After an extremely happy Late Night Show with Smoking Dick Donato, Dick going to go to bed and Dani said she's not tired at all. She is now listening to music in bed with lights on.
7:20AM BBT
All finally asleep. Dani put on Nick's shirt before turning out the light and going to bed.
10:05AM BBT
FOTH - Food Comp is supposed to be in an hour.
10:30AM BBT
Feeds back
Many are eating or cooking.
Eric confessed to doing naked jumping jacks to Dick and Zach.
Dani's wearing Nicks headband on her head and getting dressed for the food comp.
Amber and Jess still laying in their beds.
11:30AM BBT
The HGs hear cheering outside then FOTH
Noon BBT
Still trivia
1:10PM BBT
Still trivia
1:50PM BBT
Feeds are back - Comp involved wearing togas and playing slop pong.
Zach calls Dick and they do a happy dance in the SR and hi-5.
Dani goes into little room where Jam is changing outta her toga - are you okay? ....sorry...
Dani and Eric talking in the kitchen. Dani says she's thinking about pulling Eric's key out first and saying she's backdooring him again. They are laughing and joking about it.
Jameka tells Amber she thinks this is going to be a good week. Amber asks why she thinks that. Jameka just has a feeling. Jameka and Amber talk in the storage room. Jameka says: "You're not gonna see me moping, I'm ready for this week." Amber agrees then goes to bed and mopes.
Smaller Kitchen Table has appeared.
Misc convos about slop pong, ***say that 5 times fast*** BB Message Boards, and other chit chat have been going on for over an hour.
Everyone getting ready for the Nominations. BB announced that the lockdown was over and they were free to move about the house. They laughed because they didn't know they were on lockdown.
Jam was on eliptical machine earlier... Jen was on treadmill. Jen showered and up in HOH bathroom with Daniele, borrowing her lotion. Zach was sitting on the bed listening to tunes. Jess is showered and ready...eating in the kitchen. Amber miserable in her bed.
3:10PM BBT
Jen leaves, Dani says to Zach she can't believe Jen asked about who she was going to put up. Dani doesn't tell her.
Eric ask Jen what does she think Dani is going to for noms today. Eric thinks it's going to be Jam & Amber.Eric thinks it's a backdoor plan so it really doesn't matter who goes up. Eric is mad that he didn't let Jen tell him what cards where on the bunnies. He thought Jen was going to win HOH. Eric tells Jen that he didn't want Dani to win but he really didn't want Amber to win because Eric would of been up on the block for getting out Dust. Jen says it might of been a bad move to get out Dust, Eric says no way it was right. Eric says we took out a big target, and a strong part of that team. He thinks the Amber is the weaker part of the team. Jen ask Eric shouldn't they have another twist this week. Eric talks about what happened last season at this time. He thinks they will have a luxury comp this week.
3:45PM BBT
Eric talking about his girlfriend. Said they did not discuss what was okay to do in house. Doesn't know if she will be okay with everything or not
Everyone is sleeping except Zach and Daniele. They are in the kitchen eating his soggy burnt cookies and drinking a coke.
5:05PM BBT
Jen is up. Curled her hair and appears to be cooking slop. Maybe she's on it as well or making it for Jam and Am.
Zach made those cookies mentioned earlier. Daniele said they looked like pooh... they eventually took one into the privy, smeared some on the seat and left the rest floating in the bowl. Jameka saw it and thought it was pooh and proceeded to glove up and clean. She was NOT amused when she discovered their practical joke. Daniele proclaimed that everyone in the house is sooooooo dramatic.
5:15PM BBT
Jen poured the slop into two bowls. Then she took a mug and spooned in 12 spoonfuls and now she is covering the other two bowls with foil. (Perhaps everyman/woman for themselves) She couldn't find room in the fridge so she put them down and is headed into the bedrooms. Maybe she'll offer them after all. Nope.... to the dresser to get her lip balm and back into the kitchen. Grabbed her mug of slop and headed outside to join Zach, Dick and Jameka. She decided to sit next to Zach. She told Jameka there was a bowl of slop in there if she wanted it, adding that Amber is in bed.
Daniele just came out of DR holding a piece of paper and heading to HOH room.
