All are sleeping soundly..... Small beds - Zach Eric Dani Nick
Large beds - Jessica Jameka
Round beds - Dick Jen Kail
HOH - Dustin Amber
All houseguests are up and doing their bathroom things.
Sounds like they picked POV Players last night - Jameka, Dani and Jess (?). From last night's feed recaps - Jen picked Jameka. Dani says that she thinks the reason they drew the POV names tonight is that BB is going to gear the comp to specific people. Eric and Dustin agree, and Dick disagrees. They are going to be spending the entire day outside tomorrow on lockdown. BB has told them 3 or 4 hours. They think it will be even longer, and everyone has been speculating that they think the comp will be one where they move or remove things from the house, and then ask the houseguests what has changed.
8:40am bbt
Daniele is talking about disabled porta potty. She says they huge and they're "nice" inside. Lots of general chit chat. Making fun of the way their accents sound. Camera was on the small bar fridge outside. Someone left it open.
Jess in the hammock, Jen and Kail are on one chaise and Zach is passed out on the other. Eric, Daniele, Dick, Amber and Jameka talking about the way that Daniele says both.
They want Jameka to tell them what the potty is like and she says it was "Fine." Jameka wants to know if it's considered pooping if you pee and pop comes out at the same time.
9am bbt
Kail is talking to Jen about throwing the pov to her because Dustin said she is just a pawn this week.
Kail says that if it comes down to her and Jen, she will hang on a bit to make it look like she is struggling, then she will throw it.
They need to both stay in the house this week.
Kail and Jen are speculating what the PoV will be. Kail doesn’t want to drink too much incase it is an endurance. Jen explains she is prepared for an endurance and has pads with her. She also tells Kail that Daniele said she would shave her head to win a competition and Kail is really shocked by it. Jen says she wouldn’t because she would look funny. Kail wonders if Daniele is concerned they are going to backdoor Dick.
Kail: "I can't believe she said that." (About her hair)
Jen has been walking around the BY and listening closely at the windows.She thinks BB is building something inside of the house.
Daniele's age is showing... she's bored...wants to go inside...asks if they've been out there a half hour... No, Daniele, (says papa ED) we've been out here for at least an hour... people eating and all. The other adults agree. Daniele then hiccups, sneezes and emits her squeaking sound LOL Dick laughed and Daniele said, you laughed! which caused everyone in the area to laugh.
Dead silence...except Daniele asking what that noise is.... ED saying it's either the hot tub or Nick under the towel.
Dick noting that Eric didn't dress up for his hosting duties today. Daniele said he brought out a change of clothes... Daniele tells Dick (ED) to ask Eric John.
Dead silence again.
9:53 BBT
for some strange reason we are hearing music instead of the house guest converstations... We can still see the house guests and hear some things they are saying, but the music is playing over it,and the houseguests do not seem to hear it....
(A treat just for us I guess)
First we heard the twist and now this one is something about shaking all over...
Big Brother doesn't want us to know what Danielle is saying. The most recent song, What Becomes of the Broken Hearted, lasted only as long as she was whispering into Dustin's ear.
Dustin, Danielle, and Nick have been talking about differences in dialect (Danielle pronounces both as bowlth and thinks both sounds funny, Nick doesn't pronounce final g (as in thinkin' of doin' somethin'). Then move onto music.
Kail and Jen occasionally mumble something but seem lethargic.
10:45 AM BBT
No one is really talking. Dani and Dustin are lounging on one chase lounge and Jen is sitting close by, Zach is sitting near by also by the tea cup. Kail has just gotten up and went to another lounge chair. Dustin just got up and is walking across the yard. Nick is laying down on another chair. Don't see anyone else on the feeds. I guess the rest of the hg's are on the couches. Probably sleeping since they haven't been shown in a while.
Dustin has come back to the chair and it's just general chit chat. NOTHING IMPORTANT, I promise.
Dustin has decided to move the chair in the sun so he can tan.
We got a quick glimpse of Jessica sleeping in the hammock.
Dick Amber Eric and who looks to be Jameka are sleeping on the outside couches.
Everyone is still on outdoor LD
Kail and Jen are now laying down in one of the lounge chairs. They aren't really talking. Kail just laying there, looks like she is deep in thought.
11:20 PM BBT
Zack is sitting quiet also Jen & Kail are sitting next to each other quiet. As Dick,Eric,Amber are asleep on patio & Dani just woke on patio .
12:06 PM BBT
Dustin in pool at Jessica pool side talk about going to the city,knee high boots,Jessica talking to sun and other random topics. the feeds show Jameka asleep in the shade and Kail walking alittle. Then FOTH but quickly back. Kail back laying down.
Dustin moves to his inflatable raft in the pool. He says thanks BB for this cooling device. I could stay out here forever with no breaks. He is joking with Jessica about hearing his skin sizzling, he is so hot. Kail gets up, walks around, checks out her own butt in the window reflection, then sits in the shade at the end of the double chaise lounge. No one talking much.
Dustin asks Jessica when her brother is due back. She said August around the 23, nothing was set yet when she left. Jessica talking about it is almost August, then football, then winter. Dustin said he really likes winter, Jessica said she does too. Dustin jokes about liking to see if he will freeze his balls off or not. Jess agrees. they both agree they look forward to fall, then they like winter, enjoy spring, but aren't as excited about summer. Dustin sarcastically talks about places where the weather never changes...sorry sun, I love you but sometimes I need a break. Talking about how he and Jess both prefer being cold to being hot. They like bundling up, and Jess loves knee high boots. Jess and Dustin are doing voices and said something about Ursula. After doing a short stint with voices, we get a short FoTH.
12:12 BBT
Dustin & Jessica joke about Eric's landmine idea and that the POV will change everything today like a triple eviction they laugh. Kail & Jen quietly talk to each other about gameplan about 2 vs 4 in POV & how they cant stand the slop and how it affects there weight.
12:20 BBT
Dustin jumps onto his pink float and on 3rd attempt makes it on as Jessica laughs and Jen, Kail & Jameka talk alittle but Jameka is mostly quiet laying in shade right by them. Jessica and Dustin saying so much for the twist. It is only week three, and 2 of the 3 are already out, then they high five. (people from their past are already gone). Joking about new twists, HoH for 3 consecutive terms, PoV good forever, for 3 people, etc. Then they discuss the error in that happening.
Dustin and Jess talking about not knowing a lot about the game. Dustin said (joking again) that he thought it was like the Real World". Jess said it is CBS, not MTV. Talking about not gettting wasted every not, and the demigraphics are different for the Real World than CBS. Though Jessica comments that the cast this years is pretty young. Now saying Jessica is a Mensa Robot. Jessica was the type of person in HS to finished her test first, then making a big spectacle about it. doing improv about what was said.
Jen and Kail on chaise. Talking about a dimple Jen has and she thinks it makes her butt look wierd. Jen said she is excited about being on slop. Kail was 130 pounds when she started on slop this time. She was 135 last time, and 128 when she got off. She gained back 2 pounds because of the desserts they had. Jen wants to get down to around 125. She would be stoked. (she is currently 133 and 5'5") Kail said she is doing better this time, but she is eating more slop.
