Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Thursday, August 2

Buh-Bye Gnome on Knees!

8:30AM BBT
still sleeping

Everyone is woken up by BB Dick complaining to Jen about how she wakes him up every morning with her talking, to which Jen responds that he keeps her up all night. Dick says "This is not a conversation" as he storms out of the room.

10:15AM BBT
All are being asked to report to the HOH room. Everyone is lazily and slowly dragging their butts and their stuff up there.

10:16AM BBT
All are being asked to report to the HOH room. Everyone is lazily and slowly dragging their butts and their stuff up there.

10:20AM BBT
HOH Lockdown!!! 10:40AM BBT
Dick rattling on. Making small talk w/ Amber about Vegas while everyone just sitting looking bored. Amber not really talking back to Dick about slot machines, Vegas, casinos, etc. Answering most questions with an "I don't know!"

Dick turns his attention to Zach... asking why he makes noises at night and walks to the bathroom like Frankenstein... Zach admits to being a wizard, but Dick doubts it because if Zach was a wizard he could make Jen disappear and she's still here... Zach says he can't make Jen disappear but he is a wizard... two cameras on this conversation, and two on Daniele with her arms crossed over her legs and her head buried in her arms

Daniele says that BB has them on HOH lock down to 'change the key and replace some lightbulbs'

10:50AM BBT

There was a 10 second break of FOTH earlier - saw Jen and Jameka working out.

11:58AM BBT
Feeds are back with Dick vacuuming and general cleaning/wandering/making lunch going on

BB: HGs, you have 5 hours until the live show begins

12:10PM BBT
All four cams on Kail and Jen in bedroom with round beds... jen gets up to look for a q-tip...

Dick sitting alone in workout room..."f*** them those F******" then he leaves workout room goes to bathroom...

Dani and Nick flirting, he is laying on the floor (his bed) and Dani is sitting by him... traces his lips
Dani: it is hot in here I am sweating...whispering
Dani: maybe it is because of you breathing
background laughter
Nick whispers to dani something about jess...
dani: omg my allergies today are so freakin ridiculous, it is probably because of all of the cleaning stuff, I cannot clean the bathroom
Nick: smells good
Dick comes in: I'm f*** pissed something about Kail
Nick: yeah she just pulled all of the stuff out of the bathroom

Talk of farts...
Zach: that fart was good, it had a little juice
Dani: a little jew?
Zach: a little juice. that was a racist comment

Eric says he is average... Eric trying to go back to sleep
Dick sitting on bed burping and looking very irate
Dani: oh BB the hours are killing me
ED: get a pill
Dani: they don't have pills here
ED: Eric has one
Dani: give me the strongest one... the one to make me win HOH
mention about a supposetory
Zach: whats that?
Eric: a pill that goes up your butt
Zach: ewwww
Eric gives Dani a Claritin

12:20PM BBT
ED and dustin talking in round bedroom... Dick is mad because someone told Kail and he wants to know who told her...Dustin is giving him scenerios to look at... Dick says that those two b****** need to go up next week and need to go home and that he sacrificed for the group and everyone whispers... one of those two have to go home next week or I am done...Dust: remember you are not the only one that made sacrifices just talk about who has done what...with lots of Un-Elite words mixed in.

12:40PM BBT
All 4 feeds still on a silent amber and jen cleaning the bathroom.... Amber really getting into the cleaning, Jameka asking if she wants her to make anything to eat. A says no, but Jameka can help spiral curl her hair later.
in an out of a lot of FOTH
Jameka: amber do you know if anyone did the kitchen floor?
Amber: mm mm (no). I was gonna do that next.
Jameka: no I got it.

Dick: Amber I think we need to assign chores, you get stuck doing this all the time cause some people think their chore is to sleep.
A: I know that's why I'm mad right now I think it's bulls***
D: it is bulls***.
A: me, you, and jameka and.. I think we by far-- and eric-- do the most f- and.. it doesn't matter i'm not gonna even go there, me and you by far do the most
D: we should definitely talk to some people... so
A: we need to get together and have a house meeting on cleaning
D: yeah cuz it's not fair.

12:55PM BBT
Eric makes the rounds thanking those who are cleaning.
Dustin sitting on bathroom sofa watching Amber wipe sweat and complain bout it being hot.
Dustin - are you mad at me?
Amber - no Im pissed at Kail for what she said this morning. Are you kidding me
Dustin - like she said well when Im on slop I dont do anything ...thats a handicapped pass know what I mean
Amber - she had the nerve to say to me...I do my fair share of dishes... are you kidding me wow....Dicks up every single night doing dishes and towels and he doesn't say he does his fair share thats what made me mad this morning ..otherwise...I think Id be fine

Amber fighting with Kail regarding not cleaning the bathroom (or anything else).
Kail: I apologize.
Amber: I don't need you to f'ing apologize.
Amber I dont care everybody should do something... I dont care what it is... everyone should do something
Dustin - thats like saying you're up for murder but paid your parking tickets
Kail comes in apologizing that she knows she hasnt done as many dishes as she could..
Amber blows a gasket...how dare you how dare you said you were like mom in the house 1st week doing this and that and now ya havent done ***** in 4 weeks...I didnt know there was a assigned 20 dishes a day because eric and I wash 100 dishes a day
Kail - Im speechless I dunno what to say (brushing teeth)
Amber -It's filthy and I dont like to live in filth every week I dont need you to apologize I dont need you to say ***** to me...selfish!!
Dustin - We're gonna call a meeting to talk bout this...

Jen - I dont really clean I organize...
Kail - I know Dick says you dont do anything but color code the plates
Kail afraid everyone gonna flip...in round room with Jen ... Between you and I, I dont care if I go
Jen - I do
Kail - Seriously who wants to be here? Its crazy even if we can put Evil Dick up he has the votes to stay. I could go home like that(snaps fingers) and not care... because of my family
Jen - but then you let him win but..if you dont care you dont care thats whats important to me I just wanna win because I dont want him to!

