All are sleeping
7:30AM BBT
Jess got up about 15 minutes ago, brushed her teeth and did the treadmill walk for about 10 minutes. Now she's on the elliptical.
7:50AM BBT
Jess performed a few free weight exercises then headed to the bathroom. She is in the shower.
9:01AM BBT
Jess sitting in the kitchen eating watermelon.
9:26AM BBT
Jessica goes back to bed.
10:00AM BBT
Jen gets up and brushes her teeth and weighs herself and sighs.
10:09AM BBT
10:21AM BBT
Feeds back and everyone in HOH sleeping (I'm guessing it's a LD)
11:20AM BBT
Everyone still in HOH lockdown sleeping.
11:35AM BBT
Jen is awake, messing with her nails. Everyone else still sleeping.
11:55AM BBT
Zach is awake and cracking his knuckles.
Eric gets up and goes to the HOH bathroom.
Dani in one of the HOH chairs, pulling at her split ends.
Zach sitting there with his elbow on his knee. No one talking.
Dani goes over to bed and puts on head phones.
12:05PM BBT
Houseguests rising slowly. Eric is now up in chair near Zach. Dani still listening to music, Jen stretching. Can hear breathing from one of still sleeping houseguests.. Small talk between the ones awake, but to whispered to understand.
12:20PM BBT
Dick asks how long have we been up here, Eric and Zach tell him hour and a half.
12:30PM BBT
The HGs are nervous and wondering why lock down is taking so long. They think they might be shutting down one of the bedrooms and who will have to bunk with who.
Eric, Dani and Zach talk about their favorite Muppet characters.
12:40PM BBT
Eric is telling Dani how the show starts with the Previously on Big Brother......
12:45PM BBT
Lockdown is finally over.
Jess is back in bed.
The rooms appear to be the same. No noticeable changes so far.
Zach is told to put on his microphone.
Someone said only 4 more hours...... Jen is in the kitchen eating.
FOTH for about 5 minutes
1:05PM BBT
Dani, Jameka and Eric are cleaning. Eric says Jen made a mess while they were cleaning and she was in the way. Jess put dishes away and Zach is vacuuming.
1:15PM BBT
Eric is saying he is going to win HOH so next week when they have lockdown, they will be on the bed. Him and Jess.
Jen puts her bags by the front door.
1:30PM BBT
While Zach is vacuming he breaks the coffee table platter. Everyone calls him an ogre and he plays the part.
Dani, Eric and Jess talk about how Jen gets in the way of their cleaning and makes a bigger mess. Jess and Dani tell Eric he needs to win HOH. He talks about everyone wanting him to win. He wants it. Dani is making her bed while Jess is ironing. Eric and Jess playfully ask each other silly pretend HOH Comp questions.
1:35PM BBT
Jess and Eric talking about him wearing her dress. Eric asks Jess what she will say if she is asked how she feels about Eric wearing her dress. He asks if she will say Nancy-boy or not. She says it depends on how they ask the question.
1:40PM BBT
Jess and Eric's talk turns serious - who to put up if either of them win HOH. It seems they are leaning on Zach and Amber. Eric wants to keep Jameka out there as a possibility. Jess nods her head. They talk about what the HOH comp could be like. Eric talks about past seasons HOH's. Jess said it sounds like they were building something huge this morning. Eric talks about taking an egg during a comp. Jess says if he does he has to split whatever he gets with her. They talk about Julie saying she mentioned "This is your first endurance comp" Jess thinks another one is coming soon. Eric also brings up the possibility of Zach and Daniele going up. He gives reasons but they are hard to hear, whispering very quietly. Dani comes in.
Dick, Zach, Daniele wandered into the little room. General chitchat. Wondering if they're going to close down the round room tonight. Wondering where everyone will sleep. Daniele likes her little corner because she has the wall. Aside from being next to the door, Eric doesn't mind his little bed. Zach kinda smelled his feet or something during this LOL Eventually, they wandered out, one by one... Dick being the last one. Jess came into the big room briefly and left. Amber came in and started making her bed and folding clothes. Dick teased her about not being ready. Seems she was washing the floor on her hands and knees because 'someone' broke the mop and BB hasn't replaced it yet hehehe Dick apologizes and says he'll ask for a new one. He leaves, Jameka walks through to the small bedroom, moving slowly, looking tired (physically and mentally I think) makes her bed, and walks back through big room where Amber is still folding clothes and barely acknowledges whatever Amber said.
