Zach is the bathroom shaving. Everyone else still sleeping. Zach is doing this hair up like he normally does. Finally he looks like himself. Zach walks through the kitchen and living room, and is now in the storage room doing something, probably changing batteries. Zach puts a shirt on and is now in the kitchen attaching his microphone. Zach thought about heading outside by opening the BY door, but changed his mind. Headed back into the kitchen. Cooking up some bacon for breakfast.
Mike’s up now with Zach in the kitchen. Mike is telling Zach that he was faking being asleep last night in the HOH so he could listen to what was being said between Jen, Kail, Amber, & Dustin. He said Kail was giving them too much info. Mike says he now knows that Dick is tied to Amber & Dustin for sure. He said Amber kept saying that Zach would vote against her which tells them that Amber would not vote for Zach. They head outside to continue their convo. Mike says after he pretended to wake up he was talking to Jen & he told her he was really awake. Jen told him that Zach’s name is being brought up for elimination by many. Supposedly Eric said that EvelDick’s plan is to nom Joe & Zach. Zach doesn’t believe that is the truth.
10:30 am
Zach and Mike are saying if it's Dick against Mike. they will vote dick out. They are saying they trust Nick more than dick.. followed by "well obviously."
Zach saying to Mike that he told Jen they can make a "temporary solution" (aka alliance for a few wks) with a few people to "get rid of a few scabs" Zach saying that he basically told jen that kail, mike, zach and her could become a "band aid" for a few wks. Zack and Mike speculate if Nick goes up, he might go. They don't want that to happen. Mike trying to find out why Eric said that Nick wants to put you (Zack) and Joe up.
Zack tells Mike that Zack and DIck make a "pact" of sorts that theyd not vote one another out if they were on a block. Zack took it with a grain of salt
Zack: You can't trust a guy named Dick. Realistically, if I were on the block I think he'd keep me.
Zack using chess pieces to give a conceptual map to Mike about who needs to go in order for "the 4, or technically 5 " of them to run the house. Zack explaining it doesn't matter who they are it's just quantity he's concerned about right now. Zack saying if the "5 of them" can win hoh each week, then they can run it. He keeps repeating the 5 of them, the 5 of them.
Zack: "She won, so that proves the hoh is not about muscle or smarts or whatever
Zack giving Mike an example of season 7's Erika... she was up 3 or 4 times but made it all the way to #2. Zack saying that Joe is completely USELESS to him.
Zack: he (joe) really thinks he's staying.
Zack saying Kail is being so passive and will be an easy out for someone later. He is fearing for Mike b/c he's a good competitor.
Zack: I mean correct me if I'm wrong.
Mike: I'm just trying to take it all in.
Zack: those 2 are deadly together, even though they don't support each other. We need to break this f***** center up. That's the big thing.
Zach says if one of their 5 does not win HOH next week there is a good chance he & Mike will get nom next week. Zach says Mike will get nom because he is a good competitor. Zach says Jen is not as dumb as he was originally led to believe. Jen has access to previous show info that even Zach does not have & she has shared it with him. Zach keeps saying over & over that Joe must go.Talk turns to the Nick kissing Jen fiasco. He says he has personally caught Jen lying & he wonders if she does it to stir things up. Zach says the thing is… she is friends with some of the people who played the game the best ever & he doesn’t know if she has access to those people’s knowledge. He hopes not.
Amber & Kail awake & whispering in the roundroom. They laugh hard when Dick lets a few rip & it sounds like someone is playing the tuba. Kail said she has been awake for hours but didn’t want to wake Amber. Kail wonders if there is caffeine in the slop because she was wired last night.Nick’s up. The 3 boys are hanging out in the kitchen dining area chit-chatting.
11:35 am
Dustin is up & the Boys are kidding him saying that he has big red unitard stains on his face. FOTH
Amber & Kail are up, still chained together, brushing their teeth. Dick’s up. The boys say they are doing their “Strong Man” thing today. Dustin says Kail & Amber only have about an hour left to be chained together.
