Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Tuesday, August 7

Manipulation thy game is Big Brother

6:30AM BBT
All except Jameka and Amber are asleep.

6:40AM BBT
Amber in BY doing laundry, Jameka cleaning up by the benches. Amber tells Jameka "everyone is so lazy... everybody!". Jameka: Mmmmmhmmmmm Amber & Jameka only HG awake - cleaning stuff around the house, folding towels, etc. No game talk going on. Amber in Storage Room with garbage can; "Ewww... God people are hell, I can't...." ... trying to tie up garbage bag. "Smells like cigarettes" Jameka saying they have an hour, that BB will wake them up at 8 or 8:30 with music. Amber wondering if they will since they were up late cleaning.

Jameka went to say good night to Amber in small bedroom, Amber in bathroom. Amber comes to doorway and says "love you" to Jameka. Jameka going to bed. Dustin laying diagonal on bed, so Amber goes to small BR and goes to bed there.

8:45AM BBT
Kail used privy and went back to bed.


10:04AM BBT
Eric up and in the bathroom and jogged back to bed.

10:07AM BBT
Kail up again, this time looks like it's for the day. She has made coffee and is reading the Bible in the backyard.

1:30PM to 3PM BBT
There was a meeting in the HOH, Kail, Jen, Zach, D&D. Same old stuff... Dick never lied to anyone. Dustin's azz is grass if he doesn't win HOH next week... Eric is behind every horrid thing that's happened in the house, etc. Dustin drew the line in the sand and has divided everyone.

Jen kept saying she thinks Dustin is going to vote to keep Kail. Dick is going to keep working on Amber and he's going to talk to Jam tomorrow.

Eric is mucking up the waffle maker. Dick telling him which ladle to use for the correct measurement.

Dick went to storage room and grabbed a lot of potatoes and some onions. Eric just asked him what he's cooking up.. .Dick says dinner.

Last night there was talk that Jess and Dustin were staying in bed all day. Eric is supposed to serve them? LOL Anyways... Dustin is mixing more pancake mix, reading directions, measuring exactly... also wipes the outside of the waffle maker quite a bit LOL Dick scrubbing potatoes with the dish sponge .

Amber called to DR.... then Amber told to put her mic on.

All four cams on kitchen. Yep.. .Eric is serving Jess and Dustin waffles in bed LOL He's also bringing whatever else strikes their fancy. Dick with green plastic knife chopping onions... You can imagine why there aren't steel ones anymore LOL

Zach has accepted Eric's offer of waffles. Zach asks Dick what he's making... potatoes for dinner... they take an hour.

Oh... weirdness.... the old BB theme music is playing!!!!

Jameka having some bacon with her waffles.
Eric still not eating.
Dick still coughing on the food.

Zach is wearing his bunny suit.. his tail is in the front Bunny bawz LOL

Eric washing dishes, Jameka filling ice cube trays. Talking about what time everyone went to bed... how long till they fell asleep...(Jen, Dick, Jam and Eric)

Zach just eating and walking around with his bunny bawz.

There's going to be a lock down, for about a half hour. Don't know if it'll be in or out. Dick mentioned it.

Think Daniele is downstairs now. Dick looking for herbs and spices for the taters... going to oven roast them. Jameka now washing some dishes. Big Blue

4:37PM BBT
Jessica & Dustin are staying in bed all day and Eric and, I think, Kail are being their waiters. Right now they are getting them some cantaloupe and honey dew, and Dustin wanted some honey nut cheerios. Jess & Dustin will only get out of bed to go to the bathroom and the DR. (this is pretty cute )

Jameka is braiding Ambers hair outside.

4:40PM BBT
Kail telling Eric that Dani told Kail she only had 3 votes. Eric quizzing her about are you sure they aren't giving you company line about you having a for sure 4? Kail saying she thinks Dani sincerely believed she had a solid 4 when she put Eric up.

