a go of it, going thru his stuff all the time. Then he tells Amber about Dick taking his things.

10:20AM BBT
Zach and Dick talking in the backyard while Dick smokes. Zach says Jess said she wasn't putting him up. Dick says that Jess said she wouldn't put up Jen, either. Dick also comments that Jess is afraid to make enemies out of Jen and Zach. Zach knows, also says that if she puts me up, she won't have my vote at the end. Dick thinks Jen would be pissed if she was put up. Zach says it makes sense not to put up your own, Dick thinks it would be "retarded" to put up one of your own. Zach says he asked Jess if she wanted anyone else out and can you come to terms with Dick staying and Jess told Zach no. Zach comments that he thinks Dustin wants to go up as part of a power trip.

Zach - That was nice of Amber to fold my underwear..she didn't do the socks.

And speaking of Amber, she's up in HOH blowing her nose.

10:30AM BBT
Jess..I am starting to think today he is going to leave them the same (talking about Dick).
Amber thinks so too Amber..Jen went to bed after us. Jen was up talking to them (Dick and Daniele).

Amber talking about taking a DOR...says she just can't handle being in the house....but hopes she gets HOH next week, needs the encouragement.

Talk switches back to Dick and the POV. Now Jess thinks he's going to use it to save Dani. Amber mentions that Jen asked her if Jess would put her (Jen) up. Jess says they need to come to her.

Talk turns to Eric...he's nervous. Thinks Amber and Jess are best friends now. He's a jealous person.

10:45AM BBT
Jess and Dustin talking. Jess says that if Dani goes down, Dustin goes up. If Dick goes down, Jen goes up.

Dick and Dani outside, then Dani is straightening her hair, and Amber called to DR.
Dick - I'm telling you right now I'm not playing the looking at the Memory wall game. I'm telling you now, I'm not doing it. (talking about using POV)

BB called Jess into diary room. Dick said to BB ... Plan B please.

11:10AM BBT
Dustin doing his makeup and curling his eyelashes.

11:15AM BBT
Jessica out of the DR, Eric runs outside.

11:20AM BBT
Amber and Jameka think there's something wrong with all the juices, telling everyone not to drink them.

11:30AM BBT
Jen, Dani, Dick (fragmented): It appears that Jess told Jen that Jen may go up if he takes himself off. Jen's not pleased. Jen letting D&D know. Dick says I told you so. - Feeds are pretty choppy, back and forth to Trivia.

12:10PM BBT
Jess appears to be upset that Eric will not talk with her. Eric in bed talking to Jameka, trying to explain that he is sick and is afraid. In reality, Eric is giving Jess the silent treatment.

12:15PM BBT
Jess in deep thought in the HOH room. Occasionally, she speaks...."He has deals with both of them." "The medic told him my ass." Walking around and sighing heavily, then got in bed, put her head down and started crying.

12:25PM BBT
Jess says to Dustin things just aren't making sense anymore. She is crying.

12:30PM BBT
Zach, Jameka, Dustin and Jess in HOH talking about things Dick has been doing. Hiding Dustins things, etc. Zach says if Dick does stay, he is going to keep doing this stuff. He says he doesn't like his behavior. Says he is a 44 year old 12 year old, would make great drill sergeant. Dustin says he is like a 7 year old with ADD. Zach said he gave Jess his word he would vote Dick out and he will never go back on that.

Dani to Dick: When I came out of the DR, I purposely tried to look upset and not look at anyone. Jen admitted to D&D that Dustin volunteered to go on the block if Dani comes off. Dani told Jen to go up to HOH because Jess looked upset and was crying. Jen goes up to HOH to see if she can find out anything.

12:45PM BBT

STILL FOTH..............

2:15PM BBT
Feeds are back..Eric is explaining why he couldn't talk, sick, to Dustin...Dustin goes in to Jen and ask if she's ok, she says yes. She's not feeling too good, says she's surprised she's didn't go up and thanks Dustin for taking one for the team. Dick apparently gave a very moving speech about why he was giving up his POV to Dani. Jen was moved to tears.

2:17PM BBT
Jen just said that it was amazing that Dick sacrificed himself for his daughter. Dustin agreed and said it was nice of him, but he'd never say that to his face.