Jen and Dick noticing the things BB left in the yard for them. Jameka saying one of the most fun nights was the volleyball night. Dick said Amber killed it when she roofed the ball twice. Dick talking about playing volleyball... with the volleyball (they left a real one in the yard)...Jam saying she's not looking forward to that cause the ball hurts. She's saying that the same guy who was her gym teacher from 20 years ago is the same guy at the school she's working at now. She said he hasn't aged a bit. The man works out, doesn't drink, smoke, etc.
Daniele heads out of the DR with a piece of paper and up to HOH. She's straightening up the HOH room, closed the door to the bathroom ...probably BB doing the hokey shot of the HOH placing the keys into the cylinder and the two last into the pouch so she wants it to look neat... she's even making the bed LOL.... definitely what's going to happen... now we know what happens when there is a lockdown outside with everyone but the HOH.
Outdoor Lockdown!
5:40PM BBT
Still Trivia
6:25PM BBT
Still Trivia
6:30PM BBT
Still on FOTH/Trivia
6:40PM BBT
Feeds back
Jess & Eric whispering on her bed. Sounds like Eric said he and Jess are safe this week and hopefully for the next week or two. Said Jess seemed upset and she said at first, but after that... no.
Amber getting out of the shower, walks into the big bedroom and says nothing to Jess & Eric.
All four cams on Jameka in the living room. She is now upstairs sitting on the chess couch. As she walked through, Dick or someone asked if she was okay... she said yes but kept walking. She's laying down now, sighing, trying not to cry I believe or... trying not to rip Daniele a new one.
You can hear voices from the kitchen; Daniele, Jess, Zach...
6:55PM BBT
Jen goes into bedroom and a joking verbal duel begins between her and Eric. Jen eventually asks if they remember Dustin wearing 'these' (the white shorts she has on)? Eric says yes, but they look better on her.......her penis fills them out better than Dustin's LMAO
7:15PM BBT
Eric telling Jess and Jen that he once thought about becoming an ultimate fighter. He showed Jess a move and what you would do to break a hold. Eric said he didn't have the time to train seriously. He thinks he would have been good for his size. He has a lot of training in different types of fighting.
Zach came out of the blue and threw himself onto the bed with Jess and Eric
Dick and Daniele sitting out back... Tuned in to hear Dick saying they're both safe this week and points out that the reindeer looks like it has a goatee. Daniele had noticed that. She's very serious and thinking deeply.
Dick wants to go swimming later and needs his hair done again. He doesn't think he can count on Amber, unless she wants some suck-up points... and then asks Daniele if she wants to do it and she answered 'You just said you wanted AMBER to do it.' He repeated what he said and told Dani that she could put on the plastic gloves so the red doesn't get on her hands.
Daniele is tired, said Jameka is really good at golf. Dick said Jam wasn't. Daniele said she can hit the ball. Dick said she doesn't play well, she call's Dick, Coach. Daniele thinks they may have golf next competition. She hopes not. Dick saying they haven't had one of those ropes and knot things yet. Both agree that it could be anything. Dick yawning. Danile saying they'll pick tomorrow. Dick asking what about 9 or 10. Daniele doesn't answer. Daniele says BB hasn't called anyone in there yet..DR... post-nominations.
Dick asking if she wants him to do something in about a half-hour... she say's whatever. She also mentions that poop smell is back in the yard. She's going to lay down... not sleep, just rest. Told Dick to call her if he needs her.
Daniele telling Jameka that if she want's to talk, Dani will be in her room. Jameka thanks her and says it's okay.... there wasn't anything else she could do. Daniele tells her it isn't personal. Dani enters the HOH, grabs some snackies and Nick's letter, back to fridge... now over to bed with her goodies.
Eric pounds on Zach.
(One Big Happy Family)
7:30PM BBT
Amber and Jameka leaving the bathroom when Amber was finished applying mascara (for DR sessions I guess).... outside now, Jameka collecting the missing pillows from the couches and Amber went back in.
Amber - God did this for a reason, to make us stronger - from the sounds of things, she's up on the block with Jameka.
Amber & Jameka talking in the BY
Amber believes the nominations are all about her... (She stated that she & Jameka were nominated)
She tells Jam that she is only nominated because they want Amber to go.
