Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Tuesday, July 31

Tuesday, Tuesday...Nothing happens on Tuesday

5:40am BBT
Dick heads to bathroom as we hear him spit 3 times into toliet then starts peeing and mic cuts out. Dick comes out of BR and washes his hands (water only) and is laughing about something. Dick remembers he was in the middle of cleaning dishes awhile back and goes back to washing. Dick curses some about Jen as he finishes the dishes. Dick goes to his room/Jen & Kail's room and changes pants, makes his bed.

5:46am BBT
Dick closes door to that room and gets into bed. so Dick is going to sleep.

5:47am BBT All houseguests Asleep.

5:55am BBT
Seems like Jessica is having a nightmare she keeps rolling over side to side in her bed.

6:02am BBT
Kail or Jen has woken up due to Dick cough & gas he just had. They are having trouble getting back to sleep.

6:10am BBT
All houseguests still asleep

And just for grins........from last night.......Nick showing off his mohawk to Eric and Jess (???)

10:26 AM BBT
All HG's still in bed. Many are restless and moving around.

11:26AM BBT
Kail got up, then Nick and then Eric. Kail and Nick went outside. Kail is sitting drinking coffee, Nick was tanning on the double lounge but has now gone back inside. Eric went to DR after primping and going to the WC. Kail is sitting alone on sofa in yard. Eric came out of the DR and they went to vortex for the 2nd time.

11:43AM BBT
Zach & Jen up & in the kitchen. All talking about the hair cuts. Dustin says he will deny having anything to do with the hair cuts. He doesn't want to be know as " the gay guy in the house who does hair."

11:50AM BBT
Amber is up now, informs Eric that with his new hair cut, he doesn't look cute anymore, now he looks hot

Dustin is in kitchen in HoH bath robe & aviator sunglasses. He just wrapped one of the striped bath towels around his head, asked Amber to wash his glass, and went outside.

12:18PM BBT
Dick catches Amber in the SR, refers to Nick and how everyone wanted to tell him he's leaving. "I don't want to infringe on what Danielle or you want to do, but honestly you know how I am, (Danielle enters the SR room and Dick stops talking) She leaves while Amber asks Dick to talk about it later. Dick starts his spiel and Amber says she told Nick last night that he was out. Dick: "Either way it doesn't matter to me, cuz I've been very straight up with Nick from the beginning and I'm fine with whatever happens". They leave the SR. Amber clearly does not want to discuss Nick with Dick.

Dick enters the kitchen where Danielle is.

Other HGS including Eric and Dustin are outside tanning.

Amber enters the kitchen and walks outside but doesn't say a word to Dick or Danielle, who are talking something about football.

Cam zooms for a bit on Jen who is tanning along with Kail.

Amber walks back in the kitchen for something again and leaves without saying a word.

12:22PM BBT
Dick stands alone in the kitchen now, putting his sunglasses on and deep in thought. He approaches the bathroom and says to Danielle: "What I said last night wasn't to rip on you" Danielle responds: "It has nothing to do with Zach" (It appears in reference to Jameka taking Jen down and replacing with Nick).

Danielle brushes her teeth, while Dick sits making small type comments. He asks Danielle to be a "little more patient with me, cuz I'm trying".

Nick enters the bathroom.

Danielle comments that she's sore probably from the "horrible beds".

Dick continues his thoughts which aren't making sense...they are fractured...something about "nobody wants to move along, I'm free, I made my thoughts known". He leaves the bathroom after Dani and Nick have and stands at the kitchen counter. Danielle asks him if he just drank the coffee she made.

Nick is outside tanning now. Jen is under outside shower.

Dick talks with Danielle criticizing someone outside with tattoo (one of the guys), Nick is inside the kitchen area now too.

12:37PM BBT
Nick tells Danielle by the time she sees him at the wrap party he will be a different person. It seems Dani, Nick and Dick are spending alot of time together today, while all other HGs are outside tanning.

12:45PM BBT
Dick keeps pacing back and forth in the kitchen while he chats. Dick asks Dani and Nick what they think Mike is doing, to which they respond they think he's just watching the show and not interview. Nick wonders how Joe is doing.

Zach pops his head through patio door to check in on whats happening in the kitchen with D,N & D

BB asks Dick to PLEASE STOP SINGING He continues pacing in the kitchen as Nick and Dani sit at the counter. Decides to empty coffee pot.

Dustin gets something from the fridge.

Dick complains about his stomach to which Dani says "its cuz you drink coffee all night". They chat some about coffee.

