Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Wednesday, July 25

Day before live show and not alot of campaigning

6:20 a.m.

7:45 am

8:55 AM

9 AM
Good Morning Houseguests....it's time to get up!

STAR WARS theme was wake-up song

Outside Lockdown!!!

Eric and Dustin talking about Eric's clothes being hidden in the storage room.

Getting ready for a volleyball game with a Nerf ball and ropes for lines. Those who played last night are too tired to play again. Looks like Dustin and Amber vs. Dani and Jameka.

Others sitting or laying on the outdoor couches just watching.

Ball keeps going into pool. Jameka has recovered it twice. Dustin says it's hot out there, they can play wet ball.

BB Voice tells them to put the giraffe exactly where it was when they are done with it and be sure not to spike it. (they are using the giraffe to tie one end of the volleyball net to)

Female BB Voice says could you guys do me a favor and not put things on the windowsills? Thank you. Jameka mumbles that they put dumbells and stuff all up there. (didn't see who put what up there, but not important...game continues)

Game over - Jameka and Amber sitting by pool talking.

10:35 am
Dick, Jess, Zach and Kail sitting on the couch. Dick moves to a shady spot and rests his feet next to Jess' head.

Over in the pool, Amber is trashing Dick to Jameka, saying he's jealous that she pays attention to other guys in the house. Jameka does her standard mm-hmmm routine and says he's territorial.

10:45 PM
Amber talking about how ED was talking about how he could have slept with Anna Nicole Smith. Amber says she told him not to say anything like that in front of Daniele and he got mad and said, "How about I don't say anything?" and slammed the door and went inside.

Amber says Dick always flips out on her for hanging out with Eric, for rubbing Dustin's arm, etc...says the house is so territorial. Said Nick even got mad when Amber was talking to other people.

She doesn't understand why Dick is messing with her so much. Tells Jameka about how Dick sprayed her 5 times yesterday with the hose. Amber says she's being fussy with him and can't take Dick's "up and down" stuff.

Amber says Dustin told her she was being rude to Dick. She doesn't think so at all. She calls Dick a psychopath and Jameka asks if Amber thinks Dani would ever vote him out though. Amber says yes, and she could talk to her about it.

Amer now saying that Jen told her that ED makes comments about her (Amber) all the time. She says she can see ED coming after her because she's a good person and he wouldn't want to go against her at the end.

11 AM
Could see Dustin and Kail whispering on the sofa in cam 2 but couldn't hear them. Now Dustin has decided to go lay out in the sun.

Jameka saying that someone (Dick?) telling them they needed to lay off Zach. Jameka says she isn't the one telling him to go streak.

Amber saying Nick was yelling at Zach yesterday. Usually goes back and apologizes to him but yesterday he didn't. Talking about the confrontation between Nick & Zach. Amber was in her bed at the time but heard it all.

Nick did say Zach come back Dude, guess he was going to apologize, but Zach just kept walking.

Jameka says guess you gotta take it out on somebody.

Jameka got upset with Zach yesterday because she was sitting there talking about colonoscopies and he said it's not called a colonoscopy. She said yes, it is called that..her grandparents? both had one. He doesn't know everything, just leave it alone.

Amber looks up and says Oh God as she sees Zach is walking toward them. Sits down right beside them and puts his feet in the pool too.

Asks Jameka how was her ham and eggs. She just microwaved it this morning. Takes the juice out of it so it's kinda dry.

Asks if it's hot over there...she was thinking about moving to shade.

Zach says it smells over there. Hoping there isn't some fake mat underneath that area...if not, it never gets a chance to breathe when it keeps getting wet.

Surprised the backyard has held up as well as it has with all that's gone on back there.

Zach says he just came over here because everyone over there is snoozing. Amber rubbing forehead, says it's hot. Jameka says she's going to go get some water. Asks Zach if he is doing okay? Amber gets up to leave. (I think she was afraid Jameka was going to leave her with Zach)

Zach says to Jameka she is so hard to talk to.

Amber back over now. She has put her shorts on over her swimsuit.

Jameka jumps up and says she has to fart. Moves away.

Amber says she has to go get her laundry. They both stand around talking to Zach for a minute, then walk away, leaving him alone again.