Jam says she wants good people to win.. not like in previous seasons.
Jam says she's not going to give up and Amber says she's not going to cry anymore.
Amber says she's going to start winning stuff.. like Janelle did in (last season?)
Jam saying "it's all good"
says biggest mistake.."hands down.. is keeping Eric!"
Eric then got rid of Dustin.
Jam says it's more than just this... I refuse to believe this is it!!
(rambling..quickly.. disjointed)
Says she is feeling different. (indicating she will be playing harder??)
Amber says they probably told them (to get them to change votes in mid-week) "who do you want to sit next to " she says that's the big thing right now.
7:45 BBT
Amber- you know to make us stronger and to not put targets on our backs- because if only you had gone up I would have used the POV on you
J- mmm hmmm
Amber - and visa- versa and there was no one else that was a close as were are - so it's kinda like umm He ( God ) did it for a reason -
Amber- I am a big threat in this game because of my situation - I get along really good with everyone - it was her only excuse to put me up
Jameka-mmm hmmm right - but that is sad when
Amber- Jessica gets along with everyone
Jameka- yeah and not to mention - I dunno Amber- I mean Eric made it clear and Jess made it clear that they want "good" people to win the game in the end - and when you look at it that way - that was me, you , Dustin- no not Dustin - me, you , Jess and Eric- that is what they told me and I talked to Jess a little bit ago - and I was like I don't even know if the alliance is still going on and she was like well I hope so - I mean ...
Amber- they are playing us Jameka
Jameka- time will tell
Amber- she ( Jess ) was like Eric really likes you - he really cares - it's just funny to me how niceness- and I don't want people at home to think "duh- it's a game" I know that -but I really really - want - someone that is deserving of it- I don't want someone who is malicious - I'm done with that - that is who always wins - Bad.
Amber- I know
Amber- we're both still going to be here next week. I can just feel it.
7:47 BBT
Amber feels like the "Vision" she had, must have been Dick putting the POV around her neck.. and not her winning HOH after all. She says that if nominations stay the same, she is going home.. or.. if she stays up.. she is going home.. but if Jameka stays up.. she is not going home.
I'm telling you right now, I'm going home if I stay on the block.. and that's fine.. I would much rather be up against you and have you stay, than anyone else.. I'd much rather be walking out that door (and she starts to cry.. but contains herself)... (Can't understand Jam's response)
Jameka is talking about Ambers Vision..
Amber said she was talking to Eric...and he said something about Zach and Jen.. and Amber thought.. why.. why would they do that now.. I thought they had trust...
Amber says.. Jameka.. I swear.. I feel it.. you are not the one that is going home.. I feel it.
Amber says, she would have had hoh if she wouldn't have jumped the gun.. it wasn't her time this week.
Amber says.. my Boy left, and I got put up on the block.
Jam is doing a lot of mmmhhhms.
Jam just pi***d that (don't know what)...
Amber says Daniele is upset about something.
Jam says it is prob. her boyfriend or something to do with that.
Jam says the letter Nick sent to Daniele is coded.
(Plane goes over.. all four cameras are on Jam & Amber)
8:pm BBT
Jam. Letter was definitely coded.
Amber. Thing that keeps her alive is her mom & her best friend.
Her mom told her "Amber I know you are going to win".
Hoh.. it was God doing that!
(goes back over the Janelle winning stuff half-way through the game)
Jam... says like "real world" you would have so many ways dealing with it.. but here..
Amber.. I guarantee you they manipulated Jess.
(going back over the past noms, and why they were done)
Jam... says she really has expectations for Eric & Jess. (Expected them to look out for her???)
Amber. everyones going to be fighting for POV tomorrow.
Amber. says "do you want me to pull myself off" (assuming she has POV)
J-no- (answer to the you want me to pull myself off ??)
