11:15AM BBT
Dick is up... he and Jen missed each other ...whew.... She brushed her teeth and then wandered around looking in cabinets and such then went back to bed.
Dick got up, brushed his teeth, went outside, went back in for his microphone and then Jen got up again. She poked around in the storage room.
She placed a bottle of water in the WOR and is back in the bathroom, pulling her hair into a ponytail. Now she's going through the bathroom dresser drawers. Got some zit cream or moisturizer from someones drawer and is patting it on her T zone and around her eyes.. with special attention to a zit on her chin. Putting a sweatband around her forehead, checking herself out in the mirrors....yes, plural, one view isn't enough .... now she's back to the WOR and onto the treadmill.
Dick continues to smoke, cough and spit...oh... and sniff ewwwww. Dick is outside... smoking.
12:12PM BBT
BB woke them up.
12:15PM BBT
Jen has been swimming laps for quite a while and all of the houseguests have been commenting on it. Convo turns to the BBVoice that occasionally repeats that 440 laps = 1 mile. Thinking that there may be a reward or special power that goes with swimming the mile.
Jess - Congrats you swam a mile your safe from eviction. Yeah Right.
Eric, D, and Z laughing.
Eric - maybe if we change our battery 1500x we'll be safe.
Jen bashing is the new sport today - all have jumped on the train.
12:40PM BBT
Jen is still lapping the pool Jess eating a waffle, ED making more. He says' is it ok? not mushy?
12:50PM BBT
Jen comes in, Zach says, "They're asking for you in the DR. I think you're going to get the swimming merit badge." Jen gives him a weird look.
Dani is called to HOH to write her blog. She has no clue what to write about.
Jess is laying out
Dick is making waffles
Eric came out of DR and is eating a waffle.
Zach, Eric and Jess start playing an improv game.
1:20PM BBT
Jess says I can feel my skin burning. and Ed says he farted. Eric brings Jess the nail file she wanted. Amber is still sleeping.
Eric, Dick, Jess talking about what the HOH comp might be. Eric says if it's endurance he won't make it. Jess says it will be her and Dick left if it's endurance. They don't think Zach or Amber would last. Jess said Zach might if it's just like holding a button or something because he has ADD.
Eric said maybe it will be a bucket and you have to poop in it and the first to fill it up wins. Jess says, "Well, I always take a good hearty dump on Thursdays so maybe I'll save it." Eric and Dick laugh at this. Then Dick says he's gone in after her on Thursday and she's not kidding.
1:30PM BBT
Zach is still sitting alone in the kitchen with his hands crossed looking like he is going to fall asleep. Everyone seems to be avoiding Jen. Jen is wantering around the house and back yard like she is looking for something. Then she goes into the storage room and starts eating. She brings food into the kitchen and eats more.
1:45PM BBT
Jen is walking thru the house, checking her reflection where ever she can as she passes by. Goes into the bathroom and puts on her makeup.
Eric and Jess are talking about movies they like or dislike.
Zach goes to the bathroom
Jen is outside tanning.
1:55PM BBT
Dani finished writing her HOH blog and is now taking pictures. Has a strange one of Zach's mouth, one of Zach with Nick's cake pic in his mouth, one of Amber sleeping, one of Eric laying on the ironing board, one of Eric being zipped up into luggage with only his head poking out, one of Dick sleeping and Zach holding a croquet mallet over him, one of Eric in the washing machine, one of Dani and Zach with bowls on their heads.
2:05PM BBT
Jess looks like she might be trying to go to sleep.
Camera keeps zooming in on Amber, looks like she might be fighting tears.
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:52 pm Post subject:
2:40PM BBT
Jen is going around the house looking for her stuff...asked Dani to get her clothes out of HOH. Finally found her stuff in the box by the pool. Dick warned her not to touch any of his stuff or he'd take hers and hide it/throw it over the wall.
