All still sleeping soundly.
9:40AM BBT
Dick is the only one up and cooking bacon. He is saying words here and there, "psycho", and laughing off and on.
10:00AM BBT
Dick on the BY couch eating his breakfast, still mumbling and talking to himself.
The rest of the HGs seem to still be sleeping.
10:15AM BBT
Dick washing dishes and still laughing off and on to himself.
10:20AM BBT
Jen is up and going to the bathroom. Everytime she walks past Dick, he laughs or makes a comment under his breath - mental midget, I wonder who's clothes those are, etc.
10:30AM BBT
Dick is doing various cleaning duties. He was cleaning the grill out in the backyard, then he changed the trashbag in large can. Growling about cleaning. Says "Amber & Mike(?) clean. Everyone else is a cleaning poser." "Jen's a poser of a mentally stable person."
10:45AM BBT
ED in HOH, turns lights off, tells BB you will probably wake me in 10 min anyway.
10:55AM BBT
All are asleep again.
11:05AM BBT
BB: "Good morning HGs, it's time to get up for the day."
Music playing over speakers - by Postal Service
11:35AM BBT
Jameka: "I thought it would be luxury comp. but the girls are on the way back"
11:50AM BBT
Eric would like a rules clarification. He's talking to ED in the BY. He gives scenarios on how it's not fair because it's not a normal food comp slop week. This is something Jen gave up during a Veto comp. It should be a different punishment. This is a big rule break. Multiple Trivia cuts between Zach, ED and Eric talking about Jen's continuous eating and how they need BB to clarify the rules.
12:05PM BBT
Eric to Jen: "you're walking around like you're proud of this" Eric then goes on to say that she's not honoring the POV agreement where she should be on slop for 30 days, then says that Jameka should get her HOHs back and then says "you should get your prize money back" Zach then says "well i don't agree with all of that. i agree with the first one."
12:15PM BBT
Jen walks over "Are you talking about me eating"
Dick "Yes we are, because Kail could have done the same thing as you are doing and stayed but she didn't. You cost Kail being in here. You cost Eric going up on the block. You might have cost Jameka from staying here. And a penalty nom is just not enough."
Jen "Well they've never even issued one before."
Eric "Don't look around like you are proud of it. This is nothing to be proud of. The rules of the Veto comp was to honor the things you agreed to during the veto comp. you are not honoring that agreement. You won that power and if you do not have to honor the tasks anymore. Jameka should play in the next 3 HOH's."
Zach"I agree with the first one"
Eric" It wasn't a random food comp and one time thing."
Jen "what do you think the penalty should be"
Dick"I think the second thing should be eviction"
Eric"I think that's for them to figure out and tell us. They need to explain it to us. But you are walking around and boasting about how you got a penantly nom. It needs to be explained to us and..."
ED Zach and Eric continue talking about Jen and when BB will explain Jen's penalty. ED calls her a bit** and says she goes on temper tantrums. Zach says "rules are not meant to be broken. Just like in the matrix" They all agree that BB is probably waiting for Dani and Amber to get back before talking to them about it.
12:40PM BBT
Eric asks Jess (about Zach), "So are you okay with him today?" She says yeah, because she has more hate for somebody else today.
12:45PM BBT
Lockdown is over.
Jen is called to the DR.
1:30PM BBT
Quick break from Trivia: Eric sitting on BY couch saying "this is THEIR show. The last thing they want to do is affect the integrity of THEIR show."
Quick moment of Jameka on BY couch saying "It should be one offense if..."
1:35PM BBT
Feeds back Jess alone in the kitchen making mac n cheese.
Jen is out in the back yard tanning.
1:45PM BBT
A House Meeting was held during the 35 minutes of Trivia.... Zach asks Eric if he had more questions for them. Eric says he did. Zach asks if he got them all answered. Eric didn't want to hold anyone else up. Jess says if she was Jameka she would eat. Eric says Jameka wouldn't because she doesn't want to lower herself to her standards. Hopefully once the live show is over Jameka will be off food restriction. Jameka comes in from the BY.
