Thank you so much to Grammie, Momma, Daisyflower, and AJaney for updating today!!
Kail approaches Jess and says she hasn't been ignoring her, isn't just talking to her to get a vote, Jessica just blurts out that she is voting for Kail to stay, and she will make this easy for her.
Jen, Jameka and Amber work out. Dustin counts for them.
Eric and Jess played tag.
Dick, Kail, Dustin, Jess and Eric were outside just hanging out til 2AM BBT. Dustin goes to bed around 2AM, wants Dick to wake him up when the late night crew has their meeting.
Jameka and Jessica played golf. Jess dedicated a swing to her idol, Hugh Hefner.
Dustin mooned the cameras before going to bed.
the late night crew - dick, dustin, amber, eric, jess - all in HOH discussing votes. Seems that Mike will be evicted. Eric mentions how weird Nick was today. Convo about Nick, gameplay, and how he's very animated. Think he may be aligned with Jen and Zach. Talk turns to Jen, how she'd have to be backdoored. Topic turns to Zach - he's a desperate man with no one to talk to, told Dick he was going to go after HOH. Next noms will be Kail and Nick with Nick going home. Jess would prefer Kail to go home, she doesn't like Kail.
Late Night Crew seems to have ended
Dick and Eric talking....Dick mentioned that Eric told Dani that Dustin was the leak to Kail. Dick says he only made amends with Amber because he needs her on his side. Eric says Zach said he was afraid of Eric because Eric is playing the way Zach wanted to. If Zach asks Eric for an alliance, Eric will get him out. Eric says Zach is a known rapist (!?!?!?). Eric plays up the 8 person "alliance" and how they are in power and Zach, Nick and others need to watch out. Talk turns to Amber. Dick thinks it was bizarre for him to say something about Amber loving her dog as much as her daughter. Eric jumps on the Amber bashing train says its weird that she has no clue about Jews and he's not going to be the lone Jewish rep for America.
Eric and Dick still talking. Nick is/was a College All American athelete and they should be afraid of him. Eric and Dick bash Nick - saying you mentioned you would vountarily leave to keep soemone you liked in game well this wont be voluntary but thanks for leaving any way. Eric saying that he and Dick might be only ones with balls enough to get Nick out but would be better if Jam or Jess did it. Eric saying in a vote, they would lose to Jess, but in F2 they would win against her. Moves on to talking about Dustin trying to save himself with Kail - he's pushing for Kail to stay, wants to hug her if she leaves while everyone else freezes her out. Again, mention Dustin is probably the leak to Kail. Eric says Nick is a horrible liar. Also, think Nick is still with Kail.
Eric and Dick have clout with the group because they think things through. Continue talking about the great players they are, how smart they are, better people, better personalities, better lives, etc.
Bunnies are in the living room
All are asleep
8:20 am
Blissful sleep... for some
9:25 a.m.
Still snoozin'
9:31 am
Amber just woke up and climbed out of bed for a minute (I think she was retrieving her pillow from the floor). Shes back in again.
Jess,in the bed next to Amber and Dustin is completely covered head to toe with her blankets.Such a tiny little lump,LOL
10:30 A.M.
Head's up.... they've been awakened.
BB Announcements: In preparation for the live show tonight, tidy the house.
Dick has been given an hour to vacate his HOH room to get it ready for the next HOH.
10:45 AM
Zach applying cream to heels...says something about needing? a new pair of feet.
Mike at sink doing morning rituals. General chitchat.
Very STERN BB Voice comes on speaker: Amber, Daniele, Eric, Jen...I said it's time to get UP for the DAY!
Mike in shorts and no shirt now towel drying hair, now using gel or hair product to shape hair.
Someone comes through on way to bathroom wearing hooded shirt over head, so couldn't tell...maybe Jameka. Out now and washes hands, yep, it's Jameka.
Amber comes in now, says good morning to Mike and brushing teeth.
Jameka washing face.
Everyone preparing for the day.
Eric called to the DR.
Jameka asking if someone thinks they are going to capture that. (not sure what she is talking about) Zach answers they capture all kinds of things.
Some talk about last night.
Jameka mmmmming and says she doesn't even remember doing that. Sounds like maybe she was talking in her sleep. More mmmming and wow.
Daniele in bathroom now brushing teeth. Mike has finished and left room. Jameka brushing teeth.
Only Amber, Daniele and Jameka now. Amber whispering something to Daniele. BB Voice tells Amber and Daniele to please put on microphones. One of them answers NO, I WON'T.
All cams still on bathroom.
Conversation between Dick and Danielle where he has just told her everyone wants Nick out and they will send him out next week. Danielle is not too pleased about this.
Dani/Dick in HOH Dick tells Dani that things are getting back to Nick thru Dani, both upset in usual manner, Dick says everyone feels Dani is passing info to Nick... says Dustin told something to the group last night, and Dani told Nick... it's all about perception...
Dick: let me tell you something, Dustin is on his way out in a short time, that was brought up in a smaller group... no one trusts them, Dustin period, Amber cause she can't keep her mouth closed
Dani: Jam is close to Amber
Dick: not as close as you think
Dani: I talked to everyone and told them I DON'T pass everything to Nick
Dick: everyone says when Nick is gone you will be stronger on this side, the piece of non-trust will be gone, everyone told you they want Nick gone next week?
Dani: there are more important people, why Nick?
Dick: he's been flipping out, please don't say anything
Dani: whatever
Dick: no, not whatever
Dani: if I get HOH, I am not putting up Nick, there are more important people
Dick: Nick is putting on a show with Zach
Dani: he isn't a threat to me, so
Dick: Kail is a threat to me, but I'm not putting her out for the sake of the group... you are missing alot, you need to stay up later.... someone told Kail, and I think it was Nick
Dani: I think it was Dustin
Dick: just because you aren't threatened by one person doesn't mean the group agrees...
Dani: but if Dustin is saying he wants Zach out...
Dick: he's changed, he wants Nick out
Dani: fine
Dani leaves HOH and Dick is cleaning out his things
All the guys are cleaning the house while the girls are getting ready.
Nick & Dani on the living room couch. Dani tells Nick her dad is bugging her again
Nick: I don't want to get into your dad
Dani: why? you tried yesterday
more back and forth between them, lots of 'shut up' and 'whatever' from Dani
few minutes later in the kitchen, Dick and Daniele have another father/daughter spat over Dick cooking food for Daniele...
Dani: are you making eggs and ham?
Dick: for me and Jameka
Dani: I'm sorry, I didn't know I couldn't ask you a question...
Dick: I was teasing... go get some eggs... and... Daniele... and the gloves are off... Dick says something
Dani: can't hear you...
meanwhile, Daniele is fine throwing jabs back/forth with Nick still Dani goes to the stove where Dick is cooking still, he suggests she wait until he is done... she leaves to the bedroom off camera, can hear someone ask if shes ok, she replies "I hate someone in the house" minute of silence goes by, then Dick notices Jen is rearranging the plates, and decides to tell her with all the cleaning that needs to be done in the house, the order of the plates is not a priority... Dick goes to the bedroom to confront Daniele about the joke, then tells Jameka breakfast is ready
Dani: now it's my fault
Jam: please eat my eggs!
Dani: no, I don't want any...
