All are sleeping, dreaming of who they are really going to vote to evict. Because NO ONE knows.
9:30AM BBT
Kail up, grabbed some clothes...looks like she's changing under the covers.
10:15AM BBT
BIG BLUE (maybe wakeup... Dustin needs to Dyson LOL)
10:30AM BBT
Zach is getting up. He grabbed some clothes, went into the BR and started the shower.
Jameka up, went to Storage Room & grabbed the Dyson. Says good morning to Zach and goes to the potty. Dustin up and watching Jameka brush her teeth in the bathroom. Jameka and Zach discuss not sleeping well due to someone's snoring.
Jam goes into the gym to do her makeup. Dustin comes in and says I've been awake since 5am....inaudible....Jam: Its final today, huh? Dustin nods. Jam: Yeah, the house is gunna be split.
BB: Good morning house guests. Its time to get up for the day.
Dick in his bedroom getting dressed.
10:30AM BBT
Jen wiping out her ear in the HOH room
Shot of Dick heading into DR
Dick said he's gotta call Joe D when he gets out and order Comcast Triple play and watch on-demand
All 4 feeds showing empty HOH bathroom
Dick: Did I look too comfortable in bed?
DR Woman: Sorry its a few quick questions. Its my job to keep you on your toes.
Dick:(fumbling with mic) To keep me off my feet, on my feet
Eric called to Diary Room
10:45AM BBT
Jess, ED, Jen, Dani, Jam, Eric, Zach in HOH - Lockdown???
Jess - The less entertaining we are, the faster the lockdown will be.
Dick is laying in bed with Jess
BBVoice - Remember houseguests, it only takes 440 laps in the pool to equal a mile. HGs collectively say WTF?
Lockdown over and the Houseguests are told to clean their house.
They found 15 ants on the kitchen counter...Jen says..they came in here and put 15 ants on the counter.. Eric says remember that for HOH 440 laps and 15 ants...
11:15AM BBT
Eric is cleaning. Jen is putting stuff away. Jess is eating.
Now we have 16 ants.
Kail cleaning...possibly the BR? off camera..but i can hear her and she is collecting cleaning supplies from the kitchen
Now there are 19 ants
11:18AM BBT
BBVoice - Houseguests, please report to the HOH room at once.
FOTH is on the TV in the living room, old BB music playing
11:30AM BBT
Jen asking how bout metrics....how many meters does it take to make a mile....Zack knows it in Yards..."Metrics suck 3 divided by 5280 I think its 1,100 something..." Zack- why? Jen wondering bout swimming meters...
Jess a lifeguard for 4 yrs at the Y...time to recertify...Zach's Dad is a lifeguard, Zach has CPR training...scuba requirements.
11:45AM BBT
Kail and Dani in HOH bathroom...all others are in bedroom..can't make out whispers
Eric talking about what he is going to do to his hair for the live show, he will have it flaming. Not red, but on fire.
Some general conversations about dogs.
12:15PM BBT
Everyone is cleaning... Eric is doing the kitchen floor.. Dustin.. .vacuuming...Zach...moving chairs?...Dani...wiping down the mirrors.
12:45PM BBT
Kail goes in round room to talk to Jen...(she looks nervous) Kail - Dustins not going to flip his vote on Amber Jen - yeah he would but not admit to it... she said i just know that's happening. Kail "ya think?"
Kail leaves and goes into kitchen to join Amber, Jess, Jameka, Daniele and Dustin
Eric and Zach chatting about work, video games, etc.
Dick in the kitchen with Dani "I'm so sick of the BS of these b******"Dick & Dani suspect something is up - Dick said "we have to stay calm" & he's not worried about it. Dani "i feel really bad about my goodbye message to Kail" Dick "i think everything is fine - i'm not gonna stress about it"
Dick said BB gave him the heads up if he wanted to smoke before lockdown, then Dustin said something about blocking feeds for 12hrs ......
All houseguests are on lockdown - and in the work out room.
