Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Wednesday, August 15

Alis-on Groderland comes to life.....

Eric brings up her date with Zach. Makes fun of him. He says "By the way, I most certainly did offer to have dinner with you and you told me you don't like dates and you don't like dinner." She says I would never say something like that. He says she did. She tells him they were supposed to have a little table date under the chandalier. Eric reminds her that she canceled it on him. Jess tells him it was because he was asking all the girls on dates. Eric says that was awhile ago but he brought it up the following week and she told him she doesn't like dates and she's over them. Jess calls him a liar and says she doesn't remember any of that. Jess says that he's never asked her. She would never turn down dinner especially if he made it for her. Eric mentions he made her slop once. Jess says she mentioned that once before but can't remember who she told. "Eric finally made me some slop". She mentions he made her pizza today. Eric asks, "so does it have to be dinner?" She says no. Eric says "So if I asked you out again on a date you would just say no, i would just have to make you dinner?" Jess again says No I didn't say that. Eric says you've said it many times. jess says WHATEVER! Eric asks her if this is her way to get him to ask her out again. She says she hates him. He says he knows she is having fun. She tells him to shut up. giggles. Eric tells her don't worry she will have a ring pop on her finger in 45 days. She's says she's nervous and worried (giggles)

Eric turns talk back to asking Jess if she's confident that Jen and Zach will do what she says. Jess says she is sure.

6:30AM BBT
Eric says, "Whatever the case with Jen, however you want to see Jen fits into things. Do you feel better off and more comfortable keeping Jen, maybe alining with her and having her support, or would you feel more comfortable geting rid of Jen and not having anything to worry about?"

Jess says I'd lean to keeping her in.

Eric says "cuz you know if you felt the other way, I'd help her pack her bags and send her on her way"

Jess says "Do I know?"

Eric says yes you do. Out of everyone here in this house. You trust me as much as you trust anyone in this house.

Jess tells him he's right. Eric mentions she trusts Jameka too. She says she does but confides in Eric much more.

Eric asks her if there is anything of any importance that she's told him that ever got back to her from someone else? Jess says nothing has ever gotten back to her.

Eric tells her everyone needs someone to count on in this game. She agrees.

She talks about dinner with Zach and having to look into his eyes. She says it was bad. But overall it was fine. She's open to options with him.

They talk about everyone turning against Dustin this week. Zach and D&D don't like him. Everyone knows he's shady...

6:55AM BBT
Eric is saying that he is happy he lost HOH and Jess won and that next week if like Amber wins HOH he won't celebrate like he did for Jess. Eric is just telling her how great she is and how he likes when she gets excited and other random stuff.

Eric would like a lifetime supply of slop.

Jess and Eric talking about what BB saw in them to pick them for the show. Jess thinks they saw a ditzy blonde 21 yr old for her and Eric said they first saw a funny guy...then a smart funny guy...then a smart funny guy who knows a lot about BB...then something about overnighing his video so it got there fast and the we get FOTH

Eric talks about his job. How it was boring and all he did was make copies and send out letters and he made crap for money. He quit the day before his bosses birthday. The job just wasn't for him. Talking about a guy in the office who was a "miracle worker" and without him the office would be nothing. The guy was there 4-5 years and was only a step higher than Eric and so he figures this company is not going to be a good future for him. Jess mistook "A $25 raise" Eric got as a raise per hour...Eric said no per week! Other wise he would have turned down the show and stayed at his job!!

Feeds are pretty choppy but Jess and Eric still talking about jobs Eric has had and stuff he didn't want the house to know about him (jobwise) he didn't want them to think he's too smart.

7:15AM BBT
The conversation concludes with him asking her if it matters that he lied about who he worked for (a talent management agency) and she says, "yes, well, a little bit." It changes things because he was withholding information even though she didn't specifically asked him who he worked for... He says he decided to withhold the company name before she came in the house. He didn't withhold from her... really. She says it's OK.

7:40AM BBT
Eric saying he got rejected from 7 out of the 9 schools he applied to for college however he was applying to hard schools. Says here he is getting rejected while his brother is being accepted to Harvard Law, says and worse he was framing the rejection letters, he even took the letters and put them up in his dorm and others were mad cause was hard to get into the U and he said I was rejected from others so here I am. Jess says so there he's smarter than you. Eric also says he is ashamed cause he had a scholorship when he started but he screwed around so much he lost it and cost his family money. Jess says she won't hold it against him. One of her exes beat up his previous gf that he'd cheated on before they got together and she didn't hold it against him.

Eric and Jess talking about application process. Says there was a 50 question test they had 12 min to answer
Eric - on one of my aps I claimed I had a high IQ...they asked for proof soon as I took I I said go get the scores buddy I told you I'd do well
Jess - felt like taking a school test I'd just got outta school...felt like math class...
Eric- did ya ever have feeling of sexual desire towards your mother..
Jess - there was 2 questions I didn't understand 2 words..I got asked bout both in my therapy session she's like so you're not...I'm like no, I picked the maybe thing.
Eric - Does your head feel separate than your body have ya ever spent considerable time in a closet...
Jess - mine was do I see animals no one else sees
Eric - you'd have to be an idiot to get them wrong like...yes I think of killing people all the time ....mine came back with I had a problem with authority
Jess - I don't think I have a problem at all
Eric- they said I liked attention but not enough that I'm over the top with it....FOTH

Eric - I lived in my parents house until I was 26 and didn't have much money when I finally moved out.

Eric - I have a feeling someone we won't be as comfortable with is gonna be moving on up
Eric - my gut instinct is Jen or Dustin again
Eric - unless we toss his ass outta here
Jess - is that what your thinking leaning towards?
Eric - it's not my decision
Jess - ya kinda gotta start like leaning... if it comes to 3 - 3 ... it affects a lot
Eric -I'll think more if I say that's how I'm leaning doesn't mean that's what we're gonna do. it's your week and that's what's important. we all know what there is to know bout both of them it'll be a good thing either way...

8:15AM BBT
Jess - I guess if it we took out Dustin we'd have the numbers 6-2
Eric - but if we took out Dustin, Amber and Jameka are two people you're close to in this house, and do you really want them mad at you?
Jess - and he(Zack) KNEW about the Jen thing. he knew about that. how Jen told me Dust was prolly aligned with...right before ceremony.. I'm like I didn't tell you...maybe Jen told him I dunno

Eric - having a tough time figuring out who is at all trustworthy no one is ..who do I need here and now.... none of them are trustworthy I told Amber she was getting paranoid and I was totally sick of her..
Eric - every scenario....any value to deliberately forcing a tie...where Jen Amber and Jam vote for Dust..obviously then I'll claim I voted with Amber and Jam and pin it on Jen like people have done...any value in that to blow up anyones spot...to create confusion?
Jess - would anyone believe it or would all fingers get pointed at you?
Eric - I dunno if its of any value I dunno if it puts a scare into whoever stays maybe its totally useless!!!...

8:40AM BBT
Jess - I do like your haircut....
Eric - I'm glad...
Jess - and I forgive you for not showing me your weiner
Eric - in some weird way like its somehow weirder, harder different to show you than other people
Jess - Really?
Eric - yeah I dunno why exactly but its like because I actually like c-c-care...I guess your thoughts on the matter where as I could really care less what Dani, Dust or Zack think... I guess I know its sounds retarded but
Jess - I know what your saying I guess
Eric - not that I'm like shy or anything but I was totally embarrassed yesterday
Jess - don't be embarrassed
Eric - to me it looked incredibly tiny at the time
Jess - well it didn't on the outside
Eric - so my thought process was all this time they been waiting for this great big thing. I'm looking down and seeing something that looks quite sad at the time and I'm thinking this is just terrible, embarrassing but, you didn't seem to to feel that way
Jess - what?
Eric - I'm thinking all the while you guys were expecting a grand thing
Jess - nope it looked pretty grand...
Eric - you could be doing Zack DR's about it
Jess - No ...Eric ....you know when I'm lying.
Eric - Dick said I was getting rug burn on the carpet outside
Jess - I don't understand how guys can be proud of it. it's not something you control
Eric - I'm not proud at all and I don't think it is... to be perfectly, sincerely, honest, not joking at all, it really is... just like slightly above average, its certainly, perfectly reasonable ...no one would be upset with it but, its not like its made out to be
Jess - I'm sure you'd rather have this way then the other way
Eric - now people will just be disappointed

8:45AM BBT
Eric and Jess have finally gone to sleep.....everyone sleeping peacefully.

