7:30 a.m. BBT
The feeds have been sleeping peeps all morning. It appears that someone in the small bed room took the mattress off the bed and is laying upon it on the floor LOL
Food competition and noms today (noms according to Jen)
8:24 AM BBT
Most HG's are awake and doing their morning stuff
Zach and Mike in the shower
Dustin eating dry fruit loops at the kitchen table..
nick and Jen talkign at the kitchen table.
Daniele was doing her make up and Dick brushing his teeth
Looks liek Jen and Dustin ar enow in the HOH hallway about to do their ab class
Daniele is approaching Jen and they are talking in the WR
Daniele wanting to know where she stands.. Jen is saying she is going to put up people that are negative to the environment she lives in. Daniele wants to know where she stands, cause she doesnt know.. it is a weird convo.. Daniele said she is nto going to kiss Jen's butt just cause she is HOH.. Daniele said she has no issue with JEN (whatever!) Jen is sayign that Daniele and Nick seperating themselves all the time isnt helping. Daniele brigns up the fact that she has a boyfriend at home.. and they are done talking..
8:37 BBT
Eric, Jessica .. I SAID, It's TIME to get up for the day!!!
ALL awake HG's laugh..
Housguests,,, you have ONE hour until the food competition.
10:02 BBT
Still no food comp.. most HG's have laid back down in bed.
10:20 BBT
Nothing going on in the house, It is FOTH right now though.. so maybe its about to start.
11:05 BBt
Okay, Jen came out of the diary room and said Food Comp time.. they want everyone waiting by the door.. as she is walking past the kitchen table, BB calls her back and says "Jen, we need you do come through the door one more time" then we get FOTH. .
Feeds are back and now last min. potty breaks, and a line forming at the back door..
and back to FOTH...
Feeds are back, food comp is over
sounds like soem of the girls are on slop, Definatly Jameka, Amber and Daniele, Eric is on slop too.. the comp had somethign to do with pies, and combos of food. liek carrot and cheese pie.
Eric has the girls mad at him for some reason, and he is unhappy for beign blamed for them being on slop, he feels it is not his fault. Jameka is reassurign him that in two hours it will be over..
The HG's are on indoor LD.. so noms may be later this evening.
1:09 pm
Feeds are back and it appears that Joe, Dani, Jameka, Kail, Jess, Amber are all on slop for the week
Dani was crying to Nick and then said "If I get nominated i will just kill myself
Jameka, Jess, Joe, Amber, Dustin all in the small bedroom talking about the competition and complaining
Other feeds are now on Dustin, Jen and Dani in the bathroom.
Joe is now talking to Jess
Joe: she is for sure putting up two guys
Dani comes in and is complaining about Jen
Dani: I couldn't believe that she said, Oh yeah dani missed the easiest ones.
Dani: It is probably going to be me and my dad that goes up
Amber: It sucks being on the block but there are so many advantages and if you are supposed to be here then you will win the POV and stay
Jen and Jameka are talking in the BR while Jameka showers. Jameka wants Jen to do what SHE thinks is best, get everyones opinions, yes, but do what is best for JEN..
Oh, and Jen is wearing her Jenth degree tank top, comletes with a Jenth degree headband..
1:22 pm
Jameka is in the shower and Jen is standing outside of it. Jameka is telling Jen that she should just go with the majority. She is now talking to Jen about why she hasn't talked to her and stuff. Jameka says she will have no hard feelings and then Jen says so you wouldn't be mad if I put you up and Jameka basically says not really but is still kinda asking to not be put up
All the feeds are on them in the bathroom
Jen is just feeling Jameka out. Jameka is hard to hear but she is basically saying she isn't gonna name drop on who she thinks Jen should nominate. Jameka does say that she was kinda worried about her and Kail cause they didn't bond with everyone the first week and just stayed in the HOH room!
Jen: But you wouldn't nominate me if you were HOH
Jam: No
Jen:Yeah cause you would know that there are better people to get out that have a better chance of winning.
Jen leaves and heads to kitchen where she talks to start to Mike about working out.
Jen in HOH with Jess
Jen is saying that she just wanted to make sure she had a conversation with Jess before making in final nomination choices.
Jess says they can certainly work out a deal to keep each other safe.