1:15PM BBT
Dick says if it's an endurance HOH, he will stay on until his arms fall off.
Dick viciously berating Jen in the kitchen "I want you gone"
SLAMMED down golf club onto counter
Dick to Jen - "Go EFF yourself"
Dick to Jen .... "You're a hemmeroid on this house.."
Jen - your a delicate flower...
Dick - You've been riding too long you need to go shoulda been gone week one but ya kissed Kail's a**.... week 5 is the week you go home
Jen - Yep king of the castle
Dick- Queen of the ***** Im gonna do everything I can to get you home next week you go home and see you have no job no life no nothing you think you're coming off innocent we all know better even the people watching this show...So ya just stand here while shes on her hands and knees?? What planet do you live on seriously? Ya don't see anything past your world. This isn't your world. You're amazing. How do people like you exist in this world?
Jen - I made up 1/2 my life, didnt ya know?

1:20PM BBT
Kail is telling Jen she wants out of the house. Hates it there. Says all she has to do is tell Amber to vote her out. If she's going home in 2 weeks, why not just go now. Jen says she left Kail a horrible goodbye message.

1:25PM BBT
Dani - Thursdays suck in this house
Amber - I was OK til she said that to me

1:45PM BBT

Brief moment of feeds.
Kail in DR...she is sniffling and asking about going home..says she is going to be evicted in the next couple of weeks anyway and she really doesn't want to go to the sequester house.
DR replies...is this the Kail who tried out season 6
Kail...I know but I didn't think I was going to be cussed out everyday
DR..You hold your head pretty high even with being cussed out every day.


1:50PM BBT
Kail out of DR and sitting at Kitchen counter now.

1:55PM BBT
Dustin makes a point of thanking Jameka for doing the kitchen floor.
Dustin says "Attention Houseguests, you have five hours until the live show".

Dustin talking about working out soon, and that he will do cardio and that will make him look darker for the live show. Jessica said he needs to check his sources. He and Jessica are joking around, saying she did rave dancing at her 7th grade dance. Dustin said at his 7th grade dance someone had an overdose. Not much talking.

Daniele going through fridge, Eric walks in. Jessica calls him Eric Stein. Stop Stein.

Jessica said the rats ate all the peanut butter. Jen tells her where to find it.

Lots of small chit chat. Amber and Danielle talking quietly at the table. Kail and Jen just sitting there saying nothing. Other HG's just wandering around kitchen

2:10PM BBT
Eric is fixing himself a grilled cheese. Talking about Jewish food. Trying to explain to Jessica what a kinisch is. Dick asked if falafel was Jewish, Eric didn't think so, he thought it was middle eastern. Eric said he doesn't eat kinishes **is that spelled right???** he doesn't like them.

Dani jokingly told Jessica to stop grafitti-ing her name on the table. She said she only did it once, on the other side. Dani said then she must have an admirer, because it is all over. Most people sitting at large table.

Kail is sitting at counter. She got up a minute ago like she was looking for someone, then came back and sat down. She isn't saying anything, just sitting there with her legs crossed, and hands clasped. Not a peep since her DR. Others at the table are talking about a walk through of the show, that is coordinated with Julie Chen's schedule. Jessica jokes it is always about Julie Chicken.

2:20PM BBT
Everyone sitting around in KT. Even Nick and Dani. Kail still sitting on bar stool not talking.

2:40 p.m. BBT
We still have FoTH. (May be trying to figure things out with the mates for tonight's live show if they accepted Kail's DOR)
BB earlier reminded the two Gnome on Knees to pack their belongings.

Audio from awhile ago of Kail in the DR requesting a D.O.R.
BB (male voice) - are you sure this is what you want
KAIL - at least leaving now I can go home and see my family
BB - this isnt the kail that has been applying for the show since season 5
KAIL - but i didn't know i would be getting yelled at all the time

Kail also said she'd be voted out in a few weeks anyway and she didn't want to go to sequester. Then when the feeds came back, she was sitting quietly at the kitchen counter not interacting with anyone.
Then after awhile we got the BIG BLUE and it's been like that for an hour +

Back. Jen in bathroom flatironing hair. Kail walked through, blowing her nose and heading to the privy.
Dustin out of HOH and laying on one of the Big beds. Daniele there, listening and putting her mic back on.
Nick ran from the small bed room, through the Big bed room like he was running a pattern in football LOL
All four cams in kitchen... they were on Amber in the bedroom. Vortex for a few seconds and back in kitchen with various HG's

6:12 BBT

This is from Jokers:
[i][b]Feed delayed, technical problems, I just spoke to a production person at Grodner Productions, she spoke to Alison's assistant and called me back. They are having technical problems with the comp. The comp has been halted. When the problems are fixed the comp and the feeds will resume.[/b][/i]

7:12 BBT
FEEDS BACK ... the current endurance comp under way...
Dani, Jam, Kail, Jess & Jen still on EVERYONE ELSE OFF!

Dick trashing Jen & Kail ALOT, trying to get into their brains.
Dick: Keep talking you weird eyed bi***

Dick: You can do it Daniele. Come on Jess, you're doing great. Jen's starting to worm around all over the place. So is Kail. Hold it steady, Dani, you're doing fine.

Dick: Your doing great honey, your doing great (to dani)
Dick: That was the answer to your prayers bird sh** in your face
Dick: think about Kris Dani, Jess your doing great

Dick: Jen is all over the f*****g place, Dani your doing great hold on

Kail is huffing alot, she keeps readjusting herself.
more huffing, moaning
wiggling again, moving, shifting

Dick: come here let me choke you jen (meaning with his d***)
Jen: eww with that little thing
Jen: I almost want to get off to see all the stuff Dani would get in her hoh room.
all the guys pumping Jess & Dani on.

All the guys pumping dani and jess, jess seems to be strong

7:23 BBT
Dick: Your doing great Dani! Jessica your doing f****** awesome!
Eric: work thru it, you are doing great, work thru it, your doing amazingly, good job Jess!
Jameka: awesome awesome
everyone just encouraging them.

7:27 BBT

Jen and Dick exchanging some words about Jen knowing about Kail's alliance first.

