Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Monday, July 30

POV Meeting and Dick goes off on Jen

All sleeping soundly, with the occasional snore, snort, or scratch.

All is still quiet in the BB House.

8:30AM BBT
F1 Amber Jessica...F2 Eric Zach Dani Nick Jameka...F3 Kail Jen ED...F4 Dustin in HOH - All still sleeping. Kail gets up and goes to bathroom. She goes back to bed.

9:30AM BBT
Kail is up and takes clothes to the bathroom, now she is in the kitchen making coffee
Nick is up and changing batteries in storage room
Nick in hot tub all alone

9:45AM BBT
Kail getting dressed and Nick in hot tub
Others still sleeping

Kail just asked Nick if Zach thinks he will be "sitting next to her" as nominee today. Nick said "Yes" Nick asked Kail if she ever worries about what the LNC talk about when they all go to bed. Nick saying that he thinks Dustin made enemies after the POV. Nick & Kail discussing whether Jam will use POV. Nick said he doesn't know, Kail says "She'll do the right thing, I know Jameka". Nick says Yeah.

10:10AM BBT
Nick taking shower
Kail in backyard alone

10:20AM BBT
Nick is eating slop. He was staring at the wall of pictures & the camera closed in on Dustin's, then Daniele's, & then Nick's picture. Camera guy zooms in on Kail's wedding rings.

10:30AM BBT
Dani is up -- camera zoomed in on memory wall pics of Kail, then Dustin, then Dani, then Nick.
Daniele is up in bathroom
Nick:Hey sleepy
Dani going back to bed
Nick throws the remainder of his slop into the garbage and then brushes his teeth .

10:45AM BBT
Nick enters BY, Kail asks "what time is it?"
Nick then goes and crawls into Dani's bed

Zach gets up and goes to bathroom then back to bed
BB: Good morning house guests.. the veto ceremony will begin in 2 hours.

11:15AM BBT
Jen, Zach and Kail in the bathroom
Nick and Dani up and in the kitchen talking and trying to wake up

11:30AM BBT
More hg's up now. Dani, Nick, Dustin and Eric are in the kitchen talking about how Eric won at beer pong last night against Jess. The terms of the contest (which Jess chose) were that the loser had to wear the red unitard the rest of the night until bed. Jessica had already lost once to Eric and had to wear his underwear, so Eric stipulated that she had to wear them on the outside of the unitard. She did so after she lost, and told Eric he'd better watch out tonight!
Eric asks if Kail has her speech planned. She says no and asks for help. Eric tells her to say "As you all know, I'm getting to be an old pro at this" and she should tell them she would like to stay, but she knows Jameka has the power, and she should do as she sees fit. Dustin says no---and says she should say "chopping block veteran" and use the word "SAFETY" and wink. (During the POV contest, Jen said "Safety" sometime at the end when she buzzed in. Dustin says he was going to try to work the word "safety" into his speech. Kail: I just don't think I'm the person to carry it off!
Dustin tells Eric that he came out literally convulsing this morning. Eric says he was freezing--the house and the water outside are both freezing! Eric is entertaining them with a quavery, high-voiced tale, like a fairy tale about a young girl in green underpants and a red outfit having the "power up for grabs." Dustin is laughing his butt off.

11:40AM BBT
Kail is going to put on her makeup, but she doesn't want the cameras on her so it is is not on the internet. She asks if it will be on the Internet, and Eric says with four cameras on the room, he assumes it will be. She leaves.
Nick whispers something to Dustin (both are sitting at the table). He asks something about the veto. It sounds like he is asking if Zach or Kail would be leaving, or what they should say to Zach. Eric says, "Definitely, BOTH!" Dustin replies that "I think it will be a win/win situation, and we should just let it play out." Eric says or they could tell him (Zach) exactly how it's going to play out, and add insult to injury.
Dick comes to the kitchen and is grumpy acting.
Nick asks Dick to "throw some coffee on for him." Dick says he doesn't think he wants to after yesterday! (Nick drank about ten cups of coffee before bed last night) Eric asks if Nick is feeling better? He says yes, a lot better (he said he didn't feel well last night). Dustin asked if he drank water? He says yes. (Dustin was trying to get him to drink water last night, as he was drinking so much caffeine and Dustin felt he was dehydrated).

11:50AM BBT
Zach says, "People shrink all of the time."
Dani is doing her hair in the bathroom. Jen just got out of the shower. (((Dani has been going around telling people that Jen hasn't showered more than one time since her HOH week. This is not true, as Jen does shower. Last night, Dick was taunting Jen, asking her how often she showers. Jen told him she showers every morning! Jen came outside and told Kail she didn't know why Dick was so fixated on her showers. Now, Dani is standing there doing her hair, without having showered....)))

11:45AM BBT
If you missed it, Eric, Dustin and Nick all were watching with anticipation as Dick was preparing the coffee for Nick. Dick kept talking about how he doesn't know how to make coffee, where he makes it, he dumps the coffee in and pushes a button. He started to use a cup to get the water, and Nick said he could use the coffee pot.. Dick was filling the coffee pot from the filtered water source, and Nick had to ask him to just use the regular water, saying the filtered would take a long time. They got Dick with the water trick, and then Nick explained that Dustin knew about it, but got himself twice earlier today. They joked for awhile at how dumb it sounded that Nick was requesting the disgusting, unfiltered water instead of the filtered water.
The morning wakeup songs included The Facts Of Life theme song, which causes a stream of discussion from Facts Of Life to Blair from the show played by Lisa Welchel who was on The New Mickey Mouse Club. Moving on to talk of celebrities on Surreal Life... talk of boxing match that occured shortly before going into the house
Eric, Zach, Nick, Dick, Dustin talking in the kitchen Jen, Daniele getting ready in the bathroom Dustin complains about a huge buildup for a fight(3 or 4 years ago) where the main event took forever to happen, and the fight lasted 40 seconds... Eric rattles off all the different weight classes...

11:50AM BBT
Coffee is ready, Dick offers to pour a cup for Nick, who turns it down, Dick jokes that Nick didn't want the coffee to begin with, just wanted Dick to get squirted Talk continues about boxing, wrestling, and we learn Dick also knows Danny Treio(?) Tallest guy who just died, Dick's friend introduced him recently
Nick tells story of a chinese guy who saved a dolphin by reaching into it's stomach
Talk of Seinfeld episode where George saves the whale, fish(mammal, whatever!) by pulling the golf ball out of the blow hole (is that a Titelist? hole in one!) They all seem too know Sienfeld lines pretty well... agreeing that people either 'get' the show or they don't... sharing their favorite lines that became part of pop culture, Nick mentions the spit episode

12:10PM BBT
Zach and Dick are in the by talking about Florida. D
aniele is doing her makeup and I can hear Kail saying. "Oh god it smells."
Jen is complaining that she has a gap in her teeth.

Dustin and Kail having a talk. Dustin is telling Kail that the person he nominates next to her will have the votes to go home.
D: I have two fears, Jen will put me up and how people will react to me winning the prizes
K: I promise you I can't control her but I will tell her nominating you and Amber is not the smartest move.
K: If People keep bringing that up to bring you down, they're not your friends
D: Not one person has mentioned it
K: Then leave it alone
D: People have come up to me and said I would've done the same exact thing, even Jen did (taking the prizes)

12:30PM BBT
Eric/Dani talking about Amber at the table.
Kail, Dani, Zach, and Eric, and looks like Jen in the kitchen.
Nick has gone up to HOH. Sitting in chair with headphones on listening to Dustin's CD and watching the Spy Screen. Counting out something in his mind with fingers.
Jen eating slop from a bowl at kitchen island.
Eric & Daniele at dining table whispering.
Zach sits at table and asks Eric if Nick is going with the mohawk today. Eric replies highly unlikely.
Daniele gets up leaves....tells Eric he had better be there when she gets back.
Kail has sat down at island beside Jen. Says she might as well sit inside as they will be getting locked outside for hours later. Kail asking Jen if her eyeliner is too blue. She says if you want it to be blue, it does. Kail asks if it looks too thick. Jen says no, looks good, looks blue though. Kail says that's okay. Jen needs to cut her hair very badly she says.
BB Voice tells Amber & Jessica in other room to put on microphones.
Jessica, Amber & Daniele at mirrors. Amber brushing teeth. Daniele drying something with loud hairblower so can't hear talk. Jessica working on hair.

12:40PM BBT
General chitchat between the girls as they get ready for the day.
Nick talking to Dustin in between watching the Spy Screen. Nick says Jameka is reading the bible...looking for the voice of God. Says so you don't even know what Jameka is going to do yet, huh? Dustin says oh, she's definitely going to use it. BB telling him to put on his microphone.
Nick gets up to use HOH bathroom. Nick comes out and washes hands and back to room. Says he's going to get HOH this week. Dustin starts to say its at a good point in the game for everybody and we get...... FOTH
Dustin lathering skin with body butter. Nick asks if he and Amber made up. Dustin says they're on good terms again. Explains again why he did what he did in POV comp. Nick watching everyone on the Spy Cam making comments about everyone. They see Eric walk through kitchen. Dustin says more and more everyday when he looks at Eric he says to himself marry me Eric, marry me. Why waste your time with these females? You know how they treat you. You know how I would treat you? There's a difference. Adds but he doesn't understand that yet...it's only week 4. I need to be patient. Nick laughing.

12:50PM BBT
Nick pressing Dustin now for info on what Amber and Daniele had it out about. (Daniele wouldn't tell him) Dustin says he has no idea. The girl drama that runs between those two...Amber's emotions and Daniele's brattiness.
Nick says yeah, you've seen it. Says he thought it was just him. Talk about the comments she makes, such as you're rude.
Moves back to Amber/Daniele info-seeking. Says he saw something was wrong between them...wondered what happened. Dustin says I don't know....they're going to have to deal with it. Goes into bathroom to shave.
Nick calls out that he is going downstairs now.
Jameka in bedroom dressed now in brown mini skirt and red top with do-rag on head, spraying on fragrance.

12:52PM BBT
Dani just announced that they have about 8 minutes until lockdown.
Dustin finished rehearsing his new nom speech to Amber - appears he's still putting up Nick.
Jen asked Amber if Dustin told her who he's putting up. Amber said no.
Jess asked Jameka if she's ready. Jameka answered Mmm-hmmm.

Jen complains that her unitard was stolen. Jess knew ED took it so she asked him to give it back to her. Jess knew what he was going to write on it and didn't want to be blamed for it.
Amber and Dustin discussing Nick as the replacement nom - Dustin says Nick chatted with him earlier. Thinks Daniele must have tipped Nick off to the nominations. Amber said, "I already thought of that yesterday." Amber says she'll just play it off if Nick tries to talk to her. Dustin says he'll tell Nick it was a group decision. He says he will also point out that Nick was playing too hard and playing all sides.
Zach, ED and Jess are discussing slop. Zach says it's easier this time around. Dick says it isn't as hard as he thought it would be.

