Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Friday, July 13

Carol Evicted...Jen HOH

7:45 AM- Kail is on the treadmill in the weight room.

7:55 AM- Kail gets off. Feeds go to the bathroom, but she's not in there.

7:58 AM- FoTH.

Brief recap now that I can get on the site again-

That earlier FoTH was a wake up call, and all the HG seem to be up.

A little while later they were told they were on lockdown, and to go inside and shut the door.

Nick and Danielle were cuddling in bed as usual.

Amber, Carol, and Kail were all called to the Diary room.


10:00 AM- Kail getting ready in the HoH bathroom.

10:05 AM- Danielle and Nick are still cuddling and talking in bed-

10:17 AM- Looks like Jessica and Jameka went back to sleep. (Jessica may never have woken up, I didn't see her earlier.)

10:30 AM- BB talks over the speaker to Kail. I didn't hear what they said, but BB said, "Kail, if you understand this, raise your left arm." Brief Foth. After, Jen comes into the bathroom and Kail says "we've got an hour and a half." (Not sure till what.)

10:49- Jen is talking to Kail again in the HoH bathroom. Jen asks if the HoH competition was an elimination one, who does Kail think she should take out first? Kail says Dick. Jen says she would do Dick and Danielle first then.

Kail keeps telling Jen, "You have to win, you have to win." (Would be smart, wouldn't risk attention to the four in Mrs. Robinson as much as one of them winning it.)

1:30 pm BBT

We've had FoTH for a long time... probably rehearsals. I can relate that earlier today Dick went off on Jen and told her that he's going to do everything he could to make her the most miserable b***h in the house. This happened during lockdown. He stormed from the room and she laughed. That was about it for drama.

It is REALLY boring right now, they are eating lunch and primping, and thats about it..

Its been FOTH for a while.. i fully anticipate there to be no action until after the Live show..

4:15 pm BBT

Everyone pretty much ready for the show tonight. Carol looks very pretty in a red or dark pink dress.

Two cams on Jen and two distant overhead shots of kitchen table.

Nothing in the bedrooms.

My impression is that they're all a bit antsy/on edge... except Jen... she's just sitting there, motionless, at the table.. like...freaky

4:59 pm BBT

Big Blue has been churning on the feeds for quite some time now. At one point it broke through and you could see Amber, dressed in black top/blouse over a black and gray(?) asymetrical horizontally stripped skirt on the left side of the settee. To her right was Carol in a dark pink or coral dress. On the right hand sofa, about six HGs were squished together... didn't see the left side sofa.

One minute to show time!

Still FOTH (probably will be til after westcoast episode)

6:37 pm
Feeds are back
Jen, Joe, Amber, Jess, jameka, Kail all talkin in big bedroom!
They are laughing and joking with Jen...hmmmmm

Other feeds are on Dick Zack and Mike in kitchen eating food

7:04 pm
Eric and Dick are joking around in the Kitchen, basically about Jen! Dick was basically saying that he was the only one out of the group who would stand up to Jen and tell her what everyone else was thinking (so true) Other houseguests are in and around Kitchen including Jameka, but feeds are really lagging cause everyone must be on after live show

Dani, Amber, Jess still kissin bu...opps, I mean talking with Jen in the big bedroom...general chit chat going on but nothing strategywise

7:09 pm
Dick and Nick talking in the back yard about when the nominations are gonna be NIck is wanting to do a food competition. They are discussing when the show airs. They are now talking about what Carol is doing, like getting ready to be on the today show or whatever and that she will have to do interviews

Jen, Amber, Kail, Dani talking in the Big bedroom
Jen: I hope you aren't mad that I didn't vote for you
Amber: No I figured
Jen: yeah I never really talked to you

7:21 pm
Nick and Dani talking in back yard
Dani: Jen told Jameka she was nominating two guys
Nick: I don't like it when you pull on my drawstrings, Dude
Dani: don't call me dude (Hits nick)
Nick: No taht is not in the deal you only get to hit me five times in one week

Eric enters and they start talking about tv shows

Dustin is in the backyard also and has a really bad side cramp "like when you run alot

Feed one is on Dick who is in the round bed room and he is talking to himself about doing laundry. The camera is just following him around. He walks through kitchen where Jess, Mike and Zack are. Mike is cooking on the stove, Mike is checking the oven and Jess is just sitting at the table

Nick and Dani continue flirting on the back couch and it appears Nick broke the lighter. ( I think Dani broke it but is blaming it on Nick)

7:30 pm
Kail, Dick, Dani, Nick all on the BY couch in silence

Jen on the other feeds laying in the hammock by herself

Zack is playing teatherball by himself

Dustin is still working out and Zack is trying to talk in some kind of annoying Terminator accent.

Jen and Dustin are talking about doing abs!

