All houseguests are sleeping... even ED
6:15 am BBT
Still sleeping
7:25 am BBT
8:20am BBT
Mike is up now, going outside doing some laundry.
9 am BBT
Mike prepared eggs and steak? for breakfast. Rinsing dish ... putting away clean glasses and dishes (good boy!)
9:12am BBT
Kail up now.
Kail and Mike talk about why Daniele was crying last night. Kail thinks it's because of Dick. Kail asks what is going on with Nick. Mike says he hasn't talked to him. Asks why Daniele was crying. Mike didn't know she was. Kail is very worried that Dick knows Kail is campaigning against him. She says if Dick knows, then it's even more important to get Dick out NOW.
Kail says something was wrong with Dick last night. She thinks Amber is campaigning to Jameka to keep Dick. (Kail is extremely worried that Dick will stay and put her up)
Mike trying to calm Kail down, saying Jameka has talked to Jen. Kail says she thinks Nick told Jen about MRA. Kail says Jen won't come out and tell her she knows. Mike says Nick probably fed Jen that info when he was trying to save himself from getting put up
Kail says Jen told her she can get Eric to vote Dick out.
Kail says Jen is the most loyal person and if she likes you then she won't hurt you, but says Jen doesn't need to know any more than she already knows. Kail says she doesn't want to make a choice between Jen and Mike, so she'd rather not make Jen at the same level with them.
Kail and Mike talked about how Jen tested them to see if they were aligned by saying she was putting Nick up.
Kail says Jessica was very hesitant to open up to Kail. She told Jess she has 5 votes and that Jess should work on Eric, to get Dick out.
Kail says Dick told her he didn't need her vote, so he can't come back now and ask for her vote.
Kail says Jameka and Amber talked too long and probably changed what Kail talked to Jameka about.
Kail says she tried to get Daniele to vote against her dad, saying that she would enjoy the experience even more if her dad weren't there. She said Daniele said that her dad doesn't really bug her. Joe says Amber told him Dani was voting to keep him. Kail says Daniele is a liar and is voting to keep her dad, NOT Joe.
Mike says Amber just wants Joe to feel safe so he'll stop campaigning for himself and get the boot.
Kail says she worked so hard yesterday and that Mike needs to do something. Mike says he needs to see how Zach sits. Kail says Zach is leaning toward keeping Joe (not true)
9:23am BBT
Kail is making coffee now and Mike is outside picking stuff up.
9:48am BBT
Kail in the bathroom now putting on make-up, Mike comes in with her.
Kail tells Mike that they can really get Joe on their side if they save him. Kail is very worried about Nick. She thinks he is way to close Amber. Kail is telling Mike she is going to tell Jen that they don't have Nick's vote. Kail "she will be shocked!"
Mike ask Kail if he could ask Nick what is going on with the other side of the house votes. Kail thinks Nick is the leak and thinks he has told ED about everything they are doing. She also thinks ED told Dani and Nick to stay away from each other. Kail tells Mike that they can really get Joe on their side if they save him.
Kail tells Mike she might have to go after Nick. Kail says that Nick is the very one that told her that ED was coming after her. Mike is having a hard time believing this. Kail says "why do you think I took it to heart? It was him that told me that, that's why I believed it!" Mike kind of says "hmmm, okay." She says "I wish I would have thought about telling Nick in the kitchen 'YOU are the one who told me!' but I forgot."
Mike says "I will mention it to Nick. What strikes me as funny is Nick only spends a few seconds talking about something and then he walks away." Kail says "I know, he wants to get away as fast as he can. You need to ask him to tell you if he is with us or not...make him tell you that now."
Kail suggests getting Dani out to force Nick to align with them But, Kail says ""he has Amber..."
Mike says that Nick has told about a lot of trouble in his family. He says that Nick likely doesn't care if he lies, that he doesn't really have integrity in the game and it doesn't bother Nick.
Mike says that Nick has told about a lot of trouble in his family. He says that Nick likely doesn't care if he lies, that he doesn't really have integrity in the game and it doesn't bother Nick.
Kail laughing says "so, he has 3 girls fighting for him. Amber is fighting for his attention in the house, not for long term but for as long as she is here in the house." Mike says his gut instinct is they are being played by Nick; he hasn't proven that Nick is in the fight for the alliance of 4. Kail says she told Nick in the kitchen that 'Joe said you will vote to keep him here. And a couple of other people told me that's what you are doing.' She says "I think Jen needs to know Nick is wanting to keep Joe, so that she will go after Nick...apparently though she has this great realtionship with that no one else knows about." (she giggles) Kail insists they need to keep Joe as he is not a threat.
Kail wants to go upstairs and talk to Eric with Mike to get his vote for ED to go out. Kail says she thinks she can get Jessica to vote out ED. Mike says he wants to approach Dustin and Amber...he says Amber and himself will and have been up front with one another. Mike says no way Amber would lie to him. Then he says he will go to Nick and say "I know you have a closer bond with Amber, you say one thing she says another, so what's really going on?" Kail says "yeah, we need to engage Nick, he doesn't like to talk about things very long."
(FINALLY they are done talking,) Mike goes outside to do more laundry
10:07 BBT
Amber up now.
