Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Saturday, July 14

Father/Daughter Veto Comp, Everyone's Fightin'

7:59 am
Dick goes into tinyroom & tells Jameka & Eric that he is not counting on anybody to use the POV but can he count on them to throw the comp if they are in it. They say yes.

Amber in tinyroom giving pep talk. Jameka asks, for the 2nd time, BB can you please tell them us how to dress. Jen, Mike, Kail at the dining table using half-sentences to talk about something. Dick in bigroom telling Amber & Dustin if there is anyway they can throw the POV to him or Dani please do it. They agree & he says thanks. Dick/Amber leave.
Dustin calls Nick in. Lotsa whispering so hard to hear. Dustin tells Nick that evictions are Sunday & the new HOH & noms Monday. Jen comes in & says no they told her things are running at normal speed & the eviction will still be Thurs. Nick goes into tinyroom & tells Jameka Dustin thinks live evictions are tomorrow & Jameka agrees.

Dani & Amber in Bathroom. Can hear good because of background noise. Dani dogs Zach. Amber is convinced that either Dick or Dani will win POV because the game is rigged in a sense. Dani says not rigged but set up. Dick in the roundroom talking to himself. In the kitchen Jameka kids that she thinks she will be in the POV because the cameras are following her today & they never follow her. Dick/Dustin in the bath & Eric showering.

FOTH Back to everyone still getting ready & eating.

8:56 am
Joe, Zack, Nick, Jess, Amber all sitting in big bedroom. Zack seems to be making someone that used to walk down the street where he lives. Talking about him always being paranoid. NO one is really talking. Amber asks if paranoid is scycef(ah heck you know what I am talking about). Joe says yeah kinda Not alot of talking going on. They are laying around. Joe has a rash on his arms and he keeps itching it
Joe:Amber I am gonna wash you guys sheets cause I am laying in your bed.

Dick and Dustin are in the kitchen. Dick is drinking.

Eric is whispering in the bedroom with Dani about how things will go down after the veto.
Eric: She wants one of you two to go home so even if one of you comes down she will try to work a scenario that will cause you to go home. I am gonna go try and talk to her to see if I can get anything out of her.

9:17 am
Dick, Zack, Kail in Kitchen talking about tats...Kail thinks dick should get one that says Evel. Dick: Nah that seems kinda wierd
Kail: Why?
Dick: Would you get your name tattoed on you!
Now talking about dumbest tats they have ever seen

Joe is spooning with Nick who is rubbing Dani's hair. No talking going on, it looks like they are trying to catch a quick nap.
Jen and Mike are in round bedroom whispering and moving her fingers
Random female Producer voice: Jen please stop signing
Jen: I am counting

9:32 am
All feeds are on Nick, Joe, Zack and Mike who seem to be getting ready for the veto comp. Kail grabbed zack to storage room/ Not sure if it was for secret meeting but Dustin was in there and so they are putting on tanning lotion. Zack left just as soon as he entered (which didn't look obvious at all)

OK so I think Nick has completely turned on Mrs. Robinson. He came into store room with Amber and Dustin and he started complaining hardcore about Zack
Nick: I don't care all I know is that we need to keep Dani and then put up Zack and Kail next week.

Now Nick and Zack are in smallbedroom changing and they are whispering with no mikes on...all I know is that at the end of the conversation they shake hands


9:42 am
Nick started to whisper to Amber and Dustin about conversation earlier, but then feeds switch to couches in living room where Zack and Mike are sitting on the couches. Now Jameka Nick Amber Kail make their way to couches as well. It looks like they are getting ready to draw veto players and then start the veto. General chit chat about random stuff.

10:18 am
ok we are back from FOTH and it appears that Nick and Joe are both playing in veto. Apparently Joe told Jen he would throw it if she wouldn't put him up. Nick is now telling Dani that Zack is wanting her gone. He said that he told Zack that you have the votes and he said no she doesn't
Nick: Zack said "I have Dustin"
Dani: I really think if I don't get it I am going home!
Nick: No I don't think so!
Nick is now back to flirting with Dani.

10:23 am
Amber is crying (again ) She is talking to Dustin in the Excercise room and she has apparently found out that she is going up if the veto is used. Amber is playing veto. She just asked Dustin if she should throw it. He said no, you should play. Jen enters and hugs amber and tells her not to worry
Jen: All I am saying is if it is an elimanation I want the two nominees out first. If you do that it is fine, but if not and you intentionally put me out and get the veto, then I would put up Dustin. That is what I was meaning earlier so don't be scared!!
Jen: I am sorry
Amber: Don't worry about it it is totally cool!

10:27 am
Amber: God why the F*** do you put me in these situations. (sheesh what a prayer)
Dustin: DOn't worry about it, just play, play fair, and play strong, It isn't right though with Jen threatening people, she can't do that!
Amber is so confussed and needs Dustin to give her looks so she knows what to do
Amber: You know what looks I need, help me, I need anxiety medication (amen)

10:32 am
Amber goes to storage room and paces
Amber: Big Brother I don't know if you are listening but I need one of my medications
Jen is now threatening Joe and he is not backing down
Jen: well I am just telling you if you get it and win it then I will put someone you are close to up Joe: ok well who am I close to Jen
Jen: I don't know
Joe: exactly, There is no one you could put up that would directly affect me.
Joe: I would hope that you would put up someone that is competing well like Zack!

10:38 am
eric to Jen with Jameka coaching
Eric: (holding his crotch) You's a big fine thang, won''t you back that thing up
Eric: I don't think she is gettin it she looks confused
Jameka: you are doing good
Jen leaves
Eric: what does that mean
Jameka: you obviously freaked her out and she left the room
(lol that was hilarious)

10:54 am
Zack: I personally think that Dani is strong and rooted here, she is not friendly
Jen: dani said I want to tell you that there is no hard feelings
Zack: but you don't have any power anymore
Jen: yeah but it is strategic for her to do that so She thinks that I think she won't come after me. Jen: If joe wins it who is the closest person to him, Jessica?
Zack: I would say Dick
Zack: I don't think it is a competition against Joe, If you don't put up Amber then you get even more targets on you.
Zack: Joe and Nick bother me I think he is a candidate
Jen: No
Zack: I just think you should put up amber if either come down.
Then talk of U2

Joe talking to Nick and Dani
Joe: I was talking to Jen about how my rash is contagious and has puss pouring out of it. I think I have four votes for you
Nick: and we have 5 and 6 right here
Nick: we need to make sure the velvet mafia is still in tact
Joe: oh it is
Dani (to Jameka): did you hear about Jen going around threatining everyone
Jameka: no
Dani: well she is

Joe has now moved up to HOH
Jen: Everyone says you are gonna use it
Joe: why
Jen: I don't know
Joe: it would be stupid for me to use it
JOe: who said I would use it, name one name
Jen: everybody
Joe: who is this imaginary everyone
Jen: no that would be mean
Joe: nobody said it Jen this is stupid
Jen: why would I tell you, it would give you something to go cause an argument
Joe: why would I do that
Jen: you did it to Nick and I
Joe: The things that are personal to me and Dustin should be of no one's concern
Jen: it was brought up in front of everyone
Joe: when Julie asked me a question, i am sorry I can't help it!
Jen: well it makes me feel bad
Joe: well first of all you have everybody talking in your ear, but I don't talk to anybody
Joe: you have been up here for two weeks
Joe: I am downstairs and no one thinks Dani is with everyone, you aren't down there
Jen: well I am HOH and everyone says stuff that I can piece together
Jen: all I said was when I asked who were the negative people your name came up

11:00 am
Jen: zack was one person who said you would use the veto
Joe: ok I don't know what your thoughts are on Zack, but you wanna talk about stirring stuff up, he has been caught in more lies than anyone. He told Dick specifically that Dick and Dani were goin up and he was controlling you (to jen)
Joe: well thank you for telling me and watch Zack
Joe: I want to gain peoples trust back
switch to Amber and Dustin
Amber: This is why God put me in this situation and I am not gonna be bullied by that alliance and I need to use it and play for it and win it. I am the only one who has the heart. I can't win POV..
Dustin: but two seconds ago you said you have to win POV, you need to go straight up to purple (Jen) and tell her that she needs to quit letting people influence her

OK so the last little bit before the veto comps was crazy. Here are recaps of what went down. Not gonna post a time, but basically went down all between 11:15 and 11:45 am

The fight between Zack and Jameka
apparently Zack said something about Amber being emotional and Jameka said she thinks it isn't emotional but empathetic, then Zack says "Oh you are gonna talk to me now" and Jameka fires back with "When have I never not talked to you" and then she leaves

The fight between Joe and Zack
Not really a fight but Joe is disagreeing with zack and telling him he shouldn't talk so bad about Amber being emotional. Joe says everyone is emotional and the nominess are her friends. Jen was bullying Amber. Joe says "you can be emotional at times too Zack

The fight between Jen and Dick
This went down when it was made apparent to Jen that Amber felt like she was being threatened. Dick was in the storage room basically calling Jen a phony and cussing her.
Jen: when I said it I was talking to myself how I would take it and my personality like fine...I wasnt gonna throw it anyways
Dick: F*** you.... noone wants you here why dont you just leave...I ***** hate you
Jen: I dont understand why youre so rude Ohhh evels my best friend Bye.....
Dick: do what you gotta do if Im gonna win it Im gonna win it Dani you too dont put yourself at risk ***** her!

