4:40AM BBT
Jess and Eric were up late talking about possible nominations... Amber/Zach most likely. Lots of good natured teasing between the two.
Jess sleeping alone in HOH room.
Jameka sleeping in Jess' bed downstairs.
Not sure about Zach... maybe round room but maybe his original bed.
Daniele was sitting at the kitchen counter staring at the Memory Wall.... studying or thinking about someone.
6:15AM BBT
Dick up and sitting at the round table in the kitchen and wandering around the kitchen.
7:38AM BBT
Everyone in bed.
Lights on in HOH room but Jess appears to be asleep.
Dick just turned over in round room.
Not showing other bed...don't know if Zach is in there.
8:18AM BBT
We had BIG BLUE for 5 seconds or so and back to feeds.
Dick is sleeping alone in the round room, laying on his side, pillow over his exposed ear, trying to sleep.
BBVoice - Good Morning Houseguests, it's time to get up for the day.
Jess is up and in HOH Bathroom.
Dani is up and in the downstairs bathroom.
10:15AM BBT
Dani tells Zach she was hoping for some celebration songs about Jen being gone. Zach says 2 of the songs involved dancing and think it's a clue they'll be dancing. Dick from other room says he thinks it's about washing something. (Tiny Bubbles was one.) Zach says the only dance he knows is the Q-tip. Dani says "SHUT UP!! You're an idiot!!" Dick says Rubber Ducky was another song that was played, also Car Wash and Dirty Laundry.
1:40PM BBT
It seems that prior to the Luxury Comp, everyone had to get naked outside. Boys first with dividers between them, girls next with the same dividers....No mixing of the genders while nekkid. Whatever it was, it involved soapy bubbles. Seems the girls won - the girls got a 3 minute timed clothing spree...whatever they could put on in 3 minutes, they could keep.
Outdoor lockdown...seems Jess also got a half of a mannequin???
2:30PM BBT
Eric and Jess discuss noms...Jess asks him if he's still thinking the same way he was last night. Eric turns it around and asks her what she thinks. Jess doesn't want it to be uncomfortable. Eric says it would be more to explain to D&D or Jameka that him (Zach) She wonders because Zach wants to talk to her. Jess tells Eric that Amber wants her green dress, but she will only give clothes to Jameka if they don't fit her. Eric talks about the comp. Zach immediately was naked as the bell rang. Jess laughs. More talk about the guys being naked. Eric talks about not wanting to look at their boy parts. He says it was fun, but they got their butts kicked.
Jess talks about what it was like to have the girls naked in front of her. At first they tried to just take their bottoms off, but eventually they just got down to it. It was funny because Amber's boobs were right in her face. Jess asks if they saw the girls. Eric says no but he wishes he did. He says he told Dick that he said he wasn't bummed they lost the comp, he was more bummed he didn't get to see Jess naked.
2:50PM BBT
Jess is showing Eric her new clothes Jameka and Dani are still trying on their new stuff
Eric and Jess talk about how Zach will react to being nom'd. He tells her he will take it like a baby, or just stay in bed, or make sly threats or veiled comments. Jess says she will say "whatever, Zach win POV and take yourself off"
Eric says he and Jess should start talking about the end game, planning out how each different senario could play out, so when it happens they will be prepared. Jess agrees, and says they need to start really practicing with each other so they can win as many of the comps that they can. Jess says she would be pissed if she was evicted during a week she didn't know simple answers to house questions.
Zach comes in. He is trying to defend himself saying he should stay because he will vote however they want him to and throw the POV Comp. He's trying to build a strong case to stay and for Amber/Jameka or Dick/Dani to be nom'd and evicted.
3:40PM BBT
Zach finally leaving HOH, looks like he's going to try to grill something. Amber is still trying on all of her clothes and feeders are treated to a mostly naked Amber. Jameka is playing dress up as well and feeders learn what type of undies she prefers.
3:50PM BBT
Eric goes off on Zach's logic. He said he knows what he is doing. Zach wants Jess to put up D&D. Eric thinks Zach will vote one of them out. So that the remaining one of D&D will go after Jess and Eric, and that gives Zach another week to skate by. Eric said he much rather would go against D&D in the final 4, worthy opponents to fight it out who deserve to be there. Jess nods and seems like she is on the same page.
Dani comes into HOH and Eric begins telling her about Zach's arguments to stay and who to put up.