10:09am BBT
Mike is getting in the shower and Kail tells him to tell Nick that "we know you are the one that told us that ED wants us out and I am going to tell ED that." She says "tell him we are gonna call him out." Mike says "might not be a bad idea." Mike is getting in the shower now.
11:19 BBT
Kail is sitting at the table with Dustin and Mike. Dick comes into the kitchen and leans against the counter and looks at her.
Dick says to Kail that she is campaigning against him--he has been told this. He says she is a liar. Dick says that this is the "Kail show."
Dick: I know how comfortable you are with it.
Kail: You're making everyone else uncomfortable. They're all not looking.
Dick: That's okay.
Dick is being very confrontive and angry. He keeps saying she is lying, etc. and she keeps saying "Okay, that's fine" and trying to end the conversation. He says that it is the "Kail show" several times. He asks her why she is "full out lying?" Kail says she told him she would tell him if she changed her mind. He says that is a lie.
Dick: You're trying to save your a**. You told everybody how it would save your ass to get me out of the house.
Dick says this showed everyone that Kail is very selfish.
Kail says that this should help Dick, then, so he should be happy. He says he is. She asks why he is doing this, then. He says because he has to call out bullshit in the house.
Kail tells him he sounds worried. He says he isn't. She says good.
Dick says he is calling her on her bulls*** and calling her a liar, and she can't be trusted.
Kail: Good. Fine.
Dick: You'd better leave!
Kail: I'm not leaving.
Kail: I'm glad you think I have that big of a voice in the house!
Dick says that he will be gunning for her with everything he has, now.
Kail: You already were!
Dick says he would have kept their agreement, but after that talk in the hammock, she showed him how she can't be trusted.
(Jess and others are listening and looking down, uncomfortable).
Dick goes outside.
Kail says "Intimidation!"
Kail: Do we have five right here??
(Mike, Jess, Eric, Mike and Jameka are there, and they don't say anything).
Kail says that Evel will do this to any of them.
Eric says that he can tell Kail that no one really said anything to Dick as he claims--he is just using this tactic.
Kail: Jameka? Please???
Jameka says she is still on the fence.
Eric says at least they all saw it happen.
Jess says she doesn't want that to happen to her, that's for sure!
Eric says, "Wow. It's so comfortable in this house." Eric is thinking of making a "Please don't disturb me" sign.
Kail: So, you guys better stay on his good side, or he will do that to you guys. He can't do anything in private.
Jess: Wow.
Mike goes into the bathroom and tells Nick about what happened with Dick and Kail.
Nick says that "There are a lot of people on the fence, though."
Mike: So, who do you think Dick is gunning for?
Nick: I don't know.
Mike: You told Kail that it was me and Kail.
Nick: I don't know.
Mike: So, why would you tell Kail that??
Nick claims that he doesn't know.
Mike says, "So it's in your best interest" to vote Dick out, then? Nick says "Oh, yeah!" Mike says he wants to make sure--he doesn't get a lot of chances to talk with Nick.
BB tells Nick not to hold his mic in his hands, and this breaks this convo up.
Dick comes back inside. To confront Kail again.
Dick: If I stay in this house, you are so f****d up!
Dick says that he will come after her so hard!
Dick is very angry, very aggressive. Dani steps in and asks him to please stop.
Kail says "It's okay, Daniele."
Dick says he's sick of her sh**, calling Dani her "stepdaughter." (Not sure what this means)
Dick continues and Dani asks him to please stop, again.
Dick says, "Okay, I will."
Dick leaves.
Kail (in a shaking voice, but laughing in a nervous way) says that she wants to hang around with Dani!
Dani asks her if she is okay, and she says yes.
Dick is called to the DR.
11:39 BBT
Dick telling Nick about his confrontations with Kail, He says he wanted to do it in front of everyone...not hide in little groups...just put it out there and let it be what it is.
Nick nodding.
Dick now saying it makes him sick when Kail says she calls Dani her step-daughter. Nick is surprised by that. Dick says Dani hates it.
Dick says he's going to talk to Jameka...something about her appreciating that confrontation.
They're whispering now...can't make it out.
Nick tells Dick that he's voting for him to stay. Dick says he will have his back down the line. Nick telling him he's not all about the money...he wants good people (like Dani) to win the money.
BB tells Nick to put on his mic, he goes further in the water instead. He and Dick laugh about it.
Dick goes inside. He apologizes to Dani "Sorry to put you o the spot like that...I promise."
Dick talking to himself: F*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck. Am I done now? (looks at the camera) Oh, that was fun now. come on.
11:42 BBT
Everyone leaves the outside couch except for Jen and Jameka. Jameka asks how Jen is feeling. She says she was feeling good, but now she is picking up on Kail's vibes (of being uncomfortable).
Jen says she really wanted to get this type of negativity out of the house, and that was what she was trying to do with her nominations.
Jen says that she is kind of glad this happened to show everyone that it's not just Jen with Dick that is the problem (with Dick's anger).
