Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Thursday, August 16

Dick: Dump the FUNK!

All are finally sleeping.

9:15AM BBT
All still sleeping


10:10AM BBT
Feeds Back On
BBVoice - Jess & Eric Please replace your batteries
Trivia Comes Back

10:17AM BBT
Feeds Back On
All Cams on HOH Room - Jess, Jen, and Eric Talking About Pizza Hut and how Sprite reminds Jen of home

10:30AM BBT
Looks like HOH Lockdown - looks like many are trying to go back to sleep.

11:15AM BBT
Trivia for a few minutes, back to HOH Lockdown

11:25AM BBT
Zach is pulling out his eyelashes in HOH.
Dick flipped off Zach, Zach smiled back.

12:05PM BBT
Lockdown over
Dick - Woo Effin Hoo
HOH Room - Jen, Jess in bed - also random legs of HG at end of bed (Amber?) - Dustin leaves.

12:15PM BBT
In HOH, Eric is going through drawers... folds Jess's green halter top, among other things being packed into a trashbag for the move back downstairs. Eric's talking to Jameka about traveling to his parents' house.

Jen finally gets out of bed... Says I'm up I'm up.
Jameka says Jessss, I don't wanna move out!
Eric says in 8hrs, he's moving his a** right back in!
Jameka says I'm telling you its double eviction because of the bunnies

12:25PM BBT
Dick is vacuuming downstairs. Zach and Dustin cleaning the kitchen.

12:30PM BBT
All Feeds on Eric in HOH ... He walks into the bathroom and looks into camera with a really weird look-seems to be just wandering around

Dustin says something to Jameka about being nervous about tonite. He said something like there's only one thing I'm worried about and it's....and Jameka says I know. Then Jen comes in to help clean the shower. Dustin comments on how happy it made Amber when Jameka asked her if she'll clean the floors with her.

12:40PM BBT
Zach sitting on bed, rubbing his feet then puts on socks. Zach and Dani are in bed not cleaning because they won a bet against Eric and Jess. Dick is vacuuming Purple Room now, says that vacuuming makes him feel like Superman. Zach laughs, is sitting on bed watching Dick vacuum. A sock gets sucked up into the vacuum and Zach giggles.

Most of the houseguests are chit-chatting in the kitchen. Dustin being very quiet. Zach comes into kitchen and says just admiring a good wager at work... Referring to the bet during beer pong last nite.... Dustin now jokes with Zach about how funny Eric and Jess look crouched down cleaning floor... says they look like the creature from L.O.T.R movie. Zach, Eric, Jess, and Dustin all in kitchen talking about their beer pong game last nite....Then Feeds Cut Out

1:05PM BBT
Feeds back

1:15PM BBT
HGs cleaning and making lunch. Jen looming over Eric and Jess, Jameka also quietly observing them peeling an apple. Amber in kitchen also fixing food. Eric tells Jessica her food smells (parmasian cheese) and Jess tells Eric his face smells. Talk about Eric's age. Jameka is making fried apples. Eric engages her in small talk about it. Jameka kind of short in response and seems deep in thought. Eric and Jess continue to joke back and forth as she eats about shaving, tanning, and her having a fresh odor about her last night. Jess says she loves all the standard cheeses. Eric has a story about his on again off again relationship with cheese. Jess slams a glass of water and Eric tells her she looks totally hydrated again. Jess talking about the luck of her clothing and how she was wearing a shirt that came down easily when she was selected for the show, and again a tube top that came down easily when she won HOH so she knows what to do now.

Jameka asks everyone if they have seen the pan. Shows Eric it is bent, probably from heat. He says this is madness, absolute PANdemonium.

Dustin sits at the table between Jess and Eric. Joke about things being 'Awkward'. saying Dustin is doing the Kail thing

Jen at table now eating egg whites (with half a yoke) and Turkey Bacon. Everyone leaves table except Dustin. Jameka still frying apples in kitchen. Dustin looks very concerned and stares off at Jess when she leaves the room. uncomfortable silence between Jen and Dustin. He is biting his upper lip or making that deep thought face.

1:40PM BBT
Zach & Dustin in gym. Zach says treadmill shorted out and stuff is missing. **Remember, Eric and Jess hid stuff and messed with stuff around 4AMBBT**

Dust: "I know that D&D are the king and queen of making deals - have you accepted anything from them?" "so far if Jessica releases me from the... it changes things for me" (says Zach to Dust). Zach: "if you do stay i don't want to go up" D: "you wouldn't go up. you know our deal. this alliance between me and you has been strong since week one." Further talk about their alliance and possible deals that have been made.

