All finally in bed.
All still sleeping... zzzzzzz
8:20 a.m. BBT
9:20AM BBT
Kail up. Coffee brewing. She's done her morning Bible study and is now lounging on the couches.
11:30AM BBT
Jen is up. Jen complaining about a tooth she had 'fixed' and how much money she spent and they still didn't mold a correct one (front incisor). Saying she's losing a lot of money being in there. Kail mentions that they're on Slop, too LOL
Jen said if Kail get's evicted, wouldn't it be funny if she, Jen, stood up and walked out the door with Kail LOL Kail asking Jen if she thinks, if she's still there next week, if she'll be on the block again. (good question... depends on HOH) Kail is painting her face.
They're talking about how Jameka gave up 5 hoh's... and daniele said 3. Jen saying if Daniele said 5, she'd def. be gone now. She tried to change her answer at the last minute but BB wouldn't let her. Kail asking how long they hung on that thing... Jen said almost 2 hours.
If Evel and Daniele are both still there, everyone is going to get them out before anyone else (per Jen). Evel, then Daniele asks Kail... what about Zach. Jen thinks there isn't a prob with Zach... that he's a good pawn for final two.
Jen went to DR after Dick threw all her stuff around and said enough is enough... what next...he was inches from her face... not safe. Then Dick gave him a two hour talking to and she thinks they gave him a final warning. (Not Eric)
Jen just told Kail that before the POV Dustin said he was going to work to keep her. Kail said 'that's interesting'. Dustin had already warned Kail that she, Kail was really the target. Jen's stirring up trouble for Eric. Kail said Eric's pretty confident that he's staying. Jen shrugged her shoulders and said "We'll find out after."
12:15 p.m. BBT
Zach up and in kitchen.
Jen and Kail discussing Dustin. Jen says he talks to her like she's five; Kail said he doesn't treat her that way.... and then asked Jen not to say anything to Dustin because she didn't want him to change his vote for her. Then Jen said Amber was asking if she, Jen and Dustin were close. No. Kail said she asked her too, and said he made her coffee every morning.
Kail saying she has to work on her speech... trying to think of something new for the live show LOL (sorry but it's funny that it's the third time and she's run out of something new to say) Jen saying it's a good one... why change it LOL
Jen talking about wearing the bunny costume... happy that they finally gave them white straps to go with the costumes... that the black didn't go.
Jen's debating... slop or protein shake. Kail said slop first then the shake later. They have some left over from yesterday.
Dustin is up... hugged Kail.
Zach cooking something on the grill outside.
Kail reporting to Dustin in the bathroom about her convo with Daniele last night. That she was not putting Zach up... that Eric's already mad at her (Daniele). Dustin said she's stupid or something like that. Hugs then Kail to kitchen and Dustin into privy
Dustin talks to Jen and Kail in the BY about Dani's decision to backdoor Eric. He told Dani it's a mistake and they are going back on their word. He said he told Dani to put her dad up. He thinks this is her last chance to stand on her own. He says no one knows who this 21 year old woman is because she's always been covered by either Nick or her dad. He lets them know everyone is gunning for the two of them(D&D).
Kail says Dani is either going to go back on her word with me or her word with Zach. Dustin asks does she have an agreement with Zach. Kail says she doesn't know for sure she's just assuming.
Dustin tells Jen that D&D claim they have her vote. She sidesteps and says she admited to Dani that she could work with her but not work with her dad. He's just to evil with all the things he does to her. Dustin questsions her "truce" with ED. He says they called it once before and it lasted a day. Jen says "what am I supposed to do? I just accepted it. it's a one sided truce. It has nothing to do with game play. He just wanted me to leave Dani's personal life out of it." Dustin says "mmm hmmm"
Dustin says It was so funny Day 1,2,3,and 4 Nick was all about you. Then day five something happened and he flipped." Jen says "why was that.... no one knows.... except for Jen... who everyone thought was lying" Dustin says he feels bad for Jen because D&D used her this week. "The fact that you told them one or two things and they took it and twisted it and spread it around the house... I mean come on who are these people?" Jen agrees with him.
