Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Sunday, July 22

Lazy (and boring) Sunday inside the house

Everyone is still sleeping. (Boring day in the house I believe.)

Still sleeping.

10:25 AM BBT
Kail is up. Started coffee brewing, went outside and lay on couch, headed back in, poured a cuppa, stirred a lot, then headed back outside. Sitting, sipping and thinking.
Everyone else sleeping...including Mike in the hammock.

10:53BBT (maybe)
Kail said she has almost no memories of childhood, but she remembers almost drowning. she also remembers almost falling out of the car. She said the door flew open when her father was driving, and she grabbed hold of the window. she could see the ground below her. Her brother pulled her back in.
Dustin said when he was younger he was obsessed with aliens, and he was just sure he was going to be abducted if he hadn't been already and his memory wiped. Talking about Fire in the Sky movie, and it scared him.
Dustin said when his Dad left, he always stayed close. For one year they lived 5 houses apart. Dustin was 9 and alone in his father's new house. Dustin took a shower there, was toweling off when he heard a beep, beep, beep beep noise, and he was sure he was being abducted. He goes running out of the house naked, running through yards with only a towel. Some neighbors were having a BBQ, and his friend s and neighbors could see him running along the hill. When he got home, his uncle let him in, and wrapped him up in a shirt. Dustin said he refused to go back in. His uncle said he had to go back, his uncle went with him and he still heard the beeping, so he was shaking like an epileptic. He showed his uncle where the key was, and his uncle said he set off the smoke alarm with the steam from the shower.
Dustin said he went to his friends house later, and they said they saw someone running naked across the hill. They said it looked a lot like him. He said he had the jitters for several months after that.
Dustin once pretended he was kidnapped. He was about 5 at the time. His Mom was leaving and forgot something and told them to stay put while she went in the house. His mother comes out and they ar hiding in the back, but she doesn't see them. She freaked and went into the house and called the police. They think they are funny, and giggling then go into the house. she didn't think it was funny.
Later that night he and his cousin were playing a game and his mother comes in with a nylon hose over her head, and a trench coat, and grabs the kids. She took his cousin first, and was told that he was next. She then grabs Dustin and takes him out in the back yard. She pulls off the hose and let him know who she was. she said never pretend to be missing again because that is what will happen if he really gets kidnapped.
Dustin said he got her back last year. Her birthday and mothers day are 2 days apart. He called her and said he couldn't make it back but he was really almost there. He came bursting into the house with a nylon over his head and a trench coat on. He scared his grandmother, then found his mom in the shower and scared her. He pulled the nylon off his head, then they laugh. He ended up doing the mothers day stuff.
Mike said his sister pulled the same thing, hiding and people thought she was gone. Mike said he was a wreak. His Dad had to pick him up, then his sister pops out of the cloet.
Dustin said he was at his friend's house playing a game, and while he was walking home to get a glass of milk, there were people all over. One lady asked if he was the lost boy, he said no lady, I am fine. He got home and no one was there. When his mom got home, she freaked.
Dustin said he used to like to hide in the racks at the mall. His mother would dress him in bright clothes so she could find him. Jen is listening now. She said her dad used to make her wear bright colored bikinis so he could find her at the beach.
Jen and Kail are going to work out. Jen wants to hurry so she can eat.

Jameka making her breakfast, most HG's in kitchen, Amber telling Daniele about her getting sick and having to poop last night from the eggs.
Kail has not been completely normal since she got off slop. Jen now cooking her eggs. Amber tells the group that she gets sick everytime she eats eggs, and Eric said he won' let her eat any more eggs while he is in the house.
Group talking about how they go threw a lot of reddi whip. Kail asking Amber about casinos and how they seem to have a lot of people on staff. Amber mentions that every 40 minutes they get 20 minute breaks so that they are not on their feet all day.
Eric feels weird if he eats when he first gets up. He is not a big "breakfast" person, likes the foods, and eats pancakes, waffles, etc. at any time during the day, just not when he gets out of bed.
Jen likes the round bedroom better than the HOH room. Jen would rather sleep anywhere that Evil is not sleeping.
Eric's new nickname is "happy" for evil dick. Dani laughed and said that she likes that Eric calls him "happy" and not "evil"

1:51 BBT
Amber asks Nick how the votes will go says the plan is to get rid of Mike.
Nick says he's going to have a mohawk. Then by the final show and wrap party he will have grown his hair back.
Amber doesn't know about the wrap party. Nick explains what it is. Nick jokingly says that everyone can 'exchange information and have sexual intercourse without cameras on them.'
Nick wonders whether Dani will bring her boyfriend. He says he could care less really. Nick says Amber will like his brother.

2:30 BBT
Jess said she is going to lay in the hammock, it is more comfortable than the ground. Dick said he would bug her in about a half hour to jump into the pool. Someone asked where Eric was, and Jess said he was folding his clothes. They said that would take all day.
On other feeds, Amber and Jameka are discussing the bible. If you open the bible to the middle it is always Psalms.
Zach jumped into the pool to cool down. Nick got out. Zach finally got out and went to lay back down again.
Jameka going to work out in workout room.
Nick in bathroom, Dani in there getting ready. She is done blow drying her hair and is putting on make-up. Nick said she has a kind of hippie look today. she wanted to make sure it was hippie and not white trash. Nick taking a shower while Dani still getting ready.
Outside, Kail goes over to Dick, asks if there was anything specific he was trying to say to her. He said no, he just wanted her to have a good week, it is Sunday and she has 4 days. she said she is good, and is kinda getting excited.

HOH. Dani and Dick have an arguement about Nick.
Dani says she's fine, that she knows what he's doing and how he's acting. Dick says that her judgement might be clouded because of her feelings about him. He goes on to say that with the inclusion of Nick in their plans it makes it more difficult to gauge where the house is at.
The conversation turns to their personal relationship. Dick recalls a time when they were happy. He wonders how he can approach her about Nick in the future so that she won't get so upset.
Dick: "How do you want me to approach you in regards to Nick?"
Dani: "However you want to."
Dick: "No, because then I get this same sort of reaction from you. You get all wigged out and angry just because I'm asking about him."
Dani starts bugging out and raises her voice saying that she can't talk to him about it right now. She stomps out of HOH and into the smallbed room. Dick comes down and goes outside.
Dick lights a smoke, gives a big sigh and then mumbles something about the need to go to the DR.
Dani hides under her covers and *sniffles*

Dick finishes his smoke and goes upstairs. to HOH.
Amber consoles Dani in the smallbed room.

Dani: "Everytime we talk he starts with, 'I hope you don't get mad'." This obviously bugs her to no end.
The two of them try to discuss how their strategies have changed becuase Nick has integrated himself so closely to Dani. BUT Zach walks in... He asks if he can cook dinner for Dani sometime. She says thats fine. He leaves and Dani and Amber laugh about him. They go right back into talking about how Dick is starting to annoy Amber and everyone else in the house. That Dick needs to watch his back. Now they talk about Kail and how Dick has "taken ownership" of his hatred for Kail and how he wants to be the one to get her out and now he's faltering by trying to get rid of Mike.
Amber says that Dick is one of her favorite people but that Dick has snapped at her 3 different times this week. Forcing her into commiting to vote for Mike. Amber and Dani agree that winning HOH changes people.
They now laugh about Dick's "Locked door policy."

Someone enters the Bigbed room and the two of them quickly become quiet. They realize it's Dustin and start whispering again. Dani says that people don't want to talk to her anymore because she hangs out with Nick. Amber says: "That's okay, because people still talk to me and I'll let you know if anything comes up."
Nick walks in...
He greets them both and then says hello to the cameras.
Nick says that he wants them both to know that he has a specail place for both of them in his heart. "Keep up the good work you two." and then he leaves.
Dani admits to missing her boyfriend "Soooo much, you have no idea."
Dani admits to closing her eyes with Nick and picturing her boyfriend saying the same things Nick does.
She admits to crying every day in sequester and that every week in the house feels like a month in real time.
They go back to dissing Dick. How neither one is happy with the way he's been acting.

