Kail up. She went to the bathroom and then into the kitchen. Now she's outside on the couches eating.
8:35AM BBT
Kail now sitting outside reading her Bible. All others still sleeping.
9:45AM BBT
Dustin is now up and he's talking to Kail. Said he didn't know why they were doing this to him - no food comp.
9:50AM BBT
Wake up call/FOTH
Dick up, brushing teeth. He and Dustin discuss the possibility of a food comp today.
10:15AM BBT
Dani climbs into the HOH tub to shave her arms. Dick comes in and is discussing how Eric is like Columbo (???). Then he moves on to bad-mouthing Kail -- who is sitting on patio putting on makeup -- and then goes on to Eric. Dani and Dick talking about figuring out Eric and his game play throughout the game. They seem to have a good grasp of what Eric has done. Going over things Eric has said from the beginning, how he convinced everybody to get Mike out and then Nick.
Dick tells Dani that Eric knew D&D were aligned from the beginning. Dick tells Dani that he told Jessica what he knows. Dani says she's annoyed that Dick is telling everybody stuff because she KNOWS that of the two of them, everybody wants her (Dani) out first.
Kail & Jen out on the patio discussing Jessica. Jen says that Jessica doesn't like cheaters and that she is good at faking that she likes people. They say Jessica doesn't like Danielle "but she will this week."
Dani - It's obvious that pretty much everyone in the house is against us.
Dick - I think the two biggest threats in the house are Eric and Kail.
Jen tells Kail that Dani used Nick and now that she is HOH and Nick is gone, she changed her tune and starting talking about Kris again.
10:30AM BBT and Back to Dick and Daniele....
Dick - If two people are never seen together and never seen talking, you can assume they are in an alliance.
Dani - slept horribly last night; she feels horrible and so guilty (about Nick)
Dick - feels bad too and it was the biggest mistake of the game. "We're not the only ones. Jessica feels exactly the same way. Eric tries to play it so he gets in her pants (Jess?). Remember that this is the third week in a row that we're going after Jen and Kail and neither of them is going home. "
After FOTH we come back to Dani and Dick in HOH room.
Dick: I will never vote against you.
Dani doesn't want to talk about that yet and starts back on how Nick going was the wrong decision.
Dick sarcastically calls Zack a mastermind.
Dani: "Shut uuuuup! he's not a mastermind!"
Dick says to let Zach think he comes up with plans on his own.
Dick: Keep in mind, Amber and Jameka were freaking out last night...cause Amber has a big mouth. Thinks she's smarter than she is.
Dick flipping thru HOH remote screens, now talks about how he was never told how big the TV he won was.
Dani saying she didn't have to make a deal with Kail and probably shouldn't have. Would never made a deal with Jen. Says she'd been up there forever and was going to win anyway, so why prolong it?
More talk of HOH competition.... Talk turns to getting Eric out and they believe they could get support from everyone to do it.
11:10AM BBT
Zach and Dani in storage room. Wants to talk later. Dani immediately went outside and told her dad about it. She also complained that all of a sudden everybody was saying good morning to her (ed: she said it first to them, acting all chipper)
Dani to ED: I'm so sick of all these people.
Now they are talking about laundry, etc.
Everybody is outside now, waiting for Amber who is last one in the house. She was brushing teeth, getting cereal, now going to the bathroom.
BB announces again that it is an outside lockdown, please go outside and close the sliding glass door.
Jen was also still inside getting ready. Now ED goes inside to use the bathroom.
11:30AM BBT
Eric and Jameka sitting behind the hammock talking. Eric talks fast so it's hard to get it but the gist seems to be that he's warning Jameka that ED might have an agenda to get one of them out this week.
He's saying Dani was giving him "looks" and keeps asking who the other vote was, what they think the banner meant.Eric saying they need to stick together and emphasize that the goal was to get Jen or Kail out this week.
Eric says Dick and Dani probably figured out that they would be the first of the seven to be targeted. Jameka: "mmm hmmm, mmm hmmm"
He thinks they're going to make a deal with Jen to use the veto on her if she votes the way they (D&D) want her to. Eric seems to have figured out what D&D are planning.
Eric is telling Jameka that Dick has approached him in the past with an alliance consisting of him, Jessica, Dani and Dick and Eric turned him down. Eric says Dick is getting ahead of himself, too many balls in the air, going to throw one of them under the bus. Eric says something was wrong with Jess last night after talking to Dani and Dick and he thinks it has something to do with him.
Eric: They want to be the ones who strike first.
Jameka: mmm hmmm
11:45AM BBT
Eric and Dick are having an argument about Nick. Dick is completely defending Nick. Dick says Nick knew he was going home and he told him things. Eric "Oh, I'm sure he did."
They are still arguing about who the extra vote was. Eric trying to suggest it was Kail, Dick not buying it.
Dick saying Nick told him it wasn't Nick's vote the week before, he knows 100% Nick wasn't lying to him. Dick saying Nick wouldn't lie to him on the way out, that what Eric said is the stupidest f'g thing he's ever hear in his life, getting very irritated at Eric, raising his voice. If it doesn't make sense in the outside world, it doesn't make sense here.
Jameka is back. Dick now asking what she thinks. She's saying this is the first time she's hearing this, referring to what Dick's saying.
Dustin is there now also.
Eric saying he trusts the people he's aligned with more than the two of them (not sure who he's referring to).
Dick: I've been saying there's a leak in the group for two weeks now. To Eric, "Why are you so quick to say there's no leak in the group?"
Eric, "I still think it was Nick."
Jameka talking a little but I can't hear her over Dick's interrupting. Dick's argument is that it wasn't Nick and Eric is trying to sweep it under the rug.
Dick going out of control on Eric, throwing hammock around, yelling.
Eric is standing up to Dick. He just said to Dick, "Don't ever yell at me again
Dick said, "What are you going to do about it, kick me out?"
Eric said no because I am true to my alliance.
Dani said stop.
Jameka says, "Calm down guys."
More calm discussion now at hammock between Eric, Dustin, Jameka, Dick, Dani. So much talking it's hard to catch much.It seems that Dustin, Jameka and Eric are united in asking questions and trying to reason with Dick. They keep throwing out that "it could be anybody" that did the vote. Dick got defensive because he thought they were insinuating it was him.Eric telling him don't jump the gun and don't put doubt where it doesn't need to be. Eric says you don't think it's Jen who you detest but you question someone in your own group. Dick says Jen is not that much of a liar.Eric is taking exception to the implication by Dick that someone who is a trusted cohort is lying and someone who is an enemy is not lying.
Everyone's points in the discussion on second vote:
Eric: Don't cast doubt on us when there are perfectly good enemies out there that might have done this to cast doubt in the group.
ED: Something's up. Something stinks. The Jenn/Whatever scenarios for the second vote don't make sense to me. I think it COULD be one of us because something stinks.
Jameka: I don't know, Jen could have done it this week, it could have been a different person each week. But it could have also been one person - don't know.
Dustin: Listening carefully. Trying to calm ED down.
Danielle: Almost not saying a word.
12:15PM BBT
Zach thinks he has ringworm. Jess, Jen and Amber freak out...want the house disinfected. The HGs are having a discussion about ringworm. They think it is in the house and they will all get it if BB doesn't do something about it.
Eric just made the point that if someone within the group is working with one of the three on the other side, then that's all the more reason why they need to get one of the three out this week, that if we eliminate those three there won't be anyone to align with, then the 7 of them remaining can start to do their own thing.
Jameka is saying that it isn't necessarily the same person who gave the extra vote last week and then this week. She said they shouldn't assume it's the same person.
Dick says, "So you think there's a copycat killer?"
Jameka said maybe so, they saw it caused dissention so they said, hmm. She said you just don't know.
Dick keeps harping on the extra vote thing and says he got made because he doesn't like being discounted.