Zach gets up and walks back over toward them on the patio now. Jameka says she knew he wouldn't be out there too long...it's so hot.

Everyone sitting/laying on couches now except Dustin who is laying on the lounger in the sun

Amber starting to talk about a car accident when her mom accidentally ran her over when she was 3 1/2. They didn't think she would be able to walk again or have kids...was really bad, she said.

Mike wants to talk to Dustin sometime today. Dustin says okay.


Eric sleeping, Mike making a protein shake. Zach talking to Mike about protein shakes and vitamins. Dustin is washing dishes.

12:15 pm
Dustin and Zach in kitchen talking about random stuff
Dustin: Your dark (his skin is dark)
Zach: Is that Sanjia? Is he on BB8
Dustin: I'll buzz your hair tomorrow
Zach: talking about how he likes his hair cut and how he didn't like his last hair cut Dustin: thats one good thing about being gay, you always know someone in the industry
Zach: talks about pedicures and how he tried to give himself one once and he hurt his feet pretty bad. You know everybody has that one thing about themselves they don't like and mine are my heels.
Dustin: Oh yeah, your heels?
Zach: and I'm skinny, my hair, can't get girls and I drink like jessica
Zach: I can't wait until tomorrow
Dustin: me too
Zach: I really want to win HOH More rambling about the beds, and how Zach would like some new clothes.

Kail ate something, then washed dish and wiped down kitchen. Went and laid on bed and read from bible?

Dustin, Daniele and someone else outside again laying in the sun. Daniele getting something from dryer now. Kail asks if washer is free. Daniele says something about Amber getting ready to use it. Kail says she's next then...just wants to get everything ready as she has to pack tonight. Talk about how hot it is. Daniele says she will lay out a half hour longer, then shower. Kail goes back over to patio sofa where Dick is laying. After a bit, lays down, too. Pretty quiet except for clanking of the dryer. Zach has laid down beside Dustin on the double lounger. After a couple of minutes Dustin gets up and says he is done. Laid out long enough. Goes over and uses the outdoor shower. Mike is sunbathing in a single lounger nearby.

12:30 PM
Dustin and Zach in the kitchen.

Zach raises shirt to look at tan. Says he needs a haircut. Hoping someone could trim him down a little. Dustin says he will do it. Zach says he doesn't want to do anything crazy. If it comes out bad, then he'd be f'ed. Dustin recommends same length all over.

Zach talks about a bad haircut he had. Likes it when he can pull it out on the sides...demonstrates. At the end, she told him she gave him the haircut he thought he wanted. He says he's never getting another haircut from her again.

Dustin says one thing about being gay, you always know someone in the beauty industry.

Zach says he got a pedicure, too. Talks about polishing off his heels..they are dry. Once he did it in shower and ruined his feet. Says everyone has one thing that blows...his is his heels. Then adds and his face. And he is skinny. And he hits like a girl. And he drinks like Jessica.

Zach is excited about tomorrow. Dustin is, too. Zach wants to win HOH tomorrow...not for the power, but for the bed. Just wants one week solid not to have to worry about it. (sleeping in the short beds)

Would like to have some new clothes, too. Dustin says do they give you new clothes? Zach says he doesn't know, he asked for some, like some Florida State teeshirts.

Says it will be interesting to see what pictures his parents or friends pick out. Like if his friends pick out some good underwater shots or dolphin shots, he would love for everyone to see like some of the work he's done. The only thing in the back of his mind, is his dad's friend, but he's prepared himself for that. Says he's been pretty stand-offish for the past several days, hasn't talked game or anything.

Dustin says he's interested in what Mike has to say. He approached him and wants to talk...he wants to have a shot. (at staying?) He's just excited to hear what he has to stay. They've been in the house 25 days and he has never approached me to talk about the game. Zach says he has tried to approach people, but they are very stand-offish with him. Dustin says all they can do is wait and see what next week brings as this week is done. Zach says he would definitely like to talk some strategy with Dustin..it would be fun. Says to tell you the truth, you scare me. Dustin asks why. Zach says in the nicest of ways. Says he could totally "f" him over. Says he has people in here that he is scared of. Amber still bothers him. She says you don't like me. I never told her I didn't like her. I try to talk to you. Dustin says it's all about strategy at this point whether or not she likes you.