Nick switches alliances
I don't know how much truth there is to it but Nick was basically telling Dani and Amber that he was going for them 100% and that he couldn't wait to start exposing people. He was offended earlier by Zack by the way when Zack was questioning whether or not he would vote out Dani. Nick says he wants them to know he is on their side. ( I believe this to be true because he has been telling Dani everything about Zack and what is said)

Jen was confronted by Joe Happened in the Hoh
Ok so Joe went up to confront Jen about bullying and told her that him and Amber are taking a dive in the veto and Mike can do what he wants, that way Jen can battle it out and there will be no way she can say he tried to help them!
Joe: the way it has been presented everyone is diving out and it is gonna be you against Dani and Dick. It is the way you wanted it
Now Joe has went downstairs and is telling everyone that they are gonna take a dive and let Jen fight it out against Dani and DIck. Then we get FOTH

12:00 pm
FOTH with Trivia, veto is probably being played!

12:56 PM
Dani won Veto

1:06 pm
They are all in the kitchen general chit chat going on. Surprisingly Jen does not look phased at all. Dani seems very excited and they are talking to her about winning it two times in a row! Nothing gameplay wise going on at all!

1:18 pm
Nick and Jameka are at the mirror in the bathroom talking about what is gonna go down Nick: well the worst case scenario is Joe goes up Now feeds on Jameka brushing her teeth.
Because of veto:
Jen has to wear this red body suit for a week
Kail and Amber are chained to eachother for 24 hours
Dick won a plasma TV during VETO
Joe won slop pass

1:38 pm
Feeds are on Nick and Jen in the HOH room, Nick is listening to U2.
Jen: that was kinda fun huh
Nick: what
Jen: how crazy things got before the veto.
Nick: Yeah I am sorry to call you out and tell you to leave I just didn't think it was helping the situation. Some of the comments were over the line
Jen: yeah I guess they don't care (referring to Dick telling Jen something about feeling her neck bones crushing between his fingers)

When Jen walked in Nick said he was waiting to talk to zack.

1:49 pm
Feeds still on Nick and jen in the HOH just talking about how the rest of the week will go.
Jen: It is gonna be funny doing all my hoh stuff in a unitard.
Dustin enters and they talk more about the unitard
Jen: I love it. They are probably like can we not do anything to piss her off.
Dustin: You are just a ray of sunshine.
Now they get onto the discussion of what they talk about in the diary rooms and they aren't getting yelled at.
Dustin: I get so pissed cause they will say "what about Joooeee" and I will be like I don't even want to talk about it so I won't give them anything
BB: Houseguests you are not aloud to talk about your diary room sessions with other houseguests!
Jen: Whoever sleeps up here with me won't get nominated, I don't wanna sleep by myself Dustin: I don't have Amber and you don't have Kail so it is a win win situation.
Jen: and nick can sleep up here too and we will have a sleepover
Now talk about peanut allergies.

Jameka said something about one of them being the 'mushroom' queen.
Dick says mushrooms?
Jameka -the "mushroom spinning competition."
Dick - ohh, I thought you were talking about the psychadelics here...
Then talk turns to Alice in Wonderland and Dick explains about Alice getting really small after biting a mushroom then took another bite and got real tall. Dick goes on to say that the guy that wrote the book was on LSD.
Kail - really? Wow drugs do pay off.
Dick goes on to explain how many musicians and other talented artists that died from over doses from those drugs and shooting up. he goes on about Guns and Roses and before he names any more bands, he says "I better not say so I don't get in trouble later."
Dick says he has always taught his kids that moderation is key in life. He says "yes, you can do drugs one time and die..I hate how the government lumps marijuana in with cocaine, crystal meth and other drugs. It's BS....I think marijuana should be legal, plain and simple."
Dick is saying he was busted with dope on him in his car. He says the cops were cool, they laughed a little. He went to court and that was that. He says "I never carried very much, my friends did though." He talks about heading to Hollywood with 2 or 3 kinds of drugs on him and hang out with some friends. He says it's a great way to make friends. He goes back to the dope story saying the cops were impressed with the size of the joints they found, big fat ones. He says one of the cops said "dude, I can smell that stuff from here, is that stuff red hair indica?" Dick says "I said dude, I haven't heard of that stuff since high school, it's chronic."

3:05 pm
Dick and Jen are outside, arguing.. pretty much Dick telling her that she is stupid for putting her up. Jen explaining to him, that he is staying. He is calling her strategy stupid, and that she is not going to last, unless her aliance wins the next two weeks.. Disck is saying the vote is going to be split, and Jen is sayign no, that its not. Dick also gave rJen a peice of his mind over the HOH comp.. that it was fixed.. Jen just keeps sayign that whomever she puts up is going home, not Dick. Dick does not belevie her. Jen is saying she doesnt mean to be mean or rude, but she is being straight forward.. Dick is re-hashing about the first food comp, and all the other arguments.

Dick is telling Jen how stupid she is (outside).
Dick -you could have used this to your benefit, but instead you made yourself more of a target. I was trying to explain to you that by leaving me off the block...
Jen interrupts and says "I would have looked stupid if I left you off."
Dick - I dont not think anybody else has ever threatened people like that with the veto nominees
Jen - Just so you know I put you on because I knew you would stay. I prequalified that, just to let you know.
Dick - you don't know who is going or what's going on."
Jen -You are staying, I guarantee you.."
Dick- Bull sh**."
Jen says "How stupid would I look if I didn't put you up? Just evaluate that; especially when you yelled at me."
Dick -I knew I was going home anyway... everyone is like 'why are you yelling at her before she has done the nominations?' I said I know I am going up so I don't give a s***."
He goes on to tell her that she has done so much to piss people off and that everything is always about her.
Jen - I know, other people have told me that."
Dick - how much BS it was that she won HOH over a stupid question about the 9 f****n gallons in the tea cup.
Dick - If you had any clue at all you'd see our (Dick/Dani) relationship here
Dick: Don't you think it would be easier for me without her here?
Jen: That's why I nominated the both of you
D: Put someone else against here
J: Nobody else would have gone. People told me how it was.
D: Why would you tell people they are going on the block beforehand if POV is used. That's stupid strategy
J: I was just saying that
D: Talking to people -- and I am not going to reveal my cards here -- and saying if they're going up if anybody comes off...
J: Joe?
Dick talks about Amber and keeps talking.
D: You have two hardcore enemies coming after you. You have also the [veto people you threatened]
D: I have not had any outbursts with anyone but you. Everything I say to you people agree with. Every single person up there came to me and said you deserve it. I feel you are oblivious. J: I don't need to be rude, I am just straight forward
D: I've bit my f**** tounge...that b.s you pulled on the first food comp, I went to everyone in the house and told them you didn't want me touching me.
J: It was about you smoked right before
D: It made you look like a complete ass. You did nothing but set yourself up. You needed to win HOH and you did, good for you. If both people up come back you're f***ed
J: I know that
D: Then why be here? Why not leave? You think your alliance...
J: I don't have any alliance
D: Why are you here?
J: To have the experience, meet new people.
D: I guarantee your experience won't be good. You'll be the one who everyone loves to hate. This show is revolving around you and me.
Dick is telling Jen that it's likely he and Dani will be staying and now
Dick - your little speech that I have caused trouble with everyone was BS
Jen - I said you make trouble in front of everyone not with everyone

Dick is saying he had to go through alot of extra steps with everything to be on this show.. that BB is taking a risk with him.. liek him saying F this or F that on the live show..
Dustin ( I think) started to come out and Dick asked him to give them a min.
Jen is saying that as much as Dick doesnt beleive it, she really feels that she only put Dick up because she knows that he was the only one she could put up to gaurentee the Daniele would go home..
Dick said that whatever, that she is f***ing big time..

