Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Wednesday, August 1

Sleep. Lots of sleep and Gnome on Knees please.

6:40AM BBT
All houseguests are asleep. Many (Eric, Jameka, Jess, Dick, Dani) just went to bed a few minutes ago.

All still snoozing

9:50AM BBT
Finally, signs of life - Nick is up. Went to the bathroom and is now in the hot tub. All others still snoozing.

10:45AM BBT
Kail is up, crossed paths with Nick in the bathroom. He was brushing his teeth. She headed to the kitchen to prepare coffee to brew and went out back and is sitting on the couches reading the Bible. Nick went back inside, stopped by Daniele's bed, said something and then went and laid on his pallet on the floor.

11:40am BBT
All house guests are still sleeping, with the exception of Kail who is still on the couch outside. She is reading through the bible.

11:54AM BBT
House Guests are getting their BB Music wake up call then FOTH

12:05PM BBT
Dustin and Kail are downstairs. Amber just came out of the bathroom and went back in again. Kail & Dustin say BB only gave them one song this morning. Kail didn't recognize it. Dustin said it was by George Michael. Kail asked who that was. He informed her it was the guy from Wham.
Kail told Dustin there were 3 that came to bed last night after Dick. Says it was really late. Adds...or early. Dustin says Amber didn't come to bed until around 5 and they talked until 6. Kail asked if she was okay. Dustin said oh yeah, we were actually laughing. She's fine.
Kail & Dustin sitting at kitchen island. Amber washing something at kitchen sink. Kail drinking coffee. Dustin says he already had some. Amber drying some dishes and putting them away.

12:30PM BBT
Dustin, still in HOH robe, heads back upstairs to HOH room, sits down at computer. Cam is on computer screen for a minute, as he turns it on and gets ready to work on HOH blog.

12:35PM BBT
Amber tells Kail she is going to go change her battery and then lay out. Kail says she might join her in laying out. Amber says okay, heads to SR for battery. Kail sipping coffee.
Zach is up now. Heads for SR to get his new battery for the day.
Amber goes up to Dustin's room, questioning him about what he was saying to Kail. He tells her they were just talking about how he & Amber were talking and laughing when she came to bed. Says he said it was a good talk all night and then you walked in. Asks is THAT what you were upset about?
Amber says I just don't need HER to know which way I'm going to vote.
Dustin says it's just going to be hard.
Amber questions whether he said anything to Kail about which way she was going to vote. He says no, he did not. Hasn't mentioned anything about that to her.
Amber heads downstairs. Amber is now down in the kitchen small chit chat with Kail who sits at the counter.
Amber asks what time Kail was up at.
Kail says yes, and adds that Nick was up but went back to bed.
Kail asks Amber if she's going out to which she replies "Yeah", Kail says she'll go out too.
Amber goes outside carrying breakfast eatings and walks toward the lounger area. Amber reorganizes the placement of the loungers. She runs to Laundry and pulls out towels.
In the bedroom, Zach is in bed and whispers to Nick "If you build it, it will come"
Meanwhile back outside, Kail has come in her bathing suit, and Amber is folding towels near the dryer.
Danielle and Nick are also awake now in BR and all 5 are chatting. Back to bedroom, still on infrared, it now is clear that Zach, Eric and Jessica are awake, and light heartedly chatting.

Kail & Amber out on lounge chairs. Kail rubbing lotion on. Amber tells Kail that people just don't trust her now because of that secret alliance she was in and it went on for so long. Says and she doesn't trust her now after she put Nick's key last, that day Amber didn't get pulled. That she tried to make it look like...you know..... Kail says oh, that wasn't my intention, that she was just trying to scramble it up. Amber says and she heard that she was the one that was supposed to be going that week. Kail says that isn't true. Kail says wanna know what it was? Says she was told that there was a rival alliance..the three upstairs with their three counterparts. That it was Carol the whole time, she promises. Says it was never you, Amber. Never. Says it was Carol who was involved with the rival six. She swears. Amber says she heard you guys were basing who you wanted to go by who you didn't want to be standing next to at the end and I was number one on your list because I was a single mom. Kail says nope it was not. It was the six upstairs with their counterparts and it was Carol. I promise you. Promise. Says it wasn't true...doesn't know who told her that. Why do you think I told you to be strong? Because you weren't going. I promise you were never ever EVER the target. I'm glad you told me that. No way. It never crossed my mind ever. It was getting rid of one of the six. I was told it was because of Joe's comment out here on the mushroom...that they had to just out of survival. (Kail is still rubbing lotion on very vigorously as she tries to convince Amber) Says it forced them once they heard that to start strategizing...the three of them. Hey let's get to our counterparts right away. Had to be 3 of the six. One of the 3 you couldn't nominate. Amber going mmmhmm. Kail says I promise you Amber you were never ever a target. Amber says that's good to know. It's SO hot. Sips water.

Asks if Kail is nervous about tomorrow. Kail says she is even though Dustin has tried to make her feel better. Says in week 3 her role came to her. Amber said the only way Kail was looked at as weak was because she would go up as a pawn. Kail she is a team player and she'll go up to get people out. She knows her word is good, Dustin's word is good and (?) word is good. She just wants people to know that she is just here for the ride and hey she can help people out. And she knows so much. People tell her so much...she just doesn't repeat it.
Amber asks if Kail will try for HOH if she stays. Kail says she feels like she has to just because of Evil. She knows he hates her guts. Dustin told her she should try. Amber says she does think she should try for safety. Depends on who's left and who she's competing against. Kail says Jessica, Eric, Jameka...those people she would never put up as long as Evil is here. He's so mean. Amber says she likes him, don't get her wrong, but he's too much, very negative and makes everyone feel so uncomfortable. She goes out of her way to make people comfortable no matter how much she doesn't like them. Tells her again she should go for it and she knows she is alone and doesn't have anyone with her now and she should go for it to be sure she stays in the house.
Says her and Dustin have never had a spoken alliance, it's funny. Just an unspoken thing. But she hates that thing he did the other day with the POV. Kail says Jameka earned a lot of people's respect by what she did. Amber says yeah, but Jen should not have put her in that spot. To take advantage of a situation like that is not cool..just what she thinks. Kail says she doesn't get along with anyone but her, Dustin & Jen. Amber says Jen is cool. They did facials together last night. Masks. They went into the DR to do a spot with their masks on. Kail tells Amber that Jen likes her and she is a loyal person. She's just 23. When you are that young and don't have kids, of course you're going to think about yourself. But if people can look past that and some of her shirts Jensa, etc...she's a good person.