Zach in HOH with Jameka and Jess saying Dustin seemed arrogant vs. Dick - shouldn't be like that.. cause you never know

2:40PM BBT
Dick whispering to Dani about making a possible deal with Eric, not to talk to Eric, but let Zach do it.

ED already giving Amber apologies saying all his flack was to protect Dani by making the house hate him. Dick tells Amber he did what he had to do. Amber says she understands.

Eric trying to cover his tracks about not talking to Jess, saying DR told him to stay away because he was sick.

ED now "apologizing" to Jameka and explaining why he was such a jerk to her. Jameka says to E.D "It's nice to see that side of you today" referring to ED giving Veto to save Dani. Dick tells Jameka "I'm not asking you to forgive me, I just hope you understand." Jam, "I understand."

Jess talking to Eric about putting Dustin on the block. Jess was told by Jen PRE-POV ceremony that Dustin has a deal with the Donatos and she seems to believe that's true. Not sure why she believes Jen though - "I had a mental breakdown. I doubted Dustin when I never should have. I feel so horrible I didn't even tell him about it." Eric reassuring Jess that he's on her side and that he didn't ally against her even though some other houseguests have said he did. Jess tells Eric that Zach's vote is locked in with the "Good People's Alliance" and makes Eric promise not to say anything.

Dick telling Dani about talking to Amber and Jameka telling them his reasons of giving Veto to Dani.

Dani tells Dick that Zach is the Howie of this season.

Jess says a perk of the not talking to Eric was that the decision was entirely her own. Jess said everything was clear to her (on who to put up) once Dick made his speech during Veto Ceremony. Jess filling Eric in on how Zach was kissing her butt by proclaiming how much he thinks highly of Eric. Zach went on to tell Jess how to strategize in this game, all of which she's filling Eric in on. Eric thinks she made the right decisions and that it's time to reevaluate their game, Phase 2, etc from yesterday. Eric and Jess begin to discuss who they can beat in a F2 vote. Eric telling Jess that you can't believe Jen, Questioning Dustin and Amber saying that Dustin was the one with all the side relationships.

Dani and Dick in the backyard, discussing bugs both in and outside of the house. Dick is called to the DR.

3:30PM BBT
Zach - Amber - Dustin are out back tanning. Zach is telling them that being here has made him a better person. Zach asks Dustin if he knew that he was going up. Dustin tells him that he had already known and that he did it for the group. Amber jokes to Dustin mimicking Julie saying "Dustin you are evicted from the BB House" Dustin and Zach tell her that is so not cool.

Jess and Eric talking in HOH still- this time about how to get Zach or Jen to put up Amber & Dustin if they were to get HOH.

Jen and Dani talking in the Round Room. Dani says everytime she feels like she has something figured out in this game, its 5 minutes too late. Dani tells Jen that one of them 2 HAVE to win HoH this week- Dani continues to say she works best under pressure though.

3:50PM BBT
Dani to Jen "someone - not in this house - who begins with A (Alison Grodner?) told me in week 7 there's a twist! Then FOTH for a minute or so.

Dani and Jen now talking about America's Choice in previous seasons- Jen tells Dani that it might be going on now, but we don't know.

Dick and Dustin still going at it-- Dick saying he did what he for a reason, he doesnt give a "HOOT" what Dustin thinks. Admits he took Dustin's stuff. Dustin tells him to never to touch his stuff again and give back what he took. Dick says to Dustin how dare you call my daughter a skank when you're the one who has gonorrhea! Dick calls Dustin a "Bleepin Liar". Dustin tries to get several words in, but Dick won't stop going off.

Dustin tells Amber.. (whos been laying out next to him while Dick was going off) that Dick will never stop. Dustin says he never had gonorrhea. Amber says what are you worried about, you didn't have it, so don't worry about it. She says she got accused of being on meth "And I was, how embarrassing." Dustin is visibly upset. He keeps trying to impress upon Amber how careful he is when he's so intimate. Dustin hates Dick for the way he makes his family feel, not for the way Dick makes him feel. He knows his family is watching and says his brother will beat up Dick completely at the wrap party. Dustin says he's not apologizing to Dani for calling her a skank- Dustin says "BLEEP Dick! Please don't let him in sequester" Dustin said he doesnt have to apologize to Dick because he already apologized to Dani for the skank comments.