Jen comes down. Dick & her have some civil chit-chat.Nick & Zach in the BY setting up the chess pieces to makes lanes for the strongman comp.. Nick says if he has to go up he will go up but he will get voted out. Nick will let Jen make up her own mind because he doesn’t think she is that dumb. Then he adds “but maybe she is”. (Zach laughs)
Jen/Kail/Amber in dining area talking about if Jen should keep her replacement nom a secret. Kail says thanks to living in a small town she learned how to say things really quick.
Jen: Even in a huge town like I can know like everything in like LA. But… yeah… cause like about like actors about things that they do. It’s weird cause you never see it like in the newspaper or whatever like & I’m like ooh that’s weird. But I think that what goes in the newspaper’s like is kind of like proved like the actors & stuff are friends with those people you know. It’s not like they hate them… although some of them they don’t.
Nick & Jen in HOH. Nick says he heard a rumor & wants to confirm. He heard he was going on the block. Jen says yes he is. Nick says well he’s going home then because Dick has the votes. Jen says she thinks Nick will stay & they start naming names. Nick says he will go. Jen says she heard rumors that he & Dani were going to nom her & Zach. Nick says Zach is the one that told him he was going on the block so why would he do that. Nick says he is just telling her that he is probably going home. Jen says well she’s not going to lie. Jen says well you are the one that decided to switch. Nick says do you want me to tell you something then? I am part of the Mrs. Robinson alliance & he tells her that Kail/Mike/Zach & him are in it. Jen says then why aren’t the other 3 in his alliance not trying to tak her out of putting him up. Nick says maybe they are trying get rid of him. Jen says if that is true then everyone but her is a good liar. Nick says they formed their alliance on the first day. Jen says well Zach asked her to be in an alliance with Mike/Zach/Kail. Nick keeps saying well I’m going home then & tat is fine. Jen says how can she believe him. Nick says you have to take it at face value & you will see it on TV. Nick said Mrs Robinson wanted to keep him a secret so he could secretly get info from the other side. Jen says he can tell he really likes Dani. She thinks that he went over there & really fell for Dani. He says he likes Dani but she has a BF. He says he liked her (Jen) at first but then she got mad at him for flirting with other people so he stopped flirting. Nick tells Jen exactly how the Mrs Robinson alliance came about. Jen says so how am I a part of that if I didn’t know anything. Nick says eventually I am going to be out anyway because Mike & Kail are just using me & they can get rid of me whenever they want since nobody knows about me. Jen says how would you ever nom anybody if you got HOH. He says he would have to nom people like Jess or Eric that are not really with anybody. Nick tells her that all of the smaller clicks are banding together to try to get rid of Mrs Robinson. Jen says now she is not going to put him up but what should she say to everyone as the reason she changed her mind. Nick says he did not come in here to change her mind (yeah right).
1 pm
Kail (sans a chained Amber) comes in & Nick gives Jen a big long hug before leaving. Kail asks if Nick confronted her. She says yes. Kail asks if Jen is still nom Nick & Jen says she doesn’t know. Jen asks is Kail thinks she should nom Nick. Kail says he wouldn’t leave. Jen says how would you feel about me still nom Nick if he was going home. Kail says she doesn’t know. Jen gives a long & “like”-filled explanation of what she could do. Jen says what about Joe. Kail says she could totally vote Joe out if that is what Jen wants. Jen asks if Kail would rather it be Nick or Joe. Kail says she is 50/50 either way but she thinks nom Joe would be best for Jen. Kail says so it’s gonna be Joe then? Jen says she’s not gonna say.Nick laying out in the BY (not flirting) with Dani & asking how he should propose to her. When Jen walks out Nick bolts up & goes elsewhere.
Mike & Jen in the roundroom. Mike asks if anybody has come up to her & influenced her in the last hour. She says that’s what she wanted to talk to him about. Dick comes in to change into shorts. He is commando & we get a full Dick moon. Dick leaves & Jen & Mike starts talking strategy. Jen waffles back around to nom Joe but says she wants the POV ceremony to be in an hour so she can’t change her mind again.
Amber & Dustin in the workout room. Amber says it was Jameka’s idea for her to pick Kail to be handcuffed to & that was very smart of Jameka. They say that it looks really bad that Nick ran straight to the HOH to confront Jen about him being put up. They say they need to smooth things over with Jen. They say their group is nervous that the Mrs Robinson/Jen group persuaded them to switch sides & vote with them but Amber & Dustin are NOT!! Dustin says they must clear the air with Mrs Robinson because of Nick running up to Jen in HOH (they don’t realize Nick told Jen it was Zach that told him).
