Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Monday, July 16

POV ceremony...Dani comes off and Joe goes up

9:13 BBT
Eric pretends to sleepwalk in the hallway. Makes a face at the camera then goes into the bedroom and gets into Joe's bed. Joe wakes up but with little reaction and goes back to bed.

They get a wakeup call and we go to FOTH...

Joe and Eric in the bathroom.
Joe: (to eric) Hey, do you you 'sleep do anything?'
Eric, what does that mean.
They both get in a side of the shower. Joe explains how someone gets into bed with him and tries to straighten his legs out.
Eric denies it.

10:32 BBT
Joe and Eric in shower
Joe asking Eric if he "sleep-does anything", said he didn't have his glasses on. But someone was doing something weird, trying to get on his bed. Doesn't know who it was.
Eric says it wasn't him, but it's funny. Asks Joe if he was dreaming, Eric trying to make Joe think he was dreaming it. That it didn't happen. (this is sooo funny. great job Eric!)

11:09 BBT
Eric, Jen in the HOH room...asks Jen if she needs any last minute info. or confirmation
Kail was in the bed...she's still there not saying much....
Jens saying...well do you have any info for meee?
Eric begins telling Jen about Joe cornering Eric in the shower and asks if he sleep walks or anything. Eric keeps relating the story and completely denies it was him. They all laugh about the story.
Then talks turns to the veto replacement. Eric is saying he was up intil 5:30 am with about nine HG's and alot of talk went on. Eric is telling Jen that Joe thinks Jen is just trying to scare him by saying he's going up. Jen laughs. ...I don't just try to ruffles feathers . Says she wasn't trying to scare Joe, I was seruously considering putting him up, totally!
Jen says she thinks Eric is a floater...he says Is that how people percieve me?
Jen is saying a lot of "Yeahs"...and nodding her head and kind of laughing. She's ammused by all the attention, that everyone is talking about who she's outting up and noone really knows....

Jen tells Eric that a lot of people would be probably willing to put up Evel and Dani next week.
Eric agrees. Then he says to Jen "You don't have to tell me, but did Amber and Dustin come say they wanted to target the floaters too?" Jen says "Nope, Amber and Dustin didn't. I don't think they would put me up, but they haven't claimed that they wouldn't."

Eric believes Nick & Joe are the two choices for Jen to nom. Jen says she talked to Nick and she feels Nick could be lying, but she doesn''t think that. Eric is saying the other scenario is since One of Jens two targets can't can't go this week their is still one left (Dick).
Eric, Kail...want Dick to go home. Eric suggests putting up someone like Jessica to guarantee Dick goes home. At least she will get out one of her two nominees. (This is still part of America's Player task to get Jessica nominated)
Jen is just sitting there listening. Kail is sticking her two cents in saying...Joe doesn't really bother me. Evel's gotta go...Evels gotta go...
Zach and Joe come in the HOH now and breaks up their convo.

11:27am BBT
Amber tells Jameka that she threw the comp Saturday, Amber says she can't win with Dick. He is never happy. Jameka tells her you have to play the game for yourself, not everyone will be content with the way you play the game.

1:30 BBT
POV meeting time.
Nothing has been happening in the house the past little bit, everyone getting ready for the POV meeting, chit chatting, pretty boring really.

FOTH and outdated trivia...still...

HG's gathered in kitchen grabbing stuff to eat...
Dick asks how Jess is doing. She says fine, but she's getting hungry.
General milling about in the kitchen finding stuff to eat. Conversation leads to no assumptions about the renom... yet.

Joe and Dani in the BR.
Dani apologizes and Joe says that she shouldn't worry. That she was right in her use of the POV and that the rest of the game is up to the other HG's.

Cam switch to Kail, Jameka and Dani on the LR couch. kail says that Dani is a trooper...That she's won POV twice, she's been on slop for 2 weeks and that through all of it she's been really very friendly.
Dustin comes up behind Dani and gives her a hug.
Dani starts dissing Jen for her original nominations of her and her dad.
Dani says that the way that Dick treats Jen is the way that Dani grew up with him.
They continue to discuss how horrible it was growing up with Dick and how Dani still became a good person in spite of her earlier years.
Joe comes in and asks if he can steal Kail away for a little bit.
Kail says okay, but she wants a couple more seconds with Dani.
They end their convo and Kail walks off to find Joe.

Joe and Kail upstairs.
Joe talks about Jen's reasons for nominating him. (Joe is up.)
Joe is trying to find out who has said that he's a negative influence on the house.
Kail says she hasn't noticed him being negative and swears that she had nothing to do with Jen putting Joe on the block.

Kail gives him the advise to be nicer than Dick about being on the block.