9:45AM BBT
Dustin stumbles out of bed and into the bathroom in his kings cape. Went into the Tiny Bedroom and realized Eric wasn't there. Dustin washes his hands,weighs himself and goes back to bed in the little BR.

10:50AM BBT
Jen gets up, visits the bathroom and heads back to bed.

BB Voice sings -- "goodbye farewell, so long forever, goodbye my friends and family, goodbye... all the other hoooouseguests"

11:10AM BBT
All still sleeping

12:20PM BBT
A little guy with a clock on him (Mad Hatter) running around saying sayings... A snitch in time saves nine. what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive, three can keep a secret, two are dead. (he said this again in a different wording, but I missed it) visitors and fish stink after three days.

12:15PM BBT We have a little person in the house.. He just sits in the LR .. acting like a marionette.. Zach gets up.. and he starts talking.. "A snitch in time saves nine" "what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive" "three can keep a secret ... when 2 of them are dead" all the hg's are up and paying attention.. trying to figure out what is going on... he will say nothing else.. just phrases.. he dances around house.. at one point Zach dances with him... he goes up to HOH balcony. "there is no little enemy" He's pointing them outside. Dani has to change her batteries.. and Jen too.. they are waiting for everyone to be there ... before going outside I guess.. He's wearing a big clock.. (flav a flav style) pointed to it a one point.. waiting to go outside now..

12:35PM BBT
"there is no little enemy".. Mad Hatter is still following everyone around... trying to get everyone gathered together I think.. "3 can keep a secret if 2 of them are dead" Dani is whispering something to ED. backyard has a man on stilts.. and what looks like a barbershop quartet. sure enough.. they start singing when hg's come outside!!!

1:07PM BBT
hg's back inside house.. with a bunny and someone dressed all in white.. who appears to be miming out shooting an arrow. Dani has the bunny and is petting it .. appears to have a ace of hearts attached. Dani says he's scared to death! [my feeds are choppy... so not seeing everything] midget still dancing around and giving the same clues over & over. Bunny is now running around the house.. everyone deep in thought as to what the answer to the clues might be..

MAD HATTER RECAP: The Mad Hatter has lifted weights, run around the kitchen, weighed himself on the bathroom scale with Jen and Dani, danced on his butt on the kitchen counter, pointed at the Memory Wall photos, danced the Qtip with Zach.

12:33PM BBT
Dick tells HGs if anyone has to go do a p*ss, sh*t anything GO DO IT NOW. MadHatter runs to the bathroom and meets Jameka walking out of the bathroom. He and Jameka repeat "What a tangled web we weave...when we practice to deceive".

12:36:47PM BBT
The barber shop quartet has sung "Ivory Rag" and "I'm Just Wild about Harry". The man on stilts is dressed like Captain Jack Sparrow.... the quartet sings another song and


1:15PM BBT
They think the white statue is mocking various HG.. Nick, Joe, Dick. Dick says why would I get in a fight with a statue. Statue and Mad Hatter make that Home Alone scream pose.. they say that must be Joe. Jen hugs the Mad Hatter. Dustin whispers to Jameka again. The Mad Hatter continues with quotes..

1:25PM BBT
Taking the Mad Hatter's quotes as clues.....
Jess says three people came in with the nine, two are gone.
Jen says two are up on the block
Dick says so much to count. Jen says I have it all.. Dick says I bet you do.. They both laugh.

Eric says sad thing is 99% of this probably means nothing
Eric says another Spool of Lies all over again.

1:30PM BBT
1:35PM BBT
Amber says she is confused.. Dustin lectures her that this is the wrong attitude, you have to think you can. Amber says, I can be confused and still think, DAD! and then mutters to someone.
Jen jokes and calls the Mad Hatter bad boy and is chided by Eric for that. She says he's probably watched us and knows we call people that. Eric says some snarky thing about oh yeah he has time for that
Outside.. Dick talking over people, points out that Dustin is apart, thinking Some quibbling with Dick and Jen about something the guy said about fish smelling.
Eric says can we all agree that he was inconsistent.. said Stitch in time and then Snitch in time
We get a mixed bag of trivia and vortex.
Dick says now Dustin IS doing the thinking thing. Dustin continues in different thinking poses..
A few random comments.. Dick paces back and forth Jameka whispers to Jess, jet flies overhead.
Eric asks what day it is. Jen says other things to remember.
Jameka tells someone they are picking, leave it alone, Saturday, it does hurt, feels like it kinda pulls.
Dick asks Jess if she has a migraine.. She says no, thinking.
Dick grabs another cig and lights up.
Zach gets up and says there is gatorade for people that can drink it. Dick says and water for people that can't.
Dick gets up and walks around the yard. Danielle goes over and joins him sitting away from the others. Dad and Daughter now try to figure out how the sayings apply to the game and the HGs. Danielle thinks one of the clues might mean no one gets evicted.
Some HGs think someone may be coming back, others wonder if its "snitch" or "stitch", but one thing is certain they all have dead pan serious looks on their faces as their brains uncollectively struggle to figure out and prepare for what the outcome of this morning will bring them.

1:49PM BBT
Outside lockdown continues. Dick thinks maybe the phrase, "enemies becoming friends" may refer to Eric and them. Danielle interrupts Dick in a snarkish way, and he gets up and leaves her to pout. He returns after getting a smoke, and doesn't say anything. Danielle doesn't even look at him, she closes her eyes as she "thinks", and one gets the aura of "My Nick May come back for my Birthday"...look.
Dick appears fed up with his daughters rudeness to him.
Danielle says, "I'm upset right now",
Dick tells her to get over it.
Danielle: I'm really frustrated right now.
Dick: I get that too, but I get over it quickly.
Danielle, doesn't listen to Dick, and tells him again she is frustrated.
Danielle refers to the "thinking man", so its something about shooting lies.
Any idea Dick offers she disputes.
They all try to figure out whats going on and what is behind the messages they've been given, but they get frustrated at not having an "aha" moment. Tension fills the backyard air, as brains click.

1:50PM BBT
Zach and Dustin talking about the morning's events...Maybe the statue poses coincide with each person leaving the house. The strong one might be Kail, the last one was bow and arrow. They could be representing those that left the house. Barbershop Quartet sang 5 songs and they sang the last 2 twice each but the first two only once. It has something to do with the bunnies with the cards on them I want to know what that is. "Always drink the water up from the herd = stay one step in front of everyone" Maybe 3 people will go on the block and 2 will go home, Maybe a double vote will be cast? One person of the 3 will stay? they postulate.
D&D talking about the 3 of clubs, whispering and debating
Jameka, "nothing in the house is like that, but 5 songs, how many times did they sing it more than once"
"bunny bunny bunny" says Amber
Eric expands and said, "he said, 'I can seeeeeee'"
"a twist in time saves nine" speculates Daniele, "ok but what does that mean? its way too hot out here, I am going to have a nervous breakdown. I feel light-headed but what does that mean" "I'm not sure" answers Dick
Dick decides he needs a break from Dani and she responds with "Thank GOD"
1:55PM BBT
Dick is trying to apologize to Dani for telling her to get over it (frustrations). She is having none of that. She says he won't listen. "I am frustrated and you were saying no so whatever. I was sitting right next to them and KNOW what they were saying. What you were saying was similar but not right.
Dani:Bow and arrow, angry quiet angry surprised maybe something about thinking shooting lies Something keep secrets make other people angry What I don't understand at all is the (cards?)
They were reviewing the order of the poses and she is getting very defensive about it. They do the whole angry thinking bow and arrow string again.
Dick goes away again while she ponders

Zach says 1 5 9 for some reason (I think those were numbers on the bunnies) Jen says lots of 9's Jen asks Dustin if he has all the numbers he says most of them They wonder if the statue had 4 or 5 poses.
Lockdown is over, Dani is called to the DR immediately. About a minute later, Jess is called to the Diary Room. Others comment they are wasting no time with DR.
Rabbits are gone. Statue is gone, Mad Hatter is gone. People spread about the house, some to bathroom, some to shower.
Daniele in bathroom doing makeup. Zach comes to Dani and says something about my secrets. She isn't talking. He says No Response, interesting. Leaves. She sighs and slams around cosmetics. Jen into bathroom, Dani has left.