1:40PM BBT
Jessica is trying to figure out what to wear..wants to wear a tube top cuz her "boobs are full" She says her boobs are big today...Eric doesnt get how they change..asking questionsEric's not complaining...he is helping her with clothing options. Amber is in the room too.
Eric took notes on what each person was wearing at finals...doesn't remember what Amber wore and she says she isn't surprised he's drawing a blank on her. We get FOTH as they discuss the Jase look-a-like and the guy that Nick almost punched out.
Eric asking if Jess and Ambers boobs change "consistency" and Amber says she has a one day period if that
Eric asks Zach when he started to be so tall..he says he was 6'4 by the end of high school Talking about how small Eric's family is in proportion to Nick's body. Zach says Nick lost a lot of weight, he was huge when he walked in the door
Dani asks everyone if they want a breakfast burrito..Eric is making fun of Zach and how much he eats Zach can't wait for the eating HOH competition..and Dani says and the panty chomping comp. He thanks her for fabricating that lie again.
Eric asks Jess if she could win a beer chugging comp, she says maybe against a girl.
1:45PM BBT
Jess: Jameka can I borrow a bra?? Eric: Can I borrow a bra? Jameka: NO!
Eric is leaning on Jess's bed..asking her 1000 questions about nail polish, if she does it herself, if she lets it dry first...
Jess: Are you gonna win HOH eric? Eric: I hope so
He's planning on it
Jess: Are you gonna jump in the pool if you do?
In the little room, Amber is sitting in front of Jameka while she "spirals" her hair. She tells her the shop isn't always open and she's getting her hair done for free!
Jameka and Eric talking about Growing Pains, Family Ties
Jam sings "Sha na na na" and we get FOTH.
Eric every Monday night would rap the Fresh Prince theme song but the embarassing thing was he also had a choreographed dance to the Blossom theme song that he would dance to every Monday. Zach telling everyone AGAIN that he played raquetball with Carlton from Fresh Prince.
Dani says she wears 2 bras. She won't with the bunny suit though cuz whats the point.
E: Amber can you have a shower with those in?
Jameka: black girls when they have braids..do you think they shower?
Eric: Yes
Eric mentions that he meant getting the hair wet, not just showering.
Dani answers that you can shower just not get the braids wet.
Amber: why do you gotta turn it into a racial question?
feeds back! all in the kitchen happy.
Dick gives dirty looks at Eric and Dustin.
Amber asks how many staredowns he is going to do?
Dick says he isn't staring at anyone (he was, though)
Dick: I already told you what I thought about you.
Amber: Good! I'm glad you thought that way. I'm glad you thought I was in on getting Nick out of here. That right there shows how much you trust me. I don't need you--
Dick: I can't wait until Eric pulls that out and throws that at you, because he will. I can't wait.
Amber: You know what, if he was gonna do it, he would have done it then.
Amber says that Eric would have done it when she screamed at him, and he didn't.
Dick says that he needed her vote, so why would he?
Amber says that he already HAD her vote!
Amber: He even told me today, you can vote however you like.
Dick: He said he would do it. He will.
Amber: Good! Let him do it then.
Zach: It's gone to the dogs.
(Talk of beer that Jess will get in HOH basket)
Zach says they should make a cheers to Carol.
Zach: She saved you!
Eric says he wants to make a toast to "unicorn"
Jess: This sucks.
Amber: At least Eric believes what I tell him. At least Eric believes what I tell him. At least I got that.
Dick: He uses it, too.
Dick: Eric said it. Thirteen people in his way of him getting the money. That hasn't changed.
Eric: I said that's what I felt before I moved in.
Dick: Nothing's changed.
Eric: That changed the second I actually met the genuine and real people in this house. Which actually applies to most of the people in this house.
Dick: Absolutely. Another liar. You and Dustin. It's a good pairing. A very good pairing.
Eric says according to Dick, every person other than Dick is a liar. Eric names them all off.
Dick says Eric said it was in his back pocket. Eric says that he spoke to Amber about it, and he and Amber will speak more about it when they are ready. Dick says Eric made it between Eric, Dick and Daniele. Eric says he hasn't denied saying it, and he will speak more to Amber when he and Amber are ready.
