5:55 a.m. BBT
Everyone is ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzing
6:40 a.m. BBT
Jen or Kail was dreaming and made a lot of noise, rolled over and fell back to sleep.
Dick is having a restless sleep. Dreaming, loud sounds, rolls on his back and starts grinding his teeth. He's actually been grinding his teeth a lot in the past 45 minutes.
All the others Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Wake up call!!!
Dustin mentions to Dick that POV is supposed to start around 11AM BBT
All are finally up and moving
Dick talking to Dani, trying to convince her that Kail needs to go. Dani says lets wait to discuss until after POV comp. Plus she gave Kail her word. Dick saying you didn't give my word. They will discuss later. Dick leaves. Dani continues getting ready.
Dustin talking to Jameka and Amber in Big BR. Telling Jameka and Amber what he told Kail. Not to trust Dick and Dani. Dustin asks "was that stupid?" All discussing POV options to protect Eric and Dustin.
BBVoice "POV begins in 2 hours"
Dustin and Amber go back to bed. Others are milling around kitchen or getting dressed/doing makeup.
Jess talking to Jameka.
Jess "I'm going to just play stupid right now and see how the day goes" in reference to going along with ED and Dani's plan to backdoor Eric
Jam "mmm hmm"
Jess says Kail is planning to use Veto on Jen if she wins it.
Jess says ED and Dani think they have four votes including Jen's which is "absurd"
10:15AM BBT
Dick wishes Jen good luck, says lightening doesn't strike 3 times.
Jen- thanks
Zach- it does for Lee Trevino he got hit by lightning what? 4 times? I still think Jen Johnson's an alien if Im an ogre, your an alien..(to Dick) your the gremlin...remind me of Spike
Dick went into bathroom to talk to Jess alone.
ED said he now thinks Kail should be the one to go.
Jess "Okay, I don't care."
ED "Easier that way"
Jess "Makes sense."
ED leaves.
10:45AM BBT
Zach -Just trying to talk to Dick about whats going on. He came to me with accusations against Kail.
Dustin - dont worry about it
Zack -I just dont like her
Zack sits alone in the gym in deep thought
Dick is in the Bedroom with Kail now who's reading. He starts going off on her saying she's throwing Jen under the bus again and going to lie that she's not. He accuses her of being disloyal to Jen. She totally ignores him, which then gets him spouting at her about not talking to him and as he walks out he tells her she better win.
Zach sitting alone at kitchen table - still looking sad. Dick is now in the Bathroom ranting about Mrs. Robinson that's it's been her all along. Dustin in the kitchen asks him when he comes out of the BR "change of plan". Dick is just walking around the house ranting. Pointing at Jen saying she's just as bad. Now he's back in the bedroom with Kail rants on her again, leaves headed back to the kitchen. Talking to Dustin about why Kail has to go. Convinced she's the mastermind behind everything.
10:50AM BBT
Dick throws all the dirty towels at the back door (they are on lock down) and he's talking about how many there are and about Ambers sweats not being washed often. Now talking about what is RP - Dick opens a beer joking about having it before POV.
Misc conversations with Dani and other houseguests about POV Comp speculations.
11:30AM BBT
Zach proclaims he is an "information highway"
Amber gets called to the Diary Room
Eric asks Jameka "do you feel 100% confident that if I go up, you, Jess, Dustin and Amber will have my back?" Jameka says Yes.
11:30AM BBT
There was some audio leaked from the DR right after Amber went it. The producer asked her if she was still up for hosting POV since she was still laying around in bed and the comp was starting soon.
Amber said of course yeah... it only takes me 5 minutes to get ready
Feed switched at this point
Eric and Jameka talking...Eric basically looking for assurance that if he goes up on the block, he will have the votes to stayKail, Amber, and Jen getting ready for the VETO comp. K telling Jen she doesnt wanna be in the house without Jen.
Dick getting impatient for the veto to start.
Jen in bathroom trying to do her hair in low pig tails. She has Kail helping her. After Kail leaves, she takes it down and does it over a different way. Dick comes in to poop, and tells her she won't get lucky again, she is gone. When Dick comes out he tells Jen to get her hair off hte sink so he can wash his hands. He complains that her hair is all over both sinks, and in the shower "when she decides to take one once a month". Jen picks up one hair and moves it, then he washes his hands. Other than that, she ignored him.
Dick goes to kitchen, says tick tock, tick tock, then tells the ceiling (BB) to get the show on the road. Dick seems to be in a good mood. Now he is talking to Zach and Dustin about Harley Davidson boots. he does a little commercial about them, then says "size 9 thank you". Dick continues about his boots, the fights he has been in and how the doctor was impressed with the way he set his own nose.
Dick tells Kail her time is about up. She ignores him. Sshe gets up and says she is going to lay down for a while and asks Amber to get her when they call. Dick asks if she is uncomfortable, and she continues without making a comment.
12:25PM BBT
Dick and Dani in HOH -
Dick - they said last night at 11:00 and now it is almost 12:30.
Dani - why does that surprise you!
Dick - well it p****s me off. I've got smoking to do *BURP*
Dani - Everyone is freaking out
Dick - I keep going Tick Tock times up. One of you two idiots is going home
Dani - I'm not talking about them - everyone else is freaking out
Dick - Good! Why are they freaking out?
Dani - Because I think everyone is against us in here.
Dick - Don't read too much into that. Kail was talking to Jameka for a very long time and Jameka was just like mmmm.
Dani - About using the ball probably
Dick - I'm sure
Dani - So Jameka is probably all wigged out then. So my question though, say it is a game where you knock people out. How am I going to do it so it's not obvious? Cuz I want Dustin and Jameka out.
Dick - So knock them out - who cares!
Dani - but I don't want to make it obvious
Dick - Make it obvious - who cares Makes no difference at all.
Dick - If it stays the same Kail has to go
Dani - I know - I'm just getting nervous
Dick - She should have been gone 2 weeks ago
Dick keeps saying that Dustin was standing up for Kail when he told him that she should have been gone. Daniele is saying that there is something really weird that hasn't been done before. She said a little on season 2, but they don't say what, and BB tells them to not talk about their DR. Dani wants to know how to knock Dustin and Jameka out of the game (POV) without being obvious. She said Dustin and Jameka can't get it.
Daniele complains she is in a lot of pain because she has been cramping for a week and hasn't started yet.
Now Dick is saying that Eric and Kail have been in an alliance since day 1. Very paranoid. Now saying Dustin is the one that keeps talking to Kail. They theorize that Dustin, Amber, Eric and Kail are in an alliance (wrong again). Said when Amber was handcuffed to Kail for 24 hours, that she said she could use Kail. Dick said Amber can't even use a piece of toilet paper. They said Kail has to go this week. Dani said Eric is the smart one, but get Kail out now. Dick says it may be too early to get Eric out, he needs more time to turn people against him. Dani said Eric is more dangerous. Dick said he doesn't want Jen gone, it has to be Kail or Eric. Dani seems to have a better insight than Dick. Dick said they have Zach, Jessica and himself to vote out Kail they only need one more. They said Jameka will just say umhmmm,umm hmmm. Complaining about hearing voices in the HoH bedroom, Dani said especially behind the mirror.
