5:30 a.m. BBT
Everyone sleeping. No slumber party last night.
7:25 a.m. BBT
BB announces "Time to get up"
Dick goes into Dustins room and tells him he is going to make his case today, he is gonna hear it all day..
FIVE F***ING THOUSAND AND A TRIP TO BARBADOS Bi**h!!! that's what you did for the FIVE.. this is what you are gonna hear all week long until I go, and If I don't go this week, you will hear it all the next week too.. and I will drive it into their heads like a nail into yours Bi**h!
Dustin doesn't say a word.. Dick goes back to bed.....Dick laying in the dark with his eyes open.. Dustin laying in his bed.
Oh wow. Dick was banging pots and pans over Dustin's bed calling him all sorts of names and things like "Barbados B***H!" in reference to the POV prizes he took. Dustin doin his best to ignore and not respond.
We had Brief Waves, and then come back to hearing Dick say he's turning the light on in the RBR.. a female.. (Jen, I believe) moans and rolls over..
Dick is in the kitchen now... and now he is banging pots and pans together and saying .. WAKE UP MOTHER F***ERSSSSSSS...
Dick says.. sorry Zach...
He says.. 5,000 DOLLARS.. IT'S MY HOH.. I'll do what I want.. I'm a selfish a$$hol%... What should you do Dustin.. kiss everyone's ass and try to make it better.. 5,000 dollars and a trip to Barbados.. Nice job a$$hol%!
Dick is pacing back and forth through the house.
Dustin just laying in bed acting like he doesn't hear him.
Now he's banging the pots and pans together loudly!
and he's right over his bed doing it.. right by his head...
constantly, not stopping.. .this is going on and on and on....
Now he says.. nice tone to it .. isn't it??
(We hear mumbling from somewhere...)
Looks like Dani is in the bathroom.. someone is in the shower... can't see who..
Dustin in bed with the covers over his head now.
Dani brushing her teeth.
Dick is now banging the pots and pans again... very loudly and consistently ..
Dick saying this is going to be the wake up call every F***ing day... GOOD MORNING.. IT'S TIME TO GET UPPPPPPPP
He bangs the pots again.. says.. wake up your friends,.. it could be a professional gang banger(?)
Dick is sitting on his own bed.. and yelling.. I LOVE THE WAY YOU JUMP SIX INCHES WHEN IT BANGS OVER YOUR HEAD.. Bi**h...
Wonder how Joe felt when you gave him Gonorrhea...
and you stand up and say that OOHH, IT'S NEGATIVE... LIAR..
you are a DICK DRIP.
Dustin now in the kitchen getting ice...
Dick.. this is a far cry from you staying up all night long...(talking to Amber..).. you look like a F***ing dyke with that hair do..like a F***ing gang banger...you are so ugly... you are telling me you are worried about your daughter and what she sees.. what about you touching everyone's dick and talking about bloody balls.. I BET SHE IS SO PROUD OF HER MOM... MOTHER OF THE YEAR BABY, MOTHER OF THE YEAR!!!
(Jen is laughing with someone.. but not sure it's about this subject)
Dick is still downstairs Ranting and Raving loudly...
HOH .. Eric and Jess...
Jen is there too...
Eric says they cut away from the feeds when this sh%t happens.. Jen says they told her they do...
Kail was really pissed..
Eric saying this is a shame...
(Jen is talking smack, but I can't understand her, I'm sorry)
Eric said they made the announcement that the balls would be at 10, but the thing isn't till noon anyway..
Jen said she had a dream.. about the pov.. that Dustin, Jessica & her (I'm trying to remember) were playing and they were dressed in period costumes... (nothing more I can remember on that)
Jam there too.. my question is.. how will she get any votes in the end.. ? (Dani, I think)
Eric says she won't...
Eric says she probably gave Dick the idea to act this way..
Jen says.. you think?
Jen says she is mad about something.. it's horrible...
(I don't know if Jen is turning from Dick and Dani or what)
Jess wants to know Dani's reaction to all of this.. Eric tells her she is sitting there laughing..(I didn't see this & don't think this is true)
Eric is talking about himself.. grabbing something and smashing something (yeah right.. good talker.. I see where you are hiding)
Eric says they aren't going to air sh%t about Ceasars palace or Dick talking about HIV and Gonorrhea..
