Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Monday, August 13

Sunday...Who will the 'pawn' be?

6:47 a.m. BBT
All mates are sleeping.

9:30 a.m. BBT
Sleep in Sundays... everyone is doing just that

12:48 p.m. BBT
Dick has been awake, smoked a few cigarettes, talked to himself and went into the bathroom, blew his nose twice... on tissues... and is headed into the kitchen. Dry ciggy cough. Preparing some slop I think.

1:pm bbt
Dick seems to be the only one up.,,, and in the BY by himself.. and treating us to a dialog ... on past events... he has tried to be on BB for the past 3 years... was a finalist in season 5 & 6 and 7 was all stars..
He ran into Danielle at the casting call. (I think this is what he said.. if I got it wrong.. please correct!!)
He continued to talk about it being nice to be there with Dani.. it "turned out all right" ...
went over the evicted HG's & his comments...
Kail....what a F*** up..
Mike... biggest f*** up of the game
Joe ... played himself out!!
Carol...Just stupid.
this followed by a "what can ya do..what can ya do!!!"...
started talking about making good tv & the producers.. and we got blue for awhile..
makes some comment about never forgetting waking Dustin up yesterday...
goes inside & washes up his breakfast stuff...
someone else is up.. can't tell who yet.. red shirt...I think it is Zach..

1:30 p.m. BBT
Zach is running on the treadmill...all out running.... now he's walking, grunting every so often, using his shirt to wipe the sweat.
Dick is in the kitchen making a protein shake, adding his own sound effects

1:45 p.m. BBT
Jen is up. Entered WOR and said to Zach that she saw it was 1:30 and decided to get up. She's on eliptical and Zach is walking very slowly on the treadmill. Both plan on walking again tonight.

1:50 p.m. BBT
Returned to Zach saying 'thanks azzhole' or some such into his mic, which was not around his neck or attached to his chest hair
Dick outside smoking and talking to himself...still mumbling about Eric and other wrecks.
Zach figures he's due for an HOH. Only one person on the other side has won HOH - Dustin - so Zach figures his odds are way up that he'll win and he want's it really bad.
Jen saying that they all have different skills. Balance each other out. Zach doesn't think he has any skills. He's telling Jen that she's an alien. She can do anything a guy or gal can do... double livers or something... probably abducted by aliens when she was a child... supernatural powers at healing, etc. LOL
Zach said he ran at speed 11 for three minutes. Usually does nine for ten minutes.
Jen usually does 10.
Zach ate more hotdogs after the game.
Zach said Dick told him last night that he was thinking of using the POV on himself. Daniele is playing her own game and he is playing his.
Jen said if Dick uses it on himself, she'll kill him. Jen and Dick agree that they can work with Daniele but not with Dick.
Jen saying Dick told her in the room that when he's not there they, Jen and Dani, should work together.
Zach comments that Dick contradicts himself.
Zach thought one of the machines was burning up. Jen said Dick is burning slop.
Jen said the DR talked Dick out of DORing
Dick meanwhile, laying down, burping, yawning, counting on his fingers, 'adjusting himself'.
Random chitchat with the two exercisers.
Laughing about Eric having to wear some sort of shorts (lost bet in Pong last night) Something from Zach's bag... leftover from the shoot.... ah... Booty Shorts LOL

2:p.m. BBT
Zach's finished.... four miles. Asks if Jen wants the door shut... Yes.
He's out, she's alone on the eliptical.
Dick picking his nose, wiping on his shorts.
Zach just stuck his head out the door and asked if Dick had slop in the oven ... Dick popped up and said, Yes, I am. Laugh, laugh... removes pot from stove and say's Oh, well. Guess I am that idiot.
Zach pouring something to drink.
Dick mentioned something about figuring it out... Columbo (slop burning).
Oven explosion with slop LOL Zach telling Dick he thought it was the machines and Jen corrected him and said it was the slop.