Eric to Jess I'm so glad he's going home, Jess: Yeah not to bad for my HOH.

Dick is going around house gathering all of Dustin's things Dick had hidden. Dick proceeds to the B.Y and throws Dustins clothes on the ground. Dick says to Dustin he can have his clothes back but he's not getting the fake tattoo sleeves just so he can mock and make fun of him again.

4:15PM BBT

4:25PM BBT
Eric asks Jen, "When does an avacado become guacamole?" Two or three people said when they smush it up. Zach is making chicken for a chopped chicken salad. Dustin is eating slop.

4:30PM BBT
Dick is looking for Jess, who is in the DR.

Dick asks to speak to Eric- in round room, Dick explains he was being an jerk because it was strategy, not personal. Dick says after Dustin made a comment to him, he knew he had to step it up and get personal so no matter what they would vote him out, feels Dani should not get blamed for his behavior, tells Eric he is the most logical in the group and will not hold things against Dani, Eric is listening right now. Dick to Eric- give me a f'n break dude you are the best player in the game, Dick thinks Eric will beat everyone if he makes it to final 2. Eric saying it was of no interest to fight with Dick, he has been busying trying to redeem himself and said he would be nom'd if anyone but Jess won. Dick agrees with him. ED, "I'm not asking anyone's forgiveness" and goes on to rant about Dustin and how he'd treat him in the real world. ED, "[Dustin]'s acting like he's running the whole damn show." Eric replies that it's been a brutal summer. ED to Eric, "some of the stuff I thought you were doing Dustin was actually doing." Eric again denies the mustard incident...wonder who it was. Eric to ED, "I knew I wasn't doing a lot of stuff I was being accused of."***America's Choice stuff*** ED to Eric, "I sacrificed a lot for that group." That group is now the "Good People's Alliance". ED to Eric, "The smallest chance that [Nick] could be using [Dani] was why I evicted him." Knew he was wrong when he saw Nick's eviction speech. Eric to ED, "This isn't how I wanted things to turn out. I couldn't control anyone's actions but my own. Now we're left to pick up the pieces." ED and Eric continue to BS each other, talking game but not being entirely candid. Eric to ED, "Let's be real. Danielle still has a chance in this game. You don't." ED, "I know Jess put Dustin up because she didn't want to creat an enemy in either Zach or Jen. And she only got it half way right."

Dani and Jess talking in the backyard....wondering why BB even cast Jen. Jess went inside Kitchen now Jen is telling Jess why Dick is pulling everyone aside and what he's probably gonna say to her. Zach says to Jess...(Refering To Dick) "Taken Down by a 21 year old!"

ED reveals to Eric the one-week-deal with Dustin and Amber and the eviction vote last week. ED, "I'll tell you what I'll never forget is waking Dustin up with the pots and pans." Eric tells ED he's had food poisoning for the last 24 hours. ED to Eric, "Let me ask you something. What caused you to change it up." (I.E., why did you change your vote to evict Nick.) Eric responds, "I didn't know what was going on. I knew something was but I didn't know what." Eric denies the first AP vote. ED, "I thought you did it to set Nick up." Eric, "No." Eric says, "I'll tell you the one the thing that got me. The one thing that got me was the amount of value that you and Danielle put in that one banner....As flattering as it is to believe that all of them were about what an ***** I am, you don't know. But you believed that one. The one thing that would drive me bonkers for the rest of my life would be going home because of something I didn't do or because of some banner."

5:15PM BBT
ED implies to Eric that Dustin is faking sleeping right now in the bed outside the room they're talking in. ED tells Eric that Dustin will be the first to be evicted from the Good People alliance and will be joining him in sequester w/in two weeks. ED, "I think right now I'm Joe's hero."

5:20PM BBT
Amber telling Jess about Dicks little tirade earlier with Dustin and his clothes.

ED and Eric wrap-up with "It's been an interesting game."

FOTH......and when we come back, everyone is cheering that they've hit the halfway point in the game.

Eric does some math "There's 9 people here but only five weeks left. How does that work?"

Dustin comes prancing out of his room...guess he really wasn't asleep.

Dick Tells Amber and Jess he just wants to have fun tonight.