Again talking about POV. Dick said Jameka hasn't won anything. He said Amber is useless, she will never win anything. He said only if it is one of those games where if you buzz in and you are wrong, then you are out, that is the only way she will win. Dani said not to give them any ideas. Now saying they are not sure they can trust Jen, but they can use her. Most of the strategy is being brought up by Dani, Dick is just repeating himself. FoTH
Convo in HOH continues
Dani - I talked to Jen and I told her that if Dustin or Jameka gets the POV it is staying the same. the only chance she has of staying is if the Veto is played. I Told her if you want any chance of staying in this game you need to work on Kail and have her take you off of it. She said that she talked to Kail and she said she would use it on her if she gets it.
Dick - Yeah!!! (pumps fist)
Dani - But the only thing is Dustin is trying to convince her not to.
Dick - Then Eric goes up
Dani - I'm just saying Dustin or Jameka cannot get it.That's the only thing that cannot happen.
Dick - Jameka has not won shit in here.
Dani - I know! You don't have to reiterate everything to me.I'm in the house too.
Dani - Anyone has as good a chance as anyone - it's a new challenge. All I'm saying is those two people can't get it.
Dick - Those two people are worthless like Amber.
Dani - She's not playing
Dick - She's never going to win anything unless someone else gives it to her. Like if someone buzzes in and gets it wrong.
Dani - Don't give them any ideas!
12:41PM BBT
Trivia time which means the start of POV!!
1:01PM BBT
Feeds were back ....Jen's stuff was gone through or thrown around(?) She said Dick admitted to doing it, he said no he was speaking of something else. He admitted he took her unitard but, he said he absolutely did not go through her stuff. Sounded like Dick said she threw his cigarettes in the pool and he couldn't believe she did that.
Dick said something about throwing bleach on Jen's stuff. She said that she was glad that she had just organized her drawers.
Then trivia again.
2:35PM BBT
Jen, Kail, Dani, Zach are all in bunny suits for the whole week
The veto competition was kinda like the one last year where George shaved his head. Jameka & Kail can't play HOH for 5 weeks. Kail is on slop for weeks. Jen, Kail, Zach & Dani have to wear bunny suits for one week. Jameka gave up some of her winning money (not sure how much) and she gave up pictures if she wins HOH.
2:55PM BBT
Opened with Jameka crying and praying for the longest time.
Dani & Dick talking about what went down. Dani wants to talk to Jen & Kail... They say Kail has to sit out (5) HOH's. That she's finished. They are afraid Jen will use the Veto to take Kail off!... They are talking about talking to Eric. Dani says he will just lie. They are trying to figure out how to cut him a deal. Dani believes he will just manipulate it into their faults. Dani asks Zach why he didn't take ten thousand dollars but wouldn't go on slop for longer than 2 weeks. He said he calculated it out & longer would have killed him.
Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:46 pm Post subject:
3:45PM BBT
Kail can't compete for HOH for 5 weeks. Dick & Dani are trying to convince Jessica to vote Eric out!
3:48PM BBT
Dick and Dani are trying to convince Jess that Eric is double dipping. They want her to be the fourth vote and promise they won't reveal it's her...since there has been an anonymous vote the past two weeks (then it wouldn't be Eric, would it... dumb)
Bunny Suits... Dani, Jen, Kail, Zach have to wear the suits for a week? They also will get poop dumped on their heads every 24 hours. Zach said something about being woken every 24 hours. (Don't know if it'll be America's wake up's though)
Jess saying she won't lose anything if Kail goes home...If Eric goes... they have to convince her. She hasn't commited to anything. They're both still badgering her that everything is Eric.
Dani and Dick saying if they go through with this, putting Eric up, that they're going to tell them everything about what they believe Eric has done. Jess asks if they'll do it before the vote... yes.
4:20PM BBT
Dick, Dani, & Jessica in HoH
Dani: Jen did it for her 15 minutes of fame. She doesn't care about the money. She may take Kail off the block and then Jen will go home.
Dani said something to Zach about voting Eric out and is worried that Eric heard her.
Dick and Dani asked Jessica if she would find out if Eric knows about it.
Jess agreed.
Jess: I don't think he'll (Eric) go home if he goes up because you can't count on Jen's vote...Jameka won't vote out Eric.
Dani: Why not?
Jess: Why would she?
They are saying the votes to get Eric out are Dick, Zach, & they think they can get Jen. They said that Zach doesn't know yet but that he guaranteed that he would do whatever they wanted. They told Jessica that if she was the fourth vote they would never tell anybody that she was the fourth vote.
Jess said she's going to have to think about it because it doesn't do her any good to keep Kail here.
Dick admits that he stole the fanny pack Jen had, so that she couldn't use her stuff. He says that he put it back on the counter after the comp. Dick says he tore off his sleeves and wanted to use them on his hands, and he wasn't allowed to do that (in the bat hanging HOH).
Jess says that Jen went outside with those gloves, though!
Dick doesn't care. He says it gave her an unfair advantage, so he took her fanny pack before this comp to keep her from having that advantage.
Dani says that Nick told her that when he was "kinda forced into" being in the Mrs. R alliance that he didn't talk to Kail.
Jess: But how come Nick never said that, that Eric was a part of it?
Dani: He didn't know.
Jess: Oh.
Jess is saying to Dani and Dick in the HOH that it does her no good to keep Kail in the house.
Dani is talking fast, trying to convince Jess that it should matter to her that Eric was framing Nick. Dani says that Dustin and Amber talk to Kail. Amber was handcuffed to Kail. Dustin talks to Kail and Dustin said that she was putty in his hands. So, that's "not for nothing." Dani says that everyone did backtracking for Dustin after he said Kail was putty in his hands.
Dani: I'm looking out for you, Jess. I swear to God, it's not just for me.
Dani: If I hadn't gotten HOH, Jess, I swear it would have been me.
Dani says that Eric would have set up Dani as the second vote.
Jess: mmm mm hmm
Jess: OK, I believe all of this stuff. My thing is, look.
Dani interrupts and says that if Jameka agrees, will Jess be on board? Jameka is the "morally right" person in the house, and if they can call Eric out and convince Jameka...
Jess: Well, you can try!
Dani says that Kail gave up HOH because she feels safe.
Dani: Because of Eric. Who's kept her here every week? Every single week!
Dick: Every single week!
Dani: Week one, who was her partner! Eric! From week ONE! From week ONE! That was their side deal. Week One!
Jess: Yeah...
Dick says that they had a whole plan.
Dani keeps saying "Week one. Week one." Dani says that Mrs. R is Kail's "Fake alliance" and that is why she will sell Jen out. She has Eric!
Every now and then, Jess says "yeah."
Dick says that he told Kail she sold everyone else out, and he knows there is one more. Kail freaked out, and if it was Evel, he would have laughed in their face, but Kail freaked out!
Dani: Haven't you noticed how he (Eric) acts when we are around?
Jess: No.
Dani: He freaks out! He freaks out, Jessica!
Dani says that she "gave him a look" and it was a "you piece of crap look" and she was "thinking really hard" and Eric freaked out. Dani says that nobody is safe if Eric is playing every single person, because the only person he cares about it Kail.