Zach just came into room with Dustin, Eric and Jess and told them he was told by DR that they get to take off bunny suits Thursday am, but have to put them back on for live show and where them in HOH comp. Leads Eric to say that HOH comp must be trivia comp, not physical.

Kail asking Dani about votes. Dani said she is going to use Amber's guilt about Nick vote to her advantage. Trying to reassure Kail. Kail telling Dani how she told Eric he was safe, had the votes, had nothing to worry about. Dani tells her to not stress out, Kail says she trying.

Dani just said to Kail that she thinks it's funny how everybody is talking to Zach now when they have never talked to him before, that they're pathetic, she's never seen such a fake, mean bunch of people. Dani is saying everybody was sooo jealous of her and Nick. Zach hated her because she took Nick from him. Amber hated her, Jen hated her because she was so close to Nick...it was so ridiculous. Dani telling Kail how Amber said she fought for Nick to the end and how that is such a load of bs. Dani telling Kail that Amber and Dustin both use each other, that each of them seperately say they can make the other do what they want.

Vortex on and off...bunny girls talking about how they wouldn't have agreed to bunny suits had they known they would have to wear on live show.

5:35PM BBT
Jameka still doing Amber's hair in the backyard. Jen is laying on a chair. Zach comes out bouncing around in his backwards bunny suit.

Jen telling Amber and Jameka that Eric won't put up D&D if he gets HOH - he wants them in the house, does NOT want to be against Amber or Jameka in the end. Jam mmmhmming and says that's obvious. Jen just said she will be happy to come in second, unless she's standing next to Dick. If she lost to Dick she would kill herself.

Jen asked Amber Did you tell anyone else that Eric used the exact same words to us both?
Amber acted confused then said NO
Jen said no and then talked to Jameka like it was new information that Eric would use the same words to tell the same thing about game to both Amber and Jen

5:50PM BBT
Extremely boring.
Zach and Jen watching Jameka doing 'blades' in Amber's hair.
Eric asking how long it takes in a salon, how much it costs, how many people work on your head and can you get your nails and feet done at the same time lol one to three people, six to ten hours depending on how narrow the 'blades' are and how much hair is added (extensions)... about $100+ to $300+ ... Don't have your nails and feet done at the same time.

Zach playing around with the giant mallets pretending he's in a badly dubbed movie (hehe)

Jen feeding half-truths to Jameka and Amber about Dustin and Eric. Jen is telling Amber and Jameka that her and Eric were very close through the third week and then they decided to pretend they weren't but Eric still told her everything. Jameka said well how do you explain the fact that Eric was talking so much trash about you? Jen kind of hesitated (surprised?) and then said well he told me before and after that he was going to do that.

Jen is doing an AWESOME job of casting doubt on Eric...Jam and Amber are eating it up. Jen's giving just enough info to be convincing (Zach will probably vote to keep Kail) without ratting out her truce/alliance with D&D.

Eric, Kail, Dustin and Jess in bedroom. Laughing about Jess being the new 'voice' of BB next year LOL

Jam: Do you think he's (talking about Eric) a bad person?
Jen: (hedges) Well..he told me some of the stuff he was doing so I feel like the bad person..it's bad he did it but
Amber: Never thought about it like that
Jen: So that's why I was like crying..
Jam: Mmhmm yeah mmm yeah
Jen: Well I guess it's not my strategy but I guess it's a good one to play everyone, not going to fault him for that..
Jam: But at the same time you're saying he told you everything but the thing you are talking about he told you and amber did he tell you that?
Jen: But he wasn't talking about us. I don't think he said it to anyone else. That..
Jam: But if you are number one he should still be telling you "i have her thinking this.."
Jen: but he did, that's why I don't know about Dustin..

6:40PM BBT
Amber just told Jameka that they need to get Eric out! Amber wants to go to ED and say Amber will convince Dustin to vote Eric out. They're now debating whether to tell Jessica. And how Dustin will react. Amber thinks maybe she can sell it to Dustin as a way to get the Donatos off his back. They are talking about how they can't trust Eric.