Dick is silent for a minute.
Jess says she is excited about her HOH, as she hopes she gets word from her brother. She says you see how much every word means to the people "over there," and her brother has it a lot worse than she (Jess) has it!
Eric says there just might be some streaking tonight.
(Zach is hanging around Eric and Jess, his usual M.O. of hanging around the HOH)
6:30 pm BBT
Dustin and Amber in Gym talking. Dustin just jumped up and down for joy Amber all smiles and "Finally, Dustin, Finally!" gloating over their *power* and how they want Dick gone.
Dick and Dani talking in round room. Daniele crying - she wants to go home. She hates all these people. Dick is trying to calm her down.
Everyone else is in kitchen laughing and chatting it up.
Dick and Dani in the round room.
daniele: i accomplished nothing, just like everybody else
dick:its ok, you have to take chances in this game, you did a great job
daniele:no i didnt
daniele:jen even said too that dustin's plan all along wasnt to get zach out it was to get nick out
dick: its allright, i didnt expect anything different from dustin, i wasnt surprised
daniele : i wanna go home sooo bad, you dont understand
dick: we can stick together we can do this
daniele: i just wanna go home...i want to take this stupid thing off (bunny suit) im sweating to death
daniele: i told you yesterday, that whole thing..so fake with amber
dick: i knew amber was lying today, her whole disposition, i told her she was acting weird, she was 'no no' , i knew she was lying
dick: dont worry its ok
daniele: im not worried, i just want to go home (multiply this comment by 10)
Dick: I don't wanna cause you trouble or headaches this week at all. let's just have fun together, ok?
Dani continuing to be silent.
Dani sniffing
Dick: it's going to be easy. no campaigning or nothing, no bulls***. I just wanna spend some time with you.
Dick: why would you think me and zach instead of me and you?
Dani: to use me as the backdoor.
Dick: yeah, that's true.
Dani: cuz then they'll have everyone playing use it.. to put me up on the block.
Dick: if I get it and it's me and zach, I won't use it.
Dick: but if I get HG's choice, i'll pick you. And if you get it, you can pull me off and they cant put you on.
Dani: I know, but i'm sure eric will think of that senerio.
Dick: true.
Dani: well theyll think everything through cuz eric and dustin are soo smart.
Dick: if they put us up, i'll use it on you. you need to stay and i need to go.
Dani: i dont wanna beeee hereee with thesee peeeeeple. I don't wanna be hereeeee. I hateeeee them. I don't like being hereeee. I'm not having fun! I don't wanna spend my birthday with these peeeeople (still crying)
(((btw dustin already said to amber that dick and dani WILL go up next to one another)))
Dick: jen and zach.. they can help you out.
dani continuing to sniff and cry
Dani: eric must have made deals with every single person yesterday
Dani saying after everyone talked to Eric, everyones deminor changed COMPLETELY.
Dick: it's ok.
Dick: you can still do this. you can.
Dick: I'm way to vocal and confrentational for this.. it's ok, you can do this. It's something I wanted to do for a long time. I did it, it's cool. you need to stay, you're much smarter and a much better competitor. you can do this.
dustin and eric sneak off to the gym and jump high five and express their joy over dick calling out everyone (amber,jameka,themselves) as being f*****g liars
dustin : i talked to amber, if we send eric home we're f****d, now the five of us will rock this house
eric: i know how it feels to feel on the outside...lets call jen and zach up too and let them (dick and daniele) feel how it is to be on the outside, that motherf****r is going home period end of story...no ones going to listen to a f*****g word he says and he's going home next week, im going to bury his ass this week and i will f*****g cackle over his f*****g grave
eric: they've tried to underestimate her, bully her and now she gets to put them out, its so much better that she won that if i won myself, and now you and i get to both play (hoh) next week.
Dustin: poor daniele, that's just embarrassing.
E: she now has the worst HOH ever... she told me you're the biggest threat and now.. HAHAH sorry b***h you and are you dad are gone. Dustin saying he didn't even think it'd be 3 on 3 next week cuz Jess and Jameka both can't play.
