Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Wednesday, August 8

Flip Flops - not just for summer footwear

I had a huge long thing typed out and erased it. Grrrrrrr!
Basically, the night involved lots of game talk. Amber convinced Dustin to be the 4th vote to evict Eric. Dustin told Dick, who struck a 1 week deal with him. Jess decided that Eric is creepy and is fine with him being voted out. No one wants to tell Eric he's going.

7:55AM BBT
Amber saying she doesn't want Eric coming & looking over her bed! Jameka saying she's not gonna be scared in her own damn house. (Basically saying Eric is getting too creepy.)

Jess asks Amber "Do you think both the phantom votes were him (Eric)." A: "Yes, I do, to cause doubt in the group." J: "So, he really was the one trying to break the group apart. I just lost the bet. I bet ED he didn't do the votes." Jess says she was not at ease when they were keeping Eric. Now she is at ease. Jameka comments how Dani figured all this out & that she smart!

8:05AM BBT
Jessica goes outside to work out. Everyone else is sleeping.

Jen up and went to the DR, her ear is hurting bad. Jess is doing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. Everone else still asleep.

9:15AM BBT
Jess taking a shower, Jen has gone back to bed.

9:30AM BBT
Kail is up and in the kitchen.

9:45AM BBT
Jess doing makeup, Kail reading Bible and drinking coffee in backyard, everyone else asleep.

Jen in bathroom using what looks like a small asperator in her ear. Jess in the backyard doing laundry, occasionally talking to Kail. Jen said she's going to go to DR about really bad earache but went to hammock instead.

10:10AM BBT
Jess blow drying hair, Kail on by couch, Jen in hammock. All others are snoozing.

10:40AM BBT
Zach in bathroom, Jess sunbathing, Kail sitting by couch, Jen still in hammock.

10:50AM BBT
FOTH (Wake up call?)

After a long FOTH, the HGs are up. Jess and Dustin in the BY talking about the songs BB played. One was a Kanye West song. Jess says Kanye only likes black people and they "only have one of his kind here".

Now she's telling Dustin and Zach about her being up since 5 am and how she's been doing laundry...that it feels good to be up early.

11:15AM BBT
Zach is tanning with his bunny hat on. Dust, Jess, and Kail are in the kitchen getting food.

11:40AM BBT
Dustin to Jess - if you get HoH you should still put one of them up (D&D) if one of them goes up one of them still goes home definitely that needs to happen
Jess - HoH should be a breeze this week look whos playing Dustin -gonna be 6 of us instead of 7....Zack...then me you and Amber I want you to win it SO BAD Jess - even though I think it will be harder to put those 2 up I think it'll be a better move
Dustin - I still want those 2 gone...SO BAD

11:45AM BBT
Dustin (in reference to eric) says why can't people just be normal? its gonna be sad when he leaves. and Jess says I'm not gonna be that sad. He is trying to create drama between me and Amber and I don't like that. She says she doesn't even want a question that someone she is close to is playing her. Dustin says Eric came to him cause he sees Dustin as a smart player. Dustin is sort of taking credit for seeing that Eric laid blame on each guy as weeks went by to get them out. Jess says she wants to vote out Eric, she doesnt care and Dustin says NO really fast and says let me be the only vote for him to go from our side. He did hinky votes for 2 weeks let there be one hinky vote for him.

Dustin- I dont think Kail will vote out me or you...
Jess - but if I don't vote to save her this week
Dustin - that won't matter .... I told her I was her 4th vote
Jess - oh Jameka told me Dick woke up Kail to tell her she's staying and she kissed his hand...
Dustin -Ewww...
Jess- thats what I said...
Dus- that's bizzare... Dustin-Eww Kail thats so weird...
Jess- Whatever
Dustin - gonna suck without him here. The past 4 days he's been on you soo much

Jess says she plans to avoid Eric Dustin says don't you think you should tell him you were acting kinda creepy last night

FOTH as Zach begins to sing Little Bunny Foo Foo

Dustin - I think that just because after this week we'll be in the jury house the 9 of us will have a luxury comp. Just because America's Favorites will be in the house just because we'll be in the game till the end at this point...no matter what.
Jess- unless someone comes back and we all know who that will be..
Dustin - Joe
Jess no...what if?

Jess - hopefully Jameka and Amber learned their lesson this week!

Jess - well, there sure arent any banners today...Dustin - nope..but if it said Dustin and Jessica are hobo clowns...both scream

Dustin says he's still proud of himself for making Daniele cry. Both say they still want Dick and Dani gone saying sorry Dick has to go, still plan to get Dick out next week.