Eric says he wasn't discounting him at all.
Dick doesn't want the issued swept under the carpet (the extra vote issue).
Now Dick's saying to Eric, "No offense Eric?" trying to smooth things over.
Jameka said to Dani: Jessica told me Jen apologized to you.
Dani, "No she didn't."
12:30PM BBT
Amber telling Jameka and Dani about Zack's ringworm, saying it's very contagious. Amber saying Jameka needs to throw away her Vaseline because Zack's been using it.
Dick now talking to Jameka, trying to explain why he got upset with Eric.
Jameka talking about Zack and his ringworm, saying he touched it and Kail told him don't touch it, and he didn't wash his hands and pulled out a pizza and started eating. They are all grossed out and say they won't eat anything he touches. Jameka says he never washes his hands before handling food.
Dick says to Jameka that he got made when Eric said he (Dick) was pointing fingers at everybody in the group as far as the extra vote. Dick said that's a lie and that he specifically didn't accuse her (Jameka) and he wanted her to know that.
Amber comes out, so ED stops talking and goes inside.
BB: The HOH room is now open.
Jameka, Kail and Amber going on about Zack now, how he doesn't wash his hands. Kail says she asked him, after he touched his ringworm to show her, "Aren't you going to wash your hands?" Amber saying he NEVER washes his hands, even after he takes a sh**.
Dick and Jen actually have a normal conversation about things of theirs missing in the house. Jen talking about her poufy thing (for showering), she's lost two of them. Dick saying his toothpaste disappeared, his shampoo. Jen saying she shares her shampoo because she brought too much anyway.
Zach saw a nurse in DR - her diagnosis is an abrasion. He tells Jameka and Jess he saw a nurse and they mock gasp that he had human face-to-face contact with the outside world.
1:10PM BBT
Eric says he's sick of Dick and Dani's effing family reunion.
Dustin says if he gets HOH next week, Dick and Dani are going up after Dick's fight with Eric earlier.
Eric to Dustin: Dick needs to go...even more than the biggest b**** ever (Jen)
Dustin: I want you, me, jessica, jameka and amber to be the Final 5 standing!
Dustin is upset that Dani has been HOH for almost a whole day and has not spoken to ANY of the LNC members about noms
1:20PM BBT
Dustin and Eric now talking about how Dick going on about it being a mistake that Nick was sent home. How could he know after just a few hours. Eric going on about how Dick has gone after Dustin, Jameka and Amber. Zach yells out if they want anything, Dustin says water would be good. Feeds cut off...went to Dani and Dick in HOH. Still talking of nominating Kail and Jen, but backdooring Eric. Dick leaves HOH.
1:25PM BBT
Kail and Jen discuss all the littler groups within the big group (LNC) in the house. Jen spills to Kail about the LNC arguments over the 2nd vote. Kail asks if Jen thinks that Eric/Amber was the 2nd vote? Again, Kail mentions talking to Dani soon. Kail says that Jen should go talk to her too. Jen says there is no reason for her to talk to Dani. Jen says she has a ton of info that will help Dani, but doesn't know if she should tell her or not since Dani doesn't like her. Jen mentions wanting to be nom'd so she can win veto.
Jess and Jameka in the big beds napping. Kail and Jen on round beds. Dustin and Eric still in the backyard.
1:35PM BBT
Kail told Jen that Danielle wasn't going to nominate her so Jen walked to the HOH room to ask to be put up for the 3rd week in a row (Jen thinks it would be cool).
Jen apologizing to Danielle for being rude. Danielle saying she isn't like her dad and is saying it's okay that Jen is in her room even though people think she should act like Dick. Danielle says she is not like her dad at all.
Jen saying Dick and Nick told her stuff early on. Danielle saying she was never rude to Jen and said Jen doesn't have a right to judge Daniele and the situation with Nick.
Danielle saying she didn't break up her boyfriend's previous relationship ....FOTH....Dani said Jen had no right to bring up the fact her boyfriend was once engaged, that Dani wasn't the cause of their breakup. Had also mentioned it's not her fault her dad is in the house....FOTH.... Jen apologizing, says not doing so because she's HOH, she expects to go up, is happy about it, but really wants to get the negative stuff taken care of with Dani. Danielle talking about making friends in the house and how she didn't expect to make a best friend (Nick).
Ok, Dani says she has one question for Jen, and depends on how she answers as to who goes home..Dani says she won't tell her the answer she's looking for, but going to ask...who did you vote for?? Jen says Kail. Dani said I thought so, she thinks she knows who did.
Jen says she knows herself, kail and zach are not in the group, and asks dani if she feels she's in their group. Jen says that the other 5 will want them out before sequester, because they'd be a vote for each other. Dani said they'd all be in sequester now anyway, and not much different if it's say dustin/amber. Dani says she wants to talk to her later, but after nominations.
Jen said she was told she wasn't getting nominated, was going to backdoor her, and she'd rather be nominated. Jen's leaving, Dani says maybe they'll talk tomorrow.
Dick said Kail knew she wasn't going home. When Nick got put up she thought he was the pawn, and she was freaking out, but the last day or so she was relaxed. He said she knew she wasn't going home. Dick said to keep telling her she was going to mess with her, and someone blew it.
Amber said when asked who she was voting for, and stating that it was a group vote, Amber said no, everyone has their own vote. (note: if this is true, why are they making such a big deal out of it? Why not vote however you want, and let everyone else vote how they want to. I guess I don't understand the difference this year) Dick said he kept flip flopping about his vote, he said Dani, Amber and Dick could have kept him in. No one wants to go agains the group. There is so much pressure to keep with the group. He said don't let it happen again. Keep to the plan. Dick said he is trusting Amber more than amyone in the house. He said he is an ass, and hard to get along with, and he has lots and lots of friends. He has his blow ups, but he said he has more friends over 20 years than anyone he knows. He said he is honest, truthful and loyal, and that is why. He said he screwed over a friend in the house. He said Nick could have been playing Dani, and he had to protect her as a parent.
Dick/Dani in HOH
Dani: Jen came up here
Dick: wait, here's what she told me.. I wanted to go up there to confirm she's nominating me, because someone told her that she wasn't.. I told her someone in here is a big fat *&^% liar, because your *&^% is going up and going home!
Dani: I told her this too, she can feel as comfortable as she wants... I asked her a question, won't tell you the answer I'm looking for, but your answer depends on who is going home, so I asked her, who did you vote to save this week, and she said Kail!
Dick: she told me that too! she's a horrible liar, I told you it's Eric!
Dani: I know I know! You me or Jen need to win POV, or Kail, but I'd rather he's standing next to Kail, because that's a sure vote(meaning Dani trusts Jen to vote Eric out over Kail, but she isn't sure about Kail voting Eric out over Jen)
Dani makes comment about (Zach?) feeling too comfortable about not being nom'd, Dick starts to reply and BB needs Dick to exchange his mic
the whole LNC is up in HOH to hear what Daniele has to say:
"Last week was a really really hard week for me and I went along with everything you guys wanted. There's 4 people that everybody wanted out um I did what you guys wanted and I would really really appreciate if you guys did what I wanted. There's 3 people left in this house everybody wants them all out and everybody says it doesn't matter on the order and personally I want Jen out. Not just for personal reasons but you guys saw her hanging up there forever.You guys have seen her doing other things - not that she is a great competitor - but I didn't like the way she treated jameka, me, amber and numerous other reasons and I don't think she deserves to be in the house."
General Jen bashing and name calling occurs by Eric.
"I want to put up Jen and Kail, if anyone wins POV I will put up Zach. Either way one of the two women will be going home this week."
Jameka asked about the promise and Daniele says "the only way Kail will go home is if Jen gets off the block. If that happens I am going to go back on my word I'll be honest. They've been on the block for 3 weeks it is time for one of them to go home."