Eric asks if "they" are going to debrief Dani and Amber or will we have to. Jess thinks "they" will. Eric wonders aloud if the meeting they called had been for something not to do with Jen. Like to announce Dani and Amber got mobbed by fans. That would have been funny.
1:50PM BBT
Jen just walked into the kitchen and said to Jess, Eric and Zach that she'll go to the jury house but she won't vote for any of them, Dick or Dani will get her vote because they have played them all, all summer. Eric gets angry and says nobody cares, do what you want to do, don't threaten us, just shut up...FOTH
2:05PM BBT
HG's in kitchen making fun of the fact that Jen just threatened to vote for D&D. Dick says isn't that funny because just yesterday she threatened not to vote for us. Eric says what a rollercoaster ride in the BB house. Dick says, what a rollercoaster ride inside her head. Calls her a crazy bit** again. They discuss that she has gone into the DR...maybe they're bringing in the straight jacket.
2:15PM BBT
HGs talking about how the consequences are kind of fair, that now Jen will get voted out 6-0 instead of 5-0. And if they hadn't done it this way, Jameka would have had a huge target on her b/c there would have been no point keeping her if they knew they could just get Jen out next week. And how that also wouldn't have been fair to Amber (Dick and Zach had talked last night about everyone throwing Amber the HOH next week b/c it would be a wasted HOH b/c Jen would go and then Amber couldn't compete the following week and they'd nominate her then).
2:20PM BBT
Zach comes outside and says "I hate cheaters!"
Jess suggests that maybe no one should talk to Jen.
Now they're talking about how Dani and Amber are going to react to what happened...Zach says they will be "debriefed" Jess jokes that if Jen tried to talk to someone, they should just punch her in the mouth because they'll only get one vote against them. Everyone laughs. Now all joking about Jen being a quitter.
Meanwhile, Jen is in the WR on the elliptical.
Zach is in the pool hosing himself with the water hose.
The others are laughing.
Jam yells from across the yard that Zach should give himself a wedgie, then jump in the pool. She says to pull them up like Urkle. Zach does it and dances a bit before jumping in the pool.
2:30PM BBT
Zach, Dick, Eric and Jess in the pool. Jameka sitting on the couches because she doesn't want to get her hair wet.
2:45PM BBT
ED closes the HT cover over Eric as he's underwater. They're surprised BB didn't yell at them. Lots of happy chatter in the BY. Zach wants to do some trick with a bucket over his head in the pool. BB tells him to knock it off. Zach complains and says he was demonstrating something..."BB, I don't like you!" Jen is still working out alone in the WR.
3:10PM BBT
Jen continued eating all day.
There may have been a house meeting but details not released...perhaps waiting for the return of Daniele and Amber. They had dinner with someone last night and have a spa visit today Everyone pretty much ignoring Jen. Calling her a cheater. She continues to eat even though she got the POV by saying she'd eat slop for 30 days. They're also angry because Kail honored the slop only penalty. Also because Kail was sent home because of Jen. They're saying that Jameka should get to play in the HOH if Jen can eat whatever and whenever she wants.
Jen was called into DR earlier today. A bit later, Jess went into the house, and came back out saying that Jen's picture was gray. The three guys jumped up and started running into the house and Jess called them suckers
Eric going to do the 440 laps of the pool for a mile. Has quite a few to go...out now... pinched his finger in the lounge when he adjusted it... When Eric was in the pool BB announced the 440 trivia fact again
3:15PM BBT
Dick discovered his pack of cigarettes that he had outside is missing. He went upstairs to get a new pack. When he comes outside he says two more days of this crap. He said he'll have to carry his cigs around until this BEEP leaves.
Zach in WR alone on treadmill
Jess, ED, Jam and Eric in BY talking Jameka wonders if she (Jen) is still doing all this (eating) for strategy or just since she knows she is going home.
Dick is laying in the HOH Bed
Jess is laying in bed with eyes closed
Jen just headed in from BY.
Zach and Jam now outside exchanging Hello's.
Eric asks if it is naptime, Jameka replies boredom time. Says she might try to lay out, but not in sun. Now laying on lounge chair in BY in the shade (alone), looks tired.
Jen is called to the DR
All 4 feeds are on Zach lying on his back (in bed) and counting something on his fingers.