Other feeds now switch to Jess sitting in the Kitchen with Jameka and Zack (who is still doing the annoying terminator accent)

Feeds then switch again to Dani and Nick who were in the big bedroom flirting and are now in the bedroom flirting, walking towards the kitchen (to probably flirt)

7:35 pm
Joe: it was the first DR where they didn't have to feed me anything!! ( )
Joe DIck and Eric talking in the backyard about how no one is safe this week
Eric: Well going on a 4 day binge of spewing hate about Jen is seeming kind of regretable now!!
Joe: you know what I have been calling Jack lately
Eric: what
Joe: the new jen
Dustin has joined in on the conversation and they are basically talking about the only person who was happy was Kail!
Joe: I could see about 5 people Jen might choose from me, you (dick) amber, Eric, Dani!

Other feeds on Jen, Jess, Kail, eric(who just came in), Zack, and Mike in Kitchen
They are joking around about how Jen's nominations are going!! (this is the most I have seen anyone talk to Jen!!)

7:48 pm
Everyone has sit down to eat!
Zack: 2 and a half weeks ago we were 14 strangers on a quest to win half amillion dollars and now this only 13 of us. We wish for carol the best in life...(yadda yadda yadda). So this toast is to Carol.
Everyone: here, here

Kail: Mike what time is it, has it played on the West Coast yet
Mike: 7:48
Random Female Houseguest: So it isn't live
Everyone explains that is isn't live on the West coast but everywhere else

Just general chit chat

Jessica comes in and Dustin says Jessica " how does it feel now that your arch enemy is out of the house
Jess: Oh my god how did you know they asked me that
Dustin: haha, just guessing

More general Dinner chit chat

8 pm
Everyone is still sitting around the table and joking about it being awkward, saying everyone wants to hurry up and eat and leave. Not alot of talking going on. They are talking now about Julie and her questions and how she probably felt awkward cause they sucked at answering questions.
Kail: well it is hard cause she isn't looking at you
Joe: she has been doing this for 8 years I am sure she is used to it.

Now everyone is starting to talk alot but can't understand what anyone is saying

Jen just told everyone to eat good tonight, since after tomorrow they could get stuck on slop. then the discussion goes to how the food comps work, like do the people go buy the food before or after their comps..

Daniele, Dick, and Joe are outside, and Daniele asked Dick if he thought there were two correct answers in the end? and he says f*ck yeah.. that if Jen was not in it, it would have been the real number.

8:25 BBT
Joe, Jess, Eric, Dani and Jameka are outside.. Joe is very concerned that his comment about Dustins smile on the Live show will make America hate him.

Jen was called into the diary room abtou 5 mins ago.. i am thinking to get her key?

earlier, they all agreed they will hot-tub tonight, since they were stuck in the house all day, and Zach figures BB will give them wine as well.

The group on the outside couches are now dissing Carol and wondering what goobye videos she saw.

We have Daniele and Nick talking about blow jobs, and one feed on the diary room door.
We are getting to see Jen's HOH room..

The HOH room looks the same, Jen has pics of her family, and soem leggings, a U2 CD. and thats it, the HOH room does not change, its the same as it was for Kail
Oh, and Dick refused to go see the room..

8:50 pm BBT
Dick went into the storage room, grabbed a gallon of juice, checked the fridge and told BB that soda would be nice LOL

Jen is not impressed with her room, she is not happy with her pictures that BB had for her.

Just had our first session of HOH butt kissing, Joe was in the HOH room with Jen, and wanted to know what he needed to do to not get put up.. Jen said she has a ton of options.

Everyone is getting ready to go in the hottub, Jen has a new bikini on this one is orange, and just as tiny


Smallbed room...

Dick talking to Jess, Jameka and Dani about Jen.

They all run over some of the more annoying features of Jen.

Dick says he's probably going to feed her a deal and promises to lie to her when he does.

Dick also discusses the need to go mingle with "the a**kissers" for the next few days.

Then leaves.

Jam, Dani and Jess stay behind and talk about Kail and how she's already admitte to being interested in striking up deals with Jen.


Jameka and Jess continue talking about Dick and his position this week.

They talk about how many votes they'll need this week to make their decision.

Zach enters and they stop talking.

Jess: "This room is soooo cold."

BB: "Jameka, please don't obstruct your microphone"

Jameka: "Seems the night crew actually cares about me. Aww...I'm sorry guys. I like you so much more then the day crew."

Jen, Kail, Eric and Dick talking outside.

Dick asks Jen if she got a big vibrator, like Kail did.

Jen looks puzzled. Kail says, it's a massager.

Dick: "That's what my exwife called it too, but I can guarantee she didn't use it just on her sore back."


Jen: "I did get some earplugs and an eye thingy"

Dick: "An eye thingy? ... You mean a mask?"

Jen: "Yeah."

Eric: "You're staying in a closed airtight room with only person in it, Why would you need earplugs?"

Kail: "Well, I snore."

Dick gets up and folds laundry with Zack. Kail noshes on a bowl of cheerios (without milk).

Dick then offers the other side of his bed to Zach, saying it's much more comfortable. (I don't know if that means that Mike is moving upstairs or not, but it's apparent his side is coming available.)