Jen says that Dani has been rolling her eyes and things and acting upset with her Dad, and yet she isn't sure she will vote him out. Jameka says she (Jameka) could never vote out her Dad. Jen says she (Jen) couldn't, either. Jen says yet Dani claimed it was her goal to get her Dad out, and now she doesn't understand why she isn't doing it, as she has been saying how she hates her Dad. Jameka says she doesn't know.
Dick walks up as Jameka and Jen are talking about Jameka's Bible. He puts out his cigarette and glares at Jen. Jen giggles a little, uncomfortably.
Kail (getting a drink out of a fridge outside) says that she thinks that "it is completely a woman thing" with Dick. He intimidates them. Jen says that Dick couldn't intimidate Jen, so now he is moving on to Kail. Kail says that Dani has said that Dick was like this with her at home, and Dani has apologized to her for Dick doing this. She told Dani it was okay, and she wants to take Dani home to live with her.
Jameka leaves.
Jen and Kail are talking, and Kail talks about how Eric and Jameka both told her that they are on the fence with their votes, after they had just seen the scene with Dick and how he treated Kail. She can't understand it.
Dick sits at the couch where they are, and there is silence. The audio on the feed switches to Dani and Dustin. Dani says she is afraid that Amber has changed toward her. She says she asked Amber, and Amber said it was okay, but she isn't sure. Dustin claims that it's just that Amber is not a morning person. Dustin says Amber is not upset and Dani shouldn't worry.
Dani whispers to Dustin and says she feels that vote right now depends on Eric.
Kail is called to DR
11:50 BBT
ED talks to Jameka in the circle bedroom.
He's trying to see where she is with the vote and their relationship in the house.
Jam says she likes him and Joe...sees positive and negative in both...enjoys both of their company.
ED tells her that if Jam was in his place, she would have his vote over Joe.
ED: I'm not trying to sway you. But between the 2 of us who lies. I'm the most real in the house. I don't hold everything back.
Talking about calling Kail out on talking so much yesterday.
Jam says she has to be ok with the vote she makes. She says Joe hasn't done anything to her personally...she trusts both of them equally.
Ed points out that he worked to get Zach nom'd instead of Joe even though Zach supports him. And Joe ran and told Zach.
ED is working to convince Jam that he can be trusted and Joe can't.
Kail walks in the room and we get FOTH.
12:45pm bbt
Dani/Nick over in the corner of the yard talking
Nick: I want to shave my head and...
Dani: do you want a minute?
Nick: with you?
Dani: alone?
Nick: I like my company
Dani: you aren't acting ok... sorry for being concerned
Nick: don't worry, nothing in this house if I'm upset has to do with you
Dani: if I wasn't concerned I wouldn't come over here
Nick: you are really self centered(teasing)
Dani: you want to talk about it?
Nick: laughs
Dani: are you mocking me? you are being rude! you know you are on everyone's good side, don't be stupid, you could easily slide by, and you know it
Nick: do you want to kiss me?
Dani: don't sass me! I'm trying to talk with you... what happened?
Nick: I'm getting p****d off, when people try to tell me how I should vote
Dani: Kail told you to vote to keep Joe?
Nick: yea... it's the forth time today, and it's getting annoying... on both sides
Dani: if Eric votes to keep my dad, then he is safe
Nick: Dustin knows about someone, he won't say for sure who, but he says there are 6... we'll find out tomorrow
Dani: hey, you're a crabby pants
Nick: and to top it off, my tacos are inside, waiting for me to eat them
Dani: if you complain about food again, I'm going to shove slop down your throat! Hey, do you have a crab in your pants? I think you might want to go check that out
(I'm sorry, but I think they are so cute talking together)
Nick: let's have fun question time.. when you see me, what song comes to mind?
Dani: nothing, I haven't had one... in here, music is gone to me
Nick: I have one, Meridith Brooks, the most famous one
Dani: what one?
Nick: she's beautiful...
Dani: I'm leaving!
Nick: Don't worry about me
Dani: don't sass me! You're not the boss of me!
Nick: funny, you didn't get the memo
Dani: are you ok? (he laughs) Don't laugh at me when I say that! (she punches him)
Nick: ok, that's two I owe you... nucklehead... I want to get a BB tattoo
Dani: ok Eric! He said that too
Nick: but I'm doing it... me and your dad
Dani: I think they are switching Joe and my key
Nick: they could be faster about it... your dad said you and him had a talk last night
Dani: he's stupid, he turns everything around about him, I'm not talking about him
Nick: he said my name might have popped up, but he could neither confirm or deny it
Dani: it didn't, I can confirm that
Nick: what's wrong?
Dani: nothing!
Nick: I told you I'd rather you go on than me... and I'd rather see you naked than me, cause I've seen me...
Dani: shut up! what are you thinking?
Nick: about you and me, in Minnesota... you wanted me to tell the truth right? What are you thinking?
Dani: that you are acting wierd today
1:30 pm BBT
All 4 cams back on Nick and Zach.
Zach: I thought I had a pretty good understanding with Dustin, but I hear this sh** with Amber and it freaks me out. . . If I won HOH next week I would probably put up Dick and Eric. I think there's too much heat on Jen...I'd appreciate if you would not spread anything I said to anyone.
Nick: You can trust me.
Zach: That's how I feel...We've got to figure out the thing with Mike, cause he could easily break off.