2:50PM BBT
Jen is standing in the BY talking to the others when suddenly her bikini top breaks and falls to the ground. She tried to cover herself and asked for help. Most stood there in awe...Jameka picked her top up for her. Jen ran to the bedroom to change.
Jen very thankful she found her clothes as the bikini was the only thing not hidden. She mentions she's still missing 2 white trash bags. Nobody talks for awhile, finally Jameka suggests she check the bags she already found. ED comes in and says he wishes she would have waited till the live show to take her top off. Jen says she didn't take it off. ED says sure, like your bra. He goes into HOH. Nobody says anything to Jen.
All the houseguest at the table remain silent. Once Dick is in HOH they pick back up their conversation about what they think the next HOH comp will be like.
Jen is looking into flower vases by front door, Eric jokes she'll destroy the set and she says she has to look everywhere.
3:30PM BBT
DR tells Dick to give Jen her stuff back. He tells Eric and Dani that she'll never find it. He'll put it back when she does her CBS Mobile Update.
Jen is called to the DR
Dick goes into HOH to get Jen's stuff and puts it into the tall dresser.
3:40PM BBT
Eric and Daniele tell Dick that Amber was mad that they used Dustin's crown in the pictures. Daniele also says that Amber had her take 3 pictures of Amber kissing her necklace and giving a love sign to her daughter. Dani says that when she took the camera to storage room, she deleted Amber's pictures.
4:30PM BBT
Dick apologizes to Zach about the fight-says he's been on edge since the argument with Dani - Zach says its ok, Dick is like his older brother. After Dick apologizes, he calls Zach an idiot and a f***ing hemmorhoid under his breath.
4:55PM BBT
Dick and Jameka are in the backyard talking. Dick says that you don't really appreciate your family until they are in there late twenties. Jam says she thinks she started appreciating them more when she was in college and when she learned about how other people grew up and basically was grateful for what she had. Jam says they (D&D) haven't even hit the core of their relationship. Dick says he brought up going to a therapist and Dani says that he can go himself. He says he is always walking on eggshells and he feels that he should have to change the person that he is for her. Dick says he looks at it as her deal and hopefully when this is all said and done, she will at least have the interest in trying to figure their relationship and try to make it right once and for all....... only time will tell.Jam: You def. demonstrated strong father potential off the veto.
5:05PM BBT
BB announces an inside lockdown.
5:20PM BBT
Jen says she had a dream where people were asking her to do more reality shows for lots of money and she refused. She said in the dream, Dick was mad because the show's producers didn't want Dick unless Jen was there.
Zach asks about flying on a private jet. Amber liked it. Jen says she likes how the seats recline in them. Amber asks if Jen has been on a private jet. Jen has many times. They are trying to figure out which airport the girls went to.
Jen says she can hear testers practicing something in the backyard. Jen says before she leaves tomorrow, she is going to bake banana bread for the people on slop.
5:30PM BBT
Misc conversations while on indoor lockdown - Jen poops so quickly because she eats lots of fiber. Zach misses Olive Garden. Jen does too. Jen and Zach start talking about food. Jen stops them because Jameka is there. Jameka says it's OK. Jen says it would be awesome if she could see her family and the kids she nannies when she gets out. Zach and Jen aren't sure how production decides who to bring out. Jen wonders if school is back in session. Jameka says Monday. Zach left to go to the bathroom. Jameka and Jen are still in the kitchen. Amber is laying on the couching in the living room alone.
5:40PM BBT
Jameka is giving Amber a massage on the living room floor. Amber asks Jameka to walk on her back.
5:50PM BBT
Dick brings in juice from the storage room and leaves the kitchen. Jen pours it down the drain.
5:55PM BBT
FOTH for a few minutes
6:30PM BBT
Eric is talking to the cameras about lockdown, being bored, wanting to use the hot tub, etc. Eric has been whining about lockdown for a while now.
6:35PM BBT
Jameka says she is having a hair emergency and is fussing with it while Eric sits of the sofa arms crossed not talking looking upset. Jen rambling about shampoo.