Dustin says after Dani's speech tonight he plans to stand up and start a round of applause. Jameka asks why and he says because it will be a record breaking thing in BB.
3:36 BBT
Dani & Kail in HOH
Kail - What's up
Dani - You tell me
Kail - so you said on the bar that Jen is your target - right?
Dani - well I didn't say that but yeah she is
Kail - are you putting her up with me in the beginning or are you backdooring her? Have you thought about POV?
Dani: I am not going to backdoor anyone. If you win veto I want you to take yourself off.
Kail: What if I take Jen down?
Dani: Then the other person will be going home.
Kail: And not me
Dani: mmhmm
Kail: if Jen wins POV?
Dani: Then the other person goes home
Kail: I could possibly take Jen down.
Dani: Then you are still up
Kail: I am fine with that but I don't want to go home
Dani: You have my word, people know the deal we made, it is what it is and you can believe me if you want to or not.
Kail: I do believe you but my chances are 1 in 6
Dani: So is everyone elses
Kail: What I am hearing is that no matter what happens I am safe
Dani: Yes
Kail: That is no good odds for her (Jen)
Dani: Jen has done things in this house that are.... I don't know, I will speak it later. I just feel like she deserves to be here and it's not personal it's past that point.
Kail: I know how people are on Thursdays - people flip. You don't feel people will flip and I will go home?
Dani: All I have to give you is my word
Now Kail asking about next week and wants to know that if anyone in the house that gets HOH will put her up. Dani tells her she might be but it hasn't been talked about.
Kail: Are you slamming me in your nomination speeches?
Dani says no
Dani: Do you know who the second vote was yesterday?
Kail: No
Dani: You swear?
Kail says she thought it was Dani or Dick
Dani says she is not going to backdoor anyone, Jen still has a chance. (if Jen gets off the block Kail is going home)
Kail says ok, and leaves.
3:56 BBT
Dani and Zach in HOH room. Zach says that Dani is a total different person now than she was three weeks ago.
Zach: If I win POV, I'm in a really good position to help you. If I win POV, I don't really have anyone in this game. Everyone hates mme for some reason. But I'll do whatever you want. You can have me play, and if I win, you'll have full control.
Dani: Well, I'm telling you right now that I don't want to talk about the pov until later. I want you to know though, that you were close to Nick, and it sucks that he was voted out, and that she was the only one up in the hoh room sticking up for him. I know you were close to him, and just so you know, this week is for Nick. And I don't want to talk pov now, but you will be happy.
Zach: That's awesome. This week is for Nick. I wouldn't mind working with you and your dad later down the road. I really don't have anyone else.
Dani: We can't really talk that much, and you need to act like you're scared, like really scared.
Zach: I understand.
Zach leaves and Dani listens to her music.
LNC still in the HOH...
Talk of the applause at the end of Dani's speech... Dani also suggests they do a round of "Zooma Zooma Kail Kail"
Dani: any questions?
Dustin: well, I'm totally against it.... just kidding!
Dani: oh, wow, I was about to say...
Amber: you better be joking, I was thinking we need to talk...
also there was more discussion of why Kail made the deal with Dani, when she's getting nominated anyway? Dani explains that this way with the deal, Kail doesn't have to worry if she's getting evicted.
also... before Kail went up to the HOH to talk with Dani, Kail/Jen talked in round room, both laughing about being nom'd again... fighting for the POV
Kail: that's how much I hate you, I'm going to use the POV on you and make you stay here another week!
*Dick comes in and lays down in his round bed*
Eric and Jess discuss targeting Dick and Daniele next week.
Jessica asks if Daniele's plan fails and a non-LNC target goes home would Eric still target them. Eric says yes, why should he wait.
Jess says she does not think anybody will put her up except maybe Dick and Daniele. Eric says why.
Jess says they figured out it was Eric because it could only have been Eric or Dustin (the others could not have come up with it) and Dustin was HOH last week.
Jessica says that Dick thought Eric threw HOH. Jessica says that Dick said don't mention anything to Jameka.
J: Why Jameka?
E: He told you to not trust your two best friends in your house...does he think you are on board with the idea?
J: Yes
E: Why
J: I didn't tell them I wasn't in the beginning [she says she never went against the plan]. It's not a bad thing they think I'm in on the plan, right? They'll tell me what they're doing
E: [I think you should have stopped them]...I don't think it's a good idea at all
Jessica says she will try to stop them before veto. Eric says tell Dick and Daniele that it will look bad to the other LNC members and that it is a bad move.
J: I can say that
J: I don't know why they're doing it this week
E: It's a terrible idea
J: But why
E: They think they have the numbers now
Eric thinks that he'll win pov this week and during his speech he'll say F you. But he wouldn't use it because it would put others in danger of going up.
Should be nominations now, as Daniele was in the DR and everyone else was in an outside lockdown.
5:00 BBT
Still Foth
Loooong FOTH
Feeds back with Jen and Dustin...Kail runs in and Dustin gives Kail a hug. "Congrats for breaking BB history!"
It's official, the two of them (Jen and Kail) have been nominated 3 times.

Kail goes on to say that this week they should try to give Jen the POV, slide Zach up in her place, evict him, then the two of them can come back for the fourth time in a row next week.
They all joke about being BB history and how they can continue their nominee streak for weeks to come.
Dick walks in and him and Jen go into the SR.
Dick: "I already told you, you're a goner this week. I want you out of here." Jen shrugs her shoulders and leaves, goes back into BigBed Room with Kail and Dustin. The three of thembriefly discuss how this week is gonna go, Jen POV, Zach up, Zach evict, both get nominated next week.
Dustin says he's gonna go to bed. Jess walks in, Kail and Jen continue to talk about being nominated three times in a row. They talk about going to DR together. Jess leaves, and then so do Jen and Kail
Jen and Kail join other HGs around the dining table. (Amber, Jameka) Kail walks back to Bigbed room and drops bible in hookaroom , then goes and asks Dustin whats up. Dustin says nothing and the two of them talk about if Kail wants to go home next week.
Kail: I don't want to go. Jen and I don't want to go.
Dustin compliments her on her calmness. Kail says she's had three weeks to practice.
whispering between Kail and Dustin...
In the kitchen...Dani, Dick, Eric, Jen, Jess and Jameka all talk about the weeks events. In the case of a double eviction week... HOH and NOms on Thursday, Friday POV and POV ceremony, Evictions and new HOH on Sunday. Then Noms again on Monday with POV on Tuesday, POV ceremony on Wednesday and Eviction on Thursday, then back to the normal schedule.
Dani and Dick in SR talking about the plan to backdoor Eric. That Kail will continue to feel safe and then next week they'll nab her. Dick leaves.
Cam switch to Kitchen/Dining table...They briefly talk about what the 'other' twist will be.
In true fashion, Zach enters and people sloly start to leave.
Jameka and Jen playing cards at the table...Eric silent and sitting at the island bar.
Cam switch to Amber and Dustin, whispering in the bigbed room...
Amber talks about how she said that it would be smart to plant opposing votes a couple of weeks ago, but that she swears it wasn't her who did it. Just then Eric walks in...
Eric: Amber? You wanna make love together in a little bit?"
Amber: Uh-huh.
Eric walks off and Dustin and Amber continue to whisper...about the order of keys pulled during the nom ceremony. That Amber doesn't take anything from the order of keys pulled
Dustin: But she (Dani) does.
Eric walks back in with shorts slung over his shoulder and talks about spending a little time outside but that he's gonna go to bed early tonight.
Then walks to the side of the bed and makes little catcsratching gestures to Amber. Talking about having a date tonight...brief FoTH...and the three of them talk again about the order of the keys. Now discussing how Amber wished she hadn't worn jeans during the HOH competition.
Amber: You just can't get a good grip with jeans."
Jen interjects and says she also thought she shouldn't have worn jeans....brief FoTH...Eric has left, so has Jen...Dustin and Amber whispering...FoTH again..