Cam switch to BY with Nick, Amber and Jameka...
They talk about Jen and if her nomination was for personal reasons.
They agree that Joe doesn't have the votes to stay and that even if it's a tie, that Jen would choose to evict Joe.
Dustin enters and syas "Hey guys".
Nick: That's all you wanted to say? Hey guys?"
Dustin: "Yep."
Dustin: I just wanted everyone to know that I'll probably give Joe a hug.

Joe comes out..."Here comes cancer boy!" To Dani, "I know you've ben the one talking bad about me."
Dani: "Whatever."
Joe then confronts the group outside and talks to them about Kail and his talk. That Kail said she never noticed that he was being mean and that ...
Audio switch to Dani and Nick on loungers talking about Joe. Dani thinks this whole thing is going to be blamed on her.

Cam switch to HOH with Mike and Kail...
The two of them talk about trying to keep Joe in the house. That Joe wouldn't nominate any of them and that Dick is dangerous to their alliance.
Mike is angry that Dick's gonna last through this week even after winning a plasma screen tv.
Kail says that she knows that Amber and Dustin would nominate them at some point. Specially over Dick.
Kail says that Mike needs to work on the guys to insure that Dick is voted out.
Mike says theres no trusting either one of them truthfully. That Joe is an instigator and that Dick is gunning for them.
Mike thinks that Joe probably has the votes to stay but then worries about Dick and his possible deal with Dustin and Jess in the room prior to joining the rest of the house. Kail then says that if Dick has Dustin then he also has Amber, and most likely Dani as well.
Kail said she told Dani that she really needs to experience the game without the discomfort of having her dad in the game.
Mike says it'd be stupid for her to give away the one guaranteed vote for her to stay.

Jen enters and Kail compliments her on her decision. That Joe is actually taking it quite well.
Jen says that's because she already told Joe it was going to happen.
Kail then comments on how everyone in the house would vote to keep Dick in the house and how everyone would continue to nominate Joe for eviction.
Jen says she knows what she's doing.
That if Joe was HOH that he would absolutely put up Mike and Nick or Nick and Kail.
Jen continues to make it clear that Joe is much more of a danger to the four then Dick is.

3:51pm BBT
Jen talking about being Vanna White's nanny.
Kail asks how she got that job and Jen said it wasn't through "Wheel" at all, it was through Vanna's husband. She met Vanna's ex-husband through modeling and she was going to work for a friend of his, but decided not to for reasons she won't say, "...because that would be rude..." and he called her to come work for him and she said it was the perfect opportunity. Jen was on Wheel of Fortune and won $9K, which she says was a ton of money for her. She was poor.

4:17pm BBT
Jessica and Eric in the hammock. Eric: if dick doesnt have danielle and Nick's vote he is going home.
Jessica: He doesn't have their votes but he doesnt know.
Jessica: i hear Joe and Dustin arguing last night, they didn't know I was up'
Eric: I would be threatened if Joe had hoh.
Jess and Eric saying Joe is dangerous, that he has been making deals all over the house. Eric wants to move to the other end of the hammock so they could talk better. As eric moves, and apologizes for smelling, Dick comes over and sits down to talk. He asks if he is interrupting anything. They say no. dick starts in again about how what Dani said really got to him. They said she did good.
Eric said neither one of them will go out without a fight. Dick said he knew when Jen won HoH, that he and Daniele were going up. Eric said like he told Amber last week, don't change, just be yourself. Dick said he is sure Joe will mess up or come up with a master plan. Dick feels he is more trustworthy and honest than Joe, so he thinks it is too early for him to go home.
Dick: Best case scenario would be Jen and Kail both up next week. If one gets off, then Mike would go up. Eric says even if Mike was mad at you, he still wouldn't show it.
Dick said this house breeds paranoia. He said all those people over there looking at them, knowing they are scheming, and each one feels like they are taling abot them. Dick said Amber told him last night she doesn't think she could trust anyone in the house, even Dick. He asked what he did? She was just paranoid.
Eric and Dick talking about winning HoH, and maybe for the next 3 weeks so they all get into sequester. They said they can take out Kail and Jen and Mike, then turn on each other after that.
Dick said next week they need to get HoH. Talking how Kail was all out of it yesterday, then today she is all excited. Jen keeps saying Kail is going to win the next Hoh. They talk about how Kail always answers a question with a question, or turns the conversation around. Kail asked if she was on his radar, and he answered the way she always does. Dick said he has to be careful because Kail is staring at them.

Feed switches to Dani and Kail in Bathroom.

4:30pm BBT

Kail is talking to Dani in the bathroom. Dani is annoyed by Dick because he is saying she is his only vote. She says she doesn't understand that, as there are so many other people voting in the house. He is getting on her nerves.