Dick is slapping his hands together, talking face, trying to convince Jess, saying that Kail knew everything from Kail.
Dani asks if someone should go down to the bedroom (to spy)?
Jess says everyone is down in the bedroom.
Dani says they need a guarantee on the vote, and Jess says she doesn't think you could ever have a guarantee on the vote.
Jess says that they need to talk to Zach. They say Zach is a guarantee. She asks why they think that?
Dani says that he hates Kail!
Dani: Kail sold him (Zach) out!
Dani says that she and Zach weren't cool, but not Zach and Dani talk all of the time because they have the "Nick bond."
Jess says that is because Zach doesn't want to go up!
Dani says they can use that. Zach doesn't care about Eric!
Jess: Yeah. that's true.
Dick points out that Kail can't get HOH--she's done for 5 weeks.
Dick: That's beautiful! That's beautiful!
Dani says that they can make sure if Eric is gone, that the only person against them is Jen.
Dani: But so, one person, just Jen, getting HOH?
Dani says Amber might be in on it. Possibly Dustin.
Dick: Amber and Eric are liars. (Quoting banner).
Dani whispers "stop."
Jess says that keeps going through her mind.
Dick and Dani say that Eric said "Who cares about this."
Dick; Ooopsie!!!! Jess asks how they think everyone else will react to this?
Jess: This is like backdoor season.
Dani: You're not joking.
Jess: Except for Carol.
Dick says they will need to wait and see how it goes, and if Eric doesn't go, Kail is gone.
Dani says she needs to "know what is going on." She needs to know if Jen will use the veto on herself or Kail.
Dani says she doesn't want to throw Eric up there if it's not a guarantee that he will go. She can't take the chance.
Dick says that he will make a deal with Jen that he won't put her up if he gets HOH.
Dani says Jen wouldn't believe him. She didn't last time.
Dick says he didn't make a deal with Jen. He mentioned one, and Jen "scoffed" at him. So, he didn't feel he made any agreement with Jen.
Dani says Eric is playing a game, using them. He is only using them until he wants to get rid of them. He's not helping Jess.
Jess: Yep
Dani: Wouldn't you like, really, really not want to be sitting next to him in the final two?
Jess: Yeah, I don't think I would take him. (Dick and Dani are double-teaming Jess, and she is handling it really well)
Dani says that every single thing Eric says that will happen in the house, happens.
Dick says Eric keeps saying he found stuff out from Jen or someone else.
Dani says it sucks because it would be going back on her word, but she has to.
Jess says that she thinks if they put up Eric against Kail, then the people will think that they should take out Kail, as that will leave only one person who would come after them--Jen.
Dani says that if they put up Eric, they will make sure everyone in the house knows everything they found out about Eric.
Jess: oh.
Dick says Eric depends on no one believing Jen.
Dani says Jen really doesn't lie!
Dick says it's true--Jen never lies. Dick says he wants to see the tapes--how Kail and Eric paired up. It might even have been in sequester, sitting next to each other at dinner.
Jess says no--they were all there at the same time.
Dick says Jen wasn't "in on it week two, and that's why he spent so much time up here!"
Dani asks if they should go downstairs.
Dani: What are you thinking?
Jess says she understands what they are saying, but she would have to have a guarantee that Eric was leaving, or he would say she is a traitor.
Dani and Dick are saying they need to talk to Jen before POV.
Dick says he doesn't see how they can get everyone together without Eric. Maybe they could get people in twos and threes.
Jess says she could entertain Eric.
Dani: OOh, Jess!
Jess: And you can have at the group if you wish.
Dani says she doesn't want Jess to be uncomfortable.
Jess says she is uncomfortable, but she doesn't want to be lied to the entire game.
Dani: Nick never, ever lied to me the entire game. And of all people, ERIC convinced me that he did????
Dani says that if Eric can convince her, that's bad.
Dick: It was weeks of planting seeds with Eric.
Dick says that with Nick's little thing of getting drunk and hitting the tetherball, Eric used that against Nick!
Jess asks again about Zach.
Dani says Zach is "such a guarantee."
Dick: Why do you think he is wearing that bunny suit? He didn't take the 10 grand.
Jess: He doesn't want to go up!
Dick: Yeah, that, too.
They leave the HOH.
Jess says the buzzer will be going off soon.
4:30PM BBT
Dani and Kail in the backyard.
Kail: I need 4 votes
long pause
Dani: Is Jen going to take herself off?
Kail nods: She'd be crazy not to. She'd go home. Or I would
long pause
Kail adds: What's her other option, taking me off??
Dani: Yeah, if she wanted to go home
Kail: No, she doesn't want to go home
Dani: that's the thing I don't know where she's coming from
Kail: She wants to work with you, sincerely... [then she pauses and rephrases] .... she wants to be your friend
Dani: See, that doesn't make sense to me
4:40PM BBT
Jen and Dani go up to HOH to talk
Jen says Kail is getting on her nerves. Jen continues to bash Kail to Dani saying that Kail is becoming very negative and that she wants to dump her. Jen tells Dani that Kail wants Dani to nominate Zach or Dick. Dani is making sure that she is going to use the veto on herself. And makes her promise that she'll vote to keep Kail, no matter who goes up. Jen promises. Jen is promising her everything if she tells her who Dani is putting up. Then Jen asks if she is putting up Eric. Dani smiles and says "could be" Jen says "no matter what.. if it's a boy.. they are gonna go home." Dani assures Jen that she (Dani) has Zach's vote, 100%. She explains it's because Zach has glommed onto her since she was close to Nick. He has no one else. Jen remarks that it seemed like everyone else was very nervous before the veto. She & Kail were wondering why. Dani discounts this.
4:50PM BBT
Eric and Kail discussing Dick at the hot tub. Kail says he has some serious mental problems. She also says that it's like Dick thinks that Kail, Jen and himself are the only people in the whole house. Eric tells Kail just because we didn't stand up and tell Dick to leave you alone, don't think we weren't planning on doing something about it. Kail asks Eric why Dustin didn't put up ED last week if they dont like him so much. and Eric says because Nick was a bigger threat to Dustin than ED is cause Nick has a relationship with Dani and Amber. Kail lies and says Dani promised her she was vote when there was extra vote and Eric says good tell everyone that and goes on to say Dick was the vote one week and Dani was vote the other. Eric is telling Kail that if Dani puts up Eric she is screwed if he stays or goes if she puts up anyone but zach she's screwed. Eric is coaching Kail on how to talk to Dani. Eric says she should say I am on Slop for 30 days and so am not a threat and you should be a woman of your word and keep me safe and if you put up someone who was loyal to you your screwed and I can't play in 5 HOH's then Eric says dont say my name as a reference, you can say anyone but me. Wants Kail to try to get Zach up. Eric tells Kail if she doesn't pull off convincing Dani to get Zach up she is gonna go home. He doesn't mean it as a threat but it's that way. Eric is telling Kail that Jess maybe aligning with Dick, Dani and Zach and he hopes she isn't. He says she's gonna have to stand up and make her own decisions. He says Jess has to be 4th vote cause its not Dustin or him and don't think it is Amber so has to be Jessica. Eric says Dick is planning to trash people to everyone to see who bites on what, says if everyone sees through it it doesnt help them.
