6:20 am BBT
Turned on feeds to see Dick getting into bed.
Everyone is sleeping.
9:12am BBT
Everyone still asleep.
11:29 AM
Danielle came in the kitchen where Jen is eating eggs.
Dani " I really hope you dont think it was me''
Jen '' I don't''
Dani '' that is really mean, and then not to admit it''
Jen '' you dont know who it is''
Dani '' no'' Kidding '' jameka''
jen ' just out of the blue''
dani laughs
jen '' I think I know I will ask HIM about it later''
(she did see ED go in the storage room to change his mike that he messed up on the chair)
Jen " I think the person who did it did not think it would be a big deal"
Dani Jokingly 'kail'
11:34 AM
Jen ' the only person 100% who didnt do it was Zach , he was in the weight room"
Kail ' I think it was Eric, he woke up early , he never does that'
Jen ''I think the person didnt think it was a big deal'
Kail '' I know exactly what it meant''
eric '' I will say, daniele has mustard under her bed'
dani '' shut up , mustard is gross'
Kail '' I think it was a 'dont use the veto' thing'
eric' oh i wasnt even thing that , that is how stupid I am'
Dick just walked by an got a look from kail
11:41 AM
Dick was talking with Amber on the living room couch... end of the conversation, Dick walks away upset
Dick(frustrated): I'm trying to be your friend, to help you...
Amber(equally frustrated): what?!?! you hold it against me!
Kail from the kitchen saw Dick go outside, went over to Amber and said if she ever needs to talk... back in the kitchen Kail goes back to eating... says she shakes when she sees things like that...
11:42 AM
Kail "it didnt even happen to me and I am shaking'
eric'' that is wrong, yea we just put it in the laundry but still''
Kail'' i am not used to people being that hateful''
Jen is outside with dick by the laundry
Dick ' how would they get called out on it, no one saw it'
Jen ' i think I know, I will talk to them first then ask bb''
Now laundry talk
11:55 AM
Everyone up.
Eric does his AP task and puts mustard all over Jen's shirt. Like 10 mins later Jen walks in and sees her shirt all messed up and says "how funny, someone is in 2nd grade" She is now asking everyone in the house if they did it, they are all saying no, Eric said "if anyone does that to me I will f*** them up" (LOL he is doing a good job at not letting on he did it)
Amber explaining to Jameka that Dick was insisting that she(Amber) play 'without letting your emotions get involved', and Amber said she can't and won't
Danielle/Kail/Jen discussing the veto choice by Marcellas, then the results of Mustard-gate, and how the culprit will end up looking bad. Jen said BB told her distruction of property isn't allowed, but Jen/Dani/Kail decide this wasn't distruction. Jen is flipping thru the BB rulebook... Jen mentions asking BB about throwing someones cigarettes in the pool, and BB said it wouldn't be against the rules... as she's talking, Dick comes walking thru to go outside, and he angrily says "I heard about that last night, Jen KNOWS I wouldn't put mustard on her pillow" and continues out the door.
Amber/Jameka continue whispering very softly in the living room
earlier... Jen knows they are waiting around for the POV ceremony... she put the POV around her neck, gave her speech "Don't bother Kail, I'm using it on myself, Dick you need to nominate someone else, POV ceremony is over."
12:00 PM
outside group of Dick/Jen/Dustin/Daniele
Dick denies again the mustard... says it's not his style
Dustin jokingly throws out the idea that Jen did the mustard thing to herself
Dick starts talking about Columbo/Peter Faulk... they think he might have died
Eric has joined Amber/Jameka at the living room couch
Jameka in the LR with Eric and Amber on the floor in front of her. Talk of the mustard. Jameka says "allegedly" the mustar and does "quotes" with her fingers.
Eric says there is ever only one person he thinks could have done it.... (ROFL--ed)
Eric asks who would do something like that?
Jameka says right after it happened, he (the suspect) came in her room and sat down really fast and put on his socks and shoes. She was wondering why he would do that in THEIR room??
Jameka: Don't be deceived. It was done very incognito. It was just a seed planted. He was being very smart. This is the other thing. No way would they think he would do it, because they were still talking when I went to bed.
Eric: Dani went to the bathroom.
Amber: Yeah, they were up until 6 a.m. talking outside!
12:08 PM
Jameka, Eric and Amber are talking about how "he" also slights people!
Jameka says she doesn't know what Eric's slight was from him.
Eric says supposedly he (Eric) yawns when he talks to people (and that is offensive, supposedly).
Amber: There's our f***ing answer! Overnight! There's our boy!
Jameka; Mmm hmm!
Eric quoting Kail. Saying that she didn't want to be left out in the dark, and that is why she "made that arrangement with Zach, Mike and Nick."
Eric says that the funny thing about this is that you can automatically "rule out" about ten of them, as there is no way Eric would do it, no way Jameka or Amber would do it!
Jameka: He came in my room flustered. Flus-tered!
Eric says that if that happened to him, he would "f***ing beat the s***t out of everyone, even if people are f***ing joking about it. Don't even go there!"
Jameka: I'm not even joking! Every time they try to put my name on it, I say no, Jameka don't do no stuff like that!
Jameka says that it's not funny to her! She don't play like that.
Eric: If you're gonna f***ing do something like that, at least be clever. At least be funny about it. Don't f***ing just soil someone's shit!
Jameka: I'm telling you all. With my own two eyes. Flust-ered!
Jameka says whatever "man to man" he and Mike are forming will be over after the vote.
Amber says he really showed a side to her that she didn't know about, and she's sorry she can't just be buddy-buddy with him now.
He told her he made a mistake.
Amber says that he told her to get her f***ing emotions out.
12:17 PM
Jen comes in, asks why they are all huddled up?
Eric: Cause we hate everyone here.
They laugh.
Zach is standing over listening to this and eating.
Jen: Can I join you?
They say yes.
Jameka gets up and leaves.
Amber says that she is sorry about Jen's shirt--it's so f***ing ridiculous.
Jen asks Eric if he knows who did it?
Eric says no, he doesn't know who it is...He just...KNOWS... who it is. (insinuating)
Jen says it isn't hard to figure out who isn't "normal" right now.
She says she doesn't want to say who it is, right now. She will pull the person aside later.
Eric: Do you need to pull one of us aside right now?
Jen: No, I don't. THanks for asking.
Jen says she doesn't want them to ask her and guess, because she is a terrible liar, and she can't hide it and she doesn't want them to guess.
Eric says that SEVERAL of us were together "at the time in question."
Amber says she saw the shirt, wondering why it was on the pillow like that. It had no mustard at that time.
Amber says that not even five minutes later, it had mustard.
Jen says that Dick accused her of doing it herself, for more attention.
Jen: Just what I want! More attention. I've definitely been struggling in that area.
Jen says this wasn't funny--it's not like flouring someone.
Amber: I've never..like, who does that?
Jen says she thinks that they believe it is someone different than she thinks.
Eric says that she is being cryptic.
Jen says she just wants to talk to them and take them aside.
Amber: It's so f***ing rude!
Jen: Whatever. I'm definitely glad it happened to me, because I don't care. But I can see how someone might.
Eric says that he would have "f***ing flipped his shit," and it would have been the biggest scene in the history of the show.
Jen says she doesn't have that in her head.