Jen had a dream that she can only remember parts of. Talking about random things in her dream, a guy she doesn't know trying to cut her with a plastic knife, then he comes back and tries again. There were 2 guys and 2 girls in the house. She didn't know who they were. More about her dream that doesn't make sense.
12:30 PM BBT
Jameka wakes up and asks Jen and Kail if she can get them something cold to dirnk. They decline. Jameka said it is really bad out there. Jen said they are going to run out of shade soon.
Dustin gets out of the water to get something to drink. BB said Dustin, please put on your microphone. Kail wanted to know who he was talking to, Jen said Daniele. (no game just cordial). Kail and Jen talking about what song was that morning, and what was on yesterday, then they start in with the song by Sting "Every Breath you Take" and we get a short FoTH. Now talking aboout possible questions. Order of songs, how they apply to the challenges and competitions. (She is this year's Janelle, studying !!)
12:40 PM BBT
Kail continues to go over the words to the song, trying to figure out what the challenge will be. Jen going over when people went on slop and who, in regard to the nominations. What happened on each day...really studying! Kail doesn't know the answers, but Jen knows ALL of them! Day by day what happened...evictions, competitions, live shows, etc.
General chit chat by rest of HG's. Kail and Jen now talking about how the keys came out. They expectd Kail (pawn) and Zach, but not Jen. They said as soon as they saw Nick and Zach's keys come out, they knew. Kail said she never saw the Jen nomination coming. Jen gets up to go to porta-potty.
Nick wants to know what Dani thinks they will be doing tonight. Dani said "me or you"? Dani said Nick will be up in HoH all night. Dani doesn't think there will be a separate competition, just a really long PoV one. Nick is getting some coffee, asking about using Half and Half and Dani said only the powdered creamer is allowed.
Jen is back from bathroom, going over the days again. BB tells her to put on her microphone. says the days in order, and what happened on each. She is really studying hard, giving days and the names of competitions, and stuff. Kail is just laying there, occassionally adding a comment, usually asking what something was. (If this is the next competiton, Jen has it for sure).
Nick moves some towels off the washer/dryer to sit next to Dani. People are trying to find some shade, very little left.
Jen has gotten to day 28, now going over some she was fuzzy on. Name of specific competitions. Wondering if they will do one on whose key was pulled out after..... Kail said that would be too difficult. Jen said not really, everyone was there.
Nick and Dani discussing his mustache.
Jen said the studying helps, even if it isn't for this competition, it might be a future one. Now Kail and Jen are questioning each other on stuff in the house, what is nailed down to the dresser, how many pictures on a certain wall, how many pillows in the whole house, what 3 items on the dresser in the round room. Jen said she never looked, but Kail knew what they were, including an elephant. Also discussing what is in the HoH room. Plane goes over, hard to hear. Nick and Dani just chatting and laughing together.
Kail asks what time Jen thinks it is. She said they got out there around 8, she thinks it must be noon, 11:00 at the earliest. (12:45 BBT) Jen and Kail bashing Daniele, saying she thinks he dad will save her but he won't. Kail said Dick has been paranoid all day, thinking he is going to be backdoored. She said why else hasn't he been gloating over their nominations all day. Kail said they have to win the PoV so Zach goes up.
12:48 BBT
Jen & Kail talk about Jessica is drain out by the sun. As Dani & Nick talk about their dogs. Zack who is sitting between the big group of people and Dani & Nick who are sitting on washing machine chimes in with questions about how Dani got her dog. Dani says she bought for $700. Dustin coes over to Kail while Jen is not there and tells her thats she is safe. Kail says that she knows he will keep his word. they talk if people will switch their vote. Kail says she has Amber,Jameka, & Jessica vote to stay but dosent have Dani's. Dustin says that he does not know how Dani voted next week. Kail says her heart told her to talk to Amber & Dustin not Kail. Kail says she trusts Dustin & Amber and says she knows she staying but that everyone flips but everyone will keep to their word. Kail says she cant campain against Jen.
Jen got up and left, Kail alone for a while. Dustin came over to see how she was doing. Dustin said everything is going to be okay. Kail said she knows, she just has to get through this week, then she knows she and Dustin will have a good thing going after this. Kail said it is scary being on the block, and hopes people won't flip. She also said she is worried if no one uses the veto because she needs Jen's vote. Dustin assured her that Jen has painted an even larger target on her back in the last few weeks. Kail talking about how she went to Dustin and Amber first about the alliance. Jen was upset she(Kail) didn't talk to her first. Dustin said it was important to make a strategic move. Kail said she knows she is staying, and her gut says people ar going to keep to their word, but it is still scary being up there. Dustin said in 45 minutes attitudes can change. Kail said if Jen stays on the block, she can't campaign against her (she did last time). Dustin said he knew they would understand the position he was in, since both have been HoH. You have to not make enemies, you need others in the game. Kail said Mike said if he stayed, he would be playing by himself. You ned others. Dustin said because Mike chose not to make relationships in the house is why he went home. He was a wild card which is ultimately why he left.
Both think it is going to be a long possibly endurance competition. Kail said she ate her slop to get ready, so she will have energy. Talking about previous years, the bathtub and spider web challenges were both endurance for HoH.
1 p.m. BBT
1:10 P.M. BBT
1:20PM BBT
FOTH - POV Comp Time
Feeds back...
Dick is pacing in the BY. He looks upset. Dustin apologizes about not buzzing in on time. Jameka, Jen and Kail watch Dick from the patiocouch.
The others chit-chat about the comp.
Eric whispers into Jameka's ear. Then whispers into Jess' ear.
Kail and Jen whisper.
Dustin. Eric, Jess, Jameka, Kail, Jen and Dick talk about farting. Dick apologizes for his gassiness.
The devolves into general chit-chat. Jen is thankful that Dustin asked if they could keep the new outfits.
Dick briefly goes and consoles Amber, who's sitting in the hammock. She thanks him for his concern and he leaves.
Dani and Nick whisper to each other in one of the loungers. She says she's soo mad regarding the outcome. That today sucks.
Dani and Nick continue to whisper...He says he's not concerned if something happens to him.
Dick comes up and talks about brainless stuff. Then leaves. Nick says he's getting nervous.
The general topic is that Jen is being accused of throwing the comp to favor Kail. Dani is mad that she couldn't play in the POV comp. She says if she had she'd have won the POV. Dick wanders back over and starts calling people b****s and that he's angry how things in the POV turned out. Dick is getting riled up and wants to start calling people out today. Dick leaves and Dani and Nick start discussing Dick's attitude. That he's making it very hard for himself. Dani asks Zach why he's so stressed out. Nick offers Zach advise as to laying low for the next few hours, that things are about to explode and it'd be best if he stayed low key.
Dick goes and confronts Jen. It kinda gets interrupted by Eric talking about how fun it is to be the comp host. Dick walks back over to Dani and Nick.