Dani, Nick, Joe in the HT. It sounds like the strongman competition is off because Dustin doesn’t want to do it.Jameka & Zach are having a conversation at the dining table about the job possibilities Jameka has & her Master’s degree in education.Looks like Strongman is back on . They are doing it in an hour. Zach keeps attempting an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression
2:21 pm
The guys all have their home-made shirts on. Dustin has on a headband and glasses. Zach is wearing a Viking helmet, with the horns down instead of up. They are talking about wearing Speedos. Dustin said he thinks Joe is the one that wants to see them all in Speedos. Nick has his hair all slicked back, Italian style (according to Jameka). Zack has the legs of his shorts rolled up real high, and put an avocado in his pants. I think Nick did too. They said they are trying to be like Dick. He said stop looking at his pants, he didn't stuff his. The guys want to go to the DR before they start the competition. Zach is grumbling about the the avocado, he said he is going to lose it, or his manhood onto the avocado. Zach said if Dick makes a rude comment, he can reach into his pants, grab the avocado, and hurl it at Dick. Dick said there is no hurling in this comp. Dick said they need a before and after DR. Mike is going to DR too, as it is Nick, Zach, Mike and Dustin in the competition. Zach asked if Dustin stuffed his pants, he said no. Sounds like someone is using a cucumber, and Mike's needs readjusting.The guys are waiting for Amber to leave the DR so they can go in.
Cam pans to include Kail, also laying out. But the towel where Dani was is empty.
very quiet...just panning back and forth between the two of them...
Cam switch to Mike and Nick in the WOR.
Mike says last time he talked to Jen that she said that Joe is going up.
Nick says that when he talked to her that Joe had just told him that Zach was going up.
Mike then says that Jen asked him what she should doMike admits to suggesting to her that she put up Nick to insure that Dick goes home.
Zach enters and Nick leaves.
Zach says that Nick gave him an indirect threat as to, if he were to go home then the "3" would be exposed to the whole house.
Mike starts talking about his talk with Jen and that he suggested that if she want Dick to go home (over Joe) that she should put up Nick.
Zach says that whoever stays out of Joe or Dick, they will be going after Jen.
Zach starts talking about how Joe is getting really paranoid. That he's making all sorts of deals and being extra nice to Zach this week.
Mike starts talking about how last night Jen was set on putting up Nick against Dick. BUT now shes dead set on putting up Joe against Dick instead.
Mike says that that's part of the reason why Nick pulled Mike into the SR, that he was worried about being put up this week. But that he told him that Jen is refocusing on Joe.
Zach seems to think that with the mood of the house as it is that the 4 aren't really in any danger.
Mike says he believes that not to be true. That his feeling is everyone is now gunning for the 4.
Mike says that Jen thinks that Zach is talking too much strategy with people. That he's talking to people he wouldn't normally talk to but instead of talking about IRL stuff that he just talks game with them. Because of that Jen is getting nervous and so is Kail.
Mike tells him to play it low for awhile.
Now Zach is accusing Kail of playing his hand for him.
Mike says, that may be true to a degree. Zach looks physically upset.
Zach leaves and then asks Mike to choose either camo or red colored undies for the strongman comp.
Cam switch to Eric and Kail talking in BY.
Eric starts discussing everyones strategy, Zachs in particular.
Dani comes out and the discussion turns to Dani's recent loss of 9 pounds in 5 days...
Cam switch to kitchen with Nick and Zack.
The abclassers try to talk Zach into joining them. Zach says that he doesn't care about his abs.
Cam switch again...
to Dustin and Amber in BR, brushing teeth and washing faces.
The tweo of them talk about what to do after the renoms are made.
Mike enters and Dustin and him talk about the strongman comp and that the 4 participants should go to the DR before starting the comp. They decide on going into DR before and after the comp.
BB: "HGs. You are not allowed to talk about DR sessions."
Dustin acts confused.
Amber: "They probably just heard you say DiaryRoom."