General agreement that the house smells like crap cause of the burned slop LOL
Zach pulled something out of the fridge with a date from February. They buy the groceries from Ralph's. Dick says they get all the expired stuff lol
Q Balls - Zach saying that should be the name of a club for gay men. Everyone has to have a bald head painted like a ball.
Zach making something and Dick told him not to use hot water it will cook it... one of the things he's learned from working restaurants for 20 years.
Now talking about an Irish Pub. Dick saying it's awesome. Reminds him of his favorite Dublin pub.
Dustin is making a protein shake.
Dustin asked Jen how her WO session went. She quit after a few miles... going to walk again tonight.
Zach mentioning fish in the freezer... dated before they entered the house. Dick telling Z to be careful. There's also a lot of salmon in the fridge... he hates salmon. Dick likes it.
Zach has been on set's as an extra or production. Friday's were the best day for food. Always a salmon tray and everyone would go crazy for it... he didn't understand it.
Dick saying when expensive stuff is free, they gorge themselves. If they charged a dollar for a drink, people would cut back... if it was open bar, they would order doubles, getting effed up, throwing up, fights... nightmare.
Zach always tipped a dollar per drink.
Dick ... Amsterdam... naked chicks on the bar... charged you by the hour to be there, not by the drinks LOL One of the chicks could hold a pen with her vejayjay and write a postcard with it. Z says only Dick would come out with a story like that. It continues with bananas and dildos... on the Wharf in Amsterdam... (it'll be on YouTube I bet lol)
Just the four of them are up ... all in the kitchen.
Jen between the sink and stove. Making something to eat I suppose.
Dick has been in and out... now out... now in.
Dick swears that everything they get is on the border of going bad.
Jen opened something, defrosted it... was wondering if it was bad... Dick said it's horrible... how could she question it... it was effing gross... she would have been really ill.
Back to Amsterdam. Drugs... off the street. Friends asks to see it... guy drops it in his hand and it bounced off and into a drain.

3:01 P.M. BBT
Dick and Z out back talking about cities.. Dick's favorite is London... loves the old and the new. Jen came over, grabbed a pillow and is laying on a chaise lounge next to Dustin. Everyone else is out of camera range...maybe still sleeping. It's 3 PM there.

3:13 p.m. BBT
Dick is a Jets fan.
Zach cussed a spider. Dick said kill it. Zach said no, they're good, they eat other bugs lol
Dick went inside... maybe cooking more slop lol
Zach telling Dustin the time... Dustin said he knows the time... he's only been in the sun for 20 minutes... Z saying he's just watching out for his well-being...he know's what a sunburn feels like.
Dick went inside to wake Dani and tell her it's 3 o'clock. He opens the sliding glass door, spits and then steps out.
Jen has loosened her top to sunbathe.
Dick told Z he went in to wake Daniele up cause it's 3.
Dick and Zach talking about Chernobyl. Cancer, birth defects... the areas that were affected by it... The coverup that followed. Zach saw something on 20 20 about it. Z would like them try to make an atmoshphere on Mars.
Dick said he thinks it would be disasterous... throw the planet out of orbit and mess up the galaxy lmao
Zach's getting attacked by spiders LOL He smooshed that one.
Talking about video games... Atari's greatest 100 games.... they both have the same one.
Dick having prob with the new hand held thingy... the old ones had knobs lol

3:19 p.m. BBT
Meanwhile, the sunbathers are discussing carbs. Dustin doesn't like feeling hungry. Jen says that's why she eats slop... and why she didn't lose weight. Now they have lower caloried protein so it should make a difference.
Dustin said if you just drink fourteen shakes for two days you'll lose four pounds.
Jen also said her bunny outfit kept her from working out.
Talking about being embarrassed on national tv. Jen and Dustin both said they weren't aren't... Dustin mentioned Waaaamber and the feeds froze LOL
I see Daniele getting up on the other frozen feed (1)

3:30 p.m. BBT
Daniele is up, into the privy.. brought makeup and stuff with her... two cams on the shower/privy area of bathroom.
Dustin and Jen talking about next week... Dustin naming those who have had HOH. Jen suddenly hmmmm'ing LOL
Dick and Zach talking about the Addams family game... the flippers and bumpers... (if it's pinball I hated it lol)
Dustin asking Jen if she misses her Blackberry. She said no, she likes being detached and away from it all but at home it would kill her to be away from it for three hours.
Jen on her belly, Dustin on his back.
Jen just said Dustin should teach Zach how to scrunch up his pants when he's tanning.
Dustin said uh oh, loud for everyone to hear... jokingly ... to Daniele's arrival and invited her to join the suntanning brigade. Dustin slept for 11 hours with a few breaks for privy... Dani knew it was late but didn't care.
Dustin went to bed at three this morning and the girls stayed up longer and chatted.
Zach asking if anyone wants anything to drink...Dustin wants water.
Dani spraying on oil
DUSTIN .... DANIELE.... PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONES ... both did but said NO lol
Dick and Zach in kitchen.... talking about their stipends from the show. Dick's will barely cover his rent and car payment.
Zach talking about using his tax refund. Dick ask's what's that... he's been working under the table for so long. He's always gotten partial check, partial cash and the cash was always 'way more'. (IRS is gonna get him! duh)
Dick's car insurance is $500 a month? Zach's uner $200. Dustin doesn't have a car, car payments or insurance.
Talking about trains, metro... from LA to Santa Barbara or Sante Bernadino... $175 round trip?....