We watched Amber for a bit longer and we were graciously fed the TRIVIA
3:11 p.m. BBT
We still have trivia.
Zach and Dani talking about the HOH comp....Zach is trying to memorize dates. He's nervous.
Dani goes to Amber and thanks her for the talk last was much needed.
4:15PM BBT
Trivia Again
6:05PM BBT
After the show.....
In the bathroom, Dick hugs Jess again and congratulates her on her HOH win. Goes to hug Eric who is in boxers and about to get into the shower....he tells Dick to save it until he has pants on.
6:15PM BBT
Danielle with other HGs in KT laughing about when Jen responded to Julie about why she chose to eat food instead of slop.
Jessica - You can never be too blonde, too tan, too skinny, and win too many HOH's
Dani - You forgot too rich.
Jess - Oh yeah.
6:20PM BBT
All talking about the HOH Comp. Zach reviewing questions and seems irritated that he got out on a question about himself.
6:30PM BBT
Eric is saying Jen's speech was rude. It's not their fault, she broke the rules. Jam wonders if Jen has fans and what kind of people they are. Dick says yeah, Omarosa (The Apprentice).
All HG's sitting around the table, very happy and animated. Lots of random talking. Dani: I do feel bad for Jen because she didn't get the full experience of winning AC. She would have definitely won. (very sarcastic) HG's laugh.
Amber telling Jameka that earlier today she asked God not to give HoH to her but to Jessica. Amber thinks that Jess will put up Dick and Daniele. Jameka says Jess told her that she did that mistake once, she won't do it again. They talk about the deal that Amber made with Dani. Amber suggests that if Dani is on the block, she can use the POV on Dani to cancel her other deal (Not putting Dani up when Amber wins HOH) Jameka thought Amber had already promised Dani that she would use POV on her. Amber thinks Jess might put her and Dick up. She tells Jameka that she would win POV and take her off and they would both be safe.
6:45PM BBT
Dick is doing the Irish Jig, hoping Jen gets fired. Zach thinks Jen will jump ship and not go to the jury house. Dick agrees with him. Zach says Jen needs to have respect for the other players.
6:55PM BBT
Jess tells Amber if she gets her Beyonce CD she might get caught dancing in HOH.
Jess asks Amber what Jen wanted Amber to tell her after she left about Eric. Amber says she wasn't going to say anything, but since she asked, Jen told her to warn Jess about Eric. That he does have a girlfriend named Cheryl and that there is a lot more to it than Eric says. Amber says that Jen said Jess is sweet and doesn't want to see her get hurt and knows Jess doesn't like cheaters. Jess thanks Amber. Amber says she doesn't know if she believes Jen. Jess says that she doesn't either because Eric would have told her himself if there was something else. Jess says that Jen is right, she doesn't like cheaters.
7:05PM BBT
ED: I'm done talking about her, I'm done, I'm done I'm done.
Zach: I'm holding you to that!
Eric is upset again.. because Amber told him what Jen told her to tell Jess about him having a girlfriend named Cheryl. Amber telling Eric not to worry about it... she knows the truth that they talked about it week 1 and she said don't worry Jess knows too. Jess is in the room with them (as well as Zach & Dick) & she says don't worry, I'm not upset. Eric looks deep in thought, is red faced and easy to tell he is disturbed by this... he says "its a happy day... she's GONE!"
Dani talking to Jam about how hard it is to deal with her Dad every day - he says things to her she wouldn't say to her worst enemy. Jam defending ED & saying he has the right intentions but he comes across abrasive just because of the way he is. She's telling Dani how to talk to him & is reassuring her that he always speaks highly of her when she is not around and how proud he is of her & how he misses and loves her so much. Dani says its weird because one minute he says he's proud of her and the next minute he says "why are you like this?" and he wants to talk to her about their relationship and she doesn't feel the BB house is the place to discuss it. She's saying Dick thinks all Dani cares about is what people think - she says I do but I don't. She's worried about how she is being betrayed & he says he doesn't care about how he's betrayed & she says it affects her.
7:20PM BBT
Dani says she doesn't get along with her brother because he is exactly like her dad. Drinks, smokes, parties, talks like his dad. They have nothing in common.
