Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Sunday, July 29

Sunday - A Day of (un)Rest

7 a.m. BBT
The cams were on sleeping housemates and suddenly two changed to Dick sitting on a couch in the backyard. He really didn't say anything this morning and eventually came in and brushed his teeth. He's standing by the table in the kitchen ... legs spread, arms crossed with left hand under chin, finger pulling his bottom lip. Dry cough... step, one leg crossed over the other... ah.. looking at the Wall of Infamy.. takes a step closer, does a twist, steps back, spreads legs, hands in pockets, grinning, shaking his head. Walks away into the living room, steps back and sits on the left couch to remove boots.... sees a hot, moves it from the coffee table, sits down again, removes boots.. first the left one and the sock, then on to the right one. I can hear him but he's off camera... Dustin is sleeping alone in HOH.

9:10AM BBT
Everyone asleep, except Kail. She put on her bathing suit and went out to the back yard. She is laying out in the sun in the backyard.

Dustin keeps squirming around in his HOH bed like he is awake but just not getting up.

Everyone else is asleep .

10:35 AM BBT
Kail made coffee but went back outside to lay out before it was finished. Everyone still asleep but a couple of them are moving around as if getting ready to wake up.

10:45AM BBT
Jen is awake, putting on her bathing suit and make up.

Jen now outside with Kail. For the umpteenth time she says she can't believe Zack and Nick aren't up yet.Both discussing Danielle's boyfriend. Will he be mad or did they have a talk before she left.

Kail: You and I have to win HoH.
Jen: Yeah and then put up ED or Danielle. Then 1 of them goes home.

11:30AM BBT
kail: daniele and amber arent going to vote for nick to go, that's HER (amber's) boy..some people are upset that dustin took the prizes
jen:amber was crying for hours....
kail:oh (rolls eyes)
jen: the fact that he didnt put them up (dick and daniele) shows that he has something with them
kail: i think we have to win hoh because every single person in this house will put us up
jen: i think jessica and jameka see dick and daniele talk and see amber and dustin up....its better to break up a loop than to put up people like us
kail:they're really not smart
jen: well i think they're smart or else they wouldnt be on the show....except maybe amber, they obviously needed an emotional person in the house
jen: do you think the dustin/amber fight was fake?
kail: no that was real, she stayed in bed all day, she cant do that all day like that
jen: the daniele/nick thing was fake
kail: oh yeah that was fake
jen:can you imagine amber as hoh?
kail: ohhhh nooo
jen: i almost feel like we should talk to nick and zach, like you know everyone thinks we're in an alliance so we should be
kail: except for the fact that we cant trust them
jen: oh yeah
jen: i was thinking its going to be a game of floaters, but it may not be
kail: well i think dick if he gets hoh he may realize that and not put us up
jen: what, but dicks a floater
kail: no he's not
jen: oh
kail:i told dustin this is jameka's first play, all jessica does is sleep and drink...evel has jessica wrapped around his finger
jen: no no no, jessica does NOT like evel and she will vote him out in a heart beat
kail: but he thinks he has her
jen: he thinks he has everyone, and thats how it should be
kail:no one has a backbone, no one will put him up
jen: i know we're the only one
kail: even dustin goes yeah i can do it, im like yeah right
jen: if you make dustin feel unsafe with evil he may
kail: i dont know how safe amber feels with evil...they got in those arguments
jen: he's given everyone in this house, im sure, the same speech that we're better together than working against
kail: evil's told me i havent lied in this game, but then he tells me that you cant get to the end of this game without lying, so he's telling me he's lying
jen: if people know that's he's done that (the lets work together speech) then they'll think
kail: well even dustin said that evil proably wants to work with you, and i said that's not happening, i cant trust him
jen: yeah and he's a good player
kail: he's not a good player (makes a squinty face)
jen: yeah but he's kept people on his side...but jessica sees it
kail: ive gotten a lot better, i dont talk to him, and ive gotten the word out that just because he says it a hundred times doesnt make it true
kail: now that jessicas around i cant talk to eric even a few minutes
jen: i know me either, i can get him long enough for him to tell me who he's going to vote for...that's why we need to get hoh again so we can talk to him again
kail: no one told me a thing last week, i was scared
jen: you just have to pick one person in each group about things
kail: i can talk to dustin, amber, does jessica contribute anything ...does she talk to anyone?
jen: nope, just drink and sleep
kail: that's a good strategy, i wish it was mine, and have no enemies
jen: if i get hoh next week im putting like evil and dustin and then if the veto put up daniele
kail: dont ever tell them
jen: i think daniele's chances of winning it are better so its better to not put her up
kail: i'd put up evil and daniele and if needed from veto put jessica up...if evil gets hoh dont you think
jen: i dont think jessica would put me up
kail: she would me, how can you be so sure
jen: i know she wants to pursue stuff like acting modeling, from all these people to choose from why would she put me up and ruin outside chances for stuff
kail: well you better remind her starting now, dont wait
jen: oh i dont need to , she asks stuff all the time (about acting,etc)
kail: she doesnt talk to me at all
jen: eric's smart, he cares about the game, he doesnt care what people think
kail: and jameka, who'd she put up?
jen: i think jameka and jess see the cliques they arent in
kail: but theres an amber and jameka and amber and daniele clique there
jen: jameka is all about God, and like the daniele cheating on her boyfriend i dont think she likes...shes about signs

Jen saying she wants to get HOH again just so everyone will talk to her again. Still talking about who they will put up, who would vote for who lots of what ifs...... nothing new at all. Kail says she is shocked that she didn't get sent home against Mike. Never thought the house would vote to keep her over Mike. Jen wondering why she is not good at challenges. Kail says you won POV last week, but then agree that Evil might have thrown it. Both are agreeing that they are looking forward to see how Evil does on slop this week. They wish he had been on it before they were given the salsa they make soup with. Kail said she ate it 5 times yesterday. Now discussing how many have dropped their micro phones in the toilet. Saying they hope the next HOH is endurance. Think they could win that. Talk of other seasons endurance comps. Jen wonders if they would have a competition that might really endanger someone's life.

12:30PM BBT
Zach is awake. He goes to the SR, changes batteries and joins Jen and Kail in the kitchen, where they are making slop. They discuss eating healthy when they come off as Zach goes back to bed. Kail and Jen go back out to tan.
Jen is surprised that they haven't had an America's Choice yet, not that she cares. Kail said she cares. We just got FOTH as Jen talks about Vanna White's ex.