Dick walks by and Dustin and Him are discussing purple beads (?). Dustin continues to stretch. Jen finishes breakfast.

Dustin and Zach discussing things missing in the house. They realize that things went missing during the time they were sleeping, so they realize that it's probably somebody in the house doing it to throw everybody off.

Zach telling Dustin that getting Dick out is a golden opportunity. Z to Dust: "the Dick & Daniele thing worries me" Zach flipped Dustin the finger after Dustin left the gym!!!!!!!!!!

Dani & Jen applying makeup in bathroom - silence.

Dick & Dani in round room.
Dani: "So obviously it's going to be a surprise to Amber & Jameka"
Dick: "In case this doesn't happen, I just want you to know that I am really happy about this experience & sharing it with you"
Dani: *silence*

2:15PM BBT
Dani telling ED to talk to Zach and see what's up

4:40PM BBT
Still TRIVIA - live show starts in 20 minutes.

6:06PM BBT
All HGs in the kitchen talking about HOH and the questions.

Jameka in bedroom changing bra & clothes, muttering (missed first part, was either 'peoples word' or 'loyalty') means nothing in this house, so be it. Typical, typical, typical, typical' about 10 times

6:30PM BBT
Dick and Dani in round room celebrating together, Dani is jumping up and down, talking about she cant wait to see her HOH pictures and she is thrilled she is HOH for her birthday week, Dick says he is just happy he is even here. They leave the room and go to the kitchen.

6:35PM BBT
Dani and Dick noticing all the cooking utensils are missing... spatula ...whisk
Dani having one of Jen's turkey tacos
Dick - I'm starvin where's the GD chips?
HG reitterating all the sayings from the unexpected guests
Dani - we didn't get a new table...next week, now each chair fits in thru the legs so I say next week
Eric - that guy (mad hatter)was legitimately drunk he fell off the chair and tripped on the carpet...who else saw him fall like 5 times?

6:40PM BBT
Jameka laying bed crying. Everyone else is in the kitchen. Discussing Jem and the Holograms, Scooby Doo, the movie Holes, Jabberjaw.

6:50PM BBT
Dani asks Amber how they think her daughter liked the live shout out and Amber can't speak from holding in tears, but she's hanging in there with the others. Dani - awww thats okay ...she was probably so happy she's gonna play it over and over. Zach- that's something your gonna have permanent to play for the rest of your lives as will Eric and myself. Eric - permanent soft core porn for the rest of our lives.

Eric says he complains to DR that he hasn't played in POV yet and they say they won't choose him as Players Choice cause it's funny. DR told him if he makes it to Final 6 he'll have to play.

Now getting FOTH while they talk about DR. Eric says last night someone said dont make me come up and talk to you and Dani says they threatened her with penalty nom but she doesnt believe it and again we get FOTH

Jess talking to Dick, thinks Amber is doing better than expected. Says Jameka hasn't said one word. Both say game on and Jess says I love this game it's why I'm here. They give each other high fives and say no more backdoor bs.

Dani comes in to round room and says are you repacking to Dick. He says I'm unpacking. Says he (dick) was going crazy when Dani won and she said I heard you and Dick says I'm just saying what I'm thinking. Dani is impressed with how well Amber is doing too.

Dani asked Dick if he gave Dustin the tattoo sleeves and Dick said no would be too much of FU. Dani is glad he didn't do it then Dick tells Dani about his goodbye message to Dustin.

Jess back in her old big bed on the end with Eric talking about working on his buzzer and true/false brain. Eric expressing how stupid stupid stupid it was not to memorize the cards.

Zack, Dick, Jen and Dani talking about how Dick is Joe's Hero even more now than the pot banging! Talking about how many families of people will be after Dick at wrap party. Jen says My family will be after you.

7:05PM BBT
Jen - I'm so glad she didn't put me up ...Dick - me too I couldn't have asked to be in a better situation. I was dancing around the backyard.

Zach - it just feels so peaceful now....Dani - even during the live show I don't feel like Im on tv at all!!!!

Dick passes Jess and Eric in bed and says give him a little kisss and Jess says you're as bad as Julie. Dick asks what did Julie say oh upstairs what was it and in cute way says you're busted Jess and she tells story was nice exchange the tide has turned for them.

Dani - ok so whats up with all this stuff missing? ..... DUSTIN...Zack accusing Jen and they all laugh.

7:10PM BBT
Eric says to Jess we are now officially reality TV bad a****. Jess says you are I didn't do anything.