Dick didn't last long... he's speaking about hating Jen now - since week 1. Eric says he thinks he's more mad at her than Dick is.
Dani really opening up to Jameka, telling her about her family and they've never been there for her, she doesn't fit in with them. She's closer to Lindsey's family because they have the perfect family and they've been there for her, she calls her mother mom.
7:25PM BBT
Jameka said she has some of the same problems with her dad and she understands Dani's feelings.
ED asking Eric why he's not happy. He says he's still thinking about what Jen said and did before she left.
Eric please go to DR. He runs out & says "Let me in. Ding dong the witch is dead". Dick can't wait to get in DR he says he hated Jen more than anyone!
Zach in his bed (formerly Nick's bed). Amber comes in and asks if he is alright. He says just relaxing.
7:40PM BBT
Dick outside smoking, Eric in DR, rest in living room talking about Kail being mayor & idle chit chat... waiting for food.
7:45PM BBT
Dani asks "Did you guys get the question what would be the benefit of keeping Jameka or Jen? Jess says no & Dani says neither did I. We always get those questions... but not this week.
FEEDS cut to FOTH... for few secs..
7:50PM BBT
HG's talking about the question about who is a worse speller. Carol said it was Jess. Jess said she isn't good at spelling but she has spell check. Jameka thinks forward is spelled f-o-w-a-r-d....Dani corrects her. Jameka said she's not a reader. Her sister was the reader, she's the colorer and drawer. She said she reads maybe one book every two years. Zach is astonished. He reads a lot.
ED still in backyard trashing Jen.
Jessica is called to the DR
8:45 pm
Amber talking to Eric about how Jen told her not to trust him b/c of what he did to Dust
Amber tells eric that jen told her that D&D told Jen to go up to the HOH as much as possible when jess was HOH and act sad all the time and get information
Amber & Eric now heading to BY to chat
Jes upstairs in HOH on bed, with Headphones on and reading letter again
8:55 pm
Z Dick Jam n Dani all in the SBR talking about Jen again
Dick and Jam now kidding around about how Jam always says MmmmHmmm
Dick tells Z that its a bummer Z cant wash the sheets on the round bed, Z asks why, Dick says washers broken (im guessin Z is movin in with Dick)
9 p.m. BBT
Jess has her HOH room. Lots of goodies, a letter from home, photos not seen before, huge cans of redbull and.....a pink teeshirt with BOOYAH on it LOL
Jameka said maybe they had Jen iron the letters on... Dick loved that and said it's a great line.
Dick says that he thinks Jen is a stripper... Jam doesn't think so
Dick in Hoh talkin with Jes on who to nominate... Z and Ambers name have been mentioned several times
Eric and Amber now out back talking about all the things Jen told Amber. Her face and words say she agrees with him, her body language say's she doesn't believe a word he's saying.
They're waiting for dinner. Groceries were delivered I believe, but no dinner yet.
Jess is reading her letter for the third time and listening to Carrie Underwood CD
Dick wrote on the bedroom door and was yelled at quite a few times and then called to the DR.
Dick in HOH. Congrats to Jess. Happy Jen's gone. Kail should have gone this week, Jen when Kail went out. Jess 'uh huhing' and 'yeahing' Dick.
Eric and Amber still out back... convo stopped while Zach went to collect his now dry, dunking outfit, from the dryer.
Jameka is sleeping.
Zach to DR
Dani must be sleeping, too.
9:20 pm
In n Out burgers are there. At least 10 Double Doubles
Eric & Amber talking about eric's GF
Eric in BY w/ Am - hinted that g/f cheated on him and he didn't retaliate, he's still been waiting around for her for over a year... she lives in CA
Doesn't want to hurt her now especially in front of America
Eric said Jess said it will hurt her feelings if he won HOH and there was a picture of his g/f
9:30 pm
Eric concerned about whether Jess looked upset with the Jen comment by Am
Amber said no-she didn't seem like she believed it
Jess in HOH bathroom setting up her stuff. Dani called to DR.
Everyone else in Dining Room eating and chatting.
Zach discussion Sams and Cosco.
Zach : When you go there you spend at least 100 bucks..
Talking about 5 gallons of tomato sauce.