Eric: Im sorry I could have gone longer, I didnt think i broke the rules
Jess: do you think you could have gone longer
Eric: yea

Jen: laughing and making strange noises
Kail looks very unsteady

7:39 BBT
Eric said Kail just broke the rules her head went above the cross bars
back and Kail is still up so she didnt break the rules

Jen made comments about Dani's relationship and both Dick and Eric told Jen to leave her alone, let her hang in peace.
Eric was really mad, he did not like Jen saying stuff like that to Dani.
Kail is really unsteady

Dick keeps on trashing Kail & Jen (trying to get into their heads to make them fall)

7:47 BBT
Kail keeps looking at Jen trying to get her attention

7:49 BBT
Jen: its your choice (about kail dropping)

More foam

7:54BBT - HOUR 2
Dick: awesome Daniele
not much talking going on ALOT of huffing and puffing

Feeds back, nothing has changed.
All is pretty quiet, Dick sometimes says good job Daniele, but besides that all is quiet.
Jen doing a nevous laugh.

8:03 BBT
Dick comes out from changing his microphone and says "it was part of the rules you cannot touch the bar with your hands (maybe Kail or Jen touched the bar )

8:07 BBT
still FOTH

8:12 BACK JEN OFF Dani saying i swear to you you wont go home please i promise
Kail: you say i wont go home
dani: I promise
kail drops

She ran to her dad and hugged him and cried!!!!

8:22 BBT
Dick & Dani alone in back yard
Dick: come here give me a hug
dani turns around and hugs him tight and starts to cry hard.

Dani in tiny room talking to Amber about who was the vote for Nick to stay, she thinks someone is trying to set her up. Dani walks away and Eric comes in and talks to amber she asks if he knows who voted he says no.

BB voice: Kail please go to the DR

Zach has been Dani's butt buddy in the bathroom since she got out of the shower LOL
Dustin, Amber, Dick and Jam talking in smallbed room.
Someone heard a lot of knocking going on in the storage room.... they're hoping it's food

Dick and Jam talking in the round bedroom. (Sorry all having serious problems with my feeds and signal tonight)
Jen cooked something earlier and ate it. She's in the bathroom now cleaning herself up (no shower)
Dick has his arm around Jam as they leave the round bedroom.
Daniele has been called to the DR.
Dick just hugged Jessica and told her he was proud of her, that she did a good job.
Dick saying it was really important to Daniele. Jessica said if it came down to her and Dani, she would have jumped down.
Still noise in the storage room... waiting for their pizza.
Daniele out of DR... pizza due at 9.
Jam getting dishes out. Jessica said we can eat as family.
Jen and Dani in the bathroom together. No words exchanged. Daniele out.

8:45 p.m. BBT
Dick and Daniele talking. He's so proud of her.
Kissed her on the cheek. She just told Zach to turn his frown upside down lol
Dick is hungreeeeeeeeeeee... he wants that effing pizza in there right now..
Dick is so excited about soda. Zach is animated !!!! about Diet Coke LOL
Jam yelling through SR door.... thank you for all you do. Then Dick says, Now get out and leave the pizza.
Eric in small bedroom with Dani. She's ripping a brush through her wet hair.
Eric hoping that Dani didn't mind that he intervened. She was thankful that he did. He couldn't stand it anymore and felt Jen crossed the line. They both hate Jen.
Jen outside storage room.
Dick telling Daniele that Jess asked him if he was happier when Dani won or when he won HOH.
He keeps telling her that he's so proud of her.
She said thanks but you have to listen to me. I listened when you were HOH. He said okay.
Jen standing at the short end of the counter. Zach standing on the inside of the U, Jess sitting at the counter, Eric standing near her.
Surprisingly (eyeroll) I can hear Amber's tear soaked voice and swollen nasal passages... Dustin trying to comfort her.
Jam just came in. Dustin saying something about 'votes' and he was told that they are set in stone.

Oh... Amber is on the floor at the far end of the room hiding behind one of the big beds.

8:55 p.m. BBT
Camera shot showed Dustin giving Amber a back rub. She's laying on the floor, shirt removed. Guess it's for privacy ...
Jam getting Amber a cold washcloth for her face before she comes out.
Dick in bathroom with Daniele ... he'd be skipping if it was a cool thing to do LOL Cannot hear them because of her hair dryer.

Everyone anxious for pizza.
Dustin telling Amber that he can't wait for next thursday... they'll all be effing clapping at the door when she leaves LOL

Jam & Dani having a heart to heart
Dani consoling Jam about using the veto and Nick getting sent home.
Dani telling her it IS NOT her fault.
Dani said: "Everyone thought Nick was the weasel in this house, but I'm telling you he's not, and there is still one here and it will come out!"
Dani tells Jam she's there if she needs to talk and leaves Jam
in the LR alone.
Jam leaves now.
All feeds on Amber.

Pizza has arrived.. (looks good)
Amber remains in mourning!!! (at least she's not sobbing!)
camera one seems to follow Jen and sometimes switches to Dani.
No one seems to be talking to Jen...
They are comparing the competition to the spider web from last year.
without prizes! (lol)
general chit-chat around the table while they eat.
Amber in the room.. appears to be praying.
don't see Jam at the table either.
Dani, Dustin, Jen, ED, Kail are in evidence.. and Zach I think.. don't know where Eric is.
2 feeds on table 2 on Amber.