Dick in BY...talking about Dani.
Jameka throws in a lot of..."uh-huh", "Mm-hmm" and "yeah"s. Then finally says maybe it's because of their own background that makes it hard to talk to each other the same way they do with others in the house.
Dick keeps repeating something Dani said 'You don't know who I am.'
Dick thinks that Dani thinks that she's using Nick. "When that is clearly not the case. Be careful, because you might not know what he's up to."
Jameka says, :She's just like you and You wouldn't like other people to tell you how to play this game, who to talk to and who to hang out with." Dick admits that she's right.
Kail comes out and Jameka and Dick stop talking. Kail says that her kids and husband are probably working right now.
Kail's daughter is in a pagaent in August. For Miss America Teen.
Dick says that Dani used to be into pagaents but when she quit Dick was very happy.
Kail says that the system that her daughter is in doesn't allow for wearing make-up, no high heels, etc. Strictly age appropriate. Dick: "So no Jon-Benet's?"
Dick goes inside...
Kail says that she was coaching her before she left and with the state of the house as it is, she'll probably be back coaching her very soon.
Jameka says: "It's not over until Julie says it's over."
Kail says she just hate the lies and rumors that Dick has been spreading about her.
Jameka says to hold tight that people make up their own minds and things are always as they'd seem to be.

Audio switch to general chit-chat between Dustin, Dick, Jess, Jen and Amber. Nick is lifting weights. The others are gathered in the kitchen...chit-chat and occasional awkward silences.
Mike says he woke up early and went to the hammock, fell back asleep and woke up to his foot "burning" as the sun peeked over the studio and was bathing his foot in white heat.

Dick and Jess in the pool. Kail and Jameka on the patiocouches. Nick working out. Eric, Amber and Dustin in the kitchen. Zach and Dani walk into the kitchen...the subject of conversation? The "Jewfro".
Dustin walks out to the BY and yells: "Okay. I'm in." Jess screams and cam switches to Dani and Amber (and Eric offscreen) in the LR. Amber goes to Eric and the two of them walk upstairs to the HOH. Eric unlocks the door and the two of them have a little "Meeting of the minds".
Amber starts bad mouthing Dick. Saying that he's been pissing her off lately.
That he threatened her with voting for Mike over Kail this week. Amber says she hasn't told anyone else about her feelings but she's telling Eric because she trusts him.
Eric: "Because I'm not a repeater."
Amber: "Yeah, neither am I." (eyeroll)
Amber talks about Dick telling Kail that he hated Amber. That Dick came up to her later and called Kail a liar for saying that and that it was probably Joe that said bad things about her. "He blames everything on Joe."
Eric says that he's talked to people that have admitted to hearing Dick talk badly about Eric too. That he's thinking that Dick has changed this week. Amber agrees. Eric continues to prattle on and Amber sinks lower into her chair. Reduced to nodding her head on occasion. (Obviously regretting the admittance to wanting to talk to Eric. Because talking with Eric usually means listening to Eric jabber on endlessly.)
The two of them discuss how much they hate Kail and how Mike is not a concern this week. "So what if he eats more than his share of meat."
Eric says that as much talking behind peoples backs Dick is doing, it's obvious its equal time between being nice and being a backstabber. Eric says that he doesn't believe Dick will ever come after them, so that leaves it up to them to get rid of him when the time comes. That Dick is trying to play the game for a bunch of other people and while he's trying to be everybodies friend, they can bond together and get him out.
Amber admits to being nervous everytime Dick walks into a room lately.
Amber starts talking about what Dani will end up telling Eric soon anyways...She prefaces with: "So when she tells you act like I didn't tell you first." (Okay, what was that about not being a repeater earlier?) The two of them discuss how Dani has been playing the game, that she has noticed a couple of things about Nick and is aware that she may have to change alliegences with him. That she is also playing very defensively. That she often takes offense to people talking about her or Nick in regards to the game.

Eric and Amber agree that Nick is just stringing Dani along for a vote later on down the line. Amber says that Dick and Zach are "Soooo getting on my nerves lately!"
Eric thinks that Jen has been the one to bring light to Nicks faults lately, that it's a smart strategy for her, and that shes doing it to take the focus off of her. They agree that Nick is NOT genuine. That his playing both sides is obvious to them. Eric says that Nick is jealous of Eric's game. (Seriously.) Nick comes upstairs and knocks on the door.
Eric answers and Nick enters. The three of them talk about how they can't stand hanging out with everyone right now. That Sundays are the most boring days.

They begin to bash Zach. Eric recounts a recent "double date proposal" and how he looked like a fool. How he calls Jess, "Unicorn".
Nick says that Dani acts "bi-polar" at times and attacks him when her and her dad have an arguement. He had to get away from them both today. Nick begins to look for the remote for the bigscreen. Eric says that Dick's been hiding it. Nick searches under the matress. Doesn't find it. Eric asks what going on outside. Nick says he wants to cut his hair. Eric mentions that they said they wanted him to wait "for continuity". Nick says if he doesn't get the go ahead soon, he's just gonna do it without their approval. "I'll grab a butter knife and chop the f*** out of my hair. They won't like when it looks sooo bad." Dustin walks in and Eric says they were just talking about finding him to ask if he'd like to join in their foursome. Chit-Chat about zits, orgies, and fights.

They talk about the knife-weilding incident and the furniture throwing event in past BB's. They all say they thought ED was gonna punch Mike yesterday. Dustin goes to the bathroom and Amber asks if Dustin needs any help holding "it" while he pees. Eric says he'd suffer from "performance anxiety". Dustin comes out of the bathroom and is applying some lotion.
Amber: "I hope thats soap?"
Dustin: "It's lotion. Do you want some?"
Amber: "I would if I'd heard you wash your hands after touching your peepee."
Dustin: "Are you saying my peepee is dirtier then my...stomach?"
Amber: "I dunnnnnnno...?"
Dustin says that Amber can hold onto his peepee when he's on the nomination block. He says it's small so he'll need the help. Nick says that he thinks Dustin is actually average sized. Amber asks if any of them have jo'd. Dustin and Nick say "No." Eric doesn't respond, but then admits to joing 5 different times, since they got in the house.
They all talk about increasing odd situations and mastrubating during them. Quite funny. But like quickfire jokes.
Amber talks about mastrubation and the difference between guys and girls. The guys admit to being "done" after climax and women are usually wanting more.
They talk about the upcoming "Jameka Ordeal". That the HG's are making a bigger deal out of BB's proposal to have a birthday celebration.
Dustin and Eric agree that they would want to have more competitions for the fun. Because they already spend way too much time talking about the game and would like more opportunites to just have fun once in a while.
Dick walks in and Eric turns on the spyscreen...saying that the 4 are all hanging out in the kitchen, that the house looks pretty quiet. Dick asks why the door was locked. Eric says it's because him and Amber were having sex.

Dustin says that Kail said to him that she doesn't want to go into sequester. That it would go "Mike, then Zach then you." The two of the nosh on crackers making it impossible to decipher what they are saying. Cam switch to HOHBR where Dick is taking a shower and Eric tries to throw some powder into the shower. He hits the shower door mostly and spends the next couple of moments cleaning the powder off the floor. He tries to throw meager handfulls over the shower door. Dick opens the shower (OOOPS Full frontal of Dick.) door and takes a kick at Eric. Eric laughs and then leaves the BR and joins the others in the HOH.
The three of them talk about doing pranks on each other. Eric says he's fine for pranks as long as they don't involve waking him up from sleep. Dick comes out and asks if anyone saw his c***. Dustin says he did: "And it was darker then I thought it would be." Amber wonders if that's normal. Dustin says his d*** is dark. No response from Eric.
All quiet as the three of them nosh on Dicks snacks. Eric is becoming a lover of HoHos.
Dustin says something about staging a sex scene as a prank on a highschool frienemy. Eric says if it hasn't happened in the house he doesn't want to hear it.
Conversations turn to the sound quality of farts. The tonal differentiations when different fabrics act as barriers and such. Amber says she loves it when Eric talks. (I wish I could agree.)

