10:19 AM BBT
Kail is putting sunscreen on, i think. Trying to protect herself from getting too tanned.
Jen laying down in the round beds room
Mike is in the BR brushing his teeth. Kail comes back to the BR. Her (Kail) and Mike are talking.
All feeds on Mike and Kail in the BR. CAM 1 & 4 - KAIL, CAM 2 & 3 - MIKE
10:27 AM BBT
All feeds switch to the kitchen where Kail is now. Dick is in the kitchen too. No talking though. It seems that Eric really wants to be the best host ever. He is all dressed up with nice shirt and tie on.
POV Comp should be starting soon.
10:32 AM BBT
Jen and Dick in the storage room talking. Looks like they are yelling at each other. Can't tell (no sound). Dick leaves the storage room. Jen leaves too.
All feeds switch to big beds room. Looks like everyone is heading to the kitchen area. maybe not.
Eric is looking good. All dressed up to host the POV competition. BTW, wasn't it supposed to start at 10:30?
Kail and Jen in the kitchen. Amber comes in too. Dicks next. Dick looks like he is talking to Kail and Jen about something. probably POV comp. not to F it up.
Jen is putting her shoes on. getting ready for the POV. Dick just came out of the HOH room.
10:42 BBT Dick continues of all the people in this house even Jenn knows I would not lie to her. Amber is talking about her previous alliance and how she was put up originally by Kail. Dick said to Kail you said Mike and you are not in an alliance and I am going to make sure you are not.10: 44 AM Dick now is talking to Jenn in one of the bedrooms saying look she is selling you out and Jenn is saying well I see that amd Dani is in that room too.
10:47 AM BBTDick just said "sorry" to Jenn and she said for what and he said it had nothing to do with you. Not sure if he was referring to the Kail blow up. Now we havve FOTH cuz the boys do not know how to stop singing. I also think it is getting very close to comp time. Eric is taking his hosting duty seriously by dressing in a shirt and tie.
10:49 AM BBT
Dick told Dani he is sick of the liars and he was not going to do that but that was deserved. Dani told him to relax. Now Dick has moved on to telling Jessica about how Kail is throwing Jenn under the bus. He is telling Jessica what just happened in the kitchen and he is just so pissed at it. All Jessica is saying is yeah ah ha yeah.
10:51 AM
Amber is telling Dustin her view on Kail putting her up the 1st week. Amber is a bit more confident. Amber said to Dustin she just wanted to tell her (Kail) how she feels and she feels better about it.Dick continues...he told Jameka about what happened 10:54 AMHe is talking to Zack on how Kail needs to go.Man Dick is just so pissed this may effect the way he will play he is so much in an uproar. He is not getting over the fact that she told him there was no Mike and Kail alliance and they have been "sneaking" around all morning.
10: 58 AM
Ironic conversation Eric comes out all dressed up nice and Jessica said are you suppose to tell us to go and start and he goes well if I was I would of done it and she said yeah you just do what you are told and he said yep I do. (cute!)Most HGs are sitting in the living room couch waiting for the comp to begin. Dustin is whistling, Nick keeps singing they are getting anxiuous.
dick is explaining to zach that he really wants kail gone because she was still lying to him last night, kail told him her alliance with mike is over and now no one will talk to her but dick saw kail and mike talking again this morning sneaking around, so he wants her out because she keeps lying
zach says he thinks today's veto competition is something where they take balls and knock people out (zach is such a nerd, and he keeps talking in the cro-magnon man voice whatever that s*** is)
im guessing that eric is hosting/announcing the POV competition because he has on dress slacks, long sleeve shirt and tie
zach, nick and jessica are definately participating in the veto competition
amber relayed her earlier 'blow up' at kail (her words) to dustin,daniele, and jameka...said she told kail she has never trusted her, said kail didnt know that she didnt like her and amber said she should have been able to tell that she hangs around people she likes and talks to people she likes and she's hardly talked to kail...jameka asks amber if she feels bettert and amber barks 'hell yes i feel lots better' and jameka quietly says 'well thats good then'
dustin has put on a black ascot/scarf and he's sitting with nick,jessica,dick,zach,daniele in the living room waiting for the veto comp
kail finally came in and sits by daniele....jen hopes she wins another unitard, dick says he hopes she gets voted out if she does
now dick,jen,dustin, and nick all have on sunglasses while sitting in the living room (why?)
jameka has shown up and sits by jessica.....just random smalltalk waiting for the veto compet(for instance, jameka and nick discuss the comfortableness of new balance athletic shoes, and i too must agree)
dick and jen off to the downstairs bathroom, dick tells jen kail is still lying and screwing him for the THIRD time, (he's hung up on the third)....telling jen that kail has to go, tells jen she was just a vote to them and she would have been the first to go....they get interruped because its time for veto
eric is now wearing a full MAD HATTER costume, giant hat....the participants of veto pick numbers out of a hat
Eric comes out of the DR, dressed like the mad hatter. POV players pulling numbered balls.
now FOTH, guess we can't watch this live either...
