Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Tuesday, July 17

Tuesday and Joe starts campaigning

Dani feels that she'll be the one to go home next week. There's been an order of one, two, three downstairs people going home. Dick reassuring her that it depends on who she's up against. ED surprised he was so comfortable being on the block... especially second week in.
Dick said something about Mike and Daniele said he would never vote outside of his block.
Vincent (son/brother) will be upset that Dick blows his shot but totally excited that she won... so will their grandmother... (Dick talking about tv...dani reminded him that if Vince is watching the live feeds, he'll already know lol)
Dick hates to be the one who does everything in his sleep.
Mike is buff but not athletic... only buff cause he's a model says Dani... his weakness.
Dick telling Dani to be careful of winning too much... Kail said everyone's comparing her to Janelle/James.... Dani telling her not to say that.
Dick approached Nick before the competition, and he got houseguest choice (that dinner), would Nick use it on Dani.
(Dick... trying to explain, as only a dad can, and Dani getting impatient LOL)
Dani saying please don't do that kind of stuff because he's putting a lot of pressure on people... she wants him to be careful about that stuff... Amber, Nick, Dani all felt pressure. Dick said Amber will do anything for him...
Dani wondering how Dick could ask anyone to do something like that this early in the game... that's a lot of stress... like Joe asking her not to use the veto... for these people they've only known for 2 1/2 weeks. Just be care of the pressure you're making other people.
Dick saying he was only concerned about Dani being on the block. Dick doesn't understand why she feels she would be going home if she didn't win the POV.. he hadn't thought it through.
Said she did a great job of fixing it.
Dani's going to try to go to bed.. the ogre is snoring.
Dick asking Dani to try to be a little more patient with him... she said it goes both ways.
Then Dick says "Hey.... I do love you, very much."
Dani says.... "Good Night." and heads inside to the privy... tinkles (mic still on lol) wipes, flushes and is back out to the sink.

Daniele went to bed and Dick straightened outside, collected towels and may have started a load of wash (I poured a cuppa hehe), and is now cleaning up in the kitchen. He seems to be on a positive high because of his talk with Daniele. Productive. (Can see where being a nightclub manager comes into play... I see him doing this in a club instead of the house... late nights.. last call...)

Dick starts his daily soliloquy... usual mental list of other players and their importance to his game. Lots of effin this and that and burping.
He has an awful feeling that Daniele's going to be out of there. GD it...I wish she would just listen to me. (Another cigarette)... Paced and back to couch.
"Ah... here comes the sun."
Folds a load of laundry... checks dryer... still wet... hates how everything is computerized. Puts away load of folded laundry.
Heads to kitchen where he is drying dishes.

Dick has finally gone to bed.


Jen is awake talking to Kail in HOH
Kail says she can't win HOH, Jen says Zach has to win this week and Jen has to win next week, Kail too scared to win HOH. She said, "I don't need any more enemies. My gut feeling is to throw it."
Kail says she could put up Jessica and Dick up. Jen still pushing hard for Dani to go up, Kail says no, she can't put Dani up. She doesn't have any deals with Dani, she just can't put her up and doesn't want to deal with Dick.
Jen wants to go to the hot tub and is going to make a swim suit out of her leotard (very creative Jen, I give you props for making one, good job)
Zach and Nick in the hot tub.

HG's around the pool and hot tub, laying out and not really talking about anything.

Nothing going on in the BB house right now. Jen was working out on the in her unikini, most of the HG's are laying out not really talking. Mike is sitting at the bar playing with a slop bucket Jen is now sitting on the spiral staircase with a towel wrapped around her. Amber is in the kitchen making a shake. Jen is talking to Mike about pretend shopping for Jameka's birthday Friday.

Jam, Nick, Dick, Joe, Dani, and Kail in lounge chairs. Jam asks what would they take from the house if they could take one thing. Dick says he'd take the illuminating pictures on the wall in the LR. Nick says he likes the TV in the HOH room so he can see all the rooms. Jam says she would take the hammock. Nick and Dick agree that they like the magnify glass too. Dani would take the giraffe. Kail would take a chess piece. Dani doesnt like the couch in the DR "it's awwwwkward". Everyone likes the couch in the WC.

Dustin, Mike, and Nick in Kitchen Dustin saying he can only nap for 25 minutes. Mike saying he is a napper. Dustin says they should play frisbee later.
Mike and Nick go to BY.

Feed switches to Joe and Dani in BY. Joe tells her that he hates she is in that position (to vote between him and her dad). Dani doesn't say anything. Joe tells her he can stay if he gets her vote. He says he is going to address four people today (Mike and Kail being 2) Nick joins them and starts talking about his mustache. He's talking about his good looks and Dani says "do you want me to move over?" And he says "why" she says "to make room for your ego." he asks her if she really thinks that about him and tells her he's not really like that.
Nick changes the subject to Eric saying he is going to end up hurting himself one of these days. (i guess Eric is jumping into the pool)

Nick about his ex girlfriend, Nick says he wouldn't have done the show if he was still with his ex girlfriend. He says she was his first love and she dumped him because he was never around and then slept with another guy that night in his apartment and told him she didn't love him. He says she hurt him to much and he would never get back with her. He had planned to ask her to marry him in Italy

1:19 BBT
Nick says he has 2 siblings. His 23 year old sister is getting married next summer.
Joe says his mom and dad were previously divorced and his dad had two kids from his first marriage.
Kail says the key is marring the right person. Nick leaves and Kail and Joe talk about finding the right person. They both agree that there's many people out there that could make someone happy and you just have to find one of them . Kail says the common denominator is God. She says when her or her husband have problems the go to God and that is what has saved them.