3:37 p.m. BBT
Dick worked in Europe. In Germany he had to learn the words for bathroom, matches, the different drinks, etc. common words that people, customers, always ask.
Zach wants to backpack for three months in Eurpope.
Dick saying it's better if you know someone.
Zach has a friend who goes to Cannes every year and has 'mad connections'... someone he'd like to go with.
Mike went to Milan for three months to model... where Dick started out.
Zach's never been. Dick telling him about some historical buildings... about the bar his cousin owns in Dublin.
Zach ... Budapest, Prague, Krakaw... Czech repulic... go to see where his family name came from.
Dick wants to go to Norway. Talking about the openness and freedom in Europe is much more open.
Ross, Z's best friend, when to Iceland to see a mutual friend get married... interrupted by Dick saying the camera loves Daniele... Zach hopes she shaved... Dick and Zach laugh.

4:05 p.m. BBT
Came back to find Eric has joined the sunbathers. Talking about BB and who has gotten yelled at the most.. the least (Zach). New one last night... Jessica, please be careful of the upper level.
Eric talking about how he woke up in the middle of the night after the beers, candy and ice cream. Jen saying she left her room and came back and it smelled like a huge fart... Eric asked if it was from her and she said NO.... Dick.
Jen still on her belly, Eric went from back to belly and Dustin is on his belly. Cam not on Daniele... cause she's not there right now derrrrr lol
Eric and Dustin talking about their bedrooms/apartments at home. How they're set up.
Eric and Zach playing a game of outside chess.

4:22 p.m. BBT
All four cams outside. Dick laying down in the middle of the couches... kind of curled up.
Eric and Z playing chess.
Dani, Dustin and Jen sunbathing.
Jen just sat up and is hooking up her bikini top... now leaning over looking for something... her microphone.... drinking water... Zach just spit (eww I really hate when people do that!) the game continues apace... almost like speed chess without the timer LOL Zach just called Check.
Dick bouncing one of his feet... now calm.
Jen watching game, drinking water.
Waiting for Eric's move.
Zach right in to make his move.
Eric's turn...

4:30 BBT
Few more moves, including Eric giving Zach is Queen on a silver platter... and Zach calls Mate.... then Checkmate.
Zach saying Eric has learned so it's a good thing.
Zach saying whenever you're ready. Eric say's a game only takes couple of minutes LOL Zach said it's not that bad.
They go inside wondering if anyone else is up. Jen, getting more water says no, just the three girls outside.
Water running in shower... Daniele I guess.... yes. She's bored... so bored. Zach asks if she got that booger out of her nose (teasing her outside earlier that she had a HUGE booger in her nose when she was laying down.)
Dustin out of privy, Zach in.
Jen and Eric left bathroom area to parts unknown LOL
Two cams on Dani in shower... Two in kitchen one of Eric at the fridge. Jen sitting at counter. Dustin water and around to sit at counter.
Eric out of camera range.
They're all bored.
Eric back from storage room with cookies... into drawer.
Now reaching down into drawer looking for a saucepan... out of drainer and rinsing and placing on stove... gonna cook something.
Dustin if Eric's tattoo didn't have a circle in it it would look like a swastika (hardly lol) Walked around to Eric's back and traced it with his finger
Jen back in all white.. tank and shorts... no Jensa anything
Eric started whistling and we got BIG BLUE
Zach now into shower.