Amber and Dustin talks about Dustin having to read Ambers expressions.
Amber: "I'm depressed. I need to get over it."
Dustin: You do need to get over it."
Amber: "It's hard for me...whisper whisper...(basically she's describing how her depression isn't like fights with her boyfriend, etc...)
Dustin says that Ambers depression is probably due to the stress levels in the house.
They're back to talking about who the extra vote for Kail was from. That Dick asked her, but she feels like he was accusing her.
Dustin talks about her telling Dick that it wasn't her because she was the last key pulled...(somehow that makes all the difference?)
Amber: It's gonna start getting hard.
Dustin: why do you say everythings gonna get hard.
Amber: because people are gonna start saying stuff and it's just gonna be wierd.
Dustin talks about the fact that Eric has to go because he's been starting to plant seeds.
Amber talks about being in Dani's HOH and how it really made Amber feel like she really wants to win HOH now.
Amber: I need to win. For my sanity.
Dustin starts talking about how difficult it is as HOH how everyone wants to talk to you...Amber rubs her face and moans...
Cam switch to kitchen with Dick, Zach and Dani making hotdogs.
Dani: "Hey now we at least now who has downs syndrome. (Referring to Zach)
Dick: Send hate e-mail to...I forgot your email address.
Dani: Dolphin...FOTH....
Dick walks outside to the BBQ grill and sets the plate of hotdogs and steaks on the side of it. He then mixes some BBQ sauce.
Cam switch to BR where Dani and Jess whisper about Jen...and Eric...
Dani impress upon Jess that in order for this plan to work Eric can't know anything.
Jess walks into the kitchen, retrieves some aspirin and complains about needing them because of last night.
Cam switch to Dani and Amber sitting in LR in the nom chairs.

They talk about the key order. Dani says if she would have known it woul;d cause so much strife she would have done it differently. Amber says that Dustin was worried about it. (GAH! Can Amber STOP lieing?)
Brief FoTH...
Amber says that there was no benefit to losing Nick. That she had the opportunity to tell Nick that he was going home (Lie again.) and that he didn't mind.
Amber hates herself for second guessing everyone. That it's bad and has gotten her in trouble.
They both talk about the loss of Nick and how they're both sorry for doing it.
Dani: "That's okay, this week will be better."
Amber now starts talking about seeing Dani's HOH pictures makes her want HOH. That she's never wanted it before (lie) but now really wants it bad.
Now she's saying that Nick didn't want to be in sequester. (Lie.)
Dani: That's not true. He always told me he wanted to be in sequester."
Amber: "Oh."
Dani says she hope this week goes well.
Amber talks about hoping that Kail gets her name and Jen gets Jamekas name in the POV that she'd fight hard to keep the two girls in this week.
Amber starts talking about how Nick was distracting Dani from the game.
Dani: I don't think he was distracting me at all. Sure we hung out a lot, but I was still in the game.
Dani now talks about being hungover. That her vision is sliding and her head hurts and body aches.
Off cam, Dick rummages around in the kitchen...Dani and Amber watch him. As he leaves he says he's sorry.
Dani: You should be."
Dani:Oh god, I'm so brain dead. I'm sooo tired.
Amber: Maybe you should go to bed.
Dani: I think I'll stay up for a while and go to bed early tonight"
Dani: How's Dustin sleeping down here. He hate's it I bet.
Amber: No. He's okay.
They talk about how the HOH is like a kind of escape. That while diownstairs you can't get away from everyone.
Dani and Amber talk about the letter Dani received. Amber says that Dani's boyfriend is cute.
Dani says that he asks the dog "where's mommy?" just to get him all riled up. Dani and Amber agree that it's really mean. Dani says the dog is closer to her then Kris and so she hopes that Kris is being nice to her dog.
Dustin from off cam says that he has some towels for Dani.
Dani: Thank you.
Amber asks if Dani was embarrassed to make the speech. She says she wasn't that she tried to not even look at him...then just lost it in the DR...(talking about Nick.)
Amber says she wants to keep the bandana he left that it makes Amber happy.
...silence... as a group of girls pass by...obviously Jen was in the group as Dani rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
Dani: My God this is sooo boring.
Amber: Isn't it?
Dani: This is awful.
Dani: Where is everybody? I know Jess is working out. In walks Dustin and the two of them get up and go into the kitchen...then outside.
Lots of idle chitchat...Dustin asks where Dani got her outfit.
Dani: From the Gap.
Zach, Jameka and Jess talk about church. Zach says he was asked to be an alter boy.
Dick walks up and whispers into Dani's ear.
cams back and it's pretty darned quiet in the BY...
All 4 cam switch to kitchen.
Dustin asks Amber if her talk with Dani went okay.
Amber says it did, but they didn't talk about much.
Dustin: She hates me doesn't she?"
Ambr: No. She doesn't hate you, Gah you're sooo paranoid.
Dustin: Hah. I'm just kidding.
The two of them look to be cleaning up the kitchen...Taking out the garbage, putting new bags in the cans.
Dustin walks off to the BR. Amber takes the big garbage can outside.
Dinner is done and Dick announces that tonight is BBQ and tomorrow night is tacos!
People slowly start filing into the kitchen. Zach first...
Then Dick, then Jess...
Idle chitchat...aside from Dustin, whose singing...
BB: Dustin PLEASE stop singing.
all 4 cams on patiocouch. Talk about the BBQ dinner. That you can't have soda while on slop. That Eric is extremely tired.
Talk turns to naps...Jen says she needs one.
(Wow. quite a boring crowd about now...)
Cam switch to inside...Dustin and Dick in SR...

They look about the products and that BB makes a good display of the food items but they hardley ever use the stuff they're given. Dustin freaks out about the 6 bags of M&Ms. 300 bags of tea. That their produce selection is seriously lacking. Dick asks for corn.
The two of them go back to the kitchen and complain about the lack of veggies.
Amber is in the kitchen making herself a steak sandwich.
In walks Jameka...Zach says she's gotta have some of the BBQ. Zach says it's the best meal he's had in BB so far.
Jameka comes in and preps a plate.
Zach compares tonights dinner to stuff he'd get at Steaks-R-Us(?)
Dick and Amber share an eyeroll, about Zach.
Dick suggests that Amber add some lettuce or tomato to her sandwich.
Dick now complains about not having corn to go with the meal. Zach starts to talk about a ex-girlfriend who made awesome BBQ...FoTH...
Brief cam switch to almost empty BY...back to kitchen...
The topic is now all about soda. Diet soda, snapple, diet snapple, etc.
Zach and Dick go outside. Zach apologizes for being a big eater. He's now had two steaks and he's working on his 5th hotdog.
Dick suggests that Eric go in and eat something...
Zach talks about drinking 26 glasses of water tonight. Dick suggest he does, with all the bread he's eaten absorbs all of the water, Zach will explode and they can get rid of Jen next week.
Idle chit chat...The Bachelor, Crazy 'chicks', JoeSchmo, Deal or no Deal, House, Hugh Laurie, The Mummy and finally onto how the production crew is amazing for being able to set up and dismantle big comps. Making the BY look the same after each big comp. FoTH...
Dick and Zach talk about Dani doing well in the HOH comp.
That neither one of them would have been able to do as well as Dani did.
They talk about the rules of the HOH comp and we get FoTH...
Cams back and Zach and Dick are still talking about Danis HOH win...
Dick starts talking about family...FoTH...
Idle chit chat between Zach...about how Zach has changed his mind about not liking Dani.
Cam switch to kitchen...Jameka and Amber whispering about Dustin. That Dustin is getting paranoid.
That he kept asking what her and Jen talked about and what her and Dani talked about. Amber is accusing Dustin of informing Jen about the LNC's deal.(lie)
Amber: I think that Dustin, Zach, Jen and Kail have a non-verbal alliance.