Feeds are back. Mike was in the BR doing his hair. Kail and Amber are in the bedroom talking about Dick. Amber is mad that Dick told Kail that Amber hated her. SHe said she hates her game but not her.
Kail didn't win POV. She said she was looking forward to seeing her husband.Kail also said that Dick has twisted everything she has told him.
Dustin and Jameka are whispering in the other room.
It is confirmed, Jen has the POV, Dick just told Jen that she beat him, congratulations, you have the pov, and pov has all of the power in this house.
Nick and Dick in HOH room. Dick's saying to keep Kail around because her being on the block is weakening her. She was out in the pov comp within 2 seconds. Dick said look at how Kail is acting now, all weak and worried, and how Mike is. Dick said they won't have as amny times to try for Mike, so they want to get him now. Dick saying Kail was throwing Jen under the bus. Kail told Dick that he could change things, change the way people vote, and vote Jen out instead of Kail. Dick said he called Kail out in front of Jen in the kitchen this morning, and Kail lied saying it wasn't true. Dick said Mike said he wasn't going to be scared or intimidated, so he's out then.
Nick and Dick are counting their votes to get Mike out of the house this week.
Kail is convinced that no matter who she is sitting next to, Kail is going home. Kail is in the kitchen with Mike and Jen. Kail is telling Mike that maybe Zach will go up instead of Mike,
Mike says no matter if he goes home or Kail goes home, they don't get stuck in sequester and they get to go home to their normal lifes.
Kail in storage room with amber and dustin and both of them tell Kail that there is still hope and that they would rather get Mike out of there.
Kail trying to get Amber turned against Dick, by telling her and Dustin that Dick was the one going around telling everyone that they are in an alliance.
Kail is telling Amber that Dick makes fun of her for crying all the time.
Kail and Dustin plotting. Kail saying that she thinks that everyone is intimidated by Dick and will do anything to avoid his wrath.
Mike and Kail talking in backyard. They know they need to get Zach on the block.
M: I'll think about it and try to come up with something to him as something to think about.
K: He won't put Zach up
M: Why?
K: He wants me gone. That's two votes for me, you and Jen. He'd put up a pawn
M: I don't think he'd do that.
K: Jameka? Eric?
M: No, why?
K: to guarantee me to go home
M: Rather than putting me up?
K: Yea, you know what I'm saying
M: What are you saying? Regardless of who goes home, you don't want me going home over you?
K: I dont' want to take that chance that you go home. I have an equal chance between you and Zach but I don't want to go against you.
M: I'll think about it. See if I can think about anything. I'll probably give it some thought before I'm concrete on anything. IN any case, if I"m up, I'm up.
K: Okay, I"m going to go lay out in the sun.
Mike says he is going to take a nap.
Very quiet on the feeds now. Dani/Nick were in small bedroom with Zach (who is sleeping). Mike was laying in the round room with someone on the other bed (Jen) who is sleeping. Jameka is in the bathroom. Kail is outside right now next to the washer and dryer. I do not know where Nick, Dick, Dustin, and Amber are. No one else seems to be outside so they may all be up in the HOH room.
Because of the early wake up call, we may have houseguests napping for the afternoon
Cameras showing Kail sunbathing and Jen sleeping. Very boring right now.
Jen was snoring and woke herself up and quickly falls back asleep. Mike is sleeping in the other bed.
Jameka is reading the bible and now the cameraman is getting a close up of the bible. She is in the small bedroom.
Other people in small bedroom are sleeping.
2:30 BB time:
Jameka still reading her bible
Kail is laying out back tanning
feeds 1 and 3 showing amber(?) and dustin sleeping
feeds 2 and 4 show dani and nick sleeping
camera men must be bored- they just scrolled the whole giraffe
we're now back with Kail on 2 and 4
Kail is getting up.. and doing laundry. went into SR to look for something
and by 3 shes tanning again.
3:15 BB time-
HGs still sleeping.
Kail is up again
jen and Kail whispering for a sec- hard to hear with kail changing
looks like kail is going to nap/relax now too
dick, nick, dustin sitting outside on the couch
dick: mike could end up being a player in another alliance
dustin: he's a strong competitor
dick: so let's get him out now, mike's going to be all on edge...we still have five days to go...i would like to have this talk, everybody be in agreement, and just have fun, i had more fun when i was on the block, im so sick of talking game (im tired of hearing you talk game dick)
dustin: zach is not to be trusted, if the votes come back with one (vote) then we know (they want to keep it a secret between ALL of them EXCEPT ZACH that they are going to vote out KAIL when their new 'plan' is to vote out MIKE....and if zach then votes out kail they will know that everyone kept their word......this is the dumbest idea)
nick and dustin are making fun of kails handshake alliance that was based on nothing but a handshake
dick: i couldnt understand when kail went out immediately (in the veto) she dropped the thing and went out right away (they keep talking about this one veto competition in which kail performed poorly to justify their marvelous new plan to get out the BIG threat named mike)
(i couldnt catch all the exact words, but dustin earlier expressed concern about dick wanting mike out this week instead of what he had said he would do as a replacement earlier: zach...dustin seemed VERY concerned that zach and dick are now aligned, and dick shook his head no no no...dustin said he was 'stern' about if they want mike out this week then it HAS to be zach next week and dick assured him that would be the plan )
back to live feeds now:
zach is now outside with dick:
zach: what if jen uses it on kail?
