Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Sunday, August 5

Sunday: Dump. Rinse. Repeat.

6:50 a.m. BBT
The pooperdumpers just completed another hourly dump Daniele and Jameka stayed up. Zach, Jen and Kail went back to bed.
Daniele wondering how they can go back to sleep. Daniele saying she's going to make herself a gourmet breakfast in the next hour.
Jameka saying by the 9, BBT, the sun should be up. Dani saying by 11 it will be hot. (This is because they're all chilled to the bone from dumping the freezing slop over themselves every hour.)
Daniele saying everything is going to feel small and cramped when the return to the real world because the house is so big.
Jameka saying that the house is becoming like a summer home. Dani asking if she woke up at all wondering where she was. No. Dani said others were saying that.
Jameka still amazed that she's there. Dani saying she doesn't feel that she's on tv or the internet 24/7. Just feels that she's stuck in a weird situation in life. Jameka agrees. She said you really forget about the cameras and microphones.
Jameka was uncomfortable using the bathroom/shower. Dani, too, until they explained it to her... that it's for the internet
Jameka said when this 24 hours is over she is going to put conditioner in her hair and let it dry natural LOL She said it will bush out...well, not bush out but be big ...not going to straighten it, just pull into a ponytail or something.
Everyone else is sleeping.

7:15 a.m. BBT
Zach, the Ogre, the Shadow has joined Jam and Dani in the kitchen. Just general chit chat about which past seasons they've watched.
Jameka hasn't figured out how to set up the timer on her VCR. Dani watched 4,5,6 and 7. Jam started with 4, too. Zach, nothing. (he's supposed to be ignorant except for last year lol)
The ladies are saying that it's funny about BB fans. They either love it or hate it... there is no in between
Jameka was spontaneous when she was younger but usually would encourage others to do things and she'd freeze. Turns out Daniele was the same way LOL
Jam confirming that it's 15 days to Dani's birthday. Jam saying maybe Dani will have POV for her birthday.
"Happy Birthday to myself and I choose to keep the nominations the same. Thank you." Jameka's prepared speech for Daniele to give LOL
Daniele wants red velvet cupcakes from this particular bakery. Seems they cost about 4 dollars each. Jameka saying you can get a couple of boxes of Duncan Hines for that LOL
They're talking about coupons, or the lack of them, for Cold Creamery and places like that. The only coupons Jam gets is for a Mexican place and a Chinese place. Daniele get's good coupons but doesn't use them.
Everyone has DQ's LOL
Jam is anxious to get back home to see if she can eat ice cream without the problems (gassy)... she never has problems at home and she eats it all the time. She'll stop eating ice cream if the problem continues. She doesn't have trouble with milk... just the ice cream
Jam putting dishes away.
Dani mentioned the unusual number of helicopters during the POV comp yesterday.

7:30 a.m. BBT
Zach first one in the crapper... dedicated it to his 'ex' lol
Daniele is second, saying it's getting colder
The girls stopping at the dryer for a fresh towel before dumping.
Kail is third, Jen fourth and Jam last.
Kail and Jameka have 'perfect timing' when it comes to showering off ... one out the other in.
That's it until 8:30........

11 a.m. BBT
The foursome have continued getting dumped on every hour... usually on the half-hour. Kail and Jen had slop. Daniele and Jameka had real food Not sure what Zach did (my bad)
Darstardly Dick is awake... privy then outside for his first butt. He's sittong on the far end of the outside couches, near the sliding doors.
Jen is sleeping further in near the middle and Jameka is stretched out on the other couch.
Everyone else in their beds.

Jameka, Kail, Jen and Zach sitting outside..counting down the hours... single digits
Jameka has crap (haha) in her ear... same ear as from the butter me up competition.
Kail drinking tea
Jen opening her eyes and adding her comments to the conversation.
Zach saying the stuff they're dumping on themselves tastes like the butter me up stuff.

It appears no game talk has gone on today and the only real excitement is the dump, rinse, repeat action.

2:15 pm
Kail & Dust in SR – Dustin confirming to Kail his group is solid and there is no way, if Eric goes up, that Kail stays.
Kail asks – if one of your five gets HOH, who goes up?
Dustin – D&D, no question.
Kail – I still think your person switching votes will be Jessica.
Dustin: I’ll find out by the end of the day.
Dust: If Eric Jen and you were in an alliance, they’re thinking they should cut Eric. But, I will tell them to not fracture the group, put up Zach and we’ll vote Kail out.
Kail: But, you’d really vote Zach out.
D: Yes.
Dustin now with Jam and Jen
Dustin: "I don't buy it" to Jamekah about ED's "Eric Theory"
Jen: "I don't think Kail and Eric are in an alliance" to Dustin and Jameka
Dus: Does Eric give you information?
Jen: Probably
Dus: What info?
Jen: How the votes are going.
Jam: When?
Jen: When Nick was up.
A little coaxing from Dustin and Jen says both Nick and Eric have let her know how the votes were going in the past.
Admitted Eric gave Jen vote info about Joe/Dick vote only
Jen said Nick was the one who gave her information regarding the Kail/Mike and Kail/Nick votes.

2:30 pm
ED is really working hard on Jameka
Kail is back to talking with Dustin
Kail says to Dustin You should have backdoored Evil last week and Dustin says you are right. I absolutely should have.