Conversation between Dustin, Eric and Jen centers around future POV comps.
Dick leans into Nicks ear and tells Nick that if "he" (Zach?) starts talking, that Dick's gonna let loose on him. (Okay, maybe he's talking about Dustin.) Dani says there's still a chance to get someone out, worthwhile to their cause. Dick says he still wants to get Kail out. (Not quite sure if that's a possibility.)
3:30 pm
Jameka and Amber talk by the hammock...Amber says she really hates Dick, that he's been so mean lately and she wants to confront him. Jameka advises her to not do anything.
Jameka sounds resigned as to what has transpired. Jameka says this game is already ordained by God and that what they're doing right now is worthless, because the outcome of the game is already decided. Jameka says she already gave her word and she'll have to follow through with something she promised. (Something about taking someone off the block.) Oh boy...Amber starts crying...
It seems like something Dustin did has been affecting Amber. He took some money?
Jameka says she's not mad at Dustin, but that what he did revealed some things about how he's really playing the game.
Jameka has won the POV. Amber finally congratulates her on her win.
Jameka starts reciting passages from the Bible. Making sure to stop and put stress on the word evil. She goes on and explains what each passage means...Amber continues to cry...(Ghaw! Stop already!) Dustin and Eric talk about...the POV. I'm getting the feeling that the POV comp, although the POV itself was won by Jameka, that the other prizes won have put big targets on Dustin and others. Dustin feels like Jameka and Amber are both enemies of his now. Dustin is worried about the fact that in the beginning of his HOH, he didn't want to nominate Kail, but after taking the group consensus, he put her up on the block. That every decision he's made so far has been for the benefit of the group.
Eric says that Jameka is in a precarious position this week, but what Dustin did during the POV is not a big deal. Eric tries hard to convince Dustin that he did his best and that as HOH he'll be making the decisions anyways and that if he approaches it the way he has been then Dustin will be fine. Eric says that all of Jamekas bible thumping is getting her into a dangerous position. That God has better things to worry about then some CBS reality game show.
Dustin thinks that everyone will probably be mad at him for taking the 5K rather then winning the POV. Eric suggests that Dustin starts to play the competitions with less enthusiasm. Jameka walks up and Dustin gives her a hug. Then asks if they can have a talk soon. Jameka says that he shouldn't worry about a thing. What he did was fine. She walks away and the guys continue to gab. Dustin worries about how Amber's feeling about him. (I'm guessing he took Amber out of the POV. or took a prize that she "deserved" to get.) Eric says that right now, Dustin has no idea what she's crying about. That she could be upset with Dick for all they know. Eric goes on to say that Dustin can explain the 5K as needing money to pay bills. It's no big deal. That the trip is not a big deal either. (Dustin? won a trip? as well as 5K? aha...things are starting to fall into place. For one. These people have waaaay to much time to talk.) Dustin is worried about everyone in the game hating him, even though Jameka won the POV and is unlikely to use it. I'm also guessing that Amber wanted to win the POV and that she's upset that Dustin took her out of contention. He said he explained to Amber last night that the three best scenarios would be for either Amber, Dustin or Jameka won the POV. Jameka won, so Dustin is wondering why Amber is crying.
Dustin and Eric continue to chat about this week. Basically that Dustin has nothing to worry about. That next week everything will be back to normal and that no one really can hate Dustin for what he did during the POV. Eric says again, not to worry about things. That yes, Dustin won a trip to Barbados and 5K, but that no one in the house should be upset about it.
Eric joins the girls on the patiocouch, sits with them for awhile, and then goes and joins Dani on the lounger. He talks about a dream that he had... Dani starts whispering...
Then Nick comes up and sits down. They stop whispering. Eric starts talking about his dream last night, that him and Dani made out in his dream. Nick says he should take it to the next level tonight.
4:10 pm
Dustin tells Eric that he made a deal with Kail to use her as a pawn, so if she stays she'll owe him and if she goes it won't matter
Eric tells Dustin that he's worried that they will always be on the outside of the "theological group" Dustin says that's definitely something to file away for the future Eric says ED keeps setting himself up by acting like he does
If the other side gets HOH, ED will be the target and that he won't have the votes this time
Jessica tells Eric that the Amish and Jews are alike - brother and sister because they both wear hats... (lol)
Dani says she's mad at herself for doing so badly in the POV. They start talking about the POV. Seems they were given rebuses and had to guess the word to win points. Points which could be turned in for prizes. FOTH...
They HGs start complaining about being stuck outside. That BB is taking too long to open the doors. Dick comes up and starts talking about Eric's new nickname...Tripod. That him and Zach are on the opposite scale of d*** bigness.
Amber walks by and Nick says she looks just like his sister.
Amber: "Whatever." and then walks off.
Conversation turns to Nicks family. Mostly about how bada** his sister is. Nick says his grandmas birthday is tomorrow.
Zach makes a joke about how Nick's family will go to town in their tractors.
Nick recalls his youth on the lake.
Zach and him talk about the fish in his lake, if alligators live there, if albatrosses live there. (Boy, Zach is dumb.)
FOTH... Nick describes having an infection from a leech bite some years ago...FOTH...
They start looking at clouds and recounting to the others what they look like. Zach starts calling out nick-names for penis'. One-eye trouser snake. Cream filled flesh pastry, etc. FOTH again... Cams back and all is quiet...Nope FoTH again...
In and out with FoTH and snippets of conversations. But for the most part it's pretty darned quiet as the HGs wait to get back inside.
We're back and the topic is stamps. Zach asks what everyone thinks is the most expensive stamp ever made. FOTH
We're back and they HGs are talking about the prizes being lame. That they want a prize where you get to see someone naked. Or a prize where someone can not play in the HOH challenge. Eric wants BB to give the HGs a progress report on how much longer this lockout is going to take.
FOTH again....when we come back no one is talking, the yard is quiet.
Dustin breaks the silence by saying that anyone who wanted to win the POV with the last question could have done so. Dick says No and walks away. He joins the folks on the loungers (Eric, Dani, Nick and Zach)...
Dani says that there's no room at the inn. Then tells him to go away.
Dustin says that there are 3 things occur after every comp. But he won't say what they are. Everyone's quiet again...
4:40 pm
Jameka wants to know if the citronella works for flies. More FoTH. Back with Dick asking about nail polish. Jess is going to let him have Orchid Bloom. He said Jameka was generous with her black polish until he spilled it.
Jess said Shalom to Jameka, and she said it was peace. Jess said it was hello. She said "the jew said it means hello". Dick said something about Eric faking his Jewism, and Jessica corrects him and said it is Judaism, she learned that. Eric joked and said he is from outer Mongolia.
Dick is talking about getting citizenship in Ireland, and it took him months to get the paperwork together. They didn't accept baptismal papers for his mother and grandmother, they wanted birth certificates. He said part of hers(mother) were Elizabeth and part in Lillian. He said when they finally got the paperwork, her real name was Lizzie. Jess said she went to school with a Lizzie, mentioned the last name, and FoTH.