5:07PM BBT
Zach & Jess in the workout room.
Zach said he is going to run on the treadmill while eating a carrot.
Jess said why?
Zach said it would make great t.v. He said have you ever seen a bunny on a treadmill?
Jess is laughing.
Dani told Jen that her target was Eric while ago. Jen says Eric tells her everything everyone says. Jen says she trust him. Jen says Eric is close to Jen cause Eric and Kail are not working together. Jen and Eric are. But she thinks is great idea to get rid of Eric. Dani is also telling Jen that Amber is sort of faking how close she is to people. Both say there is alot of stuff eachother knows that they dont mention and jen says when they were up there giggling they were making a deal. Dani and Jen are trusting each other cause Jen says she's been working with ***not sure*** from get go. Jen offers to talk to Amber and Dustin and Dani mentions Jess will vote with them. Jen says Eric was her closest in house and isn't sure how to get Amber to vote for Eric and Jen says how did you get her to vote for Nick and Dani says it wasn't hard. Dani guarantees Zach will vote out Eric. They hope to sway Jameka(Note: Jameka crossed heart and promised Eric to have his back).
5:20PM BBT
Jessica is telling Jameka that Dick and Daniele are gonna try to pull her telling her what they believe Eric has done. She then goes on to tell her everything that Dani, Dick and she talked about in HOH. Said that Dick and Dani said that Jameka plays with honor and integrity and doesn't like liars, so she won't like what Eric has done. Jess also says that since Kail can't play for HOH for several weeks, Dick and Dani don't see her as a threat anymore. Also, it's going to take a lot more than a banner to sway Jess' opinion/vote. Jameka wants to know why anyone would side with Dick and Dani, says it's ridiculous.
5:30PM BBT
Jen admits to Dani that she knows Mike Boogie, but says she doesn't like him.
Jess says Dani and Dick are very convinicing but she cant do it, she is with this side. They point out that Dani put up Jen and Kail so why would Jen think Dani or Dick suddenly changed and want to help them. Jameka says ED showed he is malicious and she wouldn't call him evil cause she had more respect for him but he has proven that she shouldn't have. He revels in his evilness. Jess says there is no Plan B it is Eric or no one. They will not put up Zach. Says they might put up Amber or Dustin. Jess says she's happy she didn't win HOH because they wouldn't have seen Dick & Dani for true colors.
Dick joins Jam and Jess and talk turns to POV and all of the punishments. Dick says why does it matter that Jen wrote 250k to lose on winning because she can't win anyway. She should have written 10 billion. Also they say the "poop" they have to get dumped on them is water, slop and kitkat bars. ED says he has a lot of respect for Jam and Dani cause they went above and beyond. ED tells Jameka that he told Dustin he wouldn't name names and he wont with her. She's a smart girl and she will feel better about herself if she figures it out herself. After he leaves, you hear her say You have got to be kidding me.
Kail is now up in HOH with Dani and Jen. Daniele again promises Kail she is not going home. Kail tells Dani that she thinks she (Dani) is being played.
Kail is now telling Dustin everything Dani said.. Eric was waiting in the wings. Tells him that she did not make any deals, just that she is safe.
5:40PM BBT
Dick asks Jen to call a truce. Dick says you lay off Dani and all the bs you talk about her, and I will lay off all the bs off of you. In comps, he may talk ***** but not personal and in house he'll stop picking on her. He says it is getting out of hand and would perfer a peaceful time. ED says there is a lot of people in life she doesn't get along with and a lot he doesn't get along with. And Jen says Actually no, not for me. Jen says I can take it but is making house uncomfortable and probably her family at home. Jen told Dani that she would put up ED cause she has too but Dick made truce before Dani had chance to talk to him . So Jen seems to want to make truce. ED says the death comments are ***** talking and he's sorry its not personal really he says it is but he doesnt mean it literally, just is nasty ribbing. In his world it's normal and she says not in hers. He says I understand and I will cool it. Jen tells Dick that she thinks her and Dani have worked out their issues. They go to HOH to talk more.
Dick, Dani and Jen are saying they are going to work with Kail and Zach to take down the LNC. Dick says a lot of ***** has been done and said and that they need to get past this because the rest of the house is sitting pretty because we keep trying to get each other out because of personal differences. Dick is being very charming saying that everything between them is magnified because they are in a closet and as long as Dick and Dani and Kail and Jen are in the house everyone else feels safe cause they are trying to get each other out. Dick says at HOH comp was apparent no one cared who won cause if Dani won Kail or Jen go up and if Kail or Jen won, it was Dani or Dick so they are safe. Dick tells Jen that Nick was casualty of people putting words in everyone's mouth. Jen says they need to keep this alliance under wrap and keep up appearances! Dick agrees! Jen is telling Dick the truth about where the info leak was coming from. Dick says that Kail has been the one getting the info from others, and Jen told him it wasn't her but it was in fact Jen getting info from them (the LNC) and then her telling Kail. Dick said he sorta figured that too.
5:50PM BBT
Jen is telling Dick not to freak out on the person that Dani puts up, b/c everyone will know that is the person they really want to get out.
ED says that Kail runs her second alliance the way she ran the first. She sends and gathers information through other people. She never makes contact with the other person. He said she did the same thing with Mike and now she is doing it with Jen.
Dick says the house will freak when the replacement nominees is put up on the block! Jen agrees.
Jen asks Dick what if someone is playing D&D about the extra vote for Eric. Dick says Eric has screwed them all and the votes are secure. Dick brings up what Eric said to Kail when she was HOH. He tells Jen that he was suspcious of him from that point. Jen tells him that they really were not discussing strategy. Jen says that Kail is not as in the loop as Dick thinks she is. Jen said that she thinks Dick wants her to sell out Kail, but she is not that type of person.
Jen: "Nick told me alot more than you think he did" Nick said that he didn't want Dani to be the next Erica. Dick said he does think voting him out was stupid. But he did what he had to do to stay in the game. Jen says that she knows how Kail is but what is she supposed to do, be like "Later, Kail".
Eric says he will tell Zach he's safe if he votes for Eric and Eric has no problem threatening Zach to make sure they don't vote for him to go home.
6:15PM BBT
Everyone getting ready to leave HOH and DICK AND JEN HUG!!!
Dick wants Dick, Dani, Kail, and Jen to call out Eric in front of everyone
Dick will say "this is b.s. and WE figured it out"
Jen says that Kail will not be helpful. Jen says it is not a good idea because it will look like they're working together.
Jen says it will only work if Dick starts it and she adds input.
Dani: People are stupid
Dick: Not stupid, but in denial
Jen: Everyone thinks they're Eric's #1
Dick: He'll be standing there with his **** in his hand not knowing what to do because he won't see it coming.
Dick says Eric was keeping their war going because everyone else was safe
Dani is preparing for her upcoming goo dump.