12:55PM BBT
Evil and Dustin are now up and in the backyard. Jameka is also up now in the bathroom with Kail. Zach and Jen (in her bunny suit) are in the kitchen. Jessica is talking a shower. Not too much going on. Jessica snd Jameka discuss when the POV meeing might be. They say BB didn't get them up early, so they don't know when it will be.
Jameka talking to Zack about her teeth. He said it looks like she lost part of a filling and she thinks she should see the dentist. Jen says, "Well, I spent $5,000 for Invisilign and now I lost my retainer and my teeth are getting, like, horrible and they won't do anything about it, so they don't care. (referring to BB)
1:15PM BBT
Jen tries to go talk to Dani in the HOH but she's in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Doesn't answer. Jen goes downstairs.
1:18PM BBT
Dick and Dani are talking in HOH. Dani says she's very very nervous about putting Eric up because it's going to come back on her, but now she has no other options. She said her dad is acting like it's no big deal but it is to her. He said there are other options. She said who? He said Dustin. She said no because I won't have the votes. She says the only person they have votes for sure is Zach an she's not putting Zach up. she says she doesn't have any options (other than Eric).
ED leaves her to get dressed and goes downstairs.
1:20PM BBT
Dustin tells Eric about his future Nomiation speech when he's HOH...He will nom D&D. If Dick gets off. He will put Jen up. He will say at the POV ceremony "Jen I nominate you to go next to Dani. Because Dani, I want you to know that the person you've been trying to get out since week one, the house will choose her over your skanky a**. Meeting adjourned."
Jameka and Amber were having a conversation in the BR. Amber said, "We were together 4 years but we probably broke up like 20 times during that time." She said every other week it was something. Jameka said she hopes the next one she (Jameka) has, God will say this is the one.
Zack comes in and tells them he made some awesome fish and chicken and put it in individual portions in the fridge, if they want some.
Kail is somewhat obessively watching Jess dry her hair, even when she walks across the room Kail glares at her.
Amber telling Jam that Jewish people are all very money hungry. ***Wow. Nothing like a stereotype there....***Also that people from New York are all as*holes and money hungry and so are Jewish people and goes on to talk about some girl she knew from work. She prefaced it by saying, "I don't mean to be...what's the word?" Jameka said, "Stereotypical" and Amber said yes and continued on. They were talking about Eric before this. Amber basically blames Eric for Nick's eviction.
Jen comes in Bedroom with Amber and Jam talking about slop. Convo stops.
1:30PM BBT
Amber still dissing Eric to Jameka...talking about how Eric was yesterday when the others were up in the HOH room having a meeting and her and Eric were not included. She made it sound like Eric was freaking out and paranoid and she was fine and said, "So what." Amber is totally trashing Eric to Jameka. Jameka doing her usual, "mmm hmmm" and Eric walked in the room asking what was wrong. Amber says nothing.
Eric just said to Jameka, in the bathroom with Zack present, "Jameka, let me lay it all out to you, I'm not gonna lie. She said okay. He said you're hot and have a personality to match." (kiddingly) She said, "Well, thank you."
1:40PM BBT
Dick and Kail talking in BY. Dick giving the spiel about Eric...same stuff he's told everybody.
Kail says, "He's got some tight-knit friends in here." Dick says, "Well, it depends on if you want to win the game or you want to have a giggle fest every night and have fun."
Dick is telling Kail everything, trying to help her stay. Kail is asking person by person. He's telling her once again that she's close to Dustin and should try to get his vote. He said Jessica seemed to be coming around but then Eric got in her ear and now she's giggling again. But then he says she's a smart girl.
Dick says even though a lot of people are telling Kail their vote is solid, it's not. He said a lot of people are on the fence. All they need is one vote and it won't be that hard to get.