Jess - I need to talk to Dani today I been kinda avoiding her last few days Dustin - she said she was pissed at me for avoiding her...I told her look at you she wasn't the most approachable in the house. You're grieving over the loss..I told you I was here for you..I can't come up and ask if you're ok every 10 min....I'm still proud of myself for making her cry
It's just like everybody goes thru things and everybody has one thing in life that just sucks.. yours just happens to be your family Dani ...don't hold it against people dont walk around here like debbie downer just because your complaining .....omg..sigh .. just because they're right about Eric doesn't mean I like them any more

Jess - Are you trying to tell us something? we cant hear you(to plane flying over)...they need to drop messages in here.
Dustin - would be effective...
Jess- I know banners get spotted drop us a box of something

12:15PM BBT
Dani telling Nick, Kail and Jen in kitchen talking about how Jess was freaked out by Eric, "who does that, its like awkward?"

Eric walks in..."Kail are you accustomed to this? I'm getting the everywhere I go treatment. Doesn't matter where I go to get a drink of water...the cameras follow everywhere I go"
Dani - they're doin it to me too
Eric - literally every step
Dani -there's literally nothing goin on

Dani called to DR......she yells YAY

Kail and Zach in the kitchen still
Kail: "don't think i'm not appreciative for every vote i get during the live vote"
Zach: "she (dani) is pushing for me to keep you in but there are a bunch telling me to keep eric. I don't know what to do."

Eric joins Dustin and Jess in the Backyard. Eric talks to Jess about disturbing her sleep last night. Dustin also tells Eric that he made Daniele cry last night. Eric says, "Congratulations!" and Dustin says, 'Thank you'.

Jess just said look at that banner it says Dustin and Jess are HOBO Clowns. Eric shakes his head and Dustin said that's what we decided all banners will say. Eric: I am sure its true I have spent time with you two.

12:30PM BBT
Dustin - I'm gonna have I Don't Feel Like Dancing (Scissor Sisters song) stuck in my head all day.
Eric - I really appreciated them playing my own send off of Another One Bites the Dust ...I've only said 100 times it was one of my favorite songs and ooohhh so fitting... altho it did kinda make me happy...I danced a little bit in my bed.

12:40PM BBT
Jen's up

12:45PM BBT

12:55PM BBT
Jameka tells Amber that she can't let Zach win HOH tomorrow night.

1:30PM BBT
Eric asks Dustin to talk. Dustin asks if he's talked to Zach. It may be Eric's only hope.

1:40PM BBT
Daniele and Amber in bathroom looking at HOH camera pics. Amber asks if her and Nick are going to get together? Daniele won't say but does say when he left he told her it wasn't goodbye but to be continued. She said thats how she ended her blog.
Daniele can't wipe the smile off her face.
Eric and Dustin still in the backyard talking.
Eric: Amber was out here for 4 1/2 hours and she doesn't have a poker face she hasn't spoken to me today. I am not going to fight to the death I can't imagine Amber taking it back but it is like I see what Kail has been saying for weeks.
Dustin: I didn't talk to her about that
Eric: I really love her dearly but she came in here with a chip on her shoulder, like she wasn't going to make a guy make a fool of her.
Dustin: Dick and Daniele are pulling on Jess and it is very hard for her I am sure that is why she couldn't sleep last night
Eric says he doesn't want to leave being sandbagged with lies by 2 people.

1:45PM BBT
Indoor Lockdown!!!!
Amber going off on Eric about telling everyone about her past abortions She is very excited and crying telling him he is f***** up and he is going
home. Still saying she will vote to keep him only because she swore on her daughter. She says she hasn't lied once in the house and how dare him use against her the personal information she shared with him (re: the abortions and lying to the bf). She tells him to just tell everyone in the house what it was and he is totally silent. She ends her tirade with God, that felt so good and runs away and cries. Eric is shocked not saying a word or eating his nachos He is just sitting there looking shocked.

Dick walks by after Amber blows up and says to Eric: "Some people get what they deserve" Eric looks sick and ready to cry He knows he is going home. All HGs leave Eric alone in the LR. Amber repeating how happy she is she finally got it out. Kail walks out...last to leave Eric alone in living room saying, "hold tight"...Jess walks in grabs her water and leaves without a word.
Amber just hugged Danelle Amber said I'm so happy right now, I feel good and I'm not even crying.

2:10PM BBT
Eric to Kail - she told me something personal..I repeated it to no one.
Kail - I know how ya feel
Eric - People jump off the bandwagon faster than they can jump on...it'll be 7- 0 against me I promise you...not even Jameka will cast the courtesy vote in my favor. Can I relieve her of her promise (Ambers)? They'll see what happened so.... Eric just congratulated Kail because she is staying. Seems like he's giving up.
Dick walking past Kail and Eric- Sad thing is...to be so good at it in the house Im sure the lying manipulation...using people
Kail - I dont believe it at all
Eric- the biggest mistake I made was not standing up and saying I was w/ you and Mike...and not making that as a choice whether it was offered or not
Kail - I didn't know it was even out there
Eric -it wasn't but I was being accused of it everday so I may as well have been doing it at least it woulda been w/ people who are decent

2:15PM BBT
Eric tells Kail he wants to sit down and tell her everything and wants her or Jess or Jameka to win. And after he tells Kail, she can tell whoever she wants.
Amber is giving the finger to Eric's picture on the memory wall, Dani takes picture of it while Jen watches.
Eric - Regardless of what these people say...get Dick and Dani outta here
Kail - people change like that (finger snap) you still have 30 hours...
Eric - if Amber refuses to cast the vote she'll get someone to do it for her and of course they will 'cause....I'm the devil in disguise
Eric upset, goes to Diary Room.