Nick is in bed cuddling with Daniele

Jen talking about Nannying for Vanna White's kids. talking about the house and how they have a theater and wine cellar and maid quarters all underground. She says that Gigi is 10 so she'll nanny for a while longer, she wants to have kids when she's around 30, so the timing will work out.

"They are probably all sad because they don't have anyone to play with. I wonder if they got someone new to play with." Jen says about Vanna's kids.

Now discussing Dani's clothes.
Kail - they are cute clothes
Jen - but they are cheap cute clothes

12:40PM BBT
Jen and Kail discuss whether Dick has a lot of money. Kail says yes, Jen says no way. He pays over $200 for a haircut, Dani and Vincent both went to private schools, he travels a lot.
Topic between Jen and Kail turns to NY City. Jen hated it. It was so dirty and like a third world country. Kail says she was born there and that the last time she went to NYC Rudy was the mayor and it was clean and safe. Now they are talking about a dog race (Iditarod).

Jen goes inside to get slop. Kail taking a dip in the pool.


Daniele is up and in the bathroom, after a trip to the storage room.

Jen and Kail are talking still in the BY. Jen wonders who was profiled last week, and who will be this week. She said it is usually people on the block, but sometimes the HoH or someone that has a lot going on, like Eric. She wonders who they interviewed for her...friends, employers, parents. Her parents live in different states, so she doesn't know who they talked to.

Kail asked if Vanna and George go to church. Jen said no. When you are famous it is hard to do what most people do. Kail said Kathy Lee Gifford goes to church, Jen said she doesn't know why they don't go. The kids go to private school. Kail asks how old Vanna is now, Jen said 50-52. Kail was surprised. Jen said Vanna is really funny, but she can't say what she says because it would be inappropriate.

Kail can see the top of two trees. She misses trees. In Oregon, they live in a forest. Kail talking about in Oregon where she lives, there are all trees everywhere. Jen said that her best friend lives in Oregon and she forgets where she lives. She now lives in Arizona.

Dani is brushing her teeth, washing her face, water is running, can't hear anyone else.

Jen said her mom lives in Arizona and her dad in Huntington. She also said they have always had 2 cats and they always die tragically. Once a cat got caught in a electric door opener and hung himself.

Jen does not have any close friends, because she does not hang around with people "who suck"

Nick is now up and in the kitchen with Dani. Nick is joking about Zach being scared that he's going on the block
Daniele: we were all talking about we dont know what Jameka's gonna do, and Jen walks out there and everyone shuts up, and my dad goes upstairs, and everyone goes up but we're waiting for Eric Amber Jameka..and my dad comes down and says 'come on we're waiting for you to come up so we can talk about Jen'...it was soooo funny

Dustin came downstairs and said 'Morning Peons'....and someone asks something about Amber and he says shes still not talking to him

As Nick eats a bowl of slop, Daniele asks if he's been 'crapping' a lot now

Zach is in the kitchen Nick says he cant believe Eric narc'd himself out about the mustard thing.....he repeats the game they played last night when Eric said this, Dani says Eric was probably kidding Kail comes in, Dustin says he had a really really really long diary room session last night after everyone else went to bed.
Daniele "About how much you hate Amber now?"
Dustin: mhmmm, she's not talking to me now

Kail is worried that this is the most sun she's ever gotten in her life, she's been very careful with her face, she's worried about wrinkles. Kail asks how old they think women can wear long hair for, Dustin says since she looks 25 she's ok. Daniele whispers in Dustin's ear in front of everyone else in the middle of the kitchen.

1:30PM BBT
Nick, Zach and Dustin were discussing The Matrix. It had something to do with Zach's dream.

Dustin, Kail, Nick, et al are in the kitchen. They are now discussing diet drugs, ephedra, ephedrine, and what they do to a person. Dustin had a friend who took it, and he is talking about how she was effected. Nick said it makes you crazy.

1:45PM BBT
Dustin and Zach sitting at the bar in the kitchen. Dani and Kail standing on the other side. Dani and Zach are talking about museums. Dustin chiming in every now and then. Kail just listening.

Zach, Dustin, and Jen is still hanging around in the kitchen with them. They are standing around the kitchen bar talking about movies and songs. Nick & Dustin in HOH - Nick listening to music and Dustin putting away clothes.

2:05 PM BBT
Dustin just opened a brown package on the hoh bed and it had "the red unitard" in it.

Nick just asked Dustin if Jameka is going to use the POV. Dustin said yeah he thinks she is because she is a woman of her word and she had already said she's use it if she won it.

BB told Nick to stop singing, he said he wasn't even singing that loud and Dustin says out loud "f******d" Dustin said he is so "jazzed" with all the costumes he has. Unitard, Kings Hat, and something else.

Nick just asked Dustin who he was putting up and Nick asked Zach? Dustin didn't say yes or no just said that he figures the next 2 or 3 weeks they need to work on getting Kail and Jen out Dustin says Jen is a box of rocks and Kail will be a mess because she'll think she's going home.

Dustin says that he thought everything was going down hill as HOH but then he won prizes yesterday and is stoked and Nick agrees saying sure, he understands.

Dustin is a little uneasy with this convo because he's not wanting to "lie" to Nick so he's bringing up smalk talk to throw this convo away from "game" talk

Dustin is in the bathroom now and Nick is playing the air drums as he listens to the cd.

2:15PM BBT
Outside patio Kail, Jen and Eric. Kail was making sure the tension yesterday and last night wasn't anything to do with them.

Now talking about the game they played last night with who would marry who, have sex with who, and who they'd throw over the bridge. Just laughing now and talking about how you have to laugh at yourself sometimes and just have fun.

Eric says he thinks there are alot of good people in the house. Jen said he likes Jameka because she's a good person and some people in here are not. Eric saying some people say things to others in the game they don't mean and at the end of it, people will look at you probably in a different way

Now Eric saying how early he got called to the dr

Daniele is laying on a chair in the sun and Dick walks up to her and asked if she slept ok and she says, "I guess" and he said ok and walked away and then we get FOTH.