4:20PM BBT
Dani tells Jess and Eric that it would be embarrassing if it was Zach and Amber in Final 2.
4:30PM BBT
Jam has joined the HOH group. Jam is talking about heating up the burgers from last night. The girls also discuss their new clothes and how expensive clothes are.
4:50PM BBT
Dick comes up to HOH. He jokes that this is just like the last time Jess was HOH and he was downstairs by himself. Now everyone is chatting about the clothes from the comp. Everyone seems to be in a good mood...casual chatting.
Eric: No food comp. No one on slop. You guys got clothes. I got to run around in bubbles with naked men. What more could a boy ask for?
Amber told Jess to do what she has to do with the noms, and that she will not be upset and will vote anyway she Jess wants. Amber also said that if she is put up, she wants a chance to fight for POV.
5:15PM BBT
Dani and Dick are outside talking about Zach. Both say they are annoyed with Zach. Dani says that she heard that Zach says that Jess shouldn't bother putting up dead weight this week and focus on someone important. They agree he is stupid. They make fun of Zach a bit about the "streaking" question in one of the competitions.
Dick says to Dani that Eric came up to him and said they were so happy that Jen is gone. They talk a bit about how dumb they think Jen's speech was and how bad it was to hear her voice over the speakers. Dick wonders why they gave Jen the "button pushing" duty. Dani says "for the show." They agree that Jen was on the show because she was "insane." And that the "Who needed a slop diet" question was rude. Especially because they put Jameka in it. Dani is offended (jokingly) that none of the questions were about her.
Dani says that Jameka thinks she is going up and Dick agrees and says that Jameka is doing some "serious ass kissing."
Dick says that Jess will really upset Zach by putting him up. But Dani says that is stupid because you should expect to go up. Dani says that Zach will be "butt hurt" when he goes up and Dick asks her "What's that?"
5:30PM BBT
Dani mentions that twice today, Amber went into the DR and came out crying.
Dick says that Jess/Eric and him want the final 4 to be people to deserve to be there. Dani disagrees and says that she wants to be in the final 4 with weaker players...also says she is more sick of Amber than Zach and wants her gone this week.
5:35PM BBT
Dani says that Eric and Jess want to get rid of Zach/Amber in the next two weeks and then Jameka. Dani wants to get rid of Jam sooner. She thinks Jam is stronger than the other two. Dick says that Eric said that if we four can't beat Jameka in the final 5 we (don't deserve to be here.) Dani not so into this. She still thinks it is risky. Dick says that he is sure they can beat Jameka in the final 4 competition. Dani, eating chips, still not impressed. Dick--there will probably be a comp involving money in the final 4 week comp because that's when it really means something. Dick is walking around the couches smoking, wandering, etc... Dick wonders why they gave them gold balls for the mallets and then took them away and gave them different colored ones.
Dani says "Zach won't leave Jess alone. And Jameka either."
Dani goes inside Dick stays on couches. And then goes inside also complaining that his eye hurts. He goes to wash it again.
Amber/Jam/Jess in HOH room. Talking about Jess's sundress and where she could wear it. Eric walks in the room. It sounds like the DR told Eric to tell Jess not to wear any of the new clothes. They ask Eric his opinion on Jess's dress. They all think the dress is a little weird. Eric says "You look beautiful but the dress doesn't."
Jameka asks if Jess is a B or a C. Jameka says she has space in her bra. (From losing weight?) They continue to talk about bra size and then Jess' new clothes from the comp. Eric asks which ones she likes best--Jess drinking a soda or a beer--she explains her new clothing items and says one is for a day when she is feeling fat.
Dani is now up in the HOH room. Jess is changing to jeans/tshirt in HOH BR. Talk about what they are going to have for dinner. Noodles/lasagna/etc. Dani and Jess want to have a "sit down dinner."
5:45PM BBT
All feeds on Dick in the BR. Passes Zach--they are looking for Oust for Zach to use in the BR. Camera follows Dick as he wanders to the small BR and back out. He yells "Ow!"
BB "Jessica please go the diary room."
Dick says he needs an eye transplant. He would like a blue one. He wants one blue eye and one hazel like his old Australian Shepard.
5:50PM BBT
Dani is outside says she is annoyed with Amber's new "catch phrases" and that Amber is annoying.
Dani asks Dick what he would compare his BB experience to. They talk about Joe's cryptic "Meet the Fockers" answer.
BB harrassing the HGs to get outside.