Mike leaves and Dustina nd Amber continue their BR routines.
Cam switch to Nick and Zach in smallbed room looking for appropriate "outfits" for the strongman comp.
Zach has on a pair of viking horns and a "Zagnus" tank.
The pair of them head off to the BY...
Cam switch to balcony withJameka and Jen whispering...(I can't hear a word.)
BB: "Jameka, Jen. Please put on your microphones."
Jen goes into HOHBR fiddles with her hair, grabs a headband and heads down towards the kitchen.
On her way down she asks Dick if it looks okay.
Everyone likes the headband.
They say she needs to put on some heels. She has also altered the unitard to be sleeveless.
Nick, doing his hair, is "Cragnus"
Dustin has on some black boxerbrief/hotpants on.
Jameka says the guys all look very cute.
cam switch to Bigbed room where Jen is trying on heels.
She asks for Jamekas help in deciding.
They decide on the silver heel.
Joe is sleeping and Jen asks if he's gonna get up for the strongman comp.
Jameka says she'll straddle him and shake the bed until he does get up.
Nick walks in and Jen says he looks skeezy with his hair all slicked back and the baby moustache.
Jameka thinks he looks hot.
Dustin is "Diagnus". (Which means Mike must be "Magnus".)
Jen goes off to make some "cards"(?).
Dustin continues to get ready in the Bigbed room.
Joe asks him if he can borrow his sandals. Dustin says that they're a size nine and that Yes. He would actually mind if Joe wore them.
Jen wants to know if anyone has done anything like this in past seasons.
Someone calls Nick "Chollo".
Mike wants to work on the story. "So are we all from Norway?"
Jen makes round signs out of ketchup.
Dick walks in and wonders why the guys aren't all in speedos.
Joe says he can find speedos for all of them.
Mike is scared of having to wear speedos.
But agrees to do so if all the other guys do it too.
Cam switch to Dustin in BR fluffing his hair. Dani also brushing her hair.
Zach comes out of head and asks if the speedo thing is gonna happen.
Dustin says that he doesn't know but that Joe seems to be the only one pushing it at the moment.
Cam switch to SR where Nick and Zach stuff produce in their shorts.
Zach is sporting an avocado. Nick has a banana at first but decides to have an avocado as well.
Dick: "Do you have an avocado in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"
The two guys go into the smallbed room and stuff some socks into their shorts to support the avocado.
Nick puts on another pair of bikershorts.
Dustin walks in with his shorts on and Zach asks if Dustin is sporting his real dong.
Dustin says he is.
Zach: "wow."
The guys go into the kitchen and start talking about their fruit crotches.
Mike walks out in black speedos and a cucumber in his crotch.
Zach wonders if Mike and Dick are related.
Dick: "By c*** alone."
Nick walks into the smallbed room and asks Dustin if that's his real penis.
Dustin: "Yes! Why does everyone keep asking me that? Besides with all you guys walking around what would you expect? I'm getting a little chubby."
Nick: "That things massive."
The four of them talk about their stories, where they're from. Norway, Austria, Croatia but now in Mexico.
Nick can't stop talking about Dustins crotch and that he can't believe it's real.
Just then Dustin reveals that it's actually a potato.
Everyone laughs.
(It's hilarious watching all of the guys adjust and readjust their produce genitalia.)
They all talk about how Dustins potato-crotch looks like a real crotch.
The four of them
Round 1: Drunken Villager (start in spinning teacup and carry a person through a outlined course and across the finish line. Fastest time wins.)
Round 2: The Boulder (roll down your lane. fastest out of two heats wins.)
Round 3: Hot Grass Run (A dancing in place challenge on the hot grass. Whoever lasts the longest wins.)
Round 4: Obstacle Course (into pool to find weights and setting them across the yard. Fastest time wins)
Round 5: Arm wrestling. And the crown is awarded to the strongest man.
The four of them discuss that none of them would really want to work hard at winning. They just want to have fun.
The four of them then wait for Amber to come out of the DR, so they all can go in and get this strongman comp started.
They start getting anxious about going into the DR.
Dustin: "Ammmmber!"
Zach: "Guys? If you don't wrap things up in less then 3 minutes, we're gonna start the comp. without going into the DR first."
