Jess and Eric are in the backyard hammock. Eric ranting and putting down every HG. Says I f.. hate every HG left in the house (mentions them all by name except for Jameka). Says seriously I don’t want to see any of them again once we leave this house. Eric also talks about he thinks Dick and Dani are really popular with the tv viewers. Jess wants to know why he feels that way. He says he thinks Dani is like Janelle and that Dick has been involved with everything that has gone in the house. Eric tells Jess that he thought he would miss Dustin but hasn’t and doesn’t have any remorse about getting him out.
Eric then asks Jess if she is the type of person that is jealous of her boyfriends. At first Jess says no, then says yes I am probably. Eric starts going through different scenarios about different relationships he has with girls and asks if Jess would be jealous of that. Example he has a really close friendship with a girl but she already has a boyfriend, would she be jealous? Jess asks if the girl didn’t have a BF would Eric want to go out with her? Eric: No. Jess: No; Jess then asks if Eric ever considered having a threesome with this girl. Eric: Yes; Jess: Yes, I would be jealous. Eric then uses other examples: Let’s say I talked to this girl a lot online, etc. etc. Jess says yes to almost all examples he gives. Eric finally says, well then, in other words, I couldn’t have any female friends if I was dating you.
Eric: If I was on survivor and knew I was going home, I would pretty much destroy the shelter, get rid of all the food etc. to make sure there was nothing left when I left. Jess says she would do that too.
5:10 AM BBT
Now Eric announces he has to pee. Jess says me too and then head inside. Eric wants to know if she wants to go first or second. Jess goes first. Eric says he can hear her. Jess: You can? It is really warm. Eric: Your pee? Jess: Yes. Eric: Is it going all over you? Jess: No but I can feel it cause my body is cold. Eric now goes and comes out and says I thought about it but couldn’t tell if it was warm or not;
Jess says I have another questions for you and before she asks Dick and walks into the bathroom. Looks like he just woke up. Dicks goes in to use the bathroom. Comes out and washes hands and leaves. As he is leaving Jess says to Dick have fun with Jen.
Eric wants to know if Jess is going to bed or wants to go outside. Jess says she is going to stay up, not tired. They decide to back outside.
More general chit chat on the lounge. Eric: Basically we have been alone out here for the last couple of hours so the “watchers” have probably been listening to every word we have said. Now talking about the people “in the wall” and we get trivia. Comes back to Jess asking Eric how would all his girls react to a new “girl” coming into his life. Eric wants to know why they are having this conversation. Jess, just curious; Eric: why, are you trying to find out what kind of boyfriend I would be? Jess: No. Okay, they are continuing along this line of convo.
Eric: Talks of what is appropriate or not appropriate behavior. I hate when my GF’s male friends talk shit about me. That makes me furious and I would hate those people for the rest of my life. If girls act inappropriate, for example, the way Amber touches the guys in here all the time, poking at them or touching their penis, that I don’t like.
Can’t see Dick but can hear him yell something to Eric. Eric says ok. Dick comes out and says now I can’t get back to sleep and sits on the lounger next to Eric/Jess.
Talk turns to game. Talk of what were the chances of Jen’s ball not being picked. Eric says Jen told him she would not have won that anyway, didn’t have any of the answers right. Now not sure who Dick is referring to saying, I hate these people, I have this place, I want to go home. Eric then says well I hate these people too.
Eric: I always think about the whole LA crew going out together (after the show), you (Dick), Jen, Mike etc.
Dick: I don’t think so, couldn’t understand what Jen ever says.
Eric: I can see you going out for a short evening.
Dick: No, not even. I would delete her off my e-mail list.
Eric: Jen would probably write you these long e-mails.
Eric: I know I will probably end up staying in touch with people that I didn’t think I would and then not stay in touch with people I thought I would.
Dick: Yeah, in the DR, I said I would stay in touch with you (Eric) cause I go to NY a lot.
Now all wonder what Dustin is doing in sequester. Eric says he thought about and can see scenarios where Dustin was really in control and probably would have won the whole thing. I don’t think people here thought Dustin was on the pecking order for a long time so it was a big surprise. Dick talks about Jen asking him how he managed to stay and get Dustin out. And then says Zach told him (Dick) that he planted a lot of seeds toward him (Dustin) to get him out for Dick.
Eric says this game has pretty well been dominated by 5 or 6 people in the house. The rest are along the ride. The story lines have been focused on these 5-6.