6:40PM BBT
Jen says maybe they are out there throwing a party for me. Eric sits up and says that would be an odd change of events.
ED up. Looks upset and heads to the bathroom. Jameka still talking to her hair and asking it why it's not looking cute. Jameka finally says her hair is cute. ED went to the bathroom then walked by everyone up and went back to bed without saying a word. Silence in the house.
6:50PM BBT
Jen digging through a purse with jewlery in it. Amber laying of the sofa. Jameka still not pleased with her hair. She keeps making funny faces in the mirror and talking to her hair. "Ok thats good" but then starts curling it again. Still silence.
Zach in the kitchen talking about the ants again. Jen looking for cookies. Zach and Jen decide to eat Fruit Loops.
Jen asked Zach if he knew how long they have been in lockdown. Zach shakes his head no. He's not speaking.
Zach's finished eating and says "oh back to sleep". Amber still asleep on the couch. Jam still doing her hair.
7:20PM BBT
Jen is in the kitchen eating and baking cookies. Saying she is going to make banana bread for her tomorrow so she doesn't have to smell it today. Eric is about to get in the shower. Everyone else sleeping.
7:30PM BBT
Jen is telling Jameka that she thinks BB might do something to keep her in the house because of ratings - like another comp.
7:40PM BBT
Lockdown is finally over
Zach and Jen playing chess outside, Dick and Jameka making small talk on the couch, Eric getting dressed after shower.
Jam back in bathroom talking about her hair being fussy due to humidity, Eric talking about he is frustrated that BB would end lock down as soon as he walks out of shower, says he was panicked that they would lock down for thirty hours to set up something.
Eric and Jam talking about her getting two warnings now about singing and to stop, she says two too many. She continues to sing!
7:50PM BBT
Jameka tells Eric "you may get a kiss with that outfit" and Eric says "Nah, there's always one comment that goes the wrong way that ruins it"
Dani is up, Jam asks her if she was asleep. Dani says no, she was up for about 15 mins(I think), Jam asks if she was avioding them, she says no, Just her (Jen), says she thought about calling Jameka up to HOH to talk. Says to Jam she will make her breakfast as soon as she is off slop.
Daniele asks Eric what would happen if there was a food comp and everyone ended up on slop and ate food anyway, Eric says everyone would be pen nominated, they laugh.
Jameka tells Amber she should rewash her jeans so they will shrink since she has lost so much weight that they are falling off of her now.
8:40 pm
Jess in hot tub talking to Eric, Amber and Jameka in house talking
Jameka telling Amber she is going to finish packing, Outside ED states the Jen is leaving tommorow. Dani joins Amber and Jam, Jam asks what happened to the good ole days, Dani asks What good ole days?
Eric telling Jess and Ed that Dani told him that in the DR last night Amber was saying she didnt want to come back to the house and Amber was crying Hysterically. Ed wonders why Amber has been laying on couch for over an hour.
Jam goes to pack her things and Jen complains that she cant wash clothes since Laundry machine is broken
Zach says Beer pong now they got beer
Jess says something to Eric that now something said will most likely be in a comp. They laugh and then it returns to FOTH.
9 pm
Jess in shower now, Jam still packing
Eric, Dani,Amber,Zach and Ed sitting in house talking about who could jump across the pool, other random things, but mainly quiet.
Jess Finished her shower and in her room getting dressed
BB said Jess put your mic on. ED said "she can't she doesn't have any clothes on.
Amber asks Zach and Dick if they have j****d off yet
Both reply no. Dick remarks that Dustin has. Amber says he did it three times.
Someone asks how much alcohol there is Ed says 12 cans and bottle of (wine?) He says maybe they(BB) hope for some fireworks tonight! Jameka is packing up stuff in bathroom.
9:15 pm
Jess exclaims Let's Drink!
