5:31 am
Ha! BB must have heard me.... Dick is up and pacing.... now out back smoking. Wow... on quad you can hear the A/C and it shows two cams on Dick and two on Dustin and Amber sleeping.
I'm wondering if Dick has his mic off cause I'm not picking up anything from him.... the sound on the quad is the house... the sound on the single is dead silence...can't even hear him smoking, coughing, moving around.
5:52 am
Dick said something.. utter silence. He must have had a meltdown. he and Dani had a heart wrenching talking last night... mostly Daniele sobbing 20 years worth of grief and disappointment.
Now there's the sound of the a/c unit outside. Dick walking around the pool a few times, now over to the seating area only to stop and walk around the hot tub back to seating area... he said something with some arm movement but his mic still isn't on.
Heard 'resolved and bulls***'... dick washing out the ashtray. I heard him cough... his mic is on.
He's looking at the dryer and saying that s*** ain't gonna be done... pulls out a towel... almost but not quite... to fold? he's pulling them out and he's says they're going to put them in the sun and he doesn't give a sh**. He cleaned the lint trap and is moving linens from washer to dryer. Said something about Kail and he doesn't give a s***...ugghhhh... efff... there's so much effing laundry here it's retarded...saying they need to lighten the laundry load baby.
Dick saying Kail doesn't do anything. He said he's always doing laundry and washing dishes and cooking. He's a single dad/bachelor... his cereal bowls sit in the sink forever.... he doesn't do this s***.
Holy crap these are all the towels we have... as he finishes folding them andputting them in the cabinet out there. Says he won't be doing this s*** after what went down this week.
Twisting side to side, bit of a groan, say's he's tired..going to bed... Peace Sign to camera andhe's headed upstairs to get the two fornicating bunnies which were in the seating area... He has one in each hand... looks down to the area below... 'lightbulb goes off'.
"Hey, now!" Places one in each planter on either side of the 'wooden door' - main entrance into the house. Dick looks outside and says 'giraffe tomorrow'... as he heads upstairs he says 'There's a bathroom up there..cool... it's nice having my own apartment."
5:55 am BBT
Hot in the HOH room. Dick brought his chef's hat from the food comp and places it on a light fixter on the desk. Happy to have his own bed. Dick talking about how he put on the block all three people and we get Big Blue.
6:15 am BBT
We're back with ED slowly taking off his boots and socks, complaining how he has to hide his stuff because of the people who come into the HOH and use it. (He may have said something about hiding his camera) Belt is off now...'What a day, what a day, what a day..' Tossed belt in one direction... his chain in another (startling sound when everything is quiet)
Dick wondering what his friends think of all this and how he's been. 'Evel Dick, effing madman... same mistakes inside as outside.' Dick saying Daniele was right when she said 'this isn't right' ED then says but it is what it is...deal.
Dick said he's spending the next three nights in solitude and those effing itches can deal. Amber, Jen, Dustin effin' nuts. Nick off his rocker. Kail nice woman, horrible player. Mike nice guy, off his rocker. Dick now wondering how far he'll get... to the end? One in 14 to one in 11 chance of getting a half-million dollars...tick tock tick tock... it's not him, mother effer. Julian, Julian, Julian is in the HOH in BB8.
Now looking at a photo on the wall but wondering where it came from... Pirates... wrong pic, but still cool. Check out Julian Douglas on MySpace.com and send him all my.....BIG BLUE Dick looking a pic of him and the kids.. more recent one. Now he's looking at the pic of him and Daniele when they were younger. He's in bathroom, picking up a shirt... took the bath mat off the shower door and placing on the floor... hanging his shirt in the shower. Dick saying he wanted to shove the showerhead up Eric's azz when he threw the flour over the door.