Kail tells Dani about how Dick came up to the HOH and talked to her when she was HOH. Dick asked her to please not put Dani on the block, as he wanted another week with Dani. Kail says she didn't make any deals with anyone to keep them off the block and she didn't ask Dick for any deals. But she gave Dick her word that she would not put up Dani. Dick kissed her on the cheek and told her "I owe you one. No, really, I owe you." Kail thought she was good with Evel, and then now she hears that she is on his radar and he would put her up if he got HOH. She tells her that this worries her and she really can't see keeping him if he is after her. Dani agrees and says that she can understand why she wouldn't want to keep him if he is after her. She tells Kail she will talk to Dick for her. She tells Kail that she doesn't know where she stands with Kail in the game, and that is okay, but she really, truly likes Kail as a person. She tells Kail that she "has her word" that she will intercede for her with Dick.

Dani leaves and goes immediately outside to lie down beside Amber. She relates the convo with Kail to Amber. She says she told Kail "I really like you as a person and blah blah." She says that she told Kail she would talk to Dick. Kail says that if they get HOH they are putting up Kail and Zach. Dani says that she wants to appear to be keeping her word to Kail. She says that she wants Amber to talk to Dick and perhaps ask him if he would put up Jen and Zach, or something like that, and then if one of them gets POV, then put up Kail.

5:15 pm
Joe has been talking to Nick and Jameka in the back room. He is basically asking for their votes and what he should do to get other peoples votes
BB: Nick do not obstruct your microphone
BB: Jameak please put on your microphone
Joe: GOD this game is so stacked against me
Jameka and Nick are trying to calm down Joe because he is worried about not getting the votes
Eric talking to Jen
Eric: I think Zack got the raw end of the deal this week, he isn't a bad guy! It's like they are pissed at him this minute
Jen: Dick needs to leave next
Eric: there would be alot less farting in sequester
Eric: I am concerned at how riled up that Daniele is. To bad she has a 2 and a half year relationship with a dog and a house together. Too bad her life will be in shambles when she leaves.
They are continuing to bash Daniele (by the way Jen said earlier that she wanted Dani to leave cause she thinks her and Nick will be closer)
Dick and Jess are sitting on the couch outside just talking about strategy about who would go next week. Dick said he would put up Jen and Kail because he don't care which one goes!
They are now talking about how penalty nominations don't mean crap (lol)
Dick: they basically threaten with it to try and keep us in line, but unless someone punches someone else they won't get in trouble!

5:48 pm
Jen says to Eric that she thinks if she had put Nick up, Nick would have stayed and Dick would have gone. Eric agrees and says "This is better."
Jen says that everyone knows about her, Mike and Kail being aligned.
Eric says that Zach doesn't like Joe at all, and he likes Dick.
Jen says she thinks Jameka is closer with Dick than Joe.
Counting votes.
Eric says that she is the only HOH to wear a unitard all week.
Jen says that she is excited about the possibility of playing endurance challenges. Eric agrees.
Eric: Kail will be there from Monday until Friday!
Jen says Dani will, too.
Eric says that he will just push her off, then, and BB will tell him, "Eric, that is clearly not legal!"
Eric says that Dani has, between her relationship with her Dad, with Nick, and winning back-to-back vetoes, Dnai has put a huge target on her back.
Jen says that what Dani doesn't realize is that Nick doesn't have Dani's back!
Eric says that is sad.
Jen says it is very sad, and she has heard it from both Nick and Amber.
Eric talks about how he likes Dick, but feels he will work deals as much as possible. Jen says he is trying to stay in the house. Eric says that with Joe and Dick on the block, who is going to believe a word they say right now?
Jen says that if she had been able to give a speech today, if Dani had said anything mean during Dani's speech, Jen was going to give a speech about how she's so happy about the way Dani has grown during the few days since she put her on the block, and she is happy she improved her negative attitude. But Dani didn't say anything negative, so there was no reason to say that. Eric says Dani seemed flustered during her speech.
Dick: I am surprised no one has assasinated this president (secret service is gonna be headin to the BB house)!!!!