Eric says that he would have stood in the kitchen and told them that no one was leaving until one of those pussys confessed.
Jen: Wow!
Jen says maybe that is what the person wanted her to do!
Eric says that no one wants to feel that their stuff is in jeopardy.
Jen says she can always remake the shirt.
Eric says that it's the principle of the thing.
He says that Jen is handling this so well. She handles everything well.
Amber says so, too.
Jen; Well, that's how I always am, because I've dealt with a lot of crap and not even noticed. I always figure, just be nice to everyone, and eventually everyone will be nice. You always have to give what you want, or else it is never gonna happen and it's gonna be a complete battle all of the time.
Eric thinks he smells.
They say he doesn't--it's his deoderant.
12:18 PM
Dick explains his Pirates movie career to Mike...
lots of busted up ships... big long oval table... when they go into the scene, it was wierd because they shot out of order... they yell action, and there's a big fight on top of the table... Dick was cracking up not being able to see it... lots of animals on the set... Dick got yelled at for petting the dog with the key... after 'cut' I went to pet the dog and the trainer yelled at him, must distract him... guy with the patch/bird on his shoulder was the trainers also... (he got distracted from telling us where he was)... ok back to it... the book, pirates code... the key word in the first movie... I claim... in the pirates code... premise of the scene... they call come together to declare war on Davy Jones... it is an act of war... may have been later... people yelling... code? what code, we don't need to keep this code... I take a gun out and shoot that guy dead... guy in my picture upstairs, EJ, he's so in the movie... every one sits down and I walk down the stairs.... this book was gigantic... each page was hand written, stuff sown in, everything was so intricate, this book was this think, 3 of them just in case, just for this one scene, but the book was too heavy, so they took a skil saw to it to make it lighter... it was cool... I don't want to give away the movie if you haven't seen it... Mike hasn't, interested to know what to look for
12:18 PM
A woman's voice comes over the loudspeaker:
OK, just a couple of things to go over as we get going on this veto meeting...
Dick: Are you talking to us or just Jen??
Lots of talk on the couch at random. Dani tells Amber that she is the third person who has told her today that they had a dream about her!
Eric say she just figured out that Nick is stronger than him!
Nick is lifting weights, loudly.
Dick asks if Eric just found this out?
They are joking--Eric says he had his doubts, but he's figured it out now.
They are on outside lockdown, apparently, while they get ready for the POV ceremony.
Dani is whispering to Amber. BB tells her to move her mic higher.
Dani: God! On my face??
Dani was listing who was inside at the time of the mustard incident. She lists Dani, Eric, Nick and a couple of others I couldn't hear.
Dani says that Jen was saying she thinks she knows who it was who did it.
Dani says she told Jen she hopes she doesn't think it was her, because she would never do something like that!
Jen told her, "Well, I DID, but now I don't!"
Dani says for Jen to say that to her makes her so mad!
Dani: I DID, but now I don't.
Amber: I'm SURE! (sarcastic)
Dani: Ugh.
12:25 PM
Jen joins the group in the LR. Zach comes in behind them with a bowl, eating, and Jameka gets up and leaves. Zach asked if he could borrow "it" later, and she said sure. Jen sits down with Eric and Amber. They are discussing the mustard situation. Jen said she has an idea but wants to talk with them first. They are saying they don't know for sure who it is.
Eric complains that he smells. He said he sweats in his sleep. Jen and Amber say they don't smell anything but his deodorant. He said they aren't smelling the right places.
Jen again says she thinks she knows who it is. Eric joking that he was in the SR getting a canteloupe, and he always peruses the condiments when he gets fruit. They were all laughing. Eric is still disgusted with his odor, so he decides to go to the HT and pool. Jen and Eric agree that if they stop talking about it, then BB will start the LD. It is way over due. They say if everyone shuts up fo 5 minutes, they would start the ceremony. Eric leaves.
Jameka returns and said to watch who stays in the room. She said that is all she has to say. They joke that Kail did it to draw drama away from herself. More re-hashing. Jen said it is strange that BB knows and feedsters know, but the 12 in the house don't know what's going on.
Jen leaves. Jameka whispers that at first she thought it was Kail to keep the noms the same. Amber tells Jameka that Jen thinks it is Nick. He was in the storage room, Jameka saying her usuallyummmhmmm, ummm hmmm. Nick was telling Amber how much he trusts her, she and Jameka aren't sure about him. FoTH for a short time.
12:30 PM
Jen in Bathroom, and Dick comes in. He asks who did it, and she said he should know. He said Zach, she said no, he said Nick? and she agreed...he walked away. Then Dani came out of the toilet and washed her hands.
Jen in bathroom blotting her face when she gets called to the DR. She said she has to go pee first. Amber comes in, and Jen offers to let her go first. Amber says she has to do a #2, so Jen should go first. Jen thanks her for that. Jen gets called again while she is putting on eye make-up, and says she is on the way.
BB announced an outdoor LD.
Amber says that Dick was in the SR and he had to change his battery.
Jen says she had already discovered it at that time.
Jen: There was another person in the SR with Dick at the time, though!....
Amber: Dum dum dum!!!
Eric: I got a cantaloupe.
Jen: It was you!
Eric: It was me!
Eric says if she thinks it is him, then her detective skills need work.
Jen jokes and asks why it would be Eric.
He jokes and says that he examines the condiments every time he gets a cantaloupe.
Eric: It was me. I'll go confess.
Eric: I'm just kidding.
Eric says he can't believe anyone would be that retarded.
Jen says that she thinks they just don't want to face who it really is.
Eric says he is a horrible detective.
Eric says every time before the f***ing thing (nomination/POV ceremony), there is some uproar and they delay it for two hours, because they don't want to stop people from talking.
Eric says if they shut up, they will call the lockdown.
Jen says that she told them last time that is what they should do to get the POV going.
Amber says she is so sorry to Jen.
Jen says there is nothing she can do about it--it's done, so they have to move on.
Jameka comes back. She says Jen is a very strong person.
Jameka says that she could expose who it was before the nomination ceremony, and she doesn't think that person wants to be on the block.
Jen says it would be funny if it was Kail, to stir up drama to get the other person out. But she doesn't think it was her.
Jen says she is glad she had to be part of drama that she doesn't know about. But at least she gets to be a part of it.
Jen says it is so odd that these 12 people live together, and everyone else in the world knows what is going on except for the 12 who live there.
Jen says she still doesn't know what went on yesterday with the fights, and yet the world does.
Kail says the pillow is damp and smells like mustard, so she put a new one on her bed.
Jen thanks her.
Jen says mustard sleeping wouldn't be pretty--she will have to find a new fave pillow.
Jameka: Mmm mmm mmm
Jen says that she's sure they will put stuff on the DVD about the mystery.
Jameka: I've said it once, I'll say it again, Jen. You are something. You are handling this very well!
Jameka whispers to Amber. She thought it might be Kail to keep things going and get her off. But she ruled it out.
Amber: She thinks it's Nick!
Jameka: Mmm hmmm
Amber: That's not cool, dude.
Amber says that Jen definitely thinks it is Nick.
Jameka; That's because she is self-centered. She isn't thinking clearly.
Amber says she can't believe that about Nick.
Jameka talks with Amber about how Nick told Amber way before her about how Nick was in that alliance with Kail/Mike/Jen/Zach.
