Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Thursday, July 19

Normal Primp session Thursday! Joe Scrambles but hits the road, ED is victorious!

4:15 am
2 cams on sleepers 2 on JEN AND EVEL
They're outside, couches. This is the gist of what was said so far. Jen doesn't want to seem unpredictable that's why she put up Dick and Daniele. She doesn't like liars. Dick told Jen that she basically looked slutty with the unitard bathing suit. That it was too over the top for this 'microcosm'... she has a great body, looks great in the unitard as it was meant to be worn... she needs to wear something that attracts people, not repel them...she was foolish to wear something like that with all the girls in the house. That she's very smart and shouldn't be presenting the other side. Jen said she's been in a bikini (modeling) since she was 18 and that's the way she and her friends dress and it's normal. That's when Dick said it's fine for vacations, etc. how he dated Ms. Hawaiian Tropic contestants and it's cool to have suits like that but not in the house. Jen said she had to do something to go in the hot tub. She only talks to her friends and didn't know the others. She is now getting to know them.

Dick called her out about how she threatened everyone the morning of the nominations. How Amber should have gone back on her but cried, which she does and then he mentioned some other people who called her on her bitchiness. They agreed it was the best TV so far LOL

In that vein, Dick said when Kail killed all her chances in the game. She's going to be going home to Oregon and her family. She really screwed up. Dick asking if Jen realizes her alliance is the one everyone is gunning for. Jen said she knows, but what is she going to do. Dick said he's a man of his word.

Back to Kail... Jen said did you tell her that she allied herself with the one person everyone hates. Dick said, yes, in the hammock. Dick saying besides Kail and you, Mike is the one he's had the most in-depth conversations... Dick is the only one besides a few others. Mike has placed himself in a bad position because of the Mrs. Robinson alliance (the original just between the two).

Dick tagged it Mrs. Robinson and when he started teasing Kail about it she played dumb and said who is this Mr. and Mrs. Robertson LOL

Dick said that Jen's alliance can't win HOH every week. He's not overly worried about anything. He's going to take it one week at a time. He and Jen are media ho's... Dick saying he went back through archives and 'they' type every word they say LOL (no way! hehehe) Jen surprised (sure!)

Who holds a grudge longer... Dick or Daniele ... prob. Daniele; once Dick vents, that's it... over and done (not with Jen though LOL)...Who cheated on whom... Joe or Dustin Back to Mike... he and ED haven't talked game at all. Back to Jen...why she's with Kail, a sinking ship he doesn't understand. Dick laughing about the mushroom and Kail winning and all the dives peep made. Saying Jen winning HOH with 9 gallons was effing ridiculous...not that she cheated but... Dick saying once one of her alliance is gone, it's over. She said it's a fresh start. He said they're still going to be gunning for her.

5 am
Jen and ED laughing at Kail's denial about the alliance... how stupid she is about it. Dick saying he's got seven or eight votes. Now he's saying he doesn't care if he's up on the block; as long as he gets where he wants to go, it doesn't matter. Dick almost slipped about what he's learned about certain people. The question ED poses to people is "Who will get you further in the game?"

Bat is back but doesn't come to visit... it's making a lot of noise... Jen wondering if it's a mating call LOL Jen thinks Kail will win the HOH tomorrow (today). Dick said there are a lot of people who are going to be going after her, Kail, seriously this week. Jen can't play so doesn't care... but Dick said she has the risk of her alliance being busted up. Jen feels she'd be on the outskirts because of the alliances that have already been formed (if she stepped away from Mrs. Robinson)... what is she supposed to do. So she's sticking with it.

Dick just told Jen that if he was working to get her out he wouldn't be hanging with her for 24/7. Questioning Daniele and Nick situation (Jen is)...saying how she could do this to her boyfriend of 2 1/2 years, the have a dog. Dick saying that Daniele, who hadn't spoken to him in 2 years, came to him of all people, because she is being torn apart by this thing with Nick. Dick saying she hasn't crossed the line. The BF may be freaking, jealous. T

hey, Dani and Nick, have not said they love each other or had relations.... so it's not beyond repair, if it needs to be repaired. Jen feels that Daniele may not have Nick or her boyfriend after this show. Dick pointing out that Nick lives in Minnesota and Dani in LA... point made. Doesn't think either would move. Nick may be playing Daniele. Because of how they've secluded themselves from the rest of the house, they've put a target on themselves. If one of them betrays the other, the house won't trust either.... what's to say they'd honor their word with you (meaning anyone who betrays a friendship.. even Amber and Dustin)

Dick saying he's trusted people with info, including Jen. She said his info will not get out as long as her's doesn't get out. She's true to her word...just as Dick is. (kindered spirits?!) Dick saying Jen should bail on her alliance and run! Jen telling how she got involved in that alliance... pulled in due to Kail. Dick said that Kail is the type of person, who outside the house, would scoff at Jen. Jen saying they speak deeply, that Kail knows more about Jen the he knows.

Back to HOH... Dick doesn't think anyone would throw HOH this week, not even Zach. Joe told everyone that Dick started the campaign to get Zach nom'd. Jen knows it wasn't Dick, he never approached her.

5:40 am
I think Dick said he's shocked... no surprised, that he is/isn't going home tomorrow (today). He's headed to the washer/dryer, picked up something on the dryer and threw it over his shoulder... he's drinking soda and burping like a champion. Moving things around in seating area, collecting glasses and cups and heading inside. He just folded the teeshirt on the counter and headed back outside again. Moving his bunnies LOL Adjusting hot tub jets and temp and covering it... back inside... back outside... grabbing bunnies and heading back inside.

Ewww he just coughed and spat outside...

back inside with the bunnies, walking around...
into living room..
onto the coffee table and positions them as if they're procreating Bad cough

Removing boots, then socks... collected teeshirt from counter and is headed through living room and into bedroom... stopped at door and placed his boots and shirt at entrance and headed back to the bathroom... into privy (and as we know, Dick doesn't remove his mic) past sinks, back to the bedroom and in. Oh... earlier, he told Jen that if he gets HOH he won't be sleeping in that room... too removed from everything. Another mistake Kail and she made.

Dick/ED/Evel... finally into bed at 5:52 am

8 am

8:30 am
We have Big Blue

9:25 am
The houseguests have been awakened. Some got something to eat, some coffee or tea. They've been sequestered... locked down... in the HOH room. Daniele wants brownies... someone mentioned donuts... Dani ask's if they mean Dunken Donuts....no... the other... Krispy Kreme (omg soooo good) and how they're all closing down.