9:30 pm
Jam and Dani - Dani blaming Nick's departure on Dustin, not Jam's fault
Dani - You know it was gonna happen, but at the same time it's like a million, million times different than you thought.
Jam: It is.
Way, way, way harder. Jameka, this is the hardest week I've been through in the house. I (too soft to hear) my dad had me in tears. Like you, I know you know because you were there. And you saw, and that was so hard.
Jam: Various um hmms
Jen: But this week was the hardest week for me in the house. It can only get better from there, right?
Jam: You're right, at that point. But still, like, I guess I'm mad at myself cuz (ed. Jameka is whispering and moving, so I missed a couple to sentences too hard to make out)...But it still changed the interaction.
Dani: It changed the interaction b/c he knew he was going home, and he was like, whatever happens, happens in this game. I'm not going to change who I am and this and that. But he was ok with it, and I think he didn't realize that he really, really didn't want to go home as much as he thought he didn't care.
Jam: Ummm hmmmm.
Dani: So I think that's the only thing that changed with him, but like, you know, I talked to him, I talked to him about the entire situation, about the entire veto, how it would have been used from every single person, from every single thing that would have and could have happened.
Jam: Ummm hmmmm.
Dani: From every single person winning the veto. I explained it to him, and he knows, Jameka. He knows. He knows that it is not your fault, it is Dustin's fault that he went home. And I'm telling you that right now.
Jam: Ummm hmmmmm.
Dani: And you know it. So don't eat yourself up about it.
Jessica accidentally admits throwing HOH to all HGs at dinner table
Jessica: Could have I lasted another 10 minutes? Probably, but that wouldn't have mattered so I'm glad I didn't... and beat my body into nastiness.
A kind of fake laugh from Dustin, and a hmmm from Jen and then the next few minutes: complete silence from the table
Amber is sitting at the table. She doesn't appear to be crying just now. Other HGs are clearing the table. Eric is called to DR.
Jen: Wonder if they should want Daniele or I.
Jess: Who does this! Who leaves an empty bag!

9:45 pm
Jen blames the lack of beer on Dick. "Like I would say it, but if someone tells Evel maybe if he were nicer, then you guys could get alcohol cause I think that you are never gonna get it.
Jess: Nah. We gotta get up tomorrow.
Jen: Oh, that's true. But I mean in the future days as well. Like you're never gonna get it like that.
Dick complaining that they couldn't breathe with the pillowcases on their heads.
Jen doesn't know what the banner plane said and the others refuse to tell her
Most still in kitchen... Jen asks if they saw what it said and Jameka and Jessica both say yes. Jen asks them if the message pertained to them and Jessica pauses, lifts her hands in the air and shrugs and says "it's probably just a bunch of crap." Jen then says that she thinks all of them should be allowed to know what it said, since some of them obviously do. But she says she understands if they were told not to say anything about it... Jessica or Jameka don't really say anything to this. Jen then says something about asking the DR, or that they should tell her since it is unfair her not knowing.

10 pm
The HG's are convinced that the internet feeds did not show the competition b/c they never show competitions.
Jen is talking in some detail about this.
Dick sarcastically mutters, For someone who never had the internet feeds, she knows an awful lot about it.
Amber to Dustin: I can't believe that banner plane. I haven't lied once
Dustin: I know, I know

10:05 pm
Amber to Dustin: They're saying that because they want me and Eric to look bad because we're so honest
Amber: I haven't lied to one person yet
Dustin (jokingly): And because "Dustin and Jameka" would have been too many letters
Amber to Dustin - I cant believe that banner I havent lied once...I promise
Dustin -I know I was gonna come up and as, whats up with that banner?
Dustin to Amber: What Dick was saying [during HOH comp] about religion and God... Jameka's pissed
Jam and Dick talking in round room
Jam to Dick - I think that you have...perspective in terms that you can step back and see things
where you can apologize while I dont think that she (Jen) can do that
Dick -Im very outspoken in terms of religeon and I dont wanna disrespect you
Jam - I am a voice like I was saying before when something hits me like that like the whole food in africa thing even knowin that ya werent talin that to me ...
I wanted to say stuff bout the midget stuff today I know midgets....
Dick - Im the 1st one to admit it... 6 fingers, hair transplants...wanna feel?
I dont care enuf what people think...Im ok with who I am I know Im a good person I have a fun life I enjoy myself yeah some of the stuff I mean but, seriously its true... if more people ..maybe not like I do but, if more people would say something people like her would have to notice...
Eric comes back from DR into small BR with Dani, Jess, Dustin. Dustin: You feeling better, man?
Eric: Mohawked Eric. He's an angry fellow. Curly-haired normal Eric, he was a happy guy.
Dani & Jess: Shark-fin Eric.
Eric: He's got a little bit of an edge.
Dustin: The shark-fin (laughing) What a cop out.
Dani: That was awful.
Eric: What was I supposed to say? I'm calling it the Jew-Fro?
Dani: The Jew-Hawk!
Eric: The jew-hawk (laughs)
General discussion that Julie was rude and her remarks were a cheap shot.
Jen is now there and being ignored.
Eric says he does feel better. He got to vent a little bit.

10:20 pm
Eric, Dustin talk about banner plane in Jen's presence
Dustin: All of a sudden I'm not feeling so popular anymore
Eric: I think it's been confirmed to me I'm not popular in the eyes of America
Jen: I still think it's not fair that some know and some don't. I know that we're not supposed to know but if some do it's not fair. Does anyone else agree?
Dustin and Eric immediately say "No"
Jen keeps saying she really doesn't care, but she wants to know...that she looked down when the banner went over like she was supposed to and she didn't see.
No one will tell her.
Jen asks if there has ever been the same 2 people nominated 3 weeks in a row?
Jameka: I dunno....Don't think so
Jen: wow...that'd be something
Jameka: mmmm hmmmmmm

Nothing much going on.. just chit chat.
Jam has joined the eaters.. and Amber...Jen now chatting with Jam and Jess.
Kail changes to her bikini and goes into the shower... Dani waits for the WR until Kail gets out.
Kail shampooing hair.
Jam eating with her head in her hand. (looks sad)

now 10:50 bbt
and all's quiet!!!
Jen & Dustin cleaning in kitchen.
Jess wondering why they started them out sitting on the poles... (for the competition)