4:40 p.m. BBT
Eric measuring something... rice... into pot. Jen eating canteloupe. Dustin drinking something seated at the counter.
Eric used/spilled the last of the rice. Cleaning it up now. Told Jen to be careful he spilled it everywhere.
Dustin asking for the snapple bottle in the fridge. Jen getting it for him.
Two cams in kitchen.. two in bathroom of Zach in shower.
Dustin wants yogurt, Jen wants sashimi. Eric now waiting on settee in bathroom... has to potty ... but wait his turn. Zach out, dressed... Eric runs in... beer, ice cream and candy and POV comp... yum

6:31 p.m. BBT
Jess and Jameka in WOR using free weights. Jess said she's beginning to feel comfortable competing now. Jess is showing Jameka some new moves with the free weights. Jess is using a 20 pound weight, Jam tried but couldn't do it so she switched to a smaller weight. She was amazed how she could feel it. Jameka left Jes alone saying she would be back for more weight training. Jess moved over to one of the pulley machines.
Kitchen has Amber, Eric and Dustin... with Jameka and then Jess coming into kitchen. Eric prepared dinner for everyone who can eat. Dustin is the only one on slop from the group. I don't see Jen... oh.... just saw her walk in front of the outside couches where Dani, Dick and Zach are lounging.
Jen inside now, at sink washing her dishes. Eric trying to make a protein shake without the shaker... Dustin suggesting he put it in the shaker LOL
Amber feels bad, she says through a mouthful of food, that Dustin's on slop.
Dustin just said he's not in a good mood today. Jameka thanks Amber for pointing it out then turns and tells Dustin he's been nothing but polite to her today. Dustin say's thank you.
Jen wandering back and forth, grabs a cup and is setting up the triangle for beer pong haha... just one side. She placed one of the tossing caps on the lazy susan... wonder if she's going to practice now that she's not on slop Fun!
Eric said he has 5 pounds to lose, gonna hit the gym, get a tan, a new hairdo but not sure he can do anything about the bags under his eyes lol

6:40 p.m. BBT
Jen finally finishes pacing and sits with them at the table. Asks if ice cream gives anyone headaches... Amber says 'brain freeze' lmao
Dustin is sitting at the counter with his protein shake.
Dustin had a dream that he took a shower with Mike... there was a bench in the shower. Mike said come here, (he was in his shorts) and told Dustin to sit on the bench so he could talk to him. Dustin saying he didn't see his private parts but he watched the suds running off his body... Jameka asks if he's sure it wasn't whipped cream LMAO

6:50 p.m. BBT
Dustin continuing with his dream.... he said he heard a voice telling
Jessica, Jameka and Amber get up and do things.... then...
A girl who he works with was in the house, Dustin wondering where she'd been hiding all six weeks... in the round room that tucks into the corner (Reesha)... Said they had to get her out. Construction of events in his room... Large table with camera pointing up to the underside of the table... Dustin saying he thought he was going to know the whole plan and competition before anyone else.
Jess's dream... back in the Arena... trouble with goals... teams leave the ice...have the dance team play hockey against people in the crowd... then her dream ended LOL She's a dance team member for a hockey team. Talking about when fights occur. If the gloves are off before the ref whistles they let it go. The reason they try to pull each other's jersey's off during a fight is that if the jersey goes over the head, they're ejected from the game.
Dustin keeps singing so we're getting a lot of BLUE

7:23 p.m. BBT
Dick and Dani with the 'goof' clubs. Jameka, Dustin and Jen in bathroom. Eric and Jess in kitchen.
Dick and Dani removed a glove or something from the cabinet next to the washer/dryer. Dani told him to put it in his pocket because they were bigger than hers.
Jess was washing/drying dishes.
Eric is practicing for beer pong. Jess telling him to concentrate cause they have to get their title back tonight. (Eric has to wear some booty shorts as one of his losing bets with Zach)
Dustin told a joke... gross but kinda funny according to Jess

7:30 pm
In the gym is Jameka, amber & Zach talking how much it takes to burn up calories. Zach has Amber on a diet & workout routine
Jameka ask why do you always say Big Boy, Zach laughs and says it's Howie. Jameka said I thought it was Big Boy's hamburgers. Zach said I think they called Howie that cuz he was a big guy

7:40 pm
Dustin is asking Jameka about 911 when the pentagon was hit.
Jameka said they were with the kids in school when a Indian came in and said oh my god the twin towers were hit. Jameka said she still wasn't sure what was going on since they hadn't seen the media. When it hit the Pentagon everyone went nuts because a lot of the kids parents worked there. She works 7 miles from there. The smell was very fowl.