Zach says this is the day I decided I'm going to come at you. Whether or not you accept it, I'm really wanting to play now. Just don't know if anyone is interested in playing with me. Dustin says he just wants to wait and see what happens tomorrow.

Zach says that is why today it's important that he talk to him before tomorrow happens. Dustin just says tomorrow is going to be a big day. A lot of people are up for it. Zach feels like there are personal vendettas...so much has been stirred up. This is the ultimate game....a fun one. Dustin agrees it's a fun one. Turns to head for bathroom...says he is up for a BM now. Zach asks what that is. Dustin tells him a bowel movement. Heads for W/C.

Zach heads back outside. Loud planes flying over. Must have asked Mike to play chess. They both come back inside and going to get chessboard after Mike gets something to drink. Zach asks who is in shower? Daniele? Says it's funny how you can only see feet in the shower. They head upstairs and find chessboard on loft table, but no chess pieces. Mike says okay, who took the chess pieces? Interesting. Who would take the chess pieces. They head back down the stairs.

Zach says someone is playing hide and seek. Wonder if I should look around for other things that have been taken.

Mike stands at island drinking water.

Zach goes over to kitchen drawer. Takes something out and says okay, gonna play my own game of hiding the chopsticks?

Cam moves briefly to the bathroom as Zach heads in. Tells Dustin at the sink that someone took the chess pieces.

Dustin comes out and goes over to Mike in kitchen and suggest they talk later. Says if they start talking now, Zach will come over. Mike says sounds good.

Dick hid the chess pieces in the storage room - he's tired of seeing Zach use them to talk strategy.

Before my feeds froze, all four cams were on Kail and Jen sitting outside on the couches. They heard Nick being summoned to the DR. Kail appeared to have teary eyes. Jen said something about them being called in today, and then asked if that thing they were doing was tomorrow night. (Star Wars... tomorrow night... am I reading into this? LOL)

Daniele, Kail and Jameka sitting in smallbedroom.

Daniele talking about someone doing graphic design for a friend who is an author who is having her second book published.

Kail said a call came in that her daughter achieved something... and she was being home schooled at the time she did this thing and submitted it?

Eric in there now, showing everyone his boobie rings.


Daniele laughing and asking what else they should be talking about... everything else is boring... that BB said sharing will hamper their games ... Then Jameka says. Yes, I'm taking notes of everything you say Daniele LOL

Jameka going through her clothes, folding, sorting... saying she's gained weight in the house.

Daniele playing with her hair and Kail asking if she's clipping her split ends. Daniele said no, she's using nail clippers to get her cuticles. Kail offered her's to Daniele... who was surprised that they let Kail bring them into the house.

Kail commenting on how everything is organized in that room as she was leaving to get the cuticle clippers for Daniele.

3:10 pm
Eric and Mike talking outside. Mike doesn't want to campaign against Kail, butttttttttttt (hehe)

Eric telling Mike that whatever he says will not be held against him or Kail.

Telling the same thing he practiced....errr.... discussed with Dustin.

3:30 PM
Eric saying to Mike that he doesn't know how Mike feels about him and then started talking in circles... So I don't know if he was using it as an example or if they know each other.

Eric asking if Mike is going to march to his own drummer or if he'll eventually align with anyone.

Mike saying he's doing the same as Eric, forming friendships, but not planning on alliances.

Eric said that's how he's playing and he doesn't plan on forming any alliances with false promises... that's not him. He won't do that.

Being a floater...alone, was what Mike came into the house planning on... but the alliance came to him. Now he's not sad it fell apart. Much happier because now he can get to know people on a personal level.

Jen to DR

Eric wants to know, in Mike's estimation,, that it's pretty obvious, that Nick and Zach have had a lot of verbal disagreements this week, almost as though it was planned. What do you think Mike? I will not use your name or tell.

Mike thinks there is a legitimacy with the whole dislike. As soon as the alliance was revealed, he, Mike hasn't spoken to either. However, Zach and Nick, had a separate alliance that Mike just found out about. Bottom line... he wouldn't put it past them.