Back with Dick saying Daniele was almost a Nicole. He said that was her mother's name, and more FoTH.
Jessica asked if the mic by the hammock was fixed, and Dick said yes. She seemed surprised, and he said all of her conversations were being recorded. she said, "well yeah, I've got a microphone taped to my boob".
Started talking about cannonballs in the pool, and MORE FOTH!
Back for a second, then more Foth.
4:49 pm
General chit chat, occasionally rehashing for the umpteenth time the competition. Dick uses it as a chance to again accuse Jen of throwing it.
Houseguests just called called for an inside lockdown. They are grabbing the food to take it inside. Daniele said it still looks the same, then FoTH.
4:56 pm
Dick is now back to badgering Dustin about the POV.
5:10 pm
Dick goes upstairs to use HoH bathroom, because Zach is pooping downstairs. Dustin said people are pissed at him. Dick said it was to be expected. Dustin said if he had gotten the PoV he would still be in a bad place. Talking about specific questions Dustin asked the producers, some FoTH.
Dustin said he knew it was going to be money. He and Jameka were the only ones that could get it. He waited and if no one else took it, then he would take it. That was the $5000.
Dick said Jen played it the only way she could. Dustin felt like he could get the last question right, and still win even after taking the 5 grand. Jen did the only thing she could do was to buzz in with the wrong answer to keep them from getting a chance at it. Dick said Jen f***ed both Dustin and Jameka. Dick doesn't think Jameka will use it, since Jen played dirty. Dustin said he would have played it fair. Evidently Jen buzzed in too early to disqualify the question. Dick said Jameka, Jess and Eric all said thank you to him for pointing it out. After it was pointed out, everyone recognized it as the truth.
5:15 pm
Intermittent seconds of FoTH.
Dick said he calls people out in front of everyone so no one can lie about what was said. Dustin said it isn't in his nature to upset people..then ... feed switches to round bed room.
Kail is talking to Jen that Dick is upstairs trying to get Kail out. Jen said if Jameka would have taken the $5000, she still would have tried for the last question. Kail said things will only get worse when Dick finds out that he isn't putting up "him"...she didn't say who.
Eric comes into small bedroom, so Jen talks to him about hosting, and Kail gets up to put on deodorant.
Goes back to HoH room mid-sentence. Dick saying he whispered in Jen's ear that she put Jameka in a bad place. Dick saying that perception is everything, and after $5000 and Barbados, he has to be careful he doesn't come off as ingenuine. They turn on the spy cam and say Kail is still a mess, and Dick said she should be. Amber is upset, Dick said she always is.
Talking about the TV Dick won, and it is still thrown up in his face. He said Amber should have taken it away, but didn't think it through. Dick gives advice. Say I didn't think it through, and didn't know she would screw me like she did. I'm sorry the things have to change. Dick said to just lay low, and don't try to justify it, because it will just make it look like he is bulls****** them. Dick leaves, goes downstairs.
Kail leaves the room as Dick walks in, he gets his cigarettes and goes outside.
5:31 pm
Dick said he wants to do a DR, talking to BB, then quick switch to Dustin. Kail runs upstairs to HoH and tells him the outside is open and no one knows she is there. She hugs him. He apologizes for being selfish, she said she told him not to win PoV. It is better to let someone else use it, then to change his own nominations. Kail asked if Jameka is going to use it. Dustin said he isn't sure, he hasn't spoken to her. Kail said she has to or she will look bad. dustin explains that Jen is the one who put her in that postition, and it was a shady way of doing it. Dustin thought Jameka told Kail she would use it on her, but Kail didn't remember that. Kail said that Jameka will look horrible to the house if she doesn't use it. Dustin said if Jameka uses it, then he puts Zach up, then Zach will go home.
Kail said Dick knows about the backdoor scenario, but Zach doesn't. She said that Dick will remember it, and if Dustin is in the final 2, Dick will hol it against him that he backdoored someone. She said Zach doesn't even know that is what is going on, so he wouldn't hold it against him if he made it to the jury. (she is really campaigning to backdoor Dick) Dustin wants to know why it would be held against him when he isn't doing anything against Dick. He asked if she wanted Dick backdoored. She said yes, but that isn't best for Dustin. He said the house wouldn't go for that.
Kail is trying to coach Dustin on how to handle Dick, and he said Dick has never come after him. He is going through the comp again, and how it played out. Kail said if Zach is his target, then it plays well for him. He said Kail was already out, she had no money. She said she would have lost anyway. Kail wants to know what he is going to do, and he said he has to talk with Jameka to see what she is going to do.
Zach comes up and rings the doorbell, and Dustin barely opens the door to tell him to come back later. Dustin said Zach is driving him crazy and everyone else in the house as well. He said he will put Zach up. Dick wanted Jen or Kail out, then flipped last week to Mike, and Dustin said he isn't going to cover and take out Jen or Kail for him. He said Dick doesn't mess with him. He said Dick knows his plan, that Dustin is going after someone ele. Kail said Jameka HAS to use the Veto to save herself.
5:40 pm
Dustin said if he won PoV, it would have made him look like a comtender. It also would have made him an enemy of others. This way he doesn't have to talke one of his nominations off the block. High fives for the way the game is going for him.
Dustin said every single time there is a challenge, 3 things always .
1. Dick goes off on somebody.
2. Amber cries.
3. Nick and Daniele go off in a corner and whisper.
Kail laughs and said he is right. Amber isn't talking to him right now. Kail said Amber has never been HoH so she doesn't know what it is like. Dustin hopes they don't hold it against him. Kail said she completely understands. Dustin said he doesn't know if he will win, so at least he has something. Kail is worried because Amber hasn't talked to her. Dustin said that is okay, it is because she doesn't want to say anything since Kail is on the block. Again saying Jameka has to use the PoV to save face.
5:55 pm
Dustin and Kail still talking about the game. He is repeating himself over and over again about taking the money and trip and hoping it doesn't come back to bite him. He said stop beating a dead horse. Kail said don't let Dick plant doubts in his mind about taking the gifts. She said until Dick said something about Jen doing it on purpose, it never occurred to her. Dustin said his mind doesn't work that way. Kail said she will tell Jen to stop talking about the money. She overheard Jen talking to Jameka and thanking her for fighting so hard for her, giving up the money and all.
Kail thinks that Nick and Dani voted for her to go out. Dustin said he doesn't know who voted which way and he doesn't care. He said it is like the mustard thing, some things are better left unsolved. Kail said this is the first time in 4 weeks that Jameka has had to put herself out there. Dustin had to put two people up, PoV has been used, HoH has noms, Jameka hasn't had to do anything.
Dustin doesn't know where Barbados is, but he is excited about going. The money will pay his rent while he is in the house, plus while he is in Barbados. He said there is a real world out there, and he has to think about that. Dustin said Dick could go off on someone else. Kail said she will still have her moments. Kail thinks she has Amber, Jen, Jameka and Eric's votes, so Dustin will be the tie-breaker.