3:19PM BBT
Cam 1, BY with Jess & Dustin.
They're going through the weeks, who won what, who was nom'ed, POV, etc.
Jen and Amber at the washer. Kail's trying to ensure her safety. Amber talking 60 miles an hour, trash talking E, saying that he was only apologizing to her because he felt guilty...explains the four votes, that Jam & A are still voting because of her promises, tells her about what she told Eric (but not exactly what she lied to her bf about) that ED told her that E told him that he had something on her that he was going to use when the time was right.... (I can't begin to keep up, but it's all stuff that we've heard before)
Kail says that the lie to the boyfriend is OK because she was on drugs. (really?)
E said Good people stick with good people (and sticks her foot in her mouth, because she's talking about the 5, and to Kail & ED!) E isn't a good person, to F***ing brainwash me to get Nick out...that's that's just uncalled for. I'm a better person than that, I'm a bigger person. I'm literally sick. I want him back, I miss Nick I love him so much I want him to come back in the house and it's all because of F***ing Eric, you'll see when you see the tapes. And the banners that said me and Eric were liars, I've been racking my brains and I don't know and Eric said so what. I'm going home happy if you kick me out for being a liar because I know I'm not.
(she takes a breath, and ED gets a word in edgewise)
ED says he asked Eric about the mustard, and Eric said that Jen did it to herself.
Kail says ED wouldn't have done it behind her back
ED agrees, he would've done it in front of her.
Siren in the background
ED: They're coming to get Eric
Amber talks about casting her vote for Nick.

Amber tells Dick and Daniele that she overheard Jessica and Eric last night and how Eric asked if he was wearing Jessica out ( hanging around her 24/7 ) and she said yeah you do and that Eric asked do you want me to go to my own bed and she said yeah I do and that she ( Amber ) talked to Jessica last night - told her everything and how Jessica said wow- that she had an idea on a few things but now that you put in all into perspective - everything makes sense
Dick - and it was good that it didn't come from us
Daniele- yeah
Amber- - yeah and especially coming from me because me and her barely talk - I told her I go - Eric told me that you were jealous of me and Eric's relationship and I didn't understand why you would be because we don't really have one- and she goes yeah he told me the same thing - that is just what he does -
Amber- F***ing weasel you guys - what a psycho

Dustin & Jessica
Jessica - I just can't believe that he didn't say anything
Dustin- I can he's a paranoid Jewish boy from New York
Jessica - that's true - and maybe he was ready for Dick's because he expected it from Dick - but Amber's just caught him off guard
Dustin- yeah and I feel bad I do
Jessica- me too
Dustin-because he is a good player -but he took it below the belt he hit a soft spot
Jessica- yeah why would you say that- that he was going to bury someone Dustin- well that is why even I said I am sorry for calling Daniele and skank w**re all the time.
Dustin- I just want you to win HoH
Jessica- me too and what kind of WS will it be when I put up Dick and Daniele
Dustin- it won't be
Jess- you don't think so?
Dustin- I think they are expecting it from you
Jess- why? - she teases - you told them didn't you- you rat-
Dustin - -no
cam takes us to Dick talking to Jameka- saying that everyone didn't want to admit that they knew it was really going on- says it's like a wife that knows her husband is cheating on her- and they don't want to admit it to themselves - even though they know -
Jam - mmm hmmm
Dick- I am surprised that Jessica is taking it as well as she is
Jam- I don't know why, she's smart.
Dick- she knew she knew when me and Daniele- when Daniele approached her the first time- but then he ( Eric ) got in her ear

3:36 PM BBT
Still with those three.
Amber apologizes for yelling at Kail earlier...something about how Kail doesn't pull her weight, and Kail said I feel like I do my part. Kail understands, and doesn't hold anythingggg, anythinggg. It's a really hard g sound. K says it must be a speech implement (impediment, Kail! Rolling Eyes )
She talks about apraxia (SP) like dyslexia but with speech rather than sight. That may also be why she's so quiet.
And the camera changes to Zach and ED

3:39 PM
ED telling Z and Jen that he told eric that if E had seen everyone high-fiving when they knew he was leaving, he'd leave right now.
Cam goes back to Kail talking about her speech 'implement'
Am starts talking about how much better the house will be with E gone, ED will calm down...
Kail: mmmm hmmm mmmm hmmm (Jameka's disease)
Am: He's going to go around and lie so everyones alll stirred up.
Am was thinking about going into the DR to pray, she does it all the time, (ah, she's setting the stage) she prayed about possibly changing her vote, but she just can't, and with ED, Dani, Jen & Dus voting it's 4-3 and Jam & Am can keep their word.
ED comes out and tells them that he took E's suitcase and put it on E's bed and opened it for him. He repeats that E told Dani that he wanted K to be first in sequester. (Oh, these three are working my nerves)
Am says E is the devil in disguise. K says she's never done anything to him, never talked bad about E.
(and alls quiet!)
amber wonders what the HOH will be, it can't be true false, too little (few!) people.
Kail said she told the DR that she didn't want to meet Julie in her bunny suit. All four bunnies are mad that they have to do the show in their bunny suits. DR people said they'd get back to them (Don't back down, BB!!!)
Jen wanders through to join Dus and Jess on the couches.
quiet again...