Jess then goes on to say she would like to see the girls stick together.
Someone rings the doorbell.
It's Zach.
She says that no one but Kail has come up to talk to her.
Jen gets the HOH peep screen back, I'm guessing it was out of operation for a day or so.
They start talking about Jen's family.
Jen starts blaming BB for choosing to have pictures that are 2 years old.
She also says that all the things BB put into her HOH basket are lame, that she's thinking of giving them all away.
Jen says the slop isn't that bad, but it helps to have a couple of breaks (The BBQ and Pizza nights.)
Zach is talking about the fact that apparently pickles are also allowable while on slop.
Zach gets down on himself for being so irritated during the competition.
The competition had to do with tasting, and Zach brain couldn't grasp making the decisions regarding what the two flavors were.
Jen says it was weird that Dani couldn't get carrots and cheese.
Jameka got tuna and jellybeans.
Jen offers her chocolate bar to Zach. He says he hates chocolate.
Zach says Jameka's the only woman who says she farts. He's never met another woman who admitted to farting.
Jess says she's tired.
Jen says she should take a nap before the noms
Zach says "Now do we have to dress up for this?"
Jen says it's just the nominations so No.
He asks what the noms are. (?)
Jen says she's gonna present the keys.
Zach goes "AHA. Now I remember. It's the key thing."
Zach is listening to U2's "Beautiful Day". He says he would play this song just before meeting the producers while he was in sequester. That the song gives him actual goosebumps.
4 cam FOTH....
Cam switch to outside where Dani tries to mouth out P.O.V to Nick, who's in the pool.
Dani gives up and goes inside.
Cam follows and sitting at the table are Jameka and Amber. Dani grabs an avocado and then Nick comes in and Dani whispers to him that they'll have a talk later.
Cam switch to Dustin and Dick in BR.
Dick is telling Dustin that he told someone else that him and Dustin aren't really getting along.
He says that they really are together.
Dustin calls out Dicks antics regarding Jen and he says he thinks some of them are for personal reasons, that they can't get personal.
Dustin says he hasn't talked to Jen about noms yet. And is wondering if it wouldn't be better to talk to her after nominatins.
Dustin thinks that Kail is the boss of the four. That it's not Mike.
That Dustin and Dick should take advantage if the fact that Zach is kinda on the outs with them at the moment.
Dustin also says that Jameka is very trustworthy.
Conversation ends as they talk about being on slop.
Dick is not one of them, but Jameka is.
Dustin says that he's playing his "cards" with Joe.
They go outside...
Cam switch to kitchen where Eric, Jess, Amber and Jameka talk about the food comp.
Nick and Dani go to the smallbed room.
Dani says she's sure that Jen is going to nominate her.
Nick assures Dani that NO ONE knows whats going on.
Nick is worried about going up with Dani.
Nick says that if they do go up against each other that he won't campaign for votes. He'd rather Dani stayed in the house.
Jameka enters and says that if it is the two of them she'd rather it not end up in a tie, so Jen couldn't make the decision.
Nick says he can't believe that Jen is getting jealous of the girl he's hanging out with now.
Dick enters and the four of them trash Jen.
Then they all decide that they shouldn't worry about it too uch until after Jen does her noms.
Everyone aside from Dani leaves.
The cam follows Jameka and Nick into the kitchen. Dick follows along.
Jam and Nick whisper more about Jen and her decisions and promise to talk later.
Jam starts washing dishes, Dick goes outside, Nick goes to the Bedromms.
Eric and Amber sitting at dining table, the two of them discuss being on slop.
Eric says he could be upset about all the jokes about being on slop.
Then goes on to talk again about how he'[s being villified in the house. (Oh poor poor Eric.)
Kail enters and asks how the slop is.
Amber: "It's okay, with some brown sugar on top."
Eric apologizes to Kail if he was over the top in any way during the food comp.
Kail apologizes for her own behavior for the food comp as well.
Cam switch to Jameka and Dani back in smallbed room.
The discuss the nominations again.
Or moreso what Jen MIGHT do with the nominations.
Kail enters and asks if she's interrupting.
Dani says that her and Jam were just discussing slop recipes.
Jam thinks of adding fruit and such to it.
Jam: "It's not the flavor so much as it's the texture thats bad."