1:15PM BBT
Amber advises Kail to just be herself...don't be weak, but don't to be over-confident. Kail says she told Nick if he wanted to teach, she knew 2 people that could help him. Amber likes Nick. Kail talked to Nick about their old alliance. Nick told her he broke away day 8. She asked him why he didn't come tell them he was breaking away. Just let them know. Nick told her this whole experience was worth it because he met Daniele. Says he said his whole downfall in this house was women.
Amber doesn't know what happened between him and Jen early on. Amber tells Kail she doesn't want to say too much, but she thinks she (Kail) will be okay. Kail says Dustin has been reassuring her, too. She has nobody except for them and Jen so that has helped. Amber says she told Nick she would talk to him today and let him know if he is leaving. She just wants to say her goodbye to him and let him know how much he means to her.

1:20PM BBT
Kail says Jameka gave her some good words on the day of the POV. Says she was having a freak-out moment. Jameka said Kail, God already knows what is going to happen. We're just playing it out.
Amber says that's right. He already knows who's going to win. It's true. Kail agrees, but doesn't stop her from praying. Amber says God already sees the two people standing in the end. Kail says yeah and we're just playing it out. Amber asks who she thinks will be in the final four.
Kail says it's changed. Before Mike was one of them. Now it's Amber, Dustin, Jameka and maybe herself. Doesn't know if she is just having hopeful thoughts or what. Says she feels like she might be unless Evil takes her out.
If she or Jen is gone she does see Evil and Daniele in the final four. Amber thinks the final four will be her, Jameka, Eric and Dustin. Doesn't know why...she just does.
Kail says I can see that. Easy.
Jen and Nick in kitchen. Jen wearing very revealing bikini. Nick making a pot of coffee. Nick gone into bathroom as Daniele does her morning rituals. Offers to make him some slop. Daniele must be just out of shower...has towel wrapped around hair. Tells Daniele he is doing laundry. She can help him with that if she wants. Says he can't find his red bandana. She says maybe it's in her dirty laundry. He says oh great...now it's gonna smell like you.

1:30PM BBT
BB Voice tells Daniele to please put on her microphone.
Nick had a fun dream last night. It took place in the future about his ex. Says he saw her at a wedding...it wasn't hers, but someone else's. He didn't know she was going to be there...she just showed up. Nick sitting on double chair in bathroom as Daniele brushes out her hair. She is dressed in raggedy jeans and a blue strapless top over what looks like a purple bikini top that ties behind the neck. Nick talking about a shirt he told his buddy he would wear if he got put upon the block. That's why he went back on her dad's offer to wear his Suicidal Tendencies shirt. Daniele putting on makeup.
BB Voice says JAMEKA, JESSICA! I said it's TIME to get up for the DAY!

1:40PM BBT
Dustin comes through. He has been given his camera...wants to take pics. Daniele asks if she can finish getting ready first. Dustin holds cam out and snaps one of him and Nick together. Nick tells Daniele to hurry up already. How long does it take you to get ready? She says in this place a long time. Nick calling out to her now from kitchen. He's making her some coffee. Asks if she wants sugar in it. She says confectioners sugar. Says hers is very difficult and time-consuming to make.
All cams on bathroom and Daniele doing eye makeup.

1:45PM BBT
Kail in bathroom. Daniele asks if it's very hot today. Kail says it is. Daniele says she just needed to take a shower today...she felt disgusting.
Nick brings her coffee...she thanks him.
Dick in bathroom now.
Kail and Nick have left.
Dick blowing nose loudly...looking for trashcan. Goes into W/C to dispose of tissue. Leaves.
Daniele applying deoderant. Sneezes loudly. Someone in other room blesses her. She says thank you and heads toward kitchen.
Jen asking Dustin if he had fun blogging. He says kinda...he's not much of a blogger. She says she isn't either. Dustin says he did with it what he could. Jen telling Kail how she cooked the slop. Kail says it tastes good. She's having a bowl at kitchen island. Dustin says well guys, for 2 o'clock in the afternoon, who feels GOOD? Kail says I do! Dustin says good. He's going to have a protein shake now. Mixes it and shakes it up in glass.
Zach comes through and points out something to Dustin on his face...two little white hairs. (I think). Dustin goes to mirror to look. Zach says a person of your youth shouldn't be having those.
BB Voice says HG's this is a lockdown. Please go inside and close the sliding glass doors. Dustin shooting a pic of Zach and Nick.
BB calls Dick to the DR.
Eric comes through saying good morning to everyone. He just got out of DR. Zach asks another monologue? Eric says just random questions. Dustin tells Eric he has the camera. Eric says already? Someone says already?

1:50 pm
Dustin is going around the house taking pictures with the HOH camera. Most HG are in the kitchen eating and talking about random things

2 PM
It's 2 o'clock. Jessica up and eating something at island. Zach, Dustin, Daniele, Nick & Jen at dining table eating/drinking/chatting.
BB: Houseguests this is a lockdown, please go inside and close the sliding glass door.
Dani whispers to Dustin. That's 3 banners in 3 days. D: Yup (Someone has flown 3 banners over the BB house for the past three days, this is making them all wonder if they are doing wrong by voting out Nick)
Dani playing games w Nick Nick tries to take picture of Dani and himself, but Dani opens her mouth full of food. She does this twice, Nick finally says whatever and walks away. 30 seconds later she grabs camera and asks someone to take picture of herself and Nick. Nick picks her up and hold her in his arms.

Dani was talking to Amber in the bathroom - whispering about why Nick should stay and saying that
Jameka pointed out 3 banners in 3 days means someone is trying to tell them something.
Amber runs to Jameka in the little rooom to talk to her about this and tell her what Dani said. Jameka says she said that two days ago and is wondering if Dani is saying she said that today. (this is when Dick intterrupts and Amber sends him away).
Jameka wants to call Dani out about this however, Amber tells her not to because then she'll know they are talking about things said between them. They are now trying to figure out a way to bring it up without it looking like Amber told her.
Also during this conversation Amber said Dani and Dick are trying to get her to change her vote and keep Nick becuase they are friends. That Dani says its strategically better and Jameka comments "yea, for Dani". Amber said she is not going to change her vote, she is not going to do that to Dustin. If anything it will be a tie and Dustin will vote to evict Nick.

