Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Friday, August 10

Throwing - the New BB Sport

Food, each other, under the bus, the competition...you name it, the houseguests are throwing it today.

9:30AM BBT
FOTH - Wakeup???

9:45AM BBT
Dick in the bathroom
Dustin up making coffee.
Dick walks in, calls Dustin a MFer and goes out to smoke.
Dustin makes himself a protein shake.

Amber and Zach up and join Dustin in the kitchen. They discuss the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Jessica is mad, hollering at people (including Jameka) to get their lazy butts out of bed!!!

10:15AM BBT
Jameka up, dreamt about her grandfather last night, yesterday was his birthday.
Dustin - They cannot comprehend exisentialism ***should be existentialism***
Jameka and Amber chatting at the bathroom sink.

10:20AM BBT
Amber tells Jam that Dick confronted Dustin this morning. Daniele comes in too. Jam said good morning to Daniele, Amber said good morning to Daniele, and Daniele said good morning. Daniele starts brushing her teeth and then says, "Amber, I would like to talk to you later if that's okay." Amber says yes, then runs to Dustin to tell him. Dani asked Jam if they could talk later today if that's okay. Jam: mmmhmmm. Dani is at the sink, Zach is in the shower.

Eric gets up and joins Amber and Dustin in the kitchen.

Zack - if its an eat off or a grave contest all I know is ya better be on my team

Ants have taken over the kitchen....Amber worried bout killing them humanely...

Dustin calls his hair "tragically long"

FOTH - Food Comp

12:25PM BBT
Still FOTH.......

12:45PM BBT
Zach to Eric in the shower - Way to go team I think we redeemed ourselves...I think it was awesome.
Eric - even worse than the butter was the egg...I had high hopes for that one. Thats the kinda thing both of us would enjoy in our free time....good time!
Eric - I enjoyed each and every swing.
Zach - after I few I thought smash the middle on the corner
Eric - problem was we were smashing so hard things were flying outta the thing...I like the one where my handle flew off and massacred the whole thing...
Zach pouring peroxide onto his hand yelling in agony.....
Dustin - take it like a man
Zach - Great comp regardless of the outcome I had a blast.
Eric agrees.
Zach - I've always wanted to destroy guitars

Dick - I cant believe I gave Jen the slop pass...I should have listened and given it to you
Dani to Dick "Ick, go take care of that. I've got blood on my shirt"
Dick to Dani - my slop is not awful I make it different then them its not so gross
Dani - I'll be fine...I'll eat it
Dick tells Dani where his gloves are for comps...

Dick threatens to pour honey that he snuck into the BB house on Jameka's bible to make her freak out
Dani discourages him "they'll know it was you"
Dani they're gonna use your tactics against us...to throw us off our game and now I'm on slop I'm gonna be a mess...ya know that's what they're all thinking...and Jameka thanking God ...like there's such a thing as a sore winner...
Dick - food storage room out all night
Dani -can ya get in trouble?
Dick- how?
Dani - I would say don't leave it out throw it away a little at a time

Eric - I'm still having trouble breathing from after the comp and its 45 min later...Him and Zach discussing asthma and a girlfriend of Zach's who nearly died from an asthma attack.

1:10PM BBT
Jen is wearing a long, silvery metallic wig and a red boa.
Dani still hates the BB house
Zach asks if the storage room is open yet...
Jen tells Dustin how to make slop...6 1/4 cup of water and 10 scoops

1:15PM BBT
Jen and Eric are digging thru the food in the storage room
Zach is looking thru the first aid supplies for something for the sore on his hand.

Dick - Those protein shakes, if ya just gulp em down...
Dani--eww I just can't. I'll try everything this week though. I told you if I get to the point where I have to sit next to the toilet crying, throwing it up and eating it, Ill eat it. Okay?

1:30PM BBT
Dani - (Jen or Amber...not sure who) was saying that when they get out of here, she's going to have her own sitcom like The Nanny.
Dick - who told her that? the voices in her head?
Dani - Exactly.

1:40PM BBT
Amber and Jameka talking about the bandanas. Amber says she told Daniele that the bandana was hers, and now she found hers so the one Daniele has been wearing really is Nicks. Amber wants to tell Daniele that, and explain herself saying it was Nicks at first just to make her feel better.

Dani and Dick on F1 and 2, Amber and Jam on F3 and 4

Dick - this morning she was like how many...1500 batteries...shes the counting freak
Dani - that was random
Dick -yesterday they said 440 laps to make a mile in the pool
Dani - where was I
Dick - sleeping ...1500 batteries will be used throughout the mics and stuff...
Dani- is Zack writing this stuff down he has papers off of boxes with little numbers..
Dick and Daniele going over dates things happened, Daniele asks Dick if he has seen Zach's calendar, Dick says no, so Daniele giggles talking about it. Explains for example on Day 3 was the "Butter Me Up" comp and Zach cut out "butter" from the popcorn box and put it on that day. Then a piece of pasta on the pasta comp day. They think they should go over it with Zach sometime, and they discuss that Jen "studies" with Zach too.

2:30PM BBT
Amber in HoH -God make me strong thank you so much for letting me get all those money signs thank you so much I know I cry alot I cant help it thank you God for letting me be here thank you bb for letting me be here I'm so thankful (sobs) so thankful you have no idea.... hope my daughters okay I love her so much I love her so much if I get HOH take away one of my pics and put up one of Jam's if its possible I dunno but honestly God but take away all my things for HoH and give some for Jam too her perm... anything ...pictures..if ya could I dunno if its even allowed if not I don't care but I'm just thankful for her

Eric, Jen, Jess and Zach sitting a Kitchen table chatting about food comp

Amber - the only reason I did drugs ..and you know this God is I had a lot on my plate I had 4-5 people to take care of, bills I'm sorry I turned to a drug to help me work harder and I regret it Im so sorry I just did it to help my family Im a good mom now and I got my life together because that car accident I love my BF so much I love Ben so much I know thats my soulmate and I thank you so much for making him stick to my side and realize theres a good person inside I know he's so proud of me and when I get home everything gonna be so good with us...thank you for changing me for making me watch what I eat by putting me in the hospital...I'm such a different person than I used to be

Jess comes in. Amber thanks Jessica for one of the best weeks...she gives the overused "you're gonna do the right thing" speech

2:45PM BBT
Dustin and Eric in Kitchen discussing the protein shake Dustin is making
Jen called to DR...
Dustin laying outside...
Jam showering...Eric in Kitchen
Amber is telling Jess that ED wont harass her like he has everyone else
Eric and Zach talking about Dustin saying he's the weakest link of the LNC5

Eric and Zach both think it would be a great idea to have Dustin and ED on the block together to watch them squirm

Zach and Dustin chatting in backyard about having kids. Zach wants 3 kids - two boys first then a girl, so the boys will protect the girl. Dustin can only spend 5 hours with kids then he's done...says he's to selfish to have kids.