Jameka: Mmmhmm...
BB: Jen please go to the Diaryroom.
Kail walks in and asks how the girls are doing tonight.
She's fixed herself a plate and sits down with Jameka and Amber at the dining table.
...silence...with the sound of chewing...
Jameka starts humming...FoTH
Amber, Kail and Jameka sitting at Dining table. Being quiet. Amber leans over and starts whispering to Jameka. Jameka: Mmmhmmm
Kail asks where everybody is.
Jameka says they're either outside or in bed.
...silence...and chewing...Jameka starts humming again and FoTH...
still with the three girls and still silent...Dustin walks in and is drying himself off. ...still silence...and chewing...
Kail: Wow. It's 7? Cool.
...back to silence...Amber gets up, tosses anapkin in the garbage and then rinses out her cup.
Jameka (To Kail): How's the steak.
Kail: Much better then being on slop.
Amber walks off.
Kail looks over her shoulder and starts talking about what Ambers all sad about.
Kail: The banner or about me?
Jameka: She's fine.
Kail starts talking about Dick confronting Kail while she was reading the bible.
Dick accused her of having a deal with God before she got in here.
Kail: No comment.
...silence...chewing..and clinking of forks against dinnerware.
BB: Dustin please go to the Diaryroom.
Kail and Jameka finish dinner, clean their plates. Jameka grabs another bite from the serviong platter and Amber enters. She gives a nod to Jameka to follow her. The two of them go to the BR.
Amber wants Jameka to tell Dustin that she saw the banner plane. That she already told Dustin that Jameka told her what it said and she wants to keep her stories straight. Amber fears that she might lose Dustin, so she tells Jameka to cover for her. To tell Dustin that Amber loves him. (?)
Cam switch to BY. Zach on patiocouch.
Dick as well. Jameka joins them. They caht about dinner. Jameka grabs a towel and wanders off camera.
Zach and Dick talk about Zach being at home and watching movies with his friends.
Dick brings up having to go to housecalls and do the BBHG tour after leaving the house. So Zach can't plan to go home right away.
Cam swicth to Jameka and Dustin on hammock.
Dustin is talking about Amber. That Ambers general demeanor is bad. That Dick is gonna use Ambers weakness against her. Jameka says that even if Dick targets AMber, Dani would allow him to follow through with it.
Dustin: Right now she's literally just a shell. She's really messed up over Nick leaving. She's gotta pull it together. Don't let her lean on you too much.
Jameka: Yaeh.
They talk about how the decision to get rid of Nick may have been a bad decision but that it was a group decision and they have to get over it.
Jameka now starts bagging on Dick for leaving the door open.
Dustin thinks that the other vote is probably not from the same person. That it probably won't be the last time they see that and that they'll see an extra vote again this week.
The two of them now talk about the HOH comp. jameka says she tried hard but that failed miserably in the HOH comp.
Dustin and Jameka continue to talk about the extra vote. Dustin seems to think that even though Nick says he didn't do it that he'll see when he sees the tape. Dustin says that he doesn't believe it.
They switch back to talking about Ambers emotions...
Dustin says that most likely this week that Jen will probably go home. That if she gets on the block then it'll probably be Zach who's going home.
Dustin and Jameka think that Dick has been trying to get different groups of people to target different people this week. Things aren't adding up.
Jameka says that the speculations each week over how to nominate and POV and such changes all the time. That no original deals ever work out in the end. They say that the extra vote isn't gonna change his strategy. He insists that it was two different people who made each extra vote.
Jameka says she's tired of trying to figure out who it is.
continued talking in circles about not being able to do anything about the extra vote anyways so why stress about it.
They start talking about the nominations. Jameka says she always get nervous during nominations.
Dustin starts wondering why his key was pulled first. That he thinks that now, he's a target of Dani's because his key was first. He thinks that Dani is nad at him for getting rid of Nick. The two of them discuss really wanting Zach out of the house last week.
The two of them talk about how Dani and Dick are blaming everyone in the LNC for Nicks eviction and they shouldn't be doing that because it was Dick who first suggested it.
They start bagging on Dani for her speech. That she said she wants to do things her way this week. That Dustin didn't get to do what he wanted to do last week and that Dani is wrong for thinking she can say she wants things to happen her way this week. Dustin says that Dani shouldn't be allowed to walk around the house and say last week was a hard week for her...
Dustin and Jameka continue to discuss how they want this week to go...(actually, just Dustin)
Dustin says he wants to win HOH in 2 weeks and get rid of Dick and Dani then. Dustin says that Dick is gonna just lay down and ask to be sent to sequester, when it starts. Dustin says he doesn't want to be in the house anymore if Dani goes before Dick.
Jameka says that her students produce enough drama for her, so she's ready and able to handle the drama in the house. She starts talking about God testing her while she's in the house.
Dustin says that the LNC should have a meeting to discuss whether to stay together or bust apart. (LOL. Sounds like a stupid move to me.)
They figure out that Jen has never cast a vote. (Duh?)
They start to discuss who each HOH was and who got voted out...(Still haven't figured out that Jen has voted before.)
Jameka notices Dustins heat blisters. (aka sunrash) a series of small water filled bubbles underneath the skin on Dustins back and shoulders.
Jameka talks about the house getting a booze delivery tonight at 9pm. That she's ready to party.
They talk about Kail winning POV and taking Jen off the block. That it would be a stupid move. Dustin says it was a promise she made to Jen and that if it were him, he wouldn't keep that promise.
There conversation wraps up with Dustin saying he's gonna get a bite to eat. They breifly talk about the boringness of being in the house, that even though they had a nomination ceremony today, it's still a boring day.
8 pm
Jam and Dust comparing notes about the pay for BB only getting $750 a week. If it was anything else they wouldn't leave their jobs
Jameka called to DR
chit chat between Kail and Dust in the Kitchen
most houseguests sleeping, kail and dustin in kitchen making small talk, talking about dick and his behavior, eric in shower
8:15 pm
Dust talking to Kail in the kitchen
about how she was too calm this week about being nominated. Dust giving subtled hints to 'knock' it off. He tells her Dani is probably watching them on the cam - Kail moves away. He tells her he applauded at noms because they set a record. He then goes on to tell Kail how in appropriate Jen was during the HOH comp. Kail says she didn't hear it. Dust says she crossed way too many lines - Kail is shocked.
Cut to Jameka
outside on the benches....praying out loud
8:30 pm
Jam still praying
miss you so much oh god communion I miss you god I trust you I trust you with my heart oh God.
send yiur angels let them fight for me Im so careful to give you all the glory and the praise
Kail comes out and they discus lipgloss
Eric talking to Dustin now
Eric tells Dustin - one of us is leaving this week..Im positive
Dustin - if they put one of us up we still have the votes to send Kail home
Eric - I know enuf to put it together theyre trying to make it about the votes and theyre wrong theyre making a**** out of themselves
swearing the votes arent him
Eric - if I win POV...I'm taking Jen down. Why would I give them what they want. They've already drawn the line in the sand
Jen comes in saying BB yelling at Jess to get outta bed
In response to something Eric said during a FOTH, Dustin: Oh that would be a blood bath
FOTH for about 15 mins now
9 PM
Dustin tells Daniele in bathroom he is on the same page about wanting Jen out this week and will be fighting "full force"
Dustin assuring Dani he is going into veto full force... this is your hoh week feel free to do what you choose just know Im goin in full force
Dustin said Kail chose Jameka to play in POV comp.
Dani tells Dustin she's very depressed about the Nick thing
Sounds like the extra veeto players are Dustin, Jameka and Zack
Eric calling Jess' purple satin pants MCHammer pants
Dustin in BY lifting weights and talking to Zack
Zack telling Dustin what an honor playing in PoV is.... i get excited when I grt to compete I think its a privlege
Ambers worried bout not being a good host...expresses it to Jess and Jam.
