All HGs are sleeping
Sleeping still
9:35AM BBT
Odd morning. Amber was up earlier, changed batteries and *poofed* (we should be so lucky)
Dick was up, potty and back to bed.
Eric is up in his room, turned a light on and the feeds changed.
No activity on any of the feeds.
Ah... Amber must have had a vision that she had to pee.... she's in and out of the bathroom.
9:50AM BBT
BBVoice: Good Morning HGs, it's time to get up for the day.
10:05AM BBT
Feeds back - Jess is up brushing her teeth and her hair. Jen walks out of the bathroom and washes her hands.
Back to FOTH.
10:10AM BBT
Feeds Back Up-Dani in HOH Bathroom blow drying her hair. Jess, Amber, and Jen in main bathroom getting ready for day. Zach in shower. Eric walks in to the bathroom, says good morning and stretches. Eric gets in the shower and talks about a singer...says he's going to need a few more showers to get all the paint off. Dick walks in and asks Eric if he wants a scrubby.
Jen has her bathing suit on - may be going to tan.
Dick in the kitchen eating cereal.
10:30AM BBT
Dick tells Jess "You're awfully cheery this early in the AM" Jess says "Yeah well I was in a bad mood last nite"
Jen is cooking a big bowl of slop.
Jess and Eric talking about him being cold last night...ants in the kitchen.
Jameka and Amber are in the bathroom still getting ready for the day. Jameka says something to Amber that sounds suspiciously like we've got it made. Talk more about who they think Dani will put up and mention Jen a few times. Jameka says if Dani puts up Jen, they (Jameka, Amber, Jess and Eric) still might have a group.
Zach and Dani in HOH...she's fixing her hair and has bad heartburn. Says she can't look bad today, it's her birthday!
10:45AM BBT
Zach and Dani head downstairs and Dani is immediately called into the DR. Dani comments that that was fast.
Outside lockdown.
11:05AM BBT
Jameka is curling her hair outside. Some HGs discuss what the trip might be. Jen is doing Abs. Jess is laying out. The rest then discuss professional wrestling.
11:15AM BBT
Shot of Dani at the Memory Wall
11:48AM BBT
Jen walking on treadmill. Dick came in and said that Jen wasn't there for the money...only the experience. Dick saying you've experienced everything. Jen said she hadn't... luxury competition, etc. Dick suggested she stop being a bitter b*tch and being angry at Daniele and concentrate on staying in the game. Jen told him it didn't matter now. Daniele wasn't getting her vote ANY way. Dick left and Jen upped the speed on the treadmill.
Inside lockdown. Most sitting on the couches... Amber sitting at the counter sipping from a mug.
Daniele asked Eric to come over so she could whisper something in his ear. He did and then sat in his seat again... said Daniele said it had to do with him, her and a lot of nudity. Daniele said "I knew you were going to say that!"
Someone told Dick that the yard was open again.
Eric and Jess in bedroom now. Jess saying that Woobie is cute. Eric told her what Daniele said (couldn't hear... maybe something about two to two) Zach just showed up and said there you are telling secrets without me. Eric told Zach to leave. Zach said he was staying. Eric asked Z if that was what he was going to do all day, butt in on people's conversations. Eric helping..ha... Jess straighten the covers on her bed. Z told Eric that he was being an a**hole today.
After Z left, Jess told Eric he'd better make it to final four LOL Discussing what they're going to do. Jess is going to lay out. Eric is thinking about sleeping. She said don't go back to sleep. He said, you'll wake me up, won't you. She replied... you know me so well, doncha?!
11:55AM BBT
Jameka and Jess in kitchen now... Jam emptying and refilling the ice cube trays with water. Jam saying it's going to be tough on her mom to see her sitting up there on Thursday. She'll cry... not out and out cry, a muffled one. Jess doing a 'walk'... Jam confirming that that's a sexy walk out on the floor... yes. Jen in kitchen, off treadmill, drinking cup of water.