dick: why would she do that it would be retarded would you? id tell her then she's going home
zach: i didnt know kail had tried out for previous seasons, it makes me kinda feel bad because i didnt really even try
dick: three years she waited, and she's burned every bridge in this house...i gotta poop
nick and zach now both sitting by the hottub
zach: i keep thinking about streaking last nigh
nick: why?
zach: how it was cool and how it kinda wasnt cool
nick: kail sold us out and reconfirmed it to dick..are you going for hoh next week?
zach: i dunno, i feel weird cause i dont know where i fit in anything..i dont even want to think about it to be honest, the only solid thing i have here is you and i dont know where we stand
nick: you and me are cool, dont worry about that
zach: well i mean i dont know where i stand with anyone else and i dont like that
nick: i told daniele to be cool with you
zach: yeah she is talking to me more
nick: i told her to be cool and just get to know you and stuff
zach: i have a feeling other people will end up (streaking)
nick: i didnt mean to put you on the spot about that
zach: no, you didnt, i did it for me just as much (streaking)
zach: dick's putting himself in a really hard spot, he puts things out in the open..you told me to stop talking game and i actually did stop and suddenly everyone comes up to me and wants to talk game...im just gonna have fun this week
zach: i dont get it why mike was doing what he did today (during veto?)...kail sold us down the river and that should have been a clue
zach: mikes gonna go up and kail's going to go home
nick: jen said to me that she would use it on herself(veto)
zach: jen's someone i'd put up for sure if i get hoh
nick: kail's really burned her bridges
dick: dustin and amber are tweedle dee and tweedle dum...it was a total tea party today
zach: if things had been on the DL instead of kail telling everyone and i had won pov i would have used it on her
zach: i came pretty clean with amber and told her what was up because i knew she was targeting me
dick is back out now...zach is kissing his ass (figuratively i assure you, for now anyway) telling dick that he is totally the chesire cat of the house
quick meeting of nick and dustin in the workout room:
dustin: im gonna be so MAD if zach doesnt go next week
nick:dont worry
now they are both in the kitchen.....dick and zach outside....im guessing everyone else is taking a nap or something?? at any rate all four cameras are on nick washing dishes and dustin just standing around in the kitchen
zach and dick are having a boring conversation about the pov competition today
Kail and Mike in kitchen talking about the veto. Kail did not realize that Mike was 3rd on Dick's radar, and she wants Mike to get someone in the house that is close to Dick to see if they can get Dick to put up Zach in place of Mike.
Mike does not think it would make any difference. Kail is trying her best to convince Mike to get someone to push for Zach to go up, "after what he did to our alliance."
Eric, Dick and Dani in HoH. Eric said the noms will freak out and turn on each other and they don't need to decide who needs to leave until Thursday. There is no reason to decide now.
Eric says Kail is the one who knows how to use strategy in the game. Dick and Dani disagree, as she has self-destructed already. Eric said Mike has other people he can latch onto if he stays, Jen, Jess, etc, where Kail doesn't have anyone. Especially since she has outed her alliance and threw Jen under the bus. He said Kail didn't talk to anyone for the first 18 days, and now doesn't understand why no one likes her.
Eric said there are so many people in the house to get rid of, (Mike, Jen, Kail, Zach) that they have some good choices for the next few weeks.
Dani asked if it was just her, or did Jen look different with clothes on. Now bashing her for thinking it was going to be strip poker because of all the clothes they had to wear. Also how shallow she was about the food competition.
Feeds switch to Jen and Nick in the HT
Eric, Dick and Dani talking about Dustin coming out of his shell since Joe has left. Dick was shocked to get HoH. He said it wasn't a pass, but he can't go home so that was good.
Dani said Kail won't even talk to her. She said it is so strange that Kail wanted to talk to her about Dick, and his parenting skills, etc. She said it was very uncomfortable.
Eric and Dani said they went to talk with Jess, and saw Kail was talking to her. They said Jess said Kail told her that they have to get (Dick I think) out or Kail will rat her out .
Eric said they need to make sure Kail is dead in the water before giving her a free pass. Dani said they got all dressed up in costumes, Eric was the Mad Hatter, and everyone thought that would be fun, but Kail looked totally pissed to have to dress that way.
Kail kept going to Amber trying to talk to her, and Amber finally told her she dosn't want to talk with her. Dani said Kail told Amber that Dick said Amber didn't like her, and Amber didn't know why Dick did that. Dick said he never said that to Kail, Dani suggested Dick talk with Amber. In the DR when Kail and Amber were handcuffed, AKail told Amber she needed her. (Amber needed Kail)
Eric said Kail might not be effective, but she does know who to talk to. She spoke to Dick about parenting, Amber about parenting and Dani about her Father. She knows what strings to pull.