Other HGs enter and leave the kitchen for various things. Basic chit chat about nothing continues in the kitchen. They move from talking about coffee to talking about pies.


Feeds back and Dick is now Jen-bashing to Nick and Dani, his usual, talking about things like flouring her. Nick comes up with phrases like I'm going to kill you, smash you in the face. The 3 kitchen crew giggle at their own thoughts of what to do to Jen.
Dani says Jen isn't considered a house guest.
Dick adds Jen doesn't clean anything
Nick goes to SR to get some pickles which he and Dick want. Dick follows him in. They hit paydirt and leave back to the kitchen.
Nick telling Zach he can't fathom the fact that Zach's 30 because of the s*** that comes out of his mouth. Zach takes it as a compliment.

Dani goes to lay down, she does not feel well.

Zach/Nick alone in gym
Z: I have some interesting thoughts for you. Most likely from what i've seen, i can't confirm this, but I think starting to form by default.. is a gender role set up. female vs. men. jameka, kail and jessica are forming a female versus male thing and i think eric is getting played, and i think at least IMO id like to hope you have me, dani, and dick, 3 to stay in. you said you're not campaigning... i was thinking about this all last night.. lean on amber, i think shed vote you in, and i think you or i because ..seek out eric... go for gender role voting. it's gonna suck if you go.. 4 guys, 6 chicks, a girl puts up 2 guys.
N: I understand
Z: it's.. common sense. that gives the girls seriously a comfortable 4 wks to do absolutely ntohing as long as a girl wins hoh each week
N: gotcha
Z: I think if you can lean on eric for that.
N: i'll talk to him... they break apart.

1:10PM BBT
Dick went outside to smoke... says he is going to try to blow it Jens way...

1:15PM BBT
Nick went to check on Dani taking a nap... he leaves... dani gets up and is going through a trunk and cleaning up a bit...

1:20PM BBT
Zach/Dick and Kail in the kitchen. Not really any convo exchanged.

Dick to Dani: no sun today?
Dani: I don't feel good. I was gonna take a shower but .......
Zach: maybe you can take one upstairs.
Nick and Dani doing ADLs, and whispering
BB: Daniele--
Dani: DONE
BB: please put on your microphone
Dani: don't worry about it i'm done talking to him!

Zach and Dani in the bathroom, Z humming, Dani doing ADLs

Cam on Dick smoking, but you can hear Eric talking in the background followed by a lot of laughter.

Amber/Dustin/Jen/Amber in the BY talking about celebs and which ones they don't like. Dustin said Sandra Bullock haunted him in the outfit where she was rimming the wineglasses. Amber says she hates Jim Carrey because he isn't funny but he thinks he is, and his very annoying. Amber also doesnt like Catherine Zeta Jones. Dustin also hares Jordan Bratman.. "who the eff is this guy? he's the ugliest dead fish i've ever seen."

Houseguests this is a lock down go inside..

In the meantime they were all outside playing word games - Dustin, Amber, Eric and Jenn. They had to name the stars they hate and why(see some of above). Dustin hates Sandra Bulloch Eric hates Tyra Banks and Owen Wilson, Amber hates Jim Carrey They really don't like these people and had no trouble letting us know exactly how much. Then played a game on what they like about each houseguests and could use to make a perfect person.....

2:05PM BBT
Eric: Dick, Dustin, have you found anything i've left for you? they tell him no. Eric says they have something to look forward to now, and hilarity will ensue when they find it.

Jessica: WHo was the last person in the bathroom? ADMIT IT! Jameka and I had to air it out.

They're on indoor LD because it's a banner plane. Dick explains how they do it "they get together online and send the person closest 5 or 10 bucks, then that person puts it on their credit card and.." FOTH Dick said they'd be smarter if they left the banner inside the plane until they got close. Eric said he'd rather not see it because someone would be flipping out

5:30 bbt

Eric/Jameka and Amber in the bedroom, Eric is laying down. Amber saying how sweet he looks cuddled up in bed. BB yells at Eric to put on his mic, Jameka says oops- we won't talk to you then. Amber talking about the guy in the DR she has a crush on..FOTH and back. Jess enters and says guess theres a party she wasnt invited to.. they say no party, just eric sleeping. Jessica comments how eric looks like a little boy.

6pm bbt

Dick, Dani and Nick talking about Kail. Dani and Dick both do their impression of her trying to do Jameka's slap/stomp. they both begin to make rhymes of her name. Kail, whale, cocktail, scale, bale (of hay). Nick telling about a game that has 5 words on it and you have to rhyme it and his sister and dad were terrible at it. Dani says this guy I went to HS with his name was Zach - tee hee but it still is! says he used to say his name was sack. Dick has belched as loud and as long as he possibly can several times.