Joe plays a prank on Zach while they are both in the shower, he dropped what looked like poop on Zach's side of the shower and Zach ran out of the shower almost naked and Joe started laughing soooo hard, Joe says the girls would have lost it. He says Jameka would have killed him. He talks about what he had planned to do. He wanted to tell them he took a poop and then drop it and kick it to their side of the shower.
He talks about what it is. It's some sort of protein shake thing.. a chocolate protein shake powder or something.. that he molded with "the perfect consistency"

Kail told Jen that she could get Mike, Zach and Nick to vote with her against Dick. Told Jen to let her know and she said that Amber wouldn't vote against Dick because she hates Joe because of Dustin.

Dustin, Dani and Kail in the BR.
Getting ready for the day, they talk about makeup.
Discussion quickly truns to food and what Dani and Kail are gonna do as soon as they can start eating real food.

Cam switch to outside with Jen and Jess in the pool. No talking.

Dustin comes out and lays on the lounger near the pool.
Still no talking.
Oh wait...Jen talks about not having one single piece of dirty clothing anymore. She's worn the unitard all week and all of her clothes have been washed and folded and are waiting to be worn.
Jen then goes inside to go to the bathroom. Amber comes out and gets into the pool and splashes herself to cool off a bit. Then leaves.

Cam switch to HOH where Jen and Kail talk about trying to get votes to get Dick out.
Kail entrusts Jen to tell Mike, while Kail says she work on getting Joe to do some campaigning himself.
Kail leaves and cam follows her to the kitchen.
Zach, Mike Joe and Jameka are there as well. Kail sits down with Joe and asks if the two of them can have a talk.
They get up and go to the SR.

Once inside, Joe gives Kail his word that he won't nominate her if he stays.
Joe says he admires her gameplay. Joe says he's got 4 votes, Kail asks how he knows for sure that they'll vote for him.
Joe says he's got Dani. Kail: "What? Dani would vote her dad out? I don't believe that."
Joe goes on to say that Jess will give him a vote.
He suggests that Eric and Nick will vote to keep him.
He says he for sure doesn't have Amber or Dustin, but the rest of them are all question marks.
Kail says that Joe HAS to promise her that he'll get four people and she'll find the fifth and then talk to Jen about breaking the tie.
She insists again, that Joe has got to get the four without anyone knowing that she is a for sure.
Joe agrees and then leaves. They both go back into the kitchen.

In the kitchen...Kail and Zach discuss how many days Kail has been on slop.

Cam switch to BY, where Joe lights a smoke and talks with Jen and Eric.
Joe says he wants to have a conversation with Eric. Jen says that's great but they have to wait awhile. They can't talk out here in front of everyone.
Joe then says that if he were to stay in the house and Dick was to go that he would stop smoking.
Jen says that's great.

Joe puts his smoke out and Jen tells him that he should go upstairs and wait for Eric. That her and Eric need to talk briefly.
Joe goes inside and Jen then grills Eric about where he stands upon making the decision to keep Joe. Kail comes out and the two girls sit on either side of him. Eric says that he'll be thinking about it. Jen and Kail agree that keeping Dick is a bad choice this week. Eric says he can see both sides.
Jen and Kail continue to tell Eric things that seem obvious to them but Eric counters with "That's not true" to most of them.
He says he'll hear them out but no guarantees.

Eric leaves and goes to the HOH.
The two of them talk about how stupid Jen is. That the last person she talks to is the one that she believes the most.
That Jen calls Joe public enemy number one, but two seconds later after Joe compliments her on her perfume and Jen all of a sudden says Joe is the bees knees.

Joe starts...He thinks that people listen to what he says.
Eric asks if he thinks that Dick and Joe are on the same side.
Joe says yes. That if Dick left that Joe would go on in the shadow of Dick. That he rallies people. That there are people that already believe in him and follow him.
Joe says that people in this house have been trying slowly to get Eric to join them.
Eric asks if he's talking about 8 or 9 people or if he's talking about 3 or 4.
Joe says right in the middle, he's talking about 5 people.
Eric asks him who is for sure voting for Dick to stay. Joe says Amber and Dick.
Joe says that Dani is on the fence, and Nick as well.

Eric says that what bugs him most is that he knows that people have been using his name to buffer their "side" of the arguments without ever actually talking to him.
They come to no real resolution. Joe says his piece and Eric remains cautious.