Dustin and Zach in the HOH. Dustin is discussing with Zach over who should be put up if Jameka uses the POV.
Zach says that Amber could have gone home in the first week...(which means that Dustin owes him a favor.)
Zach says that Dustin has the opportunity to get Dick out of the house this week. Zach says that him, Dani, Nick and Amber (plus Jen) will vote to evict Dick this week. Easily.
Zach admits that him and Dustin have a "sleeper alliance" that they don't need to talk to each other all the time to know that they are playing a game similar in outcome. Dustin agrees. Zach goes on to say that if they do indeed evict Dick, that'll give the advantage in the house to the females. (Dustin rolls his eyes) Dustin says he's not worried about the gender issue. Zach says that might be true but it is a concern of his.
Dustin starts bad mouthing Dick. That he's most concerned that Dick and Dani are getting along better these days and that becomes a huge danger for the future of the game.
Zach says if situations were switched, that Zach had won the POV. Zack says he would come into HOH and tell Dustin he'd use it to take off Kail. Then what would Dustin do...He hopes that Dustin would take advantage of the situation to get rid of some real power players.
Zach says that if Dustin feels that Zach is indeed a threat, this early in the game, then to go ahead and nominate him.
Dustin asks if Zach thinks that Dustin is a threat. Zach says yes.
Zach also says that Dani and Dick are threats.
That POV winners are more of a threat then the HOH's are.
Dustin says if he threw up a pawn against Kail...that it'd be Kail going and everything would be fine.
Zach says it wouldn't. That leaving the "Chaos Couple" (Dick/Dani) in the house, they'd be gunning for Dustin, regardless of their past together. They agree that Jen isn't a smart player but that she remembers everything. Zach says that if Dustin puts up Dick, that Zach can guarantee he'll go home. That Dustin will make Dani happy by doing as such. Zach says that Jen and Kail wouldn't go after Dustin if he did indeed nominate Dick as a replacement this week.

Zack and Dustin in HOH continue to talk about what Dustin is going to do regarding the POV and renoms.
Zach says that putting Nick up won't help out Dustin's situation. Zach also thinks that putting up Dani would probably back-fire. Zach then says that if Dustin does put up Zach this week that Dustin's game will get much harder because Dick and Dani will still be in the house. Zach says that Dick's behavior in the past day is a direct result of Dick feeling vulnerable this week. All his bluster is because he knows that since Jen's coming off, he may be going up. So...Dick went straight to the intimidation factor.
Dustin says that Zach is the only person he talks serious game with. Zach says he trusts Dustin.
Zach goes on to say that he feels like a silent partner in Dustin's business. That he's playing the game to the best advantage of Dustin. Zach hates floaters and really wants the game to explode. Zach wonders why Jameka is using the POV to remove Jen from the block. Dustin says that Jameka's decision is purely for theological reasons.
They go on to discuss how Jen handled the POV when she was HOH. Intimidating Amber and such. Then they go on to compare Dick's "strategy" as the same as Jen's.
Dustin says to the POV competitiors that they should compete to win, to win to continue to compete.
Then Jameka came up and said that God wants her here and since Jen chose her name in the POV game that God wants her to fight for Jen during the POV.
They continue to talk about the POV...how anyone could have won the POV had they answered the last question correct, which was the main impetus for Dustin decideing to go for the 5K.
Zach asks Dustin, who became an enemy of him because of the POV. Dustin says Jameka is probably the angriest one out of the bunch. That Dustin and Jameka have different game-play tactics and she doesn't see his taking of the money as a "real" strategic move. He goes on to say that Amber is also mad but he can't figure out if she's mad about Dick or if she's mad that Jameka had to be put in a compromising situation.

general chitchat between Dustin and Zack. Lots of retreading old subjects. Zach trusts Dustin, but does find him to be a threat. Jameka is playing with an odd strategy. Amber is somewhat useless. Dick and Dani are dangerous. Nick is not dangerous.
They both worry about Jen aligning with Jameka after this week. Zacvh believes that he truly isn't a threat to Dustin so early in the game. Zach says that Dustin should use his alliances and his power to put up someone (Dick) that might seem undoable at first, but that wouldn't put him in danger for the next few weeks.

Zach commends Dustin on his current position. That if Zach had won HOH that he wouldn't be able to do what Dustin COULD do with this week. Dustin says that's exactly why it's so hard. Because he does have more people available to him as "alliances" that he's walking a tightrope between doing what he wants to do and doing what everyone else involved wants to do.
Dustin says if he did put up Zach this week that it'd probably be a split week. Zach guarantees that if he went up against Kail, he'd be a goner. Zach goes on to say that Kail has sold her soul to the devil (Dick) that she went from being aligned with the 3 angels, to doing the work of the devil. That Mike was an idiot for doing what he did for Kail at the POV last week. That even his pre-eviction speech was idiotic and senseless.

Dustin says he has already made his decision and Zach will find out on Monday what Dustin wants to do. Zach goes on to "threaten" dustin by promising that if he is nominated that he'll never discuss game theory/strategy with Dustin again. Dustin goes on to say that people that he doesn't want in the house, aren't even on the radar of his fellow players. Zach says that Dani is the most competitive player in the house. And he'd say put her up but since Dustin has such a good repoir with her that Dick should be the obvious choce to go this week.

They start talking about Dustins pictures. Dustins dad is 54 and has a sixpack. Putting small skinny Dustin to shame.
Dustin says he got the nose from his father and he hates the nose. That he's gonna take the 5K and do something about his nose. Dustin is worried about growing a nose like his father has. His dad is a twin and that also freaks him out.

Convo ends and Dustin and Zach leave the HOH. Zach parts ways with..."However you want me to vote this week, I'm on board."

Cam switch to kitchen where Jameka asks if anyone's had fried chicken and collard greens pizza.
It turns into just idle chitchat...
Eric, Jam, Jess, Jen and Dustin at the dining table. Amber washing dishes. And Dick fixin something to eat. Dustin goes up to Amber and discuss with her, his and Zach's talk. Dustin says..."Trust me, You know how I am."
Amber: "I don't know anymore."
Back to the table he goes and back to idle chitchat between the group at the table. People talking over each other, with occasional breaks where Jameka is yelling something or Jen says something ridiculous.