2:05PM BBT
Jess is spotted going upstairs to her HOH room, she goes into the bathroom there. It appears she has HOH room to herself for now.
Danielle finishes her makeup.
Cams switch to Amber sitting at the outside patio area, along with Jameka who is laying down there.
Dustin is in the bedroom lying on his bed.
Amber and Jameka gossip something about who Jen may have known. Amber keeps thinking, about the "...secret, two of them are dead". Amber says that means someone inside the house is keeping a big secret.
Dick is stirring his slop in the kitchen.
Jameka: refers to the snitch save nine comment, but has no immediate thoughts on what that may refer to.
Amber: "snitch" is someone who tells the truth.
Jameka thinks it may mean someone who tells the truth and everyone has a chance to fight for Veto, and 3 will be out of luck. She applies the 3 bunnies to her theory. Only 6 vetos, which obviously means double eviction. (she thinks).
Meanwhile the cams show Eric folding clothes in the bedroom. Eric says to the camera, "You are so fascinated that I'm putting away laundry"?
Amber thinks the "two are dead" refers to Kail and Carol.
Zach lays in his bed quietly, as Eric folds his socks.

2:15PM BBT
Jameka - Six vetoes in the bunny thing, everyone has the chance to get the veto. Six people are safe, Three are not.The bunnies said 1 5 9 - doesn't know what it means. 6 vetos, which to her is obviously double eviction, she would think.
Amber relates the 1 5 and 9 to the Memory Wall photos.

2:45 BBT
(Caught a brief conversation between Jameka and Amber)
Jam says that after this week Dustin will be gone!
Amber said nothing I could make out back to her. (She was either in shock or didn't believe it I think)
(I don't know how, but Jam seems to know that something is up and Dustin might be going home!)

3 pm
HGs in BY (Eric, Jen, Dustin, Jameka) going over the various clues from earlier ... Dick now out there with them - Amber still in kitchen

3:15 pm
Dustin & Jen preparing to shower - Amber in kt ... rest outside (except for Jess) practically in silence - random talk of clues/people from earlier
DR asks Amber to move necklace so not interfering with her mic. On way to bathroom, Jen remarks to Amber how isn't it funny her necklace hasn't been a problem for the first "47" days.
amber and jameka discussing clues, the numbers mentioned in the clues, the number 5 (maybe jessica, bc she fought with carol over $5). enemies are never small, carol and jess must have a bigger beef than the $5

3:22 pm
In BY on couches - Eric and Dick resuming deal talk to keep him (Dick) in
Eric wants something huge because keeping Dick in would be huge.
Eric says they need a 5th even if it's a piece of ***** one.
Dick offers Zach because he's close with Dani now and Zach believes he's closer to Jess than Eric. (I didn't hear it, so I'm not sure if Zach actually said that)
Dick asks Eric what he wants.
Eric says he'll have to think about it.

3:30 pm
Jen and Dustin finished their showers. Dustin borrowed shorts from Jen to wear
Jess has started taking pictures with the HOH camera

3:50 pm
Jess takes a pic of Eric as he backs out of the WC with his booty shorts on. He doesn't turn around and goes right back in to change

4 pm
Dick trying to get Dani to eat slop. There wasn't time for her to eat before Mad Hatter. Then she felt sick and took nap
He keeps saying he shouldn't have given Jen the slop pass
Jess is standing on a bar chair taking pics of HGs. Dick and Dani are in the BY.
Zach comes out to ask if they want to take pics. Ed says that if Jess wants more pics of them to let them know. Zach says something about drama...
Dani complains about Zach being annoying....says she wants to punch him.
Zach comes back out to let Dani know they are doing a girl pick. Dani gets quite annoyed that they are telling her to go in (Dani sounds very whiny and grumpy).
ED asks Zach if he sees what he has to put up with (re: Dani)
Now ED goes in for an all guy pic.

4:15 pm
BB calls Jess to the SR. HOH picture time is over.
Dani and Eric are now talking about the little person in the house. Dani said she liked him "my new favorite HG!" Eric said he didn't like him too much.

4:20 pm
Amber and Dustin are lying down for naps (in seperate beds). Dani joins ED in the BY.
He asks "what's up?" and she doesn't answer.
ED starts talking about the "statue" making a sad face...Dani says she doesn't know if it was sad or mad.
All feeds on D&D. ED is trying to remember the order of the moves the statue made. Dani helping out.

4:25 pm
ED still going over things. Dani says it's driving her crazy and goes inside with a big sigh.
ED talks to himself: She's f'n horrible, horrible horrible on slop. I shouldn't have given the slop pass to that b****. I can tell she's not going to be of much help today. I hope she can pull her s*** together.
ED alone in the BY on all feeds...audio is from Dani inside making small talk with other HGs.
Dani is back out with ED and they are talking about the numbers/times they got this morning.
dani gets up and goes inside after getting snippy and impatient with Dick
dick to himself: "F****** impossible! F****** F****! F***! This is why. I can't take this. Such a f****** little snot!"

4:35 pm
Eric upstairs in HOH giving Jess the cliff notes version of the pitch from Dick
He said they should consider all possibilities.
He says he told ED that ED was going home five to one right now...and that he cussed him out a bit...he re-telling it a bit differently than it happened, but is telling most of it as it happened.
Says (conveying what ED said) they should align with stronger people, not weaker people like Amber and Jam...that the deal is not one week, but to the end...Eric doesn't like ED's suggestion of going after Jen...Dustin the liar would be gone, Amber would whine, Jam can't go after you....sometimes you make strategic moves...the 4 of us could kill everyone.
Eric says he questioned why he should trust ED and that ED told him that this time there would be no point in going after Eric...that ED has nothing to lose at this point.
Repeating that ED wants to go to the final 4 with Jess and Eric...Eric says he doesn't see that happening no matter what.
Tells Jess that ED said Zach's preference would be for Dustin to go. Jess says that's funny because Zach said he didn't tell anyone about their talk.
Eric says if he doesn't want to go after Jen, but to go after Amber if they did this.
Eric asks her if she thinks it's something worth considering. Jess says she will consider it. She says she is uncomfortable with it because she really doesn't trust D&D, but she doesn't trust Dustin either. Eric agrees.
Eric says there is some logic to the plan. Eric says that there's a good chance that if Dustin stays, he will go after them (Jess/Eric).

4:45 pm
Jen joins Eric and Jess in HOH and breaks up their game talk.
They're now talking about the little person who was in the house
Jameka joins Eric, Jess and Jen in HOH
Jen is eating pizza. Jam, Eric, and Jess are chatting about the commotion this morning.
Jess says "midget" again and Jam reminds her to say "little person."
Eric talking about being perplexed by the situation...they talk about the little person messing with Eric a lot.
Jen says every time she thinks she has something figured out, she rethinks it. The others pretty much ignore her and continue talking.
More talk about the events of earlier

5 pm
Eric, Jess, Zach and Jameka laying on HOH bed talking about Sandskript. Jen sitting in chair.
Eric is pulling a good one about the "sanskrit" it doesn't exist !!!
Earlier in the BY eric and Ed were talking, Zach came out. To CYA, Eric said to Zach--"Did you see the sanskrit on the midget's shoe?" To which Zach said "Yes" Eric asked him if he knew what it said, and Zach says he saw it but couldn't read it. Then when Zach went back in, Eric started LOL and he then told ED that Zach was full of it, because he (eric) had just made the entire sanskrit thing up. He said there was no sanskrit on the shoe. ED and eric had a big LOL over that.
Now up in the HoH, the sanskrit thing has come up again. AND Jess actually says she knows sanskrit. Not sure if eric has had a chance to tell Jess what trick he and ED pulled on Zach earlier.