Dani says she's getting really tired but doesn't want to take a nap because Zach said that the nomination ceremony would be at 4 today.
She then goes on to talk about how bummed she is that she can't wear necklaces, because they get tangled in the mics.
Then starts complaining about the food comp.
Jam, Kail and Dani all think it's too hot outside to stay in the BR.
Jameka then warns Kail about still not opening up enough. Yes, she's hanging out downstairs but she's still being percevied as not opening up enough.
Kail thinks that she is opening up and she's told everyone about her life.
She doesn't understand why everyone is still feeling that way.
Jameka says "well, they are" so try to work on it.
Cam switch to BY with Eric, Dustin and Amber around the pool.
Eric assures Amber that she most likely won't be going up on the block this week.
Dustin says he's probably not going to talk to Jen until after the noms and before the POV.
Eric says that the two of them need not worry because most likely Jen is thinking about Dani and Dick.
Duistin asks Eric if thats what Jen said and Eric says no, that she wasn't being forthcoming at all, but that he just put 2 and 2 together to figure out what she's gonna do.
Dani comes out and complains that even the grass is hot.
Amber and Kail retreat to the hammock.
Kail says that her and Dick have another "Getting to know each other moment" not a date.
Amber says that she told Dick to stop talking so much about himself when on the date. That he should allow Kail to talk.
Kail says, Yeah, how can I get a word in edgewise when he keeps talking about himself the whole time.
Amber continues to worry about what Jen is going to do for the nominations. She admits to not talking to Jen since the game started so she fully expects to get nominated.
She says she won't be mad if Jen does decide to nominate her, that getting mad won't help.
Cam switch to Mike and Zach whispering in the kitchen...
(I can't understand a word they're saying so I'm switching cams...)
In the HOH with Jen and Nick...
Jen talks about Boogies showmance with Erica and how now no one will date him because of how he talked about Erica.
The conversation wraps up as they rediscuss what Eric talked about.
Jen says she doesn't want Nick to go.
Nick was worried because the two of them (Nick/Eric) haven't been talking lately and he wondered if Eric came up here and said anything bad about Nick.
Jen says she'd never ever nominate a HG that she didn't want to leave the house.
That she's going to nominate two people she'd like to see leave.
She finds Dani and Dick as the two people that ruin the whole mood of the house.
Nick starts discussing how he had to ask Zach what he talked to Jen about because that's how he plays, he has to know what everyones thinking.
Jen talks about Dick and Dani going up.
She asks how Nick would vote. He says he thinks that everyone would keep Dani in the house so he'd probably go along with the house.
Nick brings up Joe as a possibility.
Jen says that if he stays he'd try to exact revenge as soon as he could. That he'd nominate Dustin and Jen or Dustin and Nick.
She says she's not really mad at Dick that she really just doesn't want a smoker in sequester, but that she doesn't really hate Dick. "So what if he hates me, I don't care."
She calls NIck a nailgnawer and then he decides to leave. He asks to listen to her U2 CD at sometime coming up.
She says thats fine.
He asks if she's gonna go down to the pool.
She says she doesn't know when the noms will start so she's probably just gonna hang out in HOH till they do.
Cam switch to Dick in kitchen, he almost goes up the stairs to HOH and decides to get some water first, then he heads to the hookaroom.
He forgot something in the kitchen, goes back, grabs a garbage bag and goes back to the hookaroom.
Audio switch to outside but cam is still on Dick as he comes out of the room with a bag full of...
Cam finally switches to the BY where Dustin, Jameka and Dani are laying out catching some rays.
Cam switches back to Dick and Nick in the SR.
Nick discusses what him and Jen talked about moments ago.
Nick says he gets the feeling that it's gonna be Dick and Dani on the block.
They start talking about a guy who isn't trustworthy (I can't figure out if it's Eric or Zach.)
Then leave....
Dick come into the kitchen where Mike is washing dishes, he's run out of soap and Dick goes to the SR to find some.
To no avail. BB has not restocked more dish soap.
He comes out with a box of womens vitamins, tosses them on the counter...says "Nope. Women's vitamins though." and continues on outside.
Nick and Jameka enter and NIck promises not to eat in front of Jam. Jam says she doesn't care. That' she'll be eating slop next to him.