Zach: Are you and Dani dating?
Nick: No.
Zach: She freaked out about that.
Nick got up and left because he was being eaten by ants.
1:57pm BBT
Zach is trying to convince Mike to vote for Joe to go. they go back and forward over who's worse, Dick or Joe. Zach feels Kail has already broken herself off (his words) He tells Mike that Kail has made countless errors that hurt their alliance even though he (Zach) doesn't doubt that she's loyal to it.
Zach tells Mike that if he sticks with Kail he's going down. Mike says that if that's an ultimatum from them (Nick and Zach) the he (Mike) says "F*** you guys", Zach says no, but Nick said that and Zach is not going down with the ship. Mike tells Zach if Dick wins HOH he's not going after Dustin so who would he go for (hinting Zach will) Zach says "I know"
Mike: so you want the long term kill, saying Joe is more of a threat than Dick... so if the short term threat takes out one of 5
Zach: 1 of 12 can take out 1 of 5, or 5 of 5 can take out... word is Dustin and Amber are going up by those that hang out with Dick... if you are freaking out about next week, you are playing the wrong hand, you've sold yourself out in the game, you have to worry about 3 and 2 weeks down, Nick and I have your back, if you and Kail go up, we'll have to figure that out... out of all the games of chess I've played, I take the risk for the long term
Mike is trying his heart out to get Zach to change his vote Zach being stead fast to stick with Dick. Zach also trying to get Mike away from Jen and Kail.
Mike says he doesn't care if people know about the alliance Zach says, it's a game of perception. Mike doesn't care. Zach tells him to talk to others. Mike says he does that and Zach isn't with him 24/7, so Zach doesn't know if Mike is creating relationships. Mike says Jessica is one of them. Zach says, "really" and Mike says of course, we've talked about Jessica before.
Mike says he talks to Daniele all the time and doesn't know where Zach is coming from. Zach just says he only sees Mike with Jen or Kail, not really with other people. Zach tells Mike not to be defensive
Zach says if it comes back to 2 and 2, he is fine with that, he doesn't know how to have a stronger group vote be the same, but Zach says he's not swaying at all. Unless the group decides to make him switch. Mike thinks Nick was giving an ultimatum. Zach says he wasn't, but that Nick thinks Dick is staying and would rather side with the winning "team" than the other side. Mike says Nick is selling out.
Zach says they've always had issues with Nick, thinking he knows all the facts when he doesn't. Zach says he does think for this eviction Nick is right though.
Zach says he has so much to talk to Kail, think she's becoming a liability. Mike doesn't want to relay Zach's message to Kail for him. He's afraid it'll get misconstrued. Zach says Kail just finds her at the worst moments and can't talk to her like he wants to.
Mike just doesn't understand the correlation between Zach and Nick. Thinks Zach and Nick are tight. Zach says Jen threatened him today that if Zach didn't vote Dick out, Mike and Kail would put up Zach.
Zach hears Jen outside the Gym door and he leaves, Jen comes in with the HOH camera and starts to take pictures with Mike.
Zach and Mike in the WOR.
The two of them talk about next week.
Zach says if Mike is worried about next week then he's missing the point. That they need to start concentrating on the weeks after that.
Zach says the short term kill of going after Dick this week is the wrong choice.
That if either of the 4 won HOH next week, then they can put up Dick and Dani again.
Zach admits to Mike about Dick telling him everything that Amber said about the time her and Kail were handcuffed together.
So Zach feels like he has a sort of "in" with Dick still.
Zach says he is absolutely sure that if Joe stays in the house this week that he'll become a much bigger problem for the 5 of them, that Dick really doesn't even stand a chance of winning an HOH comp and Joe is quite dangerous in that respect.
Zach blames Kail and Mike for their current position because the two of them haven't even tried to reach beyond the 4 for any help with other HG's.
Mike then counters with a "you're always talking about strategies with everyone in the house"
Mike brings up Amber's name and Zach promises he's never talked to Amber about strategies.
Mike then says that he's only talked to Kail and Jen because everyone knows that that's who he's with. It's out in the open and there's nothing I can do to change that. (Yes. But, Mike....if you spent a little time getting to know more people you wouldn't really be in much danger if you did indeed go up on the block.)
Mike blames his lack of friendliness with other HG's upon his need to be cleaning all the time. That he spends all of his extra time making sure the house is tidy.
Zach and Mike in WOR.
Zach says that if the group decides to go ahead and evict Dick then he will bend. But as of this moment, in order to best serve his strategy, he's going to hold firm to his belief of getting rid of Joe this week.
Zach also mentions how Nick is leaning towards the Joe eviction this week as well.
Mike admits to Zach knowing more about what Nick is thinking, because Mike doesn't really talk to him much.
(Yo! Mike! NOW do you think you might be playing the game badly? Not even talking to your own alliancemate? Wow. Just wow.)
They both start dissing Jen because she doesn't "know" when the four...five of them need to talk to each other.
Zach compares the four/five to a group of bankrobbers who communicate through looks and glances. That Jen doesn't pick up on that. Therefore she's a kind of dangerous alliance mate.