6:24 pm
Dick is talking to Kail on the hammok. He tells Kail that everybody hates Jen and as soon as her "little reign" is over, she's out.
He tells Kail he asked her (Kail) the first week to do him a favor and talk to Danielle and she did that so he's thankful. Kail says that's why she was surprised to hear that Dick was planning to put her up (Kail) should he win HOH. He says a lot of things are said in the house. Kail asks him if that means he didn't say he would put her up. He doesn't deny it. He says he didn't like that she was talking game with him. she says she didn't Dick says yes, you asked me if you were in my radar. He just wants to tell her two things 1. consider your sources and 2. She (Kail) has made herself a huge target by aligning herself with Mike and Jen
Dick denies ever saying he will put Kail up. He tells her to come to him and don't believe what she hears from people. Dick says he thinks, to be honest with her (Kail) that in the worse case scenario, the vote would be 7-6. Kail says when Dick told her that he owed her (Kail) big , she really felt good about it so it hurt to hear that Dick was planning to put her up. Dick tells her again "they" are making themselves a huge target. Kails retorts "we are only two people, Jen and I" Dick says...and Mike...and Zach. Kails doesn't deny it.
Dick: I got bigger fish to fry here. You have made yourselves a big target and if you don't know that, you're stupid
Kail is saying that Jen is her own person and that she is not in any firm agreement with her. Dick says that when Jen won Kail had a big smile on her face and that told all of the HGs that they had something going on. Now dick is talking about the "spool of lies" in the house and that he won't get caught up in all that s***. Kail says that's why she stays quiet and don't open up because she doesn't want to retract anything she says. Dick says by doing that (keeping her mouth shut) she's actually put herself in the s***list of the house.
Kail tells Dick she looooves Danielle "so much" and Dick says he would die for her, give up everything up for her.
Kail tells dick that she thinks he has a huge influence in the house. Dick says he doesn't think so. Everybody is their own person there. Dick thinks Amber is a basket case and "please don't tell her I said so". Kail says "you know me, I say nothing". Dick tells Kail that he had asked Amber the night before that he didn't expect her to use the veto if she got it, but if she had the opportunity to throw the veto to Daniele to do it. He says that amber is stupid.
Dick tells Kail Jen's burnt so many bridges that he doesn't give her more than 2 to 3 weeks max and that's because no one takes her seriously, because she's just a bozo. Mike and Kail are a threat...Kail says she guesses she'll take that as a compliment.
Kails says "you think me being quiet is a liability, some think you being so loud is a liability."
Dick says he's not there to help Kail play the game. Kails asks if that means he doesn't care about her (Kail) as a person?
Dick says he's being defending Zach an awful lot. that one night the whole house was ranting against him (Zach) calling him a racist and other things. Dick says Dan hates Zach and Zach hates Dan and each would put the other one up. That the other girls think he's creepy and are scared of him (Zach). Dick tells Kail to get herself "the f*** out of that situation". that perception there is reality and all you need is a tiny seed of doubt to have everyone focus on you cuz there's nothing else to do. Kail asks if he (Dick) is focusing on her (kail) if he wins. He says he doesn't plan to put her up unless anything he's said to her comes back to him. Kail says she's already told people she can't believe Dick would say he'd put her (Kail) up if he won HOH.
Dick has no problem with Zach
Dick repeats to Kail that if he was her (Kail) he would find a way to get out of sleeping with Jen in HOH.
Both Kail and Dick say they don't want to win HOH.
Dick tells Kail Danielle came to him for advice on what to say at Veto ceremony.
Dick says "that's my advice, take it or leave it"...Kail says "I'm taking it"...foth
Dick tells Kail to remember "I have the numbers". Kail says she knows, that's why she can't understand why he would be worried about her (Kail)...Dick says he's not.

Dick says the only threat he sees out of the 3 of them is Mike and he (Dick) doesn't know if Mike would put him up or not, but if he did "I don't think I'd go, put me up again. They put me up this week against my daughter...and I was asked how did it feel, that's my worse case scenario, and you know what? didn't flinch. there's nothing that can happen to me, in this house that's going to upset me...well, maybe some of the Jen stuff, but, trust me nothing compares to...anything else". He (Dick) deals at an emotional level with Daniele, but, other than that, he hasn't been worried since day one.
Dick tells her he (Dick) could be her best ally in the house, that she (Kail) doesn't want to burn any bridges. Kail says Thursday she(Kail) is coming down. Dick says it might be too late by then. Kail says she doesn't have the heart to ell Jen she won't stay with her (Jen) in HOH.
Zach approaches them and Dick leaves.

7:30 pm BBT
This started with Dustin saying when they ask him to do a 'goodbye' message to Joe, he's going to tell them to stop rolling... he said his goodbye a year ago.
Then Amber said she didn't tell Dustin the whole truth.. that she's changed so much in the past year... Dustin too. He dropped Joe and those friends, drugs, booze, cigarettes, etc. Changed himself and his life.
Amber's boyfriend just took her back in February. She said in November her doctor said she should get high on her daughter, not drugs... she stopped speed... had done it for a year and a half.... but with her friend tried it twice in january, once in february and the last time when she had pain in side... hospital 6 days... they couldn't find anything... filled her with 9 magnesium bags and 12 potassium bags... speed messed up her metabolism.
She said she was hooked.... 8 ball every two days... smoked it...not snorted. She's been totally off for 3 months...cold turkey.
Jen stopped in to check on abs class... not everyone is awake yet. Dustin will def be there shortly.