6:10 pm
Kail leaves, Dustin said he is going to take a nap. Jen starts to go upstairs, but Kail stops her and says she wants to talk with her first. They are trying to find a room to talk. People seem to be everywhere. They end up in bathroom. Kail tells about her talk with Dustin. Jen thinks that Jameka doesn't need to be talked into using it. She thinks she will use it. Kail telling how Dustin is afraid everyone is mad at him for taking the money and gifts. Jen said no one is upset except Dick.
Kail said she tried to talk Dustin into putting Dick up, and it isn't going to happen. Jen said that is fine, then they are in an alliance. Kail said Dustin said Dick doesn't mess with him. Jen said not yet. Kail told her not to discuss the money that Dustin took. Kail said she has to worry until Thursday that people won't flip. Jen said they want to keep them in the house, so they are always targets. Kail said no one will take Dick out except her and Jen. They don't know why, except they are all afraid of him. They keep saying Jameka HAS to use the veto. It is huge for everyone to see that she follows through with her word. Jen said no one is mad at her except Dick. Kail said she would love it if Dick were more paranoid. Jen said he already went to see Dustin, so he knows he isn't going up. They think the Veto ceremony is Monday.
6:15 pm
Kail said she was saying who she had for votes, and Dustin said he would have Amber talk to Dani. She questioned why Dani instead of Jessica. Again he stated Amber would talk to Dani. Jen said she always thinks that there is an alliance with Dick, Daniele, Dustin and Amber and that shows it even more. Kail said she never thought so, but now it makes sense. Jen said she sees a lot of things, but doesn't say anything. Nick comes near, so Kail said she is going to take a shower. While Kail goes to drop off her cup in the kitchen and get her shower stuff, Jen stays in the bathroom reading the bible.
Feeds switch to outside. Dick and Dani in mid-convo, saying Eric is the smartest player in the game and he will be hard to get out. Nick comes out and they start talking about Kail going up to talk to Dustin all the time. Dani says Zach keeps trying to talk to her, saying he doesn't have anyone in the house. Nick wants to be the one to take Zach out. He said he will say tell him shadow, I am tired of you. Dick said actions speak louder than words. Nick said he has won three practice HoH games, he just has to win a real one. Nick talking about agendas change, and Dick again brings up the money and Barbados thing.
Feed back on Kail in bathroom, waiting for toilet. Jameka comes out. washes her hands and apologizes for being in there. Kail said no problem.
6:25 pm
All 4 feeds on Jameka and Kail in showers. (more going on in BY) No talk, just bathing.
6:40PM BBT
Feeds follow Jameka out of shower and into Big bedroom. Eric and Jessica asking her about cheers. Jameka is trying to get her underwear on, and both cameras are on her. She asks Eric to get the cameras on him. They didn't move.

Zach comes up, Dustin yells through the door "not now, Zach." Daniele goes to the door and says they are talking. Zach says "again?" Dani said she hasn't talked with him all day. Zach sits down on the couches outside the HoH room. Dani says loudly that he is probably sitting close so he can hear with his supersonic ears
Dani is trying to convince Dustin to take out Kail. Says Zach - just look at him - (he is sitting alone outside HOH waiting his turn to go in) that is all he ever does is lurk around saying he has no one in the game. She says look at Kail she was in the finals for season 5 and 6 and this is game on now for her. Says something about her is threatening while Zach is going to be gone anyway. He doesn't play.
6:47pm BBT
the end of dustin/daniele's HOH room conversation...she's pissed that he took prizes in the veto comp. instead of trying harder to win veto because she NEEDS jen out
daniele: i believe that if jameka doesnt use the veto then jen is gone because there is a concensus - everyone hates her
dustin: well if jameka does use it, because she works on fate or whatever, should i put up zach?
daniele: well who else would you put up? ( a hateful look on her face for a split second there)
dustin: well should i put nick up?
Dustin:would your dad vote jen out?
daniele: God, yeah
daniele: we have to make everyone see kail is worth nothing in this game, she doesnt even know basics (kail didnt know 'nominee' in the veto competition today)
dustin:omg yeah shes soooooo
daniele:im so over these people...i just need to talk to jameka...i think we should let my dad talk to her first
dustin: i dont think thats such a good idea
daniele: just to see where she's at
dustin:im not going to give her advice either way, im just going to talk to her to see where she's at
daniele: we've got to get our opinions in there
dustin:your dad is very good on outing people on their bull****, that's a factual statement, and its always with HER (jen)...she acts like a dummy but she's not a dummy
daniele:she is an idiot but at the same time she knows what she's doing
dustin:this HOH stuff is not what its cracked up to be
daniele:that's what everyone has said so far
dustin:its bad because that m*****r is sleeping out there waiting to talk to me (zach)....
daniele: he knows
dustin:oh he knows, i wonder if the three of them were tipped off
daniele:its been cut down the middle since the first week, its obvious to everyone
dustin:mrs robinson is much bigger than we thought it was, and its webbed
daniele: he's not sleeping, he's such an idiot, he's following you, he's a freak....just say 'please leave me alone nobody is changing my mind'
daniele is going to listen to dustin's music, dustin thanks her for listening to him, he leaves her alone in the hoh room
Eric goes to talk to Amber. Amber is STILL CRYING!! Says Dustin was selfish and took the trip and she could have had a plasma TV but she would never do that.
Said before the comp he said he, Jen or Kail needed to get POV and he let her down. She can't even look at him because he was selfish and let her down. Jameka comes in and tries to talk Amber into going outside for some fresh air. She agrees finally and then looks in the mirror. She starts crying again because she looks awful for crying so much! all four cams are on eric and amber in the same bed...jameka and jen are in the same room looking bored but trying to talk a little bit to them too amber:im just so sad, dustins decision...its just so wrong, to do this to jameka....the fact that just his train of thought, he knew he had enough points in the puzzle, before the competion he said you me jen or kail has to get it, he just let me like you know how much i love you, but i cant even look at him, he's so selfish eric: i think he knows it, like he has his tail between his legs amber: i was like there's no way he's going to take the next prize and sick about it.....i cant understand how people are so f***ed up its not right hugging know how i feel about dustin eric:its hard right now, but you guys will talk and you will be ok, jameka is strong and she'll be ok, it will be fine and we'll get drunk tonight amber: ok now a hug from jameka, she has talked amber into going out on the hammock

7:10PM BBT
They will get rid of someone they want out, so it will be ok. Eric said he needs to take a shower. He looks bad, his hair is bad, he smells bad, he has bags under his eyes, he has guava on his crotch... Amber and Jameka get ready to go outside, and Eric announces he is going to take a shower. amber goes into the kitchen. Jen walks thru - say it is cold in there. Amber goes back into the bedroom, takes off her shoes and crawls back into the bed with a washcloth over her eyes.