She sets her bowl down next to Nick and then wanders off towards the bedrooms.
Dick and Zach sit upsairs playing chess.
Amber and Kail talk on the hammock...(and I have animal control asking me questions regarding a recent coyte attack against one of my neighbors cats...so I may be in and out for awhile...)
Amber and Kail talk about giving birth. Ultrasounds and such.
Then Amber talks about having to go through surgery on her throat.
Cam switch to Mike and Nick whispering in the hooka room.
They firm up some of the aspects of this weeks gameplay.
Nick says he's trying to get the focus off of Zach and Kail.
They can hear someone approaching and quickly break up their conversation.
nick leaves and runs into Jameka. Nick talks to her a bit on his way outside.
Jen finally comes down stairs.
Jameka asks what she's been doing all day.
Jen says she's just been thinking.
Cam switch to hammock with Kail and Amber. Amber continues to talk about all of her surgeries.
Cam switch back to Jameka and Jen on the patiocouch, where Jameka says that the noms should be soon.
Jen says that's why she doesn't want to get into the pool.
Jameka says she should do the nominations in her bikini.
Jen goes back inside and Mike says he wants to discuss somethings.
Jen asks him who he'd vote for if he put up Dick and Dani.
Mike says Dani.
She says cool.
Mike says he thought it was weird that no one was worried about it yesterday but that today everyones running around.
Jen says well, I've been talkng to everyone today.
They agree on some things and then Jen leaves to go look at the picture wall.
Quick scan and she's off to the Bigbed room.
She searches through some clothes in one of the dressers.
She decides on a green tanktop and black shorts.
Cam switch to outside with Jam, Dani and Eric on the patiocouch and Nick in the pool.
Dani apologizes about her smell. Jameka says she can't smell her at all.
Jameka encourages Dani to eat.
Dani says she'll try.
Jameka says she'll make it special for Dani and that she's gotta eat at least 3 tablespoons of the slop.
Cam switch to kitchen with Dustin and Jen...
He wonders how hard it is for her to decide.
She says it wasn't to hard.
She is confused by Amber still not talking to her.
Dustin tries to explain why Amber is holding back. Saying that Jen's been so busy talking to everyone else and Amber just hasn't felt it to be the right time to talk to her.
They both go into the WOR.
Jen thinks that people are thinking that she should put up Amber. But that Jen doesn't want to.
That she can't put up someone who hasn't talked to her.
Jen admits to playing the game with honesty and being able to go home with her integrity intact.
They talk about Joe. How he went to the DR and yelled about Jen winning HOH. That Joe started the whole Jen/Nick fight.
That Nick and Jen discussed that they both new what was going on and that Joe just was trying to start trouble.
Dustin says...so you think it's gonna be Amber and who...?
Jen says she's been throwing around Joe, Dick, Dani and Amber.
She's a bit afraid of Joe and his attitude if he stays. She doesn't really want to put up Amber.
That she wants to get out the negativity. Amber isn't negative.
Dani and Dick and Joe are.
Jen hates that everyone has picked up on the rude humor and putdowns and it's starting to run rampant throughout the house.
Jen admits to being the sole vote for Carol staying.
BUt that wasn't because she hated Amber, but it was partly because she already made a deal with Carol and doesn't go back on deals she makes and that Amber actually hasn't talked to her at all so it made it easier.
Dustin says he's proud of Jen for thinking on behalf of the house.
Jen admits that yes she doesn't really like Dick but she doesn't want him out because he's such an a** to her.
Jen says that having an automatic alliance between Dad and Daughter is dangerous.
Dustin says that Joe makes situations uncomfortable for everyone. He stirs the pot in everyones personal life.
She says she thinks all three of them are bad elements.
Jen says if anyone uses the POV it would be stupid to do so this early in the game.
Jen worries about Joe winning the POV.
She'd rather put Joe in as a nominee after the POV is used (If it is.)
So he doesn't spend the entire week freaking out.
Dustin asks about how close her and Kail are. She says they talk alot but it's always about surface things.
Jen says she just wants to have a good time with the people left in the house.
That the three of them need to go in order for everyone to have a good time, from sequester on...
She asks Dustin if he'd be upset by putting any of those three up.