J - what I am saying when you pull yourself off and I am still there I just know that if it's you and I go home it's ok- but it's not ok if it is someone else -
Amber going on and on about she "knows" she and Jameka are going to the Final 2
Amber- c'mon God you got to pull through for us this week
J- yes
J- I just BELIEVE it - I believe it God
A- so do I - I prayed again last night and I said God whatever you have to do to make me a stronger player and this is it
They both go on and on about how they don't care what people think about them-
Jameka says she doesn't think that Eric or Jess will really compete to win anything until they ( her and Amber ) are gone- and if they did - and if they went back on their word - that if ED and Eric were in the ( Final 2 ) that ED would have her vote
Amber- me too
Switch to dinner table
8:22 BBT
Dick - I did ask Jameka and Amber to come and join us but they said they would rather not be around the food which is understandable - but I didn't want to make them feel left out.
Jen at the table- says and you didn't even invite me and then insulted me when I wanted to eat
Dick - I did not - he laughs says - I invited you after you invited yourself.
They laugh
8:36 BBT
Outside Amber and Jameka still going on and on
Amber telling Jameka how important her lack of being able to play in the HoH's will help her stay this week
Amber- I'm tellin' you girl them HoH's it's all happening for a reason - -everything makes so much sense to me right now -
Jam- mmm hmmm
A- why we are both up on the block - why Mike goes put them down we'll pick teams in a minute- why you got put on my team ( food comp )
A- this is week 7- complete week 7 and you two will be in the Final 2 for Big Brother 8
A- I'm tellin' you girl He ( God ) can't talk to us and say " Oh I did it' - he ( God ) has to show us
Jam- mmmhmm hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm
A-everything just makes so much sense - you got them 3 HoH's - 2 more to go - I win this week - someone else wins the next we go on the block - week 9 so what - -you still can't compete for one more HOH and people are gonna use that and go wow - it's one more week they are safe with you being around
J- not only that I am just hoping for some more power and we get it
A- I know
J- what if it's call the Eraser or the Eliminator - I know they called it the coup d'état last time
Jameka questioning why she risked not being able to compete in the HOH's
Jam - it just sucks Amber
A- but he ( God) did it for a reason
Jamkea - why didn't I write down 3 - I felt 3
Jam- that's not greedy though? If you feel 3 and you go 5 ? because you go up and you go higher ?
Amber- no greedy is a bad thing
Amber- and that wasn't being greedy
Jam- greedy would have been if I put 1 or something
A- yeah or maybe even 3-
3 would have been greedy - 3 was maybe that was the Devil trying to get the best of you saying put 3
Amber talking again about how she thinks Dani/Dick/Eric/Jess are taking themselves to the F4
Amber- a girl is gonna win this year
Jameka trying to figure when she can play for HOH
They decide it's when there is 4 left
J- and we play on being 2 of that 4
A- and you win that one and you put up someone - and I'll be the one that votes that person out- and then I'll win the next HOH and then the F2 will be me and you
J-no no - that's tricky-
They are confused
A- Jameka, we have such a long time- I can't......
J- I know
They wonder why Daniele and Eric have been called to the DR so much
J- maybe it's because she really does want to back door Eric
A- yeah she wouldn't have put up Eric first because she knew that Jess would save him- she ( Daniele ) might even win POV and take one of us off- probably you
J- that's true
A- Eric is smart look at all the sh%t he has pulled off
J- yeah
A- I ain't trying to start up new alliances F*** that -
She talks about how now that Dustin is gone and before she was so worried about how when it came down to the Final 4 or 3 that she would have had to say good bye to him - you know that was her boy but that was what she would have done
J- can you believe that we are on slop
The talk about Daniele's birthday coming up and how now she will get 3 letters -
A- dude she got a letter from Nick
J thinks that her boyfriend was asked but wouldn't send a letter and that is why they asked Nick to do it
A- she and Nick are gonna end up together - and it's karma - just like her boyfriend left his fiancé for her - she will leave him for Nick
Jam- mmm hmmm
A-and they might as well just end up together forever because Nick's girl cheated on him for another guy
Jam - mmm hmm
~~waves ~~
back with Jameka saying that she just can't believe Zach - ( something about how he grabbed something from her in/before the food comp )
J- I just can't with him says she has tried
A- God doesn't want you to be ok with him and he ( God) showed you that today in that F***ing food comp
Jameka- I'm sorry I'm a threat because I am nice to people- are you F***ing kidding me ?