General chit-chat between Eric and Amber in the HOH. Dick continues to get ready after his shower, dry off, put on some shorts and a teeshirt. They all start badmouthing Lays and that they must be sponsers or something because all of their snacks are made by lays.
They start to rehash the flour/powder prank Eric failed to make happen and...FOTH... the Vortex of brainsuckage...

Eric, Amber and Dick in HOH. Dick says he found out people have used his conditioner and he admits to adding red dye to his hair products so if anyone uses it now, they're gonna have red dye in their hair: "Watch out blondies."
They continue to talk about hair dye and again we get the Vortex of doom...

Amber and Eric in the HOH. Amber is fanning her face as if she's about to cry or trying to stop herself from crying.
Dick, from the HOHBR, asks if someone farted.
Eric: "Nope."
FOTH again...

Eric is gone and Dick and Amber talk about a friend of Dicks. BB: "Dick, please move your microphone lower."
Dick: "Dick, please move your d*** to your d*** area."

They start discussing the pictures that Dick has on the walls in HOH. He starts spinning around in his desk chair.
Dick says he loves the picture of Dick and Dani together. "Back when everything was okay. What went so wrong?"

Eric comes out of the HOHBR and close the door claiming that it's not safe to go into the BR for awhile.
They decide to all go downstairs. Dick asks if his plasma screen is going to be as big as the one in HOH. They all leave.

Eric and Amber sit outside. Amber starts crying. Eric consoles her and then goes on a quiet rant about the way Dick is playing the game for everyone. Ambers angry because Dick caught her reading the bible and asked her if she was getting into the bible now. Amber: "No. I'm just reading it...God!"
Eric says that Dick has been acting very arrogant this week and that it's seriously messing up his day. That he's becoming another Joe and that Dick will eventually hang himself.

Zach talks with Eric and Amber about how he's been acting in the house. Eric says as long as you're being yourself everything should be okay. Zach worries about his work friends seeing him. That his grandma has seen him naked so he isn't worried about being naked in the house.
Eric says that if he wasn't in the house that he'd probably be watching the feeds. So it's better that he's inside the house this summer. Zach says he'd probably be surfing right now. Or something to do with the ocean. Eric says he's not that big of an ocean person. They then talk about being a fan of BigBrother and the difference between watching it and being on it. FOTH...

6:07 BBT
Outdoor LD When the feeds come back, Amber is on the hammock with Nick. Amber is telling Nick about how she "can't even cry" because of the way Dick treats her. Nick says that no one trusts anyone else because of the context of the game.
Nick: I know that Dani still doesn't trust me.
Amber: Huh?
Nick: Dani still doesn't trust me and that f*****g kills me.
Amber: You don't think she does?
He says he knows she doesn't, it's getting on his nerves, and that is why he is like he is today. Nick says that he is upset because of something that Dani said to him. He says he is "going into this bad mode like it's gonna be me against the house." He says that he doesn't want to talk to anybody or anything.
Nick: I'll tell you right now. She has crossed the line of.... having a boyfriend.
Amber: Yeah
Nick: She's either hurting her boyfriend or she is hurting me or both.
Amber: Both. Yeah.
Nick: I've got it pegged where she has one of those types of boyfriend who will get hurt and take her back, no matter what.
He says he's (Nick) not the type that will get pushed around. She (Dani) says mean things to him and he thinks, Whatever. He thought about the comment last night, and she is avoiding him today.
Amber: She asked me what is wrong with you.
Nick: It's her!
He thought that there would be no emotions in the game, but there are. He thought he would come in and @@@@ with people, but you can't do that all of the time. He says that he won't change and if he gets caught up in his emotions and gets hurt, that is probably what will happen. He wants to chill for a couple of days.
Nick: I think that is still the way it is going down. I'm guessing it is. (Him against the house)
He says he doesn't want to talk to some people. He is distancing himself from Zach. There are some people he doesn't want to deal with.
Nick: She (Dani) definitely doesn't trust me and I know that, and that sucks.
Amber: I don't think that's true. He says it is--there are some things Dani says and she doesn't know about them. Dick comes over and interrupts and talks about his farts. Dick is standing there by the hammock, listening as they talk.
Amber tells Nick he doesn't want to seclude himself too much. Nick says he didn't see himself coming in the house, being caught up in emotions, and he just got screwed over by a girl he was with for three years.
Dick loudly farts.
Amber & Nick comment on the fart. However, they both aren't talking to Dick as he stand there, just feet away. Nick says that he feels like he doesn't know what is going on, and Dani will say things that he doesn't feel make sense. Nick says Dani is scared to say things out loud, but she says things with her actions.