6:07 BBT
Dick & Zach in round room
Dick: Any pertinent information?
Zach: Yah, for YOU.
D: I pitched the idea that YOU might have an advantage to give her um, versus Dustin staying. My whole thing was, if Dustin goes, and YOU and Daniele can make an agreement to keep her alive in the house for like a week or two or something, then she wouldn't have to worry about you, me, Daniele...Eric would never put her up. Amber would have no where to go and never would win an HoH. Jameka can't do it so she would be in the clear for like a couple weeks. She'd only have to worry about Amber. She goes, "Who cares".
Dick: Yah, who cares! She'd be up against her might (inaudible, ducks?) up in the HoH room. I'm scared.
Z: It'd be risky, but you know, I told her ... (inaudible)... 100% Dick's tactics suck but notice how they really haven't affected YOU (Jess). If you keep him in the game, you know, he's going to keep going after whoever is up. And you don' really have to worry about YOURSELF. You'd be safe for a long time. (inaudible).. If I were you [Jess], I'd be very-open minded and hear what he had to say. Maybe he could provide you with an advantage and you wouldn't have to do much in order to go farther in this game because dustin can't be trusted by EITHER side and I know you [Jess] and Dick had something strong in the beginning. (inaudible)... ignore something that could be advantageous for YOU in the long term aspect of this game. That's all I said. And she said, "I'd be more than happy to listen to what he has to say." And I told her, "But you understand, I gave you an agreement on my vote. If you want to pull me out of that you can by all means do that. I won't vote to keep him, uh Dustin, and leave Dick in the house. It's up to you. Just please know I am NOT campaigning to keep Dick in the house. I just want you to be able to be objective and to see what angle YOU think is best for YOU at this point." And that's what I said.

Dick & Dani in round room alone
Dick tells Dani that Zach's theory is now that if the vote to evict is 5-1 Dick will stay.
Dick: He's the Howie of this season.
Dani: Yes! He's an idiot. He's stupider than I thought he was.
Dick tells Dani that he saw big and small. Dani does not get the bunnies. She agrees with someone [missed who] who says that the vote may be to keep both or keep neither.
Dani thinks the cards on the hat are random.
Dick: It was the midget
Dani: Stop calling him a midget! Call him a little person.
Dick: It's been okay all my life and suddenly it's changed and now it's bad...
Feeds switch to Jen reading in HOH room. and Back
Dick: You don't think the pirate means me from Pirates of the Carribean?
Dani: That was my first thought
They keep discussing the rest of the sayings and what they mean.
Dani: I think there's the possibility nobody gets evicted this week. "Save nine?" There's nine of us here. (interesting)
Dani says don't get caught up can mean anything. Dick thinks the meaning is straight forward.
Dani: I don't think 1 person will come back
Dick: It's too late. Maybe one can be on the jury and will knock one of us off. Remember they said "be careful on your goodbyes, these people can be on the jury."
Dick says those numbers -- 1, 5, and 9 -- come up a lot.
Dani: The 9 and the 5 are too obvious [9 here, 5 evicted]

7:33 BBT
Dani & Jess in HOH
Jess: So obviously you know what me and your dad talked about. This will be between me and you. I don't have to tell Eric.
Dani: Honestly, strategically he's the best move for all of us. My honest to God problem with it is I don't know if I can trust Eric. It makes me really really nervous. I know he holds last week against me. That makes me really nervous. Another thing that bothers me is when the 4 come from the 5 I don't know...that's my thing with it. It makes me nervous
Jess: Yeah. It makes you nervous too. I wasn't effected by it. That was you and Eric. If you don't want to do it, you don't want to do it. It is an awesome deal. All I have left is Jameka and Amber
Dani: That's what I said last week it was going to be Dustin and Eric, Jameka can't play. If you vote Dustin out it would be like the only people upset would be Amber and Jameka. Jameka can't do anything and *laughing* Amber can't do anything.
Jess: That's your dad, you haven't been able to play as "just Daniele." I didn't know if you wanted that opportunity.
Dani: I agree with that too. But at the same time, I feel like I'm in too deep. If we do this we're 4 strong against 4 but 3 who can't do anything. Zach hasn't won anything. If this happens I want Jen to go next week. She is cutthroat. She is a liar as well.
Jess: Your dad said I had a deal with her not to put her up this week to vote him out. I was like no I didn't
Dani: She's too much. Did she said my dad and Dustin had a deal?
Jess: Yeah, Dustin already offered to go. Of course I'm going to take that. He wouldn't go up against you which is weird, that made me believe that deal was real.
Dani: I can see it Dustin wanting to go against my dad so he can be smug about it. They are the two most hated people in the house. Obviously
Jess: Whatever Dustin it's your decision!
Dani: As much as we all hate Dustin and the way he walks around here, he could have won the croquet. 10 things? Hello? That shows he hasn't been trying. He is a competitor
Jess: Yep bigtime. Course nobody knows what he would do.
Dani: And taking him away from Amber too
Jess: Oh god! Talk about crying all week. Have you talked to Eric at all?
Dani: No I haven't. I don't know where he stands
Jess: [I haven't I just woke up]
Jess says what will keep her from taking the deal is worrying if Dick/Dani would keep their word. Jess says they may hold something against her because she nominated them. Dani says she does not hold anything against her. Dani says a lot of the same things Dick says about how the only time she didn't keep her word was her her deal with Kail.
Jess: Everyone knows Dustin is so shady
Dani: His attitude, the way he treats people...I'm so sick of it. That's why he wanted to go up against my dad. That smug attitude.
Jess: It will be hardest for you and Eric. That trust.
Dani: Honestly where is Zach with you?
Jess: He thinks I'm closer to him than Eric? Because I had dinner with him?
Dani: He's Zach
Jess: I like Jameka and Amber, but if I do this...
Dani: They don't better anybody's game play at all
They are making fun of Zach with the clues.

8:30 BBT
Eric and Jess in the HOH. Eric is telling Jess that he is always the one who is trying to tell everyone all of the options, even if they aren't in his best interests. He says that back when everyone wanted Mike out, he was saying it maybe should be Kail. He says that even though Joe was a big threat to him, he listened to Joe for an hour, and if Joe had given a compelling argument as to why he should stay, he would have considered it--it just happened that Joe made things worse for himself.
Eric says that he really, really wants Jess to feel comfortable with the decision she makes as HOH, and he will go along with it. He says he really doesn't play the game so much for himself--he plays more for their team (I think he means the Jess/Eric team).
Eric says that the bad thing about this is that if they take the deal with Dick, then Eric will be the one to deal with it, and not Jess, because he will be blamed. Jess agrees. He says Jess will be comforting Jameka and Amber and he will be to blame.
Jess asks why they are even considering it, then?
Eric says he wants to hear her thoughts on the matter--he has been really stressed about it.
Jess says welcome to her week!
He wants to know what her gut instinct is.
Jess: I don't know if we can trust them.
Jess says nothing would stop them (Dick/Dani) from just standing up and saying the deal is off and they are nominated, if Dick stays and Dani/Dick win HOH. Jess says that Dustin is shady, but so are they.
Jess says as long as Dani doesn't win HOH, then Jess and Eric would be safe and wouldn't be targeted, so they have that going for them with the status.
Jess says that she does think and strategically it might be better, but she doesn't know if she can trust them. Eric says that he feels the same. He says that he has a hard time trusting almost everyone.
Jess asks if Dustin has talked to him. She feels Dustin seems upset. Eric says that Dustin is really afraid about the events of today possibly affecting the vote. The timing of the numbers with the jester and everything--it might mean something.
Eric asks what Jess thinks about the "plan" to get Eric out that Dick brought up--could it just be an idle threat? Jess says she has no idea.
Eric says he would just outright tell everyone that "he claimed he would do that, if that's the way it's going to go."
Jess: Yeah. And all we have to do is ignore him if he walks out the door. Who's he going to make believe him? Jen? Zach?
Eric says that if they decide to make "him" (Dick) go, then they will just drag things out as long as possible and not outright say no, to tell him that they aren't sure. They could tell him that their first act of trust will be for him to wait for the answer.
Eric: Or, should we just outright say no, I mean, if that is what we decide?
Jess says Dick claimed he was cool, either way, if he stays or goes.
Eric: (About Dick saying there is a plan for Eric to go): What kind of plan to get me out two to three weeks from now? What the hell does that mean?
Jess: Yeah! He's like, IF everything goes accordingly...
Eric: That would be, if everything goes accordingly, AND he leaves, something COULD get me out, POSSIBLY.
Jess: In 2 or 3 weeks--that's like week 8 or 9!
Eric: Right. All he said to me is, "It's my plan, and there's more people in on it than you think!" Well, you're (Jess) not in on it, right?
Jess: Yeah. On what? I have no idea what he's talking about!
Eric says yeah, so what does that mean?
Eric: He's going to tell Dustin and Amber something? Big @@@@@@ deal. He's going to tell Zach to align with Jameka? What does that mean? I don't really..I don't know. What are you supposed to do? This is to me. What are you supposed to do when you don't trust anybody?
Jess: I know.
Eric: Honestly, and like I do trust Jameka. I should say that. But to me, at this point and it is probably different for you, for me at this point I trust you 100 percent.
Jess: Yeah
Eric: And I barely believe a word anyone else is saying. The only time I feel like I'm having a normal conversation ever now is when I'm talking to you.
Jess: Yeah.
Eric: I feel like everybody else is just constantly up to something.
Jess: Yeah.
Eric: And like everything they say, they're saying for a reason. Hey, the same goes for me when I'm talking to them.
Jess: Yeah
Eric: But I feel like you are the only person that I now I feel like I can truthfully....
Eric talks about Zach talking, saying the complete wrong thing.
Eric: He was insistent upon the fact that the cards said something they didn't actually say.
Eric: So he's either retarded, or he is a complete and utter liar.
Jess laughs
Jess: Yeah
Eric says not that it bothers him, but where is Zach coming from thinking he has a better relationship with Jess than Eric has?
Jess says she knows.
Eric says that Eric told Dick that the only way he would consider the deal with Dick is if Jessica is completely on board.
Jess: Yeah
Eric says that Dick whispered to him before Eric went into the hot tub that part of the deal is that if neither of them (Dick/Dani) were there in the house, they would give Eric/Jess their vote at the end. Eric says that means nothing. Eric brings up Survivor and how the guy gave up a car to another guy, and the other guy promised him and then went back on his promise, "basically stole a car and still lost horribly."