Amber- I know
Jam- not because of comps but because I am nice to people
A- yeah because we have personable -
J- ok ohhh that makes sense- oh girl don't let us do a DR together
A- did you have a feeling that your key wasn't coming out
J- yeah because she wouldn't look at me
A- me too
J- I love it because I am still so thankful and grateful for everything I am
A- me too
A -our families are gonna be so upset on Sunday
J- my peoples are gonna like like 2 wooo oh no ! Noooo !!!
A- oh god my daughter- watching each key
J- I know
They talk on about how "they can't " with Zach
Jameka talking about how he didn't mention the date he was suppose to have with her- because of who won HOH - didn't mention it once- and why because of who won HOH - and he knew that he didn't have to get into her ear-
J- he's so full of sh%t
J- I can't I can't - in his big ass old bunny suit sitting over here - I can't I can't
A laughing
J- and it's getting more ballsy - he thinks he straight girl -
A- oh yeah
J- oh yeah
J- you better believe
A- and working out with me 3 days before
J- yeah just in case- he is so full of sh%t - he's in there with his girl - he thinks he's got it going on girl - him and his Dolphin Crash
J- I can't-
9:10 BBT
Amber called to the DR when she is back Jameka called to the DR
Amber and Zach on the hammock
Zach-well now you get to see what you are made of tomorrow ( POV )
Amber-I know I'm excited really excited
Zach- just F***ing fight you know
Amber - yeah I will
Zach - maybe you can get a trip -
Amber- no
Zach- maybe you can get the POV
Amber- whatever happens happens- everything happens for a reason I am a firm believer in that -
Zach - I am but I'm not- I think you can really work hard for something and things happen and they are learning experiencing - but I believe you are in control of your own destiny - he goes on to say that God gave you the choice of free will -
He tells her it's not over- maybe this is what you needed to snap you back
Amber- yeah I think so -
Zach- and maybe this is the chance for you to prove to Dustin that you really didn't need him
Amber- yeah
Zach- but this is your chance to show what you are really made of - and even though he will watch it he won't be here and you won't have to deal with all his influence and all that sh%t like when he was here- this is your chance
Amber - yeah
Eric in the HT and Jess sitting off beside it. Eric is saying the HT is not hot at all....takes like an hour to heat up.
I can hear Jen and ED in the background. Eric and Jess are making animal sounds.
They are talking about nothing going on and that there is fewer of them now. Eric says poor Live Feeders. Jess says Whatever!
Going over Eric's streaking moment. Chatting about who gave Zach the Ogre name (lol) .... Dustin or Eric, they can't remember.
Eric goes under in the HT. ED decides to go in too.
Eric keeps going underwater, he's in there by himself.
Jess sitting on the couch, Zach is tying up his shorts and Eric tells him to tie them tight Zachy boy....we're on Showtime now. Zach appears suddenly and throws a couple balls at Eric's head. ED does a cannonball into the HT.
Jen joins Jess on the couch. ERic is beaming balls from the HT at Zach. ED is laughing away. Zach jumped in the HT and soaked Eric's mic. ED is throwing balls at Jen now and Eric says, Of course you wouldn't throw them at Jess. Jen kicks them away with her feet. They are laughing. The girls are chatting.
Eric: Your whispers don't phase us, we can whisper too.
Jess: Go Ahead!
Jen: He always does that.
Eric: Hey Zach, what's the capital of Thailand?
Zach: Bangkok (they both break up laughing)
Jess is whispering about ED....and now about how Eric was so quiet and reserved at first and now he's all out there and streaking and stuff.
BB keeps saying Dick stop that!! Now just said Dick knock it off!!! Very Happy
I think it's because he keeps doing cannonballs in the HT.
Jen and Jess are saying into their mic's, it would be funny if they said thank you (they are trying to get BB to say thank you to the guys for something)
Jess goes to join Jameka on the hammock. She asks her how she's doing and how the slop is going. Jameka says as good as can be expected.
Jam starts in about the vote and different alliances that could be forming or are formed.
Jess just keeps saying........Ya......mmm......ya
Jess: They are so mean to her.
Jam: Who......Jen?
Jess: yaaa
Jam is saying that if you add up all the times she's been degraded in this house......well, I haven't had that much in my entire lifetime. But she just takes it. Jam is saying that she just doesn't know her very well and what her preferences are. She says that she just doesn't buy the threat thing.