Joe comes out and lights a smoke.

Cam switch to inside...

Mike and Zach in kitchen being quiet and eating.

Dick and Joe both come in ...Dick sits down, Joe rinses out his glass and then starts walking out. As he goes Dick asks him to check the SR for more juice.


The guys talk about going outside and playing hockey(?) with Nick.


Dick actually does.

Mike and Zach alone talk about taking out Dani and "lopping off Dick's leg"

Zach says they have to go after either Joe or Dani. By removing either of them the "group" splits in two.

They decide to have Joe and Dick put up, but Dick won't go, because of their votes.

Kail enters and Mike asks her if she's gonna go up to HOH.

I told him I have a structure built that is...I'd like for you to prove me wrong, if I'm wrong. I built it on the chessboard.

Have you ever seen MontyPythons HolyGrail...Theres two soldiers and one of them gets his leg chopped off and is like, "Come back here I still got one leg" (and "Merely a flesh wound.", Zach.)



Mike, Dani and Jess in kitchen.

Dani and Jess talk about lotion and keeping their skin moist.

The girls chit chat.

The timer on the microwave goes off, Jess opens the door and a billow of smoke comes pouring out.

Their popcorn is burnt.

Jess tries again with another package.

While she's fussing over the popcorn she leaves the water going and it overflows the pitcher she was making IcedTea in.

The girls start talking about Jen.

Dani's sure she's gonna go up.

She calls Mike and Kail the puppet masters and if they decide to put her up then Dani's going up.

10:33 BBT

Jen & Kail discuss nominations. Kail pushes her point of view. Jen isn't sure
Kail: you could put up evel to annoy everyone bargain with him
Jen: But I'd have to put either Danielle and him up
Kail: What about Jameka and Jessica
Jen: Carol was saying I should put up Jessica because she'd put me up because she wants to be the hot girl.
Kail: I tend to believe Carol.
Jen: But I dont want to take out more girls because then all the guys have the power
Kail: What about Joe and Dustin? If you put Dustin up, you're breaking up Amber & Dustin
Jen: But I feel like Joe will go after Dustin and Dustin will go after Joe. They may put me up, but I don't know that they would. I feel like people who'd put me up with be Evel and Daniele. Then I could say they're causing a lot of tension so if one of them goes there won't be this family drama. I would never put up you or Mike or anyone I wouldn't want to go home. The only people I'm not putting up you Mike Eric Zach.
Kail: What about Nick?
Jen: He's not on my no list. I thought about Nick and Dick.
Kail: But if you heard from Carol Jessica might put you up...
Jen: She didn't say that, she said she might.
Kail: You might want to go after her though.
Jen: She doesn't have any alliances.
Jen: I was thinking who would put you up, who would put Mike up -- not that were an alliance. But everyone thinks we are so we might as well be one.
Kail: Dustin is rejecting Joe. He's here because of Joe. It's almost the same as Jessica and Carol.
Jen: I don't care enough about that. I have my awkward moments with Dustin but I don't think if I put them up they'd bother putting me up.
Kail: Evel said he would put me and Mike up.
Jen: I heard Evel and Jameka talking
Kail: Put Evel and Jameka up
Jen: You think he'd put me up?
Kail: I don't know. I think Evel for sure.


Dani tells Jess she really wanted her to win.

The two of them say they never stood a chance in the HOHcomp because how can you ever know what everyone else is thinking.

Dani: "Especially these weirdos"

They nosh on popcorn and iced tea...

Dani says she really likes the guy who talks at night.


We're back and Nick comes in and makes an icebag to chill his groin.

The girls joke about icing his weiner.

Nick talks about meeting his ex's parents one time with icebags wrapped around his waist.

Nick: "It was awkward."

Dani: "It was what?

Nick: In his best Dani impersonation..."AWKWAAAAARRRRD!"

Jess asks Dani about school. They start gabbing about scholorships and tuition prices.

Kail comes in and says: Mmm...Burnt popcorn."

The girls chuckle and blame each other for burning it.

Dick comes in and they talk about the game of "hockey" going on outside.

Then discuss Eric's face while Amber gives him a massage.

Dick: "He looks like he's in pain."

Kail, Jess and Dani in the kitchen still chowing on popcorn and IcedTea.
Kail walks out and Jess rolls her eyes.
Dani: "Awkwwwaaaarrd."
Jess: "I know."

The girls continue to talk about food and snacks. Throwing in all sorts of little slams..."Cheese eater." "Dumb blonde", etc.
kail walks back into kitchen saying she should just wash her face down here. Then walks to the BR.
From the BR Kail asks what drawer, Jen's stuff is in.
Dani goes and finds Jen's drawer, opens it and leaves the BR.
"Fat Blonde" "
Jameka comes out of DR and the both of them say... "Stop talking about Jameka, here she comes."
Jameka: "I smell burnt popcorn"
Dani: "Yeah, she burned the popcorn and overflowed the icedtea at the same time."
Jess: "I did not, you did."
They all laugh.
They joke about taking each of the girls out.
Jameka says she's not worried about those two because they aren't even real blondes.