Eric says that this has nothing to do with anything, but if he plays in a veto, and it doesn't matter if he wins it, he just might start taking prizes!
Eric says $20,000 is "not meaningless to" him.
Eric says he doesn't like his chances of making it to the final two, so maybe he should think of taking prizes, depending on the scenario.
Eric says he doesn't think his chances are good.
Jess: Great! I'm glad you are my partner, then!
Eric says he thinks Jess has a good chance, though. She tells him he needs to stop thinking that way. Everything changes every week.
Eric says he can't stand most of the people and it feels like forever in the house. She says they are halfway done, though, and that is exciting!
Eric gets called to DR.

Amber and Jam in BR.
Talk about the days events, how Dustin thinks things have changed, talk about the 6 veto's. If it's double eviction or not.
They are whispering, shower water in background, can't hear.

In BY.
ED is hitting the croquet ball. Smoking, pacing, brief comment to Dani on couch.

In LR.
Zach and Amber are having a 'date'.

9:pm BBT
Dustin flipping out
Jess telling him that he is safe
He talks about what is going on with all the things that happened today - says he knew/thinks something is going down
Jameka says they have to learn never to put up one of our own again
Jess says she it is another twist
Dustin wondering if it's for now - the people already here?
Jess says she doesn't know
Dustin saying again he thinks it will happen tonight- long night
Amber and Zach "bonding" (Having a date)
Zach talking about how he doesn't like people who don't earn what they have- he has had to work for everything he has in his life
Amber- ME Tooooo
She goes on to say that people say "it's sad" that she and her little girl have to share a bed room but it's all that she can afford right now - doing the best she can do - doesnt have much but appreciates what she has -

Zach and Amber
Zach is talking about his work, 3-D animation. Amber is actually pretty impressed(and not crying for a change). He talks about how he can make a 3-D character out of anybody, even her daughter. Amber says it sounds like a fun job.
Zach continues to talk about his job(lots of technical stuff). He says he has some inventions that he doesn't have patented, some TV shows he's written, a clothing line. He's hoping the CBS producer would like to take a look at some of it, that's why he's here...
Zach talking on and on about himself and his job
Amber doing a lot of wow's and I didn't know that
Amber again doing lots of "wow's "

9:30 BBT
Dustin asking Eric if he was just in the DR
Eric - yeah
Dustin - was who I think was in there in there
Eric- oh I dunno I'm not very good with that
Jess- me neither I don't know them
Dustin- let me just say this - the night crew people are here early
Jess- they are ?
Dustin -yes
Jess- for a reason
Dustin- mm hmm
Jess- cause they never do it with comps though
Dustin- nope cause they are night crew people -know what I mean?
Jess- yep yep I do
BB calls Jess to the DR
Jameka in the HOH room now
Dustin- did you notice? The night crew people are here early
Jam-I did - what is about to go down
Dustin - it's gonna be a long night

9:30 BBT
Amber and Zach
Zach still talking about his career, and how he's got a lot of things going on at the same time. He's hoping his BB exposure will help, Amber says it will for sure. Zach says he works with some really good people, and it was tough to leave them for 3 months. They were really supportive....
Zach talks about sharing a house with 5 guys when he first came to L.A. He was a movie extra, making $500 a week and eating on the set all the time. He eventually moved out, found his own place.

Jameka - Dust you better not be going home - you better not!
Dustin - Jameka if I am I'm gonna flip out this house is gonna turn upside down
Jameka-mmm hmmm never put up one of our own ever again -
Jameka - I think you are good though, you know what I mean - but considering it is scary
Dustin- it'll be scary if I walk out the door tomorrow
Jam-you better not - and it's like ED is not even worried and he should be
Dustin- see and that's what - I know that is just a tactic of his
Jam- mmm hmmm
Dustin- but still the fact that he's not
Jam- mmm hmmm yeah yeah

9:45 BBT
Jameka - did Eric or Jess say anything else?
Dustin- Eric is acting very nonchalant which is very scary
Jam-mmm hmmm
Dustin- like why is he so - you know he's seen 8 seasons of Survivor he knows that things like this don't just happen for no reason especially the night before the first person in the jury house goes home -
Jam-mmm hmmm - yeah and he's not trying to give up stuff
Dustin -yeah I think that too - he is thinking that this could be something that alters the game for him and everyone and he is just being like I didn't see anything- and I mean OMG Eric Stein out of everybody
Jam - I know I know I don't buy that
Dustin- - no
Jam- you ( Eric ) out of everyone reads into everything
Dustin- everything that's right - not for one second am I'm buying that Eric - nope
~~waves ~~
Jessica- so not matter what get up on the first wake up
Dustin -yeah
Jameka - what is happening guys?
Dustin- Jess I know that you and Eric are close but I just can't point out enough that he is acting...
Jess- that he's avoiding it
Dustin - very casual yes
Jess- I haven't asked him about it
Dustin goes on and on about how Eric is acting like all this is nothing - and how he told him in the HT that he just hopes it's not something about now and he snapped and said I don't think it is
Jess- he thinks it has to do with HOH
Dustin- all those clues and numbers can't not mean anything
Jameka talks about how 6:47 could mean something -that's still air time - if they are having a 2 hour special
(which "they " aren't )
She goes on and on about 6:47 meaning something
Dustin -but 6:47 AM they would also have time to edit a package of whatever we do tonight or tomorrow morning - for tomorrow's episode