Earlier they J, J, D & E were talking about Kail... how she was probably impeached as Mayor of Rainbow Colorado. Then they moved on to her dancing (lack of) abilitly. Jam saying the townspeople will ask her to teach them the black dance steps or something... it was funnier when Jameka said it.. with Jess echoing her LOL
Jen left kitchen and went into bedroom. Jess into bedroom behind her.. asking if Jen has any whites... Jess only has a small load. Yes, she does. Doing slippers, too. Jess said she has inside slippers and outside slippers and her outside ones are disgusting. Jen looking for hers. Jen into the kitchen asking if anyone else has any whites... Dick has some wife-beaters and socks. Jam asking if this is Jess' only load. Yes. Jameka is 'calling' after Jess... washing, that is. Jess said she didn't ask Zach... Jameka says, really fast, he's sleeping.... DON'T ask him... they laugh and Jess says Z usually wears red and blue. Dick back with his whites and Jess is out the door.
Dick and Daniele in kitchen. Daniele say's her stomach is upset. Dick asks if she took some Tums. Yes, I just did. Dick asked if she went into his room. NO..they were in the storage room. He says they didn't have any last night.. got some in a cup. She says he sounded accusatory the way he talked about his room. He agreed. Jameka at the sink during the whole exchange.
Eric through kitchen to outside. Jen told to reattach her microphone... she's on the upstairs hallway... Daniele looking up there with a smug smile. Jen back down.. going to sun... almost dressed in her bikini lol Fills her waterbottle without a word or a glance and leaves.
Daniele wondering when her trip is. Dani is ready to get out of there and into a limo. Dick just wished her a happy 'true' birthday. Acknowledges it without saying thank you.
BB telling Daniele not to obstruct her microphone. She say's it's her birthday and she's not obstructing it. Disagreement between her and Dick about Dani's obstruction when Nick was still in the house. She said it was on purpose when he was here... now it's Jameka who obstructs. Daniele told so many times she was eventually called into the DR so she could hear (what we hear with) the scratching noises.
Noon BBT
Jess just walked through kitchen saying she got bleach in her mouth. Jam telling her she's supposed to rinse it out immediately according to the instructions. Jess says she has enough spit in her mouth LOL
Talk about Daniele's trip. Jess asks if they told her which landfill they were going to LMAO
Jam trying to think of how Jen will campaign. Dani tells her she should just say 'I can't put you up.'
Jen laying on a single lounge next to the double where Eric is laying. Quiet now... all four cams on them.
12:40PM BBT
Jess tells Eric that Jen told her that Zach always used to bother Dani and Nick when they were hanging out together. Eric and Jess have both noticed Zach's increasing annoying habit of just butting into their conversations.
Dick joins Jess & Eric on loungers...Jess said Amber must be very happy. Dick says so should Jameka. Jess tells Dick that Jameka is still concerned. Dick said if Jameka is still concerned she's an idiot. It's obvious who the house wants out. Jess asked if they ever heard how Jen got on show. Eric and Jess both remembered she was supposed to be on Survivor. Dick said "give me an f'ing break - can you imagine her on Survivor - they would beat her over the head with the Immunity Idol. They all laugh...
Jen and Amber in bathroom... and Jen warns Amber when I go be careful what she (Dani) says to you. She told me I have your back til the end... and did not look at me.
Amber: oh really
Jen: Yeah but I said I would work with her and not her Dad so I guess she didn't like that. Oh well at least I'm honest.
Amber: Uh huh.
1:05PM BBT
Jess, Eric and Dick talk about who will move into the Round Bedroom with Dick after Jen leaves. Eric says he plans on winning HOH so he will be upstairs. Jess says maybe Zach will join ED. ED doesn't sound to thrilled, says maybe Dani will join him but then thinks it might not be a good idea. ED comments on how Eric's butt looked better in Jen's bikini bottoms than she does. Jess says Eric's butt is smaller than Jen's. Eric says he hopes so. Jess said she just noticed stretch marks on Jen. Jess puts out the question... "Who will she do to stay in the game....Eric....Zach...Dick?" Eric says she will definitely be hitting him up for his vote. Jess says "Well then i'm not hanging out with you" (joking).