Amber says that she (Amber) got up to pee, and saw Jameka doing her hair. He saw them and now is trying to "plant a seed" and "that is God!"
Jameka and Amber agree that God is showing them what to do.
Jameka: That's why I love God, because He does stuff like that for me.
Jen and Dick in the bathroom.
Jen: You know!
Dick: No, I don't know who it is!
Jen: You're the one person who should!
Dick comes up to her and she whispers, "Nick!"
Dick: Really??
Dani comes in the house, chanting "Fatty! Fatty! Fatty!!"
Jen called to DR
12:40 PM
Loud female voice said "there are a few things we need to go over before this Veto ceremony. dick (in the BY) asks if that is for everyone or just Jen. Mike said he didn't know. No more voices.
Everyone outside on LD, except Jen. Most on couches, Dustin in sun. Eric brought chips with him, chewing loudly. Jess wanted some. Mike just looking around, not saying anything. Lots of mindless talking about canteloupes, mold, etc. Then Eric said he just realized Nick is stronger than he is. They are surprised BB didn't yell at them when they were wrestling. Eric is ready to go on tour now. Dick said he was surprised they didn't get into trouble in the house, not outside.
12:48 BBT
Jen is still talking about her shirt being messed up with mustard. They are all waiting for the Veto ceremony to start.
Dustin & Nick in the pool. The rest of the guys on the outside couches. Jen is now laying on the hammock laughing at what Nick & Dustin are talking about (kinda embarrassing because she is not even part of the conversation)
1:15 bbt
Jen joins the group in the LR. Zach comes in behind them with a bowl, eating, and Jameka gets up and leaves. Zach asked if he could borrow "it" later, and she said sure. Jen sits down with Eric and Amber. They are discussing the mustard situation. Jen said she has an idea but wants to talk with them first. They are saying they don't know for sure who it is.
Eric complains that he smells. He said he sweats in his sleep. Jen and Amber say they don't smell anything but his deodorant. He said they aren't smelling the right places.
Jen again says she thinks she knows who it is. Eric joking that he was in the SR getting a canteloupe, and he always peruses the condiments when he gets fruit. They were all laughing. Eric is still disgusted with his odor, so he decides to go to the HT and pool. Jen and Eric agree that if they stop talking about it, then BB will start the LD. It is way over due. They say if everyone shuts up for 5 minutes, they would start the ceremony. Eric leaves.
Jameka returns and said to watch who stays in the room. She said that is all she has to say. They joke that Kail did it to draw drama away from herself. More re-hashing. Jen said it is strange that BB knows and feedsters know, but the 12 in the house don't know what's going on.
Jen leaves. Jameka whispers that at first she thought it was Kail to keep the noms the same. Amber tells Jameka that Jen thinks it is Nick. He was in the storage room, Jameka saying her usuallyummmhmmm, ummm hmmm. Nick was telling Amber how much he trusts her, she and Jameka aren't sure about him.
1:40 PM
Loud female voice said "there are a few things we need to go over before this Veto ceremony. dick (in the BY) asks if that is for everyone or just Jen. Mike said he didn't know.
No more voices.
Everyone outside on LD, except Jen.
Most on couches, Dustin in sun. Eric brought chips with him, chewing loudly. Jess wanted some. Mike just looking around, not saying anything. Lots of mindless talking about canteloupes, mold, etc. Then Eric said he just realized Nick is stronger than he is. They are surprised BB didn't yell at them when they were wrestling. Eric is ready to go on tour now. Dick said he was surprised they didn't get into trouble in the house, not outside.
FOTH for 10 minutes now... must be time for POV ceremony
2:27 pm
Feeds are back but I cant figure out if they have done the POV already or not? They are all sitting around inside on the couches Now, they are eating so it must be over.
No talk of the pov yet.
2:23 PM
Dick: Jameka, did you really think I was going to do something crazy?
Jam: I never know... When Daniele said this may surprise some(week 1 pov)... I was like whoa... Dick: I was going to say Amber, but I thought you might have a heart attack right on the spot
HGs on indoor LD.
Dani has a heart made of stone (joking with Amber). Half of the HGs (Nick, Mike, Jen, Jess, Dustin, Amber, Zach) are preparing food and drinks (snack or lunch?). Other half still sitting around inside on the couches. Jen asks when a hamburger is a hamburger and a cheeseburger is a cheeseburger. Jen is thinking about going on the watermelon diet. Apparently it's a diet where you eat only watermelons! Go figure Now Dick and Kail are in the kitchen and getting food. Jen is making tacos. Dani also in kitchen. Amber is eating watermelon and Mike might be eating some eggs.
Still no word on how the veto went...
Dani says she is always hungry in this house to Dustin. Dani asks Jam to look at Eric's butt mark on the couch.
Dani: I'm so used to all his (Dick's) stupid comments. You know? He asks if I'm mad and I'm like I'm not mad, it's just another stupid comment.
Jam: Mmmhmm
Dani: Such a b****, her speech (probably Jen's). No, no, it's personalities.
Amber: It's so ridiculous to ask ppl to use it (veto) on you. You know?
Dani: Especially this early in the game!
Dustin comes in.
Dustin: Daniele, You just stare and think of mean things to say.
Dani: No I don't! I was just thinking of what to eat!
2:50 pm
Kail is sitting on the nomination seat. She says she is gettng used to sitting there. She looks very nervous, like she is near crying. She talks low to Amber and says she is so confused--she doesn't know what is happening. Amber turns her face away.
Amber gets up and goes with Jameka to the bedroom. She tells Jameka she didn't mean to say that--just in general. Jameka says she knows, but she should probably (say sorry--hard to hear her).... Kail called to DR.
Dani is afraid that she's gonna go home and feel like everything is too small.
Dick has come in to eat cereal on the couch. Same one as Dani. Dick thinks it's how he expected. Dani thought it would be much worse here in the BB house or with only two bathrooms with some many ppl.
Dani gets up and leaves to go to the kitchen (maybe for food). Zach, Jen, Eric, and Dick left in the LR talking about going to the DR and going to the bathroom. And other bodily functions.
Zach talking about how Jameka challenged him to have a fart competition one night. Jen is confused why he would want to do it on purpose. I think they are talking so gross to get Jen to leave. Zach keeps talking about having official gasoffs with Dick. Jen leaves.
3:10 pm
Outside, Dick apologized to Eric (for something said during the POV ceremony)... discussion continues as Dick asks Eric if he really thought he was putting up Daniele... Eric says not but did wonder about Nick being put up...
Zach seems really attentive to Dani today. He was just staring at her while she was at the counter and getting stuff from the fridge. Zach sits next to Dani at the table and asks her if she wants anything or something. Amber is sitting on the other side of Dani.
Dick is frying or boiling something up or washing dishes.
Eric is taking the trash out.
Feeds switch to SR with Jen and Mike in there. They are discussing the types of sauce available. No italian apparently. Jen is bummed.
Now they are leaving. Mike has some sauce in hand.
Feeds switch to Dani at the table with Amber and Zach. Idle chit chat ensues...
Feeds switch to BY at the washer/dryer. Dick apparently joked at the ceremony. Eric thinks it was funny. They discussed Mike.