3:50PM BBT
Jess, Eric, Jameka, and Zach in HOH...random chit chat. Jess talking about how her and her parents watch BB and who they liked and didn't like on the show. Dustin and Jen talking outside while tanning...talking about Dick, Dani and Kail

Eric and Jessica talk in HOH in about strategy. Eric says he was talking to Zach about Dustin. Eric thinks they should consider something with Zach.

Eric and Zach outside playing with the large chess set
Eric, Dustin, Zach, and Jen talk about how much they were making in their old jobs. Eric said he made about $30,000 and Dustin said he made about $18,000 last year. Eric is called to the DR. Jess leaving HOH, asking Eric if he has imodium.

Amber goes outside crying...all ask if she's ok...she just said she was having a DR session that's why she's crying.
Jameka and Jess in LBR...Jameka reading her bible, Jess going back up to HOH...she says she is feeling sick with a stomach ache. Zach, Jen and Dustin talking about if they (production) had all the games planned out before hand or if they decided as it goes.

4:30PM BBT
Amber is telling Dustin how much she does for her family. Including that she tried to strip twice, but chickened out both times She went as far as getting a licence to do it, borrowed clothes from a friend, but went there and then chickened out. She is telling Dustin how she has to buy food for her sister and brother in-law, her daughter, her dog, their dog. Dustin assures her she is good person, and she does so much for her family.

Jessica going to DR

Lock Down

Amber: doesn't it make you sad when Dick yells at you?
Dustin:It makes me more sad when he yells at you Amber tells Dustin that he is so strong.
Dustin explains how his life has made him be able to be strong. How he has been harrassed...etc...but doesn't want to say exactly.
Dustin is not actually happy with himself for shouting out at Dick. He said he shouldn't do stuff like that. He should save that stuff for the DR. He says that he knows how to get to peoples souls. He knows how to hit Dani hard...hit Dick hard.
Dustin knows Dani's week spot...and he knows how to get to her. Like calling her Little Miss Sunshine...I know you never had a parent.

4:45PM BBT

Dustin is giving Amber a pep talk about her drug use. He says it happened at a good time, when Lexie was to young to remember...that she is past that now...she won't ever go back to that..
Amber: I hate Dick, Dustin.
Dustin:Just look at the two of them...so sad...so pathetic.
Amber: mmmmhhhmmmm
Dustin: but like I said before, is going to be a fun week from this point forward.
Amber: I can't wait for you to see a picture of my daughter Dust.
Dustin: I can't wait to see your whole family.. (as in visit them)
Amber: You going to die when you see her.
Dustin: I bet she is cute, huh?
Amber: she is.
Dustin: How embarrassing for them
Amber: who Dick and Dani
Dustin: ya, ??????? She should have paper bagged herself a long time ago. I mean no offense...but being the person she is.
Amber: such a devil.. (not sure if she means Dick or Dani) I hate that shirt.
Dustin: Dani..weep all you want.. weep. weep. weep. (she can't hear him)

Amber and Dustin discuss how you can't play this game with revenge... Talking about how Amber ALMOST got sucked into that last week.

Amber and Dustin talk about the food comp. Amber tells Dustin how God told her which ones to pick..except for one time when he didn't have time.

4:49PM BBT
Trivia - Nomination Ceremony

Feeds are back - Dani, ED nominated
Dick and Dani in the Kitchen, Jam, Eric, and Jess, Jen in the HOH

Jen says to Jess "the only groups that have been nominated are Dick/Danielle and Jen/Kail" jess' speech: directed at dani for what she did to eric Eric in HOH Saying if you watch dick and dani long enough they seem to be married

They four of them talk about the POV and how Eric noticed that D&D were partial to the backdoor strategy, but this week is different because both are up against each other and 1 of them is going home this week. They all agree to leave the noms the same if any one of them win the POV.

Eric now says that Dick was probably one of the more popular players (according to fans) and he's probably sliding down the popularity polls now.

Jameka says the next HOH will probably be endurance because it'll be geared to keep dani in, "Gotta keep the drama going"...FoTH... The 4 of them chitchat about wanting to play in the POV this week. That it'll be important.

Jen talks about how cool it is not to be nominated this week. They all agree that they hate the backdoor strategy.

Jen asks to open a bag of chips. Jess says yes. They chitchat about... Chip flavors, dinner, Dustin (if he was straight he'd be perfect), Little Richie (Dick's name when making fun of his childish manners), throwing competitions, BB reshoots...

Jess, Jam, Eric & Jen discussing how Dick will be leaving this week.

Dick and Dani discussing HGS Asking how lazy they are that they can't even get a sponge and wipe off the counter

jam says about veto she thinks that veto will be endurance cuz they (BB) want good t.v.
Eric was asking if they think that they(BB) want dani to win
Then we got brief trivia

Dani and Dick in the kitchen Dani says "how great if the veto comp had a twist"
Dick says: Yeah, I don't see it happening Zach was not the last key out of the box.
Dick said that threw him for a second.
Dani thinks it's because Jess didn't want Zach to feel "too threatened."

Dustin and Amber are sharing a bed and Zach is in the other one in the big bedroom.
Dani goes to Dick and says "Careful, Dustin and Amber......."
Dick says "I'm sure she insisted [he sleep with her]."
Dick walks past them in the bedroom and says "oh, brother, those two idiots are sleeping together."
Dick says "I'm sure her mother and father are so happy this is happening. She found her soulmate."
Dani: Shut up. She didn't say that...that we know of
Dick: mumbles Mother of the Year
Dani: I need to get it
Dick: Yeah to make sure you stay

6:10PM BBT
Jess to Jen - oh yeah we nominated the same people
Jessica talking about food challenge and how they had to interrupt it twice..