7:58 pm
Amber and Dustin think they will make final 2. Dustin is sure Amber would win because, how could anyone not vote for her. Amber tells dustin a friend of hers had a dream in which she (the friend) saw that Amber had won a lot of money, and all of Amber's family were there and there was this oversized door...Dustin is, like, OhmahGod!
Dick on the hammock telling Zach that he feels pretty bad because he (Dick) has been saying all week that he's sure he's staying and that he said it infront of Joe. Dick says he likes Joe but doesn't trust him, that he sees Joe and comedy relief.
Zach tells Dick he (Zach) had heard that Dick was coming after him. Dick tells Zach he needs to be careful about associating himself with the people upstairs who are Kail, Jen and Mike. Zach says honest to God the only people he (Zach) feels close to in the house are Nick and Dick.
Dick telling Zach that his worse case scenario played out this week with Jen winning HOH...Zach says something about people coming back after being voted out, Dick says that the people that they bring back never have a chance because they've had a vacation in Mexico for two weeks and not endured the house. so he (Dick) is like "f*** you... welcome to the house, don't let the door hit you in the a** on the way out" Dick says how about Carol's little speech that was hilarious... "In five weeks I'll be back to kick all your a**** " Dick says he was like "f*** off!
Dick tells Zach that all in the house is about perception. That he (Zach) needs to disassociate himself...
Dick tells Zach that he told Amber yesterday that she is an idiot. That she's done everything short of putting her finger up Dustin's a**.
Dick tells Zach that he told Kail "I heard you're f****** gunning for me". That he likes Kail but she's made 2 f****** mistakes...Dick tells Zach to be careful...Zach asks how do you politely tell people to back off when they keep wanting to hang around you?
Dick tells Zach that the other night people were flipping off over Zach, and he doesn't know how to tell Zach without outing anyone but that he (Dick) had his (Zach's) back. Dick is telling Zach that Joe won't go without a grandiose exit, Zach thinks he (Joe) might roll over and die. Dick says joe told him (Dick) that he (joe) would have had a chance going against anyone else but Dick for eviction.

8:35 pm
Dick was outside earlier talking about dating Jerri from Survivor to Kail. He said she gets around and was a really fun chick.
He is now inside talking to Jameka
Jameka: are we gonna play games tonight ED (Hopefully!!) or are they postponed
ED: I think dodgeball would be fun
Jamkea: yeah but that would put out to much energy
ED: What about bowling
Jameka: yeah that might be fun
It looks like Amber Dustin and Jen are upstairs doing ab class.
Nick is talking to Dick and Amber outside now! Talking about Dani
Nick: we were talking about the trust thing and me and Daniele, she was kinda hearing things and I told her not to worry about it
Jen: I went up to Jen's room and was kinda shoveling S*** and she told me that I was close to Dani so she was gonna put me up
Dick: well someone told Zack that I was talking about him.
Dick: WEll about Dani, I don't know anything about her boyfriend, but it is obvious that she has feelings for you and is torn, and she has a boyfriend at home and her long lost dad shows up! I think she is handling everything extremely well!!

9 pm
Shotoo starts up while feeds are still on FOTH (grrr)
Jess is in the Gym talking to Kail
Jess: I think it could go to a tie, which would suck for Jen cause she has had to nominate 3 people and now she might be the deciding vote
Amber telling her speed story (again) now to Zack. She is basically telling the same story that she has told to Mike and Dustin. Zack tells a story about leaving to go to LA and all he had was MT. Dew and he stayed awake for days. He was so messed up that he say leprahans (sp?) on the side of his car and then he would roll down his window and scream at them!
Jess and Kail are still in gym talking about field reporting and what all goes into it. It sounds like that is what Jess wants to do. Silence for a bit and then Kail leaves.