Talking about Julie Chen’s questions: Why did God put you in the game? How did you feel when Amber went off on Eric? Eric says Zach has been asked one question all 7 weeks and Jen has been asked a question almost every week. Then, Dani you won HOH, but now I want to talk to your Dad.
Now talk about how Jen will act when she goes up. Thinks Jen will go bonkers. Even though she has been up before has never been up long enough to have to pack her bags. Dick: We'll get Jen out this week, Amber next, then either Zach or Jam - see how it goes. Jess agrees with him. Dick: But Amber has been so close in the last two comps, makes me nervous. Eric agrees, says Amber has stepped up since Dustin left. Says Amber has been playing hard, not sure if she is playing well, but she is playing hard. Jess says I like her better now that Dustin is gone. Eric: They were a bratty duo to say the least. Dick: My high point was beating him in the veto comp. He was so cocky, what a tool. The worst part was the thought of leaving Dani when Jen and Zach. Dani would say, look what you are leaving me with.
Eric: I think we just went through our game defining moment and then something will happen again at the end. Dick: Yeah, but there is a twist coming up. Who knows what that will be and how it will change. We (the 4) will just have to compare notes and see what we can come up. Now joking about what the twist will be.
Eric, Dick and Jess discussing Zach and how horrible he is at comps. The toss around the idea of getting rid of him before Jameka. They continue to bash Zach's game of kissing up to each HOH.
Now they are discussing the ppl that say "I never watch the show", then contradict themselves in their conversations.
Now onto Jen.. she's bizarre, from another planet, what does America think of her, etc.
Begin to discuss Dustin, his volunteering to go up on the block, his exit.
Dick points out the sunrise. Eric says to Jess - "It's our first" ***Awwwwwwww***
ED does small happy dance, I can't wait to see Jen's jaw drop - I am gonna be staring at her face the whole time. They are discussing the goodbye messages, and how they will affect the jury votes.
6:30AM BBT
Back from Trivia
They are discussing the JEDD alliance and how they can really control this game.
ED: When do you think Dani & Amber will go on their "lil thing", can't be Wednesday, they need to campaign. ED thinks today would be a good day, not a lot going on. Talk of how leaving the house while being nommed is not a good idea.
ED to Jess: How do you think Carol feels about how well you are doing?
J: She probably killed herself Wonder if they would tell us if that happened?
A little discussing of 9/11 and how they told the house guests. ED not sure which season that was. E says it was season 2.
ED thinks it was so funny on the morning of Dustin's eviction that one of the wake up songs was "God save the Queen".
Going over this past week's competitions.
ED lets out a big yawn
E&J: I am not tired at all
Jess starts singing and we get Trivia.
Dick has gone to bed - Eric and Jess kidding around talking about "if" they were dating what would make them mad at each other outside house for instance - if he brought her home the wrong order from a fast food place. It is all light and fun and silly stuff.
Eric tried using Jess's shoulder for a pillow - but it was too "bony". Jess didn't seem to be too impressed. Jess wants to know how Jameka would answer some of their questions. There was a Hate Jessica club in high school - started by her ex boyfriend. Seem to be laying very close - but Jess afraid of "x-ray" cameras.
7:15AM BBT
Close up looks like Jess has head on Eric's shoulder - Eric resting head on Jess's head. Lots of MMMMs, trying to go to sleep, but keep talking. Eric: your hair is tickling my face. He lifts it up.
Speculating they maybe they are the focal point of the show - cross dressing, jumping jacks, aligning with enemies & their "relationship".
Eric explaining his overall strategy - looks like Jess is falling asleep.
7:20AM BBT
Eric: Do you do laundry ever - or would I have to do that? Jess: My mom still does my laundry. I know how, but.....
Eric: What part of you should I be excited to get? Jess: All of me!
7:30AM BBT
Eric to Jess: "We are way better than Daniele and Nick ever were" Eric telling Jess that the note that Nick sent to Dani was "gay gay gay" and that she will never get anything "that queer" from him in "30 years of marriage" as well as saying he's thinking of ripping up the note that Nick sent.
Eric was asking if she thinks that America is upset that he said "EFF you, America!" last night. Jess: "I hate all Big Brother fans. That's it."
7:45AM BBT
Eric and Jess discuss Jess' boob size and her perfect body.
Eric: "Do you think that anyone has spent the last 5 hours watching us? To those who have watched us for the last 5 hours - we appreciated it - look for our spin off show - and nuptials better than Rob & Amber's.