7:15PM BBT
nick and dick sitting on the couch outside talking about slop and types of birds outside jen comes out eating a bowl of slop
dick mentions that when the others were on slop he avoided all the condiments and junk that the slop people could have so they would have plenty, and he's mad that this week's nonslop people are not as considerate as he was
dick nick and jen are just kinda chillin and talking/laughing
dick: what about taking your bra off in the middle of the live show last thursday? jen: omg it hurt so bad, it was a strap bra that i was trying to make into a strapless bra, i had tucked the straps in
now dicks talking about some wonderful someone that he once hung out with
Jameka and Jessica at table whispering. Jessica says Amber is taking it rough that Dustin betrayed her. Jessica also whispered that Amber needs to go soon because she is all over Eric all the time.
7:33pm BBT
dustin is circling/hovering around jameka at the dining table....but there's jen hanging around in the kitchen
jessica is still eating at the table with jameka, and now eric has come in talking loudly is easy to sense dustin's annoyance
jameka is either the world's slowest eater or she isnt ready to talk now...her food is lasting a loooong time, so instead of hovering beside her at the table he gets something out of the fridge, while he is over there jameka and jessica try to make a break for it to go outside......BUT dustin blurts 'jameka do you wanna hammock date with me?'................and she of course says yes
Jen just announced she feels pregnant after eating slop. She could even possobly gain weight while on slop.
Jess whispers to Jameka that Amber is bitter, upset and jealous over Dustin's trip to Barbados.
7:40PM BBT
Dustin and Jameka on their hammock date. Dustin is now apologizing to Jam for going for the prize which, he says Dick and Dan are sure, opened the door for Jen to do what she did so that Jam would win the veto and get her (Jen) off.
Dustin tells Jam that it was the promise that Jam made to Jen that probably "devastated" her. Jam: "I don't know, it is what it is". Dustin asks if Jam has had "that" conversation with Jen. Jam says Jen apologized to her...Jam says she's not tripping over that at all...Dustin asks her if she means that...Jam says she does.
7:45PM BBT
Dustin continues to apologize, says he feels responsible for her winning POV because he let himself get carried awayduring the comp. Jam says she would not have taken the prize either way, it's not his fault, he should enjoy himself. Dustin tells Jam that Amber is mad at him and so is Daniele. He says Dan told him he did not compete to win.
Dustin tells Jam that Dan told him it is going to be a heated conversation with the group tonight. Dustin says he doesn't want to address everybody as a whole. he wants to talk to each person separately, he's not like ED. Jam says it would be different if she had not told anyone of her intentions and now came out with "I'm going to do it", but she had told everyone, and she's not tripping.
Dustin is afraid that there may be major consequences against him in the weeks to come because of how things went today. Dustin says that the fact that Amber is not talking to him bothers him cuz it says something about her character that she's not able to say to him what she's telling everybody else about him. Dustin says he knows Amber is hurt because it happened to Jam. Jam says that's why she keeps saying "I am fine"
Dustin tells Jam that he hopes she (Jam) is at peace with this situation. she says she is. Dustin says, that if Jen comes down they need to talk about who they're putting up. Because Dustin thinks if Kail stays she'll be a solid vote for Jam in the future. Jam can totally see it, but she doesn't know how Kail will survive against anyone this week.
Jam just wants to be done with it. She wishes they all could just have that talk right now and get it over with, but she knows she has to wait and she hates the waiting game.
Dustin appreciates her being okay with him. Dustin says being HOH is hard because you are putting your neck out there because of this and that. Dustin says Kail understood why she was being put up. Dustin thinks Eric is very good at playing different scenarios, that many people use this game for personal vendettas and that's not how he wants to play the game.
Dustin tells Jam that he asked Dan what if he put nick up as a pawn and Dan said "absolutely not!"
To summarize: Jameka plans to keep her word to Jen. She would love to see Zach out, and that is how she would vote. Dustin claims that he would rather see one of the two guys (Zach or Nick) out rather than Kail. They plan to have a talk in the HOH tonight. At first, Dustin talked of postponing it to tomorrow, but now it looks like it will be tonight. Dustin told Jameka that he will not talk to everyone tonight about the POV comp. He will talk to each person individually.
Dustin goes in and asks Amber if she will talk to him now, and she says "probably not." He asks if she will let him know when she is ready. She doesn't respond vocally. (Earlier, Jess told Jameka that Amber is taking this hard, "Even harder than me, and I could have won the f*****g trip!")
Now, Jess is inside asking if Amber is okay, and she says she is doing better.
10:01 BBT
Eric, Jess, Nick and Zach played a game of "Beer Pong," which Daniele suggested, but in which she did not participate. They got plastic tops off bottles and threw them across the table into big paper cups of beer.
Jess and Eric talked about Jess learning a prayer in Hebrew. It is a prayer of thanks that you would say over bread and wine. Eric says Jess is going to say it for his mother. Jess says she hasn't learned it yet (after Jameka asks her to say it). Jameka asks for a few words, then. Jess won't say them, so Eric says a line, but he thinks he missed a few words in there. Jameka repeats a few words, and in the "ch" sounds she sounds like a cat with a hairball.
In the kitchen, Amber and Dani are talking, and they aren't really whispering. At one point, Eric goes over to the cabinet near them and gets something, and they continue the conversation regardless of his presence. Dani is saying that it would be stupid of Jameka to use the POV. She tells Amber that Dustin has now "Packed his bags in this game." She repeats it over and over, and tells Amber not to tell what she is telling her. Amber says, "I never do." Dani tells Amber that there is no way that Dustin can win the game, now.
Eric comes over to Dani and Dani puts a clothes hanger with clips on his back, and he walks around that way. Dani asks Eric why Jameka would consider using the POV? Eric says she told everyone ahead of time that was what she was going to do! Dani tells Eric that you might think you are making the right choice early on, but then the "right choice changes." She says that if Jameka uses that POV, a lot of people won't be happy with her.
At one point, Dustin comes and sits down at the table or the bar (I couldn't tell which) near them, and Amber and Dani still talked about him, and they weren't whispering. We saw a shot of Dustin's face, and he wasn't looking happy.
Dani tells Amber that she should "be careful" about Dustin. Amber tells Dani that she was told by someone before the game that she would probably get close to the "gay guy" and to be careful because they always end up screwing their friends over in the game. Dani tells her again to be careful.
11:01pm BBT
Nick is talking to Dustin in the hottub. Nick tells him that he would have done the same thing in Dustin's place. Dustin says that he is the fourth person to tell him that. He says that he's happy, either way. He says that no matter how this week goes, he's happy. If the nominations stayed the same, he would have been happy. If they change, he's happy. Nick keeps agreeing. Dani joins them at the hot tub.
Nick talks about he's going to build on his family's land, and his brother-in-law's family are in construction and will help him save lots of money.
Nick: Daniele, what do you want to talk about out here?
Dani: Nothing. Dani says that she is mad at "her" because "she" told her that she is spoiled at home.
Dustin says that Dani works and lives with her boyfriend--how can she be spoiled?
Dani says she isn't spoiled, and that is one of her pet peeves, when people tell her that.
Dani says she only has one credit card, and that's paid off!
Nick tells Dani that he had her back today. He says that Zach was sitting next to Nick and started "sh** talking" Dani. Zach called her "the Princess."