3:47 PM BBT
Same three on the couches, ED says Dani said the lockdown was for a banner that said YAAAAAY! (for eric leaving)
Kail asks if the internet feeds are still on during lockdown. (yes) she thinks it goes to the bubbles. ED sets her straight.
Kail tells them about Jen's ear pain. Amber admits to lying to Nick (out of the blue) she's stuttering and fast-talking again... she avoided telling Nick until an hour before the show. When she told Nick he already knew. (OK from her body language, I say she's embellishing the truth a bit) how her instinct kept telling her don't let him go don't let him go don't let him go... (She keeps forgetting that she's talking to "the other side" and sticking her foot in her mouth talking about the "good people -- no offense...) Rolling Eyes
Eric in HOH telling Dani he was not the one who cast the other votes. He wanted Nick out and he didn't do that mustard either. He hates mustard. (can't believe he is STILL lying). He's asking Dani why now, why this week.
Dani told him that he is smart and a threat to everyone and that's why he's up. Eric admits he knows a lot about reality TV.
Eric saying he was never with Jen. She may have misconstrued something he said 30 days ago and she can ask Jess and Dustin. Also he was never with Kail and she even stood up and said so.
Dani saying voting out Nick was her biggest mistake ever because he had her back and he never lied to her.
Eric telling Dani that Nick told him in the HT that he shouldn't plan on being in sequester. There may be two others that my go before him but Eric took that as Nick being a threat to him staying.
Eric talking about a mistake about voting out Mike and that he again is blamed for the vote that he didn't cast and how he is being blamed for decisions for votes.

Dani saying that that has the least amount to do with his being put up.
Eric saying what is bothering him is that if he went on his own accord so be it and there would be plenty of people yelling at him and it's tarnishing his character moving forward the things that are not true, watching himself be slaughtered. People won't talk to me at the wrap party. I would have felt much more comfortable if you had come to me this week and said you had the numbers. Dani saying she didn't know she had the numbers. She didn't want people to know what she was going to do depending on what happened with the POV.
Eric saying you do understand how people are up here saying point of view A then go downstairs and say it's point of view B. The last thing he wll do is bring anyone down with me. I want people I care about to be left in a good position.
The problem I have is I am being blamed for things I didn't do and it tarnishes my relationships with people I have had relationships with (my words). He said he should have respected Zach more and he will tell him that before he leaves.
Eric says we tease other people about things and when I leave, you all will say dispicable things about me and what I've been or what I've done in this house. You know who I am outside of the game, well you don't... these issues aside, you were one of the first to meet me and that's who I was and this is who I am now. can you imagine Amber, who I have been friends with and protected, and have that happen? You haven't had that happen. I've stayed up with your Dad and talked about things and he has been hurtful to me this week. I have never been given the chance to stand up for myself. I was never given the chance.

Dani says Nick never did, Joe didn't ...
Eric says exactly and kudos to you, a capable person in the house. But my name is being dragged through the mud. Dani says Eric I like you and I will talk to you at the wrap party. We've had many laughs and good times and no matter what people are saying to you, you will be missed in this house.
E saying he doesn't have a captive audience right now and no one will look me in the eye. I should go like anyone else but the honest truth of the matter is I've only showed 1/10 of what I possess. I thought I was laying back but obviously I was perceived as..Dani saying people noticed you were laying back.
Eric saying he doesn't deserve it going out like this. He doesn't take going out personally and would applaud anyone making a good game play. He's saying outside of the house he's being said to be manipulative (and he names a bunch of other negative words).
Eric said he think he has bonded with one person (Jess I think) but know he feels like he is a piece of s*it and I thought that you would at least have the decency to sit down and talk to me so my plea is not about the game but to not campaign against me as a human being. Don't let this be my legacy. Be happy I'm gone and that I'm out but don't let Amber sit here for the next two months and feel this way and don't let your Dad feel this way. I would never say anything to affect their lives or hurtful. (They need to replay tapes). I said extremely kind things in the DR and they will see. Like "How is Jameka?" She is a god sent person and kind etc...
After the heat of the moment at 3 .am. after a fight ..didn't catch the rest
E saying Amber, Dustin and Jess won't even look at him (I feel kinda bad for him) and I may be the only person in the house who can separate you and your Dad as two separate people but I feel like he came after me and set me up with things against my character and these things shouldn't have come up in play.