Finally Eric and Jess are going to bed. Leaving the back yard....
7:55AM BBT
Jess in bed in the big bedroom.
Eric is undressing and crawls into bed in the small bedroom.
12:30PM BBT
Zach gets up, takes a shower, and plucks his nose hairs.
Jen is still sleeping in the round room. And the rest are still sound asleep in their beds.
1:35PM BBT
cam 1: HG's sleeping
cam 2: Jen working out
cam 3 & 4: Dick and Zack talking in the kitchen about jobs and presidents
Dani, Zack, and Jen are all now laying out in the BY not really talking about much Cam 1 is on a sleeping hg(jameka maybe)
Jen: laughing, the camera just got me, dropping slop out of my mouth and then eating it off my stomach
Dani: lovely
Zach: there will be a monologue about that
Jen: well i just took a shower (more laughing)
now talk has moved onto Sushi
2:15PM BBT
Amber is up going back in forth from the kitchen to the BR, she looks like she put on sun tan lotion and planning on laying out, she has her suit on and some yellow shorts with it.
Now Jen, Zach, and Dani are talking about slop again...Zach jumps in pool and is hollering like a pirate..yes matey's
2:25PM BBT
Dani: i dont have any feed on
Zack: where are you sun
Jen: its there
Zach: oh my legs(high pitched voice)
cam 1 is on Jessica sleeping and rolling around
Zach:southwest, nope jet blue(plane going overhead)
Cam 2 on Eric sleeping
Zach: where did you celebrate your 21st bday
Dani: i was in ?habasoo?
Zach: you were?
Dani: yea but it was with Kris and his family. They have a speedboat and a pontoon boat and his parents have a house out there
Zach:so is it pretty nice out there?
Dani: yea
Zach: is it on the river or no?
Dani:uhm, not on the river, but its not that far
Zach: did you guys go out to like the stuff out there?
Dani: like what?
Zach: like poconos, or?
Dani: no we went to uhm,
Zach: red room?
Dani:no, I dont know its not like
Zach: i know but it was your 21st bday so i figured you might don't know got a cocktail somewhere
Zach: did you go kneeboarding or anything
Dani: i tried wake boarding or wait did i go wake boarding, i didn't try wakeboarding. i went waterskiing
Zach:really with one ski or two?
Dani: with two and i was so close to getting up every single time but then i coundn't, i blocked knees
Zach: waterskiing with 2 skis is very hard
Dani: it is then they all skiied and wake boarded and then we did like the raft thing too and it was really fun
Zach: the rafting
Dani: the tubing i don't know what you call it
.......and the talk continues
Amber has joined outside laying out in the sun with the group, talking about Amber having a new bathing suit and it being day 51.
3:15PM BBT
Amber please go to the DR(still laying out)
dani:what else would they be telling you guys
amber: maybe something about slop
dani: ohhhh ouch, its hot
Amber gets shirt back on and goes into DR.
Zach is yelling something across the yard not quite sure what
Dani: shut up
Zach sits back next to Dani on the lounge chair
Dani: its hot
Ddani: its hot
Zach: why don't you jump in the pool
Dani: no
Zach: why not?
Dani: *sigh*
Zach: does Kris work out or no?
Dani: he used to, not since ive dated him
Zach: man, there's been a lot of stuff that he's given up since he's been dating you
Dani: i know isn't that sad?
Zach:the gym, drinking, which is a good thing
Dani: caring about a lot of things is not a good thing
Zach: thats not true..
Dani: yea it is
Zach: caring about a lot of things?
Dani: well i mean, having to deal with like, working out and stuff like that, you know when you feel comfortable with somebody, like thats cool and like everyting, and i don't care, but at the same time i think you should care like try to impress the person your with no matter how long you have been with them..
Zach: you sound like my ex
Dani: i don't know, that's just how i feel
Dani: what'd you say
Zach: you sound like my ex
Dani: i think that's (?) why wouldnt you?
Zach: i think if she saw me now she would be like Holy S**
Dani: good way or bad way?