Eric: I've been trying to juggle personal and strategic and every day I feel stressed and totally torn between what I have to do. If we do it, we NEED to do it to 4th.....There would be no incentive for me to keep you and dick as a pair unless it was mutual incentive. I wholeheartedly believe if we don't do it, we're done for. You only get so many lives in here. You guys buried me, came after me, and you could do it again in 3 weeks, or 24 hours. It can't happen like that. It needs to be 4 solid strong people. Theres part of me saying guaranting 4 3 2 1 is better than 5 6 7 8 9.(for positon in winning).
I think we just need to do it, because otherwise its a total disaster. I felt like you guys struck the first blow and tried to end me, and if I can come back from that, then you guys should be able to do the same thing. So basically we have 2 options. Fight to win tomorrows HOH and next week scramble and or focus on a bigger scope than tomorrows HOH. We would most likely have to also get Jen on board tonight. The only thing I want to avoid is scenario where everything is blamed on me, and then she suffer the effect and be evicted.
Danielle: I don't see any reason that Jess would be impacted.
What are your thoughts on the matter Danielle?
Danielle: I don't know pretty much everything, I think you and I have seen everything in this game the same way, I feel I played this game strategically. I think this would be a really good move for all 4 of us. I know that I am a huge target and so are you. There is always the whole trust factor between you and I and if we can put that past us and move forward, it would be a good thing. If Jen leaves there are no competitors in this house.
Eric: We would have to outright bury them (the weak players). I"m a smart guy, I know the game well. Just cuz I haven't won HOH doesn't mean I could 3 of the next 6. I feel it can not be a backstab, but this is what we are doing, and can't be going to DR giggling "haha I got to stay". We need to step up and be bad a**.
Danielle: With those comments I feel you don't trust us. My dad never lied to anybody here. But this week the 2 most hated people are up on the block. The only thing I haven't kept my word on was to Kail. (she repeats when she went in her room and cried that it was about betraying Kail).

10:15 BBT
Eric and Daniele in BY
Eric is trying to talk his way into an alliance with ED and Daniele. She's listening to all of it, not saying a word.
He keeps talking about getting rid of the non-players(Jameka, Amber, Zach, Jen) and getting to the final 4 with Jessica, ED and Daniele. Daniele says she had the same conversation with Jessica earlier.
Eric finishes up, asks her what she thinks. Daniele says her and Eric have always seen things the same way, and she's played it strategically. She thinks this would be a really good move for all 4 of them. She says she's a huge target, and Eric is too. She talks about the whole trust factor, and if they can put it behind them it could be a good thing.
Eric says they would have to outright bury them(the non players). Eric says he won the first HoH, won the tie-breaker with the teacup question, so he can win HoH. He says they have to sincerely commit to it. Daniele says with those comments she feels he doesn't trust them. She says her dad has never lied to people, and she says the only person she lied about was to Kail(promising her safety). She cried in her room because she felt she let Kail down. She talks about Kail's last days in the house, and how bad she felt about it all.

Jes: I thought of something when I was in the diary room. Little person, Little bedroom. Big person, big room. I figure, like the rabbits, backyard cause the cage was open. So, what do we have left? The four singers...four people in there...and then the statue
Jam: Single person, like HOH, like single room which means that, the clues, like if we should do a hide and go seek kind of thing it would be in all the other room which would include storage room, kitchen, living room, bath room, um, dining room.
Jes: And Alice in wonderland, she followed the bunny, right?
Jam: see, I don't know that story
Jes: well, that little guy was like: hop like a bunny, hop like a bunny...and um....we followed him everywhere so maybe he's like....
Both girls are thinking. Eyes darting back and forth, hands on chins and foreheads. Dustin has gone into the bathroom.
Jes: Those were big old bunnies today.
Jam: (curls up her lip and says) FAT
Jes: couldn't they find any baby bunnies? I did not like those, Jameka.
Jam: albinos. red eyes.
Jes: I was like, don't touch me
Jam: huh uh. I hate to be prejudice and all, but uh....no. I ain't gotta like you, bunny
Jes: uh uh. You're the one comin' into MY house
Jam: Laughs.
Jes: Maybe the bunnies are let loose in our house and we have to find them. No, we would have found them by now.
Jam: yeah. That would be humane society and PETA all over it
Jes: LITTLE STATUE! why don't you come up off of there and tell me what you're here for. They probably don't even KNOW what they're here for. They were probably given just THAT information.
Jam: mmmm hmmmmm. Three days, though, Jess...let's think. What's three days from today?
Jes: Saturday. POV
Jam: POV
Jes: Day 50?
Jam: What's today's date? The 15th.
Jes: Is it?
Jam calls out: Dust, what's today's date?
Jes: he says 14th. Cause there's six days til Daniele's birthday.
Jam: Yeah
Jes: So, three days from the 14th would be the 17th
Jam: seventeenth
Jes: August. 8/17
Jam: I can't imagine them really having these characters play such a large role and they not tell us to watch the movie, read the book. Like, that's an unfair disadvantage. I don't see that happening, but....(shrugs)
I mean, granted, how many times have we heard that Daniele was Alice...was trying to be Alice in Wonderland
Jes: mmm hmmm
Jam: like....I don't know. I don't know
Dustin comes out of the bathroom and they rehash what today's date actually is. They settle on the 14th because Daniele said it's six days till her birthday.
Jam: It's times like this that I'm glad Joe is gone because he would have some good reasonings but he'd be all over the place so I'd be so confused. (ed: I think she is already confused. especially since it's the 15th today, not the 14th)
D: He'd have us all convinced that it was double eviction week
Jam: He would have some good influence but then because you value his opinion...
D: I think Joe would be totally worthless during this. He would just be so all over the place
Jam: I don't know. Either long night or early morning or none of the above.
D: I just don't think that they'll let this slide until after the show tomorrow
Jam: I think it's gonna be two hours tomorrow. That's what I think
Jess: (in BB voice) what the houseguests don't know is that now they will be living with a midget
Jam: and that would be fine
D: Fish and Visitors stink after three days (He is pouring chocolate drink into the bottle cap and slurping it out)
Jam: but three days from now...something would have to have started
Jess: Okay...what happened three days ago from today
D: POV. No. Sunday....nothing
Jess: Maybe they'll be here every day for three days
(They're just speculating...nothing leading to nothing, really....most of it doesn't even make much sense. lol)

Danielle: so Where do you stand on this.
Eric: I don't know, I have to know how Jessica feels about this first. (he is hedging enough not to totally commit right now - even though his earlier statements appeared to be leading that way).
Eric: If you asked my friends and family what 3 things he would love to do before dying, they would all say one of them would be to do this show. The thing is if this alliance happens its all gonna fall on me. So, if I do it, there is no turning back, I am taking the line Dustin drew, redrawing it, and then its a point of no return for me, and I would have hated enemies in the house, but I'm leaning towards thinking that its the right move. I don't know what you guys think about JEss, but she's a kick a** player and person and she's far superior to the other people. I want her 100% on board.
Danielle: Would you want all four of us to talk?
Eric: I think I want the opportunity to speak to her again first. It would be easier for any of the 3 of us to step up and say we're about to blow this game open. There are no more feathers for us to ruffle. Jess is in good standing with everyone, if she stands up and says she's making a big time move, then we will consider.
Danielle: Well u know where I and my Dad stand, if you want to talk to JEssica then let me know and whatever, we will have a group chat.
Eric: With your dad we discussed "to the end".