Eric and Dustin saying they should lure Jen in.
Eric called to the diary room... Dustin and Eric still celebrating and happy.
E can't wait to go to the diary room.
They called Eric to the DR before Jessica, everyone thinks that is funny.
Dick and Dani still alone in round bed room. BB scolds Dustin for something with his mike and Dick says: "give him a penalty nom, the douche bag nom"...Dick tells Dani that the only thing said that was true was when they (D/D) were told that a line had been drawn in the sand, the rest was BS"...
BB calls Danielle to DR, she tells Dick that she doesn't want to go, "I hate this place" asks if she can go later...no response. Dick says: I don't think so...Dick asks if he can go to DR and BB calls Dick to Dr. Both Dan and Dick say "thank you" and Dick leaves the room... Jen comes in now to check on Daniele...
Dani and Jen in the round room:
Dani: It's funny how, in here, if you know somebody lied once...I don't know. I don't know. This place is too much.
Jen: Yeah. It's a crazy house.
Dani: So, it looks like Zach is siding with them.
Jen: I know. Well, he never was trying.
Dani: He's kissing Eric's butt.
Jen says Zach always does that with each HOH.
Dani: Not really to me, to be honest. But he knew he wasn't going up. That's probably why.
Jen: Yeah.
Jen says she actually likes everyone in the house.
Jen says they have to all get along or they will be miserable. They'll be together for a long time.
Jen: I wonder who Jess will put up, though?
Dani: Me. And my Dad.
Dani: It will be what everybody else tells her to do.
Dani says that she hardly talked to Jess, but everyone thinks they talk all of the time.
Dani: I think she'll put up me and my Dad and put Zach up if the POV is used.
Jen: Yeah. Or, if Zach were to use it....
Dani: That's true, too, huh? But he wouldn't. He wouldn't with that side being so strong.
Dani says she knew about this ahead of time, because Eric was wearing Jameka's flip flops, and he said he hoped that the contest wasn't something where they had to run.
Jen says she knew-ish.
She says she told Kail the votes were flipped.
Dani: I smell fish. Hmmm. I don't smell it anymore. That was really bad, though.
Dani: I can't believe the last question was Carol! As soon as Julie said the last word, Jessica knew. Some of those questions were...whatever.
Jen says they were things that people said in the house, not the DR.
Dani says that she's glad Julie screwed up the Nick questions (that Eric knew). She says that Nick said that all of the time in the house. She says that the "salt and pepper" one about Joe was hard. Jen says she knew it.
Jen and Dani can't believe that Dick got his question wrong. It was because they twisted the word and said "our beds."
Dustin talking to Zach:
Dustin tells Zach that he knows that Zach told Dick that Dustin tried to persuade Zach to one side.
Zach says that it doesn't matter, though. Zach says "there were people from both sides" trying to persuade him.
Dustin says he only told Zach that he thought the vote would be 4-3 Eric.
Zach just keeps saying he had to keep Kail because she was so naive as to give up HOH for 5 weeks. Zach says it was nothing against Eric.
Dustin: Dick tried to throw it in my face and say, "I know you told Zach that he needs to vote your way, and I know that you threatened him." And I was like, actually, no, I didn't tell him that.
Zach says that he "got onto Dick about that." He told Dick "that wasn't how it went down."
Zach: I don't let anybody ever influence my thought. I listen to what people have to say.
Dustin: I know that. I totally respect you for it.
It's HOH time!
Jess got pictures of her brother, her Dad, her Goddaughter, the "J crew," and "Grandma Joyce!"
(Dani and Dick are present, but not participating, just looking around)
Jess also got Snickerdoodles, and a Toby Keith CD (She says "That's okay, too!" because she wanted Carrie Underwood).
Jess got a picture of herself at age 2, with other family members.
Dustin: Uh oh!! Your brother is cute, too!!
Jess has a picture of her friends, Michelle and Carrie. Jameka says that one of the girls looks so familiar to her!
Jess' brother is named Dean, it sounds like. She got a picture of him that had to do with the Marines.