Amber called to DR
9:20 pm
Dani and Ed trying to convince Jam to play
Jam saying Nah. But states she is coming out. So they ask if she is lesbian, she says huh? They say... "your coming out?" Laughing
Dani says that they should save all the beer for tomorrow and get drunk before live show. Saying they would be so mad(BB) Then be called to DR!
Zach makes one in on the first shot of the game Dick and Eric rag on Zach for breaking his "streak" of being such a bad quarters player. Eric remarks about him still being bad at HOH and POVs, which Dick laughs at but Zach doesn't look amused.
9:30 pm
Amber laying in bed alone, seems sad
Jen getting food out of the refrigerator as the other still play Quarters She's eating a watermelon and watching them play, not saying a word to them.
Jen comes over and puts more beer on the table for them and they dont acknowledge her except for Jess who says thank you
9:45 pm
Amber talks to Jameka about how depressed she is.
The three ladies (Jen, Jam, Amber) start to bad mouth the Donatos.
Jameka asks if Dick and Daniele were ever in some sort of alliance with her (Jen). Jen claims she turned them down twice when they asked, all when Kail was in the house.
Jen says it was because Jameka would win in the end and they know they could win against Jen.
Jess is sitting next to the HT, Eric has his head lying on her leg. He has his hand on her leg. She is rubbing his head. She pushes him in the HT. They are laughing. Eric puts Jess's foot in his mouth. She says "ew". They are flirting.
12:15AM BBT
ED is in the HT now. Jess is getting out to get a towel. Eric is lying next to the HT. ED is giving him a hard time about having a boy problem.
12:20AM BBT
They (Eric, Dick, Jen, Jess) were talking about this season - and Jen said this season is more watched and more public involvment. Jen on couch talking to Eric and ED in HT. Dick said "why? because of airing on ShowtimeToo? a channel no one ever heard of?" and Jen said "and more public involvement" Dick said "how do you know? is the DR handing you private notes like Carol?"
Jess Eric and ED all in the house now. ED looking for his pants and Jess is in the shower again. Eric brushing his teeth. Jess just said she is tired and needs sleep to win HOH tomorrow
12:30AM BBT
Jess saying she is hungry and asking Eric to please fix her something. Jameka says "make her a pizza" Jess says no, Eric says grilled cheese? She says I don't know what I mean.
Dani & Dick arguing in HOH room about Dani making a deal with Amber and her not telling Dick. Dick calls her selfish, she tells him to leave HOH. Dick points out she has no relationship with her brother, mother, grandfather and him and she tells him that is none of his business. He says her family loves her no matter what, but she is the one that doesn't want the relationships with the others. Dani throwing Dick out of HOH room yelling "GET OUT THIS IS MY ROOM"; Dick asks if he can get his stuff and Dani holds the door open while he grabs his things.
Dick goes out to the backyard to smoke and rant to himself. Ed talking to the camera saying, " I'm over it, no more of this on TV relationship will be dealt with outside the house. He is mad at CBS for bringing them in there. Says he is going to win HOH tomorrow.
12:50AM BBT
Jam asks Ed if he made his predictions yet for HOH ? ED says I don't do that kind of crap. That's Amber. I would like to be HOH so I can have some peace.
ED talking to Jam about hoping for a double eviction and Jameka says that would take away from the live shows. ED explaining last seasons fast forwards and hopes for double eviction. Jam says are you ready to get back to normal life?
Jameka and Dick were talking and she starts smelling pizza and decides to go upstairs. Eric, Jess, Jam and Jen all in the kitchen talking about back to school time.
1:15AM BBT
Dani saying there are ants in the walls. Saying that she is tired and tells Jess she looks tired. She said something about being upset with Amber. Dani says where is Eric? Jess says he went to bed. Dani says no he is making a plan with Jen.
1:20AM BBT
Dick fell asleep in the backyard. Jess saying she is going to bed, saying she is winning HOH tomorrow. Jameka tells her good nite and Dani says Nite Freak.