Dustin: "I'm Diagnus the Magician from Denmark!"
Nick: "I'm Cragnus the Rainbow warrior from Norway, now residing in MehicoCity!"
They all laugh about after all the planning they have done that BB will probably step in and ask them to do reshoots.
"Can you repeat that line again? Can you guys start over there on the other side of the backyard?" etc.
Jen comes in and the 5 of them discuss how to score the rounds. Joe comes in and fondles Nicks avocado.
Cam switch to kitchen...
Eric is washing dishes.
Jen is at island counter counting out fruitloops, which are going to be used for scoring the strongman comp.
Blue, Green, Red and Orange fruit "Ohs" are individually bagged.
Cam switch to BY with Jameka and Dick talking about the length of their stays so far. And about the slop. and about how Kail is freaking out over Dicks "obsession" with her.
Joe enters and the three of them talk about Joe's after shave.
Joe points out his rash.
Dick says he needs to ask BB for something.
Jameka says he needs to see the BB doctor.
Joe admits to just itching it really hard recently, he thinks it's a heat rash.
Dick: "It's the return of Gonnorhea!"
They all think that the POV ceremony will be tomorrow.
The conversation turns to the model in ANTM that suffered from some sort of flesh eating virus and had to leave the show. (?)
Cam switch to kitchen, where the strongmen and Jen hang out waiting for thier turn in the DR.
General chit-chat about preping for the SM comp.
The guys finally get to go into DR...
Cam switch to BY where Jen is relaying how the SM comp is gonna play out.
Dick: "So they're all Magnus, Dagnus and Phagnus. They're all Phagnus." LOL
Eric tells who each of them are and where they're from.
general ChitChat as they wait for the guys to get done with DR and the SM comp to start.
BB: "Guys, can we redo the confessionals. We need to do a tape change."
Everyone sighs and moans.
All the guys are gathered and lined up in the BY. They all go through how each of the rounds is played. Jen asks if her model walk is okay. All of them waiting for the okay from BB to go ahead and get started.
smallbed room
Amber, Dani and Jameka talking about the wierd behaviors of Zach.
That he asked Amber to take a shower with Kail while they were handcuffed together.
Now Amber is talking disparagingly about Kail. She's describing situations that would seem as if Kail was actually learning stuff about Amber and taking an interest in her life and family and such and Amber seems perturbed by the whole notion that Kail somehow suggested that she might be too emotional for the game.
Dani says that Nick told Jen that if she nominated Zach then she might be seen in a better light with everyone in the house.
Jameka thinks that would be an option that 'the four' should consider. "They might be willing to make a sacrifice for the better of the house."
Amber retells of the time when her and Kail went up to HOH and talked to Jen.
Amber says that "Jen and Kail are not f***ing stupid."
Dani thinks that Jen is stupid.
Amber goes off on a small rant about how "F***ing Smart!" Jen is.
She plays the idiot angle, but she is a brilliant game player.
Amber says that Jen is the smartest one in that group. Smarter than Kail and smarter than any of the guys.
Amber continues to talk about what happened upstairs and swearing on her daughters life that Jen is "F***ing smart"...BUT Stops mid sentence and then realizes that she might be saying too much and warns the girls that neither one of them can say anything to anyone else. That she's in good with the four right now and doesn't want to ruin that.
Now Amber starts retelling a part of the conversation that didn't actually happen to my recollection. But she goes on to say that Jen really wanted Nick out over Dick and that if given the chance to break the tie would vote out Nick. (I believe that Jen actually had the names switched originally.)
Amber says that she can get info from both Mike and Kail, then come back and tell the two girls, but that Jess and others CAN NOT know what she's found out. It would put her life in the house on line.
Now they try to figure out who Jess would put up if she was HOH. Zach and Joe or Dustin and Joe.
Amber says that if she wins HOH that she wouldn't make the decision as to who she should put up. That she would leave the decision up to their group to decide. And then says that she might have a problem with putting up Kail, but then retracts that statement.
Then starts panicing again about the girls stay true to each other and if she found out that she was told on that she'd be upset.
BB: "Jameka, please come to the DiaryRoom."
Jameka leaves and then so does Amber, leaving Dani alone.