1:15PM BBT
ED asks Dani if there is any update on when she is leaving for the trip. Dani said they told her that within the next 48 hours she will be leaving. Dani says but they told her to put a bag of dress clothes and makeup in the storage room within 1 hour.
1:30PM BBT
Dani and Amber are packing their bags for their trip. Jameka is helping Amber.
1:35PM BBT
Dick told Eric and Jess that Amber knew she was coming off because she & Dani talked yesterday. They both sound surprised that Dani told Amber earlier. Eric says she acted like she didn't know what was going on. ED tells them that Dani tol her earlier and Dani said to play it like Amber didn't know anything. That she wanted it to be a stressless week. Eric asks if Amber promised anything to Dani in return. ED brushes off the question and says Dani has been really crabby and mad at him lately. She keeps yelling at him about his comments and bodily functions. Eric just says that he's happy any week where he's not the one leaving. "7 people down, 3 to go" ED says that's when it gets hairy, when it gets down to us 4. ED says it doesn't matter if you Eric get it and put me and Dani up. It all comes down to that POV. So it doesn't really matter until then. That's what decides who goes home.
1:40PM BBT
Jameka packed Amber's bag for her, now showing her where she put everything.
Amber and Jameka talking, Amber complaining about the others still talking about Dustin even now that he's gone. Jameka asks in a good way or a bad way. Amber says both. She said someone (didn't hear who) said he's ugly, which they both disagree with. Jameka said, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Amber says, "What does that mean? I've heard it but I don't know what it means." Jameka goes on to explain it to her. ***I'm having flashbacks to Sunday night's montage on the show***
Amber says, "I hope it's not awkward with me and her." Jameka says it won't be. Why? Amber says because she's so much younger than her and because she's probably so much more loved than her. (referring to Dani).
Amber now talking about a dream she had about her getting a phone call and Eric was still here. She says, "He's still going to be here."
3:30PM BBT
Amber's hair is finally curled. Jen and then Jess asking where they're going... how long. Amber said they were told to pack a bag, dressy but casual dressy... and they're not allowed to talk about it. Jess says okay.
Convo changes to Jen noticing Woobie, asking where it came from and what it's name was. It's been there, it's named Woobie.
All four cams on the big bedroom with Jess in one bed, Jameka laying on her stomach on the other while Amber files her nails.
5:50PM BBT
Just heard a convo between Dick and a production employee in the DR.
No visual, just voices over the top of the other feeds.
She-"Okay, I just need you to say that Eric clearly saved you last week.......
Dick- ''Okay, sure""
Dick-"So last week I was saved by Eric,who is the last person I thought....."
She-"I'm sorry, you'll have to do that over again because of technical problems""
5:55PM BBT
Dani and Amber to Diary Room... time to go... Dick and Jameka walked them to the door. Dick is jealous. Amber says she loves Jameka and Daniele tells her to shut up... let's get this show on the road... .then you hear an inner door closing.
Jameka outside to couches. Eric sleeping. Dick doing laundry... folding teeshirts very nicely. Zach sleeping. Jessica sleeping. Jen laying on her bed.
Daniele and Amber are back in the house!
Jen is sitting at the counter reading the house rules.
Amber just went out back and told them they were told within 24 hours so Amber is making slop.
Daniele, back in the kitchen, thinks they leave through the backyard...blindfolded and in a car with darkened windows.