3:30 pm
Joe is talking to Kail in the BY and Joe says that he thinks things are going well (talking about getting the votes)
Kail: I don't know Joe, I don't see it that way
Joe: what do you mean
Kail: I just think Dick is gonna have to really mess up between now and thursday (Dani said earlier that the DR told her voting was live on Thursday)
Kail is talking with Joe about how she is not getting her hopes up because she isn't seeing it very good for Joe. He seems concerned and is trying to get more out of her and she is basically telling him that he has got to start making some deals or something!

Eric is talking to Jess on the hammock and telling her that she is one of the only poeple that he likes hanging out with
Jess: well Mike doesn't talk, Zack is wierd, Jen is wierd
Eric: Jen really likes you by the way
Jess: well I kinda like her I would just never trust her
Eric is telling Jess that she needs to watch out because her alliance she is in is starting to spread stuff and put words in peoples mouth. He is saying that some people in her group are saying that Eric is making jess look uncomfortable and stuff. She is really upset by this cause she likes Eric. Eric: do I make you feel uncomfortable, or wierd
Jess: no I wanna be around you alot, do you not see how I come up to you
Jess: I am tired of everyone looking at me as this 21 year old dumb girl.

3:55 pm
Eric is talking to JEss about when he was talking to Jen he was saying that Jess should stay in the house. He told Jen that she has way to many people to worry about coming after her than Jess and she was like yeah I know (hehehhe)

Nick and Dani are in the Small bedroom and Dani is painting Nick's nails again. Dani is talking about how hungry she is and that she is starving. Nick is concernend and asked her if she was below 100 and she said no.

Zack: I have been told by many people taht Joe is trying to get them to stay, I wanna know how possible his mind trick will work against them, cause I don't wanna be the only person voting him out.
Dustin: his word is not really anything
Zack: People have asked me to get ED out and there is no way in hell I will do that. If Joe stays there will be alot of S*** that would happen. So I am asking you if you and Amber are gonna vote him out
Dustin: we have told him to his face
Zack: then I too will tell him I am gonna vote him out
Dustin: I told Joe he was dishonest to carol and to me and I don't like his gameplay. They continue to bash Joe and it looks like they will be voting him out

4:10 pm
Zack: I wanted you to be aware that there is an uprising happening. But it won't turn me. I can't think of a thing that will turn me. But you need to be sure to make your rounds to whoever. Dustin: It's not my place to do that. I don't bring my personal stuff into this house.
Zack: Well, but if he stays he's going to have his list of people he doesn't like.
Dustin: I think I need to talk to Kail and Eric
Zack: I don't think Nick wants Joe to stay. I think he enjoys Dick's company more.
Dustin: I'm not sure about that. If I were you I'd ask him about that.
Zack: But that's not my place
Dustin: It's not my place to ask Kail either, but I just feel like...
Dustin: Were deals struck?
Zack: I don't have confirmation of that. I don't know how the conversations went. I just don't want it to slip through. If he stays it will be hard for everyone.
Dustin: We'll see how this goes. But we do have all day tomorrow. It is a live vote this week.

Dustin then begins talking with Kail
Kail: Evil basically told me he doesn't need to talk to me because he has the vote
Dustin: Wow! That's ballsy
Kail: But I feel good that he'd honor his word from when I didn't put up Daniele
Dustin: Did Joe talk to you
Kail: Yeah, he didn't ask for any bargain or anything. But he said for sure you and Amber aren't voting for him to stay.
Dustin: I told him that. It's not personal, but I told him that I can't trust him in this house. The way he lied and manipulated. I told him he set himself up even in the situation with Carol. He got very upset with me and took it to a very dark place
Kail: You know his character better than anybody. Is it his character to lie or was that a slip up Dustin: In June 2005 when I first met him he was loving and honest. But he's not that person anymore. He's paranoid and insecure and overcompensating.
Joe walks out and the convo turns abruptly.

4:30 pm
Jen and Joe talking in the HOH about life. Jen says that her life is the most unbelievable life she has ever experienced. (lol)

Zach and Nick were just outside discussing Nick's mohawk..he is "amped" and "jacked" about it Zach is going to play teatherball with Danielle... Dani comes back outside and asks Nick if hes still talking about himself. Nick says yep he's Jen today Now Nick and Dani playing teatherball..before Eric and ED were talking about sports..etc. Dustin talking about a place between Canada and the US where no country claims it, ED says that if someone grew tons of marijuana there, who would bust them??

5 pm
Eric screams out to Zach and Dani: What can we do tonight?
Dani: Dress you in drag!!
E: Lets dress you in drag
Dani: none of your clothes would fit me
E: I mean dress you in women's clothes
Dani: Ohhhh we got jokes! we got jokes!!