Papa ED saying the expanded too quickly. Jameka in bathroom, rinsing conditioner off her hair. Kail is in there showering I think. Don't hear/see her.

Jen in bed, Jess next to her.

amber and Dustin sitting on the straightback chairs with little table,
Mike sitting on the end of the bed.
Dick in one of the upholstered chairs,
Eric in another... you get the idea lol

9:32 am
still on lockdown. Wonder what BB's up to downstairs. Jen said the music seemed louder today. Saying one of the songs they heard three or four times already and the other a few times. Someone whistled the melody of a song and we have BigBlue

Everyone is tired... want to go back to sleep. Quiet. Nick restorted to reading the blurb on a moisturizer label.

9:40 am
with the sound of Kail drying her hair in the HOH bathroom, I leave you with TRIVIA Just wanted to let you know that Eric is/was listening to Jen's music (do they still have a CD player? LOL) Jen was trying to get the remote to the spycam to work. Jess appears to be sleeping. Kail sitting on night table on Jen's side of the bed. This appears on two cams. Trivia on the other two...only the annoying BB theme song playing...no voices

Back for a bit. Very very quiet. Looks llike Amber is blowing Jameka's hair dry in the bathroom. In the bedroom, three peep sleeping on the bed, two nodding on the upholstered chairs and everyone else laying on the floor trying to sleep LOL Jameka is humming but BB didn't hear or overlooked it because of the noise from the dryer.

Nothing really going on, Jen & Kail are packing up her HOH room. Zach asked Dick if he can have his bed, Dick said no I will be sleeping there tonight! I think they have been playing the BB theme song today and Dick said he is so sick of this MF'n song.

All cameras on the bathroom. HGs party in the bathroom. I don't know how many are in the bathroom. But there are at least 5 or 6 of them in there.

Seconds later, the trivia FOTH came on.

Back from FOTH, Jen/Eric/Jessica/Dick/Jameka in the bedroom, appear to be discussing questions for HOH and items being moved in the house(Jen mentions a table in a different place?) Eric: I think it's going to be all about Carol... "was Carol's BBQ scheduled for July 20?" Jessica is yelling back to them from another room, will someone wake her up... says thankyou to those who said yes, I hate you to those who said no .

Joe/Zach in the SR
Joe: as far as I know, Nick is voting for me to stay
Zach: all you need is for Nick to come to me and tell me he is keeping you in, then I'll keep you in Joe: two weeks, I give you my word
Joe leaves, tells Kail quickly that all he needs is Nick to tell Zach... Kail tells him to talk with Mike Joe goes to the couch where Mike is laying and explains
Mike: Nick and Zach are not down
Joe: I've talked to Nick, and he said he can't tell anyone, because of Daniele...
Mike: ok Joe goes past Kail again, she mentions talking to Jameka Joe goes to Daniele in bedroom
Joe: I need you to talk to Jameka
Dani: what do you want me to say?
Joe: whatever you need to say to keep me here
Joe goes to the kitchen... Nick comes by
Joe: where is your mic?
Nick: I'm just not going to talk
Joe: grab it and meet me in the gym

Joe/Nick in gym Joe talking fast..
Joe: are you really voting to keep me? if you give me your word... and they leave...
BB: Nick, please put on your microphone
Joe goes back to bedroom and continues packing...
Nick is... Trivia?!?!?!?

2:16 pm
Joe is in the weight room and Nick is just leaning in with the door open. Joe is talking in a very fast, very agitated voice. He's pointing his finger and sort of jerking his arm up and down while he talks.
Joe tells Nick that he has three votes for sure. Mike, Kail and Jess. He says that Nick needs to tell Zach that he is voting for Joe!
Joe: Are you really voting to keep me??
Nick: What?
Joe: Are you really voting to keep me??
Nick: I wanted to. Everything is flipped now.
Joe: No, it's not! All you have to do is tell Zach. If you tell Zach you are voting for me, he just gave me his word that he will vote for me. That's five. I don't have to worry about Jameka. I don't have to worry about Dani. I just need one of them. If you mean that you are going to vote for me, I have Kail, Mike and Jessica, you, Zach, done. If you give me your word that you are, talk to him and tell him. Like no pussyfooting around. Straight up yes, that's what I'm doing!!! They quickly walk away from the weight room.
BB: Nick, please put on your microphone.

2:21 pm

FOTH with trivia.

Nick still can't find his mic.
Joe sits down on the couch next to Jen.
Joe: Hey! Seems like we have enough for a tie.
Kail walks by, stops and listens.
Joe asks if Jen is still about keeping him if they tie.
She says "Mmm hmm." He says good and gets up.
Houseguests are getting the vacuum out, getting ready for the live show.

2:35 pm
just heard Jessica/Jen in bathroom getting fixed up for the show discussing the HOH for tonight, said last week was hard trying to match everyone else, tonight will be easier since it's just true/false

3 pm
FOTH still

3:39 pm
Still on FOTH for quite a while now!

3:49 pm
Feeds are back Nick and Dani are whispering in the bedroom and alot of what they are saying is hard to hear.
Apparently while we were seeing FOTH Joe and Nick got into it in the gym. Nick told Joe he knew that Joe brought his name up to go on the block and Joe said, I didn't just say your name! Apparently Joe cut him off and said "Whatever" and then told Nick that he was the one person he trusted the most! Nick then told Joe that he didn't trust him because he was making deals with every single person in the house!

Feeds swtich to Amber Dick and Eric in the bathroom. They are giving Amber a hard time. Dick went into WR and Amber ran over to Eric and they started whispering. Shower was running and couldn't hear a word of it!
Feeds have now switched to Joe telling Kail what happened earlier with Nick. They are in the store room and Joe can't believe that Nick is believing Dani (?)

Nick and Zach are in the weight room.
Very rushed, excited talk.
Zach: I didn't! I swear to God! They just gang-raped me!
Nick is telling Zach that "they" came in and told Nick that he needs to tell Zach the way Nick will vote. Nick told them (whomever) that Zach will vote as he wants to vote.
Nick says he is voting Joe out. He asks if Zach is also, and Zach says yes. He is voting Joe out. Nick says that Joe personally attacked him. Zach says that Joe personally attacked him, too. Nick says that Jen is the one who told him (Nick) that Nick would be put up. Zach says that Jen is the one who told him that he would be put on the block, too!
Zach says he isn't "doing anything," and he swears he is voting Joe out.
Zach says it is "Jenius" and she is working it.