Dustin and Amber whisper at the table...I believe they're talking about Jameka, even though she's sitting at the table with them. Something about her realizing that once the 6 of them sit her down and make her not use the POV, she'll have to bend to our will. Amber feels badly for putting Jameka in such a bad position this week. He continues to inform Amber what him and Zack talked about in the HOH. That if he choose to put someone else up this week, then he'll make 3 new enemies. Dustin says he's torn between playing the game for himself or pleasing his 'crew'. That he needs to tell Jameka to just not do anything with the POV. ...FoTH

General chitchat around the table, save for Dustin and Amber who continue to talk strategy in front of everyone else.
FoTH again...
The topic, upon returning from FoTH is the camera guys names...FoTH again...

Dustin says that Zach talked about Copper, and Yellow. (I still don't know the colors as correlating to the HG's I imagine it's Dani and Dick.)

Lunch ends...Eric is washing dishes and most everyone else goes outside. Dustin passes his plate to Eric for washing. He says he's sorry. Eric: "Don't worry about it...until next week when I nominate you. Blaming it all on your kind."
Dustin: "It's always "your kind" isn't it?"

Eric and Amber have a quick whisper session regarding what Dustin just told Amber.
Amber goes outside..Dick enters and Eric says that BB has been yelling at him all day long for singing.
Dick says that he's been talking to Jess and Dani.

Kail and Dsutin have a "meeting" in the hooka room. Where he tells her, after Dick walks in, that she'll just have to wait for it.
Dustin goes to Dick and says that they were just talking. That Kail had asked what he was gonna do and that Dustin told her that she'd have to wait and see. Amber walks in and Dustin goes straight to her and tells her a similar story. That Kail ran in and asked him about what he's gonna do. He said, "you'll just have to wait, honey." Dustin goes outside...

Most HGs are outside, enjoying the nice weather. Jameka is prepping to go outside, with Amber. Zach is also prepping to go outside. (4 weeks in and BB still has to tell these flippin' weirdos to stop singing and to put on or not obstruct their microphones...sheesh. ;-) )

Jess comes inside and then her and Amber have a brief Dick slamming session. Jess is just looking for her sunglasses and then goes back outside. Amber, meanwhile, applies liberal sunblock...
She goes to the kitchen and Jameka comes up. Amber tells her that Dustin told her that Zach said that Dick, Dani, Amber and Jameka are his biggest targets.
Amber points out about how fat she's been getting...as they walk out into the BY.

Zach, Nick and Kail in the jacuzzi...
Dani, Jess, Jameka and Amber on the loungers with Dustin and Eric, on the ground, laying beside them. (Dustin by Amber, Eric by Dani)
Dick all alone on the patio couch talking to the three in the jacuzzi.
Jen is in the hammock.
General chit chat...bank fraud, stolen identities, Eric's comforter incident, Zach's brother the internet entrepenuer, wizard of oz cards, charlie brown, charles bronson, 25 years in the same house, doll collections, Zach's comics collection, Dick's comics collection, Dick joins the girls (and Eric and Dustin) by the loungers.

Zach joins the group as well...They play a game of "which HG...?"
For instance...Which HG thinks that every week there is going to be a double eviction? or Which HG was the first to shart in their pants? or Which HG bruises the easiest? etc. Which HG is the funnest to play tetherball with? Eric.
Most angry fits of rage? Jameka. Which HG has the worst RP? Jen. Which HGs would star in their own movie title [i]My favorite underwear[/i]? Jen. Nick and Joe. Which HG was not aligned with Joe? E. None of the above.
Which HG showers the most? Eric. Which HG has exposed themselves the most? Julie Chen (?) Which HG has the most alliances ever? Joe. Which HG has their own show? Kail. Which HG cannot make popcorn? Jameka. Which HG has an animal named after a bowel movement? Dustin. (Poopy.) Which HG denies they've had a boob job? Jess. Which HG wants to gets nipple rings like JanetJackson? Eric.

Which 2 HGs are always fun to be around? Jess and Eric. Which evicted HG still thinks they're playing the game? Carol.
Which HG will meet the man of his/her dreams at the wrap party? Dustin.
Which HG has taken less showers then apologized? Jen.
Jen: "I've never apologized!" LOL
Which HG has shown the most camel toe? Jen. Which HG is 93% body hair free? Jen. Which HG wears the most of other peoples clothing? Joe. Which HG never gets ready for the day? Amber. Which HG requested a tanning bed? Dani. Which HG said "Do not touch my hand it is bleeding"? Nick. Which HG said "It feels good to hit things"? Nick.

Eric goes inside and runs into Zach in the kitchen. Zach offers to talk game theory with Eric soon. Eric says sure and then goes outside. Zach alone in kitchen now...searching through the fridge.

Zach runs into Nick in the HOH and Zach asks to want to talk game with Nick. Nick says he doesn't know anything. Zach asks if they're still 'buds' and Nick says yes, but that he goes to bed the same time Zach does. He isn't part of the latenight crew. He's with Dani only. Zach reluctantly walks away. Back to the kitchen where he mixes some sort of powdered drink. (Ah...it's a shake. He's on slop. Duh.) Dustin walks in, they chitchat for a second and then Dustin goes back outside.

In the BY...everyone still playing the "Which HG?" game. Which HG sleeps the longest? Jess. Which HG should be a natural blonde? Jen. Which HG wears soiled panties on their head? Zach. (Actually, it's Jess...)

Which HG only owns 3 pairs of underwear? Nick. Which 2 HGs did not pack their own bags? Nick and Amber. Which HG brought the biggest bag? Dani. Which HG packed 12 items? Dustin. How many HGs brought bibles into the house? 3. Kail, Jameka and Carol. Which HG has the largest butt? Eric. Which HG fake sleeps the most? Zach. Which HG got the most questions wrong during the first HOH comp? Amber. Which HG has been celebate for a year? (Jameka asks what celibate means. Dick: It's when you don't have sex. Jameka: "Like I'd know that?!" LOL)
Which HG has the biggest natural b**bs? Zach. Which HG proclaims that their favorite color is NavyBlue? Jess. Which HGs bathing suit disappears up their a** when they wear it? Jen.
Which HG wears the most wifebeaters? Jen. Which HG spends the most time in the pool? The floating duck. Which HG has been arrested the most? Dick.


Dustin and Jen in HOH discussing POV comp. Dustin admits he was selfish but says he was broke and needed the money. Dustin says he told ED off when he was going off on Jameka saying not to use the POV.

Dustin asked if Evel and Kail have an alliance. Jen said that Kail hasn't mentioned anything to her.

Dustin said that some people are playing the game too hard.