1:30PM BBT
Dani is upset in the HOH room. Quick chat with Dustin. Dani is having trouble not telling Nick. She says Nick knows something is wrong but she can't talk to him about it so he's getting the wrong idea.
Dustin: It's one of those things where it's hard to look him in the eye
Dani: It just sucks. It's like if you had to put Amber up.
Dustin: It will be a tough week, but it will be good for you inside the house and outside the house.
Dani: I know. It just sucks Dustin says that he will be there to talk to Dani if she needs it
Dustin: No one should grieve alone. They hug and Dustin leaves her alone.

1:40PM BBT
Outside, Zach and Dick and Jess are talking about her horrible humiliating loss in beer pong last night. Zach is telling her she needs to do better tonight.
Inside the house, Jen, Amber, Dustin and Kail are talking about Grandmas/Moms and presents at holidays. Dustin says it was "so hard" because there were a few years there when his Mom and Grandma didn't give him one present (he pauses) he liked. Amber said she thought he would say he didn't get a present at all. That would have been horrible. Jen says that all of the other grandkids in her family are 13 and under, and she is still grouped with the grandkids, but she's older, so that stinks.
Zach is talking about different drinking games. One is called the "Thumb Rule," and Jess says she knows that one. Zach developed a "drinking board game" that was based on "all of the places in the Florida state area."

1:50PM BBT
Talk of political figures outside with Zach and Dick. Zach says he liked it that Clinton got good t.v. numbers--that's about the only thing he remembers about him.
Dick says that the thing he "hated" about Al Gore was his wife, Tipper. Dick says she should have been shot between the eyes and immediate FOTH

1:55PM BBT
Finally, outdoor lockdown
Dick immediately says he is going inside to pee, and he leaves to go inside.
Possible AP alert! Dick just said, "I'd do that for a dollar!" Eric replied, "Exactly! That's what she said!"
Zach is asking people if they had the choice of anywhere in the world where they could take one person, where would they go, and who would they bring? Dick says he would go by himself, as he meets more people that way, and he wanted to go meet Norweigian women. Zach calls Jess "Uni" now, by the way. Zach asks Jess, and she says she would stay in the U.S. as she is very content in the U.S. And she would take her brother. But she doesn't know where in the U.S. she would go. Dick asks if this is the first time she has been outside Kansas? She says no! He says he was just asking!!! Jess laughs and says it's not the first time. Dani says she would like to go to Jamaica. But she doesn't say who she would take. Dick says he's heard terrible things about Jamaica, about crime. Dani says she has heard great things, but when you get off the plane, you "smell b.o." there. BB calls Jameka to DR Amber says she would go to Turkey, as her Dad is Turkish, and she never got to "see that side" of herself, as he left when she was five. She would take her sister, so they could both experience it.
Eric runs to the bathroom first, Kail is in there doing her hair. She is all dressed up, knowing she will be on TV.
BB again called for the LD, trying to get people to go outside.
Kail said she would have to take her kids and husband. It would be someplace tropical, with a beach, and not in the US. Her son Tyler would research it on the internet, and decide. Dick said she has to pick it herself. She said after you have kids you don't thinkof yourself anymore. She is content to stay at home. She wants someplace with lots of lights. Vegas. Now saying she will visit Amber in Vegas, but probably not with the kids.
Jen says she went as a kid and Circus Circus was "kinda shady then." Dick says that it's FOR kids! Amber says it is good for kids. Dick says there are some places for kids and families in Vegas.
Zach says Mandalay Bay is built on an underground river.
Dick: A river? In the desert??
Zach says that it constantly sinks a little, and they have to keep it level, and it's "one of the greatest architectural achievements of our time." Talk of Jessica and Carol. Dick says he's seen "bigger twists in panties than the one with you and Carol." Jessica says she's just fine with that, too. Dick and Dustin (who just joined them on the couch, coming across the lawn from the hammock area) are laughing about how the fight between Carol and Jess was about "who can kick higher and $5."
Nick is not sitting with them on the couch. He is lying down alone on one of the lounge chairs, apparently asleep.

2:15PM BBT
Kail is reading a Bible. Next to her, Jen is reading some sort of book. I don't know if it is the rule book or a bible. They are being quiet. Jameka is still inside. Talk of sports. The Jets. Someone is eating chips. Dani is compulsively looking at her split ends and messing with them.

2:20PM BBT
Houseguests, please go inside the house immediately. This is a lockdown. Please go inside immediately. I want to see everyone getting up and going inside the house. I appreciate it. Thank you.
Now they are in lockdown in the HOH room. It appears that a banner plane might have gone over.
Apparently, when Carol was in the house there was a skywriting plane and Dick wanted to "b**** slap her" because she announced it and they had lockdown.
When Jessica says nothing, Dick says he's surprised she isn't taking the opportunity to diss Carol.
Definitely AP alert!! Eric: I'd do that for a dollar! Dick says you'd get change.
All HGs there, except Jameka, waiting...Kail asks if anyone heard a plane, they all say no. Jess says maybe it was someone scaling the walls...dusting exclaims: "JOE!", they all laugh. Then Dustin goes on to say: someone impersonating a BB crew worker: Joe Kail says woouldn't it be funny Dustin goin to DR and hears Joe's voice asking him "Well, Dustin..." they all laugh again.

2:30PM BBT
Dustin says being cooped up in the room is awkward, Dick says it's just boring...
POV Ceremony has taken place. Nick is on the block. Daniele is crying, Amber is sobbing (as usual)... Nick comforted Daniele and then went to Amber and told her it was okay, she sobbed harder, face down in the pillow (yes, she put it there herself hehe) and Nick was tickling her back.
Meanwhile, Daniele was called to the DR.
Jen, Dick and Daniele were all told not to obstruct their microphones.
Dick saying how much he wants to slap Jen in the face. Jess suggests he play tetherball with her LOL
Jess, who was eating some turkey, suddenly said "What's that Sun? You want me to put my suit on? Okay!" and off she goes with laughter behind her. Dick went into the bedroom for something and Kail and Jen were there... Dick is off base, as always, telling Jen that the only reason she's still there is NOT because everyone likes her. Said a fe more nasties and I muted. Jen talking to Eric in the kitchen about what Dick said. Kail adds that every other word was the eff word and he said Jen is just a piece of s**t and hoped she dies a horrible death.

4:10 pm BBT
OMG Nick is in the HOH bathroom and buzzing his head! He's doing the mohawk. Just before hand he was talking with Daniele. His final words were that he's not mad at her but he was upset that she knew and never told him. Dick saying he was hell-bent on getting Jen or Kail. Nick saying right now he doesn't care if he's back-doored. They'll see on the show that he didn't vote to keep Kail. Dick is really sick of Jen... the smug look she had on her face totally pi**ed him off and he really wanted to go after her. Mike just said it sounded like Amber was the only one uninformed about his going up. Dick said let her tell you what she wants, I'm not going there. Nick saying he needs scissors to cut the top. Dick saying, you can't eat eggs, but egg whites will get that sucker to stand straight up LOL Nick wants his own shaver to do the back, asked Dick to do it. Nick commenting on all the hair and Dick said they'll probably take it out of the trash and frame it for the next All Stars LOL

4:20 p.m. BBT He just went into privy, walked right past Daniele and called out to Kail. He has his bandana on and you can't see that he buzzed. Didn't say anything to Dani but walked past her. He's on his way the DR to request his clippers. BB opened the door to the DR. Dustin is in with Jamber

4:40PM BBT
After Nick leaves, Amber said she is going to tell Nick the truth (she was in on the decision and knew he was going up) She said she will tell him when she feels better, maybe tomorrow or Wed. Dustin said Dick was acting like he didn't know anything about it. They said the only person who could have put Nick up was Eric, but it was tehe best stratigic move for the house, and they all agreed on it. Now no one wants to accept they knew. Dustin leaves, Amber gets out of bed and checks her face. Jen is in kitchen fixing slop to eat.
Nick tells Jameka this is what she will get for saving a horrible person. He is being slightly confrontive with her. Dick comments about how awful Jen is, and he knows she is trying to get him thrown out of the house with the rule book because he yelled at her. Dick and Nick Jen bash for a while, and try to bring Jameka into it, and she just says "I don't know..."
Dick says that the only way Jen will get him out of the house is to do it this way--why doesn't she just win a HOH challenge and put him on the block?
Dick says Jameka is just trapped there--and Jameka starts to say something, and Nick tells her just to sit there--it doesn't pertain to her, anyway.
Nick says that he confronted Dustin, and called him a p****.
Nick leaves, and Dick comments that Nick is upset but taking it better than they thought. Dani is there, and she says she told them that, but no one listens to her.
Dani is upset about the possibility that BB will throw away food, like cereal, and waste it. Dani asked for Pamprin, and she got it an hour and a half, max, later. Dick says he thinks they have it there. Dani says they actually gave her Midol, so they probably do have it there, ready.

4:50PM BBT
Nick is in the storage room with Dustin. Nick is putting his arm around Dustin's back. Nick says that he likes Dustin, and he liked Joe, too, but had to eff with him.
Now, Nick is waiting in the HOH for Dustin. Nick has a mohawk. He wants scissors. The sides of his head are shaved.
Nick is standing up on the balcony now, watching, waiting for Dustin.
Nick talks to Jen, who is standing below:
Nick: Well, me and Mike will probably be gone, so what are you guys going to do for goodlooking single guys, who are straight?
Jen: Well, you are already occupied, so you gave that up on day FOUR.
Nick: Yeah, you're right. I sure did.
Jen: Pretty much, that's it. I don't want to be here if it's gonna be a bunch of people who suck here, quite frankly.
Nick; What happens, happens.
Jen says this is for her for the experience and not the money, and if it's a bunch of people she doesn't like, she might even try to go up next week and go home. Nick says that he won't be in sequester. Jen says she wants to talk to him--now that it doesn't matter. She couldn't before, because people thought they were together. Nick says it's pretty sure he's going. Jen says not necessarily--things happen. Like the coup detat. She says not to be so certain or negative.
Dustin comes in and they go into the HOH to work on the hair. Nick tells Dustin that BB is pissed, as they wanted a big blowup and didn't get it. Dustin says "Yeah, they're mad."