Zach says that he pulled Mike in and told Mike that Nick lied to Joe and Zach lied to Joe, and that he is voting Joe out, and so is Zach. They wanted to be clear with Mike. Zach says that Mike said he already knew that they weren't really keeping Joe. Zach says he wanted to make sure Mike knew, because of the "loyalty thing." Nick says Kail is freaking out because she is hellbent on having Dick out. Nick: It's me, you, Amber, Dustin, Dani, Jess, Eric. They have the numbers to vote out Joe Nick says he is staying away from everyone, as they only have an hour left to go. Nick says he wants to be around "everybody" so that no one can talk to him and try to talk him out of it. Zach agrees.

They leave.

4:36 pm
Jameka just told Joe that he did not have her vote to stay!

6:14 pm
Feeds back Dani and Amber jumping around and hugging in the SR.
They are really excited that Dick won HOH!!
Feeds switch to all HG's in the kitchen talking about how the game was kinda confussing and they are giving Dani a hard time saying that she said Crap on the air and that is a dirty word. She says it isn't

6:18 pm
They are getting ready to play zooma zooma in the Kitchen. They are all hungry and what time to pass by quick so the food will hurry up and be there!

Oops. They just showed the HOH room and two production crew were folding up all of Jen's HOH stuff

6:21 pm
Dustin is in the Dining Room talking making a speech to everyone and telling them that they will now see the side of him they wants them to see! He is really excited to be able to not constantly feel degraded and he thinks everyone for their vote!!! Dick says he thinks they will all see a different side of Dustin in the weeks to come. They are all very welcoming of his speech!

7: pm
Nick, Jem & Dick in tiny room. Jem states her votes are based on consistency. Dick rehashes what went down with Kail and that he called her out because she went against what she said in the hammock. Dick putting up Jen & Kail, but will campaign for Kail to be evicted. Jem states Kail blew it by not being consistent. Nick pretty much not saying anything & just listening.
Dick then goes into giant room & talks with Amber about confronting Kail. Amber says Kail knows she is done and that Kail's alliance is done & blown up.

7:30 pm
Nick & Zach playing golf in BY. Mike on treadmill in gym by himself. Others in kitchen making small talk about days in house so far. Jem has a pimple forming and the HGs "stamp" on it.

Dick joins Nick & Zach in BY -- states that Eric was the prognasticator in everything (didn't elaborate). Ewww -- Dick talks about pulling a Howie/Boogie up in the HoH room, in particular the big bathtub. TMI!! Dick then talks about his son & friends watching tonight while drinking beer.
Danielle comes out and whispers to Dick about Kail freaking out & the alliance is done. HGs are starting to move to the backyard. Kail doing her laundry.

7:48 pm
Mike & Kail alone talking in round BR. Kail thinks she is going. It'll be either Kail & Mike or Kail & Jen going up. Mike tells Kail minutes before live show, Nick came into the LR fuming after Kail talked to him. Kail tells Mike that she confronted Nick and asked Nick if he and Zach had a side deal going on. Kail tells Mike that Joe told her that if he (Joe) gets evicted that Joe told someone to give Kail a secret message and for Kail to wait a day or two for that message if Joe was evicted. They think it is Jess who will have a message for Kail. Mike tells Kail to wait it out and see what it is. Kail says, "If it's even true. Who knows with Joe."
Kail isn't sure whether to call Nick out now or wait to see how he votes. Mike tells Kail he will be talking to Nick & Zach tonight and will get back to Kail after his conversation with them. Mike tells Kail he is pissed for missing that question in the HoH comp and that they'll figure something out. Mike showering alone now.

8:33 pm
All head up to HoH room. Dick explaining pix. Dani says, "I remember this one from the light house." To which Dick name drops, "You mean when No Doubt showed up?"
He has Ben & Jerry's ice cream, Cherry Garcia and Carmel Sutra; Guiness beer.
Talks about a "No Doubt" cover band called "No Dud" that he knows. They played and "No Doubt" showed up & played a set minus Gwen Stefani.
A photog friend took a series of pictures of Dick and his son & Dani when they were 4 and 3 years old and one of those pix when Dick "was good looking" is up there. Dick is surprised to see it. He doesn't know where BB got the pictures and the HGs joke about how weird it is that no one can figure out where BB gets the pics for the HoH room.
Dani wants to read her grandmother's letter to Dick. She thinks it looks short.
Jessica asks how old Dick's son is, she thinks he's hot. Amber agrees he's hot.

8:48 pm
Dick holds court in the HoH room with Dani, Jem, Eric, Jess & Amber. He is putting up Kail & Jen, with Mike as the 3rd. He wants all to vote out Kail and all agree they will vote out Kail. Eric comments that with the way they choose players for PoV there is no way to really backdoor. Dani says that Kail was crying earlier and Dick reiterates that as soon as he won HoH he went right up to Kail and told her if she would have honored their hammock deal, she would have been okay, but he is coming after her. Jem asks Dick if he is sure Kail did that and Dick says absolutely and Kail is done. This is going to be an easy week for him and no one better say anything about the plan.
Dick leaves the HoH room.
Eric tells Jem, Dani, Jess & Amber that he does not like Kail AT ALL. Says Kail came up to him and had a half hour fit about Dick coming after her. Eric doesn't f-ing care and states that Kail was sloppy about it and made a fool of herself. He knows what he is going to say when he votes out Kail. Eric said that Kail thought it would be a 5-5 vote with Jen breaking the tie.
Food comes and all run down to feed. Nick comes up to get Dani -- they are alone in HoH and they hug. Nick excited that they have a "free week" this week. Dani cheers, "Yay!" They head down to kitchen to eat.

9:05 pm
Feeding time. Dick makes a short speech that he is glad everyone is off of slop and able to eat and that this week will be a good week for everyone.
Dick is asked about how his mother's letter was. He hasn't read it yet. Plans to read it later and then let Dani read it. Dani then jokes she'll let everyone else read it after. Dick expects the letter could have serious things written in it, as his relationship has been rocky with his mother. She is an ordained minister and they have had issues relating to his lifestyle and the kids (Dani & her brother).