Feeds show HG's sleeping - Jess /ED/Eric in bedrooms. Jen on hammock. Jameka on lounge chairs. Zach in DR.
Zach out of DR and doing laundry.
5:20PM BBT
Zach tells Jameka that Jess removed his promise so he could vote out Dustin, telling Jam that he will be voting for her to stay because he doesn't like cheaters. Zach says he doesn't understand her choice with the 5 HOH's but feels Jen has created so many annoyances and talks about rule violations. Jameka thanks Zach for his vote. Zach goes off to clean the grill.
5:30PM BBT
Zach - there's so much game left - talking with Jam about Dani's strong game play and Jen's, as well. Zach says he's a gamer to the end. Jameka tells him that you have to be. Jameka misses Amber and Dani.
5:45PM BBT
Eric is up, Dick has been called to the DR and Zach is still talking about cheaters.
Eric was called into the DR earlier. Zach came into the small bedroom and said 'can't they see that we're trying to sleep?!' although he hadn't been LOL He then sits on the bed with the broken slat and puts vaseline on his foot. Zach is in the kitchen eating again.
Jen is eating. Again.
Zach is in the kitchen, washing his dishes, wiping down counters, etc.
Jess, Jameka and Eric are up from their naps and chit chatting.
6:15PM BBT
Jen, Jess and Jameka are sitting in the backyard quietly. Zach walking around aimlessly.
6:30PM BBT
Dick & Jameka talk about how Jen found a loophole in the rules.
6:45PM BBT
Dick tells Jameka that he doesn't agree with the penalty given to Jen but he does agree that they were right in taking away the Penalty Nom. He knows Jen was reading the rule book to find a loophole. ED says Nick thought about doing it but he didn't do it. ED says Jen won the biggest and hardest POV in all 8 seasons of BB. Jameka wonders why Jen went so hardcore during such an early POV. ED calls bull on BB allowing Kail and Jen to stand next to each other during that comp. They rehash Jen's behavior and how she is threatening everyone with not giving them her vote. ED doesn't care if she leaves sequester. He says she's just angry she is getting backdoored. ED said she won POV 3 weeks in a row. They had to get her out this way. ED says instead of the vote being 5-0 it will be 6-0. Jameka wonders if there will be another hinky vote. ED says "no not this week, Dustin is gone." ED says just like when Dustin left, when Jen leaves the mood in the house will be a whole lot better.
7PM BBT the show ends, we find out where Dani and Amber are. They were limo'd to the airport, where they boarded a plane bound for compete on Drew Carey's new game show - the Power of 10!!!!!
Dick is in HOH room cleaning it up, making bed for Dani.
Jessica is washing her hair in bathroom. Eric is talking to Jess about playing chess with Zach.
7:15PM BBT
Jen, Zach and Jameka were sitting outside watching a spider build a web. There's been lots of small talk - seems like everyone is getting along again.
7:30PM BBT
Jen goes into the storage room and comes out with a bag of pasta. Jen and Dick at it again, he asked her to wait til they were done with the dishes to cook. She said no, he threw her bag of noodles.
Dick called her a lame stupid BEEEEEP. Saying that no one wants to watch her eat b/c they are trying to keep the integrity of the game intact.
Jen is standing there, watching Jameka eat her slop and smiling.
7:40PM BBT
Jen is actually standing there stunned. Dick has just thrown out her water that she put on the stove and picked up the bag of pasta he threw and gone outside with the bag. Feeds don't show, but probably to throw it away and calm down. Jen is standing at the counter in stunned silence. Everyone else (Eric/Jess/Jameka) are also silent and not saying a word.
Jessica finally breaks the ice with a comment about something. Dick is shown on the feeds outside smoking a cigarette.
Jen drinking water in the kitchen staring at Eric/Jam/Jess who are not talking to her.
7:45PM BBT
Eric is cooking spaghetti and meatballs for the group. Dick is back inside from his cigarette, Jen is not on the feeds, Zach is laying on the sofa. Jameka and Jessica are at the counter in the kitchen. Eric is telling one of his stories.
Jessica has set the table with 3 place settings.