Jameka starts to clean the mirror behind the sink. (I'm guessing BB asked her to.)
Nick comes back in and starts to wipe down the mirror for her.
Dani: "At least you're good for something."
The girls then ask her if she's doing it because BB asked her to.
Jameka: "Yes. Like I'd do it for any other reason. I'm like Florence. Florence on the Jeffersons."

Jameka peeks outside and asks Amber if she can be next for a massage.
Dustin comes inside and chats with Dani and Jess in the kitchen.
Jess says she's sucking the butter off the roof of her mouth.
Dustin says , yeah, like when it gets cold it starts coagulating."
He then goes to the BR.
Kail walks through. Both girls roll their eyes.
Dustin comes out of the BR and laughs at the two crooked blonde ponytails drinking nothing.
He then goes outside.
And Eric comes in.
He wants to know whats been going inside the house.
Jess says she should never be allowed to cook, ever.
Eric starts commenting on his lack of gaming skills. Losing the wrestling match and the hocky game outside.

Ongoing chitchat with the HGs in the kitchen...
Cam switch to PatioCouch with Joe, Nick, Jameka and Dick talking about who's gonna go up against Dick.
He worries that it'll be Dani. jameka says let's not worry about it just yet.

Zach comes out and says sorry guys, no alcohol tonight as we have a food comp tomorrow. He says that that is what BB said to him.
Zach goes and joins Jen and Mike near the hammock.

Dick continues to talk about the upcoming noms and that Jen will probably screw it all up.

jameka talks about how good Ambers backrub was.
Dick agrees. he then comments about how Nick looked like he was in pain.
Dustin starts bitching about the lack of alcohol.
He then says the next food comp will probably be for all of them winning food for each day. Slop on the days they lose.

Joe, Jameka and Dustin remain outside on the patiocouch. They talk about how the show is more sped up then the actual time in the house.
Dick and Amber come back outside.
Amber with some lotion and she points to the loungers where she's gonna give a massage to Jameka.

Jameka doesn't like the loungers so the two of them go inside.

Cam switch to insode where Jameka and Amber take aa spot on the floor next to the picure wall.

Outside still is Mike and Jen, on the hammock.
The two of them talk about the HOH.
Jen says she was scared about the "tiebreaker" between her and Jameka
Jen says people are gonna say that she won the HOHcomp because she was an idiot.
She says she's glad she won because she was sure she'd be next in line to go.

Mike says that Joe and Dustin both want him out.
They start going through the HG's and discuss who everyone wants to go up and who will actually be going up.
Jen admits she's only talked to Mike and Kail. She says she's not going to put up Mike, Kail, Eric or Zach up.

Mike asks if she has a pretty good read on everybody in the house.
She says yes, but that she doesn't know where Jameka stands.
She talks about not putting up two girls and that when she does decide to talk about who to put up that she'll come to Mike and Kail first. That she wants to play with the best intentions of for the Four as well as herself.
Mike says she should wait to have people come up to her and not go out of her way to talk to the others about what to do.
She jokes about the fact that she once said to Nick that he probably won't talk to her again until she wins HOH. And now he's nervous because he actually hasn't talked to her since and now she IS HOH.

She's excited that all of her friends and family saw her win HOH tonight.

Jen says that Dani is messing up Dick's game.
She discusses putting up Dick and who would vote for Dick versus Dani.

Nick and Jen in HOH discussing the nominations. Jens kinda upset that she has to make her decision tomorrow.

Jen says that everyone is talking about Nick being in an alliance with Dani, Dustin and Amber.
Nick says that people are also talking about Jen, Mike and Kail being in an alliance.
Jen says...No, I'm not like gonna put up Kail or Mike but I'm not together with them.
She asks how Nick would feel if she nominated Dani.
He says "Do whatever you feel."
He says that he's not doing it for the money.
Jen says she's not playing for the money either.

Nick talks about why he was so mad at Jen's lie, that a previous relationship made him very wary of lies.
She talks about Dustin and Joe's "strategy" of not working toegether when they actually are.
Nick says he didn't want to win HOH.
Jen says she almost quit HOH when Dick and Dani got kicked out of the comp.
Knowing that as soon as they were gone that she wouldn't have to worry about who else won HOH.

(Jen is really seeming to have a grasp on the game and where everyone fits into it. Or at least she seems that way with Nick around.)

They start chatting about why Nick just exploded and then didn't talk to Jen for a couple of days.
He explains that that's what he always does back at home. Right now he can't leave and just chose not to talk to her until he had cooled down.