Jess totally just agrees with everything Jameka says.
Jam says if I get HG's choice, do you want me to pick you or someone else?
Jess: No, I'm totally cool with being in it.... you can pick me.
Jam says if you don't feel comfortable with that I can totally pcik someone else.
Jess says nooo, it's fine.
They are going over the comp and beer pong and basketball.
Jam goes on and on about the isn't real life....but you're still going to do everything you can. So, we shall see. She says she is feeling the slop tho. But, whatever. (same old)
Jam: I can't......I can't (in a sing songy voice)
Jess is now saying the same thing she said to Jen a couple of minutes ago, about how reserved Eric was at first.....and how much different he is now (not sure where she's going with this one....having doubts maybe)
Jam: Do you think Eric has a deal with ED and Daniele?
Jess: I don't think so.
Jam: I want to believe him Jess, but I don't know......when you put money into the just don't know.
Jess: Ya.......mmmhmm.
10:05 BBT
Eric to Amber- so how are you?
Amber-I'm good I'm really good
Eric - really? It doesn't seem like a good couple of days
Amber- but that is what makes me stronger - I'm on slop - I'm up on the block and I've lost my best friend,
Eric - ummm - I .... don't really know what you discussed with anyone else and it doesn't really matter to me I wanted you and I to talk just from our own personal point of view - without anyone putting words in anyone's mouth or anything like that- for me it was ... ummm . .. a very difficult choice and a purely strategic one and it was one that I basically think that they majority of people who were involved in the voting process in some way agreed upon and I - had a very difficult time with it and on a personal level it was - very troublesome to me and I went back and forth it was a very last second sort of thing - and I still don't know if it was correct choice and I probably won't until the game has seen it's way though -but as I envisioned the entire scenario and things moving forward and as I think several other people envisioned it as well- I thought it was a risk - and a very difficult personal risk - but one that - I thought needed to be done at this time- I think there are certain times in the game when things can and need to happen and it was a last minute guy instinct thing and ummm you know basically seemed that it was something that a lot of other people were seeing and feeling as well and it was a very difficult choice and you obviously know personally how I felt towards him rather than how I feel personally about other people in the house- but but .. I.. I .. tried - for once- because I realized that I had not been doing a really good job at this- separate the game from my personal feelings -which is incredibly hard for me to do - and I don't know if I should be doing or not and I have been trying to balance the two and much as humanly possible- and - personally this was a very difficult choice for me but strategically I felt like it was what - was my best personal play
Amber - I understand
Eric- I don't know if you are interested in as to why I felt that or not - I mean that is up to you - I mean if you want to get into details or you would rather not
Amber- that is up to you
10:24 BBT
Jen and Jess in the hammock:
They are wondering who Zach would put up. Jen thinks he doesn't want HOH and that they shouldn't promise him anything. Jess says it's just getting down to to few people.
Jen is saying that Eric doesn't like it if we talk. Jess laughs and says ya....that's what he used to do to Amber, like he was jealous of anyone else talking to her (Jess). Jess says.....Well, good luck, that's not gonna happen.
Jen thinks something else is coming this a twist or something. She is kicking herself that she blew the comp.....that she knew all the answers and that she screwed up. They are saying Eric got out on an easy one.
Jen is talking about Dani putting up Amber and Jam...and how you don't want people voting against you in the end. They don't even want ED to win the $50,000 either. Jen is talking about getting the slop pass.......she says Thank God!
They are talking about their parents watching. Jess says Hi Mom, Hi Dad, this is my friend Jen. Jen says.....Hello .... they both laugh.
(They seem to be getting along quite well actually)
Jen is saying how much Amber and Jameka have been in the DR. Like four times already. She is wondering who Dani's replacement will be if one of them come off.
Back to Eric & Amber::::
Eric- I.. I...