The HGs are listening to every noise and expecting Amber and Dani to return at any moment. They keep making jokes about them being blindfolded on the way back.
Zach is now in the kitchen with the others.
8:35 PM BBT
Zach went to bed
Eric asked before where "the other one was" Dick said in bed
Dick/Jess/Jameka/Eric in the kitchen
Dick talks about how nice it was that Daniele got the Sprinkles Cupcakes that she wanted -
Jessica asking if she should throw the tray away that they came in
Dick tells her to save it that Daniele might want it
Jessica says she doesn't know why she would -but saves it anyways for her
Eric asking girls if they want to play football -
They don't right now
Dick says he will play with Eric
Jessica excited that they got Beer and wine
Jameka- why is it now that everyone is gone that they give wine- they didn't give it to us much before- not even on my birthday
Dick- but 4 beers are definitely not going a long way
Eric says they gave them more the other day when they were on good behavior
Jess- yeah Dick - she laughs
Dick- what?
Jess- stay on good behavior
Dick - just because I tossed her pasta - I didn't want her sitting down and eating with us- I'm sorry
Dick wonders if BB took down the birthday hats on Daniele and Mike's pictures during the lockdown
Jess says that Zach took them down says that he said it's not their birthday anymore
Dick -what a spoil sport -
Dick - I say we drink his beer
Jess- YEAH !!!!!
Eric asking Jameka how she's doing on the slop
She says ok - it's not so bad- she's just ready to eat real food-says this time around she doesn't feel as "dumb" as she did the last time on it - felt out of it that time
Eric - Jess you want beer or wine
Jess- I'll drink the wine since you guys don't
Eric- do you think you can drink the whole bottle?
Jess- yes!
Jessica asking if people sled down off the freeways there
Dick - sledding?
Eric they sounds like a absolutely dangerous idea
Jess- it is but people do it
Dick -sledding down the sides of freeways here - only a Kansas girl would ask that -
Jess- yeah I forget it doesn't snow here very much
Dick laughs says not at all - says it hailed there once..... looked like snow (lol)
Jameka- Carolina has the BEST beaches
Dick- yeah Carolina has some beautiful beaches
They wish they had some playing cards
They go on to talk about BB All Stars how they had them
They talk more about when Amber and Daniele will be back -
Eric teasing again about how they should tell them that they are voting them out next week - since they were out of the house so long ...
Eric says even though things are secure this week and they don't have to worry that he would feel insecure being out of the house as long as they have- says but he is paranoid that way
They talk about how much longer they have in the house
Eric wondering what BB would have done if he won the veto because he wanted to win it -but didn't want to go on the trip - would they have made him go ?
Dick says maybe they would have passed it to the next person says last week when he was on the block that he wouldn't have gone out of the house
Eric talks about James ( All Stars ) being in the Legion of Doom - he explains it
Now talking about all the ants that are in the house
quiet now
Jameka- yep Showtime this is it .. Welcome
They laugh
Jameka watches the ants - says some of them are cheating-they are coming half way down and then saying naaaa
Dick laughs says is one of them named Jen
Eric asks did they hear the story about how in sequester she says he had ants in her room and she was trying to make them be a friend.
Jess- I just don't listen to that stuff
quiet again
Eric -ok let's step it up
Dick says something about waiting for Jen to come in there and bait them
Eric - so if she baits me into hitting her I won't be in trouble
Jess- says that Dick took it very easily when Jen got in his face last night - says a lot of people wouldn't have handled it that way had she been in their face like that
Dick says he was told that it was good that he was the bigger person.
They all laugh
Eric- have you ever been called the bigger person
Dick laughs says yes I have I've managed a lot of bars -
Jessica- hey y'all it's Jessica from BB8 check out my new single
( she sing/songs it )
I love the sun and the sun loves me
I love slop in my tummy
They thought I was another Holly
Eric never gets to play in POV
Chorus- booyah booyah booyah Big Brother booyah
9:45 BBT
Eric gives a shout out to Puerto Rico after prompting from Zach.
They're discussing different parts of Canada.
Dick-says it's F**k French Canada, the regular parts of Canada are all right.
Dick talking about the KanJew alliance. They're all laughing.