Dustin asks what Dani said. Nick says that Dani told him she did all she could to keep him, and he believes her. Dustin says "Yeah."
Nick says his feelings for her are real. He didn't expect that. He knows when they get out, there's a boyfriend.
Dustin: Who's to say that when she gets out of here, she does have a boyfriend?
Nick: Well, if she does, then he's a big p****, or crazy.
Dustin says that he wanted to tell Nick, but it "was a decision to make for your best interest, not to know ahead of time."
Nick says he figured. He knows he would punch the tetherball.
Nick says he did say all along that he didn't mind going up, but he didn't want people to be fake about it.
Dustin says he wasn't fake--there was only one moment when Nick asked him about it, when he couldn't tell Nick.
Dustin goes to get a comb.
Nick is looking at his hair so far, turning this way and that.
Dustin asks Jameka if he can use her comb, and Jameka says it was Jen's. So, now Dustin goes to find it.
Dick: I don't have a comb or a brush. I can't help you.
Dani: We noticed.
Dustin is back in HOH
Dustin: If you think you are flipping out, you should see Kail.
Nick says she knows she's staying. Dustin does an impression of Kail.
Dustin: You put me up against NICK? You did that on purpose!
Nick: I'll talk to her.
Dustin says that he wishes that Nick could go home, but could "still be here, you know what I mean?"
Dustin says if someone can re-enter the house, it will be Nick. Nick says not necessarily--Mike was a great guy, too.
Nick says the funny thing is, last night he thought that this would happen.
Nick says that you never know what will happen after you leave the house.
Dustin: You could be in a house with Joe--You never know.
Nick says he figures he'll go home to MN, though.
Nick says he is tempted to eat something.
Nick: What are they going to do? Penalty Nominate me?
Dustin says they could just evict him, too.
Nick says that they told him they would take his stipend, so he might as well keep some money.
Dustin reminds him he is getting 3 grand for being there.
Dustin says he got mad at Dick last night. Jess wants to be a news anchor. Dustin told her that he was so happy for her, and they can reference her t.v. experience, and she will be familiar with procedures.
Dick said "No, no, they don't care. They don't give a s***."
Dustin asked Dick how he knew, and Dick told him he reads the message boards and he knows who did what after the show.

5:15PM BBT
Amber is STILL in bed crying.
Dick is telling Amber not to take the whole world on her shoulders--It wasn't her "convincing argument" that made the difference. He says believe him, he would tell her if it was. So, she shouldn't feel bad.
Amber says she can't handle this (to Jameka after Dick leaves).
Amber: I just feel like, like Dani, you know. I just feel like Nick, I was crying, he was laying with me, he was so sweet, just the way he reacted to me.
Amber says that Nick asked her if she knew ahead of time.
Amber: He was like, did you know about this? I said no.
She then told him she "kinda knew" because she had a feeling, and Nick was a possibility.
Amber says she didn't tell him the whole truth, but he was nice about it and told her he wanted to spend time with Dani and Amber and Jameka, and it gives the three of them a way to go further in the game.
Amber says that Nick told her that she will see on the tapes that even though he played both sides early on, he did everything he could to "eff up the other side."
Dani then asked Nick to go outside and talk instead of talking in the room where she was, because Amber could hear it all. And Amber fears that Dani told Nick the whole truth. Amber says she is going to tell Nick the whole truth before he goes.
Jameka says she feels Nick knew that he was going up, anyway. Amber says Nick told her he had a feeling.
Jameka says she isn't buying what Nick says. She doesn't believe he is in favor of her. There have already been things he's said that have made her think.
Amber says that she does believe him, and that's why it's so hard for her.
Amber says she can't control her crying outbursts, and it isn't good for her, but she feels that when Nick is gone, it will help a lot, as she is so close to him.
Amber says she tried to talk to Dani and Dani didn't want to talk to her. She told Dani that she loves her as a person, regardless. Amber says that she knows Dani is mad at her.
Amber: I feel like I did something wrong, but I really didn't. It's effed up.
Jameka says she looks at it as she kept her word, but at the same time there was an option of not using the veto and she didn't think it would bother her as much as it is, but it does bother her.
Jameka says that she heard Nick tell Dick that it was stupid of Jameka to use the veto. He also said thinking "God or whatever" told you you should use it is stupid.
Jameka says that Nick told her that she didn't need to sit up there and act stupid--they did the same thing to Mike last week, and he knew they were backdooring him. She told him she didn't know what to say, and he told her not to say anything. So, he can talk all he wants to Amber about wanting Jameka to get ahead--she doesn't buy it.
Amber says that Nick knows that he doesn't have the votes to stay.
Nick told her not to feel she needs to vote for him--she can vote with the house.
Jameka says she doesn't think it is true that Nick believes he is leaving.
Jameka says that even if she wanted to switch over (to Nick staying), he has burned bridges with her, and she sat there and held her tongue.
Jameka says she is just realizing now, for whatever reason, she didn't say anything, and she was praying to God to keep her humble.
Jameka tells how Nick told her that anyone who believes he voted to get rid of Kail, they are stupid.
Jameka says any other time, Nick would have said, "Amber, get it under control." But not today. She says that tonight, Nick will be bringing it up to someone how carried away Amber was with the crying.
Jameka: I don't trust him.

5:20PM BBT
Jameka told Amber that the mystery vote to evict Kail was by Dick. Amber agrees...(Dick did not have a vote, he was HOH..lol)

5:30PM BBT
Jameka thinks that it is even possible that Dick voted to keep Kail in the house instead of Mike, and it was a plan to allow Nick to keep his alliance with Zach.
Amber: Yeah. Yeah, totally!
Amber asks if she is okay.
Jameka says she is fine--she isn't going to say anything to anyone, because people will misconstrue words.
Jameka says that Nick already came to her and blamed her, and he already told her that she knew what would happen.
Amber says she should have taken the blame.
Jameka says that Dani and Amber are in a different situation, so no.
Amber says Dustin and Jameka took the blame.
Jameka says that she will be blamed, because she didn't choose not to use the POV.
Nick said her reasons were "B.S.--you tried to get me out of the house."
Jess interrupts --she's all cheerful.
Dustin comes in and tells them that Nick shaved his head. Nick is unveiling his head to Dani. He says he likes it and asks if she does? She says no, not with the beard and mustache. He says he thinks he will keep it.
Jen and Kail are folding laundry in the big bedroom. Amber is watching them.
Amber is saying that she is sorry if it makes Jen and Kail uncomfortable that she is crying. She tries to seclude herself, but it is a high-traffic area.
Jen says it doesn't make her uncomfortable--she just feels bad.
Jen: And I'm not good at feeling bad, so....
Jen: I wish that we just didn't do things that make people cry.
Kail and Amber are whispering. Kail says "My problem is I don't like verbal abusers, no matter where we're at. It ticks me off."
Amber: I know. I know. I understand.

5:45PM BBT
Kail and Jen get under the round room bedcovers, and BB tells her to not obstruct her mic. Then, BB says "Kail, Knock it off!" And then, "Hey, I said knock it off!" Jen and Kail laugh and say that people will wonder what she is doing.
Nick reveals his head to Kail and Jen.
Nick: They're backdooring me. You have to be prepared for anything on Thursday.
Nick says it looks like he will be leaving, though.
Kail says it sucks that he got put up.
Nick says he has a great life, and it's fine. He's not becoming a PE teacher for money.
Nick says he had a plan coming into the house, but he got "derailed and emotions got in the way."
He tells Kail that he knows she tried for three years, and he hopes she gets to go further in the game.
Nick says that they see him as a threat, and they are backdooring him.
Nick tells her that if she "keeps acting like this" the other side will think that she is a lost cause, stressed out, and maybe they will keep her around as she isn't a threat.
Jen says she wouldn't have signed up if she would have known that things would be this way, with some of the people who are there.
Nick says that they get to be on t.v., they get money and opportunities afterward.
Nick says he feels bad that Kail is stressed about it.
Jen says she thinks that Kail is more stressed about Evel.
Nick says he agrees with some of what Evel said--she is too into herself.
Nick says he told that to Jen when she was HOH, and she agrees, but she didn't deserve this. Nick agrees and says she doesn't deserve verbal abuse.
Kail says it was verbal abuse.
Nick agrees, and says they did sign waivers that say people can call them anything they want, and they can portray them in a certain way.
Jen says she is hoping the coup de etat gets introduced this week, and they both get to stay.
Nick says he doesn't think it will, but thanks her for saying that.
Kail tells him if he needs a teaching job, come to Oregon. She knows two teaching people he can interview with.
He thanks her and leaves.
Jen tells Kail she is still voting for her.
Jen is talking to Amber now. He says "What if everyone is on the level and there are eight people who are left over who are good people? Nobody gets backdoored and stuff like that?"
Amber cries again.
Amber: You just don't understand how much I love you!
He says he understands.
Nick asks Kail if he can talk to her later tonight, and she says yes.
Jen and Kail are talking about how it isn't right that Jen has to take this sort of verbal abuse, regardless of what they signed. Jen says verbal abuse is against the rules. Kail asks who judges, though?
Jen: I'm sure it is being judged right now.
Nick immediately goes outside to the couch, and he is telling Dick and Dani all about Jen, and how she was upset that she was yelled at.
Nick says that he told Jen that she signed the waiver, she came in the house, and they can say whatever they want to her!
Dick says Jen is a piece of s***.
Nick agrees.
Dani says she doesn't really want to listen to this.
Nick: Is that why you were shaking a little bit last night? This?
Dani: I always shake.
Dani tells Dick and Nick about how Zach told her last night that he wanted to talk strategy with her.
Dani told him that he never talks to her.
He said he does.
Dani told him, "Zach, you hate me!"
He told her that he didn't hate her--he sees her as a fierce competitor.
Dick and Nick say that Zach just rewinds and says the same thing to every person.
Dick says at least Joe concocted a different story for each person.
Nick says he is so tempted to eat, now!
Dick: Things change in this place change hour to hour, day to day. Don't eff something up.
Nick: I know.
Nick tells Dani not to be a "grumpy grump."
Dani: I'll kill you!
Nick: With butterfly kisses.
Dick: With the tetherball.
Nick: That's another thing Dustin said.
Nick says Dustin was all nervous and said it was a group decision. Nick told him he was pretty sure a "couple of people" tried to change his mind. Dustin said that they didn't tell him because he might react unfavorably.
Nick asked if they were afraid he would kill someone or something?
Dick: He thought you were gonna kick his ass!
Nick: Probably
Dick: No, no probably!
Nick told him that he got dumped after 3 years and sideswiped by her, he's pretty tough and is okay with whatever happens in the house.
Dani says they asked Jess what the worst thing was that ever happened to her, and Jess said when she walked down the stairs.
Nick says these people are clueless!
Nick: Like, Kail is going off her rocker!
Dick says who cares--let her. Dick says he ripped into Kail right before the comp and it worked.