Hehehe....Next AP Task? Choose the player that Eric has to flatter incessantly to save himself. Vote now...until midnight PST.

Dick, Kail, Jameka, Jenn in BY talking about dinner, Salsa soup?. Two feeds on this, other two on Dani in kitchen making something.

Dick comes in Kitchen to stir spuds. Checks time. 6:59. Spuds come out of the oven.

Eric outside also. Jameka asks if he took a nap. Dustin and Jessica are still in bed until 3:30 a.m.

Spuds aren't done. Dick says after an hour they are still hard as a rock. He goes back out for smoke.

Jen asks about working out. Decides too hard to do in bunny suit.

Eric is in HT with legs on edge and leaning aback and dunking his head. Now has feet in HT and putting face in water.

On other two feeds, Dani continues making something. No talking in BY.

7:15PM BBT
Kail asks Dick if he saw a chiropractor about rib that was broke and keeps getting rebroken. Dick thought it was his back and then realized it is a broken rib. No idea how he did it.
Jen in kitchen now. Dani says it is awkward in the house. Jen says they only have Kail to hang out with. Dani goes outside. "Soooooo bored. Really freaking board."
Quick shot of the BR shows Dustin sleeping with black mask on.
Jen in Kitchen looking in mirror.
Dani can't just sit at home. Likes to go shopping. Anywhere. Petco for dog outfits. Wants to buy "doggles" for her dog.
Big sigh from Jen in the kitchen.
Dani wants some type of dog.
Dick dated a girl with an insane cat. Would rub on you one minute and then attack you. Cat fell from 3rd story balcony and broke leg. Never the same since. Dani dated a guy with a cat named Cuddles who did that.
Jen making slop.
Kail asks if they have done their mobile DRs. Dick and Dani say yes. Dani said hers was predictable. Talking about when mobile DRs go out. Thursday? During a commercial during the show.. Dick disagrees. Sponsors would be mad.

7:20PM BBT
Eric back to putting his head underwater in the HT.
Jen still cooking. Jen opening can of something. Jen opened olives. Lid is stuck in can. Prying it out with butter knife. Not having any luck. Jen still poking at olive can. LOL Poke, pry, poke, finally got all the olives out.
D&D wonder where Zach is. Say he is part of the FSA (Fake Sleepers Alliance). Tell Kail she is part of it, too.
Dani is going to hate not having her own room after this week. Will miss privacy.
Dick and Dani start talking about someone who hasn't signed a release so we get vortex for a second. Dick is talking about apartment that at first was convenient an isn't now and is overpriced. Dani says they went from a two bedroom $1200 to a one bedroom for $1400.
Eric still by his lonesome in the HT. Head laying on arms on edge of pool.

7:30PM BBT
Brief DR flash of Amber....crying.
Dani told Kail that Nick told her to evict him so she didn't get in trouble in the house after he was gone.
F1 & 2 - Jen, Kail, & Dani in BY, reading instructions for ear cleaner (for Jen?) F3 & 4 - Jameka & Amber braiding hair
Jameka to Amber: "It's a numbers game.....Eric will be here, he will. Maybe Dustin can put them (D/D) up" ***So much for Amber switching her vote earlier***
Dani telling Jen about ED talking to Eric about the banner plane today, Jen saying she is expecting a blow-up from ED during dinner time, Daniele asks why, Jen said she didn't know. Dani says no one is going to yell at each other during dinner.
Jen tells Dani, "I think that Jameka and Amber are still questioning what they should do."

7:40PM BBT
Amber is talking to Dustin in the small bedroom about voting Eric out. Dustin is arguing against it. Amber trying to convince Dustin to vote Eric out since she can't because she swore on her daughter's life she wouldn't.