Zach: good way
Dani giggles
Zach: shut up
4:04PM BBT
Quad Cams and all are on Dick and Zach
Zach: its 4 o'clock and Eric and Jess are still sleeping
Dick:they were up til, oh G**, til 7 or 8
Zach:doing what
4:08PM BBT
Dick and Jameka in BY on the couch
Dick: i got up and uhm i went to bed got up at 6
......and then Foth for a second
Jameka: wow
Dick: and uh, i stayed up with them for maybe a couple of hours 5-530 something like that bs'ing with them for an 1 1/2 hrs and went back to bed, got up about 10 or 11, no 11:30, went back to bed for a few hrs
Dick: i was so tired yesterday dont know why
Jameka: ehh i dont know, its a stress free week for you
Dick: is it ever a stress free week in here,not as stressful as last week
Jameka:yea your right
4:11PM BBT
Jameka:oh my gosh, did you hear ??? sitting next to Joe and Dustin
Dick: I am the penicillin next to gonorhea...I am probably Joe's hero, he's gonna want to kiss me at the wrap party
Jameka: yea, that would be bittersweet
Dick:how can Joe blame me for him getting booted
Jameka: no he won't
Dick: it was his own doing,he was thrilled, he was P** that dustin was here because he was the one who auditioned wanted to be on the show and Dustin didn't and i've seen Dustin get so deep in the game without any threats must've P** him off, but i'm sure Joe was thrilled when he(dustin) got the boot
Jameka: maybe he thought he would've gotten some of that money
Dick: naw no way
Jameka: no(both laughing)
4:28PM BBT
Dick is doing cannonballs into the pool while Zack watches, Jameka laying on the couch in BY
BBVoice: Daniele please go to the DR
4:30PM BBT
As Dani is called to the DR, Zach thinks they are going to close the backyard for her birthday party.
5:10PM BBT
Dani is called back in to the DR. Jess and Jameka think something is going on. Almost immediately, Eric is called to the Diary Room.
5:30PM BBT
Jen told Dani that the DR asked her who she thought the replacement nominee would be.
6:15PM BBT
All feeds are on the bathroom. Jameka is showering and Amber is sitting on the couch. Jameka tells Amber that if she wins HOH, to only agree to not putting Daniele up.
Right after talking to Jameka, Amber and Eric are talking ... Eric asked Amber if she would be willing to make a deal with Daniele and she shook her head and said no.
6:20PM BBT
Eric in BY with Jen pretending to be clueless about whether the veto will be used, tells her it could be either of them up on the block. Jen is pushing putting up Dick/Dani for anyone that gets the HOH next time - she wants one of them gone. Eric tells Jen not to worry about a replacement nominee till tomorrow. They think it will be either one of them. Jen saying she would be safe if she is up because she has Eric/Jessica and Zach's vote. Eric again recapping how BB works. Eric thinks the 4 biggest targets in the house are Eric/Jen/Dick/Dani. Jen thinks if Dick is on the block, Dick needs to go! Eric says the 5 that stay will go against Dick next week. (don't know if he is being honest or not). Eric says if Dani uses the veto, it will be a wasted HOH again since the person who stays on the block will go. Talk about pairs, Eric and Jess, Jen talks about her not having a partner. Eric telling Jen that most likely they will keep it the same - but they (D/D) lie all the time and they can't be trusted. Jen thinks that Dani would try to backdoor her but she thinks it will happen in the future (not in this week though). Jen asks Eric how is she a threat? Eric replies because she wins competitions.
6:30PM BBT
Jen telling Eric that Dick can't be mean to her because he needs her vote in the end if she is in the jury. Jen thinks she won't win 1st, she has been asking for 2nd place. Eric talks a bit negatively about Dick and Jen asks Eric if that is a reason he wants to keep Dick in the house. He doesn't seem to hear the question and Eric asks what? But Jen doesn't ask the question again. Talk about ants. Eric says everyone hates everyone and no one trusts anyone, Jen laughs.
6:37PM BBT
Jen says to Eric that she would not win if she is in the final two and he says that he would have her vote if she were to be in the final 2 and Jen still doesn't believe she'd win.
6:40PM BBT
Eric now talking to Dick, telling him about the talk with Jen. Eric telling Dick that she gained 30 lbs and Dick says he is looking forward to seeing Jen being miserable. Dick says Jen is in her own world, she is in another universe. Both Eric and Dick bashing Jen.
Trivia and back
Amber and Dani talk about the 1st day in the house.
Amber telling Dani what Eric told her "He said not to worry..and that thats how they work and that they will probably back door someone.... how can I not worry tho??"
Dani "I don't want you to go this week... I can honestly tell you that.. I can make you a deal, don't put me up next week'
Amber "I won't put you up, I swear on God and my daughter..... I feel my time's coming.. I won't put you up.. even 2...3 weeks down"
Amber tells Dani that she would vote Jameka out if that's what Dani wanted. She says that Dani is keeping her in the game by using the veto on her so she would vote whoever Dani wanted her to vote out.