Cam switch to kitchen with Mike and Kail...whispering about how Jen had "called it", her win, before the HOH comp even started.
Saying that Jen mentioned that soon they'd all be kissing her a**. Then she won HOH and everyone is.
They talk about who they want Jen to nominate. And trying to figure out who would be best by deducing who would put a target on her more then them.
Jameka's name comes up. (FOTH video but I've still got audio.)
Kail admits that she doesn't talk to Nick at all and asks Mike which way Mike thinks that Nick is leaning.
She's concerned about Nick being up there and wondering what he's gonna say.
They then agree that Dani is the best choice for nominee this week.

Cam switch to HOH, with Nick and Jen. Their talking about Joe. He's funny, personable, smart. Nick says he's all though things but you still have to watch out for him.
Jen talks about Dick. She says she actually likes Dick, but he hates her so much that she feels like she has to hate him back.
Thinks he's funny.
But he's also mean.

Jen asks Nick about his sore groin. He says it feels a little bit better.
He warns her against Jen tendency to showoff.
Jen says she'll grow on you. (Where is the disinfectant?)

Nick talks her up. Says that yes she takes a while to get to know but she's great.
Jen says she hates being up in HOH all the time. That she's been there for 20some days.
Nick asks if Kail's sleeping upstairs. Jen says she's gonna stay downstairs for tonight so Jen can have all the space she needs to make up her mind on noms.

FOTH video with audio on..whispering...can't tell who. The girl voice said that she told Jen that Jess was coming after her.
AHA. Kail. And Mike. Discussing Jen's nom choices. Dani and Dicks names keep coming up.
Jen comes downstairs and asks the two of them what she should do.
Kail says she should ask Jess for a deal.
They stare at the picture wall and go through each of the HG's and think of who she should make deals with.
Jen whispers that Nick said he doesn't care if she puts up Dani. Kail thinks that's weird.
Jen says she thinks that it's probably because he's trying to make it seem like he doesn't care when he actually does.

Jen goes outside and yells HI to everyone on the patiocouch.
Eric says he was just talking about having a chat with her. She says how about now.

Cam switch to Kail and Mike. Kails giggling about how perfectly this week worked out for them.
They're in the roundbed room and getting ready for bed.
Lights off...Cam switch to HOH with Jen and Eric...

Eric seems excited that Jen won HOH. That he was worried about Joe and Dustin winning HOH.
He said he couldn't remember that Jen was still in the comp at the end.

The joke Kail and Mike in the kitchen. You guys aren't nervous at all. She says Eric isn't nervous at all either.
He talks about how everyone in the house should act like a target. I'm worried because people think I've been making fun of you for 4 straight days. And Dick has an arguement with you before and after the comp...

Everyone's saying Jess has it out for me.
Eric says that he had a thought that all these little b****s have to go. jen says how do I know that I'm not in that group.
Eric: "Because you're not."

He thinks that Amber is playing differently now than she's been playing so far.
The subject stays on Jessica for awhile longer and then he tries to go back to Amber.
He says he has a lot of thoughts to share with Jen.
He continues with the talk of Ambers "recently revealed" gameplay.
He just called Amber a retard. Says that she thinks that she's his friend and that she's now off the radar.
He then says she's up to more than everyone thinks she is.
He names Mike, Kail, Nick, Zach, himself, Jameka as safe.
Eric says that Jameka and Amber called Zach a racist.

Eric says that everyone was talking about putting up you and Kail. Or you and Mike.
Dick, Dani, Nick, Joe, Dustin, Amber and Jess.
He says Dustin is not a threat but that he might not necessarily go with the majority just because they say so.
As for the other 4
Dani and Jess against each other. 1 beneficial to you. For each other, taking out either one could be good for Jen either way.
He says that the guys could never work together. That Jen shouldn't worry about alienating the women.

Dick is obvious choice.
Overall negative people. Dani and Joe.
Jen hates Dani's negativity.
Eric calls her a total f***ing princess b****.
He actually goes on a small tirade about Dani's awfulness.
Jen asks between Dani and Dick, who would go home?
Eric and Jen agree that they both want Dani out.
Dani v Jess. Jess on the block takes away a vote for Dani. Possibly splitting the house down the middle.
Dani v Nick. They agree it would look petty.
Joe v Dani. She says she can't put Joe up.

They start discussing the votes as they'd fall between those two.

He says that Amber would be a great choice because putting her up twice isn't gonna be that big of a deal.
It's kind of expected.
Jen worries about putting up Dani because she cares about what Nick thinks.
Eric says to put up Dani against Dick, Jess or Joe.
Eric: "Dani is a f***ing b**** and Jess could just be a vote for her. She'll be a pawn."

Jen wants to put up people who hate her.
Eric thinks that Dani and Dick first and then putting up Jess or Joe if one of them gets the POV.

Eric says that someties people just overthink their nominations.
Jen says it's uncomfortable for these two people to be forced to work out their problem in front of everyone.
They're hateful towards me and to others.
They are negative.