7;30 bbt

Ed and Dani talking game in the BY....

D:I think Eric would be a good one to backdoor

ED: I dont think this early in the game....

Dani:Should we talk to Jess about this

ED: No...not about this ever.....Jess is alot smarter than we all know

Dani: I know but she talks to Jameka

Dani is now apparantly talking about (Kail?) when ED thought she was still talking about Jess


Dani is trying hard to get her Dad to help her flop the votes. Dick says he wants Kail gone but it is important to keep the group together. Says he is on the fence though. Says it is all about the magic ping pong ball. Daniele says I don't want to talk about it.

Nick joins them and BB keeps asking him to put on his microphone. Nick is counting votes he thinks he can get. Dick says they can get Jessica. She won't be influenced by Eric. Now he says but she doesn't want to go against the group. Dick tells him not to go around saying I've got this one or I've got that one. Nick says but if he tells ???? and Dani says NO! don't do that. Nick gets mad and says quit cutting me off! Learn some manners and he stomps off.

7:40 bbt

Nick appears to be angry now at Daniele. He goes back to the BY and starts picking things up. Without speaking to her he goes back inside, fixes something to drink, and then walks back out to the BY.

Nick sits down across from Dani, but neither of them speak.

Zack walks out and tris to make small talk by asking"Can either of you see the white blood cells in your eyes when you look up at the sky?"

7:45 bbt

Jess walks outside...ED comments that she looks good in jeans....Zack agrees with him....

Zack mentions that the only way this night could get better is if he looked in the storage room and there was beer in there for her(Jess)

Feeds switch to Eric and Jameka and Dani in bedrrom...Eric has just woken up from a nap and is still wrapped up in his lime green sheet (see screen shots for a picture) He is talking about streak marks in the toilet this morning left behind from Kail...Jam and Dani are disgusted...Eric was thinking about wanting to check her underwear....she might have left the toilet too soon...and he giggles.

He compliments Dani that she looks nice...Eric now talks about his dream .....he dreamed about tubing in a lazy river.....but he had to wait for some reason to keep floating....but he finally was able to go....Dani comments that its kinda like BB....just sitting here waiting....

8:08 bbt

Dick helps Amber light the grill.She is about to grill some burgers(yum)

Then he walks inside to the round bed room where Jen is sleeping and Kail is reading her bible. He makes a ton of noise as he aimlessly rearranges his side of the room for no apparent reason.(Clearly trying to bug and bait Jenn&Kail).

8:15 bbt
Dick is now back outside and begins sharing a bowl of olives, marinated in olive oil and garlic, with Nick.
Dani sits outside with them but is not talking at all.Dick asks her if she is alright and she simply nods. (Must still be mad at Nick)
Zach comes back outside again and sits with them.
Oh! Dick just admitted to rifling through Jens dresser drawers when no one was looking.He wanted to find the unitard and throw it away. Earlier Jen was talking about how she knew someone had been in her drawers because her clothes had been moved.
Oh Dani speaks!! She just said "20 days till my bday."" Now she and Dick talk about it being her grandmas birthday yesterday. Dick does a shout out to g-ma just in case she is watching.
Dani-"I don't know why you always assume your on the internet feeds,its like you think your on them all the time"
Daniele-PLEASE GO TO THE DIARY ROOM Big sigh from Dani

8:25 pm
Jess having Hammock date In the hammock Z telling Jess he made a major error with the MRA. Zach continuing to do his "woe is me" act "I like to be cautious and careful in here about what I say." Says he fears having his words twisted. Saying he can't be silly like others can. Jess being supportive. Jess saying she would never try to put them down. [both seem to be trying to explain themselves and their differences] Jess doesn't want to be hurting people. Zach's tone and body language sound like a depressed person, an implicit plea for help. Now discussing Carol -- Jess feels freed by her exit.
Zach has been in LA for 5 years, done a lot of behind the scenes, production stuff. Feels honored to have been one of those chosen for the show. [not so sure it's such an honor frankly] That makes it strange that Carol was so apparently eager to leave.
Z: You're the perfect girl: drinks beer, plays beer pong, never sad, etc. [laying on the compliments pretty heavy here]
Z: now regretting his streaking Amber says the food is ready; Jess takes the excuse to leave this conversation. Or tries to, if Zach would just stop talking. Jess making "gotta go" types of noises. Zach says he was kicked out of his frat for getting naked at a party.
ED is called to Diary Room.
Z is campaigning on Nick's behalf. Says reason is Kail's betrayal. So this must be the point of the conversation at last. Wants to know Jessica's views. Jess trying to interrupt, but not succeeding very well. Now both saying Kail didn't play well and worse, annoyed them. She "really pissed me off" says Jess, "because she didn't ask me about my vote." Z says it's all an integrity issue. Z complains there's nothing to do in the house. Jess, yeah, it's pretty boring. Z still trying to push the eviction of Kail. Jess remains noncommittal.