Amber: "Have Jameka and I ever talked about taking each other to the final 2? no. Have Jameka and I ever talked about forming an alliance? no."
Amber: "I swear on my daughter that when Dustin would say stuff about you I would say 'don't. stop.' and I would tell him to stop being so rude."
Amber: "I won't say anything about this to anyone. Not even Jameka"
Finished conversation with a big hug and beginning of Amber tearing up.
7:15PM BBT
Amber & Jam in bathroom... Jam putting curlers in hair... Amber quiet on couch....Jen enters, offers to make the olive recipe for the sloppers "after she pees"
The rest of the HGs are having dinner together in the kitchen.
Jameka: "Did you talk?"
Amber: "I promised her I wouldn't say anything. but I'm gonna tell you anyway. It was a good talk, but I promised I wouldn't tell, so you have to act like you don't know"
Amber tells Jam to go meet her in the B.Y in a few mins so they can talk in private.
7:20PM BBT
Eric to Dani.. I'm assuming your celebration is next Sunday. I think it might be tomorrow.
7:30PM BBT
Amber telling Jameka about the deal with Dani, also said she told her she wouldn't put her up if she ever wins HOH
7:42 P.M. BBT
Amber met with Daniele in the HOH. Amber sold her soul, and Jameka's, in order to stay in the house. She told Daniele that if she, Daniele, used the POV on her, that she wouldn't put her up or backdoor her if/when she got HOH next week.
Daniele indicated that she would think about it, that Amber wasn't going home this week, she didn't want her out this week. Amber asked who the target was, naming Jen and Eric. Daniele only smiled and didn't tell her. Amber is under the impression that Daniele will use it on her (and maybe she will) and hugged Dani and thanked her again and again. Daniele told her to wipe the smile off her face and said 'what veto'... and told Amber not to tell anyone.
They left the HOH... Daniele to the kitchen to eat dinner with the non-sloppers and Jen (eating slop) and Amber headed into the bathroom, waiting for Jam to finish rolling her hair.
They, Amb and Jam, went into the bedroom, where Jam put her bonnet hairdryer on (thanks for that *eyeroll*) and proceeded to tell Jameka 'her version' of her conversation with Daniele. She said I told her like about, like, you know, like a million times.
BB just announced an outside lockdown.
Thinking maybe it'll be cake.
Jameka unplugging her hairdryer.... Jen changing out of workout clothes or bathing suit and putting on a shift and panties. Daniele out back saying her birthday isn't until tomorrow.
Jameka took her hairdryer outside and is plugging it in LOL
8:30 p.m. BBT
Cookies from George, a friends mother (Georgieanna... Lyndie's mom), Bath and Body Works stuff, card with pictures on it, birthday hats, of course, cupcakes... more cards....
Back to see Daniele blow out the candles (guess they didn't want to pay royalties for Happy Birthday... how cheap is that?!)
Red Velvet cupcakes... her favorites.
Jameka removed half her curlers and went to the freezer and got ice cream. Jen's mouth is watering but I don't know if she can have any.
Amber, Jameka and Jen at table too... party hats on, but they can't have any (that stinks!)
Zach just asked Daniele what she wants Eric to do for her birthday. Dick said lick my nipples... a few comments... Dick said not my daughters! LOL Daniele said let's change the subject.
The cupcakes are extremely rich. Zach only had one.... but he's having a cookie too.
Dick having another half of a cupcake.
Daniele talking about her dog... when he was a puff he was a tiny little puffball. Mustafo.
Paul is a friend, too. Dick saying that Paul is a good guy. Daniele said he's the kind of friend who would die for you.
Dick eating the other half of the second cupcake.
Some of them are chocolate.
Daniele just took her gifts up to her room. Her dad came up behind her and wished her a happy birthday... she didn't even look at him and said 'thank you' in her 'special voice'

8:50 pm
Dani is sitting alone in her HOH room, sighing and looking upset. Very sad look on her face.
Now she's reading her birthday card, closes it and puts it away. Now reading a letter.
She's finished the letter and now just sitting there stone faced, staring.
9 pm
Dani gets up and tapes the Happy Birthday sign over her bed, walks around, gets a drink of something from the fridge, goes back downstairs, asks Amber where is everybody so Amber gives her the rundown of where everybody is.
