8:40 am BBT
Everyone still sleeping
10:25 a.m. BBT
Kail was up earlier. Then I saw Jen get up.
We've had BIG BLUE most of the time.
11:15 am BBT
BB woke them. Bouncing back and forth... more BLUE than anything else.
Saw Eric in the bathroom, grooming his hair. Now Jen's brushing her teeth and Amber is saying 'yeah..totally' in front of the mirror. All four cams there.
11:30 am BBT
Food competition will be starting soon. I think I saw Dustin in a crown and robe announcing the comp would be starting soon.
12:27pm bbt Feeds are back!
Jessica coming inside: well we came from behind, behind Daniele and Nick
Jen walking to bedroom reading the screen: Nominations today!
Jen to Kail in small bedroom while changing: I'm sad you are on it... I thought they were going to put me on it... if you want I'll be fine on it.
Jen to Amber: good job Amber! Finished our puzzle... finished it none the less...
BB: indoor lockdown
random chatter of how who was leading who in the food comp...
Jessica to Amber: once you got one piece to work, you were like, OK!
Back again!
Eric: Dani, Amber, Dustin, and Jameka don't drink, so we get all the beer... hi5s Nick (guessing they are all NOT on slop this week, along with Jessica, who Eric just shared the 'good news' with)
some general conversation about nothing
Dani loves 'Apples to Apples' game... Dani says it is the funnest game ever!
Nick loves Balderdash, especially when drinking
1:12 BBT
Amber and Dustin were chatting in the HOH room. Dick knocked, and Amber didn't look happy. Amber asked if she should hide, Dustin said no, and told Dick to come in. Dustin explained that he was telling Amber about his conversation with Kail this morning. Amber goes to leave, but Dick goes to say something to her, and Amber says not right now. Dick tells her to let him speak, he just wants to say something. She's telling him it's okay, but she's really getting upset.
Dick tells Amber that he is going to ignore her for the next few days. He asks if she wants to know what he really thinks? She says yes. He says that she has been a b**** for the last few days. Amber is crying. She says that no one else in the house feels that way, other than maybe Zach! He says he told her he is just going to step back for a few days. She says "It's fine!" and walks away. He says it isn't fine--she is mad and leaving. She leaves, crying.
Dick asks what he should do with that? He's trying!
Dustin tells him to find a balance.
Dustin says not to ignore Amber, but don't mess with her as much.
Dustin tells him he is a man of extremes.
Dick: I know.
Dustin: You are extremely crass and rude and outing, or you are extremely nice, charismatic and fun. Do you get what I'm saying? Those are two opposites. IF you can try to challenge yourself to find a happy medium between those two, I think it would be beneficial to you in this house, in this game and in your relationships with people. To find that balance.
Dick: I think I'm okay with just about everyone, except for the people I'm not okay with.
Dick says that he and Amber have been butting heads, and he knows when they went wrong. He told Amber that he was going to try to distance himself to make sure people didn't think they were in an alliance. He told Amber up front he would tell people that she was emotional and would never be in an alliance with her. He told Zach that. He feels it "hit too close to home" with Amber. He told Amber that she could do the same with him, and he wouldn't be offended.
Dustin: I can't say one way or the other if that's when it all started.
Dustin said they have been butting heads for the last 3 or 4 days.
Dick says that he told Amber up front he would say that to others (Amber's emotional) and he did.
Dick: I think I'm just going to avoid the situation.
Dustin: Avoid the situation, but don't avoid her!
Dick: That's why I came up here, was to say I'm not gonna ignore you, but I'm going to avoid all of this.
Dustin: But you asked me for advice, and I'm giving you advice.
Dick: Good!
Dustin: You either f*** with people and then you try to make up for it tenfold, and that's even more annoying, or you straight up piss people off and you don't try to make up for it. And there's an extreme there.
Dustin says that he pisses people off, then tries to talk about it over and over to make it up with them, or he says "F*** you, f*** you!"
Dick: Those are the people like Kail and Jen.
Dustin: No. That's just from my observations, it's who you are and what you do with people.
Dustin says he needs to find a common ground between those two and things would go smoother for Dick in the house.
Dick: You're probably right.
Dustin: You can't apologize to Amber 50,000 times for some ridiculous comment or something like that, and then you can't not apologize for literally berating somebody in front of a group of 12 people, you know what I mean?
Dick: Oooh. What situation are you talking about (sounding defensive now)
Dustin says he is giving him examples of situations that have occurred.
Dick tries to interrupt.
Dustin: Just, Please!
Dick talks about how Amber took personal offense about the dog comment.
Dustin: One other thing to consider is consideration of others. Granted, Amber says, "It's fine! It's fine!" That's her way of saying "You know what? It WILL be fine, just leave me alone for a little bit and let me think about it." But it's because you need that personal satisfaction, and you need to literally talk it out at that moment, and she doesn't need that.
Dick: That's true, too.
Dustin says that Amber needs to be left alone, and Dick wants to "solve this right now."
Dick agrees.
Dustin: The reaction to the actions are completely opposite.
Dustin says he and Amber need to consider each other's needs, and "calm the f*** down."
Dick: Well, I think too that everybody doesn't have to be in love with each other here, but we have to deal with each other, and we have the same goal in mind here.
Dick says he's sure people have all dealt with someone in the workplace that they don't like, but they deal and get on with the job.
Dustin says Dick needs to consider Amber's feelings. He gets in her face not once, not twice, but three times.
Dustin: That's not for her benefit. That's for your benefit.
Dick says Amber will say she is okay, but he knows she's not, and that's why.
Dustin says give her an hour, and it will be fine then, because she has vented or worked off steam, and then she will talk to him.
Dick: I understand. Absolutely. Chicks, man. I'm telling you.
Dick: When I say Chicks, man, there's a reason I'm single for 27 years.
Dustin says they both need not take it personally.
Dick says he doesn't think he takes anything she says personally. It's the actions of saying one thing and acting another way, which she does. He knows she isn't okay, but says she is.
Dustin says take it at face value.
Dick says he is going to avoid the situation for the next few days. They have a while to be together and there shouldn't be head butting and bulls***.
Dustin says not to ignore her--it will make things worse.
Dick: That's why I came in here and said, if you want me to ignore you, I'll ignore you, and she jumped on me. So, he knew Amber was in HOH and came up there to say he didn't want to ignore her.
Dick changes the conversation to Kail.
Dick says that if Dustin doesn't want to bullshit her, then don't.
Dick says Dustin can tell Jen and Kail that they didn't leave in the last couple of weeks, so this is the way it should be, with them on the block.
Dick: It's your deal. Do what you want. Do what you like.
Dick says that Dustin said he didn't want to "go that way" and deal with the big drama thing that Eric was talking about.
Dustin: As far as nominations go, I think I'm going to say "Kail, Jen, the two of you have some sort of something that is going on, and it's unknown and unspoken, and there is no way in hell that the two of you sat up here for 19 days and did not talk game to each other. I don't buy it for one minute. The two of you have power. You speak to other people. Jen, you fabricate. Kail, you fabricate. Both of you are threats in this game and you are both part of an alliance that needs to split up.
Dick says that's good. He tells him he needs to watch the time for the ceremony.
Dick is reading the HOH directions. You cannot change your vote or take out the key once it is in the box.
Dick says he hasn't seen his key come out of the box since he has been there.
Dustin agrees--he didn't think of that.
Dick leaves.
Dick is reading the HOH directions. You cannot change your vote or take out the key once it is in the box.
Dick says he hasn't seen his key come out of the box since he has been there.
Dustin agrees--he didn't think of that.
Dick leaves.
Amber is whispering to Jameka, obviously has been crying.
Dick comes into the round room and butts in, he wants to change clothes. He asks them to turn around while he changes.
They quickly change the conversation.
Feeds show dick sleeping and Kail, Dani, Jameka, and Amber in the kitchen.
Just turned on feeds. Looks like Kail is on slop and Amber isn't.
Dani doesn't look like she is on slop. I don't know if Jameka is.
Dick leaves, and Kail comes in.
Kail lost an earring back, and Jameka found it. Kail says she just needs to get a shirt, and will leave.
They talk about nothing as Kail does this.
Amber: God. I hate it. I hate that he brings...I don't like negative.
Amber is whining about how negative Dick is, and it is "his fault, too."
Amber: I don't like putting fault on anybody, but it is his fault.