Jameka comes back saying that she told them to hold on for a second that she'd need to change clothes and then rants about BB getting her up as she was already getting close to sleep and asking her to the DR. Changes her clothes, brushes out her hair, gets camera ready. Dani then goes into talking about how rude Jen is and that she thinks she's stupid. Dani admits to hating Jen more then she's hated anyone in the world.
BB: "Amber, please come to the diary room."
Now Jameka says that the "voices" are just plain disrespecting her.
Jameka sits down and her and Dani whisper. Dani says she trusts Nick and Jameka most and that she doesn't really trust Amber. She then says that Zack and Jen need to get out of the house.
BB: "Jameka, please put on your microphone."
(Wow. they really are hounding her though.)
Sounds from the clapstomp "game" going on in the other room can be heard randomly and Dani and Jameka talk about how it's been going for like 3 hours.
Dani and Jam continue to discuss the possibilities with each HG as HOH.
Dani says that she feels like the main target of the four and worries about Kail and Jen hating her so much for her being herself. "I didn't do anything to them! Why am I their target?"
Jameka finally goes to the DR and Dani sits alone ... on the bed ... in the smallbed room ... slow pan across room to Dani ... slow close in on her face... (I'd say I'd check another cam right about now, but all four are focused on the lone Dani.
Amber comes back in and right away asks Dani what wrong.
Dani is worried about the whole game and that she's even more worried about Nick and that he'll backstab her. She talks about him hugging her toady and how he spent over an hour talking to Jen today.
Amber asks about Jameka and Dani says she really trusts her and then says that she really trusts Amber too, even over her dad. And that the only time she'd ever vote to have her leave is if she was up against her Dad and it would just be a pity vote as she's sure that Amber would stay.
Dani then tells Amber that she shouldn't look so emotional in front of the four because they will definitely use it against her.
Amber says she just doesn't want to be played. And continues to pin Dani down with all sorts of questions regarding Ambers gameplay. "Do you and Jameka talk about how bad of a player I am? Do you and Nick?"
Dani assures her that she's being honest and truthful to Amber and that she wants to play this game with her.
Then Dani gets insecure about Nicks honesty again. And Amber settles her fellings about Nick.
Dustin enters and gets into bed with Amber.
He recounts who won. Dustin says he gained 10 pounds by drinking so much water. That Zach wieghed 13 pounds more. That Eric kept throwing up. (Boy now, I'm glad I missed it.)
Joe comes in and says he had to drop out because he was getting mad ...and full. So he quit and went pee and then watched the rest of the "game"...Joe leaves.
They quickly talk about the four...Eric, Kail, Mike and Jen. (A new four? or the four HG they'd most like to get out? Because that list has changed as I thought Joe and Zach were somwhere in there as well as Nick for the original 4.)
Cam switch to Nick and Jen in the hammock. Zack enters and the three of them talk about the clap/stomp/drink game.
Then general chit chat. Jen asks about his beard growth patterns and soon after Nick is excusing himself.
He goes over and sits with Dick on the patio couch. Leaving Jen alone in the hammock.
Cam switch to Dustin and Amber on the lounger outside.
jen asks him about the game and Dustin says he gained 10 pounds and is peeing clear.
Amber starts worrying about the possibility of Kail and Mike taking advantage of her.
Now talking about how Mike is totally in love with her and Kail totally trusts her.
Amber continues to worry about NIck's ability to read her, blames it on her eyes.
Dustin suggests she wears sunglasses.
Dustin now suggests that the two of them kinda tone it down for awhile, that they can still be friends put to dowplay the partners angle.
Amber tells Dustin that Joe is totally falling back in love the Dustin.
Zach comes out stands at the end of the lounger and eats a sandwich. Dustin wonders how he can eat. "All I can think about is peeing." He asks Zach if he's peed at all. Zach says no.
Zach leaves and the two of them get right back to strategy talk.
That people are telling Amber to not be so close and trusting of Dustin. Dustin says that she's really attentive and caring to all the HGs.
The two of them start talking about how they are "teamed" with the Mrs. Robinson alliance. NOT an alliance but a partenership of sorts where we can find information and also have some extra coverage if their own alliance turns their back on them.
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- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Sunday, July 15
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