Dick is saying that her shirts are not helping her, that its all ME ME ME.. Jen is saying that the only reason she has those is that she was bored in the hotel and she intended to make Happy Birthday dad and what not, but BB woudlnt let her, so she peeled the letters off and made those.

Dick: There is no one like me
Jen: There is no one like me
Dick is talking about how Nick is a great guy and I look forward to getting to know him. He is now talking about his relationship with Dani, and he is saying they can't talk about anything personal but it is the first steps. Alot of talking going on here. They have really strayed away from arguing and are now talking about everything to do with the house. Dick is really pouring out to Jen (and I might add that Jen is being very civil and I have to give her credit.)

3:39 pm
Dick is appologizing in a way to Jen and saying he will be cordial and not call her a B*** or anything, and he admitted he went to far with the comment in the Storage room earlier. Dick says that Jen is young and needs to have experience. Dick is giving it to Jen hard and telling her what she needs to hear. She is accepting it though
Jen: I have become aware that I come off superficial and I if that is something I can change about my life then I will!
Dick: I think it is alot of insecurity on your part
Jen: Yeah I think there is

3:51 pm
Dick talking to Jen still
Dick: I am not here to make friends and it is apparent that you aren't either. Let me put it this way on my 21st birthday I took my son to vegas cause he wanted to go. We did the gambling and Drinking,and I didn't drink with him before he was 21 just to be clear, and I took him to the strip club. I was the only dad. and then the feeds switch.

Now we are on Kail and Amber with Kail standing outside the Stall while amber is using the bathroom (they are handcuffed together)

Other feeds are on Jess, Jameka, and Dani talking in the bathroom about when the veto ceremony will be
Jameka: do you think if you talk to Jen she will tell you who she is putting up.
Dani: are you kidding me she won't do that.
Jameka: it is messed up that people don't like us in here because of Dick and they want to keep him here.
Jameka: Joe come here who would you name drop to put up so you don't go up Zack walks in and interrupts there whisper session.

4:03 pm
Now we have Nick and Dustin talking in the Gym.
Dustin: I am gonna push for Zack
Nick: I don't know how they will swing that with Jen
Dustin: what where you wanting to talk to me about
Nick: about breaking this (pointing up to HOH) up (??)

Evel has now joined Kail and Amber on the hammock
Evel: I talked to Jen I told her how I felt. I told her that the stuff I said this morning was to throw her game off. I appologized for the stuff that was over the top. I just told her that she has F***** her HOH. What she has done is just snowballed into alot of people. When Dani went off on Jen that is not typical of her...everyone expects it from me
Kail: Yeah typical Evel
Dick: no it isn't typical. I just told her that she has made enemies.

4:07 pm
Joe is rehashing the story from earlier where he confronted Jen about who was talking about him. She told him Zack. They think this will set up nicely if they try to get Jen to put up Zack. They think they can do it and make her feel that this will get her in better graces in the house. Jen is talking to AMber outside and they are just chatting about normal stuff (maybe she is trying to take some of ED's advice)

4:17 PM
Dick and Kail ( and Amber) are in the hammock, and Dick is telling her about his "hook-ups" and that he can get her deals at Disney and Universal Studios.. Kail says she wants a hook up for back stage at concerts, like Cher or Jon Bon Jovi.. talk turns to him hooking Daniele up for a club opening..

4:30 pm
Jess and Jen are lying on the couches outside and talking about the conversation Jen had with Dick. Amber says that she doesn't hate Jen and that it makes her uncomfortable sometimes how blunt Dick is. She says "he should realize that maybe everone doesn't want him to say what he thinks all the time. She then goes on to talk about how boring it will be if the house splits up into groups and how great it is now that there are 13 left still. Dick is still in the hammock talking to the handcuff buddies Kail and AMber. Just general chit chat.

5 pm
Zack Jameka, ED, and joe are all in the backyard talking. Zack says he wanted to go on the price is right so bad. He says it is fixed though. that it is predetermined who will get picked by casting directors. Jameka doesn't believe this. She thinks it is not rigged and that it is random. Zack says you have to stand outside forever just to get a chance to get on. Jameka says "no way, what about all those old people that get on. You can't tell me they camp out."

5:26 pm
Kail is learning to dance and cheer in the backyard with Jameka. Her handcuff buddy Amber is not doing them. Dustin is also standing. Jen is lying in the backyard on a towel.
Amber Kail danie and Jen on the couch talking about what happened earlier with Jen. Dani appologizes to Kail for being rude to her during the whole thing. Kail says it is sweet that Dani stood up for Amber. She also refers to Dani as the "veto queen"

5:45 pm
Jameka, Dustin, and Jen are doing ab excercises in the BY. Everyone else is sitting around talking. General Chit chat about hair, mohawks, Dick's tattoes and other stuff

Zach, Dick and Dani on patiocouch. Jess, Eric and Nick in the pool.
Zach and Dick talk about the LA music and art scene.

It's amazing the amount of mindless carp these two can discuss.

Cam switch to Amber, Jam, Kail, Dustin and Jen.
Jen is still wearing the bodysuit.
The other four are talking about being hungry and having to eat slop.
Jen asks if anyone's gonna do ab class. Everyone says no.
Dustin comments on how all the women are gonna be rails after this week and all the guys will be fat.
Jameka leads Kail and Amber in a sort of stomping routine.
Kail and Amber are still handcuffed together.
Dustin starts to lead them in another routine involving raising one hand and lowering the other.
Amber lowering and raising her hand according to Kails need to learn the steps.

Kail starts talking about the weather in Oregon. Complaining about the need to dress in layers.
Dustin says that Northern and Central calif are like that too.
The conversation centers around family and ab class and dance steps.

Kail is horrible at learning the dance steps. The three of them trying to help her get any sort of rhythm going.
Amber tries twice and gets it on the second try.
Kail is still not really getting it.
She finally gets the clap part down but puting them together is almost futile.
Amber and Kail walk off while Dustin, Jam and Jen start to do ab class.

As soon as Kail sits down, Dani apologizes to Kail for her behavior during the competition.
She says she was upset by Jen's behavior at the comp and was sorry if any of the anger towards Jen deflected to Kail she was sorry.
Kail says she didn't feel as if Dani was being mean to her at all, then goes on to call Dani the POV Queen.
Kail: "If I'm ever on the block I know who I want playing for me."

Cam switch to Nick, Eric and Jess in the jacuzzi.
The three of them talk about general game strategies. Picking on Jen.
Nick makes the comment that he wants to keep the good people and get rid of the bad people. (Who exactly he's talking about, I don't know.)
Eric says to Nick that it must feel good to have Dani be the POV winner.
Nick comments on how feelings have grown in the past few days.
Cam switch to ab class as they count through moves.
Jameka starts moaning and groaning during the last few rotations and it makes Jen laugh.
Now they're cooling down.
As the relax and do some post stretches, as they lay on their backs they start talking about the clouds.
Dustin sees a big whale.
Jameka sees a big tree with a squirrel.
Jen sees a little puppydog.
Dustin sees a big rhino.
Jameka sees a little robot.
Jen notices that the cam is also looking at the clouds. (Luckily none of the cams I'm watching.)
Dustins says time to start another session. They lift their legs up and then rotate them in a large circle.
Dustins screams halfway!
Jameka echos him.
Time for another session.
Jens excited.
Jamekas already getting tired.

Cam switch to cam following Amber and Kail around.
They go into SR.
Kail: "Holy smokes, they're stocked!"
They search the room for the pickles and go back to the kitchen.
Kail says she has that stupid Jeopardy tune stuck in her head.
Then says that CBS probably paid a fortune to have that song during the comp.

They open the jar, a little of the brine spills and both laugh. It's funny watching them manouver and manipulate their movements to suit each other. Sometimes they mess up and an arm in repose gets yanked from it's position.
They both clean up the mess and then go outside.
They join Zach, Dick and Dani on the patiocouch.
Kail asks Dani if she's applying another coat of fingernail polish.