Zeroing in on Nick and his turning on his alliance.

Now Eric is asking what he's asked others. What made him apply to be on the show... fan, the challenge of the game.... Eric wants to play against people who really love the game... one of the reasons he would throw jabs at Carol because she didn't like the game and didn't want to be there and there are thousands of people who would kill to be there. One reason it was tough to see Joe go, because he really wanted to be there. Same as Kail, which makes it hard for Eric.

Mike started watching Season 6, about 1/4 the way through... immediately got sucked in... same with All Stars. The pure aspect of having a challenge to go through 12-13 people and ultimately coming out on top playing with integrity and honesty... that that would be the reward in itself.

3:45 PM
Eric feels that there is a way to play this game, to be yourself, to be a man of his word. He feels that it's shaking down that there are people who aren't honest and are playing that way.

Eric feels Mike is honest. Eric said yesterday he was having a casual, silly conversation and a half hour later he came upon that person retelling everything. Nothing bad, just that they felt it was necessary to repeat everything.

Eric wondering why Mike and he haven't talked prior to this... is it Eric or the circumstances that arose.

Jessica to DR

Mike said circumstances. No chance for one on one conversations.

Eric wants Mike to be upfront about.... and Jen and Dick came over... end of conversation.

Dick taking his pictures... that's why Jen is with him...CAMERA lololol

Jen and Eric laughing about the volleyball game last night. Jen saying he was physical. Eric said anytime he can push her around he'll take the it LOL

Dick already did his blog... he censored himself with &*^&%^%#^** LOL

Kail and Amber taking folded clothes/towels inside.

The cameras abandoned the fun people LOL

Eric just asked Dick if he and Mike could have the courtesy to finish the conversation with Mike...five minutes... then he would take pics with Dick. That he and Mike were on a date LOL

Dick said there is no courtesy in this house. Then Dick teased Eric about being up in the bathtub with Jess... periscope up LOL Now retelling Jameka coming up to make sure that Jessica was okay. No one found anything amiss. Just Jam being a sweetheart.

3:45 pm
Eric said he has an outlandish personality and wants to know how Mike would handle it if he was insulted or if something Eric did was over the top. Mike said he would talk to Eric about it, not the others. His impression of Eric is that he's a genuine person who happens to have a great sense of humor on top of it.

Last thing (ha) Eric wants to say is just because one person does something here, that doesn't mean everyone stands behind that action. He, Eric, didn't like a few things that have happened. People are acting on their own, not for a group or faction...and if they are, they are not representing him.

Amber to DR

OMG is he a litigator or did he kiss the Blarney Stone LOL Mike, nodding, saying yeah...

What Eric is trying to convey is that he hopes that Mike and his clan didn't think that some uncomfortable situations were a group effort.

Mike, saying there are repetitive occurences... that person is who they are and not representative of a group.

True colors will eventually show. Mike never considered what went down as a group effort. Mike is saying in his estimation the slate is wiped clean. He's starting fresh. Eric never gave him a yes or no about supporting him.


Eric still going.... energizer bunny...

Jess in a bubble bath with Dick and Jameka taking photos.

Someone prepared the hamburgers for grilling.

Now Dick is in the bathtub with Eric and Jess LOL

5 pm
Nick and Zach talking in WOR... Zach telling Nick he has to go for the HOH and he, Zach is too. If one of them don't win it, Zach is afraid he'll be going up. Both think that Dick is going up.

Both want Jen in sequester for the vote.

If Daniele wins HOH, Zach thinks she'll put him up. Nick said he didn't think so (derrrrr)

Zach hasn't established relationships with anyone, staying on the back burner. Asking Nick to see if he can calm Daniele down about him. Zach saying Nick has to be careful.

Final words from Zach... they should both plan to go for it.

Zach doesn't think either one of them have any enemies *eyeroll*

Zach think's Mike is under the impression that he's staying. Zach want's Kail gone because he doesn't trust her and will never align with her again. Zach really thinks Daniele will put him up if she wins HOH.

Zach is voting Kail out. Will NOT be changing his vote, no matter what.