They may have come from him or from you but there shouldn't be a scenario are high fiving that I"m leaving nobody deserves that. All I can say is that I think I am being presented in an unfair light and I can only say that you are in charge this week adn that's as far as I am stating ...
dani saying I know this game has been brought to a personal level and it doesn't need to be there. People have brought their personal lives into it and it doesn't need to be called out and the game has not been about that.
I will talk to my dad and tell him to stop doing that. E says on that note, I heard the laundry list of accusations, take if for what it's worth, when I stood up to defend you, it's because she crossed the line and I was standing up for a friend. It wasn't something planned. I left the two of you up there and I should have been up here with you and I was devastated that I did that. I tried to encourage her and encourage you and when she said those things, it pushed me over the edge. Your Dad's voice only means so much and he's your Dad so of course he's going to say those things. If no one else is going to do that, I will. You weren't in a position to defend yourself.
I stood up and said those things from me being me and I would have been nominated if one of them won. It wouldn't have been you but it would have been your Dad or me. Of anything I heard this week, that hurt me the most. It had nothing to do with the game. It was being used against me by the people who should have appreciated it the most.
Dani saying she told others she appreciated it.
E saying there is a part of me that two days later, some show of appreciation. All you can do is be yourself and be the best you can to do that and being myself is not being allowed to do that.

3:51 PM BBT
Cam 1
ED went inside. Jess & Dus start yelling to Am & Kail. Kail has only been able to vote one time.
K: How's Jameka?
Now Amber remembers the first day they were in the house, how Eric, she looked at him and he looked weird to her and she got the worst vibes from her. So sketchy. He's got guilt (wait 'till you find out about AP)
(She's talking herself into really hating him, now)
Amber tells Kail something about telling Jen not to tell E something, then she felt so bad she didnt want to put Jen in that situation she went back to her and said you tell Eric anything you want. In between, her stomach was upset, she couldn't wait to see her again to tell her...
Amb: that's just me, though...
are you sick (mumble -- oh, it's about not being able to comete in HOH)
While Kail starts to say no, she's not worried about it and Kail interrupts to play with her hair and say that she feels bald now.

3:58 PM BBT
Kit with ED and Dustin Rolling Eyes munching NERDS
talking about Jess and the "go to bed day"
It was a perfect day because Dustin doesn't like to be part of the drama ( Shocked )
ED says everything should be considered at the last minute, no more of this four days ahead crap.
Dus is glad they talked, and some things he said he thought he had a reason, ED agrees, he did too. (So they're dumping all the bad feelings on E)
Cam follows ED out to Jess, Jen & Dus on the loungers. [They have bets with ED about what E did, they're going to owe him because he was right, E did it all.]

Mid-conversation Dustin and Dani
He asks her to give him the consideration to try to discourage that bad behavior to him (he looks like he’s about cry)
He’s never said an ill word, ever, and those people won’t even look at him. He’s been real, kind and nice to these people.
They can all rally behind your dad and you, but give me the decency as a human being. He hopes she gives him a call when this is done – [he’s crying now.]
The whole things is very disturbing to him that Amber and Jam and Jess won’t talk to him anymore. He has just been asked [I presume by Diary Room people] if he is giving up – if he is rolling over and dying and he said that’s not what it is – it’s his personal integrity that’s been attacked.
And if she tells her dad, her dad will just come at him. This is how he feels, it sucks to feel this way – he doesn’t think he deserves it and he would not choose to leave this way and he wouldn’t wish it on anyone. He hope that not the case but if it is the case, he has said his piece.
Dus wants to toast tonight, that each HG has made a mistake, names all of them, they all made a mistake, Jessica is NOT a robot! (huh?)
Just joking around now. Jess, asks if anyone needs anything, they say no and she goes in just as Dustin screams and jumps on Amber, biting her neck. (thanks for the deafness)
Dus starts talking about we posters, how bored we are with her, Kail starts going through her morning routine (I've typed that at least once)...how boring they must be.

Cam flips back to ED and Jess in the Kitchen. ED is surprised that she's doing so well with all of this. She heard this from that person, this from that person... ED tells her not to be the Erica of this season. How sad is it that Erica is know for "don't be the Erica."
J: It was hard at first, because we were close...
ED It felt like the whole house turned against us yesterday
ED Thing is, he was sitting there, in shock. For him to be that good in here, he must be REALLY good in the real world.
ED talks about how E got ideas from other reality shows. Jess is surprised he got away with it as long as he did. ED said that it took the 2nd hinkey vote for him to get it.
(whispering now)
the only thing that didn't match up was the mustard.
Jen walks in.
ED: Everybody knows she did it to herself
Jen: Huh?
He tells the story about Jen messing with his cigarettes again. He wants to wear her Jensa shirt to the live show.
Jess says Dus wants a 4-3, Dick wants 5-2 because he doesn't want Z or someone to throw it for the power, no hinkey votes. And with that, Zach walks in and starts clowning.
Jess says Eric told Amber that Jess was jealous of Eric & Amber's 'relationship.
He repeats what he told Amber last night about how E pits people against each other and sits back and watches.