Zach and Dick talk about Hostel and Hostel2.
Dick starts talking about the J.Lo horror movie.
He can't thnik of the name.
Dani says "The Cell".
Dick says that's right and then talks about the movie.
Then they start talking about Scream.
Kail is trying to think of one of the actresses in Scream and Dick is insisting that it's DrewBarrymore.
(I'd love to help them with the answer...alas, I'm out here and they're in there. Neve Campbell!)
Not one single person can help her out with naming Neve. (I wonder what this means about Neve's carreer?)
Cam switch to kitchen where Mike, Jen and Jess talk.
Jess is preparing a pickle.
Mike eats an apple.

Cam switch to Jen eating an apple and staring at the picture wall, can't tell who she's looking at.
She then walks into the kitchen and joins Mike.
No one is really doing any heavy duty talking so far...
Dick enters and makes himself a sandwich.
Jameka grabs a plate of food and her juice and heads outside.
Joe finally comes out of the DR.
Jokingly Dick mentions that he's been in there for 2 hours.
Joe starts talking about how he can use the slop pass. and we get FOTH.

Mike and Dick talk about the veto comp.
Joe admits to being in the DR for around 40 minutes.
Mike leaves and Dick and Joe talk about how excited Joe is over the slop pass.
They then talk about dinner prep and how Joe hates pepper.
Joe says everyones present was very fitting.
Joe's slop pass, Ambers handcuffs.
Joe can't quite figure out how to use the oven. With Mikes guidance he starts to do some baking.
They then stare at the ceiling and talk about how the whole thing is just a big studio. (Really?)

The guys talk about which HG's are gonna be the worst while on slop.
Dick says he worries about Dani. They then talk about how Jameka is getting noticably meaner.
They start talking about Joe already using the slop pass for tonights meal.
Seems every guy is on regular food and all the girls (Save for Jen) are on slop.
Zach enters and says "Way to go Joe!"
Dick washes some dishes.
He finishes and goes outside.
Zach asks if anyone is around.
Mike says no.
They start whispering about something very briefly and then Mike says "IxNay".
Which shuts them both up. Kail and Amber enter and then walk upstairs to the HOH.
They go into the HOHBR for Kail to go to the bathroom.
Amber stands outside with her arm partway in the door.
She tells Kail that if she needs to fart to go right ahead.
This causes Kail to laugh and become temporarily pee-shy.
Then as soon as liquid is heard dropping we get FOTH.
She's done now and comes out to wash her hands.
The ladies talk about Jen's Prada bag and both admit to not being able to afford one. (Really, Kail?)
The two of them talk about Dick's behavior lately. Kail says it looks really bad.
Amber says he's usually much nicer.
They go downstairs and then Kail realizes she forgot her mic upstairs.
They return to the HOHBR.
They start bad mouthing Joe.
Grab the mic and Cam Switch to SR with Joe and Nick...
Joe and Nick talk about everybody in the house being against Zach, Nick, Kail and Jen.
Joe enters the kitchen and Zach talks aboutsaving room in the stove for Joe's dinner.
Joe starts talking about the progress of this week. When comps will happen and such.
Joe also says that the ratings for this show are going to be through the roof.
Joe traces that to the great characters in the house this season and their propensity for drama.
Nick says that he's just being real. Dick says he is too.
They then start talking about Dustin and how he's coming out of his shell.
Cam switch to BYpatiocouch with Dick, Amber and Kail.
They're talking about how big the studio is.
Dick talks about all the other shows being filmed in this studio.

6:20 pm
Kail and Amber are trying to figure out how to let Kail use the bathroom in the HOH. It is really funny.
Amber: if you need to fart you can totally fart
Kail: Shutup, that made my bladder shut down
Amber: I am sorry
Joe has decided to use his slop pass that he won in the veto as well. Someone is telling Zack he checked the storeroom and did some research and decided to use it
Kail has finally successfully used the bathroom with Amber standing outside the door This is on both feeds at the time.

6:29 pm
Amber and Kail on other feeds walking out of HOH and Amber is bashing Joe nonstop. Saying he is still in love with dustin! Wants to lay with Dustin, and is jealous of the relationship that Amber has with Dustin ( )
Kail: Joe is still in love with him? But dustin wouldn't get back together would he
AMber: No Joe was his first boyfriend being openly gay!

Feeds switch to tale end of conversation in the Store room

Joe and Nick are talking in the store room about different alliances and Nick keeps whispering too soft and pointing up to the HOH room and saying we need to take care of it.

Dick leaves and Joe sits down.
Joe says he had a great time at the comp.
Amber says "No. You were mad."
Joe says "Yeah, I was mad at being called a girl."
Kail: "But it all worked out."
Joe :"Yeah. It all worked out."
Joe says it was a nice veto.
Amber thinks he says What a nice VIEW. She asks Joe if he's watching Dustin.
Joe says NO. I said it was a nice veto... competition.
Joe asks when Kail's anniversary is.
Soon she admits then talks about being married for 18years.
Joe asks if Jen is upstairs and the girls say no that they were just up there and she wasn't there.
Amber compliments Jameka on her ab class abilities.
Joe asks about what they're gonna do when they have to go to the bathroom.
Kail says they already covered that.
Joe says that he's just trying to visualize all the things that the two might have to go through.
Then he says when he first heard of being shackled together he was thinking about legshackles and that the girls would have to be chained at the ankle.
Jess laughs and then Kail giggles.
Amber asks her if she likes Jess's laugh.
Kail says she loves it.
Then Joe talks...about himself and how he laughs.
Joe says he loves Claire Danes as an actress but she hasn't done much lately.
He also talks about Igby Goes Down.
He then leaves to check on dinner and Amber and Kail talk about him.
How fake he is, how much he talks about himself, etc.
Amber says he's playing two sides. One moment he's dissing Dustin and then the next moment he's trying to buddy up with him, then goes into HOH and trying to get him nominated, then kissing his a** whenever he needs something.
Amber: "Joe's your typical gayguy. But Dustin's not."
Kail agrees.

6:36 pm
Joe and the handcuff buds (amber,Kail) on BY patio talking about the handcuffs
Joe:what about night time when you have to use the bathroom
Kail: I don't ever have too
Amber: me neither
Joe: what time is it done tomorrow
Kail: 12:30
Joe:what if it was a hole week
Kail: oh gosh
Amber: yuck
Kail: I know she loves me but....
Amber: Kail you love Dustin's laugh don't you
Kail: yes
Amber: me too
Joe: it is working it's way back with me but not to talk bad but he doesn't always laugh like that.

Amber continues to talk up Dustin. That he's so mature for being 22. That she loves the way he's so organized during ab class.
Dustin says what's the point in portraying a gay guy when you can just be yourself.
He goes on to say that some people portray a role.
Jameka asks what Dustins type is.
Amber: "Me."
They all laugh.
Taller, manly, more built, mature ... Nick.
Dustin: "I'm a man, I prefer to date men. I don't date men who act like women. I like Men."
kail suggests that he likes men who can play sports and Dustin says; "yea, someone I can toss a frisbee with, or someone I can go jog around the lake with."
He hates whining and complaining.
He admits to the fact that Joe was completely opposite of what he'd ever be attracted to.
That Joe used a lot of persistence to get them together.
Dustin says that Joe still gets an allowance. That they pay for his rent and his parking in the city. They pay for his tickets, etc.
Dustin was disowned at a young age and got his first job at 14. His parents did buy him his first car but he had to buy his second, when the first got totaled.
He says that Joe helped him and was nuturing.
Joe wanted to still give and Dustin was on his feet again.
Dustin says there was a void in his life and Joe was in a giving mood and Dustin was needy.
When Dustin started getting his life together Joe got to possesive and ....enter Joe!
Conversation turns to Kail and her kids.
Kail says she's raising her kids to be independant from her and her husband.
JOe asks if they have to pay for everything.
Kail says that they each play 3 sports and all of them have part-time jobs.
The only money that Kail gives her kids is for Birthdays and Christmas.
Kail says her son bought his own car.
Her son even paid for his own HS pictures.
They don't have a bed-time, but they cannot miss a day of school.
Jameka asks what is the one piece of advise...
Kail: "Nip all problems within the first 5 years. No temper tantrums."
Joe starts talking about himself....again..

6:46 pm
Amber: Joe is the typical gay guy, but Dustin isn't
Kail: totally
Amber: Dustin acts so straight, he tried to do the girly thing but didn't work (WHAATTT?)
Amber: and he is only 22
Kail: What?

They are basically saying Joe is typical gay guy, but Dustin is so straight acting. (Not really sure I agree but oh well)

Dustin sits in Ambers lap and the two of them whisper about clear and yellow having a disagreement and how green got upset because of it.
kail, Dick, Jameka continue to talk about family.
Zach comes out, Amber and Dustin shut up.