Dick says to Kail that honestly if he gets HOH this week he doesn't know if he would put her up because there are a lot of other people who need to go. He says if he doesn't get HOH he's sure he'll be going up. Then says, "Oh well." He's been up before, she's been up three times, doesn't mean you're going home. Kail says, "Right."
Kail asks do you think people are legitimately on the fence or they're just saying that. Dick says he's sure because he's talked to everybody. Then he says Dustin is full of ***** too though, there are so many liars in this house. He then says he is more honest than 90% of the people in this house.
Dick is calling Kail out about the fact that she seemed comfortable that she was staying the last two weeks. He's saying he knows there was a leak. She's denying it. He says well you only need one vote this week. He said who would have thought he would be trying to help her. Now he's trashing Eric again. He brings up that Eric knows every single reality show, every detail of every season of Big Brother.
Zack says, "Haven't you seen all the Big Brothers?" Dick says he's seen them but he didn't know every detail.
1:50PM BBT
Jameka gives Eric her word that she is voting for him to stay this week. Eric is thanking Jameka profusely for fighting for POV for him. He said it means the world to him. He said how Dick apologized to him last night, and Jameka said of course when nobody was around. Eric says ED was trying to prevent him and Jess from talking.
Eric says he wants HOH very bad, so he can nominate them. J asks if he's concerned about Jen, he said his priority is Dani/Dick right now, to split them up. Eric says he'd like to get rid of Dick for his own sanity. Says Dick has ran the HOH this week, and that Dustin agrees.
Jameka said she's headed out, doesn't want people to get suspicious. Eric says if she has any questions, to ask him. He doesn't want to run around and bug everyone, just ask if she has any concerns.
2:20PM BBT
Dani telling Dick she is "so over" Kail, she's making her mad, that she came up to her room last night freaking out and telling her that if she puts her up against Eric it's a guarantee she's going home. Dani says if she comes up to her one more time she's going to tell her that she doesn't owe her anything and she doesn't care if she goes home.
Dick: she has jen
Dani: and she has dustin
Dani is telling dick about her conversation with Eric?I think with Eric arguing about putting him up on the block
Dick:this is not a bad decision
Dick: if i get HOH this week, im putting up dustin, prolly against jessica because he would go home
Dani: you'll make jessica really upset
Dick: i dont really give a *****
Dani: im just saying
Dick: 1 of the 6 needs to go up and out of all 6 i think she wouldnt really give a ***** like the others
Now they discuss jessica knowing all the answers for the POV and not knowing the answers for the POV
Jen called to Diary Room
Feeds back, Eric is nominated.
Eric says he wanted to whisper in Dani's ear "You just cost yourself 500,000 dollars, b****" Dustin, Jam, and Jess are with him. They're trashing Dani.
Eric saying what he would do in real life is very different and it was "very hard not to stand up and rip her a new a******"
Dustin saying to Eric, Jess and Jam "next week if one of us gets HOH and Dick leaves we should all get up, turn around point at dani and laugh."
Jam: "were you crying earlier?"
Eric: "no! um that was my contact that was out and i was out of sorts"
Jam: "well that wouldn't cause you to sniffle"
Dick goes outside and says to Dani that Jessica ran to Eric after the ceremony. Dick and Dani realize that Jessica isn't on their team now. Saying she's p***** now that Eric is nominated. But still think she will vote out Eric. Dick and Dani arguing. Dani is very irritated with Dick. She threw up the fact that Dick also said in the meeting that they should vote Nick out. He said he's the first to admit it. Dani said they should have Zack follow the other group around all week. Dick said why, they won't sway him. Dani said, no, that has nothing to do with what I just said!
Dustin tells Zach that Kail is going home this week. Dustin says he knows this for a fact and tells Zach that he should vote with the majority.