9:30 pm
Jen and Dani head to HoH
Dani - remember when my dad told ya she(Kail) threw ya under the bus... ya should believe him
Kail may be your friend in the house but she wont protect you
he meant she will do anything to stay in game and doesnt care who she walks on ...I appreciate it if it doesnt get back to her..
Dani proceeds to tell her of the deal
Dani is teling Jen that Kail is being swayed by someone else to not use veto on Jen!
Dani is telling Jen NOT to tell Kail anything about this convo
Dani is tell Jen that she knows FOR SURE who has been the one voting against Kail and tha she thinks that person also did the "mustard"
Jen tells Dani that she has a much better chance of winning without Dick here!
Jen tells Dani she wishes they could be friends. They would make it far together.
Jen keeps telling Dani she wants to get to know her still too...she said it would be a shame to end this show without knowing each other!
Dani tells Jen that if anyone asks what they talked about to tell them that she told her to win the veto or she is going home!
Dani to Jen: If nominations stay the same, you don't have the votes to stay. I am trying to help you by winning the veto!
Convo in HOH between Jen/Dani is now over!
9:45 pm
Jameka and Amber in big bedroom. Jameka ratting out Dustin
Dustin had told Jam that Amber needs to pull herself together re: Nick and sobbing all the time.
(ed. Dustin and Amber have both indicated to Jam that they are willing to vote the other out.)
Jam saying how Dustin complained that no one did what he wanted as HOH so Dani needs to stop saying it's been a hard week, expecting them to do what she wants etc.
Jam: He (Dustin) can form the five (jess eric jam amber dustin) but he'll be the first one out.
Amber to Jameka: Dustin doesn't know about me and you. Nobody does! It's perfect.
Everyone chit chatting
Amber just told a lie and Jen called her on it..
Amber is to host the Veto and doesn't want to. In front of most of the house she asked Dick to do it and he said no, it's her turn he did it already.
A bit later after Dick left the room, Amber said Dick said he'll do it and Jen set her straight.
10 pm
Dick and Jameka get croquet items out of SR and Dick tells Daniele the note said "these might help you in a future competition"
Zach, Dani and Dick immediately go to BY to practice..the rest stay in Big BR to tell stories
Daniele asks Dick "did you tell other people about the note?"
Dick: Yeah
Daniele seems a little disappointed and tells Dick he shouldn't have done that
Zach and Dani are practicing with croquet stuff. Zach says he will be good at this comp and is giving Dani pointers.
Eric whispers to Dustin that D&D are planning to backdoor "one of us", but they have the votes to stay.
He was telling this to Dustin AND Amber... Amber had a look of shock on her face
Amber whispers to Eric in kitchen that she doesn't think that [backdoor plan] is true. Eric tells her under no circumstances tell this to ED/Dani
Eric said he was going to go to bed but if Jameka and someone else want him to stay up and practice with the mallet things he will
10:30 pm
Eric immitating BB
"Amber, please take a shower sometime this week"
"Dustin, please change your underpants"
Eric tells Jameka that D&D are going to try to backdoor either he or Dustin as revenge for Nick.
Jam asks if he's kidding. He says he's not
Kail and Jen talking in dark in the round room
Kail and Jen talk about the extra vote.
Kail thinks it might be Eric trying to stir things up.
Jen thinks it was Amber.
Dustin, Eric and Jess discuss the backdoor plan
Dustin doesn't understand why they'd do it. Eric says it's revenge for Nick.
Eric is saying he'll threaten Jen to make her vote with them.
Dustin calls it an all-out war...says he thought they'd have a few weeks.
Dustin thinks Zach is on his side
10:45 pm
Kail tells Jen that Dani told her that the same person who voted for Kail the past two weeks did the mustard
Kail says it must be Eric, Jen adamantly denies that Eric couldnt have done the mustard that he was with her the whole time and that it must be someone else... Kail is skeptical
Dustin says that they (Jam/Jess/Eric/Dus/Amb) need to bring Jen or Kail into their fold (Eric suggest Jen, but threatening her this week)
Kail says if Danielle wins, then they will try to convince her to backdoor somebody...Jen thinks she will go for that!
Jen to Kail: It is better to let Dani or Zach win, we cannot let Dustin/Jameka win!
Jen just told Kail that Dani may backdoor Dick!
Kail/Jen agree it would be awesome if they could align with Dani to take down the LNC
Kail and Jen talk about PoV
Kail says she picked Jam because she didn't have much to choose from.
Kail says they need to win HOH and try to get someone backdoored. Jen agrees, but thinks Dani might backdoor ED. Kail finds that hard to believe.
They think Zach winning would be best because he would take one of them down and one of the others (LNC) would have to be nom'd.
Jen is not telling Kail about her earlier talk with Dani.
Kail says if ED was gone, the 2 of them could work with Dani and it would"be amazing"
Jen tells Kail not to tell Eric anything because she feels he is playing everyone!
Kail just said Dick cries every night before bed!
Kail is telling Jen that Dustin told her that Dick feels bad for the way he has treated Jen, but that he has problem controlling it!
Jen:well he should feel bad
Jen says if veto comp is to eliminate people order of elimination should be Dustin, then Jameka, then Dani, then Zach, then Kail, then Jen!
Kail agrees with the order!
Eric and Dick in Livingroom talking about farts...
Outside we have Dani and Dustin playing croquet with huge mallets...
Cam switch to Jameka brushing her teeth, Jess clipping her toenails and Amber taking a shower...
Jameka: The question is who do you trust more?"
Jess: You guys, for sure.
Jameka impresses upon her that she needs to be quiet about things. Becuase she doesn't want Jess to get in trouble.
The girls then talk about someone putting Jameka down for using God as an excuse for this game.
Jameka: "I'm so mad, I need to go to the DR."
Leaving Jess to clip her nails and Amber in the shower...all quiet.
Dani and Dustin still knocking around big balls with big mallets. It seems like BB has given them the mallets to practice for tomorrows POV challenge.
Dick from off camera asks if they're getting any better.
They talk about the message they got with the mallets was that this may be of help for future challenges.
Dick says there sure are a lot of helis that fly right over head.
Dustin: It's the BB8 tour.
Other 2 cams on Kail and Jen sleeping in the hookaroom.
Dustin and Dani continue to practice with the croquet.
Another helicopter flies over.
Dick: Wow. Why are there so many
Dani: Why am I the only person who cares about anything. I really really mean it. I think it's a load of c***p. I really think I hate everyone in this house.
Dick: I came to that conclusion a long time ago.
Dani: That's because you always hate everybody.
Dick: Do you want me to play with you?
Dani: I'm not playing, I'm just taking shots. Wondering how we're gonna have to play this.
They talk briefly about the possibility of prizes being available during the POV comp andd that Dustin better not take any more prizes.
The two of them briefly discuss comp types...and Dani asks if Dick remembers how everyone bagged on Nick before he left. Dani quickly walks away...because the stink from his fart was soo bad.
Cam switch to LR with Dustin, Jess and Eric, sitting silently on the couches.
Dustin: How does it feels to be the focus of attention, the camera just zoomed in on you.
....no response and Jess talks about growing her nails for cheerleading.
Idle chitchat about DR sessions, Me Myself and Irene, SAT scores, reading comprehension...
Eric: I'm way better on verbal.
Eric starts talking about a teacher who failed a student and then found out he scored really high on the test scores and decided to quit teaching because she felt she couldn't inspire children anymore.
Dustin asks Eric if he wants to come into DR with him. Dustin says he's gonna go in there and just yell something about the darned banner planes.
BB asks Eric to go to the SR and change out his mic.
Dick comes in and says it's "catching", that Dicks mic just went out too.
Jess feels achy like she might be getting sick.