Dustin says no.
They start trshing Joe and Jen says she'd die if Joe was in sequester with her. That she doesn't want any of them in sequester with her.
More slamming of Joe.
Dustin says he came in here thinking that he'd treat Joe the same as if he'd just met him and because of Joe's actions in the house, he doesn't like him.
Dustin says he'd vote for Dani. Because he doesn't really know her that well.
He says that Dick can be annoying but he actually likes Dick.
Dustin says of those three people he'd put up Joe first, Dani second and Dick third.
Joe enters and the convo quickly turns off.
Joe says that BB just woke him up.
jen apologizes for talking this much but that because of the situation she has to.
They talk about hearing the noms would start at 4. (It's after 4.) They realize it's already after 4 so who knows when they will start the nom ceremony.
Dustin says he agrees with her decisions and then they leave.
Jen says it's after 4 so perhaps she should just get in the pool.
But then says she bets that just as soon as she does go in the pool, BB will call her to start noms.
Jens bummed about wasting most of her day because she's been waiting for the noms to start.
NIck asks if Joe had a good sleep and asks if Joe dreamt about him.
Joe says no. He actually dreamed about pies and losing competitions.
Jen says. "Sorry, that was real."
They talk about the comp. Figuring out the pie combinations, especially with the seafood combos, were hard to figure out.
Nick asks the guys, Joe specifically if he likes his roman sandals.
Joe says he usually doesn't wear them for competitions but if he ever needs to wrestle with half naked roman gladiators then he's good to go.
Lot's of idle chitchat....while they wait for the noms to start.
BB asks Jess to go to the DR.
(looks like we have at least 10 more minutes to wait.)
Everyone is outside except for Jameka and Jess.
Nick and Jen in pool. Amber/Kail in hammock. Dick, Mike and Zach playing golf.
Joe/Dustin and Eric on patiocouch.
Joe gets up and walks over to the pool saying that he wants to talk to Jen.
They walk inside and go up to HOH.
Joe asks if Jen thought any more about what him and her talked about yesterday.
She says that everyone is telling her that he'd planned on putting up Jen and Dustin.
So she's a little worried about what she's been hearing and then calls out Joe for wanting to put her up.
Joe tries to pass it off that in that situation Dustin would be the one to go home and that she would have nothing to worry about.
Joe continues talking about how Dustin is selfish and anything he says shouldn't be trusted.
Jen says she doesn't really believe him. She's not gonna put up Dustin. She says she's gonna put up people who are negative. For the good of the house.
She says that Joe would be considered to be one of those.
Joe: "Really?"
She discusses if she keeps JOe off the block that Joe would save her.
Joe now worries about why everyone thinks that he should go. That he's only worried about getting rid of Dustin.
So he doesn't understand where all these rumors about him wanting Jen out came from.
They then start talking about the differences between those that were recruited and those that actually tried out.
back to how much Joe hates Dustin.
Jen says she doesn't really care how they feel about each other.
That she's making her decisions based on the negative elements.
Joe asks if she's considered Zach.
She's like "ReallY?"
Joe goes on to make digs regarding Zach, that he makes people feel uncomfortable.
Jen can't believe it.
Jen goes on to say that the people she wants to stay in the house are the nice people. She hates the sarcastic people. And doesn't want to be stuck with those types of people.
Joe then talks about the revelation that he wants to put up Dustin versus Jen is really bugging him. He says he never said that.
He starts talking about the need to put up Amber and Dustin and maybe Dick.
Jen insists that putting up a pawn is stupid. That she's putting up two people that she doesn't like.
She also says that she won't even consider putting up Dustin or Amber. She doesn't hate them. She thinks they're nice.
She doesn't really like the fact that Dick smokes mostly, the arguments he has with her are no big deal.
Joe tries to tell Jen that he's done his best to apologize to people if he's offending any of them.
Joe seems shocked that not a single person has brought up Zach as a possibility.
Jen rehashes her reasoning behind who's going up. She's doing it because she thinks the people in danger (including Joe) are the most talked about names.
Joe says he'd be shocked if he got nominated.
But is slowly starting to accept that he is causing the ruffling of some feathers in the house.
He wonders why he was brought up so often as a possibility.
She says because of the going into DR right away.