Jen quoting rules in the 'house bible'
6:15PM BBT
Jen still reading the house rules book and found what she believes to be the loophole needed to save her - at any time the producers can null the noms and turn the vote to evict over to America. "This is it!" She says, "America MUST love me" Cut to trivia. Then in the BY Dick asks Dani if Jen is reading up on the food and Dani, pissed, says, "No -she's not reading about food" TRIVIA. Back again, Dani, mocking Jen says "America will LOVE me!" and BACK to trivia we go again! And we come back to Jen saying that if at any time, a HG is unable to place their vote, America will cast it for them.
6:20PM BBT
Dani, Jameka, Amber, Dick sitting on patio talking about Jen, discussing how much they dislike her and why, repeating things she has said. Dani said she knew when she saw her she was going to hate her. Then she talks about how she was flipping her hair and bumping her with her bag and she had that "Jen look." They say they haven't liked her since day one.
6:25PM BBT
Amber started talking about how it felt when Dustin was evicted, she was shocked. She said it would have helped if she had known, she could have prepared for it, it was brutal. Dani gets quiet and looks away.
Jen walks out the door, Dick goes into kitchen and says out loud, "Stupid f'ing bit**" Jen joins the girls on the patio and says she's bored, then starts talking about how Amber has gotten all the breaks from slop...the date with Mike, the feast this week and now this trip.
6:35PM BBT
Dick has a can of nuts, shaking it and picking through, taking the ones he wants and putting the others back. Keeps shaking the can. Dani says, "Okay, that's enough of that." Dick says, "Oh, sorry, I didn't know you had taken over as queen of the house." FOTH
Jameka asks Jen, "So did you find anything interesting in the book, anything new that you didn't know before?" FOTH
Dick comes back outside, Dani gets up and leaves. Dick lights a cigarette, Jen rubs her nose, gets up and fans the smoke, goes inside. Dick says, "Jen repellent. Works every time."
6:50PM BBT
Dani comes outside and starts complaining about Zach. She says he's back to Zach from week 3. Dick says he's always been there. Dani said no after Nick left he got better. She says he always has a comment for everything.
Jen just said whenever Daniele's on slop they get lots of breaks and when Dani's not on slop they don't get breaks.
7:05PM BBT
Jen and Jam - Jen hopes they get their bags soon so they can pack them. They talk about doing laundry. Jen talks about how she can't go to sequester - sitting there for all those weeks will just kill her. Jam - you have to weigh out your options. Jen - if you don't go they count it as a voluntary - FOTH
7:10PM BBT
Around the feeds - 1 and 2 on Dani in HOH laying on the bed - 3 and 4 on Eric I asleep - maybe fake sleep. Now 3 is trivia and 4 is backyard. Dick to Amber - you look better in jeans than in those f'ing sweats. Amber - thank you. Jam - my what we take for granted. Dick - like being able to leave - missed some - she thanks Dick for whatever role he had in the replacement nominee.
Dani's been called to DR
Dick to Zach and Jam talking about Jen telling Dani about giving up stipend and letting America choose....Jam - she can't mean it - refuses to believe seriously that's an option it's ridiculous.
Dick to Zach - you aren't making any deals with Jen are you
Zach - No. Are you on crack?
Dick - Well, it's one of those questions you know the answer to but you just have to ask. I thought maybe she was ****ELITE BEEEEEEEEP**** every night.
7:20PM BBT
Dick thinking that they have 2 more free weeks with Amber and Jameka. Zach fears all the backdooring in the game. Dick says with her (Jen) it was necessary.
Zach wonders about the trip out and if it is secure and Dick says its going to be like secret service around them. Zach doesn't like the banners and the integrity of the game being compromised. Dick says since season 3 it hasn't been 14 total strangers who didn't know each other.
7:25PM BBT
We have four feeds of Dick laying in the backyard spitting. Jam comes out and says your daughters gone - Amber was called in and your daughter never came out.
7:30PM BBT
Misc talk in the backyard with Jameka, Jen, Zach and Dick. Jen leaves and looks to be packing her stuff in a black trashbag. The others bash Jen.
