All sleeping soundly
9:32AM BBT
Big Brother announces "Houseguests ... it is now time to get up for the day"!!
Then Blue Swirl!!!!!!!
9:47AM BBT
HG's are up and Jess & ED are eating cereal. Zach showering.
Brief conversation between ED & Jess about Jen sitting on couches by HOH evesdropping. no sign of other hg's... someone (I think Jess) called to DR. Jess... "What"
Amber now in bathroom.. doing make-up.. (all cameras on bathroom) Amber... called to DR.
Cameras change to Kitchen.. general convo. between Zach, ED & then Jen comes into Kitchen. about how restless ED was last night.
Zach had a dream about the POV last night... Dreamed he, Eric & ED were finalists.. and in speedo' they had to do a stripping contest... and Eric was winning!!! all four cameras on ED in bed. it is now 10:00AM BBT.
10:54AM BBT
Jam and Amb in the bathroom, Jam mmmummming and Amb whispering. Refer to any other occasion when she whispered and you know what she's repeating. They haven't chosen balls yet or competed. Amber said she doesn't want to get houseguest's choice. Said something about what they did to Dustin and Jam ummmhmmmed.
Eric walked into bathroom, asked how she slept... not well... fake smile to him.
Jameka saying her 'stomach is depleted'... Amber doesn't know what that means.... empty...flat is Jam's reply.
Eric back to bedroom, sitting on Jess' bed with her. Some whispers... all cams on them.
Eric whispering to Jessica, talking about the convos with Amber and Jameka yesterday, telling her what was said. Now they are talking about who should go this week. Eric doesn't think it would be in their best interest for Jen to go this week because then D&D still have Zach on their side. They have a better chance with Jen staying in. If D&D insist on Jen going this week, then they need to have a deal that Zach goes next week. Eric also said that if either of them play and win veto they should use it to take Jameka off the block, that way it keeps Daniele happy and Jameka and Amber happy.
11:15AM BBT
11:25AM BBT
POV Competition - Eric hosting, Dick, Zach and Jess playing Veto along with Dani, Jam and Amber.
11:40AM BBT
Eric just said he hopes the worst possible combination of people get to go on the trip. **Trip involved in POV, maybe?** Jen said when she heard it would be the first and second place winners that would go somewhere, she thought she hopes it won't be her and Dick. (before she knew she wasn't playing) Jessica said she hopes she wins so she can get out of the house. Jen said just hope you don't win with "him." (Dick)
Amber and Jam in the bathroom couch whispering about past noms maybe for veto. According to Amber, God put them in this position so that they win 1st and second place and go away together.
Eric Dani and Jess in LR couches whispering about POV and how it's going to go down.
12:45 p.m. BBT
Jen is not playing in the Veto Competition. Eric is hosting (and not playing, yet again...must be part of his contract lol) Everyone else is playing.
We have Trivia.
2:30 p.m. BBT
Daniele won POV and a trip. Amber also won the trip with Daniele ... don't know details.
Heard Daniele tell Dick in the bathroom downstairs that she is taking advantage of the opportunity. Asked what Dick thought.... he wasn't happy but said whatever, I guess.
Eric making dinner. Daniele sitting at counter, jen at table.
Jameka, when alone in backyard, said Thank You.
Jess is also sitting at counter.
All four cams in kitchen.
3:21 p.m. BBT
Eric, Jameka (removing beads and braids) and Dick sitting out back... talking about whether or not the already evicted HG's are happy or upset when their names come up. General concensus that Carol will just make it about her, unfortunately everything about Kail is pretty much negative but the three guys will think it's a hoot.
That's it except Jam occasionally letting bits of a song pass her lips.
Eric now saying everyone except him has been called to the DR.
all four cams on them.
3:28 p.m. BBT
Jen and Nick... possibly Mike were finalists for Survivor.
Eric thinks if any of them were on Survivor they would have starved or froze to death. Jerry (Mahafey) suggested Dick try for Survivor instead of BB... Dick told her it would kill him lol
3:39 p.m. BBT
Dick just said being on the block and being on the block after POV are two different things (ohhhhh)... packing, bags to Storage Room... waiting for Julie to call your name.