Jam and Dani alone in the kitchen. Jam asks Dani are you nervous about tomorrow, and Dani says no, I have not had time to think about it. Dani says I can't wait til she is gone. She has made things hell for everyone on purpose. Dani and Jam still talking. Jam said she isn't mad at Jen. Dani says I don't know how you do that.
1:25AM BBT
Eric and Jess are talking in bed. Jess asks if he gets HOH who would he put up, he jokes her and jameka, she tells him to shut up and we get blue tunnel vision. Back, Eric says he isn't sure he will let Jess in his HOH. Jess and him flirt, feeds cut to ED and Dani in kitchen...
1:30AM BBT
Dick talking to Dani in Kitchen, telling her he loves her more than anything and wants a relationship with her. She just sits there. he's being very calm. he loves her, wants a relationship with her more than anything, it's important to him. He wants to forget about what happpened. He wants to go back to the way things were. She's looking straight ahead and not at him. Tells him he always wants to forget about what's upsetting her. He tells her he's doing the best he can. he's just trying the best he knows... ED saying she's done a great job in the comps and in this game. He doesn't expect her to get over it and forget. He's just trying to be pleasant and have a convo. Dani says it's about the things you say to me, I would never say them to someone else. ED is sorry but he tells her that she tells him stuff that hurts him. They start raising their voices. He doesn't want to yell though. He wants her to tell him what exactly he said that upset her. She said she hates it when he gets on her about her personal life or her relationships outside the house. It has nothing to do with him. He says it's a pattern.
She tells him she's different than everyone else in the family. She says Vincent and him are alike. He says they are not. She says she's sorry she wasn't brought up in a warm loving family that's why she doesn't feel close to them. ED says he's sorry. She goes on to talk about Lindsay's family and how close she is to them because they have been there for her. Dani tells him he doesn't know what her life is like. It's none of his business how her relationships are with other people. ED says she does let people be there for her. She says "Oh my god, wow.".
He asks her if she's taken any responsibilty for the breakdown of their relationship. She says she has and tells him not to look at her like that. He says she never has once taken responsibility. back and forth more... She says she never sees her side of the issues. He throws back she was the one that left. She tells them there are reasons that she took people out of her life. He says she never returned calls. She says she can't do this and goes upstairs.
1:45AM BBT
Dani and Amber are in HOH. She is pretty much just rehashing the conversation with her dad down stairs in the kitchen. Amber is consoling her telling her she's strong and how hard it must be..
Dick goes to bed. Jess and Eric are asleep in their own beds. Jameka is outside alone in the hammock, crying, praying and talking to herself and God.
Amber continues to give Dani advice, saying the same things.. Finally Dani speaks and talk about their 'deal' Amber doesn't care, it's up to Dani if she wants to tell people about their deal. (Dani had told Amber their deal was one of the reasons why her and her Dad are fighting.)
Dani talks about her dads looks that he gives. Amber says "I know girl, I know" more of the same from Amber.
2:30AM BBT
Daniele asks Amber "How was it seeing your cousin?" then FOTH Daniele and Amber discuss Zach. Daniele calls him an idiot. Jameka is still outside on the hammock.
2:40AM BBT
Dani and Amber are discussing the other HG's and how smart they are, etc. Jameka off the hammock, heads inside, passes Dick and tells him good night.
Amber asks Dani : Do you think her and Eric really have feelings for each other? Dani says that she called it early on that they would end up hooking up and she heard Jess and Eric talking about their DR's and she heard Jess say they asked her a question and Eric asked her about what, and Jess said "about a boy I like.."
blue tunnel.
Dani "I always said her and Eric would end up hooking up. I told my dad and he didn't believe me." She says she was right, nobody believed her.
2:45AM BBT
Amber and Dani talking about being social, going out with friends, hanging out at home, sequester and Nick.