3 pm
Amber, Dustin, and Jameka discussing ED's Eric rant and Nick is mentioned. Jameka said she doesn't believe it but, it does have her thinking.

3:30 pm
Dani and Jam are talking. Dani trying to sell Jam on getting Eric out.
Dani is telling Jam that Eric tried to get her dad kicked out when he threw the ice tea on Jen
Apparently a reference was made to Dick (in the DR) regarding season 6 and the fighting that took place and Eric told Dick that the DR mentioned that to him too. Dick and Dani think that since the DR told Eric the same thing about the fight in season 6 that he must have been complaining and trying to see about Dick being kicked out.
Jameka wants to know if there are so many issues with Eric why they don't just call him out...Dani says her Dad wants to but thinks it isn't necessary, that everyone already knows. Dani keeps up telling Jam that Eric tries to align with every person in the house so getting rid of him will benefit everyone. Jameka is a hard sell at this point.
Buzzer goes off again
Jameka is paying attention to the dousing that Zack is taking right now, while Dani keeps talking in her ear.
Dani says "Jam are you okay? I know it's a lot to take in..." Jameka sighs heavily and then surprise, surprise she says "hhmmm, hmmm...." Dani tells her that eveyone in the house is on their side. She says that Amber is freaking out because she could be the only potential target, since she is up late nights talking with Eric.
Dani keeps repeating to Jameka, "Every single person in this house is on our side" (regarding the Eric thing).
Dick walks to Dani and Jam and says "we can't have this meeting right now because amber's inside hysterical crying"
Dani says to Jam "know what sucks the most? Who was there for Amber when she was bawling her eyes out after the veto meeting?"
Dani says "It was Nick, after that set him up. That is really sucky and a crappy thing to do." Jam: "hmmm, uh-huh..." Dani tells Jam that she has her dad to talk to and Dustin, even though Dustin is still taking it all in.

3:40 pm
Dustin just asked Kail "If you were to go home this week, would you be upset about it?"
Kail says "Let's talk after the POV ceremony..." Dustin says "I am only asking because you said before that you don't want to go to sequester." Kail says "That thought has crossed my mind." Dustin says "you said before, that if you go home you would be at peace with it...I know you want to stay in the game, but I also think you wouldn't be devastated if you left. That's just my feeling, you don't have to confirm it."
Kail says she doesn't want to talk about it because she doesn't want it held against her in 4 weeks. She says she doesn't want anything to get back to Daniele to alter (Dani's)decision ono who to put up at the ceremony. Kail wants to wait until after the ceremony to see what happens.

3:45PM BBT
Dustin askin Jam what Dani said outside she hinted something and Dustin says, "go upstairs?" and she walks out the backdoor. He calls for Amber and tells her to wake up Jessica theyre having a meeting upstairs!
Jameka to Jess - it almost too much but, its too much to over look too...
Jes - I know. Dani/Jameka/Jess/Jen are gonna meet in HOH if Dani stops talking in the backyard.
Dustin time to set the record straight...
Dani I dont understand why not do it front of whole house why hide in here?
Dick - it makes no difference to me....
Dustin- wanna call a house meeting bout it...
Dani - if Ambers here why not do it in front of whole house...
Dick - I think we need to compare notes 1st...All agree.
Dick - I cant think of anything she (jen) has lied about...
Dustin comes in and says Jen is on her way up.
Dick - the time of giving people the benefit of the doubt has to come to an end now!
Dustin - Jen what do you know? we're asking you up here because your name is being thrown around. what is your role?
Jen - we're talking bout Eric? Umm I dunno if hes associated with Kail 'cause he tells me alot of things he tells me not to tell Kail ....He told me I was his #1 and he was going to be talking to other people and wouldnt talk to me except to tell me what I needed to know week one or 2.
Jam - why is he talking to Dani bout to you?
Jen -coz we talk bout everyone.
Kail was Hoh for 2 weeks and I for one and.......... Eric was up here alot!
Eric is telling Amber that Jen has told Jess that he (Eric) and Jen had some sort of alliance.
Eric says that Jen and Dick told Jess that Eric said "I won't let that 21 year old f'ing b**** bring my game down..."
Eric says that Dick is telling everyone that Eric says Jen, Amber and Jess are his number ones...
Eric says to Amber "since when do I have a relationship with Jen? Ever?" Amber says "oh god..."
Amber says that Dick says 'whenever Dustin gets put up Amber will be a mess, so we kill 2 birds with one stone'...
Eric says "it is so sad to me that anyone believes this guy (Dick)."
Amber says "they aren't...I swear you are not leaving this week."
Amber promises that Jameka and Dustin are on Eric's side.
Eric is asking for Ambers help since he can't bombard her (Jameka) every second of the day.
Kail comes out and Eric says "so do you see what I was saying yesterday? About the separations? Seems as though Amber I are not invited to the meetings anymore."
Kail says to Amber "You aren't either?" Amber says she doesn't give a f***.
Eric says he apologizes if for any reason he has offended Kail. He says he is being treated like he is a leper..no one will talk to him and he does not know why. He apologizes to Kail if he ever treated her that way. He would like to know what he has done to be treated so poorly.
Kail thinks that in the meeting in HOH they are going to bat for Eric and trying to get Zack on the block.
Eric mentions how odd it is that Kails friend Jen is friendly with someone who has cussed her and dumped tea on her head. He says she (Jen) is all over the map and friendly with her supposed arch enemy. He says Dick and Jen were together for hours last night..giggly and acting like they have known each other for years.
Kail says she thinks maybe Jen is just doing what she can to avoid another Dick attack. Eric is not quite buying it.
Dani - I'm trying to tell you (Dustin) we're not even talking about the same conversation you're just being rude
Now Zach comes over to the couches and Eric says "Zack, Amber and I are officially no longer invited to join the group meetings." Zack says "well, join the club, I have always been the last person chosen in PE." Zack saying how many more dumps he has to take and the bunny suit comes off at the end of the week. Eric complaining about how long the week is after the competitions.
Dustin asks Jen if she thinks Eric is plaing both sides. Jen says yes. Dust wants to know why she didn't tell him that before...Jen says it's because the way he asked her made her uncomfortable.
Dani adds that the way Dustin is talking now he is doing that too.
Dustin suggests that Dani didn't stand up for Nick and Dani gets MAD. She says she did and no one would listen to her. She is VERY mad at Dustin for suggesting that and keeps telling him that. Dustin backtracks and says he retracts his statement about her not defending Nick.