FOTH again

Dick appears to have finally walked away. Nick says that he wonders if he is just a "convenience factor" to Dani. Amber says that Dani was wondering if he was okay today. Nick says he isn't the type that screams or yells. Dani asked him earlier "Why are you freaking out??" He told her he just wanted to lie there by himself for a while and she huffed away and said "Whatever!!" and he feels she was the one kind of freaking out. Nick says he could maybe see himself freaking out on someone like Kail that tries to @@@@ with his emotions, and that is a scary side of him (Nick). Amber says she doesn't want to see that.
Nick: I know, I'm keeping it all in check. Like, what's the point.
Amber asks if they (Amber and Nick) are okay with each other, and he says yes, they are. Nick says at home, you could drive away to be away from a person when you are tense around them, and that makes the house hard. Amber talks about Dick and how he made the comment to her when she was reading the Bible. Nick says some people trigger things. Nick says "It's a weird vibe over there, the way he is talking." Nick says he doesn't want to give away too much (about his emotions when he is upset), but when he is lifting weights all day.. Amber says everybody is asking about it (him being upset). He says that nothing actually happened today so he is hoping no one can pinpoint it. Nick says "I've got to be happy Nick in here. I swear, if I was at home I would tell people to @@@@ off in here, and I swear I would scare the s**t out of them!" Amber says she doesn't want to rub him the wrong way. He says he knows her already, and she won't. He says that he knows Jameka will, and even Dani, and Dustin even. Amber says that others say that about Dustin. Nick says he will cut his hair tomorrow--he doesn't give a f**k.
Nick: I'm going into supermega Nick mode. I'm gonna do a f*****g 180.
Amber: (Sounding concerned) How are you gonna be?
Nick: Cool with you. Don't worry.
Amber: Okay.
Nick says that it takes a toll, and he thought the money was a lot of money, but he doesn't care at this point. When he met Dani he didn't know how they would be, and he liked her and the game went out the window for him, and he didn't care.
Nick: I'm like, so whatever with you!
Nick says that he doesn't want HOH on Thurs. because he doesn't want people coming up to him telling him what he needs to do. He doesn't give a f**k if he is on the block. It all depends on who he is up against, anyway. Amber asks where he saw her crying? He says he uses "the f*****g windows" to see things. Amber says everyone is asking what is wrong with her, and she was throwing up and she appreciates people caring, but... She says Zach asked "What's on your f*****g mind?" Nick says it is a WS and they know he is p****d off. Amber says that even Eric saw it. Nick: I just don't like to be f****d with. Amber: I know. Amber wants to know what was Dani's comment that bothered him?
Nick: She brought it up, like oh I have so much s**t to think about, blah blahblah.
Nick says that he wasn't the one who came onto her. She came to him, came to his bed, held his hand first. Now that he's caught up, she is acting like she is the only one with emotions. She has her dad and her boyfriend to worry about, but what about him? He has emotions! He says the "three-year thing" killed him (the breakup), and he can't believe he is getting sucked in again. He doesn't want to be played with. Nick asks her if she wants to lie down on the hammock with him, and she does. Nick says he doesn't know if he wants to get out before sequester, so he doesn't have to deal with things there, or "ride it out with you (Amber)." Who knows? Amber says it is hard to trust people. Amber asks if Nick has talked to Jen lately. He says just enough so that she won't freak out and put him up if she gets HOH. He says he'll probably go up with Dani, and whatever. Nick says he saw Amber looking over at him while he was alone. Nick: I know you care about me! Nick says he will never be mad at Amber. He says back home when he gets pissed off, he will hit the boxing bag until he bleeds. Nick says he will go up to the weight room and lift for hours, drive around. At home he has broken things, punched through a mirror and punched through closets. He says he needs to control stuff like that. Amber agrees. Nick: He better not come over here because I'll tell him to f*****g leave!!! (Zach, I think) Amber tells him not to. He says that he will "f*****g flip out" on him and blow his cover. Amber says not to--He (Zach?) thinks Nick is all he has. He says that he is "f*****g 30! Can you believe that??" Amber: Oh, I know! Nick says he has to be "Happy Nick." Amber says people like her and Nick are a lot alike, and when they have an occasional bad day, everyone overreacts. Nick says he and Amber are the two most positive people in the house. Dick is brought up again by Amber. Nick says he (Dick) needs to bite his tongue sometimes. Amber says that she was walking down the stairs with tea, and Dick flicked the towel at her to knock the glass out of her hand. Jameka told her she handled it well. Then later Dick told her he did it on purpose. At the table, he kicked her foot and knocked it off the table, too. FOTH Amber comments about how Julie brought up her crying. Amber says she doesn't cry to get sympathy--she just can't help it. Nick says he knows where she is coming from. Nick: God, I just wanna get Daniele. Nick: I don't get girls. I don't f*****g get you girls. Amber: Why? Nick: Good guys get f*****g burned a lot. You know? Amber agrees. Amber says she treated her guy like s**t for 3 years, because she "could." Nick says he never cheats or anything, and then gets treated like s**t. Nick talks about how he gets f****d over by women. He says that after he was dumped, he would sit on the Internet and listen to crazy music. Nick says that it's weird that he's only known Amber for such a short time and can talk to her. Amber says that Dani said she didn't understand how Nick was acting, as she didn't do anything wrong to him. Nick makes a disgusted sound. Nick says that Dani has crossed the line. He says that she talks about her boyfriend. He says he told Dani he won't make a move--it is on her now. Amber: I even said to her, I'm like, how can you guys have such feelings for each other in such a short time? Amber says it was love at first sight with her boyfriend. Dani told Amber it was not like 3 weeks, more like 3 months, as they are together all of the time. Amber and Nick agree with that. Nick says he tried to put Dani out of his mind when he came in here, as she had a boyfriend. He had planned to flirt with all of the "chicks" and not p**s any of them off. Amber: Did you like Jen in the beginning? Kinda, huh? Nick says he doesn't want to be a dickhead, but he was blowing a lot of smoke. He does think she is attractive, but her "f*****g personality is a wreck, and it's 50 percent personality, with me." Then he and Dani clicked and he thought "I can't f**k around with Jen now." Nick says that Jen makes comments to him like she is perfect and she doesn't mess with people who are lower than her. He feels she needs to fix herself inside because he looks at her and feels she is ugly on the inside. Nick talks about how Jen was jealous. Jen told him she didn't like it that he talked to Dani, and he told her he wouldn't hang out with Dani if she didn't want him to. (When Jen was HOH). Amber falls out of the hammock. Amber: You have no idea how many times he (Dick) has purposely hit me. Amber says it's okay--she has gotten used to it. Nick says Dick is starting a lot of shit. Dick told him that he should have told Dick about the alliance he was in at the beginning. Nick told Dick that he called out Kail, and maybe he would have called him out, too. Dick told Nick that he is "kinda hedging his bets." Nick says kinda, yeah. He was playing both sides a little at first. Amber says she likes Jameka. Nick says he does, too. Amber says Jameka is a lot like her. Nick says that he has always said he wants Amber to win first, and next it would be Jameka. Nick talks about how he can model or teach--he doesn't need the money. Amber starts to cry AGAIN. He hugs her. He tells her she is a good person. He says the other people are "doing it for the wrong reasons." She says that she wouldn't be there if it was just for her--it is for her family. He agrees. Lockdown over. Nick tells her to hang out there until she doesn't look like she was crying.

6:55 pm
outside LD over Jameka's bday party inside, she got gifts and a card from her family. They are all eating icecream cake now chit chatting.

7:15 pm
BB gave them this cake before dinner. They seem confused about whether they are "doing their own thing" for dinner or not. They seem to have thought that maybe they would get a nice dinner for Jameka's celebration, but I guess not.

Dick starts talking about what he could cook, and asks Jameka what she wants for her birthday. She says she doesn't care--it doesn't matter--she just wants to get something going.
Amber: You'll have that card to read all of the time! That'll make you happy! That's awesome!

They have now devoured all of the cake except for one piece. And now Dustin takes the last of it.

7:22 pm
Jen looks like she's eating some cereal. Everyone seems to be in the kitchen enjoying themselves. Looks like Jameka's birthday party is about over. Eric and Kail are having a conversation, but it's very hard to hear. Eric is telling Kail that she doesn't think she'll be out with a lot of people who hate her. Eric is saying that his family said don't let us bother you and have fun in the house

7:38 pm
Dani: Don't worry, I"ll tell him that he needs to stop his power trip and that everyone is starting to dislike him
Amber: don't mention me
D: I won't, I'm so frickin over him. He comes up to me and like, "You're probably going to roll your eyes, but I thought after veto you were going to go into your room and cry." I was like you haven't talked to me in two years, you don't know anything about me. He knows nothing bout me except where I'm coming from that I am a genuine, honest person. Other than that, he knows nothing about me and he needs to stop acting like he knows. I'm seriously so frustrated. The first week he comes up and says and we didn't talk at all and he comes up and says "I had a tlak with kail, I don't ask for favors in this game, but please just give me some time with my daughter." and he goes up to me and says "You're safe." He acts like the only reason I'm on this show is because of him. I'm sooooooooo sick of it. It really frustrated me. I'm sorry, I'm going off A: No go on, you need to get it off your chest or you will blow up.
D: Did you hear us yelling upstairs earlier? It's just so annoying
A: It's f****d up for you too. You're taking the heat for him
D: and everyone acts like I'm not, but I'm out. Everytime we are out in a group and he makes a stupid comment, everyone looks at me. If I had it my way, I would punch him and tell him to go away (sounds like she is laughing somewhat).
A: I love your dad, I really do but he is way too much
D: He's way too much, but it's so annoying. LIke even with Zach. (whispers) Daniele mentions that she wasn't trying to steal Dick's thunder.

Zach comes in I think or is it Mike and gets something out of the suitcase so they stop talking but Daniele does mention it is so much worse while he is in there. It was Zach who was in there, not Mike.
D: What did Zach say?
A: (too low to hear)
D: I'm dying and it is week 4 out of 13. Kill me. Jameka was telling me something about sequester saying they are changing it up a bit. Every room is supposed to be filmed in sequester and I don't know if that is true and I'm flipping out about it.
A: so they might show it?
D: I hope not. (I hope so -- ed)
A: Ever have the feeling you're going to go to the end?
D: Well, you know in the interviews they asked me

D: Every year it is a different strategy that works in teh house, the people you are with and how things play out. Everyone has an equal opportunity. That's my take on it.

Eric walks in.

D mentions that everyone says "Am i interrupting something?" instead of Zach.