Returning back we have Jessica and JEn in the hot tub with Dustin having just joined them a short while ago. Eric, Zach, Dick and Danielle were playing Beer Pong. They are done now. Eric now walks outside to the crew at the hot tub.
Dick and Dani are in the kitchen, but I'm not yet listening to their converse. Zach is there with his head in both his hands also.
As I observe them, I can't help but notice the huge dining table in the room. Typically every year, that dining table is always full with the HGs who sit and eat dinner jointly every night. I also note, that by mid August, when they all begin to hate each other, the Kitchen Table becomes bare, lonely and empty of occupants. I must wonder, if the true "Twist" this season, that these season 8 HGs have at least utilized it for Beer Pong, even though they all hate each other now too.
Now back to the goings on.
Zach and Danielle both sit side by side at the breakfast counter, not saying anything but both looking lost in space. Dustin walks in and to the kitchen wishing he had pulled out banana bread. Dustin actually asks Danielle if she's feeling okay, and she responds that she is.
Dick has now joined the hot tub crew outside, because he dare not miss anything in the vicinity where either Eric or Jessica are.
Dustin declares to Zach and DAnielle that he is "off to bed". They look at him with mixed looks of "dumbfounded" and "We don't care".
However, Dustin doesn't immediately leave the kitchen premises, which leads one to think he is hoping for some break to catch ERic, so he can ease his mind. It doesn't happen and Dustin says, "Good Night All". He gets a half baked "good night" from Danielle and Zach.
Meanwhile, in the backyard, Dick monopolizes the conversation by sharing his interpretation of the Mime.
Feeds return, with Zach whispering to try get a sense of what JEssica has decided, (because obviously Jessica hasn't given Zach "THE SIGNAL".
Dick walks in and off to the bathroom.
Meanwhile if one didn't know Zach and DAnielle, one would think they are sitting at the counter either praying or meditating, or totally bored out of their minds. Life shows, when Zach silently lets out a chuckle on something.
In the background the door from the bathroom is heard creaking open, and we expect Dick to walk through again. Yes, there he is, he pauses in the kitchen as Danielle declares some theory about "the bottom 3 and 6'...It may be a fact that Zach and Danielle gaze at the memory wall trying to figure out clues.
Dick attempts to rationalize their theory about the placement of the memory wall pictures.
Dick attributes it to the position each player is seated in the photo. They are talking about the "outside looking in" clue. Dick is thoroughly convinced it has to do with the placement of the pictures. A zombie like expression eminates from their faces.
Danielle wishes the bunnies had been left.
Dick looks crisp and clean tonight in a white shirt over his white wife beater shirt. HE asks if Dani wants to talk a bit. She responds, "Dustin is in bed", Dick says "What?", Danielle annoyed now repeats, "Dustin is in Bed!"
Danielle adds there is NOTHING to be caught up on.
Zach sits biting his nails.
Dick whispers to Zach some of the talk he had with Eric and Jess, Zach doesn't respond, he just chews on his nails.
Dick leaves to return outside.
Zach asks something of Danielle, and she answers, but he says, "Okay, well you just contradicted yourself to me"
DAnielle whispers some explaination to him, and leaves to go outside, leaving Zach spitting chewed off nails in the kitchen, (I count 3 spits)
but he sits digesting, what tidbit of latest update he has on the ERic/Jessica meetings, which don't appear to be much.
He works through all his fingers down to his pinkie finger now. Deep in thought.

Zach now doubles back on his chewing nails, then gets up and walks toward the bathroom. One can hear him crunching ice with his teeth as he enters and looks in the mirror at some irritation in the cleft of his chin. He then checks out a possible zit. Takes another sip of his water and goes back and outside where the others are all gathered with the exception of Jameka and Amber who are still going through their numbers conspiracy theories. Which now parse on the phrase "There is No Little Enemy".
Having given Jameka my full attention last night when she chanted for 2 hours to God, I am forced to switch feeds to see what the hot tubbers are up to.
Upon Screen Refresh, my ears are welcomed by Dick outside in a cheery mood yelling something about Hercules toward Eric who is near the hot tub.

The scene unfolds as such:
Dustin is sleeping, though we don't have actual proof but his words saying so earlier. Amber and Jameka continue on their XFiles conspiracie theories regarding the clues. Now back in the backyard, is everyone else.
Dustin is lounging on a lounge chair to the right of the hot tub. Then we have the hot tub which holds, Jessica, and Jen, and Zach who has been dipping his toes, and then goes toward the Patio area where, we have Dick and Danielle sitting, while Zach stands. Eric is clearly ensuring he has safe distance from the patio crew, for some reprieve. The night air scene of positioning of all the players outside is "strategic" to say the least.
(Oh no critical chit chat to report)
on Strategic PLacement:
If Eric gets up from his lounge to go inside, Dick is in a position to quickly jump up and follow him. If DAnielle or Dick ask to speak to Jessica or Eric, Jen is right there to make notation of that. Meanwhile, DAnielle directly faces Jen, Jessica and Eric from her vantage point and can assess if Jen goes off with Eric or any other combination of those 3.
Dick gets up and does a quick "walkabout" in his office space area.
If words could be written across the night sky, they would probably say: "Everyone is watching Each Others Move like a Hawk with Eagle eyes"
Jessica now gets out of the hot tub, which does not go unnoticed by Dick. JEn also gets out. Eric yells to JEssica and asks her to "come here for a moment". Both Dick and Jen are noticed being alert to that.
Jen, DAnielle and Zach have now gone inside, so we have Dick, Eric and Jess outside.
The cam switches to show Eric and Jessica talking to each other.
Eric: I thought about it and we may have made the wrong conclusion. I think we should get rid of Dustin. I spoke to Danielle for about an hour. I thought about it. (He pauses cuz Dick is in the hearing area).
Jessica asks Why.
Eric: Because, I thought it through....(he's really struggling with this) Okay first of all Jameka came up to Danielle this week and proposed to her an all womens alliance.
Jessica: Really???
Eric: The way I looked at it is this.....WE didn't come for the purpose of coming in fifth or sixth, and I'm trying to figure the best chance of final four. There are certain people as threats, others aren't. The way I see it if Dustin went then he's definitely been up to something. I wish this wasn't the case, but Jameka doesn't have 4 HOHs and Amber is royally garbage. Zach whatever he's doing he's f*cking it up. The way I see it is....I didn't come here to be a p*ssy and let other people control the whole scope of the game. I planned on being pro active and blowing the game open. This is a chance to make a big big move and this is a chance. I believe if we were to do this, we are 2 HOHs from it being pretty much over, then in the Final Four the best two win. The way I see it though is we can align with the weak or align with the strong. Its kinda like someone coming at you with a knife from the back. Not to use a cliche but there is "honor among thieves",,,,,The answer to why we would do this, is because without this they have nothing else. They are done.
(Jens voice is heard in the background)

Eric andJess finally alone outside and Eric says I came to the conclusion we made the wrong decision and we should get rid of Dustin
Because, I thought it through
(Jess says she was interrogated about his talk with Dani)
He says I was wishy washy before but took my shower and thought about it..
Jameka proposed an alternate alliance to Dani this week.
Now that I've thought about it. We didn't come for the pupose of being 5th and 6th, want to be in final four and go from there.
Dustin.. across the board .. everyone owes things, has deals, he's absolutely rubbing people the wrong way, he has ideas in place that we are not a part of.
And I wish this wasn't the case, but Jameka doesn't have 4 hoh's and Amber is useless. Zach is effing it up, don't know what he is doing.
I didn't come here to be a p..y (cat) and have the people we need to do it with, if we are to do this we are two hoh's from it being pretty much game over and in final four may the best win.
then 2-1 in final three, whoever can hang on.
Probably never be like that, one of 4-5 gone by then.. one of others probably there, but I see it that we can allign with weak or strong
Predictably, Jen comes out and Eric tells her thaty are talking..
Jen says they are in Dustin's room (uh no that is hoh)
Jen says they just grill her.. she goes back to bedrooms.
We see Dik for a minute in round room
Eric saying he thinks like Daniele strategy wise.. believe the four of us could wipe everybody out.. repeats the usuall analysis
Jen goes up to hoh.. where the others are asleep last I saw.. but in she goes.

12:15AM BBT
Eric has spent the last 20 minutes telling Jessica (in BY) why they need to keep ED in the game and Exit Dustin.
She is hesitant.. but he keeps on talking & talking & talking... (he'll wear her down yet!!!)
He says they have a better chance with D & D than with the others!

12:21AM BBT
Eric: Something registered with me today - Who did they cast me as on this show? I'm sure they were happy I was a NY jew boy. I'm sure I was cast as the person who knew the show inside out. To this point what am I doing? I skated through 4 weeks, then I had a horrible scare. Then I thought if I'm in an alliance in which 3 don't trust me. I wondered what this seemed like. There is part of me, we have an audience right now, and maybe its time for the people who really mean business to step up. Then when its the four of us, we will fight Dick and Dani to the death because there is no one for them to convince. Its a pre determined stipulated fact. To me, I just started thinking, okay, so, we will maybe ruffle some feathers, but feathers of people who can't strike back. So if Jen or Zach leave next week, we are one HOH away from winning the game.
Jessica: You are trusting their word that they will not backstab us?
Jessica: What do they have to gain? How do we know when Zach gets HOH they won't go to him?