Dick in the privy and out... past the sink... into the privy to change into shorts (wow... lays his life out there but needs privacy to change from jeans to shorts ... although I'm grateful since he goes commando! lol) Back out ... looks at cam and says one more thing before i go to bed... heads downstairs... Dick likes to slide down the bannister (I've seen him do it before lol) and heads into the bathroom, grabs what appears to be a stretchy band, takes it into the kitchen and wraps it around the faucet (pranks) turns the water on and it sprays everywhere LOL
He's wiping up the evidence of this trickery ... puts his finger up to his mouth (shhhhh) and laughing, heads back to the HOH saying 'Good s***... effing good s***. What a day, what a day, what a day'... Dick figuring out the light switches, etc. since he doesn't spend time there . Looks at camera says Thank you. Good night L.A., good night America and mentions it would be a good time to jerk... but too many cameras but he's planning on doing it a couple times before he leaves the room... having difficulty with the covers... then say's they smell like girls and he hasn't even had sex.... now he's laughing out loud... rolling over and coughing. Dick saying the room looks like effing...???... with all the little red lights everwhere and he's down for the count. Dick talking to himself. Said Mike... effing suicidal or something like that... dropped some names from the Pirate crew and we have BLUE
6:25 am BBT
Dick is finally asleep... a bit tossy but sleeping. Downstairs, Dustin has his earplugs in but has been very restless for the past hour or so I've been watching. Amber 'everybody loves me' is sleeping soundly.
8:45 am
BBT Sleeping
9:45 am BBT
Jen in bathroom on settee. Daniele finished her shower... drying and leaving stall dressed in towel.
Jen wants to go outside but they're on lockdown inside. She and Dani figure there's nothing to do today... that it's lockdown for maintenance. Nothing to do tomorrow either. Dani hates how things are spaced out in the game.
Dani in kitchen to make coffee.... good thing she has a towel on lol She got sprayed... explained how it was done to Jen... (and Dick used Daniele's head band lol)
Dustin, Eric and Nick are proclaimed pranksters ... didn't mention Dick lol They're hoping something big is going on outside... a big surprise.
Jen back to bedrooms, Daniele pouring a cuppa in the kitchen... adding whipped cream.
Jen went back to bed. Daniele the only one up. Dani in bathroom dryin gher hair.
10:30 am BBT
Kail is up, sitting on settee in bathroom watching Daniele flatiron her hair.
She just asked if there's coffee.. Daniele said yes. Daniele was asked to get Jen this morning... pitch black... the one room where she doesn't go... she woke Kail...then Jen LOL
Daniele now going to try to be quiet and get some clothes from her bedroom... cup into kitchen sink first, then off to bedroom.
Kail said she's going to work out first then shower. Kail finished the pot of coffee. Rinsed out the pot and put it back. Daniele turned a light on in the room and is in the corner by her bed....
Nick turning over. Kail in kitchen still preparing her cup of coffee.... stir stir stir stir stir stir and the fridge is closed, one last stir and now a sip. Over to counter to sit down. Removed battery pack from her back and sat down. BIG BLUE
BB woke them up.
11 am
Nick outside lifting weights, Jen swinging in hammock, Mike sunning; Kail sitting at counter with cuppa, Dustin sitting at table with proteindrink, Daniele standing at counter. Zach walked through with a towel around his waist. Daniele now outside to sun.
Dustin and Kail talking... BB telling Kail twice to move her mic higher.
Dustin telling Kail it will be a hat toss about who leaves.
Kail saying she and ED had a long talk last night. Their relationship is complicated. Dustin noticed they spent a lot of time together.
Eric outside laying in sun on one of the couches.
Daniele laying on lounge near Mike. Putting lotion on and in a good mood today. Nick just came back in... Dustin asking if he was lifting... Dustin reminds him to stretch it out... Dustin's gonna do it later. Nick getting protein drink.... sun's to hot to stretch now. Eric telling what they did last night...half county fair/half gymnastics... sack races, etc... holding each others ankles and trying to form a circle.
Mike up turning his lounge to face the sun.
Dustin and Kail still jawing... Kail saying someone likes her. Zach sitting alone at the counter eating cereal trying to eavesdrop.
Daniele and Mike both went in and came out again, Mike with hat and sunglasses and Daniele with sunglasses.
Now jen and Eric are in. Eric has his glasses on... finally took his contacts out. Jen's walking through with her ittybitty yellow bikini in her hand. Zach lurking along after her LOL Oh.... Dick's awake, on outside couch smoking... Eric out with him. BLUE
11:30 am
Jen in kitchen eating her raisin bran. Dustin telling how he was on Atkins for three weeks and he lost 15-20 pounds... he's 6'1" and he weighed 135 pounds.... happened when he was 18. When he moved to the city...walking everywhere went from one to 5 to 7 miles a day.
Jen did a cucumbers, corn, apples, chicken... that was all she ate for a few months and she was working out twice and day and was ripped.... now?? Laughter.