Eric is telling Jameka he was in high school during 911, Jameka said it was her second yr of teaching that year.
Eric said the following year from 911 there was a state wide black out where he lives. He said they were at the time all positive it was another 911. They lost all contact with everyone. He said it ended up being a fun night once they realized nothing bad had happened.

7:45 pm
Jess comes out of the HOH and says hello peasants. She ask Jameka if she is getting in the hot tub. Eric asks why it took her so long
Dustin said it's a pre-menstral thing, Eric said she was shaving her pubs, Jess said no, I'm wearing a one piece.
Eric teases Jess about her wide child bearing hips
Dustin is talking about a teacher he hated in the fifth grade. They had to do a report about king tut.
the kids sat in the hallway and had a seance to contact king tut so they didn't have to do the research for the report.
Dustin said he held the record for 168 detensions his SR year.

8:15 pm
Dick tells Dani he wants to run something by her.
That if he pulls her into the yard, just come with him. Because there are no mics in the middle of the yard.
Eric is talking in the hot tub and before Dick can make a comment, Dani says "Shut up".
Dick: there are 10 things going through my mind.
Eric to Jess: I looked at your butt and I liked what I saw
Dani said to Dick, if you leave this week, amber & me are like the ones that don't fit in this house
Dick said you can fit in this house, Dani said no, no. Personality wise. Dani said she remembers when she went for a year at long beach state she didn't live in the dorms & she was glad
Dani says the only people she will talk to after this is Nick for sure, Mike maybe & Zach. Dick said me too
Dick said he could see Kail wanting to keep in touch with Dani. She said she can see her keeping in touch in emails.
Dick said Kails family hates me. Dani said she was crying because she felt so guilty for Kail leaving. She said over the last week she was here she really started liking her.
Dick, I happily evict that sneaky little weasel (Eric)
Dani said that Amber said she chocked like 5 times trying to say goodbye to Nick and that Julie had to ask her several time. Dick said she is full of s***
Dani said Eric is listening to us so watch what you say
Dick said, maybe Eric will just drown. Dani said if they hear you... Dick said he is stressing today

8:30 pm
Dick is telling Dani after Jen goes on the block tomorrow for Dani to get in her head. It's to get Jen closer to Dani
Dani says she can't wait to get out of here, she wants to go to disneyland, go bowling. the only person she really likes in here is Zach
She said, isn't that funny how that works.
Dick said you see that season after season in here.
Dani said yea cuz it's different everyday in here.
Jen, Jess, Dustin & Eric are in the hot tub. Jess is talking about changing her hair color a lot from blond to brunette.

8:40 pm
Jameka & Dani are talking in the KT. Jameka ask Dani what time she got up today. 3 same as you. They laugh
Zach & Dani are in the kitchen. Zach said he could be the nice guy and fill up all the ice trays but he's just not that guy. dani laughs
Zach, Dick & Eric talk about boxing of the celebs. Paula jones getting her butt kicked, Joey Butafuco beating up china. Tonya Harding fights

9 pm
Dani & Amber are talking about nick's bandanna he left for her to wear in all the comps. amber says that is really sweet & wanted to make sure she's ok
Amber leaves the bedroom & dick & Zach come in. Zach calls Dani a princess for all the pink boa's on the wall around her bed. She said it's not a princess, it's a girl.
Outside, Jen is telling Eric that Dick said he's using the veto on himself
Eric said if he doesn't use it on her he's an awful person.
Jen said Dani has a better chance than Dick.
Jen said there's 5 of you, I don't stand a chance with you all. Eric said no thats not true and we need to talk.
Eric said Amber said Jen was talking about Amber's boyfriend and that Jen said so are you just going to forgive Eric for that. Jen said she didn't say that. Eric said I didn't believe her and I don't know why she's getting in my business. Jen said I didn't lie, Jen she told Dustin & Dick that she would not put Eric up but Dick said he would. Eric said that was just people putting on a show for her.
Eric said I'm not stupid, I know what people are doing and saying. Dani & Dick made the wrong move too fast. I'm going to pick my spots, there is no way I'm going to alienate with someone that is not a threat. Jen says you know you're in good standing with me. Eric said I'm only going to open my mouth when I need to but don't assume things are going on like they are. Jen said Jess gets jealous about Eric telling Jen he had a sex dream about her. Eric said he doesn't think there is anything like that at all any more. He said he is spending less time with her since she got hoh. Eric says again, I know what's going on and what is in people's heads.
Amber is inside and tells Jameka in the hoh that there is something going on with Jen. They don't trust him at all. jameka says he wants to get her out last.
hottub: Eric is saying if Dustin goes up that Jen is to vote Dick out. One of them have to go.
HOH, Amber is saying it is so sad looking at Dani.
Hottub: Jen said Dustin has made up a lot of things, Eric said I hear ya.
Beers arrive.