Zach says he (Zach) doesn't know that for sure...needs to figure that out. "You say you know, but you don't know." Zach says he hasn't picked a side or made as a decision. "Eric hasn't talked to me in 40 days." He says Eric coming to him now for a vote is lame. Zach points out that Kail can't compete in 5 HOHs and that's good for him. Zach: "If I keep Eric in the game, what does that give me? He hasn't even had a conversation with me."
Dustin is trying to sell him on keeping Eric and not trusting D&D. "don't trust the Donatos." Zach isn't committing to anything.
4:23PM BBT
4:45 p.m. BBT
Eric is on the block. Currently the HG's are once again on outside lockdown. Daniele is in the DR. Amber was bending Kail's ear but she escaped. Now Jameka is the victim.
Dick referred to stewardesses as the bi***es of the sky. Delta lost his luggage for two weeks.
Amber continuing to diss Eric, repeating a conversation she had with Jen (as if she tells the complete truth... amber is dumb as dirt)... Jen, Kail and Zach in their bunny suits. Eric, Dick, Jess and Dustin around or in hot tub. Hot tubbers talking about old tv kids shows. Dick in the meat of the conversation.
Jameka just proved to Amber that she is a liar - Amber said she'd never vote Nick out and she did. They were talking about the banner plane and the other side of that is that Eric said he was going to vote Nick, and maybe didn't.
Jameka was analyzing the banner plane calling Amber and Eric liars - and possibly why they were called liars. "people are probably mad at you (Amber) because you swore you'd never vote for Nick and you did." But why would they call Eric a liar - since he always said he wanted Nick out and was voting him out. hmmm
Danielle just came to Amber and Jameka and said Are you mad at me? They said no, she said everyone is just acting weird
Dani: He (Eric) wants to kill me. Jen: He knows he's going home. Dani says she can't wait to write in her blog, she has so much to say. Jen repeating Amber's story of "Eric used the exact same words to me" to Dani and Dani said he told her dad something similiar. They were in the kitchen, now Dani goes upstairs and Jen goes outside.
5:15PM BBT
Zach telling Dani that Dustin was working Zach to vote out Kail. Zach saying he is torn - Eric hasn't spoken to him in forty days and Kail has stabbed him in the back. He will do whatever D & D want. Dani says that D & D have his back. Zach totally ratting out his conversation with Dustin and that Dustin is campaigning to keep Eric in the house. Zach tells Dani that he'll vote how ever they want him to.
5:40PM BBT
Amber tells Jameka that majority of New Yorks she knows are messed up and says her and her family dont like jewish people on site. says her sister will say I dont really like them ad her mom will say do you know why its cause they are jewish. And amber said how do you know and her mom says you can tell by her name. Amber is saying it is no wonder eric is wierd since hes a new york jew.
Amber tells story about how she helps other waitresses with pointing out good tippers if she is going on break and they have someone on staff who is selfish and her mom says thats cause they are jewish. and Jameka tells her to be easy and say the Jewish member she know cause making blanket statement is hard. Jameka pointing out to Amber that people are on the internet watching and her general statements have been heard. Amber makes an 'oops' faces and goes into - 'drugs sure made my memory bad....'
5:45PM BBT
Amber doing "Jedi style" drilling with Jameka
Dani and Jameka in the kitchen. Amber has gone to work out. Dani asks Jameka if she is ok. Jameka says "mmm hmmm". They are talking about being tired because of the dumps last night. Jameka says she is going to lay down again.
6:05PM BBT
Kail and Jen hanging in the hammock. Kail says she hangs back in group situations, she's better one on one. Jen says Jessica is being nice to Eric just like she was being nice to Joe.
Kail asks if Jameka talks game with everyone. Jen says no.
Jen is throwing Eric under the bus again to Kail. Then Jen says she feels bad for Eric and that she thinks that he told her everything and she is his number one.
Jen and Kail talking about counting objects in the house...start doing some questions to each other in Jedi style.
6:25PM BBT
Dick, Jen and Kail outside talking....Dick is talking about how he is going to go after Amber right before the vote. Jen is blabbing to Dick what her and Amber have talked about earlier. Dick says Eric is a big threat.