Kail asking if Dustin bikes. No, he wears very nice clothes to work and he'd have to change his wardrobe and lifestyle to get a bike... he considered it but for five months of the year he couldn't. Everyone he knows who rides has gotten hit.
Almost everyone has gone back to bed. Kail is running on the treadmill, Mike washed some dishes and headed to the loo. Dick and Daniele met up in the bathroom briefly and she and he were smiling... she said she's over it (Nick). Smiling, she left the bathroom with Dick behind her, kind of skating in his bare feet
Appear to be on outside lockdown
Eric and Amber chilling in the pool. Amber telling Eric a story about some guy that she went out with for 3 months before either told the other how they felt. But once the guy told Amber his feelings she began to take advantage of him (gifts, money, her time etc.)
Others on outside sofas talking about sales taxes - Kail says that Oregon has no sales taxes.
Dani - So is that why you (ED) said that you have friends who buy cars up there because they save a lot of money.
ED - Yeah.
Jen - But you have to be careful because once you bring the car back to California to register it, you have to pay the taxes.
ED - That's why you don't register it here. You use a friend's address in Oregon.
Talk changes to personal income taxes - working as wait staff and having to pay 8% of your supposed tips to the feds whether you the customer gives you 15% or not.
Dani - When I worked at Houston's, Michael from BB6 use to come in there alot.
Everybody - Who?
ED - I don't remember anyone from BB6. Kaysar was a tool.
2:30 PM
Kail prepares scrambled eggs for herself. She adds ketchup to the plate. Kail takes her eggs to the outdoor loungers and finds Dustin there. Kail says she has two goals for the day - to work out and to shave her legs.
ED cannonballs into the pool, splashing Amber, Eric and Mike. He keeps doing it. Eric and Amber leave. Mike joins ED in cannonballing. FOTH BB may have told the guys to stop jumping. When feeds return, ED is saying that they p*ss on our parade 9 out of 10 times.
Amber and Eric now in hot tub. Amber talking non-stop. Starts telling a story about a dog that needed surgery and she couldn't afford it. She says, "You've heard this one right?" Eric says, "Yeah." Amber talking about someone who doesn't sweat normally and gets these sores and scars because of it. This person has no insurance. Amber suggested that she get on welfare. As she talks on and on, Eric just nods from time to time.
3 PM
Amber and Eric still in hot tub. Amber has talked at least 15 minutes straight. Eric hasn't said one word and not sure Amber has even taken a breath. She's telling Eric the history of her drug use, her health woes and about how she applied to BB.
Amber talking about her life and taking care of people
Cam shows Dick sitting in the patio area - Jessica is out there too
Dick - Amber do you have a new bf - I mean in the house - seems like you dumped Dustin and now you have Eric
...More convo...
Dick - I am, I miss the touch of a woman (laughs)
Dick - Amber is zoning out - she is remembering seeing my ***** in my jeans - (Laughs)
Dick - Is everybody sleeping?
Jessica responds but hard to hear
Dick - This house sleeps more than Rip Van Winkle - we gotta get volleyball going as soon as the grass gets under 9000 degrees
*Jessica and Dick talking outside about bowflex and Anna Nicole Smith
*Dick and Dustin talking about myspace
*Amber called to DR, Dick and Dustin talking about the mustard-ing incident
*Dick and Dustin talk about Dani - Dustin telling Dick that he had his first talk with Daniele this morning, that Daniele talked to Dustin about how she appreciates Dustin's role in the house. She likes him, Dustin said he appreciated her telling him that.
*Dick says that Dustin has really come out of his shell since Joe left. Says Jessica did the same when Carol left. Talk about Jess having a rough first 3 days in the house, in tears, fell down, etc...says she's just a ray of sunshine.
*Dustin and Dick talk about how hard it has been in the house to air their dirty laundry. Dick says he had a great talk with Daniele last night and is happy to hear that Daniele told Dustin it was "difficult, but positive" talking to her dad last night. Dick tells Dustin that he got the first hug in over two years. Dustin says, "that must have been so nice"
*Jen called to DR for 3rd time
*Dick, Amber and Dustin complaining about Jess, Nick and others not helping around the house. Amber says Kail does nothing. Dick - what happened to her being the mother of the house? Dick and Dustin begin cleaning the backyard
*Jen, Eric and Zach in kitchen making food, discussing Eric's chicken dinner and who in the house cooks and who doesn't.