Both Jameka & Jessica are working out. Amber watching, but not working out. (((Wasn't Amber complaining about how much weight she has gained in the BBHouse earlier today?)))

6:45PM BBT

Dustin says he is sorry he had to put Jen up on the block and she did a wonderful job with her emotions. Says when she asked right before he had to make nominations he didn't say he was NOT putting her up. Says he takes the job of nominations very seriously.

Jen has told him that when she was HOH Dick was really pushing for her to put up Dustin. He says they are on his radar too.

Eric and ED whispering in Bathroom. saying next week either Kail or Jen must go. Dick is saying Dustin really F'd himself and Jameka really F'd herself during POV yesterday. Dick says it was a great week in this house.

Daniele and Nick join them in the Bathroom. Daniele has her drink and is eating ice (in the bathroom???!!!)

7:15PM BBT

Nick is asking Dani what's wrong, she keeps saying "nothing"...but body language says otherwise, so Nick keeps asking her. Nick asks Dani if she's talked to Jameka...Nick says he asked Jam why would you throw the comp off for that "douche bag". Nick asks Dani what can he do to make her smile...she says "nothing"...

In HOH Amber is telling Dustin he should not have gone for the $5K, Dustin says Jam would not have taken it, Amber agrees but tells Dustin if he hadn't taken it he would have won. Dustin says...and leave that money there, wasted?

7:20PM BBT

Amber says she just can't go be buddy-buddy with Dust again right away after he disappointed her. She says she is over it but was really let down by him. Dustin says she should have come to him right away instead of being a b**** to him. He says they have to keep the lines of communication open. Jameka comes in.


Jameka is at HOH now. Wants to know if they are going to have Abs class? He says he wants to go in the gym first so in about an hour. Amber says she was going to go to the gym and he says she can go when he does.

Jameka asks if Nick has said anything today? They say they haven't noticed anything different today. They think it is weird that Jen told Nick, Zach and Kail they were in a meeting last night so he knew he wasn't included.

They say that is why Zach hasn't said two words to Jameka and Dustin says well he talked to me for 2 hours. Nick asked if he was going to put Zach up and he said he was thinking about it.

Dustin says a lot of people have said they need to get Dick and Daniele out and Jameka says but that isn't for them to do it is for Kail or Jen to do.

7:30PM BBT

Dustin explaining what his veto ceremony speech will be tomorrow. Says he will explain that he will keep in line with his original nomination logic. That the person who has been playing all sides and the most dangerous person to keep around has to be put up and Nick that is you.

Jameka says her speech will involve her saying that she said she would use the veto on Jen and that she is keeping her word. Jam says she won't try to keep them outside too long while she is in the diary room getting instructions. Dustin says they will instruct her to "act" and stand in front of the memory wall all dramatic and looking like they are deep in thought then we get FOTH.

7:35PM BBT

Zach came into bedroom with Nick and Dani. He's been sitting on nightstand about 15 mins just listening to their conversation and doing nothing.

7:40PM BBT

Jen is telling Kail that Dustin is thinking about putting Dick or Daniele on block. Kail is surprised.

7:55PM BBT

Amber, Jam and Dustin discussing who they hope will get HOH next week. Jam saying not to discuss possible HOH questions (buzz game) with Zach because he doesn't know any answers and tries to get the answers from others while practicing. Dustin says Zach told him he pretends to sleep while listening to conversations. They all say he is full of it. Jam says he needs serious social skill help.

Dustin says Kail needs validation conversation all the time. Watching Kail on the spy screen, Dustin says he sees Kail looking up to HOH room with that needy look in her eyes. Dustin says he tells her over and over she is safe. Amber says they should keep her around a long time because she is a mess. Jam says Kail doesn't want HOH again.

Dustin telling Amber and Jameka that when Eric was talking last night the words Marry me kept going through his mind. He said when Nick leaves this week everyone's eyes will be on Eric.

Dustin and Amber proclaim that they are just unable to lie anymore. amer says she lied and lied when she was using drugs and now she's just so over it, she's lied all her life and she just can't lie anymore. Dustin says he's also done lying.

Dustin congratulating Amber for standing up to Dick. Amber says that it is because of her that Nick is going home. She is the one who persuaded everyone about putting Nick up. Dustin says it is good that Amber is getting more comfortable being honest with people (like ED).

Dustin says he believes there is something with Jen and Nick because she told Dustin not to put Nick. Says Jen said that putting Nick up wouldn't do anything for Dustin. D & A call Jen a lying b****.

8:12 PM
ED and Dani are talking about ED playing a prank on Jen.
Jess is there too.
ED wants to use bleach to write "RP" (rank p***y) on her unitard. He wants to make it look like super hero logo.
Jess suggests they tell Jen it means something nice so she'll still wear it.
D & A in gym doing cardio. Amber on treadmill. Dustin on elliptical.
Amber asking Dustin if he "got off" last night (eww!) He says "yeah, why wouldn't I". Jokes how Nick saw evidence (ewww?) and told everyone and jokes he will tell Nick in his speech that because he told everyone he masterbated, he is putting Nick up.
Amber asks Dustin how much he weighs.
Dustin: 156
Amber: Oh god! I weigh more than you!! (lol)

8:20 pm
Jam, Dan, Kail in kitchen...talking about cooking and who's a better cook @ home
Jam says she always take her lunch to work...can't see buying her lunch...spending her $ that way is not for her
Eric just told Dust that they are making some kind of chicken/beef s**t.
Amber tells Dustin in gym while working out that if someone put her or him up against Dick or Danielle... that they (Amber/Dustin) would have the votes to stay.
Dust says all his cloths are from the thrift store and that he saves empty peanut butter jars to freeze stuff in for taking for his lunch

8:25 PM
Kail says her town has a Sears and a JC Penneys but no Dillards
Dick comes into kitchen...says he has to rearrange the glasses in the cabinet to irritate Jen...she said it doesn't bother her...she only does it to be pleasing to look at for everyone else. Dick comments that he is going to make slop. Jen says they have some salsa. Jam tells Eric that she likes the way he is rubbing the chicken...ED says he has to rub something since he can't rub himself...unlike some of the other in the house. Jam crown ED king of the waffles because his are the best
Dick telling Jam that the mushrooms will cook faster than the onions/peppers
Dick and Jen discussing when it will be that they can eat...Jen says the bread & butter pickles aren't bad...ED disagrees and says he would rather eat dill pickles out of eric's a** than the bread and butter pickles. Eric says ED stared at him while he was in the shower and laughed for no apparent reason, has removed the sheets from his (eric's) bed and floured him...