Dick pulls Jessica aside to Hammock for 1 on 1 - tells her his behavior has been totally strategic. Dick Says he doesnt give a "Hoot" who wins... He knew him and Dani both weren't gonna make it til the end- He says he's already won. Dick is saying that Dustin, Jameka, and Jen all have said things about Dani to him to piss him off because that's the only thing that will get to him. Dick says Eric is the best player in the house, Jess tells him not to underestimate Danielle because Dani's right up there with him.

Someone mentioned they are getting music tonight. Dani hopes it isn't the BB theme music over and over.

Dani and Eric are talking about favorite bands.

Jen, "The key is to be on slop when Dani's on slop because she looses weight so easily, they work in a break."

5:30PM BBT
Jen sees if Dustin knows the date. He responds, "Today's August 12th." She challenges him, "Are you sure." "Yes."

Dick says if America hates him when he gets out of here, he doesnt give a F*! Jess says you never know they might love you out there!

Jam, "Can you believe we're on TV?!?!"

Jameka and Jen want to be on the Amazing Race. Jen, Jameka, Dustin, and Amber talking about doing Amazing Race together and how fun it would be to all be on a team.

Dustin, "I'm not going to work out today. Today's a food day. Today's my day off."

Jam, "I love the cast this season." Amber, "Good job, production." Amber is grateful for everyone of the group. Gathered are Amber, Dani, Dustin, Jen, Eric and Jam. Dani shares the warm sentiment, "I'm just thinking about food."

Dick says at Wrap Party he might have to smack Dustin.

Jess tells Dick that Jen put thoughts in her head before the POV Ceremony and is second guessing her decision. Dick tells Jess the vote this week is going to be 3-3 and it will be up to her to evict. Dick is trying to persuade Jess that if the votes are 3-3 on Thurs. if she chooses to keep Dick that him and Dani promise to have her back.

5:45PM BBT
Jam and Amber are yelling their praise and thanks to God.

Dick says to Jess that there is a good possibility that Eric would go home next week.

5:50PM BBT
Dick ending the conversation with Jess and is telling Jess not to let Dustin control her game. He says Do what you want, tell whoever you want but I still like you, Jess.

Jameka is trying to be discreet changing in front of the camera in the bedroom, she was in a blind spot, but when she pulled her top down over her bottom she flashed us, and her tush showed a little. She must have realized it, because when she looked up at that camera, it was priceless!

Amber says that she has the runs..***thanks for sharing, Amber***

Houseguests are planning a party tonite and getting ready!

Jameka is downstairs humming a hymn.

5:55PM BBT
Amber and Jess in HOH - Jess says she's gonna invite Jen and Dani to come upstairs tonight to get cute for the party.


6:10PM BBT
Feeds are back
Dani and Zach are chatting in the backyard.

Dani is telling Zach she wants to go to the end with him, she would be so proud to be in final 2 with him. Zach told Dani that if he won he would give money to Dani and Dick. She said, "Shut up that's against the rules."

6:20PM BBT
Dick tells Danielle that he had a really good talk with Jessica and a really good talk with Eric and that Eric knows he is going soon and at the bottom of that group.

Danielle tells Dick not to trust Jen completely and to be careful of what he tells her that he told her something Zach had told Dick and Zach was very very very upset about it. Dick says he will talk to Zach about it.

6:30PM BBT
Jen to Jess - "I wonder if when her dad leaves she'll like cling to Zach. You know, she has to have a guy."


Still FOTH/Trivia

7:52 p.m. BBT
We've had trivia - Houseguests are celebrating the half-way point of the game.
Dinner (and booze I bet) for EVERYONE.

HGS are mostly in the kitchen preparing for another fun night of beer pong. Nothing hearable is relevant. Thought Amber is spotted whispering into Dustin's ear, but we can't hear what they whisper. She smiles at him and goes off toward the breakfast counter.
Eric is mumbling something about bootie shorts as a prize. Eric and Danielle play rock,paper,scissors to see who goes first. Dick is spotted on cam one in his wifebeater, sticking his finger into his ear. The teams appear to be Eric/Jessica, and Zach/Danielle. Zach all dressed in black, including his baseball cap on backwards makes the first toss.
Amber flits in and out of camera view being busy wiping counter tops.