Amber says she went up to talk to him when he was HOH, and he said, "What am I, the Godfather?"
Jameka says Amber has shown him how she is. He irritates her and then makes up, so what can she do now that she has shown him who she is?
Jameka: Let vengeance and venge (???) be up to God.
Amber says that's why she walks away.
Jameka says this is her challenge in the house, and she has to conquer it--not let it bring her down.
Jameka says that Amber has to think that now Dick is deliberately putting her in the place that she has said she doesn't want to be in, so what does that tell her about his character?
Amber says that Dick demands to know why Amber doesn't come to him with info.
Jameka says he is very jealous.
Amber says that Dick told her that he knew the game better than anyone else, since he watched Dr. Will a lot. At sequester Dick told Amber not to tell anyone that. At the dinner table she mentioned that he was obsessed with Will. Dick pulled her aside and told her not to "fuck his game up!"
Jameka says to think about Dustin. He set the example when Joe tried to upset him. He wouldn't respond--he just walked away.
Jameka: I'll be there to support you and make sure you are okay. You have to ignore it. He is the type of person he likes to engage, and that's it. You're not gonna be defeated by this one person.
Jameka is giving a big pep talk to her. She is being "tested," and she needs to decide what she will do.
Amber is sobbing now.
Amber: Jameka, I'm so glad you are here with me.
Amber is literally sobbing, crying hysterically now, and Jameka is hugging her, telling her that she swears it isn't fake--she loves Amber.
Amber says she can't tell Jameka enough of how glad she is she is there with her.
Amber says that she needs Jameka to give her a "look" to tell her how to act.
Amber: Nobody else does that with me!
Amber says that it means something that Dick's name is evil.
Amber told him she didn't like that.
Dick told her it was E-V-E-L
Amber told him it doesn't matter, it's still evil.
Amber says she was reading Jameka's Bible, and Dick confronted her and asked what she was reading.
The verse was something like "Pain doesn't always hurt you."
Dick argued with her and she said she wouldn't "go there."
He said, "Seriously, can you just enlighten me, please?'
Amber told him sometimes you have to hurt to feel better in every situation, take the bad with the good.
Dick told her it was a bunch of bullshit.
She says that is why she didn't want to go there, and Dick told her, "But you went there!"
Dick interrupts again, and Jameka and Amber leave the room.
Amber: See? He didn't want us to talk anymore. That's why.
Jameka says they can maybe go upstairs.
Jameka is going to make slop for "those guys."
(The feed I had backed up to get these conversations has now gone to Zach and Dustin, sleeping. Forever.--ed)
The feed in the kitchen is showing Kail sitting at the bar, worried. She has her hands clasped in front of her mouth. The camera switches, several times, between her foot nervously moving up and down, and her clasped hands in front of her face. Face -- feet ---face---feet.
Dani and Jameka are talking about how Jameka can set up a slop store.
Dani includes Kail in the conversation, and asks what her contribution is.
Kail: I'm the cleanup crew. I do all of the dishes.
Jameka agrees. (So I guess Kail does do dishes, and I don't see it--ed)
Jameka made slop with honey in it. Kail is eating it and says it isn't bad at all--it's perfect. She says she will get a big bowl and put some in it and put it in the fridge, and that's what she will eat for the week. She thanks Jameka, and Jameka says "Any time."
Jameka says Mike was on the Early Show this morning. She says everyone is after that.
Jen asks how it works when you are going to the jury house?
Eric says that they just aren't allowed to talk to you about the show while you are at the show.
Eric: It's Julie Chen's show!
Eric says it's not like they are setting you loose at some studio.
Kail thinks they will send a handler, too.
They think it is weird that being a handler is a job.
A little more talk and then FOTH
Dustin is saying he is going to nominate Jen and Kail but his ultimate goal is to backdoor Zach (something tells me something is going to go wrong).
Zach looks like he is on slop. He just had a protein shake. (So that makes Jen, Kail, Zach on slop I believe - don't quote me on that lol).
Dustin telling Amber about his convo with Dick.
Dustin/amber comparing Dick is to Amber as Joe is to Dustin. Amber saying how Jameka told her she doesn't know how she deals with Dick.
Dustin: Who the fuck does Jen think she is? She hasn't even come up to talk to me yet and it's 3 hours before nominations.
Amber: Some people don't want to come up here and kiss your ass and when I'm HOH (please no) the people who don't kiss my ass are safe.
D: She probably thinks she is safe because of putting Joe up and doing ab classes with me. She is just as shallow as her thought process. (Is it just me, or is Dustin starting his power trip a bit early :rollseyes:)
A: So what are you going to say when you put them up?
D: I don't know
A: Don't make it to long, I would just say I'm basing my two nominations
D: On Drama! The drama circulating you Jen.
Zach comes up to HOH.
He asks Zach if he can come back in a minute and Zach just asked to listen to music when he can.
Zach stays outside with the chess board and Amber/Dustin watching him. Wondering what he is doing.
D: I'm going to say that the drama that surrounds you Jen is on a daily basis, the mustard, the m&m,
A: don't give too much info. Don't mention Dick
D: People know I side with Dick.
A: Just say after reviewing a few different scenarios and how last week went... well don't say that
D: I don't want to say I'm going to do what Dick already did.
A: I would just say after... honestly, I reviwed a couple different scenarios and this is the fairest deciison I can make for strategic reasons.
D: I want to say, but this could backfire, the relationship between Kail and Jen is not all that it is cracked up to be and I want to split it up... but I don't want you and I up next week. I want to say that there is still something going on. My noms are to ensure that what is done is done. (???)
A: You're trying to backdoor zach though.
D: I'm going to tell Kail she is a pawn after nominations. Because when we talked earlier, she said she will go up as a pawn and she completely trusts me. She said that she knows she has Eric, Amber, and Jameka's votes to ensure she does not go home.
A: I wouldn't tell her anything yet because of the POV. Let's say she wins, she knew she was a pawn.
D: She said if she won POV, she'll do whatever she wants me to do whether it keeps me the same or doesn't. I don't know how to personally from my standpoint to pin Jen down because I don't want to make it personal, but strategically, remember that rumor of the secret alliance? she was the only one Joe told that to and she spread that around. The way she handled that info
A: How would you word that?
D: Info was given to me 2 weeks ago and she has had ample time
A: YOU can't say "you" though
D: No, after I nominate them
A: I would say, Jen strategically, I feel that the votes are there to get you out, and same to you Kail, fight for survival
(Okay, after listening to this, they don't know what they can say to Jen after nominations so just freakin nominate Zach --ed).
A: I usually do good with words ... i mean.. i i i i... i know,.... welll... (LMAO) Let me think for a minute
D: It's so hard isn't it? I don't want to set it up and split up a pair because it'll come back just like that. I base my noms this week....
A: Okay so....
Dustin is blowing up a purple thing. I don't know what it is.
A: Just say I'm basing my noms on
D: House consensus
A: No..a little off last week.. noo
D: It's so hard
A: I"m basing my noms this week... no, wlel I played out many scenarios in my head and I"m basing my noms on the ... somehow with the alliance..
D: With the way alliances were exposed last week and how certain people handled. Based on info given to the entire house and how certain people treated that information is how I choose to nominate. Kail, you sold out everyone and threw them under the bus. Jen, you sold out Kail and others out.
A: Just say you don't know how their relationship is and don't know how it'll affect the house. You odn't know what is going on with them. We dont' hide it, they probably are.
D: Yea, with the info given to the entire house last week, I'm basing how certain people handle taht information. (he once again mentions Kail selling out her alliance).
A: You can use strategic for kail and comptitive for Jen so it doesn't look like you're going after Kail.
D: I don't want to mention ANYTHING about their relationship
A; Just say strategic and competitive reasons. (You would think she is HOH this week)
A: I hate Zach
D: that is why I want him out
A: hehe, I love you
D: He's got to go
*dustin still blowing*
(it looks like a raft for the pool maybe)
D: Amber, we can do this, we can rock this house
A: I need to get HOH next week
D: You and I can rock this house apart (power trip -- ed)
D: I'm so excited! Did I look cute up there?
A: yea
They're talking about food comp again.
More talk of noms
D: Jen, hopefully being on the block two weeks in a row will put a dent in your personality (and I thought Joe was vicious)
A: I wouldn't say Jen, You're a strong competitor... Idk
D: IT'S SO HARD! Especially with Jen being the least of my concern in this game but it's my safest bet putting the two of them up. I'm going to end it in nothing personal (sounds like it) and just business.