Eric and Dick back in the kitchen. Jen is in a yellow bathing suit outside. Dani too, but she goes inside. Jen outside alone on the couch.
Feeds back inside. Talk about shoes or sunglasses. Dick tried to find them in DC. I think it's shoes.
Feeds switch outside.
Jen, Nick, Zach, Dani, Eric outside. Dick on the couch outside by himself. Eric thinks it's really hot outside. Jen is getting her mustarded clothes out of the dryer. Eric looks at it and they can see a faint stain. Zach and Dani are laying out. Zach keeps looking over at Dani.
3:25 pm
Mike chitchatting about beaches with Jam in the kitchen. Amber is there too.
Dick in kitchen now too snaps Amber in the butt with a towel. Amber talks about taking a nap. they Talk about the morning song BB played this morning (Dolly Parton).
Mike is all alone sitting at the kitchen counter. Kails joins him. They're talking about something somebody did. Mike's first thought was Dustin. Kail thinks it was Evil. They don't think it was nick (must be talking about AP last "assignment"). Mike thinks that now that joe is gone Dustin's attitude is more demeaning than positive. Kail wants to know if Mike found out what was "last night's" all about. He has no clue. Kail asks Mike if he trusts Jen. Mike says he doesn't trust anyboby. Kail doesn't trust Jen now.
It's Mike who's now nominated with Kail. she just told him if he's still here and she (Kail) is gone...he (Mike) has to go after Evil.
3:30 pm
Kail is out of the DR. She is in the kit alone with Mike.
Kail: What are your thoughts?
Mike: pretty much... right now.
kail mutters.
Mike: My first thought was Dustin, I dunno why. Kail mutters something about Evel, intimidation, and power of veto.
They are discussing something about Nick. Something with Nick and Jen? Amber interupts for a second.
Mike: yea, I'm not sure with the mustard.
So they are discussing who did the mustard. They think it's Nick! Dang, they aren't discussing veto. Kail doesn't think Dustin would do it, but Mike kind of thinks so. Mike thinks Dustin has changed since JOe left. He's a little more sassy. Like Joe was the sasser and Dustin feels more confident to be demeaning now.
Mike: He seems like he's a little bit more open to rip on people.
Kail: Could be, could be... Did you ever figure out what happened last night?
Kail: Jen didn't come to bed, or they came to bed at the same time as Evel. Do you trust Jen? Mike: I don't trust anyone.
Kail: I don't think I trust Jen anymore, I don't know what to think.
Kail goes off on some reasons for why she shouldn't trust Jen. Maybe Kail thinks Jen did the mustard thing to herself.
Kail: I was shocked that she came into bed with Evel, at the same time.
Kail: If I'm not here and you're here, dont' trust Jen completely. SHe's kinda dif, kinda quiet. Mike says something about finding more alliances. MIKE is nominated! They are talking about whether you're here or I'm here.
4:00 pm
Dick and Kail are quietly talking. He asks her what happened after their hammock talk to make her change the way she did? She hesitates and says that she guesses it was a lot of teeny things. And she kept "falling back" on hearing that he wanted her out. He says that he has been 100 percent honest with Kail. She says she knows. He says the only time he ever lied in the game was to Zach.
Dick says now that he looks back, he can understand trying to get off the block when you are on the block. He says that Mike doesn't bother him, because Mike has been out in front of him, all along. He says that he knows Mike was surprised he wasn't on the block to begin with this week.
Dick says that he asked Mike why he was "doing this" and Mike told him that he was being faithful to his alliance. Dick says that was when he realized that Kail had an alliance, and no matter what happens now, "that thing" is busted up, as well as busting up a couple of "sub-alliances."
Dick says that HOH sucks, and he doesn't enjoy it at all. Kail says she understands--she's been there. He says that "he didn't dig it at all" and thought it would be "very easy, very cut and dry." Dick: There was a lot more bS for me to deal with than for you to deal with.
Then Dick rethinks and says she had different BS. She was trying to keep her hands clean. He says Zach told him he had a $50,000 deal with Nick. He had alliances to worry about. He had Nick and Dani to worry about. This week was very stressful. Kail says that when she was HOH, she was told by everyone that they had alliances, and she believed it and she felt she needed to jump into an alliance when she could.
Dick asks who else told her that? He claims that there were not alliances, other than Joe trying for one with everyone. Kail says Zach had his 2-person alliance. He agrees with that. Kail says HOH is definitely a hard, hard spot. Dick says you watch it on t.v. and you think it is different, but on t.v. they don't show the "million conversations and all of the BS that ensues, and people lining up at the door to talk to you."
Dick: Not my bag, man. Not my bag.
He claims he wouldn't have tried for HOH at all, if he hadn't felt he would be on the block. Dick says he hopes someone "in the neutral" area gets it next time. Kail says yes, that would be interesting to see people and what they do. He names Jessica and Jameka as people he would like to see get it. He says there has been so much drama, it would be nice for things to calm down.
6:25 pm
Not much going on right now. Dustin and Mike (?) playing Frisbee in backyard while Kail and ED talk on couches. ED just made a comment that everyone else is sleeping.
ED talking about next week being a new week...see what happens. Tells kail he knows she has been talking to people to see where their votes are. Something about better to go home now because (eric said this to him apparently) she can go home to her family rather then get stuck in sequester. Kail says she can't say anything in this house-good or bad....
Kail-its taken out of context...everyone else can miss their family but i can't...everyone else can feel like not talking to someone and I can't...
Frisbee game over...boys go inside and Danielle and Eric are in kitchen cutting up melon...making juice.
ED tells K it doesn't matter who she is up against because everyones made it clear to him that she is going home...although he then starts talking about how he trusts no one in the house...doesn't believe anyone...he regrets events of last night. He over reacted although he believes he had a right to be upset...Amber over reacted...he has to remember to consider all the different personalities because he doesn't do this sort of thing in real life. Ambers hypersensitive and he needs to take that into consideration with how he talks to her...though he likes her alot-thinks she is very sweet
Kail & Jen in the hammock Kail called to DR
Looks like some of the guys are taking turns doing cannon ball jumps into the pool
Daniele & Mike sitting at kitchen island.
Eric & Jessica at dining table eating something from bowls.
Nick walking through kitchen. Eric & Jessica seem to be engaged in light-hearted kidding around and playfulness as they sit chatting and eating.
6:53 PM
Jen talks to Nick about the mustard on her shirt. She says she doesn't think anybody else has anything against her. Nick says he doesn't care if she thinks he did it because he didn't do anything with the mustard. Zach is around during the conversation giving input but he is off mic.
Jen said she thought Nick because Nick was ignoring her, but Nick says he is ignoring everybody. Nick wonders who else would do it, he says maybe Jen did it to herself.
Jen said she caught Nick and Dick coming out of Storage..."where the mustard was found." Nick lets Jen in on the prank against Zach (taking his shirts) and said "I swear I didn't do anything to your pillowcase. I would think of a better prank than that if I was going to do something to somebody."
Nick said Evel might, but he's pretty sure he didn't.
J: He's a pretty good liar.