6:15PM BBT
Dick and Dani talking about POV...he's telling her to take anything positive (if there are any prizes). Veto strategy for Dick and Dani. They are sitting in the bathroom lounge and Dick is making slop
Dani says that Dick should make sure that "they" don't take the croquet set from the backyard.
Dick says tomorrow the backyard will lockdown.
Dick: If they take them I will tear this place apart. I will!
Dick says that if it is a punishment veto, he will take all the bad stuff [punishments]. He tells Dani to take all the good stuff and then blame the money on Dick. "Take me on a trip when I leave here."
Dani: You want me to take the prizes and you are going to put the house on stuff. You'll win veto?
Dick: I'll give up 10 HOH's I'm not going to be here. Who cares. I'll be on the slop for the rest of the time. I won't be here
Dani is confused about punishments effecting the points. Who would win the veto in that case?
Dani: You're getting me too amped up. If there is a prize, you take it just in case. Or I'll take it.
Dick: If it's a bad one for other people...
They are discussing ???? putting the house on PB&J to win the veto.
Dick: [Do it] and blame it on me
Dani: How would I blame it on you if you win? It doesn't make sense
Dick: The bad stuff gives you points
Dani: I can blame it on Dustin
They go outside
Dick: I wonder if I should hide a mallet. There's only so many places you can hide it. Then they'll find it.
Dani: No.
Dick: If they do that, I'm getting rid of all the food tonight.

Jen, Jameka, Jess and Eric in HOH talking about D&D being the worst enemies of everyone in the house.

6:17PM BBT
D&D talk about blaming something on Dick...(I have no idea what they're alluding to.) Dick leaves the BR and says "The door is open. The lockdown is now over." He goes outside and talks about....FoTH...

6:20PM BBT
D&D outside...chitchatting about the cameras...Dani waves a pillow to blow the cigarette smoke out of her face. Dick says he'll move. Dick says that Jess needs to now that Amber is a f***ing lazy liar. The two of them bash Amber.

Meanwhile...in the HOH...Jen, Eric, Jess and Jameka spend some time chitchatting about Dani being secretive, Jess' speech for nominations, making dinner, what time it is (is it 6? Is it 7? Is it somewhere in between?)...FoTH

6:27PM BBT
BB: "Eric please exchange your microphone for another in the storage room."
Eric leaves...Jess, Jen and Jameka continue to talk about Jess' nomination speech and upcoming POV ceremony speech.
Jameka wonders if Jess' brother has always had girls follow him around. (apparently he's a looker.) Jess says as soon he got out of military....FoTH...

6:30PM BBT
Eric comes into the HOH with a couple of pairs of Jess' shorts. Jess is very excited over them. They talk about the trend to have writing on the butt. Jameka talks about 9 year old girls with "Juicy" emblazoned on their butt. How it's just wrong. Jameka says she'd like to be able to afford a pair of Abercrombie&Fitch shorts. She can't "So Old Navy it is!" Talk turns to dinner. Jen says she'd rather dinner not be a bunch of carbs, so a pasta dinner is out...FoTH...

Dick and Dani distressed, wishing they kept Nick, thinking about next week
Dick says he was suspicious of "the b****" Jameka folding laundry because she never does laundry, so he knows she was eavesdropping and Amber was covering her tracks because she was eavesdropping too.

Dick is spitting all over the lawn again

Dick: Jessica needs to know Amber talks ***** about her because she never cleans.
Dani: I knew Jessica was pissed off at me. Even last week
Dick: Even when she was all phony?
Dani: Yeah
Dick: Yeah me too. She's smart. She won't vote out someone who will protect her. Like Zach. She won't put Zach up. No ***** way. Me and her were the only ones who thought Zach wasn't a threat because he wasn't a threat to us.
Dani gleefully: But Zach is using her too
Dick: Stupidest move for us was voting out Nick. Period. End of story. That changed the game for us.
Dani: Yep
Dick: Don't you think it was a mistake in season 5 when Four Horsemen voted out Holly
Dani: I don't understand why that was said. Period. Yeah but, I'm just saying.
Dick: And who did I tell? Eric. ***** idiot. A day late and a dollar short with everything in this ***** house!
Dani: It's easier to dwell on it since it's so obvious later, but not at the time!
Dick: Nick wouldn't have been on the block this week. We would've had Nick's vote and Eric would have been gone. That ***** up the whole game! Damn! Nick's going to go 'I told you guys!'

Dick talks about all the helicopters he sees.

Dick: You can still do damage in this game
Dani: If I stay and me or Zach don't get HOH, then they are going to backdoor me. Hands down.

Dick: Make sure Jen feels secure ...doesn't mean they will be able to backdoor you
Dani: That will be the plan...
Dick: Let them plan.
Dani: If you're not here, and they're here
Dick: There is only 1 not playing in the POV
Dani: If they put up Zach and Jen the only way everyone will use it to put me up... FOTH interrupts that sentence
Dick: Eric is going five feet around me looking down and away everytime we cross paths
Dani: If I were him I'd do that too because you always have some comment
Dick: There is something I haven't brought up about that mother ***** yet!

Dick was almost going to eat peanuts, but Dani looked at him funny so he realized what he was doing.
Dani: Penalty nom!
Dick: I should have never given her that slop pass.

Dani: if we dont have a luxury comp/AC this week I'm going to be pissed.
Dani: seriously I need something to do...
Dick: or I need something to screw up!

6:40PM BBT
Dick ripped the bandanas from Dustin's hands before Food comps, and Dustin got bent out of shape.

Dick: ***** tool! Dani: He is the Queen!
Dick: He is totally the Queen [of Hearts]...we missed that earlier in the Alice of Wonderland thing. We thought it was Jen.
Dani: What does that make Jen? She can be the Caterpillar. The caterpillar was mean too. She can be the mean singing flower.
Dick: "Why would anyone not want to be my friend when I can change their life"
Dani: No she said "Not to be conceited, but the benefit of being my friend would be better than being on their own."...who are you?
Dick: No kidding, "The Fun Nanny"
Dani: I know where Zach is coming from kissing a**. At the same time it's sooo annoying
Dick: He does what he has to do, he'll be here longer than me which is amazing to me. Jen will be here longer than me which is amazing to me.
Dani: It's embarassing, huh.

Dani: Anytime you come out of DR you should come out, make a scene laughing to make everyone paranoid. Especially your favorite. Jameka
Dick: I'll grab you and we'll talk about Jack and get yelled at. I'd like to take her Bible with me into the DR once and do a Jameka impression "tell me about the magic ping pong ball." I've done that already
Dani: More than enough.
Dick: How stupid is she, seriously [goes over her veto comp last week]. What an idiot. And the she goes cries
Dani: "Oh gawwwd"
Dick: She was like Scarlet O'hara: O help me!
Dani: These people are too much.