8:45 pm
Zach whispering with Nick in bedroom...zach telling Nick about convo with Jess Zach tells Nick he doesn't think he's going but he can use his apt if he wants Nick said he would go home to family Dani Dust Amber Jess Jam Eric and Zach in KT eating

9 pm
Jen is working out. The non-slop eaters are in the kitchen arera finishing up their dinner and chatting.
Kail is in the kitchen now She's asking Amber about her boyfriend's (ed. I think) tattoos.
Amber says he has her name and her daughter's names tattoos. Amber says she was married for 4 years...mer her current boyfriend just after the break-up. Amber is talking about picking out wedding dresses.
Jen stops working out after only about 10 minutes and comes into the kitchen.

9:20 pm
Dani and Nick in bedroom, Nick saying that his relationship with her is more important to him than the game.
They keep fighting and she keeps getting up to leave but stays. He basically doesn't want her talking game with him. He would rather them have fun then talk about game
Dani: this week has been the hardest week in the house
Dani said she feels like Nick doesn't care about her and then she said "You're hurting my feelings!" Nick said he just wants to enjoy his last few days here without talking game. He's not even campaigning any more.
D: Do you want to go home on Thursday?
N: No, I'm going to talk to tJameka, Amber, and you, but I'm not goingt o campaign.

9:30 pm
Nick and Dani have stopped fighting and are just laying in the small bedroom together
Jameka, Dustin and Jess are facing off in a game They are sitting in front of the memory wall and random keys have been placed in each houseguests slot. They have to guess who's key is in each slot
Jen is the host and Kail is the cheerleader
Jess has one right so far
Dustin has zero
Jameka has one also

9:35 pm
Nick asks Dani if she has anything she wants to share. She doesn't say anything.
They're just looking at each other in the dark now and not talking.
Zach comes in the room and is making noise.
Now some whispering...can't make out what's being said. She has her hand on his face.
Nick asks Zach what's going on in the kitchen and Zach says they're playing a game randomizing the keys and guessing who's is where...he says Ed is rolling his eyes and everyone else is enjoying "how gay sesame street can be today."
Z: I swear, I think they put crack in the food at Ralphs.
Z also says he thinks he might nominate people based on how loud they are if he wins HOH. "I did this because I can't sleep."

9:45 pm
Dani is curled up next to Nick whispering in his ear.
It's pretty much impossible to make out what she's saying....
Dani: "I'm sorry, OK" (couldn't hear what led to that)
Nick: "It sucks for me, but it's OK."
Nick: If I leave Thurs., its' not like my feelings are going to go away for you...just because I won't see you. I know it may not matter because you have a boyfriend outside the house. You made my time in here a pleasant one.
Dani's laying on his shoulder now. Nick sounds almost like he about to cry.
More whispering...now silent staring.
You can hear the screaming and yelling from the kitchen.

9:50 pm
Nick gets up and Dani is alone in the bed looking very sad.
Nick in hottub talking to Dick
Nick asks if Jam was part of the group that wanted him up.
ED says everyone was part of the group...they took a vote..it was mostly strategic.

10 pm
There are helicoptors circling over the BB BY. Dick and Nick are watching them.
Maybe they're planes...they can't tell (and I can only hear the loud noise!)
Gone now.
Nick and Dick comment that they think they heard a gunshot nearby (ed. I heard a pop sound too)..Nick says "maybe that was who they (the helicopters) were after.
Back to game talk.
ED tells Nick not to trust Dustin if it's a tie.
Nick says he's going to "lay it on think" with Amber.
Nick tells Dick he trusts him and Daniele 100%, Dick says don't trust anyone 100%
Dick (to Nick): seeing Kail gone this week and Jen gone next week would be a ****ing dream to me... that b**** has to go
Nick says he wants Jen gone.
ED tells him that Zach will go next week. Nick OK with that.
But then both agree that Kail going this week and Jen next week would be great.
Nick: It's not over until the fat lady sings and Jen hasn't sung yet.
ED: That b***** has to go.
Nick agrees.
ED goes inside.
Nick gets out of the HT and changes clothes (under a towel) in the BY.
He goes in where ED has joined the matching game in the kitchen. Nick is joining too.
A new round of the key matching game is beginning. Zach is on the other feed sleeping.