7:15 Pm
Jen is grilling Eric in the bathroom about the mustard thing. She 'says' it's not really a big deal, "as you can see, I am wearing the shirt right now. But who went to the SR this morning?" Eric says "everyone has to to change their mics." Jen says "not everyone did..." Eric says he was in the kitchen cutting melon when Jen came out of her room after getting up. Jen deducts that nick and Dick were no where to be seen, that Dick 'says' he was outside smoking, but Eric says neither was Dustin or Jameka (around at the time of the incident).
Jen is going on and on..and finally says to Eric "AND I remember you getting special messages about the ingredient in question..." Eric says "oh yeah, well that would be pretty stupid."
7:45 PM
Nick pouting and Dani keeps asking what is wrong. Nick doesn't say anything for a long time. He says, "what is the point, it isn't going to do me any good." She persists. He says no and gets up to walk away, then changes his mind when she won't come with him. He whispers something inaudible to her.
Dani apologizes.
N: Why?
D: Because.
He tries to get her to leave and hangout. She won't so he stays.
N: You know, we both have major mood swings in here.
D: No I don't you do.
N: You do too.
D: No I don't
N: Yes you do.
Repeat ad nauseum
N: You are saying you have never had a mood swing in here (BB house)?
Nick trying to lighten the mood. He is now trying to convince her to go outside, but she won't so he decides to stay with her.
N: Goodnight
D: You're a butthead
Nick is fake going to sleep, Dani goes to leave. He says are you going to hang out now, and makes like he is going to join her. She protests and just leaves. Nick in bed.
7:50 pm
Kitchen Convo with Jen and Mike Jen talking about who seems like they were recruited-Carol, herself, Nick.
Mike says he didn't really ask how long people had been watching the show, whether or not they applied.
Jen: You know that Zach wasn't recruited. I'm going to go out on a limb and say maybe Eric (she sounds sarcastic). Jen says something about Dani & Dick watching this show together for years.
Jen is trying to make devilled eggs, while Dustin talks her through it. Mike is sitting there watching.
Dustin and Amber are talking in the backyard by the weight bench. They talk about Jen accusing Nick of the mustard prank. They also start talking about the final 4. They want to be in the final 4 with Jameka and Eric. Dustin says that at the final 4 he would vote out jameka over eric. He says Jameka is too much of a threat at that point. Amber says she would rather keep Jameka. She also can’t believe that he wouldn’t vote her (Amber) off instead. She says she is so real and it would be so cool to be in the final 4 and so much fun. Dustin agrees. Amber asks him who would put up Dick and Nick. Dustin says he would. Amber says she would too. Amber says she wouldn't even mind being put up as a pawn next week with Kail b/c she KNOWS she has the votes to stay. She says she knows that Jameka has her back.
They go on to talk about how Amber is being so upfront with Dick now on what he says about her. Again she says she is just so real.
They talk more about the mustard prank and they are saying they think it is Dick b/c someone saw him go into the storage room twice and he put his boots on in the tiny room which he never does.
Nick comes and joins them. He says him and Dani had their daily tiff. He apparently said something sarcastic. Dustin plays with his hair while he is standing there. They are talking about how long it is and how soft. Dustin offers to do corn rows in his hair. He says he wouldn’t have a problem with it. Nick goes on to describe his tiff with Dani over some small thing.
Nick leaves.
Amber says that people are sooooo in love with her. She says that out of everyone, Nick came to them to tell about his tiff. She says they all love them (her and Dustin).
8:15 PM
Eric and then Nick come in from outside because Zach is being annoying & dropping in on conversations... apparently Zach & Eric were hanging out & Zach noticed Nick & Amber talking on lounge chairs & went over & sat down... Eric & Nick come in and tell Jen and Mike.... Nick then goes into small bedroom and throws clothes on Dani sleeping...she stirs and he crawls into bed with her.
9:15 pm BBT
Abs class taking place in backyard. Sic people in the class tonight. Jameka, Jess, Jen, Dustin, Zach and Kail I believe.
Mike, Eric, Daniele, Dick and Nick eating in the kitchen.
9:30 pm
Ab class is over. Jen is leading Jameka & Amber to do some leg exercises now. Jen does it like it's nothing, the other 2 struggle a little
9:47 pm
Zach + Dick on patio. Jen in hot tub. Eric, Jessica, Jameka, Mike, Dustin, Daniele in kitchen
10:12 pm
Dani is completely having a breakdown to Dick in the small bedroom. She is absolutely balling her eyes out and talking to Dick about how hard it is for her
Dani: This is not fun for me anymore and I don't even know if it is worth being here
She is talking about how her BF's birthday is tomorrow and she don't even know what he is thinking. She can't control her crying. She is having a complete breakdown. She was yelling at Dick and now she is just crying at the situation that is going on. SHe is truly heartbroken. (I really feel for her right now)
She says that she knows she is just complaining but she doesn't think anyone here understands what she is going through. Dick says that he knows better than anyone else.
Now Dick is crying and sitting on the same bed as her. He told her that he doesn't know how to go about things sometimes but he is trying. He feels like he is the parent and sometimes he doesn't realize what he is doing. He tells her that this isn't what either one of them sighned up for. NOw he is talking about how the twist didn't affect the others at all the same way it affected them.
Dick: you have become a beautiful, smart, kind hearted woman and I am very proud of you, but like I was saying last night I need help
Dani is now telling him that he needs to go about things differently
Dick appologizes
10:40 pm
She says he can't pick and choose when to be a parent...feels her only family is her grandmother.
She's saying he wants to be a friend...can't do that then be a father.
Says when she talks to him, she doesn't always want advice...she just wants to vent...he's saying he just wants to try to make things better...she understands that, but doesn't want him to do that.
Dani saying she doesn't know if she can let things go...ED says she's the one who doesn't talk to him...she says he's supposed to be the adult, the parent...(ed. missing lots...)
Dani says she's nothing like anyone in her family..no one understands her....but she's glad she's different.
ED says he's never been a teenage girl and it's been very hard for him. Dani says she didn't ask to be here (don't think she's referring to BB here)...says it causes problems with the other side of the family and she always gets blamed for everything.
Now she's starting to cry and say she's not having fun in BB and doesn't want to be there. Everything is so frustrating.
ED is talking very calmly to her and trying to get through. Dani is very upset and crying about the fakeness in the game and their relationship.
She says no one understands what she's going through in the house. ED says he does..he's shed a lot of tears in there.
She says sometimes it's not worth being there...ED says she's doing fine...it will all be fine and he's sorry if he doesn't give her enough credit.
ED: I've never given up on you and I will never give up on you. You're my daughter and I love you very much. I know sometimes you dot believe that, but its true.
Dani says nothing...is crying. ED is rubbing her leg, trying to comfort her...she's crying hard with her hands over her face.
ED is crying now too. He says he's trying to do the best he can. "Just because I'm older, doesn't mean I have everything figured out."
Ed says he wants he to have fun in the house...HOH has been stressful and the situation with Nick...
Dani has stopped crying mostly, but still looks upset.
ED: You've become a beautiful, smart, kind-hearted woman. I'm very proud of you.
Ed says he needs help on how to talk to her...
Dani starts yelling at him about the way he talks to her "you say I'll roll my eyes"...she's saying it's so frustrating. "You think you know everything about me and you know nothing!"
Dani said he kept calling and calling her and she didn't call back and then he kept calling and calling more and it was so frustrating for her. She's mad that he got mad when she didn't return his calls.