[Earlier tonight]
They evidently had a banner plane go over.. and it said something about "Amber & Eric are liars" ..
Jen doesn't know what banner plane said and the others refuse to tell her....
Most of them are still in the kitchen... Jen asks if they saw what it said and Jameka and Jessica both say yes. Jen asks them if the message pertained to us and Jessica pauses, lifts her hands in the air and shrugs and says "it's probably just a bunch of crap." Jen then says that she thinks all of them should be allowed to know what it said, since some of them obviously do. But she says she understands if they were told not to say anything about it... Jessica or Jameka don't really say anything to this....
Dick complaining that they couldn't breathe with the pillowcases on their heads. (I don't know what this means! )
Jen blames the lack of beer on Dick. "Like I would say it, but if someone tells Evel maybe if he were nicer, then you guys could get alcohol...cause I think that you are never gonna get it.
Jess: Nah. We gotta get up tomorrow.
Jen: Oh, that's true. But I mean in the future days as well. Like you're never gonna get it like that.
(seems she's trying to and get Jess to dislike Dick).
Jen telling Jess what they do and don't show on the internet. (shrug..I don't know if she's right or wrong)
Jess switched to veto comp. saying 10 people will play in the comp and 1 will host.
Jen just commented that she "obviously" would be put up on the block. (she is a bright girl!)
Amber & Dustin going over banner again.. Amber says she hasn't lied to one person in the house yet! she says they are probably just trying to make her & Eric look bad because they are so honest. (lol)
and Dustin says Dustin & Jameka are too long !!!
Zach comes in and Dustin decides to brush his teeth.
Jessica talking to Dani in the BR.
(didn't catch all but think she was talking about Jen going up)
Dustin joking around tells Dani he wants to tell her the advantages of keeping him in the house.
Eric and Jen have joined in the BR conversation.
ED & jameka are having a conversation but I'm not tuned into that one.. I'll switch over.. this one is boring.
This one not much better.. talking about the comments Jam feels she has to make!
Regarding Africa and Midgets, etc.
Dick says he takes a lot of S**t about his looks.
But, he's o.k. with who he is!
He's running down Jen again.. saying she always talks to him because no one else will talk to her.
Evidently ED has a long distance romance with someone in D.C.
He's telling Jam he "loves her to death" and she can "Bitch at him any time she wants"..
and he whispers to her to 'be careful.. there's some s**t going on"..she says "I know" and they part..
Feeds switch to Eric talking to Dustin about the Banner plane. and if he should tell everyone or just let it go.
Dustin says NO.. only four of them saw it and it will be ok (I think I got the jest of that!)
Back ... with Eric telling Dustin "we gotta stick together".. and "we'll have a meeting on that later"... (don't know what transpired during the blue tornado!!)
Zach comes out of toilet and tells Dustin he wants to talk to him .. but not now..
I switched to Jam and Kail & Jen in BR.
Jameka upset about the question she was asked in the live show.
They have a rather disjointed conversation about Christianity ....
Jen thinks she will set a record by being put up 3 weeks in a row. says "she's excited" (lol)
Zach think he is "stealing unicorn's heart".. (lol) unicorn is evidently Jess.. (Zach is totally clueless) evidently he is smitten with Jess.. talking about her being the girl he couldn't get in high school.. (rather sad story) Jam tells him he better stop telling her about "wet dreams" or she will never "come around" Zach had just said she would "come around".
Zach says he just got out of a major relationship.. (hmmmmm)
Jameka picks up her Bible. Jen chats with Zach about the comp. Jam throws in a ummmmhummmmm now & then.
Jen asks Jam about plane.. Jam says they were told not to talk about it.

10:55 BBT
Dani gets her HOH room.
everyone goes up to see it (even Jen)...
Lots of pictures.. and lots of letters.. she says she will read later.
They are all chatting in HOH..

Dani has figured out that it was Erik who was doing the "odd" voting!
She told ED about it when everyone left HOH.

12:03 BBT
Eric runs over to tell Jess something couldn't here....Eric says she told him "to come clean"
Eric saying the banner was money well spent "I'm pissed off" Eric says he went into DR and "exploded" and wondered who say it and didn't crying it's unfair in the game......FOTH

feeds back. Dick was out then went back in.
Jessica saying the blame has been cast on Eric, but Eric does want to talk to Jessica and she say she is anxious to do so.
Dustin/Jessica in BY
D: We all trust Eric so much
Zach walks by, they stop strategy talk.
Now Jameka, Jessica, Kail, Dustin sitting on couches in by and Dick is walking around. They're eating cookies. Now Dick is walking back into the kitchen. Dick has been walking around very tense all night since he had that convo with Dani in HOH. He's been smoking a lot too.
Dick asks Jameka to play shuffleboard with him
Jameka says she still is recovering from slop.
Dick says she wasn't on slop (lol)
Jameka says she is still recovering from the week before.

12:09 BBT
Eric and Amber pity party in full effect.
Dick bashing [see previous post]
Amber says Jameka that told her Kail said she never had anyone talked to her like she did "in her life"
Eric saying the Dick Jen bashing is getting too much.
Amber say she's so glad he's here and appreciates him
Zach saying he will do "sexual favors " for friends in the house....Eric "hand job" and Amber "back rub"..joking of course.
Eric now says he's thinking about "outside of the house" saying he quit his job to be here...lamenting he's "the only one" in the house with this issue. Eric says he quit and didn't tell them a "vague" reason...Amber says they are more than willing after seeing him on TV to hire him back. Eric says he doesn't want to go back anyway.
Amber wonder what jess and Him talk about and Eric says "absolutely nothing" pertaining to game. Amber telling him to talk about his girl probs.....Eric talking about her saying the last time he say her in June "i had the most amazing visit"...encouraging him about the game.......

Dick and Dani in HOH
"that mother f***er" Dani says he's the smartest guy in the house and knows all the seasons.."you have to listen to me" and no one would listen because of her relationship with Nick.
Dick admitting she is playing smarter than him and she's helped him more than he's helped her.
Dustin comes in....
Asking why Dick is "flipping his weave what the flip" Dustin says "it's the second vote" and Dick says partially and tell Dustin Kail told him about the secret alliance she's been hiding behind....Dick says he has a figured out...but says he's not saying Dustin claps...
Dani says you need to relax........Jessica yes everyone else no.....Dick asking how amber fits in but Dani says her and Eric are all buddy buddy.
Dick says just put him up and hope he doesn't win POV but Dani says no since she's afraid he'll go off.
Dani says she needs to put up Kail and jen and the only way is to backdoor him....."play it cool"
"it sucks for us" ...after whispering and says it showed when Jameka was cheering for Kail...talking they only have two votes..
Dick saying people are too stupid to see how Eric is.
Dani wonders if it's possible. Dani says "Zach" Dick "we have Zach"
Dani "Kail and Jen" Dani wants to "please please..this will not work if you're not quiet about it" tryingto go back and cover his tracks.
Dani"for you him and Nick" he needs to go. Dani saying "i told you" when Dick regrets his other votes.
Dick-"f*** the LNC" "F*** the people here" Dani says Dustin is selfish and may be able to use it....telling Dick to "not say anything"
Dick is soo pissed.......regrets he trusted Eric and not her "I'm so sorry" and tells Dick thank you.
NOMS tomorrow "Jen and Kail are going up"....the next day POV and say Eric he wants to play if she gets HG choice but will pick him and play to get him out for "you me and Nick".."Nick didn't know about Eric"