5:50PM BBT
Jen says she doesn't understand why Dick treats her like he does--It's not even about feeling that she is a good competitor.
Jen is talking with Kail about how Dick would find any reason to yell at her. She says she could accidentally leave a glass on the table or something, and he would scream at her. Kail says it is verbal abuse. She says that it's bad of CBS to let him do this, because it is letting him endanger -- and we get FOTH
They come back and Jen says it is okay. Kail says it isn't.
Jen says it didn't affect the way she feels about herself. All it did was make Dick look bad.
BB tells Kail not to obstruct her mic. They are silent after that for a while.
Jen tells Kail that everything does happen for a reason, and Jen doesn't know why it is happening, but there is a reason.
Kail has the covers up over her head, and she is crying. Not loud at all, just sniffling, like she can't stop.
Jen: Kail!
Jen's got her hand on Kail's, trying to comfort her. Kail has pulled the covers over her head.
Jen says that she and Kail could always change rooms, or Dick could change rooms.
Poor Kail is sobbing quietly under the blanket.
Jen: Kail! What's gonna make Kail happy?
Jen: I suck at this.
Kail: You're fine. (Laughs a little).
Jen: What will make you happy, Kail?
Kail: I'm okay.
Kail still sobbing under the blanket.

5:50PM BBT
Nick comes back out from going to see Danielle.
Dick- She ok?
Nick- I dont know what her deal is.
Dick- Where is she?
Nick- She's in the room like shes being snobby like she wont even talk to me. I'm like your the one thats pissed off why do you want to make me feel bad?
Dick- i know huh just keep in mind that people protect themselves in different ways and well.
Nick- all i told her was that i wanted to talk and me being up on the block is not about...
Dick- Talk to her later.
Nick- its not about me campaigning I just want to .....
Dick- No i think its about her being s****y to you like her protecting herself and not wanting too you know have this conversation. She'll pick the time and place.
Nick- Like I've said people have to realize the effing contest that were in and chill the eff out.
Dick- It doesn't mean it hurts her any less.
Nick- Yeah i know. Umm i would really appreciate my clippers, so if you could put those in the storage room I'd really appreciate it.
Dick- As Eric comes out taunting me with his soda.
Eric joins them.
Eric- sorry man.
Dick- its alright.
Eric- then again I wasnt the one who cooked you full on breakfast every single morning.
Dick- Hey man. I felt so bad that first week constantly offering stuff I had. Want some chips. Hey want a chocolate bar.
Eric- You thought that i felt bad for you.
Dick- hell yeah you have to go over the top absolutely.
Eric- that really made up for it.
Dick- Well do you expect anything different from me.
Eric- No that dosnt mean you felt bad.
Dick- ooh **** off you know i felt bad. Who was the first one who made you waffles and made you dinner when you were off? b****.
Eric- i dont know.
Dick- **** you
Eric- I dont think i remember
Dick- let me remind you
Jen walks out into the backyard
Dick- Why dont you give me a minute to cool down because i really dont want to deal with you right now because im not really down to have a part B so why dont you go hit the hammock or somewhere else.
Jen- i didnt even start Part A
Kail walks out and sits down with Dick and Eric and Jameka and Nick.
Jen- i mean what im gonna stay inside all day.
Jesica- please dont do it. theres some really good types of tanning.
Jen- I like the spray tan. Like you could be going on vacation its cold and it can be a real fake and bake tan and you can do the spray and its like when the real tan comes through the spray comes off.
Jessica- i forgot like i was gonna bring my fake tan because i use it like all the time but i just love being dark i dont know why but it makes me happy when im dark. I know its weird but just going tanning can cheer me up.
Jen- Your like i feel bad today im going tanning.
Jessica- yeah I like it if i have a bad day Im like im going to go to tanning because its so relaxing and hot and your naked and yeah. Luckily i wasnt one of those people born with really white skin because it wouldnt of worked for me.
Jen- Zack are you the only ones whos gotten burnt since we've been here?
Zack- i get some summer fuel and then im good for the rest of the summer.
Jessica- Im burned on one shoulder but that was it.
Jen- yeah becuase thats suprising because all we do is lay out in the sun.
Jessica- our bodies are adjusted. Like i never have tan lines ever when i would go tanning but now I do its so weird to me.
Zack- if you put oil on your face its like no.
Jessica- I dont. I use generic oil on myself.
Jen- I dont.
BB Voice- Zack Dick please put on your microphones.
Zack- I knew that was comming.
Jessica- you can only put it on one side of your body and it comes off so.
Jen- Yeah i put it on sometimes but not often. Like we have this huge pool floaty thats like part of the circle of the pool size but a little bigger and we like put on tanning oil and we slide around it like crazy just because its fun, but we put it on for the purpose of sliding around and because it smells good.
Jessica- i like, like they have dark tan lotions like those really work pretty good.
Jen- yeah thats what i like actually. I have um probally a million hot tropic things because they gave us one like evrey year.
Jessica- thats cool.
Jen- they gave out like i gave out like to people. I gave out more and then i have some. i just figured id do it evrey year and then quit so.
Jessica- you just didnt like it anymore
Jen- yeah, it just like i dont know.
Jessica- You said it wasnt fun anymore.
Jen- yeah it wasnt fun it was more like not trashy but kind of. It was just like old men and pagent girls. It was just like not my scene, but it was cool to get free stuff and then people think that it is fun and it is fun. You go on trips then get paid.
Jessica- ooh they pay for your trip.
Jen- Yeah and then they give you a bunch of stuff but the stuff they give you is like cool. LIke i dont know what ive gotten but i know ive gotten a lot of cool stuff.
Jessica- roses in a bar?
Zack- yeah thats what they call it.
Jessica- never heard of that.
Zack- they sell it in a fruit bar on the sunset strip
Jessica- why?
Zack- why not?
Jessica- people actually buy them
Zack- people buy those things dont they
Dick- what?
Zack- people buy roses on sunset bulevard dont they?
Dick- uhh yeah
Jessica- Thats weird.
Dick- have you gotten them
Jessica- no but my parents have.
Zack- Have your parents been to california.
Jessica- yeah i do want to go my parents always tell me how nice it is and stuff.
Zack- You have any plans to go there
Jessica- Im sure whenever im done with this well take a little vacation if my brother can get off.
Zack- Yeah i was telling Dick before i got this thing I was slowly planning a trip with my ex to a place called Itee tachi Has your brother been to it?
Jessica- nope, wait maybe i think he did one time.
Zack- Its a place in the south Its like a.. called a ajole which is like an island in the middle of nowhere and theres an author from Michigan whos like my dads favorite author but he uh hes a pretty well known author but uh as far as geographic locations he said that this specific island was considered heaven on earth in his eyes.
Jessica- cool
Zack- its got like this blue lagoon thats pretty cool. I have this colleage at work whos an astronaut and hes probally about 70 or so hes a really really great guy and he got like 9 PHDs and
Jessica- 9 PHDs.
Zack- Hes been on 8 tours to outer space. And hes been there he goes there like every 2 years and he recomended it too me also like it being the most captivating place that hasnt been touched but its a very untouched by technology type of thing.
Jessica- yuck no air conditioning
Zack- no theres that i mean theres no cars all over the place and roads and pollution and bullshit like that but he said that its one of the most incredible places to ever go if you ever get the chance to go if you ever get the chance to go.
Jessica- Yeah if i went and came here id be coming to California with my brother coming home were gonna go to big bear again and get a cabin but im here so. My familys there without me.
Zack- dont worry eric Im just keeping her safe im not taking her over for you. I cant compete with your standards.
Eric- I really dont know what your talking about but ok.
Zack- fair enough.
Jessica- so we better take a vacation when i get back.
Zack- I am going to take one for sure.
Jessica- well i would want to be home for a while because of my family and stuff but I would like too.
Eric- I think im gonna travel after. Im not planning on working again for a couple of weeks.
Jessica- Yeah
Zack- really
Jessica- god no way
Eric- thats for sure.
Zack- ill probally take 2 weeks
Jessica- Well
Eric- well having a good time with Jessica watching the show with Evil so on and so fourth.
Jessica- If i make it one more week then I dont have to not go to school next semester which is gonna be like weird but then its like i have till january.
Zack- Are you forshadowing to be like Carol right now?
Jessica- What do you mean. No i dont want to go back to school
Zack- Are you forshadowing that you would like to go back to school.
Jessica- no
Zack- because Eric might be intrested in making that happen
Eric- yeah i talked to julie and she said
Jessica- I dont want to go back to school. I dont care if i graduate in December. Besides im gonna be a Barkers girl after this.
Eric- exactly
Zack- thats true
Eric- then if you dont go back till January then think of all the time youll have to visit everyone except for the fact that your not going to so.
Zack- im going for a refill would you like one?
Jessica- no im ok thank you.
Zack- would you like a drink Eric
Eric- naw im cool thanks man.
Zack- alright ill be back
Jessica- My skins burning i can tell.
Jessica- sorry
Eric- no i didnt want to pull you away from your tanning so
Jessica- Yeah i can really smell my skin burning because thats how i smell after a tanning bed.
Eric- this whole thing is going to be a disaster.
Jessica- you think so
Eric- me you and jen better watch out because Dick Danielle and Dustin are gonna be looking to lay blame on other people.
Jessica- Dick im ok with as long as hes gone i dont care.
Eric- no i just wanted you to understand that as long as everybody else takes in. Dustins already making excuses. Amber and Danielle are gonna sell us all out.
Jessica- ooh i knew thats why i was like I dont care.
Eric- Well when he was like is this a full house desicion to get Nick out of here i said yeah it is man I know a couple of names that are being thrown around that this is just like a type of how the chips fall type of thing you know.
Zack is back.
Eric- we were talking about how we can get you in a 3 way.