Nick says he told Zach that people were trying to have a private conversation, and he sat outside the door, and that was rude.
Dick asked Nick what Nick was talking about. Nick didn't want to get Dick upset about the situation, so he told Dick to leave it alone. Nick says that Zach is in the HOH room, right now. Dani says that he won't leave, either.
Jess just hid behind a wall near the bathroom. She was waiting for Eric and when he walked in, she scared him!
Jess is doing dance twirls in the kitchen, and Eric is watching, sitting on the HOH stairs at the bottom. She asks him if he wants a cookie, he says no, and she says, "Loser!"
She asks him what he wants to do. They decide to go upstairs and bug the person in HOH (This appears to be Zach, waiting for Dustin, who is in the hot tub) and "stare at him" because he is in the HOH room without Dustin. So, Jess goes upstairs and she is banging on the door. Eric is rolling, over and over, on the floor of the balcony, on his way to the door. They wonder if maybe Zach isn't even in there. But he answers the door.
Jess runs into the HOH room.
Zach immediately wants Jess out.
Jess is telling Eric that Jess asked him, "What are you doing?'
He said, "listening to music. What are you doing?"
She said she was going around looking to see where people were. (Jess is a little buzzed from beer pong).
Eric can't believe he didn't ask her to stay.
Now, Jess wants Eric to dance with her. They are dancing in the dining room area.
Jess is yelling cheers as she helps Eric make his bed. He says "Dick rubbed his grassy dick" on his sheets, so he had to change them.
Jess: Now, help me make my huge bed!
Eric: Okay!
And they do cheers as they make her bed.
In the hot tub, they are discussing how they are allowed to play a CD, and whether BB has to get permission. And we get FOTH.
(I forgot to mention, earlier in the evening (an hour or so ago) Dick was saying that he used to get the feeds. He was explaining how they worked to Dustin. He said that you have four feeds and you have to choose one to hear the audio (not true now). Dustin asks what happened if they had a comp? Dick explained that you saw fish. But he said that probably this year it is the water swirl thing they see on their t.v. (So they have that on their t.v. most of the time). Dick told him that the fans get p***** when they sing because the feeds go off, and it takes a few minutes for them to come back.
11:20 BBT
Zach has come outside to the hot tub. Zach says that he heard a rumor that Nick moved the chess pieces. Zach can't find them all. (A few minutes ago, Jess and Eric were telling EACH OTHER that they can't believe that Nick and Dick hid the chess pieces, so Zach must have heard them). Nick says, "Let me guess. Eric and Jessica?" Zach says yes. Dick yells "What?" And Nick says that they told Zach it was HIM (Nick) that hid them.
Jess and Eric are whispering. He is telling her that Dick and Dani and Amber were "furious." Eric says that it is "ridiculous" that Jameka has decided that if she gets picked for POV, she must play to win and use it, because it is God's will. Jess says that she was told by Jameka that Jameka is not going to do this anymore. She is not going to tell anyone how she will vote, either. She's not going to play for POV to win, either.
Zach comes in and interrupts. He says that he can't find all of the pieces from the chess board. They tell him that all of the pieces are in the living room. He goes to try to find them (supposedly). Jess and Eric start to whisper some more. Eric says that Jameka told them that the winner is "predetermined," and it doesn't matter what they do in the game--the winner is going to win, either way. Eric thinks it is ridiculous.
Zach interrupts them again. Eric says that he and Jess couldn't find them, either. Zach says it is like an Easter egg hunt. Zach asks which of them are drunk? Eric says neither. They're just bored. Zach asks if they have "made out yet?" Jess says "no!" and Eric says "Not yet!" Zach says "Good answer.'
Jess asks Zach if he has heard if Jameka will use POV?
He says he doesn't know, but if Jameka makes a decision and it doesn't have the outcome she hopes, then she is in a "world of hurt."
Jess says, "Oh, really?"
Zach says that "everything is a risk," and she will end up putting Dustin in jeopardy, possibly.
Zach says he doesn't like getting into people decisions or their business. He doesn't know who Jameka is aligned with.
Jess and Eric say they have no idea, either.
Zach says he doesn't like to get into other people's business.
Zach makes a comment about not fitting in. Jess says no one's home is like this, and you have to adjust. She says it's like living in high school. Eric and Zach both say they "hated every second of high school." Jess is amazed by this. She says that it's only been 3 years since she was there.
They see Dick nearby. Eric says that Alison hid in a big pot for three hours, trying to listen. Dick comes in the room. Zach says they (Jess and Eric) that they did a good job of hiding the chess pieces. Eric says they didn't do it. It is "word on the street" that the pieces are in the living room. Dick says Jessica looks buzzed. She says she is, but not drunk.
Outside on the couch, Dustin sits next to Amber, but she turns her head away from him and bites on her fingernails. Finally, Dustin gives up and leaves the couch.
Jameka is sitting on the other side of Amber, with her head on the couch, near her.
Dani walks up and says they are so quiet!
Amber says that Jess and Eric are the positive couple, and Dani and Nick are the negative couple, and that's that.
Dani: We're not a couple!
Nick: Those crazy kids are falling in love with each other!!
Dani says look what you've done--you encourage this!
Amber says that they love each other (Dani and Nick)
Dani: Amber, I've had enough of your sass!
Dani asks them if they heard the comment Dick made to Jen (she's repeated this all night). He told Jen "You apologize about as often as you shower."
Dani thinks that is so funny.
Supposedly, Jen has only showered once since her HOH stint.
Dani has a lighter, and she is flicking it over and over. The flame is really high.
Dani: I hate Zach. Do you see the way he is to me? Did you see that? He said that music sounds like Ska. I was like, what??
Dani says she loved that whole scene and used to go to shows 3x a week and knew everyone there.
Dani told him that was not like Ska at all.
Dani: He was like, trying to tell ME!
Dani says that he always tries to act like he knows everything and has been everywhere.
Dani: Then he had the nerve to try to talk crap about me.
Dani tells again the story about how Dustin, Nick and Dani were in HOH and Zach tried to interrupt and she told him they were having a personal conversation, and Zach stayed outside the door.
Dani: I hate him. He is so rude to me!
Dick comes outside
Dick: He says the same thing about you.
Dani again tells the story about how Zach stayed outside the door when they were trying to talk
Dick says he has come up with a new term. When someone comes into the room and everyone gets up to leave, you are "Zaching them."
Dick laughs.
Amber and Jameka don't.
Dani keeps flicking the lighter, faster and faster, and tells the Ska story.
Dani says she is sick of Zach.
Dani: It's the same thing as with Jen. It doesn't affect me in any way.
Dani says it's really annoying and gets on her nerves. She says it doesn't bother Dick because he has such thick skin, and hers isn't that thick.
Dick: Just keep in mind, with this, some people just make a bigger ass of themselves. Right, Jameka?
Jameka: Mmm hhmm
Dick tells Dani that when she leaves here and she reads what "people who don't even know her have to say," she'd better have a thick skin.