8:30 pm
Back...ED is giving advice for those cooking (Jam/Eric)...it looks like they just took cookies out of the oven
Nick is at dining room table...watching Dan and the other in the kitchen
ED says he puts vanilla, honey and cinnamon in his slop
Dust in back yard spotting Zach at the weight bench, seems everyone else is in kitchen
Jameka thought Alison from BB4 was pretty - Dick "F*** r u kidding me? you can dip her face in flour and make gorilla cookies"
Jess is playing fetch/carry from the storage room for Eric/Jam/Dan who are doing the cooking
Dick has joined Nick at the dining room table
ED & Nick agree that American cheese is the "crapiest" cheese in the world...with Velveeta and the canned stuff right up there too
Kail is in backyard w/Dust & Zach...Amb is still in the gym
ED tells Jen that her pick on the wall does look really bad...they (Nick/ED/Jen) say Joe's pic is bad...looks like a stalker and other comments about pics
ED tells Eric he looks like he has a giant face w/a forhead that you could show a drive in movie on
Nick says the slop is getting to ED...Nick says that he is the only one with a t-shirt in his pic...ED tells Jess that her chin looks so tiny that it makes her face look like a light bulb...she says "Gee...thanks" he says no problem...you are much pretty then your picture...

8:45 pm
Nick and Dick by kitchen table... Dick asks who is outside & Nick tells him Dustin, Zach & Kail..
Dick just stares off...
Feed 1 & 2 on Dustin, Zach and Kail outside doing reps
Feed 3 Dick (talking to Nick)
Feed 4 Nick (talking to Dick)
Dustin is explaining to Kail how to do what to do outside with weights and BB announces "dustin please put on your microphone" - dick stared off again... (ed note: made it seem like Dustin was whispering to Zach & Kail and got busted... this was not the case but it silenced Dick and Nick for a few seconds...)

8:55 pm
Kail talking about her kids, telling how handsome and smart they are (like all mothers do). She also says they'll want to meet Jen. Jen asks if she'll be able to date her oldest next year (when he's 1. Evil is outside with Jen and Kail but at the couches.
Jen and Dick talking about how Zach plays chess with himself. Jen kail and dick agree that it is not harming anyone.
Jameka and Amber in Small BR
AMber is saying she hates Daniele... talking about what Daniele's demeanor and attitude
Daniele walks in and Amber does what she always does. Jameka and Amber trying to play it off.

9:30 pm
Dinner is complete and they are washing dishes. They all begin to whistle and FOTH. Zack is still sitting alone quietly looking lost.

9:45 pm
Jen took her birth control pill and got in her itsy bitsy black bikini to go out to the hot tub. ED stopped her and asked her if she's showered today. She said yes and her & Kail went outside. Kail & Jen think Dustin might put ED or Dani up and they are stoked. ED fixed the thing on the sink to spray someone again and got Dani again.
Kail and Jen by hot tub, They think Dustin has decided to back door Evil Dick!
Jen says that Dick is just like Joe except better at it.
Jen is saying that she feels that if Dick were the replacement nominee, Dick would be voted out by everyone except Daniele. Talk about having both Dani and Dick on the jury together would be a problem unless they both like you.
Kail agrees.

10:05 pm
BB gave them beer. Some are getting ready to play bottle top game again
Jen in hot tub. Others wandering around inside and outside house

10:15 pm
Amber just told jameka that nick and daniele kissed
Amber told jameka she wants to pounch dani for being rude to her and that when she goes the drama will end

10:30 pm
Eric Jess, Nick, and Zack just got done playing Beer pong, but Zack and Nick can't drink, so Jess and Eric were the only ones drinking!! Eric and Zack beat them by two
They are now sitting around joking with each other and making fun of Carol. Eric says she is quite possibly the worst player in BB history
Dick: Then why did we vote here out
Eric: cause she wanted to leave, She had too many scheduled events
They all laugh
Jameka is carrying on Bible study with AMber in the Small Bedroom. She read her the story about Jesus telling the pharasees that if they were without sin then to cast the first stone. Amber doesn't understand alot of it, so Jameka keeps explaining (she even has to explain to her what condemn means )
Just general chit chat in the kitchen.
Dani is whispering to Eric now in front of everyone but it is inaudible, sounds like she might have been talking to him about what happened with her and Amber earlier

11 pm
Jameka still reading Bible and preaching to Amber and Kail. Jen sitting on floor listening
Dustin and Eric still playing beer pong with Zach and Jessica

11:05 pm
Amber Jen Jameka and Kail in the small room talking. Talking about slleping arrangements. Jen-"once evel's gone we'll have a big round bed" for several people to share.
Dani comes in and out.
In the dining room dring games are going on with Zach Jess
Dick and Dani now outside and Dani says "I like how Jen and Jameka are budy budy" Dick said "I saw Kail in there too"
Dick talking about Jameka being the odd man out. Dani depressed saying "doesn't matter"
Dick doing laundry
Dick saying once it gets down do it with Dustin and Amber he thinks it will me him Dani Jess and Eric. Dani says he could get HOH again.
Dani is saying that they hates us more than them. Dick saying how close Dustin and Kail are. Dick saying Dustin "needs to go" before Zach and "even Jen"
Dani says they're "playing that way" because just in case they get HOH.
Dani calling both Jameka and Dustin dumb. Dick pissed off about Jameka playing through religion.
Dani says Amber said it was "fate in God Dustin not pick her as POV host" Dick says "she's a bozo" Dick says without Dustin she'll fall to pieces. Dani saying she has Jameka because they are "very close"
Dani''this house I can't take in anymore"
Dick "tell me about it"

11:15 pm
Dani has moved up to the HOH to Nick laying down listening to music.
Dani asking why he's mad. Nick saying "I feel like s***"
Nick saying "I want to know what happened with Amber" saying I bet you told Eric and your Dad. She says she didn't.
petty arguing...
Nick saying he was concerned about her and Amber....Dani ..silience....
"don't worry I'm not mad at you" and she says "you're upset" and he swears on his life he isn't he says he needs food and "had all that caffeine which isn't good" Dani asking what she could do for him.