7:45PM BBT
Amber to Dustin : " I don't want somebody in here I can't trust!" Amber told Dustin since she can't go back on her word that Dustin should tell D&D that he will vote to evict Eric and be the 4th vote and that will make D&D so happy they won't come after him.
Dustin's smirk actually left his face when he realized she was serious. His strong arming her did not work - she told him how she felt and walked away with Dustin looking dumbfounded.
Amber turned around in a huff and went back to Jam to finish braiding her hair. She told Dustin her and Jam can't vote him out because they gave him their word.
***And today's quote of the day***
Dani: "I remember teachers saying I was too smart in school and that I should write less-intelligently"

7:50PM BBT
Amber is back in the small bedroom with Dustin. Dustin: I don't think you understand, if Eric goes home this week, I'll go home next week. Amber tells Dustin that he'll redeem himself in D/D's eyes if he votes Eric out. Dustin's not so sure the house will be forgiving especially Evel because he 'scorned' their family name. Do not trust the Donatos. Lots of whispering with Amber and Dustin, they hug and kiss on the cheek and she goes back to LR again.

Eric: The shark fin is going away later tonight. I don't care what they think.

Not much going on tonight, Dustin & Jessica are staying in bed all day and night until 3am. They have beer and Jessica wanted to chug 3 in a row to get a buzz (she didn't) Dustin & Jess jumped on the giant beds for a while (it was so funny.)
Jess says when she gets HOH she'll turn into "the biggest b**** in the world".
Dustin says he believes Eric is probably doing some of the things he's accused of.
Jess agrees but says it doesn't matter to her.
Dustin says the reason D&D are so upset about Nick is because he would have never voted them out. Says "Eric will not turn his back on us" (LNC) because he needs them to carry him to the end. Says Eric's dishonest but they need him and that it's more of a risk to have him gone and have Kail and Jameka here not competing for HOH. If Eric leaves, D&D will put Amber and Dustin up.
They both Agree Eric has no where to go now even if he did have those alliances because everything is out in the open
They agree he probably did do some if not most of the shady things he is accused of
Jess and Dustin agree Eric is Nervous and becoming very annoying trying to reassure he is still safe
But bottom line is they need the numbers so they both are deciding to keep him
Jessica just said if Dick were to win and put Eric and Dustin up, she would vote for Eric to leave because it's too much and she doesn't trust him anymore (I hope this is a lie!)
They both agree that they have to keep Eric this week. They agree that it's a numbers game and even if Eric did the things they said, it's in the past and he needs them. If he had a deal with Kail, she'll be gone. If he had a deal with Jen, she's gone to the other side. If he had a deal with D&D, it's over now. Dustin points out that if Eric were to leave, he (Dustin) would be the next target. Jessica agrees wholeheartedly that they will vote to keep Eric.
Dustin says he cannot trust Jen because of the way she is now chummy with Donatos and Eric. Dustin is telling Jessica that he thinks Jen has something with D&D and she's been pulling Amber aside and feeding her info about Eric. Jessica says the same stuff and he said no, new stuff. But then they agree they don't believe Jen or trust her. Jessica pointed out that Jen insinuated that there was something between Eric and Amber, saying, "You don't know?" and Jessica said no. Dustin says, "I don't believe it."
Dustin jumping on bed again.
They now leave the bedroom and go to the bathrom.
The other HG's eating dinner that Dick made, just general chit chat over dinner.

Jen and Amber are talking at the bathroom mirror.
In the large bedroom, Dustin, Eric, Jessica, and Zach are all talking. They are apparently playing another one of their self made games.

In the bathroom Amber is telling Jen doesn't tell Jessica anything Jen says.
Amber tells Jen that if they keep Eric around, and he knows that we've talked, he will use that against both of us.
Both Jen and Amber say they like Jameka. Jen say the girls are more honest then the guys. Amber agrees.
Amber says everyone expresses their emotion differently. She says she cries, Dick yells.
Jen says that she always tries to treat everyone well.
Amber tells Jen she is very generous.
The two finish brushing their teeth and then go into the kitchen They continue general chit about the other hgs.
Jen says she is just OK with Kail. Jen tells Amber you have friend you can go on a trip with for 2 weeks, and you're fine ... then you have friends you go on a trip with for 2 weeks and you want to kill them .... Kail is one of those.
They stand in front of the hg photos talking about the other hg. Zach walks by and the conversation changes.