7:42 pm
Nick and Dustin in HOH. Nick is talking about Daniele.
Nick: She came over last night and sat in my bed and came over this mornign and slept with me. So many mixed signals and messing with my head. I know she doesn't trust me. I said, I want to see certian people get to the finals. We talked about I want to see Zach, Jen, and Kail go. You can tell who is real and who is f*****g fake. She doesn't believe me. Do you think I want to come on tv and look like a dickhead and be a disgrace back home? I want to be a Robin Hood and steal from the rich and give to the poor. I don't want to be like Mike Boogie and f**k over this chick. This is a fun opportunity, meet certain people. It's not like I want to hang out with half these people. Maybe, who knows. I know where her head is at but her mixed signals are f*****g messing with me. I said I gave you the ultimatum and everything I do is for you.
Dustin: So that was her choice that she said that this isn't real life?
N: Yea
D: so tell that to her boyfriend watching.
N: If someone around here asks me, I like her but I won't see how she feels. All I can say is how I feels so whatever. What happens happens and if I get burned then it's my fault. I ride the emotional wave in life way too much. I'm not going to f*****g back away with my emotions and s**t like that. Kail is kind of p*****g me off with adding fuel to the fire.
D: she is?
N: Not yet, but she said to Daniele taht she is going to tell everything about nick from the get go and she doesn't realize that I already told her. Or else Kail believes I've been playing her this whole time.
N: It's like, how did I get sucked into this and I get sucked into another one. I was talking to Amber how I feel and she's like my sister. When she gets emotional, I get so bad and I want to hit people who make her mad.
D: Who was doing that?
N: Dick. If you want to cry, cry then. They're your f*****g emotions. I told her there's nothing you could ever do to make me mad at you. You're too easy to read.
D: something is up with her today, she's not herself
N: I know, we're probably 2 of the most outgoing people in the house, also you, so people are going to know
D: I want to go up and talk to her but she knows she can come to me and she gets agitated if I go to her. She really likes Dick, but the past four days of his HOH and the things that came out of his mouth is not the fun Dick that we all know. Kail said she would put zach up. I've pressed her to her a lot and she said I won't talk to him. I'm playing devil's advocate with her and I told her she's being a weak person and these people are going to walk all over you.
N: she definitely hates Zach more than me. I think she thinks I' played a little part.
D: She thinks you and Zach had a suballiance within the four
N: That's what she told me and that's bulls**t. People know how much I don't like Zach.
N: Things are going to look shady all the f*****g time.

Dick walks in and goes out
D: Kail wants to be gone by week 5 because she doesn't want to go to sequester because she has a life and a family. She's very real with me, she's honest.
N: I"ll tell you straight up that I think Kail is a good person, she f***d up in the beginning cornering me like that. She came out from the getgo, she's got the control, you join my alliance or you go up on the block (not entirely true). Dont' try and get me with these guys and in the end, they are all clowns.
D: Well Mike goes this week and Zach next. I can stand Jen in sequester.

Nick once again saying how much she likes Daniele. Nick mentioning how his plan was to flirt with every girl.

8:32 pm
Nick asked Zach and Jen to leave so he could listen 2 music, He said thats why he came up there, they saud sure and left. He then said, WTF, get of my jock! started singing, both of you, get off my jock
Zach walked over to Nick and Nick said "Don't come over here, man!" Zach says "Give me one minute" Nick says "No. I just got kicked out of Dick's room because you guys are following me. I don't want people thinking I'm scheming!"

8:39 pm
Dick is angrily throwing dishes and cussing a storm about his HOH room, Nick is beatboxing on the hammock Dick and Amber doing dishes ... Dick "i am f'ing furious right now!" as he bangs the silverware... Amber says "wha?" Dick "it takes alot of balls to talk game in my room"... more banging and clattering...Jen comes up behind them and is standing there with the fridge open.... dick says something inaudible Amber "i know" Dick "no you don't. Thats it... no one is allowed in my room period without me in it... f'ing conspiring" Amber "i don't" Dick "i know. What the f*** was she doing in there anyway?" ... then Dick goes out... to have smoke then he and Nick erupt 8:46 pm
Dick: *****. I'm ***** furious!
Nick: At me!
D: The situation!
N: I kicked them out though!
D: That pisses me off. They're not going to use my motherf***ing room for scheming
N: I told you I was going up there. Dustin was there
D: Then Dustin left!
N: And I told them to go
D: I am not going to discuss this in front of ***** Kail
N: 15 minutes of ***** silence! You can look at the ***** tapes!
D: I don't trust you
N: Don't trust me? I don't give a *****! If that compromises me? I don't care! I'm ***** pissed D: I'm pissed!
N: I don't want this ***** idiot to follow me!
D: What the ***** is she up there in my room?
N: I don't know! She's following me too! ..
D: I don't want all of those people up there. I don't know what to think
N: I told you flat out I like your daughter. I'm ***** perturbed. I am getting away from people because I want to think
N: It blows! I am going to be a bad *****. If I have to do be like you....I told you man to man I'm looking out for your daughter.
D: You have to understand. We're not outside. There is no one I trust 100% including my daughter
N: I don't give a ***** if I win! I did not come on here to be Boogie guy! I don't want my parents to have my parents say "you're a bad kid." I'll go on the block next week. I don't give a *****!
D: This is no threat!
N: I am not taking it as a threat! I have to put up a front [to hang around people I don't like]. I like your daughter, but she has a boyfriend and I can't do a thing about it

8:47 pm
Danielle comes out and says she'll like to talk to Dick, Dick says in a minute he's in the middle of something

8:52 pm
Amber is crying in the big bedroom( ) -- Dustin and Eric are consoling her Ed says Dani's game would be a lot easier if he was gone, and he thinks Dani doesn'tt care if he's gone or not. Nick says thats not true, he has talked 2 her and she wants him there. Dani comes out and is insistent that they talk, he tells her 2 wait, she says then maybe she won't walk to talk in a couple of minutes, he says okay them we won't talk, she says okay the, and slams the door. Dick rails on about her attitude and how bad she treats him, and if she was in HOH she wouldn't be sharing with him. He's the a****** for listening 2 her. Nick says to ED he's not in an alliance with Zach and Jen, he'll say it 2 the camera's, he can't stand them. Amber is still being consoled Dustin to Amber: You OK?
Amber: Yeah.
Eric: I will let you touch my penis! They all laugh.

9:01 pm
Dani & Dick yell at each other in the HOH room
Dani says he is talking down to everyone in the house. Dick calls Amber a basketcase. Dani says to leave Amber alone. Dani says she's getting the brunt of what Dick is doing.

Dick says Dani is going around telling people her dad will evict them. Dani said she never said such a thing and he can believe a bunch of strangers if he wants. Dick says she was joking but she said it. Dani said she didn't. Dani says everyone is getting so mad at him and he's on a power trip. She says it's not fair. Dick says it's not fair that he has to deal with Dani's relationship with Nick. Dani says it's her game to play. Dani says she doesn't go out of her way to make a scene, she gets along with everyone. Dick says he gets along with everyone great. She says OK. He asks her when she became so smug.

Dick asks why she didn't tell him Nick was in an alliance. She said Nick would tell Dick when he wanted to. ... Dick asks why she is being like that. Dani says because Dick made Amber cry. Dick says she treats him like **** and everyone notices, he says she treats him worse than anyone else. Dani says he doesn't understand what she's dealing with. He says she doesn't know what he is dealing with -- she doesn't care if they ever talk again but he does care. Dick threatens to start talking about how their relationship broke in the first place and she says she is done talking about it and leaves. Dick goes downstairs, grabs a beer and asks Amber if they can talk...

9:05 pm
Dani is sobbing in her bed. Dustin is hugging her and comforting her...saying he's so sorry.

9:10 pm
Dick says he can't get pissed because three people in an alliance are talking without her losing it. Amber asks what's wrong with her hammock talk. Amber says he's slamming dishing at her and yelling at her.

Dick says he was annoyed but not at her, he was mad at the situation. Dick thinks people were using his HOH room to plot and scheme. Dick says she happened to be there. Amber says it's a tense situation and he's mad at throwing the dishing down when she's trying to dry them. Amber says she can't cry because then she's this emotional person and people get awkward about it. She says this is just who she is and she's sorry Dick doesn't want to be her friend because she cries.

9:16 pm
Dani joins Nick in the hammock. Nick tells her he and Dick argued because Dick thinks Nick is scheming with Jen and Zach. Long silence, they are looking at each other intermittently. Jen is alone in the hot tub. Dick and Amber are still bickering in the storage room and Dick browbeats her, as he does. Still silence.