11:20 pm
Jess lost the 1st round of beer pong, so she is now wearing a pair of Eric's boxers.
Eric lost the 2nd round and had to take a bite out of one of the hedge bunnies.
Eric and Jess are getting ready for the 3rd round. The loser will have to wear Jen's unitard for the rest of the night.
All the other HGs (except Nick, who is in HOH listening to music) are watching them play.

11:30 pm
ED talking to himself outside....
"Dustin and Amber prove it doesn't have to be 2 gay men to be the gayest thing I've ever seen."
Those 2 idiot need to be out of here.
ED says hes "getting a headache thinking about these MFs in here"
Meanwhile inside, the beer pong game continues. Eric is currently winnning.

11:40 pm
ED says he can't go inside without wanting to throw up.
He says something about Amber sitting on Dustin lap and grinding on his limp d***.
He's really annoyed with Dust and Amber...says one is like a "bleeding hemaroid" and the other is like a "kidney stone". He says he's glad there aren't any sharp objects in there or he would slit his wrist.
ED also says he feels very, very sorry for Amber's boyfriend "just goes to show there's someone for everyone...someone that desperate."

11:45 pm
Eric wins the 3rd round of beer pong!
Jess will have to wear the unitard after she finishes all her beer.
Everyone is sitting around chatting and watching her drink her five cups of beer.
Jessica putting on unitard in bathroom

12 am
Jess is wearing the unitard. She and Eric are dancing and being silly in the bedroom.
Dustin and Kail sitting by the HT, Kail asking how Amber's doing, dustin talking about PoV, why he took 5k and trip.
Dani confronts Amber
Dani asks Amber why she's mad at her. Amber says she's not. Dani says something is bothering you...you won't even look at me.
Amber keeps saying she's not going to do this...isn't going to put herself through it.
Dani says she doesn't understand...doesn't think she did anything wrong.
Amber still won't say what's wrong.
Dani says "Well, I tried." And leaves.

12:15 pm
Outside... Dick, Eric, Jessica on couches, Amber, Jameka, and Jen sitting on towels, getting ready for abs, Dustin walks out.
Daniele and Dick in washroom, Dick calls Amber emotionally unstable.
Daniele asks Eric what is Amber telling everyone.
Eric and Jessica having a pillow fight. (I love them!!!!)

12:25 pm
Eric is on the floor and Jess is pummeling his with her pillow.
They are laughing and are now in the kitchen having their pillow fight.
She yells "heeya!" as she whacks him with a pillow.
Jess declares herself the winner, then keeps hitting.
Now Eric is whacking her on the butt with a pillow.
With a final whack and a kick from Jess, they collapse on the LR couches - breathing hard and laughing.
Danielle goes into the SBR and lays in bed. Zach tells her he is there if she needs someone to talk to, whether it be about game or not. Nick walks in and Zach asks him if he is feeling better. Nick says no. Nick climbs into bed with Daniele and they spoon under the covers.

12:35 pm
Eric asks Dick and Jess if they think there is a twist to come and Jess says "Yeah, its you (eric)" and eric says "yup" (lol)
Jokeing Jessica said Jameka is really little kim
Other feeds are on Nick and Dani in the bed, but they seem to be going to bed and just spooning..no talk goin on at all
I am pretty sure Dustin is in the BY with Jameka, Kail, and Jen doing abs class.

12:46 pm
Jessica, Eric, and Dick in living room talking about religons
Eric. Jess, and ED are talking about Amber being emotionally unstable.
They also talked about Dustin needing to be gone soon.
ED says if they take out Dustin, Amber will be a mess and will DOR.
Eric says Dust is one of the smartest people here and wonders why he acted so stupid during the PoV comp.

Dustin in LR complaining about someone eating his snacks. Jen and Dick can sympathize. Amber and Jameka feel badly for him. They then switch to the new POV. When it will be, what they think it will be entailing, etc. How to pplan your day around the POV comp. is now the topic. Who does their hair first...Dustin walks out and in walks Jess.
Idle chit chat...
Jameka is now counting wires coming down from the mirrors hanging all the wall. She says they popped out to her the other day, that some of them are green colored and that only particular mirrors have wires connected to them.

Jen proposes a game...every has to close their eyes.
Jen: How many chess pieces are on the board. Dustin huesses 8. Jen says 16. Dick and Jess walk out. (I'm guessing it wasn't that fun)
Dustin: "How many lamp shades?" Jen: 20? Dustin: Nope. 12.
Jen: How many purple flowers come out of the ladies head? Amber: 4. Jen: 5.
Dustin: OKay, I'm tired of the eyes closed game.
... Jess comes back and everyone asks what she is eating. Jess: "It's one of those pastry thingies." Dustin: "Why is it you ladies like those microwave meals so much?" No comment.
Dick comes back and the subject suddenly turns to Jen and Eric wrestling match. Dick explains that Eric was being easy on her. Jen wants a rematch but...Eric has to be on slop at the time and he'll have to wear the unitard as well.
Dustin says the gays hate him. "Cause I'm just me and I'm not one of them. See I call them them. I support their views but I don't march in the pride parade or anything like that."
Dick: "You're not obligated to march or protest just because you're one of them."
Dustin: "I just feel so disconnected with the gay community, that I'm not a good spokesman for them."

Jen and Amber ask for Jameka's nail kit. Talk turns to nails and cuticles and polish.
More idle chitchat...
Dani walks in and Dustin says..."Which HG...?" Jen: "Let's play that game!"
Eric comes out of the DR and everyone cheers his name. He sits down and more idle chitchat...
They start joking about Zach. Speaking as if they're the voice of BB. "Zach, please do not eat the other HGs panties." FOTH...

Jen, Amber, Eric, Jess, Dani and Jameka in the LR. Again, they talk about nothing and everything at the same time. Jewfros, Carols emotionless face, Clarabell the cow, CreepyRichard/EvelDick,
new game...
Best first and Worst first...
Jameka: Best1st impression, Jess. Worst1st impression, Jen
Eric: Best1st, still debating... Worst1st, Carol. FOTH...

More idle chit chat...FOTH...idle chat...FOTH...idle chat...foth...chat...fothchat...foth...
(Boy I hate the night crew. ;-) )

Cam switch to Jen picking pimples....
(somehow, this is more entertaining then the last hour has been...)