Jam: well please go with me
Dani: no... I'm trying so hard... ok, I'm done, I hate this, because it makes everyone feel akward Jam: well he's saying he was joking, so maybe you... you guys are still learning each other, so...
Dani/Eric strategize about HOH
Dani: you are going to play hard?
Eric: yea... the thing is, I try to listen for who gets elliminated that I do NOT want to win it
Dani: I do the same thing!
Eric points out there is normally never more than ONE competition related to things in the BB house... so maybe I won't do good in one comp, but even worse is to let everyone KNOW you are aware of it... They talk more about her(Kail?) learning all about Carol the week she was evicted, in case the HOH was about her... they were joking around once asking "how many tiles are there...?" and 'she acted like she was guessing 63', and we counted and it was!
A few minutes of idle chat between Dick/Zach... then Dick notices Jam is making food in the kitchen...
Dick: I made you breakfast, are you eating again?
Jam: I'm being considerate.... Amber hasn't had food... and Dani.... Discussion mainly by Dick about when BB has them go outside to go over the rules of the HOH game... around 2 or 4...
Dustin/Jam agree they are not done laying down today(still time for a nap)
Dani questioning if her legs look too bruised to wear shorts tonight? (She has a fresh bruise from the little room)
Jam: I like you Daniele
Dani: unless it's opposite day, and then you hate me!
Dustin: I didn't know books were allowed in the house!
Dani: what?
Dustin: the book of 4th grade insults! lol
Dani: oh no, I have it memorized! lol
Dustin explains his love/obsession with cleaning started when allowance in his house was on a sliding scale based on how many chores they did general eating and cleaning going on.... HGs have decided when Julie Chen says hello tonight, the reply back with be 'Hey Girl'... but not high pitched... they consider practicing to get it all the same.
1:30 PM
Daniele is putting on mascara. she did 86 strokes on just one eye, and only the top lashes! She did both eyes, then turns almost upside down to do the bottom lashes. Kail finished curling her hair, then pulled most of it up, clipped it and sprayed it. Now she seems done. Can hear to people whispering, but all 4 cameras are still on Dani, who is STILL doing her eye make-up.
2:15 pm
Nick, Kail and Mike in the LR. Nick and Kail sitting in the nom chairs and Jen is asking them to give their speechs. Kail laughs and then leaves. Mike goes on to talk about how he had his answer in the last HOH comp written upside down. AND that he's excited to actually give a speech this week that isn't connected to Magnus somehow. He says his speech will be all about the hair products he uses. "First I want to say thanks to the hairspray and hairproduct makers and...don't vote for me." Kail comes back and sits in the other nom chair again. Dustin enters and says something, of which I can't quite make out. He leaves and Jen says that's something that Julie will ask the nominees.
Hmmm... Then FOTH...
2:30 pm
We're back and thet HGs are all gathered in the LR. The subject at the moment is Sandra Bullock. Dani says "The Lake House" was cheesy and awful. Dustin and Jess talk about NOT dressing up for the live show. Dustin says that he looks horrible every day in the house so why would he change for the live show. They quickly discuss who they think is going to get a question from Julie. Zach, Jameka, Jen and Kail seem to be the biggest vote receivers for this. Then general chit-chat. Intemittent singing and FOTH. Supposedly "something" will begin in fifteen minutes. They all wait impatiently for it. During which they also give mock speeches to Julie. Cam switch to DR hallway. But audio is still of the HGs in the LR.
They all talk of a twist involving new/sequestered HGs. (and the occasional cartoon character) FOTH....
Still FOTH...
Still FOTH...(Of course the day I get my feeds back...I get FOTH for the first couple of hours...sheesh. Well, again, I have to go to work now. But I'll be back in full force tonight!)
Feeds Back
Dick sitting in bedroom eating something and watching Jameka clean up her clothes. Jameka tells Dick that she washes her hair once every two weeks.
Feeds switch to bathroom where everyone is preparing for the show tonight. Dustin is ironing white pants or a white shirt. Danielle is combing her hair. Nick is loitering and catching glimpses of himself in the mirror from time to time.
Dustin is fast becoming the inhouse Iron Man (and I don't mean competition). HGS are coming up to him and asking him to iron various pieces of clothing.
Dustin tells Nick he has facial hairs because he is only half man and has a small p*nis.
Dick continuously hangs around Danielle or Nick it appears to ensure Nick doesn't influence Danielle on the vote.
Dick keeps throwing a ball against the wall and BB tells him to stop it.
Mike walks through bathroom area and looks very nice in a sport jacket and pants. Mike paces back and forth around the round table. Kail stands at the counter drinking something. Others in the background noise are getting dressed and ready.
BB announces: "Danielle, Are you wearing someone else's microphone?"
Dustin sits on the floor doing some Yoga. Eric does arm stretches.
Danielle joins Dick sitting at the couch in LR. Dick tells her what he wrote in his blog. Then interrupts himself to ask if Danielle will paint his nails. Danielle thinks that its dumb that he paints his nails, then proceeds to paint them. Dick continues to talk about the "events that happened and how it unfolded, and his relationship with Danielle" (in his blog).
Dick and Daniele are talking about what (I assume) he wrote in his HOH blog. He tells her that he wrote his impressions of each of the hg's. He said he wrote a bunch of stuff about her...saying how they'd had some good talks, and how he hopes things will keep getting better and better for them.
He said he addressed her bf (Chris?) and told him that no lines had been crossed and that Daniele knew that what she had outside of the house was real and that inside the house stuff wasn't. Dick whispered "I didn't mention that you'd been in bed and cuddling with Nick" and Dani said "We will get in bed and talk, or get under the covers and make fun of Zach...but that's it."
Dick said he wrote a lot and felt it was all good and that she would like what he said. Daniele thanked him.
4 PM
Mike, Kail and Zach sit in the living room area chatting about taking time off work.
Kail sits smugly whilst Mike sits with hands clasped and face down.
BB comes on and says: "Danielle, DON'T BE A DICK"......not sure what happened but Dick was just laughing telling the other HGS she was bending over tying her shoe.
Eric walks through the living room in his towel. BB says "Eric, please put on your micorphone", Mike says " Eric please take off your towel" Mike talking about memorizing the color pattern of the LED lights and missing real plants. Kail is just sitting bouncing her leg not saying anything. Dick says Eric looks cute with his microphone hanging down. Mike comments on Eric's abs.
Amber, Jess and Jen in bathroom getting ready for live show.
Jen comments that maybe she'll be like Sanjaya from American Idol with all the different hairstyles.
Dustin and Eric discuss HOH Comps - Dustin says wear good clothes and shoes so your comnfortable and Eric says when you nap 17 hours a day your ready Im not remotely worried and dustin says hes worried about Jen seems they think this maybe an endurance comp.
BB won't let Dustin wear an eyepatch for the show. It would obstruct too much of his face.
4:45 PM
Houseguests are complaining that BB won't allow mints or gum. Kail says it's cause the chomping sound. No one is talking much just waiting. Jen's sitting next to Kail and Dick wants to know if she's sharing the block. Jen says yes it's double eviction week.
Nick joins the group with his hair slicked back. Jameka announces it's 4:45
4:53 p.m.
Some people sitting in living room, some still scurrying about.
Big Blue changed over to Trivia
Showtime in a few minutes.
Feeds back on after the show.
Everyone in the kitchen. Dustin tells Amber to start packing for her move to HOH.