Nick finally says, "So what's up." She doesn't respond. He says "Hmm?" She shakes her head no. He says "Alright" very annoyed. She asks why he's upset with her. He says he's not, he's sad. He tells her not to worry about it, "It's on me." N.. basically I like you so much It is tearing me apart... I know the fact of the matter is we are going to get out of here and you have a boyfriend when we get out of here I am fkd.. I know in the long run I am fkd.. I know there is doubt in you.. you don't trust me, you think I am different on the outside... this is how I am ... I want you to see how I generally am.. I don't want to put you into positions, but now I am in to deep you know... then your dad gets on my F****** A*** because I wanted 1/2 hour alone...dustin comes up and we talk about me and you and how that isnt going to work in my favor... then zach comes up then Jen comes up I am listening to the ramones they are sitting there staring at them blankly... I tell both of them to fkn leave... they leave your dad comes up and says I am kicking you out because I don't trust you... then he follows me out and we hash it out... I am ***** with Zach because I told him to f*** off.. f*** it that is where I am and your dad doesnt get I am more hard core than him... but there are ways you have to play this game.. I am worse than him... I am looking out for you, jameka and amber... I like your dad but I am not looking out for him...

I told him I am looking out for certain people, you are not one of htem, if you have other questions come ask me... because now I am compromised.. because I am outed... so F** it.

(ed.. dani just sitting there crying)
N. there it is everything on a silver platter... I like you you like me, but there is no chance it will happen when we get out, there are things that tell me you dont trust me 100 percent, you can fake emotion.. so what ever...

9:30 pm
Dick is still complaining about Dani to Amber.
He's bothered by her hanging out in his HOH eating all his stuff...how she talks to hi...how everything has to be on her terms.

ED is really angry and is venting. "Sometimes when I want to cry, I get pissed instead." Ed tells Amber that he told Dani to stop the Princess act, and start doing stuff around the house.
Dani climbs into the hammock with
Nick "I hope you don't think I feel the same way as my dad"
Nick says he doesn't but he can tell she doesn't trust him 100%...and that she can trust him 100%

9:46 pm
Dustinn has joined Amber at the HT. He's wearing a fake 'stashe and his party hat! ED is relating things fro earlier.

They're talking about Jam being upset about having to read her letter...she feels guilty that she got one and no one else did.

Dick now talking to fake-stached

Dustin; Dani is now talking to Amber about her convo earlier with Dick Dani says she hates it, she is not having fun, and she wants to go to Amber

9:50 pm
Zach, jen, Kail and Mike. Dustin says it could be because those 2 were in the room with him. He also tells Dustin that Nick says he has real feelings for dani. More talk about Amber talking emotionally, and how ED needs to know the convo's so he can see things more clearly, not emotionally. They agree Eric is great at that.

Big Brother took the booze away for the night
Jess says to ED that Nick was called to the DR and was told to put all the beer in the SR.

FOTH before she can finish her sentence

Mike said something about "one of them ruining it for all" according to Amber. A asks what's wrong with Nick. Dani says she doesn't know. A says she's seen some sides of people...some sides of ED that she didn't think was possible. Amber is repeating all of ED's venting about Dani to Dani.

10:12 pm
Jess, Jen, Kail, Jameka, Dustin, and Zack all having fun in Small bedroom! They are playing fake price is right with Jam's present! They are trying to have fun while the rest of the house is in drama

Amber and Dani saying the same things over and over and over about ED. If you wanna know what they are saying read above, it is the same stuff!

10:25 pm
Dani is now Joining Nick on the hammock (who she was just bashing with Amber) They sit in silence for a few minutes
Nick: I want one person to trust me wholeheartedly in this game and that is you, and I know you don't right now but I just want you to know that

Dani just sits in silence for a few moments He has his arm around her and she is laying on his shoulder
Nick: you smell good
Dani: you should thank my shampoo
Nick: what time is it
Dani: time for you to get a watch
They are joking around but it is awkward

Jam, Dustin, Eric, Jess, Jen, Zack all in small bedroom still having fun and joking around. Kail and Jen joking about how they aren't welcome in any other part of the house so they came back there. Everyone laughs. Mike enters and they give him a hard time about this being his first time in there.

11:15 pm
ED is now telling Jam all about his argument with Nick. He's repeating his concerns about being able to trust Nick...the same stuff he's been saying...
Nick and Dani went to bed
Earlier Nick talked to Jameka about what happened and appologized to her cause it was supposed to be her day
Not sure where everyone else is
Amber and Dustin are in the round bed bedroom talking about what it will be like when they are in the final 4 with them two, Eric and Jameka and then all the real people will be in there
Now Amber is talking about how she can't believe that she has a crush on Eric "especially with his teeth like they are"

Feeds show Kail amd Mike on couch for few seconds and switches[happened several times] LOL
Dick telling Jess his paranoid story of the Nick leak. Dick says is Nick hammered..Jess says no that" he's been acting wierd all day."
Amber telling Nick about her convo with Dick telling nick he warne her "becareful about who you trust". Nick telling her about their fight earlier and say he told him "I don't give a fuck if you put me on the block". Amber tells Nick that he questioned Dick. Nick says he told Dick "you got a fucking problem" "i'm here for your daughter" and he sais he told him if he has something to say then say it.
Amber says Dick told her He needs here and she needs him..
Now their talking in the bathroom with the water running basically going over his argument with Dick.
They hug and say they love each other and Nick says everthing will"pan out with Mike going home"

11:32 BBT
Talking to Jen in Bathrrom telling her she doesn't like unecessary drama. Mike says soemthing with his mouth full of tooth paste. Mike kidding about his 7 wives.."i'll talk to you in bed about this matter" jen says jokingly..
Dustin tells Mike and Jen goodnight as they head to bed.
Dick asking if the convo involves him in the HOH and Dustin says no.
Amber and Erics hammock date Eric says he doesn't know what's going on and Amber goes through her fight with Dick
Kail Mike and Jen talking and Kail says she hopes the next target is Zach and not Nick.
Jen turns off the light. Someone says he won't put up a pawn. Kail says she meeds Zach to go up.. Some Guy say they need to keep the lights on if they are not going to sleep he say it twice..Mike says it's "bullshit" and Jen says "ridiculous" {i agree}

Amber just letting her mouth go with her convo with dani about big mean Dick.
Nick and Dani in the kitchen cooking.
I guess the producers relented and Kail and Jen laughing. Apprently about nothing.. Actually Jen turned the lights on to talk since Kailw ants to know.
Jen saying thaey should move to break up Nick and Dani and Zach says they are already have problem.
Kail wonders what's going on with Nick and Amber in the Hammock "over Daniele" Kail said someone said "Nick is the new Joe" and Jen says "Zach is the new Joe" Kail agrees.
Mike says Joe was put up the last week. Mike thinks Nick will be put in Jens place and that what Zach meant "Nick is the new Joe"
Kail says if that was the case she'll go, Mike doesn't believe she will. Kail tries to figure out what votes she's has. Mike says Dick was really pissed off
Talking about the fight. mike say apparantly he was up there doing something else and Jen said no that it happened when Jen and Zach were strategizing.
They think Nick might be going up and that's why she freaked out. Kail thinks she'll go home if Nick goes up. Mike say that if Dick campaigns against Nick he'll go. Kail thinks she can get a vote for jameka to vote to her to stay. All excited that all three still might be here [LOL] "That'll be awesome" says Kail. Kail says Dick likes to make people squirm..Jen says "he's the worst HOH ever" she says he's on the top of everyones list.