A: YOu sound so stern, I don't know what to say, it's too much.
D: I am, I dont' know what to do with it.
A: It's such a WS (weird situation) when you talk like it.
*dustin still blowing*
A: The two people I'm putting up are questionable in my head and with the mrs robinson alliance...
D: These two people are unknown
A: No, say "I'm basing my nominations off of peopel in my head who are questionable and I don't know where they stand. Basically sum it up that you are questionable and you don't know where they stand. Did you hear what I said?
D: mm-hmm
*dustin still blowing*
A: Just say, I'm basing my nominations... we need Jameka, she was supposed to come up here. You want me to get her?
D: Yea
*dustin continues blowing*
Amber goes to the balcony and calls Jameka.
D: Questionable activity between the two people.
Talk of people over of the speakers and FOTH
Feeds back... basically the same conversation from earlier but with jameka.
They're wondering if Zach will throw POV.
Dustin is wearing a crown on his head
Amber told Dustin that she told NIck the plan was to backdoor Zach and Dustin said that was not a smart move.
Amber starting to retract her words saying she said Kail first and then Zach if POV is used.
D: Please dont' give Nick information unless he demands.
Now Amber swears to God she never used the word to backdoor.
Jameka, Amber and Dustin in HOH. The three of them are discussing key placement in the nom block.
Amber, Jess, Jameka, Dani, Dick, Nick, Eric and last... Zach. Jameka says she wouldn't mind being one of the last keys. Dustin practices his nomination speech to each of Kail and Jen.
They start discussing how bitter and angry Joe must be now that Dustin has won HOH. Dustin: "He must be spinning in his ashtray".
Jameka claims that it's pooping time and leaves to go to the bathroom.
Amber does some more campaigning for Nick. Dustins says while he's HOH, he's going to do want HE wants to do. Amber says that Nick is a benefit to them in the jury stage. Dustin says that Kail is more beneficial to them.
Dustin insists that Nick is playing Amber...Amber says she'll take it under consideration (doesn't sound good though.)
Dustin: "Keep your head in the game. I know it's hard for you and that it's emotionally stressful to hear these things."
Amber: "You know you can be a real bitch, don't you?" Dustin laughs and they hug.
He grabs a blow up water raft...looks like he's planning on some pool time.
Dustin, says that Nick is a flaming f****t and that he doesn't care what Dani has been saying about his penis lately...FOTH
Cam switch to Amber and Dustin going outside. Oops. Nope, just Dustin. Amber stays back in the kitchen and has a chat with Jen. They talk about Jen being on slop. Jen says she's okay. She'll miss having grapes, but that's pretty much it. Amber apologizes for eating cheetos in front of her. Again, Jen says she doesn't care, that she's okay.
Dick comes in...
Jen leaves and immediately Dick apologizes for attack Nick and Ambers feelings on Nick. She says that she's fine now. She was originally upset, but it's the will of the group she is more concerned with.
Dick makes some IcedTea and offers the teabags to Jen, for her eyes. She asks if they're GreenTea. Dick says no and she declines. Jameka comes in and walks through to the BY.
(All quiet, so I'm gonna sneak a peek at the BY...)
Amber and Eric talk about...Dick. Amber is sharing all of her recent "I hate Dick" moments. That he has accused her, and been confrontational.
She's still talking about all of the bad things Dick has done to her. (To me, she sounds whiny. Dick has been trying to make her laugh and trying to make her feel better and she just blames him for bugging her when shes needed space.)
She goes on to say that she is almost about to cry. But that by doing so, it reminds her of being on drugs, so she doesn't want to be the cryer. Then starts railing, again, against Dick. She hates that Dick is soo interested in being her friend. Wanting to hang out with her and such. She says that Dick asked Dustin what he should do about Amber. This makes her feel like Dick is trying to get under her skin. Eric says that he's also been showing a little bit of a crush on Amber. This makes Amber sick. Makes her feel weird.
Eric and Amber continue to speak horribly of Dick. Both pointing out things that irritate them about Dick.
Zach comes and lays down next to them in a lounger and both of them get up and go inside.
Dick is inside making "flour" out of slop. Probably for cookies, I believe.
Jen comes in and fixes herself some slop. Dustin sits down and watches him grind the slop into a fine powder.
The talk turns to weight loss. Dick has lost 7 pounds since he came in the house. Jen says since she just started her period again, that she's glad she's on slop this week.
Cam switch to BY, where Zach lays alone on a lounger and Amber and Eric talk in the hammock. Jen, Jameka and Kail sit on the patiocouch and talk about school, and kids, and teaching kids and offering children a well-rounded eductaion. Kail talks about how "great" her small-minded community is.
Jameka says that her community has actual dance-clubs for the younger set. Kail thinks that atrocious. Kail asks if divorce is big in Jameka's community. Jameka says no. It's more single parents than anything else.
Jameka then apologizes to Kail for having her be on slop this week. Kail says that Jameka had no control over it and shouldn't worry about it. (Little does Kail know, the subject of getting Kail, Jen, Nick and Zach on slop was discussed as part of the plan last night.)
Cam switch to HOH. Jen and Dustin sit and talk about...talking about this week. That Jen wanted to come up here and that Dustin wanted to talk to her. Finally Dustin asks Jen what she'd like to be seen done this week.
She says she wants to stay with the house, but that she's obviously biased because of her position in the house. Dustin says that he won't put up Dick, so besides him...Jen brings up Zach's name. Jen again goes on to promise that she voted Mike out. (You go on with that big ole lie, girl!) Jen says she thinks Jameka voted for Kail.
Jen is now about to expel more lies and it setting it up under the guise that no one else can find out what she's about to say..."I was informed by many people. But that my decision to vote for Mike was decided the night before." She cites Kail's and hers conversations usually centered around life and family, not about the game, but that the night before eviction, her and Kail had a long talk.
She says she never had any intention of going against the house, unless it was a lone vote for Kail. But that she knew that Zach would vote to evict Kail, so she decided to go with the house. She thinks that Zach and Jameka were the odd votes out.
Jen and Dustin think that Dick and Dani are the best game players. That Kail has completely lost her game.
They go on to talk about how they'd vote on the jury, who they'd target for before sequester, how others would vote on the jury, how both of them are playing their HOH's for strategic reasons. Dustin says that even though that may be the deal that Dustin CAN NOT put up Dick and Dani. Personally, it's bad game for him. Strategically, it may be his undoing.
Dustin: "You put Joe up and I appreciate that...before he left he planted a few seeds and that I've found out." He goes on to say that he knows that Joe told Jen that Dustin was in an alliance with Amber and Dick. Jen says that isn't true. Jen thinks that Dustin and Amber, from her perspective, are not with Dick. That Dick is his own entity and anyone would be crazy to latch onto him.
Dustin know wants to know what Jen would do if he put her up.
Jen: "It's different for everyone. With Dick she wasn't suprised. But that she'd probably be hurt if Dustin put her up. She wouldn't be like all "Dustin I hate you. " But that she would be hurt.
Jen believes he should put up two people he "wants out" on the block. She expects to be put up by Dick or Dani but having Dustin do it would kinda be sad for her.
Jen says she would understand more if there were less HGs, but with the current week she'd be upset that Dustin wants her gone so soon.
They go on to discuss Mustardgate and The Odd Vote Bandits...How they both are mysteries this season and that she's afraid that she'd go up because of OddVoteBandit and that she insists that she didn't vote to evict Kail.
She goes on to say that one of the people who told her about the house voting out Mike (and there were 4 of them) was the one who changed their vote to Kail to make it look like Jens vote.
(Jen is doing some amazing game work right now. I believe whole-heartedly that Dustin is being swayed by this talk with Jen. If she does go up this week. It'll be under the guise to get her off the block with the POV.)
Dustin worries about being HOH this week, because he has no enemies and he'll probably have 2 enemies after this week.
Dustin is completely spilling the plan for this week...without using actual names...that he's "probably" going to be wanting the POV for himself so he can switch up the nominees and explaining it as an oops situation.
Dustin now is talking about being dissappointed lately with Dick and Amber. Nick and Zach too.
Dustin asks Jen about Zach. Jen says all he ever talks about is game.
That he sets up chess boards and makes scenarios out of them...and those are rediculous. Dustin is worried that Zach is an actual threat to him and wants to know what Zach has said about him. Jen says that Zach mostly worries about the strongest in the two person alliances. Because of that Dustin and Dick become the bigger targets among their 2-person alliances.