6:15 PM
Amber talking to Nick in big bedroom
Dani and Nick say Mike had a good speech, feel sorry for him, think Jen voted for Kail, also mention how Kail cried after Mike's speech.
Dustin hopes for a "fat" photo
Dick telling Amber he can't believe she cried. Again.
7:15 p.m. BBT
Big Blue
Daniele and Jameka are in the small room talking.
Dick and Zach talking outside about balls and playing golf.
Its Jameka, Daniele, Amber and Dustin talking. They're talking about someone. Daniele is saying that he came up to her and wanted to talk game after being in the house for a month and not wanting to talk to her. Dustin saying Zach is sick and desperate to cling onto anyone.
The discuss who doesn't wash their hands after the potty. Jameka is giving hygene lessons again. After they discuss how bad Zach's bathroom hygene is she brings up that they could all get hepititis from these people that don't wash their hands after going in the bathrooms. (last night it was her concern about cross contamination while cooking)
From conversations, it appears that Dustin has told a couple people, including Dick, that he will be nominating Kail and Zach.
7:45PM BBT
Kail and Jen discussing Dick. Apparently she might have thought she was safe once Mike was nominated. Thought it flipped to voting her out (again) in last night's meeting. **Wait, she knew they were meeting???** Kail also wonders if Dick will be more quiet. She is upset he is lying about Jen's vote and saying they know he did the Mustard thing and he has to know people are selling him out. **Who is selling out Dick??**
Dani and Dick are talking. Dick is talking once again how mad Jen was and how he told Kail that she didn't stay because they wanted her, she stayed because they wanted Mike out more. Both are saying Jen voted to keep Kail, it is so obvious that even a blind man could see it.
Dani reassures Dick that she isn't stupid, she sees it. Eric joins them and they want to know why Amber is so upset? Dick says who knows and then something about Jameka as well. Eric is telling Dani that Jen didn't vote to keep Mike because she admitted that she over heard two people talking about what the plan was and someone came to her and told her the plan. Jen didn't want to tell Eric who told her but Eric said it would be better if she did say who and she admitted it was Nick. Dani says that someone is telling Kail that Eric was the other vote to get rid of her and start some mind f*** with her. Dick came out and Eric and Dani stopped talking.
Amber is in the DR and Dani is looking for her. Dick says he heard she was crying again after Dustin won HOH, Dustin says he didn't see her cry after that.
Dustin: If I get followed around this week, I'm going to shoot someone
Dustin: My aim isn't that good and you're too little
Zach seems to be shadowing Dustin at the moment.
Eric is totally blaming Nick for the Kail vote to Dani and Jameka. Says it was either Jen or Nick and he knows isn't Jen so he knows it was Nick. Says even Jen said she overheard Nick say he voted for Kail. Dani totally believes Nick voted that way and they plan to backdoor him or put him up .
Jessica joined Jen and Kail outside. Dick is out there too and Nick is in the pool.
Dustin says he'll talk to Dani later. She says better to have Nick in sequester. Dustin was talking about Zach.
Dustin wants to pee in the HOH room but doesn't want them to rush it. Wants his stuff.
Zach in kitchen now too.
Daniele leaves for bathroom.
Outside, Kail talking about missing a flight for interviews. Dick says he had to give up a free trip somewhere. Jessica says she was supposed to go to Vegas.
Jen says go with me and it is only $30.
8:15 pm
Amber talking to Dani
Amber says people want Nick out says that Eric, ED and Jam want Nick out.
Amber:i love Nick I know hes shady but I love him
ED comes in tells Dani and Amber that he told Jen she was dumb to vote for Kail.
ED gone now
Amber to Dani: who do you want to go 1st?
Amber asks Dani: who do you want to go first: ED or Nick?
Dani responds, "Honestly, I don't care."
Amber, "I want you dad to go first."
Amber goes on to explain she doesn't like ED's behavior and conversational skills.
Amber and Dani speculate about Nick's motives
explaining why he'd want to create confusion about how he voted in the eviction, to look like he's re-assembling the MRA alliance.
8:24 pm
Convo b/w Dani and Amber is over.
8:30 pm
Feeds back now and for the first time BB didn't let us see the HOH reveal with dustin
Dustin Amber and Dani are in Kitchen taling
Dustin plans on having plastic surgery talking in the kitchen about his photos in the HOH
Nick Eric, in hottub jen on longe chair, jess, jam,and kail on by couch ed in by talking to hot tub ppl and jen
Dani suggests that Dustin plant false info To see where it gets and to surprise him (not sure if they're planting false info w/ Nick or w/ Zach...the false info was going to be that Dustin wouldn't nom Zach) (ed: Dustin's chewing and drinking making it hard to understand)
8:40 pm
Dani talks about reading the feeds in previous seasons!
Dustin got a letter from brother and mom Dad is bad w/ words.
Jen pissed about being eliminated from HOH Comp according to Dani says ED told her.
8:45 pm
Amber saying Dick doesn wash after peeing and Dani says tell him thats nasty
Dani calls HOH room the "honeymoon suite" for Dustin and Amber
Zach threatened Dustin to get an alliance w/ him or he'd nom Dustin if Zach won HOH
according to Dustin, Zach said, "I see you as a threat."
Dani says Zach tells her she's a treat too.
Amber says that Zach tells her that she's in an alliance w/ him; she thinks is laughable.
Dani says Nick plays sloppy he is already found out playing both sides
Dustin declares "The camera's are going to be all over me this week."
9 pm
Amber talking about when she wins her HOH
Her letter from her sister is going to be brutal.
Jameka going to lay down as Dani says how tired she is. All four feeds on Dani and Amber.
Amber complaining about how boring it is. Dani wondering when America's Choice is going to happen (little does he know). Amber doesn't know what America's Choice is and Dani is explaining it to her.
In the backyard, Eric and Nick still in hottub talking to Jessica and Kail.
Dick Enters HOH with Dustin
Him and Dustin start dancing around and cheering!!
Ed and Dustin both say they immediately knew it was Nick who voted for Kail to go
ED and Dustin railing on Nick
saying that Nick is not trustworthy
that Nick leaks info
and that Nick was the one who voted for Kail (they don't know about AP Eric).
Zach is #1 on Dustin's list
And Nick or Jen is #2
ED and Dustin buyingthat Eric was just too excited and messed up HOH and didnt throw it
ED says keep Nick in the fold unless they're sure Nick is going up
Dustin's #1 priority is Zach to go; he says house's #1 is Nick. Dustin says the difference is that Zach intimidates him while Nick doesn't.
Dustin isn't going to decide who to nom unless the group is assembled. However, he doesn't want Dani there. ED says that's cool because he has his own game, separate from Dani.
Jessica telling Eric to kiss her butt
When Eric tells her no, she asks if its because she's not Jewish.
Jen telling them both that their conversations are loud so Jen is aware that Jessica's boobs are white.
E: Next time, back to the bathtub
Jess: That's why the bathtub is good, you can whisper
E: And make love
J: And make Jew
They are now talking about Eric's penis. He would like a detachable penis.
He's now explaining to Jen why he eliminated her first. He says its because she is viewed as being a threat and he knew she was safe.
Uh oh, Jessica is asking for beer.