He says he was called into the DR and that he was frustrated because he came in second not that Jen won.
Joe says he feels like he's being thrown under the bus.
That he is absloutely shocked and amazed that no one has brought up Zachs name.
Dustin tries again to cover his tracks in regards to bringing up Jen's name as a possibility.
He swears that Dustin is his only target.
Joe realizes that he's beating a dead horse. But then picks up the stick and takes another swing at the "How can you believe that I brought up your name as good to go up against Dustin.
Joe asks if he's pretty much the alternate this week.
She justs asks Joe that if he's safe this week, will he pay her back.
He says he would and then promises that even if he is nominated that he won't be a raging b**** for the week.
Jen says she's not going to tell Joe if he is or isn't on the list.
Joe thanks her for the advise regarding his staus in the house and that he believes that her head is in the right place in regards to the noms.
She admits to being happy with the HOH, because it gives her a sense of comfort and she could be herself a bit more in the last few days.
She says that she hopes that Joe and Dustin will learn to get along.
He gets a little defeated about the noms, thinking he'll be bummed and that even if he did he wouldn't come after Jen. That his main focus is on getting rid of Dustin.
Jen admits to being a bad secret holder. Joe too. He says that he hates secrets, "Secrets aren't reality, so I keep it real."
Jen continues to talk about how she wants out the negativity.
She hates the whole..."You're nominated because you're fat." thing.
Jen decides she's gonna wear her Jenuine tshirt and jeans.
Joe the says he's glad that Jen put the pictures back up in the HOH.
They start discussing how the straight on pictures of Jen are worse then the ones taken at an angle.
She hates the fact that the pictures are scans and not really good quality.
They talk about who is in each picture. Her mom and stepdad. Her Dad and stepmom, her half-brothers, her boyfriend, etc.
Joe leaves and gives Jen time to mull over her decision.
BB: "Jen please go to the DR."
Jen: "I'm peeing."
JOe comes out and whispers to Nick about not wanting to put up Zach.
He says that Jen pretty much thinks it's gonna be Dick, Dani and Joe.
Nick says pretty much the same thing except that It's moreso gonna be Dick and Dani.
Nick says he DID talk to Jen about Zach so she's prbably covering for something there.
BB: "Jen please go to the DR"
They decide to talk more about it outside because soon BB's gonna start lockdown.
Jen comes downstairs and goes into DR with the bag of keys.
Jen: "Hi"
Producer: "How you doing."
Jen: "Great."
Producer: "Go ahead and have a seat."
Jen: "I brought my makeup..." fade out audio...
Back to the BY, where everyone is. Except for Mike who's in the hookaroom.
He's not saying or doing anything.
4Cams switch to BY...
Dick wonders how they came up with the name slop. (Really?)
Joe: "Probably because it looks just like slop. That's the sound it makes when it hits the bowl."
Focus in on Dustin and Amber on the loungers...they talk about the BB motto being trust no one.
Amber says that most gay guys are backstabbers, but explains that Dustin is sooo not like that.
Dustin compliments Dick on his tshirt...
...audio switch to Jess and Eric talking about trying to "cover" for each other. When epople brough up Jess's name that Eric hasn't said anything bad.
Eric assures Jess that Jen's nominations will be pretty obvious.
Eric now apologizes for the way Zach acted during the comp. He didn't have control but it's still perceived as a bad thing. He's sure he didn't mean it, and then segues rather clunkily towards how he's been victimized by a couple of people in the house. Then segues back into Zach's demeanor during the food comp.
Kail walks up and Eric says "And Kail. You can not trust her at all." He then laughs and Kail chuckles too.
Kail then apologizes for not being able to continue their previous conversation.
Eric then talks more about how he's the "victim", and apologizes even more for not being able to guess what the pie flavors were.
They start discussing how everyone was a little amped during the game.
Eric admits to riling Zach up. That Eric takes a lot of s*** from everyone and the one time he teases someone else, they get all bent out of shape.
The house is still not on official lockdown and Eric wonders if after the first nominations that maybe BB is trusting them to not go in and cause problems.
He's now complaining about being woken up before BB actually wants them to do anything.
Cam switch to Dani, Jameka and Dani talking by the pool.