He asks what Jens relationship is like with Nick. She says the first few days were all romantic, but now that she barely ever talks to him, that Nick is scared to talk to her because Dick accused him of having an alliance with Jen.
She thinks he's nice and a good person, but now doesn't really have a relationship with him at all.
Dustin prods more about her feelings regarding Nick. She goes back to saying that Zach was the instigater of the alliance and recruited Kail first and recruited Nick later and even asked Jen to join their "alliance".
Uh-oh...looks like noms will be starting soon. BB has just called Dustin into the DR.
Jen talks about how the next few hours are tough and wishes him luck.
Dustin: "Thanks, that was a good talk."
Dustin says he's going to the BR and will be down in a second.
BB: "HG's this is a lockdown. Please go outside and close the sliding doors."
Cam switch to Dick doing his hair in the hookaroom. Grabs a pair of sunglasses and smokes and lighters and then starts unpacking his luggage laying everything out in piles. He grabs a shirt and some shoes and goes to the bigbed room and says he's sorry for something to Amber. She says it's okay and he continues on to the BR.
Nick, Eric, Kail and Dick doing some final washing up duties.
BB reasks for the HGs to go outside for the lockdown. They all scream a little joking protest and then start trickling outside.
Zach, Kail, Jess and Dani are first...
BB again asks everyone to go outside for the lockdown.
Next comes Nick.
BB: "This is a lockdown, please go outside until further notice."
BB: "Nick please put on your microphone."
BB: "This is a lockdown, please go outside until further notice."
Jess: "they really wann get this show on the road."
I hear the door opening and closing but it doesn't look like everyone is outside yet...
BB: "HG's this is a lockdown. Please go outside until further notice."
Amber comes out...Then Eric... I'm guessing everyone else made it outside as BB has stopped with the messages.
A mix of awkward silences and occasional jokes about CBS, penises, nuts, being insulted, pizza ...etc...Boring and quiet mostly.
Nominations are underway...while the rest of the HGs sit outside and talk about everything and nothing at the same time. Mixed bag of topics...Van Halen, Stupid blondes, NY jews, and now we have FOTH....(One of which I'm kinda thankful of.)
Still with the swirling vortex of doom.
Feeds back and Jen is CRYING
She is in bathroom alone crying
Kail up in HOH with Dustin shaking hands
Dustin tells Kail that she has the votes against Jen. If Jen wins PoV he will put up Zach.
Jen just told Nick she is very hurt that Dustin put her up. She would expect it from others but not him
Kail just walked in and told Jen she is just shocked. (*LIAR) and Jen said I am not shocked I am hurt.
After Jen stopped crying Nick went to the bathroom and talked to her. He didn't hug her or say it will be okay, he just said he was surprised that Dustin put her up and he could understand her shock that he did.
Amber came in the bathroom and saw this, gave Nick a dirty look and ran right to Dustin telling him that Jen is faking her tears to get sympathy, just like Janelle did last season when she ended up having Will wrapped around her finger. (she really has no clue about Will and I guess Amber is the queen of tears so she knows fake versus real tears.) She said that Nick was hugging Jen and comforting her and it made her sick to watch it. Dustin says that is it, that proves that Nick and Jen need to go so he told Amber that if Jen isn't off the block she leaves, if she gets off the block then Nick leaves. Amber then back pedals and says that maybe Nick is just playing Jen and Dustin tells her she can't have it both ways.
Amber then goes and whispers to Dani about Nick. I couldn't hear all of it but Nick's name along with bathroom and Jen's name was used and Dani says "oh well, less work for me then."
Nick is in HOH talking to Dustin. Says Zach thought he was going up but said he made a deal with Dustin and Amber in week one and would have been really mad if they go back on it. Nick says Zach said "if Dustin F's me over I am going to open a can of whoop A$$".
Nick is totally selling Zach out to save his own butt.
Zach is talking to Dick outside. He wants to talk with Dick about game, heavy duty. Dick says not right now because he wants a week off. Zach says he wants to f@ck the game up and he wants HOH so bad to do it. He just wants someone he can plan the end of the game and work back putting the pieces in the right places. Dick says that no one can do that, things are thrown up all of the time. Zach says he just wants someone in the house to play the game with but they don't have to give a damn about each other. Now talk about Jen and how neither of them care if Jen is crying, she deserves what she gets. Both feel that they are alone in that house because they don't connect or fit in with anyone else in the house. Dick says that those who think they are hooked up will soon find out they are just as alone. Zach says if Dick is interested he would love to have some hard core fun. Zach says that he is a freaking Hollywood club promoter and no one gets his jokes, he is just weird to everyone in the house. He says he isn't clingy. Dick changes subjects. Dick leaves to go in the house and Zach sits there shaking his head in an "yes" movement and says "yeahhhhhhh", with a big smile on his face.
Kail has run back to HOH and is wanting more reassurance from Dustin. Dustin says that he knows she feels like Dick hates her, but really everyone voted against his wishes and and kept her and she can't see he is making more enemies in the house because of it. (basically he is telling her that Dick doesn't hate Kail, he is just messing with her.) Kail says she trust Dustin 100% but if she gets nervous she is going to need to talk to him, but Dustin says to hang on till tomorrow and it will be solved. Either way POV goes, she is staying.
Jen is announcing to Zach and Dick that she was upset, but she is on her period and that is what made the tears come out and made her emotional. Dick says she has been under a lot of pressure in this house, and Jen says not really, but she put Joe up on the block for Dustin and Dick interrupted her and said that isn't true because he called that before the POV even happen. Jen says what ever she isn't going there but thanks for asking. Dick says that he has been under a ton of pressure since he has been here, this was the first time he has seen his key come out of the box. Dick says he hasn't had a Jessica time in the house. Zach wanted to know what Jessica time is and he says that Jess is a ray of sunshine in this house because she hasn't had any stress in this house. Then he retracts that statement and says how Jess has had a rough time and had to see the doctor due to her ear while she was here.
Jen says she didn't think Dustin hated her, Dani won two POV's but what ever. Dick says that Jen doesn't even have one real win, he still thinks they handed her HOH that week and Dick quit the POV so Jen didn't win that one either, he handed it to her. Dick says the most stupid thing in this game was Mike and Zach says agree, 100%. Zach just asked Jen if she brought vaseline with her, and Jen says no and then returns to talking about Mike.
Jen seems to know about the POV and how it is going to work tomorrow. She slipped and said that the POV was in the house to Dustin. Dustin then asked how she knew that and we got FOTH.
Later she was talking to Kail and said that they were picking for POV tonight and that it would be in the house tomorrow. Kail ask how she knew that and Jen says "oh great I am in trouble." and we get FOTH. As the feeds come back Jen looks at the camera and says "Great now all of America knows what I did, don't say any more about it BB." Subject went on to talk about who they needed to pick if they get thier choice.
(very interesting, I wonder if she is playing games or does she really know how POV is going to be done.)
It has been FOTH for a while now. Makes me wonder if Jen was right and they are picking for POV now. Before FOTH, Jen told Kail she has a feeling that neither of them were the target. She said Dustin gave her the impression that he wants to back door someone because he said to fight for the POV and who ever wins it, if they change his nominations, he won't be angry and he would even tell each player to fight for it and use it if they choose. (Jen didn't repeat this to Kail, but Dustin did tell Jen he has two more players he is prepared to put up if one of them goes down so it isn't a big deal to him if one of them wins POV)
Kail kept her promise to Dustin and didn't tell Jen she was right, she just said that if that is the case, they both need to not act happy if Dustin wins and act like they are prepared to leave. She says Jen could be right, but they never know so it is important that they both go for POV and if Kail wins she is taking Jen off the block because she knows she can handle being up there against anyone Dustin puts up, if Jen is there, they might send her home and she can't risk that. Jen eagerly agreed with Kail.
So we still have FOTH, will be interesting to see what happen.
The feeds were back for a few seconds. Amber and Dani in front of the mirror drying hair and stuff while Jen and Eric were in talking about those not playing for POV would they be able to watch. Eric says from what BB said, the POV and we get FOTH.