[plane flew overhead] Dick says "That's Dustin heading to Mexico"

Meanwhile Jen admits she took everything from house. Says they caught her cause they asked and she said yeah meaning for them to think the yeah was sarcastic to throw them off and didnt work. She shows Dick her hiding places, only took someone asking and she knew she couldn't lie long enough to get away with it.

Dick to Jen - "I bet you're trying to figure out what the f*** happened, huh?"
Jen "did you see Jameka the whole time??"
Dick its over... its done...
Jen - who's she putting up?

7:15PM BBT
Dick telling Jen about throwing Dustin's clothes over the wall... Jen - it was funny he had no idea...

7:38PM BBT
Dick: I know Eric is involved with the show FOTH

7:41PM BBT
Feeds back, Lockdown over, and Dick heads outside for a cigarette.
Dani says "would you like company?"
Dick: "Certainly"
We get blue with audio
Dick: "give me another hug"
Dani: "this is the best 21st birthday present ever!"
Dick: "I can't believe we pulled this off!"
Amber comes out to the backyard and takes the cover off the hot tub. Dick tells her that he will give her Dustin's tattoo sleeves.

7:50PM BBT
Dick and Dani talking about what Eric-Jess's plan was - who they told and how they protected themselves, and what would have happened if Dick was evicted.
Dani: to make it three three its a tie, Jessica evicts you
Dick: it was smart for them to do that.
Dani: yeah,
Dick: he would be wearing the robe.
Dani: not if i got hoh. you told me to nominate my dad, but he is gone so i have to nominate you.
Dani says more snide things about nominating Dustin and Eric, if Dick was evicted and she won HOH.
They switch talk to HOH comp talk as Amber enters the yard.
Dani: it hurts my hand really bad unless i hold it up it really hurts.
Dick: I can't believe you burned your hand, honey.
Dani: yeah my hands throbbing.
Dick: i was gonna give Dustin those sleeves on the way out but i figured it would be like a FU. (Amber asks what, and Dick repeats) I'll give them to you if you want.
Amber: I understand.
Dick: the bands on the hat i had absolutely no idea, did you guess?
Dani: yeah
Dick: I can't believe out of all thsoe effing clues, they ask about the bands on the hat.
Dani says she is glad they didn't ask about the statue because it was confusing.
Dani mocks Zach's thinking about what the statues meant (Zach had a theory about them).
Dick: everybody's theories were really funny, even Jen had some hairbrained theories.
Dani talks about Zach thinking there was sanskrit on the shoe, says Zach is an idiot.
Amber is shown standing in the hottub, closes and opens eyes.
Dick: who is in the DR now, Zach?
Dani: yeah.

quiet for a moment.

Dani: you excited for chinese food?
Dick: yes, yes.
Dani: me too.
Dani: ah my hand.
Dick: I'm excited to see your pictures.
Dani: I'm not, I'm nervous.
Dick: why
Dani: I dont know, I dont know. I'm nervous.
Dick says that is crazy, as crazy as what Jameka said about being scared of the midget hovering over her bed.
Dick: what about Jen, what she was doing was getting everybody thinking about something else (by hiding things).

Dick wants the midget at the wrap party. He thinks he is the bass player in Mini Kiss. He has seen him around Hollywood. Dani discusses why Dick would think that. (Mini Kiss is apparently a kiss cover band made up of small people.)

They talk about the pirate, the barbershop quartet was sweating their ass off it was so hot out there, Dani loved their big brother songs.

Dani: how bout Rich's big brother joke today, that was....... FOTH.
Dani talks about her birthday, in four days.
Dick: you will be half of my age.

Zach comes out and talks about something that apparently BB has installed to block out the planes - a tarp. Zach is sitting on the couches now with Dick and Dani. Dick starts talking about CBS and FOTH again.

Jess and Jameka are talking upstairs. Jess had told Jameka before Dustin was evicted that he was going home. Jess said they never knew what Dustin was going to do, but with Dick, everyone knows what's going on.

Dick, Dani and Zach in the backyard talking about football.

8:10PM BBT
Jameka says we never evict who we say we are going to evict, we always backdoor people. Jameka says she knows Jess hates doing that and Jess says yes, I hate the backdooring thingy.

8:15PM BBT
Jameka saying something is up with Eric because why would he save Dick who outed Eric last week! She keeps saying over and over something ain't right, something is up. She also thinks something isn't right because Eric was with Jess all night last night. Jessica tells Jameka that it was Zach who sold her on getting Dustin out...Jameka says mmmhhhmmmm and says so it wasnt Eric? Jess says no it was Dick first because Dick wanted to stay, but then it was Zach who sold me on it. Jameka thinks Jen would ally with Eric before she ever would with Dick and Daniele.