6 p.m. BB time.
Nick is outside, trying to open what look like back doors in the back yard, in the fence or something. Near the hammock.
BB immediately calls him to the DR
Evel throw him a shirt to wear, as he is shirtless.
Nick pauses in the bathroom to put water on his mohawk to make it stand up more. He has a blue bandana around his head as a headband, of sorts.
And we get FOTH with trivia
Feeds come back and Jen is still comforting Kail.
Jen says that her boss is probably upset. Dick's been talking about them, as well, saying they shouldn't have hired her.
Kail is still sobbing under the blanket.
Jen had a tear running down her face, too, and she wipes it off.
Kail whispers
It's impossible to hear her, but Jen answers that it is problem Dick has, not a problem with Jen, so she's okay. He treats women badly, and even tells them how he treats women. Jen says she feels bad that Dani had to deal with that.
Kail whispers she's been saying that for a while.
Kail whispers about Dani having to put up with that "once a month.'
Jen: Well, what's there to do?
Kail whispers
Zach interrupts and asks if they are allowed to eat olives, and asks if they care if he opens a can.
Amber and Dustin are in the bathroom area talking.
Dustin says he's to blame for the tense situation, at least in some people's eyes.
Amber asks why she can do?
He says nothing--it is what it is.
Dustin: We'll talk.
Amber: I feel like you're mad at me.
Dustin says he isn't mad at her at all. Amber says that she will tell Nick the truth. Dustin says that Nick will know the truth after he leaves.
Amber asks if Dustin told him that there were more people who fought for Nick?
Dustin says he told Nick that Amber and Dani fought for him, and kept him here this long.
Amber: So, he didn't ask if I--he just asked if Daniele (fought for him). And then you told him I did. For weeks now!
Dustin says he didn't tell Nick weeks now. Not like for weeks people have wanted him home.
Amber: I have. I've fought for him. I have. I just want him to know that, but there's only so much I can do!
Dustin: It's got to happen, you know? There has to be a day, better sooner than later.
Amber: it just sucks.
Dustin: You know, it's funny, he did ask me
Amber: So you told him the only two people who fought for him were me and Dani?
Dustin says that Nick said he just wanted to know--Did Dani fight to keep him in? Dustin said yes. Then he said Amber did, too.
Dustin: It was interesting. He asked me, did Jameka have a hand in this? I said why are you asking. He goes, just tell me, was it her idea? I said no. Because it wasn't. It was just a collective thing. But I wonder why he asked that.
Amber: I know. That's weird.
Dustin: He said it was because she was the first one to know about the alliance. (Whispering now)
Amber: Mmmm.

6:19 pm
Dick says to Jameka:
Jameka is worried her whole reason for everything won't be shown.
Dick: Every single word that we are speaking right now is being written down by some crazy people on the Internet. That's their jobs, and they switch off, they do it in shifts, it's the weirdest thing!
Dick says they (WE) highlight stuff.
Dick says followers and fans of Jameka are making this point.
Dick: Trust me.

6:25 pm
Dustin in the BR talking to Kail about ED going off on Jen....while picking his nose again...lol
Kail is crying
K:He probably treats a dog better than humans....I dont care how stuck on yourself....she doesnt deseve to be treated that way...it doesnt matter if she can take it doesnt mean she deserves to be treated that way...theres a point in time when you have to stand up for what you believe in
D: I agree with you 110% ....its unexceptable
They hug
Jameka wants to know why they aren't all admitting that it is a group thing? Nick knows how it is going down. He knows he is going home.
Dick says out of respect for the group, he hasn't told Nick.
Jameka says it isn't made clear, then. But part of her thinks it isn't worth it.
Dick says that Nick should be told, and it does bother Jameka or she wouldn't talk about it.
Nick comes outside. He says that BB in the DR had him put on his bandana, to ask him how he feels going into the ceremony. He said he felt good. Then he took it off.
Dick is griping that ants are in the fake grass, and he doesn't understand that.
Zach is asking Amber about her boyfriend. She's been with him 3 1/2 years.
Kail is in the bathroom. Dustin starts to talk to her, and she starts crying, and he hugs her.
He tells her to stay strong. She smiles at him.
He leaves.

6:30 pm
Dustin leaves Kail in BR to do her make up
Eric walks in uses the restroom, washes his hands, walks out and Kail follows
Feeds switch to KT...Dustin talking to Amber...ED walks in from BY
Cameras follow Dustin and Amber to HOH....then back down to KT where Zach and ED
Zach walks out Jen and Kail walk in....Kail:Thanks for making slop Jen
Jen:Oh is it done?
Kail:yeah...I had some
Jen:Oh...I didnt know it was done...
Feeds switch to BY...Kail in hammock eating slop...Nick is lifting weights..

6:38 pm
Kail:Are you ready to talk Nick
Nick:Maybe in a little bit...hello camera...oh there ya are...position yourself a little bit
Feeds switch to big bedroom...Jess and ED talking Jess is laying down
ED talking about a big school of fish...Baracuda...big f****** teeth....Jess is laughing along with his story
ED: we need to play frisbee tonight...are we interupting your nap....
Jess: no Im going to have to go the DR
Zach is also in the room....asks Jess where her spouse is...
ED says he has to pee and asks Jess if she would like a banana...cabbage
Zach:Dani is taking a siesta
feeds switch to Zach and Jen in the KT

6:45 pm
Amber saying she feels it's her fault Nick is going. Dustin and Eric telling her no, no no.
D: it's like you said last week. Nick's name was dropped last week and the week before. He did too much too soon. This week the opportunity has been presented and we bit.
A: I just feel bad daniele has been so short with me. It's like she's mad at me because if I hadn't thrown hois name out he'd still be fine.
E: I think truthfully that.. not that this is any better..but she thinks her relationship is extra special, and you and nick are only having a special relationship and she's mad that you're as sad as she is.
D: agreed.
A: she didn't say anything to you?
E: no, but that was my interpretation.
D: She said something to me. I told her if she needs anyone, i'm here to talk. She said 'I'm handling it better than some people.' I totally agree with you eric.. it's a me, me, me thing.
Amber saying she can't control crying, she doesn't like it, and it's "just what happens."
feed switch to Kail and Nick in the BY.
Nick saying Zach is NOT to be trusted. "There are people I trust, you're not one of them, because we never get to hang out." Nick said he can only trust daniele and amber. Nick can't stand Jen.
Kail uttering yeah, yes, right.
Nick saying he has a great life out of here.
Kail saying she didn't know Nick was going up, she had no idea and thought Zach was going.
Nick telling Kail that she's definitely a threat, so Nick is telling her she should be able to whiz through for a couple weeks. Slop for a wk, hit 1, block for 2 wks, hit two. You should be okay for a couple weeks.
Kail is glad they talked. Nick goes inside, leaving Kail alone in the hammock.
Nick finds Daniele in the BR, he asks if she can lay with her. She answers and walks away.

7 pm
I guess it didn't matter if she said no, because now Nick is in bed with Dani.
He's telling her he just brushed his teeth.
Zach asks about the hair.
Zach: Do you have to wear the bandana with it, or is that just you?
Nick says he doesn't have to, but he probably will.
Dani comments on Nick's large forehead.
Zach leaves.
Dani: What are you thinking?
Nick: About you.
Dani: What?
(Sounds like he just said about you, Jameka and Amber)
Nick: So, you were the first one called into the DR.
Dani: I was pissed!
Nick: Probably like, Dani, now that your man is on the block..
Dani said she asked if she had to be in there right now, and they asked her, "Why don't you want to talk?"
Dani: I was like, are you serious!?
BB tells them not to talk about DR
Kail and Jen talking at kitchen sink
Jen says that anyone she tries to help ends up going home, so it will benefit her if she doesn't help.
Kail says it would hurt her if Jen tried to help her.
Kail: Everyone knows how you are voting, and that's all that matters. They don't need to know any more.
Kail says Nick was making some bad comments about Jen--She wasn't Jenuine, she had a few jenuine moments, but that's it. Kail says not to tell him that she told.
Jen says he will see the truth when he sees the tapes.
Jen asks if he said he didn't like her as a person?
Kail says she doesn't know why he went off on Jen, but he did. Also, Kail got the impression that he felt Dustin and Amber "crossed the line" and Amber needed to go.
Feeds switch to the small bedroom.
Nick asks if Dani and Amber got into it over this situation? She says she won't talk about anyone.
Nick says that at this point, the only people he can be sure about is Dani and Dick.
Dani says people are upset about last week. He says he can't prove he didn't do it (vote against Kail). He says maybe he will talk to some people. Dani mouths "(a name) told everybody that you did it."
More soundless talking
Nick: Ok. Well, good to know. She told everyone that?
Dani: Shh! I don't know, but she told some people that.
Nick: Can I bring it up to her?
Dani: Don't tell her I said that.
Nick gets up. Dani tells him please not to do this. He says he is just going to talk to some people.
He tells her he won't tell "her" -- he'll just talk to Dani's dad.
She says he's an idiot and laughs.

7:15 pm
Instead, Nick goes straight to the HOH.
He knocks, no one answers, he starts to leave, and then they answer.
Nick: Who's in here?
Dustin: Jameka, Eric and I.
Nick: Oh.
Nick has a very snotty tone now
Nick: So, I just want to know why you guys think I voted for Kail last week?
And the feeds change, of course.
Jen asks Kail if she told Nick it was the plan to backdoor him?
Kail says no!
Jen says he looked really mad when he went up to HOH. She just wanted to prepare.
Kail: No, I wouldn't say a word. Are you kidding me? Why cause more drama in this place than there already is?
Dani is asking what Nick said. He says that he asked Dustin if last week's Kail vote had anything to do with him being on the block?
(People are throwing Dani a frisbee during this, and Nick is irritated)
Dustin told him no, not totally. Nick told him it had to play a part. (Dani is laughing about the frisbee as he tries to talk)
Nick told Dustin that he can only figure out that he told Jen beforehand how the vote was going, because she asked him.
Dani says she thinks everyone just assumed.
Nick: Don't worry about it. If I go home, I go home. I told you this.
Dani: Ok. Shut up
Nick says that if she (Dani) keeps getting in his face, he will shank her. Dani asks if BB heard that?
Nick says he is going to "blow up on Jen by the end of the week. Can I do that?"
Dani says she doesn't care--she's not his mother.
Nick: Yes!!!!

7:30 pm
Jen and Kail talking. (Poor Jen truly wants Nick to stay --ed)
Jen says that the bright side is that it makes this more of a game if Nick is gone. More of a game for Dani and Amber.
Jen tells Kail how Nick told her that there wouldn't be goodlooking straight guys in the house with him and Mike gone.
Jen says she told him he was occupied, anyway. She feels he said that to try to keep her interested, like that would make her keep him.
Jen talks about how she was going to the HOH earlier and Dustin told her to leave. They said they were cutting hair, but they were having a meeting.
Jen says all of the fun people are leaving. Jen says that she truly wanted the experience, and it will be horrible for two months with this type of atmosphere.
Kail says especially when Dick explodes like that.
Jen: I don't think it will happen again.
Kail: Right. It's happened for a month. You don't just change. His excuse is that you threw POV.
Jen says he doesn't need an excuse. Why didn't he do it yesterday or the day before, then? Because Jameka actually used it, and then it's Jen's fault?
Kail says remind her to pull Jameka's name out of the bag next time.
Jen says she doesn't think it will work that way any more.
Jen says at this point, she is trying to think what she can accomplish by staying there.
Kail says if she was on the other end of this, (Dick) she would pack her bags.
Jen says she doesn't want to look weak about the intimidation.
Jen says that she was looking at the rules about voluntary exit. She knows she won't get the money or anything, then. She says the book said they made a strong commitment to you, and you should make one to them, and no one has ever left before.
Kail: There's never been an Evel, either.
Jen says she has decided if it happens again, she will ask to leave. And to get a restraining order.
Kail says she hopes her daughter didn't see that on the feeds.
Jen says she doesn't think they will air it on the t.v. because CBS would look bad, and they would get letters.
Kail says it isn't nearly as bad looking at it on t.v. as it is experiencing it. That it has been women's problem for years.
Kail says that when you are abused, you can't get anyone to believe you and you have no rights, and it's verbal and not physical, so you can't see it.