10:49 BBT
For the past 10 mins Dustin and Joe finally having their heart to heart talk on the Hammock. A lot of talk about indirect and direct lies.
Both on the brink of tears as Joe pleads for his vote to stay.
Dustin talking about the last 16 days that Joe has not proven to him that he is not worthy of his vote. talking about slander and manipulation and setting him up in traps.
Dustin said"Joe I will not be voting to keep you in this house"

10:53 BBT
Dustin to Joe "I will be voting to evict you"
Joe "that's f*****g s****y" tells him it would have been a totally different game had he not been there.
Dustin reminding him that he always stirred the pot in the house. Dustin appreciates his openness and honesty is appreciated at the moment but doesn't believe because of their past. Even though he isn't taking what happened in their past it's his manipulations lying and pot stirring in the BB house is what he based his vote on.
Dustin reminds him about Carol and the Jen trap that makes his trustworthy.
Joe pissed because his talk sounds rehearsed and is upset Joe opened up and Dustin had his mind up already.
Joe upset that he's worked hard and he basically "piggybacked" on the show.
Joe says he's very proud that he was open and honest with Dustin in the house and that Dustin decesions are just personal.
Dustin to Joe "The way you play the game in this house is the way you play outside of the house"
Dustin saying he put himself on the block because of his behavior.
Accusing each other of lying.
Joe-" is there any realistic way to change your vote?"
Dustin "NO" [emphatically]
"In this house Joe I don't like you as a person" Dustin tells him and Joe says that sounds personal and not strategy.
Joe tells him that its smater to keep him here.
Joe "there is now way I can change your vote" Dustin nods no.
Joe says no if he stays and he gets HOH he doesn't know what he'll do and if he goes he will only have Amber.
Dustin saying he never cleared his vote with Carol and bold face lie to her and accuses his flip floping with Zach and the vote.
Joe to Dustin "I f****d you over in life and you f****d me over in a game" tells Dustin your a sad little boy
Dustin "sorry I couldn't perform"
Telling Dustin the last year that he's had sad negative thoughts and telling him that even a year later those things still hurt him really bad.
Dustin telling him he could never trust him.
Drugs stealing friends and "the whole Nate thing" telling Dustin he will be "two old hags sitting in rocking chairs hating me"
Dustin "I'm happy for you" Joe -"i'm sad for you" telling him he'll regret.
Dustin telling him when he left a year ago he never looked back. joe disagrees
Joe- "Without me you'll never win this game"
Joe telling Dustin him that Amber Is border line crazy and that they will be targeted.
"You've become everything you despised" Joe says to Dustin Convo ends

Joe playing around with his box of cigarettes in his hand.
Outside Dick Nick Jen Dustin Eric Amber and now Joe sitting on the patio talking about nothing much
Zach playing his strategy chess upstairs by himself.
Jess came out telling her "to flash your boobs"

11:38 BBT
Joe rehashing his talk with Dustin to Nick in the bathroom. Nick just listening going "ya"
Nick and Dani in the storage room. talking about both having headaches.
Dani asking what he's doing outside and tells her he's thinking about going to bed because Jen is outside. Tells her Jen kept asking "is the hammock open" thinking he was going to be ask by her to join her.
Dani says she's been sleeping for 6 hours. Nick tells her to go mingle and she says no "I hate these people" Nick says just some and Mike says "one"
He asks her something and then whispers something in her ear.
Dani heads back to bed and Nick changes and gets ready for bed. Takes his spot on the floor. Puts his hand under Dani's comforter and snuggles close to her bed.

Joe in the hot tub telling Jessica about his talk with Dustin trying so desparately to become the victim. Telling her that his whole intention was just to say sorry.
hard to hear because they are not wearing mics and the water jets drown them out.
He is asking Jessica "I wonder if they can get Eric's vote?"
Dustin yelling at him to quit talking a behind his back. Joe yelling back "I have no problem talking to you in front of your face"
Eric trying to tickle Amber [looked weird]
Joe asking Jen to join them in the hot tub the unitard. "we can wash it" Jen declines

12:16 BB
All feeds back on Joe and Jessica. Talking about sequester like in season 6 when a player voted back in.
Talking about when you leave if you can watch all the schemeing on TV.

12:22 BBT
Joe wondering what is going on that the HG don't know about....both saying "there has to be more"

12:41 BBT
In the Kitchen Mike eating telling Dustin they'll work out tomorrow because of his several hour nap.
Amber making some slope and says she's going to bed afterwards.
Dustin says they have nothing to do for two days but just to lay out. Mike I need to "darken up this white boy"
Mike asked Amber how her day was when all the feeds went back to Joe and Jess showering.

12: 54 BBT
All four feeds on Jess Joe and Jen brushing their teeth/washing up . Talking about they are probably gonna stay up for awhile.
Outside Dick Dani Eric Dustin and Amber talking outside. Mike went back to bed agian talking about Jameka is sleeping a lot tonight.
Danile is eating pickles and Amber is really tired and says she's heading to bed..but just sits there.
Dustin says gays won't let him back to his apt because he's said so many terrible things. Someone asks if he lives in a gay community and says no.
Talking about PB&J would be so much beter than the slop. Dick says the sugar high and then low was causing people to crash and that's why they changed it.
Danile says when she puts a lot of salsa and pepper into the slop it taste like "bad mexican rice" She says she's so hungry.