Dick is telling Jen about his convo with Dustin last night. Dick says Jessica knows the truth, but also knows Eric is on her side. Dick is saying to Kail that they should think about kind of working together...but not an alliance.
Jen says "the problem with you evil is that when we tell you things you run to everyone else and tell them" Dick says"yeah I do"
Dick says he's playing the game and getting into people's heads. Jen says you (Dick) and Dani are the next biggest targets.
6:35PM BBT
Dick comes back outside to tell Jen and Kail that if they have any side deals, all bets are off. Jen yells back asking Dick if HE has any side deals.
6:40PM BBT
Dick is now spilling everything to Amber that he said he was saving until the last minute. Talking about Eric telling him he knew something horrible that Amber told him relating to her boyfriend, that he was keeping in his back pocket and would use later to discredit her and make everybody turn against her. Amber told him relating to this " -It's relating to "her" boyfriend, when she commented she lied to her boyfriend saying she had 4 abortions, saying she's had 2, but she lied and said she had 4 and lied to her bf saying 2 were his...Also, as convo ends ED in a sweet voice says to amber, "I love you!".. she returns the remark...
6:45PM BBT
Kail says she is glad she can't have HOH for 5 weeks. Kail says Jen shouldn't try for HOH and she should throw it. Jen agrees.
Cut to Zach and Kail in kitchen. Zach asks how many votes she has. She says 3. Zach says he hasn't made up his mind. Kail promises she won't put him up for the next 5 weeks and is laughing about it.
Zach is saying to ED his vote will stay the same, if they want Eric out he is voting him out. Zack telling Dick about his convo with Dustin and strong-arming him to vote for Eric to stay. Zack mentions voting with the majority-ED says after this week they won't be the majority.
7:10PM BBT
Amber is spilling the convo she had with Dick to Dustin. Amber is pissed and says she doesn't trust Eric, but she will vote for him this week. Dustin isn't saying much of anything. Amber tells Dustin that Eric is telling her the same things he's telling Jen. She says Jen told her things exactly like Eric told her. Amber says Eric set Nick up.
Now she's telling Dustin about the abortion story...how ED told her that Eric has something on her...she knows what it is...she's very upset that Eric told ED...she's upset that Eric is going to try to use that against her...that she faked being pregnant twice...it was a long time ago and it's wrong for him to use it like that.
Amber says she will vote to keep Eric this week, but doesn't want him in the final 4. Now saying how Eric wants to be Nick. Now how Eric fed info to Jen, not Nick. "Everything that Eric set Nick up on, Eric did himself." Amber says the reason Eric kept asking everyone about thier votes was because he kew he was going to cast that vote. She then calls Eric a "effing weasel." Amber says if she hadn't sworn on hr daughter's life, she would vote him (Eric) out this week. She says she will keep all this info quiet for now. She's really upset and mad at Eric. Dustin is quiet...looks thoughtful. Dustin says they should still keep Eric, that he wants D&D gone before Eric...Eric isn't a threat to them yet. Dustin says they should keep Eric feeling safe because BB is a numbers game. Dustin says the vote will be 4-3..Kail can't win HOH, so they can't pull her in as a strong 3.
Amber says Eric used her heart against her. Dustin is telling Amber that she has to keep her emotions in check. Amber says Eric is trying to pit her and Jess against each other.
7:40PM BBT
Dustin to Amber: "Jess is really smart. She's got her head in the game"
***Remember, Jess is the same one who just last night thought Jews couldn't celebrate the religious holiday of Thanksgiving and that stuffing was a vegetable. God, I love that girl!***
Dustin is telling Amber how Joe did drugs and starts to tell a story about Joe's friend, a prostitute that put herself on craigslist then FOTH Dustin talking to Amber and says that he and Joe had an argument about what's more addicting, drugs or gambling. Then Dustin said he knows it's gambling because he went to his mom's GA (Gambler's Anonymous) meeting. Dustin says Joe was into drugs heavily, including free basing. He also said that Joe got gonorrhea and Dustin admitted to him that he had slept with another guy.