They leave HoH.
Eric and Dick talk about how little food they really have. Eric said the game was so specific, that they have a specific type of chicken, and specific veggies and melons, but no rice, wraps or other things necessary to make things. Dani and Eric going to SR to see if they can find something.
Dick asks Amber to go to the HoH room. He tells her if she hears anything to come to him first. He says he told Zach that he isn't in an alliance with Amber and Dustin, and he didn't tell Kail that Amber hates her. She said she told Kail that she hated her week one because Kail nominated her and her daughter had to see that.
Dick talking about Kail and Mike plotting this morning. He said they are now thinking about getting Mike out. He tells Amber not to say ANYTHING to Nick about what he wants to say. Jameka rings the doorbell and comes in. Dick said they are to let Kail think they are going to vote her out, say their good-byes, etc, then vote Mike out. Kail will be such a mess, she won't do well in the HoH ceremony. Dustin wants Zach out next week, and he is fine with that. They hav to find someone to do well in HoH so they can continue to get out that alliance. They feel Jen is a bigger threat than Zach, but since the girls and Dustin want him gone, that is fine.
Dick said the Mrs. Robinson alliance is alive and well. Dick said he tried to figure out what the plan was. He said during the PoV comp, Kail went out early. Mike was trying to get him down. Dick said everyone else was over at Jen trying to distract her. Mike was trying to get Dick out, and Dick said he figures they are trying to get Zach put up, because they feel he is more hated in the house. Dick asked Mike what he was doing, and Mike said he was being true to his alliance. Dick told him if he got him down, then Mike would go up. Dick then decided to get down, and he would put Mike up.
Feeds switch to BY, Kail and Dani talking. Kail is saying it wasn't an alliance decision to go after Dani. Zach talked to Mike with his chessboard, showing that Dani was connected to all the groups. She said Mike just said, yeah, u-huh, and it made Mike look like the bad guy. Dani said it was still an alliance thing. Kail said there is no alliance anymore.
Kail said Zach and Nick have their own alliance, she doesn't know what they have going, but she would NEVER support them, ever again. Kail said before she leaves the house, if she knows she is going home, she wants to talk to Dani about Nick. Kail asks Dani how she feels about Nick in the alliance...but the alliance is dead and she woudl never, no how no way get back with Nick and Zach.
Kail said she never knew Zach didn't like Dani. She never heard that. (Kail is really campaigning for Zach to get put up instead of Mike). Kail just setting, looking stern, not much being said. She hopes Dani doesn't hold it against Mike what Zach really said.
Some whispering going on with Dani and Kail, then Kail said that is against the rules. She said she didn't know until last night about a lot that was going on. She said she hasn't said more that 2 words to Nick, she doesn't know about "that guy".
Dani goes into the kitchen, talking to Eric. Think BBQ chicken for dinner tonight, just small talk, then Eric whispering about Amber and Dustin upstairs talking to Dick. They hear some people, and said Jameka and Dustin are coming, they think a lot of people are still sleeping.
Dustin telling Eric he did a good job hosting today. Eric said they never asked him to repeat anything in his own voice. They again say they were glad they got to wear costumes. Dick is called to the DR.
Eric is washing up his dishes, Kail comes in and sits down at the counter.Dani and Jess joking about Dani being such a friend, the only one in the house Jess can trust, obviously. Really loud, and in front of Kail. They leave, with Kail still sitting there....alone again.
All 4 feeds on Dani in small bedroom, doing her hair, nothing going on.
Switches to HoH room, with Dick and Amber. Amber says Jen said she and Nick were close, they never spoke alliance, but Nick and her said they would have each others backs. Jen said Nick moved on to Daniele to take the heat off of her and him. Amber thinks Nick's plan was to use her, but then he fell for her. Dick said he is worried about Dani. He is afraid Nick is using her. Amber asks if she should talk to her, an he says no, he already has. He thinks Nick, Zach and Jen might have their own alliance. He said if you think about it, Jen and Nick are the only two who say they are happy with their lilves, and don't need the money.
Feeds switch to round bed room, Kail and Mike talking. She is telling him about talking to Dani that everything was Zach's idea. She said she hopes it gets back to Dick. She said Zach approached Mike, putting it all on Zach. Mike said people in the house don't think, they don't see Dick and Dani as a threat together. Kail hopes Dani will realize that Zach is trouble and will go campaign with her dad to put him up instead of Mike.
Bashing Zach, how he has changed recently, and is cooking, doing things around the house. They said he is so obvious, they are sure everyone sees it. They hope Dick sees it, too.
6:35 BBT
All cams in little BR with Dick and Jameka talking. Jameka talking about Nick making comments to Jen and his reactions. Whispering so low. Dick saying Nick cleaning the mirror and all 3 talking. Zach, Nick and Mike.
D says J has to win HOH next week. J agrees.
D saying Jen, Zach, Nick all together and that Jen and Nick don't need the money. Saying he has the numbers on his side. D is going to mix it all up and will tell J about it sometime. Zach doesn't have the numbers to get D out.