Ed now talking about how hard it's been dealing with HOH and the people in there while he is trying to build a bridge to repair their relationship.
Dani says ED is like a mean friend and why should she want that around. "you don't even know me!" She's upset that ED called her selfish when she says she's one of the most self-less people she knows.
ED saying he can only go from his perspective...
Dani says he's said mean things that she will never, ever forget. Ed says she's said very mean things to him as well. Dani says "but you're supposed to be the father!"
ED: But you don't want me to be the father.
ED" All I want is a commitment from yoiu that you'll just try.
Dani: OK
ED asks for a hug...says please a couple times. She doesn't.
ED: "It has to start somewhere...it may take a lot of time, but we can fix it." "I love you so much. There's a huge empty space in my life without yo. I think about you every single day." He's crying a lot now.
D:"I never abandoned you and I never will. I'm trying. I won't give up trying. I love you so much."
He keeps trying to hug her, but she has her hands around he face and won't hug back. He rubs her hair and is whispering something to her...gives her a kiss on the cheek.
ED: I'm sorry you don't find my jokes funny. I can be an idiot.
ED says when he 1st came in the house with the Alice stuff it brought back them going to auditions for he to be Alice "and now here you are...you really are Alice here."
ED: "I miss you so much. I miss talking to you. I miss your company. there's been a big hole in my life without you there."
Dani is still not talking...is sniffling.
ED: I can't change anything from the past, but I can try to change things in the future. I can't promise I won't F up because I will. I'm an idiot.
ED says he looks back all the times he thought he was doing the right thing, he was doing the wrong thing. He says she should have been trying to figure out what they had in common...making a bond. "I'm sorry." "I miss you so much" "When I 1st got here, I thought how can I miss my daughter so much when she's right here?"
ED is crying. Dani has stopped...looks sad/angry.
ED: "I've never done this before. How am I supposed to know how to do this? I don't even know how to do my own life." "I'm an idiot. But I have a good heart. I am a good person."
10:50 pm
More then you ever know, more then you ever will know. I wil never give up on you. Can i have a hug? She does nothing he says we have to start somewhere. Dick is crying as is danielle.
Dick whispers in her ear and then louder says i am sorry if you odn't find my joke funny. I can be an idiot sometimes. We just have to live with eachother knowing that this is who I am and this is who you are. We lose so muich and the time that we spend together. there was this Alice thing. I thought they were going to bring the physc in here. With all the disney stuff. You auditioning and going to the auditions to be alice and you really are Alice here. Daniele just sits there with her arms behind her head listening. Dick is rubbing her leg trying to comfort her. At one poiint he hugged her even though it was not returned.
Dick: I miss you. I miss talking to you I miss hearing baout your life. there is a big hole in my life withoutyou there. You know i was trying ot talk your grandmother in to going to ireland with me and vincent and whats missing daniele. Wanting Christmas pictures with your granma and vincent. whats missing is daniele. What's missing in my life is daniele. I am never giving up on you i am never abonding you, i have done whatever i can to see you. I look back and the things i htought were the right things were the wrong things. You want ot see the spice girls so I got you tickets and sent you with jeanenne I should have went. We were in vegas you wanted to go to ice skating, vincent wanted to do soemthing else and i sent you with jeanenne and i should have went. I was trying to get a bond with you to and it was the opposit effect. I am sorry. I missed you so much I miss you so much. When i first got here i thought how can i miss my daughter so much when i see her everyday. I have never done this before how am I supposed ot do this. i don't even know how to do my life. Just because i am the adult does not mean i have all the answers I don't. I just try to do the best I can. I am not mean I do not do things to try and hurt people. I am an idiot i just am. I have a good heart and i am a good person. ( dani still not talking Dick crying) I wanna have fun here to, i would like ot have fun here with you as well. You OK? Can i have a hug please? AND SHE hugs him and he says I love you very much danielle. She says i am going ot go to bed. Why don't you go up to the HOH room and hang out?
Dani: no
Dick: are you sure?
dani : yeah
Dick i will never give up on you and i hope we can try. I need a few minutes to get myself toegther before i can go out there,. I am very proud of you inside and outside this house. Maybe some of that is that I still see you as the girl from 2 years ag. i htink it might a good idea if we gave eachother more credit and advice in the game i see things you don't and you see things i don't. We should take thta in to consideration. You know what I mean.
Dani: yes.
Dick. i would really like to see someone good get HOH this week like Jessica not zach I think Jessica would be great you like her
Dani: Yes
Dick. I think she is so funny and sweet and happy go lucky. A little ray of sunshine. i am glad carol is gone it has really brought her out, ( could not hear the whispers) I love you very much. Do you want me to send Nick in in since he came in before
Dani: no
Dick. As hard as it was ia m really really glad we talked it meant a lot to me. And he leaves the room
10:51 pm
Kail & Jen talk in the hammock about the game
Jen says Nick is smart because whoever he goes up against, he's staying. Jen says he's in a really good position. Jen says who do you put someone like Eric against? He's in a good position too.
Kail thinks she has three votes: Jen, Eric & Jameka. She says she needs two more. Kail says she might be able to get Dustin. Jen asks if Amber would prevent him from doing that. Kail says they swear they have an agreement that their votes are independent. Kail says Jessica could be one, but she might just do what Eric wants. Jen says, or what Daniele wants. Jen says she hasn't talked to anyone.
Kail asks Jen if she thinks she's liked. Kail says ED seems to be liking Jen lately and laughs. Jen says before she came on the show she looked into strategies and one was having people like her but claim that they don't.
Jen explains to Kail that a good strategy is voting out people's closest allies to force them to become closer with you. Kail doesn't get it at first. Jen explains if Mike leaves, people will have a better chance of penetrating their group.
They talk about how Mike is quiet. Jen says Mike participates enough. Jen says there was a discussion about Kail and Daniele not participating in anything. Jen says people want the house to be fun and sequester to be fun. Kail says she is good with one-on-one conversations and isn't sure if that's enough to save her. Jen says as long as ED hasn't ruined her credibility. Kail doesn't think he could've, she thinks her one-on-one game is strong. Jen says she doesn't have one-on-ones.
10:57 BBT
Jen says that the chlorine is "too high" and Dustin says it's to add water to the hot tub.
Dustin asks how her convo went with dani. Dick says she's "a nut case" and his relationship with his son is awesome because they relate better because it's tough since he's not a teenage girl and never had a woman to help him out.
Dustin says that being a parent means giving up your own life for someone elses.
Dick talking about being cut off and how hard it was.
Dick is glad his HOH is over since it's not cracked up to be. "It's a dirty job a someone has to do it" every week.
Tells zach he wants to do it and Zach say ya and talk about he just wants "to be me" and says he doesn't talk anymore "he's all gamed out" wishes there was more to do than just sitting and talking.
talking about inventing games..
Nick talking to Jameka and Jess on the Hammock going over the story of Mrs Robinson and how the shook on it.
Jameka hhmm mmmm hmmm mmm "that's crazy"
Nick tells Jess she knew it was hard on her for Joe and tells them he was on the block before nominations and Jen said yes when he confronted her and Jen told him Joe told het to do it. Nick said it took 15 mins to change her mind and let her know about the Mrs Roninson alliance.