8:15PM BBT
Amber and Dustin are still talking and Dustin is currently ripping on Danielle for having 'daddy' issues. Amber rips on Danielle's lease being up and she has no place to live b/c Kris is going to live with him mom because he's in debt. Dustin calls Danielle a pathetic little girl who needs validation from all the men she comes in contact with.
Amber has decided that if Eric brings up her personal issue during a ceremony she will call him out on it for the whole world to hear and then deal with her boyfriend later.
Amber tells dustin that Danielle has a key on the table in the HOH that nick painted pink with nail polish and its the key to his luggage but he gave it to her and told her it was the key to his heart Dustin once again calls her a pathetic little girl.
D: Jen told me she got down from the HOH because she couldn't wait to see the pictures of Danielle's boyfriend, that was my motivation
A: i don't mind Jen
D: neither do i
Dustin told Amber how he called Danielle out for being a skank in the yard today.
8:20PM BBT
Dani comes downstairs, through kitchen, into bathroom looking for someone. Sees Dustin and Amber talking on couch, walks out and into Dick's room. She's whispering to Dick (hard to hear). She said she was watching on the screen and saw Eric, Jen, Kail and (?) talking in kitchen and Zack walking in and out. She said when she came down the stairs everybody got quiet and when she went into the bathroom Dustin and Amber got quiet and Dustin gave her a dirty look. She's saying to Dick, "I hate this house. I feel like everybody is against us."
8:35PM BBT
Dani and Dick talking going over everything that happened today and who they talked to. ED saying he hates Dustin and has for a long time. Dani to Dick: "We got rid of the wrong gay guy."
Eric, jess, jameka, jen at the kitchen table talking about old t.v. shows, Cosby Show, Saved By The Bell (love it) & Full House (Love it)
Eric liked Rudy better then Olivia (i liked Olivia)
Jameka says people thought she looked like Rudy when she was little.
Jen was on the OC (?)
nothing much going on just general chit chat.
They are having trivia about Full House now, (pretty easy trivia if you ask me)
Jen: what was the name if Jesse's band?
Eric: Jesse and the Rippers
Jen: what is the name of the daughters?
lots of HG's trying to figure out the names, Jameka and Jen finally get it (D.J. Stephanie & Michelle)
Jen: what famous band was on the show and knew Jesse?
Eric: The Beach Boys (Eric knows his Full House trivia!)
Jess says she wants to go to the hot tub, Eric asks if he can join her, she says yes.
They are all going outside now.
10:30PM BBT
Zach denies quoting Dustin to ED and Dani. Zach went into kitchen and told Dustin that he did not quote Dustin saying "Don't trust the Donatos" Dustin says that you are the only one I said that to. Zach says when you told me, I had already heard that from others and he (Zach) even said to Dustin at the time "that is not news" Dustin said the fact is I said it recently. Zach continues to say it was not him and it was not news. Zach walks outside as Dustin says "it's either you or Jen" Now Dustin is talking to Amber telling her that Jen is playing all sides.
10:45PM BBT
8 beers and a bottle of red wine! Dustin and his group are dividing up win in the kitchen.
ED and the rest are chatting in the BY. Jen is talking about needing to pee.
Eric is called to the DR. Dani says Eric hates her...won't even look at her.
Zach asks ED to be careful what he says to people from now on...he says it doesn't really matter, but it will cause him grief. Dani says everyone has been telling ED that. ED apologizes.
Dani comments that Jess has been "bratty" today. ED says he's noticed. Dani says it's not just to her, but to everyone.
Dani just said that she heard Dustin slept in Nick's bed last night and that makes her mad. She said if she would have been down there she would have told him to get out.