More idle chitchat...redbull...(Dani enters) topic changes to Dani's bruises. That Jen has a tail. Like she had a chopped of tail, it's a large growth thats brown in color.
Now they talk about Dicks farts. Soiled panties. the varying degrees of soiledness. Jen. Jess leaves and grabs a towel for a spill she just made with her water. She walks back drops the towel and goes in search of a shoe.
Jess: "So I don't have to bend over. I'm achy."
They talk about Shingles...(adult chickenpox)
Dani and Dustin both have a friend who gets shingles and they say it's from partying too much.
They call their friends TWT. Totally white trash.
Dustin leaves. Dani goes to the BR...
Idle chitchat...hiccups. (Audio from Dustin..."This is bulls***, total bulls***!" Sounds like it's coming from the DR.)
Cam switch to BR. Dani goes into the head and Amber starts blowdrying her hair...
Cam switch to hooka room...Jen and Kail whispering...
Talking about Dick and all the 'calling out' he's been doing to the two of them.
Jen says that Dick said that he doesn't find her to be a threat.
Jess from other room complaining about Eric's banana(?)
Jen and Kail role over on their sides and go back to sleep.
Cam switch to BR. Amber still drying her hair...*Quickly turns down audio!!!*
Cam switch to BigBed room... Eric and Jess...they whisper...then Dick walks in...
Jess: Shhh! Dicks here! (she says jokingly.)
Jess then asks where Jameka is.
Eric says outside and that he's gonna go join her soon.
Someone closes the door to the smallbedroom from the inside. Eric and Jess get real quiet.
Jess says something about Erics girlfriend and then says she'll apologize to the ex-stripper girlfriend. At the wrap party. Where Eric assure Jess that she'll get to meet her there. They chitchat...that Eric is old...er. Eric trys to touch her and Jess jerks her arms away. She says they really hurt right now.
They chitchat some more...about replacement HGs if someone goes DOR. They lean in close and start to whisper ...about Zach
All 4 cams on Jess and Eric whisperchatting in the Bigbed room. Banner plane message, Zach and Jameka are the topics...Jess decides to get up and look for Jameka. Eric follows. The two go outside... and start talking about DR sessions...FoTH...
Jess and Eric talk about what Zach said about Jameka. They also talk about how Eric was seen talking to Zach early on in the game and everyone in the house thinks they're together because of it.
Eric is wondering why everyone thinks that Jen and Kail and Eric are in an alliance together.
Eric boils it down and says that everyone is afraid of him.
Jess admits that she has the best seat in the house. Until Dick or Dani figure out that she just told Eric what they are planning. The two of them compare stories about Dick. How Dick is blaming the whole Nick thing on him.
Eric says...that when he went into DR to talk about his vote for NICK that he literally screamed it out. That he was soo excited to get Nick out of the house. He further goes onto bag on Nick, thereby solidifying with Jess that he DID NOT vote to evict Kail.
Eric wonders how Dani's going to justify taking Jen off the block and replacing her with himself.
Jess assures him that even if she does nominate him, that he has the votes to stay.
4 cams on Jess and Eric in BY...
He goes on to explain that Dick and Dani screwed up their own game by evicting Nick.
2 cams now on Jameka and Amber in the BR getting ready for bed.
Outsdie Jess and Eric continue to talk...about how Dick and Dani have really messed up this week. Eric proposes the two of them go up to Jen and Kail and expose the whole thing...Jess agrees that it'd be in their best interest to be 'friends' with them.
They go on to talk about Dick and what's he's been saying about Eric lately.
Eric wonders why Dick is so intent on aiming at his own alliance members when there's 4 others who openly hate him.
Eric continues to talk about how he really wanted Nick out from the beginning. Then goes on to bag on Zach's complaints about the gender disparity in the house. That the guys need to stick together. But that Zach considered Dustin to be one of the girls. Eric talks about being pulled into the SR by Zach and hearing his speech about hating the women in the house. Amber comes out and tells them that jameka said to say goodnight.
Eric asks Amber what she thinks about Dick and Danis new stance.
Amber: "Ohh...it's soo f***ed up."
Eric talks about needing to talk about it because he doesn't want to just explode sometime soon. That whatever Dick and Dani have planned is all based on bulls***
Dustin comes out and FoTH...
Jess: If we're gonna do this then I wanna be 100%.
Jess tells the four of them what D&D think... That Dick plans on taking off Jen and replacing her with Eric. Then Dicks vote, Zachs vote and Jen's too when she comes off the block. They are also counting on Jess vote to get rid of Eric this week.
Dustin, Amber and Jess say that along with jameka the four of them would win and keep Eric.
The four of them now share stories about how Dick has been threatening each of them.
They also talk about Kail wanting to use the POV on Jen. Not on herself.
Eric says he wants to threaten her to use it on herself. Dustin says that he would rather talk to her. Citing that both Jen and Kail owe him a favor for his time in HOH.
Back to the Dick bashing.
They talk about how see-thru her key placement was for the nominations (Dustins key was first, Erics was second and Jess' was second to last.) Dustin and Eric both feel like it was don that way to make them feel comfortable, but was actually a cover for wanting them out soon.
Amber talks about Dick telling her that Amber was gonna be a backdoor job. At the hands of Eric/Jess/Jameka/Dustin.
Eric boils it all down...saying that they are 1 afraid of Eric and Dustin and that 2 because they want to take advantage of the situation while they still have the numbers.
Dustin says that Dick was the first one to bring up Nicks name for eviction and that if Dani should be blaming anyone, it should be Dick.
Amber: "They are gonna be sooo screwed. They stand no chance for the next HOH against all of us."
Eric goes on a small rant ending with wanting to send Dick, Dani and then Jen to sequester.
Amber takes it all in and let's out a big sigh.
Dustin: I know. Isn't it just crazy?!
Amber starts ranting about how things have gotten so twisted around and can't believe what Dani and Dick are doing now. Then it's Dustins turn, by talking about Dick throwing Jmeka under the bus. Eric starts in and Dustin now believes that the extra voter is either Dick or Dani. That Dick lately can't even sit by Eric anymore because he's trying so hard to keep it all secret. Dustin says he's been going out of his way to talk to the both of them. They both have been trying to avoid Eric and Dustin.
Eric goes on to say that the four of them are 15 steps ahead of D&D now. They all thank Jess for saying anything at all. That now the 4 of them plus Jameka are the 5 people who should stay in the game to the end. (An new alliance is born!) Eric goes on to say that the 5 of them could run this game by winning HOH after HOH after HOH.
They now start egtting into the personal reasons to hate Dick.
Eric: Dick's a "Cracked out foul a** of a man, It's no wonder they don't get along judging by the way they both treat other people." etc. ...brief Foth...
Eric says that when Jess told him he was like..."Would you rather hang around 4 people who you really like and want to side with or some crazy f***ed up mother f***er and his b**** of a daughter?"
The four of them all express great wonderment over why D&D have decided to do this. Dustin calls it a night...but Eric says one more thing...Eric insists that if it gets out and perhaps Dani doesn't go through with it that the four of them will keep it in mind and get rid of them soon. OR that Eric goes up and everything is out in the open.
Dustin says that even if they put up Zach in place of Jen, then they will vote out Zach to f***k with them. because they shouldn't have used the POV in the first place. Zach being out of sequester is the added benefit.
They all say that Jess should still just play it cool. Play it like she's still wavering, so that maybe D&D don't pull Jen off and put Eric up. They then say that they just need to wait until the POV to make any final decisions. But for now. jess play cool. The rest of us don't know anything.
Cam on Jen and Kail sleeping...
Still in BY are Jess, Eric and Amber...who continue to talk about the D&D.
Amber asks what they're hoping for at the POV.
Eric: Dustin or Jameka. And neither one of them use it.
Amber looks conflicted and Eric says that they brought this on themselves by thinking they could get away with getting rid of one of the LNC 3 or 4 weeks too soon.