Eric: "Dick has said a million times he'd never vote her out."
Eric is really pushing for a Daniele nomination. Or moreso a Daniele eviction.
He says she's not nearly as stupid as she behaves. That she acts as dumb as a rock and that she's more dangerous then Dick. And that Dick will outplay himself.
Eric offers to try to rile up the two of them so they'll fight in the coming week.
He thinks that Dani definitely has votes, but if it's a tie then Jen can break the tie.
Eric says that Nick will be sure to vote to keep Dani.
But Jen keeps saying she wants Nick to be on her side.
Eric says she should be sitting in HOH laughing about her win, because everyone down there wanted her out and they should now be extremely nervous.

Jen says that between Eric, Mike, Kail and herself they can pretty much run the competitons from now on.

Jen says her best friend says that when explaining Jen to others she says that Jen is the luckiest person on the planet. (Amen to that sister!)
Eric says that Amber guaranteed him that she was going up on the block this week.
he calls her nuts.
They then start talking about longterm game goals.
Jen worries that hardly any of the previous winners every win an HOH. She then says she's only playing for 2nd place.

Eric asks if Jen is firm on the Dick/Dani noms.
Jen says she doesn't quite know yet. Still thinking about it.
Eric says that he'll tell everyone that he thinks that Jen has no idea who she's gonna nomintae and that all of those who thought they might be in trouble should continue to feel that way.
Eric suggests putting up Jess, Jen says she doesn't want the person who stays to be mad. Eric says she shouldn't care because "What can she do?".

Eric says that making it to sequester is important to him. Jen says she doesn't want Dani at sequester.
Jen says that Nick and her are both here to just have fun and that Eric should get to know him better.
Eric says that Nick is usually to busy with Joe or the girls to talk to him.
I think that besides Nick I'm the guy who can get the girls on my side.
Jen worries that Eric will say anything to the others. All she wants them to know is that she'll listen to everyone and it'll probably be the last one she talks to.
Eric says that Jen probably wants to put up Eric. Jen laughs and is glad that Dick thinks they aren't together.

Jen starts talking about planting seeds in Nick's head about the fact that being seen with Danielle makes people think they're together and that'll make him a target.
Now Eric has the opportunity to re-re-re-rehash an old rivalry he has with Joe. Of course in Eric's version he's completely an innocent victim. Joe is evil Joe is bad. Joe should go. Dani and him both should go.
Jen doesn't want to put up Joe because it'll start a scandel.
Eric says that Joe went to the DR, voluntarily, right after the HOH competition to talk smack about Jen.
Eric says he doesn't want Joe at sequester.
Jen says she doesn't want any ugly people at sequester. Which leaves out Joe, Dick and Dani.

They then talk a little bit about key placement. Eric wants to be near the last key.
Jen says she's gonna probably put Nick last. Kail and Mike first. Zach around 5th. Jameka third.

Eric and Jen discuss not talking about strategy with Kail and Mike anymore...(?)
Because when you tell one of them the other one knows within minutes.
They talk about who Kail and Mike want out.
She starts discussing the noms that the two of them proposed. Eric's name is missing from all those scenarios and he wonders if they talked about him at all.
Jen says it's not that they think that he's with them in an alliance but they know that you'll definitely vote with them.

Jen and Eric wrap it up and leave the HOH.
Eric goes outside and Jen goes to the SR.
Jen opens the door and then sees someone in the hall. She asks them if they'd seen her laundry.
They mumble something about one of the other girls and she asks where she was. She closes the door to the SR and goes to the BR, she runs into Dick and he says something about wanting to tlak if she wants to. She says she does but she has to go to the bathroom first.

Cam switch to BY patiocouch.
Jen enters and plops down on the patio couch with Nick, Joe, Jameka, Amber and Eric.
Conversation stops and Jen asks if she interrupted anything.
They all say no and continue talking about music.
Jen talks about the CDs available to her in HOH at the moment. kail's and hers.
They start asking about what everyone put as their favorite music.

They spend a little bit of time discussing Beyonce' and then of course all this talk of music leads to singing which of course leads to FOTH...

They now talk about getting in trouble by BB.
How the allstars broke all the rules and Eric talks about him hearing that some of them would purposely start singing to lose the feeds so they could talk about special things.
Mike comes out and Nick goes in.
They ask him about Kail.
He says she's just hanging out.
Then Dick talks about how Kail is sleeping in the roundroom with him.

Cam switch to Amber and Nick in BR. They end whatever discussion they were having, hug, say goodnight and leave.
Back outside...Jen starts talking about her hair.
She starts complaining about...get this...the pictures of her family.
Apparently she turned over a picture she received of her mother.
She's since turn it rightside, but she still complains about how BB purposely picks pictures from 2 years ago. How there are soooo many other pictures to choose from.
She says it's not because her Mom looks ugly but that she herself looks so different then she does now.

Jameka says it's a conspiracy that her and Jen's pictures look so awful all the time.

They start talking about cooking and eating before the food comp, in case some of them have to go on slop.
Sounds like waffles tomorrow morning.