Feeds on empty dining room/kitchen.
Now in BY. Jess, Daniele, and Dick outside on the couches. So is Eric and Kail. Talking about wanting to keep some of the props used in the game, but they had to give them back. Eric is asking for laundry detergent, and Dick stresses Tide. Jessica gets called to DR, and Eric reminds her to ask for Tide. She said she will if she wants too...joking.
Eric said he has all of his stuff with spaghetti sause on it lined up to wash, if they ever get detergent. Kail just staring straight ahead.
Nothng really going on.
Can hear guys talking off camera, then someone starts singing "what have you done for me lately?: and we get quick FoTH.
Dustin in Kitchen with Nick. Dustin said oooh yaa kinda musically, and BB said please stop singing. Dustin said he thinks he should be able to ooh yaa, like he was having sex or something.
Dustin whispers to Dick that Nick Mike and Zach were talking. Dick walks into the kitchen and tells Mike that when he jumped off during PoV comp, that he wasn't going to punch him or anything. He said that was never his intention, but some people thought he was angry, and going to go afte Mike. He said he wasn't, that he just wondered what he was doing. Mike said no problem.
Mike and Kail now talking in bathroom. They think Dick is backtracking now, so he won't look so bad to America. Kail said maybe Dani is getting to him. Mike said you never know.
Kail walks outside and said she smells dinner cooking. Jen in HT with Eric, Amber and Nick on couches with Kail on other couch. Dick is around. eric telling about having a dream he and Jameka celebrated their birthdays together on the show. He said that was really strange, because his birthday isn't until Jan.
Jameka and Dick in small bedroom. She tells him to watch Nick when he is talking about Dani to see if he is looking around. Dick said he saw Nick and Mike together, and Nick was cleaning the mirrors, when has Nick ever cleaned anything?? Lots of whispering. Dick said he won't let Nick make Daniele f*ing Erica of this year. He won't let him play her in hte house and ruin her life outside the house.
Dick is telling Jameka about his theory about Jen and Nick both saying they don't need the money. He thinks Nick, Jen Zach and whoever stays are still in an alliance. He said Nick is waiting for his opportunity to vote to take them out. Not right now, but later when the time is right, when they have the numbers. Dick said if Nick had voted for Dick to go, with his alliance, it would have shown his true colors. Dick said it works better this way, because Joe would have been with the "others". He told Jameka she is safe with him. He said Dustin said if they take Mike out this week, he will lose his credability. He said it is strategic. You have to make your move when you can. Dick said their group needs to get HoH two weeks in a row in order to guarantee their numbers.
Dick said be careful who you trust. He doesn't trust Jess, Amber is so emotional you have to be careful what you say to her, Dani somewhat, but she is so close to Nick...then it cuts away!!!
6:53 BBT Daniele and Mike in kitchen. Mike cleaning table, Daniele sitting on stool at counter. Jessica comes in telling Dani to stop staring at her and she begins to chuckle. Jameka asking Jess if she's going to workout and notices Jess has a big bruise. Dani jokingly says she doesn't like that there are 2 blondes in the house and Jess says, I'm gonna beat your butt!
Mike still scrubbing the table and the lazy susan. Jess went outside, Dani still sitting in stool very quiet. Mike quiet.
7:04pm BBT
Kail tells Amber Evel told her last night that Nick and Zach have a "$50K agreement" [winner gives loser] for the final two and Amber says "Those sneaky two" (but not like she is very shocked or disapproving)
7:20pm BBT
Amber laying in bed with a terrible headache, Dustin is going to get her some water.
Amber & Dustin conspire to vote to keep Kail and not tell Dick. Amber now talking to Eric and telling him she thinks ED is on a power trip. How rude he's being to her, and she didn't like it when he came up to her in the kitchen and told her she was voting Mike out this week. She said she was thinking to herself "can you not even just ask me?". Her and Eric discussing his bad moves and how he's acting.
Conversation is interrupted by Jessica who just returned from the shower
Dinner time, just chit chat going on.
9:00 BBT
Dick in big beds room talking to Jessica and Eric about the POV competition. They all had cool outfits on. Jessica feels she is not good at comps. Dick goes to get more beer for them. They speak briefly to Zach.
Feed switches to HT, Kail leaving. Jen and Mike talking about Dick not using the HoH room that he'd rather sleep with them. Jen says Dick wants her to be mad at Kail, Mike says he wants all the votes to go against Kail to rub it in. Kail returns, says no one can be seen with her. They tell her to be buddy buddy with Zach and follow him around like a lost puppy. They laugh that Dick will for sure put Zach up then. And when Dick sees her and Zach, she should separate from Zach.
Kail goes over the conversation she had with Dick earlier about their conversation they had last night.
She laughs and says Dick is calling her a liar because she said she had nobody in the house but she talks to Mike. She feels he wants her to be miserable her last week in the house.
Kail is concerned that the other HG will feel she is buddying back up with Zach, they decide she only has to do it until Monday when the replacement nomination is made. They would love it if all 3 of them are still in the house. They only have to get Zach on the block.