They ask who sent the letter, and she says "Mom, Dad, Dean and Diva!"
Dustin tells her to read it later, as she gets a little choked up.
Jess got her cowboy boots, and they are Jess' Grandma's cowboy boots, which she gave to Jess, and she loves them. She got a sweatshirt and her pom-poms. Jess is really, really excited about the boots.
Jess also got something from the "Thunder" and she says she hopes she is on the squad! She says she better be! Everyone laughs.
She got hot fries and pretzels.
Jess: Feel free to eat some of it! Just not all of it!
She got Red Bull and Dr. Pepper and beer.
Jess says everything reminds her of Kansas. She got some big paper sunflowers.
everyone leaves HOH and Jess whispers to herself, "I'm so excited!"
Jess is laughing as she reads her note. It is on pink paper.
It says "You finally won an HOH!"
Also, it says something about someone taking her to the wrap party.
9 pm
Dustin, Jen, Eric in BY - sounds like there's a cover over the BY
Dick says if Jess puts up D&D he will be the one to go- he'll make every1 hate him.
Dick: It was a good time, but Daniele needs to move on, not me.
Dustin called to the DR
9:15 pm
Jessica is moving her stuff up to HOH. She's happy.
Jen tells Jameka and Amber that it will be awkward sleeping in the round room with just Dick. Jameka tells her maybe she can keep the door open
9:30 pm
Eric and Jessica in HoH
They are discussing nomination speech and that Jess will be the one that may get Dick out of the house.
Jessica tells Eric that she told Zach she wouldn't put him up. Eric says "not a big deal. Just put Jen up [in case veto is used on one of D&D] and send the other one home"
now Dustin Eric and Jessica in HoH
Eric suggests to Jessica and Dustin that they should "rope" Jen and Zach in for a few weeks and tell them it's their goal to get rid of D&D the next 2 weeks
Jessica agrees, but wants to see if they [Jen/Zach] come to her first, to see what they might have to say.
Dick and Dani still outside
Dick just said he'd never vote for Dustin, Eric, Amber or Jameka! He said he'd give it to Jen, Zach or Jess.
Dick to Dan: "Tell me when that b**** Amber comes out so I can pee"
Zach comes out... " Ah 2 more hours" Dick " yeah... thats what she said"
Dick: "...at the end....the girls will beat each other up with their bibles"
Zack to D/D : " I know if i win pov, it wont mean sh*t.... there voting you out" (Dick)
Zach is suggesting that they fabricate things about Dustin to spread to the other side.
10 pm
Eric talks to Jessica about his talk with Jen last night
Eric: "I've got to rack my brain about some of the s*** she said, but I just f***ing buried her about the whole s*** with you, because she brought it up."
Jessica: "So she must be scared I'm going up"
Eric: "She goes, when I was speaking with Jessica, I got nervous about some things, and I started saying strange things, and I was like..."
Jessica: "nuh uh!"
Eric: "And I was like, you got that right, you f***ing retard."
Jessica: "Whatever"
Eric and ED in Kitchen
Eric: "There are 3 or 4 hamburgers in there"
DICK: "F*** off, Eric."
Dustin: "Do you think they sprayed something out here?"
DICK: "If they did, they missed you!"
10:30 pm
Jameka comes out and sits down right in between Dani and Dick
She says nothing. D&D get up and leave (Dick is cooking dinner).
Dick to Jameka :"are you hanging around me for a reason?" then calls her a hypocrite
Dick in Kitchen and Jam and Amber are sitting at table
Dick just says "I think your Christianity is a joke"
Jamkea says:Funny so is your daughter and so is your mom.
Dick to Amber: "F****** tweaker who finds God during her drug recovery"
Dick "Your faith in your God is nothing"
Jameka called Dick a B****. Dick: "Would Jesus call me a B****?"
Dick says that Jam is a B**** and then Jam says your mom is a B*****!
Dick tell Jam to suck his c**k. And calls her a c**t.
(They are fighting like crazy and cussing and yelling, lots of low blows)
Dick keeps saying "You called my mother, an ordained minister, a b****!"