Zach commenting about ED's sleeping habits
Says he might not move into the round room because of ED's teeth grinding. Then made a comment about when the HG's were in LD in HOH and ED's breathing sounded like an underwater person.
talking about all the things that have broken in the house
Z says-Z broke glass & platter, Eric broke Z bed, Dustin broke Z's heart
Am says she loves Dus so much
Z-speaking of eating, i'm going to go relieve myself
dick smoking in BY
Eric knocking on HOH door, Amber says to knock harder maybe
she has her headphones on.
Amber made another comment about being pregnant, 6 months
tells her its just her stomach adjusting to all the food
Dick talking alone in BY glad he didn't win HOH this week b/c it doesn't matter at all-as long as Z and Am didn't get it
Dick laughing-"this is so awesome"
10 pm
Dick-"that girl was seriously nutcase" Z-I agree
Am laying on couch. Dick says if there's any night to party-tonight's the night
Jam and Dick doing dishes
Am laying on couch
Er, Z & Danielle in bedroom
Jam called to DR-Er told her to have a goodtime
Dan and Eric talking about Jen's speach and Eric's comment-not preplanned but he meant it
Eric thinks he watched his mouth and was composed until Jen put him over the edge this week
10:10 pm
dan imaging what Jen said to Julie Chen-
"honestly julie, i never even wanted to be on the show anyways...they begged me" lol
Eric thought the HOH question about carol was too obvious for the answer to be jess
Eric and Zach on back porch - Eric rambling non-stop about Jen and her flaws, game play, integrity, wins, basically anything Jen. Both agreeing they are glad she is gone.
10:30 pm
Jameka is in the HOH with Jessica reading her letter and having fun. Dick is in the HOH, Amber and Dani are sleeping
Jess out of the shower and is alone with Jameka in the HOH room they are talking
some of the other house guests are sleeping. Jess told Jameka she didn't want to talk game or anything like that tonight. Jameka trying to get her to talk game. Jess again saying no talking until tomorrow. But Jameka keeps up and Jess now listening
10:45 pm
Jessica and Jameka - talking about all sorts of things
Dani and her relationship with her boyfriend, the things she said about him in the beginning being the man she wanted to marry and stay with the rest of her life and then how she was acting with Nick.
Jessica found out Eric came a knockin and she didn't answer - she's mentioned more then once she hopes he didn't walk away sad because she didn't answer.
Talked about how excited Eric was when she won, Jessica thought in the beginning Eric was a threat - but not now, they wonder how it is he knows so much about game but can't win anything.
Jameka is sharing Ambers vision of Jessica putting up ED & Dani, Amber winning veto and then Jessica taking one of them off.
Now they are discussing whether or not to put up ED & Dani. Jameka playing the different scenarios of one of them both of them and then says, "I can't believe they didn't offer you a deal", then moves on to maybe they did with Eric.
Jam trying to influence Jess to put up Dick/Dani
11:15PM BBT
Jess, Jam, Zach, and Eric are in the HOH. Jess says she's glad Jen is gone. Zach says he glad she won't be following him around - lurking behind him. Now just talking about the stuff Jess got in her HOH moved on to talk of tattoos...casual chatter.
ED is smoking and talking to himself in the BY. He says it's been a good 2 weeks...seems like a lifetime ago when he was on the block and stayed. He laughs to himself. Lights another cig and blows perfect smoke rings then burps loudly. He goes on to get excited about his own bedroom. "Rolling! Quiet on the set!" He heads inside and comments that the house is quiet. He heads up to HOH.
ED has joined the group in the HOH. They're talking about previous comps and joking about how Eric has never competed for POV.
The HOH group are now talking about their experiences with alcohol. Funny stories about trying strong alcohol without know what it was, etc... Zach is leaving HOH...they joke with him about him being called an ogre. Some trashing of Zach after he leaves....
12:15AM BBT
Jessica called to DR. Eric, Dick and Jameka still in HOH
12:40AM BBT
Eric is called to the DR. Comes back in about 10 minutes later.
Jameka leaves HOH and Eric moves onto the bed with Jess. Jess and Eric talking about nominations... Eric says Zach and Amber are the safest nominations for her to make. Eric tells Jess that he wants Amber nom'd for sure (AP?) and Jess says she will NOT put Jameka up as a pawn.