Kail asks Jen to speak with Dick about putting Zach on the block.
BB announcement about HG you are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions with other HG.
Jen feels there should be a penalty nom for repeated violation of the rules. They make fun of the various announcements in the house.
Mike gets out the HT, riveting food discussion ensues. All three decide to get out. They rag a little more on Zach and go inside.
9:25 BBT
Dick, Eric, Jess and Zach in big beds room. Jen joins the group.
They feel having their parents in the BB house would be weird. They begin talking about people in the van during casting and Foth.
They begin talking about meeting people in the hotel during casting. Foth.
They begin talking about the food competition and diving in a tub for different foods.
Jameka and Dustin speaking on the hammock, talking about Amber. Dustin feels he knew they would be safe this week.
Switch feeds: Mike, Kail and Jen in bathroom getting ready to workout. No real conversation going on. Kail goes to backyard to get the 15 pound weights. Jameka and Dustin say she is amazing looking for her age with three kids.
Kail says that Dick told her that Jen told Dick all about their alliance. Jen denies it, and says if she told him anything it wasn't anything that mattered.
Kail says Dick is mad because Kail won't have another conversation with him. They talk about the Zach strategy again. Kail says she is going to stop hanging around Mike.
Feed switches, bedroom group moving to the backyard. Mike sitting by himself in the kitchen, Zach has joined Jameka and Dustin at the hammock.
Back to the gym: Kail and Jen laughing about who would be in the sequester house. Say the show would move there if Jen Kail and Dick were all there together. They imagine Zach there and say that would be a horror show.
9:45 BBT
Zach speaking with Dustin by the hammock. Jameka left, Zach saying he made a mistake getting involved so early with MRA. Says he is glad the alliance was outed because now he doesn't give a f*ck. Conversation turns to his ex. a little foth.
Zach hates the awkwardness of dating, he just wants his ex back. At the end of the day, she is the one he always thinks about. He thinks bad things, the worst being that she may be dating someone else right now. foth
Dustin doing a good impression of a therapist.
Nick & Daniele in the HOH Room
They have the screen on, checking up where other houseguest are. Nick is making fun of Eric in how he walks on his tippy toes.
Dick walks in thinking they two of them are talking about him, but they said they are talking about Mike.
They are talking about the 7 stupid outfits Mike wore today.
Daniele is talking about how she was outside and Kail asked if she had any questions for her....laughing. Kail was asked if she has won HOH this week would she have put up Daniele and Evil on the block. She said she would do that, because she has a connection with me, not sure if it because you are like my daughter, she doesn't trust nick or zach. I never hardly talk to Nick, Zach and Mike. The day before I (Kail) leave, I (Kail) am going to tell you everything about Nick.
Nick thinks Kail will tell her that he is using Daniele and their feelings are real and he is using her as a pawn to get further in the game.
Basically go over the same BS over and over again.
Nick, Daniele & Dick in HOH
They are talking about fucking with Kail but keeping her in the house. Having her nominated on the block for three weeks in a row and how she would be stressed out and flip out.
Kail is saying Dick is twisting everything she tells him.
Dick told Jen that if she wants to talk, he is willing to talk to her.
They can't have Jen be HOH today
Jen and Kail need to go in the next two weeks.
They are talking about if they keep winning HOH that they will need to back door Jen in order to get her out of the house.
They are go over people they want to get out of house, who would be the most annoying to keep around.
Dustin Nick Daniele in the HOH room
Kail told dustin if she is still here after Thursday, she is going to put up Zach on the block. Seems like Zach is pissing and annoying people off. (Nick said he has a small penis). Nick is talking about Daniele having a dream about it (zach's dick).
Amber is very sick and sleeping.
Zach tells Dustin he likes Nick alot. Nick said he is ready to screw him over.
Daniele left the room
Kail hasn't confronted Nick yet, but he said she won't because she doesn't know what is going to happen yet.
Jen told Dick about Nick's alliance. Dick has outing everyone's alliances in the house.
Dustin wants HOH so bad next week. Nick please but up Zach and Kail. Dustin said Zach and Jen. Jen wins POV again.
HOH could be endurance this week. Zach will never go aftering winning HOH.
Jen and Kail are getting ready for bed. Well maybe Kail is going to bed....Jen has her swimming suit on......or something with her shirt.
Dick comes to the bathroom asking who is in their. Jen says me, he says are you pooping, she says no just changing.....he said he will wait......(not like people care, but trying to report)
10:55pm BBT
Dustin, Nick, Daniele in the HOH room
Nick is telling daniele she would like Minnesota. Talking about how Halloween parties are in Minnesota.
They are shocked at how Dick is never in the HOH room and he still sleeps downstairs in the dungeon with Kail, Mike, Jen.
Dustin is going to go downstairs to take care of Amber, he will give Nick and Daniele the thumbs up or down on their cookies.
Dustin gets on the dinner table and tells them 2-3 mins.....lol
11:18 BBT
Outside Dustin Jess Dani Jameka Eric and Dick outside talking.