Dick may have messed up Danieles age lie... Daniele has a frozen look, and jen asking if daniele is 21, 22, or 23
Dick says "not another landmark birthday til "35" or "40 (forget which one)..
Dick asking Jess what's up with her and Eric, Jess brushes off the question and says that Eric is the person "she feels closest to" in the house
Amber asks Dani if she's thought about what she's going to say tomorrow, Dani says she has no idea.
Dick trying to talk to Dani. Everything he asks she says, "Nope," being very short with him.
Dani and Dick sitting in silence in kitchen, Dani clearly upset about something, refuses offer to talk about it
Dick and Dani sitting in silence in the kitchen. He asks if she wants to swing on the hammock a bit. She says quietly, "No." He didn't hear and says, "Is that a no?" She doesn't answer. He said is there anything I can do? She says, "Do what?" He says I just wish I could make you feel better. No response. Jameka comes in.
Dick, "It's your birthday. Is there anything in particular you'd like to do?" Dani says, "It's not my birthday." He says it will be in 2 1/2 hours. Dani says, "I'm going upstairs." He tells her if there's anything he can do, let him know.
9:15 pm
Dani goes upstairs, sits on bed and puts her headphones on. Feeds switch.
Brief shot of Dani sniffling under the covers in HOH before switching away
9:20 pm
Dick and Amber in BY
Dick says to Amber, "It's a sad state of affairs when the cameras are following Zach around."
Amber says, "America's Choice." Dick comments about 35% sexiest in bunny outfit. He then says he's sure Daniele got the highest percentage and that America probably sees Jen for the skank she really is. Amber is just kind of going along with whatever he says.
Zach creeps outside of HoH room for a bit then decides to play chess alone.
he rang the HOH doorbell. Dani didn't answer
Amber asks Dick, "I wonder how many interviews we get to go on when we leave the show."
Dick says probably not that many. They talk about Julie's interview and Housecalls. Amber asks what HC is and Dick explains it to her.
Nothing much going on tonight.. Dani's Birthday Party.. [Dani looks so sad]
They play a "spin the beer can" game.. asked some good questions.. but it landed on Jessica instead of Eric.. [question being who cast the phantom vote?]
And.. who put the mustard on the bed???
But .. mostly wrong answers.
7:42 P.M. BBT
Amber met with Daniele in the HOH. Amber sold her soul, and Jameka's, in order to stay in the house. She told Daniele that if she, Daniele, used the POV on her, that she wouldn't put her up or backdoor her if/when she got HOH next week.
Daniele indicated that she would think about it, that Amber wasn't going home this week, she didn't want her out this week. Amber asked who the target was, naming Jen and Eric. Daniele only smiled and didn't tell her. Amber is under the impression that Daniele will use it on her (and maybe she will) and hugged Dani and thanked her again and again. Daniele told her to wipe the smile off her face and said 'what veto'... and told Amber not to tell anyone.
They left the HOH... Daniele to the kitchen to eat dinner with the non-sloppers and Jen (eating slop) and Amber headed into the bathroom, waiting for Jam to finish rolling her hair.
They, Amb and Jam, went into the bedroom, where Jam put her bonnet hairdryer on (thanks for that *eyeroll*) and proceeded to tell Jameka 'her version' of her conversation with Daniele. She said I told her like about, like, you know, like a million times.
BB just announced an outside lockdown.
Thinking maybe it'll be cake.
Jameka unplugging her hairdryer.... Jen changing out of workout clothes or bathing suit and putting on a shift and panties. Daniele out back saying her birthday isn't until tomorrow.
Jameka took her hairdryer outside and is plugging it in LOL
8:30 p.m. BBT
Cookies from George, a friends mother (Georgieanna... Lyndie's mom), Bath and Body Works stuff, card with pictures on it, birthday hats, of course, cupcakes... more cards....
Back to see Daniele blow out the candles (guess they didn't want to pay royalties for Happy Birthday... how cheap is that?!)
Red Velvet cupcakes... her favorites.
Jameka removed half her curlers and went to the freezer and got ice cream. Jen's mouth is watering but I don't know if she can have any.
Amber, Jameka and Jen at table too... party hats on, but they can't have any (that stinks!)
Zach just asked Daniele what she wants Eric to do for her birthday. Dick said lick my nipples... a few comments... Dick said not my daughters! LOL Daniele said let's change the subject.
The cupcakes are extremely rich. Zach only had one.... but he's having a cookie too.
Dick having another half of a cupcake.
Daniele talking about her dog... when he was a puff he was a tiny little puffball. Mustafo.