8:30 pm
dick playing air guitar by himself (then follows it up with an "i am a golden god"-like burp.
dani's got her HOH room! gets a letter from Nick! her cd is The Faint Dani got Corn Dogs

Dani - my hair was dark for like a yr... and I cried and wouldnt leave the house

Dick - Nick told me he did calligraphy and all this I was amazed... his mom was an art teacher

8:50 pm
They are now all eating around the table. They got chinese. They are saying everyone has to read their fortune cookie out loud at the end of the meal

Amber just said that she wants everyone to know that it was a hard day for her with dustin leaving. She doesn't hold it against anyone she just needs time to get over it. She also talks about how she knows everyone is playing for themselves in a sense and that she understands and doesn't hold it against them

Everyone thanks her and tells her that it was nice of her

Now they are having general chit chat around the table and eating

9 pm
Dani says How much things change...how happy she is to be sitting her with all of them right now.

They applaud.

Eric points out that it's a birthday HOH too.

Everyone starts to dig in.

Jameka jokes that her fortune sounds like an eviction
Jameka's fortune says, "You will soon be crossing warm water for a fun vacation."

Everyone laughs
Jes's Fortune Cookie Says... the time is right to make a new friend...
Eric's-its ok to slow down and smell the roses
Z's-others find your charm irresistable
Dicks-others will be impressed with your artistic side
Dani's-focus on your long term goal
Ambers-good news is on your way
Jen's-Your inclined to come up with unconventional soulutions

9:15 pm
Houseguests are eating, laughing and enjoying themselves
Eric points out your fortune wont come true if ya dont eat your cookie
Now playing a game of..."Only in the Big Brother house..."

9:45 pm
D/D/Zack in HOH room
Zach reads Nicks letter. He's happy that Nick mentioned him.
Eric and Jess whisper game.
Eric says they should lay low and not push things this week.
Feeds change to HOH where Zach is saying it's weird that Dani didn't get any pics of Kris. Dani says it's weird, but it's okay..she's happy with what she got.
The two of them are chatting about what Dani got and how she won't have to eat slop. Dani says she doesn't plan on stressing this week...is happy and wants to have fun.
Zach again talking about Nick's letter...Zach wonders if Nick is watching the feeds. "don't worry dude, I won't let the FSA down"
Dani and Zach agree the house will be so much better this week. Zach says they won't have to deal with all the snide remarks (from Dustin)

10 pm
Dani hopes someone puts together a tape of BB clips from Best Week Ever and The Soup for them.
Zach says his dad has 2 TIVOs set up to record all things BB.
Zach, Dani, Eric, and Jess are in the small bedroom. Dani is getting clothes together for BB to wash. Eric and Jess are chatting.
ED and Jen have joined the group...just chatter and laughing.
Amber to Dani in BY: "I've never talked bad about you. I mean that. Honestly.

10:30 pm
Dani/Dick discussing this week's plan in the BY
Nominate Amber and Jameka... Tell POV players to throw POV to either nominee and do everything possible to not let Jen win should she be playing and backdoor Jen..for whatever reason Jen should win POV they will tell her to keep noms the same and get rid of Amber but they want to do everything possible to not let Jen win (including Dani trying hardest to stay in the game until Amber and Jamka are the only ones left besides her). If she wins it, great. They both say they hope there's money in the POV this week because they'll definitely take it.
Dani wants to make sure she will be happy with who goes on Thursday and doesn't have to worry about it all week. Her #1 target is Jen and Amber goes next week.
Dick agrees and goes into a long spiel about POV to which Dani tells him to stop and doesn't want to talk about it. They both agree Amber is nuts and needs to go but not until next week.
Discussion ends with the agreement being Jen goes this week, Amber next.

10:40 pm
Eric lost a bet in beer pong so Eric is dressed up in Jess's outfit from the first night all the way down to the heels (and headband).
Everyone laughing and clapping
It's the black and white checked mini. He has the matching headband and adds silver pumps. Jam, Jess, and Zach are laughing.
Dani comes in and says "oh dear!"
All laughing and cheering.
They want him to walk around the house in the outfit.

Jess and Eric are playing Zach and Dani at beer pong. Eric is still wearing the dress. They are laughing and having a good time. Dani keeps joking that she's distracted by Eric in a dress. Jen is watching the game now.

Jameka and Amber are in the bedroom depressed, Amber is tellling Jameka about her earlier convo with Dani.