2:20 pm
Jameka replaying to Jessica what Amber just told her. Jameka is not happy with Dani sayingthat she (Jameka) says so many planes is a message to them. She's telling Jessica she's going to B**** slap Dani (Oh Lord did God tell her to do that??!!!)
Lock down is over
Amber taking pic of Dustin ....Dustin - Im looking fat....not P H A T but FAT...Stops her from lookin at all the pics

2:30 pm
Eric and Dick count the votes and are sure Nick will go. Eric says they will examine the pros and cons of both later, he will play Devil's Advocate Dick and Eric agree there'll be another meeting tonight!!
another indoor lockdown!
Dani - Nick knows what the banners say.....
Nick - its from my mother... "Nick theyre gonna nominate you"

2:45 pm
Amber and Eric talking about Nick campaigning Eric and Amber whispering quickly in the big bedroom
A: They're using me because they know I love him
E: I know what's going on. It's pathetic but it's going to happen. Eric counts down the votes Eric says there is nothing that someone can say in a banner that will change the votes. It is a waste of $500.
He thinks people are sending them because they like the couple. They say if Dick and Daniele have second thoughts they should have talked about that when they were going to put him up in the first place. A says she is still going to talk to Nick later. A says Nick is sure he has Dick's vote. They seem to be implying that they feel DR trying to manipulate them because Kail is a bump on the log. A: They told me why do I want to get rid of him because he is my rock. I told them I would like to keep him around personally but I made up my mind and swore on my daughter's life... E: I don't think its in your best interest [to keep him, anyway]. It would make you a target Eric says they need HOH so they have control.
Dustin and Jen are trying to take a pic and BB keeps calling Jen in the diary room so they are ignoring the call. Jen apparently makes funny faces in the pictures.
Amber says that Kail asked her if she should try for HOH. Amber told her of course you can try it...she's here to be the pawn but she should play for herself too.

3 pm
Jessica tells Eric not go asleep Jessica tells Eric not to leave her alone.
lockdown over Jameka and Amber are laying out and talking Amber now thinks that BB is flying the banners over, because they want to keep their showmance(oh lord God). She then says that Nick's family are sending the banners, and BB is in on it (Just when I thought she couldn't say anything dumber, well, she does)
Amber says BB is Rigged Amber wants Zach out next week and Kail to win HoH Now amber is purposefully taking off her microphone to talk to Jameka about her DR sessions. BB tells her to stop that, and she says sorry and then smiles at Jameka!
Now they have just called Amber to the DR (ought oh!!!!)
Jess and Zack are laying out away from the group and talking about personal stuff and home life.

3:30 pm
Amber back from DR Dust lets he have her spot next to Jam in the BY Amber mouths to Jam that she got in trouble for suggesting that BB is rigging the show to save the showmance. She was firmly scolded for saying that BB is sending the banner planes.
Amber is now talking to Jameka about what happened in the DR. She is trying to fake out BB by telling Jameka a fake story about a teacher scolding. She has a grin on her face like she thinks she is faking them out.

4 pm
Dick and Dani having having a nice convo then dick says "I think we just need to accept each others faults and learn to communicate I dont think were far away from a decent relationship I think we're pretty close cant let the little things turn into big things"
Dani-I dont wanna tlak bout this right now
ED - I know its THE most important thing to me tho...
Dani gets up to leave
Dick - Dont leave
Shes gone Dick sighs and says , "oH man"
Jameka Jess, and April are still laying out, general chit chat
Nick and Zack are in the hot tub talking about baseball cards

5:30pm bbt
Dustin/Amber in HOH
A: Dick gets on my nerves so bad, Daniele not so bad. She is going to be such a lost cause without Nick. She better not get the next HOH.
D: She's going to go on a major power trip .
D: You need to vent and get it out. You need to release that tension that you have.
A: I don't like to do it in the DR because I'm afraid they're going to see it.
D: They can't think they walk around unscathed with them being as negative as they are. Did you talk about the question game we played?
A: No, you?
D: mm-hmm
A: You say your goodbyes yet?
D: No
A: So if you get HOH down the road, you get different pictures?
D: One thing I have in common with my dad is that we make fun of each other. I was hoping for some embarassing pictures
A: What did you write in your blog?
D:How the week went down, how I'm glad to be here, how Dick stole the spotlight from my decision making.

5:45 BBT
Dustin/Amber still in HOH
D: I'm excited. No matter what happens, we're out in september. I'm not going to finish school this semester and I get to hang out til January. It's going to be nice to travel for 6 months
Something is biting Amber
A: Nick's bed is going to be up for grabs.
D: Next week Kail or Jen will be gone... no Zach will be gone. I'll be honest, I don't want Kail to go... It needs to be Zach, Jen, Kail. She's a lost puppy... she's a sure vote for you, me, or Jameka
A: It would be so typical for Zach to get HOH. He would put up Jameka and Daniele
D: That's just a personal issue if Zach is thinking about playing strategically. Look at your breast
A: I know, how white.

6:30 BBT
Dani is saying that Nick was with Kail. Kail said, "Where did our alliance go wrong?" Nick said, "When I sold you out." Dick is saying the topper was when she sold him out. He says Nick's mistake was not being open with everyone before that, not going to everyone.
Dani: I tell him many things and he doesn't listen.
Ed: "where did our alliance go wrong?"
Dani: The part of you being in it.
ED: What's great is that especially the first two weeks, they were just rollin. "We're going to own this place." Whoops, misstep.
When Jen was HOH, they probably thought one of us would be leaving.
ED: I have not hummed, sang, or thought of song Mrs. Robinson since Mike has been out.
Daniele/Dick talking about the Mrs. Robinson alliance.

6:35 bbt
BB just made an announcment to the HG during FOTH...... 24 hour lockdown begins in an hour for TOMORROW'S HOH COMPETITION.
They already took down the volleyball and the camera in the middle of the yard.

7:20 bbt
Nothing much happening. Most of the Hgs are napping. Jen is in kitchen. Dan and Dick in BY laying on the couch.Dick runs inside to check the clock to see how much more time they have before lockdown begins.... Zach comes outside announcing that he just finished shaving his butt hair

7:30 BBT
Jen & Zach in livingroom having a chat about why BB needs a 24hr lockdown.They are speculating on what BB may have in store for them.
Jen gets up to go stir her slop in the kitchen.