4:30PM BBT
Jen says if Kail is working with Eric, she won't tell anyone. Jen thinks if Kail tries to go home when she's on the block with Eric, it will prove Kail is working with Eric. Dustin tells the HOH group that he doesn't care about the banners.
The HOH meeting is continuing. BB should've rung the dump buzzer by now, but hasn't. ED is still pushing hard for Eric... Everyone is getting loud and the discussion is heated. Only Jess is keeping quiet. Now ED is talking about Amber crying over the banner...that they can't trust her. Jess did say that she wants to talk to Kail about a Kail/Eric alliance and Dick said NO. Jameka is defending Amber. Jam is questioning Jen about her involment/knowledge of Mrs Robinson Alliance. Jen says that Kail never told her about it.

4:45PM BBT
ED is saying that the bottom line is Eric is playing both sides and is playing inside "the 7". Dick campaigning for Eric to go home, Dani backing him up. Dustin, Jameka, Jess obviously uncomfortable with the situation. Jenn is indifferent. D&D are completely attacking Eric, and even Amber. Dustin and Jameka are completely backing Eric up! Jess is also chipping in to defend Eric, but is staying smart and not going out of her way to defend him. Jen seems very indifferent to it all, and is usually staying out of the situation unless questioned. It seems almost obvious at this point that Eric's alliance is staying true... Dick and Danielle are under the influence that they are "consensually" sending Eric home, but are simply getting the facts straight before the POV meeting.

4:50PM BBT
Dustin - heres what was pointed out to me ...Kail didnt have contact...
Dick drew parallel with Jen but she has no clue of it
so how could there be a 3 way alliance when Jen is clueless..
Jen is getting info from Kail who is getting info from Eric to tell Kail
Jess - you haven't even talked to Eric in a month
Jen - well we talk
Jess - How can you say you haven't talked to him in a month yet you talk to him in the gym and etc ...thats an alliance.
Dustin -honestly, hes apparently been playing all sides and your the 1st to see it we're all just seeing it (consoling Jen)
Jen says she feels like an idiot because of how Eric played her...How he told her she was his #1. Dustin says they are all still processing Eric playing them.
Dustin to Jen - He talks crap about you all the time almost as bad as Dick and you believed him when he told you something.
Dick reaches back to shake hands with Dustin - what did I say?... Dustin says - I know I know we just have the same plan of attack so we butt heads
Jameka - We will not officially know just like we didn't know with Nick. Dick - but we do know...it was Eric.

6:04 BBT
Dick & Dani are whispering in the round room.
Dani: Jessica & Jameka are against her
Dick: They aren't against us
Da: Jessica was getting p***** off. 'I'm sorry but Eric wouldn't do that'...She felt so betrayed. We let Eric get into her ear. These people are so blind. How do you not see Eric and Amber are inseparable all of a sudden.
Di: That's why I said cut the b.s. who is playing both sides? Eric! Eric! Eric! I'll work on Dustin. Kail can work Dustin. Jameka...nobody is going to influence Jam, she will make up her own mind.
Da: I can talk to her about Eric setting up Nick. I know she feels guilty about it.
Di: Alright, you hungry?
Da: I just feel like crap...I don't feel good. I really hate being here
Di: We made it this far
Da: I really don't care
Di: You're doing a great job. I'll fight for you til the end. We can do it
Da: It's so annoying! Nobody likes me. I have no friends. It sucks, I don't like being here.
Di: If nothing else, we are still part of a 4 with Zach and Jen
Da: I don't think I can trust Jen. I don't trust her. Not at all. Just because I talk to her doesn't mean I like her...Everyone is good with her. Nobody cares if she stays around except Eric...I think we need to make an unsaid agreement. Don't make a deal with her. She said she told Kail that she was going to put you and Dustin up and Kail freaked out about Dustin and to put up Jessica
Di: Really? Jessica will want Kail out of here for sure. She wanted me and Jessica to insure that I go home...one more vote is all we need
Da: I know but it's hard because of idiots.
Di: Kail will work on Dustin. It's either her or Eric. She's in closer with Dustin than Eric is.
Da: Dustin said he had no idea. But I don't believe it. I think he knows more than he's letting on. I wanted to punch him in the face when he said I didn't defend Nick
Di: He's a f****** idiot like everyone in her....trying to depend on Jameka? ugh.
Da: Kail is going to freak out.
Di: Why Eric is going up
Da: When I tell her she needs Dustin's vote. She's going to freak out!
Di: Let her