Dani says that Zach says his movie would be "Transformers" Dick says "What! He hasn't even seen it!"
Dani eating chips and Dick is smoking on couch. Zach is playing with tether ball (by the sound of the clinking.)
TRIVIA - Nomination Ceremony
7:11 p.m. BBT
Jess just called to the DR
Amber and Zach are up. Amber is in bed, praying/crying...mostly praying (I don't have volume up on her .... she could be cussing lol)
Zach hit the treadmill. They think he's going to pull a Jen and go for 20 miles.
7:30PM BBT
Zach is in the shower. Dani tells him that it's not confirmed that he's going home this week and he has time.
She leaves and goes to the kitchen where she says to Dick that there are only 5 weeks left....til she can hang out with people she wants to be around. He agrees.
Jess runs into Zach...asks if he's okay. He says he's over it and is then called to the DR
7:45PM BBT
Daniele says Jen was right, this house is nothing without her! (sarcasm) She says I do not miss her. Dick says he'd miss herpes more than he misses her.
Eric/Jam/Jess in HOH room talking about lux. comp. The gals say that if they had to be naked in front of any of the guys they would choose Eric.
7:55PM BBT
Jess thinks Zach will hold the nomination against her more than Amber will.
Eric says he thinks he has 100% faith that they can win at the final 4 and 3 against Dick & Dani. He says their deal w/ them will get them there...keeping the weak and taking out Dick & Dani will prevent them from getting to final 4.
Now Eric and Jess are talking about having a "date" in the HOH room one night. Eric says that when Jess had her "date night" with Zach she claimed that Eric never asked her to have a date night. So Eric wants to have a date night this week with a nice dinner and some "alone time." Eric asks Jess if she was bothered by Jen's comments when she left last night. Jess says no. Eric says the girlfriend situation is up in the air and not a big deal.
8:15PM BBT
Amber and Dani talk about Jen while trying on clothes. Dani is still annoyed by Jen's speech. Amber wonders if Jen went to sequester. Dani knows she did so that she could go to the wrap party and have a chance to ask mean questions at the end.
Jameka, Eric and Jess are up in HOH talking about high school, various friends and professors...telling funny stories so FOTH in and out several times. Zach joins them. Conversation turns to Walmart and customer service, infomercials and sharks.
8:30PM BBT
Dick is in the backyard using and fighting with the grill. Says to himself: "Zach, you're getting my vote this week b****. I'm sick of your BS." Rustles stuff around loudly.
8:35PM BBT
Dick is cutting up steak. Dani is setting the table. They talk some about The Apprentice. She also mentions that she wishes evictions were on Tuesdays. The days between PoV meeting and eviction are too long, she says. Dick points out he needed those days. Dani gets snippy and tells him to not get mad.
ED is now talking about how so many people in the house are too picky about food - Eric doesn't want his food to touch. Dani asks her dad if he's ever seen Zach smile like he is smiling in his BB pic. Dick says no. Now they're talking about Zach's sexy bunny percentage.
ED goes outside and starts complaining about Zach not cleaning the BBQ...lots of cussing. ED scrubbing the grill. Now he runs (yes, runs) back inside to check his food on the stove.
Up in HOH, the topic is on evolution, Jameka says "Who's that guy? Ervin? Irving?" Someone says Darwin, then they say "Yeah, what's his first name?" Someone says Irving.
8:45PM BBT
Jameka tells the HOH group that she stole money several times when she was younger.
Dick in BY again now and lights up a smoke and turns the food on the grill and says Bueno.
Dick covers a plate with foil and puts it on the table. He says "My eye" and Dani says Micheal was so rude to them....FOTH
8:50PM BBT
Dani puts bread in oven. Dick cleaning up. Dani wondering where the bowls are...there used to be three of these (she is putting jar of sauce into one of the bowls).
Dick is on way to HOH
Dani- I think Amber is in DR
Dick - Sorry, it's not my fault (he opens HOH door) and says dinner is ready.
Dani says to Dick - Don't think you are sitting in my seat!
Dick -ohh is this your seat?
Dani says that has been my seat from Day 1
Ed tells everyone that he hasn't tasted the sauce...just made it up as he went along. Jesz says she's sure it's good. Dani says that sounded sarcastic...Jess tells her to shut-up (joking around) Dani announces that there is pita garlic bread in the oven. Eric thanks them for cooking. ED says he's sure Amber is still in the DR, but he can't wait. No one else is waiting either. Everyone says it looks good. Dani is taking about how everyone keeps trying to "jack" her chair...she always sits in the same chair.