8:20 pm
Everyone busy fixing dinner..
Dani & Nick in bed quiet for a long while.. then whispers..
Dani said she felt bad .. think it was because Nick was on slop and she was about to eat supper.
Dani went to kitchen Erik & Zach in br .. Erik left. think Nick is in the other bed..
In Kitchen... someone let the salad freeze and Jess is throwing it away. She's gonna sell the salad on ebay. (I think that is what she said!! lol) Jam says that is a good idea jess!
General chit-chat. nothing in br with Zach & Nick. heard a lot of speculation earlier about what kind of contest they were going to have. They think it will be an endurance contest.

8:55 pm
they finish dinner and clean up. All feeds on Kail talking to Jen. In round BR. Jen seems very subdued and slightly depressed. Might just be because of the slop....
Jen wants to meet all the "wall people".. (at the wrap party I presume) Kail wants to go behind the scenes (I think she said)

9:15 BBT
I caught a brief conversation between Zach & Nick.. part of it actually..
Nick was talking about his brother who was with the Chargers and he could get tickets (I'm guessing that is what was said..I only caught a few words..) then BLUE

BBT: 9:20
Feeds back.
ED and Zach talking football. In Kitchen.
others, except Jen I think, in the LR . Dustin playing with the chess board.
(someone is goofing up... there are 4 different pictures on the feeds!!! They'll correct that soon!!)
Dick starts talking about how S****y Boogie was for using Erika like he did.. saying he could have won without doing that!! Zach was totally oblivious that Boogie did anything to Erika. ED asked him if they watched the same show!! and we went to BLUE.

BBT: 9:35
Amber talking to Jam. Boyfriend talk & Blue.. then back with fashion talk for tomorrow... Jam doesn't want to "hang out" tomorrow. (as to up top) Thinking of wearing Jeans.
They don't want ED to win the competition tomorrow. Jam says he just looks like a Snake to her.
Amber is glad to get Nick out now. (She cried her eyes out when he was nom'ed)
I think it is Dani they are talking about being Sooo negative. and grouping her with ED being negative too.
Amber is indulging in some serious bashing...
Jen is a paragon.
Kail is O.K.
Dustin is good.
ED is Bad.
Dani is Bad.
back briefly... talk of who Zach would put up if HOH.
then back to :::BLUE:::
other hg's are in the LR chatting I think.
blue again..
Amber doing most of the talking.
Jameka doing her ummmm hmmmm thing.
ohhh.. they were in HOH.. Dustin comes in and whispers in Amber's ear when Jameka goes to the toilet. (couldn't understand any of it!) something someone said I think.

BBT: 9:55
Back to Amber, Jam, Dustin in HOH.
Amber wants to keep Jen around until ED and Dani are gone.
She thinks she can control Jen.
Amber got so engrossed in her tale about telling Nick to tell Jen to vote Mike out. that she twisted her microphone up and got hollered at by BB.
She apologized profusely (at least she didn't cry!!)
discussing HOH.. Dustin says the worst case senario is that Zach gets it.
Amber says that WCS is that ED gets it.
Jam says that (talking about Dani & ED) "you'all got your stuff together, now get out of the house" ... (hope I got that right!!)
Jam says ED is fake and he has to go.
They are all really glad Erik is there.
Jam upset at way ED is playing up to Erik.
Jam says she is bored.
She says can you imagine this is what Showtime is watching right now!!!

10 pm
Eric, Dustin, Jess, Jen on couches
Jen: I'd rather make out with every person in the entire house than kiss him (ed. Dick) on the lips.
Eric: Let's get started (very deadpan) (everybody laughs)
Dustin: That's it. You just applied chapstick. He's coming after you! (jen laughs)
Eric: For 3 nights in a row they don't provide me with something, I'm going to be mad.
Jen: What do you mean?
Eric: (in a whisper) Beer. (ed. pronouncing it beeyuh, very Brooklyn. Camera moves to a close up of Jess)
Jen: Oh. At least you get to eat.
Jess: We don't get beer tonight.
Eric: We should. We got it last Wednesday.
Jess: We did? Are you sure?
Eric: Um hmm. (Jess emerges from behind her sweater and perks up noticeably). And it's also been 2 nights in a row that we didn't.
Jess. Yay!! It'll be a good night then!!!
Eric: I hope so.
Dustin: You know, I made it a request. I said, you know, the past 2 nights, out of situation on slop people (who wouldn't even get to drink to begin with) we've had liquor removed. It's a travesty.
Eric: It's true.
Jess: (shouted) There's something about!
Jen: No one fought last night, though.
Dustin: But probably just for preventative, precautionary measures.
Jess: Yeah, cause of you psychos on slop!
Jen: Nick and Dick can't even drink, though. Like they're just gonna grab a beer and -
Jess: I need to stretch out (spoken to Eric).
Jen: I mean, I guess maybe... but after I won they could stop it.
Amber up in HOH with Jameka
BB tells Amber to "Amber, plz treat your microphone with respect" she was tying it into a bow ...
Amber - Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry...
BB -Thank you very much
Amber -Im soo sorry
Jameka...are you married Im gonna find you a GF
Amber- I feel sick right now...I did not mean to disrespect the equipment Im serious Im sick to my stomach that I did that...Im sorry microphone...( )
Dustin joins them in HOH
Amber and Dustin agree they want Jen in the house as long as ED is in the house
Dustin - Jen will do what she wants to do ..... AMber - she needs a friend soo bad...
with Kail she cant talk bout alot of stuff...I can just tell when she talks to me she likes my advise...I could be wrong its jusr what I get from her but she hates ed and dani she thinks they both so negative Im not saying shes more positive but at least she does things Dani sits there like a bump on a log.
Amber in HOH trash talking Dani, Nick and ED. Jam and Dustin joining in on occasion
Saying they should evict Dani out next week. Dustin saying that dick will be better once dani is gone and he wont be so extreme
discussing how they think its gonna be an endurance comp in Hoh
how nothing seems to have to do with Alice in wonderland since the mushrooms...
Humpty dumpty ...museums...dont have anything to do with Alice in Wonderland..
Dustin..I came up here to bowel...Im gonna do that
Jam - happy droppings!
Jameka - this is boring...look at what theyre watching on Showtime right now!!
Her and Amber are laying in bed..
Jam - I mean this is it its ridiculous
Amber - double checking what endurance means...Im good at that maybe hanging from something