Joe, Jess, Dick, Dani, Dustin, Amber and Dick in the BY.
They are talking about stuff of a sexual nature. Partly about Ambers "obsession" with checking out the men's packages and partly about other sexual acts including fingers and holes.

Dani's eating "flavored" slop. A parmesan version, a rosemary and thyme version and a butter and pepper version.
She's having a difficult time with any of them.
Dani asks if anyone would make a cheese sandwich and accidently leave it under her covers.
She then asks BB that if Eric goes on slop for a day can she eat real food for an hour.

Joe tries to convince her to just eat. Everyone kind of joins in, prompting Dani to get up and dump her plate out in favor of a protein shake.
Amber and Dustin follow leaving Eric, Joe, Dick and Jess behind.
Dick asks Jess to entertain them.
Dani comes back out with some sort of protein bar. Dani starts to eat it and Jess asks for a bite.
Jess is having a very hard time swallowing it. She thinks it's much much worse then slop. Dani doesn't agree.
Jess says she can actually taste the protien. She says "If this is how you feel about slop then I totally understand."

Conversation turns to defecation and urination. Dani goes into a story about a friend who always poops when she gets into a tub of water. Joe confesses to being a shower peer. Everyone begins to wonder if he's done it in the house.
He says no, but that he used to do it up to the day of entry into the house. No one really believes him.
Joe admits to pooping in the shower and everyone is in shock. Joe also admits to going into the shower to vomit.

In BY...Joe, Dani, Eric and Jess talk about the conspiracies regarding Dick and Dani, when they first arrived in the house together. One of them was that they were actually a couple. Eric says he'd get sick if anyone mentioned that him and his mother were dating. They start talking about "panty crickets" and then Jess admits to shaving her privates completely. Eric says he's never ever dated anyone who didn't. Dick says he's the opposite.

Joe: "Being nominated cured me. Not to be mean or anything but Amber's cried enough for the next few evictions"
Dick says that Amber is an emotional girl, then Joe starts backpeddling about saying someyhing mean about Amber. That he really likes and trusts her.
Joe then goes on to suggest that on the last day of Jen's mandatory unitard wearing that they push her in the pool.

All quiet...Joe: "I shouldn't say this, but I'm really glad we haven't decided to campaign against each other."
Dick: "Hey, I'm just being the same way I've always been. But you are being much more calm then I thought you would be."
Joe talks about thoughts he had about what he'd do if he were "the old Joe". Spray everybody with a hose just before the live show, steal/hide/destroy all of the food. etc.
That he wouldn't do that now still hasn't come up but it brings Eric to discuss similar tactics were he about to be kicked off of Survivor.
Dick says that Joe and him are probably the biggest personalities in the house and the house would be sorely missing either one of them after this week.
Joe then mentions that out of the 8 people in their alliance that probably only 6 or 4 of them would make Jury.
Then they start discussing the past alliances and how well they fared during their season. Sov6 failed. Other than Drew, 4horsemen failed, JasonDani failed.

Overall the discussion now is about how Dick is playing the game, how BB still has twists up their sleeves and how the game is always changing.

They start to discuss what producers told them about the twist, that Dani and Dick actually knew ahead of time that were both going to be on. Jess says she didn't know exactly who but that BB had told her that it was someone from her small hometown...FOTH

They chitchat about sleeping habits and Erics name comes up. Joe is suprised that Eric is a sleepwalker but didn't find his problem offensive. Unlike Zach's snoring which makes him want to go homicidal.

Still in BY with Joe, Dani, Eric, Dick and Jess.
Like good comics everywhere they are referencing old topics with new flair.
Dani Joe and Jess are all huddled together under a navajo blanket. Dick files his nails and Eric just talks. (For the sake of talking.)
Quickly the topic turns to JulieChen.
Eric says she probably hates him.
Jess says she likes all of them.
Joe says she has no emotions at all.
Dani talks about a flub she had during the nominations and how all of them would love to say something that trips her up.
Now they're talking about Jen again.
(Bad bathing suits? check. Stupid teeshirts? check. Clueless social skills? check.)

Back to conversing about pooping in the shower. (yawn)
Now conversation turns to drug use.
Joe talks about potsmokers not being able to dream. (No comment.)
Then goes onto describe a drug induced illusion he has experienced.