9:15 pm
ED dustin still in HOH
ED saying this is first free week he has
First week he had to get in with everyoen and second week he was on block 3rd week he was HOH and now he knows hes safe and he can just cjhill and have fun this week. Shakes dustins hand and says thank you
9:20 pm
Jen and Kail on couch in BY talking about getting Dustin to nominate Dick for them
9:45 pm
ED and Dustin are in the BY being very happy. They're were thrilled with the HOH elimination order.
BB yells at Nick to stop singing. Ed wonders what's up with Nick and Dust says it's about Nick's hair - Nick wants to cut it and BB won't let him....Nick says BB threatened him with a penalty nom if he cuts it.
Dustin says she doesn't know he's going to deal with Zach or Nick.
He' says they'll both be coming to him with info and trying to make deals - especially Zach.
Dust says he won't any decisions without the group. ED says it won't be hard.
Ed then announces he's going to take a "victory poop" and leaves Dustin at the weight bench in the BY.
10:15 pm
ED and Dani talk on the LR couches
They almost argue for a bit about relationship stuff - her relationship with her brother, but they deal with it really well.
They talk game for a few...ED thinks Jen did the mustard herself.
Now they're actually talking and getting along really well.
Dani says she wants HOH really bad...wants the pictures.
Dani talks about how fast going into the house happened...she didn't have time to call her her boyfriend gave her a note that said he loved her and she held onto it (in her hands) every day, all day before coming in the house.
Ed asks her if she knew about him and she says yes. (ed. they seem to be saying they both knew the other was going to be on BB) FOTH Back and Ed is saying that they'll have to compare notes after BB.
Dani is talking about not having a place to live after she gets out...the lease will be up and Kris is moving back in with his family...she also says he makes less than her and is terrible with money.
Dick and Danielle are having what appears to be a somewhat pleasant time discussing more personal stuff
Dick asks about grandma's house? and the response is that it smells...from cats is what Dick adds.
Dick wants to know if she talks to Eddie and asks if he is married. Danielle doesn't know and says that Vincent is in contact with him.
Dick wonders what happened to Buddy (a dog?)
Dick asks why she doesn't talk to Vincent (her brother). She says he is rude and mentions that all he does is ask her to raves. Dick says that Vincent feels she only calls when she wants something.
Danielle is talking about a 4 year apprenticeship. I missed the beginning, but maybe this has to do w/ her boyfriend.
Dick - "If worse comes to worse, you can live with me."
Dani - "No, no, no" -
Dick suggests grandma. Dick - "Between me (Dick), your mother and grandmother, we'll figure something out."
Dick pays $1300 a month rent.
Dani talks of a police issue w/ her ex-roommates...conversation continues...
10:20 pm
Dani says she doesn't like drinking (alcohol). She thinks beer is nasty and wine makes her sick.
She says she likes margaritas. ED says maybe BB will give her some for her b-day.
(ed. note: they have had some great memories recapped here, it is really sweet!!!)
10:26 pm
Kail on couch in BY campaigning to Dustin about Dick.
10:35 pm
Kail tells Dustin that ED/Dani are working together and Dustin says they aren't. They never talk game. He says they ar eon different paths in the game.
Dustin telling Kail that Dick and Dani aren't talking game together, that he is working on his relationship with her. He is asking her what she thinks
about Nick, as in putting him up. And where her loyalties lie with Nick, Zach and Jen. She says she has no loyalties to Nick or Zach, but her and Jen are good friends. She is telling him she believes that it was Zach because no one talks to him, and let him in (though Dustin says he talks with Zach), and Dani were the votes for her to be evicted.
Dick has broken game talk up, as he's come outside to smoke.
10:40 pm
Dustin is asking Kail what she thinks about people in the house.
Kail says she isn't with Nick - doesn't trust him.
She says she thinks she's the only one who "gets" Jen...likes Jen.
She says she feels good with him and friendly with Jameka.
Nick and Amber talking about Zach Jen and his hair
Amber: you and dani need to be careful b/c Zach might be fake sleeping
Nick: I know we dont talk about anything. Its so weird to have to worry about fake sleeping.
Amber: advises nick to not cut jen off completely. She says Jen is crazy about him and is always talking about how nice he is.
Nick: Dustin thinks you will make it to the final 4
Amber: He thinks I will be in the final 2
Nick: Really?
Amber: Who do you think will be in the final 2?
Nick: and...I think Jess and Jam may be targeted later
10:45 pm
Kail follows Dustin inside. She is working very hard to be on his good side.
She says she's there for him...whatever he needs. Dustin says "absolutely" and heads up to HOH alone
Amber asks 1000 questions
Amber:Do you really think I look different w/ makeup on?
Amber:Is my crying ridiculous?
Amber:Is it WS with you and kail, or no?
Nick:we havent talked about the situation
10:54 BBT
Eric and Jessica out back walking laps around the backyard.
Eric telling her about all his ridiculous comments he's isn't sure what they{CBS} will be showing.
Dustin and Zach upstairs in the HOH Dustin just laying there with his earphones on and Zach trying to make small talk.
Dustin now closing his eyes and Zach nots taking the hint.
Absolutly no conversation going on. Looks like Zach has fallen saleep also.
Eric comes over and breaks up happy family night...
He sits down.
Dick says he was saying something he wasn't supposed to say, and BB loudly said, "Dick, knock it off!" and it scared Dani and she jumped.
Eric says he forgets what he was going to say.
Dani says Jess left the outside door wide open.
Eric says he thinks she's maybe retarded. (laughing)
Dani: We always say, "Where's her handler!"
Nick and Amber are lying together in a bed.
Eric walks through and see them.
Amber: You guys sleep with each other so they come in there and see that.
Amber: Does Zach think you are playing for her? Does he think you like her (Dani), or no?
Nick says they know Nick likes her--he can't hide it.
Amber: Totally.
Nick says Zach is telling him, "You need to squash that, Dude. She's just going to get in your way and rip your heart out. I'm keep playing along and I'm like, yeah, you're probably right."
Nick says that in his head he's telling Zach he's an idiot, but he has to pretend because next week he could be HOH and put Nick on the block.
Amber: So true.
(Eric seems to be listening on the other side of the door, with the door open)
Nick: It's going to be another easy week for us, basically.
Amber says last week wasn't easy. Dick was unbearable.
Nick says he doesn't think Dustin will be a "dickhead."
Amber: No, and if he is, I'll tell him.
Nick whispering--he says Zach will campaign.
Amber asks if Zach is on the block and Nick plays POV, Nick won't save him, right?
Nick: Are you fucking crazy?
Amber: Because he'll expect you to save him.
Nick says he doesn't care what Zach expects.
Dick walks up and sees them.
Nick: What's up, Dude?
Dick asks if Nick told him to come there? Nick says no, but he can.
Dick tells him that this is his first week off.
Dick says he is going outside to smoke.
Amber and Nick don't think Zach would win POV.
Nick says everybody wants Zach gone and would keep him up there.
Amber has the Bible open in her lap.
Amber: You and Dani better be careful at night, because I'll bet Zach fakes sleep sometimes.
Nick: He does.
Nick laughs and says where else but here would you worry about fake sleeping?
Amber: Jen is so obsessed with you, it's ridiculous! She says you're such a nice guy and you "do little things."
Nick says Jen will hate him when she gets out of here and sees what he said about her.
Amber: Why'd you ever talk bad about her?
Nick: I was like, to Dick, what the hell? She pisses me off.
