Jess and Eric discuss taking Jameka to Final 5 with them...if she wins the HOH, they dump Daniele.
6:20AM BBT
Eric and Jess talk more about the luxury comp - talking about shirts, shorts, clothes pins, unitards...being naked.
6:35AM BBT
Eric turns off the light and crawls back into the HOH Bed. Eric mentions how dark it is in the HOH Room. Jess is very happy about their talk.
6:45AM BBT
Eric - you may find this annoying at times and at times you will appreciate it, I always lay everything out there. But still parts of the conversation were hard to explain with words. To sit and talk about having feeling swith someone in this situation is weird. Jess doesn't think it was that weird.
Jess - I freaking flirt with you every day.
Eric - I know, but there is something nice about not dancing around the issue.
Jess- It's fun to flirt with you
Eric- It is very fun to flirt with you. It would have been easier to have met someone else, yet this wouldn't have happened anywhere else.
Jess- like a bar?
Eric - You wouldn't talk to me in a bar
Jess - How do you know that?
Eric - well, I wouldn't have talked to you in a bar, I am a get to know you kind of guy
Eric - Our time in the house has been like a 2 year relationship. I am so impressed that we get along so well here. I was not expecting anything like this in the house, with producers, HGs, and the fans watching.
Jess - I have seen you naked like 500 times
Eric - Well that's good in a way
Jess - I know what I am getting myself into
Eric- One game related question, I want to be in the veto to win it so we can keep the noms the same, so I should try for a prize right?
Jess - take a prize, I will stay in it.
Eric - I couldn't do that
Jess - Taking an Fn' prize Eric.
If the roles were reversed Jessica would want Eric to tell her to take a prize.
Jess - I will do anything, I will put the house on slop, you don't do that. But I will not give up my prize money.
Eric says it would be classic if he never played in a veto till week 8 and all he does is walk up, take $10K and walk off. Everyone would be shocked.
Jess tells Zach said it might be an eliminator type thing. Zach will be pissed when I eliminate him.
Discussing jury members and votes. Zach could never win, Amber has a slight chance, Jameka has some votes. It depends on who is on the jury. Dick & Dani would probably vote for us if we take them to F4. Eric - if I am in sequester, I will be pushing hard for you.
7:45AM BBT
Jess and Eric finally say good night. All are in bed.
8:50AM BBT
Still Trivia...we had a short break showing all still sleeping with some moaning and groaning going on.
Wake up call!
Jess is up and getting ready in the HOH bathroom
Eric is still laying in the HOH Bed
Dani is up and in the bathroom
Zach is in the shower
Amber and Jameka are in the bathroom getting ready and whispering to each other.
10:10AM BBT
Jess and Eric agree not to tell anyone how late they were up and will try not to act tired today. They also confirm their POV plans - Eric will take any prizes and Jess will take the house punishments.
Amber tells Jameka that if she (Jameka) wins POV, Amber's not sure she wants her to use it. Also, thinking this might be a backdoor situation....
10:20AM BBT
Zach and Dani in the bathroom. He's checking out all of her makeup labels. Jameka comes in and they discuss hair care. Zach is called to the DR.
10:30AM BBT
Jameka, Jess and Dani discuss American Idol and William Hung. Mention that every wake up song this morning had colors in it, think that might be a clue. Eric is called to the DR. Zach says all the songs were "old fogey" songs.
10:40AM BBT
11:10AM BBT
Feeds back. Everyone except Dick is playing POV.
11:40AM BBT
Amber tells Jameka that every song this morning had something to do with cats - cats, pussycat dolls, cat scratch fever, etc.
11:45AM BBT
Dick called to the DR.
Dani tells a story about how she and Kris started dating. Dani says that every single guy she's ever dated has always made the first move. The first move she made with Kris was she asked if she could kiss him and he said no. Her phone stopped working so she was all depressed thinking that he wasn't going to call her. So the next day she went to work and he was working with her. He told her that they needed to talk and that's how it started. Now Zach saying that Nick made the first move and they're talking about that.
Jameka and Amber are in the bedroom praying.
12:10PM BBT
Jess and Jam in HOH going over who won HOH and Veto and in what order. Then they start talking about evictions and the day # that people won HOH. Zach comes up to HOH and says he wishes he had a red bull. Jess shares one with him and he starts doing Food Comp questions with them.
12:20PM BBT
TRIVIA - Comp time???
2:15PM BBT
Eric is chatting in the kitchen with Dick and Dani
Zach is in the shower.
Jameka is in front of the mirror in bathroom.
Jameka: How does it feel Eric?
Eric: Um, Good, I wanted to come out and play.