9:21 pm
All houseguests are still finishing up at the dinner table. General chit chat going on around the table. Several of the slop ladies got really full really quick and were worried about over doing it. They are discussing Carol and joking that she will be back in five weeks.
Dick: everyone knows what is up and I am not doing anything unexpected. It will be a nice pass and we will have a great week
Nick: Man I have been F****** gunning for them, you will laugh when you know everything
Dick: It will be nice for none of us to have to play game for a week
Dick: between yesterday and today with all this running around with Kail and Joe it would be easy to go up and say F*** you guys, but I knew just sitting back that they were going to get it. Joe came out and told Zack that someone was talking about Zack. Zack asks who and Joe says I forgot.
Now they are dissing Zack. Dick doesn't like lying to him, he is the only one Dick is lying too but he feels he has too. Nick says he can't stand it either and that Zack is really dumb.

9:45 pm
Dick is really opening up in the By to Zack, Jameka, Jess talking about bill collector's,bankruptcy, and life in general. Zack is liking seeing a different side of Dick, tells him he feels like Dick has grown as a person and wonders if Dick will walk out of her new person
Other feed on Dustin Amber. AMber tooting Dustin's horn about how he is sooooo mature for a 22 year old
Feeds then switch to Kail telling Mike that Nick started the whole alliance. Telling Mike that Nick approached her about starting a 2 person alliance. Kail wanted a bigger alliance and pulled the other boys in. Then she says nick came to her again and wanted just them two in an alliance and Kail would not shake on it.
They now get caught by Dustin walking by (umm do they really think no one knows they are together)

10:13 pm
Kail is now trying to get Amber and Dustin stirred up and telling them about her whole Mrs. Robinson alliance and basically blabbing everything. I think she is trying to convince them that the other two people (nick and Zack) in her alliance aren't trustworthy! Amber and Dustin are listening but Amber says can you just leave for a few minutes so we can figure this out. Kail leaves and Then we get stinkin FOTH
Feeds are back and Kail is relaying what she has told them so far to Mike. AMber and Dustin are using that stupid color thing where they designate each HG with a color and talk about them. I can't decipher it and I don't wanna try!

10:30 pm
Amber is now relaying all info to Nick now about Kail and Nick says he planned on telling Dick anyway! They think Kail is trying to get him up but it won't work with Dick. Dustin is keeping Mike and Kail occupied! Nick is saying that he is putting his a** on the line for Amber, Dani, and someone else that he will go before them
now feeds switch to Dick in HOH talking to Dani in the HOH room and they are talking really nice (ahhhhh). they are talking about the HOH questions and how the tiebreaker was stressful.
Dustin is feeding a bunch of bull to Mike and Kail about staying strong
Oh lord now feeds are switching back to Nick and AMber
Nick says that he really does have feelings for dani no matter what anyone says
Now they leave the Gym
kail is still pitching the exact same thing to Dustin but now Mike is there.

10:35pm BBT
Daniele tells amber, jess & eric how she saw Jen's "Vajajay" for like 20 mins solid, she was sitting with only a towel on and her legs were apart (and Jen's not even drunk tonight)
Dani says she has been eating for an hour and a half. Amber saying she feels like she wants to throw up.

10:40 pm
Dustin is trying to give Kail "advice" about what to do. He is just telling her what he thinks she wants to hear. Keeps telling her that she needs to go to the two people that turned on her and call them out. Kail is saying she didn't lie to Dick. She said she told him she would tell him if she is changing her vote. She did campaign but wasn't sure if she was gonna vote for him cause she didn't have the votes so she wasn't sure she was voting for him.

10:50 pm
Amber and Nick are now relaying the story to Dani in the BR. They are talking about how funny it is that Kail thinks this all new information. Zack starts to walk in and and Amber completely switches it to that she is talking about Dustin. ONce Zack walks out she says F*** you zack and they start making fun of him. Amber tells Dani that Kail said that there was a girl she really wanted to tell that a guy was using her. Dani thinks this is really really funny!!! Then the sink gets turned on and I can't hear. After this Dani says she wants to go to bed and leaves the BR.
Kail walks into the BR and tells Amber that Dustin told her to not talk to ED tonight. To let him cool down and then talk to him tomorrow! (lol). Amber said that was her idea and she thinks Kail should not aproach him tonight.(in order to give nick time to talk to ED about everything)
Dick is out back talking about how he can't go to bed until the sun begins to rise!!!

11:01pm BBT
Kail explains to Amber that Jen was never officially part of Mrs. R... just a "best friend" but feels that Dick thinks she's officially part of it. Kail keeps talking about her "free pass" that she had with Dick even thought she backstabbed him.

11:02 pm
Kail is completely squirming. Trying to figure out a good time to talk to Dick. Think tomorrow after food comp. would be a good time.
Explaining dicks sleep schedule. *crazy late nights*
Dick does towels and dishes every night *early morning really*
Kail keeps saying she got played. And whoever they are friends are "are getting played" She's trying to plant a seed in Ambers head about Zach and Nick. Amber doesn't seem overly convinced. *keeps brushing her teeth*
Kail is attempting to out "nick" on his double playing, and that he shouldn't be trusted. Kail explains that Jen and her aren't a tight alliance and that they just made a pact that they'd help each other as far as they can. Jen walks into the washroom, in a towel..breaking up the conversation between kail and amber.
Jen leaves after a brief talk about her unitard.

11:21 pm
Jess, Dani, Jameka, Jen all on BY couch just talking about stuff in general. They are talking abuot how good they will sleep tongith not being hungry
Several other HG's are playing Bowling using 2 liter bottles

10:32 BBt
Amber talking to a giddy Nick saying 'This is fucking awesome" abot HOH he tells her "don't worry" when she says she just wanted to warn him.
Kail still repeating herself about her vote failure.
Mike says he isn't one to hide anything in the house saying he knew Evel "was coming after me" and if the votes were there he would of try to get him out.
Mike leaves.
Dustin talking about the disinegartion of "the handshake'" alliance. Kail says you would be shocked if you knew who the 4th guy is.[almost evryone know]
Kail says why are they not campaigning to Evel not to put them up. "they're almost happy it's us"
Kail says between her and Jen it best friends and not a spoken alliance.
Dustin goin over the Kail and Evel agreement. Kail saying she knew she didn't have the votes and would have told told him once she got the votes she change her mind about their agreement. She never got the chance because she got cuss out by Evel and was obligated to vote him out.
[She's really just talking in circles going over the same thing]
Dustin says since Dick is on such a high horse he wouldn't care about her situation.
Evel comes in chit chats about nothing

10:44 BBt
Amber, Danile and Nick talking about Kail and her alliance mess. Danile laughing because they didn't use their names.
Amber saying she told her "i took one for the team" and they all laugh.
Danile says Kail wanted to talk to her probably about making a deal.
Since they are whispering and Amber has the water going I can't hear.