Amber asks if they never talk? He says no.
He says he still has to because she could get HOH next week.
Amber says you have to give her a little bit--you can't cut her off completely.
Nick switches convo to his hair. He doesn't like it.
Nick: Thank you, BB, for making me look like an 8-year-old Asian girl.
(The times are wrong here because I had to back it up to get the whisper fests--ed)
Amber says she can't wait until she sees the final two.
(He whispers something--I think he said he won't be there--ed)
Amber: Really?
Nick: I honestly think so.
She asks why he thinks that, and he doesn't know--it's just the way things feel right now.
Nick says Dustin thinks he will be one of the final four. Amber says Dustin thinks she will be in the final two. Nick says he hopes she will.
She says if she isn't, she won't be mad -- she'll be sad, but not mad, as it wasn't her time.
Nick: I won't be mad if I'm not.
Amber: I know.
Amber; Who do you think will be final two if you had to make a guess right now?
Nick: I would say you. And.....
Amber says it's hard to guess, huh?
He says he honestly thinks it will be Amber, though.
He has a feeling. He can see how Eric, Jameka and Jess will be targeted, though.
Nick thinks Amber, Dustin, Dani and Nick and then Dick as number 5.
He says he sees it happening that way down the road.
Amber: Umm hmm
Nick: It was Dick. It was Dick. That's what Jen said when she came up to us.
Amber: Dick said it was not him with the mustard. He said he wouldn't do something like that because he's so straightforward.
Nick says he thinks he is too, but he doesn't know--Who else could it be?
Amber: Nobody!
Amber: Do you really think I look that different with makeup on?
Nick: Yep
Amber asks Nick if her crying is ridiculous, and he says no--she's just an emotional person.
Amber talks about how Jen is in love with Nick, and she "can't even fathom" feeling like that about someone.
Amber says her boyfriend, but that's totally different.
Nick: We don't even know each other.
Amber: Is it the WS (weird situation) with you and Kail, or no?
Nick; Kind of. I don't know. We haven't talked about the situation.
Nick says he doesn't know if Kail knows that he is the one who screwed up the MRs. R situation. Kail says she doesn't think Kail knows.
Nick says he thinks that Kail knows he voted for Kail to stay.
Amber agrees.
Amber: It was Jen, I told her.
Nick says someone asked him right before voting how he would vote, and he told them how he would vote, and we get FOTH
(Sorry this is behind in times--It's hard to understand the whispering)
I just moved the time forward, and Dani came outside and told Dick (who is with Amber) to wash his hands with soap from now on after he uses the bathroom, instead of just rinsing. Dick says rinsing is good enough, and she says that is not washing his hands! She says this is the "word of the house" and she is the only one who will point it out. He says he refuses to put down the seat, too.
Amber is reading parts of the Bible with Dick, and he is arguing with her about parts of it.
Dick has been spending a lot of time flirting with Amber. He wants a date with her and tells her she had better not come in sweats.
She asks who he thinks will be America's favorite? Him?
He says he is probably most hated.
She disagrees.
Amber thinks she will be America's favorite.
Dick says that if you ask Jen, she will say the same thing.
He says that you go on the boards and there are people who say "fuck that guy" and they hate him, and then people who like him.
He says it's that way on the boards and in real life.
Dick is talking about all kinds of hate websites that have been devoted to him. He says one website went to the trouble of using gay porn pictures and putting his head on them, with "Go Fuck Youself" written on there. He says it was "" He says that he loved it, thought it was hilarious, and he has thick skin.
Dick called to DR
Dick: Uh oh. Am I in trouble?
Eric keeps bringing Kail back up.
Jessica saying Jen is smart and a good player. She thinks Jen is pissed off at Kail and everyone else hates her. Just strategy talk.
Eric says he wants Nick to be one of the two to leave. Eric saying Amber and Dustin and Jameka want Nick in sequester for selfish reasons because he is a vote for them to win (hello? this is a selfish game. I'm sorry for my many "--ed" tonight but these people complain about someone being righteous and then complain about someone being selfish )
Still walking laps around the backyard.
E: I can honestly say that I do not get fed up with you, you always cheer me up. I hope you still feel the same way.
J: I do, it's still fun. Next weeks, it's going to get worse
E: We all know that it is comign where people are going to pick people off. I don't think I am under the radar, I'm on the radar and it bothers people that I'm friendly.
J: I never would try to fly under the radar (lol) but that is what I'm seeing. If I feel I need to come out from underneath the radar, I will.
E: I felt it was important to get to know everyone in the first couple weeks b/c you're going to need these people. It's not like Kail when she fucking attacked us. If you work hard and play hard in those first couple weeks so when you need to make power play or whatever, you have options availabe, Personally, I think we've done a good job positioning ourselves. Neihter of us have been in danger. It's going to come eventually, but it doesn't need to be right now. We'll just strike first, too.
eric keeps talking strategy about how to play the game.
E: I don't think.... oh, i was going to say something about daniele but she is standing right there. I wonder what everyone is doing? I don't understand Amber, her best friend winning HOH and she is crying. Amber said she has a 1 in 10 chance (because Dustin is HOH).
Keeps talking about Amber crying and she's making problems where they don't need to be.
Jessica said she had a 5 hour conversation with Amber about dogs and then Dick rips on her.
feeds switch to Kail and Jen in round room whispering.
Eric is talking to Jess.
Eric says Zach is up to a lot of shit.
(this is possibly big--ed)
Eric says that Dustin thinks that he has a great secret bond with Kail. He saw Dustin comforting Kail several times today, saying, "I'm so glad you're here!"
Jess says she saw Kail JUMP on Dustin in the bathroom, and Jess thought it was disgusting as she is in her 40's and married.
Possibly, Dustin will put up Kail with her offer of being used as a pawn. Then, Dustin will sit up there and say "Me, me, me" and that it will look like he isn't protecting Kail. It is pissing Eric off.
Dustin said that Kail was "putty in his hands" and she'll never vote him off. But what does that do for THEM?
Eric says Dustin thinks he is sly and has an "extra in" with someone.
He thinks he will take Kail's deal, make it seem as if they aren't close, and then try to get Zach out, and if one comes down off the block, he doesn't think that Dustin will ever put Nick up. He thinks Dustin will put Jen up.
Jess says just because Dustin wants Zach out, they don't have to vote him out! They can send Kail out!
Jess says she doesn't mind pissing off Dustin.
Eric says Zach is a nuisance.
Eric says if anyone perceives that he and Jess are spending time together, if it catches anyone's attention, they will still be so much more obvious like Nick and Daniele and other pairs.
Jess says she thinks Dani and Dick have something going on. She has a feeling.
Eric says Dani is very sneaky and "the closest we have left in the house to a Joe." He thinks it is shady that she worries about what the mic hears, instead of the people in the house.
Eric says he saw her talking for over an hour tonight talking to her father, and he doesn't care if they say they are enemies, or if they are best friends--they will never vote each other out.
Eric: They don't need to sit down and have a handshake.
Eric says if one wins, the other wins.
Eric; I think they are super-sketchy. I think Nick is on his last legs, but let's kick him out before he recharges and comes up with plan B. You know?
Jess: So that's not gonna happen this week?
Eric asks if she is not a big fan of Nick? She says not at all. Eric says Nick has never set right with him.