Feeds switch to Dani and Dick in HOH. Dick just walked in. He's asking her how she feels.
Dick looks like he wants to talk strategy... or maybe just talk to his daughter. Daniele saying she feels so alone in here now and those two (Eric and Amber) are freaking out. And what is Kail's problem, what did you tell her?
Dick tells her what he told Kail earlier (read above)
ED: He's the one, he's the one convincing us not to vote those two out (jen and Kail, but Eric is the one actually trying to vote Kail out).
D: What if I put up Kail and Jen and try to make deals with them
ED: Kail has thrown everyone under the bus, dont' trust her
ED wants Eric out this week but Daniele doesn't want Jen in sequester. ED wonders how Amber fits into this. The banner plane has really riled him up.
ED and D know that Eric was the extra vote to evict Kail.
Both saying he's a f***ing liar.
They're talking very fast, very excited and hotheaded.
D is saying she wants to put up Jen and Kail and if POV is used, Eric goes up. Daniele is wondering about Amber and Dustin now. ED now saying it might be too early to get Eric out. D saying he throws them all.
D: I told you and I knew it
Ed: I knew it too (lots of f words and walking around again... he is really upset).
D: Only thing we need to figure out is Amber because there is way more there than we know
ED: He's kept Jen and Kail in here both weeks
D: And you guys thought it was Nick and you didn't believe me. I can tell if someone is being honest with me even if I'm in this house.
ED saying Nick should've come to him early
ED: I'm so f***ing mad right now
D: We could've swayed people. Every time outside Jameka and I would look at each other and she knew that I was right.
D: If we're putting him up, he needs to be backdoored.
ED and D are VERY pissed off at Eric
D: He's the smartest, funny guy... seen every single season.

12:43 BBT
Dani wondering if they could use Jen as a possible partner....If it's Eric vs Kail of course she's going to evict Eric "that's perfect" and a lot of happy slaps.......
Imagine taking Jen off the block Dani says "you're so Lucky I'm here" "I'm so excited" and says no way she's voting Eric.....Dani says she should call him out if she nominated him......
"I'm so excited"
"it's going to work"...Jess Zach and Jessicab with Jen being the deciding vote.... saying it will work.."go get her" Dick goes and gets Jess

12:52 BBT
Jess in and they tell her Eric is the weasle and saying "it's us three until POV" and Jess says Eric wants to talk to her later.
Dick going through the Eric stray vote scenario.......Tells her that about her noms and have to let Jen her or Dick win it and use it to take Jen off.....and put Eric up.
Telling her not to trust him noting how he's been on the hammock for hours.
Dick bringing up how Jameka was rooting for Kail......Dani says "you have to act like you know nothing at all" "are you on the same page as us" jess agrees..
Talking about Eric is "so full of crap" and his knowledge about the show.
Trying to explaing Jen in Kail's alliance..talking over each other............Dani saying we have to act like we know nothing just in case we don't get POV........Jess again saying he wants to talk to her before she goes to bed Jess saying about Eric "he's what he told us what Nick was"
Talking about his deal with Kail about not letting her go home.........Saying when she was 100% safe she got off and didn't care about Jen.
Jess saying she would use the POV and say she wants to get Zach out when Dani asks if she's comfortable usng POV on Jen.

1:09 BBT
Eric trying to convince Jameka that it wasn't him that was the stray vote...Trying to put distrust in Dick..
Eric whipering pretty inaudible.......Jameka talking about Dick abd his "outlandish personality" .
Eric going over his "dani defense" at HOH......Jameka saying she told him it's his personality that got him..
Dustin and Jess filling Jess in about the extra person in the alliance worrrying they think it's him
Dustin saying "they're insane" talking about Dick and Dani..convo breaks up quickly..Dustin now worried...

1:20 BBT
Dick is reading the letter from her BF to Dani
in the back yard Dustin and Jess are playing in the pool while Jameka and Eric are talking about Dick in the hammock.
Dani saying the letter just didn't sound like him....Dani says he needs to get downstairs to talk to Eric and says "you did a great job" gives her a kiss ands she says "thanks"
Dick outside smoking....

1:32 BBT
Eric and Dick in the Hammock.....Eric telling Dick that the vote was in fact Jen.....Dick saying if he thought he would vote against Kail?
Eric saying people don't make "practical sense" Eric saying it doesn't sense and align with each other.....Eric talking about people making sense..so It couldn't be Jess...Dustin......Dick....,...
Eric still saying Nick was the vote last week to create confusion........Eric going about his adamant Nick out scenario so it couldn't possibly be him.......
Dick say he's done everthing he was going to do "in this G** d*** house" Eric "me too" saying he's been truthful...
Telling Dick Jameka saying Dick was trying to figure something out. Dick telling about Zach telling Eric about Kail accusing him tell him about something..
Dick saying "those bitches" are going up and which one has to go and Eric agrees both of them goes.....Dic saying he made a mistake and should have gotten her out as "one bitch should be gone and the other bitch should be gone boom"
Eric says he was fuming about the Jen veto.............
Dick really selling the Kail and Jen nominations.........
Talking about rules being broken in HOH comp.
Eric says maybe a sympathy vote from amber and Dick says it someone trying to set someone up...Eric now blaming Amber for the vote.."sounds like something Amber would do"..really defending Jessica
Dick really mad that Kail knew she was safe.......Dick says she knew for two weeks...
Eric blaming Dustin saying they're all huggy....
Eric saying maybe Jameka....Dick says he doesn't know...........and calling Nick the patsy...saying Nick told him "I know I'm going home" and told him he wasn't the vote.
Eric telling him he was dying when if was Kail and Jen....almost getting HOH. Eric doing his apologizing for getting DQ'd HOH story........
Dick says getting Jen wasting energy talking...Eric talking his Dani defense story...