6:25PM BBT
There is a huge trough of goo in the backyard. They take a bucket and dump it on their heads and they run to the outdoor shower. The feeds only showed Jen in between the FOTHs
6:30PM BBT
Dick tells Jessica what Jen said; Jess tells Jameka that Eric was in an alliance with Jen. He said Eric had them both butting heads with each other. He said Jen said "he or she" but he knew she was talking about Eric. Dick pumps his fist in the air.
D: He played too hard and too many angles. He's sh**ting in his pants right now
J: I know
D: He should be
Jess immediately tells Jameka.
J: ED tells me Jen was in an alliance with Eric from the beginning
She says she is going to talk to Jen. Jameka agrees it is a good idea.
6:35PM BBT
Dick tells Amber, Zach, Dustin, Eric that he has a truce with Jen now. "We even hugged at the end"
Zach: That happened today!?!
Eric: That's a hallmark moment...sounds like an afterschool special, I like it.
6:40PM BBT
Jess and Jen talk about how Eric is shady.
Jess: Did you said that you were in an alliance with Eric
Jen: I never said that. I think they came up with that Jess: They said you confirmed it Jen: I think I confirmed it....there was a couple of things they picked up that they knew I didn't say that they thought I said. I think a lot of people think Eric is their #1 including you, me, Dick, and Kail. If you tell Eric it doesn't matter. Eric and I before anything happened. We would talk on the logs when people didn't talk to Eric because of the slop thing. He has said stuff about you
Jess: What did he say? Is it recently?
Jen: I'd say not this week ...everybody said he is #1
Jess:I couldn't trust it because it was Dick
Jen: I do like him -- he makes you feel like you're his #1 -- he says don't be suspicious, but it's hard to not feel that when he talks to everyone.
Jess: I was trying to figure out why they wanted to get him out
Jen: He's a smart Joe...he starts everything. Who were his biggest targets in the beginning? Joe and Nick
Jess: Yeah
Jen: Where are they? Nowhere
Jess: I am... in awe...I'll rip him a new one when he gets on the block. The other night I couldn't go to sleep and I acted like I was asleep and he was outside for hours, and then I saw the banner and it's all clicking. I was thinking 'you're not being honest with me' and now it's all making sense now.
Jen: He's a good manipulator...I hope it doesn't effect me.
Jess: Now that I am talking to you, Dick, and Daniele...I'm just like 'wow'.
Jen: I don't want to be viewed as a liar or working with evil people, but it is a common thing that happened
Jess: I know some people have to lie in this game
Jen: It just seems horrible
Jess: I thought I was close with him
Jen: This is not something you want to ignore until it's too late.
Jess is very overwhelmed by everything that she is learning by talking to Jen. Jess is asking if she should say anything to Eric.
Jen relays that Dick wants a confrontation, but she thinks that it will make everything uncomfortable, but they both say that is how Dick is.
Jess: I'm so pissed off right now.
Jen: That's why you shouldn't trust boys
Jess: He (eric) is going to try and get me to vote for him instead of kail but he doesn't even have my vote right now.
Jess and Jen's conversation continues......
Jess - I've lived with this kid for a month, I thought I knew him, but I don't..
Jen comments that Eric has watched every season. They are now talking about how nervous and paranoid Eric is acting.
Jess is very pissed and is still undecisive about if she is going to go off on Eric.
Jen says that she thinks it is a bad idea for them to have a meeting to confront him because it will just give him the chance to remanipulate them all over again.
Jess: He was playing me for a fool.
Jen: That's how I feel
Jen: He told me he was playing everyone
Jess: He did? OMG
Jen: So maybe I really was his #1
Jess: He never told that to me!
Jen: Oh he's going to kill me. He'll say you really were my #1...it's not good to deal with. Maybe I should have kept it in and voted for him to stay. I can tell them I'm going to vote for them and then not. It makes everyone look stupid. Now what?
Jess: I don't know
Jen: Jameka & Kail can't win HOH. Not many people left. Now....DUSTIN! Just kidding. All the boys. It's not on purpose, they are just the manipulators. The boys win because the girls never talk.
Jess: Thanks for talking to me. I appreciate it. If you ever have any questions like how I'm voting you can ask me because I will tell you.
Jess walking around the house looking for somebody she can't find. She walks past Dustin, Dani, Dick, and Jen in the kitchen
Dani: Who are you looking for? Are you okay?
Jess: I'm fine
Dani: Sure?
She decides to take a shower and screams to them in the kitchen
Jess: When it's going to be? This mass outing? I'm excited.
BunnyDani comes up to her
Dani: Dustin has no freaking clue
Jess: Is he figuring it out?
Dani: He's figuring it out. Everybody will know about it (sing-songy) in about an hour. Are you okay?
Jess: I'm good, but I thought that I knew someone and I didn't
Dani: I'm here for you.
Dani says that the only reason Nick was voted out was he was on her dad's side and nobody wanted that.
Dick: He can call me an ***** but I'm not lying. That's more than Eric can say!
Dustin: That's for damn sure.
Dick says he knew it would be tough because "you guys were so close."
Dick says he's been giving hints to Dustin all day so he could figure it out. He knew Dustin could figure it out.
He is giving him more of the examples of why Eric has been spreading lies.
Dick: He's a lot smarter than Joe.
Dick talks about tacos he's cooking when Jessica walks by.
Jessica tells Dustin she believes them now.
7:10PM BBT
Jess and Dustin whisper in the bathroom, prepare for the "WS" (Weird Scene) at dinner.
Dustin says he doesn't buy a Jen-Eric alliance.
Dustin: She wants to buy herself another week. She is not in it for the money. She would lie. I spent the most time in this house with Eric and he was never with Jen. There is *NO* deal with Jen!
Jess: You can say whatever you want for another week.
Dustin: That's a lot like what Nick said...What kind of thing would he have with Kail? I don't buy it. I talk to Kail. I have conversations with her...not that I'm working with her. She would cry to me when she was on the block. Not with Eric.
Jess: Wow. I am in shock.
Dustin: That's the thing, it's almost too shocking.
Dustin does not believe this "truce" between Jen and Dick.
Dustin: I think Evel made a deal where Kail stays another week with Eric another week. He just told me you're dropping hints to me all day and I said he's talking about Eric and he said I knew you were smart. I don't know Jess. Dick has been on a conspiracy theory because of the phones,
Jess: and the banner...
Dustin: And Kail eating a bowl of slop
Dustin: I can't think to myself that I'm that stupid
Jess: I know, but then maybe I am...he's going to call him out at dinner..oohhh
Dustin: WS!
Jess: I don't want to go to dinner.
Dustin: I don't buy it with Jen...Kail trusts Eric but she doesn't
Jess: Confides in him.
Dustin: She confides in me. I don't know. We have to wait and see what he says. You know a lot more than I do. Wow.
Jess: I'm just like okay, we have til Thursday to decide. If he calls him out at dinner it will obvious if we're for him or against him.
Dustin says he will say that Eric is his friend and he will have to evaluate how he feels about Eric so it won't be obvious
Dustin: It will be a WS at dinner
Jen - I think I'm confused....
Kail - ya mean he thinks Eric and I are working together....
Jen - huh ....He promised to not yell at me anymore he claims he doesn't lie so...
Eric - claiming he doesnt lie...whadda joke... I can document at least 100 lies right off the bat..