7:40PM BBT
Jen hides the bag in the top of a dresser drawer, takes a slop bucket full of shoes and hides it under Amber's bed. Then goes off to cook some kind of white burger looking thing. Disappears into the bathroom and seems to be putting stuff into a black trashbag there - cosmetics, etc.
7:45PM BBT
Dick: "Are you considering VEing again?"
Jen: "I'm not VEing"
7:50PM BBT
Dick: "how can you pack if you haven't gotten your suitcase?"
Jen: "maybe i got it."
Dick: "Nobody gets your suitcase this early"
Jen: "Has anyone ever asked?"
Everyone but Jen in the BY. They're talking about Jen. She comes out and says she's cooking turkey burgers. Jam discourages Jen eating them. Jen says she might as well since there no good reason for her to be there.
ED asks doesn't she want to finish something for once in her life.
Jen goes back in and they talk about how Jen just wants sympathy - Jess says that. Zach and Eric agree that they haven't treated Jen any more badly than anyone else. ED says he has. Jen comes back out. Eric and Jess head inside.
Jen talks with Zach and ED about playing chess. Now they're wondering about Amber and Dani's trip. They joke that Amber might have to eat slop...Jam says maybe Chef Ramsey will cook for them.
8:30 - 9:15 pm
All heck has broke lose. Apparently Jen took Dicks Cigarettes in the SR and poured bleach all over them. He found out and got really mad! She was called to the diary room. ED then decided to get all of her clothes. I don't know what he was going to do to them but BB came over and told him he was aloud to hide and not allowed to destroy! She came out of DR and he told her all her clothes where hidden and she wouldn't get them back. Jen got upset and went back to DR and you could hear her say that she was told she could do it! BB restocked Dick's ciggaretes and she got really upset. Went back to DR and came out grabbed a turkey burger, cottage cheese, and an apple and began to eat it! (She is on slop) Eric, Jess and Jam tried to talk her out of it but she didn't care and continued to eat! That is the update thus far!
9 p.m. BBT
Mini recap
Daniele and Amber left for their outting about 7:30 BBT.
Jen decided to cook some turkey burgers even though she's on slop. She started collecting all of her belongings and placing them in trash bags. While others were outside, she hid the bags behind the settee in the bathroom and then took Dick's four cartons of Marlboros and took them into the storage room where she ripped them up, stomped on them... BB calls her to the DR. She said, Just a minute... finishes her 'masterpiece' in the trash can by pouring bleach over them. She bounces out of the SR and into the DR.
Dick discovers what she did and takes her clothes and hides them in the HOH. BB tells him not to destroy her things. He asked if that's what she did to his butts, and he heard a voice in the background saying 'don't tell him'.
Jen just reappeared and words are exchanged... Dick unleashing EVEL and showed her one small white bag that she's not going to get back... she asked if he was going to carry it around like Santa. He continues with comments about bj's and how Nick didn't want her and Vanna doesn't like her anymore.
Dick told her to go hide somewhere. He's in the storage room looking through all the cabinets (prob for Jen's makeup and stuff that she packed in a suitcase.)Dick found three cartons not destroyed and one that was.
Jen is in backyard now laughing about what she did.
Dick is taking the last bag of Jen's clothes and his three remaining cartons of butts up into the HOH.
Now Jen is asking what they've been up to and then wants to know how long Dick has known his cigarettes have been missing. About ten minutes before she came back.
Jam asking if she's going to sit down (Jameka, Eric and Jess are all laying down... stretched out) Jameka is the only one saying anything. Jen asks Eric if he has something he wants to say... he just looks at her.
Jen pissed because BB gave him three cartons of cigarettes back but he isn't going to give her her clothes back.
Jen into DR... Dick out back saying BB told him he could hide things but not destroy them.
Jameka just saying ... oh my....tsk tsk... hmmm ummmm.