HOUSEGUESTS THIS IS AN INSIDE LOCKDOWN (Eric and Kail still talking in hammock... other voices still heard outside.)

Daniele and Mike talking.

Daniele wants to know if she votes to keep him in the house, what good it will do her.

Mike talking about when Dick was on the block and Daniele won the POV. How he told Kail not to change her vote since she got caught campaigning for Joe. Then, Dick won HOH. Kail pretty much gave up but Mike still felt a loyalty to her because as the first HOH she didn't put him up.

Cam one on Mike

Cam two on Daniele

Cam three is Jamber talking to Dustin

Cam four is Kail in hammock talking to Eric...
and he's talking to her and she's talking to him.

Mike and Daniele just moved to the round bedroom to continue their conversation. See Dustin and Mike for further commentary LOL

Eric asking Kail what Nick's role was in all of this. He has felt that Eric is one of the ones they need to get out early, that he isn't trustworthy. (Oh... seems Nick went off the deep end when he had to start thinking for himself... Joe was helping him.... anyways, when Joe was booted, the other night he had 7 beers, started punching things, etc. he had to be removed/calmed down.)

Kail said yesterday and today have been the friendliest Nick has been to her since they were there. They never really talked. Mike or Zach would give her info on Nick. Kail just looked up and said "Is he coming over here again?" Eric said "That's the way it is." (Zach I assume.) Eric saying he and Jess took the bath together just so they could have five minutes together uninterrupted.

Eric is repeating the same things to Kail as he did to Mike....

Mike is repeating the same things he said to Eric....

Nothing new... all four cams on those four people. Eric not promising anything to Kail, either. (Prob cause he didn't get his orders yet lol)

5:10 pm
Kail said she feels closest to Eric, Amber, Jameka and Mike. She doesn't trust Jen anymore.

They're headed inside. Eric making sure Kail knows that Dick's behavior is reflective of him alone. No one else was involved with his antics. Eric has no alliances. No wheeling and dealing... right now he's building relationships.

Jen interrupted the end because she had to check washer and dryer before they were locked in.

Amber just said something to Jameka... Jess came over... Amber walked away and Jameka has an intent look on her face.

Jameka helped her make her bed. Jess has been lost since Joe was voted out.

6 PM
Major Pow Wow between Dick, Dustin, Eric and Jameka, they are discussing Mike vs Kail. Mike is a "lost man"

Kail has done more campaigning and Mike has talked about his integrity. Kail said she would be happy to stay and be up in the future as a pawn while they go after other enemies.

He says Kail offered up seventeen different scenarios about how her staying can help and how she is after this one, she is she won't do this to that one and she gave a list of names. Eric asked her, how do you get this list of names, when you don't speak to them, I know for a fact some of them dislike you.....

Dick says you have to look at this from all sides. Eric says, "Let me clarify, I like to look at both sides in detail. I am not stating that I want one or the other to happen, I am playing Devil's Advocate entirely and I am saying, let's hash out both sides and let's say, this is what we need to do. I don't want you to think I am campaigning one way or the other. I am more than happy for either of them to go and I am happy to try use whoever stays as much to our benefit as much possible.

Jameka tells group meeting in HOH room that Nick threw a temper tantrum with her today. (This after the group in talking about the "alliance" says: Let's not leave Nick's role in that alliance out".

Dick asks Jameka to explain what happened, which she does. (issue about "cross contamination with spatula between chicken and something else. Jameka asked btwn Zach and Nick who brings up who's name? The group responds that Nick always brings up Zach.

more talk about Nick.
Dustin: we need to deal with problem at hand....who goes Kail or Mike. I believe next week we need to send Zach home.

Zach bashing.

Dustin says Zach wants to team up with him for an alliance.

6:30 PM
Eric trying to be totally neutral. Jameka says, "Kail has pretty much shown that she can be unstable and quite frankly, she needs alot of us to build her back up. With that being said, look at Mike we don't know where he stands."

She says how is Mike serving in this game? Eric says that Kail says she hopes never to win HOH again. Jameka says, "I don't see how if she doesn't win, she will be safe, but ok, if that is the game plan"

Eric says it could be bold face or it could be something she feels. Jameka says she doesn't care, she says fight your game.