Eric - did you talk to them about his conduct again? they're fine with it?
Jen - they talked to him....FOTH
Dani now telling Dustin the plan and reasons in HOH
7:30PM BBT
7:33PM BBT
Bunnies showering after getting "manure" dumped on them
7:38PM BBT
Feeds back Dick cooking dinner, Zach, Dust, Amber in Kitchen
7:40PM BBT
Dick talking about how hard core this POV comp was giving up 1/2 the winnings, No HOH for 5 weeks, etc . Harshest POV to date.
7:45PM BBT
HG's preparing for dinner-setting table for everyone to eat Dick's Tacos and according to earlier conversations...Dick may just call Eric out in front of everyone at dinner.
Eric is wandering the house aimlessly ... now has found Dustin. Dustin tells Amber and Eric that Dick/Dani were throwing them under the bus; warns about the outing!!!
7:55PM BBT
Eric/Jameka/Amber talking outside about the truce between Jen and Dick. Jameka tells them that Jen was up there for like 90 minutes.
Jameka says (in disbelief) that "ED says that the 'people we can't talk about' told him that he was going too far"
Amber: Dani says I am the one who pushed for Nick to leave. ***** her.
Jam: What group am I in?
Eric: The Bible Belt Alliance
A: This time is different. It came from Dani.
E: How is this different? Gimme a break. She always talks *****
A: First time to me
E: First time TO you
Zach comes out and they stop talking
Zach: Well Jameka, I didn't get to prove myself in croquet. ... Zach says he asked someone [missed who] if they would date a man in a bunny suit and she said yes
Jam: Well that is negated by the fact that you said 'I have a woody in my bunny suit' in front of the woman you like.
7:55PM BBT
Dustin tells Dick that he'll need a couple days to process all this info. All they have is hearsay and no proof.
Dick keeps burning his fingers on a hot pan.
Eric: I'm feeling tired.
Zach: It could be worse...you could be in a bunny suit
Zach says he was usually picked last in PE. He was tall, skinny, and white.
says he is short, skinny, and white.
Eric thanks Dick for his "chefery", then they decide it's not a word
Jessica is under covers in between the two big beds (and has been for some time)
Jess now up and whispering to Jameka about Eric "working deals with everybody"; Jam doesn't buy it.
Jess: ED is calling him out in dinner. If that's the case it's another one...
Jam: In that case "Eric is a liar." What is the case for Amber?
Jess: Somebody brought her name on it. I dunno ...
Jam: I am up a deep creek for the next 5 HOHs
Jess: I will help you
Jam: I don't buy it.
Jess: Dustin doesn't either
Jam: They need to get us mad at Eric.
Dani comes in and gets Jessica and they all head to dinner.
8:05PM BBT
They all sit down to dinner and thank Dick for preparing it. Eric says he's never seen so many taco meals (eating them this often) in his life. Dick says it's his pleasure. Dustin replies, "That's a lie, but whatever..."
Jameka is now going around the table asking everyone what they learned today.
Eric: How fierce everyone is in this house, and how commendable everyone played...
Zach: 720 hours = 30 days.
Jessica: you don't always wanna play in a veto comp!
Dustin: Do not have tacos after a protein shake because you'll start to sweat
Dick: I learned alot today. I learned somethings that were hard to admit to myself about myself, and things about other people that were hard to admit. Very impressed no one folded with the ten grand. Extremely impressed Jam gave up 5 HOHs.
Dinner is pretty much done..Dustin is so full hes going cross eyed, doing the dishes. Eric got in a little tiff with some over the rules of the veto comp. Other than that...boring dinner conversation.
8:25PM BBT
Dick out in the backyard playing croquet. Zach is out there, too.
Kitchen crew - Dustin, Dani, Jen and now Zach - cleaning up. Dustin whistles while he works. Eric to Dani "I'm bored, will you kill me" then he and Dani start talking about Russian Roulette.
Dick in backyard alone, smoking.
8:30PM BBT
Dani laughs at Zach having a tail..how can they take him seriously? No one is wearing their ears.
Dick explains to Zach how to play croquet.
Dustin, Jess, Amber, Eric in kitchen talking about everyone in the house. "Zach is having a good day" Dustin wants to know if he can dump on anyone.
The buzzer sounds! Zach peels off his bunny suit and jumps into the bucket (pours the gunk on himself). Jen is in next, and turns the water on before she gets in her bucket. Dustin can't wait for the 4am buzzers.
Lots of FOTH..Dustin and Eric are talking about the DR people getting exhausted by their questioning. Due to Dustin's singing of "Never Gonna Get It" by En Vogue, FOTH sliding in and out.
Dani dumps - complains how cold the water is. Kail dumps in silence. Jameka wants to set up a "thingy" a trail from the bucket to the bathroom. Dustin: OH! I love thingies! They are all gonna get sick Jen says...Dick thinks the house is gonna smell like *****. Jameka dumps and doesn't rinse. Dick upset that she'll track it through the house and make the house smell like manure. Dustin trying to convince him that it's made of dirt and the "butter me up" stuff.
Zach folding towels...Dustin says "who taught you to fold? Your blind grandmother?" Zach pats Dustin on the butt while folding clothes, and Dustin says "Thank you! Maybe I'll bend over next time you do that"
8:43PM BBT
Eric is in bed. Jess in bed, also.
Dustin calls out Dick on his farting, Zach on his folding laundry. "I've got a mouth on me tonight."
Dick still concerned about Jameka tracking her "manure" through the house.
Jessica tells ***someone, not sure who*** that she was hiding and avoiding people because she didn't want to talk to anyone before dinner.
Dani says the stuff smells like poop and they think it might be Miracle Grow
8:45PM BBT
2 Minute FOTH
Eric still laying in his bed, Jess sitting up in hers. Dustin and Amber now in bed, same room as Jessica. Talking about how fast they can each walk/run on the treadmill, Zach's long legs on treadmill...then they are silent for a real long time..no talking..just staring into space
Jen and Kail are sitting in the round room, not talking, with bunny suits on and towels on their heads. Kail starts reading her Bible. Kail to Jen - Aren't you happy? Jen - About what? Kail - You won! Jen - Oh. Yeah. I just have a headache.
Dustin gets up and peers through the round room door, he's sniffing the window, he's very hyper! Breathing on it and writing..Jess says "you realize they can see you right?"
Jameka enters and wants to crawl in with the others. Jameka looking through her bible..crawls into bed with Jessica. Jess: Come on in! The water's fine!! Talking about Jess wanting to dance in her sweats..likes them really baggy...they are so comfy.
9:05PM BBT
Jameka - You down with POV?
Jess - Yeah, you know me!
***I nominate this for convo of the night***
Jameka & Jess whispering.
Jes - You are Jamaking me crazy!
Lots of random ramblings...
Jameka calling her a big little baby..in a weird voice.
Over and over...
Dustin and Kail talking in the Storage Room.
Dustin asks Kail what Daniele says. Kail explains her deal with Daniele.