Dani whines to her dad that no games are fun anymore. He agrees then comments that asking some1 to give up part of their winnings is BS.
Dani has been complaining and saying she doesn't have friends in the house. ED tells her she has him. Dani cheers in a smart-a$$ way and ED tells her "that's hurtful" Dani says "whatever." Dick tried to tell her he understands. She keeps saying he doesn't. She really whining, more than talking.
Danielle says that Amber promised not to vote Nick out and she did, so why won't she go back on her word and vote Eric out? Dani wants America's Choice. Says it happens during wk 5 and it's already wk 5.
Eric, Jess, Jameka, Zach, Dustin playing beer pong.
Dick and Dani in BY bashing Dustin. Dick saying he couldn't stand him since week two. Dani said now she thinks Joe was right about him. Dick said he thinks they were right about each other. Dick said he knew right away the two gay guys would be drama queens.
Jameka and Amber in the bathroom saying they can't look at Eric the same anymore, saying they "gotta watch him", he's smart. Discussing who they want in the final four. Amber says that Eric hit up Dani for an alliance in the beginning, so did he feel like Nick came in between the Eric and Danielle? So then he went to Jen. Amber said to Jameka that the more she thinks about it, even if she hadn't promised Eric her vote, she thinks Kail needs to go anyway. She can't compete for HOH, she's on slop, she misses her family. She has nobody in the house because she f'd up her game with the alliance thing. Amber said it would be selfish to keep Kail there, she needs to go for her own good. It would be kind of mean to make her go to sequester. Jameka said, "mmm hmm." Jameka and Amber say they will still vote for Eric to stay this week. Wonder if Eric will try for HOH next week. Discuss that Zach told Dick that Dustin told him not to trust the Donnattos. Dustin told Amber that Jen said she would form an alliance with Dani but not Dick, but they are not in an alliance now. Amber says she can see Eric and Jen reconciling and forming an alliance, that she knows Dustin has no side deals or alliances. Amber and Jameka discuss what Eric said to Dick about Amber's secret. Jameka says let's follow through and vote Kail out. Amber: "Who would you put up? Dick and Danielle?" Jameka: "Mmmm-hmmm". Amber says or Dick and Zach. Amber says Jen is obsessed with Danielle. Talks about whether or not Jen would put up Dick for eviction. Amber says that her sister says gay guys will always stab people in the back. (editor's note: seems like Amber and her family are very prejudiced) Amber says Eric watched every season and is very smart.
Kail and Dustin in the Bathroom. She's calling him out about Evel telling her Dustin is campaigning against her. And Dustin says this is about Evel and Eric and Evel drew the line in the sand when the put up Eric and Kail said, "but this is about me and Eric, not Eric and Evel." (ed. Dustin avoided the statement, looked down and changed the subject)
Dustin now telling Kail that she has 'her' word that Dick and Dan will go up next week and Kail will be able to see from home. Dustin says "I'm brutal, I am, nobody seen it coming" Bashes Dani and Dick personally to Kail. Dustin patting himself on the back for being sly. Telling Kail how she should be proud of herself for making it this far and she's so strong. Kail tells him you can't come into this house and not be yourself eventually. Dustin wants Kail to go out feeling good about the experience. Kail says she doesn't because Evel prevented people from getting to know her. Dustin says it's because of her head of household.
1:30AM BBT
Jess and Eric in bed talking about American Idol. Jessica liked Jordin Sparks. Eric liked Melinda Doolittle.
Kail appearing to fall to Dustins pressures and spilling it all.......he says, don't feel like your time here was a waste, she says I don't and asks 'they are worried aren't they? (she doesn't say who, but Dustin assumes Dani and Dick because he says it's just the 2 of them, just the 2 of them) Kail said Dani seeked revenge (in her veto speech) to get Eric to go home, and that was a good play? supposedly she voted to keep me here, so why would she be so upset if Nick left?'