Paul is a friend, too. Dick saying that Paul is a good guy. Daniele said he's the kind of friend who would die for you.
Dick eating the other half of the second cupcake.
Some of them are chocolate.
Daniele just took her gifts up to her room. Her dad came up behind her and wished her a happy birthday... she didn't even look at him and said 'thank you' in her 'special voice'
8:50 pm
Dani is sitting alone in her HOH room, sighing and looking upset. Very sad look on her face.
Now she's reading her birthday card, closes it and puts it away. Now reading a letter.
She's finished the letter and now just sitting there stone faced, staring.
9 pm
Dani gets up and tapes the Happy Birthday sign over her bed, walks around, gets a drink of something from the fridge, goes back downstairs, asks Amber where is everybody so Amber gives her the rundown of where everybody is.
Dick may have messed up Danieles age lie... Daniele has a frozen look, and jen asking if daniele is 21, 22, or 23
Dick says "not another landmark birthday til "35" or "40 (forget which one)..
Dick asking Jess what's up with her and Eric, Jess brushes off the question and says that Eric is the person "she feels closest to" in the house
Amber asks Dani if she's thought about what she's going to say tomorrow, Dani says she has no idea.
Dick trying to talk to Dani. Everything he asks she says, "Nope," being very short with him.
Dani and Dick sitting in silence in kitchen, Dani clearly upset about something, refuses offer to talk about it
Dick and Dani sitting in silence in the kitchen. He asks if she wants to swing on the hammock a bit. She says quietly, "No." He didn't hear and says, "Is that a no?" She doesn't answer. He said is there anything I can do? She says, "Do what?" He says I just wish I could make you feel better. No response. Jameka comes in.
Dick, "It's your birthday. Is there anything in particular you'd like to do?" Dani says, "It's not my birthday." He says it will be in 2 1/2 hours. Dani says, "I'm going upstairs." He tells her if there's anything he can do, let him know.
9:15 pm
Dani goes upstairs, sits on bed and puts her headphones on. Feeds switch.
Brief shot of Dani sniffling under the covers in HOH before switching away
9:20 pm
Dick and Amber in BY
Dick says to Amber, "It's a sad state of affairs when the cameras are following Zach around."
Amber says, "America's Choice." Dick comments about 35% sexiest in bunny outfit. He then says he's sure Daniele got the highest percentage and that America probably sees Jen for the skank she really is. Amber is just kind of going along with whatever he says.
Zach creeps outside of HoH room for a bit then decides to play chess alone.
he rang the HOH doorbell. Dani didn't answer
Amber asks Dick, "I wonder how many interviews we get to go on when we leave the show."
Dick says probably not that many. They talk about Julie's interview and Housecalls. Amber asks what HC is and Dick explains it to her.
Nothing much going on tonight.. Dani's Birthday Party.. [Dani looks so sad]
They play a "spin the beer can" game.. asked some good questions.. but it landed on Jessica instead of Eric.. [question being who cast the phantom vote?]
And.. who put the mustard on the bed???
But .. mostly wrong answers.
12:15AM BBT
Eric is wearing Jen's bikini and Zach is wearing her unitard, laughs all around. Eric doing cartwheels in her bikini. He runs into a room and then puts shorts over to take the bikini bottom off. Eric says his boy parts were coming out the bottom.
12:37AM BBT
Eric and Jameka are in the small bedroom where he's telling her that she is not D&D's target this week. That if she is left on the block she has Jess and his and Amber's vote. She will stay. She keeps up her "mmmm hmmmm's" Dani tells Jess to go joke with Jameka and Eric. Go in and tell Eric that "Don't waste your time talking game to Jameka cuz she is going home this week" They are laughing and joking about it. Jen is sitting there too.
Eric tells Jess he thinks America is rooting for them. She says "Thanks America!" Eric says "F*** Canada" Jess says "F canada!" (They are joking around and flirting as they talk) Jess asks what he wants to do. Says she wishes she could have won the trip. Eric says then she would have been taken away from him. Jess tells him that's exactly why she lost the comp on purpose. They talk about getting married. Jess tells Eric that she told ED earlier that Eric will be the one moving to Kansas. She tells Eric that ED didn't believe her. Jess tells Eric that she said they will compromise and live in LA. Eric agrees and says life is all about compromises.
Zach tells Dani that he wants to make her breakfast in bed for her birthday.
Dick in BY talking to Jen about Dustin and bashing him using words that I can't even bleep out make Elite.