*Eric re-tells his contacts/glasses story
*Amber asking Nick if he's talked to Daniele today, he says, " A little bit, in passing." She asks if it's awkward and he says "WS!" She laughs. Nick says he's not gonna be the guy who offers to do everything and then gets walked all over. Amber agrees that would be embarrassing for him. Amber says, "You could always go back to Jen!?" THey both laugh. Nick goes inside to get cereal and Jen comes out.
*Dani comes out - Dani talks about her dream full of really ugly people trying to get Amber out and Dani stood up for her. Jen being really nice to Dani, lots of smiles. Start talking about what they want for dinner. Dani wondering if ground beef would be good with Macaroni and Cheese. Dani goes inside. Jen starts talking about how she hasn't hung out with anyone today, she's just been by herself all day. Amber asks her what's up and tells Jen she looks pretty. Jen says she always watched the show and was surprised that people looked horrible in the DRs. Jen says these people have nothign to do all day, so they should always look good in the DR. She said she will always look decent in the DR from now on. Start talking eyebrows.
*Jen tells Amber that she no longer talks to anyone alone. She says she doesn't talk to Zach or Nick at all, since like Day 4. Jen says she only talks to Dick and Kail in private now. Amber says she won't be intimidated. Jen says she hopes no one is scared by talk of her being in an alliance with kail and Zach and Nick. Jen brings up again how Kail didn't tell her about her alliance when she slept in the same bed with Kail for 19 days. Jen says it sucks that she can't trust Kail anymore after that. Amber reiterates her convo with Kail being dumb for getting in an alliance with those guys.
*Dani and Mike in kitchen chatting
*Kail and Jameka outside on couches
5:15 pm
Inside lockdown!!
Jess, Eric and Dustin in big bedroom talking about Zach. Jameka and Amber in living room talking.
5:40 pm
Eric, Jess, Dustin, Mike and Zach in kitchen talking.
5:50 pm
Kail telling Jen that Dick keeps telling her she has no friends, and Kail is thinking, Dick you don't know how many friends I have. Dick is actively campaigning to get Kail out.
Jen saying Dick's out of control.
Jameka talking about BB... this is the first year she felt spiritually ready to be on the show.
Jen saying she wonders what other people would think if any of them had acted the way Dick has. They'd be upset and ashamed of them. She thinks that Dick is the only one who's friends wouldn't find it upsetting, they'd probably slap him on the back and say he rocked (my words... sorry lol)
Daniele is using nailpolish in the back bedroom... Dustin teasing.. saying she's getting high back there.
I'll leave Kail and Jen with Kail saying Dick is paranoid.
Jameka telling a story about someone who died while she was in the room with him. He never made a sound when he passed. Her grandfather... He was old, and wise, so wise. She had to get her Grandma from the other room. Very upset. He was an instrumental part of her life. He kept saying on his dying bed that he would not limit the God who has done so much for him. Jameka was asked by the nurse to help cleanse the body.
He was told by the doctors not to do things... to have tests... he wouldn't listen. He would climb up on the tractor and she'd yell Granddaddy why don't you do what the doctors say, I want you here for my wedding. He said even if I'm not here you have to carry on. Her grandmother took care of her granddaddy's every need... he never even had to make his own sandwich. They were worried about her after his passing, but she was fine.
Amber... went to get a tissue and to pee real quick.
Jameka saying Oh Granddaddy...ummmm.
Jessica & Eric taking a bath together
Eric says he knows Dustin and Nick are hiding his clothes because Amber blabbed. He plans to get them back. (I have no idea what he is talking about?)
7 PM
Eric tells Jessica about some anti-Amber campaiging by Dustin, they talk about the end of the game He says that Dustin said that there's a good possibility of a God-Alliance between Jameka and Amber to watch out for. Eric says if you're somebody's friend why would you sell them out like that?
Eric says that Amber(not sure?) has done some un-Godly things and he could "sink her" if he wanted to.
Jessica says she would take only a 20-something with no baggage to the final so they can be on an even playing field. Eric jokes that Jessica would evict him at final 3 because she knows she would lose to him.
They agree that Dick and Danielle will never vote against each other. Eric says it is becoming an issue with less and less people. Jessica would be happy if someone else wins HOH because Daniele will probably go.