12:05 BBT
Dustin Nick and dani talking about how paranoid people are getting "Their behaviors and their actions" are what make them paranoid says Dustin.
Dick walks in about Nick leaving something in HOH.
Dick says "what happened with the beer" and Dani says "we're not allowed to talk about it" and Nick says it because of the tensions and some people were drinking excessively. Nick said he had 7 beers in 1 hour.
Nick talking about his haircut for the live show and FOTH

12:10 BBt
Nick ask if Jess is drunk.
In HOH Eric and Amber talking Eric says in 23 days he has never spoke one word about game. "I fucking hate Zach" and says he will never speak game to them. He spoke to Kail just because she congratulated him on helping her win HOH. He says he befriended Jen because everyone was ripping on her and now he sees where they were coming from. Talking abot how cray Zach is and how he thinks from a mastermind when he's not.
eric says he's going home if any of them get HOH. Amber says she feels tension around Dick. Amber talking about when he threw the towels and made her spill her tea and how he told her he meant to do it. She said he kicked her sandal and it hurt.
eric says Dick needs to stop flirting since he's a 44 year old because he's getting like Zach. The girls put up with it because they don't want to rub people the wrong way.
Amber talking how she told Zach to stop and he has. Amber "I hate him" and Eric says he hates him too.
Eric talking how his first impression of the people were accurate. eric says he always Dustin "I'm so thrilled Joes is gone" and talks about wahat an Ahole he was and "hate him hate him hate him" and "3 trillons times better off" and hope he's at home crying on his computer because his eviction. "nobody fucking cares" about Joe's eviction and that's the best part.

12:22 BBT
Talking about their childhood traumas. "bad acne" "chubby cheeks" "pizza face" "puke up bologna"
nick says "we were the dorky family" because they give gifts to the school bus driver. Nick says he say him and remembered him because of "the gifts"
Talking how everyone is still up except for the "Mrs Robinson Alliance"
Talking about waht they show on the broadcast and Dustins says the told me....FOTH
Talking about carol and jen knowing spanish.
Nick posing next to his pic.
Talking about what Jens POV speech will be... Nick says she'll say "I'm going to use this because I don't like packing"
Jen bashing
Nick says "I think I'm going to bed" Dani -"with Zach" Nick "yeah"
Nick wishes Jameka "happy B day"
Talking about bowel movements and "rectums"..of course it's Jameka.

12:33 BBT
In the HOH Amber Eric Dani upstairs.
Eric says "the police" may have to come and take Zach away soon. "He's psycho" says dani....Zach Bashing going on. Amber telling them about her talk with Zach last night. "his bullshit is so terrible that you can see through him a mile away" Eric says about Zach.
Kail bashing...Dani says Kail said "if she sticks around" she doesn't want to be around past week five. She doesn't want to be there for sequester. Dani -"if people don't want to be here ..go home" Amber "if you make plans" then you "don't deserve to be here"
Eric talking how today he was going to take a "mental day off" and it turned out to be the worse day.
Dustin comes in.
Came up to propsition her and offer her the HOH room all to herself with him courtesy of Dick. Amber says no..Dustin says he won't sleep up their there. Eric says he won't because he doesn't like to be "secluded from the rest of the house"
LOL no one wants to sleep up there

12:54 BBT
Talking about the beginning of the Mrs Robinson Alliance forming the first day.
Eric says "wasn't it unusual no one was spoken to today" Dani says Mike was called in the DR early in the morning and he's been the only one.
Nick comes in to use the bathrrom because "Jameka's totally tearing up that bathroom"
Eric joking to Nick "get out of here" to Nick.
Finally camera switches and Jameka's gas is the topic of discussion. Dick offered her some "GAS-X".
Jen asking Dick where Eric is. Dick says the are up in the HOH.

1:04 BBT
Jen in the backyard talking to Dick of course talking about other things than the game.
Jen talking how she gets along with her mom..bought her a car and a cell phone. They're close but not in a mom daughter way.
Jen saying her parents were divorced at 9 mos...talking about vistiation. Talking how her father and step mom "brainwashed in australia" vacation to move in with them....Talking how "I was like Cinderella" living with her dad when she moved in. She had to clean and do laundry for everyone and couldn't have boys over. Can't go out past 10.
Talks about her mom moving to Arizona. She ran away from home when her dad grounded her from going to homecoming and lived with friends then FOTH....

All feeds back on jess in the hot tub and Jess asks the time and says it's about two.
Dick wondering where everyone is....Jameka says everyone is up in his HOH.
Talking about how boring it will be and Dick says especially for Mike and Kail. Jameka says why as their fate is sealed this week.
Trying to get Jess to do a canon ball in the pool. Jameka "JESS JESS JESS..GO JESS"
"BOO YA" She does it. and again

1:25 BBT
Outside Dick, Jameka Dustin Jess and Dick outside talking about their bruises from the food camp. Talk about how they lost shoes and how thick it was to walk in. Jen says it was real spaghetti because she tasted it.
Dick wonders how cow pancrease got the name "sweet breads" talking about how food names got their origin..
Jen trying to be philisophical about how "someone made up languages" and how they understand each other......
Dick talking about the different languages from other countries......
Nothing interesting....

1:35 BBT
Dick asks who's up in the HOH. Dustin says "Eric and Amber the new lovebirds" Dick "are you jealous" Dustin says "of Amber" Dustins says "the fag and the Jew"
Dick says he likes the shower downstairs better but in the HOH gets hotter. Dick says he needs to "take a bath" before his HOH is over. Jen says you need to take a pot of boiling water and DIcj says "because the water heater isn't big enough to fill the tub"
Amber came out.....
Jen says she can't sleep because they called Kail to DR.
Dustin wants to sleep up in the HOH but Jess says she doesn't want to because she's been up there for 3 nights.
Dustin says he will because "it may be an opportunity to masterbate"
Amber says she doesn't like taking favors from people because they will "throw it back in my face" [I guess about sleeping in HOH]
Amber talks about her DR and FOTH
Dustin waiting to be called to DR after Eric and we keep getting FOTH
Food comp talk...

1:54 BBT
Eric is outside from the DR no doubt getting his instructions who to rip off.
Jameka and Dustin and Jess and Dick also outside too.
Eric went back in..
Dustin changed his mind about sleeping in the hoh "because I figured my time will come" Jameka says "I figured mine won't" so she says she took advantage of it.
Jen says she told BB she didn't want to get more from her step mom and her dad then from her real mom because she doesn't want her mom to feel "she's left out of the family" even though she says her real mom already does.
Eric and Amber back outdoors and FOTH

Amber, Eric, Jameka, Dick and Jen in BY.
Bladder strength is the topic. Which quickly turns to Jen and her picture fetish.
Dustin catches Ambers attention and she goes running off to talk with him. Then gay sex becomes the topic. They're all suprised that Dustin was the "catcher" in his relationship with Joe.
Dustin and Amber come back out and they all start talking about seeing the show after they're out of the house.
Dick proposes being able to see all of the diaryroom sessions at the cost of the remaining time on slop, shaving your head and wearing a unitard. They all say they'd do all three to see the DR sessions. Eric adds that he'd heap on $100,000.00 because whomever saw them would be guaranteed to win.

The talk has turned to bashing Julie Chen...and then FOTH...(No bashing the host, guys.)

Eric has taken his shirt off and is smelling his pits. Amber goes on to explain a previous concern about the feeling of being flustered when Julie talks on the bigscreen, inside the house. Amber: "She's not really cross-eyed, it's just that with the bigscreen it really accentuates that effect AND it's gives it a more dramatic feel.) ...FOTH...

They briefly talk about edited-together stories and who in the house has a good story going with the show. Eric says he hasn't gotten a story yet. FOTH...

Discussion turns to Eric's nipple rings...and FOTH again...

Jen goes inside into the SR. Looks like she grabbed a new micpack, she then goes straight to the BR and into the head. Meanwhile Dick, Eric, Amber, Dustin and Jameka talk about getting Eric laid.
Jen comes out and washes her hands. She holds back her hair and rinses her mouth out too.(hmmm..)
Cam switch to sleeping HGs in smallbed room. Meanwhile Dick and the bunch talk about Eric's mastrubatory habits in the house.

Jameka has developed a headache and the group briefly consoles her and then return to general chit-chat.

The discussion turns to sleeping. The noisy blankets, where everyone is sleeping these days and of course Eric's mastrubatory habits.
Dick returns from a kitchen trip with a pint of B&J's ice cream. Jen starts sharing with Dick, his nightly sleeping habits of talking, swearing, screaming and grinding his teeth when he's sleeping.
Dustin comes back outside from a failed sleeping attempt, to ask Dick if Dustin can sleep in the HOH tonight. "Someone has filled the room with the smell of farts and I can't even be in there." Dick says that Dustin should put his toothbrush and toothpaste on the welcome mat so Dick won't even have to wake up any of them in the morning.