Eric goes and blows his nose. He now predicts that Dani went down and told everyone and people will kill him even worse. She says she’s not her dad. He says he’s coming to her person to person. He wouldn’t do that to her
She says she wouldn’t do it to him. She says she’s sorry it happened this way she hopes he believes her.
E – it’s not right, its’ not right and people won’t have the information they need at the finale so I won’t be treated right there – he’s still shedding tears. He says he’ll get at least 9 phone calls from people after the game, because he’ll deserve that.
This has nothing to do with the game. The issue is that he has people he would have never done anything to. They now think he is the dreck of the universe.
He talks about his word now being just garbage – says he’s just being repetitive at this point and he guesses that’s all.
He remembers when Jen first won HOH Dani came to him and she came off two days later, but she got a taste of it. It’s a brutal position to be in. If you guys don’t intend to eliminate Kail and Jen, don’t put them up – but give them some days of peace – they don’t deserve this.
He tells her to try not to alienate people – it’s an unpleasant way to be in the house this way. When he’s watched the shows he never understand why people would roll over, but he understands now. If Kail feels half of the way he feels now, she’ll be irreparably scarred, and she has done nothing. They don’t need to personally beat down people in the process. He says he doesn’t think the majority of the people will take the time to talk to him today. So she shouldn’t think he’ll do a last ditch effort. It’s very disappointing the way it was left for him.
He tells when he came in he was of the opinion that he didn’t care if anyone talked to him but that changed a few days after he was in the house. What does he get out of this, $4000 stipend. [what about the money he's got for America's Choice stunts!!]
Dani tells him not to say anything about Jessica, this whole week has been really hard for her. He says he loves Jessica. He wants to clarify he was not insulting her in any way.

Jess and Eric in HOH
Jess tells him that he said “that “ to a lot of people” He says yeah, but I never said what it was – it was obviously stupid.
E – there is a personal or a game conversation what do you want to have She says what you want to have.
He starts saying something then asks her if he has her vote – she says yeah, you do – she lookes peo'ed, by the way.
He says Kail can do nothing for you guys. Goes on to talk about Amber, Kail can’t win an HOH, neither can Jameka, I can win an HOH, Dustin and and you can. He tells her that there will be dessention in the house. The fact that they are lying about the things he has done are still the same. Some of the things they’re saying are true, most of them are false.He says there are things he was accused of that he did not do.
He says my word is garbage here, which upsets me, but I hope it’s not garbage to you. I’ve never done anything to you never said cross words about you. I think it’s down to you, Dustin, Jam, Amber and maybe ?
Tells her why the others can’t win. Promises her to protect her. She doesn’t look convinced.
He says he’s guessing that he’s said bad things, forgotten what he has said She says “forgotten what you have said” and looks at him. He scrambles.
He can be obnoxious and he can be sweet and endearing. Like me or hate me I am who I am. I really genuinely tried to get to know people in this house. I really tried. It kills him that - talks about the fun they made of Mike, Joe and Nick and Carol. If he leaves tomorrow now it’s not gonna be he was really personable and fun, it’s gonna be he’s a disgusting piece of sh%t and you know I’m not that. She says she never said that. He says he knows.
He says a game is a game. I’m not claiming it’ll affect me outside of this house. He is pretty much repeating the stuff he said to Dani. About his legacy in the house as being the a$$hol%, the liar, etc. because it’s the furthest thing from the truth. 99% of the time he was nothing but decent and kind and generous to most people. He deserves better. He cries again and says she doesn’t like wussy boys. She asks him if he’ll talk to everyone. She tells him he has Jamekas’s voice, but she doesn’t know if he has Dustin’s voice. She says, I don’t hate you. She’s thinking. She points out to him that when Amb attacked him he didn’t say anything. He says what should she have said. She says I don’t have any advise to give you – I won’t be mean to you. He says, well, if you, Jam and Amber are all voting to me – that means that one – tells her that the DR called him out big time.