Dick asks if the smoke is bugging Jameka. She says slightly, but he doesn't need to leave. He gets up and starts pacing.
Dick: You okay, Jameka?
She says yes.
Dick says he wants to ask her a question, and she doesn't have to answer if she doesn't want.
Jameka: It didn't bother me. I mean, it was just so blatant...
Dick: Not just her (Jen). It was him, too.
Jameka says it wasn't until she talked to Dustin that she even saw it from a different perspective. She thought he was just enjoying HOH. Then Dustin told her how others saw it, and she hadn't thought of that.
Dani: Can I say something about that? Dani says that in her opinion, the HOH should have been the one to do the most in the competition.
Dani says she was flabbergasted and offended by what he did.
Dick starts to interrupt and Dani is upset, and says, "Can I finish??"
He apologizes and she continues. Dani goes through the whole competition, and how Dustin told them just before it that they all had to play to win. She talks about how they had to get a certain number of points to be sure they had enough points for the POV.
Dustin claimed to be surprised that they did all that addition. She says Dustin told her that people have told him that they would have done the same thing.
Dani told Dustin that she would never have taken the prize. She told him that out of the six up there, five wouldn't have taken the prizes.
Dick says Jameka wouldn't have taken the 5,000, either.
Jameka: Mmmmm
Dick says it was Dustin's idea to backdoor and he "reneged."
Dick: He knew what his goal was, and his goal changed in the middle to a trip to Barbados and $5,000.
Jameka tells them how she told Dustin he got overwhelmed in the moment, like Eric did at the end of HOH.
Dick: When he said he pushed the buzzer on accident, I'm sorry, that's bullshit.
Jameka: Who, Dustin??
Dani claims that two other have heard Dustin say that he hit the button on the $5,000 on accident. (I don't know if this is true or not. I do know that Dustin told Jameka in the hammock earlier that he thought out the $5,000 and felt no one else would take it, and so he didn't want to waste it, basically).
Jameka: I mean, do I agree with it, no. Am I tripping over it, no. I don't care. The big overall focus is that one of them are going home, and that was the goal.
Dick: Don't you want to move on to the Jen thing? Don't you feel used over that?
Jameka: No, it's just typical.
Jameka says that people show you their character.
Dani says that Jen is going through the game using people, and she doesn't like that!
Someone asks Jameka if she is staying up late? She says probably so.
Amber: You are?? Jameka says she gets tired, then wakes up.
Talk of Nick's hair. Jameka says it's only bad in the back--the front is cute. Dani: It's awful!
Dani follows Nick and Dick inside.
Dani: I'll be back, ladies!
Amber makes a sound when Dani is gone.
Amber says that she (Dani) is such a brat. She can't stand it when people try to assert themselves over others to get what they want, and Dani is like her Dad in that way.
Dani's back, with a cookie.
1:30AM BBT
Dick and Daniele tell Dustin they can't believe Jameka said she's not going to consider what Jen did in POV comp. Dick decides to summon the others and tell them they want to talk about Jen (while Jen is right there). Jameka heads upstairs, Amber and Eric stay in the backyard.
Eric and Amber have now come upstairs. (F1/2 shows Jen in kitchen.) And Jessica completes the group.
Dick starts off saying that he pointed out how Jen is completely manipulating people and others have thanked him for pointing it out.
Eric talks about staying on script. He says Kail is not a good player and Nick or Zach is more of a threat.
Dustin says it shouldn't be up for discussion because Jameka said she has already decided (to use veto). Dick says he's not stamping his feet. Eric wants to move on to discussion of replacement.
Dick says it's ultimately Dustin's decision. Dustin wants to keep to his original plan of Zach as replacement. He asks how vote should go.
Jessica says she wants to vote Kail out (I think).
Daniele talks about how Kail is a mess, no one trusts her. She says may as well vote out who you put up.
Eric talks about how no one wants to use their HOH week to put Nick up; suggests this is a good week to get rid of him.
Dick agrees.
Dustin asks who is helped by Nick staying in the house.
Daniele warns them it's not guaranteed that they will keep winning HOH.
Dick tells them Zach hates Daniele more than anyone else so they shouldn't worry about his vote (in jury).
Daniele sarcastically thanks him.
Jameka thinks Kail and Nick are less shady than the rest of the other group.
Daniele thinks Jameka is saying that Zach will vote based on who he likes/dislikes.
Eric says they look out for each other and not choose based on who helps or hurts them more. He thinks Nick will be the least fair juror.
Dustin thinks Zach would vote on a strategic level because he doesn't know anyone on a personal level.
Jameka can't stand the thought of Zach being in sequester; he's creepy to her.
Amber couldn't care less who goes. When asked, she picks Nick to go strategically and Zach personally.
Jameka, Eric, and Dick (and Dustin?) agree.
Daniele says Zach strategically and personally.
Jessica also picks Nick for strategy.
Dustin thinks they should put Zach out of his misery.
Dick questions why he would do that when everyone just chose Nick for strategy.
Dustin is fine with sending Nick home as long as there is consensus.
Eric says they should tell Jen that Nick is going home so there is no chance of something going wrong.
Jameka says it's a bold move.
Amber says she's more than willing to keep Nick around because she sympathizes with how Daniele is feeling.
Daniele says she already agreed to do what group wants but if it were up to her, Jen would stay on the block.
She says it's not personal but Jen is using people.
Amber says Nick does the same thing.
Daniele walks out and says she'll be back. (F1 shows her going to the bathroom.)
While Daniele is gone, Eric thinks it will be better for Daniele if Nick is gone; more clarity for her.
Dick also goes downstairs. (F1 shows him looking in backyard and then in bedroom.)
Amber now crying about sending Nick home.
Eric says only Nick tried to throw this group under the bus.
Dick wants to tell Nick so Daniele has a chance to say goodbye. Jessica and Jameka disagree; they think they can put it off until late. (A bunch of cross talk.) Dick now says they should just keep their vote private. Jameka agrees. Dick suggests everyone handle it in their own way. Dustin and Eric reiterate that they must vote Nick out. Amber feels that they're directing suspicion to her about her vote but the others say no.
2:40AM BBT
All feeds now on HOH with LNC except Daniele. Eric is in the middle of talking about Nick fighting hard to stay like Joe. He's advising them to be firm.
They're talking about how to handle saying goodbye to Nick. Dustin suggests approaching him by saying "if you're going home". Amber thinks about it for a bit and eventually says that's fine with her. Dustin calls for them to meet again on Sunday and Monday
They're talking light-heartedly about the LNC name. Dick notices Amber is not joining in so he asks if she's okay. She sighs and says it's going to be a tough week for her.
In between FOTH, we catch the houseguests talking about applications for BB, food, farting, the smell outside. The LNC breaks up around 3:30AM BBT.
They're whispering in the living room. They're laughing. It looks like Dick has hidden the chess pieces inside the cushions (they have a zipper). Dustin and Dick go out and take a few of the large chess pieces from the backyard and hide them in the HOH room.
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