Dick and Danielle seem happy.
Eric MAY have won the POV, but its not clear yet.
Meanwhile, Jess is now in the tub, and shaving her legs.
Amber is now at the table, eating out of a half watermelon.
Dick is heading up to HOH, knocks on the door, but Jess can't hear him cuz she's in the tub and the water is running. Dick stands there, listens, but door is locked.
Dani is downstairs eating, Amber is at the dining table eating by herself while,Dani, Zach and Jameka are near the breakfast counter. Dani now goes to the table with Amber, who is sitting quiet and solemnly eating. Zach seems more talkative. Jameka is not sitting close to Amber and makes no effort to do so.
2:20PM BBT
They just showed the Memory Wall with veto next to Eric's picture. Looks like Eric won POV.
2:25PM BBT
Amber is the quiest of the group.
Jameka now goes into the bedroom, where Daniele has gone.
Eric, Dick, Zach and Amber are around in the kitchen area.
Eric is looking to make a pizza.
Amber takes garbage out of the can.
Dick mumbles.
Amber takes the garbage to the SR.
Jameka continues to justify any answers she gave for POV, but not paying close attention, and watching Amber instead....
Jameka says she needed "more time to process"
Amber brings 3 rolls of paper towels into the kitchen and puts a clean bag in the trash can.
Jameka continues to talk about the comp questions to Daniele.
Daniele puts a bra over her pink bikini top and adjusts everything so she can remove the pink bikini. Jameka still talking.
BB: Amber, please go to the Diary Room.
Jameka complains to Dani: "I wanted to win, I really want a real win"
Dani asks to look at one of the tops Jameka got in the fashion grab yesterday.
Since the feeds have returned, the following observations are made. Jameka may or may not be avoiding talking to Amber, simply by her movements and she's been next or around Dani since feed return. Jessica is in her HOH in the tub, and has not spoken to anyone yet.
Zach showered and seemed in an okay mood.
Eric is chatty.
Dick is in a fine mood.
All 4 cams remain on Jameka and Danielle.
2:30PM BBT
Dani says she was ready for her 4th veto win. Jameka says she was really ready to win. Sounds like the POV was close enough they had to stop the film, circle the pick of something (like a fish?).
Dani tells Zach he was sooo close to winning. He tells her he knew where the last three were. Dani says she did too. Zach stalks Eric in the shower.
2:40PM BBT
Jess says she's happy Eric won the veto because her noms will stay the same.
2:45PM BBT
Jess - I need my Eric time, but I've got to stop staying up so late.
3:10PM BBT
Everyone in the kitchen chatting about how boring the live feeds must be with everyone eating pizza. Also say they wouldn't pay $40 for the feeds. Dani did read the updates. Zach says he'd buy that for a dollar (grrrrrrrrr). Eric talks about how he and his brother watched lots of reality tv together.
3:20PM BBT
Misc conversation about various reality tv shows
Dani says her tummy hurts and she wants to watch tv
Dick tells her to go up to HOH and watch them eat on the tv
3:25PM BBT
Amber tells Dani and Jameka that it's just too hard coming in second place. She just can't do it anymore.
All HGs are napping
4:40PM BBT
Most if not all the HGs are sleeping. BB has just called Eric to the Diary Room.
Some animals are placed next to some of the HGs beds. A rat is one, and a dinosaur or armadillo next to Zach's.
5:10PM BBT
Zach is up. Uses the bathroom and doesn't wash his hands. The camera makes sure to pan the towels and such. He goes outside and folds towels - guess the washing machine was finally fixed. Then he starts working out.
5:20PM BBT
Jess is called to the DR
5:35PM BBT
Zach is working out on the treadmill
Zach gets a glass of water and heads back to bed.
Dani gets up and uses the bathroom...heads outside and sits on the couch alone.
6:20PM BBT
Dani is called to the DR
Jess, Zach and Jameka are up in HOH talking about the broken washing machine.
6:35PM BBT
Zach and Jameka are in HOH talking about the veto comp. Jess has headed outside.
Zach can't believe that Eric won the first POV he competed in. He believes this week is a very big week in the game. He tells her, "you don't have to do anything, like does the apple fall on which side of the fence.... "
Jameka Mmmmmhmmmm
He hopes he stays because there is a lot of game left in him. He also says it's unfair to be called fat when he's lost weight in the house.
Jameka says she'll be shocked if Eric uses the veto. And she'll be shocked if Eric doesn't use it.
Zach says that he'll be shocked if Eric doesn't use the veto. He also says that Jameka is proof that underdogs can prevail in the game.