Dick talks about being a parent when he was young. How he hated the baby years.

Cam switch to Nick and Dani in smallbed room.
Nick talks a lot of nonsense.
Dani: "You're wierd."
Nick says "Well, I guess that's it then."
He starts to get up and Dani pulls him back down.
Nick wants to start drawing on the windows and mirrors.
He asks about her lipstick. She suggests ChapStick.
Nick: "Daniele, now you're just talking crazy talk."
He rolls over on his side and snuggles her.
She says he's squeezing to tightly.
He takes his arm away. She says that he Can continue to hold her.
They whisper about what Jen's gonna do for the renoms.
Nick thinks it's gonna be Dustin going up.
Dani says it's not going to be him, but will probably be either Joe or Amber.
BB: "Daniele, please do not obstruct your microphone." (Thanks BB!)
Nick wants them all to suggest putting up Zach.
Dani is unsure she'll take that deal.
Dani thinks she hears something, sits up, applies some lipgoo and looks out the doorway.

Still with Dani and Nick...they continue to talk about getting Zach out this week.
Dani says this weeks evictee has to be Zach or Joe.
more whispering....
BB: "Daniele, please do not obstruct your microphone."
Dani: "Allriiight...There that better?"
Jameka enters and the three of them talk about Joe.

The three of them continue to talk about renoms and how Joe or Zach should go up.
They say Joe is heavily campaigning to have Zach put up.
Nick says the three of them should help with campaigning to get Zach up too.
They talk also about how they're gonna work the angle with Jen.

Eric enters and then Jameka gets up and leaves.
They talk about having a chat about the DR session Eric had recently and that BB told them to not talk about it and Dani said "You might as well keep your finger on that button, because we wanna hear about it."

Eric leaves and Nick and Dani continue to discuss how to approach this week and when to tell Jen and how to tell Jen.
Nick makes a date with Dani for later tonight on the hammock.

Jameka renters and they joke about taking home one of the mics.
Dick enters and him and Jameka do this hand movement to each other. Kinda dancing at the same time.
Dick then discusses the need for Dani to eat and to take her vitamins.
Nick asks if anyone wants any slop or juice or icetea or fellatio.

Jameka and Dani discuss something very breifly because in walks Jen.
The three of them talk about the POV presents and clothing.
The first lull in the conversation and Jameka wants to leave.
But she doesn't, she starts talking about how long they've been there.

Jen is still in her unitard but she's wearing a long black graphic scarf.
She then talks about being somewhat addicted to vitamins in her early life.

Jameka and Jen continue to talk about... sleeping...about the POV comp.
And the food comp too. How HG's couldn't guess what the food in the pie were.
That overall the comps have been very fun.

They then talk about how Jen's original thought that this week would be a short one was wrong.
They then talk about what Carol is doing right now.
Jameka then asks about why Jen decided to be the sole vote for Carol.
Jen says she didn't want to give her vote to AMber because they hadn't even talked yet. And that if indeed everyone was lieing to her she would have been the swing vote.
Jam starts asking what Jen and Dick talked about.
Jen says that Dick promised not to call her names or be outwardly mean to her anymore. That he made her promise to do the same.
Jen said that even before she entered the house that she didn't want to be around any smokers.
Jen says the real reason she didn't want Dick to touch her with the butter because he had just had 3 cigarettes, not that he was gross or anything.
She has nothing against those that decide to chew tobacco though.
She also admits to confronting strangers who smoke in front of their kids.

Jess enters and the conversation turns to abclass and working out.

Cam switch to Mike and Zach in the BR.
They whisper about Nick and how he's playing both sides.
Mike says he doesn't have a good feeling about all of this.
Zach goes outside ...

Eric, Kamber and Dani on the couch Amber is "petting" Eric. He says he loves being pet.
Eric says he enjoyed getting under Joe's skin over the whole "womens team" comments during the POVcomp.
The four of them remain pretty quiet while you can hear Dick, Zack and Dustin talk and toss the frisbee around the yard.

They all laugh at Joe's face when he throws the frisbee.
Amber says that Joe needs to move away from the pool or he'll never catch one.
Joe moves across the yard and catches three tosses in a row.
Dani gets up and goes inside.
The remaing three...Kamber and Eric stay and continue to not talk. They just watch the guys throw the frisbee back and forth.
The frisbee flies crazy and hits the patio, Eric gets it and throws it back. Dani comes back outside.
Kail asks Dani if she's gonna use the POV.
Dani: "I haven't decided yes."
Eric mentions that the DR people asked him..."In the case the veto is used..how would you feel."
Eric laughs and says Get real, folks.
Daniele can't stop yawning.
Now Kail yawns.
Then Eric. (Now me..)

Errant frisbee again, Dani hands it to Dustin.

Eric, still being petted, says that he'll give his vote to anyone who gives him a 5minute back scratching.

Dani gets up again and Amber asks where she's going.
Dani: "To get some more tea. Anyone want anything?"
They all say no.

Eric still getting petted and then...
BB: "Eric, Please come to the DR."
Eric says thanks to Amber and comments on how he can't believe that Amber enjoys doing that.

Cam switch to inside with Nick and Dani in kitchen.
Joe enters and he gets told by Dani to do his BB8 impressions.
He walks like Nick. He farts and burps and swears like Dick. He says he has a hard time doing Dani and Kail.
He goes o to do Jess's walk, Mike's serious look. Eric's head twitch, etc.
Dustin enters with an armfull of dry laundry.
Nick grabs all the big towels and lays them on the table.
Dustin and Zach fold the rest.
Zach leaves and Dustin sits at the island counter wioth Dani.
They breifly whisper about what Jen is going to do after the veto is used.

Dustin asks if Nick wouldn't mind making him a mug of hot tea.
Cam switch to BY...Eric is playing frisbee by himself. Kamber laying on the patiocouch.
Dick looking around the yard for the new nerf golf balls.


Not finding any of the golf equipment, Dick and Eric begin to play frisbee.
Eric admits to not being able to flick his wrist. He doesn't get how it spins.
Dick says it's practically always spinning.

Kamber gets up and goes inside. Both guys say Bye Girls!
They walk into the kitchen and Jen says Hi Girls!

Cam switch to Jess, Joe and Jameka in smallbed room talking about how Nick is playing both sides.
Kamber walk in. Conversation turns to napping. And questions about how they manage small duties like eating and going to the bathroom.

Cam switch to BY with Nick, Dick and Eric talking about Zach.
How he ends up in everyones conversations.
How the girls have told Eric that if they are stuck talking to Zach to please come and save them.
Dick talks about confronting Kail on her alliance. That he's walked in on Zach and Kail or Mike and Kail talking on multiple occasions.
Seems Amber chose to be handcuffed to Kail so that if Kail ever sits down and has a conversation this week that Amber will have to be there through it all.
Eric says that Dick got off pretty scotfree after winning the plasmatv. No one is really mad.

Nick says he saw Mike choke during the comp, that Mike can't handle pressure when it comes to performing in comps.

They all ramble about everyones performance for the POVcomp.

Nick says that you know that people are gonna be flooding the HOH trying to talk to Jen and that Joe will probably be there 24/7.

Cam switch to smallbed room. Jess, Dani and Jameka talk about the votes.
Dani says that they should give Joe one pity vote.
But then they talk about it being Zach on the block and they say they don't have to worry about the pity vote then.
The girls joke about how Amber is a bad lipreader and that Jess is a bad lip-giver.
Cam switch to BY with Nick and Dick talking about Dicks talk with Jen this afternoon.
Dick's intention was to rattle Jen's cage.
Nick says you can tell that Jen is clueless.
Dick says he'd like to get out Mike but that it won't be done.
Nick says he fled from the alliance because he knew people were starting to question whether Nick was a part of it and that he'd rather hang with people who weren't gonna backstab him.

The guys talk about making friends in the house.
Dick asks about how Nick and Dani are getting along.
Dick thinks that Nick is great. That he's sure her current BF is worthless (Even though he hasn't met him.)
Nick says they are just getting along. He likes her. Dick says that that is great.

Cam switch again to the smallbed room. Dustin, Jam, Jess and Dani talk about what Jen is gonna do. They are all thinking it'll be Joe. They want it to be Zach but it'll be Joe.
They then discuss next week and how Zach will be toast.
Jameka then brings up the idea of giving one vote to Dick, to make Joe feel better.
Dustin seems pretty against doing that.
He then leaves and the girls continue to whisper about JOe.
Jess says that Joe said that Dustin has promised to vote to keep him in the house. (Not from what Dustin has been saying.)