Is that what Jesus would say? Keeps bringing up the magic ping pong ball. Jameka repeats herself, now saying "I love you, I love you" as Dick says "Love my balls."
ED called Amber out for using $600 in meth a week and that her daughter must be a wreck.
Amber retailiated with at least mine talks to me.
10:45 pm
Fight still going on, Amber left and came back in
Jameka says she is done with Dick as of 10:49 (right now) -- Dick calls her a fake and a fraud
Dick calls her a little b**** that can't say anything that would get to him.
Amber comes in from backyard and he says "speaking of b***hes." Amber says "yep, that's me." And then he calls her a "fat b****."
Dustin peers in from the backyard at sliding glass door.
10:50 pm
Jam honestly im glad this happened
ED i am too
j im just glad you had my vote i wish i didnt give it to you
j no accountability, you are afraid to commit
d afraid to commit?
j thats a low blow
d: what would jesus do? wwjd
j you know it though, everybody knows jesus christ is the lord, when you are on your deathbed you will confess it, even before that
d: no i wont
j from this point forward you have been 1049 you do not exist
d fake fraud jameka
jameka has moved now to the bar table (actually closer to dick)
d nothing you can say is going to bother me you are a little b****
the blowup seemed to last about ten minutes.
jameka leaves by walking outside, says thank you lord.
11 pm
Amber, Eric, Jess, Jam, Dustin, and Zack eventually all in BY
Dustin says when Dick leaves, Dani will cut herself with a plastic knife
Eric says "whichever one of us makes it to All Stars 2, Dick will be in the house with us!"
Eric says they can stay up in the HOH and come down just to nominate him and evict him.
Jameka says she's not going to hide in her own house.
Eric says he's not going in there because if he would it would be a scene to end all time.
Eric continues trashing Dick.
Amber says "we have to win this veto!" Dustin & Amber want to make a huge scene when Dick is evicted to make him worked up for his interview with Julie. Amber wants Dani on slop. The four of them want to be the team on the food comp so they are either all on slop or not.
Dustin is considering volunteering to be a pawn if one comes off the block.
Dust: I'm the liar, I'm the scumbag? We'll see who gets voted out!
11:15 pm
Amber is worried her daughter saw Dick berating her, the LNC are trying to convince her that her sister pulled her daughter away
Jameka tells Amber don't get herself worked up
Dustin says because they came together it showed they "stood up to him."
J: He called me a princess in our argument
Dust: He called ME a princess!
Jameka is going to say "I vote to evict Richard."
Dustin says he wants to call him Richard the rest of the time. Eric apologizes again for not being there.
E: Is he for real? Is he the twist? Is he an actor hired to be a douche bag?
J: I can see it
Eric says they will throw a party in Jess's honor.
E: We'll be frolicking in the meadows after this! I'll kiss Zach!
D: I told Eric 'I'm so happy I could ***** you'
E: And I said I was right there!
Amber says it's funny Dani comes in the room and Dick shuts up.
A: She said 'are you okay?'
D: She said that TO HIM [and not to you guys?]
11:15 pm
Dani, ED and Dani talking inside
Daniele says the lockown was probably because of banners
Dani: "Daniele, you are an idiot. Amber and Eric are still liars. So is Dustin... and Kail."
Dustin about Dani "Put that b**** on slop"
ERIC shouting out to LA funeral parlors
To all of the Funeral Parlors in the Greater LA area, If you have any 2 for 1 family deals, I know a family who needs a discount rate. Give 'em the plots next to each other, or a 2 for 1 special, i'll pile them on on top of each other - in the next two weeks, i'm delivering their f*cking a$$es and i'm gonna be the one with the f*cking shovel pourng the dirt on their heads."
11:30 pm
evel dick smoking outside while dustin jessica eric & zach in hot tub. amber on couch
Dani to Jen in Round Room: "you have my word. from here on out, I have your back"
ED walks inside. Dustin and Eric mocking ED. Zach changes subject
11:38 pm
Jen saying producers kept trying to convince her to vote for Eric to stay
ED Jen and Dani all admitting that the DR tips them off and Jen says they wanted her to keep Eric
ED: did you see how jameka freaked out?