9:15 pm
Amber is going off in the HOH with Jess & Jameka about Jen & Eric being together.
Jess is saying I know, it's something to watch.
Jameka says, I don't know girls, it's alive and well.
Eric is heading to the hoh room.
Eric wants to use the shower. The girls stop talking.
Outside, Dick Dani and Zach are playing golf and laughing
Jameka and Amber talk about Dani. They think she is hiding m&m's under her bed and sneaking them.
Amber Jess & Jameka are talking in hoh about if the veto will be used on who
They are worried about hoh next week.
They want one of them out.
Jess said Dick can't win anything.
Amber said after everything happened with Eric last week he has to know he's the first to go in our group.

9:30 pm
Dustin comes to the hoh room and is mad. He said Dick has stolen 2 things from him
his kings robe & his fake tatoos and is hiding the olives.
He said Dick hates it that he wears that robe. The girls are talking over him. Dustin said, can you believe that, a grown man stealing things because he's jealous. Jameka said did you ask him. He said yea, he said dick said if I'm going to steal things I do it to your face.
Dustin said, what a child. Jam & Amber said they need to go through their stuff.
He said Dick will use the veto on himself just to make us miserable.
Jess said fine, then he will go next. Amber said, not if he wins hoh.
Amber said she thinks Dani & Dick have an agreement that they leave the noms the same so it takes the accountability off him. Dustin says we evict Dani out so next week Dick goes.
They are going to tell Jen & Zach to evict Dick and they split the votes so it's a tie and Jess say Dani peace out. Then Jen & Zach will think wow they don't vote the same, the group is falling apart.
Dustin said if Amber gets hoh next to put up jess & jen then back door dick.
Jameka said why even chance it with voting. We control it. Put two you can careless about on the block and not one of us.
Amber, if you have hoh, put 2 people up like jen & dick.
They said Dani has m&m's under her bed. (they don't know she uses them to study for hoh comps) They think she is sneaking food to eat.
Jameka said they could have been there before. Dustin said I'll watch the m&m's and if the bag moves I'm calling the biatch out.

9:40 pm
Dustin tells Jess not to put him up. He's afriad Jen and Zach will vote for him.
Jess points out that she would break a tie in that case. Amber then offers to go up instead.
The LNC5 group then moves on to whether or not ED will use the veto. Dustin thinks he will leave the noms the same. Jameka is telling the rest of the LNC5 that she thinks ED will not use the veto because Dani will ask him not to use it on her.
Amber says agin that she's willing to go up. She says she's willing to do it if Dustin doesn't feel comfortable.
She also says Jameka would be willing. Jam doesn't say anything.
They said if Jen or Zach get hoh Dani might not go up but if Dick is there he would go up.
Jameka is staying quiet. Amber asks her what she is thinking. She says the pros & cons of everything. Amber says she really doesn't care which one goes.
They are all really stressing over the veto & if one of them don't get hoh.
Jameka said we already know that Dani thinks like ED. She wouldn't ask her dad to use the veto on her, she would have him leave it the same because it increases the chance to stay but they will vote her out. Jameka said Dani will not sell her dad out when that's what she is doing. Dustin said, no we will sell her ass out.
Jameka said Dick has slacked off on messing with them because he doesn't want to blow Dani's chances in the house.
Dustin said for Dick not getting his way he will feel helpless.
Eric said, why are we afraid of Dani, just put her out next week.
Amber said because Dani has a way with Jen & Zach.
Dustin said Jen went downstairs yesterday & stayed in the room with Dani for 2 hours.
Eric says he still thinks Dick is going to use the veto to show them he is going to tell them what to do. It's his last power because he knows he's going.
Amber says again put me up. If it's a tie Jess will save me.
Eric wants to know why Dustin isn't going up now since he said he would. Dustin said because he was the deciding vote last week that kept Eric.
Zach shows up to hoh and conversation stops
Dick & Dani are outside. They are talking about the speech Dani has to give at veto meeting
Dani wonders if Zach or Jen have told them what Dick had said. She said she's going to in her speech.
I don't know what they are talking about

9:45 pm
Zach is going to teach Amber to play chess.