5:40 bbt
Dick and Amber on 1 & 2
Amber saying that something about what Eric said about from the Bible. She quotes it.
Dick says that he knows the bible probably better than anyone in there and he's never been afraid to die because according to the bible you shouldn't be afraid to die because of what's waiting you. The only thing he is afraid of is not doing what he wants to do while he's here, write his story, see the Northern Lights. He wants to go and do and see the world. That would make him sad, but he'd be dead so he wouldn't be sad.
He said about 6-8 months ago there will be a lot of comments on his blog. He had a crisis. He knows there were some superficial comments on his blog. He'd F***ed the hottest woman, but things like has he hit his peak, about his work.
It was a realization. You get to his age of 44 and...
Change to kitchen with Zach, Dani, Jen, and Dustin (?)
Dani is talking about when she was on slop she thought she had an ear infection too. It's from the slop.
Dani says it's really annoying. Jen talking about one being annoying and one really hurting.
Eric- and I know about all the concerns that you've had from the beginning- and I know that we have talked about them
Jess- mm hmm
Eric- I have never ever ever repeated anything you said, wronged you in any way- insulted you for any reason
(lots of sniffs between each word )
or done anything that wasn't exactly how it felt
Jess- yeah
E- it felt good to me - right to me - and - everything I did came from that place- and I don't know if you will ever believe that- well you will when you watch the show-but I know this week has been hard for you and I know that you've been told some things- some maybe true- most are lies- some may have a gray area to them
Jess- mmm hmm
E- but ummm ...*sniff* to you personally and specifically... outside of the game ..you know ... *sniff* whether or not by some miracle I stay here or not -that every convo, that we had was real and ummm... you know you can believe that or not - I hope that it was real on your end also
Jessica- it's real but umm I guess my first question would be why did you tell Amber that I was jealous of you and hers relationship
Eric- tell... Amber.. that you were jealous of our relationship
J- extremely jealous
E- I don't believe myself to have said that I don't know
J- ok
E- I don't know Jess, I don't know and if I did say it - it was probably me joking- I don't know
J- I'm not going to make you explain- it was just what was in my brain
E- what are you suppose to do - I understand - I am not stupid and what we discussed that would not happen is actually happened and he ( Dick) is going to control everything and tell everyone what to think and do- he is doing exactly what he is accusing me of- he held that in his back pocket and used it on me- and you know that I told you exactly what she said
Jess -umm mmm
E- you also know that there was no way that I would repeat that to any one else -
E- and I told you that because I know you had concerns with her and my relationships so maybe I shouldn't have told you that was a mistake on my part
J- why do you say that?
E- because I betrayed her and maybe I shouldn't have
J- but you said that to a lot of people
E- not what it was
J- but you said that - you used it whenever
E- I did and it was obviously a stupid thing so to say
J- yea

6 pm.. bbt
Eric now talking to Jameka.. saying almost the same stuff he said to Jessica.
[He's doing a good job of digging himself out of the hole.. might be he will be staying after all.. ]
Jameka tells Eric that she gave even people that she didn't care that much about time so she wants to give him time because she does care about him
He tells her the moments that he had with her were genuine - true- not said any ill word about her - not in the DR- to anyone- anything- he is who he is -he jokes around- makes snide comments- doesn't mean them to be - just joking around- looks out for the people that he cares about and no matter what they say about him there was not a moment that they have shared that was not just him being him-- the sad fact of the matter is that they are wrong about almost everything that they are saying- the things they are saying didn't come from him and that the sad thing is that they have piled it so thick that it's hard to bounce back from - that they did what they did as means to the end- that he didn't do what they say he did- they just wanted him out of the house- maybe in the long laundry list of things that they accuse him of - maybe he did a few- but he knows that he didn't cast those votes in the DR - didn't put the mustard on Jen's shirt - he is fully aware of what he did and did not do and they can say he did -but it's not true- and that he's sad to see what they have been not wanting to happen is happening- He ( Dick) is calling the shots- setting him up- selling him out- and he is a bad guy and he is going to control it for a long time if we let him control it- is he the patron saint of the house- no... never claimed to be -is he the true decent person that has looked out for her.... -yes!!
Eric says he would NEVER have done anything with the information Amber gave him.. that he was probably provoked or egged on to say such a thing in the first place.
Eric says he would not have been (and will not be) going after Amber.
Says he wouldn't have done it to Amber ,... but Dick did exactly what he was accusing HIM of to him (Eric)!!!! (did that make sense???)
Telling Jam he wants to win back her confidence.
Jam:.. the Nick thing.. (is what is bothering her)
Eric: Last week it was Nick.. this week it is me.. it will be someone else next week.. they (Donato's I guess) will always have someone to go after.

Jen asks Eric if he really did tell Dick about Amber's secret. Eric's telling Jen in the HOH room that he would have a conversation with her if she wasn't going to use it to go run and tell everyone what he said.
After Eric denying earler to Dani and avoiding Jen's questioning, he never said that about Amber - he is now admitting to Dustin in hammock he did.
Eric telling Dustin he believes he still has all of their groups votes. Dustin said he's enjoyed his time with Eric and he feels that Eric hasn't done anything to change that.

7:30PM BBT
Dustin says he wants to have dinner with everyone, and to make a speech that all HG have made mistakes and don't make people feel bad because they've been caught. Eric: I did not cast those extra votes, or the mustard. I've owned up to everything I've done and everything else I've done is nice and cool. He doesn't understand why "they" had to do it this way.

Dustin tells Amber not to go back on her word about voting to keep Eric. Before that, he said his vote is locked (to keep Kail). Now saying that just because they're doing this this week...have this deal with Dani and ED, doesn't mean they aren't still going after them. Amber nods.Dustin worries about being nom'd and Amber says you can't worry about that. Amber to Dustin: "if eric stays, i'm done with the group"

Dustin just told Amber he swears on his mother's and brother's lives that he's voting Eric out but if there is a vote out there to keep eric and he stays then we all know all the hinky votes come from Dick.