Dick on his way back to his bedroom to check his other stuff. Zach out of shower.
Dick packing his clothes into his carryon, going to put everything in HOH. Daniele left the key with him.
Jen out of DR and into backyard.
9:15 p.m. BBT
Dick is packing his stuff into his carryon and plastic bags. He's going to put it in the HOH since Daniele left the key with him.
Jen back from DR. He's eating food. Say's she doesn't care. Asking Jameka if she's jealous. Jameka just went inside and got Jen a napkin.
Jen said that Dani told her that the four of them told Dani that they would give her their votes to get Jen out.
Zach wondering what Dick is doing as E.D. grabs his suitcase and trashbag and takes them up to the HOH. Zach say's 'wow'.
Eric said that in his family it's called a turn'em (?) and there's a song that goes with it... turn of events... he can't sing it because he'll get yelled at. Jen asks if the words are obvious.... yes.
Jess going into the hot tub. Eric joins her. Jameka left awhile ago LOL
Zach came outside asking if anything happened LOL Eric telling him the chain of events and how Jen is now eating a turkey burger, laughing. Zach asks where her stuff is.. in Dani's room... not a big deal.
Jen was asked before the show if she could deliberately destroy cigarettes and they said yes.
Dick is back and outside... telling Jen to go cry somewhere else.
Jen telling Dick not to smoke in her face, she's eating. She gets up and yells at him not to smoke in her face and tries to grab the cigarette he just lit. Dick is saying, 'Don't touch me.' twice....
9:20 p.m. BBT
Come back to Jen in bathroom with Jameka... Jameka leaving quickly.
They're outside laughing at the events. Eric saying 51 days and finally a good Showtime.
Seems Jen got burned by Dick's cigarette.
Jen putting some sort of lotion on her face and eating an apple.
Zach wants to know the timeline. Others laughing about what Dani and Amber will come back to.
TRIVIA again
Dick is being E.D. and ripping into Jen calling her a sorry excuse for a human being (in E.D.'s special way).
Jen just said "Sorry, Eric. I didn't want to be the star of this show."
Jen saying Dick is in denial if he thinks everyone likes him more than her. He's only there because of her daughter.
Jen saying she didn't apply to be there.
Dick saying something about her eating apples, turkey burgers and cottage cheese. She's gonna penalty nom.
And the words continue back and forth. Jen saying he'll be surprised at what she's like outside of the house.
Jameka asking if Jen destroyed all of them. She said yes... but that's why she was sitting in the DR... they were going to get her some to 'hide'... Even though she asked before the game started if she could destroy them and BB said yes...
Anyways... she didn't get the chance to hide them because Dick was going nutso.
9:30 p.m. BBT
Dick is in the HOH now, laying on bed and listening to music.
Eric and Jess speaking quietly in the hot tub, Jamkea doing her umm hmmm ummm ing LOL
Nothing now .... wow.... eye of the hurricane... waiting for the other half to pass through
9:40 p.m. BBT
Eric in kitchen getting something to drink. Zach asks if he wants something (?) and Eric say's not right now, he'll revisit it later, he's just getting something to drink and back to the hot tub. (Chess perhaps)
Dick went into the DR saying he had issues.
Zach grilling a steak even though he doesn't like them, Jameka making slop, Eric and Jess in hot tub, Jen standing by the hot tub still and Now Zach over at the hot tub with the tongs calling Eric and Jess lobsters.
9:45 pm
Jam comes back out side with a bowl of slop,sitting next to Jen
Jess and Eric sucking on icecubes..splashing eachother. Talk about checking eachother out...
Jess and especially Eric are ignoring Jen as she stands at HT; talking only to each other about silly things. Jen keeps... saying things to join in conversation and they dont talk to her and choose different subjects.