10:10 pm
Dani: zach is saying that zach is gonna be mad when he sees how they portrayed as a pervert
Dick: isn't it funny how things change? just a few weeks ago all the girls wanted him out becasue he was such a pervert. we were trying to get him on the block when joe was put up.
talking about how jameka and zach hate each other so much.
LNC is being nice to Zach and Jen to alienate D and D.
Dick : watch out they are going to be so nice to you so that they can get those other votes.
dani : they will finally come to their senses and realize that they have to be nice to everybody if they want votes in the final2.
if you leave thursday i want you to say "can't wait to see you all in sequester..bang bang bang bang bang"
dick: i bet that vincent is having a hard time with my myspace. nick will be getting flowers and presents.
Jameka & Amber are in the hoh talking about Eric and what he would do against them in the game.
Amber says Dustin needs to go up because Eric wouldn't vote him out. Amber is afraid Eric might vote her out if she's up.
Jameka doesn't think they should be putting themselves out there like that.
dani goes inside to play beer pong with jessica eric and zach
Jameka & Amber are watching Dani, Zach, Eric & Jess play beer pong on the hoh tv & bashing Dustin
Amber is talking about Dustin changing his mind about going up.
She said Dustin thinks he doesn't trust the group to keep him which is ridiculous, it's pretty sad. Amber says, ok, we are willing to go up for the group but now Dustin won't. Eric won't. They are worried about getting voted out. If you're worried about going up against Dick or Dani then you're doing something wrong in this game. Dustin is doing something wrong.
Dustin is telling Amber and Jam that the reason he's backing out of going up as a replacement nom is because he said it out of anger and arrogance towards ED. He also says that arrogance is his weakness and he came on BB to work on that.
Amber says it looks bad that he said it and is now backing out.
Dustin now says that he's worried about being on the block next to Dani. He thinks Eric might vote him out.
Amber says the best bet is to put Eric up. Dustin says that his reason for not wanting to go up.
Amber: Well what is it? You're worried about the vote or you're worried about Eric? (she sounded annoyed)
Dustin says both.
Dustin said he ask Jen how she would feel about going up against Dick
Jen said she doesn't want to go up again. She's never been up at the end. He doesn't think Jess will put up Jen because she doesn't want to make more enemies.
Dustin and Amber find camera by toilet. now stretching.
dustin: i dont have a problem going up if its against dick, but if its daniele i wont.

10:30 pm
amber and dustin do not think that dick is going to use the veto on her because of danieles comment
dustin:if dani and dick both stay on the block, daniele needs to go bc she is a stronger competitor
Zach Dani Eric & Jess playing beer pong. Dani & Zach won and Zach picks Dani up off the ground in a hug. He's pumped. They were cheering.
Dustin asks Jam if she trusts Eric's vote "Ummmmm...well I gave up 5 HOHs. I would hope some loyalty is there."
Dustin: I think Eric should go up against Dani and I should go up against ED. Amb and Jam agree.
The beer pong game is in double over time.
Amber watches ED on the spy screen. Dust in stretching nearby. They trash him a bit then agree that it would be a WS (weird scene) for them to go down there.
New beer pong game rules, If Eric loses he has to propose to Carol at the wrap party, Jess has to slap Eric & Carol. If Zack and Dani lose they have to sit on Jam's bed in their underwear and have a 10 minute convo of their choice!!

11 pm
Amber & Jameka are talking about Dustin and his attitude after he leaves the hoh room. Amber says, He's too much
Beer pong game is down to 2 to 2
Eric hurled the cap at the cup in beer pong and knocked the glass over, He said it should count, Zach said Eric has anger issues. The cups back
Beer pong score is 1 to 1. They are teasing Eric that he is going to have to propose.
Eric & Jess win beer pong. Eric asks Dani what underwear she's wearing. lol
Jameka & Amber in hoh talking about Amber not taking her boyfriend to the wrap party while Jam braids her hair
Amber is talking about Kail not knowing she was going home. She said F that, she owns all those businesses she doesn't deserve to win

11:15 pm
Amber goes out of hoh, Dustin comes in. Dustin says Dick is annoying me, Jen is eating cereal
think Eric told Jen to lay off from hanging out in here because it was like a 360 turn around.
Dustin said he was laying out with her earlier.
Jameka said, no, I'm talking about after we got up, she's not come up here. Dustin said she was napping for 3 hours. Jameka said so you think nothing? Dustin said, interesting.