Zach reaffirms that he's sticking with Joe as the evictee this week. But would be willing to vote the other way if [u]all[/u] of the remaining alliance members insist on voting for Dick to leave.
Mike insists that Jen would never put up any of Kail, Zach or himself.
Zach says he isn't sure about that. And he also feels that Mike and Kail might put him up.
Zach says that maybe they are actually working together just because they don't like some of the same people. (Meaning that once those people are gone, perhaps the Mrs. Robinson alliance will crumble.)
Mike asks Zach who he'd put up if he won HOH. Zach says he'd defer to the other four. "I'd let you decide."
Zach leaves and Jen walks in with a digital camera saying she wants a picture of Mike working out. *click*
She says that she has a picture of Dick flipping her the bird. "It's hilarious"
She says she then wants a picture of them together. *click*

She says it's a good one of Mike but not of herself. So she wants to take another one. *click*
She says that one was a bit better. Mike looks perfect but she looks only a little bit better.
They both walk out of the WOR and into the kitchen.
Jen shares with him the picture she took of Dick flipping her off. They both think it's a funny picture.
jen catches Zach and says she wants a picture of him. She insists on having the picture be of the two of them and then gets Mike to take it. *click*
Jen says that she finally looks good in a picture.
Jen says she wants another one of her and Kail because they both hated the last one they took with each other.
Jen then just starts roaming around the house taking pictures of anyone within close range.
Mike, Kail and Eric.

Jameka in the hammock. etc. (She only has the camera for an hour and wants to get as many pictures as possible.
Everyone leaves. So now only Mike and Kail remain in the kitchen. (suprisingly, they aren't talking to each other much.)
Mike washing dishes (avoiding contact with other HGs) and Kail making some food (Not sharing with Mike how she is feeling at the moment.) While the two of them continue to practice their same old strategies the rest of the house is outside taking pictures of each other and having fun.
Amber and Jameka enter and no one says a word.
BB: "Kail please go to the diaryroom."
Amber and Jameka starts talking and then the cam switches to the BY.
Nick in pool, Mike and Eric on the patiocouch and Dick roaming around the backyard throing all of the nerfballs towards Nick in the pool.
They start lobbing wet nerf balls around the yard at eachother.
They all deicide on a big game of Dodgeball.
Nick and Eric discuss the rules and boundaries for the game.
Dick wants amber to come play.
Someone lobs a wet ball at Zach's crotch. Direct hit!
Amber comes outside but she's eating slop and sits on the patiocouch.
Zach complains about having a rotated testicle now.
Zach and Mike define the line between sides with a long yellow ribbon as marker.
Dick, Amber and Eric versus Zach, Mike and ...
nope, not yet...
Jen comes back out with the camera and wants to take more pictures.
4:23 pm
All cameras on BY, where Amber is doing all the talking (about her job as a waitress and that she wants to become a nurse one day) as Jameka interjects with a few words or "mhhmm" when there's a pause. Jameka now talking about if you get a chance to go to school you should take it or you may regret it years later. Amber says she would like to be an inspirational speaker. She wants to be the person who tells people without hope that everything is fixable. Mike, also there, interjects that she(Amber) should write a book. Amber thinks she can especially help people on drugs, because she's been there.
Jasmeka asks Mike is he's awake today. He says he is, that it's easy to throw away routine in the house. Amber asks what time it is...4:23
Dick comes out and Amber says "hellooo". Dick says she's killing him, she says (in an annoyed tone) that she doesn't say it to amuse him, she says it because she likes to say it. Dick says she's killing him, like he's just teasing her.
Dick says he was asked in the DR not to say "sh*t", to use another word. "f*ck", not acceptable either, but he could say "bitch" and "ass".
BB: Houseguests, you are not allowed to talk about your DRs with other hgs.
Amber says "Evil?" and walks away
all cams now on Mike and Jam listening to Dick talk about his adventures. After Clinton was elected every single person in some island would come up to Dick and ask him (Dick) his opinion. Mike: really?...Dick: "it was cool man"... Dick says there were people from everywhere there but he clicked best with the British. Dick says it was one of the best adventures of his life.
foth now
4:53 pm
Back to all 4 cams on Jen in Kitchen. Amber is there too. Jen seems to be cooking and talks about baking. Amber sitting across from Jen at counter, not saying much. Jen tells Amber that she still wants to hang out with her (Amber) that she had fun when they did and doesn't want it to be just that night in HOH.
Cams 1 and 2 on Dick still talking to Jam and Mike in BY abouy how he doesn't want his old life...foth
Back to all cams on Jen and Amber in Kitchen. Jen loves her unitard and says something about creating a line of them...Amber says it was supposed to be a joke...Jen says it was supposed to be a punishment but, she loves it. Kail is now sitting next to Amber. They say all others are sleeping.
Amber talks about having the feeling she would be nom before she did and how she's hoping to get the next HOH. Amber's lucky number is 3, so she thinks she should be the third HOH.
Kail says nobody likes her "Sugarland" cd. wonders why are they awake today, Jen says "no reason". Jen says she's been away from home now for 19 days. Amber says "yeah". Jam now in the kitchen too fixing herself something to eat.
Jameka asks if there is someone in DR. Jen says "I don't know. I can't confirm or deny that".