ED and Jen talking about past seasons. ED telling Jen about all the things Will did in his season... How all his alliance members in Chill Town were kicked out and everyone hating him. He talks about Will telling everyone he would lie, then make deals then go back on his word again and again. That's why he made All-Stars. ED says Will was the best player to play the game. Danielle in her season would have won had they not shown her DR's which killed her. Lisa was a great winner. She voted for Amy to come back in over Eric. That was a huge strategic decision. Janie was a great player. She floated through a few weeks of her season and then started kicking people's asses. Started seeing the game really well. She's the best competitor that this game has ever seen. But ED says that doesn't prove you can win in the end, cuz Will never won anything and he won his season. Talk about Boogie winning All-Stars... ED burping and spitting. Jameka has joined ED and Jen. Continue talk about past seasons...Jameka says Erica last season looked like Skeletor. ED talking about James, calling him a little bitch for his moves in Season 6 & 7. ED says all these people are going to hate my guts but I don't care. Jen says "Well the next season that comes along will probably talk about us." ED says he doesn't think he would be back for a future version of All-Stars cuz he's gotten more warnings that anyone else in the history of the game.
Dani talking to Zach in HOH about how life is going to be hell once she nominates Jen....Dani has said this several times previously, seems genuinely concerned about how Jen will react to the news. Dani: "She's going to be furious."
1:30AM BBT
Jameka comes up to HOH to talk to Dani. Jameka tells her to do what she needs to do to benefit her in the game. She wants her to have a good HOH week. Jameka would like to not be on the block but she will respect what her decision is. Dani appreciates her words and says it's early in the week and you never know what can happen. Jameka hopes she has a good HOH and hopes people don't bother her too much. quickly exits HOH. Pretty pleasant convo. Zach comes back in.
Amber Jess ED Eric and Jen in the big bedroom talking about Eric not playing in a POV yet. They joke with him about it. Amber asks who will host when there are only 6 people left in the game. Eric says someone who is playing will Host. ED says "Maybe Julie Chen will have to work a little harder" Amber asks if her job is easy. ED says "I would say being married to the head of CBS is a pretty easy job." Amber asks if the head of CBS is Asian. ED gives her a funny look. Jess says don't worry Amber she's asked that question before too.
Trivia for a few minutes
Zach and Dani continue to talk in HOH for another 30minutes. Then go down to see the artwork that is Eric. The girls start "painting" Eric - he has all sorts of I love things painted on him - Kansas, Zach, Jess, Dick, etc. On his back is KAIL MARRY ME!
3:15AM BBT
Finally finished body painting Eric. Eric, Zach, Jen, ED and Jess talk in the kitchen about who should go to the DR with Eric. Zach says he will go. Eric wants to come up with a topic and tie in Dani's bday. Jess isn't committing to going in. Zach keeps telling Eric he's with him and won't let him down.
3:30PM BBT
Eric is in the shower, Jen standing outside trying to help him get the paint off. Jen asked him if he got his lower parts yet. Dick just came in and slowly pulled the shower door open. Eric wants to know if that is really necessary? Dick goes back outside and said he feels better already and that those things work fast.
3:45AM BBT
Jen was outside HOH room and was just standing there- she goes downstairs and tells Dick that she isn't tired - she was going to hang out with her for awhile (Dani) - but she will just go to bed. Dick goes outside HOH room for a minute and then walks back downstairs into kitchen.
Eric shows Jess his Woobie. Starts telling her how his mom gave it to him just before he left. She thinks it's really cute. They begin to talk game again and within a minute, Jess is holding the Woobie while they talk. Eric telling Jess that she should hold on to Woobie for now. She really likes the Woobie.
Eric and Jess in bed whispering. Dick is outside smoking. All others seem to be in bed.
4:15PM BBT
Dick is in bed in the round room. Eric and Jess still giggling and talking in bed.
4:30AM BBT
Eric to camera in bathroom: I just want to tell you America that Eric and Woobie just banked $30,000 tonight, yea! Thank you!! Eric goes into his BR and walks up to Jess in bed and tells her good night she says good night as well and of course, eric starts another conversation. He now tells her to sleep well and tells her she knows where to find him. Jess- good night...Eric starts making up his bed - taking off microphone and now get in and under the top sheet. All are now in bed...
4:30AM - 6AM BBT
Dick has major gas problems, Jen tells him to go sleep in the hammock (semi-joking), Eric can't get comfy....Finally, all go to sleep.
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