Eric in a high british accent. "It's the Kanjew bird."
Dick- Has an extremely large Penis for it's size.
Zach- It has a red underbelly with a blonde tuft.
Eric- talking about questions he got whether his mother was an overbearing Jewish woman.
Now, they're talking about questions
On to talking about Jen and DR questions about the incident last night.
Eric.-"we have an eater."
Dick-"we have an eater."
They're all laughing and having a good time.
Talking about impersonating HGs. Mike, Zach.
Leads to talking about the drinking food concoctions comp.
9:55 BBT
Dick-wondering where Jam went. Wondering if she went in to sleep with Jen
Jen is sleeping
Wondering where the girls are now. They expected them back.
Eric & Jess giggling about Kanjew alliance.
Dick had a guiness left last night and Eric & Jess had a Coors Light left last night.
Zach & Dick moved on to Return of the Jedi and whether Leia was the "other" Jedi that Yoda was talking about.
They're explaining to Jess that on a lint roller the sticky side goes out. Jess is removing hair from her shirt with it now.
Jess-singing "I love slop in my tummy..."
Now they're going to play HG charades.
10:05 BBT
KT: Eric, Zach, Jess and ED
Jess is saying that ED reminds her of Bruce Springsteen Shocked
ED goes on about a story when that song first came out (Born in the USA)
Eric pours more wine for Jess. Zach says Wow......are you guys gonna make out tonight? ED says something in the background ......
They are talking about Jameka going to bed and didn't say goodnight.
Eric: What celebrity person would you most like to be in the house......and not someone who's hot?
Zach: Drew Carey, seems like he could keep me entertained all season.
Eric: I would take Mike Tyson......or Michael Jackson.
They all laugh.....
Jen is in the bathroom brushing her teeth.....
The rest are still in the kitchen talking. Jen is washing her face now.......finally turns the water off (thank you)
All four cams in the kitchen on these guys.
10:26 BBT
ED and Eric continue playing quarters.
Asking about politicians and then they bring up the guy that says "Are you readddddddddddy to Rummmmmmmble." Cool for comps
Eric-The World's fastest speaker.
Jess-My dad.
They keep throwing names out.
Zach-Chris Rock
Dick-How about Eddie Murphy and his transexual experiences. Shocked
Jess-Chris Farley
Dick is doing an impression.
Anna Nichole. Jess would love her there.
Jess-Bring back Howie
They move on to past HGs
Dick-Janelle would be fun. Jess agrees
Eric-Thinks he would pick Will. Dick-Well that's an obvious one. Lisa, a good player
Dick-Allison if she was here.
Jess-Nakomis. Dick says she would be cool. Very chill
They discuss Nakomis. Different than the other girls.
Dick likes Will
Jess wants Holly and Howie. They tell her she wouldn't like him talking about her tits all the time.
D-Marcellus would be a major princess.
Jess-Amy, she would like her.
Eric -in All-Stars he would like Diane. Thinks that she would fit best into their alliance.
They talk about whether Diane was white trash or not and how she had to move back to the midwest after she didn't make it in LA, just like every other reality star.
Said just as Jen walks into kitchen with them.
Dick still practicing quarters. They start talking about air hockey, then knock hockey.
They are talking about Treasure Hunters.....Eric says he thought he was the only one that watched that. Sounds like Jess watched it too......then Eric goes on to Amazing Race......(wow, this guy has seen them all!) ED burps nasty. Now they are back to Treasure Hunters.........the geniuses left their partner and the one black team guy couldn't swim at all (his last name was Black)
Zach saying he liked the blondes from AR. Eric said he didn't think they were very pretty Shocked
Now they are talking about 'Polish Sausage' (eric looks embarrassed...doing his robotic neck/eye/eyebrow thing......he's a shifty looking guy)
They are going over all the reality shows.....
11:00 pm BBT
ED, Zach and Jess in KT:
ED is spinning his cup on the countertop. ED and Zach are talking sports..... (talking about Tiki Barber )
Now ED is talking about spinning plates. They are saying how important it is to not lose this one important this quarter is to hours and hours of game (where did they get It????)