Mike Kail and Jen in the HOH room
Kail: If evil gets HOH he promised me and Jen that he wont put us out, only options are you(Mike) and Zach. ZAch will not vote Evil out..flat out. I cant convince him to vote Evil out.
Jen: Zach is ruining our game, we need a new player in our little game here.
Kail: he said there is no way we will get HOH 3 weeks in a row, he said youre done. Dick said "But i cant vote you out or Jen so thats leaves Mike and Zach, he says Zach is the 4th wheel" Jen: I know how I can get Zach to vote out Evil! He came up here and did his little chess thing..he knows him and Dani dont like eachother...she says more but then shes like nevermind its gonna be really hard to explain. Doesnt think that Joe should know that people are trying to keep him..
Jen: Nick is voting for Joe to stay..
Kail doesnt know that for sure. How do we know that?? Jameka said she would vote for him if Joe says he has 4 confirmed votes. Jess will vote to keep Joe in. Then there is Kail and Mike. Jen seems to think that Eric will vote for how she wants...he doesnt wanna look bad with me.

5:30 pm
still same crew in HOH Mike saying he knows nick is not with amber or dani he has to know they are not in with him. Says he has no one but them he might be with them because he has no where else to go Jen left HOH. Kail tells Mike he has to talk to Zach and tell him not to vote against the alliance. Mike isn't sure where Nick stands. He got an incorrect answer about who Jen is putting up. He can't figure out why. Mike saying everything Nick says doesn't line up. The things Nick has told Zach and NIck don't add up. The things Jen says do line up. Kail says you should talk to Nick. If he is in the alliance he should be able to talk freely. Mike says he doesn't trust Nick 100% because of past things not lining up. Kail says Evil told me Zach isn't really in our alliances, he's just a side kick. Kail finds that interesting. Mike says you can tell who is talking to whom based on how information comes back. Mike - they already think there is a group formed. If I stop


6:30 pm
Dick just made the comment that his mom is a minister.
Jameka telling Jess to not tell Joe just yet that she is voting him out. She doesn't want him to know yet.

7:22 pm
Nick goes outside to Joe and Jessica and laughs that Zach said he looks identical to Tom Brady Jessica jokes, "Yeah, that's what everyone says." Joe adds, "Yep, that's what the consensus in the house is." Nick says during the celebrity game no one said that. Nick then adds sarcastically as if he's talking to Zach, "Are you on crack?"

Joe and Jessica are spinning arond fast in the tea cup laughing like kids and throwing pillows at each other. Nick is spinning them fast.

7:45 pm
Nick goes, "You guys don't have problems with spinning?" Jessica, amidst giggles as she spins, says, "No, we're not losers!"

Kail just thanked Jen for changing her mind ( voting dick out now)

NIck is burning his armpit hair with a lighter. BB: Nick, stop that!

Kail, Jam, and Dani are eating salsa soup. Eric is in there now
Dani: Eric tell a joke
Eric: why did the chicken cross the road
Dani: why
Eric: to get to the other side
Dani:I never really got that joke
Eric: me neither
Dani: knock knock
Eric: who's there
Dani: Britney Spears
Eric: Britney Spears who
Dani: Knock Knock
Eric: who's there
Dani: opps I did it again!
they all laugh

8:10 pm
All the guys and Jen are sitting around the table eating mexican food. Jen walked in the storeroom and found beer. They have 10 beers in store room, plus 2 in fridge, bottle of wine in fridge and Jen has bottle of whine
Joe: We're gonna get TRASHED! (yea!!)

Amber and Dani were in the bathroom talking and Amber was putting on makeup. Dani asked who she is getting all dolled up for and she said she just wanted to feel pretty! They then begin to whisper
Amber: who are you puttin up if you win HOH
Dani: Zack and Jen
Amber: really
Dani: yeah Jen is just so caddy and immature and I don't wanna deal with that.
Amber seems to try and talk Dani into puttin up Kail instead if she wins and she says no she is gonna put up Jen. They then leave
Guys finishing dinner but still sitting around the table

8:18 pm
Dani left BR and Jess walked in. They are talking about who is voting for her. they aren't sure who Dani and Nick are voting for. Jess thinks maybe dani is voting out her dad. Jess is so sick of Joe saying he has 4 and Jess is like who are they and he says well he will have 4. Jess rolls her eyes while telling this story. Amber now talking about how her and Dustin are really close but if they both like opposite people on the block they would vote differently!

8:45 pm
Jameka and Kail are laying on BY couches and Jameka says that Joe does not have the votes. Jameka says Joe is a liar and Kail says ED is an intimidator. Jameka says Joe doesn't have the votes. Kail is shocked
Kail: how do you know
J: I know tell me who would vote, he doesn't have me and you
K: what if he did
J: ok that would be 2 who else
J: who else
K: Eric
J: Doubt it who else
K: Nick
J: Doubt it
K: really?
J: yup
K: I think we can get Nick
J: really, I don't think so
K: do you think I should try to persuade Eric
J: you can try but he is gonna do what he is gonna do, I don't think it will matter.

Dustin is in the shower and Amber, Eric, Dani are all in there as well. Joe walks in to the WC and says "oh yuck, Dani it smells like your breath"
Dani: I don't pooh!

9:08 pm
Eric and Dani are on the hammock talking for like the first time ever. They are just kinda talking strategy but Eric won't really show his cards. Dani asking who he is voting for and Eric says he isn't really sure he wants to give each of them a chance to ask for his vote.