The onlookers, Dick and Jameka watch the game play. Cam 1 shows Dick's expression which along with constant yawns, shows feigned interest, but the slight rustle of his hairs, reminds us his brain is thinking something totally other than beer pong. Meanwhile, Jameka doesn't seem to be too cheery either, as her eyes flit back and forth, either at the pongers or toward Dick. She smiles politely at the game play and occasionally, turns her lips inward to her mouth.
Once again in the background of the cams, we spot Amber passing through still tidying up.
Dustin sits at the round table with his hands clasped watching the game play as well. Tonight he is donning his love light grey tshirt.
Four cams: 1 on Dick, 1 on Jameka, 2 on the pongers.
Jess and Eric compliment each other in their choice of tshirts, Jess donning a pink tshirt which says 1985, and Eric in a blue one with some design on the front.
Suddenly an outburst chant from Danielle and Zach "Carol's Clams, CArol's Clams".
on the Dick came, we suddenly get another angle of the pongers, with Dick's back toward the cam.
Eric whispers something to Jess and they step away from the group, Dustin has now moved closer to sit next to Jameka.
Jessica's head is a bit tussled, and not having seen how much liquor she consumed earlier, I would say her previously tidy hair is a little more loosened.

11:30 BBT
They are now talking about the housework. ED does laundry. Zach folds. Dani is not arguing, she knows they do most of the work.
ED goes inside for something. comes back out with a burp.
Zach: he is gonna be so pissed (Eric i think)
Dani: Eric gets so pissed he's like I don't understand why we have to get up, we don't do anything.
ED and Zach talking about vacuuming.
Zach: the day was good. sucks on your end..
ED: no, if i have any chance in hell, it is up against Dustin.
Zach: maybe you can cause dissension in that group...
ED; there is already dissension
Zach::: you can poor salt in it
Dani wondering if there will be (something) b/w Dustin and Dick. Dick says he doesn't know. They are the most hated in the house (Dick and Dustin)

Talking about Sue and Richard and whacking with his w****e on survivor. Dani gets called to DR
Dick::was talking to Dani..she wasn't very hip on my idea..the 1st thing she said that we agreed on, 1st our loyalty is to you (Zach). we're gonna try to make a deal w/ Eric and Jessica.... don't tell them you have anything with us..you will be safe on both sides. if I can get a deal with them, who's left..Jameka, Amber and Jen...f*****n ball and chain anyway on this whole house...get rid of it. Jam is nothing...she'd rather be teamed up with Jen and Amber? they (suck) anything physical there are like huh huh (outta breath)
Zach; you need to plant a seed so she will come and talk to me
Dick::: if you've made any deals with (???)(Missed this name) or Jen, talk to them, set them loose,Eric will be the other vote, you don't have to stand up and break the tie
Zach:::: there's no guarantee, that that person...no one will know I voted correctly..if you stay and Dustin goes...
Dick::: you don't want Dustin here
Zach::: if i have to vote to keep you in...I break the barrier with Jess
Dick::: if i go to jess...and Eric..and she would come to you
Zach: i don't think..i don't..
Dick::: it's a power play in the house.
Zach:::: I'm gonna play dumb, let Eric or Jess approach me
Zach wants to be sure Dick's plan won't implicate him. Dick is assuring him.
Dick:::: if he can pull this off then they can get rid of the dead weight..
Zach:::: is worried about being the outsider of a new group that is going to form.
Amber and Dustin (?) pop out for a second. WAVES