Eric says that he doesn't think they voted out the right person this week, and Jess says she doesn't think so, either.
Eric says if it was later in the game, he would have stood and fought to get Kail out, instead.
Eric says Mike never gave anyone a feeling ever that he was untrustworthy or coming after people. Kail told Eric to his face what she plans to do.
Jess asks what--or is he not saying?
Eric says Kail is going to throw HOH's, and she will plan friendships, etc.
Eric says she openly told him that she is a threat.
Eric says that Amber, Dustin and Jameka feel Kail will protect them, and it wasn't about taking out Mike. It was about the three of them feeling protected.
Eric says right now, he doesn't want to break up their alliance--why do that until they have to, to stay safe for a while.
Eric thinks Kail is full of shit--she never "rolled over and died." She never thought she was going home. She wanted to say she is an old lady, no threat, etc.
Jess says Kail "sits like a guy."
Jess: What 40-year-old woman do you know that runs, cause I don't!
Eric repeats Dick and others saying Kail is not a simple 40-year-old housewife, and there is something secret about her, for her to be on the show, and he agrees.
Jess; What if it's like a fake identity? And those little skirts she wears are like not her!
Eric says he was really, really not down with the manner in which Kail approached him and Jess. She had never spoken to them for three weeks, and then she came to them yelling at them and threatening them. He feels she should have tried to actually make a relationship with them. It pissed him off, and it sealed Joe's fate. Then it sealed her own fate.
Jess asks if Eric told Kail that Jess was mad? He says of course not.
Jess says she told Eric and Jameka, and then today Kail came to Jess and said she was sorry she didn't talk to her sooner--she wants to be friends, etc. Jess just stopped her and said she voted to keep her.
(Kail was trying to find out who voted against her--ed)
Jess asks who Eric would have put up? He says Nick. For sure.
He would have told everyone that everyone needed to get Nick out right then if they wanted him out, because this is their chance.
Jess: That's neat!
Eric: What would you have done?
Jess says she isn't sure. She was pissed about the Nick/dani thing, and Kail pissed her off because she didn't talk to her before wanting her vote.
Jess: You know, I loved the little group meeting we had last night, but there are two people I trust in there and that's you and Jameka, and Jameka is kind of fading with me.
Eric: Really?
Jess says kind of, as Jameka grows closer to Amber.
Eric says he has been trying to think what is in their (his and Jess's) best interests in the order of taking people out. They have to think of who they will be with down the road.
Jess thinks Nick is sketchy. Jess thinks maybe she would put up one from "each side," Nick and Kail. That way, a big one is gone.
Eric says he feels kail is appealing to Jameka and Dani through religion. He thinks she is saying "wouldn't it be good for the righteous to win?" He says he knows Jess is religious, too--but...
Jess says this is where they go wrong, and this game has lying and deceiving, and it's the game.
Eric says there are people who could be useful to them, but could also be a problem. Like Dani, Nick, Jameka.
Jess: Winning HOH next week, I do not think would be a bad thing.
Eric says that he'd like to be in sequester, as he needs the stipends and you get to decide the winner.
Eric feels winning HOH next week would solidify sequester. Plus, you aren't showing yourself to be a threat right off the bat.
Eric: Kail is of no use to us. She's total garbage. I don't think I have it in me to carry Zach all of the way.
Jess: No! He's an idiot.
Eric says he has been thinking of someone who sucks, who would never win a vote. He's considering whether they should entertain the idea of Jen.
Jess says Jen is dying for a new group.
Eric says she would like to be with Eric and Jess, maybe.
Jess says Jen is smart. She says Jen is pissed off at Kail, and "everybody else hates her, so why not?"
Eric says that they need to do it so that they don't appear to be her best buddy all of a sudden. He doesn't want to be her best buddy, anyway. Maybe if they could do it so she could protect them without any big to do. He likes the idea better than Nick, Zach or Kail.
Eric and Jess both want Nick to be one of the two to leave before Jury.
Jess asks why they want him to stay?
Eric says that Dustin, Amber, Dani see Nick as a vote for them in the jury as opposed to a vote for Eric or Jess.
12:08 BBT
Eric talking to Danile outside talking about the Mike vote was for Jameka Amber and dustin.
Danile telling him the possible Dustin noms. Eric saying that it's not going to be and her. Dani and Eric says they were the most nervous that he got it and doesn't do what they group wants he will "make an ass of himself"
Jens says that they have been here five weeks and no one important has gone home Daniele tells Eric she overheard her say.
Danile says that she never mentions anything he says.
Talking about HOH comp.
Talking it was aperfect game for them since they[kail Jen and zach] went out in order
Eric says she wonders why she wasn't excited and had another meltdown with Jameka. Dani says they been talking a lot.
Eric says "they are forming the GOd Alliance with Kail"Dani says with the Jentile..
Dani finding it bizare people are reading the bible. Eric says he finds it funny about the God and Destiny talk.
Dani finds it odd that she will be in the final two because her mom told her. All these premonitions with Amber finds it wierd.
Eric says if the continue on with it they are going to piss people off.
12:25 BBT Kail talking to Jen in the round room saying her boys were probably thrilled tonight with the vote outcome.
Talking about what the date is.
Talking about the number of bubbles in the bathrrom "52"
I guess they are doing house trivia and Jen wonders if they asked questions in previous seasons. Talking what the three big kitchen utensils are. I guess they are getting ready for the next HOH.
Jen is saying that BB has been asking what people say. Kail saying it was sweet how he gave the flowers. kail says it almost looked like he didn't want hugs. Kail thinking he was truly surprised by the vote outcome. Jen asking what he left behind "the water bottle"
Kail says she will tell Dustin that he doesn't want Evel in the sequester house because of Danile.
Kail says she was taken by surprised how long Mike's speech was and "julie had to cut him off" Kail says he didn't know about the vote. Jen says she told him she was voting how the house was and Kail says "he should have known" Jen says she didn't know how the vote was going. Kail saying she telling people that they are just "good friends" and didn't let her know and will use that
Feed switched to everyone else in the kitchen talking about how many protein shakes Mike would drink FOTH
12:58 BBT
Danile and Dick having a tiff.. Daniele says a lot of people here really don't need the money. Jen Nick and Carol.
She's telling Dick Jen says "this is the most work I've ever done in my life" Dani annoyed by her ugly comment and Dick says "she's an idiot" "she's ugly inside and out"
Dani comment "all the cameras are on us everyone else is boring" talking about the two other rivals twist were awful and calling Carol "the most bland". Dick says it was being put on the block that screwed her up. Talking how Jess was a walking disaater and now she's a pleasure.
Dick saying" Eric loves her I really enjoy her" about Jess and Jameka starts talking like her when they are together.
Dani whining she's really tired and is going to bed...Dick say don't worry and Dani says she's not worried "It sucks"
1:06 BBT
Dick asking "if she really took off her bra during the live show" Dustin said yes that's its still hanging there
Dick asks Jess why someone would do that? Jess says she didn't know...talking about jen
Jen comes out and said they decide she isn't allowed to take her bra off during the live show anymore and told her to pick it up. Jens says why and she already picked it up and put it away right after the show
1:16 BBT
Eric back from the DR with his assignment no doubt. Talking about his broken mic and the "rancid smell" in the storage room.
dustin wondering why the Q&A session after HOH. Dick said that they were behind and rushed through HOH and had 3 mins to fill
Everyone whose awake outside talking....