8 pm
Feeds switch to the HOH bathroom, where Amber, Dustin, Jameka and Eric are sitting on the floor, talking.
Amber is saying that she knows Nick will talk to them and they will try to turn the vote around. She tells Eric she won't--don't worry! Eric says he didn't say anything.
Talk of Zach. Jameka says that Zach doesn't need to have children, and it's not even the molesting side. The elevator doesn't go to the top floor.
Amber says that now Zach is going around asking them if it is okay for him to join them.
Jameka says he has nowhere else to go.
Eric says they can't sympathize with him if they aren't speaking to him.
Jameka says that he has himself to blame, but you still feel bad.
Jameka: Have some pride! You can't be a grown 30-a**-year-old man asking for sympathy.
Camera switches to BY with Nick in hot tub and Zach sitting nearby. Nick says the first thing he will do is make chili.
Nick says they don't know what will happen to them when they leave, though.
Zach: Do you think we'll go on a space ship or something? (ROFL! --Cat)
Nick says "Expect the Unexpected."

8:38 pm
come on to Eric, Jameka, & Amber having a Dick/Dani/Nick bashfest in the HOH.
Meanwhile Dani & Nick are in the SR. He is telling her that in Minnesota they have seasons.
Thankfully the feeds switch to Dustin & Dick in the BY. Dick talking about how he cooked the slop. Talk of how Dick thinks Jen is truly a piece of s*** of a human being & that in the real world he bets she is exactly the same. He thinks she uses men for everything she can get out of them & Jen will be shocked when her little nanny gig is up & she realizes that Vanna's friends aren't her friends. Dustin says Jen tries to act like she is the spicy Latina & talks to the help in Spanish.
All 4 now on Dani/Nick in SR. Talk is fairly lighthearted. The Jen walks in........silence.......Jen walks out. Talk resumes. Nick says there are some people that he can act 10 times worse than Dick with. Dani says that's nothing to brag about. Nick says yeah like the time I bludgeoned to death that guy (he's kidding). Nick says he has changed a lot with his new Mohawk look. Nick says when he gets out he wants to for sure talk to Dani, Dick, Joe, & MBE Amber but he needs to see the Amber tapes first. They kid & Dani says but you & Kail are really close & you & Zach's panties. Nick says yeah.
Nick asks if they can do a pic together this week. Dani says if he shaves his facial hair.

8:50 pm
Now we are back to all 4 on Eric/Amber/Jameka in the HOH (still plotting). Dustin comes in & says he was only down stairs & he heard Dick tell Jen to die. They all think it is too much & almost seems staged.
Now we switch back to the kitchen. Dick/Jen/Dani/Nick in the kitchen. Dick talking to Jen...do it on your way out the door, it doesn't need to taste good to choke on it, piece of s*** of a human being, I wouldn't wipe my a** with you, you have to hang around where you are loved, you follow me inside you follow me outside, do you just want more abuse, you're one of those chicks you like the guys you are around to smack you around a bit, you love the verbal smacking I constantly give you, glutton for punishment stupid whore.
Jen says "you got any more?" Dick says "Plenty. Jen says "Bring it on".
Dick says I can smell your t**t from here, why don't you go use some Draino & douche yourself & then take a little drink of it when you're done.
Jen: pretty pathetic
dick: you're pretty pathetic, f**** user.
Jen: nope
dick: Vanna's gonna be embarrassed to have you back, kick your a** to the f**** curb quicker than s***, if she doesn't she's an idiot just like you. How's that Pat? Lets see what the word is. Is there an "F", yes, is there an "I", there is an "I", is there an "R", there is an "R" Pat, I's like to buy a vowel, is there an "E", there is an "E", how bout a "D", yes, it's FIRED.
Dick tells Jen to go to the bedroom & count something. She says (her silly little) "Thanks.
Nick says, yeah you shouldn't be around us. I will tell you right now, I don't f***** like you. So I don't wanna see your f***** face.
Jen says well I live her so this is my house too. Nick tells her she is going to feel stupid when she gets out. Dick says she is a f****** moron. Jen says she's sure a lot of people are going to feel stupid when they get out. Nick says YOU. Dick tells her she is a f****** moron & she has no conscience, no morals, no nothing inside of her just a f****** empty head. Jen keep saying yeah yeah. Nick says it's true. Dick says she is a user & a piece of s***. Jen says "that's true".
E: Just like that bikini up your a**. Go @@@@ yourself
J: Your insults aren't new, try again. I'm so unwanted
E: Guys don't know what they're getting into, drunk guys maybe.
J: At least I don't take people's boyfriends after 2 and half years and cheat on them
E: Don't f***** attack her because I'm attacking you. Do it again
E: Rank p*****, that's you.
E: Suck on my c***
J: that takes desperation
E: For me to stick it in your mouth
Jessica: Just another day in the big brothe rhouse, good morning
E: You're on 4 weeks borrowed time... you're going next week b****.
E: Making friend everywhere
J: Yea, in case you're wondering.
N: I don't want to f****** sit by you
J: then move
N: then you move, I don't want you to f****** sit here (what grade are we in)
Jen now alone by herself in the kitchen.

9:10 pm
This convo happened when Jen and Dani were in kitchen
D: Jen, I never once said a rude thing to you, but you are so rude to me and you need to deal with it because i'm so sick and tired of it and I've never done anything to you and You have problems with that.
J: I've done multiple times try to become your friend and you always give me the cold shoulder. I've said I feel I could align with Daniele, I've tried multiple times
D: So you feel because we have different personalities, you have to attack me?
N: Get the f*** out of here, dumb b****
D: Every single day, you make a comment towards me. I'm sorry we can't all be perfect like you, I've never done anything to you
J: I've tried to become friends with you
ED chimes in
D: You have no idea what my friendship is with Nick
J: I have morals, I don't think it's right to cheat on my boyfriend of two years. I don't have those values
D makes a comment, missed it.
Jen now smiling. Looks like she's egging them on
J: We can't all be 12
J: I'm saying it ito Dick because he poured tea on my head
N and ED using F word constantly
N: You're f****** jealous
J: I said we could work together. what am I jealous about?
N: No one f****** cares about you
J: That's cool
(HOH crew is watching this on screen)

9:20 pm
Jen to amber: I don't like making WS but I have no choice, have any advice?
J: I'm glad you weren't present for the entire argument.
Jen is now walking up to the HOH room talking to them
She is telling Eric/Jessica/Jameka about the incident
J: Daniele and I were talking and then Nick walked in and he started yelling because we were talking and he thought it was wrong and he started yelling at me (continues to tell story with Nick and ED walking in and cussing her out). ED dumped ice tea on my head.
E: Unprovoked, he poured it and walked away?
J: Yes, and Nick said something about deserving that and walked off. And then I was like, what are we 12? And then Nick thought I was talking about Daniele and starts yelling at me
E: What does Nick have to do with this?
J: I don't know, he got in on it.
E: I think we're going to have a meeting with an executive producer later tonight. Kail is still in the DR
Jameka to Jen: You do such a good job
And now we have trivia... something looks like it's going to go down on the feeds tonight.

9:30 pm
Daniel is talking to Dick
Daniel is crying to her father dick because Jen made a comment about her boyfriend and Nick.
Dick saying everyone knows she is a POS and not to worry about what anyone says.
Dick takes off his shirt and tells Dani she can blow her nose in it. She buries her face in it and starts crying to go home.
Dick: Hang in there and fight for HoH. Dani: What's the point? I just really don't want to be here.
Dick: You knowwhat the point is for me? It's times like this converation with you.
Nick and Zack talking in small bedroom
Nick tells Zach that he thinks that this is a move for the house to get him out.
Nick says that if Zach needs to vote him out to save face, it's ok with him...it's ok if he goes this week.
Zach doesn't think that will happen. Zach says Dustin told him that he (Dustin) wanted Kail out, so he will know Dust is lying if things go differently.
Nick: I'm not going to campaign.
Back to Dani and Dick
Dani tells Ed that she's annoyed with him and Nick for jumping when she was trying to talk to Jen.
Dani says they ought to vote Kail out so they'll have Nick. ED says it's crossed his mind, but everyone would flip out if he suggested it.
Dani leaves

9:40 pm
Dani and Nick talking bed now
Dani saying Amber is mad because she thinks Dani said something to Nick about Amber.
Dani: She thinks I said something about her to you. Nick: Are you kidding me?
Nick said he told Amber her group made a mistake by saving Jen, that she's not a good person.
Dick is now outside talking to Amber
ED: Dani is going through alot this week, you are going through a lot this week
Dick: you and her should be friends Amber: I've tried
Amber telling ED she thinks Nick knows that she knew he was going up and Amber said she would eventually tell him herself.
Amber: Don't hold it against me because I cry. I've told everybody that.
Amber said she wants time with Nick to tell him everything that's happened.

9:50 pm
Jen up in HoH wondering if BB is protraying her more negatively than she really is.
Her and Kail agree no one really knows how they are being protrayed.
Jen: Most of what ED says is unacceptable on TV. Maybe on Showtime but not on CBS.
Kail says her family is probably watching feeds as much as they can.
Kail: My husband is probably saying, "Come home to me"
Kail: I'll be a mental case when I come for a while. I'll be a mental basket case, I'll be all screwed up.
Jen: have you ever been in a situation where people have been this rude?Kail: No, if I were I'd be out like that,.
Dick talking to Jess
Dick to Jess: I'm sure she will be doing a DR begging for me to be booted.
Dick: I have snot on my shirt, I gave it to Daniele to cry in.
Dick tells her everything includng dumping the tea on Jen's head.
Dani talking to Nick and cuddling ( )
Dani starts in again about how complicated Dani's life is and Jen is poking sticks in Dani's open wounds.