Well I guess Eric is being the host for the POV from what I can tell. Jen asked Amber if they are going to do abs tonight and she said no in a very depressed sound and instead she is giving Eric a back rub. Jess is doing abs and as Amber walked out of the room she stopped to talk to Jess and said that Jen did this or that to her and Jess said she saw Jen pull away from her like she didn't want Amber to touch her. Amber says thank you very much she didn't think anyone saw that. Then Amber wanted to know what Nick told Jess and Jess said that Nick told her Amber was mad at him and accused him of hugging Jen. Amber says she didn't say hug, she said comfort Jen. (she sure said hug to Dustin and Nick didn't hug Jen as far as I saw). Amber says Eric talked to her alot today and knocked some sense in her and she really is down with putting any of the four up and sending them home. She says Eric is good at talking to her and making her see things and Jess says Eric is good and showing everyone a new angle to things.
Sounds like they have to get up early tomorrow for the POV. Jen told Kail that she didn't see why it would take two hours to set up for the POV if they were hiding things in the house. Jen just says that she is glad they told them so they can get their stuff done and everyone can go to bed tonight.
Well I guess Eric is being the host for the POV from what I can tell. Jen asked Amber if they are going to do abs tonight and she said no in a very depressed sound and instead she is giving Eric a back rub. Jess is doing abs and as Amber walked out of the room she stopped to talk to Jess and said that Jen did this or that to her and Jess said she saw Jen pull away from her like she didn't want Amber to touch her. Amber says thank you very much she didn't think anyone saw that. Then Amber wanted to know what Nick told Jess and Jess said that Nick told her Amber was mad at him and accused him of hugging Jen. Amber says she didn't say hug, she said comfort Jen. (she sure said hug to Dustin and Nick didn't hug Jen as far as I saw). Amber says Eric talked to her alot today and knocked some sense in her and she really is down with putting any of the four up and sending them home. She says Eric is good at talking to her and making her see things and Jess says Eric is good and showing everyone a new angle to things.
Sounds like they have to get up early tomorrow for the POV. Jen told Kail that she didn't see why it would take two hours to set up for the POV if they were hiding things in the house. Jen just says that she is glad they told them so they can get their stuff done and everyone can go to bed tonight.
Nick and Dani were talking in the HOH. Nick said he knows something is bothering Dani, but Dani won't confirm it. (Dani has been acting different since Amber told her they want to backdoor Nick). You can tell Dani feels awkwaaaaard trying to keep the info from Nick.
Nick tells Dani that he was only talking to Jen because she was crying. He felt bad for her and couldn't let her cry in the corner by herself. Dani says she doesn't care about that. Niick tells her that he really has feelings for Dani.
Dani is playing in the POV. She says she really didn't want to. Her and Dick think the POV will be about things missing from the house. Dani says she's horrible at that kind of stuff, but Jen is really good at it.
Dani and Dick are in the BY talking. Dick says he's so over Amber and plans on avoiding her for "more than a few days."
Dani again saying how she doesn't want to play in the POV. Dick says that BB said they'd be on OD LD for 2-4 hours and he's assuming it'll be 4.
Dani and Dick going over Zach's behavior. They compare notes and see that Zach is telling everyone the same thing (they're all fierce competitors) and he's trying to get into an alliance.
Dick tells Dani to stop whispering to everyone. He says that can really be misconstrued. He also said someone said she was talking under the covers with Nick this morning. Dani says, "So?"
9:30 BBT
Nick and Dustin in HOH. Nick is telling Dustin about his conversation with Dani. He's telling Dustin that Dani can trust him and that Nick has no feelings for Jen. Dustin and Nick start trashing Jen.
Nick tells Dustin that Dani shouldn't read too much into his hug with Jen; he's just being empathetic. Nick tells Dustin he feels bad for Zach, too since he's out of place.
Dustin's bear's name is BearBear and his dog's name is Poopy.
9:35 BBT
Dustin leaves HOH and Nick stays to listen to music.
Kail and Jen are in the BY. Kail is telling Jen that they need to stick together and get Dick and Dani out next week.
Kail says it's going to be a long week for her. She says if she wins the POV, she may have to take Jen down. Jen says, "That's funny." Kail says she doesn't think Jen would have the votes to stay against anyone else.
Kail says, if she wins, she'll talk to Dustin before she does anything.
Jen says they need to take Dani out of the competition, but anyone else should be on their side.
Jen says Eric has been getting shady. He took Jen out of the HOH comp and left Dani in for three more turns. Kail says Dani has been flirting with Eric, but Jen says that has no effect on Eric.
Kail says that, if Nick is put up against Jen, the vote will be tied. They wonder who Dustin will choose to evict. They decide to stop talking about it until the POV meeting.
Jen says she always wins the POV. (ummmm.... hasn't she only one one POV??)
They agree they need to start winning HOH's again especially since "someone like Dustin will put us up."
Kail and Jen are talking about Zach telling everyone in the house the same thing. (Funny that Dani and Dick just had this conversation in the exact same spot less than 30 minutes ago).
Jen: Weve been here for almost a month...They are both saying how things seem to have happened more recent than they actually have
Jen is happy to play tomorrow....she says because the other players are HGs that really want to play(not sure on her strategy with that on)
Dick goes back to breaking the Mrs Robinson alliance up...he says Kail has talked shit about his son.....he explains to Jen that nobody wants Kail here that Mike was a bigger threat than Kail...He says that the votes werent because the HGs like Kail more as the HGs felt Mike was a stronger player
Dick confronts Jen about talking to Kail blurting out things right before the eviction and before HOH...Jen replies: I dont know
Dick repeats the story of stepping off the pedastal to put Mike on the block....and says he accomplished everything he wanted to during his time as HOH...(broke up the alliance) He says it was Mikes stupid mistake of "defending his alliance" that he is gone.....but then ED changes heart to how he misses Mike...Shouts out"sorry Mike...we can go out for a beer after this" He says he misses Mike for doing the dishes...the laundry
Jen says she is heading to bed....ED replies"Good luck tomorrow"
ED walks in mumbling to himself...these people are full of sh**
Feed switches to the Kitchen....
Dustin takes Amber in the SR....he sounds upset...
A:its the whole way you went about it...but its fine now"
D:Every move we make is for you and I...Im sorry if I got you worked up for hosting the POV competition...
Dustin says something about her wearing her heart on her sleeve
Amber asks what Nick said about her....Dustin doesnt say much(not to upset Amber I suppose)
They both say Nick has to go...they then talk how Dick had said Kail has to go and Dustin had said...no Im HOH this week and I want Zach out...that was my plan, to backdoor him..
Dustin and Amber are still in SR talking about how the POV will be played tomorrow...stuff hidden in the house or missing...Dustin tells Amber how he told Kail that she was put up as a pawn and she is a strong competitor and that she can win POV...Dust doesnt know about some of her relationships in the house and thats why she is on the block...but he also told Kail Good luck in the POV tomorrow
Dustin and Amber both say I love you and hug...
Jen leaves the backyard as Dick is very confrontive with her, and a little vindictive. He told her she was lying about saying she doesn't remember who she claimed voted against Kail (Dick thinks she said Nick did it).
She thinks she said Dani and Zach voted against kail, but Dick says that is a lie. She says she doesn't remember, then, and he says that is a lie, too.
He says he is happy with the two on the block this week, and one of them is going home. He says that it is the same couple of people on the block (Jen and Kail) and so he is happy. He feels he had a "successful HOH" and broke up the alliance and a sub-alliance.
Jen goes in the kitchen, and Jameka is talking with Jen and Dustin. Jameka was the one chosen in the draw by Jen to play for POV. Jameka is telling Dustin that she does intend to play for Jen and take Jen off the block as she was drawn by Jen. She hopes this is ok with Dustin. Dustin tells her that she should play and try for it, and not throw it. Jen tells Dustin that she didn't ask Jameka to do this--Jameka offered. He says he understands that. He tells her (reminding her of how she tried to sway the POV when she was HOH) that he is not out to tell people how to play POV. It is their contest to play. He can choose to do what he wants with POV if he gets it, and they can, too, and that's the way it should be. She appreciates that. She says it was different during her HOH, though. He says no, it wasn't different. Jen thinks a second and says he is right--she was stupid to go telling people how to play POV. He agrees. Jen says that if he had been upset with Jameka for playing for her, she would have told Jameka to get out first, to avoid getting into trouble.