Amber: She is the Devil"
Eric: "He is the scum of the earth."
They all can't believe how fake and plastic they've been.
Amber says she's gonna go to bed. Amber commends Jess on her decision to bring it to the four of them. Amber then goes inside.
Jess and Eric go inside to the BR. Jess in the head. Eric sitting in the chair.
cam switch to Dustin in Bigbed room, gets up and goes to...
Jess comes out and washes her hands. Eric goes in. Dustin has gone to the kitchen to give Amber a hug...Amber is washing dishes.
Dustin goes into the BR and waits for Eric to come out of the head.
Jess goes into the Bigbed room and gets into the bed by the door. Eric comes out and washes his hands. Dustin is weighing himself, then goes into the head.
Dustin comes out and washes his hands. The two of them say that the next few days are going to be exciting.
Dustin says that whatever happens they'll have the upper hand...FoTH...
Eric goes into the kitchen and passes Amber on her way to bed...Amber: "Goodnight Eric"...he gets a glass of water and then goes into the small bed room. Amber slides into bed with Dustin. They cuddle. Eric puts on some other shorts and then slides into bed with Jess.
Jess and Eric whisper, while Dustin and Amber stroke each others hair (and egos).
4 cams on sleeping, or about to sleep HGs...
An occasional giggle from either Jess or Dustin...as the two couple whisper to each other. (I can't make out anything they're saying.)
Eric: "Congratulations Kail, you're on slop." Jess: "Hahahaha"
Eric and Jess hide under the covers and whisper more...about talking to Jameka...That's she's totally on board with the four of them...that she promises to kick some butt in the POV comp...
Eric and Jess continue to talk about how they knew something like this would happen, but not so soon. That D&D palyed their cards to early. They again agree to not think too much about it until the POV has been played.
Eric still can't believe that Dani is being so plasticy nice to him. That he knew something was up because she's never that nice.
They say that Dani's boyfreind must be a tool. That the letter she got from him was so strange and impersonal. That he probably wrote it the day she left.
Jess thinks that they are probably very paranoid at the moment. Specially knowing that Eric and Jess are in bed together.
Eric calls Dick a f***ing idiot for thinking that he could get away with evicting Eric this week.
More whispering ... this time it's about Jess family.
Eric: "I bet even your grandparents are hot!" Eric suggests that they grow old together and move to Florida. Because that's where all the old Jews go. To play shuffleboard.
Back to whispering about how wierd it is that D&D decided to pull this move.
That it's wierd being on TV and knowing that a bunch of people are watching them right now, and that they're on TV.
A noise from the other bed stops their talk...(It's Dustin going to the BR...again...)
(Dustin is back in bed and...) Jess and Eric continue to whisper...giggle...and whisper more...mostly about D&D...and all the tricks they can play on them and how to make their lives miserable...
Eric says he really wants to kidnap Jess again...take her on a great date...Jess admits she's scared of Eric's ex-stipper girlfriend...giggle...
Jess and Eric finally go quiet and put their heads together and sleep...

Dani is now up and is walking downstairs and outside...Nope...she opens the door and looks out but no one is there...she goes back upstairs...and into HOH....
Inside, she goes to the BR...
She comes out and ...stands by the door...then decides to get undressed...partially...she then paces and stares, finally climbing into bed ... alone ...
Well, that looks like that's it. 4 cams of sleeping HGs...
Wait...Dani starts flipping through the spycams...nothing's there...she complains about being alone...then lays back down... pulling the covers up around her shoulders...
sounds like Dani's starting to cry ... lots of sniffling...
In the Bigbed room...Amber stirs from sleep and gets up...
Jess wakes up and pulls some covers off her shoulder. Eric moves his arm over her and strokes her...

Eric then gets up and leaves...He goes to the smallbed room and climbs into bed...Jess then gets up and goes to the BR...
Meanwhile Amber has gone outside...she's picking up the back yard...straightening it up.

Jess comes back from the BR and Eric gets up from his bed and leaves...he goes outdside and starts talking to Amber...with no mics...Dustin gets up and says he's going to find Amber...we soon get FoTH
Cams back and Amber and Eric are chatting in the BR.

They are continuing the discussion of Dick & Dani...How Eric has already confronted him about being duplicitous.
Amber starts to question Dustin. That she can't understand why he's being friends with Kail and Jen now.
Eric says that he sees it as Jen and Kail now owe him a favor and he's just using them for whatever he needs.
The two of them believe that the 5 of them are the only real people in the house. They agree that Kail is a clueless b****.
Amber is now railing against the f***ing banner. That it's made their day totally f***ed. Eric says it's no big deal. That he's been working it so that D&D won't know what hit them...He contiues to talk about what Jess said to him and how she breached the subject. She seems to be worried that she'll be perceived as playing both sides. Eric insisted that she was just doing what she felt and that it won't matter anyways, because sooner or later either they make the move to evict Eric and it will fail, or it won't happen at all and they'll still be f***ed.
Amber says that Jameka was crying ... no bawling...after she heard what was happening. That Jameka was a total mess. Eric says she's really nice. And that he appreciates Jameka.
The two of them talk about Dicks normal MO of yelling and intimidating and that he'll probably pour it on in the coming days, but the two of them need to be prepared to just walk away.
Eric goes on to say that Dick is f***ing retarded to think that Jess wouldn't come back and tell Eric.
Amber thinks it's because that everyone in the LNC has a tie to him personally, that he thinks he has them all wrapped around his finger.
Eric goes on to describe the day he's had. Starting with Yelling at Jen for getting in Dani's face. Cheering for Dani because of the noms...then finding this new deal out and knowing that he'll have it figured out in no time.
Eric says that when he had the talk with Dani earlier that she said that she's just mulling things over (regarding the banner) and hasn't made up her mind about what to do. Eric is suprised that she said she was wavering at all.
They continue to chat about D&D...Eric is really most angry about not being able to play for POV that they were trying to backdoor him. That and how both D&D have been so coniving. Eric says that Dick was really cruel about Amber, Dustin and Eric to Jess.
Amber asks what he said about her...(Oh boy...here we go...)
Eric says that he pretty much just said that Amber was useless and Dustin is not to be trusted at all...Eric then goes on to explain that since he wanted Nick out from day one, why in the heck would he would vote for Kail? It doesn't make sense.
They now start laying on the crimes that Dick has commited this week...trying to align everyone against the others, yelling, lieing, but they go back to wonderment over D&D tried to do this at all.
Eric says the only way it would have worked is if Jess did indeed switch sides. That would never happen.
He now says they've got themselves out of this game in 2 weeks flat with this move.
Now they start questioning whether Dick and Dani's story about siging up for BB is even true. They both agree that D&D had to know that each other was on the show, that the fight is faked, that they've been dishonest from the very beginning.
Eric says he owes his game from now on to Jessica.
The two of them decide that they can now go to bed. They both say that they were having a hard time sleeping tonight. That they're glad they had a chance to talk this out some more.
Eric (of course) has to put in his last word about how he feels about things...again bashing Dick, the banner and complimenting Jess on telling him.
Amber says tat the two of them (Amber and Eric) have been picked on the most in the house. Eric promises that the game is not through for either of them.
Amber says that whats been happening is the stupidest thing ever.Then says she has to go to the bathroom.
She enters the head *sounds of a very forceful stream* she comes out...and Eric whispers into her ear...more talk about Dick and how the two of them need to play it cool. She then washes her hands...Eric plays with his hair and waits for her to finish...more talk...he won't let her go to bed now...He says he really trusts her, that the two of them need to stick together and that she can count on him to not vote for her if she's on the nomblock...Eric heads into the head and Amber walks off to the Bigbed room...
*sounds of pooping coming in on the audio* ... FoTH (Thank you BB!)
All cams on sleeping HGs...
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