10:20 pm
Eric relates the story of Howie eating an entire bag of chips in one sitting last season.
Living room discussion of casting for this season
Jen: I wonder what they think of us (the previous seasons' casts)?
Eric: Howie, I thought it was funny when you ate the chips. Good job, man. Just keep going with it.
Jen: Do you think? Cause normally they sterotype cast, but they obviously didn't this year.
Eric: Why?
Jen: Cause usually they have like the specific things.
Eric: I think we have all of those.
Jen: Uh, I guess so.
Eric: What are we missing.
Jen: Uh, like the punk person.
Eric: That would be Dick.
Jen: But then he's the old person. The old guy. The family guy then?
(Dick interrupts briefly, I think to ask who is in HoH) But whose like the older, family guy.
Eric: (impatiently) I don't know, Jen. What can I tell ya. We don't have everything.
Kail: Maybe it's me.
Eric: You caught me.
Kail: But I'm female.
Jen: That's true.
Eric: I don't believe that there's been too many people like me, that fit my description, that've been on before.
Jen: Uh uh. By your description, you mean funny or Jewish?
Eric: Or little. (Kail laughs) Or from the East Coast.
Jen: Or any of the above.
(Kail gets up to leave)
Eric: Or... or... at the same time, having my nipples pierced.
Jen: They didn't know about that though?
Eric: They did. It was on every single application. They just didn't want to believe me.
Jess and Eric are going on a movie date up to the HOH! They are so stinkin funny!!
They walk by the kitchen and decide they don't want any concessions.
When they get up to the HOH to watch their "movie" they complain because everyone is up there and are being rude while they are trying to watch.

10:30 pm
Dick, Jen and Zack in kitchen, hoping that they can eat at midnight. Dick shouts at the camera.
Zach says he's heading up to HoH to see what the laughter is all about
Dick alone in kitchen says to himself... I think I'm gonna cause some kinda of trouble. He goes to the bathroom and does something to the shower stall on the left.
HOH crew asking Jen to make banana bread even though she is on slop.
Dick rigged the spigot in the kitchen to spray the next person who uses it, then forgets and sprays himself. He is laughing at himself
A feed switches to Dani and Nick in a bed, BB asks for Dani to not obstruct her mic.
They are side by side. Dani on her stomach above covers, Nick under covers on his back.

10:45 pm
Jameka, Eric, Amber, JEss all in HOH
They are talking major smack on Dick
Jameka is saying that she is going to take up for Jen and doesn't like the way Jen is being treated
Eric: Ok so this is the question I want to ask. Dick says he dates 20 year old girls. All of you are in their 20's! What is attractive about him, the way he farts, the way he degrades women, the way he smells
Jess is laughing hard.
They are now talking about how Dick and Zack might be working together. They see them on the spy screen talking to each other
They are now talking about possibly throwing it to Jen if they have an opportunity to. They want Dani and Dick gone really bad! They are disgusted by him
Dick now relating a story that wasn't on the feeds about how Jen came down and found he had rigged the faucet again and so she let it squirt him and Zack and then she went off on her again.
Now Dani, Nick, Dick, and Zack are talking game and whether or not Nick has the votes. They then start joking around again.

11 pm
Dick just ran in a threw a handful of flour on Zack.
Zach has now pushed a bed in front of the small bedroom door to keep Dick out.
Dick is climbing on beds and throwing things through an opening at Zach...Zach giggling like a girl and telling him to go away.
Dick is putting some of the food under Zack's bed blankets
ED just dumped mac and cheese powder all over Zach's bed. Zach is threatening to throw and egg on ED now.
Kail is now up in HOH with Amber, Jess, Jameka and telling them that she wants them to know that they can talk to her and find out stuff, she knows the big day is tomorrow. Jameka tells her to be herself and don't worry about it.
They are now talking smack about how immature some people are. This is mainly Jameka

Jameka says that she is leaving, but she checks all of the feeds, first.
She says everyone is in the bedrooms.
Jameka: So, now they are plotting.
Eric: If by plotting, you mean might be having some sex tonight, then yes, plotting.
Jameka: No!
Eric; All I know is I've been hearing some sweet nothings. (Dani and Nick)
Jameka: And they haven't fought. Yep, there might be a little finger play. Or fist! UUUUUUUHHHHH!
Surprised laughter from the other three.

On the other feed, Zach is up on the bedposts of the silhouette room, saying "Dude! Go away!!"
Zach shoves the bed back and forth into the wall.
Jen: Are you boys having fun?
Dick: We have nothing else to do.
Jen: I'm just asking, honestly. I know there is nothing else to do. I'm making banana bread that I can't eat. Are you destroying the house?
Dick: No. Just the room.
Dick is throwing stuff from the upper corner cut out window, throwing food and stuff at Zach. Zach says it isn't fair for Dick to use a $40,000 camera for protection!
Zach: Dude, you totally fucking wrecked my jacket! Dude!
Dick is messing with the covers and pillows, slapping them. He hits his chest or something and yells "Ow! F***!"
Zach is trying to beat the food out of his jacket.
Dick is putting food in the beds in the silhouette room. It looks like maybe candy or something.
Zach comes in and catches him, and tells him to "open that s*** up!"
It's M & M's. Apparently, they were Eric's, as Dick tells him there are only a few left.
Eric: Jameka sent me the look. She said she will shank him if there is anything in her bed.
Zach: Open it, bitch! Open it bitch! (to Dick)
Eric: He's all in hysterics!
Zach threw something at Dick, and it nearly hit Eric.
Eric: Close to the Jew!!!!!

Kail is in the HOH. She's asking Jess "how the movie was."
(I don't know if BB gave a prize of a movie, or if it is pretend. Talk of a date (with Eric, I think). They do have candy, so maybe they had a movie?)

11:18 BBT
Jameka worried Eric hasn't returned because he must be cleaning something..
Jameka says"I'll be back" and gets off her butt to go investigate....
Dick cleaning up the minisclule mess and of course Jameka finds a cookie.."Oh dear...wow" Nick says their done and Zach saying "you ruined my italian jacket"
Jameka still complaing "have you looked at my room"
Seems everyone has moved downstairs at the kitchen.....
Zach cleaning his jacket so I guess their male bonding session has come to an end just arguing who started it.