Back to the LR with Dustin, Dick, Jameka and ...FOTH... Okay, It's Jess, Dick and Dani in the LR. FOTH... Jen and Amber in the BR. Foth...
Eric walks into the LR, Dani has left.
Jen and Amber meet up with jameka in the kitchen. Jam's eating pizza.
Dustin and Dick have shoved Eric into a large pillowcase and are carrying him into the BY...

...FOTH (ARGH!!! BB! Finally something interesting and all you can come up with is FOTH?!?)

Dustin spins him around and then releases him.

But Eric stays in the bag...

...for quite some time.

Jameka and Jess eating pizza. Dick and Eric in BY.
J&J talking nonsense...D&E talking Zach.
Eric goes into the BR and waits for Jess to come out of the head. When she does...he throws the big pillowcase over her head and tries to carry her off.

She calls him evil. "You're just as evil as Evel is." Eric apologizes and follows Jess out into the kitchen. He starts making funny faces at her while she eats pizza. Jess then says she still hates him Jess: "You're dead to me."
Eric: "For trying to kidnap you?"
Jess: "Yes... and for not letting me wash my hands" (after coming out of the BR)

To make up for his recent transgressions against Jess, Eric jumps into the pool with all of his clothes on.

Jess: "Awww...you're undead to me now."
Upon seeing what Eric did, Jameka leads the girls in a round of "WEeeeeeeee..."
Amber, Dick, Dustin, Jess, Jameka and a wet Eric sit and stand around the island counter. More idle chitchat.
They wonder if Zach's streaking made it onto TV. Dick says if Eric streaked they'd need to have a big blur slowly dragging behind him.
More about Eric's endowment and then right into mastrubation. And some Zach bashing.
They all start whispering about Zach and...FOTH

Eric in the shower...
While Dustin, Amber, Jess and Jameka talk about Dustin's plan to nominate someone BIG. Somone that will make people think Dustin has made a bold move. FOTH...

Dustin says that he needs an hour alone with him after the renoms and everything will be fine...(Still don't know who he's talking about. But I seriously think it might be Dick. We'll see.)
They start to talk about the cameramen and FOTH...

Cams back and Dick is in the kitchen...everyone is quiet. (2 cams on sleeping HGs)
They start chitchatting about translating their BB experience into future professions. Jess wants to be a newscaster and Dustin believes she will be learning things on the show to help her out. Dick says that this experience will have no effect on if anyone makes it as a newsanchor. Dustin and Dick get in a little tiff...and then Dick goes on to say that it's just his opinion and that it doesn't mean s*** out in the real world.
Back to making fun of Zach. Calling him a child rapist and such.
Dustin goes off to bed.
Jess washes her dishes while Dick, Eric, Zach and Jameka have conversations. Jameka tells Eric to go to bed. Dick asks why Jess looks so good in the unitard and Jen made him want to vomit.
All is silent and Dick asks he he has missed something. Jameka says no. (Little does he know, Dustin has big plans for tomorrow.) Amber says she's going to bed soon.

Jameka and Dick chat about piercings. Eric and Jess flirt with each other.
They then all talk about NPH (Neil Patrick Harris.) How he came to the BB house. How he is gay. Jameka wonders why Doogie Howser was a doctor and was still in HighSchool.
More chitchat...First jobs, German Shepards, favorite drinking glasses, cigarette girls, unions...FOTH

2 cams on sleeping HGs. 2 cams on Jess, Jameka, Amber, Eric and Dick in the kitchen talking more chitchat...more about the casino unions, (Amber says she works at Caesars Palace just before they go to foth...)
We're back and Dick is talking about a Hooters union. FoTH again...

Dick leaves and the four remaining HGs (Amber, Eric, Jess and Jam) talk about Dick. Amber says people are so inconsistent in this house. They bag on Dick for promising that Kail would go home and then Mike goes instead. The girls then turn their attention to Eric. They say he's soooo cute. And then back to whispering about Dick...and then FoTH again...Then again more chit chat. This time it's about being able to laugh at the whole experience when it's over. Eric says he'll be more interested in hanging with the HGs after the show and how real life will suck. Dick comes in...They all go quiet again. Dick asks about what's gonna happen at the POV ceremony...Jameka says Zach is gonna be freaking out. Eric starts bashing Jen. briefly.
Eric also says that he has correctly predicted all three HOH's.

cams back and Jameka, Amber, Eric and Jess are all going to bed.
Dick remains in the kitchen alone.
Cam switch to BR...empty..someone must be in the head...Eric comes out and washes his hands then heads to the kitchen to say goodnight to Dick. Then off to the bedrooms.
Dick eats a pickle.
Sets up the humping bunnies, then goes to the fridge to get some mustard.

He starts writing a message on the table..."I know when to hold her ... " FOTH!!! (ARGH I hate you, BB!)

Dick puts away some dishes. And talks to himself.

Still washing dishes he looks over his shoulder at his handy work with the bunnies and mustard and chuckles.

He wipes clean the mustard message and then cleans the table. The whole table.

Jen comes out and walks past Dick on her way the the BR. Dick: "Oh. You look lovely." No response.
He says..."With a face only a drunk guy could love." he goes outside and spits a couple of times and then lights a smoke and sits down on the patiocouch. He starts complaining about all of the laundry that accumulates so fast. Dick says..."Boy oh boy is Nick gonna ever freak the f*** out." (Oh...he is, is he?)

He folds towels and smokes, getting smoke in his eyes. More laundry. More smoking. oh and burping and farting as well. (His voices seem to be quiter tonight.)
Done with the laundry...he goes inside and starts to do some general tidying. Then starts dressing up the big rabbits by the front door. And now into the kitchen and back into the LR...nope, back outside...He brings in some towels and takes them to the BR. Then back outside and then back to the BR and lays down on the chair.

And there he stays...

4:14am BBT
Amber wakes up Jessica to say "goodnight" for a 2nd time.

4:22am BBT
Dick heads inside and to LR then back to Kitchen. After a minute of cursing about something, heads back to laundry to grab towels and bring them to BR and cusses about no space and burps . Dick sits in BR and says something about Zack.

4:35am BBT
Dick cleaning Shower and says "Eff them all" as he laughs.

4:47am BBT
Dick heads outside for smoke.

5am BBT
Just Dick coughing and spiting while laying on coach on patio. then heads inside to BR. then to Kail & Jen's room to pass gas. He's heading to bed.

5:08am BBT
Dick goes to sleep so now all houseguests asleep.

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