11:58 pm
Amber and Jen have now moved into the big bedroom with Dustin, Eric and Jessica.
Not too much going on, just general talk about nothing important.
Jessica and Dustin have plans to go to the hottub at 3:30am CA time, after the long self imposed lockdown in the bedroom all day.

2:30 am
Dick is telling Amber that Eric is pitting D/D against Dustin/Amber now that D/D and Jen/Kail have stopped. Daniele says Dustin is now saying mean things to her. Amber says she knows.
Amber says Eric is using her heart against her, reminding her she swore on her daughter. Daniele says Amber needs to talk to Eric about what he's holding over her; her daughter would understand.
Daniele points out how they turned them against Nick; tetherball incident, etc.
Amber says she knows Jameka gave Eric her word so D/D won't have four votes unless Amber agrees. She says if she does vote Eric out, she'll just go into DR and ask God to forgive her for swearing on her daughter.
They agree that Jessica will not flip. Daniele now feels that Jessica hates her. Amber agrees that Eric has gotten into Jessica's ear.
Dick says he and Dustin were fine until a few days ago. Daniele says she has never done anything to Dustin.
Amber says she thought D/D hated her. She imitates Eric telling her stuff to make her think this.
Dick compares he and Daniele talking to Jen and Kail as something like Erika and Janelle talking things out (in BB7) to figure out that Will and Mike were pitting them against each other.
Dick wonders if Dustin has a deal with Eric because Dustin is campaigning so hard to keep Dick. Amber says Dustin told her he has to keep Eric because D/D hate him. Daniele and Dick say Eric got in his ear.
Daniele and Dick say it was Eric that came up with idea of putting Dustin and Amber up, not them. They also say that Eric who said Amber would be a complete mess if Dustin went out.
Dick and Amber say they don't lie. Dick says that's why they need to talk to each other.

Daniele says Eric is really likable. She doesn't hate him but he needs to go.
Amber asks if she can convince Dustin to flip, if it's okay if she can give Eric her vote because of her swear. Dick and Daniele don't understand. Daniele asks Amber if she doesn't think her daughter would understand. They say it's too risky -- Eric will work on Dustin or there could be another surprise vote. Amber believes Dustin won't lie, has never lied to her.
Dick gives analogy about God forgiving things if people are unjustly accused; says maybe God is letting Amber find these things out so she can make the right decision.
Amber wants to know how she should act tomorrow if she flips. Dick says Amber can still enjoy Eric's company; she can still like Eric as a person. He says she can act like everything's fine until the vote. If she's not comfortable going to him, she can apologize in her good-bye message.
Dick says Eric shouldn't stay because he's a likable guy, he should leave because he's a lying manipulator.
Amber is worried about Julie bringing up her swearing on her daughter. She still wants to talk to Dustin; trusts him 110%. Then, Amber promises that Eric will be gone this week, either she or Dustin or both will vote to evict Eric.

Dick says Eric is going to let Amber have it when she comes in. He advises her to let him stew and just say how she knows about Eric holding stuff over her head. Amber says Eric is a sick, lying f*** for doing that.
Amber says Eric said Dick was responsible for the mustard squirting. Dick says it's not his style, he would do it in front of her. Daniele laughs and says he'd do it on her head.
They're all embarrassed at what Eric has done to them. Amber and Daniele says they're both sick about evicting Nick.
Dick says Eric has to leave. Amber: "He is leaving."
Amber gets up. She says she needs to talk to Dustin. She promises she'll vote to evict Eric. Amber goes in.
Daniele tells Dick they can't have Amber rely on Dustin's vote. Dick agrees, says Dustin is a liar.

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