Dustin goes up to the HOH and does a search for Dick's items. Since he's in there alone, he takes to looking through Dick's drawers. Brief FOTH and it comes back to Dustin standing up, walking to the HOH door and turning off the light.
He found the remote and is spying on the houseguests in the BY with it. FOTH...

Cams back and Dustin is still watching the HGs. Ooops got a little too boring for him. He turns of the spyscreen and turns over to go to sleep.
Back outside...
Dick, Jen, Eric, Amber and Jameka talk about sex...Then Amber and Eric go inside.
Amber goes to the picture wall and runs a finger down the picture of Eric's cheek. They flirt a bit, she touches his stomach and compliments his abs. They go to the BR, Eric goes into the head while Amber brushes her teeth.
Eric comes out and washes his hands. Jameka walks in from outside and joins the two "flirters" in the BR.

Back outside again. With Jen and Dick... Dick is apologizing to Jen for being so mean to her.
Dick says he didn't like that her and Zach and Nick were all in the HOH together and it looked sketchy. Jen says she doesn't even really like and definitely doesn't trust Zach or Nick. The discussion turns to Kail and Jen says she wants Kail out now. That she lied about all of it and that she didn't really know about the "Mrs. Robinson" alliance at the time she was HOH.
In and out with FOTH...blurb...FOTH..."she talks about Nick all the .." FOTH..."and I'm solo and it really bothered me and I can't trust anyone..." FOTH....""I knew by busting out all that information..." FOTH...

Dick talks about what Kail told him about being left by her alliance and she did all this campaigning and they left her out in the cold. He says that the guys are a bunch of schemers and that he told Zach some misinformation and sure enough it came back to Dick, so he knows who the rat is.
Dick starts talking about how hard it is for him and his daughter in this house. They're having the same problems they had outside the house.
Dick notices that it's starting to sprinkle outside and asks if Jen wants to finish their conversation in the HOH. Jen says she's fine. He asks if she'd like to move inside somewhere. She insists shes fine. FOTH...

Dick is still talking about his and Dani's communication problem. He talks about asking if she wanted to go to counciling one time.
Meanwhile, Jameka sits in the LR and puts in her rollers. Eric lays in bed blinking. Amber goes to the HOH and gives Dustin a hug goodnight. Dustin goes back to bed, Amber joins Jameka in the LR. She plops down on the couch and cracks open the bible. Amber sits up and starts whispering...Audio is turned up and Amber is bashing Dick. Talking about how he's being so mean to her lately. She looks down and says: "OOoo..how wierd, I just look down and I read this passage...'Be a man of your word...', I am."
She goes on to ask Jameka if what's she saying about him is familiar at all.
Jameka: "I don't trust her she's too emotional".
Amber: "I've heard the same thing from two other people."

Amber goes on to tell other times when he's been an a**. That she doesn't like him anymore and that she'll continue to be nice to his face, but he's wearing thin on her. Jameka adds a lot of Mm-hmms and Uh-huhs.
They finally conclude that no one is to be trusted (and then they talk about the four people that they trust...eyeroll)

In the BY...Jen and Dick talk.
Dick actually is doing the talking, at least most of it. He talks about rattling Kail and trying to rattle Mike.
(Dick is now, commending himself on his tactics regarding the intimidation of fellow players during the POV competition. In front of Jen. Who he faced down last week for doing the same exact thing to Amber and Dustin. Hmmm...)
Dick now assures that Jen didn't need to use her POV. That she would have stayed. That "the head" would have been cut off the snake.
Jen: "Only problem? Kail's not the head."
Dick says he just wants Kail gone.
(I am amazed at how lucid Jen remains in the face of a powerhungry and oafishly cocky guy. Who yells at her and belittles her and harangues her as much as Dick does. She remains focused and easy going.)

Who are you gonna vote for.
Jen says it's probably better for her if Kail stays. "Because with Mike gone, then they can put me and Kail up again and Kail will go, but if I'm up against Mike...I'd be gone."
Dick assures her she wouldn't.
He then starts ranting about his fight with Dani and Jen admits that she could hear the fight from the kitchen downstairs. Dick is now bashing his daughter for eating all of his snacks. And for being such a f***ing b****. That she just walks into my HOH like queen f***ing b****.
Dick says he hates being HOH. That he never wants to be HOH again.
The two of them turn their attention to Zach. That he's dumb. That's Dick has caught him in a couple of lies. That he isn't to be trusted.
Jen and Dick discuss how Jen fits into the "Mrs. Robinson" alliance. And how Dick and Dani are perceived to be in an alliance.

Amber goes on to tell other times when he's been an a**. That she doesn't like him anymore and that she'll continue to be nice to his face, but he's wearing thin on her. Jameka adds a lot of Mm-hmms and Uh-huhs.
They finally conclude that no one is to be trusted (and then they talk about the four people that they trust...eyeroll)

In the BY...Jen and Dick talk.
Dick actually is doing the talking, at least most of it. He talks about rattling Kail and trying to rattle Mike.
(Dick is now, commending himself on his tactics regarding the intimidation of fellow players during the POV competition. In front of Jen. Who he faced down last week for doing the same exact thing to Amber and Dustin. Hmmm...)
Dick now assures that Jen didn't need to use her POV. That she would have stayed. That "the head" would have been cut off the snake.
Jen: "Only problem? Kail's not the head."
Dick says he just wants Kail gone.
(I am amazed at how lucid Jen remains in the face of a powerhungry and oafishly cocky guy. Who yells at her and belittles her and harangues her as much as Dick does. She remains focused and easy going.)

Who are you gonna vote for.
Jen says it's probably better for her if Kail stays. "Because with Mike gone, then they can put me and Kail up again and Kail will go, but if I'm up against Mike...I'd be gone."
Dick assures her she wouldn't.
He then starts ranting about his fight with Dani and Jen admits that she could hear the fight from the kitchen downstairs. Dick is now bashing his daughter for eating all of his snacks. And for being such a f***ing b****. That she just walks into my HOH like queen f***ing b****.
Dick says he hates being HOH. That he never wants to be HOH again.
The two of them turn their attention to Zach. That he's dumb. That's Dick has caught him in a couple of lies. That he isn't to be trusted.
Jen and Dick discuss how Jen fits into the "Mrs. Robinson" alliance. And how Dick and Dani are perceived to be in an alliance.

We're back and Dick is talking about Dani and her boyfriend. How it's really difficult with Nick in the house. Jen says that even her ex boyfriends would be mad if she was inside the house and touching or feeling another guy, even if it didn't mean anything.
Dick says that he can't believe that Jen, with her bathing suits and flashing her cootchie and such doesn't sleep with guys for 3 months.
The two of them talk about sex and dating. And being in love.
Meanwhile...in the LR, with Amber and Jameka...
They're whispering...about having all the people in the house be those who don't lie and scheme. (Leaving Dick and Dustin and Zach off the list of worthy people.) Amber defends Kail saying that she's honest and deserves to be in the house. FOTH...

Amber whispering about how her sister, as Amber was getting in the car to go into sequester, made her promise to not get into an alliance with all guys and that above all else...never lie. Amber: "And now look at Kail."
She then continues to talk about how her sister is an amazing psychic. And that she's a rabid fan of the show. Supposedly, among her predictions, she also said that when in doubt she should ask herself..."What would Shannon do?"
She now starts quoting (paraphrasing really) the bible. How the things she's been reading have meant so much to her and that even though they are random inscriptions they seem to have been hand picked for her. (eyeroll)
Now she's correlating her lack of immediate shower time after particularly dirty Food comps has meaning from the bible...as does the fact that she warns BB if the garbage leaks...(I just don't understand her anymore.)
Jameka feeds into it by saying that Amber gives of herself wholly and she's an exalted person for being so forgiving and understanding. (OMG! I can't take it anymore.....*runs screaming from the computer*...)

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