Eric there now too. He's talking about taking something to stop the acid leaking in his stomach. ED is trying to flick the coin in his cup (it's loud). Now they are talking about Seinfeld ......they are talking about different episodes.
ED: It's eleven o'clock and their still not home.
Jess: What is your daughter doing????
ED: Well, you know Amber takes forever to do anything.
Ed heads outside saying it's a lovely evening outside........the door shuts......(guess he's going for a smoke and a spit)
back to kitchen....
ED, Zach, Eric and Jess in the Kitchen:
ED says reminds me of a story and Jen laughs......ED says, What are you laughing at? She says Nothing.
Jameka awake (up) now.
She's in and out of the fridge.
Jess: Did you have a nice nap?
(think she said yes!)
E, Z, and J have concocted a plan to put a wedge in the door to the RBR. (I think to get it stuck so Jen can't get out)
Dick says they're going to blame him.
E suggested marbles outside the door but they decided against it.
E and Z do it.
BB tells them to stop that, but I think they went ahead and did it.
Dick keep saying he's going to get the blame.
Dick and Jess practicing Quarters.
Eric and Zach come back. Zach saying that Eric is the culprit. They're laughing about it.
ED says Showtime got more than their money's worth last night.
Now they are discussing the huge population of ants
11:06 pm BBT
They come back. BB told them they couldn't do that I guess.
They don't know if they can get it out. but they do.
Zach-awwww, can't wedge people in.
Dick now wedging Z into the storage room. The all laugh and Z gets out.
They're now talking about food. Looks like Zach and maybe Eric are going to eat.
They're doing a lot of loud talking.
Looks like they have a cake that has pictures of the HGs on it.
Eric asking if jess wants his eye. She says she wants his cookies. Shocked
11:11 pm BBT
Strange...extended inside view of the DR. Maybe Amber and Dani coming back into the house? Switched back to Kit.,ED going to DR to request some sort of Ant killer. They all start telling him what to ask for..random stuff,hair dye,condoms,hair clips. ED comes out of the SR with the old cake and acts like he's going to stuff it in Eric's face. He takes it back to the SR and Zach sneaks up and puts the door stop under the door. ED catches him.
Kit--Eric and Zach are playing the slap game. Two people hold hands and take turns slapping each other's hands as hard as they can. It truly is painful to watch,just the sound is awful. Jam jumps up and acts like Amber and Dani are back just to get the guys to stop. They do,Zach's wrist is red and Eric's hand looks like blood is going to pop out of it.
Zach has never played before and he is wailing on little Eric. Zach says........Dude, you are bleeding.......but they are all laughing away.
Jess: OMG........I see a man.
Eric: Ya.......that was not very nancy of
Eric is talking about wrestling.
They are talking about the Kanjew alliance (Kansas and Jews)
Jess: What's burning?
Someone: Cookies
Eric:, I just checked them.
11:50 BBT
Zach & Dick in BY ... going over Jameka's moves in the game..
Dick thinks they(Dani & Amber) are in the DR since they wouldn't let him in there...
Zach says it will be "So nice when she's gone"(meaning Jen)
Dick & Zach going over how Dani talks & treats Dick.. Zach says she talked like that to him for the first 2 weeks...
Zach says she is a mature intelligent 21 year old.. (thought hg's believed she was 22)
Feeds switched from Club talk in By by Zach & ED .. to Jess & Eric in Kit.
feed 1 on DR door!!
Amber & Dani voices coming over feeds.. no pic.
Dani says did you tell them to wait outside?? & Amber says something (I didn't catch)
(Voices cut again.. just enough to recognize)
Amber & Dani are back!!!!!!
They aren't allowed to talk about their trip!!!!!!!!!
They can say they were on a private jet.. and went to New York... but .. beyond that .. they can't talk about it!!!!!
They all go outside.... to tell about last nights events..
12:40AM BBT
Eric comes outside to Jen and Jess and lays into her (Jen). Jen says everyone was avoiding her, Eric says "I have no Fing clue what you're talking about." Eric tells Jen he has supported her in this house , Jen says you have not.
Dani saying that what Jen did ruins the integrity of the game. Amber, Jam, Dick, Eric agreeing.