Eric chewing on his thumb nail. Jameka still working with beads/braids. Dick moving sitting.. talking about Danielle, Jason and Lisa. How Jason was never nominated and he was in final three but was evicted... so he never was on the block.
Dick did not like Jase... found him extremely annoying (we agree lol)
Talking about that season and how Nakomis or Alison or any of the others and how they would fit into this year's group. Not seeing a fit overall.
Dick is subdued.... sitting on end of couch closest... here's a shot ..
3:30PM BBT
Dick asks Eric how he survived childhood without learning to ride a bike. Eric says both he and his brother did so and Jam says she could see it happening.
3:50PM BBT
All feeds on Dick and Jameka outside talking about slop. Amber joins them with a bowl of slop.
Dick and Amber talking about POV comp.
Amber: i never thought of Zach as a sexy bunny, just cute.
Dick: yeah.
Dick: some of those i screwed up on.
Amber goes inside. Awkward with Dick and Jameka. Dick goes inside, Amber comes out to talk to Jameka. Amber & Jam talking about what deal Am should present to Dani for Dani to take her off.
4:20PM BBT
Dani just joined Am & Jam outside said "They won't tell me where we are going" re: trip. Jam Am & Dani talking about trip...possibly motorcycle involved...maybe a nice dinner. They think the trip may happen Sunday or Tuesday.
5:20PM BBT
Amber ask Jam "What if she doesn't offer me a deal?" talking about Dani she also asks "What if noms stay the same? I'll just die!" With that comment Jam leaves the big BR.
5:25PM BBT
Zach and ED in BY talking about Jam and how she thinks she has a chance in the game. ED saying how they can't let Amber win HOH next week and Jam can't win POV next week. If things go the way he wants. Zach asks what if Jen goes off after they put her up? ED says he said he won't go off on her and doesn't think Dani will go off on her either.
5:30PM BBT
Dani, Jess and Jen talking in the kitchen.
Zach and Dick in the backyard talking about Final 4 and POV and when it is discontinued.
5:40PM BBT
Dick and Jen speculating about where Dani and Amber will go on their trip.
Zach asks Dani about Final 3-4 and how POV works. Zach telling Dani how mean Jam and Amber are treating him. He says they are still miffed that Dustin went home. Dani says it's so nice to not have Dust in the house and Zach agrees . Dani says that Amber and Jam were nice to Zach last week. He says it's so weird how they changed.
6:03 p.m. BBT
Eric, Jameka, Jen and Jess talking in small bedroom... lighthearted chatter.
Dick and Zach out back.
Amber sleeping somewhere I suppose (big bedroom)
Dani was out back but left when her dad came back out.... She was complaining to Zach earlier that Dick is suddenly trying to be a parent, telling her to take her vitamins and all. She said "I'm an adult now. I'm so over people telling me what to do."
Daniele also told Dick earlier today, in the downstairs bathroom, that she was not going to change the nominations.
6:15PM BBT
Zach is trying to get a bit of a timeline from Dick on when "The Plan" came down during the week.
Dick: this has to be a very good season for the BB viewers, right from week two how everyone hated Jen and wanted her out and how I go off on her, then 10 minutes before HOH she wins and follows me around the house till I tell her to f*** off. Then the whole thing with Kail campaigning to get me out. My how the tables have turned. Then Jen and Kail going up week after week.
Zach: Yes, Dustin's face.
Dick: If it didn't happen then it would have been hard to get him out of here.
Dick: Think about that week, I win POV with the last f****** shot. (Dick moves closer to Zach) Of course then I'm on the block and don't even use it on myself. I win the Slop Pass and give that to Jen. And then I end up staying. It's a week of history in my life I will remember at 85 years old. I guarantee you my friends at the bar would be dead silent seeing I won. (Dick self Woo!'s himself)
Zach: Chess?
Dick: Alright ******* pest.
Zach: Well we have nothing else to do! They took our Beer Pong table away. (Meaning the kitchen table is now reduced).