6:45PM BBT
Dick and Jess are outside talking about the comp. Dani just came outside. Seems that Jess was the first one out of the comp and Eric won in a very dramatic way. Dani mentions that people are rummaging around in the storage room. Dick complains again about the broken washing machine and not having any clean towels.
6:50PM BBT
Amber is now up in HOH with Jameka and Zach.
6:55PM BBT
Dick and Dani talk more about the comp and the silly clues that went with people's names. They also talk about how they would have played differently.
Dani mentions that Amber is a mess, very depressed...sounds concerned. Then FOTH
Back and they are discussing Zach. He said he didn't pick Dick when he pulled HGs Choice because of Dick's eye.
Up in HOH, it's fairly quiet.
Zach leaves HOH
Jameka: He's a weirdo, but still.....I don't know Amber, they aren't saying anything to me. I don't know. I don't see Eric keeping him on the block. I see a power play. You saw that whole thing with Jen leaving. Eric wants to be the guy who makes hard core moves. And its not gonna be you or Zach leaving for home this week. Do you see what I'm saying? I know it sucks Amber, and it sucks like it did for me last week.
Amber: Yeah, (Amber crawls on the bed next to Jameka) Jameka I'm so depressed, and then you know like Jessica was like about making a deal with Eric. I'm like I did that last week. I feel I'm not gonna make any deals, I'm gonna trust and just go with it.
Jameka: I still think its gonna be a lot of wheeling and dealing. Its gonna be a power move. It would be foolish for it not to be. I don't care, but he would be FOOLISH NOT TO GET RID OF DANIELE. Daniele, power move, send her home, absolutely send her home.
Amber: If I stay and get HOH next week, I will put Zach and her up........
Amber: Why would Eric use it?
Jameka: Because he would send Daniele home. See then I don't think Eric wants to be sitting next to ED so maybe he would send him home. I don't think Eric wants the risk of winning 50,000 when he can win 1/2 million.
Amber: When did Jess say "No that is not gonna happen on ED"
Jameka: In the last couple days, maybe Thursday....
Amber: Wasn't her last HOH?
Jameka: No, and her whole point was if she puts them up one of them HAS to go home.
Amber: But she didn't put them up.
Jameka: Don't matter gotta save face.
They both pause in thought for a minute.....
Amber: If Eric feels that ...best move is to get rid of Daniele, that is much closer to take us to F4.
Jameka: Not to mention who sabatoged Eric's integrity??
Amber: Daniele
Jameka: mmm hmmm! Say all of that when you talk to him.
Amber: He might take me off.
Jameka: mmhmmm I don't see him not using it at all. See he can trust us.
Amber: See Eric loves me, we have had all sorts of talks about back home....
7:10PM BBT
Jameka tells Amber that they are the only two in the game who are totally true to one another. Even Jess isn't 100% true to Eric. Amber wants to know how to talk to Eric. Jameka says to just tell him you're true to the group. Hopefully Eric will take it back to Jess. Even though Amber didn't vote out Dustin, she didn't know she should have. Amber says that there is no group.
Jameka says she's up in the HoH to find out about what the group (esp. Jess) is up to. She told Amber Jess and Eric were up early talking. **Note, they weren't up early...they never went to bed** Jameka says that Jess likes her alone time with Eric. She wants Jess to make a BIG move. Repeats to Amber that Eric and Jess should be working on a "power move".
Jameka asks Amber if Eric want to put up with all the crap that goes along with putting up Dick. She loves all the HGs in their own special way. Jameka wants Amber off and have Dani go up. Then, "what if he takes off Zach?" Amber calls Zack a **** and says Eric doesn't like him.
7:20PM BBT
Jameka wants to give Amber her space, but she's not abandoning her by any means. She supports Amber 100%. Amber whines and moans for Jameka not to leave her alone with Jessica. Jess comes into HOH. Jameka asks how the weather is. Jess says the weather is good. Jameka wants pizza again, says she talks too much about food. Jess mentions that NOTHING from the comp was left outside.
Amber asks Jess if she wants to talk later. Jess says that's fine. Jameka mentions to Jess that she (Jess) has so much stuff to pack when she leaves. Jess says that she'll take her $200 shirt and leave the mouthwash and hair stuff. Some stuff will have to stay behind. This leads to convo about the clothes they won in the luxury comp yesterday.
7:23PM BBT
Dani: All that stuff to be an alternate, would they tell you?
Dick: I think it would be someone in the finals and they would think they were coming.
(middle of conversation, but sense is Daniele is hoping Nick may return to the house).
Zach, Dick and Dani are outside at the patio couch area.