Dick says of the fight he told "Jack" that she was acting like she was warding away evil spirits a concoction from the Bible and voodoo. ...
Dani: When you ask about things you can and can't do, you have to ask about the pooping Dick: I'm sure that's a no...it's not as bad as [Shannon with the toothbrush] and she didn't get kicked out. But she was exposed
Dani: You don't care! It doesn't effect someone's health....great now we're gonna get called in there "So, how does it feel to be nominated?"

6:34PM BBT
Still in the HOH and three (Eric, Jess, Jen) of them are talking about how badly the SR was stocked with food this week. Eric mentions that Dick blew his nose into the handtowels recently, so everyone should watch out for which towels they use. They all agree he's sick. (Not in health, moreso in personality.) General chitchat...nap-time?, dinner-time?, play-time?, ipods, Zach, ...

Eric says he's gonna listen to Jess' music and asks which songs he should listen to...Jess says he should listen to them all. Eric says that he may not like it but anything is better than Dick's or Daniele's music. "That stuff made me want to kill myself."

How many laps in the BB pool would make a mile...1500(?)...general chitchat...They notice Jameka is nearing the HOH...she knocks and Jess calls her in. Eric says that Jameka should be next to listen to Jess' music. idle chit-chat about the hot grass, Ross from 'Friends' wearing tight pants and showering talcum powder down his pants,...FoTH

6:45PM BBT
Dick: Only trust Zach to a certain extent. He won't betray you, but he looks out for himself. He was loyal to Nick to the very end, but he voted against Kail every time. Don't let that stupid ***** Dustin get to you. Don't let it happen.

They agree they're horrible liars as the cause of their downfall. Dani says that she puts faith in too many people too easily.

Dick: You know what's so funny and so stupid, was that Dustin is such an idiot, there's no way he wouldn't have been up if I won HOH. *********, I needed to get that HOH
Dani: I know I know I know
Dick: I let us both down
Dani: I screwed it up for both of us last week
Dick: No
Dani: Don't blame yourself. If I put two of the up together we would have had the vote
Dick: But we didn't want to expose it
Dani: We swayed Jen, we might have swayed Kail...it doesn't matter. I've dwelled on the past enough.

Dani says she loves the movie Elizabethtown, and the quote of the dead father is "If it wasn't this, it would be something else." Dani says that quote says a lot and she finds it comforting.
Dani: It's soo true, especially in this house. If it wasn't Nick, it would've been something else...everyday. In this house I can relate to that.

Dani wonders if Dustin had been up last week, if he would have been evicted.
Dick: I don't think so
Dani: You don't think Eric would have taken the chance?
Dick: No they're close. Look at what Dustin did for him.
Dick: The thing to do is to put Dustin and Eric up together with Amber or Jameka as a replacement. We didn't know the house would split like this
Dani: I know....That side...and the Donatos!
Dick: Yep!

Dick tells Dani "I could hear the five year old in HOH saying [makes a voice] Boooyah!"
Dani laughing: You're such a jerk. You turn on people so fast.
Dick: They're idiots!
Dani: Last week you said you liked her
Dick: She's nice, though. Sleeping Beauty win the game? sure...

Dani tells Dick that she should say that Amber said Jess was an idiot and that Dustin and Amber made a list of the order lookswise of the women and Jess was last.
Dani: Guess who was #2?
Dick: Amber!....these people are so delusional! How can she find herself better looking than any of the women in here including Carol! How the ***** did she get in here? She's an emotional wreck!
Dani: Did she talk about that in interviews?
Dick: She did! She told me. And she was crying in the interviews.
Dani: That's a weird thing to bring up in interviews

Jameka, Jess, Jen and Eric in HOH...they talk about how the crowd at home always thinks they know what the house would be like if they got on the show, but that it's much different from the inside. They talk about the competitions...and the double eviction week. They talk about Marcellas and Howie going to sequester within a couple of days of each other. How Chicken George had a weird HOH.

They joke about Jameka being bored everywhere else in the house, that's why she came back into the HOH. Jameka notes that D&D were/are outside. Jess says she's thankful one of them will be gone this week.

Jen worries about Amber hating her because she's been trying to talk to her. Jen then goes on to say that Amber is a hypocrite and that she's said some really nasty things about D&D and how she's all hanging out with them now.

Eric wonders how Jess' snickerdoodles taste. He's never had one and wants a bite before commiting to a whole cookie. Jameka and Jess joke with Eric about the fact that they are no longer going to name their dog after him. That they couldn't subject the dog to the kind of torture it would receive from Eric's reputation. Eric jokes back. "Why? What did I do?" Jameka and Jess continue to joke about Eric. Making him cook dinner and do all the cleaning and then MAYBE consider letting him back into HOH later on.

Eric now jokes about Zach. Jameka then wonders what would happen if one of them approached Dick about making a deal this week. They laugh about how worked up he'd get and that they'd joke about keeping him safe and that Dick would just freak out. Jen says..."Not that you are being serious about it...But that's already been done before...by one of your own." Jen outs Dustin as already having done that to Dick, promising that he'd be safe. They now talk about how she knows this. She says Dick told her and....FoTH

6:58PM BBT
Back in the HOH and the four of them chitchat. Mostly about Dick, how he's confrontational and accusatory. Each giving their personal experiences. Jameka: "He says...um...Eric knows he's going home." Jameka says she's gonna vote to keep Eric and Dick throws her some serious evil looks. That he starts yelling at her about how Eric was sooo bad. Huge liar..etc. That she shouldn't vote to keep him.

Jess, Jameka, Jen and Eric chitchat about...Toby Keith, Where Dustin is?, Has Dustin ever cooked before?, how he's never been on slop, how he only eats tuna, Eric laughs about being branded the bad guy for blowing his top to Joe. He blames it on being on slop. They talk about how bad the food "situation" is this week. They agree it's starting to look like a taco night tonight. Jen is actually excited because she was always on slop when they had taco nights before. They accuse Nick of sneaking tacos to Dani, under the covers. Chitchat continues...sweatshirts, Jess' grandma's holiday themed earrings, Oprah's ear piercing episode, height's of Jess' family members, Jen is 5'6", Jameka is 5'4", Jess is 5'3.5", Eric is 5'7".