They both walk inside and stop to contemplate whether the breakfast counter may actually work as a Beer Pong table. They begin to "test" it out.
The only other sign of life in the house is Eric and Jessica in the bedroom in the same bed, and Jameka in a bed near them. All 3 are playing True or False.
Everyone else in the house must be napping.
6:45PM BBT
Dick has now joined Amber & is standing by the hammock talking about today's POV comp. He says "No offence, but the POV comp didn't mean sh*t to me, I'm glad Danielle won, though, cuz of her b-day & everything". They talk about a trip that Amber won & she is excited about going & Dick says he is glad that she won it. He says something about her getting to see Dustin & hang out with him. Dick also mentions that he doesn't know what it going to happen, though, you never know. Dick hits the tether ball on the way back to his usual smoking area & you hear the flick of a bic.
9:15PM BBT
Two feeds on Danielle and Zach in the HOH talking about possibly back dooring Jen at the POV ceremony tomorrow. Danielle saying what she would say with her speech, and lots of Jen bashing.
Other two feeds are on Jameka and Amber in the hammock discussing their possibly not going home. They hope that Danielle backdoors Zach, but just don't know what she might do.
Danielle and Zach are talking about her car and making the payments ahead before coming in the BB house. Said she drives a white 2000 Eclipse. Said she has a little teddy bear on her rear view mirror.
Jameka and Amber going over each and every question and their answers and a lot of what if's in the POV competition. Amber says it was the worst competition yet. Jameka says it was so stressful. Now they are talking about coming to see each other after the game and going dancing. Jameka wants a promise she will come to her town. Someone sings and we get trivia.
9:30PM BBT
This just in, Amber says she had a little crush on Dustin. Said he was the best boyfriend ever. Said he gave the best good night hugs ever!
9:43PM BBT
Danielle says it drives her crazy to see how often Jen looks at her b*tt.
Danielle: Every single person wanted Jen out since Day 1, not Week 1. I'm putting my foot down and for my birthday I want her gone!
Zach: We were sitting and she starts dropping all these names.
Danielle: I can't handle it, I dont' care who you know or how you think you know them, it doesn't make a person cool and doesn't impress me. I think my dad is the worst at dropping names, and he always repeats the same stories. Its so obnoxious and I've said it more than once too!
Zach: Still waiting for JEss and Eric to hook up, I think it will be another week.
Danielle: I don't care.
Zach: What if we make them hook up.
Danielle: No that would not be nice. I guess Julie asked her about Eric.
Zach and Dani have been chatting about real life, Nick and bashing Jen for quite a while now.
Eric joins Zach and Dani in HOH and they talk about Jen and how she keeps following everyone around.
Eric: Jen has been "hot on my tail"
Dani: How about her complaining about the food tonight at dinner?
Eric: I thought she complains every f*cking time at the dinner table. She threw a fit at Jameka's birthday about the cake melting.
Dani: She complains about everything, I'm so sick of her mouth.
Dani: Yesterday we baked cookies and I made a cookie, and it looked like poop, so I took it and smeared it on the bathroom seat, then my dad went in and says its disgusting, then Jameka was super p*ssed and cleaned it.
Eric: You guys missed when me, jam, amber and jess are in the little room playing a gain and suddenly in the middle of the game Jameka and Jen suddenly stop and started whispering for 1/2 an hour. The rest of us are sitting there and it was so uncomfortable and terrible.
Dick pops his head in the HOH doorway to tell them he's ready to play pong.
Eric: Have either of you seen Jen's "beard" in the hot tub?
Dani: I want all of us to go into DR and do a montage of Jen.
Eric: When the little bubbles happen to her they coat her face and it accentuates her and it shows like full on hair, cuz you can see it when the bubbles attach to the face and her hairs on there. Next time it happens I'll give you a signal Zach.
The 3 of them leave the HOH and walk downstairs.
10:25PM BBT
Everyone inside is playing quarters. Jameka and Amber are still outside on the hammock talking about all the other houseguests.
They stopped quarters and Jameka wanted them to do the true or false game..
Dick and Zach were outside, Dani came out and then Jen.