Misc convo about dinner,Progresso bread crumbs, Dick asking for them for several weeks, chicken cutlets for dinner tomorrow, etc...
DR door opens and everyone hollers to Amber that it's dinner time.
Dick tells Jameka that she is the Queen of the MmmHmms. He wants to count how many mmhmms she says in a day. Jameka says she didn't realize she said it that much.
Amber is in the Big Bedroom with her Bible...
9:05PM BBT
The dinner table convo turns to Jen and how she was starting to get fat. The talk about Jen and how she had all this food in her bed and grapes she put in the freezer when she got there.
Amber is in bed reading the Bible. Dick goes to check on her. She says she'll be out when her face calms down.
9:15PM BBT
Eric is told by Jam that he was running around trying to look at the girls naked during the comp. He denies that ever happened.
BB- Jameka please go to DR - it was hard to hear and they ask - WHO BB? Called Jam again and Dani says "you ALWAYS get called during dinner" Jam - thanks ED for dinner it was delicious
Dick - what did you think Daniele
Dani - it was good
Dick - she (ref to Dani) kept saying she missed Mike's cooking
Dani - I miss Mike
Eric saying no one will pick him for HG choice during POV and set the record.
Jess - Okaaaaay Jen. Set the record.
9:20PM BBT
Starting to clean up the table (Jess, Dani and Dick) Eric talking with his mouth full about Jen's last day...Dick says he farted near her.
Jess drying dishes and Zach washing them. Eric saying he hasn't been bored today at all. Jess- yeah because we had two things today. Eric thanks them for doing dishes. Eric and Dani at counter and Zach and Jess at sink area....
9:30PM BBT
Jess, Dani and Eric in kitchen talking about veto comp. Eric has played ZERO! He thinks he will be playing this week. Dani has played in 6, missed only the pedastal where she was immune from going up on the block.
AMBER IS OUT OF HER ROOM!!!! She's in kitchen with the others getting some soda. She makes herself a plate of left overs from Dick's dinner. Dani asks her if she's okay and she says she is.
Dani saying she's tired. Zach saying he's going to bed. Stomps off. Dani tells Amber that everyone thinks tomorrow's POV will be a puzzle. Amber only nods because her mouth is full of food.
Dick and Jess are outside on the couch. Jess talking about yelling to the boys to shut up during comp. ED: They better fix that effing washer, we have no towels at all. Jess doesn't think Eric wants to get picked to play. Zach is wandering around outside, then goes inside again.
9:50PM BBT
Zach tells Jess that he's irritated that he had to talk to her in front of Eric earlier. He seems pretty confident that she's going to backdoor either Dick or Daniele and that he's safe this week.
Beer Pong!!!!
10:40PM BBT
Eric and Amber are in the backyard. He asks her if she's okay. He asks if she's okay. She says she was in Diary and crying, then Trivia. Eric says it sucks and says Jess was crying afterwards in HOH. Talking about the POV and kicking butt tomorrow. He says he doesn't want to bother her if she wants to be alone. She just says it sucks. Eric says he has no idea what anyone's intentions are. Eric tells Amber about Zach's spiel in HOH before the noms. Eric says Zach made an a critical error in the game by not getting to know people early in the game. Never took the time to make those relationships. Amber says if it's her time to go, she'll go...it sucks. Eric understands, he's been there (nominated before). Amber doesn't understand, she says there are bigger threats in the house. Eric says everyone in the house is a threat in their own way.
Jameka is up in HOH alone crying and praying. After about 10 minutes, Jess walks in and asks Jameka if she's okay. Tells Jameka that she'll leave her alone to pray if she wants.
11:15PM BBT
Talk between Jameka and Jess turns to POV tomorrow and who she'd pick if she had HGs choice. Jameka says she'd like to be able to play, so Jess says she'll choose her if she gets to pick.
11:35PM BBT
Dick and Dani are talking about Jessica....Dani would send Jess home before Eric cause people view her as nice and Eric has rubbed people the wrong way. Dick wants to stick to the agreement and Dani says thats what she is saying but to send Jess before Eric. Dani also wondered if Jess and Jam have a deal and Dick says he thinks they don't, that Jess likes Jameka and that's it.