Jameka hmmm mmmm hmmm "that's good"
Jameka says jen "doesn't annoy me much"
Nick says he doesn't mind Kail but she's going to break down soon and doesn't want to go to sequester. Jess says if she was her she "wouldn't want to got to sequester with a bunch of twenty year olds"
nick said he would want Carol to come back and Jameks says she wouldn't want anyone to come back.
Nick says he doesn't want to compete for HOH. He sais she would put up Zach and Evel. Nick says then get Jen out and in week 5 anyone can get it.
Nick says the only person to watch out is Jen.
Nick said he would put up Kail and Zach.
Jameka asks if get Mike out and Nick say yes because Kail is "screwed in the head" and fragile
Jameka hmmm mmmm hmmm mmmm.
Nick say he like Mike "but in terms of game he's gotta go"
Nick worried Zach may come over.
"Go inside" "what the fuck is he doing"
Nick says its pretty easy who you don't want around.
Nick says "he played a huge roll" in the first few weeks that "his brain hurt". Nick said the MRA wanted Carol and Nick helped changed their minds because "I love Amber" and she needs the money.
Dick comes over and talks about his talk with Danile as the concerned father. Nick asks if it was agood convo and he goes aliitle into it [see cajonboiler's previous post]
Talks about Dick's shirt.
Jameka says tare you sure Zach doesn't know about the plan to vote out Mike and Dick says he doesn't think so.
Dick says he's been talking Dives on HOH comps.
little Zach Bashing
Jess returns
"dude and dudettes" Dick says he could use a week off from all the "bullshit" from HOH.
Teasing Jess
"Stressful week" and Dick says HOH should be the easiest time. Jameka says "it won't be for me"
Jameka hmmm mmm hmm mmm
Dick telling Jameka about his convo with Dani....
Jameka says what would her grandmother to encourage her to do. Dick says she's screwy and stays out. Dick says Dani hated her and the way she used to talk to her. Goes over his convo about Dani
In the bathroom the girls in the bathrrom with Amber blowdrying her hair.
Eric sitting next to Eric on the couch.... really no interesting talk.
Dick still going on about his and Dani's drama outside. Jameka hmm mmm hmmm mmm
Back in the bathrrom Kail seems to be bonding with girls. Dani has joined Eric and Kail on the couch. dain asking how her day was she says "boring and stressful" Dani wonders if it's past midnight because its his birthday. he'll be 26 and Dani says he'll probably spend it with his family.
dustin came in...
11:35 BBT
Dick still talking about his talk with Dani telling Jameka what he went through to get Spice Girls Tix[Mr name dropper didn't have inside track] Talk about taking her to Ice Skating.
Jameka hmm mmm hmm mmm hmm mmm
In the Kitchen Mike Jen Dustin and Dani and Amber.
Dani called to DR.."are you kidding me" " i hate them"
Kail getting in the shower as Dani complains about going to DR saying to BB "I have nothing to say to you"
Dustin and Amber eating cookies and milk at the table.
11:43 BBT
In Kitchen Eric Nick Amber mike and Nick talking well Mike isn't.
Nick takes off and eric has Amber confused with his talking telling he watched her get ready for thirty minutes and what does he get.
Amber say she wants to lay down with him.
Eric says "do you want me in the front or the rear" Amber says "rear"
just talking and kidding around
Mike sais something..he sais he enjoyed the cookies....
Mike ask Dustin what would happen if there is a power shortage and the clock goes out..Dustin says he would run into the DR to find the time. Dustin counting down to midnight.
11:52 BBT
dani asking if he's wearing his moustache hat and eyepatch..Dustin says just the moustache and the hat..
Dani wondering where Jess is at and someone says she with Zach saying Save her and her panties. Dani saying "he's going to hate evrybody in the ass"
They ask Mike if he's been a victim from "the perv goblin". mike says he didn't or Dani says he just like it and joking says yes.
Dani and Mike share a cookie.
Dani joking says "you look really tan or dirty" Mike telling her he hasn't layed out in three days. mike says he'll lay out tomorrow. Both say they should sleep all day...but Dustins rule of "no nap day".
Dani annouces the 4 min mark. Dick says is this the countdown. Dani says it's Kris(nickname bunny) birthday and wants everyone to say happy Bday
Dani tells zach she doesn't know if she could sleep in the room with him since his gas is so bad.
I minute to to Peanut Butter and Kris Bday.
Dani says Happy Bday to my bunny and Now Dustin gets his peanut butter.
Mike says he likes over ripe bananas.
12:05 BBT
Jameka and jess are on the bathroom couch whispering. "it's wierd'" Jess says "he gonna be so pissed" wondering if Mike has any idea he's getting evicted. Jameka says he was acting loyal because he was certain Kail was going home.
Nick came in and talking about Zach. Nick says he's gonna walk around with two qtips in his ears..Jameka "that's so dangerous"
Making fun of zach as he exits the bathroom. jameka alerting that Zach doesn't use soap when he's finished using the bathrrom "Putting my life in danger"[I wished]
Jameka talking about Mike's certanity to stay. Jess asks about Nick spilling evertything to them . Jameka "I don't trust him"Jameka say that him and Dani dressed alike and that "was scary" "and really really wierd"
talking about Zach "he's sick very sick very much so" again whining about him not washing his hands.
Jameka talking about backdooring Zach because she's afraid of him getting POV. Jameka says she would have to put up Jen or Kail even though she has no beef..maybe Nick or Evel but it may be too soon. The more she thinks about it Jen and kail...
12:18 BBT
Dick and Jen talking about HOH. Dick says Eric said someone in the middle of the road person will win HOH.
Jen says it will expose where they stand even though Dick says it will be a calm week. Jen surprised Daniele knew about Nick being in the MRA.
Jen sais "he hadn't told her" Dick said he did. Jen says trying to figure out how much of a liar he is.
Dick says you remember who targets you. Jen tells Dick that she will put up the same people again not to make new enemies and Dick gets mad saying why target him since they already put each other up.. and she says at least her[Dani}. Dick says "tit for tat" and they need to move on since they already targeted each other.
Jameka comes out and interupts their convo.
Jess comes out.
12:26 BBT
Switch cameras to kitchen and Jameka's there...
Mike Dani and Dustin talking and Jameka too.
Kail comes in and talking about the peanut butter and FOTH again
I guess kail talking about how her running suffered when she gave up coffee. kail says she has run hal a marathon and training for a full one until she got into a car accident.
Jameka says she finds no joy in running[only her mouth] but in walking...
Kail says she can only run 3 miles since her car accident.
Kail says she's seen bear and Elk. Mike saying he and Dani are meeting for ice cream in Huntington Beach and she says "were going to be fatty buddies"
Dani on food"I love it and I hate it"
Amber comes in.....from her talk with eric. Amber notices Mike is in the same spot and still eating.
Jameka talking about dustin being a good expecting husband since he's always giving Amber lower back rubs.
12:41 BBT
After less then an hour ago Dani whishing her boyfriend a happy bday Dani is celebrating with nick... laying next to each other in bed whispering.
I can't understand...
I think they're arguing because she keeps saying "stop stop" I can't understand what they are saying....