Jen says she is lucky because she was never friends with him so he has NOTHING he can say about her.. so whatever...she definitely feels lucky.It's like.. I don't know...
Jen asks if Amber told them she works at Ceasars Palace..? Eric says she let it slip once or twice.
Dustin up in HOH saying how embarrassing for his friends and everyone that knows him...
Jen says he doesn't want his last name out there...
Dustin says.. oh, I will be eviciting Dick Donato.. Jen laughs.
Dustin says he cries himself to sleep at night?
Jen says he cries at night.
SBR.. Dani and Zach whispering
the "good ones" go up to HOH & continue to talk about Dick & Dani..
2:33 p.m. BBT
They drew balls for POV earlier. Dick pulled Dustin's (oh boy!), Jess pulled Jameka's and and Daniele got Zach's. As you can imagine, Dick became even more unbearable. He's saying that his outrageous verbal attacks are his way of making sure they'll boot him. The Five have the opposite in mind. They're hoping to boot Daniele because she's better at competitions and smarter. Eric and Dustin have both said they will be able to tolerate his attacks.
After yet another confrontation after the ball pick, Dustin, with the affirmation of the other five, said he's going to play Dick the way Dick wants to play them. If it means they have to eat slop for 30 days, that's what he's supposed to do. Eric and the others told him to take any prize that comes up to... stick it to Dick.
During Dick's diatribes, he would go back into Daniele's room and tell her what he said/did... she eggs him on, giving him suggestions. She say's...'You're bad." Then smiles.
Dustin left one of his drawers open and Dick took the tattoos and put them in the round room. Came back and told Dani what he did. She said he should take Dustin's other grey v-neck and wear it...that he should take all of Dustin's things.
Daniele is still planning on attacking Eric. The cause for all her misery...although it's 'strictly strategic'.
They're competing right now. Trivia has been on for awhile.
5 p.m. BBT
Over three and a half hours so far.
Still trivia!
5:21 pm
Feeds back
Everyone in the HOH room except for Dick
Dani is crying and saying that no one understands her position with her father. They are all talking to her how Dick is going overboard talking about Dustin's sexuality.
Dani being defensive
Still haven't heard about veto.
5:30 pm
Dick won veto
6:48 p.m. BBT
Daniele went to HOH and cried to everyone there. Said they didn't know how hard it was for her... that she didn't want a pity party... that it affects her personal life outside. They tried to tell her that she's been isolated from the others because her dad is always there and they don't want to be near him because he's been so abusive.
She eventually went back downstairs, snifflilng... told her Dad about what happened in HOH (her version was a bit different... spewing hate for Amber... but can't fault her there lol) and then picked up with making fun of and laughing about the other housemates.
Amber and Zach are in WOR.
Dustin said he was focused on winning. Not from a negative point of view about himself, personally, but by how their families were suffering because of the things Dick has been saying and doing.
He drank all the thick stuff...Jam asked how many swallows for the pig stuff... Dustin went into his recreation and said when he was done he bowed LOL
It almost sounds like it was a combination of croquet and swallowing nasty drinks.
6:55 p.m. BBT
Jen in hooka (round) room with Daniele. Jen eating ice cream. Dick is no where in site... maybe outside smoking or in DR.
Now the HOH crew is talking about whether Dick will use it to save Daniele...salvage any relationship with her.
10:15 p.m. BBT
Fourth game of beer pong going on. Eric and Jess vs. Dani and Zach. Right now Zach (who's drinking for both) is winning and Eric owes him 5 minutes in the DR on any topic Zach chooses, has to make Z breakfast in the morning ... Jess has to eat slop for breakfast and has to massage Z's neck for 15 minutes LOL Eric said they're playing until they win LOL
Dick announced to Dustin, earlier tonight, that he is not going to harrass them anymore, he got what he wanted POV.
Dick broke his word about ten minutes ago. He followed Jameka outside (she wanted to be alone and eat her soup) and started harrassing her. She ignored him, finished her soup and went inside, very calmly. After she was gone, he started on Dustin.
Amber's hair is out of the braids now.
Jameka now upstairs telling Amber what transpired. Amber saying she really hates Dick.
Elite Team
- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Sunday, August 12
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