Dani calls Nick "Crabbypants."
He says he isn't crabby.
Nick asks if there are marks, like moles or scars, on his head.
Dani says "ticks."
Dani: And a hickey from Zach.
Nick: Daniele?
Dani: Hmmm?
Nick: You better win.
Dani: What?
Nick: You better win.
Dani: Or else what?
Nick: I'll never talk to you again.
Dani laughs
Dani: I believe it!
Dani and Nick are doing their usual "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "Promise?"
Dani: What are you thinking?
Nick: Nothing.
Dani: Liar.
Nick: Are you kidding? This little brain can't hold any ideas or thoughts or wishes or dreams.
Dani: Whatever.
Nick: I'm just waiting.
Nick: For someone to impart knowledge upon me in the next 17 hours.
Zach comes in. Nick asks if he is better. Dani asks if he cleaned his jacket.
Nick: Oh, you're mad, Dude!
Nick tells him he has to flour him and throw eggs on him (Dick).
Dani says she thinks Zach should pull down his pants and pee on Dick.
Zach says he'd like to "pull out the freezer coil and freeze on him--freeze one of his ears."
Nick: You're psychotic!
Nick: Oh, s***. He's coming again with something! Is that milk?
Nick tells Dick that's enough.
Zach says he can do what he wants...
Nick: People thought we were eating at Midnight tonight.
Zach: Jen said that. Spreading a rumor.
Nick: That's a reliable source.
Dani: I don't believe it. Jen spreading a lie?
Zach says he has to get Dick, and he is "trying to remember what he can from the Anarchist's Cookbook."
Zach says he is going to "Totally get him, Dudes!"
Dani says she is not a dude--she got rid of her weiner.
Zach says he needs to remember how to make "glob."
Zach is saying he "makes a substance and puts it in a Ziplock bag" and then "makes the catalyst substance" and he could put it in Dick's bed.

You can hear the fun and yelling and squealing in the other room. But Dani and Nick are just lying down on the silhouette room floor.
Dani whispers that Dustin is getting on her nerves. She says she almost can't stand anybody. Nick says he "feels her."
Nick: One of these hours, I'm hoping you will break your silence. And we can just, you know, talk about anything.
Nick asks about her grandma.
Dani is mumbling and lying on her mic. BB tells her not to obstruct it.
She started living with Grandma at 11 months.
Dani says it was enjoyable when she was little, but now they don't get along. She doesn't talk to her Grandpa, since her Grandma and Grandpa split up.
Dani says she's going to kill him.
Dani whispers "So sad!" when Zach comes into the room.
BB tells Eric to move his mic higher.
Dani: They're yelling at everyone!
Nick: Uh huh
Dani: What are you thinking?
Nick: Dani, you can't ask me that anymore.
Dani: Why?
Nick: I already told you.
She says she has a headache, and he tells her to take an Excedrin. She says she took three already.
Nick; Take more and overdose.
Dani: That's so rude!
(They are saying words like "houseguests" in weird accents now--ed)
Dani: I need to pee.
He tells her to go ahead.
Dani: I didn't ask for permission!
He asks why she asked it with a question mark, then.

Nick tells Dani that Kail always tries to be part of the other group, because her ass is on the line. Nick says he isn't switching how he "rolls!"
Dick comes in and says that Zach is so mad at him. Nick says Dick "damaged his goods."
Nick tells Dick that Zach was considering making chemistry mixtures to put in Dick's bed.
Dick says he'll just change beds with one of the girls, then.
Dani goes to the bathroom.
Nick asks what everyone is doing. Dick says stupid stuff. Nick says they have such slow nights, and there is nothing to do when they are locked down.
Dick says he is going to go to bed soon, and Nick says he won't. Dick says he will, because HOH is tomorrow!
Dick: Did you talk to anybody today?
Nick says he talked to Amber, but she said they could talk later, probably tomorrow.
Nick: She's been acting really weird.
Dick is silent.

Dick is telling Zach to "Come here!"
NIck: Sound familiar? Me and you sometimes!
Nick says he is always leaving, and she is always saying "Come here." She says no, she tells him to get the hell away.
Dani says Jen is in there cooking waffles. She probably thinks she can eat now.
Nick: Good. I hope she does think that.
More banter
Dani: Don't. I'll kill you. I hate you. Why are you doing that?
Nick: Tell me what I'm doing and I'll try to stop.
Dani: NO!
Dani threatens him with a wedgie.
Nick: Why are you doing this to me?
Dani: I didn't. I stopped.
Nick: This house blows tonight.
Dani: Can I kill you? Hey? Hey? Hey? What's wrong?
Nick: Nothing. I thought you were going to kill me.
Dani: Hey!
Nick: Is for horses.
Dani: Whatever.
NIck: Dustin is fucking annoying.
Dani: I think he's funny.
Nick: You're a dumb dumb doody head.
Dani: uh uh
Nick: Yeah, you are.

Zach has supposedly made some glob stuff. It smells like pickle juice, according to Nick.
Zach says it has to sit for a while.
Jess is asking about the endurance comp. Eric says he could predict who will win it, because "that person is ready to rock!"
Eric; This has been one of the single most boring nights of my life!
Dick yells to Zach that this is the most action his bed has had in two years!
Zach asks him if he has ever been maced in the face?
Dick asks if he has mace, and Zach says no--but he can make some.
Dick: I think that would be considered very aggressive behavior.

12:07 BBT
Zach complaining his bed is broken and Dick saying tto take Nick's "he doesn't use it" and saying that's the most action his bed has seen in years
Zach saying he's trying to remeber what he read "in the Anarchists cook book" to get even
Nick Dani and Zach just sitting there with Zach offering to hit the lights
Zach leaves forgetting to hit the lights goes to Storage room saying" I'm such a f***ing nice guy" Zach saying he threw away his substance at getting even with Dick.. Dick saying he's offered to wash his stuff when it opens up
Zach back turning off the lights and saying he threw it out "Nick all that planning" and Dani says "you pansy" Zach "f*** you" Dani surprised said he was sorry..saying he did it as he would have had a rash on his "c**k for days" Zach talking about lilypads give bad rashes he remebers when he got it when he was on the "crew team when I was a rower"

12:19 BBT
Amber Jameka and Jen working out Jen complaining about her "breast meat" which Jameka calls it
Jess and Eric in bed in big bedroom with Dick walking in talking about BB messing with him trying to get in DR. Also rehash the food fight with Zach..saying he would wash but are on lockdown so he can't.
Eric hopes that if HOH endurnace comp involes "sitting or standing" and doesn't involves "button" Dick joking saying how bored they are in the walls saying "THIS CAST SUCKS" [no words have been spoken truer in the BB house]
Eric saying his predictions are "top secret" Dick wants to know but Eric says "the reason he doesn't want to say it"..Eric saying "he's out of the running" who cares dick says Eric says "I'll tell you later. Dick saying Amber's predictions "are after the fact"
Eric saying he hates him because he's saying Zach is smarter because according to his prediction he's going to do better.