1:30AM BBT
Jess and Zach have had a very long and interesting conversation about each person in the house, who they can trust and not trust, what strategy should be used during weeks to come, who they can win against in the F2, that if Jen Zach Dick and Dani are on jury they will determine who wins. Jess went over her misgivings about each person in her alliance and he gave her input on what he has observed about them. They have agreed that Zach will vote the way she wants on Thursday and if the numbers are not what she expects she will know she has been betrayed by someone in LNC. They agree on the story they are going to give about their talk so the others won't suspect they are talking game and will talk again after next HOH.

Eric asks if the HOH is free, can he talk with Jess? They go upstairs. Jess asks if she can brush her teeth while he starts. Eric says yes and proceeds to tell her he hasn't felt well all day - thought he'd ask for a medic while in DR. Light headed.

Then he said he's upset by the behavior of everyone in the house - it is starting to make him mad. Jess says everyone? He says yes sort of. He wanted to talk because he wants to sleep in tomorrow. Lots of FOTH - but basically he's saying everyone is getting sketchy. Eric is angered that he (Dustin???) reneged on something and tried to blame it on other people. Eric now talking about Zach talking to everyone making deals. Eric talking about Zach overhearing Jameka and Jen when Jameka mentioned getting all the guys out of the house and how Jen responded - that she'd do whatever to stay in the house but she wasn't going to get on board with that.

Jess - so you don't trust me right now? Eric says he trusts her 100% - he feels horrible that he's made her feel that way. He trusts her wholly - he's told her everything important that he's heard in the game. He's saying they haven't had a chance to talk and everyone else is making him feel what the f*** is going on. He wants to spend more time with Jess in HOH because game 1 is over and game 2 is starting.

Eric still pushing to put up Dustin. Jess says that Dustin doesn't want to go up. Eric says to then put up Jen. Jess said she doesn't want to.
Eric: Then put up someone who if on the slightest chance they may go home. He said that everyone is talking sh*t about everyone and then they're all pretending to be friends. He's continuing to push hard to put up Dustin as a pawn or anyone who would be someone she would be the most easy to get rid of in the group. He thinks they may be on the outside looking in and he wants to stop that - wants to hear her line up.

4:20AM BBT
Dustin, Amber, Jameka & Jess still talking in HOH room about votes and who to put up as replacement nomination. Dustin asking Jess if she would be ok with asking Jen that if Dick takes himself off the block could she put up Jen against Dani with the promise that Jen was safe? Jess said yes. Dustin: I'll go up against Dick, and that's a risk I'll take.

4:40AM BBT
Amber saying that Jen told her that her and Eric talked and that Eric told her he wasn't going to tell her anything anymore Jess is saying she is gonna put up Jen as replacement nom. instead of someone from her own group. Dustin telling her to tell Jen "you know you are safe". Jessica saying she doesn't want to give Jen the heads up and that she'd rather talk to her after the veto ceremony.

Danielle talking about Dustin lying and that he lied to Julie and America saying he had 3 grey shirts and he only has 2.

5:45AM BBT
Jen - tomorrow will be fun
Dick..yeah it will. I'll throw them all off and say I've decided not to use the veto. haha Gets up and spits
Dick..watch Jessicas face
Daniele..yeah it will probably be as convincing as...uhmm..yeah i have decided to replace the nomin.uhmm..this maybe a surprise to everyone, I have decided to replace the nomin with uhmm
Dan..yeah Mike
Dan..I said oh please
Jen..yeah that was ridiculous
Dan..then they never asked me about it just woke me up at 6 oclock in the morning to ask me questions about it.
Dick..I remember when they did that, like super super late.
Dan..i was pissed
Jen..they stopped doing that
Dan..thank god!
Jen..yeah we were all getting pissed off
Dan..it was horrible
Dick..I mean that is ***** too

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