Dani and Nick talk about what they're gonna say to Julie if both of them are on the block.
Feeds are back
Everyone is sitting around kitchen talking but no one says who is going
Jen is carrying key case into store room
Keeps going to FOTH
Jameka is crying
Everyone else sitting around the kitchen table...not sure why Jameka is crying
7:44 pm
Jen put Dani and Dick up
Joe: It is hard, I mean father and daughter can't campaign against each other
Jameka is very sweet, she is heartbroken that Dick and Dani are up against each other
Dick enters the room and asks Joe why he is so chipper today
Joe: well I talked to Jen right before the nominations and she basically told me that Dick and Dani were going up. Then in the kitchen she said Joe were you surprised that your key was last and I said no I expected it. Jen then told me I needed to work on my attitude
Joe and Dick are in the BY smoking and talking about Jen. They are just saying that she tells everyone she is positive and they are negative but she doesn't realize the whole house wants her gone
Dani came out of shower and Nick is in the shower (Dani looks surprisingly calm and doesn't look upset.
Dani is now fixing something to drink in the kitchen.
8:05 pm
joe Nick and Jen are in hot tub
Joe: (sarcastically) so what do you think I should do to make myself more positive oh wise Jen
Jen: (not catching up on sarcasm) You need to stop bringing up your past with Dustin and all that
Joe: ummhmm!
Conversation then changes to talk of family
Dani Eric, Jameka are all talking about BB6 James in the bedroom.
Dani: I was surprised he made allstars
Eric: well I guess it was because he was a boldfaced liar
Then talk switches to hair talk
8:19 BBT
Jen: Evel was flipping me off during the ceremony
Jen wonders if the noms would change their behavior now that they are nominated and why.
She was prepared for Dick to be a smart mouth, and she had a speach ready for him.
Nick and Amber on the hammock, Dustin joins them and the three of them discuss who should go.
They start talking about Joe campaigning to Jen about putting up Dustin and Nick.
Nick says he trusts Dani the most. But also says that Dustin has nothing to worry about.
The FOTH interrupts their talk repeatedly. But the general gist of it is that they don't trust Zack. That Dustin has nothing to worry about. That Nick trusts Amber. Thatthe two of them need to save Dani this week.
Nick leaves and Dick joins Amber in the hammock.
They talk about Zach knowing about the fact that Amber wants him out of there. They both figure that Joe told him. Or Joe told Jen and Jen told him.
Amber says that Jen told Justin that if either one of Dick or Dani wins POV, they come off and Joe goes up.
9:14 BBT
Nick tells Amber he will not take Dani off the block if he gets POV.
Dick says he feels pretty good about Dani getting off the block this week. She's good at the comps.
He also worries about her eating and makes sure that if he goes, that Amber will watch out for her.
Dick notes that Joe seemed pretty confident during the nom ceremony.
Jen went up to Amber after the ceremony and said to her that Jen doesn't hate her and that they should talk more.
Dick says if Amber won the POV, she could take Dick off and most likely, Joe will go up.
9:24 BBT
Dick and Amber in the hammock
Dick (about being nominated): I wouldn’t have it any other way – it’s not easy, and it shouldn’t be easy.
A: Did you say anything to Zach about me wanting him out of the house?
Dick: No
A: Somebody did, and I think it was Joe.
D: Joe’s been blabbing his mouth to Jen about everything.
A: We’ve gotta get Zach out of here.
D: It’s not gonna happen – you saw the order the keys came out. She’s a simpleton. She’s one dimensional. She’s an idiot.
Dick is getting divebombed by bugs.
Zach comes up and Amber leaves...
Zach and Dick talk about how much they weigh.
The discussion turns to beer.
And the fact that BB didn't want them to have alcohol last night because they had a comp today.
Then they talk about the food comp. Nick and Dick both get shoutouts from Zach as being good with their guesses of ingredients.
Cam switch to Joe and Jess talking about ...(CARP!...FOTH! Darn you BB!)
Seems Jess was suggesting that he makes up with Dustin. Joe then adds if he wins HOH and doesn't put up Dustin then everyone would think somethings up.
Jess want's them to overplay the hatred towards each other. Joe thinks he's doing just fine.
FOTH again...