10:30 pm
Zach has given up trying to sleep and has joined the HGs in the kitchen where the game is still going on.
More key game playing. Guess Whose Key is in Whose Slot on the Meomory Wall. Nick in DR.
Winners of each key game compete ED throws the compition to Jessica and points it out its like the POV right in jens face
Nick and Zach are playing some sort of golf game in the BY. Inside several HGs are getting ice cream and chatting

11 pm
Jess and ED talking
Jess says she held out until she was 21 (to have sex), but that she'd planned to wait until marraige.
ED asks why...
Jess says "because I was drunk."
Ed laughs and says that's the best answer ever and that he loves her, but he was asking why she wanted to wait until marriage. Jess says something about being raised catholic.
Ed and Jess are chatting in the BY. Jen and Kail are alone in the kitchen, not saying much.
ED says he's a bad influence on guys and there aren't a lot of wives and girlfriends who want him "around their dudes."
Jen is complaining about her teeth to Kail.
She's upset that her teeth have a gap (ed. it's a very tiny gap) now that she's lost her retainer. Kail is telling her that it looks fine, but Jen says it will look bad in pictures.
Kail is now helping Jen tie floss around her front 2 teeth to help close the gap.
Dustin tells Dick he can walk into any bar and pick up women just like Dick can.
Jen has joined the BY group. They're chatting about having kids.
Then they move on to a favorite HG subject - pooping.
Meanwhile, Amber is on the treadmill.

11:30 pm
Dustin says he has not taken two consistant craps. Each crap is a different consistency. Everytime he sits down, something different comes out.
Dick says because he's on slop, everything came out clean and he had a "walk-away." He just craps, gets up and walks away without wiping.
Nick talks to Amber in the WR.
He says he's going to take care of Dani who is sick.
Amber asks how he's doing.
Nick says he thinks he can get the votes, but he isn't going to campaign. They say they'll talk tomorrow. Amber asks what ED told Nick and Nick says nothing.
Nick says he knows there was a group consensus that wanted him gone.
Nick says if he goes home, he can handle it.
Nick says he thinks he has Amber, Jameka and Dani because they've all had a trust thing from the beginning. Amber is just saying "umm-hmm". He thinks he might have ED and Jess because she hates Kail.
Amber says other people will lie, but she will tell the truth. "you know I love you."
Nick again says he is OK if it is him leaving...he doesn't care about the money.
Nick talks about Dustin being shady and lied to him.
They say they'll talk about it tomorrow. They exchange "love yous!" and he leaves the WR. Amber now looks slightly upset.
Amber is now running on the treadmill. Nick is getting in bed with Dani.
Nick is spooning Dani. Zach also is in the room getting into his bed.

11:45 pm
Dustin is about to begin abs class with Amber, Jen and Jam. Nick is in bed with Dani...
He' awake with one hand on his forehead. She's turned slightly away from him. It seems like there's some movement under the covers, but it's really hard to tell.

11:54 BBT
Amber whining that she's at her heaviest and can't figure it out "I haven't taking my medicine in three days"
Dick and Eric upstairs talking in HOH
Telling Eric Abs class is going on and that's why he's up there.
Dick saying "if jen snswers another question I'm asking someone else" Dick Jen bashing....
Eric telling a Survivor season the women formed a strong alliance and it was 7-1 and the guy still won the show...telling him they were "catty'" and eat their own but doesn't think it won't happen in the BB house.
Dick saying "I really want to break up the bible bitches" Eric saying he agrees...
Dick making fun of Jameka....Eric says he doesn't make fun of people who believe in God and says that's why there is a DR and "ding dong" that's where he goes.
Eric telling Dick about Amber's mom's premonition as being the final two.
Eric saying that it's going being Eric Zack Dick daniele for HOH tomorrow....
Dick saying he got gypped out of his CBS.com questions because he was sleeping Eric was about to say "the basic questions" when BB warning about DR discussion.
Eric asking if Nick believes he's really leaving and Eric says Nick told him he's not campaigning and told him do whatever he wants to do.....Eric says he's fight to stay in the house and campaign and will be the first,,Dick says "Kail" Eric laughing about her pathetic attempt.
eric saying tonight if weeks he let his mind drift to home since its hard to do since the mind is wrapped up in the game. Eric saying it will be wierd once he gets out and is able to make phone calls...
Eric saying if he was a staright forward guy and would like to have realtions after the show they are bonded and "tied together" for the rest of their lives and hopes people don't harbor grudges say he can see him and Dick having a beer in a bar in LA with Jen eveb being there.....Eric saying he doesn't deceive that way and him and Dick are what you see are what you guys get but admits they will wince as what was said about them. Eric saying he says good about people he likes and doesn't about people he doesn't.
Eric saying he's not excited about having pics from home. he says it could either recharge his batteries or make his mind stray from the game.
Dick saying he's sick of the majority of the people here..
Talking about the "f***ed up" aspects of being part of BB character.