8:30PM BBT
Dustin asks dick (in front of Jen, Jam & Jess) "can I ask you something & I want to say it in front of everyone..."can i vacuum the house tomorrow?" Dick smirks and says "yeah i said earlier its Dustins turn to vacuum the house tomorrow" Dustin "YAYYYYYYYYYY"

8:45PM BBT
Jen has been in a lot of pain with her ear this evening. Jen ask Dick if he thinks people will change their mind about evicting Eric. He said no. When they decided it for sure everyone was jumping up and down and high fiving. Plus everybody has already said their goodbyes today.

9PM-9:30PM BBT
Dinner and FOTH

Much of the evening has been general chatting about movies, tv shows and previous comps.
Dani, Amber and Jen in bedroom
Dick outside smoking, Kail, Zach and Eric also outside

Zach and Eric talking (and have been for nearly an hour) - Eric telling Zach he's sorry he's felt excluded, blah blah blah and trying to sway Zach to vote to keep him. Zach finally says he needs something more concrete from Eric before he commits.

11:15PM BBT
Zach talks to Kail in the hammock. Says he gave Eric his moment, so he'd see if she wanted one. Zach: You don't have to give me a graphic novel, cause I just already got one.They get in the hammock. Kail doesn't know where to begin...isn't saying anything...Zach tells her that he did vote to keep Mike and Kail in because he made an agreement to a group...that she never came to him...talking about how bad her approach was earlier in the game.

11:35PM BBT
Zack now askes ED for a "pillow kissing chat"
They try to get into the hammock, talk about each others bad breath. Zach "nothing to worry about, nothing" ED "i didnt think so" Z "says Eric confirmed that he threw Nick under the bus, that's all Zach needed to hear, says he is going to come at him tomorrow" says "i want to see what he has got"

Jen and Eric talking. Eric says he's always looked out for Jen's best interests. Bashing D&D to Jen. Jen says it was always Dick, not really Daniele.

Dani and Kail chit chatting. Eric sits down with them.
Mini (4.5) Earthquake near the BB House. This was Kail's first.

1:15AM BBT
Amber whispers to Jameka that the DR is trying to sway her to keep Eric. BB Voice - DON'T TALK ABOUT YOUR DIARY ROOM SESSIONS!
Jen and Kail in hammock, Jen telling about her conversation with Eric
Dustin & Amber on BY couches talking about keeping Eric - Dustin: This is a game of numbers Amber and we need to do whatever keeps us safe Amber: I know Dustin Dustin: Eric needs the 5 of us and we need him, it is what it is. Kail wants to go home Amber!

1:30AM BBT
Amber wanted time to think and went to lay down. Couple minutes later, Jameka was at her bedside, and then Dustin and they went through the numbers again. By the end of it, Amber agreed it'd be better to keep Eric, they could get rid of him later. She's worried Eric will come after her, but Jam and Dust told her he wouldn't. They decided not to tell him or D/D. Amber told Jessica about the plan to keep Eric and she was ok with it as well. They also talk about getting rid of him first out of their group later on and leaving Dustin with the three girls.

Dick is outside playing with the croquet game. For now, it looks like the plan is to shock Dani and Dick and evict Kail.

Jess going to diary room....amber just told jess that eric did something (one of the bad things dick said).....in order to help the group..not just for himself. Amber now trying to convince herself that eric may be a good guy after all. FOTH

2:15AM BBT
Dustin going to bed.

2:30AM BBT
Jess tells Amber that she feels like Eric is on their side and will fight for them. She tells Amber that she feels stronger now going into the HOH comp tomorrow. Amber says that we know how he is though. Jess agress and says that's why we (motions between her and Amber) need to keep talking. They agree that it's the best this week and leave the bathroom. Jess says she's going to bed.

Jen and Kail in Hooka room talking about Jen's bleeding and clogged ear problems, Eric, Amber, Joe, future HOH comps, etc.

3:15AM BBT
Jen and Kail finally go to sleep.
Dick still outside - playing croquet, doing laundry.
F1 & F2 on Bathroom (think Dick may have went in the stall), and F3 & F4 on the Round Room beds with Kail & Jen.

Dani saying Kail has been happier this week, Dick saying he wouldn't mind her sticking around a few more weeks, Dustin has to go, Amber would be a much better ally if he was gone. Dani wants some cereal, but no more fake Fruit Loops left (that would be kroger brand "Fruit Rings"). She goes inside to get a drink, and he says is she always going to be sh!tty and snippy with him.

5:30AM BBT
All are finally in bed, going to sleep.
F1 Jameka Eric Zach Amber small beds
F2 Kail Jen ED round beds
F3 Dustin Jessica large beds
F4 Dani HOH

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