They start discussing how mean they are to each other.
They start talking about which of the four they want in sequester.
They all agree that having Mike in sequester would be great but Kail and Jen are out before then.
Zach enters and conversation turns to ...Nope Cam switch..Kamber in kitchen. Amber washing dishes, Kail just standing there.
Someone starts whistling...FOTH...

Kamber, Eric, Jess and Jameka in smallbed room having chit-chat.
Cold room, Jess can't sing, who was just got called to the DR, etc.
FOTH again...
Amber fixes Kails microphone. Eric talks incessantly, etc.

Cam switch to BY. Jen Mike, Nick, Jen,Dustin and Joe...
The topic...how hot it is outside.
Then Joe discusses throwing someone in the pool.
Dustin suggests that Jen goes and fashions a superhero-utility belt. Fill it with a bunch of kitchen utensils.
Nick says that Dustin looks like StephenDorf of Blade.
Nick then says that's the twist this season, all of them are vampires. (Well, they sure are sucking the lifeforce from me. )
They now talk about having their wisdom teeth pulled.
Now they all start counting how many teeth they have.

Still talking about teeth. Joe says he only has 24 teeth. His are so big that it doesn't look any different.
Zach says that the only reason we have molars is because as cavemen we ate a lot of plants. (eyeroll)
Talk turns to feet and Dick says that Zach are just plain ugly.
Zach says he can't do anything about them.
Joe says that's not true. If you can take care of your teeth you can take care of your feet. That his mother always used to say that.

Zach starts to tell a dentristry joke (or is it a story?) Nope. It's a story about how badly someones tooth decay smelled.
Dustin gets grossed out by bags of spit. That he can watch all sorts of medical shows but that bag of spit makes his skin crawl.

Zach comes out and says...why don't we all sing a song about NOT singing.
Dustin says he often sings but he does it to the sentences he's saying...Like Here comes Jameka...lalalalalala
Zach talks about dentures.
Dustin says: "Hey can anyone hear that" Everyone stops and listens and then agree it's just the airplane flying overhead.
Zach then continues to talk about dentures and sticking your hand in an old ladies mouth. (Wha?)
Nick then talks about how his grandma is so wired. And that for christmas one year his grandma gave him a spatula and frozen gummiworms.
He then talks about his grandma having Parkinsons.
Joe comments how difficult it is when grandparents die. That when they are old you kind of expect it, but when he was young he really had no concept of death.
Joe now talks about being a pallbearer for his grandmas funeral.

Zach talks about getting a gift from his mother that was a pair of nailclippers in the shape of a football.
Conversation turns to the types of disciple each of them got. The belt, the switch, the spank, etc.
Nick admits that his brother and father had lots of fist fights.
Nick says that him and his dad have fights as well. That the last fight they had, Nick headbutted him.
Nick says it hard living with a vietnam vet, ex professional boxer.
That his sister is also a fighter by nature.
His mothers a conservative art teacher. (Conservative as in restrained, not as in republican.)
He says that with his family, face shots are off limits.
That he's gotten into fights with most every guy he played football with. No fists, just headbutts.

Nick admits to getting into a lot of fights. That he doesn't go to bars anymore because it just gets him into fights.
Nick now gives pointers on headbutting. Where to hit to make it hurt worse.
Dick: "Now we're getting advise on headbutting from a guy who's had 6 concussions."
Nick says he never got them from fighting but from snowboarding and football.
Nick then says he's tired of fighting and that he tries to avoid them as much as possible now.

Cam switch to kitchen where Joe, Dani, Dick and Jess have some chitchat.
They make fun of Jess's skirt.
Then Dani asks Joe if he looks anything like his brother.
Joe says he looks more like his sister.

Dani's hoping that this week of they put her up, that Amber has to go home and take whomever she is attached to as well.
Dick is kinda worried about the handcuff situation now as Kail's been hanging out with all of the girls now.
Jess said that Jen said that she knows Dick is gonna stay because everyone knows that Dick hates Jen.
So Jen is thinking of other options. Jess worries that she'll be put up.
Dani talks about not being able to hang out and chat with people she doesn't like.

The girls discuss what everyone is drinking. Wine or beer?
Jess grabs a pickle and says that Dani should try one.
Dani says she's never had a sweet pickle and Jess says she'll get her one.
Dani declines...
Jess chokes on the blast of vinegar from the pickle.
Then wonders what it would be like if she died on national tv.
They talk about the livefeeders and wondering if they are forced to just watch one scene or if they can switch through them all.
Jess doesn't know either.
They start to talk about what Dick said to Jen...FOTH...

Dani says that Jen knows that she hates her and that she will make no attempt to be friends with her.
Dani says that Jen is the bad robot and Jess is the good one.
Jess: "meant to destroy each other."
The girls then discuss boobjobs.
And hairdos.
The girls talk about Jess "having to straighten her hair" and Eric having to leave clothes behind so they ask Jameka if BB made her keep the curl to her hair.
The ladies look at the picture wall and bag on peoples pictures. Jen looks like an old lady.
The girls talk about pre-sequester and being in the hotel and all of the meetings they had.

They discuss who's pictures looks good. Jess, Carol, Dustin, Joe and Zach have the best pictures.

Eric, Jess, Dani and Jameka play a celebrity game where each HG is in the spotlight and each of the other HG's make comparisons between celebritys and the HG in the spotlight.

They now all talk about what ShoToo is showing. Jameka said, they may have been watching it but as soon as we talk about ShooToo, the camera switches to another feed.

It seems that Jameka reminds Jess of every black person in Wichita.
Next is Dani...
SallyJesseRaphael. Donahue, JerrySpringer smile, JennyJones hair...they all laugh...
Joe enters and they do a quick recap...
Kail: Susan Sarandon
Dick: Lucifer (TommyLee)
Jameka: Eddie Murphy, Nell Carter, angry black person and Rudy from the CosbyShow.

Dick walks in and Jameka asks him to play celebrity lookalike with them.
Continue with the recap...
Dani: A Tranny. LOL Joe says Anna Nicole Smith with a bit of Kirstie Alley.
Dick and Joe continue to talk about AnnaNicole and how beautiful she was.

Carol: Eva Mendes with a bit of Fez.

Kail walks in and asks who she was...they say Susan Sarandon and Kail seems quite happy with that.
Eric: Adam Sandler
Jess: The MGM lion with a bit of Shakira and Amanda Bynes.
Joe: Jay Leno and Screech from "saved by the bell" with a bit of Kramer.
Jen: Famke Jannsen, with Angelinas hair and a bit of Alanis Morisette and Jennifer Connely.
Dustin: Chris Evans, Alex Trebek...

Cam switch to Kamber going to the bathroom. Amber in and Kail hanging out by the door.
They then brush their teeth and realize that even toothpaste tastes good right now.

Back to the kitchen where practically everyone is involved in the celebrity lookalike game.
They do a recap of all of those who have gone before.

Outside in hottub: Nick, Zach, Jen, Dustin, Mike
Zach is talking about some concert where they had this big foam "male part" that sprayed some white stuff all over everyone. He made a motion where he was yelling while the stuff sprayed all over his face. Then talking about crowd surfing. Then about parties and Bondage chicks tying themselves to their beds.
Amber and Kale brushing teeth in bathroom.
Kail: You do not want to be a pawn Amber, never in this game. Too many things can go wrong still. She's gotta use somebody though.
Amber: Hopefully it's Joe. That's the best case scenerio
(Amber making hacking noises while rinsing )
Back to picture talk: (they're recapping now Zach, Nick, and Dustin join in)
Nick's picture: Mandy Moore with the bangs, John Ritter and Larry from Threes company's love child, and Jerrod from Subway.
Zach is Shrek, Jim Carry with the Mask . . .
Camera cuts to Jen in HOH room going to use the bathroom.
Back to picture talk again . . . .
Adding to Jamka's picture, every black person Jessica has ever seen in Wichita.
Someone says "Skeletor" for Danielle's picture
Back to Eric's picture, someone adds Jerry Seinfeld to the list
Someone adds "Beaker" (from the muppets) to Joe's list of look-alikes.
Jessica: Minnie Mouse, Oliva Newton John
Mike: King-Kong and Jase, Micheal Keaton
Someone adds Lance Bass to Dustin's List
(Dustin and Amber fondling eachother more in the kitchen.)