As they are talking, Amber walks across the room and gives Dustin a mean look. He yells across at her to come and talk to him! He sounds really irritated. He leaves the talk in the kitchen and is exasperated and joins Amber in the storage room, where he tells her she is angry with him, and she hugs him. Apparently, during the drawing for POV, Dustin drew Eric as a random person for the hosting duties. He says that he realizes Amber is upset that he didn't choose her. She says that it just hurt her feelings, as he made a point of saying he was doing it by "random" chance. He says that he did that on purpose because he and Amber sleep together and choose each other for everything in the house. So, he wanted to show that they don't have to choose each other for everything. Amber seems okay with this.
Amber talks about Nick, saying he worries her and he needs to go. They discuss whether it should be Nick or Zach who is backdoored. They know that Dani (who is playing POV) will keep the nominations the same. They believe Jess (who is also playing) might go ahead and use POV, too. They know it it is a sure thing that Jameka, Dustin, Kail or Jen would use the POV, so they have a good chance of backdooring someone, and they will have to talk and discuss what to do after the POV is played, to see who is left on the block.
(Outside, Dani and Dick were talking, saying they want Kail gone. Dani feels Kail hates her, and Dick feels Kail hates him.)
Dustin has gone outside. He is telling the group that tomorrow is POV and he IS planning on changing the nominations if he wins. He says it is his goal to backdoor Zach, and that Jameka will use POV, too, if she gets it. Dani is silent during this conversation. Dick is also silent. Dani looks angry, and Dick is blowing smoke rings constantly, looking angry.
During the above conversation, those present are Jameka, Eric, Jess, Dani, Dick, Amber and Dustin. (Earlier I said Jen was present, but she came up later on and stopped the conversation about backdooring Zach, so she might not have heard)--ed
Just before the talk, Eric was telling Jameka that they have a great scenario going, and there is no wrong thing to do, but he thinks they should take a deep breath and get Zach out. He tells Jameka that they each have personal feelings about people they would like to see out first. However, if they all stick together and work together (and Eric says that he will "fight to the death" for the people he cares about in the house), then they have another month in the house, guaranteed. It's too early to even think of breaking apart. Jameka is really soaking this in, and agreeing. (In the storage room at near the same time, Amber told Dustin that Eric talked a lot of sense into her about Nick. Dustin said he was glad Eric could do that for her, and maybe she should be in an alliance with Eric. He said this as if joking, in a dry manner. She said in the same way that maybe she should! Then they laughed and hugged.)
So, then Dustin came out after this and gave his speech about how he plans to use the veto. So, the only one who would not plan to use it is Dani at this point, as Jess agreed outside, and she is the other POV player.
Jameka is talking to Amber, who is on the treadmill.
Jameka is talking about how Jameka had asked outside if Dani and Jess planned on playing for the veto. Jess said she would play (to use it) and Dani said she would never not play.
Amber says yeah, but it was okay for Amber to throw the veto to Dani when she played!
Jameka says that she feels that she (Jameka) must play a selfless game to get ahead. Jameka was selfless with Amber, and now with Jen, and it is working for her. And only selfish people have a problem with that. Amber agrees.
Jameka says that Dani wants her to throw it or not play. That way, Dani can get Jen out.
Amber says she doesn't want Jen to leave--Jen needs to be in sequester, and Eric wants Jen in sequester. Jameka agrees. Jameka says she is going to "state her case" out there, too.
Amber says that she had it out with Dick, Nick and Jen today. Jen and Dick apologized, and now they know where she stands.
Dustin comes in. He says that he has thought about what they've been saying. He is wondering how Jameka/Amber would feel about getting Nick out this week? Amber says she thinks it is better to stick with getting Zach out this week.
Jameka asks who Nick would put up next week? Amber says that Nick says he would put up Jen and Kail. Jameka says she does not buy that. That is Nick buying another week in the house.
Dustin says that he likes Eric, but Eric is out there saying that the group wants Kail gone, though! Dustin says that he wants to say that maybe the group wants that, but Dustin wants Zach out, and so did Eric last week, so what changed his mind?? Jameka says that you can't say that, though!
Dustin says that Dick is griping that he wants Kail out, but he said that last week and didn't take Kail out--he didn't accomplish what he claims he wanted. Why not?
Dustin says he doesn't want to say anything to split the group more, though.
Jameka says that he needs to go and talk to Dick and say that he doesn't feel comfortable with doing this any other way. Dustin says that if he puts Zach up, he can't afford Zach staying in the house! Jameka says that he needs to beware. If it is Kail and Zach on the block, they can easily override him! So, it's a chance keeping Kail on the block with Zach.
Jen walks in. Dustin starts to say what he was thinking, then stops himself and says it is a dumb question.
Jen: What.
He doesn't answer.
Jen says she is thinking of going to bed instead of abs.
Dustin says he is thinking of going to bed, too.
Jameka and Amber say they are going outside now.
Jen says that every time BB tries to punish her, she is fine with it. Dustin says he liked the unitard--it was all Jen. She liked it, she likes slop--She says that BB was "stoked" when she finally cried. They were happy about it.
Dustin says like him with his letter--he finally showed he was human.
Dustin does an act of Dustin crying with his letter.
Jen: I'm just glad it wasn't Evel that made me cry.
Dustin: Yeah! Yeah, it was me that made you cry!
Jen: Dustin!!!
Amber talking about how Jen wouldn't let her leave earlier until Amber said she wasn't mad at Jen. Jen says she always does that with people. (Earlier, Amber tried to hug Jen when Jen was crying, and Jen avoided the hug a little, and that hurt Amber's feelings. Jen explained to her it was because Jen was ashamed to cry).
Outside, Eric is flirting with Jess (who doesn't feel well tonight).
Dick is asking where Amber is (she's finishing her workout, and Jameka is brushing her teeth with Jen right now).
Dick says he wants to brush his teeth.
Dani is outside, and so is Dustin, so that's the crew so far.
Dani says that she thinks the reason they drew the POV names tonight is that BB is going to gear the comp to specific people. Eric and Dustin agree, and Dick disagrees.
They are going to be spending the entire day outside tomorrow on lockdown. BB has told them 3 or 4 hours. (They think it will be even longer, and everyone has been speculating that they think the comp will be one where they move or remove things from the house, and then ask the houseguests what has changed).
(During the earlier conversation where Dustin said he was going to use the POV if he won it, Jess expressed her fear that it could be one of those comps where they are offered treats to get out of the POV, and that could affect the backdoor.)
Dustin says he thinks the meeting can "commence."
Jameka says she will start. She says as soon as the POV drawing ended, Kail approached Jameka and Jameka told her that she plans to use the POV for Jen. She doesn't want Kail following her around.
Jameka is talking fast, and Dustin started to say something, and then shut up and said it was okay, and Jameka keeps on talking.
Jameka says she went to Jen and told her the same thing, and that was all because they had already agreed that they would keep Jen. So, Jameka wanted to make a friend out of Jen, because Jen could always win HOH later, and they had agreed that Jen would still be there. So, now Jameka is commited to doing what she said she would do.
Dick says (in a testy voice) that if Dustin puts up Zach against Kail, he is just saying right now that he will "split this group." He says that they shouldn't split the group this soon.
Dustin says that he "recalls" last week that they had a plan, and Dick was allowed to change his mind and the group went with it. Dustin feels he should be given the same consideration. Dick asks why Dustin doesn't want to put up Jen? Dustin doesn't answer.
Dustin asks how people feel, and he doesn't feel that anyone should hide their feelings.
Jess says out of Zach and Kail, she would rather see Kail leave. Dustin asks why. She says that Kail is the better player, and she feels more comfortable with Zach instead of Kail.
Dustin says okay. Jess says either way, though, she has no plans of her own against either of them.
Dani says that she wants Kail out over Zach. She says she knows that Zach would put her on the block so that is saying a lot for her to say he should stay. She feels Zach is a mess in the house, as no one will align with him. "For everybody else's benefit and strategically, I would rather Kail would go out of the house."
Eric says for him, he agrees with ED, as only 3 people have gone, and they have a long time to go. They have a month of safety if they stay together, and he will fight to the death to protect those he cares about.
Eric says that no matter what, if one of the four of the people they want gone leaves, he will be fine. He says that the important thing is that they don't fracture the group. They all need to leave "smiling, happy" with another productive week in the books "toward our collective success."
Dick says this is a good point. He says when they ran the Kail/Zach scenario, it was a "landslide for Kail." Dustin says no, it was not a landslide. Eric says he thinks it was 5-2 to take out Zach. Dustin says no, it was 4-3 between the 7 of them. It was not a landslide. It's just that Dustin can't actually vote.