Dick has a couple of folded white towels in his arms and he goes into cabinet and into the house. He puts towels on counter top and goes back in the yard and starts to cover the hot tub.
Amber saying she never thought this would be this hard. Dani says she knows and it is much harder than you could ever imagine.
3:15AM BBT
Dani and Amber talking about what they'd do after the show, where Dani is going to live. Dani says she is taking a month and a half off. She loves where she lives right now, loves her street. A few years ago she wanted to move somewhere else, meet new people. Saying her grandma had 2 liver transplants when she was younger. It's been almost 13 years now and the avg life span after one transplant is 8 years.
3:15AM BBT
Amber and Dani looking at screen and says "he is thinking about Kail" Amber tells her she should get it out of the way now and go talk to him. Dani -- i know him and i know my reactions to him. Dick stands up and is looking at HOH wall. Dani - I stare at that wall all the time. Amber - so do I.
3:45AM BBT
Much of the last 30 minutes has been Dick wandering around the house, smoking, picking up. Dani and Amber chit chatting in the HOH room. Dick goes into his room and takes off his shirt. Amber - I can't wait for the wrap party Dani - I can and I can't, you know what I mean? Dick is sitting on the side of his bed.
3:50AM BBT
Amber decides she's going to try to go to bed. They go downstairs and find a bowl of banana bread mix in the oven.
Dani tells Jameka she looks angry. Jam wants to know why she is going upstairs and cant hear what she said. Dani is now back in HOH room and Jam in kitchen getting a drink - she puts coffee cup in the microwave. Dani out of HOH room and coming back downstairs. Microwave beeps and Jam takes her drink out and they are both sitting at the counter right now. Dani eating at counter and Jam just left her drink on counter and went into SBR she leaves room (no feed in there) and comes back to KT.
4:10AM BBT
Amber back in kitchen - slicing up more of the bread/cake? and Jameka asks if she can have a piece. and Amber putting wrapped slices in purple pot that is hanging on wall. Dani says she is going to tell Jen that she is hoarding it all.
4:20AM BBT
Dani saying she doesnt want to just sit around. Jam talking about traveling to Bermuda or Bahamas. Dani said she so can't wait to get out of here, regroup, take off a month and a half and travel. Jam - is this something you will do by yourself? Dani - it is something Nick and I discussed My manager told me I should be a police officer - says Dani. Says she is always looking at the door. Jam talking about people and keeping counts. Amber in other room - laying down in bathroom. Jam says "you ditched us come back here" Amber says - i can see you guys.
Dani says even if she takes more time off, she knows she can go back to her job.
Dick coughs.
Eric stirred in bed a few minutes ago as well.
Jam moving chess pieces around on the small board. Talking about Mike now. Something about a yacht and ideal perfect BF for someone. Dani says Not for me, but for someone.
4:30AM BBT
Dani says the picture of Dustin is horrible. Amber asks the one on memory wall? Dani says yes, she hates it. he looks Asian. It doesnt look like him at all. Amber sasy she loves it. Jam says Mike looks a little vampire in his. Dani says Nick is cute, but looks like a 10th grade picture. Amber - mine is so fn ugly and I am so photogenic. Jam says she is the first one to get hate mail when she gets out of here. OMG, why does my hair look like that, look at my shoulders (saying what they will say when they see all their pics).
4:35AM BBT
Dick is in BY now smoking. Girls talking about how many guys and girls and if/when they close off one of the bedrooms. Amber says then you will be sleeping in the same room with your Dad.
5:30AM BBT
Amber and Jameka discussing what she will do if she gets HOH.
A- Eric is going to go psycho on me especially if I put up his girl... Oh God.
J-(can't make out what she said)
A-You will vote for Jess, Daniele will vote for Jess...If a tie, vote Eric out.
J-It's about to be brutal
A-You just don't get it
J-I do now (missed a lot of the convo) I will fight for you any way I can.
5:35AM BBT
All finally sleeping
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- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Wednesday, August 22
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