Zach is in the kitchen. Jen tries to make small talk with him but he's short and dismissive. Jameka is eating and crying, I think. Amber is rubbing her back consoling her.
2 cams on Dick, Kail (napping) and Mike in BY. Dick is talking about a weird club in Germany.
2 cams on Zach sitting on counter while Jam eats and sobs as Amber rubs her (Jam's) back in the kitchen.
Jen joins M, K, and Dick in BY. dick is still sharing his worldwide clubbing adventures with Mike (Jen, sitting next to Mike, is now napping also)
6:23 pm
Mike is talking to Jen. she just told him that Dick is the only one who has beat Zach playing chess and that's why Zach is siding with Dick. Mike says Zach did tell him (Mike) that he couldn't even beat him (Zach) in chess and mike was like "dude, I've only being playing this game for ten days". Jen Thinks Zach is dumb because Daniele hates him and she's with Dick. Mike says he was getting frustrated with Zach today while they talked.
Mike tells Jen that Zach told him that if Kail keeps drawing attention to them (the Alliance)
that Zach would get out. They talk about how eventually everybody is going to know who's with who because of the way the votes go. Mike and Jen think Zach is boring because he can only talk about game and he doesn't listen when they try to help him. Jen doesn't think they need Zach's vote anyway, she thinks Nick is voting with them, but he just won't admit it.
Jen says that hopefully when Daniele votes to keep her dad it will show the HGs that Dan and Dick are together and will be voting people off every single week. Mike says he noticed in the kitchen how Jameka is still on the fence and he thinks Eric is too
Mike is talking about giving each other a sign (puts his finger on his cheek) during the live voting so that the others feel more comfortable voting for Dick to go. 4 cams on Jen sleeping and Mike listening to music in HOH.
There's foth on all 4 cams but I can hear Joe talking about votes. I don't know who he's talking to. Joe: the way this is going to go down is: "Are you going to the meeting at 4?". like, Jess will come up to you and say "Are you going to the meeting at 4?" and you're like, yeah...and so on ...Joe thinks it's a perfect code...(I still don't know who he's talking to, it's a guy though). There are 2 cams on Joe smoking and two on foth for a sec, then back to all 4 on foth, but I can hear the convo...Joe says "and then there's Daniele"...seems Daniele has joined Joe and whoever he's talking to.
7:02 pm
daniele has been lured to the kitchen table to play chess with zack
dustin and kail are outside on the couch talking...and eric is there just listening
kail asks whats going on around the twin towers, eric says he's not near that area.....daniele keeps slurping her drink really loudly kail asks eric if he ever has 'celebrity spottings' in new york, and he says no never.....
quickly joe walks up to kail (who is washing dishes) and he says 'are you going to the meeting at four?' and giggles all over himself, she says yes, he says 'i've told everyone to say that, its better if he thinks he's safe'..kail asks if he is sure he has jameka, and he says he is 100% sure and he trusts jameka and jessica....he tells kail that she can trust him if he is still here after tommorrow
zack nick daniele joe all outside playing golf....sorta...mike silently rolls across the screen every so often
jen's asleep in her hoh bed
F1/2 Nick/Dani/Joe/Zach outside playing golf
F3/4 Kail/Jameka on the upstairs couch reading the bible and consoling each other
7:46 pm
kail and jameka sitting upstairs outside the hoh room
jameka says she can leave anytime and be ok because she has played with integrity and has not lied
kail asks if she considers keeping other people's secrets to be a lie?...jameka says no
finally kail gets what she wanted out of jameka: jameka says 'im still undecided, neither one of them has done anything dishonorable to me...for myself i havent experienced things that other people have that make this a concrete decision for them'
kail says Dick's intimidation did work on her, she says it shut her up....she says his yelling at her did make her decide that she's not going to say another of course she continues to talk, and says she is sure she's made mistakes but Dick could have come up to her and talked to her in a normal calm way
kail continues to talk about how Dick's yelling at her has 'shut her up'...she says 'he came at me verbally attacking me...he said he's coming after me' jameka says 'well then you gotta work' kail 'but he shut me up, i feel like i cant say anything now'......jameka advises that she needs to act and think like Dick isnt even here so kail can stay focused....kail says she feels so much better by talking to jameka
8:02 pm
kail now expresses that Dick has bothered her by zeroing in on here 'since day one' ..down to when and where she got her earrings from kail just keeps saying the same things over and over that she is a more private person and she doesnt just tell her whole life story to anyone (Dick)
jameka: you need to take a stand to his are one person, that is your vote, one person one vote (she's basically telling kail not to change her vote just becaue Dick scared/intimidated her today)
jameka's back to reading her bible now that kail finally went away...kail's brushing her teeth now
8:30 pm
Eric was in the BR talking to amber while they were brushing their teeth. Eric said basically he is gonnna vote Joe (yea America) but that he wants to make sure that they have more then enough. He tells Amber that if it is a Tie then ED will go home for sure. He says there are 6 saying for sure they are voting for Joe to go home but 2 are kinda sketchy (doesn't say who)
Amber is in the shower ( in her shoes) and ED starts to give her crap about it. She says that she heard someone blowing snot in the shower this morning and she is grossed out.