Jen standing at railing by HOH room listening to everyone below.
Outside Joe and Dick
Joe: I said put me up, that's fine. For right now there are bigger targets who are lying. If you want people to not come after you, think about it.
Dick: Amber gets too emotional. When Jen threatened her she crumbled. I asked Amber to throw it (POV) and she said "I can't I can't" If she would have won POV I would have been furious with her. Anyone thinks she threw it anyway because she did so horribly. Saying if the final 2 in POV was him and Danielle he would have given it to her.
Joe: Saying he's obsessed with the show, and lived his last 2 years like he was playing the game. Saying that him and Dustin have to come together to win this game, they can't constantly be battling.
Jen told Dick that her target was Danielle, not him.
(Bathroom Camera zoomed in on Dustin's Abs)
Dick rambling on about offering Jen a deal and her just blowing him off.
Zach and Dustin in bathroom talking colors again. Zach must have a bloody nose, holding tissue up to his nose.
Dick still in backyard complaining about Jen to Joe. About how she's always turning everything into something all about her and how she's making a big production about her unitard.

In the kitchen they're STILL talking about the pictures on the wall. (Jessica, Jameka, Joe, Nick)
Jen goes and lays on Hammock, Zach joins her
Zach said he had a nosebleed and never had one before. He thinks it's from getting pudding shot up it from the first HOH, he thinks he might have infection.
Zach asks Jen how she's doing - gameplay aside. Just wants to know how she's doing in general. Jen said she's fine.
Zach: I've seen you change since HOH, like you're starting to be more obervant of your surroundings.
Zach talking in circles about the "singles" banding together to get out the people with obvious relationships. He brought up him, Mike, and Kale as people without an alliance.
Jen: I still don't know what to do. Putting Joe and Dick up together is like putting 2 people who are going to lose in the end up. Those 2 aren't going to win this.
Jen: I could see putting Nick up. Then the house would be insane. I'm definitely putting a boy up.
Zach telling Jen he would vote to put Joe out.
Jen: I don't care
Jen talking about how Dick irritates everyone in the house, so she doesn't have to get him out. Jen doesn't want to put Joe up because he'll drive her nuts all week.
Zach pushing to put Joe up because he'll go.
Jen is bothered that Nick won't talk to her about what's going on, and his story changes all the time. She's annoyed that Nick won't come hang out with her because it'll bug Daniele.
Jen: Everyone is everything that they seem, but Nick isn't, he always changes.
Jen seems very irritated and jealous when talking about Nick and Daniele laying in bed together.
Nick and Dustin talking in Backyard:
Dustin: It's easier for Joe to go this week.
Nick: She said to me she's not going to put up Joe this week. She wants him in the house because it draws attention away from her. If it's not him or Zach, then maybe Amber?
Dustin goes back inside and Nick goes to do laundry.

Nick and Daniele in small room:
Nick: Dustin wants to push Joe, and all the girls were thinking Zach Your dad and Joe are pushing Zach
Daniele: I don't care, either one
Nick: Joe wouldn't put you up next week, but Zach would. I told Dustin Jen said she wouldn't put Joe up.
(Missed some Convo)
Nick: I get to give you a kiss on the lips any time anywhere in the house.
Daniele: You're Stupid
Nick: It might just be in this room, but the cameras could catch it.
Daniele tries to change subject to the laundry still being wet.
Daniele: OMG Kale is getting on my nerves so bad. I feel bad for Amber, she wants to kill herself.
Nick using his cheesy lines like "If I had to be handcuffed to anyone for an eternity, it would be you".
Jen and Nick still in hammock, talking about the Hollywood parties they go to.
Dick joins Daniele and Nick in bedroom
Danile: Dustin is spending the night up in HOH and is going to try to sell a Joe nom
Dustin walks into the room . . .
Daniele: Speak of the devil
Dick: No, I'm the devil
Dustin: Are you guys okay if I push Joe tonight. My concern is Zach has been pushing deals with Jen all week. I'll talk to him . . .
Nick: He's going to lie, he'll say he has it locked up.

11:09 BBT
Telling Danile about all his greatest collegiate football accomplishments. She tell him he's so conceited.
Danile says I'm Hungry and Zach says "could you eat a taco out of a dead mexican?" Danile says "that's racist" he says it he's both latino and croatian so it's not racist.
Danile tells him about what Dustin is going to do. Nick says that they might want to try to break up him and Amber. Nick says he will be outed when he's told to vote out Danile if Zach wins HOH next week when he tells them "fuck you"
Danile takes the kissing deal. [missed it from earlier]
Nick and Joe talking about Dick telling him to watch over Danile if he gets evicted. whispering so it was hard to hear.

11:25 BBT
Outside Dick says the religious people have an unfair entertainment advantage because they get to bring their bibles in to read.
Nick says he's going to bed. Zach and Dick talking says he's not been nervous telling him that it will be Joe as a replacement. Zach says he's talked to her and she's not giving up anything.
Dick says Dustin is sleeping up there tonight to save his ass.
Zach says the only prob he has with Joe is when people have wounds he comes out and picks the scabs.
In the BR Nick Jameeka ans Dani talking. Nick says he trust them and he also trust Amber a lot. Nick says eventually he's going to have to "fuck them over". He says they don't know about me "Turn coat Nick". So I guess Jamekka is now in on the secret. He says he trust her several times. Nick says he's going for HOH this week because he doesn't want the to get it. He said he would put up Kail and Zach. Telling how stupid it was the first day hen they asked him to join them.
Nick says to keep "the secret" between the three of them. They will throw him the HOH if it's them three. Nick really wants Zack gone. Nick says Mike or Kail are the smart ones. He says their "fucking it up" because they don't talk to anyone. "their digging their own graves"
Nick says they his alliance are shady and would rat him out in a second. He say they are iffy with them and Zach follows him everywhere and said he would have been outed because they told him to vote out Dani and he would not.

11: 40 BBT
Inthe HOH Jen Amber and Kail talking about possibilties of who would go.
Back in the bedroom Jameka Nick and Dani talking and thinking. Danile says "the hamster wheels are turning" Saying that Kails a mess on slop. Saying they're used to it.
Back in HOH Kail says they need to get Evil out and Jen says the best person would be Nick. Joe is worst than evil according to Jen and Amber. Dustin says that they're are people out there to get Amber to go. They are trying to get a repalcement. Dustin says he would be hysterical if she went up. Amber seems to think she's soo safe if she's up as a pawn.
Joe comes in. Asking how spicy they like their slop. Dustin says evil is a pain in the ass but Joes is maniacal.
Talking about Dicks positive attributes. Kail wonders who would ever put him up. Dustin says he could even though he couldn't put a time frame on it.
Dustin tells he presence in the house has changed since she's been HOH. Jen says she would rather see Joe go rather than Evil .Kail says she'll vote foe Evil to stay if that's what Jen wants. They tell her that she could put him up if she wins HOH. Kail seems scared to.
Jen says that Zach told her that Dani and Joe were close. Jen says she doesn't want to put up Amber just in case she might lose.

11:56 BBT
Joe and Nick talking in the storage room telling Joe that they need a lot of people to sell her the idea of putting up Zach as the replacement nomination. Joe says Jen told her that if she won and used the pOV she would put up dustin.
Nick tells him again the whole house is in agreeance that Zach has to go

Dustin, Amber, Kail, Mike and Jen in HOH
(I'm coming in late on this)
Mike has headphones on and is "sleeping" (he's mentioned before that he hears a LOT by pretending to be asleep)
Amber: Kail you need to go talk to Evel. (she's calling him evel now that she's shackeled to Kail)
WE need to go to him because he likes me and say I've/We've talked to people and some people say they'll vote for Joe and some for you but we'll work it out for you to get the votes because we're not going to....
feeds switch to Nick Jameka Daniele Eric
Nick looks under the covers
Daniele says "don't touch it"
Nick says " that's what my dad used to say"
Daniele says "eeewwwww"
Nick is mesmerized by a possible scar on Daniele's eye. says he has one. asks if she can see it?
boring love google eyes
Nick: If you saw another person that looked like you would you date him?
Dani: you would
Nick: yeah
Dani: you're a freak
Nick: Dude
Dani: don't call me dude
Nick: Dude looks like a lady...