1:30AM BBT
Eric says nobody saw it coming, now Jess is absolutely f****** dominating. Jess mentions nominating Dick but Eric says it might not be the right time in the game for that, why piss off Dick and Daniele, he is comfortable going to the final 4 with them. He thinks Jess can beat them in the final 4.
1:40AM BBT
Eric is discussing how Jen slammed everyone in the house before she left. She told Amber that Dick and Dani put her her up to get info to bring back to them. He and Jess confirm that they can't stand Amber and that Dani can't either. Eric coached Jess on what to say in her nom speech and she asked what to say to Zach and Amber prior to noms.
1:45AM BBT
Eric says he'll be really upset if he leaves without winning a POV or HOH. He keeps telling Jess he did not throw the HOH today and he didnt mean to answer the question wrong. Eric says not to pull a Zach but you look incredibly hot in all these pictures (that she got in HOH room) to Jess.
1:50AM BBT
Everyone else appears to be sleeping on Cams 3 and 4. Jess has removed a group pic from the wall and is identifying everyone and telling about the dancers and stories about everyone - FOTH
Eric tells Jess that he feels like America thinks that their alliance with Dick and Dani is the best alliance of all time. That's it's like the "4 effing bad a**** just laid down the law and said if you're going to win this game, you're going to have to go through us."
2:10AM BBT
Jess- the reason I wanted to win HOH was so my bronzer didn't get wet. She says I didn't want streaking! They're laughing about how Daniele puts Dick's key third in her nominations and tries to make it suspenseful but everyone knows they're together.
2:30AM BBT
Eric tells Jess he lost his virginity when he was 20.
Danielle has been sitting in BY on couch for 20 mins just thinking. She moves to the kitchen table and stares at the Memory Wall.
Eric and Jess have been talking if Dani will put them up if she wins HOH next week. Eric doesn't think so, but wants a meeting mid-week. Also in the past 15 minutes or so, Eric asked Jess what she does with this huge bed and she said she just sleeps in "this spot" (one side of the bed) Eric gets up and tells her it looks funny and wonders how many people you could lay in this bed and Jess says 25.
Jess - I am so glad I got my blanket
Eric- what?
Jess- my blanket.
Eric -yeah
Jess says her parents are probably wearing BOO YAH shirts right now. Eric says yeah and says he can't see his parents wearing GO ERIC tshirts. Jess tells him he has no catch phrases. Eric - when I see you in the morning are you going to tell me to shut up Jess- no. she said she will say Good Morning Eric. Eric - you will get Jessica go change your batteries or the mean one (in a stern voice) it is TIIIME TO GET UP FOR THE DAY.
Dani comes out of WC and goes to sink and washes her hands.
Jess talking about her bed at home with two blankets and one of them is an astrological sign. Eric - in our married life, we will probably cuddle and then we will go to our own sides. yours will be the left side and mine will be the right side. should they have their own blankets Jess- are you a cover hog? Eric saying he has slept with her before and woke up with no blankets on
Dani is now in the little bedroom laying down.
3:15AM BBT
Eric - If I am in Kansas and you have a girls night who am I supposed to go out with for BOYS Night?
she says something
Eric says do they fish - I have never been fishing, camping or skiing
Jess- I have never been skiing either
Eric asks Jess which her favorite picture it..they are looking at them again.
Eric - I am going to bed.
Jess- go to bed.
Eric - I think it is nice that we have already lived together
Jess- 55 days
Eric - it could be months or even years before people feel like this
Jess- it feels like I have known you for years
Eric - I have spent more time talking to you in 55 days than all my friends in years.
Eric - that is why you have feelings for me that are growing by the minute
Jess- BY the second!!
3:30AM BBT
Eric sitting at end of the bed - he was smelling her perfumes and they are talking about the future.
Eric - OK enough
Jess- will you turn up my air cond?
Eric - are you sure you dont want a snack
Jess- no
Eric- it is at 72
Jess- 70 would be fine
Eric turns off lights and leaves the room
Eric goes into SBR and removes mic.
Jess is putting on her headphones in HOH and looks like she turned off the spy screen.
Eric going thru some stuff next to his bed. Removes pants and puts on some sleep shorts OVER his boxers. Leaves tshirt on and closes door as he settles into bed. Jess playing with controls of cd player.
ALL quiet now
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