Talking about eating...
Jen joins em outside.
11:30 BBT
Zach bashing going on
11:35 BBT
Danile talking to Dani telling her to watch out for Nick saying Nick never clewans and caught him cleaning with Mike and whipsering to him.
Dick say Zach has to go next week.Dick warns her to watch out.
Danile says she knows
Outside the Zach bashing continues
11:39 BBT
Nick and Daniele in Bathrrom talking about Jen saying she ttok a pic of her poop once.
Nick asks for a hug and says "that was a lame one"
Nick saying 11:30 at night he can't stay up..Dani "oh my God"
Outside they go.
Talking about sleeping arrangements.
11:45 BBT
Jen sitting all by herself on the hammock and Dick yells "are you playing with yourself" becuase the cameras were focusing on her.
Dick asking about her sharing her bed and says she will as longs as it's not Zach. Dick joking says it is..Jen laughing and says "i'll kick your ass".
11:57 BBT
Most HG outside just talking....
Nick and Danile have gone to bed
Outside the HG that are up are outside talking...talking about previous BB seasons
Nick and Dani in the BR, Nick's brushing his teeth, Dani is washing her face.
They talk and flirt. Dani says tomorrow is going to be boring (Thanks for the warning, Dani!)
Jess comes out of the toliet and washes her hands. Nick begins to pick at his face and ponder his facial hair. Dani has started to brush her hair. Nick decides to enter the toliet...Dani: "Be careful, Jessica's poop may still be in there."
Dani leaves and goes to the LR coffee table, picks up some garbage from the table and puts it in the kitchen trashcan. She walks to the smallbed room, Nick joins her and the two of them get ready for bed.
They whisper things into each others ears and then lie down. Him on the floor, her in the bed in the corner, opposite him. She decides to lay down with him instead and grabs her blankets and joins him on the floor.
More whispering...little chuckles here and there...whatever they are whispering about is making the two of them giggle alot.
Dani asks if he could change any one thing from his past what would it be.
Nick: "Nothing."
Dani: "I would not have dropped out and gone to college or made a better attempt at a carreer, one or the other."
Nick: "I've done things I regret, but they been the things that shaped me into the person I am today."
More whispering...and looking longingly into each others faces. They hold pinkies.
Dani and Nick, on the floor, in the smallbed room snuggle and nestle/nuzzle each other. They occasionally whisper to each other saying things that make them laugh quietly with each other. Nick takes a finger and traces her face, down to her lips. Dani playfully tries to bite his finger. They whisper more...
Dani pretends to spit on Nick, Nick pretends to spit back. They go back and forth for awhile until both of them pretend to clear their throats for a big spit..Dani spits first and Nick waves his hand if front of his nose and scrunches up his face. Dani: "Hey...I just brushed my teeth."
They giggle more and whisper more...FOTH
They are now both under the covers and there is destinctive kissing sounds. The blanket is moving as Nicks arm moves up and down Dani's side.
Lots of movement now, and the mics are picking up their hearts beats. Definitely getting a faster pulse.
All of a sudden Dani gets up and walks away. Nick readjusts his pillow and lays back down. Then falls slowly to sleep. The camera pans the smallbed room and then back to a loudly breathing Nick.
Cam switch to BigBed room where Dustin and Amber whisper to each other from the big beds.
The two of them talk about what tomorrow will bring.
Amber wonders if the camera is following her. Dustin says no that she probably hears the one from the other room.
Amber says she wants to win HOH next week. Dustin starts talking about someone back home that he's worried about...FOTH
Dustin starts talking about how his brother was very supportive of hie being on the show. How he's also loaned him money in the past and how he's always kinda looked out for him...FOTH
Cam switch to Dick and Jess outside. Jess is knocking some nerfgolf balls around while Dick roams the BY, smoking and giving pointers to Jess on her form. He picks up another club and the two of them swat the ball back and forth to each other. Eric and Jameka, meanwhile, sit on the patiocouch and give pointers from the peanut gallery.
Jess and Dick continue to play with the big nerf balls. They've gone from hitting them back and forth with giant golf clubs to just lobbing them at each other. Eric and Jameka watch from the patiocouch.
FOTH again...
They all joke about Zach and the size of his penis. Aparently it is very small. They are calling it a peanut. Saying he couldn't find a cup in such a small size. Jameka wants to do a diray room session after witnessing Zach's penis. Just to talk about how small it is.
Jameka has gone inside...Dick, Eric and Jess sit outside and talk about Jees' cheerleading history.
Dick and Eric try to talk Jess into sharing one of her routines with them. She declines and Dick says that Carol must be a better dancer. Jess: "Yeah, right."
The three of them discuss what happened to Jameka, she was supposed to be just brushing her teeth and coming right back so they all could go into the DR together and talk about Zach's mini-member.
Dick then gives a message to the cams to his son. He then asks Jess to say "hi" to Vincent.
Conversation turns to the Iraq war. Jess' brother in is the armed services and is serving duty over there right now.
She says he'll probably get out when a new president is inaugurated.