J: I want to be the only blond
E: That's terrible
J: Ha-haaa!
Eric tells Jessica that if Nick were to go up, either as a pawn on on purpose, Eric will make sure he goes home, Eric says he's been shady since day one.
7:05 PM
Eric wonders if anyone would put him up against Dick as a pawn. Eric says he is confident Zach would nominate him, but he doesn't think he will win HOH. Eric says he knows he will never trust Nick or Daniele.
J: If someone told Zach to put me up he would. Like if they said 'she hates you' Eric says he thinks he's okay with Jen and Kail. Eric wants to put up Zach and Nick against each other to make sure that they are not together.
Eric says if Nick is up, he's going to vote against him. He guarantees if anybody puts him up, he is going home. He says he's a snitch. Eric relates a story that Amber said she fished for Nick's opinion of Eric for him, and Nick said that he's a cool guy. Eric suspects he only thinks that because everybody else thinks that. Eric says history shows that their position in the house is threatening. Eric says they have to piss people off or make scenes.
E: For now, we're safe where we are
J: I can see I'd be up next week
E: Who would do that?
J: Kail, Dick, and Jen are tired of the drama. I can see them making a truce.
E: We can present a case of 'we are not going after you' and say 'they want you gone.' Tell them we don't have a hitlist. Eric plans to use Chicken George being a target early as an analogy to going after them now.
7:15 PM
Eric thinks Mike is pretty boring to watch. Eric says he told DR that Mike is a beefcake, he takes his shirt off and eats a lot of meat and that's about it. He says if Kail wants to nominate them, she can walk out that door on Thursday. He plans to talk to her to feel her out.
Nick and Zach having an argument in the small bedroom. Apparently Nick called Zack some kind of pervert and Zach was mad about Nick "slandering" him.
8:20 PM
Jen brought Amber and Dustin banana bread batter and has a loaf baking. A&D where thankful for the batter but she did come in when they were in the middle of going over the order of who they want out.
Amber says that her and Mike do all the cleaning. She'll miss him for that reason. But just a while back she and Dustin were saying they want to keep Kail because she'll put up D&D. says Dani and Jess are the worst...biggest slobs. Amber goes over the list of all the cleaning she does.
Says Zach lurks and listens to conversations. Earlier A said she hated Zach.
8:30 pm
Dick is sitting in the HOH bathroom with Jess and Eric. They are in the tub, and he is sitting next to them.
Dick is telling them everything Jen has told him in answer to his questions about her sexuality. She hasn't ever had an orgasm, and he says that proves she is a "cold fish."
Dick says that Nick has gone off on Zach once today, again. Eric says that they are "in cahoots." It is "too obvious." Dick says that he thinks they are playing "f****** games." (I think about the possible Zach/Nick alliance) Dick says maybe Nick should get HOH, put Zach up, then, and send him home. Eric says it would be interesting to see something like that, which would show where Nick stands. Dick says he doesn't think Nick would ever do it. Eric says no--it would be against the numbers. Dick says that would make Nick a huge target.
Talk goes to hair.
Eric and Dick talk about Nick and the mohawk. Eric is thinking of getting one. Jess tells him he should wait until sequester, at least. Make sure he gets in sequester first. Eric says it is two weeks away, and if he doesn't get in sequester, then he will go on a murdering spree. Dick says that he's sure Nick will do it, and then "Bad Nick" can take over. (Dick says this in a sarcastic way)
8:45 pm
Kail and Jen are in the big bedroom, talking to Amber and Dustin. Amber is talking about her tattoo, which is of a Pisces fish. Amber says the color is wrong. Jen says it looks good, then.
Someone says in the distance that they are going to make Eric and Jess get out of the HOH tub. Jen says she thought Evel went up to do that a while ago. Dustin says that shows how much power HE has, then.
Awkward silence.
Talk about tattoos again. Dustin says he is thinking of having his filled in, too. Kail says that Amber's tattoo is so good! Amber has a tattoo artist named Twig. He's "the black guy." He has a t.v. show and he has to give her better rates because she knew him before he was big. Kail says when she goes to Vegas, then Amber can hook her up, then! Amber says "Yeah!"
Dustin says he wants to do abs and gets up, but it appears they might be locked in the house.