9:39 BBT
Joe tells Jess about what he said to Jen earlier:
If you think that Dick’s negative… you don’t think he had a positive effect by cooking everybody food almost constantly. And she’s like “Well, no – because he played a joke on Eric and Eric really hated it. And I go, “Did Eric tell you he really hated it?” and she said “No, but I think he was thinking it subconsciously.” And I just looked at her for a second and I said, “Well that’s nice of you to think for him.”
Dani and Nick talking about the veto.
Dani thinks that if Dick wins the veto he'll take off Dani NOT himself.
She says she hopes he doesn't do that.
Dani then accuses Nick of farting and they get up and leave.
Nick walks to the kitchen pours himself some juice and FOTH...
Cam switch to BY where Dani, Jameka, Eric, Kail, Jess and Jen sit on the patiocouch. Not much conversation.
Dani says that the producers want to talk to Dick.
He asks what for and then ties to come up with possibilities.
Luxury comp? Double eviction week?
Dani jokes that it's probably a new HG.
Eric says it'll probably be Carol.
Dani talks about having a song stuck in her head by CorinneBaileyRae.
Cam switch to Amber and Dustin in Bigbed room.
They're whispering about...getting rid of Zack.
They now talk about a double eviction coming this week.
That BB is making them all wake up at 7am tomorrow morning.
Dustin promises that if he wins POV he won't use it.
Amber says the same thing.
They get extremely difficult to hear..
Dick and Dani in kitchen. Dani says that she feels pretty confident that Dick will be staying in the house this week.
That she'll be the one to go. Just then Kail walks in and we get FOTH...
Jess comes in and her and Dani start slinging insults at each other. Nick joins in slamming Jess for her voice.
Jess says she's gonna start an anti-Nick group.
Dani starts saying Bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs..over and over. Nick says "What? What about bugs?"
Dani says theres a bug on the counter. Nick asks if she want him to squish it. She says yes and Nick says he doesn't kill bugs. So she slides down the counter. Dick comes in and slams the bug into the counter.
BB: "...ick come to the DR."
Dick: "Dick? or Nick?"
BB: "Nick"
Nick leaves and Eric walks in.
They talk....FOTH...(tons of FOTH today.)
Cam switch to BY with Jen and Kail talking on the patiocouch.
Jen says that most people talked about putting up Joe and Amber. But she feels good about her choices.
They then talk about how Amber and Dustin are close.
Jen says that this week will be pretty quiet as Dick and Dani probably won't be doing any campaigning.
Jen says that she thinks the house will be split so that she'll get to break the tie.
Dick comes out and Jen gets up and leaves.
Kail lays down. Dick lights a smoke and then tells Kail to tell him if the smoke is bothering her.
Dick: "How was your day?"
Kail: "Long. With the food comp."
Dick says his hour nap each day really helps.
They don't really talk.
BB: Kail please don't play with your microphone.
Dick: I'm gonna ask you a question. Why'd you ask if you were on my radar?
Kail says she asked because she wanted to know more about you.
BB: "Dick please come to the DR."
Dick: "Ding Ding. Saved by the bell."
Cam switch to Joe and Amber. They talk about the POV and then they decide that they will for sure have a double eviction week, this week.
In the kitchen with lots of idle chat occuring.
Dani and Amber talk mostly about the noms and then Dani jokes about having a BBQ to go to next week.
Eric and Amber talk about making fun of each other during the comp.
Someone starts singing some Brittney and sure enough...FOTH.
On and off Foth and tons of idle chat betwen the HG's in the kitchen.
Cam switch to Dustin and Amber. Amber is saying that Joe really is in love with Dustin. That he's always concerned about where Dustin is.
Supposedly during the last key pulling (which was Joe's) that Jen said that the reason he's last is because he was in serious danger of being nominated and that he better change his attitude.
Dustin doesn't believe it. More stories from Joe.
Cam switch to kitchen where Nick, Jess and Jen sit at the dining table and discuss going outside.
Amber goes and does dishes. Jen still stands there at the counter.
Dick comes in and asks if he can depend on Ambers vote.
Dick keeps running through all the if's that could happen this week.
Then says that if he survives this week Jen is in serious trouble.
He then starts talking about how Kail avoids his questions and that she isn't to be trusted.
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- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Friday, July 13
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