Erci wishes they could get a newspaper in the house. He says he likes the NewYorkTimes. Dick: "Don't you mean the JewYorkTimes?"
Jess says she only reads the comics and the gossip columns.
Dick, Jess, Jameka and Eric discuss the game.
Jen comes out and conversation stops. Dick asks her what she's up to. Jen says she's just coming out to say goodnight. Everyone wishes her a goodnight and she goes back inside.
They continue to talk about the game, then about Zach. Zach is pushy, Zach is a boaster, Zach has a small penis, Zach doesn't need money, etc.
Jameka says that Mike would definitely put her up. Dick says not as long as he's in the house that Mike will target Dick first.
Dick says that the four of them (Zach, Mike, Kail and Jen) will put up two people that will split the house completely, that is the biggest danger.
Cam switch to BigBed room with Amber and Dustin talking about a dream that Amber had where Jameka and herself ended up as the final 2. Amber starts discussing her preshow handler "Frasier", and how he mentioned that Amber was cut from the show and how....FOTH
Cams back as Amber walks out of the Bigbed room. Dustin watches her leave and lays back down. Amber goes to the BR and into the head. She comes out, washes her hands, plays with her hair, puts in some eyedrops and then goes to the kitchen. She gets a glass, fills it with water and ice and then goes back to the bigbed room.
She hands the glass to Dustin and then peels a banana and noshes on it while Dustin talks about the days activities.
Cams come back and Dustin and Amber settle back into bed. They both say goodnight.
...in the BY all is quiet with Jameka, Dick, Eric and Jess.
Jameka asks: "What is that saying? What a tangled web we weave."
They start discussing Nick and Dick is hoping that Eric will win HOH soon so he can nominate Nick for eviction.
Eric says he would definitely put him up, but that it probably won't need to be done for a couple of weeks. They also start to discuss NOT getting rid of Mike this week. That Dick should keep his aim on one of the two girls who want him out the most. With Jen off the block then Kail has to go. After her then Zach and Jen and then we can worry about Nick.
Dick said that Zach is pissed at Jen, not at Kail. Eric says Jen has absolutely no game wits about her. They all believe that Kail has thrown Jen under the bus.
Eric wants to know what the difference between today and yesterday is to make Dick not want her to be voted out of the house. Dick says he has her by the neck and she owes him big time if she is to stay. Eric is really trying to figure out where Dick's head is regarding the Mrs. Robinson alliance. Dick says that Kail told him that her and Mike are the "founding members" of the alliance and that Zach and Nick and Jen are satellite members.
As of this moment, his intention is to put Mike up on the block, against Kail.
Dick gets up and goes to knock some balls around the yard. Jameka, Jess and Eric chit-chat.
Eric mentions that Amber went full-frontal today. He explains that BB wouldn't show it on TV and that they'd probably edit it out of the feeds.
Talk suddenly turns back to bagging on Zach. That he eats too much, that he makes people wait to eat, that he bad mouths other peoples cooking but doesn't really ever cook for himself. That he misquotes the bible. That he's a bad story teller. That he talks too much.
Jameka starts talking about Dustin. How he made a comment about starting an alliance and wanted to know if he should tell Amber. Then Jameka says that Amber herself is starting to wonder about Dustin lately.
Dick says that "Him and Joe are the biggest f***ing drama queens. Joe's bigger but Dustin is for sure a f***ing drama queen." They talk about he went into a huff over some meatballs and how he got all angry and threw a tantrum when someone told him that Eric was a better comp host.
Jameka is worried that Dustin has been spreading that the two of them are in an alliance. Jameka says "That certainly warrants a back-door approach."
They say that Dustin would put up Zach and Jen if he got HOH.
Dick says they'll try to put him up every chance they get. He wonders who would go up against him to insure his exit. Eric says their is no one in the house that would last against Dick on the block.
Jameka talks about winning HOH and never allowing Mike or Zach to come in.
Dick says he locks HOH and hides the remote. Then goes on to complain about Nick being in HOH with Dani and watching the Cam Feeds. That it makes him really mad.
Dick is now complaining about the way that Dani is still treating him. She's always making some sort of jab at him, when he really feels like he's trying.
Dick says he was sooo mad when Julie mentioned something about Nick and Dani "playing the married couple".
Eric says Julie always says that kind of stuff.
Dick is still mad, saying that her boyfriend saw that and it's taking it so much more seriously then it really is. Eric says that it IS that way in the house. They're just saying stuff that they see everyday. They're not exposing secret alliances, they're asking about something that we're all aware of.
Jameka says she was really nervous during the question though, cause she was sitting next to Nick at the time.
Jameka then goes on to further "threaten" Dustin and his admittance of them being in an alliance. Jameka says: "I talk for myself. What I've told people personally is the truth and what he's doing is speaking for me. That's not gonna happen." She says she will win HOH when she good darned ready. Jess says she's next for HOH.
Talk turns to the competitions, water weight gain, Zach, dancing, Jen's menstrual cycle, etc.
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- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Sunday, July 22
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