Eric's mic is lower as he is in the spa, so I miss stuff he says

Dick: That handshake in the kitchen between the 3 guys happened in the weight room
Eric: No I saw it with my two eyes
Dick: You lied. You are playing with Jen. You are playing with Kail. You're against the group. You let Jen and Kail and me and Daniele go after each other why you watch with popcorn. You wanted Nick out since Day 2
Eric: Yeah I wanted Nick out. My goal was to get passed Nick
Dick: You are playing with Jen
Eric: Of course.
Dick: This was a masterplan with me and Jen to make a truce and out you? Our stories match. You're outed
Eric: I'm going to say
Dick: You blamed everything you did on Nick, you said he played both sides but it was you
Eric: I've been myself since the minute I walked in through the door. People are entitled to think and believe and say or do whatever in this house. At the end we will all see what actually happened...I have no concern
Dick: That is not true, you came out of the DR that you said you wanted to be friends but you were afraid that after everyone sees the DR that you were afraid people wouldn't be friends...I know you meant me and other people in here.
Eric: I understand what you are saying, but I have not wavered from what I said in this house. You are entitled to your opinion
Dick: Why don't you answer my last question
Eric: [They may edit me to make things sound bad]
Dick: Why did you tell me that Dustin would be first to go out of the 7, but when you talk to them it's me and Daniele going out first? Is that what you said?
Eric: That's not what I said
Dick: That's not what I said and not what they said, so is everybody lying but you, you're full of sh*t. You are a lying mother f***** and you're a sack of s***. That is what you said. Almost verbatim.
Eric: I'm going to tell you
Dick: Tell me whatever you want. You have a deal with Jen and a deal with Kail. You persuade everyone, you do your magic. They can't believe someone they like is so full of s*** like you. They can't believe it because they depended on you. You feed s*** to everyone ...you don't give a f*** who wins HOH because you know you're safe.
Eric: [Eric talks about yelling at Jen during HOH] I'm glad you're on to me now Dick
Dick: You're the only one who is calm as f*** about not going up. You know what, you're going up, bitch! It's spread out for everyone to see.

Dick: I know the truth you f****** liar!

Dick: You convinced me that he was the threat, but you were the threat, you f****** liar!
Eric: Jen's word she be taken
Dick: Over a liar? The only reason you didn't vote me out was Joe was playing the same sides you were.
Eric: I am not going to yell at you
Dick: I saw you with tears in your eyes
Eric sarcastic: I'm terrified

Dick: Everyone knows it makes sense
Eric: I am glad they gave you the courtesy of listening to your case. I won't scream at you, people will take it as they please. We'll see if they go with you or me.
Dick: It has nothing to do with me, it's you
Eric: It seems like it has something to do with you. Nobody else is upset.

Eric: Have you not sit with Jen for 2 hours? Kail for 3 hours?
Eric: Kail did you approach me or did I approach her?
Dick: You had a sub-deal...her she ran with her head cut off. If it was true.

Dick: I see you shaking like a leaf
Eric: You're right, I'm quivering in my boots.
Dick: What happens happens. It will be very close. Don't kid yourself. You have everything figured out. You have deal with me, with Kail, with Jen, with Dustin and Amber.
Eric: The only reason I'd take you to final 2 is because I'd beat you 7-0.
Dick: You won't be here at the end. Mr. Reality...who has seen the most obscure reality shows
Eric: Yeah, that I discuss with your daughter!

Dick: I miss the time we spend together
Eric: I spend more time with others who are more trustworthy than you
Dick: I lie? When have I lied
Eric: Multitudes of times
Dick asks for examples and says Eric can't find them
Eric: Daniele, you are allowing him make a bad decision for you.
Dick: She needs no help from me.

Dick: You are a f****** liar
Eric: You're not talking to me, you're accusing me
Dick: That's the truth!
Eric: I will not lower yourself to your level

Eric: You're scared...
Dick: I am not scared...I am not afraid of anything! I'm not afraid of going home tomorrow
Eric: You won't go home tomorrow, but you'll go home next week
Dick: I might be an d*** but I am not a liar
Eric: You are an d***, you got something right.

Dick dares Eric to prove one of his lies.
Eric: You won't make it to the seven.
Dick: There is no seven because you broke it up
Eric sarcasm: I panicked.
Dick: You are a liar. You have accusations you can't back up. Tell me one lie!
Eric: I don't call people out that I'm loyal too
Dick: Them finding you charismatic and funny doesn't change the fact that you're playing both sides and you're a liar
Eric: You're entitled to your opinion
Dick stomps inside and Eric gets out of the hot tub, and Kail says you did good.