10 pm
Dick saying Dani needs to use the situation to make her stronger. Jess agrees.
Dustin interrupts them outside asking Dick "Are you cool, are you OK?
Now Dick tells Dustin the story of the fight with Dani/Jen/Dick and the pouring of the tea.
Dustin: You guys,this is going to far. Dick starts relaying the info and Dustin just says Wow, oh f****** Wow.
Nick now up in HOH talking to kail
Kail asked Nick if ED feels bad and Nick said he doesn't know.
Nick: If they allow him to keep doing it he's going to keep doing it. I haven't heard they've said anything to him about it.
Nick: I heard the remarks but I tried to phase them out I was talking to Amber.
Nick: I've told Daniele she's made this experience worthwhile and he doesn't want his last 2 days to be with everyone angry.
Nick says he can be aggressive when he needs to be like he was in football but he's also a teacher and knows when to let things go. (ummm, ok )
Nick: I'm not going to plead my case, there is no case to plead. I've been hanging out with Daniele a lot.
Nick leaves HoH

10:15 pm
Feeds switch back to outside
Dusting rolling around the backyard without his microphone.
Jess says it stinks in the BY and Dick swears it isn't him that did it.
trivia time again
You got "Zached" when...
A. You leave yourself in a situation you don't want to be in
B. You put yourself ina situation no one wants you in.
C. You go where nobody wants you.
Dustin: "You've been Zached!"
Nick hops in the bed with Daniele. Spooning and whispering.
Kail and Jen again in HOH
Kail telling Jen that Nick said he as trying to protect Jen from Dick. Jen said: Whatever.
Kail said Nick said Evel was over the top. Jen: Nick yelled at me almost as bad in the kitchen, but whatever.

10:25 pm
Jen checking the chemical levels in the Hot Tub.
Dick comes out again
Dick told Jen to go to bed he was sick of looking at her face.
Jen to Dick: Just chill. Dick: I am chilled. He proceeds to tell her how no one likes her. Says she will be gone next week. Tells her she is a horrible human being. Tells her to go away. Tells her he wants to see her crying in the bathroom again.

10:30 pm
Dick and Jen still going at it
Dick to Jen: Go take a shower. Flies gathering? Close your legs.
Dick to Jen: Did the tea come out of your hair OK? I wish it was slop. Jen asks if anyone hears music. Dick says it's the tea in her ear.
No one saying anything now. Jen to Dick: Are you admiring me again?
Dick: Are you kidding me with that f****** train-wreck of a face you have? You should see plastic surgeon.
Dick: You are 4 weeks borrowed time. You are going home next week. Jen: OK
Jen saying this will happen to someone else when she lives and Dick said no because they all have a conscience and a soul an are not self absorbed
Dick telling Jen they could see her cellulite through her unitard and she said she knows she has it, she isn't blind.
Dick: Wait until you see my diaries.Jen: Wait until you see mine.
Jen says she says in her diaries she likes everyone including him.
Jameka comes outside. Jen tells her abs has been cancelled
Jameka tells them Nick doesn't feel well Dick said it's all the caffiene in the coffee and then the slop. Jameka said Nick says it's cold symptoms.
Dick was telling Jen she would be leaving she said, "Yeah, because you are King of the House. Whatever, OK,"
Jen to Jessica: "No beer tonight, Jess? That's odd. Jessica says, "No, whatever."
nick and dani change beds trying to hid from the cameras

10:45 pm
Nick talking and cuddling with Dani
Nick said Zach brought him water and Excedrin. It was really nice of him and he does mean well with things
Dani tells Nick he needs to campaign/focuss on Eric/Jess and Jam
Daniele giving Nick a lowerback massage
Nick's back hurts Dani said she could get Zach to rub it down for him but then decided she could do it
Dani wonders how many warnings BB has given her dad. Nick said when he goes home he will probably turn on the TV and find out ED was evicted right after he left.
(Dick was called to the diary room a while ago..before he left he said "oh no" and everyone joked that he is gonna be in trouble..he has been in there awhile)

11:15 pm
Zach says he thinks Jen is a lesbian
Dick comes out of DR and talks to Nick/Dani and says everythings totally cool and fine and is all smiles
Dick was told he did not cross any lines Everything is fine. But he can't say anymore about what producers said. BB just yelled at him for discussing a diary room session.

11:20 pm
Dani and Nick still laying inbed with eachother talking in the dark
Dustin in hot tub
Dustin makes a comment about the two prettiest girls in the house - Daniele and Amber, and that they both have BFs, he adds "well one of them for sure" and then he says "lets not laugh at the others expense" even Kail laughs..
Jen Eric Jess and Dustin in the hot tub Zach watching, Ed just came out and now they are all joking around and just chit chatting, Eric says that his GF made it to thetop three of so you think you can dance.
Dustin said in high school he had mono so he made out with as many ppl he could in two hrs to spread it

11:35 pm
more dani nick convo
dani I liked joe he just played to hard to fast
nick- yeah
dani- I would have much rather hung out with joe then my dad
(ed. Dani is tickling nicks face the whole time)

11:45 pm
Jam and Ed in HOH
jam- why did you pure tea on jen ed that was wrong
ed- when she got personal about dani I couldn't take it
jam- they could have kicked you out
ed-no I didn't cross anyline
jam- why did you even get into it Jen and Dani where having a private convo
ed- no no if you heard that from amber that's wrong
Jam- no I didn't hear it from her
ed- I was outside and I could hear yelling I tried to stay out of it I went back in and jen said something nasty to her and I just dumped the tea on her.
Ed- you said once that if someone did something to you your dad would freak out
Jam- yeah well that tells me though that things are gonna get nasty in here and your gonna do that to anyone if they make you mad about your daughter
Ed- Jen said that, that when she leaves that I'll just go off on someone else but that's just not the case it's that girl that sets me off, and it's just very hard to be here with my daughter andwhen I hear her say something about her I can't stand it.
Amber walks in and sits down.
ed- keeps talking about how he should have gotten rid of her instead of mike rants on and on more about Jen.
Jam and Ed are starting to argue about who's idea it was to put Nick up
ED just told Jam that he thinks she just painted herself in to a corner she said yeah I know I did

12 am
Dustin tells Jen he can't wait to see the tapes of the tea -- and he says "I miss all the good fights"
Dick is in HOH with Jam and Amber, trying to make himself look good, explaining his actions against Jen and Kail.
Jameka does a great job of bringing it all back around to show him he is out of line.

12:10 pm
Dani apologizes to Dustin for the awkward situation
Dani: I'm tired of people saying things about my personal life that "aren't true" and I finally stood up to her. She crossed the line.
Dustin: the line has been crossed by several people several times.
Dustin talks about what he has heard about Dick's incidents and he says again he misses all the fights.
He tells Eric he needs to drink something and eat something because he looks flush.
Jen tells Dani that "maybe we should have a conversation when we're not in front of everyone so we can talk." Dani says "Alright."
jameka amber and dustin in HOH room talking about how dick wants jen gone but they want zach gone next week

12:15 pm
jen and eric join jameka, amber and dustin in hoh and dustin says a little knock would be nice
blue tunnels on all 4 cams
hoh crew talking about how loud people are in the house with their footsteps and etc.
amber said she threw up her ice cream and tacos in bathroom (and yes they showed it on the feeds)
jameka and jen talking about importance of eating vitamins especially when you are on slop
dustin asks jen to leave for a moment so he could talk to jameka and amber
dustin is getting angry and says dick is fracturing the group
dustin says dont take dicks actions for one day, and how they need to focus on their targets (they nare basically saying they are getting Zack out next week and they don't care what Dick/Dani's aggenda is)

Dani, Nick and Dick and Zach in the bedroom again.
Dani is whispering, saying Jen asked to talk to Dani when alone later. Dani said okay.
Dick says Jen is "sucking dick" now, giving her hair dye to Eric. Jen needs to go.
Dani: That's Nick's girlfriend you're talking about!
Dick: Sorry, Dude.
Dick says Jen looks like a "complete and total stupid twat."
Dick: Guess what! Jameka's not going to do that anymore. Use the POV.
Dani: Shut up! What did she say?
He tells how Jameka said she didn't pray enough and listen to the answer.
Dani asks if he is being serious. He says yes.
Dani: OMG. I have no comment. No comment.
Dick: Boy, I know how to quiet down a room.
Dani: I'm speechless. After this week!
Dani (mocking Kail): That really dug down deep in the soul! (about Jen)
Dick: Yeah, if you had one. It should dig down deep. You are piece of shit of a human being, and I hope you die a long, slow horrible death!
Zach: What are you talking about?
Dick: Jen. My conversation that dug down deep in the soul.
Dick took the unitard yesterday and hid it.
Jess asked Dick to give it back to her, so that she could give it to Jen.
Dani: Oh, cause it would be on her?
Dick says he apologized to Jess and gave it back.
Dani: Take it again!
Zach: Cut a hole in it!
Dani: NO, he's gonna--never mind.
Zach: Can we stitch a cucumber into it permanently?
Dick: I think I'm going to avoid that, because if I do, I'm opening up a whole can of worms, that--
Zach asks if they can put hot sauce in it.
Dick says he is completely done with Jen, and he just wants her out. Then he leaves.
Zach talks about his favorite Braveheart moment.

Eric asks what is going on with Amber? She says she threw everything up. She is "really good at throwing up." She is a "good thrower upper."
Eric says he enjoys throwing up, but he has an unusual technique. He slaps his neck, which messes up his equilibrium and then he gets nauseous and throws up. He has a friend who spins and vomits.
The dye is "supposedly black."
Eric says he is going to "do the mohawk first," and then if he hates it, he will shave it like Dustin's. He says that the sides won't be bald like Nick's. He will have short hair on the sides.
Eric tells a story about Zach, about a game that they were playing, and Zach got all upset when Eric was going to get food, so Zach ran and got Eric food and apple juice. (This was a game of "pretend spin the bottle that didn't exist"). Then Jen told him that she couldn't play because of her breath, so he ran and got mouthwash for Jen!
Jameka: He may very well be into voyeurism.
Jen: May be into what? Boys?
Jameka: Voyeurism!
Jen: What's that?
They explain (like she doesn't know!)
Dani and Dick are having yet another father/daughter talk. Jess is nearby.
Dani is saying she is shocked and mad that Jameka isn't going to automatically play POV any longer for the person who draws her name.
Dani: I'm really mad.
Dick: She's a liar!
Dani thinks she hears a radio.
Dick says he has heard that before.
Dick: Jameka showed her true colors today. Dustin showed his true colors at the POV. Amber is a complete idiot. Kail is an emotional wreck. She's just a wreck, period. This house is a pain in the ass.
Dani; Oh, my gosh. You have no idea. You're crazy. You don't help them make it that normal, might I add.
Dick: Well, these people--
Dani: This week has been really, really hard for me.
Dick: I know.
Dani says she was told that she is "very, very normal" and strong during her psych session.
Dani says everyone in the house brags about their psych score. She says she was the smartest--they told her that!
(Jess is there, too. She speaks up)
Dani says on the math test, Amber told her she only answered four questions.
Jess laughs.
Dick talks about the meeting that the "three of them" weren't invited to earlier.
Dani tells again her story of walking in and seeing them in the bathroom.
Jess: That bathroom??? (Jess has had bathroom meetings before. -ed)
Jess: That is rude!!!
Dani says that she went into the DR and asked if she could just sit there, as she didn't want to be around anyone. They told her yes, they would just say she wanted to talk.
Dani: He said, we'll let you hang out all you want. (In the DR)
They wonder if Zach has a secret, as he was last minute and has so many different things on his application.