Kail is thinking of getting a little vine on her stomach. Amber tells her that she doesn't think she should get anything on her stomach. Amber had a belly ring, and it messed up her bellybutton. She has a scar. She says she is so "f*****dumb," but it's her own fault.
Kail says she gained 60 pounds (in pregnancy). Amber says she gained 90 pounds! She was so f***** up, though! Amber is talking about her legs, and the stretch mark she has on them. She can feel them sometimes. (Bonding over childbirth details--smart, Kail! --ed) Kail says they'll go over all of the stuff sometime with Amber. Amber says she has a friend who had three kids, and has no stretchmarks. Amber says she didn't know not to gain so much weight. Kail says that when you are only 20, how would you know that? There's no one to tell you! Kail says her first one was "sunnyside up" and she had to have a C-section.
Amber whispers about Zach.
She says she can't stand him. She says that Zach told her that he messed up and got aligned with the wrong people the first week. She says it's all bull****. Amber asks if Kail has talked to anyone else? Kail says she talked to Jameka, and Jameka told her Kail has never done "anything ill" to her, and she didn't say yes or no, but she thinks she has Jameka's votes. Jameka says if she can get Jen, Dustin, Jameka and Amber, she thinks she can stay. She says she and Eric talk one on one and have a relationship, but she doesn't know if it is strong enough.
Amber: Oh. Really. Sucks.
Kail says she knows Eric genuinely likes her, though.
Amber says Eric wouldn't talk to her if he didn't--that's how he is.
Kail: So, I haven't approached him yet.
Amber: You should. See what he says. You know.
Kail says there are people she can't talk to, and Amber knows who those people are. Kail doesn't want to talk to Zach, but she thinks he would vote with the house. Amber agrees. Amber says no one is close to Zach to talk to Zach.
Amber: Nick is, but... Kail says Zach is following everyone around and he wants to fit in, and wants to do whatever the house is doing.
Amber: Yeah. Maybe.
Kail: OH, my God.
Amber says even if Zach doesn't vote for her, she still has it, right? Kail says she thinks so. Amber asks if she has Jen's vote? Kail says she thinks so. She says it would look awful if she didn't! Amber agrees and says that Jen doesn't care what people think, either, so that helps. Kail says she doesn't know Jess at all--if she would do what Eric says, or what Evel says? Amber says she thinks Jess goes with the house. Kail says that she can't go around and talk about it to people.
9:15 pm
The banana bread is ready. Daniele is in the kitchen cutting a slice.We move to the BY and Kail is talking to Jen while she is doing leg exercises. BB tells them to please stop singing. Someone inside must be doing it.
Back to the kitchen and a quick look at the banana bread, then back to the BY and Jameka working those legs… BB Please stop singing!
Back to the kitchen again and Nick is making a shake talking to Daniele, Jess is at the counter and Eric is still in the kitchen cooking. Dustin is there too.
Eric is now yelling at Jen for using all the bananas. She used 5 for the bread and gave one to mike. I’m assuming there are none left. He told her next time she needed to consult everyone and not just 2 people. She said she thought she did and he said well you didn't.
General Kitchen Chit chat ensues
9:25 pm
Everyone is down stairs eating and doing general chit chat
Just wanted to update that Dick is completely rocking out upstairs in his HOH room listening to his CD player. They have him on feed 1 and 2 and on Shotoo with no volume but he is rocking out and doing air guitar and jamming. It is awesome!!
9:36 pm
Well ED is finished with his music. He is now reading what looks like the letter from his mom. He throws it on the table and sits there and looks like he might be thinking about it. then he wants beer and leaves to go down stairs.
Everyone else appears to be in the kitchen either talking, eating or cooking.
Someone rigged the sink again and it squirted Dani and they all laughed.
9:50 pm
Well, there is REALLY nothing to report, everyone eating and goofing around. ED "flirting" with sexual comments to Jess. Jess wants beer. That is about it so far.
Dick is sitting in the BY alone smoking and banging his leg again. Jess joins him outside.
BB: HOuseguests please check the storage room
Everyone cheers and Jess takes off running(lol) BB has given them beer for the night!
10:10 pm
Amber just told Nick he can only have one beer because of reasons he already knows about. She keeps repeating ONLY ONE NICK. ED goes outside again with his beer alone and he says "stop singing, sorry I forget." (no one is outside with him and BB didn't say anything about singing for a while now.) Now we have the one man burp show on the patio.