12:30 BBT
Jess laying on Eric with a blanket between them.

Jameka explaing to Jess that the term colored went out in the 70's saying it went from ni***r to colored to black to African Americans and that most African American prefer black or African American.
Jameka says she's never met either Pres Bush when Jess asks Jamekas says when she sees them on TV she changes her channel..Wishing Bill Clinton can run again....
No geek council meeting tonight since they are all going to bed. Eric sayin he had plan to cite reasons to get rid of kail just to satisfy Dick and Dani......Jes saying only go to the other side ..."traitor"

12:48 BBT
Just Dick Jen Dustin Jameka Jess and Eric in the bedroom talking about Kansas and NY and other things unrelated ti the game.
Kail looking worried in the round bedroom laying down

12:54 BBT
They are talking about "biggest fears" Jess said "going to Jail.....Dustin_"utter lonliness", Dick "something happening to one of my kids one of my kids dying" Eric"My biggest fear is death"
Most cherished possesion:
Kail "photo albums of my family" "thanks for asking"
Dustin "photo albums" "I have an amazing coffee table" A piece if paper from his dad with a life 'to do list""letters and cards"
Jess "I don't know" "of course photos" jess really working her bird brain hard to think of an answer. "jess saying she never had anyone pass away in her family so "I don't know"...finallly "a Rosary from my batism" "i guess" Jess remembers "the coolest mirror" she made with her mom during her mom daughter time.
eric "me too" Eric saying personal things people given to him though he would be sad if his TV was gone.
Dick "my car"
Jameka thinking hmmm mmm

1:04 BBT
Dani saying freezer isn't freezing
Dani saying everyone is hoping its endurance Dick saying "it so lame " as HOH can be anything.
Dick asking Dani if "the giggle fest" keeps her up and says they get louder as time goes on. Dani saying Jess is loudest..and Dustin...
Dick saying Jen and Kail are quiet when he goes in the room.

1:13 BBT
Dick at Night in the kitchen "who haven't I pissed off"
"what can I do ..what can I do what can I do do do"
"think Vincet is sleeping now has to work at the DMV" "mom is definitely watching the internet" thinking his mom is avoiding the whole thing.
"Has Gore declared his candidacy..God I hope so"
"Dustin is f***ing annoying"
" so what would i like to do when I leave her" "catch up with everybody" "take off and go to Europe" Dublin for 5 days then to Stockholm and see "ROxy" then go to OLso'"that would be cool" tag team "some Norwegian girls"
"and the come back here get back to life"
He's talking about expectaions after life in the BB house
"hmm" ' oh please I can't take why are they in there when people are sleeping it's so fucking rude"[to all the lod screaming from "giggle fest"]

1:30 BBT
Dick telling he's bored and wants to get to be in bed by 3:00 AM for HOH tomorrow.

1:33 BBT
Giggle fest goes on with "ROck Papper Scissors"
Dick walking around nervously complaing to dustin about the noise.....
Dustin and his girls and Eric move up to HOH area.
Eric saying to Dick to go upstairs to have the meeting
Dustin the moron starts singing and we get FOTH
Jameka complaining because they told her to be quiet couldn't hear because Jam didn't have her mic on but someone threw their shoe at them....Nick or Zack?
Jen upstairs so no talking about votes will be going on.
Dustin still has him computer in the room and pretends to turns it on....Jen Dick saying they took it right away and Jen said so did Kail.
Dustin says BB said "do not touch the computer"
Dick leaves "call me if you need me later"

1:44 BBT
Jameka still whinning to Dick about Nick throwing the shoe and Dick says he's upset because he knows he's going and Jess says he sais he's only here "to buy a monkey"
Dick telling Jameka and Jess about Nick saying they can carry what they have outside the house "where its real"
Dick says him and dani are down with the vote telling them about all the planes in the past few days.....Jess saying she doesn't believe there were any banners.....Jess saying what are they going says "evict Kail" we all know she's scheming
Dick saying last week was easy with Mike ..this week is hard because "he's nice and he's cool" but Dick is saying he really wants her out.
Camera switched to Dani and nick in bed whispering..she's cuddling him......

1:53 BBT
Dustin came out to bitch about Nick telling them to be quiet...of course behind his back.

Dick, Jameka, Jess, and Dustin now sit outside the HOH room in the upstairs lounge area.
Dick tells Dustin to give Nick some slack, he knows he's going home and he's been on slop all week.
Dani now comes up and joins the group. Dani says Nick is muttering how everyone is rude.
Dick is asking if there are any types of competitions they haven't had yet.
Dani says there are a lot of things they haven't done yet. She says it could be anything. Dani says it took them 6 hours to setup ....
Eric has now joined the group on the sofa area outside the HOH room.
After talking to the others, Eric goes into the HOH room to try to get rid of Jen, so they can have their meeting.
Jessica says, she knows what she's doing.
Dick says, she could go downstairs and wash her face. Dick says I wish she'd just put a bag over her head.
They continue to talk outside the HOH room. Dick asks Jameka about D.C., and to tell him about it. He said he had a bad experience the last time he was there.

Apparently they are on lockdown inside the house.
Eric says is taking 24 hours to setup whatever they are working on.
Dani says people think too much about what the competition might be. She says, only time will tell.
Eric says it doesn't matter because he knows who will win.
Dani asks who. Eric says I will win, it's about time. Eric says, the fact that I'm joking about it, guarantees that I will be out first.
Eric then says I don't think I could have made my point clearer about going to bed. (talking about getting Jen out of the HOH room)
Dani says, well Amber is in there now.
More general talk between Dick, Jameka, Dani, and Eric in the upstairs lounge.
Jen finally comes out of the room and says hello, she says she is going to bed. As Jen goes downstairs, everyone immediately gets up and goes into the HOH room.