Jameka and Kail back on BY couch and Kail is still trying to talk J into voting out ED. Jam won't really budge at all though. she is not confident the votes are there to get ED out of the house and that is what she is basing her decisions off of.

Amber and Dustin are in the BR and Amber is laying on top of Dustin who is only wearing a towel. They go on a "how much they love each other" speech and I don't really feel like typing it (lol)

9:46 pm
Jess and Kail were talking earlier and Kail is pusing Jam and Jess really hard to get ED out. Kail says to Jess "don't you have any pull with Eric" and Jess says honestly she thinks he will vote out Joe but she isn't sure. Kail starts to sound really frustrated that she can't get Jam and Jess to commit to voting out ED. She ends the convo and tells Jess that if she rats Kail out to everyone about voting out ED then Kail will rat Jess out. (sheeshh)

Jess ran up HOH hallway and is relaying everything to Jam about what was said. As it still stands now they seem to be still set on voting out Joe. it seems like the safest option. Amber shows up and they quit with the strategy talk.

BY folks include Jen (in her unikini/stripper looking outfit) Joe, Nick Mike all hanging in the hottub. Not talking about much of anything!

9:55 pm
nick and Dani in SR talking about Jen (apparently she is drunk) and nick begging dani to come listen to it. Nick: It is hilarious. She said she "100% looks" Jess went up to Eric in HOH
Jess: ok so this is me trying to convince you to vote out Joe
Eric: huh
Jess: yeah I am supposed to come sway you, but don't say anything or the reign of terror will come down
Eric: did kail tell you to do that
Jess: yeah but don't say anything.

Jen is SOOO SMASHED! she has Eric up in the HOH room with the door locked (he looks scared) she is trying to talk to him about the votes.

10:12 pm
Jen continues to be completly smashed in the HOH room! She is trying to talk strategy with Eric but keeps putting up her fingers for who is putting up who and Eric is just confused. Kail walks in and looks somewhat annoyed that Jen is drunk
The fellas are in the backyard playing frisbee

A drunken Jen telling Eric that Nick is part of the Mrs Robinson Allinace to Eric. She's tryinh to persuade Eric to vote for Joe to stay. Jen telling Eric that they are not targeting Jamekka or Jess or any of them.

Jess still being hounded by Kail . They are heading to the HOH to try to talk to Eric to vote for Joe to stay. Eric trying to say he's only 1 vote out of 10.
Kail says after the live show everybody will know where evrryone stands. She tells Eric after Thurs they'll know how he voted. Eric disagrees people will know who votes for who. Eric refuses to tell them who he's voting for.
"I don't know who I'm voting for" He says he hasn't had a chance to speak with Dick and after he will be further apt to reveal where he's leaning.
Kail says he's not worried he'll put her up because "he owes me a favor"
Eric says with Dick it's what you see is what you gets.
Jen obnoxiously explaining that she'll go up if Dick stays.
Eric asks why his vote impacts on what they do he asks Kail. Kail says everyone is "intimidated by Evel" Kail doesn't want to be one of three or four. That's her self- proclaimed honest answer. She doesn't need to be cussed out everyday and be stared down by Dick
Jen says is anyone gonna put up Evel.."Jen will put up Evel"
Kail says she has 4 maybe 5 maybe 6.
Eric says everyone's on the fence and both are confident he'll stay. He says he will not commit to anything until he's given Dick a chance to stay.
Jen rambling and Eric speaks drunk and clarifies what she's saying. Jen says "I'm scared of both of them" Kail says she's not scared of Joe.
Eric asks setting aside comfort of the living what does Evel have in the game if he doesn't have a lot of people in the game. Jen and Kail says he has a lot of people in the game.
Jen and Kail trying to get Eric to believe that no one will put up Evel and they put that question to Jess and she said yes she could.
Eric ask "Would Joe do the same thing" Kail says Joe doesn't have the numbers. Kail says it's hard just to get the 5 votes.
Eric asks who would win HOH? They say Joe. But they say he's putting up Dustin and Amber. Eric says do you believe that.
Drunk Jen leaves.
Kail in begging mode saying this is their only chance to get rid of him "he lies" and telling her that he plans to talk to her afterwards.
Eric says comparing Joe and Dick is like comparing Apples and Apples...they are the same player..Kails says his game is a game of intimidation and in the next breath that he doesn't intimidate her.

Kail's repetitive argument still being presented badly to Eric.
Kail says he'll make it to the end. Eric says no. Kail says nobody will ever nominated and Eric asks who are these people going to put up then?
Eric "I'm not in an alliance with anyone" He does each vote on a case by case basis.
Kail's argument of Dick as a liar is rebuffed by the question doesn't Joe lie by Eric. He answer is Joe will be easier to get out.
Eric reiterates to a thick sculled Kail that he needs to talk to Dick first before he makes any decision as to how he'll vote.
Kail says "i was the first to be open" about Joe to stay.