Just a second before TRIVIA, a cam showed a white piece of paper and hands holding it. The paper said: SEQUESTER
From the cams the only person not in HOH or outside was Eric.
7:30PM BBT
Dani is reading the rule book in the backyard. Every time she reads a rule out loud, we get a shot of Trivia.
Jess is wearing a pink wig in HOH. Jameka is still up there on the bed.
Zach asks Dick what he's cooking for dinner. He says chicken cutlets. Zach offers to help. Dick tells him he can scrub the potatoes with the green scrubby thing.
Zach is holding 1 running shoe and picking at it, while Dick holds another and does the same.
TRIVIA as Dani starts reading, "we reserve the right...."
Dick and Zach appear to be trying to repair someones running shoes.
They all get up now and go into the kitchen. Dani tells Dick she will watch him make the cutlets. All 4 cams on the kitchen.
Dani sits at the breakfast counter. Zach asks her when they can get hair cuts. Dani tells him, "when you ask for the clippers".
Dani continues to read the manual while Zach and Dick are in SR getting the fixings for dinner, which will include potatoes and cutlets.
Dick goes to open the SR fridge and smells bad fish in the fridge.
Zach jokes: "maybe Jen is still here"
Dani reads more from the manual: A swimming pool is located in the backyard and House Guests can swim in it but never swim alone as there is no life guard on duty.
Dick know has the water in the sink running.
7:45PM BBT
Dani wonders outloud to Zach and Dick if there will be a late night competition since everyone stays up late anyway.
From the BB Rule Book - Penalty Noms should not be used as part of your strategy.
Daniele is still reading the rule book and Dick and Zach are working on dinner...talking about potatoes.
Dick: Sounds like a pool night to me! Woo hoo hoo!
All feeds currently focusing on Daniele reading the rule book. Trivia constantly going in and out with Dani reading out loud.
7:50PM BBT
Zach is trying to engage Dani in conversation.
Z says "what do you have to say about this competition"
Dani tries to ignore him, reading the rule book.
He has broccoli in his hand and feels compelled to tell her what it is.
Dani: I know what broccoli is!
So then he comments on her mascara. Just Zach being himself.
7:55PM BBT
Dick is peeling carrots. Asks Dani if she wants to peel the carrots. She says no. He begs, saying it would really help him out. She puts down the rule book and says she will, even though she really doesn't want to. Dick moves to banging/flattening the cutlets.
Dani thinks it's weird that "we got all those banners in one week, do you think they did something" and then TRIVIA
Dick mentions that that has to be the slowest method of peeling carrots he's ever seen. Dani asks if he wants her to peel them or not. He laughs and says yes, he's just never seen it happen that way. Dani has the carrot laying on the counter (on a paper towel) and slowly runs the peeler over it and pulls off one strip, then turns it over and does the same thing.
Jameka is told to put on her microphone. Dick says why does she keep taking it off, Dani doesn't know and Dick says I thought you knew everything. Dani: I'm not one of those people who walk around here pretending to be so good, there are plenty of those in the house already.
8:05PM BBT
Jess, Jam and Amber in HOH room, Jess being weird with clothes and now yells out the door "Eric ... Eric Stein...I'm comin to get my man back!" Jess has the rat (from veto comp) down the front of her dress like a baby. She's also wearing a wig from the food comp two weeks ago. She's yelling for Eric saying "why'd you leave us" She is teasing Eric saying he made her pregnant and now she has a fu-pa (?) and his child support is due.
Eric and Amber talking about the veto comp. Amber telling Eric where she messed up. Zach asking Jess where she found the wig - in Jen's drawer.
9:30PM BBT
Everyone is (and has been for a while) in the small bedroom, except Dick who is still cooking dinner for the house. He's in the kitchen singing a cussing song while he works. It involves lots of bad words, the green plastic knife, eggs, etc.
In the small bedroom the conversation has ranged from date movies to naked/clothed hugs to the veto comp.
Dani has gone back to the kitchen and is perusing the rule book again.
Jameka joins Dick and Dani in the kitchen and announces that she and Jess will be making lasagne, salad and bread for dinner tomorrow. She heads back to the little bedroom with everyone.
Jameka says "Since someone said I should unpack......" and the room goes quiet. Amber looks upset and scared.
Amber says that she called Dustin a fa**ot one day and he got really mad...she doesn't understand why.
9:35PM BBT
Zach offers to make dinner for Jameka. Amber says she's heard him say that 3 times and he's never done it. He says that's because she was on slop before and now she's not. Jameka says that she'd rather he cook for the whole house so they can all eat together.
Dani and Dick are in the kitchen finishing up dinner prep together.
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- Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
- Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
- Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma
Saturday, August 25
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