7:15PM BBT
Dick in kitchen, opens fridge. (BB has just called a lockdown.) Rummaging around in fridge. Now doing some thing with food on the counter. Amber runs through and goes outside. Dick still working on his food on the counter - he has rolled up a piece of lunchmeat and is eating it. Now walking out of kitchen.
Dick walking thru living room. Nobody there. now in bedroom, changing pants - bare butt to the camera - no underwear. This is in the round bed bedroom. Dick alone in there. Pants on now.
He seems to be whispering something to himself. Rummaging in a drawer right now. Now rummaging in a white plastic bag. Takes out socks and has boots. Says something to Jameka - she still has stuff in her hair. He says "not lying".
Sits on round bed and puts on white socks and black boots.
Leaves round bedroom. Says to Amber can we talk for a minute? Come on in.
A: let me change my shirt because I have this wet top on.
Dick waits on round bed. Fixing his boots. Lies on bed. Breathing heavily.
Dick: I honestly and truly believe Eric used and manipulated you. I dont think you truly wanted to vote Nick out. I believe Eric being in your ear constatnstly got you to vote nick out. I knew you were committed to Nick to the end.
A: look at that banner. Me and Eric are not in an alliance.
Dick: Eric is so convincing. Look at everything Eric said to convince even Danielle to vote Nick out. We made a big mistake to vote Nick out. Eric has been saying since day 1 Nick is the good looking guy, hes got the good build, I was telling you the truth, I was going back and forth in my mind, I told Danielle and she is furious with me.
A: I didnt want Nick to go.
D: Eric was always the one who wanted Nick to go. Did you see what he said wehn Nick was playing with the tetherball, he is hitting that thing like he wanted to kill it. And Eric said he saw Nick shaking hands, he f*cking set him up (repeats). Eric was sitting in the Hot Tub and siad you are a liar, and he said im not going to play that game. Ive been saying this since day 1 i Am not a liar.
A: What about this morning when you said you are outed. I dont know what outed means. Why did you talk to everyone but me.
Dick: because you are close with Eric.
A: Im not.
Di: Eric is in your ear. He is always talking to you.
A: but he does that with everyone. And you told Jameka that I was outed and I was like what does outed mean?
A: i didnt want nick to go
Dick: why does eric walk in on people at the exact perfect time? He said he walked in on the handshake and Zach said we did it in the fitness room, nobody walked in on anything. Eric has this whole thing planned out.
ED tells Amber to think whatever she wants, but he has never lied to her. He tells her that Eric told him Dustin and Amber would be the 1st to go when they got down to the 7...that Eric said taking out Dustin would take Amber out too. ED says she knows Eric was telling "you guys" the same thing about "me and Dani".
Eric ask Jessica if he composed himself. Dustin tells Eric that he told Dani to put up Dick. He and Jessica say he did fine. Dustin tells him he was smooth as a piece of cheese (Jes laughs). Dustin tells them he talked to Dani, trying to get her to put ED up. He says Dani says she can't control him. Dustin says he suggested to her that she and ED's time in this house is limited, also he told her that she's letting ED run her hoh. At this comment, Eric and Jessica both shake their heads in agreement, that Dani is letting ED run the show.
Kail comes in and joins the convo. Intelligently tells them they must put ED and Dani up together on the block. Dustin agrees, there are too few people in the house now. Dustin also mentions again about his telling Dani to put ED on the block. Kail shakes her head a bit as in suggesting Dani would never do that.
Eric whispered something I didn't hear but in response kail said, "wow Eric, you're really good". and they all snicker and laugh a bit.
Dustin tells Eric, Jess, and Kail that Daniele will never make it to the finale 2 if she doesn't put up her father.
Amber just swears on her daughter's life and says strike me down I have never lied in this house.
Eric says he will let Danielle's bf stay with him for 3 months, or else he "is a tool", says if he stays with Dani for even 1 day after this, he's a tool.
ED tells Amber: "Eric is going up this week."
Jen drops in and says nothing in the eric/kail/jessica converstation...she then makes small talk
Eric Jen Kail and Jessica in little bedroom. Eric says Dick is a lunatic. Kail says he is a mental patient. Eric says he's not afraid of him. Jen tells Eric, Kail, and Jess that Dani is not going to put ED up. Eric: No offense Jen, but you contributed to this in a big way. You lied and you sold me out. Jen: I didn't lie. Eric was quiet for a bit, then said "Whatever" and left to take a shower. Jessica says that anything Dick says goes in one ear and out the other.

7:35PM BBT
Eric says none of this matters to him and goes to take a shower.
Kail, Jess, and Jen talk about ED. Jess says because he's loud, he thinks he's right.
Jen says she feels stupid for talking to them.
Jen asks Kail to leave and asks Jess about what Eric said to her...saying Eric is a good guy...Jen saying she feels like an idiot.
Jess says "those two" (D&D) are done for. Jen agrees. Jess says it's better to keep Eric.
Both agree that ED is bringing Dani down...Jen says she would play with Dani, but not with ED...they say everyone will be after D&D.
Jessica and Jen talking about Eric. Jess says it's better to keep Eric around for now. Jess talking about Dick and Jen's truce. Jameka comes in. Jessica said that it is hard for everyone to understand how Dick and jen called a truce and that she hopes they aren't just using Jen. Jen said she knows.
Amber in HOH crying to Dani about Nick leaving