Jen talking about funny Kail stories. ED says that he couldn't ever trust Kail. Jen says that she doesn't think she would have ever voted against her. Dani and Ed saying "what will one vote do? its a pity vote" Dustin telling Jen how she is going to be the replacement nominee. Dani and Ed think that it is going to be Zach. Dani saying that Jessica doesn't like you (jen) very much. lots of whispering.
11:43 pm
(in the hot tub) - Dustin tells Eric that Dick called him names, including a "princess" and a "f*ggot"
ED: you need to follow Zackaround like an Fing magnet
Dani: he thinks he has this string on jessica where he can pull him away from Eric. before you leave(ED) you need to tell all your information.
they are talking about how crappy Zach is in competitions. sucks for them.
telling stories about zach saying he wants to butter jen up.
jen: dustin is the worst liar.
dani talking about faces dustin makes
11:48 pm
Ed talking about Amber being pissed.
ED: she says she spent 600 on crystal meth every 2 weeks.
Dani : people bringing personal issues into this game is not necessary.
daniele saying she is going to move her stuff in the orange br
11:54 pm
JEN: jessica doesnt want to be the butt head because she wants to move out here..
saying that she doesn't mean to brag but being friends with her after the show would be much better than being in here or the money.
12 am
Dani Jen and Ed talking about Dustin
Dustin saying Jen had to win the pov because it would look better if he changed the nominations if she won.(this happened when he was hoh)
Dani: talking about eric saying "i've been laying low no one has seen what i can do"
talking about eric being good at answering questions.
ED: dustin wouldve loved to have put me on the block if he had won hoh this week. he wouldve taken all the credit.
JEN: the reason he wouldve put jen up as the replacement nominee because she wouldve been the reason for one of them going up and "wouldnt have been the ultimate.." who says that?!
ED: they want me out of here so bad as it is they wont be able to deal with it.
Dani: they way that play they vote personal and strategic.
ED: im going to make them so miserable this week that they dont think about it strategically. if they think about it strategically they will vote dani out.
Dani: should i go up to people and be like im sorry for the way he's acted it's embarrassing?
ED: no
Dani: "*covered mouth - diary room name* told me expect another twist in week 7"
Jen talking about the turning your world upside down theme.
and how she thinks that maybe they will switch up the hoh and pov because they are the most important positions.
kail was embarrassed about leaving in a bunny suit.
dustin talking to Jen and amber saying dont waste your fing breath.
zach trying to compare this game to 8 mile.
dani has never seen it so he is explaining it.
eminem uses all of the bad experiences in his life to rap about in the end rap off so the other rapper has nothing to rap about.
ED understands it. he says that his life is an open book so no one has anything to black mail him with.
Dani was told in the DR to expect another twist in Week 7.
Dick says if he's going out, he's going out with a bang!
JEN: Jessica doesn't want to be the butt head because she wants to move out here saying that she doesn't mean to brag but being friends with her after the show would be much better than being in here or the money.
All four feeds on the BY with Dick, Dani & Zach discussing Jen and trying to find the missing piece of the puzzle concerning Jen, what they think she isnt telling them about her game and reasons for really being there, discussing numbers etc..
1:30AM BBT
Up in HOH, Jameka and Amber are having Bible Study. Dustin trying to explain to Zach how their LNC has been working, Dustin lying to Zach saying how Zachs name was never brought up by him. Dustin isn't telling the truth.
2:15AM BBT
AMERICA'S CHOICE RESULTS - America Voted Dustin.. Eric is up in HoH trying to pitch to Jessica to put up Dustin
Eric told Jess that if the votes are all against Dick, he would consider casting a sole vote for Dick. Jess told him that might not be smart.
4:30AM BBT
Not much going on. Dick and Dani in the backyard talking about the other houseguests.
5:55AM BBT
All are finally in bed.
Elite Team
- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Thursday, August 9
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