Jen comes into room with her red tight unitard on. Nick closes his eyes.
Jen: "they're all up in my room except for evel and zach.Mike is sleeping. Dustin is sleeping up there"
Eric: "oh, what did you deserve to get that"
Jen: "well, I said I was sleeping naked and didn't want anybody who wasn't gay sleeping up there"
Eric: "you're not going to sleep in your unitard? "
Jen: "oh I don't know"
small talk here

Back in HOH. Joe is telling Kail and Amber that he's made a pot of slop that's spicy. They're eating it.
Dustin tells Kail that he's sleeping up there. Kail says: I'm jealous.
Amber: "me too"
Kail: "you're sleeping in my spot."
Joe is leaving. They thank him for the slop.
Kail: "I'll be down shortly with my chained prisoner."
As soon as Joe leaves she puts the slop aside and says she can't eat it...but it was nice of him
Kail is now checking the tv to see where Jen is."
Kail: "Jen's in a pickle. She's in a huge pickle"
Dustin: "why is it so hard for her?"
Kail: "she doesn't want to make anyone mad at her. She wants to make sure evel leaves.

long silence. Amber is eating slop
Amber: "I don't like being up here. It stresses me out. I don't like making decisions at all."
Kail: "See, I don't like evel. He bad mouths me. He picks on Jess for no reason. He just picks. pick pick pick."
Jess wore a shirt that says I'm too cute to work and if I weren't my own person he would have planted an idea that i shouldn't like her. He does that to everybody where once he finds something....
Dustin: "plants seeds?"
Kail: "YES"
Dustin: "do you think people fall for that?"
Kail: "the young people. Look how everybody hates Jen now. She's no more into herself than anybody here. She's no more into herself than he's into himself
If he finds one fault in somebody he will keep reminding everyone"
Amber: "Evel listens to me."
Kail: "until you start to threaten him and then he'll find a weakness in you and tell everyone"
Amber: "I know I would win against him . I know I would. I feel 110% I would win"
Kail: "See, i think she would too"
Dustin: "you think he's got to go"
Kail: "he's GOT to got. There's something about him....I was like the ONLY one that was nice to him the first week. And then he turned. Now if he feels threatened by Eric he"ll find that one thing about Eric that you may not even have noticed...
Dustin: "I'm just gonna say it. I've been holding back but I'm just gonna say it. Do you know who planted the seed to....last week....to try to get someone out?"
Kail makes some guesses
Dustin: "Joe planted the seeds about Jen."
Kail: "it wasn't evel?"
Amber: "no...it was joe. it was all joe. It's bad."
Dustin: "it's been an ongoing issue since day one. He picked her and keeps going with it"
Amber: "that's why it's pissing me off. Since she won HOH he's been kissing her ass."

In the HOH the Joe bashing continues as they have concluded that he needs to go.
In the bedroom alot of kidding around and fun talk even with Jen in there. Talking about gangrene. Jess says she doesn't know why she was thinking about it. Joe says "Eric's breath" joking
Talking about what BB would approve saying Carol was allowed in collegiate and Joe wasn't. Jen says it doesn't matter since she has to wear her unitard all week.
Slop talk. Joe trying to push his fiesta slop he prepared for them.
Joe bashing continues in HOH.
Jen trying to explain what the valley is [wrong I might add] Zach trying to and came closer but still incorrect.

Jen, Dustin and Kamber in the HOH.
They're talking about Joe or Nick being possibilities as going up when Dani uses the POV this week.
Jen talks mostly about putting Nick up this week.
Everyone other then Jen seems quite uncomfortable with this.
Dustin continues to push for Joe.
Kail says if Dick leaves then the whole dynamic of the house will be lifted.
Jen and Kail seem to agree that by putting up Nick this week that Dick will be going.
Amber says she doesn't like this and Jen says "Then you should stop handcuffing yourself to people."

Jen gets up and leaves HOH to go on her date.
Kail then says that you can't argue with her this week. She's really thought this through and she wants Dick gone.
Jen's not scared of Joe, but she is scared of both Nick and Dick.

Kail discusses why they came up to the HOH in the first place. Amber and Kail were talking about what Jen was gonna do and Kail said well why don't we just go ask her.
So they do.
But now that they are there, they start talking about how Jen is actually not as hated as they once thought. They start naming off all the HG's and Nick and Dani are the only ones who don't.

Amber starts defending Nick and Dani saying that they're not "doing anything" they are just clinging to each other for comfort.
Dustin is now complimenting Jen on her decision.
Kail jumps in and says that she's really friendly to everyone who's even slightly friendly to her.

Amber starts talking about how emotional a person she is and how she really needs the attention that Dustins been giving her.
She then talks about how her sister said, before the show even started, that Amber would be best friends with a gay guy. Amber: "I took one look at Joe and was like how is this even going to be possible? There's just no way and my sister is completely wrong. Then Dustin comes walking down the stairs and I knew right away. My sister was right. She has a sixth sense about these types of things."

Dustin: I don't like to talk about c*** about Joe outside of this house. but people tell me one thing and he tells me another and things just don't match up."
Amber extolls the benefits of being a friend of Dustins and how they ferret out all of the bad information and how he's so wonderful and so masculine and mature.
(It's suprising to me that Amber would do this as usually pointing out the strong connection one feels for another HG automatically puts them both in danger.)

Kail asks Dustin if Joe was the same as he was 2 years ago.
Dustin says NO. He was calmer and more soothing.
He's putting on a show for everyone here.
Amber says he's trying to hard. She also says that Zach is playing to hard.
Amber thinks it's sad that Zach and Joe are playing so hard. "It's sad, really."

Kails worries about it taking so long to adjust to the house and all of it's dynamics.
Amber says that Kails life is all penciled out and so it would naturally take longer then someone who is adapting to new situations everyday. Amber admits her life is so unregimented that's it's easier for her to adjust in the house.

Kail starts talking about Why Dick is so "attached" to her.
Both AMber and Dustin say it's because their lives are so different.
That Dick looks at Kail and thinks she's beautiful and she's not a partier, how does she survive?
While Kail looks at Dick and asks How does he even stay alive?
Kail seems really bothered by Dicks "obsession" with her.

(OMG. I'm not sure I like the "comfortable" Kail. Her distaste of Dick is alarming. She's actually quite scared of him.)

Dustin and Amber try to soothe her nerves regarding Dick, but she seems quite okay with trying to push him away.
Kail is feeling under the pressure when Dick is around.
Dustin says but that's what this game is all about. It's a pressure cooker and people are going to be pressing buttons.
Kail says it's definitely not his look, because she lives in RedNeck country. Shes seen tatoos and hard living. But there's something about Dick that makes her very nervous.

Dustin says that Dick goes this week and then either Zach or Joe the following weeks.
Kail says that she has no problem with Joe. Amber asks her to just spend some time and watch him. That she'll definitely catch him stirring up more pots then she could imagine.

Dustin says that he went to Joe in the beginning and made the "deal" with him, so that Joe would stop with the insults and such. Making the house better to be in. NOT that he's actually holding true to the "deal".
They go back to serving compliments on Jen's decision this week.

Amber says that when it first happened she was really feeling awkward about being handcuffed to Kail. Specially during her anniversary. But now feels like it was so great, that it was fate.
They start bagging on Dick.
Dustin: "The smokers gotta go man. The smokers gotta go."
Then start bagging on Dani.
Then bagging on Joe.

Amber says that she doesn't need to have Evel as her emotional connection. She already has Dustin.
Kail feels like Dick drains her.
Amber says it's just too much.
(I'm quite shocked at how everyone is flipflopping this week. Watching everyone hate Jen to everyone touting her strategies and calling her smart. The Dick love turning into Dustin saying the smokers gotta leave. What universe did I fall into?)

The three of them leave HOH and go downstairs. They realize Dick is out there and continue walking to the Hooka room.

Cam switch to Dick in the BY. Sitting on patiocouch with Jess, Eric, Joe and Jameka.
Eric is of course doing the bulk of the talking while Jess occasionally giggles or makes a joke.
Dick goes inside to get something and asks if anyone needs anything.
Eric discusses exactly what Jen said to him one time.
She knows what Amber did. She knows Kail is scared of Dick.
Dick comes out and Eric says "...and a bunch of other POV stuff I didn't understand."
He then goes on to say that Jen said that Kail wants to put up a pawn to insure that Dick leaves.

Joe goes outside and says that he just had a conversation with Jen in the BR and that she was suggesting that Zach was actually going up this week.
Jameka says she can go to bed now.

Jam and Jess talk about the possibility of Zach leaving and how that makes them happy.

Back outside Dick and Eric talk about doing some major campaigning after Jen's choice is revealed.

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