12:45AM BBT
Jen says she didn't try to get on BB, Eric says "Why did you accept it?" Jen: "I didn't" Eric, WTF? This goes on for a minute, and finally Eric tells Jen just to shut the eff up.
Eric calling out Jen about reading the BB rule book and it was opened to the Food and Exit section. She denies this and Eric calling BS
Jess goes inside with Eric. Dick comes outside. Jen says Dick has made deals with everyone, Jam pipes in "not me!"
12:50AM BBT
Jess to Jen (in front of A,Jam, E) I do believe you didn't do this on purpose to stab Jameka in the heart. I believe you were thinking about youself in the moment, and didn't want to intentionally want to hurt Jam.
Jess to everyone - I'm not defending what she's doing, and saying that it was right.... but I can kinda of see where she is coming from
In the kitchen, Dani says to Dick : "I heard they are doing a good job portraying people as they are.."FOTH
Jen: I know you guys see me in here and I seem rude but outside here I'm the friend who would do anything for you, always 100% honest and truthful...
Amber: This is what I don't understand... you knew when you got picked for the show if you didn't make it to the final (after first 6) you'd have to go to sequester..
Jen: Sitting on the beach in Mexico?? I don't have time for that...
1:10AM BBT
Jen saying she has an amazing life and people probably wonder why she'd leave it to be tortured by Dick. She starts to cry...
1:15AM BBT
Jess to Jam : "Eric and I got into it in the bathroom and he felt bad. When I talked to him I was like thank you for that but you're looking at from one way, and I am from another.. we are different. I think he is mad cause usually I do listen to what he has to say."
Jen is filling Amber in on a lot of things she knows, from the beginning to now, and warning her about how dangerous Dick and Dani are in this game. She's telling her that when Dick was going to leave it was going to be her, Zach and Dani in an alliance and they told her things. She's telling Amber exactly what happened, things that were said to her.
1:30AM BBT
Jen tells Amber they were so bored today they watched a spider make its whole web Jen said it was really fast and makes a sound indicating how speedy it was. Jen says he just spun it around and then took a nap. Jen laughs that if they saw a spider making a web on their back porch at home, they'd kill it but here they watch it. Amber chuckles and says that's crazy.
1:40AM BBT
Jen asks Amber about the trip. Jen asks if Daniele tried to talk game with Amber. Amber says they were prohibited from speaking on the plane and they had separate hotel rooms. Amber said they weren't even allowed to talk about Big Brother at all since what they did was focused on something else. Jen asked if Big Brother seems popular. Amber said yes. Jen said she's gotten the impression it's bigger than other years. Jen says had never heard of it so she didn't know what she was getting into.
2:15AM BBT
Dick - is she still out there?
Eric - she should just go to bed
Dick - should put honey in her bed
Jam - no you'll get ants
Dick - there are already flies from her GIRL PARTS!
Dick to Jam and Eric: Would you hire her(Jen) as a nanny? Eric: I'd rather leave my kids home alone.
Jam says it is one thing to be born into wealth and not know any better, but it's another thing not to be and talk down to people like she does.
Dick says that Jen thinks that is her life. She's living in a dream world. She is in for a rude awakening if she loses her job and has to live in the real world. She probably doesn't have one piece of furniture of her own. Dick says that she is a nanny with one room and she calls it her mansion, her cars, her maids, her gardners. Dick says she is nothing, she is the same as the maids and the gardners. She just doesn't realize it. Dick wonders if she made the nanny job up and that's she's really a stripper.
The Jen bashing continues a for another 15-20 minutes, then around 2:30AM BBT it moves to bashing tired they are of Zach, he always thinks he's right, etc. That lasts for about 3 minutes and we're back to Jen.
Dani told Amber she wished she could have gone on the trip with Jess. Amber said she would have wanted Jameka, but Amber realizes that this shows Jess and Dani are in an alliance.
Amber tells Jameka that Eric told D&D to keep nominated Amber & Jameka like they did Kail & Jen. Amber says when she wins HOH, she needs to make a bold move. D&D, Jess & Eric have the numbers. Amber tells Jam how Jen said Daniele directed Jen to go up and get info from E&J by pretending to be sad. Jam doesn't understand why they want to get rid of Jen now though. Amber said Jen doesn't get it either, but with D&D and Zach, they do have the numbers. Jameka wonders how Amber knows Jen is telling the truth. Amber says she knows, she can tell.