10:47 BBT
Dick and Kail in the kichen talking about tomorrow's comp.
Kail looks nervous.
Kail runs to Amber telling her she can't talk to Evel now. Amber say talk to him tomorrow about it. Kail wonders if she'll have enough time. Amber says he's up til 6:00 AM. Says Evel is staying in the same room as her and will wake up at 4am to talk to him. Kail says she doesn't expect him to change his mind but she wants him to know.
Kail says whoever her traitors are joining with they "are getting played". Again Kail goes over her vote failure.

10:55 BBT
Kail "One has been playing us for a long time and the other has just joined him a few days ago"
Amber agains says have you talked to them . Kail says "they run from us"
Outside Dick and Jameka talking about his outing of Kail in the kitchen. Jess is there. "one of them is going this week"
Back in the bathroom
Kail saying how she took it for her Alliance and Mike and Jen talked to them over and over. "Mike and I were slow to figure it out"
"i had a free pass"-Kail Amber "sorry ..that sucks"
Jen walks in and BB calls her to DR.
Kail says they are playing both sides moving with the powershift.
Amber asks about her alliance on "day two" Kail goes over it again.
Mike comes in to brush his teeth.
They move to the kitchen area.

Amber questions why she tried to get evel out when Dick told her he wasn't going after her. Kail is doing the full alliance martyr routine with Amber saying she did it to save Zach and Mike and one didn't even vote with her.
Kail says one of the guys is too well like to anyone to care. he's like '"walking on water"
Kail still hasn't mentioned to Amber that Nick is the other as she slipped up and told amber it is Zach.
Amber lying to Kail saying Dick id undersatnding.
Kail now has Dustin in her clutches and starts the whole story over[see previous posts]
Dick has started a bowling game and Amber joins in.
Dustin makes his exit to the backyard where the whole house is.

11:14 BBT
Everyone outside Amber giving Danile snipets of what's going down.
Kail looking worried glancing over at Amber sitting and whispering to Daniele.
Bowling game continues.
Amber says where is Eric? {called to DR}

11:22 BBT
The bowling game is being played using the nerf ball as the bowling ball and empty coke/soda 2 liter bottles as the pins. The golf clubs are used as the gutter/lanes.
A lot of food talk and nothing startegic so not much to post. probably will get busy again after the game.

11:39 BBT
In the kichen
Danile and Eric making a slop pie for Jameka's Bday. Jamekas supposed to wait until midnight to come in but came in early and a ver grateful Jameka was happy.
Jameka makes a bday wish and blows out the candle.
Eric says it looks festive and Jameka agrees.
Jameka very happy about her bday party.
Can't sing "happy birthday" as Eric said it would cost $10K in royalties. Jen says they will wait til Showtime is over to do it.

11:48 BBT
Nick Jameka Jess and Nick Eric sitting at the table just talking and doing her bday countdown..12mins.
Outside bowling game continues
11 mins to Jamekka's B-day
Jen and Mike talking about the live show the whole Magnus and Cragnus. Jen still gloating about all the airtime and talking about her in tonight's episode.
Talking about it would have been a punishment (Unitard) for certain girls like Jameka. Mike said "for the guys" and Jen said they would have had fun with it and could wear it as pants.
Back to the Kitchen talk about tomorrows comp. Eric offers to spin around naked on the lazy susan for the misnight countdown. A lot of kidding around.
Talking about the bed situations.
Eric is being dared licking off" Jameka" written on the table in one lick and swallow it. If he does it Jes will lick it off his nipple. She agrees.
Eric getting ready set gp he's doing it with everyone cheering him on he's got Jameka done...mission accomplished.
Eric on the lazy susan and Jameka putting the writing on his nipples Jameka "this is the way to Eric's heart"
Nick now drawing "weiners" on his nipples. Nicks's penis pic isn't too successful Jameka glad she's never come across one looking like that.
"Happy Bday"
Jameka speech thanking everyone and telling them she loves them.
One nipple has a heart the other a weiner.
Jess licks the heart off his nipple and the penis too. Everyone pounding on the table and clapping.{too funny}
Jess" I hope my dad wasn't watching"

12:09 BBT
Nick and Dustin outside Nick explaining what happened and "how he flipped it" he hopes he wasn't offended to told Amber and not him saying he has a good rapore with her. Told him he told Danile right away.
Nick says he'll tell dick but dick knows.
Dick comes out and says he knows a little from Jen. Nick starts telling him about it when Amber then Zach come out.
Zach now over with them folding clothes.
All talk stops and talk of tomorrow's wake up time ensues.
Dustin and Dick talking on the couch talking about a relaxing week for everyone except Kail and he say "fuck her" "you made your bed now you have to lie in it" "that alliance is dust"
Dustin asks for his 3 noms and zach walks up and sits down.
dustin says "I've never been arrested" but...his brother had a record because of using his brothers id
Mike and Kail talking about whether Dustin will keep it to himself. Kail hopes he doesn't. Mike says him and Amber and Eric were jumping up and down. The two think it's agood thing it will get to him to make him think.
Mike says He'll be able to figure it out.
Mike thinks Dick will put "2 and 2 together" since Joe and Zach talked right before the live show.
Kail is worried if Dustin will let evel know. mike is sure it will spread. "Our stickin alliance just...that makes me so mad" whinning about they just needed four. Mike say "for every action there is a reaction" Mike thinks there will be an uproar in the house. Kail worried they will care less since its not them.
Kail thinks if she could go up against Zach she can win. Kail wonders if he will listen. Mike says "rumor has it Danile is playing him" and vice versa.
Mike saying so many conficting things said especially when Nick said who he was going to vote for. Mike said he got an idea about it when he started acting shady. Mike now realizes that he was in there for two weeks an not bringing back info. Mike says he's "been on thin ice" with those two..talking about "the line of truth" and he's "apprehensive about believing them"
Mike telling about at first he was confused about what to do about it. Kail said "what would you've done" Mike telling her she was going up so it didn't matter and he was "guilty by association". Mike says "if it's my time to go the I won't cry about it" Kail says she will be happy to see her family and Mike says even though he won't get to see them since they live far away he wants to stay so his family can see him 3 times a week and "it's really really cool for me"
Mike says "he's not upset or mad" Kail mad for being played. Mike says Karma.
Mike says "it will catch up with them" if their ultimate game is deceit maybe it will give them a victory but in life it's not about the money.
Mike "for my family's sake I'll try to stay"
kail says Jen has fought harder for them then Zach and Nick.
Kails talking to Dick Dick telling her he's putting her up. Promises not to rip her to shreads.
dick saying he's not out to fuck people around and telling her that when she left her talk she broke it in minutes.
Dick said just sitting back and letting it go on they would dig their own holes.
Dick tells her he was going to honor her agreement. Kail explaining her betrayal..Telling him the four person alliance
Dick say he knows he's in alliance she's in an alliance Nick and zach. Dick says "What happened to your alliance today"
Kails goes throught the alliance beginning talk{see previous posts}