Amber - I just think whatever- it's a game- and that is why I am not mad at you - am I mad at you ? no- am I mad at Jessica? no - am I mad at anybody for Dustin not being here? No - you know what I mean - -I'm not here to hold grudges - am I mad at Daniele for putting me up? No- it's not in my character to get mad at people for things like that
Eric- I know
Amber- ummm... I just think ...the only thing that makes me sad of it is -it was Dustin's vote that kept you here last week
Eric- I'm aware of that - I am fully aware of that- I know that - I don't like to look at this scenario as a reverse I try not to put any of these scenarios onto one person I try to - I don't think this is one any one person - this is 5 or 6 peoples thinking- and I like to look at the other situation in the same way as well- but I made it abundantly clear to everyone in every situation - in everything in there -in everything that I thought to myself -that .. ummm .. what he did for me last week was incredible - above and beyond- more than I could ask for - great in the game- great as a friend and I completely agree with you there is nothing to say on that- you are completely right I would not be here if it weren't for him- I know that -
Amber - and I said you do what you have to do -I said it before we ate Chinese food- everybody voted - how they needed to vote beneficial to themselves - and I voted to keep Dustin- and I'm not mad and I think I am handling this better than I thought I would
He tells her that it wouldn't have handled it that way - he knows it was bad- they were not happy- not giggling to themselves- but it was discussed and ultimately took a risk to shake things up and it might pay great dividend - or he or anyone else could be the next one out the door because of it-
He says he had personal reasons for it too - and that it was echoed by most of the others- he thought that he ( Dustin) was a major major threat to win the entire game -
Amber- I can see that
He goes on to say that as she probably knows that he had relationships with everyone- - to safe guard against everything-
He goes on to say - that yes Dustin rallied behind him - and he appreciated it but never felt like he had trust him him - but felt like it was just the numbers that were important not him - he felt on the outside looking in last week - and he says there are enormous targets in the house - people that need to go- and he sees that everyone sees why everyone should go or stay - he had to do what he could to stay in the game and felt like there are more scenarios that he will be involved in by doing this rather than by Dustin staying
Amber- ok I understand
Eric goes on and on saying there was really nothing to -it there was a slight uneasiness and people took the chance when they had it- might have not ever come again-
Talks about how difficult it was for him -
Amber asking why he didn't tell Dustin
Eric- it was cowardly of me- - it wasn't my doing or my choice -didn't care for it to be perceived as such-it was 4 collective votes and the HOH and the people on the block - it was a collective opinion- and it wasn't on my shoulder - I didn't make some master plan to get this done- this is not my doing - it was a collective at -large agreement and how can I ever know what Jen or Zach are going to do - and there was part of me thinking maybe he will stay - and if he did I hoped to continue a good relationship with him if he did stay-
He goes on and on - about how it was a last second decision and couldn't find the time to talk with her and Jameka - he hoped that this wouldn't compromise what he/Jess/her and Jameka had- knew it was a risk-
Amber- I just feel like with the group- don't know if it is even a group anymore- doesn't know that she can trust them-
Eric - well I hope that we could all sit down and talk - all 4 of us - we should all get ourselves together and see what we have and what we don't have- he goes on to say that he was surprised that they were nominated- thought he would be -
She goes on and on about how she trusted him and still wants to but doesn't know what to do
He says he felt like in the current thing that they had going on that he would be the first one out of the group to leave - and that no one came here to come in 5th- does he think he has a chance of winning- probably not - but after everything last week - he felt he was low man on the totem pole and if it took something to shake that up - that it was worth the risk -
He talks on and on and on about everyone doubting each other- and how he wont' miss that- -
talk ..... talk ...... talk
Jen comes in ... asks how much longer they are gonna be talking
Eric- just a few minutes
she leaves
Eric to Amber- you can't even have a conversation for 5 minutes with out people - embarrassingly pretending that they have reasons to come in
Amber- its so ridiculous
He goes on and on talks about how he doesn't think he'll be back - doored but maybe he will - and if he is -he is sure to go - well maybe not- we'll see- he has no desire to see either of them go- doesn't want to see him or Jess to go- he would if he could push for Jen or Zach to go if they was a way -
Amber says she hopes there is -
He tells her he is sorry hopes this clarified - helped
Amber says she understands- she is handling it- knows everyone probably thought she would be a mess- probably part of why Dustin went home
Eric says that wasn't talked about - goes on to say that he is glad they talked
They run into Jameka -
Amber asking if Jameka wants to talk
Jameka says she doesn't care
Eric saying it can wait if she wants until tomorrow
Jameka- well I'm not busy ... Laughing
3:06 a.m. BBT
Daniele, Dick and Eric are still awake. Talking about past competitions.