Jen eventually goes to couch
ED out of DR got some more clothes from outsides puts them in HOH, he seems to be in a good mood
ED is in the HOH Bathroom talking to himself and BB. "Thank you Rich that was a very good convo. Don't forget Marlboro 100's Red. Thanks"
BB- Dick please move your microphone lower
Jen- who's he talking to? himself? everyone is outside
you can hear police car sirens going off
Jam- the po po are coming for you jess!
dick comes outside
dick- and they will be replacing me cigs B***h
dick goes inside with zach
they are talking about how he doesnt have to give jen her stuff back
dick- boo f*****g hoo
jen is now inside as well.
9:55 pm
dick- so who do you think is going to have more to catch up with us or them (talking about amber and dani)
jen grabbed a dani birthday cookie and looked at the camera and chomped down
Jen back in DR. Eric says he didn't think she would do this, maybe fight some more. ED says he thought she would cry on the spot
10 pm
Jen says if she stays she has a penalty nom for eatting And cannot use the veto to taker herself off. Therefore, she's going to continue eating.
Dick to camera, about Jen "That's the kind of b***h I usually end up dating, but she's gone by the second date" Now laughing
ED threw a couple giant ice cubs in the HT with Eric and Jess. Eric jokes about having an ice cube down his pants.
Jen asks Eric if there's ever been a penalty nom before. Eric says no. Jen says that's awesome.
10:10 pm
Jam doing dishes says not happy at all (worried about Jen having penalty nom next week might make people want to keep her)
jameka washing dishes; 'this is ridiculous. woo. woo woo. woo woo woo. woo."
Dick says this is the happiest day he's had in the Big Brother house
He thanks Jen and she says your welcome... He proceeds to scream with glee and jump into the pool
Dick: Have another cheeseburger.
Jen: (happily) I may!
10:15PM BBT
Jen goes inside and asks Jameka is she was upset with Dick or Jen? Jameka said she was upset at the whole situation... thinks now people might keep Jen since she has a penalty nomination... Jess says it's B.S. and people wont keep her...
10:20PM BBT
Dick to Eric - Jameka must want to kill Jen.
10:30PM BBT
Eric and ED are talking about tonight's events. Eric: That was more excitement than I expected tonight! Eric and ED are talking about Jen burning herself when she grabbed ED's cig. Jess points out that Jen isn't that bright. Eric says that no movie they could've shown them would have been as entertaining as the past few hours. Jam: Unbelievable. Meanwhile, Jen is sitting in the kitchen eating a cucumber. The BY group talk about how quick BB people respond to things...TRIVIA.
Everyone outside now except Jen and Zach. Zach in DR and Jen is in kitchen now eating something else (a cucumber?) Camera doing close ups and zoom outs of cucumber as Jen eats it...
10:35PM BBT
Talk about Jen having to be taken out of the house in a straight jacket. Jess says "What if she has to be taken out on a stretcher and sedated?" Jameka says that didn't even happen to George and he was on slop for the whole time.
10:40PM BBT
Jameka please go to the diary room... Jess-"Say what you're thinking Jameka"
Zach just said he confirmed with the DR that what Jen was saying about the penalty nom is correct.
Eric wonders if Jen is still allowed to eat after receiving her penalty nom. Jen says DR hasn't told her to stop.
10:50PM BBT
Jen is finally called to the DR.
Jam is complaining that it's not fair Jen broke the rules. She says there should be another clause in the rules. Jam is worried about the vote. Jess is reassuring her that Jam has the votes. Now talking about how noms would work if Jen did stay...would there be 3 noms...Jen can't compete for HOH. Jam calls Jen ridiculous. Jess said she acted like a child. Decide Jen may need to go to a psych ward after BB.
11:15PM BBT
Jess and Jameka talking about how Jam stopped Jen from hitting ED. They both think Jen would have hit ED if Jameka hadn't grabbed Jen's wrist and pulled her away. (talking about Jen going for Dick's cig earlier when she burned her hand.)