Cam switch to Mike and Kail whispering...
They seem to be discussing Nick's recent changes in gameplay. That he may be making to many deals he won't be able to keep.
Kail wants to support him, but she hadn't heard from Mike and Zach yet about how they felt about him.
They think it's weird that Nick said to Eric that he should go up and talk to Jen.
Kail says that Dani already knows she's going up and they think Nick is the one who told her.

Cam switch to Joe and Eric in BR, just ending a conversation and parting ways....and back to Kail and Mike in roundbed room...discussing the odd things Nick "might" be up to.

Mike hears something outside the door and gets up and looks out the window. He doesn't see anything and comes back.
They discuss more about what Nick might be thinking. Why he asked Eric to go talk to Jen. Why he's hanging out with Dani. Being friends with Amber. Mike says he thinks both himand Nick can use Amber a little farther down the road.
Kail says she hopes Jen doesn't tell the nominees that kail told her to do it this way.
Mike says no. she wouldn't. That she thinks she's totally with us and that the 4 of us can win all the HOH's in succession.
Kail's worried that if Dani stays that she'll come after her.
She then says she really likes her. She says that Dani is very smart "and what's funny is that Dicks always saying she's so much like me, we're so alike. And meanwhile Dani's like I will NEVER be like him."

Jen comes in and taps Kail on the shoulder saying she wants to talk to her. They both go up to HOH.
Lights off and NightCam...
Kail slips into the HOH bed and Jen readies herself for the same. Kail fusses with the covers and then realizes she forgot something.
She goes into the HOHBR goes potty, washes her hands and ....stays to chat with Jen.
They talk about how Eric thinks that Kail isn't very open with others.
Kail says she tells them anything they want to know. (She just doesn't go to them to start the dialouge.)

OKAY...Jen and Kail in HOHBR...

They're talking about Kails admittance that she's sure she's now on everyones radar.
They go back to the bed Lights out again..(?)

They talk about the nominees. Kail asks if it's still the same two.
Jen says yes and that everyone's kinda expecting it to happen and that she'll probably be thought of as stupid for choosing the two (Dick and Dani). Jen then goes on to say that Dani will be the target. She want's her out.
Jen says that Eric wanted her to put up Dani and Jessica. Kail says no. Not a good idea.
Jen says she stil gonna consider it for a renom if she has to.
Jen then tries to share her reasons for choosing the two of them (D&D). Then she says she wants the HG's to believe that she wants Dick out, when really she wants Dani out.
They start counting votes. Kail, Mike, Zach, Eric,
Kail promises to try to do something to Nick. Or getting Mike to do something with Nick.
They need one more so Jen can be the tiebreaker. Jen really wants to break the tie so that the person who stays will owe her one.
Just now Kail says ..."Ohhhh..Jessica...I see know. That way we can get Jess to owe you a favor...Hmmm.well you never know."
Kail jokes about not knowing if she's gonna be safe tomorrow.
Jen says it's silly for Kail and Mike to act nervous. That people perceive it as being fake.
Kail admits to having a hard time not acting like she's in danger.
Jen says it's quite obvious and that they should just own up to it.

Kail says that Jen should prepare herself for sitting in HOH all day and fielding deals.
Kail then kind of apologizes for Dicks behavior before and after the HOH comp.
Jen says she wasn't really shocked by it. That she isn't gonna overreact to it, but she'll just stick to her speech about the reasons why.
They talk about what Eric said. That Amber and Joe are really nervous about the noms. Some people are scared to talk to her.
Kail says she wonders if Dick is gonna cancel his date with her tomorrow. She says she wishes he would.

Kail says she would prefer to be the last key.
Jen says she's not gonna do that.
Jen then says that Eric is probably gonna be the last key as she doesn't want anyone to know he's in on the deal.
Jen then talked about the fact that Mike and Eric always wonder what the other one is up to. They always ask about each other. Jen then says that she really doesn't talk to Mike that much at all.

They start discussing who's gonna be the first key. jameka? Jess?
Jen says it depends on whih one comes in and talk to me.
Jen admits that it's weird that her and Zach don't get along.
They really don't have anything in common and she says that even their dates were uncomfortable.
But that they seem to have the same thoughts in mind.

Kail says that Jen's doing a great job as HOH. Jen says that she needs to stop talking about it with Kail now because Kail's starting to think Jen's smart or something.
Kail worries that the next HOH will probably target both of them.
Kail says that she's trying to mingle with the others. "I took my makeup off downstairs tonight."
That she can't stay up in HOH all the time.
Jen says that even if they both get put up, with the two of them in the POV they stand a good chance of getting off.
Jen says it's good to think of other scenarios, but it's bad to overthink everything.

Jen then asks if tonight was the first live show.
AND That tonight was very fun, because eveyone thought she was an idiot and she won HOH.
Jen says.."Hey, I said 41 gallons."
Kail: "I was wondering how you pulled out that number."
Jen: "I had no idea. I just went with what I thought was lower then everyone elses answer."