Amber/Jameka move to round room and Dick joins them. Dick tells them he knew they were targeting Dani should she still have been on the block. They both say it's not true and Dick tells them Dustin told him that. They can't believe it and Dick says "Well it's true." Dick also asks if Dustin asked to be put on the block next to him. The girls say nothing, Dick says that's what he'd heard. Dick telling A/J that Dustin was parading around like he was King of the House and it didn't go over well. He uses the example of Dustin's cape and crown... Dustin's smug looks after Eric stayed...Dick saying the things he said last week to get Eric out in that Eric and Kail were together were false that it was actually Kail and Dustin. Jameka says It was hard to believe him saying it was Eric/Kail and knew it was Dustin/Kail. Some discussion about the Bunny Suit POV comp.

11:30PM BBT
Dick leaves. Amber says that Dick, Dani, Jess and Eric obviously have a F4 agreement. Amber has decided she now hates Jess. Jameka tells her not to say that, she doesn't know the whole story.

11:45PM BBT
Dani is decorating her HOH room with her feather boas. ED points out that between the 2 of them they've won 1/2 the PoVs and HOHs. He says she has him beat 2 to one, but still... Dani goes down to get more stuff and ED pokes around in Dani's HOH basket...knocks something over. Now he's laughing at one of the pics on the wall (the one of him and his kids). He seems happy...is eating a cookie.
ED sits down and spins in one of the HOH chairs with his arms outstretched. He flips off the spy screen...says it's Jen "f'n lying b*tch...you're going home this week"

Dick, Dani and Jen joke about her HOH pics, what an ugly family they are, etc.

There has been misc convo for an hour about comps and such. Dani did mention that Jen said she feels sorry for whoever gets sent to sequester with Dustin....final votes count, etc. Then the big argument - Dick and Dani fought over whether the toilet seat goes up or down!!!!

1:30AM BBT
Eric: I would love to see Amber on the block
Dani: you're so mean
Eric:no, I'd love to see her take the spot vacated by him ((Dustin)) and make it a weakfest all week. It's going to happen anyways. why don't we hold her hostage here and have a suckfest in everything...she's...ya know..a total disaster...and i feel she should go up in memory of Dustin's farewell and I could careless if she goes home...
Dani:*quietly* OMG
Eric: I don't care if Jen is the backdoor target..ya know..I dont CARE who Amber sits next to..I think we should just bury Amber's spirits entirely.
ED/Eric/Dani: LOL
Dani: You're brutal
Eric: I'm sorry..I feel...at this point instead of going after each other..instead of picking off weak @$$ people..I have no problem saying..we are better than you...if you want to stop this..do something about it...A couple things im curious about...
Dani: Yah?
Eric: we didnt have a chance to finalize it. i think we should mock Kail and go into the SR and handshake
ED: I was thinking that too. LOL
Eric: just because it'll be funny and a slap in their face..umm..so we're protecting each other with votes, no one is putting each other up, no one is evicting one another..yadda yada yada...one thing i'm curious about is do you want to be open about it, or do you want to conceal it entirely..have you spoken to anyone lately? I know you (Dani) spoke to Jameka....

And pretty much the jist from here is that Jameka/Amber both completely stunned that Dustin left and asking HOW it was done...Dani OBVIOUSLY would not say

2:20AM BBT
Eric congrats Dani and Dick and heads downstairs. Dani got a letter from Nick in her HOH Basket....and no pictures of Kris. Weird.

Eric does naked jumping jacks for Jen, Jess, Amber and Jameka. Boy parts discussion ensues with Eric asking for Jameka's opinion on his parts.
Dick decides that Dani must be America's Sweetheart and he is America's A**hole.

5:15AM BBT
Dick talking to himself in the back yard, says Jen needs to go this week. If not Jen, then Amber. But Jen needs to go. He says the orders should be Jen, Amber, Jameka, Zach. Now he's laughing to himself repeating, unbelievable. I can't believe I'm here, going from leaving for sure to being here and Daniele winning HOH. Dick: As it turns out -- sorry Nick -- but maybe it wasn't such a big mistake after all. It's better Nick went when he did. Dick: Worst thing that could possibly happen is Jen winning the POV and winning HOH next week. She'd probably put me and Daniele up again. We'd have to do it again. That would be horrible.

5:30AM BBT
The Late Night Show with Smoking Dick Donato continues...Life isn't fair...Puff..My Mom..what is she thinking..she will be mad at me..My poor mom...My son My son My son which I miss so much..He must have been going nuts..he must be proud of me ...

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