12:15 BBT
Eric and Dick still talking Eric saying if someone ppushes the wrong buttons "I will explode" "I will f***ing lose it"
Eric say it will make Dicks tirades look small [oh brother]
Dick bring up he's happy Joes gone [move on Dick]
Eric, joe bashing, saying "his shanigans" "shiesty piece of s**t", "f***ing spaz", "hated story times" "absolutely shady" but at the end would like to have a beer with him.
Dick saying the relief he felt from joes eviction he will feel from a Jen eviction.
Eric saying saying Jen may have trying to get in on their side..Dick says he thinks Jen may have something with Dustin and Amber and Eric agrees.
Dick says Dustin has to go even before Zach. Eric talking about not letting easy targets get through the crack...
Talking about Dustin bulls**t with brothers Id and how "he stole $3,000 from his father and Dick saying he'll have no probs f***ing them over down the road. fOTH
Dick saying if Zach got HOH he would put up Kail and Jen. though Eric says his chance are 0% he'll win.
Dick sarcastically if he had a God who would grant him "the magic ping pong ball I would be set" Jameka christian bashing..talking about the hypocisy of it.
Eric saying no point is saying anything because there is no rationalizing with religious people.

12:27 BBT
Eric and Dick head downstairs.

12:29 BBT
Jess telling Jameka outside about her conversation with Zach telling her how he thought Nick should stay and Kail this Kail that.....confirmed Jen wasn't part of them.
Talking about taking care Kail next week..Jess saying she is being pushed by Dustin and Amber to win HOH and Jesws saying she doesn't want to make enemies, She says "I see Eric winning" saying it will be endurance and Jess saying she's more physical rather than mental...........
Jameka saying the only threat about endurance HOH would be Dustin but Jess says "'he can't do it" Jameka " oh right"
Dick comes over jokes how he interupted them...

12:30AM BBT
Dustin and Jessica are now off to the side in the backyard talking to each other. Jess says Zach said he should have never joined the alliance with Kail. Dustin says his alliance wasn't honest with him. Jessica says that Zach came up and asked her what she thought about Nick. Jessica says she wasn't going to tell him anything. Dustin and Jess believe they are really close, and talk a lot of strategy. Dustin says this was the best move we could make this week. Jessica says she wasn't sure at first, but now believes it is good. He said let Daniele and Nick have their thing for a few days. Jess is not talking to Jameka about Zach, telling her similar to what she wsa taking to Dustin about. Jess says Zach said he shouldn't have joined an alliance so fast, that he didn't watch enough of the past shows to know that was a bad idea. Jameka says well whos fault is that. Jess says that Zach feels like an outsider. Jameka says, well it sounds like he wants to go home then. Jess tells Jameka how Zach believes they should get rid of Kail now. Jameka kind of laughs at his change. Jess says that Zach told her that Kail turned on their alliance, that is why he is ready to get rid of her. Evil has now walked over to them. He tells Jess he thought she was sleeping. Jess said she tried but her mind kept wandering, so she came outside.

12:35 BBt
Jameka asking if anyone is wavering and Dick say let's talk tomorrow and jess says if anyone wavers then they "will show their true color"
Dick saying "you never know" "expect the unexpected"
Dick saying it would be a good idea to have a talk tomorrow.
Dustin says it's a guarantee Zach to vote Kail out. Dick saying HOH is extremely important this week Dustin, Jameka, and Jessica agree. Dustin says if they get it, they have the potential to knock one of us out. Dick says, to split us ... very important this week. Still in the backyard, Dustin tells Dick that they can get Zach to vote Kail out anytime they want. Dustin says this week was a power one. Dick says, insane. Dustin says this was a powerful week. Every single move, all the competitions ....nothing went lightly this week. Dustin thinks Nick is getting crazy. Dick asks, because of the haircut. Dustin says no, just looking at his eyes. Dick says Nick isn't anything like what they expected.