all four cams now on kail and mike in their beds, in the dark, still verbally obsessing about how screwed they are
kail: if i get put up against zach i think i could win
mike: silence
mike: daniele really thinks he likes her and nick really thinks she likes him....there are so many contradicting statements from nick that it doesnt add up
(mike is really a chatterbox tonight, but let me sum it up by saying that he's aware that he's REALLY aware that he is screwed)
Kail and Mike alone in beds having a conversation. Kail still talking about how they had a four person alliance and couldn't get Evel out. Saying she was played. She assumes she is being nominated and hope she is up next to Zach, because she feels she can win if the vote is between them two.

Dick wants to know why she's telling him this "to save your own ass" "you're totally betraying your alliance"
Kail says "i took their agreement serious"
dick says "you should have talikng our agreement serious"
her explanation contiues...Martyr part..how she took it for the alliance.
Tells Dick only mike was loyal and dick says "Mike says mike wasn't loyal it was 9-1"
Dick says the big alliance never work in the beginning.
Dick said Zach is "running scared" "nick is already done" telling her what you get is what you deserve. Dick say he wasn't going after zach because he supports him and all the gilrs get freaked out by him and why would he want them gone.
Dick "if I didn't do this it would be a total breach to my integrity to the house" She goes home or wins POV and if she does one of those guys will go up.
Dick "why would I give Jen advice She's the biggest bitch in the house" he said he told her to run run run from her.
dick basically says he trusts zero and its a game.
"Mike Jen you and zach" are the targets Kails says "not zach" Dick says it doesn''t matter. They will get picked off.
Kail says Nick and Zach turned on me
Dick "you turned on me and I got HOH"
Dick says he put himself out so the girls could have their way in the vote.
kail talking about loyalty and Dick said lying this early in the game is retarted and making alliance this early with people you don't know is retarded.
tells Kail everyone in the house "wants her out"
dick said jen putting Joe up was retarded and when Jen realized the vote was going she gave up al ot to him.
Dick saying he's not a ring leader and saying he barely talks to daniele. being in this situation "is a god Damn Nightmare"
Talk moves to HOH

dick came and got kail to talk now
dick: when i saw how freaked out you were, i never expected to win so now that im here i wanted to tell you straight up that im not a bad person...i felt really good when we got off that hammock and then you turned right around and fucked it up...joe spread so many lies...i knew that just by sitting back and letting it go on....i felt like you and joe would dig your own holes.....youre going up because you lied
kail: im not asking you to take me (off the block) but i want to let you know the reason why i did what i did
dick: i dont know why anything you couldnt come to me to talk to me about, ive been very open and honest with you
kail: that's what i want to tell you...jen is not in my alliance, there's a different person
dick: yes i know , youre in an alliance with nick
kail: well...yes, but its an alliance of four, not jen..jen's my best friend, we dont talk strategy
kail: zach came after me for an alliance when i was hoh, he kept hounding me and hounding me
dick: nobody feels comfortable around zach
kail: yeah...so he kept hounding me so i went to mike...then zach approached me again and wanted a two person alliance and i said no
dick: why the hell are you telling me all this now, to save your own ass...you're going to betray youre own allinace?
kail: no, i just want to tell you.....i took the alliance we had very very serious
dick: well you should have taken the agreement we had very serious too
kail: well yes i realize that....im very loyal, i shook hands, i gave them my word, i was testing the waters around the house because i had to protect my alliance....zach and nick betrayed me
dick: you took the wrong deal, im putting you up, you came after me, unless you get the pov you're going home this week..you were a semifinalist in season 5 and 6 and im sure you have all the dvd's....you should know these early alliances always get broken up.....zach is going to run scared, mike is obviously out because he voted for me to stay, nick's already out
kail: im not asking you to take me off , im not
dick: youre not coming off, i promise you....youre going home, you may think you have power over me but you dont, i wasnt going after zach, im a straight shooter (he gets up and shuts the door)...every girl in here freaks out around zach, why do i want him gone?
kail: well im by myself now, i dont have anybody
dick: if i didnt do this it would be a breach of my integrity, you are going up
kail: i know im going up
dick: you win the pov or you are going home....from that point on every single one of those guys is going home
kail: im not asking for you to not put me up,,uhhh uhh
dick: ive given jen advice, why would i ...she's the biggest bitch in the house...i told you to get away from her
kail: jen's done more to help me than the guys i shook hands with
dick: i have zero people in this house i can trust, everyone has to play the game for themselves, after people get picked off the house has to cannibalize itself
kail: what im saying is...ummmm...
dick: does zach,nick, mike know youre talking to me?
kail: well mike might, he's the only one i trust
dick: everyone knew it was so obvious
kail: i didnt turn on the people i shook hands with they turned on me
dick: you turned on me
kail: i hadnt turned on you...i was testing the waters
dick: you campaigned so hard against me....everyone in this house knows what i say is the truth....i outed your mrs robinson alliance and from that point on mike never spent another minute in the hoh room, it was so obvious
kail: nick shook my hand
dick: i dont know how far into it he was
kail: but he shook my hand
dick: you've watched the show...you know people are going to lie, i took notes, would i lie this early in the game? no because i would never be able to keep up with it, if you were any kind of smart player to make alliances this early
kail: well that shows im a stupid player, so i have no one
dick: i want you out because everyone in this house wants you out...i cant believe what you say, i was honest with you, i went out of my way to get to know you, even when i knew you were in this alliance....i had a feeling about nick, im not stupid
kail: i know im going home, but i just want you to know....
dick: you can win pov
kail: im very loyal, i would look fake if i had changed my vote, i voted for you to go because i did it for my team
dick: i cant come after you one at a time...daniele barely speaks to me, her giving me a hug and saying congratulations i nearly had a heart attack...jen saying 'oh they're in an alliance' i just wanted a few minutes to talk to her....im here all alone by myself plus i have this thing that is so ridiculously personal
dick asks to move this talk up to the hoh (they were in the little downstairs bedroom)