Conversation turns to Joe and Dicks personalities again. Described as..."Joetime at the Apollo" and "Dick at Nite".
But quickly goes back to Jen.
How Jen said that people only have to be nice to her for 2 more days. Then it's back to no one talking to her again.
(Everyone? Awww....)
Joe: "That's sad in a not funny way."
Then onto the psych questionnaire from sequester. (which ends up getting us a FOTH.. a spinning vortex of mind-suck-ience.)

Dustin walks outside...Dick calls him Dusty and Dani tells Dick that Dustin doesn't like being called Dusty. He'll accept Dust.
They start talking about underwear and Dustin goes back inside.
Eric looks to be going to bed.
Dick gets up and Dani mentions that the cameras are following him all around tonight. Dick gets up and the camera moves, he walks in a circle and the camera follows him around. He's sure it's because he's on the block this week. Joe says they aren't doing it to him.

Dick discusses how he's gonna set up the F***ing bunnies tonight. And asks for Joes help.
The two of them carry the big topiary deer inside the house and to the front door.
Dick retrieves the small topiary bunnies and props them up on the deers back...FOTH
Dick then removes the bunnies and asks Joe to help him carry the deer back outside. (I'm guessing that during the FOTH BB told him to move the deer out of the house.
Dick and Joe set the deer down outside the backdoor, then they all help dress it up.
Prop the bunnies on it's back, string a pair of panties between it's antlers, tie a cape around it's neck, put a pineapple on the tip of one antler and a viking hat on the other tip, a bucket between it's back legs and a cigarette in it's mouth.
The bunnies get beer cans...

Once done they all chuckle and then Jess goes to bed.

Dick, Joe and Dani in the BY.
Jess comes back out and confronts Dick on the empty box of condoms underneath her pillow that she just found.
Dick admits it was him and asks her to bring the box outside and they'll place it on the deer.

Quiet for awhile, but then soon enough they start talking. This time? It's all about fat people.
Quiet again and then Dick brings up how sucky it's gonna be when Kail and Jen move back downstairs.
Dani says she's never met anyone as horrible as Jen is.

Now Joe takes the floor to badmouth Dustin. He calls him coniving and sneaky. Then goes on to say that Dustin came into this with the intention of hurting Joe and Joe came into it wanting to apologize. That Dustin deserves to leave in the next couple of weeks. But since Joe got to apologize then he's fine.
Joe says that his whole plan was to bad mouth Joe and to make it impossible for Joe to play a real game.
Dick then tries to cover for Dustins absnce by saying that Dustin didn't actually plan on doing that, even though it might have turned out that way...FOTH

Looks like most everyone is heading towards bed.
Save for Dick and Dani.

Their conversation starts upon the subject of Jen.
Dick is disgusted with the things Jen has been saying about Dani. That Jen made a bad decision by nominating the two of them, cause now neither one is leaving and both are gunning for her.
Dani asks who Dick would nominate. Dick: "I can't think about it. I haven't been doing good at any of the competitions, not even the curling, I doubt I'll get the chance to make that decision. I don't even know if I want it."
Dani: "You HAVE to try. If any of them get it, I'm going back up on the block."

Dick then confronts Dani on how she feels about Nick and whether she warned her BF about possible flirting and stuff.
Dick says he really likes Nick and is happy that Nick is here to protect Dani. Dani says it's hard because Nick really really really likes her and she can't go down that road.

Dick then tries to convince Dani to eat the slop.
Dani says she can't stand it and that if you had to eat your favorite food 3times a day everyday you'd be tired of that too. What's worse is that slop isn't very good to start with.

Dick asks who Dani is in good with.
She says Nick first. Jameka second, that she really trusts her...she trusts Dustin and Amber.
Dick says he is really getting tired of Amber. That her constant crying and that she said that this week was really hard for her and she wasn't even nominated makes him not really like her much.
He doesn't trust Dustin at all. That he'll try to get rid of Dustin about 1/3 of the way into the game.

Dick and Dani continue to talk about each of the people in the house and whether she talks to them, trusts them, or hates them.
Zach becomes the topic of conversation which starts a fight between the two of them. Dani says that Dick is so hard to talk to, Dick thinks Dani is overreacting.
Dick asks Dani who'd she put up if she won HOH.
Dani: "Zach and Jen."
Dick: "Who would you put up if one of them won the veto?"
Dani: "Kail...maybe Mike. Probably Kail."


Dick worries about the two of them being seen talking to each other a lot this week.
Dani says he shouldn't worry about it because this week she won the veto and had to talk to him since he was on the block.
They begin to concentrate their negativity on both Zach and Jen.
Dani says that Dick needs to calm down with the antics in the house. That soon people won't be so tolerant of his ways with the HG's. For instance the yelling at Jen before and after the HOH.

Dick and Dani still talking about the game and the HG's and family and the livefeeders.

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