amber still talking to Dani in HOH
Amber goes on and on about how much she loved nick and how sick she is each and every day he is gone
dani remains quiet
after about a five minute run on loving nick....amber goes quiet
Dani quiet
Here goes amber
I know things remind you of him here. you are really a strong person to be there without him
there is no comparrison to you and him and me and him
just the other day dick said he would look thorugh the looking glass and miss his peach sign?
I just miss him so much *SOB*
I hope there is voting another guest back ..everyday I pray to god we can get a houseguest back and i know it will be nick
I made a mistake..i kick myself every day
every night i pray that nick will come back in the house
dani remains silent
amber now silent
Amber says...do they do that every year or no
dani says they have only done it twice
amber..what seasons do you remember?
dani three and six
amber..they need to do it this year...i can see it happening
silence from both
even when the word taco gets mentioned i get nausious..its brutal
dani..all i ask is you look at entire situtaion and where every single inch of doubt came from and it all leads back to same person
amber..yea i know
dani..and not for your benefit amber but for their benefit..it screwed you and me and my dad
amber i know...i know
amber asks what does jessica think of eric
dani..i dont know where she stands to be honest
amber..you never know danielle..he might get voted back in here..i can really see it happening
dani..the only way it could happen if they had determined it from the beginning..they would have to have kept everybody in sequester
amber..oh i see what you are saying
amber..everyday in there is horrible..i hate it....i have a headache now
dani said she is really hungry and wants to go downstairs (nice getaway Dani)...tells amber to not get her hopes up for nick coming back
amber..oh really?
and they leave the HOH

Jess and Jameka say it's scary if this is all true they seem to be questioning if they can trust eric or not but are as concerned about trusting Dick. Jess says she needs to talk to Jen more.
Jess and Jameka say they cant flip flop even if they dont believe in eric
Jameka to jess says she is seeing a different side of Dustin like he's more agressive Jameka says what about when ED called Eric out that Dustin would be first to go and he denied it and they know that was lie
Jam and jess putting together that Eric through the elimination HOH week before this one.
Jessica and Jameka said Eric looks terrified; like death when they look in his face since the banner. Jameka comments like uh-oh, the gig is up.

9:15 pm
Jess & Jameka at table whispering...alot inaudible...but sounds important.
Jess leans into Jess and says something (can hear Erics name..."if Eric does..." - can't hear at all with running water & dishes)
Jam: mmmmhmmmmmm
Jess: ain't that weird?
Jam: mmmmm hmmmmmm
(ed. note obviously relaying a convo she had with someone
about ERic)
Jess: why are you saying that?
Jam: why does it matter
Jess: i don't know i didn't say anything. isn't that weird?
Jam: mmmmmmhmmmmm
give eachother weird looks.....as they eat
Jam: she's also trying to say she made a big mistake
Jessica responds but its inaudible (only got the word "she") and it ends in "is up there"
Amber interupts & comes to table and asks for parmesian... Amber: is Dusting sleeping?
Jam: uh uh
Amber: where is he?
Jam: in the bed
Amber: he's just laying down (as she leaves table)
Jam: (looks over her shoulder) i think he may be talking to Kail
continue Jess & Jameka
Jess: and so i asked him about it (as she makes head gesture to Eric by sink) and he never says anything... you never told me what it is and you never say anything about it. is it something he just lied to her about? and just doesn't wanna say anything about it?
Jam: wow i dunno. this house. its too much.
Jess nods in agreement
Jam: i dunno
Jess: i dunno
after long pause...
Jess: i'm gonna talk to both of them at the same time
Jam: huh (and leans in to jess)
Jess: i wanna talk to both of them at the same time
Jam: mmmmmmmhhhhhhhmmmmmm
Jess: ya know.
Jam: mmmmmmmhmmmmmm
Jess: and then we'll see
Jam: yeah
Jameka says they (D&D) want to keep kail here cause she cant play for HOH and get themout Eric can And Jess says I think this bought us a coupe weeks but with all this in my head what will happen in those couple weeks
camera now moves to Eric and all you can hear is Jameka:mmmmmhmmmm mmmhm
cams switch to Dick and Zach outside and obvioulsy some other male in the house... Dustin or Eric obviously...approached Zach and he's relaying convo to Dick
Zach: I'll tell ya. I'm hear to listen. I've been here f'ing almost 40 days
Dick: yeah and he wants to come to you now
Zach: everybody always comes to me when they need stuff
Dick : yeah
Zach: so whatever you and Daniele decide i'm a go

9:20 pm
Dani just told Dick outside (with Zach) "Dustin asked me if i'd nominate you! - I'm dead serious"

9:30 pm
Outside, Dani/Z/ED-She comments about "she" talking constantly about Nick (Jen or Amber?). Zack says, 'u mean like a psycho
does?" and he laughs. Dani didn't really respond to that. But as she comments about one of the other girls obsessing about Nick... she herself is obsessing about Nick and is going on and on about him!
Zack discusses 'what if scenarios'. ED says he (zack) isn't going home this week or next week. Dani says she'd like to see Dustin out. Zack says he'd like to at least see him squirm. Tough boy Evil says, "I don't let them get away with that *****..." (eh??)
Dani has this whiny/mean way of talking in her tone, but I have no clue what she jsut said even though I heard it. lol. She says to her dad (regarding Dustin), "You know when he was up there and he said that to you and he .. you know he did that? I mean what's that all about?" (something like that). She def has a mean streak like her dad.
Zack always sounds cheerful in his convo. At one point Dani says when she leaves there she won't have a place to go (her apt lease expires). Zack informs her she can come crash at his place. (He laughs, she doesn't even respond as usual).
Something is said, Amber's name comes up and Zack says she's always very sugar coated with him. Silence... then ED says Kail has to go sooner or later... she has to go.
Dani states that she wanted to keep kail on the block for 5 weeks and then send her home (then she laughs). Dick says, "I don't know... she needs to go".
Then they discuss her stableness in the house and how well she does on slop. Talking with the assumption that kail is staying, Zack says within 2 weeks kail will crack.
Dick comments that he thinks the vote will come down to Dustin. (cluelesssss).
Dani says she can't be evicted for the next 2 weeks. Zack and Dick both say, "why?". she says because it's her birthday.
Dani just said for the 3rd time that she'd like to punch Dustin in the face
About 7 mins after Dani told Dick about what Dustin said... Dick said "i can't f'ing believe Dustin told you to put me up. If i get HOH next week then he's going up!"
Dani "don't say anything!
Dick "i won't. I'll store it
Dani "i mean it!