12:49 BBT
Nick and Dani are awake in bed inaudibly whispering...
I can hear the talking what he should say to Jameka tomorrow.
Dani saying she smells BO whether it's her or Nick I can't hear.
Eric is in the DR
Jameka and Jess saying something is different about him tonight.
Ja: Everyone has their moments.
D: He asked if he could go upstairs alone. He likes his alone time.
(Eric is probably getting his assignment right now)

12:58 BBT
Dustin asking Dick where Eric is saying he's still in DR and Jess Jameka nd Dustin talking about how wierd he was acting tonight...
Dustin saying everybody has their day jess saying- "yeah" Jameka-"mmm hmmm"
Cameras back on Nick and Dani whispering
I think they are talking about the bed stinking.....
Mentioning Eric's depression tonight, how he hasn't been as upbeat. They're saying everyone has their day. (them being Dustin, Jameka, and Jessica in by)
feeds switch back to dani and nick in BR sleeping together but talking.

Eric is in the DR Jameka and Jess saying something is different about him tonight. Ja: Everyone has their moments. D: He asked if he could go upstairs alone. He likes his alone time.

1:07 BBT
All four feeds on Dani and Nick. really can't hear
Dani got up and Jess tells her she's getting ready for bed...
Talking with Jess and Jameka in the kitchen
Amber and Jen in the bathroom doing masks looking like mimes.

1:23 BBT
In the kitchen Jameka Dick Dani and Eric talking...about camera men being in shape....reality shows....
Talking about "cash cab" reality show. Dani calling it her favorite and Dick saying "it's a great show"
Dick moves to the LR talking to Jess who's tired "but I can't sleep" Dick noting maybe because she slept too much today.

1:32 BBT
In the living room Eric and Jess talking Jess playing with the chess set pretending they're at a wedding.
Now jess is making a "cheerleading formation" with the chess pieces.
Dick saying "how bored are we...I think I'm going to kill myself" Jess says ok and eric "I would"

1:42 BBT
All four feeds on Amber and Jen waiting for their facial masks. Jen talking about hercar and when Amber asked what her car payment was she said she didn't know but owes $8K on it.
brief FOTH
All four feeds on Jess cheerleading formation in the livingroom with the chess pieces.

1:49 BBT
All four feeds of Amber and Jen talking about clothes wrinkles and beauty products in the bathroom.

1:52 BBT
Eric talking about the BB twist of father daughter and says he really doesn't care after the intial shock was over.

1:54 BBT
Eric telling jess he was just feeling "really wierd" and that he was just thinking figuring things out.
jess saying how he wasn't enjoying the games and Eric says "I was really checked out"
jess telling him about dick talking about wanting to talk about it be the right decision. Jess saying "I don't think they have the votes" Eric saying they do "If Dick votes" Eric saying "i don't want to run the risk" saying if they didn't want him to go he shouldn't have been up. Eric saying Dick set him up earlier
eric saying they can talk tomorrow. Jess saying she 's being pressured to win...Eric says so they deflect the attention from themselves.
Eric saying it will be Dani Zach Dick or Me for HOH

2:05 BBT
Still talking but Eric is definitely bad mouthing Kail so I'm saying almost positive Kail is AC.

2:12 BBT
Jameka join them as well as Dustin. Dustin leaves....

2:17 BBT
Eric Jameka Jess and Dick talking about the Jetson's and Flintstone's ages.....
Now Dick and Eric are discussing the Smurfs and teh Chipmunks. Eric said the Smurfs are based on communism and the Chipmunks are political. Jameka comes in and says she loves the Smurfs. Especially Sassette Smurf. She had red hair or something. No one else remembers that one, and Amber comes in and says she remembers her. Jameka is practically yelling, and Eric jokes that she is one of the "quiet ones"in the house. He says he could hear Jameka and Jess whispering last night, and he ws in the other room. They accused him (playfully) of spying, but he said he didn't pay attention, he just went to sleep.

Talking about different people in the house (without using names), one was the person who "skidmarked " the bowl. Dick doesn't understand what they are talking about, and Eric tries to explain how Dani found a brown skid mark in the toilet bowl. It took 16 flushes to get it down. It stunk, too. Eric is saying what was in it, too like pieces of corn. (it was Zach or Kail)

2:55 BBT
Everyone that's awake are in the LR or the bathroom just a lot of non game talk.