Joe outside talking to Zach telling him tthat he's not going after "strong players" but weak ones. He is trying to make a deal with Zach telling him that if you keep Dick it's a guranteed vot for Danile to stay.
Zach say that he finds it intrusive when one and one argument. He finds a change in it because of his position he's in.
Joe says he'll be a new person in the house if he stays.
Joe says he knew he wouldn't bring up the Carol situation because he let him knew..but claims he had already changed his mind before Joe came up to let him know.
Joe says he'll attack people who just hang around.
Zach tells him he appreciates the change in attitude and the person he is noe. Joe blames Dustin being there for his behavior.
Zach says before this convo he would be 90% against him but now he's 60-40 of eviction.
Zach asks what strategy he's bringing to the game now? Joe says he won't attack the strong players. Then he tells Zach he thinks he throws comp and tells him he'd like to see him step it up. Joe says he'll step into a leadrship position and get things right.
Zach tells him that "could be a double edged sword"
Zach asks how he'll benefit from him staying. tells Joe he's close to Nick. Joe tells him he's seen his strive especially with other players. If he progresses to see him grow than he'll keep appreciating it.
Joe tells him he's closes to Jessica.
Joe says he's threatned personally by Dustin and stategy wise Danile even though he likes her very much. Zach agrees with him.
Zach "I got to figure out what my votes worth to you" saying he hasn't figured it out. zach says he needs some kind of reassurance and deal with him because he doesn't trust him. Joe says why? Zach says if you bring Jessica into it and Joe say he can't bring her into it and Zach says he needs it.
Zach says there no advatages to keeping Dick.
joe says he doesn't know if anybody is 100%. Zach says sine he" has the audacity" to come to him and thankful he "has the guts" and when he's 100% he'll let him know.
He doesn't believe he'll go after Dustin because he'll probably won't go. He'd be interested who he would put up.

11:29 BBT
Joe says if he's the one person he has to make deal with he'd be the only one since he's never made a deal with anyone else. Zach says their is a possibility he may vote gain 60-40. Joe tells him about his talk with Dustin and all his apologies for stealing his friend and Zach said "closure" and Joe says no just to get to tell him soory and really mean it "is all he ever wanted" and the Joe says "to bring closure"
Zach says he'll think about it. Tells Zach he's been in one of his dreams and Zach says he doesn't want to know.
Jameka talking to Jen says she will not be that person here. She's working on her mouth and believes DNE do not engage.
Jen says she doesn't care she has a target on her back from HOH. She just wants to get out the bad. Jen talking about Dick blowing up Jameka tells her that's been her experience. Now she's talking about Danile being negative and Jamekka says she can see it.
Jen tells her that that Dick and Danile vote for each other the rest of the season.
Jameka says it's hard . Jen brings who will be harder to get weeks ahead. Jameka goes down to eat to be free from the drunk.
Jen "ya finally a party in the HOH" with Zach Kail and Eric and a passing Dustin in there to use the bathroom.

11:41 BBT
Dick is talling to Amber outside discussing the POV.
Jameka asks a question to Amber when she leaves Dick say he's not sure about her and Amber says neither am I. FOTH
Zach came out and tells Dick about his convo with Joe. Pretty acurate. Dick says Joe has been telling people that he's been promising to quit smoking if he stays.
Zach says that Dick hasn't offered him anythin either but enjoys Dick's company more. Zach says he'd never keep in touch with Joe because of the person he is. Seems Zach is dishing an offer from Dick. Oh dustin is outside too.
Again Zach keeps bringing up the offer in front of Dick. Zach tells Dustin that he has 4 people and if he needs him he'll after give him a deal. Zach says his mind is made up because Joe doesn't bring the right energy into the house. says Dick is an asshole to Jen but Jen has dug that hole herself.
Dick says from all Joe's bullshit he had to pull him aside to says he's not campaigning.
Zach talking about his beef with Jameeka.
Dick says he'll tell him something if wants Zach promises not to say anything. The problem with Jameka started with the wake up song with Zach saying who picked this shit and Jameka saying it was racist and Dick says that all the people who made "snap judgements" are over it.
Zach says evrthing says that evrything gets blown out of proportions. Talking about the Africa comments from dinner. Zach telling him about the wiping his hand incident. Dick says Jameka's reactions are bullshit and told her that they need to chill the fuck out. Dick starting to bash Jen .......
"jameka is on my list"-Zach Dick is telling Zach that Kail is campaigning to get him out.
Zach saying he told Kail that he'll keep Dick.
Dick said that when she was HOH and asked her not to put Danile up. Dick say he told her he owes her one. Dick tells Zach he confronted her about her campaigning to get him out.
Jameka talking about her gas. Again. Dick explaining what a dutch oven is .
Dick continues says he told Kail she's wiggin out because she was with the normal people. Dick bringing up the radar question.....he says when they were on the hammock she accused him of rounding up the troops against her and says he told her for being stupid for lining up with the most hated person in the house[Jen]. Dick says Kail would leave against Jen.
Zach turns the talk about his checker game with Danile. Dick says she's a nice girl but has her issues. Zach says she talks about him a lot and Dick says good or bad. Zach says good. dick says his game will be a lot easier if Danile was gone and Zach sais her game will be harder if he left.
He continues telling Zach about his talk with kail telling Zach she should leave Jen and this is the most she's talked to people because she was trying to get him evicted.
He tells Zach he has 110% he has nothing to worry about. Yesterday she tells him she would keep him and today she's campaiging to get him out. Zach says he thinks Joe has an offer with Kail which he says he doesn't about when Kail came to him and changed her mind to evict Dick. zach says he doesn't want to miss the golden opportunity of getting the biggest a*****e[joe] out of the house.
Zach tells Dick he should find out the four votes and try to talk to them and see what Joe has offered. Dick says he doesn't give a s**t.
Dick says he will just let Joe go with his mouth and just let him get in trouble.
Dick says that if Joe says he has 4 votes that means he has two. Zach say Danile and// and Dick says Kail and Mike and Zach says he has Mike by default because he doesn't like Joe. Zach says he might have Nick. Dick says he's the all American kid he would have like to be like.