ED: who was it?
Jess: who do you think
ED: who
Eric then begins acting like a zombie and ED goes ohhh ok (talking about Zack)
Now Dick and Eric are on the BY couch just chit chatting. They just got into trouble for whistling (it sounded like Eric was hmmm'ing a song from Grease)
8:56 pm
Dick, Amber and Eric on the BY couch talking about different topics of raunchy stuff. Not really gonna update, there would be to many bleeps, and we wanna keep it elite, but they are talking about body parts, passing gas, getting "excited" and other such things
cams have been on them for a while now talking about this.
Joe is sitting there smoking but hasn't said a word. he looks worried, and deep in thought!
They are now talking smack on Julie Chen and Dick says something about her perky, well, umm, you know! Dick thinks they might have cut her salary cause she used to host two shows a week (?)
They then start to talk about Marcellas and Dick says he heard that he wasn't doing House calls this year. They switch to topics of live feeds. Eric said he never got live feeds, he wanted to watch the show and be surprised!
9:11 pm
Dani and Nick are in the BY hammcock. Nick is talking about how he is board and wants to win HOH this week to shake things up! He said the only way he will throw it is if someone from their click is up against him and then he will probably give it to them! They start talking about what they wanna do in life. Dani says she wants to go back to school and possibly major in education...she kinda wants to teach 2nd grade.
Nick says when he gets out he is writing a children's book with one of his former football buddies illustrating it. He thinks they can get on Oprah. he says to former football players, one white one black, uniting the races with a children's book, and they are both educator's now
Nick: You hear that Opera, BOOK CLUB!!
Now Nick is talking about how he imagines his house when he gets a family (big house, bay windows looking out over the lake, sauna, huge weight room)
Dani: I want a dark room in my house
Nick: really my mom used to have one, she is really into photography.
They are now back to the usual flirting
9:52 pm
The feeds are on the Joe, Jess, Eric, Jameka, Amber all in the back yard playing a modified version of family fued. They are asking questions and you have to guess how the other 4 of them guessed! It is really funny because all they end up doing is arguing and joking about every answer!
Jen is in the kitchen talking to Dustin, Zack, and Mike about her unikini and they are giving her a hard time about getting drunk last night
10:30 pm
Jen and Zack are in the HOh room and they are using the chess board to talk strategy. Jen is trying to convince Zack that ED is coming after him and that he is stupid to vote against the rest of them. He is not giving in though. Kail walked in and asked if she should leave. Zack tells her that she should just so it isn't them 3 up there with the entire house sitting outside. She leaves. They continue to talk but it is basically Jen trying to talk Zack into voting out ED
All other HG's but Dani and Nick can be heard playing their version of family fued but no feeds are on them
Nick and Dani are sitting in the hammock. Dani is starving and found out they get off slop at 6 tomorrow. Nick just talked about how it would be cool if Dani came up to Minn. and watched the movie American History X with his mom!! Nick thinks it would be romantic (lol) They are just flirting hardcore. Nick invited Dani into his bed on the floor tonight if she really wants too!
Dani and Nick in smallbedroom
He's feeding her lots of compliments.
They then talk about the uncoming eviction show.
Nick wonders what he should say if Julie asks about their relationship.
Nick: I'll say I'm just using her, Julie."
Dani: "I would laugh so hard if you did that."
Dani is sitting in a bedframe. The matress is gone.
Nick says that at midnight the slop timer goes off and Dani can start eating again.
Dani: Are you lieing?
Nick: "No."
Dani: You swear on your mother?"
Nick: No.
Dani: I knew it. You liar. *giggle*
Dick peeks in through the magnifying window and says :Are you both in there.
Dani: Yes.
Dick: Are you guys having fun?
Nick: I'm having a blast!
Dick then peeks in from the small door frame and asks Dani if she'll come find him and talk for a bit before she goes to bed.
Nick keeps going with the compliments and then asks if Dani wants to be with him. She says no and he pretends to be leaving the house, saying his goodbyes. Then mentions seeing her again on Sept 24th. (The supposed end date?)
Dani asks where he heard that...Nick: From Carol. Dani laughs.
Nick starts whispering about where his vote is going tomorrow...
Nick: "If Dick becomes my new father in law I wanna make a good impression."
Dani: "Shut up."
They stop talking and Dani gets lost in thought.
Nick asks her if she's okay.
She says she's just thinking.
Nick: About what?"
Dani: Oh just a lot of things.
Nick: Talking to your dad?
Dani: Yeah. It's just...It's just...he's so...when he says things like 'I take responsibilty for my mistakes' and things like that it's like..he's said things to me that you wouldn't even say to...
Nick: Your enemy?
Dani: Your ...yeah. Let alone to your family.
He consoles her a bit by saying she's right. (Dani gets a little visibly irritated by being told this. As if she wants to be wrong. But sadly, that is her lot in life.) She goes back to silent thinking.
Nick, with his fingers, flashes her a 1, a 5 and a 4.
Dani bends over and says he's so cute and gives him a hug.
You give awful hugs, dani says as she walks off to the kitchen.
Cam switch to outside where 10 HG's are all sitting on the patiocouch.