Jess was curled up ina blanket, and wanted to go to bed. Eric lifted her, and she toppled onto the couch. He tried again and slung her over his shoulder. He walked her to her bed,and after a few moments of talking, he joined her in bed. They are only talking, though.

Dustin, Dani and ED are talking outside on the couch about endurance comps. Eric and Jess are talking game in bed.

Eric and Jessica still in her bed talking. Dani and Dick are in the BY talking strategy. Amber and Dustin in the HOH room talking strategy. Dick's mic went static, cut to FOTH and it's fixed when he comes back into the BY. Dick says he's mad that everyone else is starting to stay up late, and that he enjoys his alone time.

5:15AM BBT
Dick and Dani still in the BY talking about past BB HGs, and what America thinks of Zach. Dani thinks he's America's least favorite. Dick says he thinks America just thinks he's a dork that they are stringing along to get rid of sometime down the line, and he is. Dani says she won't call him child molester like the other HGs but that he is a pervert.

They talk about Nick, and Dick says he doesn't want her to be the next Erica, and that he knows Erica in real life.

They talk about season 3, and Dani says she never saw it. Dick says they watched it together, and cut to FOTH.

Dick and Dani still in the BY talking about the Veto comp and Dustin being selfish.

Dustin and Amber in the HOH room talking about Jessica, Jameka, and them as really tight, and that Jessica needs to step up and make a strong move. Dustin makes Amber promise to be completely truthful with him. Lots of FOTH cuts so it's hard to keep up with the conversation. It finally cuts to FOTH and stays there.

5:30AM BBT
Finally back and in the HOH room Dustin and Amber are talking about her meds that she is taking, and how they can't wait for the wrap party.

In the living room Eric, Jessica, and Jameka are talking about Dick, and how he thinks he's running things and that he's not.

5:34 am BBT
Eric,Jameka, & Jessica talk about how they HAVE to get to send Nick home. Eric said it has to be a 6-2,7-1, or 8-0 vote.

In the living room Jameka, Eric, and Jessica are talking about Dustin and how he took the prizes in the Veto Comp. Jameka says Dustin said he was worried about his eye candy, and that he still had Eric. Eric says no disrespect to himself, but he is a downgrade from Nick. They talk about how if anybody else wants to disrespect them or their place in this game, than they want to get sent home. Dick enters the room.

Eric in the living room telling a story of finding Mike sneaking around the house listening to people's conversations, and that one time he had a glass up to the door listening. Danielle joins them.

It's now Dick, Eric, Jameka, Jessica, and Danielle. Cut to FOTH.

6AM BBT A lot of farting in the living room. Jameka farted on Jessica, and then Eric farted. Jameka doesn't like the word fart, and wants to call it something else. Danielle goes to bed, and the talk turns to Zach. Eric says Zach claims he never saw the show before, but quotes from it all the time. Dick says that Jen does it too.

They start talking about Carol, and Eric talks about her man-hands, and says it's funny to think about her trying to seduce someone and be sexy.

Dick, Jameka, Eric, and Jessica still in the living room talking. Eric mentions they were told if they want to keep talking in the bedroom they had to turn the light on, and that's why they are in the living room. They are now talking about Carol again, and that she was talking about flashing the cameras. Dick is leaving to brush his teeth and go to bed.

6:20AM BBT
Jessica, Eric, and Jameka are looking at the color changing mirrors on the wall and talking about taking one down since it is their house. They start doing the BB voice, knock it off, and hey guys, I think that's a health hazard. Jameka says she is tired, and is now going to bed. Eric says if you look at the windows a certain way you can see an exit sign, and that's really weird. Seems like everyone is going to bed now.

6:23am BBT
Dick enters his room changes pants and heads to bed. As Eric has left LR getting ready for Bed. Shortly Eric exits BR Jessica & Jameka head to Bed. Jessica have gone to Bed, Eric is only one up but is on way to bed. As he is washing his hands(soap & water). Eric is now in Kitchen and pours himself a drink as Jameka heads out of BR and says she heading to bed and wants Eric to make her waffles tommrow but he says Pancakes. They say goodnight. Jessica says to Eric "I'll Kill you. Ooo man. Jameka has smacked her leg hard into bed. Jessica & Jameka laugh about it.

6:29am BBT
Jessica says to Jameka "it sounds like someone just stabbed you in the foot" they both say goodnight and are trying to sleep know.

Eric gets into Bed and is heading to Sleep.

Everyone goes to sleep finally

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