Nick joins him now. Nick wants to know if ED's day has been better. ED says yeah, then goes straight into his talk yesterday with Dani. All they are concern about is HOH, but Nick thinks they only have to worry about a couple. ED is repeating his conversation about Jen and sex, but Nick stops it by talking about Zach flipping out and how the same thing they have been making fun of him for a week about is not here today. Nick is talking AGAIN about his fight with Zach today. Zach, I guess, told Nick today that Zach was going to start rumors about everyone in the house because Nick keeps talking about him. Now Zach bashing on how small his penis is AGAIN. Now talk of how many times people have been called into the DR.
Amber bashing now about how many times she tells her medical stories. ED says he doesn't want to hear the story about her pooping her pants in the hospital and her boyfriend had to wipe her a@@ with his underwear. Nick and ED think that Amber makes up these medial issues for attention.
Dustin joins them and Nick instantly tells him about Zach and him fighting. Nick repeats the fight again for Dustin. (Dustin is engaging this time. )
10:30 pm
Nick and Dustin are in the backyard doing some Jen bashing about how she said she wouldn't mow her elderly grandparents yard but would hire someone. Now they are talking strategy on how to get Zack out. They wanna back door him
Mike, Zack, ED, and Jess are playing quarters (the drinking game) inside. They are just laughing and general chit chat ensues.
10:46 pm
Nick Amber Dustin and Nick talking about "america's Choice" and who would win the phone call....Amber wonder's who is going to be "America's Favorite" Amber thinks it's going to be her. Dani says you find out at the end when it's over. Dani thinks it's her dad.
The three just sitting there Nick went to the bathroom...Dani brings up about Kail's deep convo with Kail. Amber says she knew she was going to bring it up. Dustin saying about Kail "she's so non discreet" Dustin wants to know what they talked about In the bathroom
Jameka in here usual spot on the couch talking to Jen about playing volleyball.
Back outside everyone wants to know what Kail talked about. Amber says Kail told her she's "in awe with you". Because she can tell people things and they don't get upset at her. Kail telling Amber during their talk she loves Dustin and also told her"that stupid alliance I was in".
Amber says Zach told her something and she said "yeah I do" rudely and told Kail she's upfront with Zach. [stupid story that made no sense]
Dani says that Jess says when she went upstairs to take a bath Zach told her "can I watch" and Zach told her he's already seen it all when she adjusted herself in the pool. Dani say she makes all the girls uncomfortable and Nick says "he makes me uncomfortable"
Nick says he made a pact "Pinky swore" that he was giving Dani a promise ring when they get out. Nick says he's "Cool Hand Luke"
girls picking on Nick calling him "Mandy Moore"
Nick and Dustin whispering behind a pillow..Dani declares "they're making out"
3:15 AM
Living Room
Playing CLOSE YOUR EYES Jameka Eric and Jess on one couch. Dick on eviction settee, Jen at the end of the other couch with Mike at the other.
Dick asking Jen to close her eyes... how many outlets in the room.
Jen asks Evel - close your eyes... what was in my HOH basket - don't know, I didn't go up. Jess says I know this... Wine, U2 cd, candy, popcorn, snickers
Big Blue
Which ear did Jessica lose hearing in on the second day in the house... Jen said left. Jess says... No, right... got butter in her ear... how embarrassing Jess says lol What was the very first song to play as wake up song... Blue She's not 90... she's maybe 60... Dolly Parton... Jess think's they're her (real) boobs LMAO
Lots of Blue because they're playing a game and just general b.s.ing... fun stuff that involves production crew.
How many yellow chairs in the kitchen... beginning or now? Beginning... Mike said four. Dick thinks one they got rid of was yellow. Does Jameka have a necklace on? Yes. Jess says from Tiffany's and Jameka laughs. What character did Mike re-enact when.... Jameka is laughing so hard she can't finish the question..... Baby with the bottle... him crying with it... Jam is tired and still laughing. When the others were outside for the POV competition, they could hear the remaining HG's inside... they were really loud. Jameka said that's when they got their tennis shoes back LOL Jess...on the day I received my Sun-in...who received something at the same time? Jen. Gave her a few shirts to replace the 14 Jen tanks they took from her. They took most of Dick's shirts - because of what they said, too.