Dick mellow, Daniele happy, laughing, throwing looks at Dick. Eric is oblivious to this.
Laughing about someone (Zach?) asking repeatedly to be on the Blue Team in a past competition.
Laughing about the 'mustard' incident.
Dick telling Eric what he did with Dustin's clothes.... where he hid them...and how he finally knotted the blue one and tossed it onto the roof (not over the wall)... Zach was behind the blue shirt. Daniele said she was laughing so hard she was crying.
Eviction Day song for Dustin was 'God Save The Queen'
General Dustin talk... Eric saying Dustin is probably despondent. Probably watched the tape of the show how Amber and Daniele were final two for HOH and Daniele won and went from happy to sad. Daniele still doesn't understand why Dustin hates her so much. She's never done anything to him.
Eric saying he thinks Dustin lost sight of everything. Dick thinks it came about with Dustin's HOH.
Dick going in to get something to drink...offers the others... No thanks. Eric wants to go to bed. Dick said he's going soon.
Daniele slept from about 8 to 2.... she's refreshed and said 'do I have to go to bed again?' lol
Dick told Eric to tell Daniele what they had been talking about.
Dick and Eric wondered if they should 'give' Zach an HOH near the end so that he cannot compete the following week and sneak into the final four.
Dani and Eric agree that they don't feel Zach is a threat competition-wise and there's no need to do that. Take one week at a time.
The LNC rides again.
3:52 a.m. BBT
They're rehasing what happened this past week and how the house and control flipped. Talking about Julie and the show. They expect something else to happen this week.
Dick finishing his cigarette.
Amber is supposed to dye Dick's hair 'tomorrow'.
Daniele disappeared from the backyard.
Eric needs to shut up. Dick smiling at his words but occasionally his face changes to serious with his memory of the moment Eric is talking about...not a happy face, that angry, gonna get even face Dick makes.
Eric wondering where Dani went. Dick said to poop.
Eric going to try and force himself to sleep. Said the four of them should find a quiet time to just sit and laugh. "Guy Hug"....both headed inside.
Eric said he can't wait to play the veto. Dick and Eric into bathroom, Daniele not there so Dick's headed up to HOH. Eric into privy.
3:55 a.m. BBT
Daniele was laying down (boots on). She wants to know what he wants. She's sulking again. Dick wanted to say good night. Asks if she wants company or wants to talk... she says in her sharp, sulky way NO. Dick said he put in a request for....BIG BLUE
(I think Daniele's being sulky because her dad's in the house and she can't get rid of Eric the way she would otherwise.)
4:10AM BBT
Jen just sat straight up in bed.... sat there or a sec... got up, slid panel door open between rooms, walked through the kitchen to the bathroom.
Dick just sat up in bed, then lay down again.
Jen out of privy, rinses hands, looks in mirror, semi-squeezes a spot on her right cheek with her knuckles (weird...dick was doing the same to his forehead before bed) then heads back to bedroom... Dick up... they pass each other in the squeals of fright... she asks what's up... he say's he's not tired.
Dick outside to have another cigarette, spit... say's something about the psycho b*tch is effin' nuts. Keeps walking to the sliding doors to see if she's in the kitchen or not (guess it's time for Dick at Night...solo haha)... Dick thought Jen was sneaking in to see Eric.
4:18AM BBT
Dick keeps saying this game turns on an effing dime...unbelievable. Last week he was going home, this week he's talking about final four.
4:20AM BBT
Dick just said "Ouch"... rubbed his finger... say's "Smoking is hazardous to your health. My eye and now my finger."
He then uses the lit cigarette to burn a few hairs off of his leg. Pulls the hair straight out and singes it off.
4:25AM BBT
Finishes his cigarette, drinks some water, goes to the sliding doors, stretches and enters the kitchen. Walks through to bathroom, raps on privy door, no answer and heads in. Out, 'washing' his hands (take note of soap Jen haha0 and leaves bathroom... back through kitchen and in to bedroom. Closes sliding panel door between rooms, Jen changes position and Dick finally gets in bed.
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