Saying Zach is a total ass kisser and he was hanging on Jens t** when she won HOH.Kail still trying to explain her alliance betryalDick says Kail ran around bits and pieces of what they talked about and says his mother does that and he hates it.Dick said he let everyone know last night about the alliance and sub alliances.Dick-"you f***ed up so bad" if you would have honored the agreement jen would have been going home.

If Jen wasn't in the alliance why didn't she put Zach up?The whole house went up to her and he told her he set it up.Kail "me being loyal to Nick and Zach lost me the game" Dick says it had more to do with her being a recluse.Kail still trying to explain it. Kails said it was personally and Dick said it was because she campainged against him. Dick said I would have been more loyal to her than her own alliances. Kail says it was ironic that he would have. Dick talking about Zach being phony"seeing him talking bible with Jameka wanted to made me want to throw up" Looks at Kail "probably made you want to throw up"Dick telling kail that him and dani aren't close or in an alliance. He say she probably doesn't give a shit if he gets evicted.Kail talk about Nicks betryal Dick says he was never with them on the vote.Kail realizes now Dick would have been a man of his word and was her mistake for believeing them because "of the handshake"Dick says that whole SIX Alliance was bulls***. kail says she sees that from the first week.

dick says Jen getting HOH was a nightmare and he survived it.dick said if his group could get HOH her alliance will shatter like a crystal ball. Dick says Kail should have realized Zach perverted ways and Kail says he didn't see it. "why would you see it you're not a 21 year old girl"Dick says she can cry alliance all she wants but going after him was the stupidiest move of the game.Dick says he told Mike glad he doesn't get nervous and freaked out because it must be a horrible feeling.Kail say she didn't tell jen about Zach and Nick.."she knew"Dick tells her what he read about winning BB1 Don't get in big alliances2. pick 1 charasmatic person to align with3. learn oatmeal recipesDick says he told Jen it will be 9-1. Kail says she was surpised Jess didn't vote for him and tells her Jess told him days ago she wasn't.Dick says he was only worried about Jameka. But told Kail he talked to her and pointed out Zach being full of shit.Tells her he doesn't trust her and wants her out of this game he's sorry. Kail say Jen is her "best friend in the house" and Dick said she betrayed her last night.Kail talking about "shake your hand" deal with her allianceDick "day two?"

Dick say he made his bed and laid in it and pulled it out.Dick said Eric called it. first about Jen. Calling the best beginning of any season ever."fight for life in the pov" wants her to enjoy her time left. Dick say nobody knows you and that makes everyone suspicious.Kail talking about her one on one.Tells her the knock knock jokes."knock knock who's there? Kail..Kails who?.............Kail says she's not judgemental because Dick questions her friendship with Jen.Dick telling her about the "Dick at night" and how he told the feeds how he was going to call her out.Dick tells her he can be a player to fly under the radar and kail says did I he said she tried but failed by staying up in the HOH and getting into that alliance.

1:32 BBT
Talk continues.Kail says Nick told her that Evel was going to put her and Mike up. She trusted her alliance.Dick why would you want to get into an alliance on day two.He asks her about her reason for her noms. side stepsFoth

dick: zach started swinging from jen's tit as soon as she won hoh
kail: he did that to me
dick: he's a total ass kisser
kail: when you send me home i can know i did everything i could for my alliance
dick: well good, but you betrayed me...that hammock conversation was personal and you took bits and pieces of that and spread it around, that's what my mother does and what i hate about her even though she's an ordained christian.....joe did the same thing but he adds lies to it....you win pov or you are going home and you can do it
kail: well im planning on going home
dick:you fucked up so bad, the day after the hammock i would have been gunning for jen, but you did all the dirty work for your alliance
kail:i tried to protect the alliance because i have a free pass with dick, i did it for them
dick:if jens not in the alliance why didnt she put zach on the block?
kail: she's not in the alliance
dick: what was the difference if i went up against zach or joe? i put myself out for the girls in this house, either way i was going to stay
you not opening up, being seperate from the house, being the recluse that set you up, when i called you out i knew that would make you crumble, i didnt want to go around to all the seperate people, i called you out thats the way i am
kail: i want you to know it wasnt personal against you
dick: it was a hundred percent personal against me, i was more true to you than anyone in your alliance
kail: you are right, i got played, how ironic that i could now trust you more than anyone else
dick: you got played because they want to save their own ass...all of a sudden zach reading the bible with jameka, and trying to hang around daniele he makes everyone sick....has their ever been a player like me in the game? im calling people out, there's been more fuck you's than ever

(dick is laying back comfortably on his hoh bed, kail is sitting on the end of the bed looking like a whipped dog)

dick: when daniele talked to me about nick, i tried to talk to her about us, and she walked away..there is no nothing personal and no gameplay between me and daniele..she can do everything on her own in here, she's won two povs she doesnt need me, the perception is there is a possibility of an alliance but there isnt
kail: i voted you out to protect my alliance
dick: your alliance fucked you over
kail: yeah, nick played us, if one of us had won hoh he would be right there with us
dick: if nick does turn on me, and daniele sees she cant trust him she'll tell him to go fuck himself....i like nick and i think nick likes me but this is a game and everyone has to go home if im going to be here in the end
kail: (who is stuttering a lot now) we shook hands and i honored that
dick: who's been the most honest and forthcoming in this house, me...jen getting hoh was a nightmare but i survived it jen has nothing , you'll both be out before sequester , most likely zach out before sequester, i knew if we won this one that alliance would shatter
kail: but our alliance had already shattered
dick: it doesnt matter , you act like im the ringleader, everyone has a vote, everyone talks about everything, when zach makes comments to jessica 'youre soiled panties' god
kail: well i dont see that, but according to you im off to myself up here
dick: of course he doesnt do that to you, youre not a 21 year old girl.....you can say alliance all you want but i dont get it why would you go after me after that hammock talk, that's the stupidest move of this game..and you tried for years to get in this game...i came to talk to you now because i know how much this must have shattered you and i dont want you to be miserable all night and not participate in jameka's birthday ....ive talked to jen several times, last night she gave up bits and pieces of everything
kail: am i that stupid to put that much honor in a handshake?
dick: in here, hell yeah...the thing i remember most is never get in big alliances because it gives everyone a target to go after....everyone else in here is going to have so much fun in here because they all know they're safe this week