BB: Eric Please come to the diary room.
Zach, Jess, Joe, Jen, Mike, Jameka, Amber, Dustin and Dick.
They are playing a game involving
Out of Nine people polled; In a public setting with a child crying with no apparent parent around, how many would come up to the child?
Everyone at the count of three reveals, with the fingers, how many would.
The people who all guessed the same "won". Then they'd all discuss which of them would actually do it and who they thought out of the others would do it.
"Out of the 9 HG's surveyed...How many of them would regularly mow their elderly neighbors lawn, free of charge?
Jen has a zero. Jameka says 4. Dustin and Amber have 7s.
They then rib Jen for having a zero. Dani enters.
out of 10 HG's polled...If a HG received the incorrect amount of change (under 5 dollars) how many would turn it back in? Most had 4 fingers, a couple of twos and ones. Dick had 6, Amber had 7, Eric said 8.
4 was the winning answer, and after polling the actual HGs 8 received the bonus. Eric gets the bonus.
out of the 10 HG's polled...How many of you would watch a friends children free-of-charge to give them a free night?
Dustin: "I already know Jen's answer!"
3..2..1..8s and 10's reign supreme, Joe says 1. 10 HG's would do it.
Out of the 10HGs polled...How many think it's okay to spank your children?
Jameka is a spanker. Joe is a spanker. Amber is a spanker. Dani and Mike as well.
Amber and Jameka would spank their children in public.
Jess: "Jameka, I would behave."
The conversation continues to center around spanking. Jen fights for the side of non-spanking, Dick and Amber speak for the side of spanking. (I dare not put my feelings on the subject in here. But suffice it to say, I'm quite impressed with Jen's stance. Dick however is talking about breaking furniture over his son. Scary if'n ya' ask me.)
Jameka asks if anyone thinks they should allow swatting/paddling by teachers in school.
Out of 10 HG's polled...How many would participate in hazing to join a frat/sorority/group, as hazer or hazee?
3...2...1...Mike 0, Jess and Dani 4, Jen 2, Jess and Dani win. Jen says she's hazed and been hazed herself before.
Mike goes to bed...
Amber asks how many of you would rather lose your virginity to a friend then to a stranger?
This question raises some eyebrows and some hackles. Joe thinks Joe and Jen would for sure prefer a stranger. Dick defends himself by admitting that he'd already talked about losing his virginity to a close friend.
Dani asks about a final 3 situation that would require you to evict your best friend to go into final 2 with a known loser. They all say they'd rather let their frined win.
Jess brings up a question about death and knowing how you died or life and being suprised by death later, which was preferrable?
Most say they'd rather not know.
jameka: If you could be a twin or have twins, which would you choose?
Most say be a twin. Most also say they'd rather be of the same sex.
Questions start making some serious range spanning...Would you sleep with a robot? Would you choose the sex and features of your child in the womb?
The group disperses and Dick and Dustin "retire" to the hammock.
Dustin: I just wanted to tell you, in case you do go tomorrow, that I really enjoyed meeting you and feel that my life is better because of having met you.
Dick: Wow. I..can't...I...That was so incredible. Thank you so much for saying that.
They talk about how they both have grown to like each other immensely and that they share likes in Dani, Amber and Eric as well.
Dick and Dustin in hammock talking about how Dick was (and kinda is still) sure that him and Joe were working together.
Dick says he really wants Dustin and Dani and Amber to last a very long time in this game and that he's been trying to make the appropriate moves himself to insure their future safety.
Dick asks Dustin if he's voting to keep Dick or if he's voting to get rid of Joe?
Dustin says it's beacuse he wants to keep Dick.
Cam switch to LR with Eric, Jam, and Jess ending some chitchat about the perception of buildings they live in.(?)
Eric asks Jess if she's going to bed. She says yes and then Joe walks in from outside and Jess runs and jumps up into his arms.
Cam switch back outside with Dustin and Dick.
Dustin says that even though he's not religious, he'll be praying tonight to keep Dick in the house.
They start talking about Zach. That Zach really hates Joe and is feeling the pressure from the other four to keep Joe in the house.
Dustin thinks that Mike is a possible wavering vote as well.
Dick recounts saying to Kail that her strategy is as see through as her alliance is.
They say that that statement really rattled Kail.
They try to figure out how to get out Zach next week and who they should put up against him.
Of course they return to Dick "calling out" Kail earlier in the kitchen.
How Kail deserved it and that everyone in the house benefitted from hearing the "conversation" between Dick and Kail.
They talk about each of the other HGs. Jen shouldn't go to sequester. Eric is paranoid, but loveable. Jess is under the radar.
Cam switch to Jameka giving Joe a backrub.
Joe starts talking about "dirty sex". How a friend of his would ask his dates to beat him.
Jen comes out and asks who made Jen's toothbrush "kiss" another toothbrush. Dani says "C'mon Joe admit it."
Joe: I did that? When.
Dani: I saw you making them kiss earlier."
Joe: Oh yeah, I guess I did. It wasn't a full mouth kiss or anything. Not like you and Mike *giggle*. I didn't interweave the bristles or anything. They were just giving more of a peck on the cheek."
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