7:11PM BBT
Dustin rings the doorbell and Jess asks him in...He asks what they're talking about. They say they are talking about Jess' family. Grandpa Leo...

BB: "Dustin please come to the diary room."
Dani: "Why would they ask him."
Dick: "Because he's gonna queen out and say [fey accent]it was all my idea[/fey accent]. He's so screwed. I'm so gonna set him up."

They talk about Dani receiving a letter (when she goes into sequester?) and how she doesn't want to read it in front of everyone. Dick tells her to just not do it. If BB asks just say no...FoTH...

7:15PM BBT
Dick complains that the slop makes him gassy.
D&D talk about all the things they want to say to Eric and Amber (and Dustin) if they win the POV this week. They then talk about swearing on the life of Amber's daughter that they are telling the truth. Dani says "Lexie" with disdain and mockery. ...silence...
Dani: "Oh Julie Chicken." ...silence... Dick says he knows that Jen was listening when they were talking and he raised his voice because of it....silence... Dani: I bet Nick's p***ed about missing this last competition. They chit-chat about the comp, where the dollars were located, how it got some aggression out.
Dani: "Why am I always on the losing team?" Dani feels like she could have gone faster during the challenge.
Dick complains about Dani being on slop so many times in a row.
Dick grabbed a slop pass at the food comp.
Dani now mocks Jess' nomination speech...saying that she acted like she was doing them a favor by not backdooring them. They talk about if either of them get HG choice during the POV player pick, that they should pick Zach to play for them. That he'd be easy to beat.
Dani says that Dick should pick Amber. Because she's useless.
Dani "I feel a little sick".
Dick worries and she says that she just felt a little faint, but shes okay....silence...

CAM switch to HOH, Jess, Jen, Eric and Jameka talk about picking balls. That that's all they're waiting for now.
Eric jokes that that is all they can talk about is balls.
Jess: You would think that."
Eric: "I realize you're all interested in talking about my balls."
Jess: What Balls?
Eric: *giggle*
Jen: "The game balls?
Jess: Or your wiener?"
Eric: Just my balls have never been chosen before and no one has pulled them out of the bag.
Jess: I always thought that there was two ball sacks. Each was individually hung.

CAM switch to BY (all 4 cams)
Dani says she'll expect Amber to tell her Dustin lied about voting Eric out
Dick: Truth is she knows
Dani: Duh. I'm waiting to hear that
D&D chitchat...about smashing something during the comp. That they'd wish they'd done more of it.

Dani is eating her slop. "This stuff makes you feel fat when you eat it."
Dick: It sits in your stomach like cement.

Dick is upset there isn't more sugar substitute in the house. Dick wants Dani to eat her vitamins. Dani: I will!

Now Dani is talking about Dustin being an idiot because he was upset she put his key first.
Dick trashes Dustin to Dani with words that are quite Un-Elite.
Dani: What would get on his nerves? Something about Joe. You should make up stuff and say Joe said it about him. Oooooh he would be pissed!
Dick: He keeps hating that I bring up "Barbados" and "5 grand." "Barbados, 5 grand, and 1 backpack."
Dani: And Joe
Dick: I should say that...he can get another case of gonorrhea

Dani said Dustin said other people in the house would do the same as him.
Dani: He said "even Nick [said it]" -- yeah that's because Nick didn't know he was going on the block, numbskull!

Dick: I feel like every move I made in this house has been a mistake!
Dani: How do you think I feel? That's why America hates us and are making fun of us.
Dick: "He gave it to Jen and she's backstabbing him as we speak."
Dani: Blame me [because I told you to do it to be nice]
Dick: Use that and befriend her
Dani: It's so annoying though, that's the way I think. You can't think this way in this house.
Dick: She did say she would be up 3rd
Dani: She's fine with it because she's in with them
Dick: She knows she's safe

Dani is addressing her weight right now -- she thinks she is average and fine, hates how HGs keep telling her shes too skinny.

Eric tells Jess, Jam, Jen "an Eric fun-fact. He has never once purchased and or looked at porn"

Dick tells Danielle that he took something (sports glove) from one of the female HGs right before HOH and put it with the bread, then put it back right after the HOH Comp. And the female HG (Jen) complained to Rich.

7:31PM BBT
D&D talking about Zach. That he was talking with them and now he isn't.
Dani says that Dick should call him out.
Dani says she wants to be the one to go this week.
Dick says that Dani stands a better chance of winning if he's gone.
Dani says Dick is misguided if he thinks that Dani's just gonna magically start making friends once he's gone.
Dick says that Dani is a better competitor than him. Citing her HOH and 2 POV wins.

Zach comes out and Dick accuses him of acting like the two of them have the plague.
Zach says he was just sleeping.
Zach lights the grill and it starts to smoke.
Dani hates the smell. She also says she's never heard of Jameka's burgers before, that she's never had eggs in a burger...ever.
Dick says that it's her ghetto-burger recipe.
Dani starts chuckling about her brother and a pair of convertible pants he used to own.
Dick says he doesn't have them anymore.
Zach and Dick exchange quips about Dustin's queenyness.
Dani brings the conversation back to her... her bug-bites, her sunburn, her need to take vitamins...she leaves and goes inside.
Dick lays down on the patiocouch...Zach continues to fiddle with the grill...silence...

Dick mentions that Dani's gonna need someone after he's gone and Zach says he's the guy to do that for him/her.
A plane goes overhead and Dick comments about the big banks they take on their approach.
Zach is trying to unravel his laundry...seems a thread came loose and wrapped itself around parts of the bedcover and stuffed inside are pairs of socks and a teeshirt. He gives up, tosses the cover and starts to fold his other shirts.

All 4 CAM switch to HOH...Jess, Eric, Dustin and Jameka...Dustin and Eric asks Jess about her pictures. Dustin says that the picture of Jess has a different nose then Jess actually does. That in the picture she looks like a country girl. He insists it's not her in the picture. Eric starts talking about how geeky he would look in all of his pictures.

7:45PM BBT
Still talking about Jess' pictures...and her family... Dustin making fun of the fact that Kail didn't know how to use a camera, that she should know seeing as how she's a pageant mom.

CAM switch to BY...D&D talk about the things that Zach has promised.
Dick says that Dani can trust him.
Dani seems a little worried about it.
Dick tries to assure her that Zach has her back and that Dustin is first on his list of targets. ...silence... Dick says he hated it when Julie said 'With a vote of 4 to 3...Eric...you are safe from eviction...' That she does that a couple of times each season but he was still suprised by it.
Dani asks if Zach indeed got much nicer ever since Nick left.
Dick says yes.
Dani says it stinks outside. That it smells like a beach...a dirty beach...
A plane flies overhead and Dani says "I wish I was on that heading to Mexico."
Dick points and says he'd be flying to Europe.