12:26AM BBT
Eric: I would assume you would not want to break the tie.
Jessica: Are you gonna vote against Dustin?
Eric: uh, yeah.....I thought about it, and there 2 ways of doing it, be with alliance I enjoy, or be with one strategically.
I thought we had Jameka, but I don't think we do.
(Jess agrees).
Eric restates some of his earlier comments.
As we note the time, which is 12:31pm and this conversation continues, one can't help but be reminded of a saying: "Good decisions are best made in the daytime, and not late at night"
Whether a decision to align with Dick and Danielle is good or not, is yet to be seen. Or whether Jessica will commit to the Plan tonight or not, we hope to know soon, but at this point, there is nothing concrete as yet.

12:35AM BBT
Eric has been doing most of the talking thus far. Jessica wonders which bedroom she will have to move to if they go through with the plan.
Eric: I think we should do this, its a ballsy move, difficult because of the personal aspects, but the question I posed to myself all day: "Why did you choose to come here?" "I came to win and to play hard and not role over".
12:40AM BBT
Amber thinks Nick would have told her stuff about Zach. Jameka thinks maybe he couldn't because of the secret.
Jen - Nick told her about the alliance. He said things aren't going to be able to stay the way it is. That you're going to lose people along the way. But he never said anything about Zach's personality.
Jen - Why do we keep Zach?
Amber - He needs to be nominated.
Jen thinks because he tries to make deals with everyone. He plans on not ever winning since he does it with everyone.
Amber said he has never done that with her probably because she hasn't ever won any competitions.
Jameka thinks tomorrow will be a two hour special because maybe an award show made it so the last show couldn't air.
Jen thinks maybe it was football.
Amber - I am so confused. I can't deal with this anymore.
Making fun of Evel asking about The Jets.
Jameka mad that he wouldn't take any water.
Amber can't deal with him if the little guy is there tomorrow.
Amber didn't know that Dustin was afraid of little people. Amber asked why he was freaking out. She would have been there for him more if she would have known he had issues. They don't want the little person to be there tomorrow.
Jameka wants to know why there were all white bunnies.
Jen thinks it is going to be a memory competition from things this morning.
Talking about what the little person said. Repeating the riddles over and over.
Jen thinks he was giving advice about the future with the last one about drinking upstream. They can't remember about the songs except them singing about the food comps. You had fun smashing the guitars ...
Amber says the one on the left and her were one with each other. Chubby.
Jen doesn't think it had anything to do with the previous games.
Jameka tells Jen to finish the sentence - The sixth person to be evicted from the BB house is .... Jen says Richard.
Jameka is going to call him ED.
Jen wants to know if Dustin isn't worried.
Amber doesn't think he is worried.
Jen says she would be worried.
Amber is going to paint Jen's nails. She offers to let Amber wear her black shoes tomorrow. Amber declines. Amber might wear Jessica's brown dress tomorrow. Jameka's going to wear white capris and a pink top. Jen wants BB to tell them now if it matters what they wear.
Eric tells Jessica about being on Carmen San Diego
Eric says he was on Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego? when he was 10 or 11. There were three rounds. In the first round, he was doing well and was positioned to go to the second round. They had a final wager where the three contestants could bet 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 crimebucks. The category was something Eric wasn't sure about, so he bet 20. The question turned out to be incredibly easy and he got it right. But the other players bet 50 crimebucks and he got knocked out in the first round. Eric tells Jessica that now, this is his chance to bet 50 crimebucks instead of 20 by evicting Dustin.
Eric: So, if we win HOH next week, who do you want to go up? Jess: Dick & Daniele. Eric laughs and says "Shh, we don't have to tell them that" and nods in agreement. Jessica and Eric agree they'd like Jen to win because they will be safe and she can nominate D&D and get rid of them.
1:15AM BBT
Dani to Dick: Did you get the head nod too? They're in. We'll talk about it tomorrow but they're in. Dick then farts
Dick says if they win HOH, they nominate Amber & Jameka but backdoor Jen. Daniele says they can't tell Eric that because she mentioned it before and Eric was hesitant about getting rid of Jen.
1:30AM BBT
Dick is getting angry that Daniele doesn't want to stick with Eric after this week. She seems exasperated and says he isn't listening. He says if Eric does this, it takes a huge leap of faith on Eric's part. Dick says Eric is smart and he wants him on his side. Dick is very appreciative of Eric. Saying they have to have a lot of faith in them. He doesn't have to have any in Eric, because he's going home tomorrow, Eric doesn't need to do anything for him. Eric saving him is showing a lot of faith in him.
1:50AM BBT
Dick tells Dani how much she means to him and how he got to spend more time in the house with her than he has in a very long time and how much he has appreciated that. ED getting VERY emotional...close to tears. Dani: I'm going to bed...I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Jessica will tell Zach to vote Dustin out Eric will vote Dustin out and will talk to Jen
All feeds back to the HOH, it appears that Amber, Jameka & Jen are still in there. Eric nowhere in site. Amber & Jen left right after the feeds went to HOH. Jameka stuck around, but finally has left. Jessica primping in bathroom in a bikini. Appears to be waiting on Eric to get out of the DR and come up to HOH.
Eric tells Jen & Jessica the DR asked about their threesome conversation... but we aren't getting FOTH. Now back to HOH and Jen has came back upstairs with Eric & Jessica. Eric talking about an alliance with Jessica & Jen questioning in DR.
HOH is on Feeds 1 & 2. On Feeds 3 & 4; Dustin, Amber & Jameka in downstairs bathroom (guess Dustin got back up). Dick just came through and asked Dustin about being up, and he said he was going back to bed, he was brushing his teeth. Dick commented if he wanted it to be fresh on his last night in bed in the house, and he said that Amber was sleeping with him.
Feeds 3 & 4 have switched back to Dick outside on lounger smoking.
Jess and Eric have been reviewing comps and clues for over an hour.
Jess Eric and Jen are talking about going downstairs and hiding items so others will think there are more clues to be figured out. They're trying to decide where they can hide them. They think it would be really funny to put them in Dick's packed bag in storage room but decide they will get in trouble with BB if they do that. They hide large chess piece in back yard in pool storage area then they get some small items out of kitchen and WR and put veto down inside it's holder on wall. Then FOTH...When feeds come back Eric and Jen are coming out of storage room. They take out two purple flowers from the wall and FOTH again... This time they are hiding things from bathroom. Then they get green plastic knife in kitchen and one of the utensils on kitchen wall, wrap them in towels and hide them under couch in bathroom.
4:20AM BBT
Dustin gets up briefly and Jen goes upstairs. Eric gets something out of small bedroom and hides it in back of bottom cupboard in kitchen.
Jess Eric and Jen laughing in HOH and Jess is quoting how BB cameras see everything in house and they are going to get busted.
4:30AM BBT
Jen finally goes downstairs to go to bed. Eric gets in HOH bed with Jessica. Eric and Jess talking about the alliance they now have with Dick and Dani to go together to the Final Four.
4:45AM BBT
Jameka rings doorbell and comes into HOH room with Jess and Eric. She turns on lights sits down and starts talking. She asks if they have had any sleep yet. They tell her no but she doesn't leave. They were talking about recent events in the house. Near the end of the conversation Jameka started talking about how ED has been degrading people, and asked Jess/Eric if they think Dick knows he's leaving. Jess and Eric were quiet for a moment. Jameka said Dick hasn't come to her for a deal or anything and talked about how Dick has been calling Jen a b*tch again.
During most of this Jessica and Eric were dead quiet on the bed. After Jameka left Jessica sounded guilty about evicting Dustin. Eric told her he feels bad about it, Jessica replied "Well, then..." (like she was telling him let's not do it) but he said they'll talk about it later.
5:30AM BBT
Jameka finally saying goodnight to Eric and Jess in HOH. Jess just whispered to eric-- we are keeping Dick -- as soon as Jameka left and she doesn't sound totally happy but Eric said lets go to bed. are you sleepy. Then he says if she can't sleep wake him up. Jess wants to tell Jameka what's coming and Eric says he thinks is right thing to do after they sleep on it.
5:55AM BBT
Jameka made a snack after leaving the HoH room and ate it on the couch in the backyard... now she's in bed and all houseguests seem to be asleep
Eric and Jess woke up (they're in the HoH room). Jess thought she heard someone scream, Eric told her it was nothing. They're going back to sleep.

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