12:19 BBT
Dick says that Danile's boyfriend must be stressing [wonder if he saw last nights bed action].
Zach says they'll fight but get over it. dick says Danile has her issues doesn't talk to her mom and doesn't talk to her brother..FOTH
There is something going on in a bed can't see who it is feed 2 and 3

12:24 BBT
The bed action was Nick and Danile when a voice came over and told them they must wear their mics if they talk. It wasn't on house speakers either.
Were they talking or??????
Kail did walk in on it to get something out of the dresser..lol I don't think she saw.

12:29 BBT
Danile's done with Nick and comes out to inform her dad that Eric is on the fence. Dick "are you f*****g kidding me"
He says he needs to talk to him "my my my how things have changed" Dick says to talk to Jess for him. He asks if she's ok and says "do you think I'm going" "i don't know"
Danile is frustrated [probably getting caught] "I just want to go home. Danile is crying and saya she just wants to go home "it just sucks" "i don't want to hurt people" dick asks if she was having feelings for Nick. She's really crying.......
Dick telling her he knows how it feels. She just keeps saying she wants to go home and wants to "talk to chris" and doesn't want to do something stupid jus because of the situation she was put in..
[I think she could kiss Chris goodbye]

Dick knows it's the Nick situation but asks Danile for an explanation.
Dick tells her this situation is different . Tells her that she has to do the things that is right for her. Tells her in really likes Nick and that he doesn't know her boyfriend since he only met him once and remind her in lives in MInnesota and is a country boy and think about asking him to uproot to LA
Danile says she's 100% correct for Chris and she waits for him at the door nd she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. She's going on how she hates it..
"what you have outside is your life" and what she has in here is her "TV life" Dick says he understand but she says "not like this" because she can't call him......Dick says to tell Chis "you love him" to the cameras.
Talking about being pressured by Nick to talk about her life because you can't be open and honest. She says Nick tells her how he feels about her being open and honest and she can't to the same and she feels horrible about it.
Dick suggest to tell him how she feels and he thinks Nick would understand.
Dick being very understanding and says he wants to be there. when it's' good it's good and when it's bad it's bad. talking about relationship telling her he will never give up on his relationship with her. telling Danile she can always depend on him.
tells her "he loves her very much" danile says she doesn't want to talk about it because they will go in circles.
Starts talking about Nick FOTH
Danile sitting with Dick as he's being very understanding and trying to explain that he could understand to a certain degree about Nick and that he can only be there for her to talk to. Telling her emtions are being pounded with nick and Chris plus with him being here.

12:55 BBT
His advice to her is to be as open an honest to Nick. Tell him that she doesn't want to hurt him or her boyfriend and how she can't tell him how she feels because maybe she doesn't know or maybe she doesn't want to hurt him .
Danile goes to bed and Dick says he'll be up if she needs to talk. tells her again she loves her

12:59 BBT
Danile returns to her room and finds Joe molesting Nick. joe asking Danile if she needs anything and says no.
Nick asks Danile what's wrong and Danile says nothing. He says someone told him she was crying outside and she tells Nick she's fine.
Tells her "goodnight" and she says goodnight.

1:05 BBT
Joe, Dustin and Jessica spinning in the teapcup and Dick smoking in deep thought on all four feeds

1:10 BBT
Feeds return to the group in the kitchen and Dick asks jameka about her gas and Jan=meks alerts the that its subsiding.
Amber Zazh Mike Dick Eric talking that if they were actors they would have to be feed every 6 hours but Eric says that they are not union so it doesn't apply.
Amber asking Jameka what her lucky numbers and she says 2-7 and Amber says her are 3-7 and alerts her their pics are # 3-#7. Jameka says she would have picked 3 but didn't count herself because she wasn't selfish.[lame]
Joe talking to jess who still feels like she's spinning from her antics from the spinning tea cup.
Jess tells her she doesn't want him to go and says he doesn't think so and he's worried about Nick. Joe thinks that Danile crying was her realizing that her dad's going.
Jess tells him that Kail has been campaigning hard.
A lot of talk about Jameka and Jess opening up to Kail.
"do you have a meeting at four?" is the code to let people know that they are in fact keeping joe. they will answer yes I have a meeting or yes I'll be there means yes to keep joe.