CAM switch to HOH where Eric and Jess whisper...about seeding Zach to see if it gets back to D&D...FoTH...

7:57PM BBT
Back in HOH and Eric and Jess whisper about Amber. They joke about putting Dustin up if Dani wins POV. Dustin says it's actually a good idea. Dustin says he has already prepared a speech if he was nominated against either D or D.
Dustin now says that they should consider putting Jen up. Eric said that Zach has already said that he would vote to kick Dick out. That Zach said he's been waiting for the opportunity to do it and that if Dick is on the block this week. He's a goner.

Dustin says that he'd say something like "I'd like you all to give a courtesy flush for the piece of crap that is sitting next to me." *chuckles*
Dustin says he knows he would be safe if he was up against Dick. That it's a guarantee that it'd be a 5 to 1 vote.
Jess says she feels like she wants Jen to know that she really isn't the one going and that if she's up against Dick to not worry at all about leaving. Everyone wants Dick out of the house.
Dustin says he can't wait to see the diary room conspiracies of the Danato's.

CAM switch to BR where Dick and Jen...talk briefly about Jess saying something...Dick goes into the head. jen washes her hands and heads out to the kitchen. Zach talks about making an amazing Tuna, that it tastes just like it was made at ChopHouse. Jen says she'll take a bite. She likes the bite she gets.
Eric and Jess pass through...Zach asks if either of them want a bite of tuna. they decline and continue on to the SR.
In the SR, Jess asks if her speech about going with her heart was stupid. Eric says it was fine.
...FoTH...Jess and Eric decide on Waffles and Hotdogs for dinner.
Zach says that the tuna hes made is the best thing he's ever made...ever...that he's gonna need a DR session after eating it cause it's sooo good.
Jameka enters and looks for a bowl...
General chitchat...The October time change...ants...ants in the microwave...FoTH...checkerboard cookies...

Amber enters and they all warn her about the ants everywhere.
CAMS follow Jameka and Amber to the LR. Jameka says that they aren't gonna do the balls tonight.
Amber whispers...about Dani and Dick arguing earlier...(?)...They now talk about Dustin.
How he's been asking if Amber is mad at him.
They think that Dustin gets jealous easily. That he's nervous that Amber and Jameka hang out. That he thinks he's being replaced. Jameka says that she doesn't want Amber to say anything to Dustin about what she's said. Amber promises she won't. (oh boy...here we go...)
They say that the BestCaseScenario for this week is to keep the noms the same. Jameka is talking about getting rid of Eric this week, and keeping Dick. But actualy they reall need to get rid of Dani this week. Because she's smarter and a better player. The two of them wonder if they could get Jess to nominate Eric.
They talk about whos gonna vote for who in a Dani v. Eric scenario.
Conversation returns to Dustin being jealous of Jameka.
Chit-chat about Ambers performance during the food comp. ...silence...
Amber asks what Jameka would do if she were HOH.
Jameka: Dani would be up because she's such strong competition. Dick because he's been threatening.

Jess announces that the waffles are done. Jameka and Amber go into the kitchen.
Amber and Dustin hug. They smell each others armpits.

General chitchat...in the kitchen. Waffles are done, so Jameka and Amber sit down at the table. jess serves them.
Jess eats, Eric washes dishes, Zach has a snack, Jen tidies...silence...
Jameka asks why her waffle is two different colors. Eric says that two different people made two different batches...and one of those people may or may not have mixed as long as the other...quick FoTH...general chitchat...
Ahi...Jess wants to know the difference between tuna and Ahi tuna. Zach thinks it's the way they cook it. By searing the outside and leaving the interior raw. he then says that yellowtial is a kind of tuna. (Same thing dude, Ahi is yellowfin tuna.)
Zach asks about Jess' exboyfriend. How far she drove to see him (4 hours each way).
More chitchat...nachos...rockband 311...Amber's braids...fruit cups...lasagna...sausages (keilbasa...hot italian...)

CAM switch to BY with Dani and Dustin talk...He says he's thankful for Dick being nice and that he says that he's always thought of D&D being two different players. Dani says that he heard that from Eric.
Dustin says that Dani put herself right where she is at this moment. She says that she isn't playing this game personally. That she just put up Eric because she was playing the game. It didn't work, and that's okay.
Dani accuses Dustin of being twofaced. He insists that he's just trying to tell her that he sees D&D as seperate players. Dani says that he's never gotten to come to know her. He says she's not the most approachable person. He gives her credit for things in this game.
Dani insists that she's not playing this game personally. She doesn't care if Eric is still here. it was a bad move...no not a bad move but a move that didn't work out to her benefit, but she's gonna go on. The game has never been personal for her.
She discusses that her past problems with her dad are no one elses business and that they'll be able to work on them after the show. She insists she's not playing personally.
Dustin apologizes for not being so nice to Dani for the last couple of weeks. Dani says thanks but that he should know that she's never said anything bad about Dustin and that she knows that Dustin has been saying bad stuff about Dani to everyone. Dani says if you wanna make judgements on me becuase of what my dad says and does, that's your own fault. We're not the same person.
Dustin says by Dani not stopping Dicks behavior, it looks like she's condoning his behavior. She says it's not condonig it, it's just not involving yourself in something that's none of your business.
Dustin says he's sorry that her and her dads fight had to happen...she says that she's never asked for pity. Dustin says he doesn't pity her. Dustin gets audibly frustrated. Dani asks what his problem is. That she's had a "different" experience here then anyone else in the house, but it's her big deal. No one elses. No one knows what it's like to be in here with their estranged father...she says that Dustin needs to get over apologizing for things which have no bearing on him. ...silence...
Dustin says he hopes Dani can move on...that he promises to not be mean to her ever again...He now blames his vote on the fact that Dani didn't say anything when Dustin apologized the first time he apologized.
Dani says that she isn't mad at anyone in the house and that if she's been a bit introspective then it's because of her situation with her dad. It has nothing to do with the game.
Dustin says that's great. And he then apologizes/explains for it all being a game. Tough luck, but oh well, it's a game.