A spider dropped on Dani, she freaked and went inside.. Zach followed (he had already asked if he could go listen to her cd) .. So Zach and Dani ended up in HOH and the rest started a loud game where they slide quarters across the table and are very loud. NO idea of the rules. Jameka Jess, Eric and Amber seem to be the players. Dick and Jen watching.
From things Dick, Dani and Zach have said, Jen will be going up on the block.
12:17AM BBT
Dick sitting outside talking to cams about Daniele - She needs me when she needs me, and doesn't when she doesn't, same effin BS all the time. Dick gets up from the couch and walks back inside the house, where the downstairs crew are yelling. He walks to the bathroom where Jen is and past her without saying a word, into the toilet area.
Jen is finishing brushing her teeth. She puts cosmetic items away. She takes her water bottle and leaves the area. The cam faces the toilet door, awaiting Dick to come out. He exits and pulls open a drawer and his tooth brush saying to himself, "I'm so tired". He goes to brush his teeth.
12:30AM BBT
The air is filled with the background loud noise of Jessica yelling in the kitchen, while they still play their game.
Dick finishes brushing his teeth and leaves and goes into the kitchen and sits down at the breakfast counter to watch the game players. Eric is stretched on the table to check something out. Jameka and Amber await a decision on a Quarter move. Dick watches them with his feet stretched out on the breakfast counter. Eric does some happy dance, while Jessica says, "cheater, cheater".
Eric and Jessica continue to sit flirting with each other. Jessica gets up and goes outside, where Jameka is and picks up a croquet club and swings it around with Jameka. Amber comes outside. Dick and Eric are left in the kitchen.
Dick and Eric talk about someone's ball not coming out - Jen's to play the POV. Then continue to "Jen Bash". Dick mocks at Jen saying Jameka is a "sitting duck".
1:20AM BBT
Everyone has gone to sleep, except for Eric, Jessica and Jameka who are out in the backyard on the loungers. Eric tells them that Dick told him that Zach threw the veto so Dick would get it last week.
Eric also feels that Dick is in an alliance with Zach and has been since Nick left. They also talk about how they felt it was not fair that Nick was allowed to send a letter when Danielle became HOH. They felt that Nick mentioned Zach's name, when he did not like him in the house, was a signal to Daniele.
Eric also comments on it being embarassing that Danielle is in the house, and requests a letter from someone she's known for 3 weeks, instead of a boyfriend she's been with for 2 1/2 years.
3:23AM BBT
F3/4: Eric and Jessica in the backyard. Jameka left them about 20 minutes ago but is just now getting into bed on F1/2.
Eric tells Jessica he's going to need her help getting Jameka's vote just in case Daniele puts him up. Eric is assuming Jen's going to go up and they have to think about what to do. They could solidify with Jen (and keep her) and it would be Jen, Eric, and Jessica against Dick for HOH. If they go with Dick and Daniele and evict Jen, Eric would put up Zach and Jameka with the intention of getting Zach out.
Eric says they don't need to decide until later this week. He says their deal with Dick and Daniele has already paid dividends because they would have otherwise been up this week. Eric says Dick and Daniele realize that Eric hasn't been trying hard to win HOH.
Eric says he feels badly talking to Jameka like that (Jessica says "I know.") but at the same time, he really feels that way about Dick, Daniele, and Zach (badmouthing them to Jameka). He thinks they should keep on lying to Jameka and Amber about having a deal with Dick and Daniele. Jessica agrees.
4:25AM BBT
Eric says Jessica tends to escalate situations pretty quickly; gets fired up. In a long-winded way, Eric says he trusts her and hopes she trusts him. He's worried that people will approach her and try to make her distrust him. If they approach him to try the same thing, he would tell them to f' off and hopes she would do the same.
Jessica asks if it's her turn (to speak) now. She says that's the difference between them, she listens to everything and won't tell them to f' off. She gives an example about Amber and Eric interrupts with a diatribe against Amber.
4:30AM BBT
Eric says all the problems between the two of them are all because of the game. Outside the house, they would probably be married by now. Jessica: "I know."
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