Jen's excited about havng her laundry done.
Jen starts talking again about what Nick and her had talked about earlier.
She says that Nick told her that she needs to watch the narcissism in front of the other HG's. Jen tells Nick that he needs to watch out for waht people are saying about him hanging out with Dani.
Kail says she had a talk with Dani. Jen asks about what. Kail says they talked about her job, her boyfriend, her grandma, but no game talk.
Kail: "apparently I don't talk to anyone about the game."
Kail says Jen should tell everyone that their strategy is to not talk about the game, ever.

Jen says that everyone laughed at Kails Sugarland CD.
Kail wonders if there are any country people here.

Jen admits she was shocked to win the HOH.
That her heart was beating really fast.
That it was really hard because there were no right answers necessarily, but you had to have the same answers as everyone else around you and you didn't even know who was around you.

Jen says that the HOH tiebreaker question was rigged. That there were two answers to the question.
Kail say no way.
Jen's like, "I know."

In the kitchen...Dustin and Amber laughing about Joe.
Now saying that Joe will go up to each and everyone of the other and bad mouth Dustin to them.
Amber retells what Eric said in regards to Jen saying that she was going to put up two guys. He said the reason for that would be because she want's to save face with the women.
Amber rattles on about her and Jen's background and how she isn't treating Jen any different then she always has and that Jen appreciates it.

Eric and Dick come inside Amber and the guys talk about what Jen's thinking.
And trying to figure out who will probably go on the block.

Dick grabs the small bunnies and starts his nightly ritual...

And as also is typical, Dick gets sidetracked by cleaning up in the kitchen.
Amber washes some dishes and he dries.
It's just the two of them now.

They finish all the dishes virtually silent.
They talk now about Zach. That he likes to play games.
She wipes the stovetop and counters, he continues to dry dishes.
They then joke about Dick telling Jen to Shut the F*** Up.
She wipes the fridge down, he's still drying dishes.
Dick worries a little bit about securing the votes to stay.
They go outside.

Amber talks about being able to save Dick if he goes up.
Dick says he told Jameka and Jess that if he gets HOH, he won't put up either one of them, so he doesn't worry about those two.
Dick says he's not gonna think about any anymore tonight because who knows wht Jen will do.
So he'd rather wait and find out who he's up against to start thinkng about who has whos votes.
He then talks about his deal with Jen which pretty much was, don't nominate me and if I win I won't nominate you. Plus, if you ever go up, Which you will because pretty much everyone wants you out. I won't vote to kick you out.

Dick says she'll be easy to outplay.
Amber notices that Dani's been talking to Jen a lot tonight.
Dick said that's to be expected.
Jen, Mike and Kail are together according to Dick. The fact that Kail moved down into the "hooka" room cinched the deal for Dick.
He knows that Mike and Kail are not going up.
Dick tries to figure out who he can pick (wish for) to play in the POV who will use the POV to get him off the block. He says he'll probably just have to hope that they won't relly try for the POV, so he can win it.

Dick says that tonights outcome was exactly opposite of what he wanted to happen. He was scared of Mike getting it but he never thought Jen would win.
Dick says in order to get through to the end he'll probably have to be put up for nomination a couple of times before then.

If it were between Amber and Dick, Dick says that Dustin would vote to keep her. Amber says, "Oh, I don't know about that."
Dick: "Oh comeon. You know he would."
He then goes on to explain the differences and similarities between Dustin and Joe and Amy and Marci.
Dick notices that Dustin and Joe have told the exact same story at other times from each other, so they are obviously talking about the game with each other.
So therefore Amber should be leary of Dustin. Specially if she has problems with Joe.
Dick says that the first things out of each of their mouths when they entered the house was Gonorrhea!
Both of them.
Dick says he'd never do that.
Amber says that Dustin and Joes relationship ended beacuse of the Gonorrhea thing. But Dustin didn't actually give it to Joe.
Dick says, that's my point. It's not how the story necessarily went down that way but that they BOTH brought it up. The very first thing they said about each other.
He warns again about fully trusting Dustin.
Dick: "He's not full of S***, But theres some s*** there."

Dick says it's either Me and you, Me and Dani or Me and Joe.
Dick is certainly scared about exposing Dustin when it comes to picking him to play the POVcomp.
They have some general conversation about how each of the HG's would play the POV. Who they need to watch out for, who they can pick to play if they get a chance to. Who would basically sitout.
Amber asks about how many votes each of them can get.
Dick says he doesn't want to talk about that yet.
Conversation turns to "The queen of Sharks" winning the HOH.
Eric was stunned that she won.
Amber worries about him and Jen talking to each other.
Dick says he trusts Eric to keep Dick in the game.
Dick doesn't want to stress about it anymore so wants to discuss it all later.

Dick says his son Vincent was probably watching the feeds when Dick went off on Jen and was like "watch it dad."
Then when he say Jen win HOH, he was probably like. "I told you dad. You should just shut up."

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