Meeting appears to be in session. Jessica, Dustin and Dani all sit in the HOH bed together. Dick, Amber and Eric are in the chairs across from the bed.
Eric says he will open the meeting by saying we've beaten several points to death. He says here are my points to get rid of Kail. Eric says we hate her, we don't want to give her a free pass, she is a sack of doo doo. She shouldn't get a free pass because she looks like a dog that has been run over ... now she is sleeping alot and appears to have given up, but we saw the true Kail 5 min. into being in the house.
Eric says none of want to wake up and be in the final four where Zach and Kail are a part of it.
They group seems to feel Kail is getting to comfortable. Dick says the shock and weirdness is over for her.
Dustin says if Kail goes up again she won't be so comfortable. Dustin says Dick does a good job on reminding her that we want her out.
Eric says lets make sure we're all on the jury so we can decide what will happens.
Dustin says, tomorrow depending on what it is, I'll be rooting you on. If it is any kind of endurance we know who to knock off first.
Eric says I'll do whatever I can to get them to cry. He says he is so sick of Jen and Kail.
Dick says don't under estimate the others, the know they need to win.
Eric talks about how Jen won one of the competitions by listening to the sounds that the answer board made. She would hear what the others were doing, and would follow along. Dustin says whatever kind of device they have, to not make it so easy for Jen to follow the group.
Dustin, Eric, and Dick are doing most of the talking. Jessica, and Dani are listening.
Dustin thinks that endurance could be coming up next.
Eric says he's completely comfortable with anyone in the room winning, and he will step down if someone wants it. He says he will stay to make sure the others are gone.
Eric says he is predicting he is going to win anyway. Dustin says that's what Joe said before he left. Eric says I know.

Jessica asks where is Jameka. Jameka says, "here".
She way laying at the foot of the bed, under the overs. (I did not see her either)
Jessica says she has a very short memory.
Dustin gives more pep talk to the group.
Dani says she doesn't think it is going to be an endurance. She believes everyone is over analyzing the competition.
Jessica says it is going to be either something really long, or really short.
Dick says he doesn't believe that peeing in your pants will be allowed, he says someone will be out.
Dani says there will not be a competition where someone will injure someone else in the house.
Dustin says, so we're all set for tomorrow.
Dick says he thinks he will mess with Kail's head.
Eric says, there always has to be a scene with Kail. Eric says the meeting hasn't been too productive, but at least I was able to get Jen out of the room.
Dustin says, we need to make friends.
Eric says, I'm at the friendship I want with Jen. Dick says so is he.

All feeds: Kail and Jen whispering in the dark in the Round Bed room.
Jen is telling Kail about how Dick thinks he can get under Kail's skin at any time. Kail says she let Nick think that she was down because she was on the block when she was really upset because of how Jen was getting treated.
All feeds switch to Dick and Daniele in the kitchen. (They're whispering so missing a lot.)
Daniele says if she wins HOH, it would be a closed door policy; no discussion (with LNC) as to who goes up.
Daniele thinks Zach would nominate Jameka and Kail or Jen because he would try to fit in.
Daniele feels bad that the vote is going to be 8-1; hates not being able to give a pity vote. Dick tells her she gets to give a goodbye message.

Feeds switch to Big room. Eric and Jessica whispering in bed. Jameka(?) quiet in the other bed. Can faintly hear someone (Jen and Kail?) in the background.
Some mild flirting as Eric says he can read Jessica's mind that she really wants him to stay and get into bed with her.
Looks like Amber just walked in (back from DR). She mentions something to Jameka (I think DR may be calling for her if she's awake). Amber then bids them good night and walks away.

F1/2 switches back to Dick and Daniele.
F3/4 stays on Eric and Jessica.
Mostly random talk.
Jessica jokes she's going to curse at Eric when she see's his DR sessions. Eric swears he has not said even a single --
Eric says Dustin lowered his standing this week (POV comp); did not do himself any favors.
Eric says he's never said anything bad in the DR about Jessica, Jameka, Daniele. He's never said anything insulting about Dick. Never said anything bad about Mike until the last day when said Mike had the least impact on the show. Jessica says she's never said anything about Mike.
more FOTH

All feeds back on Dick and Daniele in the bathroom salon.
Daniele is trying to peek through the one-way mirrors. She thinks she sees a conveyor belt. Dick gets up to take a look. Daniele jokes that she's putting face marks on all the windows. She then goes and wipes them off as Dick uses the WC.
Dick says he put something on MySpace about it being better to work together. Daniele says she knew what it meant; she's not stupid. She says she sent a message back --
Eric walks in. He says Jen and Kail were wildly cackling as if they were school girls. He makes fun of Jen's nighttime coughing.
F3/4 promptly switches to Jen and Kail.
Jen says Daniele and Nick haven't been hanging out. Kail disagrees; says Nick hasn't been campaigning because he's always with her. Jen mentions how Nick and Daniele were avoiding each other last night.
Jen says she knows Nick is mad at her because he's been having his picture (HOH blog) taken with her each week but not this time. Kail hasn't noticed.

Switching back to F1/2: Daniele, Dick, and Eric in the bathroom.
Daniele jokes that she is working secretly with Jen. They talk about how Zach was a new man today, joking around with Nick.
They say they must want to move on; everyone knows what's going to happen. Dick says it's sucks that Kail knows (she's going to stay).
Eric says it's bedtime and he walks away.
Dick jokes that he's going to answer "Carol" for the tiebreaker question if he's up against Daniele. Daniele laughs and says it's going to be obvious that they're working together and tells him to put up a "bajillion".
Daniele says Jen is not book-smart, a dimwit; but she is street-smart, knows how to use people. She recounts how Jessica was laughing because Jen's butt was hanging out in her swimsuit when it wasn't supposed to. Nick also started laughing.
More talk about the cameras. Daniele gets weirded out; can't "excape" them. Dick says he asked on of the cameras in the Round room --

Daniele likes how Amber went from saying that Nick and Daniele were meant to be together, then suddenly she's saying ... (missed it).
Daniele says unlike Amber, she doesn't use the word "friend" lightly. She calls people in the house her acquaintances. More Amber bashing. They saw each other in the finals and Amber said she thought Daniele was rude because she wasn't smiling. Daniele said she was just nervous.
Dick mentions how someone at home is probably laughing their a** off --
Dick says if Daniele gets HOH, everyone will be kissing her a**.
Daniele asks if he really thinks it was Nick who voted for Kail to leave. Dick thinks Nick probably wanted to throw a monkey wrench. Daniele still doesn't think it was Nick. Dick says they should bet on dinner after they find out.
FOTH as they talk about people outside the house

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