Dick asked Jameka how many kids she wants, she said 5, he said, "5!" then asked if she realizes how much kids cost (to raise). She's oblivious to the topic. Then the chat changed to crying babies and ED says Dani was the worse of his 2.
Dust tells Kail that Nick said Amber was the target for the first week, not Carol. Kail swears it was never Amber. Dust just revealed to Kail that his noms would be...Dick and Dani and his replacement would be Jen.
Jessica tells Eric that she is NOT a robot, and in fact, a real, live GIRL! Jessica and Eric agree to get engaged by live finale, then have a shotgun wedding the following day. Once Jessica and Eric get married and get a dog, Jessica wants to name it Jameka.
2:30AM BBT
Dustin & Jessica are preparing for their 24 hours of staying in bed. Eric is suppose to be the slave and bring them things. They will only be getting up to go to the bathroom and to go to the diary room.
All cams on Kail and Jen in bed. Kail telling her everything Dustin told her earlier. K tells Jen that Dustin blames her from "The Donatos" comment; Jen says "I didn't even know their last name!"
Kail says that Dustin is scared of Jen.
J: He should be. I know what a sneaky bastard he is. He is the sneakiest person in the house.
Kail tells Jen something she promised Dustin she wouldn't tell about who he would put up for HOH - Dick/Dani with Jen as a replacement "knowing that she would stay -- wouldn't it be a great slap in Evel's face that the person that would send Dick home would be Jen."
Jen said she wouldn't care if she was up next to Dick and send him home. She thinks it'd be funny if she won POV and took one off since the other would go home anyway.
J: Evel is good at talking so he'd probably win
K: According to Dustin he'd be gone. Supposedly he would use you as a pawn since he knows Dick would go home
J: He knows I'd put him up anyways
K: Right.
J: He'll be my pawn too
K: You should put Evel/Dustin up
J: That's what I was thinking
K: I kept trying to tell Dustin that "if you tell Evel you have me wrapped around your finger why would Evel say you're campaigning to get me out." That doesn't make sense to me. He skated around the question. He couldn't answer.
J: I think he and Evel are working together. They are using us to get as much information out of us as they can.
K: If Dustin and Evel are working together, Dustin will work to keep me.
J: I know...[their fight] was ridiculous.
K: You think it was for show?
J: Just be careful when you talk to Dustin
K: I'm done talking to Dustin I didn't realize what a liar he was.
Kail and Jen off to sleep.
Jessica tells Dustin and Eric she started smoking when she was 16, then stopped at 19 when her grandma got emphysema.
5:30AM BBT
F1 &2 - Amber & Jameka talking about Amber's hair. Dick in the living room with them; F3 - Jess sleeping; F4 - Dustin sleeping - someone snoring
5:50AM BBT
ED and Jameka in LR discussing watching the tapes after the show is over - how they'll react, how/when they'll watch them. Jameka saying she forgets that the live feeds are on 24/7 - that she says things that she wouldn't say if she remembered they were on. J & ED mentioning they don't see stars in the sky there - the lights from the BY and plus they're in LA make it impossible.
J & ED saying they're half-way through and in week 7. Saying that the house keeps feeling bigger with the more people that leave. Talking about Mike leaving and how much he ate while in the house. ED says Mike drank protein shakes, J saying that Mike didn't work out much.
ED going to bed, thanks Jameka for having a good time tonight not talking game, hugs Jameka.
6:15AM BBT
Jameka and Amber in LR, talking about the braids J put in her hair, A wanting them smaller.
Amber & Jameka in bathroom - A: Have you ever noticed Eric's four front teeth? I think they're capped. Teeth are my biggest thing.
J: People I think are pretty, other white people don't think are pretty. I thought when we first came in, Jen wasn't that pretty. I'm not ugly, I'll just say that. I don't know what I am, but I'm not ugly.
A: Do you think I look pretty for a white girl?
J: You look ethnic. You have "that look". You look exotic.
Amber talking about getting liposuction with the money she wins.
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- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Monday, August 6
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