Dustin: Dick, I will say that that I don't appreciate the fact that you can put words into people's mouths and say that if you split this group, you doing trouble. (Dick tries to interrupt)
Dustin: No, please! I think that the way you came at me in that situation, I didn't appreciate it.
Dick: OK, what I'm saying is, if you did that, this could happen. I'm not coming at you; not at all. The first thing I said is that I agree with Eric, we need to keep this group together.
Eric: OK, Listen, I'm going to stop you both. It can't happen. I personally will not allow a scenario in which that happens. So, let's put it all to rest, forgive each other, you apologize, you don't take it to heart. Nobody---
Dick says he didn't mean to come off that way.
Eric says that they are all talking amongst people they are close with, and they are open to say what they need to say, and it's not a possible conclusion, so put it out of their minds. They aren't going to turn on each other.
Dustin says that "no one is going to turn on anyone this week, because if anybody goes home, it's still going to be a win/win situation.
Dani says everyone is saying if one of the four goes home, everyone will be happy. She says last week everyone was weighing their options between Kail and Mike, and she felt people were antsy that she was on the fence, but she wasn't. They need to figure out who is the biggest risk.
Jameka says she wants to know--will Dani use the veto if she wins?
Dani says Jen hates her and she would never use the veto on Kail. She says that Kail does not like her at all, although she is fine with Kail but doesn't like the way she plays the game.
Jameka: Regardless of the step-daughter?
Dani says Kail is fake with her--she doesn't buy it. She doesn't feel Kail would be an ally for her.
Jameka says that when Dani says she is competing, that means she will try to win and not use it.
Jameka: Okay. Okay.
Jameka says the issue is that she gave Jen the power and told her that she can choose to use it or not. She is now wondering if they are telling her that she can't keep her word to Jen and they are trying to say Jameka can't use the veto.
Dani says that Jen needs to leave, but she can stay this week.
Dick says he doesn't see why they can't just leave Jen up with Zach.
Dustin says if he wins POV, he will take Kail off.
Dick says this is confusing, because he thought Dustin was saying he would take Jen off.
Dustin says that he never said who he would take off the block!
Dustin says that Jen has the "power" because it is most likely that the choice will be Kail/Zach, because he doesn't know who will win the veto.
Jameka says she doesn't want people to question her intent--she already told Jen she would help her!
Jameka: I thought it was already established clearly yesterday that Kail was going to be the pawn and Zach was going to be the one backdoored.
Eric says he thought Dustin's initial desire was to go for Kail and Zach, and it would be that Kail would go home in that case. Then why make an enemy of Zach?
Eric thought that they would not bring Zach into play, as they didn't want to make an enemy of Zach. So, they would put up Jen and Kail, with Kail being the one to take out. (This is NOT what Dustin wants--he wants Kail out--ed). Then, if Kail won POV, she would take herself off, and then they would have to take out Zach.
Jameka sounds irritated. She sounds she must have misunderstood the whole meeting, then. Dustin says he didn't see it that way, either. He felt that the purpose was to backdoor Zach.
Dani tries to tell them that they shouldn't get upset about this--they have plenty of time to discuss it.
Dani and Eric say that they had said that it isn't guaranteed that a backdoor will work, though.
Dustin says his words verbatim were that he didn't want to put up Kail and Zach up together, because he would make an enemy putting Zach on the block.
Jameka says she didn't see it that way--she apologizes if she got mixed up.
Dani says in a hurry that they have a day or two to decide. Why get upset now?
Dick says in a low voice to Dustin that he didn't mean to threaten the group splintering (of course, that's just what he DID say--ed). Dustin says in a cold voice that it is okay--he's fine.
Dustin says that he talked to Jen and told her that she is a strong player and has a strong chance of winning POV, and that's why he wanted her on the block, and she won't hold it personally against Dustin in the game. Also, he told her that she has "questionable relationships" with people in the house and won't talk about them.
Eric: Um, no bullshitting, no copout. I am 100 percent fine with putting either of them out of the house.
Eric says that there will be weeks when he won't be fine, and he'll argue his case, but he will put out Zach.
Eric says that Zach hates him.
Jameka says she thought that Eric said Zach tries to talk game and strategy with him!
Eric says he tries to talk game with Eric, but Eric won't, and he knows that Zach hates him. Eric keeps saying he is cool with getting out Zach, if that is what they want. It's a win/win scenario.
Eric: As long as none of you little shits tell me that you are with Kail and Jen in an alliance, because then I'll kill you all.
Brief laughter.
Dick says he said last night he doesn't care what order one goes, as long as one goes.
Dustin says Jen is not a robot--she cried today (joking)
Eric: Whatever.
Dani: She's a fable.
Eric: Fable?
Dani: I don't believe that people like her really exist.
Dick says she is a competitor, and she will be trying hard, and so will Kail, so don't fool yourselves!
Jess says so will Jess, and so will Jameka and Dustin!
Eric keeps saying it really doesn't matter--what's the worst that could happen? One of them will leave out of the four.
Dustin says as long as the seven of them remain as a group with a goal in mind.
Eric says his "slight preference" really isn't an issue, and he will vote as Dustin wants.
Dustin: I appreciate that, guys, and I want to let you know that even though this conversation was tense and nothing was accomplished....
Dani: (In a snotty voice) That's the thing. Nothing can be accomplished right now.
Dustin says "Thank you for pointing that out, Dani."
Dustin says that it is important that they all fight, and he came outside to say that, "and then it got distracted with probable cause."
Dick says he thinks they all had the wrong impression, and with Jameka playing for POV, he had no idea that was her deal from the beginning.
Jameka says she thought it was clear.
He says she didn't tell him!
Jameka starts to argue her case, and then says she respects everyone's game.
Jameka says he wants to be clear, as she is Jameka, "me being me" that is honestly her outlook on how things go.
Dick says it is a whole separate issue. He says she made up her mind, "Knock yourself out, that's cool, that's your game."
The houseguests seem more relaxed in the BY now, talking about past HOH comps.
Two feeds are on this conversation outside at 3:00 Eastern time
Two are on people sleeping.
Outside, Dick is talking about how Kail is probably a nice person outside the house.
Dick talks about how he talks with Jen and Kail. He has had long convos with Jen, and there is more to her than "me me me me me."
Eric says the only thing is, if Zach goes home this week, then next week one of their alliance has to stand up there and put up Kail and Jen for the third week in a row.
Everyone yells and groans, saying they didn't think of that! Laughter
Dustin says it would be SO FUNNY!
Eric says he would love that!
Dustin says that it would make great TV
Eric says how bizarre would it be if for the 3rd consecutive week the same people go up, and never go home? And it's not even like they aren't succeeding with what they have decided!
Jameka talks about how she wonders about flying the family out to meet the evicted people. Eric and Dick think they aren't doing that any longer.
Eric says the only thing they've done was fly out Colonel Sanders for George. And poor George thought it was his wife.
Dick wonders how much CBS got paid for THAT?
Jess says they could give THEM some chicken, then!
Talk of schedules
Dustin and Amber in HOH. Dustins is talking about not being into snack food. As Amber chomps on a big bag of chips. She asks if he's going to bed. He says yes and she leaves...
In BY...Jess, Eric and Dick talking about BB Allstars and how they were all much older then this cast. Amber comes out and starts talking about the producers...FOTH...
Back outside and Eric has made an "adjusment" and just flashed his package at Jameka. Jameka says that "Either he's got some abnormally sized b***a or he's packing something big."
Dick says that Eric will now have to streak from the backdoor to the pool.
Jess says she saw Joe naked. Dick says it doesn't matter how big we are when were soft.
Lots of little jokes about penis'. FOTH
They are still laughing about Zach's little problem. Now they're talking about the fact that no one has seen Jen take a shower this week. That she used to take showers in the HOH, but now that she's sleeping downstairs...?
Jameka says something about tossing salad.
Dustin comes outside...and everyone tells him about Eric's flashing his 'stuff' at jameka and Jameka says: "And it's bigger then Dick's."
Jameka is still talking about how well-endowed Eric is. Dustins says that him and Nick are both baby d***s. The goes on to say that Nick wears to pairs of underwear to hide the fact that he's so small.
They're all talking about what Eric's gonna do when he gets back...(I think he's going to the BR or something.) Some think he's gonna streak. Some think he's changing into pants... He comes back, with shorts on and sits cross legged to avoid any further flashing. "I'm gonna have to wear pants from now on."