11:20PM BBT
Jen is out of the DR and eating another of Dani's birthday cookies. Zach and Eric are back to thier chess game. ED is talking to Jam and Jess about how Jen started the whole thing. He says he wasn't going to mess with her. Talk about her grabbing the lit cig again.
Jam and Jess are now chatting about what her nieces call her. Talk about ice cream and Dani's cupcakes. Now wondering what Dani and Amber are doing tonight.
Jess is called to the DR. Jameka says this can't be real life. Dick tells her it's NOT real life, that's why Dani calls her the fable.
11:30PM BBT
Jen does the dishes, goes into the Storage Room for more food, and comes outside with an apple (I'm guessing DR didn't tell her to quit her eating binge).
11:45PM BBT
Dick and Zach talking about the new turn of events and that maybe they should get Jameka out this week and get Jen next week since she has to be on the block and can't play for POV.
Jess and Eric talking about what Jen said earlier, that Danielle told her (Jen) that Jess and Eric has already guaranteed they would vote Jen out. Eric doesnt want Amber, Jameka, Zach to know this.
Misc convos continue from earlier - letting Jen stay thru her Penalty Nom, Eric and Jess' game, etc.
12:50AM BBT
Jess tells Jameka that the DR said they would address Jen's punishments tomorrow morning.
1:15AM BBT
Dick and Zach talking again about evicting Jameka
Dick about Jameka: She has made some enormous mistakes in this game.
Zach: That is HUGE
Dick: The 5 HOHs, and saving Jen. And I'm really glad that's come back to bit her in the a**
Zach: The person that I saved is the person that got me canned
Dick: Look at Dustin... same thing. He saved Eric... Eric voted him out.
Zach: Oh... Jameka's got to be hating her self right now...
Dick: No, s***
Zach: She's one that doesn't forget things and holds grudges
Dick: She'll remember this for the rest of her life
Dick: This just got us to the final six. From eight to six
Zach: Unreal
Dick: There is no two ways about it. Jameka has to go
Zach: Has to
Jameka and Jess tell Eric that they know he's the twist - They jokingly tell him they know he has a twin named Derrick and they switch and watch each other behind the two way mirrors. Jessica tells him she wants him to paint JESSICA on his chest, and if he wins HOH he should rip off his shirt and run around the yard. He asks what's in it for him. She tells him airtime.
1:30AM BBT
Eric tells Jameka he wants to bring out the "Jenitals" tshirt for the Live show.
Zach: If we know Jen's going home next week, we should throw the HOH
ED: So that they can't compete the next week?
Zach: Yeah
ED: I've got it! We throw HOH to Amber so that she can't get it the next week and we send her home. Final five, baby!
ED: What's going to be so funny is that Amber will be so happy to win HOH
Zach: So would I
ED: Would you rather win HOH, or be guaranteed final 5. Game's more important, dude.
ED: This is the perfect f***in plan. We take Jameka out, then Jen, then Amber
ED: Eric and Jessica have to be on board for it to work
Zach: I think he already is
ED: Yeah
Convo with Dick and Zach continues........
ED: I wonder if the whole house has thrown the HOH to one person before
Zach: I don't know
ED: It's f***ing perfect dude
2:15AM BBT
Zach heads to bed, Dick goes out to smoke, all others appear to be sleeping. Dick comes back in and begins reading the rule book.
2:30AM BBT
Late Night Show with Smoking Dick Donato... Dick talks alone in HOH: Vincent, I miss you so much... I hope you're having so much fun. I hope you're having fun tonight baby (Dani)... I had fun tonight *laughs*
2:40PM BBT
All HGs in bed
4:15AM BBT
Zach gets up. He heads to the bathroom...then comes back and says something to Jessica. He throws Eric's blanket, which was hanging off, back on him. That wakes him up. Zach apologizes and heads back to bed. Eric gets up and goes to the bathroom, back to bed.
4:30AM BBT
All finally asleep. Again.
Elite Team
- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Monday, August 20
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