9:12 bbt
Dustin & Kail in the SR
Kail tells Dustin again that she has no idea what Daniele is doing- only knows that she told her that she was safe. That she thinks Jen was her target but now she doesn't know what she has up her sleeve
Dustin- that's the thing Jen was the target
Dustin- you trust me don't you Kail
Kail- yeah I completely trust you
Dustin- who else do you completely trust in this house ?
Kail- Jen
Dustin- and?
Kail- that's it
Dustin- how do you feel about Eric?
Kail- I trust Eric- I have no reason not too- I haven't talked - we are good friends-but I haven't really talked to him -
Dustin- has Eric made any promises to you?
Kail- no I swear never never
Dustin- because -
Kail- I know what Evel is trying to do he's going around trying to say that ( Missed this part )
and it's not true
Dustin- I know because I made a deal with you last week and it wasn't even a deal
Kail- it wasn't even a deal
Dustin- no you offered yourself up as a pawn - and I took it
Kail- yeah and I didn't even do that with Daniele she said I was safe and that is all
Dustin- Evel is trying to say that you and Eric have some kind of relationship
Kail -no that's not true
Dustin - some sort of game relationship and he's speculating this because of the 2 votes
Kail- it's not true - Eric is not - Eric thinks for himself and I have nothing with Eric - except a friendship and that doesn't even mean much now because he is hanging out with Jess
Dustin- he never said he would carry you to the end or something like that
Kail- no no I swear
Dustin- so you know that he is targeting Eric right now
Kail- Evel is but I don't know about Daniele
Dustin- the 2 of them- Evel is running Daniele's HoH this week
Kail- the way I look at it we need Eric in here -
Dustin- I know
Kail- so he would put up Evel
I told Daniele I will have to have 4 votes to stay
Dustin- you don't have 4 votes to stay if it's not Zach going up I am telling you to your face right now you don't have 4 votes to stay -
Kail- I know I know but that is what she is telling me
Dustin- you should have stayed up there I'm sorry
Kail- I couldn't - on the bar? I couldn't she was gonna stay up there another half hour-I couldn't
Dustin- but right after Jen walked off you said Daniele listen to me
Kail - no
Dustin- she started talking to you?
Kail- yes -the only thing she promised me is that I am safe this week
Dustin- ok so Jen tried to sell out Eric
Kail- what?
Dustin- don't you find it odd that DIck and Jen are on some kind of good terms right now?
Kail- Jen is saying it's because they warned him for throwing her things around
Dustin- no that's not it Jen and Evel made a deal
Kail- she told me I have 4 votes
Dustin- you don't have them
Kail - well someone is lying to her face.
Dustin- Daniele and Dick are letting their alliance get ahead in the game by trying to break up relationships - and they target me because I am a bold player and I do big things -
Kail- let me ask you this do you trust everybody in your 5 ?
Dustin- -yes
Kail- every single person
Dustin- yes
Kail -then who is that person that told her to her face that she thinks she has 4 votes
Dustin- I think that she is just bold face lying to you
Kail- I don't ... I don't get that from her.
Dustin- you can't repeat any of this .
Kail- I don't believe that... I think someone from your 5 told her that they would vote to keep me ...
Dustin- I can trust my 5 if she puts up Zach, but if she puts up Eric- you don't have the votes
Kail- what if it is someone else- what if it is Amber...
Dustin - Amber?
Dustin -I don't think it is- they are moving too fast and I think that she is lying to you she told me before noms that if POV gets played and Jen takes herself off the block you are going home and that is not a lie
Kail - what am I suppose to do ?
Dustin- push her to put Zach up
Kail- she wont give me any info
Dustin- no because her and Dick are moving as one now
Kail- I don't know what to do
Dustin - me either because she is saying things about Amber and Eric and I don't know what to do
Kail- you trust Amber and Jessica-
Dustin- yes
Kail brings up that Jessica told Joe that she had his vote the whole time -
They say they have a few days not to get ahead of themselves -
Kail- I told her someone was lying to her and she told me no they are not so I am wondering if you can trust your 5
Kail- I told her someone was lying to her and she told me no they are not so I am wondering if you can trust your 5
Dustin- this is where it gets tough- I am wondering if I can trust my 5 too -
Dustin says he thinks Dick knows that he and Daniele are targets so he is doing all this with Eric and making nice with Jen to throw all the attention on Eric
Kail- I dont know what is going on I am clueless all I know is if it's not Zach I am probably going home
Dustin tells her not to talk to Daniele right now- don't push the issue- still 2 days-
Dustin- why would Jen and Evel make up
Kail- it's not like that - Jen would do anything- it's not like working together it's like I promise I won't yell at you anymore that's all that is
Dustin - why would he F***ing promise not to yell at her?
Kail- Jen says it's because they talked to him -
Dustin- so they called a truce and then Evel says that Jen sold Eric out
Kail- with what kind of information she doesn't have any
Dustin- what kind of deal did Evel and Jen make because that is the 3rd time that Evel has offered Jen a deal
Kail- Jen would not take a deal from Evel
Dustin- Jen sold Eric out to Jessica-
Kail - what does that mean?
Dustin- she told Jess that she is the middle man between you and Eric
Kail- no no
Dustin - that is what Jen is saying - Jen told Jessica
Kail- no
Dustin- Jessica and Daniele told me that too -
Kail- maybe Eric does tell Jen things
Dustin- what does she tell you -
Kail- things like I will be fine
Dustin- I told you that
Kail- yeah but I didn't tell her that you told me not to
They go on and on .....
Dustin- Jen lied and told Evel that Eric told her to make herself on good terms with Evel
Kail- you can't make yourself on good terms with Evel
He goes on to say that Nick is gone so the only other target Jen has is Eric and she jumped on the bandwagon with Evel
Kail- but even if Eric is the target he won't be going home- I will
Dustin- Dick and Daniele are going around spreading lies and it's too early - it's not like you guys didn't know about the 7
Kail- Daniele seems pretty confident to me
Dustin- of course she is she is a Bi**h she is good at what she does
she is just like her father only smarter
Dustin - it will come down to a 4/3 vote
Kail- and Eric will have the 4
Dustin- not yet - we don't know that we have until Thursday for one person to change their mind or for everyone to change their minds
Kail wonders if this was the plan all along to send her home- and this is her way around it-that they know she is going home but they can take the blame off of themselves
Dustin- I want to keep you around
Kail- I know but I think that they want me to go- maybe -
He explains again what Jen said to Jess
Kail- I think Jessica is my fourth - she lied about Carol and about Joe and i that is who Daniele is relying on I am in big trouble
Dustin- this is where it gets tough- I am wondering if I can trust my 5 too -
they decide to leave the SR separately ... Kail leaves .. Dustin waits awhile .. then leaves.
9:30PM BBT
Kail and Dustin leave the storage room. Dustin goes back to the big room and climbs in bed with Amber. Amber's reading her Bible. Jess is in her bed and Zach is sitting on the floor..they are all waiting for another buzzer.
Buzzer goes off and Zach takes off running shouting "ME, ME!" Jameka cheats and dumps it down her back. Jen has changed into her red bathing suit. She pours it over her head and Dani asks her if she tasted it...she did that last time. Dani dumps the bucket over her head.