11:50PM BBT
Amber comes up to HOH to tell Jameka and Jess good night. She goes downstairs and tells Dick and Dani. Dick and Dani are talking about the game. She wants to play POV tomorrow. Also wants to win HOH for a 3rd time. Dick wants to win HOH too. Dani tells him no. They continue to talk about the game...Dani mentions that it's becoming boring in the house with so few people.
12:10AM BBT
Eric, Dani and Dick are now talking about the votes. Dick and Daniele and Eric laughing and talking about what Jess would do if the vote were a tie. Someone mentions making the nom'd do Rock Paper Scissors for Jess' vote on live tv.
12:15AM BBT
Eric tells them about Zach's well polished but extremely late speech. Dick says he suggested that if Dick or Daniele won the POV they can use it on him. Eric said yeah, thats just after he came up and pitched for Dick and Daniele to be on the block. Eric says Zach has a problem telling between fantasy and reality. They all joke that with all his theories he hoped to have one right. They are curious to see how he plays the game tomorrow. Daniele thinks he will be the same. Eric calls him an idiot for thinking he would have Jessica's vote. Looks like Zach just got busted for playing all sides.
12:50AM BBT
Eric goes up to HOH, comes right back and tells Dani he feels he's not wanted up there. Dani asks if they are having a girlie moment. He tells Daniele that they might be talking about him. Dani tells Eric that "she" (Jess) was talking about his weiner earlier" Eric "WHAT?" Dani says "The Whooaaa" Eric says "she was?" then Trivia
Jess' letter was from her mom. Talked about staying focused on the game... not sure if that means dont trust Eric? or just stay focused and do your thing. She is going to compare letters. Jam thinks its about Eric. She can't compare cause Jameka warned her that Eric was coming, they are laughing now. Jess asks Eric where he's been all night. He says with the others since they were hiding in HOH.
Dick and Dani are chatting at the kitchen table about various HGs and previous comps.
1:15AM BBT
Dani tells Dick that the entire time she and Amber were on the trip, she had to hear Amber say that "Oh my gosh, everyone loves me!" She was very annoying. Dani said she feels like everyone she met must feel like she is an evil person because they asked her 'how do you feel about Amber? are you guys friends?' and she would tell them no, she just came along because she was 2nd in the veto competition. She wasn't my first choice, or second or third, in fact I didn't have a choice. She says some of the stuff she said she thinks people were surprised because of how blunt she was. She tells Dick, they asked her what she would do if she won the money and we get Trivia. Back from Trivia and they talk about Dani's M&M bunny that she made on the kitchen table.
Conversations in HOH and between Dick and Dani continue to cover all kinds of areas....mostly chit chat, no game talk. We do learn that Carol is a server at Hooters. Dick's eye is still bothering him and he'll see a doctor tomorrow.
4:20AM BBT
Jameka finally leaves to go to bed. Asks Eric if he's sleeping upstairs. He says he's not sure. Eric and Jess start to talk about Jameka - praying, crying, freaking out about being nom'd last week. Then talk turns to Zach. After that, Eric starts trashing Amber. They start flirting a bit again and then talk again about the Final 4 strategy.
4:30AM BBT
Talk turns...again...to Jen's comments as she walked out the door. They can't seem to let it go - talking about Eric and his possible girlfriend.
Eric is now stating that the g/f story is BS. Stating that he is being honest. Jess is still questioning his honesty. States he was not entirely honest about his occupation in the beginning. Eric states he would happy to give Jess an overview of this situation. Eric tells her that he came to BB to play a game. Now starting to explain to Jess, even though both are dead tired. Eric is being very careful about what he says. Is very uncomfortable about the cameras. Is now running through the story of his g/f. He states they were always on again off again. He saw her a month before the show. He also states there was never a commitment. Eric says she is an ex-girlfriend, and they have no title. He explains that she is important in his life, but they are not together. Says he never expected to come on the show and have feelings for someone. Jess says that's so cute. Eric is embarrassed a bit. Jess states that she has no situation like that. She says that she would never have ever thought she would have feelings. She states that she would never want to be scrubika (Erika) from last season. She also states this is weird, and that she has feelings.
5:50AM BBT
Jess asks Eric who to put up if Zach or Amber win POV. He says you put up Jameka, you just have to tell her you don't want her out, she should understand, you want one of you original nominees to go. Hopefully one of the four of us will win the veto. Eric thinks he may win.
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- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Friday, August 24
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