Dick was annoyed that Kail said, "Oh, if I am gonna go, let me go before the sequester and before the jury" Jameka does not "buy for one minute" when Nick or Zach say they aren't competing for HOH.
Dustin: Zach said he is gunning for HOH so bad this week.
Eric: if Zach stands in front of me and has audacity to to say anything, I will tell him he's a ******* molester and we are sending you home.
Dustin: Zach told me I'm intimidating and I feel it was a threat. I stood there and I smiled and said: "I appreciate that compliment".
Dick: I spent more time with Zach. He ******* hates Danielle and Amber and he told me he will put Danielle and ... on the block.
Dustin: With Kail representing herself as a pawn , take it. If I win HOH I will put Nick and Kail in and then if anything backdoor Zach.
Eric: I agree with you but, let me say this, Kail is offering these things but look at the way its happened past 2 weeks. Joe was never initial person intended to leave house. This week Thursday at 7pm Kail was target and by noon Saturday she was no longer the target.
Dick: I said Kail was going up but waivering between Jen and Mike. Everyone knew Mike would go up after veto.
Eric: Danielle was target last week, Kail this week. Are we just giving Kail a pass because she is saying she'll be the pawn and feels close to the following "4" people. One scenario "maybe Kail can help us" but we know she's active wheeling and dealing. Other is Mike who is like a dying duck, and I wonder if Kail staying is only worthwhile if she will truly be helpful to us. If Kail is of value then keep her, but if she is not lets send her home.
Dick: I agree she is more a threat than Mike. If we cut Mike loose will he go back with Zach and Nick? Jameka: we don't know Mike we know Kail through her actions.
Dustin: This week I've been her shoulder to cry on, but I'm also planting seeds in her mind on Jen.
Eric: I think we should not let any of them off the hook, I think we just take them out of the game.
Dick: you're saying if we keep Kail in she is more apt to reorganize the other two?
Eric: yes Dick: Kail, Jen, Zach and Nick 4 who could very easily be back together if we keep her. Dustin: Kail is a terrible liar...
Eric: she didn't speak for 18 days then went to the one of us who she could corner and intimidate to change the vote last week. She picked on the one person I didn't want and then held it over my head, and I said, "go **** yourself".
Dustin: That was when she believed she had strength....but she doesn't have strength now. (Dustin keeps trying to push to keep Kail) eric is losing his position in the conversation.

6:50 PM
Dustin thinks Week 5 will be double elim week

Eric asks for the consensus of the HOH group - ED is on the fence. Jam and Dustin want Mike gone. Amber said she's go either way. Jam is pushing hard to keep Kail...says they can control Kail.

Dustin says Kail was a mess at PoV "She was shakin' like an epileptic in an arcade."...Says she's easily shaken. Eric says she's in control now.

7:15 PM
Dick talking about how great he is - with his nominations and he stayed on POV thing for so long because he was contemplating all scenerios and making sure it wasnt a set up how fast Kail fell off. Eric says that he could tell that Nick Jess and Kail were gonna go fast cause they didnt put the glass on right in first place. ED says once he was sure wasnt a set up he came down.

Jameka says that if Kail feels threatened, she divulges more info and sells out people. Mike doesn't.

Eric thinks in F2, Kail would win. Dustin says that's crazy. Dick says he can see it, but she'd have to do a lot to get there. Dick says he knows someone told Kail she was safe. Dustin and Jameka agree that it was said to Kail.

Dustin says he is voting out Mike cause he believes in himself and believes Kail is putty in his hands right after ED says that they have to be united. Ed tells Dustin not cool to say I am voting this way to everyone has to be open to everyones opinion not just say this is what I'm doing end of story

Dani says that if Mike wins HOH, he will take a house vote on who to put up. If Kail stays and wins HOH, they know two of them are going up.

Nick comes in, Dick leaves. Nick asks what they are doing. Dani says talking about how to get you out of the house. Nick fake smacks her.

7:30 PM
Meeting breaks up...Dick outside now with Kail, Jess and Mike. He's pouring water on the patio to kill bacteria in water puddles. Others are quiet.

Eric, Amber, Dani and Nick still in HOH.

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