Dick and Dani in HOH. Dick asks Dani what she thought of Amber's answer - said "no comment" to the "what did you learn today?" game at dinner
Eric leans on Jess's bed and asks her how she is doing..she said good..He wants to talk but shes not biting..she's saying very little..awkward silence
Eric: alright then...he leaves.
Jen and Jameka in the showers. Jen says only 20 more to go! ***I think she's referring to the manure dumps***
Jess walks to kitchen. Talks to Zach for a minute about beers and then goes back to bed.
Dustin: Jen might've sold her soul
Jess: to the devil?
Dustin: Kail and I are very honest and open
More whispering
Jen tells Dick to tell Dani that she should just keep the bathtub full of hot water and hang out in there all night, Jen says she may join her later. This is all because they are not allowed to use the hot tub (the bunnies).
10:30 bbt
Eric is gathering Jessica back under his wing.
telling her how honest he is and he only tells the truth.
Jessica says: when she talks to him she believes him ... but when she talks to them ... she doesn't know..
Eric::... DON'T TALK TO THEM!!!! [lol]
a lot of whispering going on... hard to understand some of it..
Dustin going in to talk to Jess. Jess says "is she?" says fake sleeping. Dustin telling Amber to move in there. Saying he can sleep with ED. Amber says Jess you want to. she says no she wants to sleep alone in her bed. D says what else is gross that he has never seen a tan sheet in the washing machine. They all make faces. Amber and Jess say "Evil Dick" and Dustin says it again. ED says I can hear you all in there! D says I'm Dustin. D says (making fun of her) I am Jess. Jess says the handlers knew who she was.
Jess and D are just joking around. D is waiting to talk to Jen. Jam comes in. Amber reading out loud (it's annoying!)
Eric comes in. Amber and Jam talking. Eric said his name was Potziba and it was changed to Stein at Ellis Island. D said his flew first class from Denmark. D saying those funny projects in class where there's always this one crazy one. He got the book and the project was done.
talking about family tree stuff.
Amber saying she read a part of the bible and she just about died. Jam now reading it. She said"Mmm hmmm." Jess asked Eric what he'd like to talk about. Eric said how about what you just said. Amber saying Jen told her that ED was the one that called the truce and she said I'm not stupid.
Jen comes in and Amber asks "Where is your best friend?" D asks to talk to her for a minute. D asks her what is going on with her trying to sell Eric out. Jen saying she personally didn't. But , she talked to....D says ED, Daniele and Jess. Jen says she talked to Jess. Jen said she talked to ED about not being a bastard and not talking about ED.
How did Eric come up in the story? D asks. She said she told them they would have her vote no matter who came up. Asked what she said to Jess. She said Jess told you. D said No she didn't. Jen said things.. D said oh things. Jen said she got the impression it was Eric from Kail. Jen said they got the impression it was more than one person. D said they can't put up more than one person. Jen said well they have more than one person. she said it's obviously not Zach. D said how do you know? She said she's positive and that don't even try to talk them into it. it will be the same result. D said that's all he wanted to know. Jen said I"m not that helpful. She said she didn't initiate and she was just taking herself down. Dutin said his whole thing is that ED is trying to take out Eric and it's fair but ED said Jen confirmed everything. She said that she doesn't mean to but that by not answering people think she confirms things. D asked like what would have made them think that? Jen said she didn't vote for Kail either week.
Dustin said you just did that f***in weird thing to me with your eyes. She gasped and said "I did?" he said yes.
Dustin said he is going to be honest that Ed went up to him and said he had all these suspicions and that Jen confirmed it for him
Jen said he told her that she just told him something and he would say she just confirmed something when she didn't really say anything.
Dustin said well I am asking you what you confirmed?
She said 98% of the confirmation was them talking about what she wants to be showing people at home.
Dustin said ED to vote for Kail. They both came at you?
Jen said yes separately. Dani said it doesn't matter who I put up but you will vote them out and Jen said yes. they think they know who cast the second vote and that's who they are putting up. It's based on that person starting things and being close to everyone in the house and she said it alluded to him (Eric).
Dustin says alright. Jen asks what are you thinking? she says you are pulling a Kail. He said it hit him like a ton of bricks and why are people saying this and he's trying to figure out the situation. Jen said it would be in his best interest not to stir things up. Jen said not to stir things up by asking questions will more likely hurt him than help him because she doesn't think things are 100% sturdy (meaning the POV). She said she's not with Daniele because it's not her cup of tea. Dustin says she's so vague. She said I am? I don't know things.
Jen said I wish we were all just hanging out peacefully. Dustin says well that didn't work out so well. Especially when your clothes were thrown around earlier. Jen said between that, the bunny suit and slop it wasn't one of her better days. Dustin says and slop for 30 days too. Jen says yeah...
Jen said she doesn't think Kail and Eric had anything before. Jen said she lied for 19 nights before so why not now? Jen said Kail told her to tell them not to put Eric up. Jen said she has no effect on Daniele or Dick. Who is she kidding. Dustin said he thinks it's funny that... no I'm not going to say anything. Dustin said well you open your mouth a lot. You can't keep secrets. she said yeah, don't tell me. Dustin said he would request that things he asked about and their conversation not be brought up. Dustin said ED will ask her what they talked about. Dustin said for her to tell ED it's none of his business. Jen said yeah that's not lying She doesn't like to lie and keep track of things.
Dustin said three weeks in a row taking herself off the block Dustin said it's like when are you ever going to go?
10:40 bbt
Smooth talking Eric has Dustin & Jessica back in tow!!!
He says it is very hard for him to have his character attacked.. if they said he was short & ugly it would be ok.. but he didn't like them attacking his character.
and he goes on & on & on!!!!
Jen said earlier "I don't tell Kail anything because then I would have to talk about it for 2 hours!" [ ed. I understand that!!!]
It seems that Dani, Zach & Jameka have to douse themselves with a manure mixture every hour. they ring a buzzer to notify them when it is time.
11:00 bbt
Eric continues to whisper to Jessica.. to solidify his position with her... Zach tries to come into the room to lay down for "20 minutes" before he has to go get doused again.. and Eric says to give them 5 more minutes.. ......he does!!!
Jessica finally gets up & leaves and Eric goes to work on Amber.
but she's sleepy so he lays on the bed and Jess & Jam are in the other bed.. and they start chatting about underwear.
General chit-chat in BY with ED, Dustin, Jen & Dani. They are re-hashing the Dustin-Joe
Dani Zach and Dick in kitchen...Dick is adjusting his ring, with a knife and some slamming.
Dani wishes it were wednesday.
Dani is counting the hours between now and something ...(The POV ceremony?)
Dani and Dick sit down at the dining table and chat about Jess.
Dick then complains that he's hurt his neck and is sleeping wrong probably.
Dani starts futzing with the towel on her head...Dick says she looks like the chicquita banana girl.
They start talking about how cool it would be to own the BB house and what kind of parties they could throw.
Dani: It's just like my house, but without the servants." lol
Dani and Dick then start talking about their having to be a double eviction coming up soon.
Dani says she hates that reality TV shows have a final 3. Like Survivor. If BB did that she'd be p***ed.
Elite Team
- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Saturday, August 4
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