3:40 AM
Dick outside with Jameka while she gets her clothes out of the dryer and folds them. Jen sticking her head out of the sliding doors, talking to them. Dick asking if she's going to bed. Thinks so. What time is it, Dick asks.
3:45 in the morning.
Dick said he think's that washing of the deck and carpets has improved the smell but hammock may be shrinking as it dries LOL Dick swinging his chain around... Jam asking if he's ever hit himself with it. He's never done it before...She tells him to do it LOL
3:50 AM BBT
Dick is gassy. Jam running for her life... heads to the bathroom and then she's going to bed. Dick starts washing dishes in the kitchen. He wishes her a lovely sleep. He says she should gas Zach out of the place... then after a second she says ewww... EeeeDeee you're one of a kind. Good Nights are exchanged.
4 AM BBT Dick outside, saying he has to pooh... soon...saying his own toots smell ... Lights a ciggy and saus 'No recap tonight?! I always do a recap.' Dick now over to the dryer checking the few things that Jam threw back in because they were damp. He's saying he doesn't want to go through her 'draw'rs' LOL Now Dick has started his 'recap' of the day.
No campaigning today.... nice... no B.S. ... a nice break... very nice break. Dick saying it's pretty clear that Mike's going home... he should have left it alone... Nice Guy but eff-up... feels sorry for him. Bottom line is he effed himself, dumb a** One minute... finished.
Dick looking around at the biggest moths he's ever seen.. spider webs too. Next week... Zaaaaachhh. Today was cool on all fronts (spinning on teacup) Daniele is his biggest obstacle. If they got to final two it would be really bad (whoa... can you imagine?)
Back to couch... Kail... Back to dryer saying that's the longest minute ever... still not done (10 minutes lol) Dick saying he doesn't think Vanna White would like him very much after this show. Eric... effing little worm man... go, man, go. Jessica... He effing loves that girl... has to hook her up with Vincent. HOH Thursday... will be very interesting. He would like Nick to get it to see what he would do... who he would put up...Zach and Jen? Think about it... he hasn't seen his key come out of the box yet... three weeks and not once... interesting. Two more evictions and he'll be in sequester. Who would put him up...Kail, maybe Zach, maybe Jen... Nick wouldn't do it. What's up with that dryer.... one minute his ba**s. Serious washer and dryer, man. He's turning off the dryer... has had it with waiting lol Dick saying volleyball was a lot of fun. He's pretty much covered everything he thinks... filing his nails. Going upstairs to finish his update...he thinks
4:20 a.m.
Back inside Went to the sink... picked something up and put it back down into sink and said NO...I'm done. Upstairs saying it's good to be king... into HOH suite... bathroom...back out.. Dry coughing... sitting in 'his' chair facing the camera. Dick saying to the cam's he's the only one up. They probably don't get any work done with him up. Dick asking if we think he's out of his mind... does he care? ... the answer is always NO. "
4:30 am
I'm going to bed early tonight... what the he**." Removing boots and shoes. Noting no one cried today... amazing. Wondering where the remote is... where did she put it... (Daniele) he's going to have to find a new place to hide it.... maybe he'll hide it in the morning. Onto the bed now, still dressed... coughing...saying he's going to have to cut down. (rundown now hehe) Nick What's up with him... distancing himself from Jen... Dick think's Nick did the mustard too. Amber great chick, wreck. Kail nice lady needs to go untrustworthy. Daniele, hmmm...doesn't even know how she's doing in the game but she's great in competitions. Seems she's over this Nick thing....hope so. Dick wondering if he should change who he is when Daniele's around... he can't (won't) do that. It's who he is. Thinks she's made herself a target with Nick...her sarcastic answers to everyone don't sit well. Thinks Zach hates her. She better hope that he goes next week. Dustin playing game, getting by, princess...doesn't do anything around the house. Kail doesn't do anything around the house. Dick saving two more 'pony tail-ers' saving them for a couple days then going to faucet them again lol This has been a fun time here, stressful for a few days, but fun.. Dick dozed off... woke up and into privy, changed into sleeping shorts... He's doing to bed! Lights off...
4:40 a.m.
new record for him LOL Mic off... can't hear what he's saying... sleeping.
4:45 a.m. BBT
All sleeping... one heavy breather downstairs (probably Amber from all the crying she does)
Elite Team
- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Wednesday, July 25
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