1:49 BBT
Amber crying about the Nick eviction with Dustin in the storage room.
"If it was a wrong move well learn soon enough" Dustin tell her....saying he can't see why Dick can't see that was best for Dani
Dustin says "I think Zach told them" saying Dick's all wild eye about them being another member in alliance with Kail......Dustin thinks Zach told him......Dick thinks it's Eric because Jessica told Dustin that.
Dustin saying Zach's doing something......
Amber warns not to tell Dick that he looks "wild eyed"......
Dustin say Dick grabbed Jessica earlier and Jess told them someone else is in their alliance and they think it's Eric....
Dustin thinks Zach is planting seeds...because no one can figure out the second vote.
Amber asks "do you believe in that banner" and says she hasn't told one lie in the house saying I use to do drugs and used to be a liar but I'm not anymore.
Dustin thinks Eric "doesn't have it in him to lie"
Jessica me you Jameka and Eric thinks they are the only one's that saw it.....something about "LNC is the nerd herd"
Dustin saying tomorrow is a luxury comp....
Amber says they are trying to get Jessica on their side....And Jess says play it cool to dustin.....
Amber said Nick looked her in the eyes a that he didn't says she did the mustard. Amber crying "I'm going to take a volentary exit..I can't" saying people put all those fucked up things in your head.....

2:044 BBT
Dustin saying he has a little crush on Eric and it was "so cute" how he came in defense of the girls during HOH.
Dustin Amber calling each other their #1, kiss each other goodnight.
Dick and Eric still talking about HOH.......admitting that Jen "beat me"
Dick saying Jen and Kail has another alliance going on.......Dick telling Dustin she knew she wasn't going....
Eric gloating he predicted the HOH winner..
Dustin trying to prove Kail knew she wasn't the target because Dick said so...Dustin said he expected a 6-2 vote and Dick says who is it"' Now Dustin is blaming Jen......
Dick "too many wierd things" going on......Dick still saying "we made the wrong decision with Nick"
Dick "I'm going to watch Kail....because Kail is flipping out" Dick saying if it wasn't true why should she be "freaking out"

2:17 BBT
Dick telling Dustin that it will be Jen and Kail as Noms and Dustin thinks it's the best...
Dustin wondering what Zach was doing upstairs.. Dick says he was just saying zach worried that kail is putting words in his mouth...
Dick asks if Jameka was the vote and Dustin doesn't think so.

3:30AM BBT
Jessica said she wanted to talk to Eric. Jameka left them to give them privacy. Jessica wanted to know if he was the extra vote the last two weeks. Eric denied it. Jessica told Eric that he will go up if the POV is used. Jessica says he's not supposed to blab but Eric wants to know what else he's supposed to do. They are now in the hammock in the backyard. Eric says he will have the votes to stay so Dick and Daniele's plan doesn't make sense. Eric says that the banner was sent by Nick fans upset that Eric hates Nick and that Amber approved the plan to get rid of Nick. He says he could have made himself a target by telling Jen to back off from Daniele during HOH comp. Eric says D/D are f'ing deceptive and are playing too hard. Jessica says she wanted to tell Eric so he knows to play hard if selected for POV. Eric says they told her because they knew it would get back to him. Jessica notices that Eric is shaking. Eric says it upsets him that the others in the LNC are wheeling and dealing with other alliances and he only has friendships. Eric says Amber should have voted for Nick if she was so upset. Eric says Zach came up to him saying they should get rid of the women. Eric doesn't think "they" really believe it and wonders why they're doing this. Jessica says they're setting him up. Jessica says they don't need to say anything until later. Eric tells Jessica that D/D have power for only one week and suggests that she needs to tell them it's the wrong thing to do and they will go up next week. They go over the votes and Jessica thinks D/D will pull in Zach and Jen. Jessica knew she was going to get pulled into the drama eventually. Eric thinks this is payback for Nick going out. Eric is angry. He bashes Dick and mocks him saying Eric is his number one. Eric suggests getting together with Dustin, Amber, and Jameka and not letting Dick get away with it. They can even pull in Jen. Eric is angry that Dick is calling people into the HOH. He thought Daniele loved him. Jessica says she doesn't have doubts about Eric.

Eric says if he's nominated, there will not be one f'ing thing standing left for the two of them. He knew something was weird because Dick was acting sketchy. He says it was sketchy that they pulled Jessica up by herself. Dustin has joined them. He tells them (jokingly) that he sold them out to Dick saying they were working with Kail. Eric immediately tells Dustin that his name as well as Amber's and Jameka's came up when talking with Dick. He says Dick suggested Dustin told Amber to vote the other way; that Dustin was with the Bible alliance. He says it's time to send Dick a message. Dustin says Dick is out of control. He thinks it might be Dick or Daniele who cast the extra vote. Dustin starts recounting his talk with Dick but Dick is now back from the DR so they stop.

4:20AM BBT
Dick is standing away from the hammock as he smokes and describes his DR session. He says they had lots of questions. Jessica says she's never been asked about Dick's taunting --


Dick thinks Daniele is exhausted and sleeping up there. Dustin informs him that it's 4AM. Dustin gets up. Jessica says she's going to bed, too. Eric moves to follow them. He congratulates Dick for another successful week. Dick thanks him for his support; really, really appreciates it.

F3/4 follows Dustin to the kitchen where he's eating something. The lights are dimmed. Dick comes in and joins him to eat ice cream.

Eric comes back from the bathroom. He gets a drink, then says good night and goes to the bedroom. Dustin goes to the bathroom. He returns and also bids Dick good night, leaving Dick alone in the kitchen.

F1 shows Dustin getting into his normal bed in the Big room. He's talking to Jessica but there's no audio. Eric gets into bed beside Jessica and they start whispering.