1:20 BBT
Eric called to DR so I thinks this might be it..for sure..
1:24 BBT
Talks has turned about Mike's eating habbit Dustin saying he ate 5000 calories per day. Whinning about all the food he ate. Jen says 3,000 and dustin saying 6 protien shakes at 300 calories is 1800. and whines through the other foods he ate.
Jen saying she wants to find 5 people who want to go on slop and throw it to the other people who don't.
Dustin If I don't get to play in the food comp tomorrow "I'll be so upset" Dick reassures him he'll at least host.
Jameka says she wants consistency in food and Dustin says that BB does it on purpose.
Jessica say another two weeks on slop could make her reach her breaking point.
Nothing intersting since Jen is planted right there.
"If I don't get HOH in the next 3 weeks watch out" Jameka about needing some hair product.Jameka blames it "on the nice" California air..Dick says it's "the smog"
Dani says she visted her friend in NC and got sick from the "clean air" and needed to get back to the smog [oh brother]
Jess, Jameka, Dustin, Jen, Dani and Dick sitting on patiocouch chit chatting about their diets inside the house. The slop is wreaking havoc and the inconsistency involved with slop one week and then junk food the next. Jess says if she's on slop again next week she'll lose it.
Talk turns to the HOH's and how the first weeks reign was sooo long and when Jen's week came they all thought it was gonna be a double eviction week because things started going faster but then realized that that's just the speed of things now that the first "week" is over. Get used to it.
Dani tells of a story about going to Greenbow and "getting sooo sick from all the clean air". Dick goes on to explain the basis for the smog problems in LosAngeles.
Amber comes out and they greet her like Norm at cheers. "Ammmmberrrr!"
Looks like were about to have a late night AB class. Dustin, Amber and Jess sit on towels in the yard. Eric comes out and Jen goes in. Cam switch to Kail sleeping. Back out in BY. Dani, Eric and Dick chit-chat on the patiocouch. Dani talks about "scaring" Eric when he came out of the SR one time. That he screamed like a girl.
Dick starts talking game and the first name that comes up is Zach. They're trying to figure out who voted for Kail to leave. They seem to think (thanks to Eric) that it's Jen and Zach.
Dani, Dick and Eric continue to talk about Kail and Jen. Eric talks briefly about the "mustard incident" and how BB must know who did it but aren't telling anyone. (Good cover, brother. You're doing a great job of deflecting the attention.)
Dani claims she wants to be the POV host. Eric says she'll need some good luck following himself. She says she'll blow him outta the water. Dick says he wants to host sometime soon.
Back to making fun of Jen. Her crusty unitard mainly. Dani says she won't be able to handle listening to Jen talk anymore. She's absolutely sick of how many times she says "I" and "me". Dani worries about hating Jen so much, that it would be horrible if America liked Jen, and then sent hate email to Dani for being so mean to her.
They start to talk about DR sessions and the camerapeoploe asking them not to sugar coat things. "This time, be more agressive." Eric says. and FOTH...
They start to feel bad for Mike.
Saying he looked like a deer in the headlights. That he was wandering around dazed the last couple of days.
Dick starts recounting his Julie time...When he started talking about needing a miners cap to search through Kails head...etc. They ask if Julie laughed. They then talk about Julie briefly cutting off Mike during his pre-eviction speech.
Dani starts complaining about the lack of Luxury Competitions and America's Choice. She's hoping to have one of them soon. She says they've been there for 5 weeks and deserve to have one soon.
Jess, Jameka, Amber and Dustin do ab class. Sounds like they're rotating leaders and now Jameka is leading.
Dick goes inside and Dustin joins the others on the patiocouch and talks about how pale he is. They all start joking about him being sooo white (which is obviously not the case).
Dani, Dustin and Eric all talk about life outside of the house. How people are gonna swarm them. Dani feels when her and Dick are seen together it'll be even worse. Dustin says he's gonna be seeing Nick alot so the two of them will probably be swamped. Dick takes up Eric's offer to visit him in NY. Dustin declines. (He's joking...)
Dustin starts talking about the lack of "speeches" and deals he's received so his reign of HOH.
Dani suggests that he puts up Eric. Eric laughs. Helicopter flying around and Jameka leading a particularly vocal round of AB class. Things got quite loud and Dani complains about all the helicopters lately. Dick says "It's StudioCity." There are helicopters all the time. They start joking about how the girls are starting to sound like sickly animals. "Weeee"
and "WoooWooo". Eric says that's what his parents called penis' and vaginas when he was little.
They talk about Dustin calling Zach "a desperate child f***er" earlier today. FOTH...
General chit-chat about one of the feamles gaining 15 pounds since entering the house. (I believe it's about Jen, but it coulda been about Amber.)
AB class ends and the girls start getting up and grabbing their towels. Dick asks them to put the towels by the washer so he can wash them tonight. Dustin and Jen say that they already talked about saving the towels from the washer for a couple of days. That the towels are getting ratty quickly.
Jessica gets reprimanded by BB to not obstruct her microphone...(jess goes inside..) Dani complains about BB saying things so loudly. That epople are sleeping. Dick says it's only broadcasted outside.
The girls go inside...Eric starts singing the FOTH song...LOL...and Dani admits she gets excited whenever she hears that music.
Cam switch to kitchen where Dustin and Amber whispr about Dick...FOTH...
Dustin leaves and goes to the BR and explains the weightscale to the girls...Jen, Jameka, Jess.
Dustin and Amber go into HOH.
Dustin says that the HOH is just as much Ambers as it is his. That he whispered to her that she should pack her bags when he got the HOH key cause she's moving in. She can't believe he's being so nice and thoughtful. FOTH...
Dustin asks if she's gonna shower in here and she says yeah. That people have been asking her why she hasn't been hanging out in HOH tonight. She says she just hasn't wanted to yet. Dustin insists that she satys in the room and uses it as much as possible.
They start discussing the pictures Dustin has up. That Dustins brother is no where near as cute as Dustin is...
Dustin starts telling a story about his mother sending pictures of his and his brothers teddybears as they "run-away" from home. Dustin remembers that experience fondly. He starts reading his letter from his brother.
That he knows Dustin is wonderful and is really hoping that he does well and even if he doesn't that he still loves him.
(Very nice...)
Amber talks about wanting to win HOH next week. She starts thinking about receiving letters from her sister and then she stops to cry. Nope. Dustin starts crying because he misses his brother.
Dustin admits he's excited but nervous about HOH.
They run through all of the HGs and Nick and Zach's name keep coming up. Amber thinks they should put up Kail and Zach. That Nick is a good informant and would NEVER come after Dustin or Amber.
Dustin worries about putting Zach up initially, because he'd be a strong POV competitor. Dustin feels he should back-door Zach. Amber feels he should be straight up and just nominate him right away. FOTH...
Dustin comes out of the HOHBR and asks Amber how is it that Nick and Zach are still talking. He thought they didn't talk anymore. Dustin questions Ambers loyalties to Nick. He starts to get a little frustrated with Amber ambiguity about being friends with Nick. Amber says she wants Dustin to do whatever he wants. Dustin says he's goning to, but that he's a little nervous about thier friendship. She says it's just like her relationship with Dick. She likes him, but he'll have to go at sometime. Just not right away.