Kail now talking in circles.
Dick said it wasn't him that told Nick that he was putting her up. He said it was talk from the late night crew
Dick questins why she's saying all this stuff trying to get who to put up against her.
Kails asks if Nick lied? He can't answer because he doesn't remember.
Kail says she's been homesick and not freaked out.
Dick understands she has a life and he's not here to make her miserable. It's game and strategy.. he will get out this HOH with his hands "blood free"
Dick say he was trying to get to know you with all these "dates" and Kail says she doesn't move that fast..Dick said "these aren't real dates" it was just talking to get to know each other.
Kail stumbling on her words.
Kail say she's not the type a person to say she talks to people for an hour and then be close.
Dick wants her to have fun and enjoy herself .
He says only lied to Zach when he came up to him and said he heard Dick wanted him out. When he asked where he heard it that ended it. It was Joe he heard it from and Dick say "joe was full of shit"

1:48 BBT
Mike asks what went on.
Kail still talking about "the hand shake"
Telling Mike that Dick told her that everyone in the house wants her gone and her only chance to stay is winning POV
Telling Mike Dick called her a boring player and the producers are sorry they cast her. Tells him about the knock knock jokes.
Mike says he didn't hear em.
Tells mike Dick says Jameka and Jess wanted her out.
Mike and Kails surprised they are so "hated" in the house.
Kails says he is so mad the she campaigen against him.
Mike says he was surpised Dick was surpised about Zach.
She tells him that Jen outed them last night. Mike says it what way.
Kails says Dick talks so fast and doesn't let her get a word in she thinks"it didn't do any good"
Mike talking about Zach mentioning that Dani may have been playing Nick and Nick got bent out of shape.
Kails says Dick brought it up.
Kail talking how Nick should have been honest that wanted out.
Mike saying a simple lie will matter when he been through . Mike says "it all adds up"
Zach has no power so Kail says he's keeping him around. Mike says "its me" he's putting up.
Kail "I hope you win POV so he has to put up Zach"
"Why did it take us so long to see about Nick" Mike says they were too worried about numbers.
Kail tells Mike Dick says they are the only Alliance in the house and she finds that hard to believe Mike say he can because people have agreements for two or three weeks and not alliance. Mike says "what can you do" had they stuck together it could have worked out. If Nick had been loyal if could have worked out.
Tells Mike that Dick told her she was so stupid to get into an allinace on day two.
Kail says He's very protective of Nick" not Zach because he's hated.
Kails says she didn't know everyone hates me. Mike says their talk about people being surface level was true.
Kail trying to justify that she knows everyone in the house to Mike.

2:04 BBT
Mike says Dick builds himself up by taking people down and to take it with a grain of salt.
Mike tells her he doesn't forsee him not putting anyone else up besides them. Mike says try for the POV and if she leaves she'll have her dignity. Kail worried about his nom speech and says not to worry about it.
Nick talking to Jameeka about Kail freaking out a whole day for something she can't control.
"signed sealed deliver" that Kails going home according to Nick and Jameka.
Nick talking still.
Jameka says his timing was good with all this. Jameka says she was worried how Joe would go out,
Nick says he was honest with Joe about his vote and will be so from now on.
Mike and Kail still talking about Dicks talk. Jen comes in.
Jen says everyone is selling themselves out to Dick according to Dick
jen leaves he tells kail to not worry about it.
Jen comes back and Jen wants to know what went on.
"your name didn't come up" she tells Jen
Tells Jen about everyone wants to send her home. Jen say obviously "not me"
Tell her to go with the house.
Tell Kail to just Chill until after Pov and Kails says the ony person she's talking to is Mike ....feed switched
Nick and Dani HOH talking about it being a fun week. Talking about Dick saying everyone rat s everyone to the HOH.
"it's wierd hanging up out here" Nick laughs.
They both think Kail will go and next week Jen.
Talking about the Pics. Dani says her brother "has no drive" all he does is party. Saying he lives with friends parents house. Now he works for DMV. Says her brothers really smart but doesn't try
Nick tells her she's smart

2:20 BBT
Dani says should she act shocked when Kail approaches her about Nick. Says she will.
Dani says even though it's her Dad's HOH she feels in power and so safe.
Nick waiting for Dick....to come up.
Nick says she hope he filling her up with bullshit lies Dani says "it is a game"
Eric talking to Amber in bathroom on all feeds whispering very fast that I'll pass on this one

2:28 BBT
Eric and Amber talking about Eric talking about Zack and his offer to get him involved in his alliance. Just Rambling on. No mention of his America's Choice since it's Amber he's talking to.

2:31 BBT
Nick and Dani still waiting for Dick.
They check the remote to see where Dick is.
Dani talking about how freaking funny Eric is.
Nick wondering why people don't go to bed. She tells him it's the late night crew that stay up til 5. Nick saying that she's not a part of it and tells him she has been.
Dani disapointed that the room doesn't change like it did for all stars.
Talk about the food comp tomorrow.

2:37 BBT
Eric talking to Dick and Jess talking how Joe threw them under the bus.
Dick says he tried to flip it for Zach for the girls and his creepiness. Joe was the one to let him no. Dick telling them the alliance is shattered. Dick says they have to be careful not to bond them.
I think the America's Choice is Jen. Eric is really pushing Jen right now.
Talking about putting up Nick as a pawn. Again Eric wants Jen with Kail.
Dick says Maybe Kail and Mike.
Eric again brings up Jen.
Jameka wonders why she put herself out there and why her alliance didn't tell her why they wern't voting her way.
Jameka says she didn't like the pestering stuff Joe did.
Eric wondering why Nick palying both sides. Eric says the three guys were the first to form.
Jameka say Nick's feelings got caught and that changed the game 100%.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Yay for Evil Dick!! I hope Kail or Mike goes.