Danielle outside now too
Danielle: I told him I voted out Nick and I'm never gonna do that to anyone else. Zach I am telling you I'm no way gonna sell Zach out. And dad said he would sell Jessica and Eric out first.
Dick returns to the conversation between Danielle and Zach.
Dick: One last thing,,,,,in the end if it ends up final 5, I will send Eric and Jessica and it will be you and me sitting down for a beer.
Danielle: I'm telling you hands down I will sell both Eric and Jessica out before you. The whole situation with Nick, I shudda given him a pity vote, and that is my biggest regret in this game. And You, Zach, I have your back. I want Eric out of here so freaking bad.
Zach: I want Dustin out.
Danielle: If Jessica has your back, and I do,
Zach is not comfortable with Dick/Danielle's plan.
Zach: I HAVE to make sure Jessica is cool with your plan. I made an agreement with Jessica and I plan to stick with it, unless there is a serious change.
Danielle: There is no way Dad would stay in this house without Jessica agreeing.
Zach does not seem to eager to "buy this bill of goods".
Zach keeps saying something and Danielle keeps interrupting him.
Zach: I NEED to have Jessica come to me, for me to change who I'm voting for.
Danielle: We have 3 days
Zach: If you get Jess to change her view and come straight to me, you wouldn't even need Eric.
Danielle: I swear to you Jess and Eric are soooooooo tight they won't go against each other.
There is a chance.
Zach: and I need to make sure your dad doesn't say anything stupid!
Danielle: I told him I don't want them to know that Zach knows period!
Danielle takes out her sweetest syrup to convince Zach.
Zach says: It was based on b*llsh*t.
Danielle: Totally, it came from Eric. Amber and Jameka are no threat at all. All we have to worry about for next one out is Jen, cuz she is lying and she's a competitor and she has to go.
How do you feel about that?
Danielle: I know it makes you odd man out yet at same time makes you the strongest player.
Zach: I don't really have anyone in the end game, realistically you and your Dad have each other, and I go home and I'm f*cked.
Danielle: I told you I'm not gonna sell you out to anyone.
Zach: I don't know. I always thought to keep your dad in regardless, but it really has to be something major for me to switch and keep Dick in. Everyone hates your dad Danielle.
Danielle: Yes but wouldn't you be wanting to sit next to him in final 2?
Zach: There is no guarantee he will last a week.
Danielle: If he stays, then its you, me, Jen and my dad going for HOH.
JEss and Jameka can't go for HOH so its us against Eric and Amber.
Zach: My decision will come when you decide what you are proposing to them if one of them comes to me.
Danielle: But I need to know how you feel about it, because what good will it do.
Zach: My first impression is that its completely ridiculous.
Danielle: Because you don't trust them?
Zach: Because there are too many people who don't like your dad.
Danielle: If dad's propsal works, Jess would release you from voting.
Zach: I like the idea that Dustin would go home instead of your dad, but....
AFter that though, Eric and Jameka would know I breached my word.
Danielle keeps telling Zach he has nothing to worry about. (ed. yeah right).
Zach: I guess it can't hurt to try but its a desperate attempt for him to try.

12:48 am BBT
BY--Z and ED talking about who they'd keep in touch with. Z is saying that he'd keep in touch with E,maybe have lunch with Amber. Z gives a shout out to the Mandalay Bay and Hard Rock hotel owners and tells them that he'd definitely be up for a free room for the weekend. ED is talking about the bands,people in bands,what bands he's seen and where to Z.
SBR--A,Jen,Jam,E and Dustin playing "5 fingers".
BY--Zach,ED talking about movies,tv shows. Zach was talking about the old movie Beastmaster....ED told him that it sucked. They talk about current movies that have come out since they've been in the house. Zach wants to see the new Harry Potter,for ED it's the Simpson's movie. Zach tell him that if you're a SAG member that you can get tickets anytime.(SAG=Screen Actors Guild) They discuss the movie Big Fish,ED is explaining the movie to Zach.
SBR--Still 5 fingers going on. They're all fussing at Dustin for asking ridiculous questions,(it's stuff that the others can't answer.)
BY--Zach talking about Star Wars and going on and on.

2:15AM BBT
Dani said when this is all over she is going to take a month off from her life & Kris to figure things out. She said she will probably travel. Zack offers his sofa in Hollywood if she needs a place to stay. This came after a long conversation about Nick and how N & D found something so much more special than anyone would expect to find in a crazy situation like this. Dani saying "everything happens for a reason"
Zack asked why Kris was moving back in with his parents while Dani was away and that it seemed to be a regression in the relationship after living together for 2 years. Dani said it was her idea because he had changed career paths, was in a 4 year internship and not making any money. She was supporting both of them, said it was very stressful and she couldn't do it anymore. It was at that point she said she was going to take time away from him when this was over.

Early bedtime for everyone. Jen was the last one to get into bed.
F1: Big room -- Dustin, Amber, and Jameka
F2: Round room -- Dick and Jen
F3: HOH room -- Jessica
F4: Little room -- Zach and Daniele (Eric offscreen)

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