They start talking about 'montages' of all of the facial expressions HGs have been giving that are funny...FOTH
Eric: "Licking whipcream off himself and then getting voted out because of it." They are talking about Mike's dangdumb tactics during the last POV. Dressing up as a woman? Licking whipcream off his nipples?
general chit-chat follows segueing nicely into FOTH...
They're all talking about not being on slop. Jameka and Jess scream "wheee..." Amber and Dustin start talking about the Food comp. FOTH...
We come back and they are talking again about Eric's big package. Jameka calls Eric a liar because he had promised to be her sex slave and he's not following through.
Eric says he wishes they would be calling it small so that future girlfriends won't be dissappointed.
Jameka says that Eric needs to just stand up, without the pillow so she can take a good look at his penis.
She calls him a girly pillow coverer.
Amber says that she saw Eric in tight pants and said that is is indeed well formed but not huge.
Eric says it's bigger then average but by no means should ever be consider large or gigantic or a third leg.
Jameka starts chanting "Stand! Stand! Stand!" Everyone else joins in... "Stand! Stand! Stand!".
he doesn't stand. Amber asks Jameka what she saw and Jameka says "It reminds me of home, that's all I'm saying."
Dustin says he saw Eric's and it's about 7 inches and veers to the left. Just a guess though. Cause he's never seen it hard.
Since Eric has denied showing Jameka his penis. Jameka wants to no longer talk about it. And says..: "until your on the block...next week. For not being truthful and not following through with promises to be a sex slave.
Eric : "It doesn't look as impressive as you're all making it out to be."
Amber calls him out..."Impressive? As compared to what?"
Dustin chimes in with the rumor that Eric is a penis watcher. He's been checking out all the guys in the house.
Jameka says he called Dick "Jumanji hanging from the jungle"
Phew..finally the topic has turned to chatting about the HG's day tomorrow. Dustin plans on spending all day in and around the pool.
Eric, Dustin and Jess on the patiocouch. Eric is talking about wearing baggier pants from now on.
Turn talks to false boobs. jess says hers are all real. Dutsin asks Eric if he's a boob, butt or bellybutton man?
Cam switch to Jameka and Amber in the kitchen...they talk about pimples. Apparently Amber has a volcano forming. She's also worried about her belly. She says she's too fat and she hates it. jameka says she's working out so it'll go away soon.
They start whispering...FOTH...
Jameka and Amber have taken bagels out of the microwave and are laying some cream chese on them...they chat about being in trouble from Eric...They go outside.
Eric, Jess and Dustin are joined by Amber and Jameka. Eric says they're gonna play a game. Jess says she's going to bed.
Eric explains the game. Three HGs 1 to marry, 1 to have a one-night stand with and 1 to throw off a bridge.
Nick Mike and Eric are the first choices.
Dustin says Mike off a bridge, Eric for a marriage and Nick for a hot and sweaty night of passion.
Amber goes...Mike off bridge. Sex with Eric and Marry Nick.
Jameka...Sex with Mike, Marry Eric and Nick's off the bridge.
The HG choices have changed. Dick, Zach and Joe. Eric goes first...Marry Dick. One night with Joe and Throw Zach off the bridge.
Dustin...Marry Evel. Throw Joe off bridge. Sex with Zach.
Amber...Throw Zack off...Marry Evel and sleep with Joe. She can't stand the thought of having sex with Dick.
Jameka...Zach's off the bridge. Marry Joe and ED gets the sex. But no touching or kissing. LOL.
New three choices. Carol, Jen and Mike.
Eric..Carol off the bridge have sex with Jen and Marry Mike.
Dustin...Throw Jen, 1 night with Carol and Marry Mike.
Amber...Marry Mike, Throw Carol and have sex with Jen.
Jameka can't believe anyone would want to be within smelling range of Jen's crotch.
Jameka..."I'm throwing myself off the bridge. Sorry."
Dick joins the group on the patiocouch outside. They start to explain the rules of their game to him and we get FoTH again...
(Wow...Eric is just now starting to explain the gamesrules to Dick.)
Dick starts with Eric, Mike and Nick...Mike to marry. Hot sex with Eric and Nick goes off the bridge.
Dick's new choices...Dustin, Joe and Zach... Dick is having a little bit of difficulty with this one...Marry Joe. Sex with Dustin and thow Zach off the bridge.
New trio...Carol, Jen and Mike. Dick: Marry Carol. Have sex with Mike and throw Jen off the bridge.
The new trio is ...Kail, Jen and Jameka...
Eric...Marry Jameka. Have sex with Jen and Throw Kail off the bridge.
Dick... Marry Jameka, throw Jen off the bridge and F**k the s*** out of Kail.
Amber...Sex with Jen, Marry Jameka and throw Kail off the bridge.
Jameka...Jameka again throws herself off the bridge.
New trio...Jess, Nick and Amber. ARGH! FOTH!
Amber...Marry self, sex with Nick and throw Jess of the bridge.
Jameka... (Just lost my feeds...)
Eric, Dick, Jameka and Amber playing the 3HG's game...
Eric ...Dani, JulieChen and Jen are the choices. Marry Jen have sex with Dani and throw JulieChen off the bridge.
jameka proposes a new trio...JulieChen, the Voice of BB and ...FOTH...(ARGH!)
They are back briefly and apparently the new trio is...Jen, The voice of BB and a rank p****y...and then FOTH.
The four of them chitchat about dumb Jen is.
New Trio...Kail, Dustin and Jameka.
Amber...F*** Dustin, Marry jameka and throw Kail.
Eric...Mary Jameka, Have sex with Dustin and throw Kail.
Dick...Marry Jameka, F**k Kail in the a** and throw Dustin off the bridge.
Everybody leaves, Amber goes up to HOH. Eric and Jameka go to the BR.
Amber climbs into bed with Dustin and they start cuddling. The whisper goodnight and she turns over. Dustin rubs her back for a while and then they go to sleep....
Dick and Eric in the kitchen...Dick grabs some garbage and then takes it outside. He throws it out and then lights up a smoke.
Dick talks to his 'voices'. Dick talks about getting Dustin out of here. When that happens Amber will be useless.
He thinks Kail is a big liar. But has been neutralized in her gameplay.
All of this he promises to share with his daughter.
Dick says that Eric wants other people to do his dirty work for him. Eric doesn't like Dustin and Eric doesn't like Amber. Eric is playing with both of them. He does some laundry in between smokes and talking to his voices.
3 a.m. BBT
Dick is silent. Wants to send Kail packing.
3:05 am BBT
Dick stretching out on the couch saying he's going to start having fun in the game now. Did not want to see Jessica or Daniele... random names ... "Oh. We're done. What the eff is that? A big a**ed spider. Three hours... turned on... hear the white noise." Picks up wine bottle, takes inside and places on counter, back outside for a sec, back inside and into bathroom.... burping on the way... turns around and walks back out of bathroom saying eff eff eff...fold some towels. Heads back outside to dryer and removes towels, sniffs and starts folding. He just sighed. Mumbling... Jameka... Daniele doesn't do sh*t, Kail doesn't do sh*t... Finished folding/emptying lint trap. Dick said don't ask me to turn off the hot tub cause it doesn't turn off. Taking care of that right now (covering hot tub). Ashtray over to trash, emptied, back to table (not washing tonight) and heads inside. Kitchen, drinking glass of ?... slides glass onto counter (just missed the end) and into bedroom. (Jameka took over the Dustin/Jamber big bed) Dick removes folded laundry from his bed (round bed), searching for his sleeping shorts, making a bit of noise searching through his HOH luggage (plastic bag) and back out to kitchen.
3:15 a.m. BBT
Water at sink to do dishes. Putting clean dishes away. He opens the cabinet and say's the effing mental case is at it again (Jen organizing the dishes by color) He's mixing things up for the heck of it... "That is for Jen." Back to sink, washing/dropping, trying to be quiet (not successfully). Dick annoyed with dryer... shows cycle is done but everything is still wet. Smoking yet again. "Wow... he would freak out." Silence.
3:30 am BBT
Someone snoring on the feeds... not heavy breathing... snoring ... Dick introspective. Quiet. Checks dryer again. Still wet. Says "Screw it I'm going to bed." Heads inside, sits on couch, removes boots, walks through kitchen, shows something to the camera...toothbrush... into bathroom, brushing teeth.
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- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Friday, July 27
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