Dustin and Dani in BY talking about the game. They've been arguing about how Dustin (and others) have been perceiving Dani's game. And Dustin apologizes for saying nasty things about Dani and promises it'll never happen again. Dustin goes on to say that even though he doesn't understand fully the dynamic between D&D that he stands by her and wants her to know that he's on her side.
He leaves...
Dani says..."I think I just threw up a little in my mouth."

Cam switch to DR...Eric, Jameka, Jen and Jess talk about Eric proving he's a manly man.

Cam follows Jess and Jameka upstairs to HOH...
Jess says she'd rather get rid of Dani.
Jess is worried that Dani will get HOH and her and Eric would go up.

Meanwhile...Dustin and Amber talk about the talk he just had with Dani...
Dustin explains that he's been empathetic to Dani's plight, but that she's been standoffish and has made some really bad choices.
Amber suddenly asks why he talked to her in the first place.
Dustin says it was bcause it was the first opportunity he had to talk without Dick being around.
Dustin makes up a lot of the conversation, taking a lot of the comments out of context and is sharing them with Amber. He says his biggest point was to make sure she knew she was making a lot of mistakes...
Am,ber asks if Dustin is really gonna work out.
Dustin asks if she wants him to.
Now they talk about Amber sleeping...and how she heard Zach call her an idiot. (Not specifically her, but she took it personally anyways.) Dustin gets upset that Amber isn't going to work out with him.
She says that Zach asked her first. Dustin says he's asked her every day since they got here. Amber says that Dustin is falling in love with her. She knows it. Brief talk about getting rid of Dick this week and that getting in good with Dani is imperitive if she's gonna stay this week.
Amber promises to NEVER talk about her DR sessions ever again. (Did you all hear that? Let's see how long she keeps this promise.)
They quibble about Amber working out with Zach. Dustin feels neglected. Amber says again that Dustin is obviously falling for Amber.

In the HOH...Jameka and Jess discuss the POV. And the backdoor strategy. That planning to backdoor someone is futile. That when it happens it happens. Jameka then talks about what her and Amber talked about earlier.
You know I'm gonna fight my heart out to win POV and pull Dani off the block. They agree that Dani is a really good player. That she's dangerous. Jameka says that if Dick did stay, he'd be odd man out. But Dani would be striking up deals. That Dick, if he stays, would come after Jess.
Jameka says that Dick has forgotten all about Eric this week and is now focusing his hatred on Jameka and Amber.
The two of them chat about Eric...and true to form...he...nope wait...Amber enters HOH.
They talk about NOT working out. They chat about Jess' shorts.
And then Amber starts to discuss the talk between Dani and Dustin.
Amber says that the two times she went out there Dani and Dustin were talking about the same thing.

Amber then says that Dustin is rediculous because he always asks her what she's said to other people. (She's with Zach and Dustin asks what they talked about. etc.) Then she goes on to talk about the conversation Dustin and dani had (The one where she asked Dustin what he talked about.) and says that Dani said she's lost her best friend...Amber: "Gah. Get over it!"
She promises that if they have to vote someone else back in the house that they make sure it's not Nick.

Chitchat about being a cocktail waitress in california. How they have been trying so hard to be Dani's friend lately. And how Amber is mad at Dustin for talking to Dani.
They now talk about Dani coming down off the block. That Dick, if he won POV, would take Dani off the block.
Amber talks about trying to avoid Dick lately...she can hear his boots coming and she tries to pretend to be asleep.
Jameka says that Dick said that Jameka called Dani's mother and grandmother bitches.
Jameka: "I did not call her grandmother a bitch."

They chitchat about Jess' speech.
Jess says she made her speech short sweet and non - personal.
She's just glad that one of them is going home this week.
Jess admits to mixing Zach and jen in with regards to the key placement. Jameka's was the first key and Eric's was 2nd.
They now talk about the fact that BB is planning something big very soon. Jameka thinks that previous players will show up again. Amber wonders if new people will show up...three more enemies...
Amber says it would be fair. (Duh.)
Jess admits to watching Eric on the spy-screen...they watch as he has a little conversation with Jen.
Jess says she doesn't want Jen to come up to the HOH.

Jen walks in.
She asks about the slumber party. jameka says they'll probably fo it tomorrow.
They also talk about picking the balls tomorrow.
She continues her talk by adding the details of a Double Eviction week.
jameka says that this is the first edition after the AllStars, so something BIG has been planned.
They all chitchat about when they are going to be woken up tomorrow.
Jameka says that she REALLY feels like something new, like America's choice, will take place tomorrow.
They talk about past America's choice prizes.
Jen says that she was on 2 and a half men when Drew from BB was guest starring as well.

BB asks for Amber to come to the DR.
Jen goes back to talking about her experience with Drew on 2 and a half men.
Eric comes back from DR and says that BB is just trying to piece together what happened on sunday so they only needed like one sentence from him...FoTH...

Eric, Jen, Jess and Jameka chitchat...about glitter...the girls slumber party...the upcoming POV...Eric's 'fruityness'...Jess' pictures...Jess' friends...
Amber knocks...and comes in. They say she doesn't have to knock and she says that she knocked even when Dustin was HOH. Eric asks why the slumber party isn't happening tonight. The ladies says it's because they want to be all rested and relaxed for tomorrows comp.
Jess flips through the spycam channels. Jess leaves.
They accuse Eric of chatting with jen...He says that he did so because they all left him downstairs. That one moment he was talking to them and the next they were all gone.

Zach walks in and signals for Amber to follow him so they can get 20 minutes of exercise in. Amber was trying to get out of working out. Jess and Jameka cheer for her...Go on Amber! You've been cought, time to work out.

Eric, Jameka and Jess chitchat about...Dicks crazy behavior...Jen enters...changing the slumber party until tomorrow...the sad state of food in the BB house...Jameka says if the pool was a real pool she'd be in it every day...how many laps make a mile(over 1500 laps)...how many batteries they'd use all season...chit chat about comp possibilities...They start bashing Dick...saying he's acting like a dejected puppy now...

Dustin asks which picture Jess' brother looks the hottest in. They all agree he's a hottie.
Conversation turns to little girls touching themselves...
Jess says that one of her DR questions was if she wanted to have a baby...
They do old "tigers" cheers.