Dani: if Nick watching, he's probably dying
Da: Him leaving, split the whole house like crazy. I wanted to punch dustin. he makes me so mad.
Di: Glad the alliance is all over.
Da: I'm just an innocent bystander.

Dick "never in a million years did you think we'd be in an alliance with Shrek & Jen
Dani "we're not alliance. we're alligned
whole time Dick is nodding his head yes...and they're smiling...
Dani"its so weird"

9:40 pm
Jess and Eric trying to find place to talk
they settle on SR. She says that she talked to Jen again and she backed up what she said to start again that Eric is playing with Amber and all and Eric said but yeah wasnt she proved to be liar this morning. Jess says on one hand she wants to believe in eric on other hand she doesnt know why she keeps doign this. Eric says she does have something togain cause she can break up us 5 and get into final 4. If we all stay strong she will eb final 6 or 7. Eric says I didnt think you were gonna talk to these people anymore. Eric again says all I can say if if I stay which I believe I should. And Jess says your gonna stay so Eric changes to when I stay and says he will fight till death for her and then the 5 of them and how he feels he proved himself with how he has reacted this week and how straight forward he is. Eric says he will bury Dick and Dani until they have nothing left. he says they control votes in jury so they control who wins and are tellign Dani that if she puts up eric she wont win 500k cause they control it
Eric says whole LNC is at war with D&D now weather they wanted to be or not

9:45 pm
Eric is hardcore slamming Amber to Jess.
He's telling Jess something about Amber have multiple abortions...it's the big story he's been saving.
eric is saying that amber told him that she had to abortions and faked 2 more abortions to her bf so her bf thinks she has had 4 abortions.
Jess tells him that Banner had effect it shouldn't but it does And eric says the banner is unfair is one nick fan and Amber and I buried Nick.
Eric is concerned that everyone isn't on board to save him
Eric says amber told him that shes not close to Jess. Jess says shes not sure if everyoen is cool but she has told eric 20 times hes safe bvbut hes really concerned. and keeps askign over and over.

10 pm
Dani is in HOH trying to sleep & Kail comes in "were u sleeping"
Dani 'uh no...just thinking"
Kail "yeah you have alot of options.
Kail "r u sure you have the 4th vote? and they're not lying?"
then FOTH

10:05 pm
Jes and Eric still in workout room. He says he envisions final 3 as Jess, himself and Jameka.. not Amber

10:15 pm
Convo continues with Kail and Jess
Kail tells Dani that it's assumed that Eric is going up, and that the LNC is coming up to her telling her that she doesn't have their vote to stay.
Asks Dani is she is sure whoever told her they'd vote to keep her isn't lying. Dani says maybe, but it isn't my intention for you to go this week. Kail steadily trying to get Dani to put up Zach as the replacement nomination. Dani tells her she isn't hearing everything she is since she's HOH, and she isn't being swayed, she's doing what she wants to do, and not what anyone else wants her to.
Amber, Jam, and Dustin talking in LR
Amber says Nick used to write 1.5.3. on dani which meant "i like you a lot"
She's telling Jam and Dustin. Saying that 1.5.3 was instead of 1.4.3 (meaning I love you)
Dustin just told Jam and Amber in Living Room... i don't care what u guys believe from teh ol' guy but i'm done. I'm done with the Donnatos!" (meaning Dani/ED)
Amber says nothing
Jam mmmmmhmmm
Amber starts trashing Dani (ed note after telling Dani she promises she will NOT tell anyone about their convo in HOH earlier) and is relaying everything they talked abotu to Dustin and Jameka

10:30 pm
Dick and Dustin outside alone & Dick says "Dustin am i gonna be sorry i trusted you!'
Dustin "about what Daniele said?"
Dick "well that depends on what your talking about - Dani and i talk alot -why don't you tell me what your talking about!"
Dustin continues to lift weights and then says "when you were yelling at Eric outside i told Dani to put you up!"
dick....hmmmmmmmmm thats weird... cause i didn't even know that she said that (ed note... Dani told him NOT to say she told him

10:50 pm
Dick: Putting yourself out ther and trusting someone is a liability.
Di: How would feel if I went to Amber and said "Let's put Dustin up"
Du: when I tell Daniele you could put up your dad, it was an option.
Di: that's a cop out as an answer.
Du: Your behavior in the house reflects on Daniele.
Di: whether Daniele likes me or not I wouldn't go against her.
Dick: If you trust Eric more than you trust me, you're in trouble.