1:11 BBT
Pondering about the upcoming HOH and rehashing about Jen throwing the POV.."we already knew it"
Dick asking BB to throw down all the balls so they can have fun gain
Jess saying not to bother as "Happinees in the house is gone"
Dick is telling Jess "dustin is playing both sides with kail" and with Jen and how he guarnateed her she wasn't going home because he's was "going after Zach"
Dani comes out and her and jess talking about all their bruises.

1:25 BBT
Outside Jess Eric Dustin Dani and Dick outside talking.
Eric -"there's a 98% chance I'll look like a retard" in the next several minutes when his hair is done

Dustin, Jess, Eric, Dani and Dick in BY talking about past BB's. Jen in BR brushing teeth...she then walks through the house brushing her teeth...to the kitchen and back to the BR. Jen goes outside, with a mouth full of mouthwash, and nods towards Eric. He says he's ready and then they both walk up to the HOH and into the BR.
Jen gets in the tub and readys the water to rinse out Erics dyed hair.
... it's very dark.
Black even.
Other cam shows Dustin walking up to HOH...he comes in and checks out Erics hair.
Dustin comments that the tub looks really bad. Eric promises that that is what it looked like before they started. Dustin starts signing and FoTH...

Eric gets ready to have his hair shaved, giving explanations to Dustin as to what he wants it to look like. Dustin says that what he wants is impossible as they only have one gague on the clippers. Dustin sends Jen on a hunt for a comb. Eric is going for the mohawk. (Yeehaw! I have one too!)
It's coming along slowly...

They decide on a mohawk width and start clipping everything else...(C'mon guys, shorter!)
Eric: "This week my popularity will skyrocket to 11th place!" LOL
Dustin is just pushing the little clippers along, no real technique or finess with the haircut but it is getting the job done. Erics hair is getting shorter on the sides. ...slowly...

Meanwhile...outside, Dick Jess and Dani sit outside and bah Kail and Zach. And Jen.
Dani claims that Jen said she doesn't believe in God. But now she's running around with a bible.

All cam switch back to the HOHBR where Eric's haircut is finally done. and Dustin applies some hair product ... (It's cute, with it's little curls...but such a 'small' mo.)

Dustin says that Eric would look better if his hair was all one length. Eric says he's gonna go let the others check it out before he decides if he want to chop it all off. FoTH

Cams back and Dick says Eric should just take a blow dryer and kinda pull it straight. Jess says she likes the curls.
Eric says that since Jess likes buzz cuts, that she should decide if Eric should continue to go shorter. She says she likes them a lot shorter.
They agree that Eric should go even shorter on the sides. (I agree.)
Eric goes back upstairs with the news that he wants to continue cutting.
Meanwhile...Amber is sleeping in HOH and Jen is laying on the bed listening with the headphones.
Jameka comes outside and says she's about to start her class soon. Jameka says she needs to go potty first. Dick promises to come to the class also but he needs to use the head after Jameka is done.
Jam comes out and washes her hands...They start whispering...then Dick speaks up about Jameka knowing where he's coming from and has always known when he's overreacting with regards to evictees...Joe, Carol, and Nick...
Dick: "but her presense, to me in this house...it's like being stuck in an elevator with someone whos just horrible and you can't get off the elevator. Jen is like that for me."

All 4 cam switch: Back in the HOHBR, Eric and Dustin consider their next move. Dustin does some touch-ups to the sides of Erics head. ... Dustin applies some hair product...last minute finessing and Dustin calls it over. Eric rinses out the tub, sweeps up the hair and rinses out the sink. (IMO...The mo looks better. It's still small and it doesn't go down the back of his head, but it's still better than it was.)
Jen comes in and gives her nod of approval. Dustin wipes Erics ears with a wet cloth and FoTH...

In the kitchen...Dick, Jen, Dani and Dustin around island counter and Eric and Jess sitting at the dining table.
Lots of idle chitchat...Eric asks Dani if his new haircut scares her. "Like a drunk" she says. They laugh.
Eric starts saying..."I'd do that for a dollar." Everyone asks him to stop saying that. He says "I'm never gonna stop. But... I'd do that for a dollar." lol

On a scale of 1 to terribly stupid, where does this rank?
Jess: "Ummm...I'd have to take this off. (she talks about his face.)
Eric: You mean it's my face?
Jess: Ummm...wait lemme try to just wipe this off (she brushes his face.) Nope. It's not gonna come off.
Eric: I'm doomed."

Topic at the island counter has turned to the size of Nick's penis. Jameka says she can confirm it's pretty big. Jess asks how she knows. Dani: "She cannot confirm how she has confirmed."
Dustin starts acting out a scene from Troop BeverlyHills, with Shelly Long. Jameka guess the actress and the movie.
Jess, Dick and Dani start to mock Jamekas clap-stomp dance.
Conversation is all over the place...FOTH...

Cams back ...Jess, Jameka, Dustin, Eric, Dani and Dick in the kitchen...lots of conversing...Here comes the FoTH again...

Cams back ...Jess, Jameka, Dustin, Eric, Dani and Dick in the kitchen...lots of conversing...tanning, sleeping late, Eric and Jess being married, more flirting between Jess and Eric, Jewhawks, Julie Chen, cookies, Zach, okay they stick on Zach for a bit...Zach was caught strategizing with 2 people he shouldn't have and he gets what he deserves. Eric does an impression of Zach, slamming his fist saying "We're here to win. We need to align the guys."
Back to lots of different little conversations. They all ask Eric to talk about a past season. ric refuses because he doesn't want to get into any more trouble with BB tonight.
Back to the chit-chat...

All feeds on Dick and Daniele in the backyard lounge. (The LNC minus Amber were in the kitchen. When Jen came back from the DR, Daniele and Dick went outside after a while.) Dick is smoking. They're mostly smiling and laughing as they rehash stuff. They say "she" has to go next week; for the good of the house, "before we kill her". Daniele says whoever Kail is, she's a nobody. Dick says he could tell his words got to Jen in the bedroom.

Jessica, Jameka, and Eric have now come out. Jessica is having fun.

3:30AM BBT
Eric knows she's being nice but tells her to try not to run her mouth. He says people will be more open to her after a week or two. Jen wants to confirm if "we're" still getting rid of Nick. Eric says he doesn't know. He tells Jen she was never the target and is sure the nominations weren't supposed to stay the same. Eric says everyone in the house f'ing hates Dick no matter how it seems people are lined up. Eric advises Jen not to hang around with Zach because everyone in the house hates him. He says that if she and Kail remain floaters, the others will start turning on each other. Jen asks about Jessica and Eric downplays it and says she's just hanging on after losing Joe. He again tells her she should not incite things until a few more people leave; "we can protect you from the inside". Eric says Dustin wants Nick out because it will improve his relationship with Dick, Daniele, and Amber. He thinks Dustin didn't have a good HOH week; didn't take out the right targets who were a threat to him. They break up and Eric leaves. Jen washes her face and BB producer asks her to change her mike when she's done.

3:45AM BBT
All feeds now on backyard where Eric has joined Jessica, Daniele, Dick, and Jameka.
Jameka and Jessica are playing golf and the others are providing commentary.
Jen sticks her head out to say good night.
Jameka dedicates shots to her favorite cartoon characters. First one is to "Alvin Deville" the chipmunk. Eric wants to know what makes her think they have the same last name as Dave "*S*eville". She insists that they were adopted. Next one is to Judy Jetson. Now it turns into a frisbee game. Jameka sticks her butt out and dares Jessica to hit it.

Switching to F3/4 where Eric and Daniele are talking in the backyard while the others are playing. They seem to be complaining about Amber. Eric thinks Amber told Nick that she didn't know about the plan to put him up. Daniele: "Really?" She says Nick knows that everyone knew. Daniele says Nick knows he's going. Eric wants to know why because Nick has better relations with everyone in the house. She says Nick isn't stupid. Eric says he caught Zach and Nick having deep conversations. Daniele says that doesn't make sense.

4:15AM BBT
Dick is now sitting with Eric and Daniele. He says holding someone down and shaving their head would definitely be crossing the line. Daniele recounts a similar incident on "Top Chef". Daniele thinks the producers will be up all night editing the show. They have fun thinking of what the show will be like. Dick says Jen has to go next week. He says Kail told Dustin that Jen admitted to throwing the POV comp. Daniele makes fun of Kail's reactions during POV comp and "safety" word. Jameka and Jessica are now sitting with them, too. Dick makes the football sign for "safety" and says that's the code he'll be using to refer to (whatever happened during POV comp). Daniele jokes that next HOH comp will be spelling and Kail will spell "nominee" with "gnome". Dick says Jen will say she can't do it without Vanna. They talk about BB warning Jessica not to hurt herself standing on the chess pieces -- FOTH

4:30AM BBT
In between FOTHs, Eric says he'll talk about sex and also religion but not politics because he's not well-informed and doesn't want to sound like an idiot.
Jessica gets up and says she's going to bed.
Eric also gets up. Dick invites him to sleep in his bed but he declines. After he leaves, Dick says he can always joke with Eric because he doesn't get wigged out.
Daniele disagrees and says Eric was telling everyone today about how Dick was trying to see him naked.
Daniele, Jameka, and Dick left in the backyard. F3/4 switches to Eric and Jessica in the Big Room. After a while, Daniele comes in. They whisper to each other (couldn't catch it) and start laughing.
Daniele enters the Small Room and complains that it's like a meatbox in there. Nick comes out and he and Eric compare mohawks before Nick heads out.

4:40AM BBT
F1/2: Jameka and Dick in the backyard
F3/4: Eric and Jessica not quite ready to sleep. They're discussing possible pranks to play on Dick. Jameka has come in, too. She gets her beddings from the Small Room and moves them to Dustin and Amber's bed in the Big Room. Dick joins them and they joke about Dick trying to sneak a peek of Eric. They joke about Dick being gay and then they make fun of what they think the BB8 promos looked like (the HGs introducing themselves).

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