More of the same from Eric. Jessica thinks Eric is going to be fine; everyone lies in this game.

Eric says if he was such a f'ing mastermind, he wouldn't be so naive in this game. He jokes that Jessica could be a 37-year old hairdresser.

Eric says Dick really said all those things about Dustin and Jameka.

Jessica says Eric doesn't need to worry until POV time. Eric says obviously if any of them wins POV, they just won't use it. They stop talking for a bit as they hear Dick walking into the SR.

4:40AM BBT
Eric waits for Dick to exit the SR. Dick does and starts eating more stuff in the kitchen. Eric says all Dick is going to do is guarantee that they're in a world of f'ing trouble. Eric will make a relationship with Jen if that's what Dick's afraid of. Eric says he will positively not say anything that will end up hurting Jessica. Eric says its 8-2 against them; no one will just let their family win $550K. (missed some) Eric is really pissed. He thought he was pissed about the banner and about getting DQ'ed. He says the DR asked him about it -- short FOTH.

Eric wonders if Dick and Daniele really think anyone else will use the POV. "Are they out of their f'ing minds?" Eric confirms with Jessica that she, Jameka, Eric, and Amber prefer to take him instead of Daniele. Jessica says she'll just tell them that Eric was upset about getting DQ'ed. Eric says Daniele obviously told Dick about the banner whether he saw it or not. Eric says all Jessica has is his word. Jessica says she believes him. Jessica says if she finds out Eric was the two votes, she will fly to New York and beat his f'ing ass. Eric says he has been genuine since the start and has been nothing but good to her. Eric makes fun of Jen(?) saying she can hook Jessica up after the show because of her connections.

4:45AM BBT
Eric says it was a bad idea for Dick to say all sorts of sh*t to him about Dustin, Amber, and Jameka if this was his plan (to get Eric out). He thinks they were trying to break up what they thought was the strongest bond. Eric say they are f'ing, sh*tty players for going after people who have their backs. Eric finally gets up. He thanks her, really appreciates it, and won't let her down.

Jessica has come out to join Dick in the backyard. Dick gives her a hug and starts talking fast. Dick says everything fits now that he knows about Eric. He gives a number of incidents (not really making sense to me). Jessica is just saying "yeah". Jessica says she acted like she didn't see the banner at first. She says Amber is a mess because of the banner. Dick says that's good. Dick notices that Amber is all of a sudden kissy-kissy with Eric. Jessica agrees and says it's gross. Dick wonders if Amber is with the fourth person in that alliance (with Kail, Eric, and Jameka?). Dick says it was the biggest mistake for him and Daniele to get rid of Nick. He says everybody is just sitting back letting Dick/Daniele go against Kail/Jen. He says Eric is working both sides; planting seeds all this time. Dick is confident they can beat Kail, Jen, and Eric in POV comp.

Dick says Eric was the mastermind who convinced him to put Mike up beside Kail, and convinced Dustin to put Nick up instead of Zach. Jessica asks why not put Eric up tomorrow. Dick is afraid Eric will take himself off the block. They go over POV possibilities. Dick says Eric is a manipulator; lying, lying, lying. He says he and Daniele told Eric they would take him to the end and Eric flipped it on them. Jessica says he should just get past it. Dick says Daniele is smart; was the one who noticed Jen should be DQ'ed and Dick just blurted it out. He says both of his kids are smarter than him. Jessica agrees that everything makes sense, she just had to think about it for a while (she's pretty convincing). They don't know how Dustin fits into everything. Jessica thinks no one (Dustin, Amber, Jameka) is set because they haven't had to be. Dick says Jameka was freaking out, folding towels and watching him talk to Dustin. Amber was also freaking out. They notice the camera moving but no one else is there. They get up. Jessica says she got up to get some food anyway.

5:15AM BBT
Jessica and Dick are in the kitchen. Eric comes walking back from the bathroom. Jessica says (in a joking manner) they were talking strategy and Eric goes back to bed. Jessica and Dick take their food back out to the backyard. Dick whispers directly into Jessica's ear (can't hear it). Dick thinks Eric was trying to get him kicked out because he knew about comparison of iced tea incident with Howie. He again says that Eric set Nick up. Jessica is munching on a pizza slice. Dick is walking back and forth and then again whispers directly into her ear.

Dick namedrops reality stars -- Puck, Jerri, Erika. He says they all say the same thing -- then whispers again (probably producer manipulation?). He says their f'ing twist is gone and now there are two left. Dick again says Eric was behind last two evictions and then adds that Eric also wanted Joe out.

Jessica tries to tell Dick how Eric explained the banner but he interrupts and talks about Jameka getting worried about it.

Dick says Zach is really worried. He talks about him, Zach, and Dustin being the only "we" (men left in the house?) Dick tells Jessica to talk to Daniele tomorrow. He again whispers to her ear.

Dick says his mom said the same thing as Daniele. She is an ordained minister and said God knows it's a game and that lying, backstabbing, and deceiving are acceptable. Jessica agrees and said they all signed contracts. They laugh at Julie's reaction to Jameka's answer during live show.

Dick says Jameka flipped out because she used veto so Zach would go out. He says Eric was also flipping out at the start because he thought Kail would put him up (Jessica: "Idiot."). Eric stopped when he spent time in HOH room with Jen and Kail.

Dick says he hasn't lied once except to Zach about vote for Joe. Jessica says she trusts him.

Back to Dustin winning POV. Jessica thinks he may have wanted to get Zach out anyway so might as well go for the prizes. Dustin then thought he probably f'ed up and agreed to go along with putting Nick up. Dick says the same thing probably happened to Jameka.

Jessica gets up and says good-bye. She goes straight to bed. Dick is left walking around in the back yard. He's worked up, winding his arms. "M'fer... You worked me... Eric, Eric, Eric ... Eric is at the bottom of all the bullsh*t." "We need Zach. Gotta have the fourth vote." Spitting & more cussing about Eric, Jameka & Amber! Thinks his LN Dick show is getting him in trouble & he should just do more DR sessions. Now he is just sitting by himself in the BY.

Dick finally goes to bed. All asleep.

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