1:26 BBT
Eric tells Dick says he will support Dick "period end of story"
Dick says he will be going after "that bitch" and if he thinks he's going to honor their agreement.
Eric says if all the people say they will vote for him than Jess and jamkeka will vote for him to say.
Laughing how this was the most Kail has ever talked. Dick says jessica told him she would vote for him to stay.
Eric telling Dick Jen was drunk and basically had "diarrhea of the mouth" saying so much stuff.
Talking how Joe talking so bad about his own "cronies".
Dick talking about the Daniele boyfriend/Nick situation with Eric
Eric offers his outside opinion that he would never give something up outside for two years for something possibly not real. Eric saying how could she possibly know it's real and that for all they know Nick could be having something with Jameeka. The "pressure cooker" plays games on them.
"eric says "it could be real but it's probably not real" and giving up your life to see and the end you were played. Referring to the Boogie situation from last season.
Eric says the "once she crosses the line here what she has outside is over"
Dick grateful for Eric's insights

1:49 BBT
Joe jess and Dani talking about the first night how they got to watch everything from the hoh comp to the rooms and even watching them change for HOH comp.
Jess says that she was just scared from the immediate reaction. Jess says that she barely mentioned Carol in pre interviews.
Joe said He told the about Dustin. Jess sais she told them different names and without last names and still found Carol. Jessica admitted that Carol wasn't her worst enemy and that she didn't really put the name of her true rival.

2:00 BBt
Kail says if Evel leaves she will throw the HOH comp and if he stays she'll win it.
Taking about Eric and Jen saying she'll talk to him a let him know what he has to lose.
Jen seems to have sobered up

2:07 BBT
Outside Eric talking to Dick and Dustin about Joe.
Eric says about Joe "if he leaves there will be 150% less bull**** to sift through"
Dick againg talking about the Danile "situation". Dick crying about how the situation "tears me up" and Dick says what could I say. Saying it is way way harder than he thought it was ever going to be. Dick says he's only seen her cry like that only a couple of times in her life.
Dustin says be thankful that she pushed the issues aside even if "it's a wrinkle in time" to go to him.
Dick talking about how the kids as they get older their problems get more complex. "when they hurt you hurt"
Dustin crying and thanking Dick for showing his emotions to him.

2:25 BBt
IN HOH Jen and Kail stroking each others egos how they are doing. Kail has proclaimed that Jenus is true.
Jen talking since she put Jameka's key first that she'll have influence on her vote.
Dick still having is talk to Dustin and basically is repeating what has been said.
In the bathroom Danile and Joe talking. Joe is saying he should have given the slop pass to her. Danile says she would not have taken it. Danile says being on slop makes her really grouchy with no energy.
Amber and Eric joins Dustin and Dick outside. Amber laying next to Dustin

3:20AM BBT
Amber, Dick, Dustin and Eric in BY
Talking about who has lied, Eric says that people in the house who tell lies that do not further them in the game are dumb
Dustin says that the only time he has lied was to Joe when he told him that he was looking forward to mending their relationship
Eric: word on the street is to watch the HOH competitions. There are certain people who will not be winning.
Dustin: Zach’s already thrown it
Eric: I wish we could see the answers of the others
Dustin: I was trying to see who was sitting on the bench, who was out and who was in
Eric: When they said it was a tie, I said Fuck, there are four left in the game. I had no clue that Jen was even still in the game
Dustin: I was in shock that she was left in the game
Dustin and Dick walk over to the topiary, Dick pulls someone’s underwear off of it’s head, then they pick it up and move it to the other side of the yard (Sorry, no idea why?)
All 4 go inside. Amber asks Dick what the deal is with Dani. Dick says it isn’t his deal and he doesn’t want to talk about it.. He pauses and then says that he is trying not to “lose it again”. He said they called him into the DR and he told them he couldn’t talk about it right now.
Dick: Although I know she was going through a really hard time now, it was kinda nice to know that she came to me. She told me that she was so confused right now that she has a boyfriend but having feelings for someone else.

3:40 BBT
Dick and Amber still talking in K
Dick: I told Kail yesterday that she should get out of the alliance with Jen and run as fast as she can. I will call her out tomorrow and make sure that you are there when I do.
Amber: Do you like Zach or Eric better?
Dick: Eric. He’s the first one I connected with in this house. He’s sketchy but a funny guy.
Amber: me too
Dick: I like Dustin
Amber: Really?
Dick: We had a talk tonight. I trust him now more than ever
Amber: Do you trust anyone 100%
Dick: ummm.. you. I trust you 100%. Dustin 95%. Nick, I trust him at this point. He knows if he fucks me over he would have no chance with Daniele, but I don’t think that’s the reason, if you took her out of the equation, it would still be the same. Jameka’s shown me her true colors the last few days.
Dick: We should go to bed. The dishes are done, I’ll throw in laundry.
Amber: Love you
Dick: Love you too
Talking to himself – Ok guys, I’m going to go pee and then go to the DR
Walks out of the bathroom toward the DR.
FOTH, feeds back, all four cams show sleeping hamsters, err houseguests

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