11:45 pm
Jameka getting ready for bed, ED in KT, Jess and Dustin in BY
ED and Eric talking KT, Eric says he doesn't want to get into it, having a calm conversation

12 am
Eric, ED, Amber, Dustin in BY: speculating about comps and talking about past seasons
talking about when the AC and luxury comps are going to start.

12:15 am
They are talking about who is the best looking player all time in BB
Dustin saying how Janelle was okay looking in BB6 and then came back bigger in BB7 and left even bigger.
Dustin thinks BB3's Jason is the best looking houseguest of all time.
Eric in BY w/ Dick, Dustin saying their cast is the best looking yet and that noone
in their group is "absolute crap". Also lots of talk about how Janelle was pretty in S6 but came back in S7 much "bigger" and needing to graduate from one piece to two piece. Lots of previous season talk.
Saying all of Season 4 was ugly, Season 5 is better looking.
Dustin thinks Jase is hideous.
Eric saying Janelle, James and Kaysar weren't a bad looking group and Dustin responds "but Howie was HIDEOUS!"

12:40 am
Dustin, Dick, Jess and Eric general chit chat in BY
Dick thinking the first McD's was in Northern Cali. Dustin being the know-it-all and saying the first McDonald's was in Rockford Illinois.
Eric asks BY group if it weren't BB, what Reality Show would you want to be on?
Dustin responds "Ever since I was a 12 yr old bully, I've wanted to be on the Real World", discussion shifts to when Real World actually began and FoTH.

1 am
Dustin & Jess discuss ED & Eric earlier fight
Dustin: I would have just sat there and been quiet letting ED act like a buffoon.
Jess:"just because you say it louder doesn't make it right".
Dustin thinks Eric should've kept quiet; ED walks back into BY and convo. switches to how Zach looks better with bunny costume on..all laugh.

1:15 am
Dustin and Dick talking about how they entered the house
Dick says would you have switched places with Joe?
Dustin says he liked the way he came in.
Dick says Joe might have a made a bigger mess coming down.
Dick was blindfolded in the car and was shocked that Dustin wasn't blindfolded. They were up in the HOH for 4 hours.
Dick thinks the HOH room looked better when they were up there on the first night. Dustin thinks it looks better now.
Dick says his mom is annoyed that she is going by Dick in the show. She wanted him to be called Richard.
Dustin asks if Dick wanted to switch places with Dani he says he would not considering Dani's feelings because it'd be easier for him, but he would not want her to be in that position coming down the stairs.
Dick asks Jess. Jessica asks if she would have to lose and be out the first week if she switched places. Dick says no, different situations. She would have switched places with Carol.
They are surprised Dustin wouldn't want to switch.

1:30AM BBT
BB must be doing late night DR's. Eric came outside and asked Jess what she's doing out there so late. He obviously really wanted to see if Dick was talking about the vote to her. But alas, she, Dick and Dustin were talking about Boogie, Erika, them sleeping together, and their opinion of Boogie's looks and character. They asked Eric who is left (to go into DR) and we get blue tunnel on the feeds because they are discussing DR's sort of.

Before Eric came out, Dick was super friendly to Jessica. I think she's probably too young for his interest as far as flirting goes, but wow he seemed to be flirting and giggling at her...

Eric said that he would walk out of sequester house if stuck with Jen and Dani and America could place his vote for him. Eric saying to Jess & Dustin that Dick lied about 300 times during his "hot tub rant" Dustin and Jessica have $100 bet with Dick, that Eric didnt make the 2 votes. they are so positive and are all excited saying they will hold the bet to the end, because it is still $100.

Eric and Jess brushing teeth. Eric says "you'd better use mouthwash after that" Jess then says how she knows it's getting late because she hasn't had her 3rd meal of the day and she's getting hungry and going to eat something. Eric says "you'd better brush your teeth after that" Jess (walking down hallway) yells "why? are you planning on making out with me?" Eric: "I'm considering it."

Eric & Jess on couch in LR. Dick comes in....Dick says "Like it or not you guys are stuck with me for a while" Eric says "That's okay, we were going to go outside in a little while" Dick: "Inside, Outside. Doesn't matter."

ED talking to Jess and Eric about knowing Puck from the Real World (san fran.)

4:30AM BBT
Jess is going to bed. Eric and Dustin still on LR couches. Eric says "should i go to my own little bed or should i annoy you?" Jess: "don't annoy me"

Eric leaning on Jess' bed complaining to Jess about ED saying "doesn't he see since your feet are under my *** that WE are closer than they are?" and how could he think of approaching jess about getting her vote to evict eric.

5:10AM BBT
Jess said "Never fight a black girl. They're crazy" Jess also said her father told her "Never fight an ugly girl, they have nothing to lose." Eric to Jess: "I happen to like weird people but you are f*cking weird" (this is said flirtatiously.)

5:30AM BBT
Jess to Eric: "Do you celebrate Thanksgiving?"
Eric: Jewish people DO live in America. (giggling)Is Thanksgiving a religious holiday!?
Jess: No. Is Christmas?
Eric: Yes
Jess: No it's not!

5:50AM BBT
Eric starts dissing live feeders to Jess
Eric: "Do you think that there are people that are sad enough that when everyone else is sleeping and we stay up talking like this, they stay up watching the live feed?"
Jess: "No way!"
Eric: "There's gotta be a couple of hundred, maybe a few thousand"

Eric says good night to Jess.

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