11 pm bbt
More complete coverage of the Amber..Dustin conversation.. about the conversation
with Dani (completely different version!!)
Amber asking why Dus talked to Dani.
Dus says it was his only opportunity to talk to her when ED wasn't that to speak for so it was an opportunity to speak TO her.
Dus - she said no one understands so I told her if she continually tells people they don't understand she's only going to isolate herself more. And by choosing to engage in the behavior you have int he past two weeks you have. She goes, 'people don't understand, that's my dad, thats my life
Dus says he told Dani he's sorry for talking about her behind her back but she said it doesn't mean much coming from him because he said that 2 days ago.

Dus admits it but says that Dani didn't thank him for his apologies so he said that it means she doesn't give a flying f**k (He didn't really say that to Dani) about what I have to say.
He says she said she apologized but she didn't. Says that he told her she is deserving of the what she's gotten because of her behavior. Told her she needs to take time to get to know people. Says that Dani said she doesn't care and is over it and moving on, that everyone makes mistakes.

Amber and Dus discussing working out. Amber isn't eating after 9. Says Zach is sweet. Tells Dustin that Zach called the NNH idiots while they were upstairs. Reports that ED said Danielle was coming off when ED thought Amber was sleeping. They figure out that ED is fighting for POV for Danielle because he knows hes going home. Dus says good. Amber says she thinks Dus is falling in love with her. He's pouting that she's going to work out with Zach.

Dus says he went to talk to Dani to clear the air and open communication because Dani will be staying in the house another week.
Amber - Do you think it would be smarter if we sent Danielle home?
Dus - no way.
amber - I didn't think so either Strategically it would be better.
Dus - this house can't handle it. and honestly I didn't say that I like her, want to get to know her, forgive her
Amber- I don't care. She's not an alliance member
Dus I'm just being honest.

(Zach telling Dani about his convo. with Dustin..)
Zach... Dus is wearing something from the competition today to piss ED off.
Dani says ED won't care and Dus is going to look like a douchbag.
Z ..I told Dus that he needs to know that ED would never vote for him, he'd give the money to Amber before Dus. Dus said he doens't need ED anyway.
D is that their plan? To get him out?
Z - yeah they're going to dump him.
dani - do you think? and I want to know honestly. Like I don't know. And it's the BDA.
Z I know.
d As long as you know Do you think there is any possible way and i know it's so risky, but if the pov is used if either one of us got it and took ourselves off if Jenn went up is there anyway way to turn everyone against her and turn it around?
z no way
d what if my dad is like "I'll make your lives a living hell in sequester?" There's no way?
Z Jen has to make it on the jury for one of us if we're still in it.
d what do you mean?
z like I dont' want to go up against her in the end. I'd rather have her on the jury and vote for me to win the money.
d Not necessarily becausethere's still so many weeks.
z no, i'm not saying like right away but int he end when it comes down to 2 people, I don't want to be up against Jen in the end.
d no, that's what I'm saying. I'm saying like i seriously, I don't know..
z I think your dad is f**ked there's no
d there has to be
z I can't think of a thing
d I agree and I"m on the same page as you right now but there is always a glimmer of a chance no matter what. even if there is we should try and think of one thing.
z the two issues that dus and e have presented and this was like long before you guys even got thrown up is that you both have votes...if one of you were to go to the end you have a vote
d but so does amber and dustin
z but you guys they think you will collectively vote for the same person in the end.
d i know but do you see where i'm coming from. like i said to him earlier, everyone thinks we're the same person, the same brain. if anyone is, it's dus and amber and you know that
z agrees
d calls a a dummy
z he's got to go (dustin) the thing that sucks is even if he goes we've still got to get eric. I'd almost want dus to stay over e I don't want to think about it because it's going to drive me nuts
z says we need to get jen back on board
d says Jen is playing both sides says jen is telling them stuff. says they need to make jen feel like she can totally trust dani.dani saying how she told jen she has her back 100%. Says that Jen is acting funny today.
z says jen has to realize she's on the outside too
d i know and she thnks she's in better than she is. Says Jen is expendable to the NNH. says that jen will go after dani and ed. says they need to start dividing the NNH up now.
z Ive been doing that already with e and Dus
dani asks how and tells him to be careful because h needs to be able to retrace his steps.
z says he's fine and has been completely honest.
d says they need to put stuff in jens head because jen goes to HOH and repeats it but doesn't know what yet.
z says he's letting jen do her own thing because they're on similar pages as far as where they stand in the house. says if jen gets hoh she wouldn't put dani or z up
d.. I think she'll put up dustin but don't know who else.tells z they need to use jenn.
z agrees and says he needs to make sure she's on their side.
dani says she's not but she's not on their side either. she's on both sides but that's dangerous for ed and dani and zach

Z and A in the WOR
(Z is sure laying it on thick with A about religion etc and bashing ED)
Dick and Dani in the BY playing croquet.
Dick is showing her different strategic ways to hit the balls (might help later on POV maybe? It is nice to see them getting along so well! )
Over to the WOR
Amber and Zach doing some bonding... Z saying all kinds of things that Amber wants to hear. He has even brought up Dustin taking the trip etc in the POV comp and they are both saying how that was wrong!
A & Z talking about Dustin and the PoV and Zach says people will forget about him doing that and A says no they won't. (lets hope not Wink )
Z says he hopes ED goes home and that is who he is voting out
Amber agrees and says she is too.
Z says he has been waiting to vote him out for 3 weeks.
Zach reflects back on the flour war that he had with ED and how he made itching powder to get even but thought out.

11:22 BBT
Z tells A to keep working out and she will sleep better and be less stressed out. (Has zach finally started playing the game?)
Amber is thanking him for the workout.
Zach is giving her the calorie count break down and they are done. (1 point for Zach lol)

11:32 BBT
Dick and Dani in the BY
jess Jen and jam in the HOH
no sign of the others
girls just speculating on the future croquet game... (not sure what else)
D & D talking about why Jess put them up, because of Eric and how long Jen and Kail lasted in the house.
Not much going on.
Danielle and Dick in the BY talking about tea that makes them pee.
D&D discussing that Jessica put them up for eviction because Danielle put Eric up. Dick saying how quickly things change in the game because everyone wanted Jen and Kail gone and look how long it took to get one of them out.
Danielle expresses regret over her failed deal with Kail. Danielle recounting how Eric said that Kail and Jen were just as sturdy on the swing as Danielle during the HoH competition... Dick says Eric's full of sh*t.

11:45 bbt
Dick and Dani practicing the croquet again.
In the kitchen Jess, Jen, Jam, Zach, Dustin & Amber debating whether the kitchen table is smaller now. They have found Eric and he thinks it is the same size.

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