Dustin relents and says he agrees with Amber about Nick. Amber insists that by her being friends with Nick it helps both Dustin and herself.
She asks why he's acting so paranoid. That he's changed. Dustin says he just wants to know that they are together.
They go over some more of the why Nick is important to keep and that Zach should be going this week.
Amber says she doesn't want Jen or Zach making sequester.
Dustin goes on to talk about all of the socially retarded things Zach has done in front of Dustin. Dustin claims that Zach is sooo one-dimensional. That he's sexist and intolerable. Amber goes on to admit that her and Dick are in disagreement about Nick going to sequester.
Dick comes into HOH and starts complaining about Jen. He also asks Amber if she's okay, that she looks like she's been crying. Amber says she's okay. Dick goes on to say that he wants to set up a time to have a talk but it'll have to wait until Jen goes to sleep. They set a time and Dick leaves. Amber, as soon as Dick leaves, starts to bag on him for being so "in" her business and that he's been kissing her a** lately.
Dustin goes on to say that he just wanted to know how Amber was feeling. Amber gets a sad look and Dustin assures her that he's still BFFs with her. She continues to pout and Dustin raises his voice saying that she needs to believe that he trusts her completely. She offers a non-comittal groan and then talk tuns back to hating on Zach.
Amber starts complaining about Eric taking her out of the HOH competition. She admits to Dustin that Nick told her that he saw her in the final 2. Dustin gets up and talks about how his dad chose some pretty bad pictures.
Amber says her sister would send only the best...blahblahblah...then goes starght into a..."Why did you ask me about Nick and Zach?"
Dustin: "Because I didn't know where you stood in regards to them."
Amber says that the house won't probably be all together on the decision this week. Dustin says the goal is to get Jen, Kail and Zach out now. In the next three weeks. Because they don't want them in sequester.
Dustin changes shorts and grabs some snacks and tells Amber that they should go back downstairs. Amber tells him to keep his snacks in his room. Dustin says he doesn't want them. He puts them back in the basket anyways.
Amber says she should levae his bear here. He asks if she was gonna take it. She says she was thinking about sleeping with him tonight. Dustin says you can if you sleep in HOH. She says she'd rather let Dustin have HOH to himself tonight so he can..."take care of business, in privacy"...Dustin says he can wait.
They go downstairs...
Dani, Eric, Dustin and Dick sit on the patio couch. Jameka and Jess wander around grabbing drinks and then finally joining the group.
Dustin says it's now time to discuss what he's gonna do this week. First nominees...Nick and Kail, with Zach as the backdoor.
It's brought up that Jen told Eric that Nick told her how everyone was going to be voting this week, that's why she changed her vote. And that Zach and Nick were obviously the two Kail votes this week.
(So starting with that misguided and mistaken info...) they think that Nick is dangerous and should be backdoored this week. They also agree that they'll need to trick Kail into believeing that she'll be going home this week. Eric says that Dustin should nominate Jen and Zach. Under the guise that they are exposing the two odd voters. Then when someone wins the POV, take off Jen and tell Nick that they know he was the REAL odd voter.
All of them believe that Nick and Zach were the odd voters. (Eric and Jen have done a masterful job of deflecting. Wow. Just Wow.)
Dustin says that it's just not in his nature to make a scene of the nominations. That he'd couldn't nominate people just for the drama they'll cause.
Dustin goes on to say that Jen is absolutely no threat to him. That he insists on not causing undue drama.
Dick want to talk about the top 4 nominees from the group, Dick thinks Nick and Kail are the biggest threats, that Zach and Jen are lessor concerns.
Jameka want's Zach gone most. Eric says that everybody is so scared of him and he's so hated that if he goes up Zach has GOT TO GO. No waiting for a week. Dani want's to see Jen and Zach gone first. Dustin says he wants to put up Kail and Zach.
Eric says "we all agree that those four have to go and that we're all gonna be supportive of you if it's any of them going."
They start discussing sequester...briefly...while Dick leaves them to go to the BR.
Dustin worries about putting up Kail with Zach because it would then be seen as Kail making the moves for Dustin. Because she has said she wanted to be put up against Zach. Dustin worries about putting Jen up because she'll take it personally too.
They all take their turn saying who they want out most
Eric: Nick
Jam: Zach
Dustin: Zach
Dick: Nick
Jess: Kail
Dani: Kail or Jen
Dick then says he's not really worried about Nick or Zach at all. He just voted for Nick to cause a big mess.
They all worry about Kail not being done playing...
Amber comes out and they ask her the same question...If you could pick one person to levae the house right now who would it be.."Zach". She hates that Zach has been trying to get into Dustins head. That he's sneaky. But she also admits to hating Kail.
Eric takes the soapbox and states his stance on Nick. How Nick has played people against each other. That he's openly playing to alliances. Then goes on to reiterate the "Jen/Nick" event, which says that Nick is actively working to deceive his fellow HGs.
Dustin asks if he was to approach Nick in a pawn situation, if he would freak out. Dani says he would. Dick says that Nick has implied that hes working with the others to help the group. Jameka goes on to worry about Nick getting his mohawk this week. "He'll turn into bad Nick".
Eric talks about Nick having it out with producers...FOTH...
They agree that Nick and Zach are most frequently first choices. That Kail is pretty much second on everybodies list.
So Kail is an obvious...They go onto discuss what type of person Nick is..Dustin says his game is crumbling. He's self destructing. Amber says tey don't need to worry about him that he's totally on their side about getting out Kail and Zach and asks why they'd get rid of him because of that.
Eric goes on to fuel the Nick is the odd vote rumor and CAN NOT be trusted.
General chit-chat about votes...
They all give their thoughts about certain nominee duos.
Kail vs. Zach... Kail is the majority vote. Jameka isn't worried about Kail and votes for Zach.
Nick vs. Kail... Nick is the majority vote. Amber and Dani would vote for Kail.
Zach vs. Jen... the vote is split. The general consensus is that Zach is creepy. Jen is just annoying.
Dustin says he's pretty much deciding between two scenarios. Either Zach vs. Kail OR Jen vs. Kail with a backdoor (of Zach). Dick says they can't ever count on backdooring.
Dustin says he's leaning towards a Jen vs. Kail nomination. (with Kail going home.) If it so happens that one of them get off the block. Then either Zack or Nick goes up. Most likely Zach. If it's Zach vs. Kail....Kail goes home, Jen vs. Zach and Zach goes home.
They all seem to agree.
Dustin goes to bed and everyone else discusses that it was a good meeting. And then general chitchat about Kail and Jen.
They all go on to further discuss trying to insure that the ladies and Zach and Nick are put on slop this week. Jessica offers herself to play on their team. She doesn't mind the slop. Amber volunteers as well.
Jameka insists that they don't try to put themselves in discomfort for the sake of making the four of them weaker. Jameka and Jess go off to bed...leaving Eric, Dani, Amber and Dick outside.
They start talking about if Nick knows that they are "on" to him...Dani and Amber say he isn't.
General chit-chat...
Eric says that the mustard vandal should do 4 more HG's property along with their own. To cover their tracks.
They talk about how Mike was a horrible orator tonight and Dani excuses herself to go to bed...(Night Dani!)
Eric, Amber and Dick remain in BY on patiocouch...more talk about the usual suspects. Jen, Kail, Zach or Nick.
Elite Team
- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Thursday, July 26
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