12:47 BBT
Dani stroking Nick's hair"I don't get you" "your boyfriend is going to see this" Nick tell her I think he was saying how she can't say certain things to him
She's looking at him and he's looking down at the floor "do you want me to leave you alone" Dani says
12:56 BBT
All Feeds on Nick and Dani .Dani telling Nick "you make me feel like crap all the time"
Dani gets up heads to her own bed cover herself from head to toe with her blanket while Nick is waving to the cameras...
Feeds switched to outside and Dustin/Amber Dick/Jen Jameka and surprise Kail outside talking.
Kail says that she could "never be attracted to another woman"
Dustin says he's open to questions to Kail about his sexuality since she's hasn't been exposed to it.
Kail says when she hugs Dustin she says she hopes that he doesn't think i'm coming on to him.They laugh and Dustin says "Oh God no"
Geez the talked turn to gas. Talking about Zach will be the new "Fart King"
Zach bashing........Talking about The wrestling match and how Eric held his own dispite the 50lb difference. Dick said Zach should have owned.
More Zach bashing
Zach called to DR. Dick says "Zach and you and your little penis go to the Diary room"
Eric comes out and noticing Kail as a new edition to the night crew.
More Zach bashing
OMG Kail just said "that's why they call him Evel Dick" She said "Dick"
1:17 BBT
Dustin saying he takes Propecia for hair loss.A lot of sexual talk and Zach bashing..
1:20 BBT
All feeds switch to Nicks bed[floor]Nick and dani are back fighting. he says he's been super nice to her and mad at himself for letting himself get into this situation..Dani pouting.
1:25 BBT
Dick and Kail talking real estate. She's telling him she has her real estate license. Evel talking about how high LA real estate is.
Outside more penis talk with a lot of refernce to Zach. Eric being very descriptive of it..he must of been looking hard Kail walks out and asks are you still talking about.
Jameka Zach penis bashing.
1:30 BBT
Nick talking to Zach how Dani crossed the line with him and Zach telling him to keep his head in the game and how it wasn't expecting to hook up and he may need to come back to the relationships he forged earlier.
Zach says once he gets out and when they walk into a bar it will all be "shits and giggles"
Zach say if outside this realtionship is real when they get on the outside there will be more "bulls***" to deal with
"I just love bulls***" Nick says.
Zach telling him to be careful and it's "wonky" saying she won't have a problem to vote him out...if it changed "its sweet" but everyone else is here for different reasons. Zach says he'll back his plan "no mater how retarded you get"
Zach saying the thing between Dick and Dani is real...
Zach says things are "more intense" when they should be getting easier..In the long run "you may have something totally amazing" but you don't know because she's had something "amazing for over a year and a half"
and for her to..
Dani comes back in and lays next to Nick. Zach stops talking
1:39 BBT
Nick saying something to Danile..[sorry missed it] Nick telling her he wasn't answering ..she "I was just asking" "I don't want to bug you"
No conversation.......Just laying next to each other
"what are you thinking" she asks
"i don't mean to make you upset" she says Nick says "doesn't mater" and says it matters to her.
Dani says "you don't believe me" Nick says no "certain things" she's said before.
{whispering is hard to hear}
Dani "would you be happier if I wasn't in the house" Nick says "NO" Dani saying something making me feel happy??
Nick says "OK"
Dani asking if she's bothering him he says he's fine he tells her he's "not stupid either" and Dani says she didn't say he was.
dani saying something about think wahat ever youwant saying Nick says all het gets from her is sarcastic comments from her. Dani say she never talks to him and Dani says "i've been there before and it sucks really bad" saying that he doesn't understand and hurts so much......."really really sucks making me feel like crap"
1:53 BBT
Nick-"here's where I coming from" talking about the relatioship from the past 3 years and how he was burned really bad
"Your boyfriends is butter and I'm just margerine" is the analogy he told Dani. Dani talking how in real life they wouldn't spend 24 hrs a day because outside he has a job and family and it's not the same.
Dani apologizes and says "I've apologized'" Nick say he thinks she doesn't trust him she says "I know"
"What do you want me to say to you because everything I say to you is not enough" Dani tells him and Nick says he's getting mixed signals saying her acts say one thing and her "words say another" "Do they not" tells her she lays in bed with her plays with his hair and other stuff{lol} and when they talks all he gets "Is sarcasam"
Dani say she will stay away from you and not talk to you.."why would you say something like that" hesays Dani "because that's they way you make me feel"..Tells her he's the one who will get burned.
She goes back to her bed and is crying.
2:05 BBT
Kail was going to bed but decided to stay up for the three legged race in which she'll be Evel's partner. They are also BBQing hamburgers on a dying grill.
Dick calling it "the full on Country Kansas Barbeque"
Dustin offering up advice to a distraught Dani..."he's so f***ing bi polar"..
Dustin calling it frustrating. Dani says time is expanded her a week feels like a month. She says she feels like going in there a punching him in the face.
Telling amber she's telling her "idiot brother" Nick is being mean to her. Amber offer to talk to him "Dustin "wake up Zach because he's good at these things"..Dani: "Shut up"
Dustin saying she isn't making a "spectacle" of herself..BB is making the spectacle out of you" Dustin
Three legged race is going on and mike has come out. Kail wants to try the flip but is worried she might be to heavy for Eric. Eric will be the flipper and Jen has replaced as the spooter by Mike. Kail makes the attempt...Perfect!
2:22 BBT
Amber butting in with Nick and Dani so she's talking to Nick
Eric teaching back flips
Dustin says your father knows you. Dani says, that's what are whole argument was earlier today. My dad thinks he knows me but he doesn't really ... he knows me from the time when we used to talk.
Dustin says, he is trying to know you now. Dani says it is very awkward.
Jameka comes in asking for Amber. Dani tells her she is having a chit-chat.
Camera switches to Amber laying in bed with Nick now, talking. (too difficult to make out what they're saying).
Amber leaves and finds Dani in the bathroom. Dani says he is pissed right? Amber says, he is not that mad.
Amber says she asks Nick what he wants. She says Nick says he doesn't want anything. She says Nick asks what is going to come out of this.
Amber says that she told Nick that Dani can't say what is going to happen. Amber told him not worry about things now. She says either of them could be out of the house anytime ... they need to take things day-by-day. Dani says, Nick says she never compliments him. Dani says, she has told him he had pretty eyes ... etc. Dani says, whatever she says, is not enough.
Amber says she told Nick Dani can't open herself up 100%. She said you two are getting too much feelings so fast, it is becoming a problem.
Amber says that Nick said he just likes her so much, and doesn't want to look stupid. Amber says she told Nick then he needs to do something, so he doesn't look stupid. Amber says the feelings will only get stronger. If you really want to do something, then you need to sleep in different rooms.
Amber says the best you can do is try to spend less time together, other wise it will just get harder. She says you need to limit yourself. Nick says it is hard. Amber says, you either do it, or deal with the way you feel.
All are now in the kitchen eating. Eric, Jessica, Jameka, Dustin, Jen, Amber and Dani sit and stand around the kitchen counter.
More talk about Zach being naked, and his little peepee. They all says it was hard to talk about in a way the producers liked. Eric says, the DR told him to try to say it so it can be used on TV. Eric says, I don't anything I said can be aired on CBS.
The girls talk about saying "Hey Girl" to Julie, the next time she says hello to them.
They now talk about the games they played in the yard tonight.....Wheel barrel, 3-legged race ...
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Monday, July 23
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