Amber says Daniele has to go too, but we have to get her Dad outta here. Amberr saying it may come down to us against Eric and Jess. Amber walks out of room. Jameka stretches out on the chair. Quad feed on and can barely hear Eric and Jess talking (they are in Jess' bed under the covers)
Daniele - Oh I am such a horrible person.
Dick - I did not say that
Dani - yes you did.
She is in HOH washroom and he is sitting on end of bed.
Dick says he looks out for her and does what he can to keep her safe and it doesn't go both ways. He is leaving HOH room. He says have a good night
She says "a GREAT night" scarcastically
Then she says "it's sooo nice to be back home"
Dani in BY now waiting for her dad - you know what Pis*es me off is that you get yourself involved in MY situations. Dick tells her he can say what ever the f he wants to and she can't tell him what he can or cannot say. He takes large garbage bag and puts it in bin. He goes over to couch now and is lighting up. Dani is not there anymore.
Eric and Jess still talking
4:10AM BBT
Dick now goes in house and is on way to HOH - he is knocking on door. Dani comes to open it. He comes in and sits on bed. Says he is sorry - that is what he is telling her - he said what he said she doesn't appreciate that people take what he says and it comes on her. She doesnt want to do this, this is why I was so happy, no I didnt want to come back to this house. He says because of me. She says no because of ALL OF THIS. This isn't easy. How do you think it is after not talking to you for two years and then have to be around you all the time? Dick - do you think this is a joy for me? Dani -no. Dick - you don't see the way that you talk to me sometimes? Dani- the way you talk to me sometimes too? Dani- says she has apologized numerous times for the way she has spoke to him.
Dani says she doesn't want to talk about this anymore. Dick is sitting on bed. She says she just wants to go to bed. Dick says did you want me to just sit at here while you yell at me? She says she just wants to go to bed. (she is looking and being snotty) Dick sits there on end of bed. he looks sad.
Dani says she is talking about THIS and not talking about the game. Stop f-ing twisting what I am saying. Dick - you walk away, I beg you to communicate. You turn your back and walk away. You did it once for 2 years and once for 3 years and there were not good enough reason for all that time. Dick - it isn't all me. He walks out of room. She grabs something and goes in bathroom.
Jess gets out of bed. Can hear Dani really crying.
4:15AM BBT
Amber outside and can Dick say "yeah I will be fine" - looks like Amber may be over by laundry. he is smoking. he looks sad and upset. Amber asks if it is anything he wants to talk about. he says no it is the same sh*t we have been going thru for 7 years. she can do and say what she wants and I can't. I am the a**hole. everybody can think everything is going fine in their relationship, but there has been nothing resolved. we dont talk about it. she doesnt want America involved in it. very annoying sometimes. Amber i know, i bet.
Eric and Jess quiet and still in bed
Dick says he is playing for two people and she is playing for one. Amber tells Dick that he is a good guy. Dick says Dani is missing out on a lot of family relationships because of HERself. Jam, Eric and Jess still in bathroom talking about who they'd put up if they were to win HOH. Jameka says she trusts Jess & Eric.
4:40AM BBT
Eric says he is going to bed. Jess is already in bed. Jess is cleaning up Eric's spaghetti from earlier. Amber comes into kitchen with Jameka.
Eric and Jess are in bed talking.
Jameka and Amber are in the bathroom talking about Eric - he asked Jameka all kinds of questions about Amber and deals she made. Amber gets mad at Eric and says he needs to go. Amber: Jen asked Eric if she was going up. Eric said no, they are putting up Jameka and Amber. Jameka: He always thinks he is going up. He even said it might be me.(eric) Amber: he is f'n dishonest.
Dick comes into the bathroom, says he can't believe the two are still awake. Amber says she's going to bed.
5:35AM BBT
Jameka is sitting outside thinking.
Amber, Eric, and Jess are shown in bed.
A few minutes later, Jameka heads for bed.
5:40AM BBT
All are in bed.
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